Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Tanzania: What Research and Extension Could Offer To Conflict Resolution
Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Tanzania: What Research and Extension Could Offer To Conflict Resolution
Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Tanzania: What Research and Extension Could Offer To Conflict Resolution
Shemwetta, D.T.K. and Kideghesho, J.R. Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation, P.O. Box 3009, Chuo Kikuu, MOROGORO. Email:
Conflicts between wildlife and people, particularly those who share the immediate boundaries with protected areas, are common phenomenons all over the world. Dwindling of wildlife resources has been linked to human actions through overexploitation, habitat destruction, pollution and introduction of non-native species. On the other hand, local people look at wildlife as a liability to them. This view is provoked by a bitter experience they have had due to costs inflicted by wildlife conservation. Such costs include; loss of access to legitimate and traditional rights, damage to crops and other properties, livestock depredation, and risk posed to peoples lives through disease transmission and attacks by wild animals. However, besides these conflicts, it is indisputable that wildlife can contribute significantly to the economy of the country and the welfare of the local communities, who, de facto are the ones bearing the costs of conservation. The contribution of wildlife resources to development of local communities will change the popular notion that has made people label wildlife as a liability. Research and extension are meaningful tools to this end. This paper reviews the major human-wildlife issues in Tanzania. It further recommends that research and extension be used as effective tools in resolv ing the prevailing human-wildlife conflicts with a view of lobbying for social acceptability and making wildlife an economic viable activity to local communities.
ildlife conservation takes a top precedence in Tanzanias natural resources management agenda. The land area devoted for wildlife protected areas alone viz. game reserves, national parks, game controlled areas and Ngorongoro Conservation Area is over 25%. These areas contain a remarkable concentration of wild animals, some of which are endemic to Tanzania. The high diversity of wildlife species which is attributable to a variety of habitats found in Tanzania, has made Tanzania be classified as one of the megadiversity Nations along with Zaire, Indonesia and Brazil. The known number of 4 classes of vertebrates and their endemics in the brackets are: mammals 310 (13); birds 1016 (13); reptiles 245 (56); and Amphibians 121 (40) (World Resources Institute, 1995). The contribution of wildlife to economy of the country can not be overemphasized. Tanzania recognizes the sustainable utilization of its wildlife resources as part and parcel of conservation. The major forms of wildlife utilization in Tanzania are game viewing, tourist hunting, resident hunting, ranching and farming. These forms of utilization are the basis of the countrys social and economic development through provision of employment, generation of foreign currency and market for local commodities. The contribution of wildlife sector in Tanzanias Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 2%. However, the vision of the wildlife sector for the next 20 years is to raise this contribution to 5% (MNRT, 1998).
In a period of ten years, between 1987 and 1996, the wildlife sector earned the country US$ 73,324,635 (Tshs 587 billion) 1 both from consumptive use and non-consumptive use. Nonconsumptive fees from National Parks amounted to US$37,609, while consumptive fees from Game Reserves and Controlled Areas amounted to US$35,725,082. In 1994/95 the amount collected from hunting and game viewing was 15,928,244, consumptive and nonconsumptive fees contributing approximately equally (Gamassa, 1997). The data show that the two kinds of wildlife use viz. consumptive and non-consumptive uses, are equally important in terms of GDP contribution. Despite this contribution realized from wildlife sector, a number of problems make wildlife a concern, especially to the socio-economic status of the communities in bordering wildlife protected areas. These problems include; conflicts with other land uses, poaching, habitat loss, pollution, global warming and introduction of exotic species. The failure of wildlife to compete effectively with other land uses in sustaining the livelihood of the adjacent communities exacerbates these problems. As a result, local people look at wildlife as a liability rather than an economic and social status advantage, thus making wildlife conservation efforts be perceived a contradiction to the socio-economic endeavours of local communities. The costs inflicted by wildlife conservation to people, and the human problems constraining