DOE Announces $5M For Alt. Fuels: in This Issue
DOE Announces $5M For Alt. Fuels: in This Issue
DOE Announces $5M For Alt. Fuels: in This Issue
RENAIS Offers New Funding To Local Fleets Natural Gas, EV Promotions Bill Introduced in Congress 20-Minute EV Charger Standard Debuts President Calls For More Bio-Based Fuels
If you have questions about the Southern Colorado Clean Cities Coalition, or youd like to know more about becoming a partner, call Executive Director Alicia Archibald today at (719) 494-6592 or email Alicia@
Legislation Promoting Natural Can you share l et me know if we set a proposal for Gas, EVsthis information with your fleet managers? Please new fuel cell busescanconverting existing Returns to Congress any of the fleet managers in your area.economics of purchasing or New legislation hindrance to wide-scale deplo yment. Three nonprofit organizations - the Northeast vehicles are a has been introduced in the U. S. House of Advanced Vehicle Consortium; the Center for Transportation and the Environment; andMay 17have Thursday, C ALSTART - th Representatives that seeks to support more development of
refueling infrastructure for the projects. hydrogen fuel cell and been selected to oversee natural gas, Governor Hickenlooper is other alternative fuel vehi cles, as well as to extend expired taxRead the full article fro May 17 Electrichere proclaiming credits for natural gas vehicles and increase incentives for the Vehicl e Day in Colorado! purchase of electric vehicl es. The bill, called the Investing to Join us for a FREE community Modernize the Production of Am erican Clean Energy and event to raise awareness and Technology Act, was introduced by Reps. Ed Mark ey, John understanding of plug-in electric Larson, Henry Waxman, Bill Pascrell Jr. and Earl Blumenauer. vehicles. Explore and test drive At the core of the act is the elimination of nearly $45 billion in new electric plug-in vehicles, see federal subsidies for the largest oil companies, which fulfills a electric vehicles already perennial legislative priority for many Democratic lawmakers. deployed in our community, learn The bill also focuses on extending the production tax credit for about charging stations, and wind, solar, geothermal and other clean energy resources, as enjoy the movie Revenge of the well as renewing the Treasury's 1603 cash-grant program. Electric Car, by Director Chris The congressmen perceive all of the incentives - those tied to Paine. power generation and transportation alike - as being an integral part of the Obama administration's push for clean, domestic Join the movement and transform fuel. Many federal incentives targeted to the alternati ve fuel the way we drive! vehicles sector have been on the books for a number of years, but suffered from lapses when bills designed to ext end the 4:30pm 7:00pm - Electric Vehicle & EV incentives failed to pass. Recent efforts to refresh and expand Charging Station Demonstration @ SE incentive packages, such as the highly touted NAT GAS Act, corner of Nevada Avenue & Kiowa Street have not gotten traction. The new legislation proposes long-term extensions for some 6:30pm 8:00pm - Revenge of t he Electric programs, like the credit for alternative fuel vehi cle refueling Car Movie Screening @ Lon Chaney infrastructure. Theater in the Historic City Auditorium Read the full story at Next-Gen Transportation News.
SC4 May 2012 719-494-6592 8:00pm 8:30pm - Information Session
Thank you!
I wanted to thank the Clean Cities Coalitions in Colorado for the help you hav e extended. I did put in for the CCC statewide renewal again today, and it reminded me about how helpful and enabling the Clean Cities has been toward helping me adv ancing my achiev ements with regard to the following awardsW e already won a ranking in the Top 100 Best Fleet award for 2012, but the list will be narrowed to the top 20 at the award ceremony on June 20th, at the GFX...Some of the other awards during the past 3-4 years hav e been: #39 ranking in the national ov erall Best Gov ernment Fleets (by-GFX and RMFMA-bobit publishing) during September 2009, #8 for being the Best Green Fleet (by-GFX and RMFMA-bobit publishing). #1 Best Sustainable Green Fleet Award from National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA) This is the first time in the history of the Colorado State Fleet, that they hav e been awarded with honors such as these. ----- From Art Hale, State Fleet Manager for the State of Colorado Division of Central Services
Global automakers from the United States and Germany have standardized on a new fast-charging technology that will enable the recharging of most electrified vehicles with compatible systems in as little as 15-20 minutes. Audi, BMW, Chrysl er, Daimler, Ford, General Motors, Porsche and Volkswagen have agreed to support a harmonized single-port fast charging approach called DC Fast Charging with a Combined Charging System for use on electric vehicl es in Europe and the United States.
