Swot Analysis of Pepsi in Pakistan
Swot Analysis of Pepsi in Pakistan
Swot Analysis of Pepsi in Pakistan
2. Quality Conscious:
They maintain a high quality as Pepsi Cola International collect sample from its different production facilities and send them for lab test in Tokyo.
3.Production Capacity:
It has the highest production capacity i.e. 60,000 cases per day is not only in Pakistan but also in South Asia.
4.Market Share:
It has a highest market share i.e. 62% in Pakistan and leading a far step head from its competitors
WEAKNESS 1.Decline in taste: During the last years, it was published in Financial post that there has been big complaints from the customers with regard to the bad taste that they experienced during the span of six months.
2.Weak Distribution: They lack behind in catering the rural areas and just concentrating in the urban areas.
3. Low consumer knowledge: Unable to maximize local consumer knowledge. 4. Lack of soft drink: Lack of soft drink know-how as a result of diversified business units and generalist managers
OPPORTUNITIES 1. Increase Population: Growth rate is increasing all over the world which in turn increases the demand of products, especially in Asia,the market is growing at a faster rate as compare to other continents. So they have to attract new entrants.
2. Changing social trend: As in all over the world people are rushing towards fast food and beverage because of life which has become much faster, it provide the company a favor to capture this fast moving market with its take away product.
3. Distribution of snack foods: Opportunity to distribute Pepsi snack foods in the future.
THREATS 1. Imitators: They also have a problem of imitators as receives complaints from customers that they find take product in disguised of Pepsis product.
2. Government Regulation: They face problem if government employ taxes on them which force them to raise the price of their product.
3. Political instability: The big threat to Pepsi in Pakistan is Political instability and civil unrest.
Strengths -Popularity -well known -branding obvious and easily recognized -;A lot of finance -customer loyalty -International Trade
Weaknesses -Word of mouth -lack of popularity of many Coca Colas brands -Most unknown and rarely seen -result of low profile or non-existent advertising -health issues Opportunities -many successful brands to pursue -advertise its less popular products -buy out competition. -More Brand recognition
Threats External -changing health-consciousness attitude -legal issues -Health ministers -competition (Pepsi)
Brand Image: Coca cola has a brand image of quality product all over the world. Popular Brand: It is a well known brand famous for its taste for decades. Customer Loyalty: There are thousands of loyal customers of Coca cola bound with the brand. Marketing: Coca Cola has strong market hold and Good-will.
Quality Product: They maintain the quality of their product and have a well equipped quality testing lab to maintain their slandered.
Advertising: Extensive advertising and promotional campaigns differentiate them with their competitors.
I s a d o m i n a n t p l a y e r i n t h e s m a r t p h o n e m a r k e t v i a i t s m a j o r i t y ownership of S y m b i a n a n d i t s p r o p r i e t a r y S e r i e s 6 0 u s e r i n t e r f a c e which are projected to represent majority of the 100M smartphones sold in the next 4 years. 33% market share still the largest cell phone vendor by far, w i t h double the market share of nearest competitr S i z e s h o u l d e n a b l e N o k i a t o a m o r t i z e R & D c o s t s a n d t o g e t c o s t advantages Brand position: probably one of the top 20 brands in the world
The N-Gage is considered a flop B e i n g t h e m a r k e t l e a d e r a n d i t s i n c r e a s e r o l e i n S y m b i a n i s g i v i n g Nokia a bad image, much like Microsoft in the PC industry. Slow to adopt new ways of thinking: a good example are clamshell phones which are preferred by many customers. Nokia was reluctant to produce a clamshell until this year, when it launched its first model.
I n c r e a s e t h e i r p r e s e n c e i n t h e C D M A m a r k e t , w h i c h t h e y a r e j u s t entering, as well as 3G and Edge New growth markets where cell phone adoption still has room to go,including India and other countries. Leverage its infrastructure business to get preference and a stronger position with carriers
Late in the game in 3G creates a risk to be displaced by leaders like Motorola, LG, NEC and others. Asian OEMs who are entering the market very aggressively (TCL, nGo Bird) ODMs (HTC and others) enabling carriers to leverage their customer power bypassing the handset vendor. Operators want to lessen their dependency on handset vendors and the dominance of Nokia. Orange,O2, and many other operators globally are selling their own brand of phones