Goldziher - Muslim Studies 1
Goldziher - Muslim Studies 1
Goldziher - Muslim Studies 1
Transla.ted from the German by
C. R. Barber and S. M. Stem
This translation copyright 1966 by George Allen & Unwin Ltd
A II rights reserved
George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-2745
Translated from the German
M uhammedanische Studien
(published by Max Niemeyer, Halle, 1889-189)
Pr inted in Great Britain
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Goldziher, 19mk, 1850-1921 I
Muslim studies (Muhammedanische Studien)
Translation. o ~ Muhammedanische Studien.
Includes BIblIographical references
ol. Islam-Addresses, essays lectu'res I Stern, Samuel
'klas, 1920-1969 ed. II Title' . .
BP25 G6143 ' . ~
ISBN 0-873gS-234-0 Q <.{ b
I dedicate these pages
to my dear Friend
I. Introductory Chapter: Muruwwa and Din
II. The Arabic tribes and Islam
III. 'Arab and 'Ajam
IV. The Shu' ubiyya
v. The Shu'ubiyya and its manifestation in scholarship:
a) Genealogy I64
b) Philology '9'
I. What is meant by 'at-] iihiliyya' 201
~ II. On the veneration of the dead in paganism and
Islam 209
III. Pagan and Muslim linguistic usage 239
Iv. The use of the kunya as a means of paying respect 242
v. Black and white people
VI. Traditions about the Turks
VII. Arabicized Persians as Arabic poets
THE manuscript of this volume and a great part of its continuations
were in my desk for many years. Circumstances unfavourable to sus-
tained literary activity made for repeated postponement and pressure
from friends alone forced me into beginning the publication of the
material whose early appearance I too confidently anticipated in my
foreword to the :?ahiriten.' The profound books by Robertson Smith
and Wellhausen' on Arabic antiquity reached me after my manuscript
had beencompleted, and-as happens easilywhen thesamesources are
used-some of its paragraphs contain material identical with theirs.
So far as was possible, without complete dissolution of the context,
I have omitted many things from my work, confining myself to
references to these authors. But in some cases this would not have
been possible without disturbing the context or compietely re-writing
the passages in question. '
In Muslim Studies, of which this is the first volume, I intend to
bring together a number of treatises on the development of Islam.
Some of the material which I have previously published on this
subject in Hungarian and French is here republished in completely x
new fonn: the text is extended, and references to sources (which had
often been omitted in those publications), and discussions concerning
these, are added. In this first volume the introductory chapter rep-
resents in a new and enlarged fonn a few pages of my book Az
I szlcim published by the Hungarian Academy of Science (Budapest
r881); the second excursus is based on my article' Le culte des ancetres
et Ie culte des morts chez les Arabes' which appeared in the Revue de
I'histoire des religions, vol. X (r884), pp. 332-59. Since here I am
more concerned with stressing the Islamic elements, this article was
most especially extended in this direction. It will hardly be held
against me that some of the data which had been collected for the
first time in that publication, but have since been partly assembled
elsewhere, quite independently from my study, have not been
omitted here. The study contained on pp. r64-98 to which the pre-
ceding chapters are to be a preparation owes its existence to the
public encouragement given in: <Zur arabischen Literaturgeschichte
der iilteren Zeit' by Baron Victor v. Rosen (Metanges asiatiques,
I880, VIII, p. 750, note 7)
1 Leipzig, O. Schulze, 1883.
S [W. Robertson Smith, Kinship arrd Marriage in early Arabia, Cambridge
r8Bs-the second edition, London 192, contains additional notes by Gold
ziher; J. Wellhausen. Reste arabischen Heidentums. Berlin 1887. 2nd ed., with
additions and corrections, Berlin 1897]
1 [In the transcription adopted in the present edition traces of the 'popular
pronunciation' have been eliminated. The list of errata which follows in the
original has been omitted.]
l It is odd that the thirty-first volume of this edition is hardly available in
the Cairo book shops, at least since 1874. An the copies that I have seen lack
this penultimate part. and this deficiency is for the most part concealed by
cunning tricks and falsification, so as to hide it from the buyer, at least at
the first glance. .
Oriental script was avoided in this publication and will also be
transcribed in its continuations; knowledgeable readers will not be
disturbed by the unavoidable vacillations (also between grammatical
and popular pronunciation) and they will hardly be noticeable to
xi A few further words on the citations in the notes. The meaning of
the abbreviations will be self-evident to readers familiar with the
literature; but I should like to point out that the letter Bin quotations
from the traditions refers to the collection of Bukhan. Of oriental
editions I have used the older editions, chiefly those which appeared
in the seventies; most of them are described in my preface tc the
:?iihiriten. The Sirat 'Antar is quoted from the Cairo (Shahin) edition
in thirty-two volumes;' the Siq# al-Zand of Abu'I-'AIa: from the
Billaq edition in 1286 in two volumes; this work has since been re-
issued in the Orient (Brill's Catal. periodique no. 589).
The manuscripts which I have used are described at the appro-
priate places, but al-Siddlqi'S work is accidentally described only on
p. 78, n. 7. I am deeply indebted to my dear friend Baron v. Rosen for
making available to me his collated copy of the Kitab al-Bayan wa't-
Tabyin by a l - J a J : t i ~ (MS. no. 724 of the St. Petersburg University
library); he put this copy at my disposal for a lengthy period some
xii years ago. Baron v. Rosen would render inestimable service to
students of the history of Islamic civilization and literature by
publishing his laborious and conscientious edition of this most
important book which was freely exploited by later authors of adab
books and especially by Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi and al-F.!u,rJ (by the latter
mostly without indication of his source).
I hope soon to be able to follow up this volume with the second
volume, which is to contain a study on the l;adith and l;adith
literature. For the furtherance of this undertaking I am indebted to
my friend Professor August MillIer in Konigsberg and to my former
pupil Dr. Martin Schreiner in Csurg6 who made the index to the first
Budapest, October 1888 I.G.
IT would be a vain undertaking to attempt a description of the
religious state of the Arab people' before the spread of Islam which
would be equally applicable to them all. When comparing the
religious attitude expressed in the existent relics of old Arab poetry
with those-somewhat contradictory"-data which are given in none
Arabic reports on the religious life and habits of pagan Arabs, one is
strengthened in the conviction that a generalization of local experi-
ences is wrong in this wide field. The religion of the Arabic tribes and
societies was certaiuly different in different geographical areas. It
would be misleading to expect to find the religious life of the Nor-
therners-exposed to the influence of a more refined civilization-in
Petra, Syria and Mesopotamia, where Arabs had settled since ancient
times, amongst the more primitive tribes of central Arabia. Ouly in
the towns which grew up in this area, and whose traffic put them in
touch with more civilized circumstances, was the influence of this
intercourse felt also with regard to religion, and from there some
influences penetrated also to the barbarian inhabitants of the desert.
When speaking of Arabs here we shall not consider the more
developed state of the northern Arabs or the old culture of southern
Arabia, but confine ourselves to the tribes which inhabited central 2
Arabia-though they extended their migrations also to the north;
particularly to those tribes who supplied ancient Arabia with the
from whose vigorous works we have to derive our infonnation
about the ideas of this section of, the Arab people.
1 [For the religion of the Arabs before Islam see Wellhausen's study, quoted
above, and G. Ryckmans. Les religions arabes priislamiques. Louvain I951;
J. Henninger, 'La. religion bedouine pnHslamique'. L'Antica SodeN1- Beduina,
ed. F. Gabrieli, Rome, 1959. pp. 115-40.)
:1 Only one example, which is provided by the comparison of the Narration!!
of St. Nilus (beginning of the fifth cent.) with the account of Antoninus Martyr,
who observed the Arabs of the Sinai peninsula in 570: the first says (ed. Migue,
Patrologiagraeca. vol. LXXIX, pp. 612 ft.) that the Arabs have no idols, but the
latter mentions (Perambulatio locorum sanctorum, ed. Tobler, ch. 38, p. II3) a
marble idol, white as snow. which is the centre of big feasts and he tells a fable
of the changing colour of this idol.
:a Cf. Noldeke, Vie Se.mitischen Sprar;he.n. Eine SkiU9, p. 46.
1 This would be true also if the mention of pagan gods were commoner than
in fact it is (Noldeke, Beitrtige ,mr Kenntniss der Faerie det' allen Araber, p. ix,
D. 2), On the other hand I wish to add an example of the expurgation, due to
religious scruples. of traces of pagan elements from the remains of pre-Islamic
poetry: Zayd al-Khayl mentions the Azdite idol 'A'lm in one of his poems
(Yaqfit, iii, p. 17), but this mention was not tolerated and lii wa'ii'im was
changed into wa'l-'ama'im, Agh., xvi, p. 57, 2 from below. [For "Aim see also
Wellhausen, Reste, p. 66; Ibn alKalbi, alArnam, edt Klinge, p. 25.]
2 [Histoire des Musulmans d'Espagne. 1, 22; German transl.:] Geschichte dey
Mauren in Spanien, 1, p. IS. [Ci. H. A. R. Gibb, Studies in the civilization of
Islam. pp. 179-81.]
3 Thorbecke, MQrgenUi.ndische p. 235, and also [al.A'sha:.
ed. Geyer, 17: 6; 25: 2; and 4: 56 fi. =] Yaqiit, III, p. 86, 16.
4 This can be verified by looking at the contents of his DZwan in v. Kremer's
study of it (SitzungsbeYichte aey gais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, phil. hist.
CI" XCVIII. 188r. pp. 555 ff).
These products of that old Arabic mentality which Muhammed
felt such a powerful call to influence are being made more readily
available to us through current philological work; but they do not
give satisfactory infonnation about religious matters. It would not
be wrong to conclude-though people are less willing to do so now
than formerly-that Dozy was right in inferring from the lack of
traces of a deep religious sense in pagan Arabic poetry' that 'religion,
of whatever kind it may have been, generally had little place in the
life of the Arabs, who were engrossed in worldly interests like fighting,
wine, games and love:' This at any rate would apply to the tinle
when these poems were composed, i.e. to the tinle inlmediately pre-
ceding Islam.
It is true that a few outstanding individuals were open to deeper
religious stinluli, which however did not spring from the national
spirit but were due to special contacts (these people made many
journeys to the north and the south; consider for example the
extensive area crossed by al-A'sho., one of the last amongst them)'
But even in the case of these the borrowed religious thoughts did
not become organic elements of their inner life, but rather give the
impression-for example in the work of the poet Labid-of
3 mechanically superimposed sentences' rather than principles deeply
influencing their general outlook. This despite a few pietistic senti-
ments, was still firruly based in old Arabic life.
The religious sense evident in the monuments of other Arab
groups, as for instance those of the civilized provinces of south
Arabia, is qulte different. Here there is an unmistakable predomin-
ance of religious ideas and in comparison the failure to find any
religious sentiment amongst the northern Arabs appears even more
startling. Even the language of the southern Arabs has a greater
variety of religious nomenclature than that of the northern Arabs
which, otherwise so rich, is so pobr in this respect.
A south Arabian
prince would in his votive inscriptions thank the gods who made
him victorious over his enemies and the warriors erected votive
memorials to their divine patron 'for having made them happy with
ample killing and in order that he may continue to grant them booty',
or for havingseen to it that they came to no harmin battle. In general
the thankful and submissive feeling towards the gods' is the basic
tone of the existent south Arabian monuments.' The warriors of
central Arabia boast of their heroic courage and the bravery of their
companions; they do not think of thanking superior powers for their
successes-though they do not altogether refuse to acknowledge such
powers. Ouly the thought of the necessity of death-the result of
everyday experience against which they could not close their mind-
occasionally calls forth the harsh idea of the manayii or manana,'
i.e. the powers of fate which blindly and unconscious of their ainl'
may inevitably foil all mortal plans.' Good fortune enhances the
egoism of these warriors, increases their self-confidence and is least
apt to stimulate them to religious feelings. Only matters connected 4
with their tribal constitution could awaken in these pagan Arabsa
real religious piety.' This eventually developed into a kind of ancestor
cult, much as the chief attributes of Arabic morality are connected
with the customary law which governed their social life.
The rare traces of religious sentinlent can presumably not be
dissociated from the influence of the south on the north.' At Yathrib
the indigenous disposition of immigrant tribes from the south
1Halevy, Journal asiatique, 1872, I, P.544. Some of the religious nomen-
clature of southern Arabia was borrowed by the north Arab language. [It Seems,
however, that here too the contrast is not so much behveen northern a.nd
southern Arabia as between Bedouins and a settled popUlation. The south
Arabian inscriptions bear witness of the religious spirit of the settled population
of that country.]
11 E.g. Mordtmann and Muller Sabaiscke DenkmtJler, p. 29 and passim.
a A good example of many that could be cited is the inscription Osiander
No. 4 [=Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, iv, 74], see Prideaux in Transac-
tions of Soc. Bibl. Arch. V (1877), p. 409.
.. Also, I think, manawat; P. Aelius Theimes appeals to the manawiit in his
Latin in.scription which was found in Varhely (Hungary) and published by Prof.
Torma In AYchaeolog. epigr. Mittheilungen aus Osteryeich (Vienna r882), VI,
p. IrO. (Manawiit also among the Nabataeans: VleUhausen, Reste, p. 28.]
S Zuhayr, Mu'all., v. 49.
IS How very personified maniiya was can still be realized in Islamic times in
al-Farazdaq (DJ."wan ed. Boucher, p. 12 uIt). W. L. Scbrameier has dealt ex.-
haustively with maniiyii in his thesis abel' den Fatalismus der ArabeY, Bonn
188r. [See W. pas in. del' aUarabischen Potsie, Leipzig
1926; H. Ringgren, Studtes tn Fatahsm, Uppsala 1955.]
'7 These facts were revealed by Robertson Smith in Kinship and MarYiage in
Early Arabia.
8 Cf. Journal asiat., 1883, II. p. 267.
produced a mood more easily accessible to religious thought which
was a great help to Muhammed's success.' Generally, however,
Muhammed could not expect the mind of his people to be readily
responsive to his preaching. He offered them the opposite of their
established view on life, their ideals and ancestral traditions. Hence
the great opposition that he encountered everywhere. The pagans
opposed less the shattering of their idols than the pietistic disposition
which they were to accept: that the whole of their life should be
determined by thinking of God and His omnipotence which pre-
destines and requites; that they should pray, fast, abstain from enjoy-
able indulgences, sacrifice money and property, all demanded
from them in the name of God. In addition they were to consider as
barbaric many things which hitherto had been esteemed cardinal
virtues, and were to recognize as their leader a man whose claim to
this title seemed unusual and incomprehensible and radically
different from the attributes upon which had been founded their
glory and that of their ancestors.
In the first place, and quite apart from the special contents and
direction of Muhammed's announcement, the person of the prophet
was little suited to impress people who gave admiration and venera-
tion ouly to powerful individuals very different from 'God's apostle',
5 who had an unimportant position even within his own lineage. How
could the call of such a man find voluntary followers amongst the
unbridled desert tribes? The very fact that he was a city dweller
might have been repulsive enough for these nomads. The Bedouins
did not see in Muhammed any of the qualities that they were accus-
tomed to admire in their sheikhs. Muhammed was no authority in
the eyes of these children of the desert, though his transcendental
pronouncements may have impressed some of the unbelieving city
dwellers. For the tribesmen he had nothing that could be admired
because they were unable to understand the concept of a man as
God's emissary.
This feeling emerges quite clearly from some tales which arose
later from a good knowledge of the character of the Bedouins.
During their journey to Mecca the prophet's party met a desert
Arab whom they asked for information. In order to give them-
selves greater importance they told him that 'God's apostle' was
amongst them. 'If you are God's apostle,' replied the Bedouin to
Muhammed, 'then tell me what is inside the body of this she-camel."
1 On the points that helped Muhammed in Medina see Snouck Hurgronje in
De Gids r886 no. 5 (De Islam). offprint, p. 32 [= Verspreide Geschrijten, I, pp.
2 Ibn Hishiim, p. 433.
Only prophecies of such a nature would have inspired him with
respect for a man who could make them. Sermons about the last
judgment, God's will, and other transcendental matters made no
impression on him. Each Arab tribe was also much too full of
admiration for its members to accept a man as 'the best of all men',
who was lacking in those virtues which represented the height of
perfection to the Arabs. For such a man Arabs sought first of all
amongst their own tribe, among the heroes of its past or present.
Abu Rabi' from the Ghani tribe said as late as in the second half
of the first century: 'The best of all people are the Arabs and amongst
those the Mugar tribes, amongst those Qays, amongst those the
clan of Ya'$ur, amongst those the family of Ghani, and of the
Ghani I am the best man. Hence I am the best of all men." What
then will have been the feelings of these people's ancestors when
Muhammed first appeared?
In his revelations Muhammed complains of the difficulty of
converting the desert dwellers. 'The Arabs, the dwellers in tlle desert,
are stronger in their disbelief hypocrisy (than the city Arabs) 6
and they are much more prone to not knowing the boundaries (laws)
which God has revealed to His prophet. Amongst these Arabs there
are some who consider what they have to spend (for religious pur-
poses) as a compulsory loan and who are awaiting a change of
There are, however, exceptions-as he says in the next verse-
believing Bedouins who willingly spend money for Muhammed's
venture and who see in this a means of getting closer to God; but
these are a very small minority. Amongst the believers, too, there
are some who outwardly confess their belief but have no inclination
in their heart towards Islamic morals and dogma' and show no
understanding of what Muhammed meant by and taught about
'giving oneself to God'.' A few details from tradition help to clarify
the Bedouin Arabs' relation to religion: 'Brutality and recalcitrance
are the characteristics of those bawlers (Jaddiidin), the tent dwellers
from the tribes of Rabi'a and Mugar who drive their camels and
cattle' (literally: by the roots of the tails of their camels and cattle.)'
In their intercourse with the prophet they are accused of coarseness
and lack of veneration.' It is understandable that even converted
1 Al-Mubarrad, p. 352.
2 Sura. 9: 98-99.
l Ibid, 48: II.
'" Ibid 49: 14.
So B. Manaqib, no. 2 [Maghazi, 74; Muslim, [man, 92; Ibn I;Ianbal. Musnad,
II, p. 258, III, pp. 332, 335, 345, 439J
f; Exam.ples for this are in B. Waq.if. nos. 60, 61; Adab. nos. 67, 79; cf. Ibn
J:Iajar, I, p. 993. Notice the word a'riibiyya 'bedouin behaviour' in connection
withjajli'-eoarsenessinalBaladhuri,p. 425, I. 'Umarb. 'Abdal. 'Aziz. the sworn
Bedouins did not like to stay in Muhammed's company since they did
not relish city life and they returned to the desert after the prophet
showed himself unwilling to absolve them from their vow of homage.'
How little they had lost of their Bedouin character can be seen from
the example of the converts from the tnDes 'Ukl and 'Urayna, who
said to the prophet, after having lived near him for some time: 'We
are people used to the udders of our camels, we are not people of the
clod and Medina is uncomfortable for us and life there does not become
us.' The prophet then gave them a herd, placed a herder at their dis-
posal and pennitted them to leave Medina to return happily to their
accustomed fonn of life. Hardly had they reached the I:Iarra when
7 they fell back into their old disbelief, killed the herder and drove the
animals with them. They were overtaken by the prophet's cruel
According to tradition, the prophet once said to his companions:
'He who climbs that mountain (Le. Murar near I:Iudaybiya) will be
delivered of his sins as they were taken from the Banu Isra'il.' The
mounted men of the Banu Khazraj were the first to tackle the task
and the rest followed them in large numbers. The prophet promised
them forgiveness of their sins. A Bedouin sat watching, mounted on a
brown camel: everybody urged him to get rid of his sins by under-
going the trial which the prophet had set. But he replied: 'I consider
it more desirable to find my lost camel than that your companion
there would pray for the remission of my sins.'3 Only the expectation
of a higher position within Arabic society, or the even meaner motive
of material gain, could have moved a thoroughly realistic people to
follow the call of this man who spoke to them of incomprehensible
things. Some who were impressed by the promise of reward and well-
being might have expected that their business wonld prosper and all
their wishes would be fnlfilled as a result of confessing Islam, but
when experience taught them that all their external affairs were still
subject to the same changes and accidents-even after their.conver-
sion-they cast Islam aside like an unpropitious fetish. The Koranic
verse (22; II) about people who serve God 'on an edge' is supposed
1 B. AJ;kiim, nos. 45, 47, 50.
2 B. Zakiit, no. 68, Diyiit, no. 22, Tibb., no. 29
3 Muslim. V, p. 348. Another version in Waqidi.\Vellhausen, p. 24(j.
enemy of luxury as developed under the Caliphate, finds at least t h ~ s ~ a r t a n way
of life of the Bedouins praiseworthy. 'Nobody would be more SImIlar to the
pious ancients than the Bedouins, were they not different from them in their
coarse behaviour (jajii:)'. al-Ja1).q;, Kitab al-Bayiin, fol. 47a [II. 164]. [For the
tradition: 'Those who live in the desert are coarse', and for other similar
tradition see the references in Concordance de la Tradition musulmane, s.vv.
bdw andjfw, and Ibn 'Abd aI-Barr, Jami' Bayan al-' lIm, I, pp. 163-4J
to refer to such desert Arabs. Bedouins came to Medina-says the
traditional exegesis of this passage-who, if their bodies were
healthy, their mares had pretty foals and their women gave birth to
well-shaped boys, if their property and cattle increased, were
satisfied with Islam, to which they attribnted these favourable
results. But if anything went wrong they blamed Islam and turned
away from it.
True Bedouins thns were little attracted by the prophet's preach-
ing of salvation. The language of the Koran was alien to them and
they had no understanding of it. 'Glad tidings' and 'redemption'
meant other things to them thim advice on how to gain eternal
salvation. 'Imran b. I:Im;ayn tells that he was present when the
prophet invited the Banil Tamim to accept the 'glad tidings,' and
the latter refused the prophet's promise with the words: 'You bring 8
us glad tidings, it would be better if you were to give us something."
Whole chapters of the prophet's biographies are regularly concerned
with descriptions of the lack of receptivity on the part of the tribes
to Muhammed's preaching. It is always stark egoism with which they
counter the prophet. When he offered his message to the Banu
'Amir b. ;>a''ia'a, their leader Bay!)ara b. Firas replied: 'If we are to
pay homage to you and you defeat your enemies will we come to
power after you?' ... And when Muhammed referred him in this
matter of power to Allah's will, who grants or withholds power as He
sees fit, he was displeased and said: 'Are our necks to be a target then
to the Arabs for your sake? and if you win others are to rule. We
have no use for such an arrangement:
It is because of this attitude of the Bedouins towards rising Islam
that the legislation which is traditionally referred back to the prophet
shows a tendency to slight and despise the Bedonins. For example,
the prophet is said to have forbidden the acceptance of things offered
by desert Arabs and had to justify himself to his own entourage when
he had the milk that the Aslamite woman Umm Sunbula offered him
as a present poured into his vessels" And even when, after the first
strengthening of the Muslim community, the object was to ensure
that all its members received their share in the material gain of the
wars and raids, the Bedonins were treated worse than the city
dwellers. There is evidence of disparagement of desert dwellers as
late as the time of the Caliph 'Umar II"
It is true that the traditional acconnts which we used in the
above exposition, and those which will appear in the further course
1 AI-Bayq.awi, I, p. 628, 2I if.
, [B. Bad' al-Khalq. I.}
S Ibn Hisham, p. '283.
'" Ibn I;fajar, IV, p. 8g6.
I AI-Baladhuri. p. 458
By my life if you follow the din of Muhammed
and leave the faithful ones' and the benefactors,
10 This soul has exchanged lowness for pride
on the day when the sharp blades of the swords
hit against each other.'
1Ikhwiin not the 'Brethren of PUrity', as might be pointed out here
again to correct a popular error (cf. Lbl.for orient Phil, 1886, p. 28, 8 from below.
For the early appearance of this phrase which the philosophers of chose
as their name one can quote l;Iam. p. 390, v. 3 (cf. Opusc;. arab., ed. Wright,
p. 132 note 33), Agh., XVIII, p. 218, 16. [In his article ''Oberdie Benennung der
Ichwan " Der Islam. I. 1910, pp. 22 ff. Goldziher adds Naqa'iij, ed.
Bevan, p. 933, 1. 6. and points out that the 'Brethren' took their name from a
story of Kalila wa-Dimna where the expression is used]. Cf. from later poetry,
Agh., V, p. 131, 3. and this expression must be understood in the sense in
the so-called 'prayer of al-FarabI' (see Aug. Muller, Gott. gel. Anz., 1884.
December, p. 958) [=Ibn Abi U:;Jaybi'a, II, p. 137J, and in similar usages
of our survey, are not so strongly attested as to make them accept-
able as contemporary data from the time to which they are ascribed
by the Sources. They can nevertheless serve as valid evidence of the
reactions of authentic Arab society to the new teaching. If the
Bedouins' reaction to Muslim teaching at a time when the greater
part of the traditions came into being-i.e. at a time when Islam
was strong, or even dominant-made it possible to give such des-
9 criptions taken from experience as we have seen above, it may be
imagined what their reaction was when the cali of the dreamer of
Mecca followed by a few pious disciples in Medina first penetrated
into the desert.
Muhammed's teaching was unable to show the legitimation
which in Arabic conscience was the measure of all things, the agree-
ment with the traditions of the past: it was those very traditions
against which the new teaching preached. Reference to ancestral
custom was the most powerful argrunent against which Muhammed
had to defend his newteaching; in a large part of the Koran he writhes
under the weight of this argument. 'If one says to them: Follow the
law that God sent you, they reply: we follow the customs of our
fathers: 'If one says to them: Come and accept the religion which
Allah has revealed to His apostle, they counter: We are satisfied
with the religion of our fathers. They are not concerned that their
fathers had neither knowledge nor guidance to lead them: 'When the
evil-doers corrunit blameworthy deeds they say: Thus we saw things
done by our fathers: it is Allah who orders it so. Say to them: Allah
has never ordered blameworthy deeds: 'But they will say: We
found that our fathers followed in this road and we follow their
traces. Say then: Do I not announce something better than what you
found your fathers follOWing?" In the Koran sinful peoples of early
times do in effect always quote their fathers' customs to the prophets
who have been sent to them for their improvement; Muhammed puts
this argument into the mouth of the speakers of the various peoples
who reject the preaching of the prophets Bud, Sill!), Shu'ayb,
Ibrahim and others, and in describing these people he has in mind
the pagan Arabs, his own opponents. All these people reply to the
prophets who are sent to instruct them: This was not known to our
fathers, we only do as our fathers did before us.
The Arab liked to stress when speaking of his virtues that in
practising them he was to resemble his forefathers,'. he
1[The passages from the Koran are: 2: I70 (=31: 21); 5: 104; 7: 28; 43:
:t l;, p. 742, V. 3.
(Yatfmat ed. Damascus, II, p. 89, II). In this context also other tenns
of kinship and appurtenance may be used for akhu: e.g. nadfm (Agh.,
XXI, p. 66, 7) !Jalij (ib., XIII, p. 35, 8) i.e. in the same sense as we find
"allf (V, p. '3.23) !}aHf al-Za'm (XIV, p. 83, 3 beL) !}aHf a/dhall (II, p.
84. I6) 1;ilfalmakii.Yim (XVII, p. 71, 14) or J;aliju hammin, J;iif al.saqam (al-Mu.
washshii, ed. Brftnnow, p. 161, 18. 24) or muJ;a.Uf al.$ayd (Nab., App. 26, 37). as
also the verb 1;ifis often used to indicate that someone has a quality, a state or
colour the name of which follows the verb in the accusative. Other synonyms
are also used in this context. like akhu and 1)alij, particularly mawla (Labid,
Mu'all., v. 48, lJam. p. 205. v. 3, Agh., IX. p. 84. 9. XU, p. 125, v. la, Abu'l-
Aswad. ZDMG, XVIII, p. 234. IS, 20, Abu'I'Ala',Siq# alZand, I, p. 197, v. 4)
or tarib al-nadii (Mutan.. I. p. 35, v. 35), quayin al-j'ud (Agh., XIII, p. 61, 9). The
idea lying at the base of these expressions is expressed in a paraphrastic way in
atMutanabbi, I, p. 151 as: Kaannama yuladu']naaa ma'ahum.
Ag. XIII, p. 66.
Deep as was the antagonism to the personality of 'God's apostle'
the Arabs were even more violently opposed to the content and
trend of his teachings. At the very heart of Muhammed's preaching
lay a protest against many things which had hitherto been valued
and considered noble by Arabs. The highest ethical perfection in the
eyes of pagan Arabs could often be regarded as the lowest moral
decay from an Islamic point of view and vice versa. In much the same
way as the Church-Father Augustine, Islam also considered 'the
virtues of the pagans as brilliant vices'.
If, therefore, a man were truly converted to Islam, he confessed
virtues which were considered vices by the Arabs. No true Arab
could agree to renounce his inherited ideas of virtue. When the wife
of the hero 'Abbas b. Mirdas learned that her husband had joined the
prophet, she destroyed their homestead and returned to her old
tribe, reprimanding her unfaithful husband in a poem where she
says amongst other things:
12 You have left the good road (al-hudit)' and followed him-woe,
where have you been led: to qualities which you share neither
with father nor mother. nor do you know any brother who has
followed it.
11 displayed in this practice a conservative attitude,l refusing to accept
anything new which was not founded in transmitted custom, and
opposing everything which threatened to abolish an existing custom.
Thus it is easily understood that the frivolous Qurayshites, who had
first regarded the message of 'the boy from the family of 'Abd
al-MuHalib, who repeats the words of heaven' as the harmless
phantasy of an overwrought eccentric, turned into spiteful opponents
of the new teachiug ouly when Muhammed not only began to attack
their gods-to whom they felt no pious devotion-but also 'con-
demned their fathers who had died unbelievers': then they began to
hate him and to strive against him.
'0 Abu Talib,' they complained,
'your brother's son insults our gods, criticizes our habits and declares
our custom barbaric and decries our fathers.'3
The remonstrances quoted above from the Koran are not typical
phrases of the prophet as might be thought from their frequent,
almost literal repetition. Evidence of this Arab mentality, strongly
opposed to the new teaching, always referring to 'the traces of
the ancestors', and appealing to that 'which the fathers were found
to do',' is to be found for example in a poem where the poet Ka'b b.
Zuhayr, who was then still engrossed in paganism, attacks his brother
Bujayr for his conversion to Muhammed's teaching.
To which the Muslim BujayT replied:
Father ZubayT's religion (din)-his religion is a nothing-and the
religion of AbU Sulma (the grandfather) is despicable to me.'
But a little later Ka'b also cast aside the gods al-La.t and al-'Uzza
and became the poetical panegyrist of the prophet and his teachings.
From the point of view of cnltural history it is of little account
that Muhammed's teaching was not the original creation of his
genius which made him the prophet of his people, but that all his
doctrines are taken from Judaism and Christianity. Their originality
lies in the fact that these teachings were for the first time placed in
contrast to the Arabic ways of life by Muhammed's persistent energy.
If we consider how superficially Christianity influenced the few Arab
circles into which it penetrated,' and how alien it was to the main
body of the Arab people despite the support which it found in some
districts of Arabia, we mnst be convinced of the antagonism of the
Arabs to the ideas which it taught. Christianity never imposed itself 13
on the Arabs and they had no opportunity to fight against its
doctrines sword in hand. The rejection of a viewpoint diametrically
opposed to their own found its expression only in the struggle of the
Arabs against Muhammed's teachings.
The gulf between the moral views of the Arabs and the prophet's
ethical teachings is deep and unbridgeable. S If we seek slogans to make
1 Ii was considered praiseworthy to practise the \"irtue of ho:>.pitality with
the help of household utensils inherited from the ancestors: al.Nabigha,
Append. 24, 4. This explains why the dying father of Imru'}.Qays entrusts
his son, who was to revenge him, not only with such precious legacies
as his weapons and horses, but also with his pots (qudur): Agk., VIII, p. 66, 4,
cf. Ruckert, Amrilkais der Dichtey und ]{onig, p. 10. Pots are the symbol
of hospitality and hospitable people are called 'i;am al.qudt1Y: J:Ia.ssan, Dfwan.
p. 87, II=Ibn Hisham, p. 931, 5. Also of war horses as a means to bravery, it is
said in this sense that they are inherited from the fathers and must 1>e passed
on to the successors: 'Amr b. Kulthum, Mu'all., v. 81. On hereditary swords:
Sehwarzlose, Die Wafjen dey ArabeY. p. 36. The commentators conclude un
justly from B. Jihad, no. 85, that the Arabs of the J5.hiliyya used to destroy the
weapons of their heroes after their death.
2 Ibn Sa'd [I, 133. quoted by) Sprenger, I, p. 357. [The correct translation
seems to be 'who is addressed from heaven.J
S Ibn Hisham, p. 17. d. 183, 186; aVfabari, I, pp. I1]5, n85.
