Take Care of Your Telomeres!: Unit 6 - Commission

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Take Care of Your Telomeres!

Unit 6 - Commission

Take Care Of Your Telomeres!

3 Act Narrative: 1 introduction to cell division 2 the science behind telomeres 3 ways of strengthening the telomeres

Take Care Of Your Telomeres!

Target Group
I asked about presentation

My target group is 50+ - they still have time to change their habits!
I interviewed a select group of over 50s:
They asked: What is happening, in lay-mans terms - minimal science How it impacts on me now Is it too late to bother worrying about it?
This was the favourite: clear, bright but not overpowering, and fun!

This web-site has too much information to be clear

while this web-page aimed at 50+ is clear and easy to follow, it is also flat and uninspiring.

Take Care Of Your Telomeres!

Take Care Of Your Telomeres!

Take Care Of Your Telomeres!

Take Care Of Your Telomeres!

Concept Design: House Interior & Clock

Take Care Of Your Telomeres!

Concept Design: Cells and Telomeres

Take Care Of Your Telomeres!


Take Care Of Your Telomeres!


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