wildlife sector in Tanzania has made human-wildlife conflicts one of the major challenges calling for attention of the conservationists. Wildlife conservation is accused for marginalizing people, denying people access to traditional and legitimate rights, property damage, and risk to human life through attack by wild animals and disease transmission. In broad sense, primary causes of human-wildlife conflicts are demographic, economic, institutional and technological (UNEP, 1995). In order to make decisions best to both human and wildlife on how these conflicts, genuine factors and sources of these problems must be identified. With the same enthusiasm ways should be sought to either minimise or mitigate these factors and sources of human-wildlife conflict. It is recommended that through research, the knowledge gaps on the factors and sources of these conflicts could be identified, likewise through extension peoples perception could be changed to favour wildlife conservation. Human- induced Problems Facing Wildlife Land-use Conflicts Human actions related to habitat destruction threatening the bio-diversity of the country include physical developments, cultivation, deforestation, overgrazing, pole cutting, charcoal burning, use of pesticides, bush -fire, and other types of pollution. Habitat Destruction While the habitat loss in Tanzania is estimated at about 45% (Silkiluwasha, 1998), desertification has been reported to occur at a rate of 2.5% per annum. This implies that if deliberate measures will not be taken to reverse the trend the whole country may turn to a
desert in less than forty years time. The World Resources Institute (1995) report revealed that the habitat loss in Tanzania was a serious problem for different ecosystems. The loss for different ecosystems in 1980s given by the report (World Resources Institute, 1995) showed that forests and savannah/grasslands are significantly vanishing (Table 1). Table 1: Habitat Extent and Loss in 1980s Habitat Type Current Extent % Loss All Forests 36,137 40 Dry Forests 35,867 39 Moist Forests 270 80 Savanna/grasslands 14,352 49 Wetlands 1,545 ? Mangroves 212 60 Source: World Resources Institute (1995) Blockage of Migratory Corridors Wildlife corridors, besides serving as a passage route of animals from one place to another during a certain period of the year, they are also critical wildlife habitats on their own. A study conducted by Gamassa (1997) in Lake Manyara Biosphere Reserve uncovered the serious threats posed by human activities over wildlife corridors. Lake Manyara National Park is ecologically linked to outside systems by five corridors. Table 2: Wildlife Corridors and threats in Manyara Biosphere Reserve Corridor Link Protected Areas Kwa Tarangire Kuchinja/Mbugwe National Wildlife Corridor Parks Mayoka-MagaraTarangire MwadaVilima NP Vitatu Jangwani Mto wa Mbu GCA Wildlife Species Human Threats
Zebra and Settlements and crop cultivation Wildebeest are increasing and choking the corridor. Buffalo and Cotton field expansion in Eland Mwada threatening to block the corridor. Zebra and Corridor is being encroached by Wildebeest settlements, cultivation and campsites Upper Kitete- Ngorongoro Elephant Heavily utilized for crop Lositete CA Buffalo, cultivation mainly maize and Hippos. wheat. Laja NCA and Livestock grazing, Marang deforestation. Forest Source: Gamassa (1997). Destruction of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) Another available information is on the threat of human activities on areas designated as important bird areas (IBAs). IBAs are defined as carefully selected areas using internationally
Proceedings of the 1 st University Wide Conference, 5t h 7th April 2000: Volume 3
selected criteria. These areas support bird species of conservation priority and their selection criteria include possession of one or more of: globally threatened species; restricted range species; biome-restricted assemblages; and congregations. Kitulo plateau, Usangu flats, East Usambaras Magoroto Forest and Dar es Salaam are representative of IBAs in Tanzania. However, the importance of these areas is at risk due to human actions, which conflict their existence. Table 3: Important bird areas in Tanzania and identified threats Area Kitulo Plateau Size (ha) 100,00 0 Bio-diversity Importance Usangu Flats 300,00 0 Numerous species of orchids and grasses. Six globally threatened bird species 350 taxa vascular plants of which 20 are of restricted range and 3 are endemic to plateau. One globally threatened bird species. Six bird species of 1% of biogeographical population. Wintering grounds for large numbers of migratory bird species. Coral reefs and mangroves. Identified Threats Cultivation of Irish potatoes. Pyrethrum on grasslands Deforestation and bush-fires. Dynamite fishing. Beach erosion. Mangrove destruction. Pollution Rapid human population growth. Overgrazing Deforestation Use of pesticides Bush-fires.
