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Automated Chicken Feeder

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College of Engineering and Architecture

Computer Engineering Department


Submitted by:
Debie Grace S. Bersabal
Creamie N. Calalo
Rean Peter Oliveros

Submitted to:
Engr. Eleonor Palconit

April 2012
Chapter I


Background of the Study

The Philippines is predominantly an agriculture-dependent country; about one-

third of the land area of 30 million hectares is classified as agricultural lands. Agriculture

has contributed about 20% to the country’s gross domestic product. Changes in the

demand for food have also had their impact on poultry and livestock farming. The

government encourages people to make small business such as poultry and livestock

farming to increase their economic status [1]. In Davao Region, there are a lot of poultry

businesses with at least 500 chickens in one cage. In this type of business, the method of

feeding the chicken needs to be considered.

The development of technology was used to the conventional method to feed

chickens which is by filling containers with grains and foods manually. The main

problem by doing this method is the need to continuously provide the food, be alert and

conscious on the food remaining in cages. The sufficient amount of the food provided

also cannot be determined clearly. It is such a waste and non-economical. Growers also

find it difficult to manage their businesses effectively because they need to be around the

cages every now and then to monitor the poultry [2]. This Automated Chicken Feeder

will help improve the methodology and systematic method in terms of feeding the
chickens with basic food and water. Also, regulate the amount of temperature at night

and/or when it rains.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this project is to develop an automated chicken feeder for

Sirawan Poultry located in Sirawan, Davao del Sur. The poultry follows a manual

procedure in feeding the flock.

Specifically, the study aimed to develop a device that would be able:

1.) To automate the feeding of chickens on the desired/set time.

2.) To automate the distribution of water when the container is empty.

3.) To automate the distribution of light at night and/or when it rains.

Significance of the Study

The study and implementation of this device will be significant and useful to

Sirawan Poultry and other poultry businesses and companies. Firstly, this device aims to

provide a uniform time in feeding the flock. Providing the flock the regulated amount of

food and water based on the time being set. The output of the study can be a source

material for building a system that would produce a more standardized and consistent

feeding of flock. Also, the proponents could benefit in the learning process of designing

circuitry, troubleshooting and testing.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study considers Sirawan Poultry where it uses manual feeding procedure of


This study limits its coverage to distribution of feeds, water and light. The

cleaning of the containers is not covered.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Switch Digital Clock Comparator Actuator

Circuit Circuit Circuit

Figure 1: Feeds Dispenser

Figure 1 shows the circuitry for Feeds Dispenser. A desired time to feed the flock

will be set. Once the desired time is met, the dispenser will automatically dispense the

feeds. An actuator will be used as a gate for the feeds to be distributed into the container.

Water level
Water Pump

Figure 2: Water Dispenser

Figure 2 shows the circuitry for Water Dispenser. A water pump will be used to

automatically distribute water at a regulated volume into the container.

Rain Detector Bulb
Circuit (12 Volts)

Dark Bulb
Activated (12 Volts)

Figure 3: Light Distribution

Figure 3 shows the circuitry for Light Distribution. A bulb will be used to regulate

the heat at night and/or when it rains. This is the traditional practice or method in

regulating the temperature for the flock.

Definition of Terms

Feeder. This refers to a device that will distribute feeds. In this case, the dispenser

used to distribute feeds to the flock.

Feeds. This refers to the food that will be distributed to the flock. Such will help

and optimize their growth.

Actuator. It is a DC motor that moves forward and backward. In this case, it is

used to open and close the opening and closing of the Feeder.

LDR. Light-dependent Resistor which depends on the light source and triggers on
the desired brightness in which it will either activate or deactivate the circuit.
Chapter II


Related Literature

Feed management. To maintain healthy birds, keep fresh feed available at all

times. Limit the amount of feed in feeders to the extent necessary to avoid waste. It is a

good practice to fill hanging feeders only three-fourths full, and trough feeders only two-

thirds full. For efficient feeding, keep the lip of the feeder pan in a hanging tube-type

feeder at the level of the birds' backs.

Store feed carefully, in a dry, rat- and mouse-proof place, where it will not be

subject to damage from moisture or losses from rodents. A large galvanized garbage can

with a tight lid makes an excellent storage container for your feed [3].

Timing and Motion Sensors. Other considerations for energy efficient lighting

systems include the use of timers, programmed to turn lights on/off to meet daily

livestock needs and motion sensors in personnel areas such as hallways and


Recent innovations include: A controller that will gradually turn light intensity up

and down to simulate the sun. These controllers allow an operator to do this many times

in a day. A controller that uses a photocell to change the light intensity as required from
each row of lights. This is useful where a barn has translucent sidewall openings and can

thus use the natural light as required and save substantial energy [4].

Poultry Lighting. Poultry farms and processing plants vary in function, size,

layout and degree of mechanization. Lighting needs vary with production type and task.

The amount and length of time light is required by the birds is different from what the

worker requirements.

