Product and Process Design
Product and Process Design
Product and Process Design
A new product means innovation and significantly different from other existing products.
appearance, materials,
tolerances, and performance standards
Product design must support product manufacturability (the ease with which a product can be made)
Concurrent Engineering
Each function did its work and passed it to the next function
Product Design
Product quality
Product cost
Customer satisfaction Overall manufacturability the ease with which the product can be made
Detailed Engineering Design Production Process Design and Development Product Evaluation and Improvement
1. Needs Identification
Idea generation, product concept, need fulfilled Feasibility Planning Market research, product acceptance and creating alternate designs, economic analysis, clarifying operational requirements, estimating logistics requirements for producing, distributing and maintaining the product in demand.
3. Advance Design
Detailed investigations, technical feasibility, and prototype testing Functional checks, Reliability Check, Maintainability, Safety concern, Design for mass production
Material acquisition, production, warehousing, transportation and distribution Human Resources, information systems & control systems. Real estate planning
After launch product, Evaluate, improve, field performance & breakdown (failure), monitor, Analyse and redesign if necessary 7. Product use & support Support in educating user, warranty & repair, replace parts & upgrade product with design improvement
Product life cycle series of changing product demand Consider product life cycle stages
Rapid Growth
Electronics, Computer, Consumer goods Product development has become costly Continuous changing product models Swift operations strategies to launch faster CAD, CAM & CIM used IT is being used extensively in all the phases
Process Design
Process design is necessary to manufacture new products. Process design means the complete delineation and description of specific steps in the production process and the linkages among the steps that will enable the production system to produce products at desired quality, in the required quantity at the time customers want them and at the budgeted cost.
Advance Product Planning Advance Design Production process design & Development Product Evaluation & Improvement Product use & Support
Continuous Interaction
Relation of Process Design to Types of Process Flow For continuous flow, the methods & processes before the line is set-up.
Changes difficult
For intermittent process flow, the process engineer is usually required to adapt the methods and processes to the type of equipment available.
Process Selection
Product design considerations must include the process Two broad process classifications include
Intermittent operations produce a variety of products in lower volumes Repetitive operations produce one or a few standardized products in high volume
Process Selection
Project process make a one-at-a-time product exactly to customer specifications Batch process small quantities of product in groups or batches based on customer orders or specifications Line process large quantities of a standard product Continuous process very high volumes of a fully standard product
Process Selection
Type of process; range from intermittent to repetitive Degree of vertical integration Flexibility of resources Mix between capital & human resources Degree of customer contact
Product design and process selection directly linked Type of product selected defines type of operation required Type of operation available defines broader organizational aspects such as
Backward Integration means moving closer to primary operations Forward Integration means moving closer to customers
Process performance metrics measurement of different process characteristics that tell us how a process is performing
Metrics Example: At Zelles Dry Cleaning, it takes an average of 3 hours to dry clean & press a shirt, with value-added time estimated at 110 min. Workers are paid for a 7-hour workday but work 5 hr/day, accounting for breaks and lunch. Zelles completes 25 shirts per day, while the industry standard is 28 for a comparable facility. Process Velocity = (Throughput Time)/(Value-added time)
Simplify operations
Process flow analysis is a tool used to analyze and document the sequence of steps within a total process. Usually first step in Process Reengineering. Process Re-engineering is a structured approach used when major business changes are required as a result of:
Major new products Quality improvement needed Better competitors Inadequate performance
Decision Points
Examples: How much change should be given to a customer, which wrench should be used, etc.
Source: Chase, Jacobs & Aquilano, Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, 11/e
Source: Chase, Jacobs & Aquilano, Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, 11/e
2007 Wiley
Type of operation is directly related to product and service strategy Three basic strategies include
Make-to-stock; in anticipation of demand Assemble-to-order; built from standard components on order Make-to-order; produce to customer specification at time of order
Computer-aided design uses computer graphics to design new products Computer-integrated manufacturing integration of product design, process planning, and manufacturing using an integrated computer system
Designing Services
Service Characteristics Pure services Quasi-Manufacturing Mixed services Service Package The physical goods The sensual benefits The psychological benefits Differing designs Substitute technology for people Get customer involved High customer attention
Strategic and financial of product design and process selection mandates operations work closely across the organization
Marketing is impacted by product that is produced Finance is integral to the product design and process selection issues due to frequent large financial outlays
Strategic and financial of product design and process selection mandates operations work closely across the organization
Information services has to be developed to match the needs of the production process Human resources provides important input to the process selection decisions for staffing needs
Product design is the process of deciding on the unique characteristics and features of a companys product Process selection is the development of the process necessary to produce the product being designed. Steps in product include idea generation, product screening, preliminary design and testing, and final design Break-even analysis is a tool used to compute the amount of goods that have to be sold just to cover costs. Production processes can be divided into two broad categories: intermittent and repetitive operation project to batch to line to continuous
Product design and process selection decisions are linked Process flow charts is used for viewing the flow of the processes involved in producing the Different types of technologies can significantly enhance product and process design. These include automation, automated material handling devices, CAD, NC, FMS, and CIM Designing services have more complexities than manufacturing, because service produce an intangible product and typically have a high degree of customer contact.