Dar Salaam
es 24,000
Over 260 bird species of which one is of global importance and three regionally important. Concentration of mammals such as antelopes. High habitat diversity East 230 109 species of tree and shrubs. Encroachment Usambaras for farming. 27 species of Mammals. Magoroto Pole cutting 82 species of birds Forest Bird trapping 29 species of reptiles 29 species of amphibians. Source: Summarized from WCST Poster Important Bird Areas Programme in Tanzania. Pollution of Protected Wildlife Areas Apart from ruining wildlife habitats through overt human activities without concern of wildlife sustainability presented above, management of wildlife areas in itself may lead to the tainting of the efforts in the first place. Physical developments, human settlements and littering in already set-aside wildlife areas; Excessive tourism (high profile tourism)
Proceedings of the 1 st University Wide Scientific Conference, 5t h 7th April, 2000: Volume 3
Wildlife Exploitation The major forms of wildlife utilization in Tanzania are game viewing, tourist hunting, resident hunting, ranching and farming. Apart from game viewing, ranching and farming, the other types of utilization lead to decrease in number of the animals concerned. The animals affected by direct human impacts are those highly demanded for trophies, nutrition and cultural rites. Other animals, for instance Wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) are persecuted by human as a control measure against losses they cause to man through livestoc k depredation. The human activities are believed to be the major cause in loss of bio-diversity in Tanzania. For example 9 animal species are believed to have gone local extinct in Lake Manyara National Park due to habitat destruction, overexploitation, introduction of exotic species and pollution (Table 3). Of these, over three-fourths went extinct in 1980s, suggesting that the human impacts over natural resources are growing. Although there is no analysis, which shows contribution of each cause, habitat destruction including encroachment on migratory corridors and breeding sites is likely to be the leading cause. Table 3: Local-extinct animals in Lake Manyara Species Lesser Kudu Wild Dog Cheetah Hartebeest Mountain Reedbuck Scientific Name Tragelaphus imberbis Lycaon pictus Acynonyx jubatus Alcelaphus buselaphus Redunca fulvorufula Year of Status in the world Extinction 1957 Vulnerable 1960 1980 1982 1982 Vulnerable Vulnerable- protected by CITES and African convention Vulnerable Listed endangered in Cameroun, Nigeria and Uganda but not endangered in other parts. Locally endangered but over all not. Endangered; nearly extinct Total range very fragmented but not endangered.
Oribi 1983 Eland Taurotragus oryx 1983 Black Rhinoceros Diceros bicornis 1985 Southern Redunca 1991 Reedbuck arundinum Source: Modified from Silkiluwasha (1998) Wildlife-related Problems to Local Communities
Wildlife conservation is accused for: marginalizing people denying people access to traditional and legitimate rights property damage risk to human life through attack by wild animals and disease transmission.
Proceedings of the 1 st University Wide Conference, 5t h 7th April 2000: Volume 3
Table 4: Problems caused by Wild Animals to Local Communities in Arusha NationalPark: Problem cited Crop raiding Livestock depredation Disease transmission to livestock Disease transmission to man Human attack by wild animals Damage to infrastructures Lack of access to firewood Blocked access to other areas e.g. shopping centres Lack of access to arable land. Lack of access to grazing lands Lack of access to game meat Source: Saru (1999) % of respondents (n =60) 91.2 59.1. 2.0 4.9 4.3 36.0 63.0 74.5 80.3 34.0 2.3
Disease transmission was not mentioned as the major problem in Table 4,. This could be attributed to the fact that the grazing system p racticed by the local people around the park is zero grazing where the fodder and water is supplied inside the house. This therefore limits the overlap in resource use between the livestock and wild animals. However, disease transmission is a major problem in areas where pastoralism and agropastoralism are practiced. For example Selela, a wildlife corridor which connects Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Lake Manyara National park is a major concern to people who complain of disease transmission (Gamassa, 1998). Possible Solutions Best solutions to these problems will be proper management of both human and wildlife resource for sustainable co-existence. Proper management will depend on sound decisions and appropriate communication based on factual inform ation on the factors and sources of the identified conflicts. Both biological and social researches are essential for sound and informed decision-making Research What Has Been Done Research is now being given notable attention as a source of facts for decision making. Research on wildlife ecology started as early 60s when the wildlife professionals started to take academic stance. At this time Collage of African Wildlife Management (Mweka) was started, research institutions in Serengeti National park a a research desk was initiated nd within the Game Division. There are also externally funded and managed research projects by various international wildlife organisations such as Frankfurt Zoological Society, World
Proceedings of the 1 st University Wide Scientific Conference, 5t h 7th April, 2000: Volume 3
Wildlife Fund, USAID, etc. At the time of writing this paper there are various research projects under way. What Needs to be Done The fact that habitat loss is the leading cause for species disappearance is indisputable. There is limited or no indication of presence of any viable data and interpretation to quantify the contribution of habitat loss to the decline of wildlife species and therefore bio-diversity loss in Tanzania. This calls for research to be conducted on the same and extension means to educate the society on how to practice sustainable land uses without jeopardizing wildlife habitats. The researches should be based on demand-driven principle. In collaboration with stakeholders, a plan should be set out priority areas of wildlife research. Collaboration between national research institutions relevant to wildlife management should be promoted. Also efforts should be aimed at promoting international and regional cooperation in wildlife research. To conduct social research in order to have clear facts on traditional and current perception of the local communities with respect to the wildlife and their habitat in their neighbourhood. This research should identify rights and responsibilities the society have on the wildlife resource around them. To identify, through research, measures to control wildlife damages on human properties across the border; All major infrastructure development activities within a wildlife area should be preceded by an environmental impact assessment (EIA), and an appropriate authority should approve this.