A properly designed, energy efficient light system will enhance productivity, and

save maintenance and electrical operating costs. So review the lighting in your poultry

operation and consider if changes are needed for better energy efficiency and cost

savings. Using dimmers can also reduce energy costs. By making these changes, along

with other improvements, your poultry operation lighting system will be more energy

efficient. This can lead to improved farm productivity and increased revenue, while

lowering energy costs [5].

Related Studies

Importance of small scale and semi-commercial poultry production in

developing countries. Small scale and semi-commercial animal production is seen as a

vital link in reducing poverty and hunger in developing countries. World wide there are

different agencies involved in improving poultry production for communities in

developing countries. Australian researchers are actively involved in projects that can

assist poor communities and families by enhancing their poultry production capabilities.
Poultry keeping is making an important contribution to the livelihoods of the most

vulnerable rural households in developing countries. Chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl

all provide a source of income, improve nutrition and help meet family and social

obligations. Poultry raised on family farms also make a significant contribution, along

with the commercial sector, to meeting the rapidly growing demand for poultry products

in many developing countries. During the last decade, the consumption of poultry

products in developing countries has grown by 5.8 percent per year, according to the

FAO [6].

Lighting for Alternative Poultry Production. Energy-efficient lighting options

present farmers with new opportunities to reduce electricity costs and help manage farms

sustainability. Cost-effective energy-efficient lighting can be used to improve

productivity and safety, and reduce operating costs. To conserve energy and keep poultry

healthy, use timers to switch lights on and off.

Supplemental lighting is normally used by alternative egg producers to maintain

productivity, and sometimes for alternative broiler production in northern climates. Small

layer flocks housed during late spring through mid-summer with daily access to the

outdoors do not require supplemental light. Supplemental lighting is necessary for pullets

to maintain production during late fall and winter as days shorten [7].
Chapter III


Research Design

The research design to be used in this study is the Developmental design. It is to

assess changes over an extended period of time. To support this study, theories, related

literature and related studies will be gathered from books, thesis works, the worldwide

web and other secondary sources [8].

Research Locale

This developmental research will be based on Sirawan Poultry located in Sirawan,

Toril, Davao City. The scheduling of feeding and other procedures (e.g. water and light

distribution) will be based on it.

Research Respondents

The respondents are the staff working in Sirawan Poultry.

Data Gathering Procedure

1.) Definition of the Problem

The proponents look for the problems that are present in their existing

method of chicken feeding. The proponents will also go through the scope and

limitation of the project before proceeding.

2.) Data Gathering

Necessary information would be gathered for the development of the

chicken feeder from related literature and studies found on the internet, magazines

and books.

3.) Analysis of the Data Gathered

The proponents will gather all data in terms of the effectiveness, efficiency

and purpose of the device.

4.) Summary and Conclusion

The proponents will acquire an average and percentage of the results from

the survey questionnaires.


[1] BRIONES, Nicomedes (2010). “Environmental Sustainability Issues in Philippine

Agriculture”. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 2, Nos. 1 &

[2] AHMAD AZKA BIN HAJI MOHD ZAIN (October 16, 2008). “Automatic Chicken
Feeder System Using Microcontroller.” Retrieved from
Retrieved on December 12, 2011.

[3] SCHWANTZ, LEE (1979). “Feed Management”. Farmers Digest. Wisconsin.

Retrieved from http://lionsgrip.com/feedinstruc.html. Retrieved on January 12,


[4] OMAFRA: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (January 2006).

“Timing and Motion Sensors”. Energy Efficient Poultry Lighting. Retrieved

from http://omafra.gov.on.ca/english/engineer/facts/06-009.htm. Retrieved on

January 12, 2012.

[5] OMAFRA: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (January 2006).

“Poultry Lighting”. Energy Efficient Poultry Lighting. Retrieved from

http://omafra.gov.on.ca/english/engineer/facts/06-009.htm. Retrieved on

January 12, 2012.

[6] POULTRY HUB (January27, 2011). “Importance of small scale and semi-

commercial poultry production in developing countries.” Retrieved from


commercial-poultry-production-in-developing-countries/. Retrieved on January

13, 2012.

[7] THE POULTRY SITE (December 6, 2010). “Lighting for Alternative Poultry

Production”. Breeder Management Featured Articles. Retrieved from


production. Retrieved on January 13, 2012.


“Developmental Research” Research Methods. Retrieved from
http://allpsych.com/researchmethods/developmentalresearch.html. Retrieved on
January 17, 2012.

A-F =Copper wires
T1 – T5 = BC 548
R1-R5 = 2.2K 1/4 W Resistors
R6-R10 = 22K 1/4 W Resistors
D1 – D5 = LED’s

D1 = 1N914 diode
Q1 = 2N2222
R1 = photoresistor
R2 = 50K variable resistor
R3 = 1K resistor
Relay = 5 to 6 volts relay
1K 1/4 W Resistor
680 Ohm 1/4 W Resistor
1N4001 Silicon Diode
12V Buzzer
SPST Switch
C106B1 SCR
See Notes
Board, Wire, Case, PC Board (For Sensor)

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