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Multiculturalism is an ideology that promotes the institutionalization of communities containing multiple cultures.

It is a mix of, religions, beliefs, ethnicities, races. Multiculturalism in Canada (social way) The basis of the multicultural Canada remounts to the beginning of it History. The aboriginal society (Inuits and First People) was multicultural and multilanguage. Then, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the first explorers, came from Europe (France and England) interacted with the first nations, building a wonderful heritage. Example: Mtis people During the 19th and 20th centuries, many people from eastern and northern Europe immigrated to Canada in search of land and freedom. In this same period, a large number of Chinese and South Asians also immigrated to Canada to work. Communities from the entire world established at Canada, making it a truly multicultural country. Between the biggest communities we have: Germans, Italians, Ukrainians, Dutch, Chinese, Portuguese Multiculturalism in Canada (political way)in the sense of equal acceptance of races, religions and cultures was adopted as the official policy of the Canadian government during the 1970s and 1980s. Canadian Multiculturalism Act recognizes:

Canada's multicultural heritage and that that heritage must be protected. The rights of Aboriginal peoples. English and French remain the only official languages, however other languages may be used. Social equality within society and under the law regardless of origins, race or creed. Minorities' rights to enjoy their cultures.

Vantages of multiculturalism It can make you know different things (cultures, foods etc.) It can make people more tolerant with each other It can improve economical growth

Disadvantages of multiculturalism It can conduce to terrorists acts, result of misunderstanding and intolerance of different nationalities, races, religions.

Conclusion Canada is a multicultural country, where different people, from different countries and with different cultures coexist respecting each other and sharing all their wonderful traditions. It

was described by Globe and Mail (a journal) as the most successful pluralist society on the face of our globe" and as "a model for the world" , as we believe so.

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