The facts can be obtained through research findings on the ecology and social dynamics of both wildlife and local communities. Extension Wildlife extension has been defined as a methodology for generating peoples greater participation in wildlife resources management and utilization so that local communities may benefit more from wildlife (Berger, 1988). The wildlife extension has evolved out of the need to give proper attention to local communities who pays the highest costs of conservation as a result of proximity to wildlife protected areas. Extension pursues to promote conservation action at community level through involving them in designing, planning, implementation, utilization and evaluation. Of prime importance, wildlife extension attempts to convince people that wildlife is a positive factor in community development rather than a popular belief in which wildlife has been perceived as a government asset and liability to local communities. Extension is about informing people, involving people. What has been done
Currently the Game Division has some pilot projects on Community Base Conservation (CBC). The objectives of these CBCs are: To promote good relationship between park and neighbouring communities; To initiate cooperation between the management of Game reserves and local communities. There are 10 CBCs summarized in Table 4. Table 4: Community Based Conservation Projects in Tanzania Project Area Selous Conservation Selous Game Reserve, Programme (SCP) Morogoro, Lindi, Songea Liwale Serengeti Regional Serengeti Ecosystem, Serengeti Conservation Strategy and Bunda (SRCS) Matumizi Bora ya Malihai Iringa Rural: Idodi and Pawaga Idodi na Pawaga wards (16 villages). (MBOMIPA) Wami-Mbiki Community- Pwani region, Bagamoyo based Protection and district, Morogoro Utilization Project TAZAMA TRUST Maasai Steppe, SaadaniMkwaja Game Reserve, Burigi-Biharamulo Game Reserve Joseph Cullman Reward Maswa Game Reserve, RugwaScheme Kizigo-Muhesi Game Reserve Friedskins Conservation Maswa Game Reserve, Ugalla Fund Game Reserve Saadani-Mkwaja Community-Based Conservation Project Handeni Saadani-Mkwaja Reserve Sponsor GTZ
Robin Hart Safaris (Outfitter) Tanzania Game Trackers Safaris Limited (TGTS) (Outfitterr) Game GTZ
Villages inhabiting families Tanzania Wildlife displaced from Mkomazi Protection Fund (TWPF) Game Reserve Areas surrounding Mkomazi TWPF Game Reserve
Co-ordination and control of institutions being involved in Community-Based Wildlife management. There are so many organisations biased in education, cultural advisors, conservation etc. in Arusha region to the extent of causing confusion. Record keeping of tangible benefits to both communities and the area management to ensure that envisaged objectives are not compromised.
Proceedings of the 1 st University Wide Scientific Conference, 5t h 7th April, 2000: Volume 3
While the wildlife policy provides general statements on the involvement of rural communities in the management, benefit sharing and establishment of Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), there is need to have in place clear guidelines to assist facilitators working with communities on how to go about their business. Concluding Remarks Benefits of wildlife to the national economy and the welfare of the local communities, the de facto bearers of the costs of conservation, are very clear. This could be improved if conflicts between wildlife ecological needs and human interests are mitigated. Mitigation measures very much depend on addressing, in a correct manner, the factors and causes of theses conflicts. Tools to achieve this grand objective are research and extension. Research, encompassing all activities aimed at seeking the facts on the wildlife ecology, human interests and their interaction will influence decision makers; while Extension, encompassing all activities to inform people on the benefits of wildlife and mitigated measures to avoid conflicts. The ultimate achievement will be sustainable wildlife populations and changed attitude on human perception toward wildlife conservation. References Gamassa, D.M. 1997. Natural resource management in lake Manyara basin. Gamassa, D.M. 1998. Stakeholder analysis for the conservation and management of critical wildlife corridors in northern Tanzania. Technical Report submitted to UNDP. 17p. MNRT. 1998. The Wildlife Policy of Tanzania. Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT). Government Printers, Dar-es-Salaam. 35 p. Silkiluwasha, F. 1998. Biodiversity Conservation in Lake Manyara biosphere reserves. A paper presented at the 4th Braaf Workshop: 30th March - 2nd April 1998. Arusha, Tanzania. UNEP. 1995. Global biodiversity assessment: Summary for policy -makers. V.H. Heywood (Exec. Editor). Published for the United Nations Environmental Programme. Cambridge University Press. 46 p. World Resources Institute. 1995. World Resources Report 1994-95. A Guide to the Global Environment: People and the Environment.