4 On the power of tradition and custom over true Arabs, see L. Derome in
the introduction to his French translation of Lady Anne Blunt, Pelerinage au
Nedjd berceau de la race aYabe, Paris 1882, pp. XLVII fi.
r; This word is probably used by the pagans ironically: Muhammed and his
foHowers liked to use it to describe their teaching and practice.
1 Banat Su' ad, ed. Guidi, pp. 4'5, d. Ibn Higham, p. 888.
l! This is true e.g. of Christianity in the tribe of Taghlib, cr. [al.TabarI's and aI-
Zamakhshari's commentary on Koran 5 ], and] alBayq.awi, i, p. 248. 2 where
a saying which characterizes this state of affairs is ascribed to 'Ali. N6ldeke,
Geschichte des Korans, p. 7 [2nd cd., I, 10]; Dozy, Geschichte der Mauren in
Spanien, I, p. 14 [in the French original: I, pp. 20.1]; Fell, ZDMG. XXXV, p.
49, note 2. Combine with this saying a verse by Jarir referring to later times,
quoted by alMubarrad, p. 485: In the dwellingplaces of Taghlib there is no
mosque, but there are churches for wine jugs and skins, i,e. many taverns.
[The text is slightly difierent in Naqa'iq" ed. Bevan, 95: 88=D!wan, ed.
alSaWi, p. 576.] How superficially Christian laws were absorbed by circles who
outwardly professed Christianity has already been pointed out by Caussin de
Perceval. II, p. 158 (polygamy); d. Noldeke, Dieghassanischen Fursten,-p. 29.
note. It may be added that the Christian poet al-Akhtal, who lived at the
court of the Umayyad ruler' Abd al.Malik, divorced his wife and married the
wife of a Bedouin: Agh., VI1. p. 177. On alleged ruins of Taghlibite churches
on the islands of Farasan, see yaq'O.t, III, p. 874, after alHarndani Uazirat
aI- 'Arab, p. 53].
: Fresnel set out to prove in his Lettres sur l'kistoiye des Arabes avant l'Is.
lamisme. p. 13, that the Arabs at the time of the Jahiliyya were on a higher
moral plane than after the penetration of Islam (Journal asiat" 1849, II, p. 533) ;
but the proofs which he cited are highly inconclusive.
this contrast clear, we can find none better than the two words: din
and mU1'uwwa; the first
is the 'religion" of Muhammed, the second
the 'virtue' (literally and etymologically the latin word virttls
corresponds to the Arabic mtlmwwa) of the Arabs.
By mtlrtlwwa the Arab means all those virtnes which, founded in
the tradition of his people, constitute the fame of an individual or the
tribe to which he belongs; the observance of those duties which are
connected with family ties, the relationships of protection
hospitality, and the fulfilment of the great law of blood revenge.'
Reading their poets and observing the virtues of which they
boast, we have a picture of mtlrtlwwa according to the ancient
Arabic concepts.' Loyalty to, and self-sacrifice for the sake of all who
are connected, by Arab custom, with one's tribe are the quintessence
of these virtues. 'If one in my care is harmed I tremble because of this
14 injustice, my bowels are moved' and my dogs bark." 'Faithless'
(ghtldar) is the sum total of all that is most loathsome to the pagan
Arabs. It would be wrong to suppose that the exercise of this virtue
had its source merely in the semi-conscious instincts of a half savage
people; it was regulated and disciplined by perfectly fixed traditional
legal ideas.
The social intercourse of the ancient Arabs was based on the
principle of right and equity. Their ideas on law are expressed in
a statement by one of their poets usually accepted as genuine: 'Truth
is established by three ways: oath, contest, and the evidence (of the
case itself)'8. Such a saying indicates a conscious striving for justice in
the higher sense and it inspired at an early date high esteem for the
strong sense for justice of the society from which it emanated. (Our
1 Naturally the loan word din and not the old Arab word which sounds the
S The modern language also uses the synonym marjala (from rajul = mar')
for the idea of muruwwa: Van den Berg, Le lfadramaut, p. 278, 5.
3 Jiwar: a distinction was made between two kinds of jiwiir, i.e. the one
founded on guarantee (kajala) and the proper relationship of protection (tala').
Zuhayr 1:43. Of refusal of protection it is said: Hudhayl., 37:2. The
relation of i'iwa" could be dissolved only through a solemn public act. Agh.,
XIV, p. 99. [For jiwa" cf S. Fraenkel, 'Das Schutzrecht der Araber', Orien-
talische Studien T. Nijldeke gewidmet, I, pp. 233-301.]
... [For blood revenge see O. Procksch. ObeY die Blutrache bei den voyislamischen
Arabe"n, Leipzig 1899; H. Lammens, L'Arabie occidentale avant l'hegire,
pp. ,8, fl.]
r. 'Honour and revenge', Muir cans the essence of the ethical code of the
Arabs ('The forefathers of Mahomet and history of Mecca', Calcutta Review,
no. XLIII, 1854).
1I Cf. Jerem. 31:20; Cant., 5:4
, Sam., p. 183, v. x.
8 Zuhayr, 1:40; cf. Mu1;.'i4 al-Mu1J.i#, I, p. 278b; in this qa!da, juridical reflec-
tions are also to be found; d. only v. 60.
source makes the Caliph 'Umar l' express admiration for this verse.)
Similarly, a is attributedto Salama b. al-Khushrub al-Anman',
addressed to Subay' al-Taghlibi on the occasion of the war of DatUs
and Ghabra, which reveals such conscious striving for justice that
Sahl b. Hamn, in whose presence the was recited, remarked
that one might ahnost believe that the poet had been familiar with
the instruction about the administration of justice given by 'Umar
to Abu Miisa al-Ash'an.
Islamic teaching was not opposed to a large part of the Arab
system of virtuesi-in particular Islam incorporated into its own
teaching" the moving loyalty of the Arabs towards those seeking 15
protection. In pagan times the dwelling places of the faithless
were marked with flags at general assemblies so that people might be
able to avoid them,' and Islam's teaching that on the day of resur-
rection such a flag will be hoisted in front of the perfidious' is un-
doubtedly related to that custom. Nevertheless there were decisive
and basic points in the moral teaching of the Jahiliyya to which
Islam was in almost irreconcilable contrast.
At such points the fundamental difference between Muhammed's
din and the Arabic muruwwa becomes evident.' The study which
follows this introductory chapter will deal with the foremost of these
1 He is also otherwise said to have been an admirer of the poetry of Zuhayr,
Agh. IX, pp. '47, '54
:I [The correct form of the name is Salama b. al-Khurshub.]
3 AI-Jalli:r;. Kitiib al-Bayiin. fols. 96b-97a [I, = Ibn Qutayba, 'Uyun
alAkhbay fo1. 73a [I, 67]. lowe this last reference to my friend Baron v. Rosen.
oi The idea that the noble points of the muruwwa of the Arabs must remain
valid and also in Islam receive so to speak the sanction of religious ethics is
expressed by Islam in this principle: lii il!a bi.muYuwwa, i.e. there is no d!n
(religion) without the virtues of old Arab chivalry (mut'Uwwa).
"Primarily in Sfira 4:4, then in a large number of traditions which are
brought together in Shaykh AQ,mad alFashani's commentary to the Arba'in
collection of al-Nawawi. no. IS {al.Majiilis al.Saniyyafi'l.Kaliim 'ala'IA"ba'fn
al.Nawawiyya, BiiHiq 1292, PP 57 fi.
I AI-Hadirae Diwanus, ed. Engelmann, p. 7, 4 ed. Lyall,
8:9]; on another custom belonging here, ct. Freytag, Einleitung in das Studium
dey arab. Sp"ache, p. IS0. [Cf. al-Marz'CIqi's commentary on the ljamasa, p. 1788.]
'B. Adab, no. 98.
S Under the influence of Islamic views several definitions of the muruwwa
came into being, which to a greater or lesser extent preserved old Arabic points
but which were by and large deeply influenced by religion; see al-Muba.rrad,
p. 29, alMuwashsha, ed. Briinnow, pp. 31 fl.. aZ'Iqd, I, p. 221, al.l:!u<?riI, p. 49.
Some of these definitions express a sure consciousness of the contrast between
pagan virtues and what Muslims understood by virtue. There were pietists
who understood by muruwwa in Islam the diligent reading of the Koran and
frequent visits to mosques Iqd, I.e.). Generally the view was taken that there
could be no muruwwa in a man who had acted contrary to Allah's will (Agh.,
XIX, p. 144, II). [Cf. also the article 'MurQ'a', by B. Fares, in Ene. oj Islam,
1 Even a late poet talks of hatred as the twin of gratitude: Freytag, Ckrestom.
arab., p. 90, 1.
I On retaliation as moral principle in primitive societies see Schneider, Die
Naturv6lker, Paderborn 1886, I, p. 86.
3 Even at the time of the end of paganism, Revue egyptologique, II, p. 94,
fl.; Transactions of the Soc. of bibl, A rchaeology, VIII, pp. 12 fl.; Tiele, Verglij-
kende Geschiedenis van de Egypt. en Mesopotam. Gods., p. 160.
<1 Cf. Leopold Schmidt, Die Ethik deY alten Griechen, Berlin 1882, II, pp. 309 fl.
r; In al.lqd, III, p. 129, this saying is ascribed to 'Vmar.
I Cf. Kremer, Culturgeschichte des Orients, II, p. '23'2.
7 Agh., IX, p. 185.
B Mu'allaqa, v. 53.
contrasts. Here we will only mention a detail which made Arabs
always conscious of the strangeness of Muhammed's ethical teach-
ings-the attitude towards retaliation.
The pre-Islamic Arabs had no more barbarous views about
retaliation for insults than any of the most cultured peoples of
antiquity. Revenge and the requital of good
are both within the
scope of morality for them. If we are to pass a fair judgment upon
the fact that the pre-Islamic Arabs did not consider forgiveness and
conciliation of enemies a virtne, we must not forget that in this they
were at one not only with so-called primitive peoples', but also with
16 the most highly civilized peoples of antiquity, snch as the Egyptians'
and Greeks. The greatest teachers of ethics among the last mentioned
saw man's vocation as excelling his friends in doing good and his
enemies in inflicting evil: 'to be sweet to friends and bitter to enemies,
honourable to the first and terrible to the latter'; 'every injustice
inflicted on an enemy is counted justice before God and men. -4 Even
the later Stoic ethic does not consider it bad to inflict harm when one
has been provoked by insults (lacessitus iniuria).
This attitude towards retaliation is found not only among the
pre-Islamic Arabs but, even after Muhammed's teaching had taken
a hold, amongst those people who, despite the rule of Islam, clung to
the attributes of the ancient pagan muYZ<wwa.
An old proverb says: 'Good for good, he who starts is the nobler of
the two; bad with bad, he who started it is the guilty one." This
principle of repaying injury with injury recalls the self-praise with
which poets of ancient Arabia covered themselves or their tribe,
and in which the same principle figures most prominently. The
dying 'Amr. b. KulthUm tells his children that there is nothing
good in a man who, when he is insulted, does not return the insult;'
and indeed he himself had adhered to this principle all his life like
a good and trne Arab. In a famous poem he boasts that his
tribe endeavours to outdo in brutality all who treat them badly."
Aws b. J:Iajar says: 'I hold good and evil on loan: evil I repay to him
that does me evil and good I give unto him that treats me well."
The ancient Arabs do not always even recognize the limit set by that 17
proverb. Zuhayr-a man with a strong sense of justice-praises a
hero for the fact that he repays injustice with injustice and that he
acts unjustly even when he himself has not been attacked;
and in the
poem which heads the heroic poems in the collection of the Ifamasa
the poet Qurayt b. Unayf rails at the members of his tribe for
forgiving injustice done to them and requiting evil with good.'
This was considered shameful, by the ancient Arab, who had a
different ideal: 'The man of men is he who thinks early and late how
he can injure his enemies and do his friends good:' a principle which
is almost a literal repetition of an epigram by Solon.
Examples of such sayings by early Arabic heroes and poets could
be considerably amplified: anybody versed in Arabic literature can
add a number of texts to those quoted above. It has already been
hinted that in Islamic times, too, this view was expressed by circles
who adhered to the traditions of the Jahiliyya. 'Who do not reward
good with evil and do not reply softly to hardness" is still in the early
days of Islam a high tribute. In 'Umar's time Abu Mil).jan of the
Thaqif tribe boasts that he 'was strong in hatred and anger when
But Islam preached a far-reaching reform in this field of human
emotion. Muhammed was the first man of their kind who said to the
people of Mecca and the unbridled masters of the Arabian desert
that forgiveness was no weakness but a virtue and that to forgive
injustice done to oneself was not contrary to the norms of true
muruwwa but was the highest muruwwa-was walking in Allah's
road. And the mentality expressed by the Muslim poet' who said; 18
'To reward insults with mildness and forgiveness means leniency and
to pardon where one could take revenge is noble' is quite different
from that which fired the old Arabic poets to the cult of revenge.
'Ibn alSikkIt [Tahdhlb aIAlfiJ;] (MS, Leiden no, 597) p. 336 last line (ed.
Cheikho, p. 406]
fa'ittdi qurilq.u'l.khayri wa'lsharri kullihi
fabu'sa lidM busin wa-nu'm.i [ian'umi.
l'Gedichte and Fragmente des'Aus ibn I;Iajar' (Sitzungsber. dey Kais. Akademie
der Wissenschajten, Vienna 1892, no. XIII), 43: 7; the correct text is: fa-bu'sa
lada bu'sa.J
t Zuhayr, Mu'allaqa, v. 39; cf, v. 57 waman la yazlimi'lnasa yutlamu and
Dfwan of the same poet 17:13. [AI-Najashi taunts the objects of his satire with
their never acting unjustly: ZDMG, LIV, p. 461; Ibn al-Shajari, flamiisa,p. 131.]
3 {lam., p. 4, v. 3-
4. flam., p. 730, v. 2 = RUckert, II, p. 285, no. 725.
r; Abu'l-Ghftl alTahawI, I;lam., p. 13 v, 2 (Rftckert, I, p. 5); cf. also aI
Farazdaq, ed. Boucher, p, 46, 4.
6 Tural 'A rabiyya, ed. Landberg, p. 60,
, AIMas'fidi, V, p. 101, 3-
1 AI-BayQ.awi to the verse. I, p. 175.
2 Al-Nawawl, TakdMb, p. 41.
3 B. Adab. no. 14.
4 Al-Mubarrad. p. 39.
r. Ibn !:lajar, I, p. 436.
e Ibid" I. p. 524. [Other references in al-Sulami, Adiib al-$ubba. ed. M. J.
Kister, p. 66, n. 192.] The tax collector, 'ami! al-kkariij. is an unpleasant figure
in Arabic literature (Agk., IX, p. 129. 9). especially the collector of customs duty
(makkiis or miikis). The Arabic opinions of this profession and some legends and
poems referring to it are to be found in Kitab al-l;;layawan (MS. of
the K. Hofbibliothek, Vienna), fo1. 326a [VI, pp. 80 fE., cf. pp. 184 ffJ. Muslim
legend ascribes a saying to King David in which even collectors of tithes
('ashshar) are excluded from God's mercy: Agh., XVIII, p. 159 below. According
to another legend the crying of donkeys is a curse against tax collectors and
their profession, the croaking of crows is a curse against collectors of tithes:
aI.Damiri, II, p. 122. Cf. a Muslim saying on customs collectors in al.ZarkashI,
He who did not repay an insult in kind was a coward to the
Jabiliyya and brought shame upon the tribe; but those 'who conquer
their anger and forgive men' are promised paradise in the Koran
(3: 128), and tradition makes Mnhammed say that such men are
rare amongst his people but could often be found in the older
religious communities.' According to the Koran, one of the chief
conditions of divine forgiveness is that men shall also forgive those
who trespass against them and that they shall strive to forget any
injustices that they may have suffered (24:22). 'Reward evil with
something better' (23 :98). Islam could not miss in the description
of the prophet's character the feature that 'he did not reward bad
with evil but forgave and exercised leniency'.Z What the Koran
teaches here in sharp contrast to the old Arabic views, pious Muslims
have later strengthened and elaborated by a large number of tradi-
tions; and no work of Muslim scholarship belonging to the
branch of theological ethics lacks a chapter on al-' afw.
Muhammed severely castigates the mUkiifa'a, Le. retaliation (of
evil for evil) primarily in one's relations with one's own kith
and kin. By al-ral;im (love of kindred) he understands love
which does not counter hatred and lack of love with the same coin.'
But even beyond this he is depicted by his faithful followers as
preaching love and forgiveness. He is represented as saying: 'Shall I
tell you whom I consider the worst of you? He who goes by himself to
meals and withholds his presents and beats his slaves. But who is
worse even than these? He who does not forgive faults and does not
accept apologies, he who does not forgive offences. But who is worse
even than that? He who is angry with others and with whom others
are angry in return." 'He (who on his deathbed) forgives his mur-
19 derer'-pious Muslims make their master say-'is certain of para-
dise." 'But he who refuses to accept the apologies of others is
considered as sinful as a tax collector' before God.'
The point of view of the muruwwa thus was totally altered and we
shall not be surprised to find in its Muslim definition the requirement
that men shall forgive where retaliation would be possible.'
Most irksome to the Arab sense of freedom were those restrictions
which Muhammed and his doctrine sought to enforce upou the Arab
people for the sake of religion. During the early times of Islam true
Arabs found the fast of Ramac;la.n little to their taste, holding that
the long fast of the grave should absolve them from all abstinence on
earth.' Expression is given even later to the true Arab's aversion from
the ascetic abstinence prescribed by Islam.' During Muhammed's
days the most violent opposition was to the restrictions prescribed 20
in respect of sexual intercourse and wine drinking. Wine and sexual
licence were called by them al-alyabiin (the two delicious things).
When al-A'sha prepared to go to Muhammed to pay him homage his
pagan comrades tried to dissuade him by pointing out that Muham-
med restricted these alyabtin.
There was such freedom in their sexuall!fe that they were reluctant
to relinquish it on the command of Muhammed whose authority was
not sacred to them. The authority of the din was a revelation of God
and that of the old Arabic muruwwa the old traditions founded on
ancestral custom. But the latter was freer in respect of sexual
intercourse and was not hedged in with those barriers which
Mnhammed now sought to erect in the name of Allah. It is therefore
not surprising to hear that the Hudhaylites asked the Prophet to
grant them sexual licence even after they joined the Muslim cause.
Even after the decisive victory of Islam we encounter attempts
1 I, p. 49: aZ-afw 'ind almaqdara (traced back to Mu'awiya).
J Ibn Durayd, p. 142, 13 is probably only a typical example. !tis characteristic
that a Bedouin poet (a'1'iibf) mentions "the prayer and faster' (al-mu-?alli
al--?a'im) with expressions of disgust: al-'Iqd, III, p. 414. 24. These examples
can easily be amplified.
:I (Bayan, fol. 12Sb) [II, p. 322J tells that a man's pious abstinence
and much fasting and praying was praised in the presence of a Bedouin: fHo,
this man seems to believe that God has no mercy on him unless he tortures
himself in this fashion' ((latta yu'adhdkib nafsahu hiidha'Z-ta'dhib).
.. Thorbecke, Morgenl. Forsckungen, p. 244 [Dfwan, ed. Geyer. no. 17], another
version Agk., VIII, p. 86.
IS Al.Mubarrad, p. 288, cf. Robertson-Smith, p. I75. The lampoon of I;iassan
b. Thiibit quoted in Ibn Hisham, p. 646, 4 fl. refers to this; cf. Sibawayht ed.
Derenbourg, II, p. I32, 9, p. 175, II.
Ta'1'f,kh ed. Tunis 1289, p. 63, 2, a poem against customs and
tax collectors, Yaqllt, II, p. 938, I I ff. Because of this antipathy makkiis is
almost synonymous with 'swindler': Agh., IX, p. 129. I. Parallels to this view
are to be found in Jewish antiquity (see Edersheim, Life and Times oj
2nd cd., I, pp. 515-18).
by the Arabs to avoid the Muslim restrictions on marital law. An
example from 'Uthman's' time is less typical than a later one
from the fifth century A.H. of the continued Arab opposition to the
restrictions of Islamic marital law. At that time lived Qirwash of the
Arabic dynasty of the Banu 'Uqayl in Mesopotamia, who despite
their extensive rule continued their nomadic-national traditions-the
princes lived in tents. He is best known for his fight against the
dynasty of the Buyids. This Qirwash is said to have had two sisters as
21 wives at the same time, and when he was called to account he replied:
'How much is there in our customs which is according to religious
law?' He congratulated himself that his conscience was burdened
only with the murder of five or six Bedouins. As regards city dwellers,
God is not concerned about them.'
The ascetic limitations of the individual free will in respect of food
and drink, demanded by Muhammed in the name of Allah, was
revolting to Arab sentiment. These were completely different res-
trictions from those of which Sura 5:I02, 6:I39-45 speak as pagan
traditions and habits.' The sacrifices in abstinence which Muhammed
wished to enforce were of a rather different nature.' To drink
excessively was not praiseworthy among virtuous Arabs. 'He drinks
twice during the day and four times during the night, so that his face
swells and he becomes fat'S is a slighting reference to an enemy; and
it is complimentary to say of a man that he does not waste his
wealth on wine-drinking.' Barra<;l b. Qays, who caused the second
Fijar war, was expelled by his tribe, the Banu J;lamra, and later by
other tribes amongst whom he sought protection, because he in-
dulged in drink and excesses.
This shows that such persons were not
liked even by pre-Islamic Arabs. But it was asking too much that
1 During 'Uthman's time the governor of Syria has to enforce Muslim law
against a man who wishes to take back the wife he had too carelessly divorced:
'God's business is important, yours and your wife's counts for little; you have
no right claim on her (according to religious law)': al-Tabrizi to Sam.. p. 19I.
(Notice also Agh., VI, p. 164. 17.) Before Islam divorce took place for trivial
reasons: Zuhayr, 12: I, Agh., IX, p. 5, 3 below. Of a. beautiful woman it is
said: a woman who need not fear divorce: Hudhayl., 169:10.
S Ibn al.Atbir, year 444, IX, p. 219 ed. Bfilaq [ed. Tornberg, IX, p. 403]; d.
Journal of Royal Asiatic; Soc., 1886, p. 519
3 Cf. also Ibn Durayd, p. 95. It is an exaggeration to conclude as does Barbier
de Maynard from Agh., VII, p. 17, 2, that even late in Muslim times the Tami
mites (as late as the second century?) adhered to old Arabic customs in respect
of the Bal;lIra and Sa.'iba camels: Journal asiat., 1874, II, p. 208 note below.
(, [For the various questions concerning wine in pre.Islamie Arabia and Islam,
d. also A. J. Wensinck's article 'Khamr' in the Ene. of Islam and its bibliog-
Tarafa, 16:4, d. some passages belonging to this context in Freytag, Ein-
leitung in das Studium der aYabisc.ken Spraehe, p. 144
6 Zuhayr, 15:34; but cf. Tarafa, Mu'all., verses 53, 59.
., Caussin de Perceval, I, p. 30I.
A:abs should confine themselves to drinking soft date juice,' give up
wme a1togeth,er, and even consider wine-drinking as sin and dis-
honour. Arabs found nothing less to their taste than asceticism and
sang of their national heroes as <givers of wine'.2 Their most 'cele-
brated poets ";I'd heroes in pa?,an times sang the praise of the spark-
ling and foammg cup expressmg such sentiments as these: 'When I 22
have drunk wine I risk my whole fortune and my honour increases and
cannot be harmed,' Le. as the scholiast paraphrases it: his drunken-
ness drives him to express his nObility of soul and keeps him from all
Or: <You can see that the miserly curmudgeon becomes
ge,;,erous when the cup makes its .round to him." Or: 'When the cup
gams ascendency over me my virtues appear and my companions
need fear no hann from me and need not worry about my
We see that the Arabs, despite the spartan life that the bleak
nature of their country imposes on them, are not inclined towards
and we understand that Muhammed vaiuly preached
abstinence from the mdulgences of paganism. On the whole there is a
hedonist undertone in all the expressions of their views on life.
'You are mortal, therefore enjoy life. Drunkenness and beautiful
women, white ones like gazelles and brown ones like ido1s.'-
Wine especially encourages virtue, honour. generosity; and it was
now to be branded .as sin (rijs) and the work of Shayj:an,
as the .Koran. calls. It, . the mother of great sins' (umm al-kaba'ir), its
favounte deSIgnatIon m the mouth of theologians.
This was incomprehensible to the true Arabs, who relished the
of many a drop. which had moistened their lips on their
w";I'denngs through Syna and Mesopotamia,
where they had
enloyed many an agreeable interlude in the taverns.
And it was their
m:,st fam?us m.en who boasted of wine drinking, when the
wme was red like the blood of a slaughtered animal' , but also when
it was mixed with water and honeylO-since drinking of undiluted
1 Naq'l', Agh., IX, p. 3, 5 from below; cf B. Nikiil), no. 78.
ZAgh., .XIV, p.. 131 sabbii'u khamYin. A variant in 'Iqd, 1. p, 44. 15
(where this poem 1S asCribed to J:Iassan b. Thiibit): shiYYlbu khamrin.
3' Antara, Mu'all" v. 39.
4 'Amr b. l(ulthLtm. Mu'all .. v. 4.
!o Al-Mubarrad, p, 73.
c: Imrq., 64=7.
7 Cf. Guidi, Della sede primitiva dei populi semitic.hi, pp. 43 f.
a Agh., IV, p. 16.
II I:Iassan b. Thabit. Diwan, p. 84, 8 [ed. Hirschfeld. 3: z]; Ibn Hish.. p.
522, ?; -:!-gh., X, 30 uIt., 64, II, XIX, p. 155, 12; Ibn al-Sikkit, p. 176
(al.A sha) red. Che1kho, p. 217 = D"xwan, 3:9]. d. Guidi, 1. c., p. 45.
10 'A_mr. b V. ?; MufatJtJ., 25: 75. 37: 21; Agh., II, p. 3.h 29
[I:!assan b. Thablt, Dfwan, ed. Hlr5chfeld, no. I, 6 = Ibn Hisham, p. 829, 7] .
wine was usually considered a dangerous excess.' The true gentleman
is he 'whose hands are eager with the arrows of the maysir in the
winter and who tears down the flag of the wine merchant (because he
has exhausted his supplies)'.' And the poet who could boast: 'If you
seek me in the assembly of the tribe you will find me and if you hunt
me in the taverus you will get me" probably described everyday
They tried to escape from the women who were always ready with
their admonitions' by drinking in the early morning' before the
fault-finders were awake. Such sessions were presumably noisy and
gay since there must be some reason for comparing 'the loud neighing
of war horses' to the songs of drinking feasts which are accompanied
by cymbals.' The Arab only abstained from wine when in mourning
for one he loved, or when he was under the obligation of blood
revenge when he did not touch the cup until he had fulfilled .his
sacred task. Then he said baltal Ii al-khamr, I am permItted to dnnk
wine. This must have been a sort of religious custom!
1 Agh.. XII, p. 128, 4 (cf. a doublet ib., III., p. 17. 17). Nevertheless the
mixing of wine is called in old Arabic 'wounding' (shajja, Mufa44, 10:4. Agh.,
VI, p. 127, 20, Eanat Su'iid, v. 4. ed. Guidi p. 34; qara'a. ZDMG. XXXv.
p. 622, XL, p. 573 v. 137; /jajaqa. Jawh. s.v. mrZJ.. cf. 'A1q.,. 13:41). or even kil-
ling: Agh. XIX, p. 93, '3, J:lassan b. Thab., p. 73 led. HIrSchfeld, '3:18], cf.
AI-Maydani, II. p. 47, Agh., VIII, p. 169. Ibn Durayd, lV1aJiiMn, ed. Thorbecke.
p. 14, 5. On living and dead wine, cf. the poem by Ibn Artat. II, p. 86.
Continuing this image the idea of revenge for the murdered T) has been
introduced (al-Amidi. Kitii.b al_Muwazana. Istanbul 1287. p. 24. lb. 31). In later
poetry mixing of wine is also called sullying it (A?h. V.,.p. 4I, 20). Arabic tradi-
tion gives the name of the men who drank wme: .Agh.,. XXI. p: 100,
Abulfeda. Hist. anteislam., p. 136.4. From wme the expressIOns $2rJ (unmlXed),
and miziij (mixture) was transferred to othe!' concepts as e.g. deat.h or unfaith-
fulness: prJan Iii miziija lahu (I:;!ass[n, p. 98, 7; 101, 2 [Hirschf., 20: I,
60: I]). Agh., XV, p, 79. 13. al-mawti, Sam. p. 456. v, 6. d. al-Muwashshii.
ed. Brfinnow. p. 85, 19,
t. 'Ant" Mu'all., v. 52,
:I Tarafa, Mu'all., v, 46.
4 Ham" p. 455, v, 6
Morning was preferred to all other times for drinking: Agh., X. p. 31, 16,
XIX, p. no, 5 from below; Labid: Mu'all" v. 60, 61. ., _ _
6 Mufaq,q,., 16: r7, cf. 'Ant., Mu all., v. 18, Jfam.,p. 562, v. 6musm1. atdunng
1 Evidence now in Wellhausen, Reste arab. Heidenthums, p. 116. Also Imrq.
:9, 10 and Agh., IX, p. 7, 8, 149: 2 (for various objects of the ":'0"':. to
abstinence), introduction to Zuh. s Mu all., ed. Arnold. p. 68, Ibn Hishan:;-,
p. 543. In this connection is to be understood the turn of phrase: al-nildh1.Y
al-nudhur 'alayya, Agh., X, p. 30, 13
'Cloud water' (ma'u is frequently mentioned: Imrq., 17:9; l:lam.,
p. 7
3, v. 3; cf. Nab., 27:12 and its freshness is stressed in Labid, p. 120, V . .
Honey: Hudh., 131:3.
Praise of wine remained an inevitable part of Arabic poetry to 24
such a degree that even l;Iassan b. Thabit, the first Muslim poet
and the panegyrist of Muhammed and of his victories, is unable to
avoid the words: 'If we commit unseemly deeds-whether a quarrel
or railing-we blame the wine (which we drank to excess). We go on
drinking it, which turns us into kings" ... and this in a poem
composed about the conquest of Mecca.
The genuineness of this poem is rather doubtful, but in any case the
words quoted prove that in the early period talk of wine-drinking was
not considered out of place in a religious poem. Later, however, it
gave offence and the excuse was invented that Hassan had added his
qa!Jiaa ou the victory of Mecca to a poem whiclJ he had composed
during his pagan days. It is recounted that the pious poet passed a
group of young people who were indulging in wine and when he
called the drinkers to account they replied: 'We should have liked to
give up wine drinkiug but your words: "If we commit unseemly
deeds ..." ied us back to it:" There are other pcems' from l;Iassan's
pagan days which glorify drinking.
Muslim pietists,
of course, did even more to damage the repu-
tation of wine, and this we shall discuss here, since the name of
l;Iassan b. Thabit has been mentioned. It seems that these pious men
were concerned to prove that the effects of wine had changed with
changing times. During the period of paganism it might have
had those beneficial effects attributed to it by the old poets; but since
Allah's law of condemnation it had been the cause of all licence. It
seems that this was the idea to be expressed in the following tale, 25
which was not unintentionally attributed to l;Iassan, the pcet of the
transition from paganism to Islam, and as such the best suited to be
the carrier of the idea of the theologians.
"\Vhen the pious poet returned home from an entertainment
provided by the Nabi; family-his son tells us-he threw himself
upon the bed, crossed his feet and said: "The two singers Ra'iqa
an.d her companiou 'Azza al-Mayla reminded me sadly of the enter-
tamment by Jabala b. al-Ayham in pagan days; since then I have
not heard anything like it." Then he smiled, sat up and said: "I have
seen ten singing girls, five Greeks who sang Greek tunes to the
accompaniment of the harp and five others who sang tunes of the
1 Ibn Hisham. p. 829, 6.
:z AI-Suhayll ad loc., notes, p. 19'2.
3 IV, p. 16 below. Cf. the poems pp. 90 and 99 in his D!wan, ed. Tunis
[ed. HIrschfeld, nos., 24. 42, 43], which are characteristic of the pagan poets'
passion for p. 39, 8 [Hirschf., 8 :25]. 'I swear I shall not forget you,
as long as dnnkers smg about the sweetness oi wine:
'The authorities for this account are Kharija b. Zayd one of the seven
Medinian theologians (d. 99) and 'Abel al-Ral;uruin b. Abi'l:Zinad, traditionist
and Mufti at Baghdad (d. 174).
people of I:Iira; lyas b. the protector of all the Arabic
singers from Mecca and other Arabic lands led them to Jabala.
When he sat down for a drinking feast the hall was decorated
with treasures and filled with delicious scents and he himself was
dressed in priceless robes. But, by Allah, he never sat down to such a
feast without making a present of his precious clothes to myself and
the rest of the company. So sumptuous was his manner of living,
despite the fact that he was a pagan. Smilingly, without waiting to
be asked, he distributed his presents with friendly demeanour and
delicate speech. I never heard him utter obscenities or brutalities.