Obama Calls For More Bio-Based Products Usage, Including Fuels In Federal Fleets
On February 21, 2012, President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum directing the Federal Government to take decisive steps to dramatically increase the purchase of biobased products over the next two years. The st eps include: increasing the number of products designated for preferred federal purchasing by 50%, requiring federal agencies to set goals and milestones for biobased purchasing and using scorecards to keep track of their progress, requiring tracking and public reporting of biobased purchases by federal agencies, increasing support for small businesses that manufacture biobased products, updating and expanding biobased purchasing education and outreach programs, and requiring USD A to prepare a report to the President on job creation and the economic impact associated with the biobased products industry. The goal of the memorandum is to ensure that executive departments and agencies effectively execute Federal pro curem ent requirements for biobased products, including those requirements identified i n Executive Order 13514 and prescribed in the 2002 Farm Bill, as amended by the 2008 Farm Bill. Read the memorandum as published in the Federal Register, March 14, 2012. For more, visit
SC4 May 2012 719-494-6592
Funding Opportunities
Implementation Initiatives to Advance Alternative Fuel Markets Funding Opportunity Announcement Through this solicitation, Clean Cities is making approximately $5 million available for community readiness projects for all alternativ e fuels. We anticipate awarding 10 to 20 projects this year to be completed over two years. Proposals are being sought that address four areas that are critical to alternativ e fuel adoption: 1) Policy Initia tiv es, 2) Barrier Reduction Initia tiv es, 3) Safety and Training Initiativ es, and 4) Market Development/Outreach Initia tiv es. Note that funding available under this particula r FOA cannot be used to purchase vehicles or hardware for fueling infrastructure. You can find the full solicitation and application at the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Exchange *** Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles $12,000,000 for new awards; up to $8,000,000 per award Open Date: 04/05/2012 Close Date: 05/31/2012 Funding Organization: DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory on behalf of the DOE EERE Vehicle Technologies Program Funding Number: DE-FOA-0000667 Summary: The objectiv e of this FOA is to research and develop a production-feasib le wireless charging system, integrate the system into a production-intent vehicle, and to demonstrate the technologys readiness to deliv er the benefits of static (and possibly quasi-dynamic) wireless charging to driv ers of light-duty (10,000 lb Gross Vehicle Weight Rating or less) Grid-Connected Electric Driv e Vehicles (GCEDV). While the primary focus of this project is the advancement of static and possib ly quasidynamic charging, the Department of Energy (DOE) recognizes that the research and demonstration results of this FOA may contribute to the future development of dynamic charging capability. This project shall demonstrate wireless charging technology while being cost competitiv e and compliant with safety standards. For more information, see the full solicitation *** EPA's National Clean Diesel Campaign The NCDC opened a grant competition on April 20 to solicit proposals for the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program funded through the Diesel Emissions Reduction (DERA) program. The total estimated funding for this competitiv e opportunity is approximately $20 million. The Request for Proposal (RFP) is posted here and on The NCDC website contains more information regarding clean diesel technologies, past awarded projects, and help ful tip s. The RFP will be open for approximately 45 days, closing on June 4, 2012. EPA plans to award funding through this competition in the Fall, 2012. This RFP has been updated from the most recent competition, so applicants are encouraged to carefully rev iew the RFP to ensure a thorough understanding of eligible projects and technologies. There will be three Q&A Webinars to be held on April 24, 25 and 26. Please visit the NCDC website for more information. All questions and/or inquiries regarding this RFP should be submitted in writing to, or call 1-877NCDC-FACTS.
SC4 fact 2012 the use of propane autogas The May that 719-494-6592
eliminates the need for retrofits or any other equipment linked to diesel-emissions standards -
05/08 05/11 - Colorado Association of Transit Agencies Spring Training Conference , Fort Collins 05/13 05/17 - World Renewable Energy Forum (WREF), Denver 05/16 - Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association (Colorado Chapter) Spring Trade Show, Adams County Fair Grounds , Email for details 05/16 - Bicycling With Traffic for Mutual Benefit, City of Colorado Springs Lunch n Learn, 12:11 -12:49 pm, 30 S Nevada Ave, Suite 102 Colorado Springs 05/17 - Colorado Rides Electric Day, Colorado Springs, Details on page 2 06/01 06/30 - Colorado Springs Bike To Work Month. Details here 06/10 06/12 - 2012 Summit for Recycling, Pueblo 06/18 - Statewide Stakeholer Meeting, 3:30-5:30 in conjunction with the Government Fleet Expo 06/18 06/20 - Government Fleet Expo and Conference 2012, Denver 06/29 Fleet Managers CNG Event, 8:30 am to Noon, Weld County Southwest Service Center (4209 Weld County Road). RSVP to Susan House at
(719) 494-6592
Alicia@ Dianne@
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