Unit Plan: Lesson 3: Vocabulary Review: "Actividades de Hoy: Repasar El Vocabulario Bingo"

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Unit Plan: Lesson 3: Vocabulary Review

LESSON TITLE: BINGO GRADE LEVEL: OBJECTIVES: Students will review the vocabulary from chapter 4 STANDARDS: n/a MATERIALS: -Blank BINGO cards **Attached at the end of the lesson plan -Beans (as BINGO markers) -Prizes (optional) PRIOR KNOWLEDGE NEEDED: -Ch. 4 sports vocabulary -Verb conjugations (present and preterit) SUBJECT AREA: Spanish III TIME ALLOCATION: 50 minutes

MODIFICATIONS TO MEET INDIVIDUAL STUDENT NEEDS: -Students with hearing-impairment: Teacher wears microphone SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: -Desks are spread apart so there is enough room to walk between -Students are instructed not to run to the front to retrieve prizes, but walk PROCEDURE AND ACTIVITIES (Name teaching strategy for each activity (cooperative learning, presentation teaching, guided inquiry, etc.) 1. PRE-ACTIVITY: ADVANCED ORGANIZER -Written on the board: Actividades de hoy: Repasar el vocabulario BINGO -Teacher explains the activities for the day and the objectives 2. ACTIVITY: Vocab Review -Teacher calls out a word tells the students to either give a definition, synonym, or antonym. -Students volunteer to respond Transition: Bien, vamos a jugar BINGO! 3. ACTIVITY: BINGO -Students are handed beans and a blank BINGO card and are instructed to label each box with a different vocabulary word from the chapter, leaving the center box as Gratiz -Teacher calls out a definition, synonym or antonym of a vocabulary word and students mark their cards with beans -If a student gets 5 in a row, they call out, Ole

TIME ALLOCATIONS 1. 3 minutes 2. 10-15 minutes 3. Remainder of class

-Student reads their BINGO to the teacher, if the word if a verb, they have to conjugate it in both the preterit and present tense in order to get a prize Closure: Buen trabajo hoy, clase. Do you think you guys have a handle on these vocabulary words? Vamos a ver maana.

SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Traditional Assessment: verb conjugation in BINGO


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