Indeed we were all pagans. But now God has revealed Islam to us
and has thus abolished all disbelief and we have given up wine
drinking and all that is despicable; and now you are Muslims you
drink wine made from date and grape juice and when you have
drunk three cups you commit all manner of dissoluteness." "
Obviously, this tale was invented because it was noticed that
the Arabs did not easily sacrifice the joys of paganism on account of
the sermons of peevish pietists in Medina. Even Muhammed had to
preach to his faithful that at least they should not pray while
this interdiction is of earlier origin than the later general
condemnation of wine, but the necessity for it will prepare us for the
Arabs' reaction to the prophet's later ruling. The general inter-
diction of wine was not much more successful with the Arabs even
after Muhanm,ed's death. This was the time when society stilI
26 retained some traces of paganism; and how could the recognition of
the restrictions in the Prophet's law have found sudden acceptance
in groups where these traces had yet to be eradicated? Even during
the days of 'Vmar, the Fazarite b. Zaban still maintained a
marriage with the wife of his dead father which he had contracted in
pagan days. This was also accused of drinking wine before
the strict caliph, who forgave him after he had sworn 'forty oaths'
that he was completely ignorant of this religious interdiction. When
'Vmar dissolved incestuous marriage and forbade him
further wine-drinking the latter spoke truly pagan words: 'By all that
was sacred to my father, I swear: verily a din which forcibly separates
me from Malika is a great shame. I care nothing further about
what fate brings if I am forbidden Malika and wine."
There were probably many Arabs who refused to give up drinking
and praising wine despite imprisonment and other punishments ,:"d
who were thus in conscientious opposition to the law. A typIcal
example is the poet Abu Mi!)jan al-Thaqafi during the days of
'Vmar 1.
1 Agk., XVI, p. 15_
2 Sftra 4:46; N61deke, &esck. d./{orans, p. 147 [2nd ed., I, p. 1991
3 Agh.. IX, p. 56, 7 =XXI, p. 261.
Give me, 0 friend, some wine to drink; though I am
well aware of what God has revealed about wine.
Give me pure wine to make my sin bigger because only
when it is drunk unmixed is the sin complete.'
Though wine has become rare and though we have been
deprived of it and though Islam and the threat of
punishment have divorced us from it:
Nevertheless I do drink it in the early morning hours
in deep draughts, I drink it unmixed and from time to
time I become gay and drink it mixed with water.
At my head stands a singing girl and while
she sings she flirts;
Sometimes she sings loudly, sometimes
softly, humming like flies in the garden.'
He Was not to be deterred from his pleasures by imprisonment:"
indeed, it is characteristic for these people that he gladlygives up wine 27
voluntarily but remains defiant in the face of threatened punishment. <
The following poem by Abu Mi!)jan was called 'the craziest verse
that was ever composed':'
When I die bury me by the side of a vine so that my
bones may feed on its juices after death.
Do not bury me in the plains because I am afraid that
then I cannot enjoy wine when I am dead.
Abu'I-Hindi, a poet of the Vmayyad times, had a similar thought
inscribed upon his tombstone: 'When finally I die fashion my shroud
from vines and make a press be my grave."
1 Turaf 'Arabiyya, ed. Landberg. p. 68,8; L, Abel, Aba Mihgan poetae
arabici Carmina, Leiden 1887, no. 2I. .
S Agh., XXI, p. 216, 15, ruraj, p. 69 penult :II" ed. Abel, no. 4. This verse is
fr:>m Mu'altaqa, v. IS, which is often cited as an example of
onginal mventlon by Arabic poets: Mehren, Rhetorik der Araber, p. 147, cf. al-
III, p. 36.
s Ibn i:1ajar, IV, p. 329.
"Tul'af 'AYabiyya, p. 69. 6. Abu Yflsuf, Hitlib al-Kharaj (Bfllaq 1302), p. 18,
2. The word tahhara, 'to clean', is remarkable here, in the meaning of: 'to punish',
much tb;e .Qa:mapans use this word for the death penalty, cf. De Goeje,
Mimom:s d hzstotre et geographie orientales (Leyden 1886), p. 53, 133. M. Muller
also. deri,:es l':ltin punire from the meaning of 'to clean' (Essays, Ill, p. 228J.
[This denvatlon IS, however, unacceptable.]
r; Al.Damirl, II, p. 381.
6 Agh., XXI, p. 215 ff., 218, 10, Turaf 'Arab., p. 72, 5 from below, ed. Abel,
no. '5; cf. 'Iqd, III, p. 407. -
'I Agh., ibid., 279, 12.
It is not only in poetry that the praise of wine continues. In the
generation immediately after Muhammed we find a gay drinking
fraternity whose members included the son of the pious Abn Ayynb
aI-Aneati, who sang the following drinking song:
If you are a good drinking companion pass me the big cup,
for drinking but not the little broken one,
Perhaps the Commander of the Faithful will even be
angered because we are drinking together in the mined
castle etc.
Fill my cup then and leave the scorners to themselves:
Revive your bones whose final destiny is decay.
To miss the cup or be deprived of it is like death,
But that the cup will come to me is life for me.'
Traditions from the earliest days of Islam show us that amongst
the representatives of the true Arab character there were people who
valued freedom, to whom the new system, with its condemnation
and punishment of free enjoyment, was so repulsive that they
preferred to leave that society altogether, when it intended to
impose upon them the din in earnest, rather than to lose their
freedom. Such a man was Rabi'a b. Umayya b. Khalaf, a much
respected man, famous for his generosity. He did not want to relin-
quish wine-drinking under Islam and even drank during the month
28 of Rama<;lan. For this 'Umar banned him from Medina, thereby
making him so bitter against Islam that he did not wish to return
to the capital even after 'Umar's death, though he had reason to
believe that 'Uthman wonld have been more lenient. He preferred to
emigrate to the Christian empire and to become a Christian.' The same
thing is said to have happened in the next century to al-$alt b.
aI-'A'; b. Wabiea, who was threatened by 'Umar II, when he was
governor of I,lijaz, with the penalty of whipping; but the proud Arab
of the tribe of the B. Makhzfim preferred conversion to Christianity
to a regime which proposed the restriction of human freedom in
respect of food and drink.
Under 'Umar I an attempt was made to overcome the resistance
of the Arabs, and in this respect also the caliph seems to have made
serious efforts to eradicate all relics of paganism. Al-Nu'man b.
'Adi, whom 'Umar had appointed administrator of Maysan near
Baera, once composed a gay wine song: 'Has al-I,Iasna' not heard that
her husband eagerly indulges in glasses and cumber at Maysan?'
And later:
, Agh., XVIII, p. 66.
2 Agh., XIII, p. II2. According to the sources of Ibn J:Iajar. I. p. 1085. he
emigrated to Heraclius while 'Umar was still alive and this episode made
'Umar resolve never again to ban a man from Medina. Ibn Durayd. too, makes
him embrace Christianity under 'Umar (p. 81), but instead of banning whipping
is mentioned.
'Agh., V, p. 184
When 'Umar learnt of this poem he exclaimed: 'Yes, indeed I am
angered: and recalled him. But the poet apologized to the caliph
with the words: 'By God, Commander of the Faithfnl, I have never
done any of the things that I mention in my poem. But I am a poet
and have an affluence of words which I use in the manner of
poets: 'I swear-replied 'Umar-that you will hold from me no
further office even if you did no more than say what you have
The excuse offered by the poet-governor later" became typical.
The Umayyad rule was ill-equipped to silence wine songs, as it 29
expresses the spirit of opposition to the piety of Medina, which was
contrary to the old Arab way of life. In this respect the wine songs of
I,Iaritha b. Badr (died 50) are typical: they are to be found in the
supplement to the book of the Aghiini recently published by Briin-
now. Thus the tradition of glorifying wine was not interrupted in
Arabic poetry and only rarely is a voice raised against its enjoyment.'
So we find the phenomenon of a people's poetry being for centuries
a living protest against its religion.
Pious men were confronted with
the apology that all this was but empty talk and not a reflection of
real behaviour,' since all poets-as the Koran says (26:225)-said
things which they did not practise.' Thus the wine songs of the AM
Nuwas and kindred spirits became normal phenomena in Arabic
literature. The inherited Arabic feeling also found recognition in
other fonns of literature at this time. We consider the followIng
story so typical that we shall grant it space here, the more so as it is of
importance for various points dealt with in these studies. It wonld be
difficnlt to define when our story, full of glaring anachronisms, really
originated, but it is sufficient for its appreciatiou to say that it seems
to picture the vivid protest of the Arab spirit against the theological
1 Ibn Hisham. p. 786, Ibn Durayd, p. 86, al-DamirI, II, p. 84 [Mufab. Nasab
Quraysh, p. 3821.
, 'Abd Allah b. Zablr al.Asadr, Agh., XIII, p. 46.
3 Oth?T.matters which were disapproved of by theologians, such as profane
songS-It 1$ well known what theologians and pietists thought of singers-were
placed under the direct protection of the 'companions and successors' as is
evident from Agh.,III, p. 162. The admissibility of love-songs was also covered
with the authority of the Prophet; al-Muwashshii, ed. Brilnnow, p. 105.
oS This was thought possible also for love songs: I, p. 220.
Ii Al.Maaqari, II, p. 343.
reaction' which again prevailed at the beginning of the 'Abbasid
30 period. It must be admitted that it well represents the Arab men-
tality of the two heroes 'Amr b. Ma'di Kanb' and 'Uyayna b. I;Ii.n,
who were converted to Islam, but-as is known from history-soon
proved unsteady in it.
'Uyayna once paid a visit to Kiifa, where he stayed for several days.
In order to go and see 'Amr b. Ma'di Kanb, he ordered his servant
to saddie a horse, and when the latter brought him a mare he said:
'Woe unto you, did I ever ride a mare at the time of the Jahiliyya
and you expect me to do so now under Islam?' Thereupon the
servant brought a stallion, and he mounted it and rode towards
the quarter of the Banu Zubayd, where he was guided to the
dweiling of 'Amr. He stopped by the door and calied for Abu Thawr
(the by-name of 'Amr). The latter soon appeared in full armour as if he
had just come from a battle and said: 'Good morning, 0 Abu
Malik'. But he replied: 'Has God not ordered us to use a different
greeting, namely: Hail unto you?' 'Do not trouble me: said 'Amr,
'with things of which we know nothing. Sit down because I have for
food a lamb walking around.' The guest sat down and 'Amr caught
and slaughtered the lamb, skinned it and divided the meat into
pieces, threw it into a pot to cook, and when it was ready took a
big cup, broke bread into it and emptied into it the contents of the
pot. The two men sat down and ate the meal. Then the host said:
'Which beverage do you prefer, milk or that which we used for our
meals during the Jahiliyya?' 'Has not All1i.h forbidden this in Islam?'
replied 'Uyayna. 'Are you or am I older in years?' asked 'Amr. 'You
are the elder: replied his friend. 'Who has been longer in Islam, you
or !?' asked 'Amr. 'In Islam too you are the elder: said 'Uyayna.
'Well, then: continued 'Amr, 'know that I have read everything
that is written between the two covers of the holy book, but I have
not found that wine is forbidden. It is only written: Will you abstain
from it? (Sura 5:93) and we both replied to that question: No, and God
was silent then and we too were silent.' 'Yes: said 'Uyayna, 'you
are older in years and longer in Islam than I.' Thus they sat down
again, sang songs and drank, indulging in memories of the Jahiliyya
1 Then wine poets again began to be imprisoned: Agh., XI, p. 147. The poem
of the imprisoned poet ]a'far b. 'Ulba (died 125), quoted there, breathes the
difference between nzuruwwa and dfn, which disallows wine. Similar tendencies
are expressed in many anecdotes from these circles, amongst others e.g. al'Iqd
II, p. 343 below=ibid., II, p. 400 below. Here the Caliph al-Walid b. Yazid is
said to have had a man of letters brought from KOfa and to have addressed him
thus: 'By God I did not make you come in order to ask you about God's Book
or the teachings of the Prophet, but have sent for you in order to ask you about
2 A similar anecdote about him is quoted in al.SuyOti, Itqan (Cairo I:279),
I, p. 35.
late into the night. Now 'Uyayna prepared to leave. 'Amr said: 31
'It would be shameful for me to let 'Uyayna go without a present.'
Thereupon he ordered an ArIJabI camel mare to be brought (white)
like .. .' of silver and had it prepared for the journey and made his
friend ride it. Then he called the servant and ordered a sack with
four thousand dirham to be fetched; this also he gave to his friend.
When the latter refused to accept the money he said: 'By God, this
still comes from the present that 'Umar gave me.' But 'Uyayna did
not accept it and as he left he spoke this poem:
May you be rewarded, Abu Thawr, with the wages due to nobility;
Verily this much-visited hospitable man is a proper youth.
You invite and give that invitation all honour and teach
us the greeting of knowledge
as it was not formerly known.
Then you say that it is permitted to circulate the cup with
wine like the sparkle of lightning at night;
For this you cited an 'Arabic argument' which leads back to
justice all those who were unjust,
You are, by God who sits on the heavenly throne, a fine example
when pietists want to keep us from drinking;
By Abu Thawr's saying the prohibition of wine has been
abrogated and Abu Thawr's saying is weighty and based on
This story expresses the indignant protests of the circles in which
it came into being against the pietistic trend. It originated at a time
when piety and theology had gained the ascendancy in public life
and is elucidated by the wine-song of Adam b. 'Abd a1-'Aziz, the
grandchild of the pious Caliph 'Umar II, one of the few Umayyad
princes who escaped the bloody sword of the founder of the' Abbasid
dynasty.' In this song (vv. II-I3) we find the words:'
Say to him who scorns you because of this (the wine), the jaqih'
and respected man:
1 [In the list of errata in his preface, the author refers for this lacuna to tnc
conjecture of v. Kremer in his Beitrage zur arabischen Lexikographie, I. p. 38,
under b-br; translate: 'a bracelet of silver'.]
~ TaQiyyata 'ilmin in contrast to t. jiihiliyyatin. It might be mentioned also
that in later traditions the distinction is also made between Islamic and pagan
greeting ( t a ~ i y y a ) that the latter consisted in the prostration (suiud) whereas
the other consisted of salam-like the greeting in Paradise (aI-Ghazali, IJ;yii. II,
p. 188, I2).
S Agk., XIV, p. 30.
4. Ibid., IV, p. 93, 23.
IJ Ibid., XIII, p. 60, 61.
IJ Instead of this word, we find the variant wadi': Yaq., IV., p. 836, 12.
l:Iaritha b. Badr also names those who scorn him because he drinks wine as
U'arn, Agh., XXI, p. 27. 2; 42, 2Z.
1 'We cannot fail also to be struck with the fact that the lower forms of
religion are almost independent of prayer. To us prayer seems almost a neces-
sary part of religion: [Sir John] Lubbock, [The origins of civilization and the
primitive tondition of man, London 1870, p. 253] translated by A. Passow
as Die Entstehung der Civilisation und der Ur.mstand des Mensthengeschlechtes,
lena, 1875, p. 321.
S From this the legend was later developed according to which the name of
Mecca itself was derived from this whistling (Yaql1t, IV, p. 616, 14). In connec.
tion with the passage from the Koran, other stories about the circumstances
of this whistling and hand-clapping were invented: alDamiri, II, p. 387.
:I Later the ancient period is seen in the light of Islam and then the Hudhay.
lite is made to report to the Tubba' that the Arabs have a sacred house at
~ e c c a where the $aliit is held: Ibn Hisham, p. 15, 15.
The practices which Muhammed required of true believers were
also contrary to Arab thinking; and of all the ceremonies and rites
of the din none encountered more resistance than the rite of prayer.
The lack of those deep religious sentiments, which in minds attuned
to piety make for the need to communicate with the deity and which
are the source of devout emotion, would point straight away to the
conclusion that among the Arabs prayer would not take a proper
hold. In this respect, too, the southern Arabs displayed a rather
different national character. There is no parallel in the relics of the
spiritual life of the pre-Islamic inhabitants of central Arabia, and
while it would be rather daring to use negative indications for more
than an assessment of probability, it is of importance for knowledge
of the spiritual life of these circles to collect all indications availabJe
and to consider their significance.
Given the nature of existing information about the pre-Islamic
religion of the Arabs, we are unable to form a positive judgment
about the place of prayer in their life; and though we cannot say
with certainty that the old Arabs did not pray at all' we can say that
there is no proof that prayers as an institution of religious service or
as an integral part of their rite existed amongst them. The invocation
of the gods (d. Sura 4:II7) probably took place amongst them too,
but this does not appear to have been the characteristic focal point
of the religions service nor can the description of their services given
by Muhammed (Sura 8:35) prove the existence of anything com-
parable to the later Muslim $aliit; but on the contrary, it serves to
show us what strange customs existed instead of the rite which
Muhammed took from Jews and Christians and taught to his people.
'Their $aliit by the (sacred) house was nothing but whistling' and 34
clapping of hands:'
This description of the forms of their worship reminds us of cus-
toms which are also found amongst other peoples of low religions
32 May you leave it then (the wine) and hope for another, the
uoble wine of Salsabil (in Paradise, Sura 76:17),
Remain thirsty today and tomorrow be satiated with des-
criptions of traces of dwellings.
Nowit is no longer the women who scold the spendthrifts who waste
their money on wine but it is the juqahit who scorn the heretics who
infringe the law of the Koran. Thus our story was intended as a
manifestation of the free Arab spirit' against the arguments of those
oppressed by the weight of the law (mukaltafun), in whose circles
there was equal readiness to make propaganda for the prohibition
of wine by means of invented stories which referred to the Jiihiliyya.
Such an invention is e.g. the story of how the Qurayshite pagan 'Abd
AIliih b. Jud'w despised the drinking of wine, by which it was
sought to prove that the most eminent Qnrayshites as they grew
older spurned this vice even in pagan times. The character of this
tradition is sufficiently evident from the fact that the theologian
33 Ibn Abi'l-Zinad (c!. p. 31) is mentioned as its inventor, or at least its
propagator. This kind of casuistry is countered with healthy humour
by the /tujja 'arabiyya, the Arab argument of the old pagan' Amr b.
Ma'di Karib.
1 The last verse is particularly interesting as a parallel to the frequent mockery
of the lament about the a!lal in Abl1 Nuwas's wine songs (ed. Ahlwardt 4:9.
23:n, 12, 26: 3 ff., 33:r, 34. 53. 60:1, 14. 15 etc.); this lament was taken over
from the old poetry (d. Agh., III. p. 25) and was continued to the latest genera-
tions and even to recent times (a remarkable instance is al.MaqqarI. I. p. 925).
This attachment to the atliiJ went so far with old Arabs that the word was even
used to describe riding animals (Agh., XI, p. 88, IS, XXI, p. 31, 3; Ibn Durayd,
p. 106, 7). Instead of pedantic adherence to such old forms, reality should be
made the subject of poetry. Derision of the atliil poetry can already be found in
Tamin ibn Muqbil (Yaql1t, I, p. 527, 10 ff.) and al-Kumayt, Agh., XVIII,
p. 193; some proverbs (al-Maydani, II, p. 235, 236) seem to have this tendency
too. [For ridicule of the convention of lamenting the allal see also Goldziher,
Abhandlungen zur arabischer Philologie, I, pp. 141 fl.]
S The continued protest against the prohibition of wine is evident also from
the fact that in the third century sayings were still current which could be used
in defence of wine drinking and that the theologian aI-Muzani (died 204) was
asked for the reasons why strict scholars of tradition rejected these sayings (Ibn
KhaIlikan, no. 92, 1, p. 126 Wiistenfeld). A great many traditions were stored
up which were to justify a more lenient practice; the relevant material is in
'lqd, Ill, pp. 409-19. The concession for date wine was made very early (ZDMG,
XLI, p. 95). The existence of this distinction is proof that a modus vivendi was
sought at a very early date. From the first half of the first century it is reported
that those who regard wine.drinking as forbidden keep on <reinterpreting this
interdiction (yata'awwaUi ff.ha) until they drink themselves' (Agh., XXI,
p. 33, 8; 40, 17)
3 Agh., VIII. p. 5, cf. Caussin de Perceval, I, p. 350. [There is a chapter
about those 'who prohibited wine in the ]ahiliyya' in Ibn l:labib's al-,Mubabbar,
pp. "37 fl.]
development. Another practice more akin to magic' than to devout
communion with God is the way in which the pagan Arabs sometimes
sought to avert earthly distress. During times of tribulation they
did not tum to their gods in prayer and repentance. Of the few
customs of such kind one in particular may serve to showus how they
sought help in their need. As an aid to its proper appreciation we
might mention a practice which has been reported in recent times
about the inhabitants of the port of Yanbu': During pestilence they
lead a camel through every quarter of the town so that it may take all
the disease upon itself; then it is strangled at a sacred spot and the
people think that the camel and the plague have been finished off at
one blow.' One may perhaps assume that this custom is a relic of
pagan days; this is made likely by the fact that the inhabitants of
Yanbu' have retained the consciousness and the attitudes of the
Bedonins up to quite modern times.' The custom of the ancient Arabs
which we are considering is this: When rain was failing branches of
35 the sala' (saelanthus) and 'ushar (aselepias) trees were tied to the
tails of cattle and set alight: the animals were then driven to the top
of a mountain and thrown down. Ii This custom, which has much in
common with an old Roman ones and the practices of many other
peoples (many instructive details can be found in Mannhardt's study
Die Lupercalien),' was meant to be efficacious against drought.
To people who were steeped in such ideas the words of the Koran,
'Ask God for forgiveness because He forgives sins and sends abundant
1 Here belong also the amulets and other magic used for the protection of
children and horses and also of adults against diseases: see several passages in
Ahlwardt, Chalej alAhmaY, p. 379-80; Muja44., 3:6, 27: 18; Ibn Durayd, p. 328, 7
(h1zama); B. Adab, no. 55 (nushra against knotting, d. alNawawI to Muslim,
V, p. 31). Jewesses were concerned with such magic (ruqya): al-Muwatta', IV,
p. 157; also Bedouin women, Agh., XX, p. 165. Cf. now Wellhausen, p. 144
ff. For the phrase 'against the manaya such magic does not help', see, apart from
the passages quoted by him, also Hudh., 2:3, Wright arabica, p. 121,
14, al-TabrIzi, Ifam., p. 233, 17.
! Charles Didier, [SeJour chez Ie Grand-cherije de la Mekke, Paris 1857,
p. II3 =] Ein Aujentkalt bei dem Gross-Sheri] von Mekka, transL by Helene
Lobedan, Leipzig 1862, 143.
3 Maltzan, Meine Wallfahrt nach Mekka, I, p. 128.
01 Reference must be made here to the role of animals in an old Arabic feast,
'Id al-sabu' (feast of the wild animal): aI-Damiri, I. p. 450, cf II, p. 52. The
expression yawm al-sabu' in B. I;Iarth, no. 4, is supposed to refer to this feast.
Steinthal, Zeitschr.f. V6Ikerpsych., II, p. 134; F. Liebrecht, Zur Volkslmnde,
p. 261 fE.
o Qt,ellen und FoYsckungen zur Sprach-und Cultu1'geschichte deY germanischen
V6lkey, 51. Heft (Strassburg, 1884), p. 136.
7 AI. Jawhari [and Lisan al-' Arab] s.v. st'. Cf. wa-Tathq!f alRimaZ.
(Bl1Uiq 1281, p. 80), MuM!, s.V. ,I, p. g81b, al.Damiri, I, p. 187 fl.: cf. also Frey-
tag, Einleitung in das Studium de" arabischen Sprache, p. 364 (now also Well-
hausen, p. 157). [ef. also Ibn Faris, K. al-Nayruz, in 'Abd alkSalam Harun,
Nawiidir V, pp. 18-9.J
rain from the heavens', as well as the Muslim custom of the istisqa'
based upon them, must have seemed strange indeed.' It must be
pointed out that al- in describing this pagan custom of the
Arabs, which hc calls niir al-istisqii'" mentions that thelighting olthe
firewas accompaniedby loudprayers (wClrdajju bi'i-dllii' wa'l-tadarru'),
but in the poems which he quotes as evidence of this istisqii' fire
prayers are not mentioned, nor do they figure in the other accounts
of this custom.
It is of importance in judging, this problem to note the linguistic
phenomenon that Muhammed could find no Arabic word for this
institution which he ordered for his community, but had to take the
religious teffil $aliit from Christianity. Ifhe had found a corresponding
word in existerice he would have retained it and would merely have
eqnipped it with a new meaning appropriate to his teaching.'
One thing can certainly be said: that the Arabs resisted this
institution of Muhammed and that the Prophet found it hard work
to popularize prayer among his compatriots in the sense understood
by him. This aversion is mirrored in the Muslim legend, on the
institution of prayer.
This legend
attests that those who circulated it pre-supposed
a certain antipathy to the new fOffil of worship amongst the
pagan Arabs. This, though not founded on contemporary tradition
about the Arab adversaries of Muhammed, could nevertheless have
been well founded in the everyday experience of Bedouins as the
authors of the legend encountered them. Thus we are more con-
cerned about the general contents of the legend and the views
reflected in it than its exact wording and its various fOffils. On the
authority of the Prophet himself the legend relates that when Muham-
med went to heaven he visited the six lower heavens one after the
other and greeted the prophets living there: Adam, Idris, Abraham,
Moses and Jesus. Then he ascended to the seventh heaven where God
ordered fifty daily prayers for his people. Muhammed returned to
Moses and told him of God's order. When Moses learnt that God
demanded of the Arabs fifty daily prayers he advised Muhammed
1 Cf. aI.Mawardi, ed. Enger, p. 183; Agh., XI, p. 80, 7 from below.
t Kitiib alI;Iayawan, fo1. 245b [IV, 466] in a chapter on the nlran al-' Arab, of
which there are fifteen sorts. There are extracts from it without mention of the
source in Baha.' aI-Din al-'Amili, KashkUl, p. 189. [The passage is also quoted
by al-MarzuqI, al-Azmina wa'l-Amkina, II, p. 355: al-NuwayrI, Nihayat al-
At'ab, I. pp. 10g-10.]
3 If we find the word (place of prayer) in a poem transmitted from
the JahiIiyya, such as Agh., XVI, p. 145, 7, this passage, even if the whole were
genuine, is a later interpolation; the same is true, of course, of crass falsifications
like e.g. al-Azraqi, p. 103, II (qumu fa-$allu rabbakum wata'awadhdhu).
01 This is found in B. (ed. Krehl), I. p. 100, Anbiya, no. 6, Muslim,!. p. 234.
Tab., I, p. 1158 i., Ibn Hisham, p. 271,
early days of Islam, before the duty of prayer was extended to five
times a day, the Muslims are said to have observed only two canon-
ical times of prayer: morning and afternoon, the three other times
having been added later.'
Even after Muhammed's death we find a rather frivolous attitude 38
amongst the Arab tribes in respect of prayers. The TamjrrJites gave up
afternoon prayers once and for all and gave the following anecdote as
the reason for licence: When the prophetess of the Banu Tamjm
allied herself to the false prophet Musaylima and married him, her
tribe asked him for the usual nuptial gift. 'I make to you a present:
he said 'of the afternoon prayer (al- 'a$r). 'This is now: the Banu
Tamim said even much later, 'our right and the nuptial gift of a
noble lady from our tribe; we cannot give it up." Even at the end of
the third century the most efficacious means employed by the
leaders of the Qarma.tians to win over the Bedouins and other
Arabs to their cause was to waive in this province of the movement
the Muslim rites, especially fasting and praying and the prohibition
of wine. This did not fail to impress the Arabs.' A Muslim traveller
gives a lively account of this state of affairs and his report in the
Qarmatian La!).sa makes us feel as if we were back in the days of the
Jiihiliyya. There is a free unbridled life, no taxes or tribute, no
prayer, no mosques and no khu!ba. Abu Sa'id, who introduced this
state of affairs, well understood the inclinations of the Arabs whom he
wanted to win over. There are countless stories, unmistakably taken
from true life,
which describe the indifference of the desert Arabs to
prayer," theirignorance of the elements of Muslim rites? and even their 39
1Ibn Bajar, IV. p. 700; but d. B. MawilqU al-$aliit, no. 19. where Abrr.
Hurayra reports the saying of the Prophet, 'The most irksome prayer to the
Muna.n.qftn is the evening prayer (al.'isha) and the morning prayer (al-fajr).
0, if only they knew of the merits of these wo times for prayer:
2 Agh., XVIII, p. 166.
3 Aug. Miiller, 1. p. 602.
4 Relation du voyage de Naissri Khosrau etc., ed. Ch. Scheier, Paris ISSI,
p. 225 if., cf. De Goeje, Memoire sur les Carmathes du Bahrain ef les Fafimicles,
2nd ed., p. 160.
6 A whole chapter containing Bedouin anecdotes from the city dweller's
point of view is to be found in al' Iqd, II, p. 121 fE. AhQ Mahdiyya, the proto-
type of the Bedouin; cf. for him also Ibn Qutayba, ed. Wiistenfeld, p. 271.
II When in an Arabic saying of the third century it affirmed that 'he who wants
to learn to pray (al-du'a') should hear the prayer of Bedouin Arabs'
al-'arab) (al-JaJ;ri:j:, Bayan, fo1. 47b [II, P.164; ascribed to Ghayliin, second
century A.H.]) this does not refer to pious observance of prayer as religious duty
(iqamat al-$aIiit) but to the elegant and concise idiom which the Bedouins use
in their occasional requests addressed to God as in ail circumstances of their life.
In most adab books there are examples of such du'ii' by Bedouins as patterns
for concise and dignified requests. There is on the other hand no lack of
examples of Bedouins depicted as entering into naive communication with the
deity, and where they are assumed to be completely ignorant of God's un-
to return to God and to tell Him that they were unable to fulfil such
an obligation. Muhammed returned to God and God reduced the
number by half. But Moses, whom Muhammed again asked for
advice, did not agree with this new demand either and persuaded
Muhammed to return again to God and say that his people were
unable to meet it. Back with God, Muhammed succeeded in reducing
the number of prayers to five a day. Moses considered even this
intolerable to the Arabs and wanted to make Muhammed continue
his bargaining, but Muhammed replied, 'Now I would really be
ashamed before God.'
The perhaps not unintentional humour of this legend reflects the
supposed antipathy of pagan Arabs to a rite which appeared to them
37 new and senseless. From the history of the war against the tribe of
Thaqjf we know that tlllS tribe on its submission tenaciously tried to
obtain the concession of freedom from prayers, and when this was
not granted the members of the tribe complied with the remark that
they would submit to the duty of prayer thongh 'this is an act of
Muhammed's anti-prophet Musaylima enticed his
followers with the promise to waive prayer.
The first companions and disciples of the Prophet had to keep their
prayers more secret from their pagan brethren than any other tenet
of their faith. Muslim prayer existed in the community even before
the official institution of the rite. It is said that they hid in mountain
gorges near Mecca in order to pray, and once when they were sur-
prised in their worship a bloody quarrel ensued. The pious Sa'd b.
Abi took up the jaw-bone of a camel and with it beat one
of the unbelievers who advanced against them till blood flowed.
This was-concludes our source-the first blood shed about Islam.'
The Prophet too is said to have been subjected to the worst insults
when the Qurayshites found him in prayer.' Amongst those who died
in the Islam's war against the heathens, a certain Amr b. Thiibit
is mentioned, whose martyrdom (he died at U!).ud) ensured a place in
paradise according to Muslim belief, though he never performed the
prescribed prayers. I)
The scorn of pagans was roused not only by the fact of praying'
but also by the movements of the body connected with it. TIllS
seems to follow from a legend ascribed to 'Ali.? The least aversion
was shown towards the duty of morning prayer (al-Ijubii), and in the
1 Ibn Hisham, p. 916.
2 Ibid. p. 946.
a Tab., I, p. II79.
4 Ibid., 1Ig8.
Ibn Durayd, p. 262. [Ibn I:Iajar, no. 5780.]
6 The names of the various times for prayer are also derided: alBaghawl,
MasiibiJ; al.$unna, I. p. 32,
1 Notes to the Life of Muhammed, ed. Wiistenfeld, vol. II, p. 53.
THERE is a strong and almost unreconcilable difference in respect of
the social order between the attitude of Arab paganism, which is
based on ancient traditions, and the teachings of Islam. The social
order of the Arab people was based on the relationship of the tribes
to one another. Membership of a tribe was the bond which united
people who felt that they had something in common; but at the
same time it also separated them from other groups. The actual or
fictitious descent from a common ancestor was the symbol of social
morals, the measnre by which people were valued. Men who could
not boast of ancestors worth mentioning were despised, even if they
lived in Arab territory and spoke the Arabic language, and this low
esteem forced them to indulge in occupations which lowered them
even further.' Only the affiliation of strangers to a tribe whose duty
it wonld be to protect them, the solemn call for sanctuary by the
pursued who hoped to find refuge in the tents of the stranger tribe,
or a solemn alliance which could take the place of common descent
were able to establish the obligation of neighbourly love for strangers;
it is true that the strict observance of these ties was the foundation
of Arab muruwwa
and infringements branded the individual as
well as the whole tribe as irrevocably dishonourable, and marked
them with downright shame.'
