MCQs Pulmonology

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Respiratory system

75. All the following are true about acute bronchiolitis, Except: a. Most cases are under two years old. b. Most cases are caused by respiratory syncytial virus. c. Antibiotics are recommended in infants below three months age. d. Steroids maybe helpful in some cases. 85. Bronchial asthma is characterized by all the following, Except: a. Hyper active air way b. Clubbing c. Spasmodic cough d. Bilateral chest wheezes 105. All of the following cause acute wheezing, Except: a. Bronchitis b. Bronchiolitis c. Bronchiectasis d. Bronchial asthma 125. All of the following are common causes of bacterial pneumonia, Except: a. Staphylococci. b. Haemophilus influenza. c. Pseudomonas. d. Klebsiella. 145. All of the following are common causes of empyema, Except: a. Staphylococcal pneumonia b. Lung abscess c. Measles d. Chest injury 7. The organ of gas exchange in the fetus is the a) Amniotic fluid b) Umbilical cord c) Placenta d) Lungs

5. Commonest cause of bacterial pneumonia in infancy: a. H. influenza b. Streptococcus c. Staphylococcus d. Pneumococcus 5. Serious complications of staphylococcal pneumonia include all the following Except: a) Lung abscess b) Bronchitis c) Empyema d) Lung collapse 23. Suppurative lung diseases include all of the following Except a) Bronchiectasis b) Lung abscess c) Tuberculosis d) Empyema 24. Asthma triggers include all the following Except : a) Viral respiratory infections b) Tobacco smoke c) House dust mite d) Steroids 39. All the following statements about Tuberculosis in children are true Except a) Chest TB is more common than other types. b) Tuberculin test is always positive in any tuberculous child c) Should be included in differential diagnosis of all chronic chest problems d) BCG does not give full protection against TB 14. Gohn's focus is a) Primary complex b) Military TB c) TB cavitation d) TB lymphadenitis

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