Thus, at the centre of Arab social consciousness stood the know- 41
ledge of the common descent of certaln groups. It is easily seen that
the glory of a tribe in face of any other tribe consisted of the
glory of its ancestors, upon which the clalm to honour and esteem of
the individual members as well as the whole group was based. The
word for this esteem is f>asab. Arab philologists interpret this word
as meaning the 'enumeration' of the famous deeds of ancestors,' but
t Yaqut, III, p. 391, 3 fi.
tIt has become superfluous to describe these circumstances in detail since
they have been treated exhaustively by Robertson Smith in Kinship and
lVlarriage in Early Arabia and Noldeke's study occasioned by that book
(ZDMG, vol. XL {I886}, pp. 148 fi,) has elucidated some of the doubtful points.
S Ct. Labid, p. 10 v. r: idhii udda'l.qadimu etc.
f, [Ibn Qutayba, Kitlib al.'Arab, in Rasli'il alBulaghii', p. 360;] Abu Hilal
al.'Askari in rural 'Arabiyya, ed. Landberg, p. 60 penult.
indifference towards the sacred book of God itself and their ignor-
ance of its most important parts.' The Arabs always preferred to hear
the songs of the heroes of paganism rather than holy utterances of the
Koran. It is related that 'Ubayda b. Hilal, one of the chiefs of the
Khawlirij, used to ask his men, while they were resting from battle,
to come to his tent. Once two warriors came. 'What would you
prefer,' he asked them, 'that I should read to you from the Koran,
or that I should recite poems to you?' They replied: 'We know the
Koran as well as we know you; let us hear poems.' 'You godless men,'
said 'Ubayda, 'I knew that you would prefer poems to the Koran '2
1Cf. e.g. Agh., XI, p. 89, XIV. p. 40. An Arab of the Banfi 'Adi mixed up the
poems of Dhu'l-Rumma with the Koran, ib., XVI, p. IIZ.
2; Agh., VI, p. 7. Even much later they derided and mocked the Koran:
al.Jal:).i-i>. Bayan-, fol. I28a [II, p. 3I7].
approachable majesty. In tile Musta!raj (lith. ed. Cairo). II, p. 3 2 6 ~ 7 . there are
some Bedouin prayers cited by one who heard them: in these God is seen as
human and addressed in a naive way with such expressions as can only be
applied to human benefactors: Abu'l-Makiirim, abyatf, aI-wajh, etc. Compare
with these a note in yaqft.t, II, p. 935. 2 where it is said of an inhabitant of the
banks of the Dead Sea that he cried to God, yii rubaybi. i.e. '0 Little God', as
human beings are addressed in the diminutive as a mark of flattery. In a
Bedouin prayer in al'Iqd, I, p. 207, 3 the prayer says to God liT, abalaka. Cf. also
B. Adab, no. 26.
7 Al.Tabrizi, I;lam., p. 800 on the adhiin of a Bedouin; Yaqfit, I, p. 790.
this includes without doubt also the enumeration of these ancestors
themselves who figure iu the genealogical tree in paternal or maternal
descent.' The more that can be enumerated, the 'thicker' is the 1,tasab
or nobility.' Atribe is mocked if their number is large but their deeds
of fame few.'
Amongst the causes of self-congratulation amongst the Arabs the
fame of ancestors is the foremost.' Much as ancestral piety is one of
theirfew religious sentiments, so the fame of the ancestors of the tribe
decides for them the position of their clan within the constellation
of humanity. This fame was also of importance in the claim to
individual esteem, as it was more than a genealogical ornament to
Arabs but had great individual relevance to each man. Just as the
Arabs took for granted the inheritance of physical Characteristics,'
they also assumed that moral attributes were handed down in the
same way. Virtues and vices being passed on from the ancestors, the
individual could prove his muruwwa best by being able to point out
that the virtues which make the true muruwwa were transmitted from
noble ancestors,' or that he had ancestors who had nothing un-
distinguished to leave to him as the Slmna" followed by the de:-
42 cendants.' 'He is elevated by the vein-Leo the blood-of hIS
ancestors" or 'noble veins lift him up' to his ancestor" is the usual
description of a man's inheritance from noble ancestors. Descent is
traced back to an 'irq .. :11 which means to say that a person is able
to relate Ius moral attributes back to his ancestors
-an expression
1 Cf. Agh.. I, p. 18, II fa'addid mithlahunna Aba Dhubiibin.
2 From this the favourite saying: al1Jasab or al-shara! al-q.akhm. Agh., I.
p. 30,9 belo,,;!, XVII, p. 17, IS. XVIII, p. 199. 4; Yaql1t, III, p. 519. 13; cf.
l;lam., p. 703. v. I.
3l;Iam., p. 643, v. 3. _
4 Bi.annii dhawu jaddin: Malik b. Nuwayra quoted by Yaq., IV. p. 794 uIt.
nHam., p. 639. v. I.
oTarafa. 10:12; Zuhayr. 3:43. 14:40, 17:36; 'Amr b. Kulth. Mu'all., v. 40.
7 Labid Mu'all., v. 81. Sunna is a pre-Islamic word: Zuhayr. I; 60, also its
opposite, bid'a: Mujaq,q,., 34 :42: cf. I;lam., p. 747, v. 3. [Cf. b. ':",-jlan in
jamhal'at Ash'ar aI-'Arab, Bo.laq 138, p. 1231. 3: al-Muzarnd, Diwan. 4:8.]
8 Zuhayr, 14:8 ilii ma'skarin lam yurithi'llu'ma jadduhum. .
g The verb nama with 'irq or 'uruq makes several phrases for the expreSSIOn
of this thought: Mufai!4., 12:22, Hudhayl., 220:5, 23:3: d., Agk., XX, p. 163,
I. A variant of these is also: zakkarat lahufi'l.Cilil;ina 'uruqu ed.
Boucher, p. 4, 3 from below) 'in him run the veins of the excellent (ances
tors)'. The opposite takannajahu 'UYUq al-ala'im, Agh. X, p. 22, 8. [Cf. also
Jarir, Naqa'iq" 70:59] .
10 Al.Mikdam b. Zayd in Yaqut, III, p. 471, 22 namatnii ila 'Amrin 'uruqun
(d. namathu qurumun min etc., Agh., XIII, p. 15, 4 from below
II, p. 158, 13 tasiimat qurtmuhumu li'l.nadii).
11 Hudhayl., !25:2.
12 Cf. al.'arlq in alAzraqi, ed. Wu.stenfeld, p. 102, 16. On 'irq d. also
Wilken, Eenige Opmerkigen etc. (Haag 1885) p. 16, note 15. [For the influence
which is also applied in another context to physical characteristics,'
The virtue of ancestors is usually compared to a high and strong
building,' which they built for their descendants' and which it would
be shameful to destroy.' Their fame is a continuous incentive to
emulation by their descendants. A poet from the I;Iarb tribe says of
himselfthat 'I;Iarbite souls" continually call himto do good. Nobility,
1,tasab, imposes a double obligation to practice good deeds; it lays
duties upon these people and they adhere to the principle noblesse
oblige in the very best sense.
Consideration of the past and the
tradition of lineage impel the Arab to practise nobility more than do
the hope of and striving for future fame." If there are no ancestors of
whom a man can boast, he strives to counect his lineage to another 43
even by some bold fiction.
Personal fame and merit count for little
in his estimation; only inherited fame and inherited merit bestow the
proper consecration and confirmation.
'There is a difference between
inherited nobility and nobility which grew with the grass.'" There-
fore a man's bad deeds are readily ascribed to the baseness of his
Utterances which are not in keeping with these points of view are
exceptional. I refer to some sayings of heroes of ancient times who
boast that they do not wish to vaunt their ancestors but to rely on
their own virtues and deeds. To these belongs a much quoted poem
1 E.g., of the stallionja.;Iun mu'arraqun, Agh., I, p. II, 2, which also makes
the expression ib. V, p. 116, 9 more readily understood: Yajri'ljawadu .hi.
iil;l;aWl.a'rdqi. [Cf. alQut.mi, ed. Barth, 26:5.]
t Cf.l;U$Q.n al-majdi. 'Amr. b. Kulthum, Mu'all . v.6r; Labid. Mu'all., v. S6.
S Qam., p. 777, v. 3, 27:34, Agh., XIX, p. 9, 18; cf., Mujaq,rJ,.,
19:2, 30:2I (banaytu masa'iyan), Agh., XVI. p. 98, 5 from below, ibtinii'al-majd
(d. XI, 94. 5 from below, 143, q): of bad attributes it is also said that they
were 'built'. Le, those to whom they are ascribed inherited them from the
ancestors: 31:4. l;Iassan, Diwiin, p. 34, I; 36, 17 red. Hirschfeld,
56:5, 212:2]. cf. also bani Minqarin. al.Farazdaq., p. 5, 4 from below.
"Agh,. XIX, p. 99, 6, from below, cf. IIO. 14.
r; Anfusun Qarbiyyatun, J3Iam., p. 749, v. 3.
G Labid, p. 58, v. 2. nU'!i !Juquqan 4aminatan.
'7 This consideration is especially stressed in l;iatim, ed. Hassoun, p. 38, 6:7;
39. 6 etc. and also in the poem ascribed to himwhich is not in the Diwiin. J:Iam..
p. 747, v. 2. When judging I;Hitim's virtue from its Arab panegyrists, we find
that it was not free of desire for fame': Agh., XVI, p. 98, IS.
8 Caussin de Perceval. II, p. 491.
II Zuhayr. 14, 40; Agh., IX, p. 147, 16.
10 I;lam., p. 679, v. 3 = RUckert. II, p. 213. no. 659.
11 !:Iassan, Ibn Hisham, p. 526, 9lishaqwati jaddihim, ib. 575, 16.
of maternal 'irq ct. al-Tha'alibi, Thimar al-QulUb, pp. 275-7 Cirq al-khiil)
and the dictionaries under dss (al-'il'q dassiis), also Usa-rna b. Munqidh. Lubab
al-Lfaab, p. 5.]
by 'Amir b. al-Tufayl,l which is followed by similar utterances from
later times.'
The boasts (mafiikhir), which are mainly based on reference to the
deeds of ancestors (a field in which the Arabs award the prize to the
Mu'allaqa poet al-I:Iiirith
) are matched by the tawlts (mrdha-Zib)
designed to throw as much scorn as possible upon the ancestors of
one's opponent or upon his tribe and sometimes even to place their
descent in doubt.' It is in this respect that a proud Arab can be
hardest hit, as it determines his claim to honour and fame. Quarrels
44 between the tribes are therefore accompanied by mutual satire
(hija')' recording all that is shameful in the character and the past of
the enemy group while making much of the boasts of one's own clan.'
The satires which concerned themselves even with the inner life of
the family' were a particularly important part of the conduct of war.
Waging war in poetry is considered as the serious start of hostilities
between two tribes' just as the cessation of fighting coincides with
putting an end to the satires.
The assurance of peace concerns
security not only from hostile attacks but also from boasting provoca-
tion (an Iii jughzaw wa-lii yufiikharu
). Owing to the peculiarity of
Arab culture it is not strange that this part of the fighting was
1 AI.Mubarrad, p. 93, 6.
2 Al.Mutawakkll al-Laythi, flam., p. 772, whose verse later became very
popular of 'Antal', XVI, p. 28. often quoted elsewhere too); cf. also
al-Mutanabbi. ed. Dieterici, I, p. 34. V. 32 (Iii bi-qawm'L sharuftu bal sharufi1 Vi
wabinafs'L fakhirtu Iii. bi.jududf) and al.I;!U!j,ri. I, p. 79
3 AI-Mayda-ni, II, p. 31 afkharu min al-Ijiirith b. lfilliza.
4 The verb nasaba means recording not only ancestors, but also all the
glorious or shameful things related to the single links of the genealogical tree.
In lfam., p. I 14, v. I Jabir al-Sinbisi says: Verily I am not ashamed when you
unroll my tree of descent (nasabtani), provided that you do not report lies about
me; ib. 6Z4, v. 4 nasaba in general of enumerating attributes; hence nasib the
description of the beloved.
5 [For the satire see Goldziher's extensive study 'tiber die Vorgeschichte del'
Higa'-Poesie', Abhandlungen zur Arabischen Philologie. I, pp. I-UL]
6 Mufa44., 30:38 ff. Rabi' a b. Maqrllm says about the Banu Madhl}.ij that he
will refrain from recording the shame of the opponents (as is usual in fighting)
and confine himself to pointing out famous deeds in the past of his own tribe.
Instead of many examples for such boasts reference is made to 'farafa, 14:5,
as a specimen. For later days an interesting type of tribe satire is to be found
in Agh., II, p. I04
1 E.g., between man and wife when they belong to different tribes, Agh., Il,
p. ]65. In al.MufaQ.Qal's collection of proverbs (AmtMl al-'Arab ed. Istanbul
, p. 9, 4) there is a little tale telling how two wives of the same
quarrelled: fa'stabbalii wa-taraja:wta. they scolded one another and said raJaz
verses against each other. [Cf. the satires exchanged between Raw!) b. Zinbi'
and his wife, Ibn Abi Tahir. BaUighiU al-Nisa:, pp. 95 fl.]
3 Ibn Hisham. p. 273. 10 taqawaUi ash'ii,ran,
'Agh., XVI. p. ]42 , 3.
10 AI-Tabrizi, !:lam.. p. 635, 9
mainly undertaken by the tribe's poets. In the warlike activities of
the tribes they were of great importance. This is evident among
other things from the description
which al-I:Iutay'a gives 'Umar
of the causes of the successful \fars of the tribe of 'Abs during the
Jahiliyya. Together with Qays b. Zuhayr, 'Antara, Rabl' b. Ziyad
to whose prudent caution, braveness in attack and circumspection in
command they all gladly submitted, it is also mentioned that they
let themseives be guided by the poetry of 'Urwa b. al-Ward
(na'iammu bi-shi'r 'Urwa).' It is evident in the context of the story
that this cannot refer only to the latter's merits as an exemplary
poet.' A poet's gifts appear to have been considered from other than
artistic standpoints and there are many indications that a connection
was traced between these gifts and supernatural influences.' It is 45
typical that on one occasion the poet is mentioned together with the
augur and the water diviner.' The poets-as can be inferred
from their name-are considered 'those who are knowledgable'
(shii'ir)', first of all about the traditions of their tribe which are to
be used in war
and thus a 'perfect' man (kiimil)8 must in the
view of the Arabs be a poet, i.e. must know the glorious traditions of
his tribe
which he can use for the honour of his own people in war
1 Agll., II, p. 191, 5 = VII, p. 15Z, 8.
1 Cf. what is related of the old poet alAfwah in Agh. XI, p. 44, 9; Zuhayr b.
Jonab. ibid., XXI, p. 93, 23.
a Cf. Noldeke, Die Gedichte des' Urwa, p. IO.
'" E.g. Agh., XIX, p. 84. This recalls the vie"ws of some primitive peoples about
their poets. cf. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 1887, p. I30.
5 Al-Maydclni, II, p. 142, 16.
'Cf. Ibn Ya'ish. commentary on MuJa$$al, ed. Jahn, p. 128, 18. Barbier de
Meynard (Journal asiat., r874, II, p,' 207 note) thinks of the supposition of
prophetic gifts and compares Latin vates. In this connection mention might be
made of the sacredness of poets which Cicero, Pro AYch.. e.8, mentions of
Ennius. [In his study on the hiy'ii', quoted above (p. 48, note S), pp. I7 ff.,
Goldziher modifies his explanation and proposes to derive it rather from the
supernatural 'knowledge' of the poet, who in early times served as an oracle
for his tribe.]
'1 For this view too we find analogy in primitive peoples, see Schneider Die
Naturv61ker. II, p. 236.
S Agh., II, p. 169, Tab., I, p. 1207, Caussin de Perceval, II, p. 424 (cf. aI-
II, p. 25'Z: poetry is a sign of nobility). The byname kii,mil was also given
to men of later days; in the beginning of the second century to the Sulaymite
Ashras b. Abd Allah (Fragmenta kist. arab., ed. de Goeje, p. 89, 3).
I) Ibn Faris (died 394) in Muzhir (II, p. 235): 'Poetry (alshi'r) is the archive
(diwiin) of Arabs, through it genealogical information (aZ-ansiib) was remem.
bered and the traditions of fame (al-ma'iithir) were made known'. The sentence:
al-shi'y dfwan al-'Arab is mentioned as an old saying of Ibn Jar!r 'an Ibn' Abbas
foI. 122b); from the same source it is quoted also in al-'Iqd, III,
p. 122 alsh. 'ilm at-' Arab wa-dfwanuha). It is found alsoin the following context
foI. r 14a): 'It is said: The Arabs are distinguished from other peoples by
four characteristics: the head bindings are their crowns (al.'amii'im tijanuhii),
against opponents whose aim is to stress shameful facts of the past
of his tribe.' Therefore it is said of a poet, whose special function is to
serve the tribe in this respect and to promote its honour, that he is a
46 poet of the tribe (e.g. shii';ru Taghliba and others), and the appear-
ance of such poetical defenders and advocates was celebrated as a
joyous event by a tribe because it meant that 'their honour was
protected and their glory defended, their memorable deeds were made
immortal and their memory firmly established."
Sometimes also poets of strange tribes were sought out in order to
have them compose-occasionally for high fees-satires against a
prospective opponent in battle,' and it is not improbable that the
biblical story told in Numbers 22:2 ff. is based on the supposition of
such conditions. Satires were an indispensable part of war. The tribal
poet boasted that he was no mere composer of verses but an instigator
of war, who sent forth mocking verses against those who scorned his
tribe;' and this mockery was so effective because it 'had wings' and
'its words were circulating', 5 Le. it toured all the encampments and
was known everywhere and was even more dangerous because it
stuck and could not easily be wiped out-'a bad saying clinging like
lard which makes the Copt woman ugly',' 'burning like a mark made
with hot coal',' 'sharp as the tip of a sword" and 'alive even when
the inventor has long been dead."
1 Labid, p. 143. v. 6.
:l Ibn Rasbiq (died 370) [al-' Umaa. Cairo 1907. I. p. 37. quoted] in Muzhir,
11, p. 236.
:s: Agh., XVI, p. 56, 6 from below. AlMundhir b. Imrq. king of l;iIra., asked
several Arab poets in his war against the Ghassanid al-l:Uirith b. Jabala, to
compose satires against the enemy: al-])abbI, Amtha.l, p. 50 f.
,, t, p. 232 Hudba b. Khashram, cf. the forceful expressions in Huclhayt.,
Ii Tarafa, 19:17 min hija'in sii'irin kalimuh. [More passages describing the
wide and lasting effects of the satire in Goldziher's monograph (see above,
p. 48, note 5), pp. 90-2 .]
s Zuhayr, 10:33.
7 Al-Nabigha, 9:2; he compared (29:7) his satires with rocks
(probably because of their I:Iass1n, Diwiin, p. 28, I red. I:U:schfeld,
7::2] ma tabqa't. jibatu't.khawo,lzdu, Zuhayr, 20:ro, etc.); another satirIcal poet
calls his verses 'a necklace which does not perish' (Agh., X, p. 171, 7, from below,
cf. Proverbs, 6:21).
8 Cf. Agh., XII, p. 171,19, where Jad! describes his hija'; '... dripping with
blood, able to go far through the mouths of the rhapsodists, like the edge of an
Indian blade which penetrates when it glistens.'
II J:Iam., p. 299 = Ruckert, I, p. 231 no. 190.
the coats are their walls lLitanuha), swords are their top clothes (at.
suyuf sijiinuhii) and poetry is their archive.' These sentences appear to be the
source of Ibn Faris' saying, which at an earlier date is also placed at the head
of his poems by the poet Abn. Firas al-1:1amdani (died 337): Rosen, Notice
sommaires des Manuscripts arabes, 1881, p. 225.
Yea verily they know from of old-says the pagan poet al-
Muzzarrid, ,_
that when the contest becomes severe, I punish with words and
shoot arrows.
I am famed for him whom I strike with poems that last for ever'
Which are sung by wanderers and which are used to urge along 47
the riding beasts.
With verses which are well remembered
and whose reciters are often met with:
Manifest,S they are found in every country,
They are repeated again and again and always increasing in fame
Whenever fierce lips try the song;
And he whom I attack with a line
Is marked as if with a black mole in his face,
And nobody can wash off such a mole.'
Thus, in a contest between tribes, the arrows flew from the mouths
of poets as much as from the quivers of warriors, and the wounds
that they inflicted were deeply embedded in the tribe's honour and
were felt for generations. It is therefore not astonishing to learn that
poets were greatly feared amongst the Arabs.' The effect of the satire
in pre-Islamic days is best measured when one considers what power
it had even in those days when Islam had-at least theoretically-
overcome it and it was consequently officially forbidden. The
phenomena of these times, particularly of the Umayyad period when
the Arab instincts with all their heathen immediacy survived more or
less intact, are particularly instructive about the conditions of the
Jlihiliyya, an epoch which, though extending to our Middle Ages, is
in many respects virtually prehistoric from our point of view and is
elucidated by its after-effects. We shall see that the general
indifference of the true Arabs to the equalizing teachings of Islam
extended also to matters which depended upon the relations of the
tribes with one another.
The satires of a poet could have disastrous effects on the position
of a tribe within Arabic society. One single line of Janr (died rIo), 48
1 J1,fufai/4., 16:57-61 [Lyall's translation 17:57-61).
2: Cf. aI.Farazdaq, ed. Boucher, p. 47 penult.
3 Cf. Zuhayr 7:7 bi-RUlti qiiftyatin shan'jj'a tashtahiru.
4. Agh., IX, p. 156. ro. This awe of poets is even more comprehensible when we
consider that they sometimes sent out their biting satires without any outward
cause, from pure chicanery against honourable men and tribes. The example of
Durayd b. al-$imma is instructive in this respect: he mocked 'Abd Allah b.
Jud'an, as he admits himself, 'because he heard that he was a noble man and
so be wanted to lodge a poem in a worthwhile target': Agh., ib,id., p. 10, 24.Abd
Yaghflth bas his tongue cut off by his enemies so that he may be unable to utter
hijii': Agh., XV, p. 76, 18.
that classic of the later hijii'.' against the tribe of Numayr ('Lower
your eyes ,because you are of the tribe of Numayr' etc.) damaged
the reputation of this tribe to such an extent that a Numayrite,
when asked his tribe, did not dare to name it, but pro-
fessed to belong to the tribe of Banu 'Amir from which the Banu
Numayr derived. This tribe could thus serve as a warning when
poets wished to intimidate opponents with the power of their satire:
'My mockery will bring you shame as Janr humiliated the Banu
Numayr." Other tribes suffered the same fate: they were exposed to
ridicule and scorn because of but a single line in a verse. Tribes
otherwise honoured like the I;Iabitat, Zaiim, 'Uk], SalUl, Bahila, etc.,
became the target of shame and mockery because of short epigrams
by malicious poets which may be found in many passages of Arabic
literature. This fact often seems astonishing when one finds it
mentioned by the historians of literature, because in many cases there
is merely pointless mockery without wit or any relation to a real fact
in the history of the tribe; though on the other hand it must often
be assumed that the disparagement is based on some historical fact
which is not known to us as well as on the poet's satirical mood.
I have seen that donkeys are the laziest animals-in
the same way the I;Iabitat are the laziest among the
Such a satirical verse, however silly and unimportant its content
may be, spread among the Arabs with astonishing speed just because
49 of its rudeness and members olthe tribe which was attacked had to be
prepared to hear it called after them when passing the encampment
of another tribe and giving the name of their ancestor in answer to a
question about their tribe. Members of a tribe whichhas been branded
by the satire of a poet are forced to deny the true tribal name. The
Banu Anf al-Naqa ('the she-camel's nose') were forced to call
themselves Banu Quraysh until al-I;Iulay'a dissolved the ban with
his words:
t A detailed characteristic and critical assessment of Jarlr's satire in relation
to that of his contemporary, alFarazdaq, is to be found in Ibn alAthir al-
Jazari, alMathal al.Sa'ir, (Bfilaq 1282), pp. 490 ff.
2 Cf. also Janr on Numayr, Agh., XX, p. 170,1. 2 from below. [Cf. also Ibn
Rashiq, al-'Umda, Cairo 1907, p. 26.]
a Occasionally it was the comic points about the life of an ancestor that stuck
to a tribe unendingly. Thus the descendants of 'Ijl (tribal branch of the Bakr b,
Wa'il) had to listen to satires about a story told of their presumed ancestor. He
was asked to name his horse as all fiery Arab horses had their own names.
'Ijl then destroyed one of the horse's eyes and said: I call it A'war-Le. one-
eyed. The simplicity of their ancestor thus served to mock all 'Ijlites; Agh.
XX, p. II. An equally trivial reason is quoted for the Tamimites being called
Banu'l-Ja'ra': Agh., XVIIl, p. '99.
Yes, a people is the nose, the tail is another people-
who would call the camel's tail equal to its nose?
Now they could return to their own honest old name.' The tribe of
Bahila' had the misfortune to be reputed miserly and as late as in the
'Abbasid period they had to suffer the scorn of poets:'
When you call to a dog: You Bahilite-he whimpers with shame.
Sons of Sa'id-thus the children of Sa'id b. Salm
who lived in the time of Harlin al-Rashid are addressed
-sons of Sa'id you belong to a tribe which does not
honour guests.
A people stemming from Bahila b. Ya'eur which is derived
from 'Abd Manaf when asked for their descent (because
they are ashamed of their real descent).
They combine supper with breakfast and when they give food
by your father's life, it is never enough.
And when my road leads me to them it is as if I
visited Abraq al- 'Azzaf (north of Medina on the way to
B"'ira), where at night the voice of demons-singular
'azi! al-jinn
-is said to have been heard.
The tribe of Taym suffered much from the mockery of al-Akhlal:
'When I meet the servants of Taym and their masters I ask: which
are the servants? The worst in this world are those who rule in
Taym and-whether they wish it or not-the servants are masters
amongst them.'6
Here the spirit of the Arabic Jahiliyya, which continued to exercise 50
its influence despite the intervention of Islam-which could not
favour the hijii"-finds expression. During pagan times there were
1 These things are exhaustively discussed in al-Ja,1}.i:j:, Kitiib al-Bayiin, fols.
163 fl. [IV, pp, 35 fl.: the correct reading is Quray'. not Quraysh, see IV, p. 38).
A selection is found in al.' Iqd, III, pp. u8 fl.
S The noble TamImite alAlfnaf b. Qays is reproached by an Arab who envies
his distinction at 'Umar's court with being the son of a Bahilite woman: al-' Iqd,
I, p, 143.
:r AI.Mubarrad, p. 433.
<1 Agh., II, p. 155. 4 from below
5 See the verse also in Yaqut, I, p. 84, 9 :if. The place-name is mentioned in
addition to the passage quoted in Yaqut also by I:Iassan, Diwan, p. 65, 15 red.
Hirschfeld, 178:1], Agk., XXI, p, 103', 21.
/l Agk., VII, p. 177. The equality of slaves and freemen is also ridiculed by
Dhu'lRumma [Diwiin, ed. Macartney, p. 167]. quoted by Ibn al.Sikkit,
Leiden MS. Warner no. 157, p. 165 [TahdMb alAI/ii?, ed. Cheikho, p. 19-8J:
sawasiyatun a1}riiruhii wa.'abidunii.
7 The authorities persecuted and punished satirical poets: Agh., II, p. -55
below; XI, p. 152 below; cf. Yaq'Ctt. III, p. 54'2, 19.
and the first impetus to announce them was based less on the desire
for a better order of Arab society than on the relationship towards
their Qurayshite fellow-tribesmen in which Muhammed and the
faithful Meccans accompanying him found themselves owing to the
'emigration'. The necessity of making war against them, an under-
taking tantamount to extreme perfidy and dishonour in the ancient
Arab view, forced the Prophet to announce the worthlessness of the
tribal principle and to find the principle of unity in the profession of a
common faith.' From this political solution of a problematical state
of affairs, grew the teaching propounded in full consciousness of the
social advancement contained in it: '0 men, we have created you
from man and woman and made you into peoples and tribes that you
may recognize one another. Verily before God the noblest is
he who fears God most." Here the equality of all believers before
Allah and the thought that the fear of God is the only measure of
nobility,' to the exclusion of differences arising from mere descent,
is clearly expressed; and Muslim exegesis is unanimous in respect of
this interpretation of the Koranic passage, which need not be
altered even by our scientifie eousideration of the text.
Thus a profound breach was made in the ideas of the Arab people 52
about the relationship of tribes to one another; and everything that
we know about the social spirit of the Arabs would make us accept
the tradition whieh represents them as resisting this teaclJing of the
Prophet. The tradition tells us for example that the Bakrites, on the
point of joining the victorious Prophet, were made to hesitate by the
following cousideration: 'The religion of the grandchild of 'Abd al-
Muttalib,' so they said, 'forbids its followers to go to War with each
other; it condemns to death a Muslim who kills another (even if he
be of a different tribe). Thus we would have to refrain from attacking
and robbing tribes who, like us, accept Islam ... We will undertake
one more expedition against the Tamimites and then we will become
Muslims." This story mayor may not be true, but it certainly grew
out of real conditions.
On various occasions Muhammed took deliberate action to further
the idea that from now on Islam, rather than tribal affiliation, was to
be the unifying principle of society. For example, in Anas's house he
inaugnrated a brotherhood eomprising forty-five (or, aecordingto
another authority, seventy-five), pairs each consisting of one of
1 Snouck Hurgronje, De Islam, p. 47 of the ofEprint [Verspreide Geschriften,
I, p. 225].
2 Sflra 49:13.
According to B. Anbiya', no. 9, Muslim V, p. 215, the nobility of the
Jahiliyya counts also under Islam, but onlyif the fact of noble descent is imple.
mented by the attributes of a good Muslim: kMyiiruhum ft'l.jahiliyya khiyam-
hum fi'l-islam idha faquhu.
4 Caussin de Perceval, II, p. 604.
but few poets who disliked the use of hijii', which as we have seen,
was considered by the foremost men of those days as a praiseworthy
virtue. On the other hand it was considered shameful by the Arabs
if their opponents did not deem them worthy of a hijii', as this was
taken as a sign of inferiority.' A rare, perhaps unique, exception was
'Abda b. al-Tabib, who lived on the watershed between the pagan era
and Islam, of whom it is said that he refrained from satirical poetry
because he considered its practice base and abstinence from it
muruwwa.' It is mentioned as a sign of close alliance between two
people that 'they never climbed the heights of satire." But even in
Islamic limes we learn that not even the sacred law of hospitality
offered protection from the hijii'.
The teachings of Islam were in powerful opposition to the social
views which gave rise to tllis state of affairs. We refer not so much to
the teachings of Muhammed himself as more generally to the
Islamic view of life which resulted from them and which is best
expressed in the traditional sayings ascribed to the Prophet. In
accordance with these Islam was called upon to make effective the
equality and fraternity of all men united in Islam. Islam was
designed to level all social and genealogical differences: competition
51 and perpetual strife between tribes, their 'mockings' and 'boastings'
were to cease and there was to be no distinction of rank in Islam
between Arabs and Barbarians, free men and freed men. In Islam
there were to be only brothers and in ti,e 'community (ummat) of
Muhammed' the distinctions between Bakr and Taghlib, Arab and
Persian, were to cease and to be banned as specifically Jahili. From
the day when Muhammed was proclaimed as 'the prophet of white and
black men' and his mission declared as a blessing embracing the
whole of mankind, there could be no other claims for preference
amongst his followers than those founded on more devout com-
prehension of and adherence to his mission.
The beginnings of this concept have their roots undoubtedly in
that teaching which Muhammed himself imparted during the
Medinian period of his work to the few believers who followed him;
1 !;lam.. p. 628, v, 4.
'2: Agh., XVIII, p. 163 below. Later such examples became more frequent.
Miskin al-Darimi (died 90) refrains from the hiFi' but is not against mufiikhara
(Agh .. XIII, p. J53.9 from below): also N u ~ a y b (died 108) refrains from satires;
for this different reasons are given in Agh., I, p. 140, 8, from below, 142, 13.
Al.'Ajjaj (Il cent.) boasts that he avoids satire; d. al.J:Iu!?rl, II, p. 254. AI.
Bu1J.turl (died 284) ordered his son to burn, after his death, all hija' found
among his poems. (Agh., XVIII, p. 167).
3J;Iam., p. 309. v. 6.
4 AI.Farazdaq, ed. Boucher, p. 7, 6, d. Agh., XVIII, p. 142, penult.
1 An interesting story of mukhiiyala is in al.Mufaqdal, Amt/!iil al'Arab, p. 18.
Also in Agh., XVI, p. 100,3 mukhiiyaIa (which is to be read twice instead. of the
printed mukkiibala) is explained with murakhara.
I; For scorn and verbal fights before the real fighting among Negro peoples
see Stanley, [Through the Dark Continent, London 1878, II, pp. 87-8 =] Duyck
den Dunklen Welttheil (Germ. ed., II, p. 97),
I; To this refers e.g. Hudhayl" 169:7. d. ZDMG, XXXIX, p. 434. 5 from
below (idkii qiitala 'tatii).
Competition between Arab tribes was usually expressed through
the mouths of their poets and heroes-and usually these attributes
were united in the same person-in the fonn of mujtikhara or
muniijara (more rarely mukhiiyala),' a peculiar form of boasting
which is found also amongst other people of low cultural develop-
ment.' This took various forms, of which the most common was that
the hero of the tribe stepped in front of the ranks before the beginulng
of the fight and proclaimed to the enemy the nobility and high rank
of his tribe.
'He who knows me,' was a common formula lknows it,
The relationship of the Arab tribes to one another, with the
consequent mutual assistance, strife and the competition of which
we have spoken above, meant that there were features of everyday
life which had to be rejected owing to the supreme principle that all
Muslims were equal. It is likely that the Prophet himself, who, as we
have seen, announced this teaching in full awareness of the changes it
would involve, was the first to condemn these things. The system-
atic, and we may even say theological opposition to them is, however,
surely due to the evolving effort of generations following the Prophet's
initiative-generations which linked the founder's name to their own 54
work, which was in keeping with his views.
This effort was necessary because of the refusal of Arabs to
adjust their feelings to the new order even after they had nominally
been converted to Islam. The less the new teaching was under-
stood and followed by those to whom it was directly addressed
the more did its devout followers strive to lend it weight by in-
creasingly clear exposition and to attach to it the authority of the
Of the phenomena of Arab life which had to be rejected because
of the new teaching about the mutual relationship of the members
of the believing community, and the abolition of which was to
destroy the outward manifestations of the old tribal mentality, we
shall deal more especially with three:
(I) the mujiikhara. (2) the shi'ar. (3) the tal;iiluj.
his followers from Medina and one from Mecca, and this bond was
intended to be so close that the 'brothers' should inherit to the
exclusion of blood relatives.' This was intended to prove that religion
was a firmer basis for brotherly community than membership of the
same tribe. It seems that Muhammed carefully guarded against the
possibility of old tribal feuds re-awakening in the hearts of those
whom he believed he had brought to greater fame than any battle
of their pagan forefathers.
This explains the antipathy expressed in old Islamic sources
towards poets who were considered the interpreters of the ancient
pagan mentality. Not all the enmity against poets and poetry found
in old traditions-which eQuId, as is well known, base themselves on
Koran, 26:225-was due to the persecution that the Prophet him-
self suffered from the poets. When, for example, Imru'u'l-Qays is
53 named as the leader of poets in hell, and is said to have had a famous
name in the dunyii but to be doomed to oblivion in the "khira,'
poetry is condemned as the organ of pagan mentality. 'It is better for
a man that his body be full of pus than that he be full of poems."
In Islamic praxis this view never prevailed,' but it did rule the
minds of devout men and pietists. Orders to restrict the field of
poetry were attributed to the oldest caliphs.' 'Umar II was particu-
larly harsh with poets who came to flatter him.
Pious men who
indulged in ancient poetry, like at Kilfa (died ID8), did at
least refrain from reciting old poems on Fridays;7 and in pietist
circles the view was spread in the guise of prophetic traditions that
on the day of judgment the Koran would be forgotten in the heart
of men and that everyone 'would return to the poems and songs and
stories of the Jahiliyya; whereupon the Dajjal would appear.'
These people were favourably disposed only towards the so-called
zuhdiyyiit, i.e. ascetic poetry,
to which they would have liked to
confine the essence of all poetic art. But literary history shows how
small was the community who were guided by such ideas.
1 For sources see Sprenger, III, p. 26 [and 1. Lichtenstaedtcr, in Islamic
CultuYe, 1942, pp. 47-52].
2' Ag/e., VII, p. 1$0.
3 B. Adab, no. 91.
4 Cf. al-Mubarrad, p. 46, I.
G Tab,. II, p, 213; M, J, MnUer Beitrlige z. Gesch. d. westl. A raber, p, 140. note 2.
6 Al.'Iqd, I, pp, 151 ff. Agh. VIn, p. 152.
7 Agh" II, p, 146, II.
8 Al.Ghazali, I1J.yii, I, p, 231.
9 Agh., III, p. 161,
10 [For the question of the permissibility of poetry d. also e.g. al-Muttaqi
alHindi, Kanz al'Ummiil. Hyderabad 1951. nos. 2825-49 and 3787-383;
Miskkiit p. 41I; aI-Sharif al-Raq.i, al-Majiizat al-Nabawiyya,
Cairo 1937. pp. go, 120, 205,]
and he who does not know me may know it now' and so forth.'
During the fighting too the warrior shouts his nasab to the enemy
55 and Muslim tradition does not make the Prophet an exception to
this rule.' Bedouins call this boasting: intikhii'.' In this category
really belong also the customs mentioned on pages 50 ff. But even
in times of peace this competition led by poets was an everyday
event in Arab society.' AJ-Mundhir, King of I;fira, asked 'Amir b.
Ul)aymir b. Bahdala, who had claimed the highest rank amongst all
present: 'Are you then the noblest of all Arabs in respect of your
tribe?' And he replied (as can be seen, the answer is revised according
to later genealogical detaIls): 'The Ma'add excell in nobility and
number, and amongst them the Nizar, and amongst them the
Mu<;lar, and amongst them the Khindif, amongst whom the Tamlm,
and amongst these Sa'd b. Ka'b and of these the 'Awf and of the
latter the family of Bahdala. He who does not admit this may
compete with me' (fal-yunafirn').' It was, of course, most glorious
to win such a competition by meaus of the intrinsic justness of the
cited points of nobility, and it was most shameful if it was said of a
trihe that it always lost in such munafariit.' If a self-confident
hero of a tribe learnt that somewhere there was a man who was
ranked highly he felt called upon to combat that man's claim and
did not shirk long journeys in order to defeat him in a mufakhara.
Later historians thus assumed that before recognizing Muham-
med the heroes of the Banii Tamfm came to him in order to hold a
mufiikkara with him, upon the success of which their conversion
would depend.' In the same way, later historiography introduced a
munajara into the account of ancient Arab history, in the context
1 Cf. Ibn Hisham, p. 773, 5. In the 'Antar novel this old Arabic custom
appears frequently; it echoes in allusions like Agh.. XVIII, p. 68, IB, d. V.
p. 25, 15; Tab., III, p. 994; Fihrist, p. 18I, I4. The same type of challenge is
usual amongst Bedouins to this day, cf. D'Escayrac de Lautour, Le Disert et 1e
Soudan (Germ. ed. Leipzig 1855). p. I:tg.
:: B. Jihad, no. 165.
a Wetzstein, Sprachliches aus den Zeltlagern der syrischen Waste (ZDMG,
XXII), p. 34 note 25b of the offprint (1868).
4 A typical story instructive of the various points of view of munafara in pre
Islamic times (munafara of 'Amir b. alTufayl with 'Alqama) is in Agh., XV,
pp. 52-56.
6 [Quoted from Abrr. 'Ubayda by Ibn Qutayba, K. alE'Arab. in Rasa'iT alE
Bulaghii:, p. 348, and] al-Tabrizi to !;lam.. p. 769, v. 2. For this genealogical
climax cf. of older sources, ]Jam., p. 459; d. also ZDMG, IV, p. 300, and above
p. '5
6 Notable is the mockery of J:Iassan b. Thabit against the tribe of the J:Iimas
(Dfwan, p. 54, 12) [ed. Hirschfeld, 189:6]): In sa.baqil subiqil aw nafaru nufiril etc.
7 Agh., XIX, p. 99, 9 = Noldeke, Beitrage, p. 95, 5.
8 Ibn Hisham, p. 934 penult. (nufa.khiruka); Agk., IV, p. 8, 9; Sprenger, III,
pp. 366 fl. [and other sources analyzed by W. Arafat in the Bulletin of the
School of Oriental and African Studies, 1955, pp. 416 fl.]
of epi.sode of the competition between Hashim and Umayya,
which as IS well was tendentious anticipation of the rivalry 56
of two dynastles caliphs.' Here a Khuzii'ite soothsayer is
after heanng the pretensions of both rivals he gives
Judgment In favour of Hashim: this is tendentious 'Abbasid
Occasionally such competitions led to bloody and passionate tribal
feuds is shown bythe traditions about the first fijiir war between the
HawiizIn and the Kinana tribes. The Kiniinite Badr b. Ma'shar
the fight by his provocation of the congregated Arabs (at
Uk""!') to whom he pre!ended.that he was the mightiest of his people,
and to whom he proclalmed his own tribe to be the most excellent of
all the tribes of Quraysh; the fight between the two tribes lasted for a
long time.
According to a Meccan legend which was still told in tlie
beginning of the third century and which probably contains a grain
of a rock ,:,ear Mecc,,: is called 'rock of mocking'
al-s'bab) because m pagan tunes the Arabs on their return from
pilgrimage used to stop there and hold competitions in boasting
their reciting relevant poems and throwing
Inglonous traditions In each other 5 faces, a practice which often led
to fights.' Even in early 'Abbasid"times this 'rock of mocking' is said
to have been the place of such competitions.'
Frequently, the purpose of public mUfiikhara was to end an old
quarrel people. ?n sum occasions impartial umpires
were appoInted to Judge which of the parties was the winner in
poetical boasting. Forfeits were deposited with the umpires to ensure
adherence to the judgment.' The outcome of the conflict then did not
depend, of course, upon the relative justice of the combatants but on
their in expression, and the ability to gain 57
ascendency In the taniifur IS thus part of the glory of the old
A variant of the mufiikhara or muniifara
is the so-called muhiijiit:
1 See the sources in the Muir, 'Forefathers of Mahomet' (Calcutta Review no
93, ,854). p. 8. ' .
AI-'lqa, III, p. 108.
S Al.Azraqi, p. 483 above, cf. 443, 10, 48r, 5.
. Agh., p. log; ct. also the parallel passage, ibid., XVI, p. 162, where,
lme 16, stbab must probably be read instead of alsharab, and line I7 shabfb
instead of sibiib. It is not impossible that the story of the rock of mocking as
the of mufakhara during the ]ahiIiyya is nothing but the anticipation of
later cIrcumstances. The name of the rock is, however, ancient and that would
speak for the antiquity of the happenings connected with it.
& Cf. de Perceval, II, p. 565. Typical examples in Freytag, EinTeitung
z,,: Stuclzum dey arab. Sprache, p. 184. Hence the mufiikhara is also caned
rzhan, e.g. Agh., XVI, p. 142, IS: 146,8.
61jam., p. 143, v. 4.
7Another variant, (also mentioned ip. Caussin de Perceval, II, p. 1&)) is the
munajada, Agh. XVI, pp. 99 ff.; it figures in the legend of l:l.atim. The comba.t-
ants hold a munajaaa, Le. a public contest, not with poetic weapons but 10
respect of their generosity towards guests. He whom the assembled crowd
c;:leclare the most hospitable is victor and can claim the forfeits deposited with
unbiased umpires.
if some event had set two people at enmity, so that they persecuted
one another with satirical poems, in the manner of the ancient
Arabs, they could decide to give a public competition in satire,
leaving it to public opinion to decide the winner. Thus, for example,
the Tamimite chief al-Zibriqan b. Badr and the poet al-Mukhabbal,
to whom the fonner would not grant his sister as wife, held a public
muhiijiit after persecuting one another with satirical verses.
All kinds of boasting competitions,' in which the combatants vie
in proclaiming the fame of their tribe, were sharply condemned by
the old Muslim teachers, whose views are expressed in many tradi-
tional sayings and stories, of which we will mention one:
After the tribes of Aws and Khazraj, who were rivals in pagan times,
had both been absorbed in the unity of the through the com-
mon bond of Islam, it so happened that they revived memories of
paganism and their brave fights at a social gathering: poems were
recited-it is claimed by a Jew who hoped in this way to make them
58 relapse into paganism-<iealing with the tribal quarrels, and the
battle of Bu'ath where the Aws inflicted a serious defeat upon the
Khazraj. Listening to the heroic poems was sufficient to rouse the
donnant pagan soul and rivalry developed between the members of
the two tribes, which soon became so lively that the ancient quarrel
was about to be renewed, and the old feud was again declared.
news of this relapse reached the Prophet, who came to the gathering
and admonished them: '0 community of Muslims! Has the arrogance
(da'wa) of barbarism returned while I am amongst you, after Allah
led you to Islam, through which He has enobled youand cut you loose
from paganism, with which He has saved you from disbelief and has
1 Agh.. XII, p. 42.
Z Asynonymous may bementioned: n(l.b III (Lisan al 'A rab, in the
marginal gloss to Jawh., ed. 1282, III, p. 103) in the meaning of fkhr III,
which is generally used of normal wagers (Tab., I, p. 1006. 9; al.BayQ.a.wi, II,
p. 102, 12 = khlr III; Durrat al Ghaww., 173.9). KMr I is also found as syno
nym of /kltr, e.g. Agh.. XI, p. 34 penult. 'inda'Z-.!akhri wa'l.kha!ariini, kka!ar is
the prize in the rihiin: al.Farazd.. p. 19, 1. To these synonyms also belongs
tanaui, Agh., XIII, p. 153. A whole treasury of synonyms of this group is found
in a poem YaUmat ai-DaM, I, p. 71. [For books on boasting ?y
Abo. 'Ubayda, Ibn al-Kalbi, and Abu'I-l;Iasan the genealogISt, see F'thr'tst,
pp. 80, 166, 170; for one by al-Zubayr b. al-Bakkar, Ibn Abi'l-l:fadid's commen-
tary on the Nahj ai-Baiiigha, II, p. 101.]
:: On fights between these two tribes, as it seems at the beginning of Islam,
see al.Tabrlzi to ljam., p. 442.
united you with each other?' The Prophet's admonition succeeded
and. the two tribes left, reconciled with one another.'
. othe: traditions make 'l!mar issue the order that po"",s
m which the the Qurayshites compete in the pagan Arab
manner may not be reCIted. A later exegesis of this order makes him
say: 'ThlS means the mocking of contemporaries by citing the
of dead renewing old hatred, when Allah has abolished
anCIent. barbar=. by means of Islam.' 'Umar once heard two men
competing by saYIng: 'I am the son of him who accomplished such
such brave deeds: and more to the same effect. 'Umar said:
If you have sense you have ancestors, if you have good qualities
you have nobility, if you fear God you are of worth. But if you lack
all these an ass is better than yoU.'2
The poetic of th,: oldest Islamic times shows many
examples of this kind of SUl"Vlval of the ancient pagan mentality
am?:rg.Ar,abs. The Tayyi'ite I;Iurayth b. 'Annab (who lived until
Mu aWlya s days) called to opponents from other tribes with whom he
was quarrellmg about the rank of their descent: 3
Come alongl I call you to the dispute of rank (ufakhirkum)
whether Faq'as and A'ya have more honour than '
I;Iatim's blood:
One of the Qays 'AyJan be a courageous and just umpire
and one of the twin tribe of Rab;' a a good and
honest judge.
.Two examples of poetic competitions have been trans-
mItted Just from the first Islamic period-good exampies for a
study of the character of these competitions. For brevity's sake mere
refe.rences must suffice:. the muM/at of Nabigha al-Ja'dI (died 79)
agamst several9:rrayshites, of which there is a detalled description;'
the of the poet Jamil (died 82) with Jawwas, which
IS !h_at both parties chose the Jews of Tayma as
ita Yahaa They make the following
Judgment. 0 J amil, you may claim what you wish because by Allah
you are the poet of beautiful face, the noble one; you, Jawwas, may
of yourself and your father as much as you like; but you,
Jannl, not boast of your father because he herded cattle with us
m and the gannentin which he was clad barely covered him."
ThIS made the two poets begin their quarrel in earnest.
1 Ibn Hisham, p. 386.
:!: Agh., IV, pp. 5 and 81.
: [Goldziher remarks: 'I quote from Ruckert's translation'.]
5 ljam., p. 123, vv. 3-4 = RUckert, I, p. 76; cf. I;lam., p. 180, v. 2.
Agh., IV, pp. 132 if.
GIbid., XIX, p. II2.
The ..:.onsciousness, however, that such language was contrary to
Islamic teaching became more assertive later and was expressed in
many tales invented by the scholars, of which I will quote one
example. 'Ali b. Shaft' in the market of al:
Hajar when I saw a man dressed ill s11k nding upon a noble Mahn
camel with a finer saddle than I had ever seen before. The man
"Who will compete with me' when I boast of the Banu
'Amir b. $a'.a'a, their knights, their poets, their number and
glorious deeds." I said: "I will accept the A;'d the man
replied: "Of whom will you boast?" I Sald: Ii will
the Banu Tha'laba b. 'Uqiiba of the tnbe of the Bakr b. Wa il.
Thereupon the stranger ran away, pleading the Prophet's admonition
and I learnt that the challenger was 'Abd al-'Aziz b. Zuriira of the
Kiliib tribe." Much as this tale shows its apocryphal character it is
still instructive of the manner of the muniifariit which continued long
after Islam had condemned it.
60 Islam wished to do away with all manifestations of pagan genius
and therefore strove to abolish these contests also, even when,
instead of boasting nobility of descent, to glorify their ancestors, two
people competed in the practice of Arabic virtues. We have already
referred (p. 59 note 7) to those contests called taniijud or muniijada.
A related term for this contest in hospitality is: ta'iiqur.' True Arabs
did not refrain from this custom in Islam either. There is a des-
cription of such ta'iiqur competition' between the father of the poet
al-Farazdaq, Ghiilib b. $a'.a'aand the Riyiil)ite SuJ:>aym b. Wathll.
Ittook place in the vicinity of a well near Kufa, $aw'ar'-such public
hospitslities were preferably held at drinking places'-where there
was the settlement of the Banu Kalb. Ghiilib ordered a camel to be
slaughtered and regaled all the fanrilies of the tribe with it; when
Ghiilib sent SuJ:>aym his share the latter grew so angry that .he
rejected the gift and replied by slaughtering a camel for the tribe
himself. This was again imitated by Ghiilib and the process was
repeated until SuJ:>aym had no more camels left. SuJ:>aym was thus
defeated and became the target for ridicule in his tribe. However,
he could not tolerate this and had a hundred camels brought and
slaughtered as proof that he was not miserly.' ..
Such trials of generosity were not approved by the Musl1m v,ew.
1 Man yu!iikhiyunl man yunafirunl.
2 Agk., VIII, p. 77.
Agh., XXI, p. 102, 2I.
4. Yaqut, III.. pp. 430 f.
& AI_Maydani, II, p. 239, no. 52, expressly has Dawad.
C AI.Azraqi, p. 445.. . ,
7 Another version of the same event m Agh. XIX, pp. 5 f. [Cf. J. M. KIster s
article "GM-lib b. Ene. of Islam, 2nd ed.]
In a saying ascribed to 'Ali,l the ta'iiqur is compared to sacrifices
made to idols and participation in the eating of such animals is
Another remarkable way of showing tribal attachment was
the custom that the ancient Arabs during their battles called out
the name of the eponymous hero of their tribe in the manner of a
watchword, or in order to ask for help in the heat of battle or in a 61
great danger.' The call was: yiila Rabi'a, ylila Khuzayma, etc., '0
tribe of the Rabi'a, Khuzayma', etc.' This documented the unity of
the fighters in war and the battle cry, shi'lir (recognition) da'wa or
du'ii' (appeal and summons, the latter especially when serving as a
call for help), was intrinsically also a symbol of the glorious
memories and proud traditions of the tribe, which were to be re-
called in moments when individual courage needed strengthening.
It was considered of great importance to tribal life. It was every
Arab's pride to gain honour for such a call when it was given as a
battle cry and to do it justice when it was uttered as a cry for help.'
No higher tribute could be paid to a tribe than to say that all its men
were present when the battle cry was sounded.' Therefore the Arab
of antiquity could swear by this battle cry as on a sacred concept
when roused by tribal pride.
I;Iatim says: 'I testify by our war cry, "Umayma!", that we are
children of war; if its fires are kindled we maintain it." In order to
1In the collection of traditions by AbO. Dawud [A4abl, no. I4J (quoted by
al-Damlri, II, p. 262) the introduction is traced back to the Prophet.
I As a call for help they also used the name of the tribal hero who then
hurried to the place where he was needed, e.g. 'Ant., Mu'alt., v. 66 (73), the
DLwan of same. 25: r-6; flam., p. 333, v. 5. It is said 'ammaal-du'a:a, somebody
made general use of the call, i.e. he called on the collective name of the tribe in
contradistinction to khaliaia al-du'a:a, i.e. he used a special call, the name of a
certain hero (see passages in Lbl. jur or. Phil., 1886, p. 27). To follow such a call
was a matter of honour for an Arab knight even if he were an enemy of the
caller (Agh., XVI. p. 55, 4 ff.). If it were a case of blood feud the name of him
who was avenged was called: Hudhayl., 35:3.
3 For these. forms cf. Fleischer, Beitrttge zur arabischen Sprachkunde, VI,
pp. 64 fl. (Berzehte der K. sachs. Ges. deY Wissenschaften, phil,-hist Classe
now: Kleineye Sckrijten, I, pp. 390-5. '
f, The calling of the parole is also designated by waiala, T, VIII: Dozy, Suppt.,
II. Sna, 8I2b.
6 'Amr b. Ma'dIkarib had a guilty :onscience when he heard that I:Iajiz.
whom he had wounded. called out yala I-Azd: Agh. XII, SI, 9.
6 Even in later poetry, al.MutanabbI, ed. Dieterici, 1. p. 78. v. 35.
7 See now Robertson Smith, p. 258. Hudhayt., I36:2 also seems to point to tile
sacredness of the tribal call.
8 Diwiin ed. Hassoun, p. 28, 4; the second word there must be correc_
ted to wa-da' wiinii. Instead of ishtadda nuruhii we find in Ibn al-Sikkit, p. 44-
where this verse is cited: skubba nuyuhii. .
indicate a man's tribe, in the old language, one could use the cir-
62 cumlocution: he calls (in battle) this or that name,' or one said
istash'ara, i.e. 'he uses this or that shi'ar (parole)." In order to
insult :E:1arith b. Warqa and his tribe the poet used the expression,
'Know that the worst of all men are the members of your tribe whose
shi'ar sounds: Yasar.'3 In the interests of Islam such manifesta-
tions of tribal consciousness had to be banned, since they were
eloquent witnesses to the tribal segregation which Islam intended
to overcome. Islam was compelled to fight the use of the shi'ar
with even more determination since-as we have seen-it contained
some religions elements. Thus it is said of Muhammed-and
possibly justly-that he forbade the calls of the Jahiliyya.
thing that recalled tribal feuds and rivalry, or which might lead
to a revival of tribal quarrels, had to be abolished. Thus the
historians of the earliest wars of Islam against the pagans tell of a
siguificant change in the battle cry of the Muslims in their wars
against their pagan brothers. Now it was no longer the members of
different tribes who had to be distinguished, but the faithful from the
infidel. Also the former were not supposed to find much to boast
about in their memories of their pagan past. At Badr the Muslims
cried: abad abad, 'the only one';' at Ul;md their word was amil,
amit 'kill"; at the battle of Mecca and in some other battles their
various detachments shouted calls which had a monotheistic sound:
ya bani 'Abd al-Rabman,ya bani 'AbdAltah,ya bani 'UbaydAltah;'
and in the war against the false prophet Musaylima their battle cry
was '0 owner of the SUra al-baqara:' etc. (cf. Judges 7: I8, 20).
The caliph 'Umar' is supposed to have given to Abu Miisa al-Ash'arl
the following order: 'If there are feuds between the tribes and if they
63 use the call: "0 tribe of N.N." this is the inspiration of Satan. You
must kill them with the sword until they tum to God's cause and call
upon Allah and the Imam. I have heard that the members of the tribe
1 Hudhayl., 202: I, da'a LilJ,yana, cf. ibid., no. 236; 'Antara, 19:6-7; J:[arn.,
80, v. 2 da'aw li.Niziirin wantamaynii li-Tayyi'in.
1l AI.Nabigha, 2:I5r6 tnustash'irina.
s Zubayr, 8:x.
GThe chief passages are B. Maniiqib, no. II, Ta!sf,r. no. 307. to Silra, 63:6,
where the Prophet is made to condemn even the cry ya and ya
Muhii,jirin (not even specific tribal calls), adding da'ilhii ja-innahii muntina
Le. 'desist from such calls because they stink.' [Cf. below, p. 73, note 2.]
G Ibn Hisham, p. 450, [For the battle-cry see A. Jones in Studia
Islamica, 1962, pp. 5 fl.; Abu'l-Shaykh, Akhliiq alwNabi, Cairo 1959, p. I 65;
Mishkat al-1vla$abib, p. 343]
6 Ibid., p. 562.
7 Ibid., p. 181, Waqidi. ed. Wellhausen, p. 54
8 Al-Baladhuri, p. 89. [The shi'ar of 'Ali was allegedly KHY'$ (Silra 19:1),
Ibn Abi'I-1;IadId's commentary on the Nahj al-BaUigha, V. p. 176.]
9 Cf. for the battle cries of 'Umar also Agh., IV, p. 55, 2.
of l)abba continue to use the cry yala l)abba. By Allah, I have never
that God brought good through l)abba or prevented evil.'1
But It Abu Musa ai-Ash'arl, whom the shepherds of the
Banu 'Amir, whom he wanted to force into obedience to authority,'
used the call :rala. 'Amir; and immediately al-Nabigha al-Ja 'ill, a
member of theu tnbe, famed as poet, came with a band of 'Arnirites,
to protect the shepherds from the lawful authorities.'
In later times we find arbitrarily chosen shi' ars, partly unintelli-
gible in their references; for example, the parole of an 'Alid leader
in I6Q: 'Who.has seen the red camel (man ra' al-'l-jamal al-abmar?).'4
It IS mteresting that we still find this shi'lir in modern times as
battle cry of the Bedouins.
In Arab antiquity the exclusiveness of the tribal system was
mitigated by the institution of bilf or tabaluf (confederation).' For
the purpose of such federation sub-tribes sometimes became
detached from the groups to which they belonged by virtue of their
genealogical tradition in order to enter a new group by solemn pact.'
It was possible also for an individual to become the comederate
(balif)' of a foreigu tribe. These confederate groups, however, again 64
made for new segregation, in that they erected a barrier between
confederates and all those tribes or tribal groups who had not
entered into the pact. .
The tabaluf may be considered the original type of Arab tribe
fonnation, inasmuch as a large number of the later tribal names
really only served as a collective designation for more or less disparate
elements brought together by common interest or casual meeting in
the same area. Later the fiction of genealogical unity took the place
1 Kitiib al-Bayan, fo1. I2sa [II, p, 293; the correct reading seems to
be: 'this is the call of Satan'].
:t It is well known that the subjugation of the Bedouins under the laws of the
state was always the most difficult part of the state administration in the
in old as in modern times. The Khath'am Bedouins were so hostile to the pay_
ment of state tax that they made the year when an energetic tax collector (the
son of the poet 'Umar b. Abi Rabi'a, end of Ist cent.) from Mecca. was in office
amongst them the beginning of a new era: Agh., I, p. 34, I.
SAgh., IV, p. 139.
.. AI.Ya'qubi, II, p. 488.
"'Cavalier de la jument rouge' in RJcit au sejour de Fatallah Sayeghir chez Iss
errants dtt grana desert etc., Lamartine's Voyage en Orient (Paris 1841.
Gosselin) II, p. 490. [Cf. E. Br.lLunlich: in Islamica, 1934, pp. 218 it]
I In South Arab circles takallu'; Ibn Durayd, p. 307, cf. ]azirat ai-'Arab
p. laO, 9. [For and more especially the ceremonies connected with it'
cf. also J. Pedersen, Der Eid bei den SemitM, Strasbourg 1914, pp. 21
Br.lLunlich, lac. cit., p. 194.]
7 Cf. !jam., p. 288, v. 5.
8 Such a one is also called mawla'l.yamin, a relation by oath: $am., p. 187 ult.
of local unity and many of the later 'tribes' thus came into being
not by common descent but by common settlement.' This process has
also been described in other circles in just the same manner as by the
Arab genealogists.' In historical times too the bilf pact sometimes
resulted in two originally strange tribes being united by a common
dwelling place
and coming into the closest connection vvith one
another. It was, of course. always the weaker partner who in such
cases had to sacrifice some of its local independence and sometimes
it was completely absorbed by the more efficient companion, so that,
denying its independent tribal consciousness, it professed itself part
of the stronger member of the confederation'
Such confederations, if we judge correctly the Arab character, were
not made from a feeling of mutual intimate relationship, but were the
results of common defensive and offensive interest and sometimes of a
common duty of blood revenge; but the most usual reason for such
attachments was that a weaker tribe sought protection from a
65 stronger one,
that a numerically small group, when persecuted and
unable to defend itself from a mightier adversary, joined a strange
or that many weaker groups felt the urge to band together to
a new, more imposing, unity. According to information from al-
Bukhari.' there existed bilf associations in which several lineages
banded together in order to lay another under an interdict and to
stop intermarriage and trade with it until it had fulfilled some
The bilf group became even more complicated when one con-
federated group joined in an oath with another such group in order
to form an extended bilf for defence and offence. We know of
combined alliances of this kind which survived paganism and
1Yaql1t, II, p. 60 on Jurash is instructive. Other points concerning the rise
of tribal units are elucidated by N5Ideke, ZDMG, XL, pp. ISTff. [Cf. W. Caskel,
Die Bedeutung der Beduien in der Geschichte der A1'aber, 1952; J. Henninger,
'La societe bedouine anciennc', p. 80 (in L'antica societa beduina, ed. F. Gabrieli.]
2 Cf. Kuenen, De Godsdienst van Israel, I, p. Ir3.
3 Agh., XII, p. 123 below, 124 above: wa-kanu nutitlan fi l;t,ulafa'ikim.
4. Agh.. VIII, p. 196, IS. Other examples of this-though from Muslim times
-are plentiful in jaz'lrat al'Arab, pp. 93. 22; 94, 2S; 95.17; 97, 17 Cf. 10 9, I1
yatahamdanuna, 92, 22 yatamadhl>ajuna, 112, 16 yatabakkaluna, etc. or g:nerally
yamaniyya tanarzarat, II8, 7. Cf. Agk., XV. p. 78, 10 tama44ara, Yaqut II,
p. 632, 12.
Ii As when e.g. the insignificant kinship of the Ka'b joined by Mljthe BanD.
Mazin: Ibn Durayd, p. 124. The united Khuza'a joined the Banli. Mudlij in
order to survive: Hudh., 224; the small Banil 'Amir joined the more numerous
Iyadites: Agh., XXI, p. 27I, 4, etc. eNa group ever sought an alliance but for
its weakness or small number', Ansiib aI-Ashraf. IV/B, p. 8, ed.
CI Agh., II, p. 178, 7 below.
, Ijajj, no. 45.
existed as late as the time of the caliph Yazid I;'in general the tradi-
tion of the old confederacies continued to live in the midst of the
Arabs far on into Islamic times. Al-Farazdaq appeals to the bilf
which the tribes Tamim and Kalb had entered into in pagan days.'
The formation of such confederations was a regular phenomenon
in Arab society. Tribes which, presumably in the consciousness of
their own strength, did not wish to confederate with others and
remained on their own, are exceptional and can be counted on Hie
fingers of one hand.' Only the inclination, prevalent amongst the
Arab people, to preserve tribal individuality as far as possible' could
keep these tribes from this process, so usual in Arab tribal life. In any
case, it was a matter of pride for the tribe that they were in no need
of alliances but could rely on their own swords.
The conclusion of the bilf which sometimes altered the natural
tribal relationships, or extended the duties which were connected
with the natural tribal community to groups which had originally 66
been strange to one another.' took place in very solemn manner.
Solemn oaths, accompanied by traditional ceremonies, were designed
to help, through the memory of the forms and circumstances of the
alliance, in keeping the obligations contracted by it from being
broken. The recorded ceremonies on such an occasion are reminiscent
in general of the usual forms which are observed when making oaths
and which have been related also in regard to other semi-primitive
peoples.' 'Dark red flowing blood' and other-nsually pleasantly
scented-liqnids played a major role, and Robertson Smith has
diligently collected the material referring to this;' fire strewn wifh
salt was used just as in the great oath of al-hUla.
It seems, however,
that such solemn, and sometimes gruesome, ceremonies were only
employed when the alliance was of a permanent character. The most
enduring ones can be recognized from a special collective name which
, rab.. II, p. 448.
Z Agh., XIX, p. 2S.
aSee the Ara.b dictionaries, s.v. jmr; al-Iqd, II, p. 69 [Ibn Ijabib, al-
Mu(abbar, p. 234]'
4 This tendency is reflected in the legend of a tribal group which called itself
al-Qara (tribal branch of the Banil Khuzaym). In very remote times these
people were to have been absorbed by the Kinana. group, but they strongly
objected: al-Maydani, II, p. 39 below; Ibn Durayd, p. IIO, 16 [al-Baladhuri,
Ansiib al-Ashraj, ed. Hamidullah, I, pp. 76-7, Ibn I:fazrn, jamharat Ansab al-
'Arab, p. 179; Ibn 'Abd aI-Barr, al-Inbiih, p. 75].
Ii Cf. al.Farazdaq, ed. Boucher, p. 46, 2.
GSuch alliances also affected family law, e.g. in respect of the law of inheri-
tance: Ibn Hisham. p. 934 above; cf. Robertson Smith, p. 47.
7 Plutarch, Publicola. ch. 4.
B Kinship and 11.1arriage, pp. 46 if., 261.
See my additions to R. Smith's material in Literaturbl. /i,r orient. Philolog'ie,
I886, p. 24. [Cf. also Pedersen, Dey Eid bei den Semiten, pp. ISI-2,]
Be brothers with whom you like at peace-time but you must
That in war all are alien to you except your kin.
1Muslim, V, p. 213 al-1)alifayn Asad wa-Ghatajan; in the parallel passage in
al-Bukhari, Manaqib, no. 7, this designation is missing in all versions.
I 'Antara, no. 25, ed. Ahlwardt, p. 2r6.
3 Al-JawharI s.v. kkl'.
4 Introduction to aI-Nabigha, no. 26 (p. 212).
:l One of many examples is Mufa44., 13:26.
oA similar reproach is made to allies in a South Arabic inscription, ZDMG,
XXIX, p. 609. I
7 E.g. al-I:l"adira, ed. Engelmann, p. 7, 5 fl.
6 Agh., XIX, p. 93. 4 from below, 50,vv. 4'5; MuJarJrf, 7: 9-1 I.
1/ Generally it must be said that faithfulness to alliances, though praised as
the most prominent Arab virtue, remained an ideal which many Arabs contra-
vened. It is, however, an exaggeration to look at the affair as Kay does in his
article 'History of the Banu Okeyl' Uourn. Roy. As. Soc" New Series, XVIJI,
ascribed to Muhammed,' or the one between the tribe of 'Abs-who
at the time of the hero 'Antara were abandoned by their nearest
kin, the Bani! Dhubyan-and the Tamimite Bani! Sa'd; the latter
pact, however, broke down quickly because of the greed of the Bani!
Sa'd.' The different groupings which resulted from temporary 1;iif
relations seem to have been decisive for the politics and diplomacy
of the desert, and it was presumably common for tribes to negotiate
for the denunciation of old alliances-for which the formula of khal' 68
was invented'-in order to enter new l;ilf combinations.' This,
according to Arab ideas, was only possible in cases where the
undertaking had not been entered into as a permanent One and
where no solemn oaths had been sworn. Such pacts were viewed less
strictly and this fact motivated the need for the terrible customs at
the conclusion of permanent alliances. Old Arabic poetry is full of
examples of reproaches against fribes whose members had broken
their oath, or had been negligent in performing the duties to which
it bound them: or had failed to provide the protection they owed
by the bonds of nature or of alliance.' On the other hand virtuous
tribes and people are often praised for keeping to their oaths of
fidelity and alliance and to the duties which these imposed,' and in the
frequent self-praise of Arabic poets and heroes this point of muruwwa'
is ever-recurring. This would not have been mentioned as so praise-
worthy if infringements had not been frequent.' The social views of
the Arabs were too much based on the fact of true kinship for a sym-
bolical relationship, based on alliance between groups not closely
connected by genealogy, to be really considered of equal importance
with blood ties.
the associated groups carried from then on, names which sometimes
pushed the individual names of the members of the confederation
into the background. The oldest example of such enduring brother-
hood is perhaps the association of a large number of Arab tribes which
met during their wanderings in Bal)rayn and formed a defensive and
offensive confederacy under the name of Taniikh.
After discounting
all the unhistorical data invented by philologists and antiquarians
of the second century,
we can accept the fact of this brotherhood
of tribes as the genuine historical kernel of the traditions and fables
connected with it. Another old confederacy of which, however, less is
known either in fiction or fact is that of the Farasan, a name adopted
by a brotherhood made up of several tribes.
It was not always tribes of different descent who allied themselves
by confederation. The various clans of large tribes often had such
67 different interests that their relationship was easily undermined and
sometimes we find them involved in decade-long bloody feuds. There-
fore confederacies could spring up between the lineages of a great
tnbe who were brought together by common interests. Thus several
clans of the Banii Tamim united under the name of al-libad. i.e.
'those who keep together'" and another association called itself
al-bariijim, i.e. 'finger joints'.' The names of the associations were
often taken from the ceremonies observed during the conclusion of
the pact, as in the case of 'blood lickers',6 'perfumed ones'?, 'burnt
ones',' ribiib (who dipped their hands in rubb).' The name al-ajrabiini
('the two with scabies') is interesting. It was given to two united
because it was said of them that they would damage anyone
reSIsting them, much as a man with scabies infects all with whom he
comes into contact.
However, there were also hill associations of a less pennanent
nature undertaken for a particular purpose and not marked by a
name, nor, we may assume, by solemn ceremonies at the conclusion
of the association. Such an alliance in all probability was the one
between the Asad and Ghatafan which is mentioned in a saying
1 'Ala'l.tawiizur wa'l Tab.. I, p. 746.
Geseh. del' Araber und Perser, p. '23, note 2; Sprenger, Aite Geogra-
phte Arabtens, p. 208.
a Ibn Durayd, p. 8. [For some of the confederations enumerated here cf.
C. von Arendonk's article 'J;Iilf' in the Ene. of Islam.]
4 Ibid., p. '23.
Imrq., 57:!', J,hn p. d. Agh., I, p. 84, two sorts of bariijim.
'Also an mdlvldual IS called lii'tq al.dam, Agh. XVIII, p. 156, 7.
'1 See Robertson Smith,I., C., Tab., I, p. II3B.
a Lbl f. or. Phil., 1. c., p. 25, alJawharI, s.v.mbsk.
t Cf. h?wev;r II, p. 59. Just as many tribal names originally without
genealogIcal slgmficance were made by later fictions into the name of ancestors,
so we also find Ban'Cl. Ribab, Agh., IX, p. I4, 20.
10 Agh., IV, p. ISS, 6 from below.
It is your relative who helps you willingly if you call on him while
blood is shed.
Do not therefore cast out your relations even if they have done you
Because even if they spoil things they also make them
whole again.'
69 The social formations within Arab tribal life represented by the
must have been as repulsive to representatives of Muham-
med's ideas as was the particularism of the tribes, since it facilitated
feuds between tribes and had to be superseded by the brotherhood
of all men in Islam. Apart from this general ideal brotherhood, the
particular brotherhood of various tribes was to have no place. Thus
arose the principle ascribed to Muhammed: Iii ji'l-islam, Le.
that there ecnld be no confederations in Islam.
This principle was also made to serve another end. All obligations
of faith based on relations which existed during the Jahiliyya were
made null and void by Muhammed. Many a deed againstfellow tribes-
men and allies was committed by the oldest followers of Muhammed on
the order or with the tacit agreement of the Prophet. This was
accounted perfidy by the Arabs but was sanctioned by Islam.'
There is, however, another version of the cited traditional saying in
reply to a question that Qays b. 'Asim put to the Prophet about the
'There is no Islam,' the Prophet is reported to
have said, 'but respect the alliances of the Jahiliyya.'4
A document which deserves the notice of cultural historians gives
the clearest exposition of the Muslim teaching of the equality of all
men. We must point out again that it is regrettable that data on the
70 oldest teachingof the Muslimchurch, not tosay of the Prophet himself,
must be gathered from collections in which Islam has put together the
words and deeds of its founder. This reservation also applies to those
1 Sam., p. 367.
Z B. RaJiila, no. 2, Adab, no. 66.
S Interesting in this connection is the poem of Aha. 'Afak in Ibn Hisham,
4. Agh., XII, p. 157: Iii. (liljaji'l.islam wa-Uikin tamassaku bi-l;ilf al.jakiliyya.
[See also al-Tabari's commentary on Koran IV, 37 and ViTensinck, Handbook oj
Early Mukammedan Tradition, s.v. 'League'.] That Islam rejected the {tiifwhile
the jiwiir is recommended as a connection sacred also in Islam is an additional
proof of the fact that jay and balij are not completely synonymous as Robert-
sonSmith assumes, p. 45. That the two concepts must be differentiated is
evident also from Agh., lX. p. 79 ult. Only where exact definition of the relation-
ship does not matter and it is only desired to indicate that a person lives under
the protection oC a tribe, can iiir occasionally be interchanged with l;aUf, e.g.
Agh., ibid., 167, I (jiir) line 14 alali!).
collections which in the opinion of Islamic scholarship are the result
of the most scrupulous criticism. That part of our 'studies' which i3
concerned with the literature of tradition in Islam and its history will
show the reader how unsafe it would be to derive the teachings
and acts of Muhammed from that which the old Muslim authorities
transmit as such. Nevertheless these traditions are of great value for
the knowledge of the development of the teaching of Islam, for which
they are considered the most imjlortant sources by those who profess
that faith. For us they are primarily documents which show how the
oldest teachers of Islam set out to teach in the spirit of the founder.
There are many documents from this circle which comprehend
and elaborate the idea mentioned in the Koranic passage 49:13, with
all its implications; and it will be our task to fit them into the
chronological framework in which they belong. Here we just wish to
indicate them generally and quote the most important. None is more
important or more diligently spread by those whose argument it
serves than the speech which the Prophet is said to have made in
Mecca on the occasion of his farewell pilgrimage al-wadii').
The Prophet is said to have taken advantage of this solemn moment'
to bring home to his faithful those teachings of Islam which he
valued most and more especially those which were suited to demon-
strate the changed social circumstances of Arab society. This speech
might almost be called the Islamic Sermon on the Mount. It would be
difficult to define which parts of this religious testament of the
Prophet can be considered as authentic.' On the whole it is the work
of later days; around an authentic kernel (because Muhammed did
after all presumably preach something to his disciples on that
solemn occasion) there grew various gradual additions, and the whole
was then edited as the farewell speech. We shall see that even after
the conclusion of the usual text tendentious additions have been
It is of great critical importance that al-BukhaIi' reproduces.
after various infonnants, several smaller pieces
which later, when 71
the composition of a long farewell speech by the Prophet was under-
taken, could easily be put to good use. But not all the parts
of the version of the speech that we have before us can be found
in such fragments, and the passage with which we are concerned
1 Some accounts do not give this specific point of time.
Z Cf. Snouck Hurgronje, Het Mekkaansche Fe-est (Leiden 1880). p. 145
[VerspYeide Geschriften, I. 96].
S B. Maghlizi, no. 79, d, l:iajj, no. 132, Adab. no. 42.
4 The passage where, in accordance ",,-ith Koranic ideas, fear of God is pos-
tulated as the sale title to nobility, is often found as an independent tradition
(bad!th al-taqwii-as Muslims call it) apart from the context of the wadii'
speech, e.g. Anbiyii, no. 9, d. al-MuwaUa', II, p. 319. as a saying by 'Umar:
kayam al-mu'mini taqwiihu J;asabuhu.
here is not to be found amongst these old elements. It is true that it is
mentioned as an independent speech by Muhanuned, having no
connection 'With his other commandments, in the collections of
traditions by Abu Dawud and al-Tirmidhi; but in the versions trans-
mitted by these collectors the chief point of the doctrine is the
rejection of boasting about ancestors who were not in the possession
of the true belief, rather than the negation of racial differences. It
is impossible to decide whether this trend of the instruction in
question is the original one; but it must be remarked that its full
force is only brought out by an addition which is not included
in the usual versions of the speech. It can, however, be stated that
Muslim theologians preferred that development of the tradition of
the taqwa which condemned boasting of the fame of ancestors insofar
as it was the cause of competition between the descendants of
different ancestors. The Shi'ite tradition produces this speech as the
testament of the Prophet to 'Ali.'
On the other hand people continued to attribute to Muhammed,
on the occasion of his farewell pilgrimage, other statements which
are not included in the texts used here.' At any rate this old piece
of Muslim teaching on belief and morals, which was well established
as early as the second century A.H. as the pilgrimage speech of the
Prophet, does contain the expression of what the teachers of Islam
72 thonght it right to spread in the name of the founder as being in
accordance with his intentions. All the different versions of this
old document of Islamic views, in spite of small deviations of the text,
agree in essence that Muhammed recommended to his faithful with
great emphasis, as a cardinal virtue of Islam, the renunciation of all
conflict based on genealogy, '0 congregation of the Qurayshite: the
Prophet anilOunces, 'Allah has taken from you the boasting of the
JahiJiyya and its pride of ancestors. All men descend from Adam
and Adam was made of dust. 0 men, we have created you from man
and woman,' etc. (the above-mentioned passage in the Koran).' 'The
Arab has no advantage over a non-Arab except through the fear of
God: was an addition to the original version.
1 AI-Tabarsi. A1akarim alAkhlaq (Cairo 1303). p. 190.
2. Such a passage is found, e.g., in al-Baghawi, al$unna, I, p. 7,
transmitted by 'Amr b. aI-A1).wa!?: 'Verily nobody repents but for himself and
not a father lor his child or a child for his father. Verily Satan has lost hope that
he will ever be adored in your cities, but he will be obeyed in those of your
provinces which you count for little and he will rest content with that.' Others
have incorporated into the pilgrimage speech the interdiction of the mtd'a
marriages: al-Zurqani to l\IIuwa!!a', III, p. 29, below.
3 Ibn Hisham, p. 821, Waqidi (Wellhausen), p. 338.
'Thespeech is cited with this addition by theShu'Ubitesin Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi,
II. p. 85. Also al-]al;litr., Bayan. fo1. lIsa [II. p. 33J knows the addition which we
find also in alYa'qo.bI, II, p. 123 who starts this passage of the speech with the
words: 'Men are equal like the surface of a fun bucket.'
For the sake of completeness we must also mention the additions
to which we have allnded above and which are added to the instruc-
tion of Muhanuned in the versions of AbU Dawild and al-Tirmidhi.
After condemning the boasting of the Jiihiliyya and emphasizing the
common descent of men from Adam, who himself was created from
dust, and the fact that all glory can ouly be derived from taqwti
(trust in God), we find there: 'Let men cease boasting of people who
are but coals of Hell's fire. Verily, they are accounted for less by
God than dung-beetles which stink in men's noses:'
In this way the old Islamic teaching of equality among Muslims
and the unimportance of racial and tribal differences, which-as we
saw-was based on a doctrine expressed also in the Koran, was
further developed over the centuries and was transformed by the
continned work of the traditionists into a basic teaching of Islam.
Stories were invented in order to show that taunting a man with his
descent was contemptible. Thus 'Amr b. al- '.i\.e-who can hardly
appear as a stalwart Muslim in our eyes, accustomed to a historical
point of view-is said to have replied to the scornful speech of
Mughira b. Shu'ba by ridiculing his tribe. Thereupon 'Amr is correc- 73
ted by his son 'Abd Allah who, in shocked astonishment, reproaches
him with the Prophet's words. 'Amr repents and as sign of his
remorse and repentance frees thirty of his slaves.' People never tired
of quoting sayings of the Prophet which develop this idea in various
ways, either in the form of spontaneous instruction or as a com-
mentary on various events. For example, the canonical collections of
traditions' contain the following story by some of Muhammed's
contemporaries: .
'We passed AbU Dharr in al-R'abadha (near Medina) and saw that
he was enveloped in a top gown while his servant had a very similar
coat. We told him that if he united both garments he would have a
top and under-garment for himself. Thereupon Abu Dharr said:
"Once upon a time I had an exchange of words with one of my
brothers in faith, whose mother was a foreigner. I ridiculed him
because of his maternal descent. But he complained of me to the
Prophet, who rebuked me with the words: 'Yon, Abu Dharr, are still
haunted by the ]ahiJiyya: When I sought to defend myself with the
excuse that if someone were insulted he had the right to gain satisfac-
tion by insulting the parents of the aggressor, the Prophet repeated:
'You still have the Jahiliyya inside you; verily it is your brothers who
made you subject to God. So feed them with what you eat and clothe
1 The different versions of this saying are found in alDamiri, I, p. 245.
S Al-Dbahabi in Abu'l-Ma1}.asin, Annales. I, p. 73. [In fact what 'Amr did and
lor which he was blamed was to use the tribal call (da'wat al-qaba'il); thus what
the passage illustrates is the prohibition discussed above. p. 64.J
3 Muslim, [man, no. 7 (IV. p. lIS). almost literally the same B. Adab, no. 43.
them with what you wear, do not burden them with what they
cannot bear, and if you do burden them, help them yourselves.' " ,
In another tradition we find: 'He who boasts the boasts of the
J1ihiliyya, him you may bite with the shame of his fathers." 'The
freed man is made of the remnant of the same clay as the man who
freed him."
These facts show how the equalitarian teaching of Islam extends a
step further than the original teaching of the equality and fraternity of
all Arabs, by teaching the equality of all men who confess Islam.
The first step in this process was Muhammedls own presentiment of the
74 universality of Islam
as also his recognition of the difference of
men's language and celour, which he considers as sigu of divine
power.' The further development of these rudiments and uncon-
scious stirrings, was a natural consequence of the great con-
quests which brought a large part of the non-Arabic Orient into
the orbit of Islam. If Islam aimed at consistency it then had to
extend its teachings, which it had applied in the first instance only
to Arabs, to all those other races which now formed part of the
Muslim community. Undoubtedly the new teaching was, apart
from pietist circles among the Arabs, chiefly furthered by foreigners,
Persians, Turks, etc., for whom their position within the community
built on Arab foundations was a vital question. They had a particular
interest in establishing the new teaching because the esteem which
theymight expect from their Arab co-religionists entirelydepended on
its recognition. They presumably originated all those traditions which
are intent on re-enforcing the teaching of the equality of all be-
lievers irrespective of race; 'Do not insult a Persian, because nobody
insults a Persian without God taking revenge upon him in this world
and the next." Such traditions were not invented only for the
sake of the gifted white races; the children of the dark continent,'
too, were to be protected from slight and contempt, particularly as
Islam had cause to be grateful to the black Ethiopians for the
protection which their king had given to the first followers of the
1MS. no. 597 of the Leiden Univers., fo1. 134- [omitted in Cheikho's occa-
sionally expurgated edition of the Tahdhrb aI-Alfa;. Cf. also Mishkiit al-
p. 418; Kanz al-'Ummal, I, pp. 230, 362. For traditions against
boasting with genealogy cf. alwSuyo.ti:, al-Duyy al-Manthur, VI, pp. 98-9.]
'Al.Mubarrad, p. 712. Before that there are many sayings of the Prophet
about the equality of the mawiiU.
3 Cf. for this Snouck Hurgronje. de Islam, I.e. p. 46 [Vcrspreide GesGhrijten.
I. p. "5J.
4 Sl1ra 30::2I.
/; Al-Tha'alibi, Der vertraute Gefahrte des Einsamen, ed. Fliigel no. 3I3. [This
text is in fact part of Raghib Mul;i:uJarat al-UdaM', ed. Cairo
I:287. I, p. 219.J
6 On the judgment about the indigenous population of Egypt see Yaqilt, r.
p. 306, 4
Prophet. Probably some such feeling was partly responsible for the
invention of the kind of legend of which we shall now give some
Once-so it is related-an Ethiopian entered the Prophet's room
and said: 'You Arabs excel us in all matters, you are of finer build.
more pleasing colour. and God has honoured you by rousing the
Prophet amongst you. What do you think: if! believe in you and your
mission, will I find a place in paradise with the believing Arabs?'
'Yes, certainly,' replied the Prophet, 'this will be so and the black skin
of theEthiopianwill spread a brillianceon the roadof a thousandyears.'
Similarly, another tradition says that there always live seven pious 7S
men on earth for whose sake God maintains the world; if they did not
exist the earth would break down and everything living on it would
be annihilated. Abu Hurayra relates that the Prophet once addressed
him thus: fLook, by this door enters a man, one of theseven pious ones
to whom the world owes its continuance: And in came an Ethiopian.
When inquiring into the times at which these sayings of Islamic
tradition originated, we come to the conclusion that those which
preach the equality of the non-Arabic races converted to Islam belong
to a later period than those meraly aiming at the abolition of tribal
differences among the Arab people. This sequence corresponds with
the gradual advance of the spread of Islam. But the need for more
and more of these traditions' points to the fact that the mere
Koranic teaching and the teaching of the old traditions in this respect
were insufficient to oust inherited national vanity from the Arab
soul. Arabs of noble blood did not easily accept the idea that their
noble descent did not entitle them to preference over others whom
the common bond of transcendental ideas was to make their equals.
The relationship of Arab consciousness with Islam is forcibly
expressed by the declaration of a knight of the tribe of Tayyi' Zarr b.
Sadus. This hero accompanied Zayd al-Khayl when the latter
offered the homage of his tribe and its subjection to the laws of
Islam. But Zarr was not inclined to sacrifice Arab pride to Islam
like his companion. 'I see here a man who wishes to gain ascendancy
over all people, but nobody shall rule over me but myself.' He
preferred to go to Syria and to join the Christian empire.'
1. MS of the Leipzig University, D.C. no. 357. [No. 873 in the catalogue by
K. Vollers. The passage is presumably from the last piece of the MS., about
the number seven by al-SuyO:1i. Brockelmann. II, p. 154. no. 219 and Supple.
Z Similar also is the principle which 'Vmar laid down to an Arab: ''When non-
Arabs (ala'iijim) practise religion, but we (the Arabs) are unable to do so, they
are closer to Muhammed than we on the day of judgment. He who falls behind
in the practise of religion cannot be ennobled by his geneology'; al-Mawardi,
ed. Enger, p. 346.
a Ibn Hisham, p. II2, Agh. XVI, p. 49.
The example of the Ghassanid prince Jabala VI b. al-Ayham is
particularly instructive for an appreciation of this way of thinking.
76 This prince, who on the occasion of a l.tajj sought to assert his
privileges over a common Arab, is said to have been told by 'Umar:
'Verily you are both united in Islam and you have no preference
before this man, other than the greater fear of God.' 'I thought,'
said Jabala, 'that I would increase my status by accepting Islam,'
and when 'Umar rejected this point of view he returned to Christian-
ity and went to the court of the Emperor of Byzantium where he was
greatly honoured. Whatever historians may be obliged to detract
from the credibility of the details of the story'-a credibility further
undermined by the fact that it is told in the language of the theolo-
gians'-it does nevertheless mirror faithfully the thoughts of Arab
aristocrats about the Islamic teaching of equality. It is likely that
any true Arab, in whom paganism died hard, thought and felt in the
early times of Islam much as Jabala, who was close to Christianity,
is represented here as saying and doing.
The same contrast between Arabism and Islamic teaching also
appears in the continued validity of concepts based on the old tribal
system. We have already seen that the mocking of enemy tribes did
not disappear from poetry even under Islam, 3 and the many traditions
in which theologians condemn mufiikhara and muniifara and many
anecdotes which aim at ridiculing Arab boasting (p. 62) show that it
was still thought necessary to fight against the survival of pagan
Arab views.
The separate consciousness of the tribes remained so vital in the
social and political concepts of Muslim society that in the earliest
77 period of Islam the various tribes had to be grouped separately in
war too,' and in towns which grew up as a result of official coloniza-
tion, for example Ba'ira and Kiifa, the tribes had to be settled in
separate quarters.' The heads of the various tribal quarters together
1 Noldeke undertook the historical evaluation of this talc, Die ghassiinischen
Fursten, p. 46.
t Agk., XIV, p. 4. The tale is frequently told by the Muslims, d. e.g. al-'Iqd.
I, pp. 14-43 where it is evident that it ultimately goes back to a mawla of the
Banu Hashim; this fact is relevant to its point of view. In Ibn Qutayba (see
Reiske, Primae lineae historiae regnoyum arabicoYum, p. 88) the event is differ-
ently related: it does not take place in Mecca but in Damascus, and the judge
is not 'Umar but Abu 'Ubayda, the prefect of Damascus. [The text is found
on p. 316 in Wustenfeld's edition.]
11 In the Diwan of Abu Nuwas (died c. 190) the first chapter of book VI con-
tains 'Ridicule of the tribes, the nomad and settled Arabs.'
"Tab., II, p. 53. Or perhaps this special arrangement was aimed at making
possible the proportional payment of the warriors.
Ii Kremer, des Orients, II, pp. 209 f., Yaql1t, III, p. 495, 19,
cf. al.Wa:Q.idl on al-MutanabbI (I, p, 147) 57:33, [See also L. Massignon, 'Expli-
cation du plan de Kufi', Melanges Maspero, III, Cairo 1940, pp. 341 fr.; Ch.
formed the municipal authority.' Ouly when individual tribes
were represented by only a few people was it possible-and even
then only after strong resistance-to accommodate the members
of various tribes together.
Even for the purpose of religious worship
-eminently suited to destroy or at least smoothe out tribal particu-
larism-this segregation was maintained, and we learn of special
mosques for different tribes in the conquered provinces. S
The same issues appear in the more intinlate relationships of social
and spiritual life. When two men from different tribes have a private
quarrel we may be certain that the discussion of the case does not
pass without reciprocal mockeryabout the tribes towhich theybelong.
A member of the Qurayshite Umayyad family wanted to claim the
poet al-Farazdaq's bride al-Nawar, though the poet thought he could
prove that he had a clear claim because he had paid the bride price.
'Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr sided against al-Farazdaq and he did not
hesitate to reproach him with descent from the Tamim, whom he
called the jiiliyat at-'Arab, i.e. the banned tribe, in memory of the
fact that 150 years before Islam they had robbed the Ka'ba and had
therefore been ejected by all other Arabs. This caused the poet to
answer the Qurayshite with a panegyric of the TarnIm tribe, in which 78
they appear as the glory of all Arabs.' Even at the beginning of
the 'Abbasid period the judge 'Ubayd Allah b. al-I:J:asan was able
to reject a witness from the tribe of Nahshal because the witness
did not know a poem praising his tribe: if he were a good man he
would know the words which extolled the nobility of his tribe. 5
In the fourth century the poet al-lvIutanabbl thinks it necessary to
keep his true descent secret because-as he tells his friend-he is in
1. Tab., II, p. 131 ru'as al.arblt' in Kiiia., ru'us al-akhmas in B8.$ra.
r. yaq'O.t, II, p. 746, s,v. Rayat.
aE.g. the mosque of the Banu Kulayb in Ko.fa; al.Mubarrad, p. 561, 13,
of the Bane. Qarn in the same town, Ibn Durayd, p. 287, 6, of the Banfi Barik
(probably of the whole Khuz.'a tribe) also in Kl1fa, Agh. VIII, p. 31, 21, ofthe
An!iiiir in Fragmenta kist. arab" p. 56, 3 from below and 57, IS. Later
conditions are presumably anticipated when a Masjid Ban1i. Zurayq is mentioned
in Muhammed's time, B, Jihad, nos. 55-57.
4. Agh., VIII, p. 18g. In the Umayyad period the indigenous Syrians called the
immigrant I:IijazisjiUiyat at-'Arab, ibid., p. 138, cf. Agh., XIV, p. 129, l;Iam.,
p. 798, v. I.
sAl MUbarrad, p. 255, 19, A similar anecdote is related in respect of other
persons, Agk" Xl, p. 135.
Pellat, Le milien basrien et ta jormatiJn de Giib#, pp, 22 if,] This way of seg-
regating the tribes was carried by the Arabs into the furthest provinces, 'When
the second ruler of the Idrlsid dynasty built Fez at the end of tbe second century
he designated special quarters for the individual Arab and Berber tribes:
Annales yegunt Mauritaniae, ed, Tamberg, I, pp, 24-25.
1 [Biblical Re.searches in Palestine; London 1841, II. pp. 344-5. Goldziher
quotes the German edition]: Palaestina und die sUdlich angrenzenden Lander.
II. p. 601.
I De bello gallico, VI. II.
3 Stirring "times or record from Jerusalem Consular chronicles (London 1878).
pp. 226-9.
'The fanatical hatred between the Qaysite and Yemenite factions
continues to this day aInongst some ignorant Arabs, and even now
wars between them have not ceased, though it is well known that
such actions belong to those of the Jiihiliyya and are forbidden by the
Prophet.' And even in quite modern times the quarrel between
Qaysites and Yemenites survived in various parts of the Islamic
world. Robinson relates: 'Throughout the provinces of Jerusalem and
Hebron, the inhabitants of the different villages are broken up into
two great parties, one called Keis (Keisiyeh), and the other Yemen
(Yemeniyeh).... No person of whom we inquired, could tell the
origin or the nature of this distinction; except that it goes
beyond the memory of man, and does not now pertain in any degree
to religfous worship or doctrine. It seems indeed to consist in little
more than the fact that one is the enemy of the other. In former
times blood was often shed in their quarrels; but now all are quiet.
Yet this inbred enmity shows itself in mutual distrust and calumny."
Without forcing the analogy, this description reminds us of Caesar's 80
account of the social structure of Gaul, with its dichotomy between
Aedui and Sequani. Eadem ratio est in summa totius Galliae: namque
omnes civitates in partes divisae sunt duas.
The Englishman Finn,
who during his consular activities in Jerusalem, which lasted for
eighteen years, gained much valuable experience of the land and
people of Palestine, reported that there were also outward dis-
tinguishing characteristics between the two factions. Qaysites wore
dark red turbans with yellow stripes and their opponents preferred
lighter colours. This colour preference extended to animals. Qaysites
considered dark-coloured horses stronger than light ones and also
believed that dark cocks always outdid lighter ones. The remark by
Finn that two tribal parties also differed in their pronunciation of
Arabic is interesting. Qaysites pronounced the sound with which
their party name begins like a hard g. The much feared clan of the
AbU Gosh belonged to the Yemenite groUp.
But the relationship between the two groups in modern times is
but a pale shadow of what it used to be in the early days of
Islam. This spirit is expressed in the feeling of solidarity which the
members of the groups show for one another and in the many
tokens of enmity which are shown in the intercourse between the
parties. It was no exception to the general rule when the Yemenites
of Emesa in the middle of the first century had such strong racial
close contact with Arab tribes and is afraid that one or other of these
may be hostile to the tribe from which he is descended.'
Strangely enough, to the many features which were taken
from the pagan epoch and which continued to manifest themselves m
Islam there was added in the Islamic period a new circumstance
to jeopardize the carrying out of the Muslim teaching on
the abolition of tribal differences in Islam. The emergence of this new
factor in the best period of Islam resulted in tribal feuds which far
excelled the small tribal conflicts of pagan times which after all
were never more than petty quarrels. The new element in tribal
hostility that we must here consider is alive and effective in all
fields of Muslim society at all times and to this day: I refer to the
rivalry between the northern aud southern Arabs.
The hostility of these two factions is so self-evident and well
known that the poet al-Mutanabbi' was able in a malicious poemthat
mocked the defeat of the rebel Shabib, who had revolted against the
Ikhshldite KafUr, to use the witty turn of phrase: 'as if men's
necks said to the sword of Shabib: your companion is a Qaysl (north-
ern Arab) but you are a Yemenite' (he was defeated and threw away
his sword). The point of the sentence is that 'the Yemenite' (yamani-:)
is a well known epithet of the sword. The Qaysl is unable to remaIn
79 together with the Yemenite.
In the fourth century
relates that at San'a' the Niziirite families who lived there had Jomed
forces with descended from Persian ancestors (al-abnii')
and completely segregated themselves from families descended from
south Arab tribes.' The Muslim pilgrim 'Abd ai-Ghani al-Nabulusi,
who travelled in ITOI A.H., says of a place by the Syrio-
Egyptian border, that when he went there the town had two separate
quarters, Qaysite (north Arab) and Yemenite Arab),
there were perpetual feuds between the two. The SaIne pIcture IS
found shortly after the Arab occupation of Andalusia, where these
tribal groups had to be settled in different parts of the country'
in an attempt to prevent civil wars, which occurred nonetheless.
Mustafa b. Kan1iil al-Din writes in the year IT37 A.H.:
1 In Rosen Notices sommaiyes des Mss. arabes du Musee asiatique, It p. 226.
[from the colophon of a MS. of the Cf. also Goldziher, 'Verheimlichung
des Namens" Dey Islam, 1928, pp. 1-3]
sEd. Dieterici, p. 672 (254:6). _0'
S On the interpretation of the verse see Ibn al-Athir, al.Mathal at-Sa "'1',
.. at-'Arab, p. 124. 20.
$ Kitiib al.I;Iaq'Lqa wa'Z.Majaz (MS. Leipzig Univer. Library D.C. no 3
fol. I5zb. ..
6 Dozy. Recherches sur l'histoire et la litttrature d'Espagne. (3rd ed.). pp. VIl.
'1 MS of the Oriental Institute at St Petersburg (Rosen's Catalogue no. 27).
fol. 8sa.
1Agh., V. p. 155; XIV, p. 121.
:II Agh., XIII, p. 60 above.
He belonged to the Khuza'a, a tribe about whom there was some doubt
whether they belonged to the northern or southern group. [Cf. Ene. of Islam,
S.v.; Ibn 'Abd al-Barr, al-Inbiih, p. 92.]
(. Agh., XVII, p. 158, 3 from below.
; 011 inferior marriages in paganism, see Hudhayl., 147- Because of the old
Arab views on exogamy the accusation that the father of 'Urwa b. alWard
married a stranger (ghariba) ed. Noldeke, 9: 9) can refer only to the
inequality of the Baml Nahd into whose family he married (d. 16 and 19).
For later times see Ifam., p. 666, v. 2., Jarir in Ibn Hisham, p. 62, II, Notes
to Ibn Durayd, p. 196.
G Agh., XXI, p. 263, 4,
7 Al-Azraqi, p. 460, above. The special arrogance of the Quraysbites is
characterised by the saying that a of the tribe of Quraysh is nobler than a
true noble from any other tribe: Agh., XVIII, p. 198,3 below.
sentiments that they supported the poet al-A'sM., from the tribe of
Hamdan, as one of their own people who came to Syria,
and, on the initiative of the;: al-Nu'man b. Basbir,
a collection among their compatriots. More remarkable than such
manifestations of solidarity are the marks of hostility against
people of the rival group. Whatever society itself lacked in hatred,
especially at the beginning of this enmity between northern and
sonthern Arabs, was soon made up by poets, who were the prophets
of tribal hatred. In Khurasan at the time of the governorship of al-
Muhallab and his son Yazid the Rabi' a Arabs formed an alliance with
81 the Yemenites. This did not strike anybody as odd except thefanatical
poet Ka'b al-Ashqari, an Azdite who demanded in the most virulent
tone the segregation of Rabi'a from the Yemenites.' The poet Bakr b.
al-Nattal:> (died 200) says at the end of the second century in his dirge
for Miilik b. 'Ali,' who was killed in the war against the Shuriit:
'They (the murderers) took from Ma'dd what they had (in pride)
and have implanted racial arrogance into the hearts of all Yemenites
(because of the death of their northern Arab rival):' This implied
that there is joy when the rival race loses a good man.
Social life, politics and literature mirror with equal vividness
the hostility of the two large sections of the Arab nation. Even
within tribes belonging to the same group it happened that one tribe
considered another unequal and scornfully rejected intermarriage.'
The Qurayshites in particular cherished such feeling of exclusiveness
towards other tribes that it was a special claim to glory if a tribe
could boast that they were not barred from intermarriage with the
Qurayshites. It was necessary for the family of the Banu'l-Azraq,
who had settled at Mecca, to invent the fable of a written privilege
by the Prophet to justify their intermarriage with the Qurayshites.
Other tribes were rnied by sinlilar considerations. When al-
Farazdaq heard that a man of the f,!abitiit was wooing a Diirim
girl (he himself belonged to this tribe) he rejected this as animposition:
The tribe of the Misma' are equal to the Banii Diirim-
the f,!abitiit might find a wife amongst their own equivalents.'
And in this case two families of the Banii Tamim were concerned. 82
Even in quite recent times it is reported that the inhabitants of
Yanbu' (semi-Bedouins from the Juhayna tribe) only very rarely
condescend to marry women from Mecca 'and it inevitably fbllows
that, despite the high rank which Meccans occupy by their birth
amongst all other Arabs, children of such marriages are nevertheless
considered somewhat inferior.'2 Even more generally the tension
between northern and southern Arabs could make marriage between
the groups appear as unusual at least.
The poetical literature of the
first two centuries reflects this social atmosphere very faithfully.
Voices like that of NaMr b. Tawsi'a (died 85) were
My ancestor is Islam, I have no other-
let others boast with Qays and Tamim.'
Just as the poets of old were the heralds of their tribe's fame and
the interpreters of the tribe's proud sentiments in the face of other
tribes, their ";It now announced the fame of their tribal grouping and
mocked the nval race.' If a poet now sought to deride another he was
not content, for example, 'with mocking the Azd tribe but accuses all
the Yemenites,' and in the process we find accusations like that of the
Miiziulte f,!iijib b. Dhubyan in his hijii' against the Azdite Thiibit
Qutna (end of the first century):
The Zinj are better when they name their ancestors
Than the sons of Qa1?-tiin, the cowards and uncircumcised.'
1 AI.Mubarrad, p. cd. Boucher, p. 46, 4- from below.
I MaItzan, M cine Wallfahrl nar;h Mckka, I, p. 1'29, In the fact mentioned
above the circumstance that the Juhayna considered themselves as Southern
Arabs presumably played no part. Cf. also Burton, A Pilgrimage to Mecr;a and
Medina, Leipzig 1874, II, p. 256, below.
S Agh., VII, p. r8, 18.
p. 15. [See also Ibn Qutayba, Ski'r, p. 342, who quotes
two addItional hnes: He who has a suspect genealogy helps those by whom he
to be accepted, sho:"ld him to one with a pure
NobIlIty does not conSIst 1D havmg Illustnous ancestors: the pious man is in
truth the noble.' The first line is discussed in alzamakhshari's alMujaHal,
IOI, Cf. also C.A. Nallino, RaccoUa di scritti, I, p. 141.]
/; The northern Arabs thought they were abler in poetry than the southerners:
this judgment is also applied to the southerner Imrq., cf, Agn., VII, p. I30.
1I Cf. p. 88, note 5. To this day the northern tribes accuse of lies:
Doughty, Travels in Arabia desecrta, II, p. 4I.
These are men whom you see when the fighting is high,
Worse in treading the path of dastardly behaviour
than a shoe.
Their women are common to all lecherous men,l
Their protegees are a prey to all who ride or go on foot.'
83 The poet al-Kumayt (died 126) gave the most vivid expression to this
national poetic competition
and he himself was only one of the many
representatives of northern Arab anger against the southern Arabs.
In his time the 'poets of the Mu(!ar' were involved in poetic quarrels
with a poetic advocate of the southern Arabs, J:Iakim b. 'Abbas
al-Kalbi! But the southerners were hardest hit by the 'golden poem'
(al-mudhahhaba) of Kumayt, a work of 300 lines! the gist of which is
contained in the following line: wajadl'l-niisa ghayra'bnay Niziirin/
wa-Iam adhmumhumu shara!an wa-dilnii ('I have found men with the
exception of the two sons of NizliI (Mu(!ar and Rabi'a, the ancestors
of the Northern Arabs)-I do not wish to slight them-low and
The southern Arabs had also their poetic defenders. In the year
205-the poem itself gives an exact date in verse 4-'Amr b. Za'bal
had to repel a 'famous qa:;fda' which the poet Ibn Abi 'Uyayna
had published to ridicule the Nizarltes and to glorify the Qa1)tanites.
How long the Kumayt's satire was effective amongst his adversaries
is seen from the fact that a centmy after him the sonthern Arabs
found a defender in 'Iraq in the bold satirist Di' bil (died 246) of the
tribe of Khuza'a." This poet set himself the task of moderating the
arrogance of the northerners by recording the glorious historical
position of the south Arab people, and of strengthening the self-
confidence of the Yemenites by describing their historical traditions
-the invention of which had reached its height in those days.' This
effort so stung the northern Arabs that the contemporary prefect of
Basra commissioned the poet Abu'l-Dalfa' to counter the poem of
Di'bil with a north Arab satire which he then circulated under the
name of 'The Shatterer'. A spirit which is so far removed from
1 For this phrase see !, p. 638. v. 5.
l!: Agh., Ill. p. 51.
SAgh., XV, p. 1I6, 9 from below.
4 AI.Mas'ltdI, VI, pp. 42 fl.
& lbn al.Sikkit, Kitab al.Alfii,; (Leiden MS. Warner no. 597). p. 162 [ed.
Cheikho, p. 195]; Kitab alA4t1fi.4, ed. Houtsma, p. 16, II A. To judge from the
metre and the rhyming letters, al. Iqd, III, p. 301, is also a fragment of this
XVIII, p. 19. How much this poet was concerned with racialism is
also seen in p. 22, 3; 27, 19.
, Agh., XVIII, pp. 29 fl.
AIMas'MI, I, p. 352; III p. 2'4.
II Agh., ib., p. 60.
Islam as that of Abu Nnwas will not be missing amongst those
practising this poetry of old tribal rivalry; he took the part of the
southern Arabs.
Thus we see that at the time when the Caliphate was already 84
becoming an instrument in the hands of foreign praetorians the
rivalry between northern and southern Arab tribes was still very real
to Arab society and was still of topical importance. As late as the
fourth century there are echoes of this racial poetry in the work of a
poet from Antioch, resident at Basra, Abu'l-Qasim 'Ali al-Tanukhi,
who in panegyric on his tribe produced the hyperbole;
Qu(!a'a is the son of Mlilik, the son of I.limyar-
there is nothing higher for those wishing to ascend to a high
The framework of prophetic and tendentious traditions was mis-
nsed for racial rivalry, much as for any other party interests in
Islam. Scholars of both partiesI set their pens to paper in order to
cover the aspirations of their group with the hallowed authority of
sayings by Muhammed. It almost seems that the southern Arabs
were more diligent in this respect, since the greater parf of
these tendentious traditions is in the service of their ambitions.'
We shall later see that sayings ahning at the glorification of the
also belong to this series. Many sayings show the Yemenites as
representatives of the spirit and religion in Islam, in contrast to
Rabi'a and Mu(!ar, who are described as brutal, harsh and unfeeling.'
The J:Iimyar are even called ra's aI-'Arab 'the head of the Arabs',
and to the other southern Arab tribes; MadhIPj, Hamdan, Ghassan,
etc., an honourable position in the body politic of Islam is also
allotted; one becomes the head of this body, another its skull,
shoulder-blade Or hump.
There are fewer traditions favouring the northern Arab tribes in
general: except for the glorification of the Qurayshites, or rather of 85
1 AI-I;Iu::;;rI, II, p. 277.
:I Al.Mas'(idi, VIII, p. 307.
:I There is a collection of them in the introduction of the commentary by
'Adi b. Yazid on the Qaiida z;Iulwiiniyya, a fragment of which (beginning:
Fa-in i'taraq,a mu'taritfJ is found in Cod. Petermann, Berlin, no. 184, fats. 13bIS.
[There is another MS. of the commentary by 'Ghazi'-sic-b. Yazld on Mul;
mad b. Sa'ld a!-l{atib's 'l;Iulwanian being the self.exaltation of the
Qa1).tanIs over the 'Adnanis and the demonstration of the excellence of the
Yemenites over the Nizaris' in Cairo. Cat.:, III, 210; V. 44, cf. Brockelmann,
Supplement, II, p. 903.] A further collection taken from al.Suyiiti's aIJami' aI-
Kabir is in b. Kamal aI.DiD. al.;;iddiqi's book, fols. 7ra:na,
(, The most important passage of the series is B. Maghaz!, no. 76, Baa' aI-
Khalq, no. '4.
5 E.g. I, p. 259: 'do not scorn MUQar and Rabi'a, because they
some of their families (in the dynastic interests). Some of these tenden-
tious traditions have found their way into the canonical collections.'
It is remarkable that the traditions of the two sides are almost
identical and that the Qurayshites are praised by one group in almost
the same words which the other use in respect of the It would
serve. no useful purpose to quote examples here. It might just be
mentIOned that the sentence,
undoubtedly taken from the Gospel, in
which the in relation to other men are likened to salt
also be found as praise of the Qurayshites.4
Even more hannless are the anecdotes found from time to time
in adab literatureS which clearly show tendencies in favour of one or
the other Arab groups. There is, for example, the anecdote about the
wooing of the two rivals Yazid b. 'Abd ai-Madan and 'Amir b. al-
011 which occasion Yazid is said to have spread before his
nval the whole of the southern glories;' or the story ascribed to the
caliph al-Man!}ur about an incident in 'Urwa(s biography where a man
who in the same business shows his wit and also his mental limitations
attributes his perverse character to the fact that his cleverness comes
86 from his father's side, the Hudhayl, and his stupidity from his
mother's, the Khuza. 'a. 7
1Muslim, I, pp. 13 fl. on the excellence of the aM in matters of the
faith, further the chapters Manaqib al-Aniir in the canonical collections. To
this belongs also B. TawMd, no. 23, where the disbelief of the Tamimites is
opposed to the zeal of the southern Arab tribes. [For traditionS glorifying the
southern Arabs, see e.g. Ibn Wahb, Jami', p. 1; al-Yazidi, at-AmaH, Hyderabad
1948, p. 102; al-Nabhani, III, p. 506.]
2 B. Manaqib no. II.
D '!he of the because there is very little salt in pro-
portIOn .to the iood. IS based on a This misunderstanding
already mfluenced the text of the tradItion. The comparison 'like salt in food'
is very popular in later literature, d. Ihn Bassam. in Dozy, Loci de Abbadid., II,
p. 224; ibid., 238 note 68.
, fo1. 67a, tradition of Ibn' Adi: 'The Qurayshites are the best of
all men; men are useful only because of them, much as food becomes palatable
only with salt.' Here the influence of the Gospel is unmistakable.
E.g. al-'Iqd, II. pp. 152 ff. This sort of anecdote is presumably the story
quoted by Robertson Smith, p. 268, from p. 191.
'Agk. XVIII, p. 160.
7 Agh. II, p. '95.
were Muslims', or in another version, 'because they confessed the dfn Ibrahim.'
Other traditions invented in regard to the northern tribes can be seen in book
VII of How obvious are the party tendencies in these traditions appears
fro.m the foUov,Iing saying of the Prophet in 'When differencies of
opmions appear between men, right is on the side of Mudar' (al$iddiqi fo1.
80a). [This tradition is recorded in Ibn Qutayba's Kitiib (in R:ZSa:il
p. 375, in al-Iktij?i:, ed. Masse, I, p. 67, and in al-
s al-Kabf.r, Carro 1350, p. 69. For the idea that MUQar was a.
Muslim cf. Ibn Sa'd, I, p. 30; al-BaIadhuri, Ansiib ci!-Ashriij, ed. Hamidullah.
I, p. 31; al-l;Ialabi, SiEra, I, p. 20; al-Jiimi' al-$aghir, II. p. 199.]
Such anecdotes are tendentious inventions which the rival groups
made up in order to deride each other. It is certainly interesting that
between the northern and southern Arabs even psychological and
ethical differences were supposed to exist. An 'Amirite refused to
believe that the lover Majnun, who was said to have died of love-
and who was said to be an 'Amirite, was a historical person.
'The 'Amirites are men of stronger spirit (aghla;u akbildan) than this
love-lorn hero. Such things are possible only amongst the Yemenites,
who have weak hearts, dulled brains and bald heads; but this is
unthinkable of the Nizar." To the account of the sudden death of the
Hudhaylite poet Abu Khirash, who died in his over-zealous exertions
for Yemenite guests as a result of a snake-bite, there are added
on of Yemenites, so that 'Umar is made to say on
thIS occaslOn: If It were not so shameful I would forbid hospitality
to Yemenites altogether and send an edict to this effect to all
provinces. Such a Yemenite is hospitably received and offered the
best one has; nevertheless he remains still unsatisfted and rejects what
is offered, demanding the impossible as if he were the host's creditor,
and he scorns hi' host and makes all kind of trouble."
To this type of story also belong contrived competitions set in the
court of one or another caliph. Al-Madli.'ini, one of the most diligent
investigators of Arabian antiquity (died 225), describes such_ a
competition which is said to have taken place before the Caliph al-
A disputation, which is also of philological importauce and
was first found by Barges,' can be added to the stock of these
literary products where fiction is less obvious than in the invented 87
stories previously quoted, because the scene is not put back into
pre-Islamic times.
These, however, were bloodless fights. The rivalry of the two tribal
groups manifested itself in more dangerous form than in poetic and
belletristic quarrels, in the political life of Islam even in provinces
far distant from the centre of government. For the appointments to
the most important offices and the administration of the conquered
provinces, the consideration of tribal differences between the
north and south Arabs was very prominent, and from the middle
of the first century the unsatisfied ambitions of the tribal groups
.1 Agh., I, p. 167, 16. In poetry too the Yemenites are ascribed a particular
gIft for the words are gh.azat yamanin wadall ibid., p. 3"2, I2.
Prophet IS supposed to have saId: ahl al-Yaman a4'aju quluban wa.araqqu
af tdatan. B. Maghiizf, no. 76.
Agh., XXI, p. 70.
Ibn al-Faqlh, ed. de Goeje. pp. 39-4; the previous discussion on Yemen
seems to cover the main points that southerners used to quote in their favour.
[The caliph is al-Saffal}.. Cf. also al-Mas'udi, vr, pp. 136-7,]
"Journal asiatique, 1849. II. pp. 329 if. [The story is in fact identical with
the preceding one.]
which were for the time being in the shadow often became the cause
of bloody civil wars. If the governorship of an outlying province, e.g.
Khurasan, was given to a southerner, the northerners complainingly
asked 'whether the tribe of Nizar had become too small that such a
post had to be given to a Yemenite," and vice versa.
I think that these circumstances are responsible for many 1;adiths,
of which the following is an example: one of the asked the
Prophet whether he would not use him in the administration as he
used the other (who was not of the Thereupon the Prophet
replied: 'After my departure you will experience preferences (of your
rivals) but wait patiently until you encounter me by the cistern
(al-1;awif).' Or another such story: The Prophet wanted to allot the
province of al-BaI;rayn to the An."" but they refused this fief unless
the Prophet made a similar gift to their brothers the Muhajirin
(Meccan Qurayshites). So the Prophet said: 'You do not want it?
Then endure patiently until you meet me at the cistern (alr1;awif)
because verily you will witness also after my death preferential
treatment (of your rivals)."
Here belong also stories in which it is thought right that the
should have been given material advantage in the early period
of Islam, because they had protected Muhammed, whereas the
Qurayshites had made war upon him.
The circumstances to which the
tradition owes its existence are even more obvious in sayings like
this: 'My companions, who belong to me as I belong to them and
with whom I shall enter paradise, are the people of Yemen who have
been driven to the edge of the provinces and cast from the gates of the
aa government; one of them dies and his need is (sealed np) in his heart,
he cannot satisfy it." In order to express the continued aspirations
of the Yemenites, the victory hoped for by their party is put into the
distant future, and a promise is attributed to the Prophet that these
hopes will be fulfilled in the person of the QaJ.1tani, who wilI appear
in the future.'
It is impossible to consider such sayings and reports other than
in the context of the racial rivalry of the first two centuries of Islam,
which we have just described. The whole history of the Umayyad
period in east and west is governed by this rivalry, and even after the
fall of the Umayyads such rulers as wished to make use of the motto
1 Tab,. II, p. 489.
2 B. Maniiqib al-An$ar, no. 8. [Cf. also other references in M. J. Kister's dis
cussion of the l:;adUk in ]oun-tal oj Economic and Social History of tht: Orient.
HI, pp. 33'-3.)
II E.g. the story quoted by al-MawardI, ed. Enger, p. 223; cf. ibid., 347, 4.
[The motivation is discussed below; p. 93.]
"Al-$iddiqi, foL 84a.
IS Snouck Hurgronje, Der Mahdi, p. 12 [= Verspreide Geschriften, I, p. 156;
see also Mutahhar b. Tahir al.Maqdisi, aIBad' wa'l.Ta'rfkh, II, pp. IS3 f.]
'Divide et impera' had an effective tool in this tribal competition
when they wanted to balance one group of restless subjects against
another. The cunning adviser of the 'Abbasid Abu la'far
deliberately provoked a disastrous fight between the two parties,
and when the caliph asked his reasons Qutham b. al-'Abbas pro-
pounded the following political concept: 'I have roused dissension
among your troops and divided them into parties, each of which
will take good care not to revolt against you for fear that you might
overcome them with the help of their rivals ... Therefore separate
them from each other and if the Mn<;lar rise in insubordination yon
may beat them with the Yemenites and those of Rabi'a and the
Khumsanians; and if the Yemenites rebel you can suppress them
with the Mudarites, who remain faithful.' The ruler followed the
policy of his and-as our source adds-owed the stability of
his empire to this course.' We find in fact that even under Harlin
al-Rashid the policy was followed of rendering harmless the northern
and southern Arab tribes in outlying provinces by playing them off
against each other' and this racial rivalry, which had fateful conse-
quences in social life also,3 continued even later," until the
soldiery put a stop to the political aspirations of the Arabs once and
for all.
It is not the intention of this study to go into more detail about the a9
history of these struggles, which have only been hinted at above in
order to show the lack of success of the Muslim teaching of equality
among the Arabs. It is stilI Dozy's masterly description (in Vol. I
of his History of the Moors in Spain) which gives readers the best
introduction to the development of these struggles and their effects
on the shaping of Muslim political life.
There is, however, one feature of this phenomenon in the history of
Islam which we shall have to consider at some length: the origin of
the antagonism described above between those Arab tribes which
belong to the northern half of the peninsula by descent and those
which settled there but derive their descent from southern Arabia,
whence their ancestors had migrated in ancient times.
Some scholars, clinging to the Arabic historical traditions, which
, Tab., III, pp. 365 1.
II AI.Ya'qObi, II, p. 494: fjaraba'l-qaba'ila ba'q.aha'
3 The rift between 'Adnanites and Qal;ltanites was so great that the most
commonplace incident was enough to cause civil war with all the horrors of
street fighting: Abu'I.Ma.1)asin, I, p. 463.
'Al-Ya'ql1br, pp. SIS, 5IS, 567 etc.: d. the description of the movement
under the 'Abbasids in Muller, Der Islam Morgen It. Abendland, I, pp. 490 f.
'[ef. for the preceding also A. Fischer's article in the Ene. ofIslam.]
put the struggles between Ma'add and Yemen in the early time of the
]ahiliyya,' have continued until recent times to follow the view that
the rivalry between north and south Arabic tribes goes back to Arab
antiquity or at least to the epoch immediately preceding Islam.
Dozy has even developed an attractive ethuo-psychological scheme to
explain this racial antagonism.' In effect it must be admitted that
the consciousness of a difference between northern and southern
Arabs existed also in old times and this explains--bearing in mind
the character of the Arabs-why members of one group like to ascribe
bad qualities to those of the other group whenever there is a hostile
incident, much as members of the same race did in quarrels amongst
their own tribes. Just as the Kindite Imru'u'l-Qays prides himself
on his Yemenitc descent-provided, of course, that the poem is
90 authentic
-s0 does al-Nabigha in angry mood revile the perfidy of
Yemenites.' A Hudhaylite poet in the period before Muhammed gives
vent to utterances against the J:Iimyar, with whom intennarriage is
not considered suitable and of whom strange customs are mentioned
which seem to be ignoble in the eyes of the northeru Arabs.' However,
we shall soon see that such points of view apply only between those
north and south Arabs where habitat does in fact provide this differ-
ence.' It must on the other hand not be overlooked that though the
genealogical term ilia'add is not yet quite as strongly contrasted with
the southern Arabs as it is later,7 but defines a much wider concept,
nevertheless when poets of early times wish to express the concept of
'Arab' fully, they, like Nonnosus who is often quoted in this con-
i Ibn Badrlln, p. 104; Yiiq'Clt, II, p. 434.
Gesch, d. Mmtren inSpanien, I,pp. 73 if. [in the Frenchoriginal: I. pp. !IS ff.]
.. 1nn& ma'sharun yamanuna, 61: 2.
.. Al.Niibigha, 30: 9Ut ama.nata li'l-yamanE, cf. 31: 3 where the southerner is
opposed to the Sha'imi geographically only; cf. B. lvlanaqib alAtl>$tir, 21
(Yemenitc Ka'ba against Ka'ba shamiyya) and passages like Yaq1it, III,
p. 597, II.
II Hudh., 57; 80:6 The accusation made in 57:2a is also used by alFarazdaq,
who is probably following an old tradition, against the tribe aI-Azd, ed. Boucher,
pp. 3r, 2; 86, 6.
1\ This is true especially of the poem (lam., p. 609, in which the TamImite
poet expresses his disgust of the Yemenite land and its inhabitants; it would
be highly relevant to our subject if the time of its writing could be determined
'with certainty.
7 Abo. Nukhavla, Aah., XVIII, p. 141, 13, calls the caliph Hisham: rabbu
]"fa'addin Ma'addin; Abft Nuwas (in Rosen, Cltrestomathie, p. 526 ult.);
Bas'h.r h. Burd, Agh., Ill, p. 38, 7.
B Noldeke, ZDMG, XL, p. 179: Robertson Smith, p. 248. Already RUckert,
Amrilkais der Dichter und KOnig, p. 52, saw this fact. Caussin de Perceval,
II, p. 247, who clings to Ma'add as a specific north Arab patriarch, is compelled
to bestow forced interpretations on a verse (al-Nabigha, 18:1-2, cf. ib. 6:18,
8:17 and many verses of the Kindite Imrq.), when the name Ma'ad.d is used of
tribes which in later genealogies appear as south Arab. [Cf. also Ene. of Islam,
s.v. 'Ma'add'.]
with Ma'add tribal names like Tayyi' and
Kmda, which are conSldered as southern Arabic.'
It is most vexatious to all those who have to make use of the
tradi.tion of old Arab poetry, that in deciding the question of the
genwneness of the relevant passages--as distinct from data which are
obviously of apocryphal character for internal reasons
-they often-
have to rely on the subjective impression which the poems in question 91
make on the reader. Great suspicion must always be exercised: and
if this is true of the traditional poems it applies even more to those
stories which are told by philologists and antiquaries of the second
and third century, who often projected later conditions into their
description of pa!'an How far this went in respect of the point
we are now consldenng IS seen, for example, from the information of
Abu 'Ubayda about the pagan hero Sulayk b. Sulaka, of whom he
says that he never harrassed Muc;1arite, but only Yemenite tribes
with his plundering attacks. 3 '
Even if we assume that all traces from pre-Islamic times of
conscious racial difference between north and south Arabs must be
seen as genuine tradition, this is not evidence of the existence in
those old times of the racial hatred which appears later between
those who call themselves northel11 and those who call themselves
southern Arabs. In antiquity there is no suggestion of the later
generalization that all tribes of southern origin which had been
established in the north. times fonned a unity against
all the others, and there IS m fact eVIdence that tribes whose southern
was later taught with axiomatic certainty did not hesitate
to mmgle WIth so-called northern ones.' The inner life of the tribes
also shows that the racial contrast could have existed only between
the and southern (Sabaean) groups in a geographical sense
and did not extend to the relationship of those Arabs of whom it was
later rightly or wrongly claimed that their ancestors had migrated
from the south. The everyday feuds between tribes did not take into
account any consideration of the north and south in alliances or
wan:. There .are many examples of this, and we shall merely mention
one illustratlOn. The clan of]adila of the Tayyi' tribe, which is known 92
1 Imrq., 41 :5. cf. Labid, p. 80, v. 4.
2 For example the verse by 'U:bayda of the pre.Islamic 13ajib b.
Zuriira (Agh., X, p. 20, 16) IS ImpossIble; It contains the expression: wa-qad
'atima'l.[layyu''addiyyu-the Ma'addite tribe; this nisba assumes already
the previous theoretical work of genealogists; old poets say: gad 'alimat
or a; the.most, like' Amrb.. Kulthiim, Mu' all., v. 94: wa.qad 'alima' l-qaba'Uu
Ma aiidt,n. Fromthe schohumto I;Iarith, Mu'all., v. 94, it is evident that the
originalityof the word Ma'add in such verses cannot always betakenfor granted
:& Agh., XVIII, p. 134, 2. .
j'l!ufa44., 32:8 fl., this is the source of the passages which Robertson Smith,
p. 247, quotes from geographers.
from later genealogies to comprise southern Arabs, was in a J;,ilj
relationship with the northern Arab Banii Shaybiin and fought with
them against the northern Banii 'Abs.
That during the struggle
by the Tayyi'ites and their allies against the Banii NiziiI the latter's
descent is mentioned in a hostile manner
is not due to antagonism
against northerners as such, but must be seen in the same light as any
tribal feud in which encmies would be violent in abuse of the descent
and nobleness of their opponents, whether northerners or southerners.
It is also decisive that the earlier parts of Muhammed's speech
of farewell would no doubt have said a word about the disappearance
of this particular racial hatred in Islam if it had really existed.
Niildeke has the credit for being the first to have expressed sceptic-
ism of the great antiquity of this generalization of the north-south
Arab racial antagonism, and thus to have caused a correction of our
views of the Arabs of ancient times. In discussing south Arab tra-
ditions he pointed to the causes of the genealogical exploitation of
the racial differences by southern Arabs.
Halevy went even further
and expressed the view, at the end of his work on the Saf1i. inscrip-
tions, that the Arab tradition of the migration of southern Arab tribes
into the northern region must be considered a fable; in his view a
southern origin for those tribes which lived in the northern region is
out of the question.'
Though the origin of this racial antagonism cannot then be put
back quite so far as was previously believed, it must yet be admitted
that the possibility of its development at a later date was inherent in
the character of the pagan Arab. The instincts which prevalled among
the Arabs with regard to tribal consciousness only needed some new
impetus to be focused on to the field of north and sonth Arab' a,abiyya
and to develop further within it. TIllS new trend of tribal rivalry
93 did not add anything to the character of the Arab people but was the
natural consequence of its character under the influences of new
moments in its history. The most immediate cause of this new
opposition and of this new forruulation of tribal pride was the rivalry
between the Meccan aristocracy, who boasted of their Qurayshite
descent and in whose views the religious aura of the seems to
have been of little value,' and the Medinian who were also
1 Antara, 2'2.
Z IJam., p. 79.
3 Gotting. gel. Am., 1866, I. p. 774. This view is more profoundly substan-
tiated in N61deke's review of Robertson Smith's work. to which we often refer
in our study (ZDMG XL).
'" Journal asiatique. 1882, p. 490 and Compte rendu of the Sixth Congress of
Orientalists (Leiden r884). p. I02.
Othenvise the verse of in Mu'a,wiya's time, would be impossible:
'All nobility was taken by Quraysh-and there are low minds under the head-
gear of the Am,;ar' [Dfwan, p. 314, 1.4=] III, p. 140.
thought to be inferior by descent.' The manifestations of this rivalry
are known from the early history of Islam. It is easlly understood
that the were looking for titles which they could oppose to the
Meccans' deSIre for hegemony, and it is not impossible that already
amongst them there in being the gerrus of that boasting about
the s,:uthern past whIch was later so lavishly unfolded in literature,
espeClally after party-and race-genealogists entered this field.
. <;lne expect this rivalry would express itself, particularly
In ItS earh"':t days, I.n panegyrical and satirical poems by the poets of
the respectIve partIes. Unfortunately we have insufficient data to
demonstrate positively to what extent this was so in the earlier years.
The poems of the were collected;' but such a collection, which
would presumably offer some material on this question, does not seem
to be extant.
poetry is most amply preserved in the poems of I:Iassiin b.
!habit. We ca,,:not decide whether those poems by I:Iassiin in which,
In order to the he points to the great historical past of
south ArabIa and the power and authority that its inhabitants dis-
played in the old days,' are or are later fictions which must
be placed with those poetical products which were invented for the
same purpose and which can be met with by the dozen in the com-
mentary on the so-called I:Iimyarite qa$ida,4 and the like of which 94
phllologists and genealogists delighted to produce.
It must in any
case be granted that the pre-eminently poet was considered a
suitable singer of the praises of the south Arab past, a fact which can
be taken as an additional proof that the glory of the south was a
predominantly interest. One may well see in this quarrel
between the and Qurayshites the source from which the rivalry
between northern and southern Arabs gradually deIived. In the
o.f time expression al-An,iir became almost a genealogical
desCrIptIOn' which was never the case with its original opposite:
1 The Qurayshites consider the Medinians as 'iljs: Agh., XIII, p. 148, 8: XIV,
p. 122, TI.
.I Agh., XX, p. II7, 13 mentions such a collection.
p. 77 [ed. H.irs:bield, no. r6I]=Ibn Hisham, p. 930,
II fl, p. 87 DO. 9J=Ibn Hisham, p. 93r, 4 fl; 99, '4 [Hirsch!., 78: IJ
6, 4 from below: also the beginning on p. 103 of the
104, I4 ff. [HlIschf., 6: IS fI.] aims at the glorification of the
by pomtmg out that they have inherited their laudable attributes from
great ancestors.
<\; A few Kremer's extracts: Altarabische Gedichte ubey die Volkssage
von Yemen (LeipZIg I867).
IS Aba transmits a poem by a pre-Islamic poet which refers to
southern ArabIC poems: Agh., p. 20, IOII. The authenticity of the historical
elegy Zuhayr no. 20 is very doubtful. '
GCf. Agh., VII, p. 166, 14. The Anl}i.r also differ from the Qurayshites in out-
ward appearance: XX, p. r02, 8.
1 Diwan, p. 24, 5 [from below, ed. Hirschfeld no. 13:15] 91, 12 [Hirschi.
no. 25: 7] This also appears in the alleged dialogue between Sayi b. Dhi Yazan
and 'Abd alMurtalib, which is invented in favour of the southern Arabs,
al-AzraqiJ p. 101, 7: wa-qaa. waZadnahtf miraran w'Allahu b(i'ithuhu jihliran
wa-ja'iZun Iahu minnii. anii.ran; especially in view of the passage quoted from
al-Azraqi. For the expression waZadnahu of. Agh., VI., p. 155, 4; but it might
also be understood as 'we have protected him like our own child'; cf. 'Amr b.
Kulth.. Mu'allaqa, v. 92 and also l:Hirith, Mu'all., v. 63; alFakihI. Chroniken
der Stadt klekka, II, p. 49. 13.
S Ibn Hisham. p. 107; cf. Yaqfit, I. p. 100,21; Sprenger, I, p, 145.
"Agh., III, p. 27. the boasts of a Yemenite are cut short by referring him to
the call of the Muezzin which just began to be heard and which does not
tell the praises of a southern Arab. This argument is also advanced in the story
Agh., IV, p. 43, 6 from below, d. also Yiiqut III, p. 330, 6.
4 AI-MawardI, ed. Enger, p. 352, 3 from below.
(; YuwZ. cf. SOra 8: 73.
6 Al-Azraqr, p. 377. poem by the Anarite !?irma (according to others by
l;lassan, Ibn Qutayba, ed. Wftsterneld, p. 75, 4). Cf. al-'lqa, II, p, 143, the
conversation of Mu'awiya with an An11arite.
1 Agk., XIV. pp. 125. 127; this passage is important for the appreciation of
There is no doubt that this rivalry was based on religious arguments
from the earliest stages of its development, and the historical points
which both sides adduced in boastful self-glorification are later
additions. We have just heard on what the northern Arabs prided
themselves. The An')iir side were not backward in rebutting this
forceful argument. 'We have given birth to him (waladnahu) and his
grave is with us: or even more definitely: 'We have given birth
to a great one of Quraysh, we have brought forth the good prophet
of the family of Hashim: argues l;lassan,' probably referring to the 96
circumstances that through his grandmother Muhammed came
from the Medinian family 'AdI b. al-Najjar (they were thus his
khtiL,) and he lived amongthat family for some time when he was six
years old.' The best argument which the An,ar found to counter the
incontrovertible argument about the Prophet's northern descent,'
which the northerners used also in their own favour in the administra-
tion,<was to point out that 'the Prophet lived and preached some ten
years amongst the Qurayshites, waiting in vain for a follower; that he
offered himself to the visitors in the market of Mecca, but found none
who would take him in,' and nobody who would make propaganda
for him, until he finally found a community in Medina, that of the
An,iir, who made his cause so completely theirs that they treated
their best friends as enemies if. they were hostile to Muhammed.'
For this reason opponents appear to have found repugnant even the
name An,ar, which expresses this claim to glory. 'Amr b. al-'A, is
made to say to Mu'awiya: 'What is this name? call them instead by
their genealogy: meaning that they should not use this honorary
name but name themselves according to their descent.' The An,iir
al-Muhiijirun. Since, after Medina been by of
other tribes, they seem to have settled ill specIal parts of and
its environs 1 the maintenance of their tmity was much facIlitated.
Ma'add and Mudar-sometimes also Niziir'-are chiefly contrasted
with the Am;iir;' just as in the Muftikhara the An,iiri
'Abd al-Ra.l>man, son of l;lassan b. Thabit, reference IS made to the
deeds of the Banii Tamlm.
The competi tion of the tribes against the An,iir is the point from
which this contrast was later extended to those groups which-
95 presumably chiefly in order to join the An,iir group-considered
themselves to have originated in south Arabia. The
antagonism has its roots in the rivalry a.nd
Ansar. The consciousness and character of this ongm alive
for considerable time after the beginning of racial conflict am?ng the
Arabs. In the first quarter of the third century the Bedown poet
Nahid b. Thawma from the tribe of Kilab b. Rabi'a frequented
Ba')ra; a of his has been handed down i.n which he defends the
northern Arabs against a poetic representatlve of the southerners,
and in conclusion refers to the fact that the Prophet and the oldest
heroes of Islam were northern Arabs. This glorification of the
northern tribes was, it is said, read in the presence of a descendant
of the An.iir who is reputed to have said: 'He' (through his refe.rence
to the Prophet and his companions) has sileuced may God.silence
lrim:' So at the time of this competition or the ti:ne which the
account about it comes, the southern cause was still conSldered to be
a special concern of the An,ar. Moreover, the fact that one
spoke of the excellent qualities of the southern Arabs, one had, ill the
first instance, the An.arin mind, can be evidencedbymany examples.
The saying ascribed to Muhammed: 'The divine spirit comes to me
from Yemen' was supposed to refer to the An,iir.
1 AI-MuwaUa', I, p. 391 below: qarya min qtwa't-An$iir.
S Abu'l.Aswad ZDMG, XVIII, p. 239 below.
3 Mudar OPP.An!?ar, Ibn Hisham, 885. 8=D'l:wan If,assan. p. 46, 15
131: rr]. In the work of the same poet the opponents the An:,?ar
are simply called Ma'add: Dfw., p. 9, I [Hirschi., I: I7]=Ib,n 8.29,4:
'We have daily quarrels. insults and mocking from the Ma add; SImilarly
p. 91, 7 [Hirschi., 25: 2]: 'We have protected and harboured the
whether the Ma'add liked it or not.' That Ma'addhere already refers t? alimIt.ed
tribal group is seen from the fact that on p. 8'2:, 10 [Hirschf., 4?: In a sa:m
against the Bana Asad b. Khuzayma they are accused of wavenng the mIdst
of the Ma'add and from the following verse it is. evident that they Wlshed_to be
counted among the Quraysh; also p. 83, 5 [Hirschi., 198: 3], the ThaqIf are
admonished to cease counting themselves as Ma' add since they m:e not descen-
ded from Khindif. Ma'add opp. Ghassan, p. 86, 4 from below [HIrschf., 4: 25]
d. 99, 14 [Hirschf.; 78: r]=Ibn Hisha.m, p. 6, 4
4 Agh., XIII, p. 153, 5 from below.
'Agh.. XII. p. 35, 6.
6 Al.!;;iddiqi, fol. 74a,
also pointed to the many false prophets which the northern Arab
tribes have prodnced, and stress again and again that followers
rather than relatives of the Prophet deserve all glory.'
Islam, inasmuch as it was unable to abolish the old tribal com-
petition, did in effect provide it with new material, as the merit of the
various tribes in the Muslim cause, and their zeal in its support could
97 now be included in the arguments? But people were not satisfied
with the glory of piety, they wished also to be the most heroic of all
Arab tribes.
If we consider the means which used to be employed in
Muslim party strife, we shall not be surprised to see partisan
tendencies manifest also in the interpretation of the Koran;< further-
more, there were no scruples about inventing false Koranic verses
which served to extol the as against the Qurayshites and even
the emigrants. I)
The early activity of genealogical scholars runs parallel with the
beginnings of this rivalry between the and the Qurayshites
based on internal political feuds in the early days of the Caliphate. To
them is largely due the extension to all the tribes deriving their origins
from South Arabia of claims which the originally made for
themselves alone. This derivation itself, in the early period, was
often based not so much on inherited genealogical traditions as on
subjective inclinations, and even the will of influential people. Thus
for instance Abu 'Ubayda reports that in the time of Yazid I the
afliliation of the tribe of Judham was decidedbysuch considerations.'
This uncertainty and wantonness was countered by the disciplining
effect of the work of the genealogists (based partly on truth and
partly on fiction), but this too was the cause of differences of opinion
and subject to personal inclinations and prejudices. Thus there grew
up the fabulous tales of the southern Arab saga, in which such people
as 'Ubayd b. Shariya in the time of Mu'awiya I, and Yazid b. Rabi'a
ibn Mufarrigh (died 69) in the days of Mu'awiya's successor, had a
great share. Arab critics ascribe the invention of legends and poems
of the Tubba' princes more especially to this latter poet, who
derived his genealogy from I;Iimyar.
1 The best resume of these arguments from a later period is at the end of the
l:lulwani MS. of the Royal Library in Berlin, Petermann no. 184, fols.
:I An example in Ibn l;Iajar, IV, p. 174
'Al-'Iqd, I, p. 45.
"9: 109 tnu{ahhat'unais referred to the Aniilar. 44: 36 was used for the glorifi-
cation of the southern Arabs (qawmu Tubba'). Cf. Cod. Petermann cit., fol. qa.
& Noldeke, Gesck. des Korans, p. 181 no. III [2nd ed., I, p. 243]. The second
part, in which the An!?ar are praised, shows a heightening in comparison with
the first which praises the Muhajiro.n.
6 Agh., VIII, p. 182 below [al-BaIadhuri, Ansiib al-Ashriif. ed. Hamidullah,
I, pp. 36-7: al-Hamdani, al-Iklil, ed. LOfgren, I, p. 64]
7 Agh., XVII, p. 52, 12 ff.
In order to define the terminus a quo of the existence of a well-
established consciousness of the hostile difference between the two
Arab groups we should look for the earliest expression of this con-
sciousness in the most faithful interpreters of the mentality of Arab
society. In al-Farazdaq (died no) the various designations of the two 98
racial groups are used in opposition, and it is assumed that it is
generally known and acknowledged that these genealogical des-
criptions comprise the whole of the dichotomous Arab nation.' For
the beginnings, however, we are referred to a somewhat earlier time
and must use the following data. The poet' Abd Allah b. al-Zabir (died
60), a fanatical follower of the Umayyads, accuses the Muc;larites of
having looked on while Mukhtar had the house of Asma' b. Kharija
destroyed, when the latter, suspected by the 'Alids of having actively
participated in the killing of al-I;Iusayn, was fleeing from his pur-
If Asma' were of Qa.J:tian, hosts with yellow cheeks
would have bared their thighs.'
'Ubayd Allah b. Qays al-Ruqayyat, a follower of the Zubayrides
(died 70) seems to use the expression Mudar to denote the genealo-
gical peculiarity of the northern Arabs in contra-distinction to
anolher group;" and also in al-A'sha from the sonthern Arab tribe
of Hamdan (died 85) we already see signs of this special conscious-
ness. <Above (p. 8I) we have already heard the voice of a poet from
the same period who speaks in the same vein.'
These indications would point to the second half of the first
century as the time at which the 'beginning of the antagonism be-
tween northern and southern Arabs must have taken root in the
consciousness of Arab society.
This antagonism, which expressed itself in literature too in
increasingly bitter terms, was calculated to rouse the disapproval of 99
1 Qal}.tan plus Nizar, Dfwan, ed. Boucher, p. 28 penult., I;Iimyar plus Nizar,
p. 86, 8, mini'bnay Nizii,rin wa'l-yamanfna, 59. 10, Azd plus Nizar, 68 uit.
:I Agh., XIII, p. 37. 22 fE, 3I.
:J. In the poem edited by Dozy, Noten zu Ibn Badrftn, p. 67.3 from below.
[DEwan, ed. Rhodokanakis, Sitzungsberichte aeY Kais. Ak. del' Wissenschaften,
CXLIV, Vienna, 1902. Appendix, 28:4.] The Asadite poet al.l:!akam b. 'Abdal
also belongs to this time (flourished in the middle of the first century) and he
too expresses the contrast between and Ma'add clearly, Agh., II,
p. 153, 14
Agh., V, p. 159, la, d. also 10 from below, 'Adnan and Qal;ltan.
Ii Reference can also be made to Agh. XVII, p. 59 below, 62, II, where Yazid
ibn Murfarrigh, (see above, p. 94) appeals to the Qal;ttani consciousness of the
Yemenites in Damascus in order to find protection from persecution to which
he is subjected by the government.
the theologians, who saw in its basis an infringement of the principle
of equality postulated by Islamic teaching, the more so as the
northern Arabs finally went so far as to state that even Jews or
foreign mawiilis were preferable to southern Arabs.' That this was not
a mere theoretical assertion but was indeed applied in practical
life is seen from a report that in the middle of the second century the
Qurayshites did not wish to recognize the Azdites (southern Arabs)
who lived in 'Uman
as Arabs. In order to combat at its roots a
racial quarrel which had received fresh stimulus from the theories of
the genealogists, whose system in its tum arose out of the rivalry
between Qurayshites and Am;ar, sayings of the Prophet were quoted
which were designed to work against the genealogical theories. In
these sayings a common origin is alleged for both southern and
northern Arabs: in Isma'il as their common ancestor the two groups
meet.' Genealogists imbued with the theological spirit followed this
line of thought and attempted to find deeper foundations for it, and
make it sound more probable by a process of harmonization; they
taught that Qa1)tan was a son of Isma'n
which was, however, too
easy a way of cutting the Gordian knot.' A compromise was made by
those theologians who call all Arabs Banii Isma'n but make a few
exceptions, such as the Thaqif and the Arabs of I;Ia<;lramawt.' The
exclusion of the Thaqif was probably partly due to the indelible
memory of the horrors of al-I;Iajjaj b. Yiisuf. The same consideration
was responsible for a large number of sayings by Muhammed and 'Ali
which, contrary to those genealogists who make Thaqif descend
regularly from Nizar,' degrade the tribe of the tyrant' whose
genealogy was linked to Abii Righal.' He himself was said not to be a
descendant of Isma'n, the father of the Arabs, but of the godless
1 Ansab aZ-Ashraf. ed. Ahlwardt, p. 254.
:l Agh., XX, p. 100, 14.
3 B. Maniiqib, no. 5; d. the passages in Robertson Smith, p. 247.
4 See Kremer, Ober die sudarabische Sage. p. 24.
f> The descent of the southern Arabs from Isma'il was also taught in respect
of the history of the language, in order to contradict the older tradition,
according to which Ya'rub. a son of Qal:J.ta.n, was the first to speak Arabic; this
role was now allottl:ld to Isma.'il as the ancestor of all Arabs. The relevant
traditions and opinions are collected in al-Suyl1tI, MuzhiY, I, p. IS.
G AIM$iddiqi, fo1. 38b (Ibn 'Asakir). [See for Thaqi! al-Bala.dhuri, Ansab
al-Ashraf, ed. Hamidullah, I, pp. 25-9; Ibn 'Abd alMBarr, al-Inbiih, pp. 89-92;
for I::IaQramawt, ibid., pp. 58, 59, 91, 120.]
7 A few through Iyad, others through Mugar, al-Ya'qubi, I. p. 258, la,
260, II; d. genealogical legends on the ThaqIf in ya.qfit, III, pp. 496-99.
a Agll.., IV, pp. 74-76. Here all the data for this question are brought together.
t The Muslim tradition about Abt'l. Righa.l and his role in the expedition of the
Abyssinian Abraha against the Ka'ba is influenced by this anti-Thaqafi ten-
dency and was newly revived through the hatred of al-I:Iajja.j, see N6ldeke,
Gesell.. deY Perser una Araber, p, 208, note.
In the sa:ne vein the theologians also put into circu-
lation the tale that the dymg Prophet named three Arab tribes whom
he disliked: the Banii Thaqif, the Banii I;Ianifa
and the Banii
The mere mention of the latter shows the tendentious anti-
of tradition, which was presumably invented
1Il pro- Ab!'asld m order to damage the opposing dynasty.
The followmg saYIng of the Prophet is related on the authority of
Ibn 'Umar: 'In the tribe of ThaqIf there will arise a liar and a
The liar !s al-Mukhtar b. Abi 'Ubayd, the spoiler
al-I;Ia]]a] b. Yusuf.' That 10 pre-'Abbasid days the tribe of Thaqif
was of better repute is seen from the fact that al-Farazdaq, who
was by no means a friend of al-I;Iajjaj, considered descent from
Thaqif laudable.
1 A contemporary poet is already said to, have mocked his origin. He is called
'ilj a Barbarian, Agh., XX, p. 13. The prejudice
agamst the ThaqIf contmues amongst modern Bedouins, who call them Yahud.
see Doughty, Travels, II. p. 174,
2; condemnation of the Banl1 HanIfa is probably connected with the fact
that the Kharijite chief b. al-Azraq belonged to them.
3 [Al-I::Iakim, al-Mustadyak. IV, p. 481.]
... Ansab al-Ask;a!, p. 58, 3 from below and 6r, 5. AlMA'sha. speaks of the
two ham from the tnbe of Thaqif, Agk. V, p. 159, 8 from below.
'Muslim, V, p. 224; al-Baghawl,lvIa$abf,lJ al-Sunna, II, p. 193: Ibn BadrllD,
p. r93
S D'twan, ed. Boucher, p. H penult.
WE come now to another sphere where the Muslim teaching of the
equality of ali men in Islam remained a dead letter for a long time,
never realized in the consciousness of Arabs, and roundly demed
in their day to day behaviour. We have already quoted some
traditions, and we shall find a few more in this study, which go
even further than the oVeicoming of tribal differences among the
Arabs and postulate the equality of the Arabs with ali Muslim non-
Arabs in Islam. The need which arose for such sayings to be ascribed
to Muhammed and the oldest authorities of Islam proves how little
heed was paid to these principles in the ordinary course of affairs;
such sayings aimed at checking the ever increasing arrogance and
racial presumption of the Arabs also in this respect. They were
invented by pious theologians who wished to impose the conse-
quences of the Koranic teaching in all spheres of life, as well as by
non-Arabs who, without being guided by theological considerations,
wished in their own interests to stem the pride of their conquerors by
appealing to the highest authority. It was not difficult for the non-
Arabs to contribute in this manner to the enriching of the sacred
literature, for we shall soon see what a decisive position they
held very early in the spiritual life of Islam. Such sayings betray at
first glance from which of these two groups they originate. A typical
example is the last sentence of the farewell sermon of Muhanuned
(see above p. 72 note 4), which the newly converted Muslims added
with the intention of producing evidence to show that the Prophet
demanded equality not only of all Muslim Arabs but of Arabs and
non-Arabs as well.
102 Various points in the biography of the Prophet and the old Muslim
tradition are meant to support this idea and simultaneously to
contradict the Arab concept of the inferiority of ali non-Arab
peoples. The traditionist al-Zuhrl thus relates that when, on receiving
the news that the king of Persia had died on the very day that
Muhammed had prophesied, Blidhan the govemor of the Persian
king in south Arabia sent a Persian deputation to pay homage to the
Prophet, they were assured by him of their complete equality with
the members of the Prophet's family.'
1 Ibn Hisham. p. 46.
It must be assumed that the theological data to which we have
here referred owe their existence to a need of the religious opposition
against the deeply-rooted opinions of the Arabs. The clear con-
sciousness of the inferiority of other independent nations is, however,
hardly very old among the Arabs,' for there is no ancient poetical
text known expressing such a view. If these poets make mention of
non-Arab nations they do not employ the contemptuous tone which
would undoubtedly have been used if the Arabs had been convinced
of the inferiority of foreign races. The contacts of the ancient Arabs
with Persians and Greeks and their political relations with these
peoples were hardly of such a nature as to make the Arabs think of
them as inferior; on the contrary, they were likely to make the
Arabs feel that their standing was much below that of these peoples.
Wherevel Persians are mentioned the epithets applied to them relate
for the most part to external points only, for example to their
clothing' and head covers} which seemed strange to the Arabs, or
their slender bodies.' Arab poetry mentions Persian sword sheaths
and mails, which are described with a word taken from the
Persian (musarrad).' The flash of lightning at night is likened to ti,e 103
light of Pelsian lamps,' in the same way as othel passages make the
same comparison with the lamps of Christian monks (riihib). The
character of these foreigners is not described to their disadvantage.
The fact, however, that because of their langnage they are referred
to as stuttering barbarians 7 does not exactly show an intention to
honour them; and the fact that marriage of an Arab woman with a
1 Sara- 3: ro6 khayru ummatin refers to the religious community, not to the
Arab nation.
2Imrq. 40: 31 al.jiirisiyyu'l.muna!!aqu, Muja44., 42: 4 ka'l./iirisiyyfna
mashaw fi't-kumam, 'Alq., 13: 41 majdfim-to cover the mouth with thefadam
if we follow Fraenkel's De vocibus etc. peregrinis, p. 3, 12. The striped trousers
of the fire priests are later made the subject of comparisons by Jarir [Dfwan,
ed. al-SawI, p. 587, quoted by] al.Jaw.!lIqi, ed. Sachau, p. 154, 10.
II In al.Azraqi, p. 493, 10.
'Tarafa, 14: 17 qubbun ka'l 'ajam.
Ii Frronkel, Die aramiliscken Fremdw6rter im ArabisGhen, p. 241; Schwarzlose,
Die Waffen dey alten Araher, pp. 208, 340.
(I Ma{liibfbu 'ujmin, Hudh., 134: 3. The same picture, Imrlq., 22:1, ka-na,yi
majusa-according to a variant quoted in Ahlwardt's apparatus (hirbidhi) also
20:49, refers to Persian priests. Cf. Tamim ibn Muqbil [Dfwan, Damascus
1962, p. IS0, 22, quoted] Yaqut, III, p. 337. 5 (cf. also Diwan, 1:20, Persian
fortresses; 36:5, coins; 40:5, bridles].
'1 'Ant., 27:2 a'jamu #m#miyyun, t h ~ same expression is used by the poet
Mu'aR, v. 25, for the Ethiopians, Kremer, SudarabischeSage, p. 38. Cf. !imJimun
l;:abashiyyun, Agh. XVI, p. 156, 18; plural: !ama/imu sudun, XXI, p. 12, 17.
Mocking of the Persian language by a Bedouin in the Islamic period (kalam
al-khuy-s, language of the dumb), Noldeke, Beitr. ,zur. Kenntniss d. Poesie d. alten
Araber, p. 198, II [from al-Bu1}.turl's lfamasa; ed. Cheikho, p. 268, 13]; cf.
tagMu 'ajam. Agh. VIII, p. 136,9.
It would be unnecessary repetition, after Alfred v. Kremer's'
exhaustive exposition of the relations between the various strata of
the Muslim people after the conquest of foreign provinces (that is, the
full Arahs, the non-Arabs and the clients, mawlili, sing. mawIIi')
to discuss this subject again. But in order to make the connection
with the .theme the next c?apter we must just recapitulate some
of the things WhICh are sufficIently dealt with in his exposition, and
we shali use this opportunity to add a few facts to the evidence
with which he did so much to elucidate the subject.
The expression mawlli at the latest stage of its evolution means
people descended from foreign families whose ancestors or even thev
themsel:<es, on accepting Islam, have been adopted 'into an Arab
tnbe,. either as freed sla:<es or free-born aliens. Like many other
techmcal terms of the SCIence of law and social teaching this term
under:went before it crystallized into the meaning
that lt has In the CIrcle whICh we now have to consider.
In earlier
days mawlli meant any relative, without distinction of the nature of
the tribal association.4. Quite early, however, a distinction seems to
have been made between mawla'l-willida, a relative by birth, i.e. by
blo.od. and mawIa'l-yamin, i.e. one who became a relative by oath:
or m other. words the or l;alif' (see above p. 65) who has
been assocIated to a trIbe by a sworn sacrament, qasama (d. Robert-
son S,;,it.h, p. I49). The contrast between these two types of rela-
t,?nShIp IS sharply expressed when1nawla, a person assimilated to the
tnbe by affiliation, is distinguished from i.e. the original true
member of the tribe' or from (with the same meaning). In
: Culturgeschichte .des Orients unter drm Chari/en, II, pp. 154 ff.
[For meamngs of the word cf. the article 'mawla.' in the Ene. of Islam.]
3 A :ollecti?n of. examples in Kitii.b aI.Afjdiid, ed. Houtsma, pp. 29 f. Ibn
al.Athir SIxteen different meanings of the word in his Nihaya (quoted
by alQastallam, nI, p. 87, Zakat, no. 61.).
73:5 Iii nasabzm qarfbun wa-li'i mawlan. according to the variant in
<:!, rtp. penult {i,he Dfwiinhas shiifin without a variant),alNabigha.
9.6, I;Ianth, J..fu all., v. 18; Urwa, 15:2; Sam., p. 216, v. 327, v. 4-6, 629, V.:2;
Labrd, p. 5, v. 5, 48, v. 3, 55. v. 4; al.Mayda-nI, II, p. 139,7 from below. Also in
the }3:S, mawiUikum is used as a synonym for ikhwiinukum, cf. akhunii
wa-mawlana, B. SuUJ. no. 6.
. II I:Iam., p. 187ult. [Cf. al-Nabighaal-}a'di:, ed. M. Nallino, 12 :40-I: mawiiliya
lJ,zlfin Iii, mawiiH qariibatin.]
1I Agh., XIX, p. 144, IZMI3; the verb wIy III is used of the Mifrelation Hudh.
1 Muja!4., 30.:22: yaq., p. 520, 2; cf. Ibn Hish.. p. 528, 15 ltiljuhii wo,-
[Janr. m Naqa 14, p. 323. II; d. Dhu'l-Rumma, Diwan. 87:59.]
Ab.d Agk., XV, p. 76, 4: I;Iassan, Diwan, p. 81. 10 red. Hirschfeld,
62: 3,] In a htJa of the Thaqafites: ja--laysu U'I-ari{l.i wala'[-mawal'l farih
is also contrasted to l)alif, Agh., II, p. r70, 9 ' .
Persian was considered as a mesalliancet can be considered as a
stage in the development of antagonism to the Persian race towards
the end of the pagan era. We find, however, if we may trust the
source in question, that a part of the Banii 'Ijl formed such close
alliance with Persian settlers from I.lakhr who had immigrated into
Bal;trayn, that they were soon assimilated to the Persians.
merging would have been impossible during the days when antagon-
ism had been roused.
The hostility against the Persian race which is unmistakably
present in the early Islamic period was greatly stimulated by the
courageous uprising of a large section of the central Arab tribes
against the tyrannical rule of the Persians, who through their
vassal state of I:!lra exerted a humiliating pressure upon the Arabs,
and the heroic fight against and defeat of the Persian empire in the
battle of Dhii-qar (6n A.D.)' which was one of the three most out-
standing military events of pre-Islamic Arab history.' There was also
invented a saying of the Prophet in which this battle is described as
epoch-making in the relationship of Arabs and Persians: and the
popular legend which wonderfully elaborated the episodes of this
event6 preserved into later times the importance of that day and
prefigured in it the victory of Islam over the Persians.' The sentiment
which now prevailed among the Arabs was greatly fostered by the
subsequent wars of Islam against the Persians. The contempt of
the foreign nation was enhanced by the supremacy now gained by
the Arab tribes over the state which had once controlled them.
If Arabs who were defeated in battle, and especially those who
became prisoners of war, were deemed inferiors in the national
hierarchy, how much more inferior must have appeared, after its
political collapse, the foreign nation with its alien institutions and
family orders, the exact opposite of those of the Arabs, on which all
fame was based in Arab eyes.
Thus thenational hatredwhichhad itsbeginningshortlybeforeIslam
was much encouraged bytheconditions andrelations createdin Islam.
1 Cf. below, Section IV of this chapter.
:2 Abu'IMMu'alIa al-Azdi, Yaqfit, II, p. 179, :20 ff. But min 'ajam in the notes
to al-]awaUqI, ed. Sachau, p. 64, 9, is probably: ibn 'Ijl, d. Agh., XVIII, p.
3 Robertson Smith, p. 288. had already pointed out the connection. but
perhaps one might refer back to the Yawm aI_Mushaqqar, Caussin de Perceval,
II, PP' 576 ff. Yawm DM-qar as the Banu Shayban's day of glory over Khusraw,
al.Farazdaq, ed. Boucher, p. 59. 8.
4 Agh., X, p. 34, 19
lio AI-Ya'qfibi. I, p. :246, 7 [Naqa'iq" p. 640, 18; Ta.b., I, p. 1016, I].
1I The Romance oj 'Antar, XVI. pp. 6-43
1 The war cry of the Arabs was yiUa Mu[tammad, according to the popular
1 Noteworthy in this connection is Agh., X, p. 36, :21.
I :{lam., p. 249, v. 4; d. Agh., XXI, p. 145, 2, where one can find various
expressions for the concept of such tribal appendages.
3 Even later, Agh., V, p. 130, 10.
,j, Imrq., 27; r.
!> Mufa44., 32, 21 laysafiha ashii'ibu, d. al-JawaUqi, ed. Sachau, p. 20,3.
Al-'Iqd, n, p. 334.
those earlier days the word mawla did not yet mean specifically a
non-Arab client of an Arab tribe.' If one wished to speak of the
mawali in the most derogatory way they were called 'tails' (dhanabat)2
and 'fins' (.a'ani/a)3 or 'intruders' (dukhlulun, sing.)! of whom one
expects less courage and honour than of the real members of a tribe
fighting for its honour and glory, and whom one is even inclined to
suspect of treason to the most sacred duties of the tribe because of
their alien origin. Such an increase in numbers ('adad) was probably
quite welcome to weak tribes, but it was considered particularly
praiseworthy if a tribe could manage without such elements.
The changed social conditions which resulted from the victories
of Islam demanded an even more thorough definition and classifica-
tion of the concept of mawla. Foreign prisoners were brought home
from the wars who eventually were set free and incorporated into
the tribe of their previous OliVIlers as mawiili, thus complementing the
Arab nation. They were, however, not clients by oatil. The earliest
theoretical consideration of this type of mawali-whose position
in the tribe whose serfs they had been was discussed also in the old
literature of tradition-in addition to the two types mentioned
above, is found in an edict which is ascribed to 'Dmar II, but was
probably fabricated at a later date and is addressed to one of
'Vmar's governors. This edict lays down that: there are three types
of mawali: (I) mawla raMmin, i.e. a blood relation, (= m. al-wilaaa);
(2) m. 'ataqa, i.e. a freedman who, through the act of emancipation,
becomes the client of his former master; and (3) m. al-' aqd, i.e.
probably a free Arab who by special legal act becomes a member of a
tribe to which he belongs neither by birth nor by previous affiliation
as slave (= m. ai-yamin). The document to which I refer postulates
difference; in the law of inheritance for each of these three types,
though like many Muslim institutions they are presumably of ouly
theoretical significance, since quite other nonns were used in practice.
This threefold division of the class of the mawlas answered the needs
of the situation in which it was made. It presumably takes
account of old linguistic usage in calling tribal Arabs mawla too, but
the second category contains the seeds of the new use of the
The extensive Islamic conquests amongst alien non-Arab races
called for a special term by which to describe such non-Arabs who,
after their country was conquered, were converted to Islam and,
freed from the state of prisoners of war and slaves, were incorporated
into a purely Arab family by affiliation. For this the old word 107
mawla was used which now becomes more especially the opposite of
'Arab by descent.' In order to describe the whole of an Arab tribe one
says, for example, 'the tribe Blihila 'urbuhii wa-mawaliha', i.e. the
true Arabs amongst them and the foreigners assimilated to the tribe:
The old customary Arab law gave exactly the same rights and
duties to those affiliated to the tribe as to proper members. Exceptions
appear to have been made in a few special cases only. In Medina, for
example, the blood-money (aiya) for someone who was merely
affiliated to the tribe appears to have been but half that for a full
member" This phenomenon is explained, however, by the fact that
the tribes had no set amounts for the blood money but made their
own individual assessments in different ways.3 Generally, however,
the rule of the equality of mawlas with the members of the tribe was
observed.' In this respect principles of the following type were
valid: al-wala' lulpna
ka-lul;tmal al-nasab, or al-wala' nasab IMbi/,
Le. (the relationship of clientage creates firm ties' or even 'blood rela-
tionship like that based on common descent';' mawla'l-qawm
minhum or min an/usihim, i.e. 'the mawla of a tribe should be
considered like one of its original members." In this sense a mawla
of the tribe of Quraysh, when asked about his affiliation, does not call
himself a mawla but says that he belongs to Quraysh.
This principle
seems to have been extended to outside relations of the tribe, as for
1 Tab., III, p. 30S, 17.
:/; Caussin de Perceval, II, p. 658; Agh., II, p. 167; it is true that there the
reference is to the l;aUf.
a The Gbatarii of the Azd tribe, demand for the murder of one of their
members, double the ordinary blood money, Agh., XII, pp. So, S4; Labid,
commentary, p. 144, 16.
4. 'Antara, 26, I I is based on hatred of mawiUis and there is reason to think
that this passage is not genuine.
II On lu{nna: Robertson Smith, p. 149. For the opinion expressed there see
also Josua, 9:14; for the expression lubma cf. Agh" VIII, p. 1S2, 7 bi-lul;matihi
wa-ahli baytiki.
C Cf. Dozy, al-Bayan al-Mugkrib, p. 17 of the introduction; various explana.
tions in al-Zurqani to MuwaUa', Ill, p. 262. [See also Risala If
Umayya, Rasa'il, ed. Sandftbi, Cairo 1933, p. 299: al-Sharif al-RaQ.i, at-
al-Nabawiyya, p. 133; al-Haytharni, Majma' al-Zawa.'id, IV, p. 231.J
'1 B. Fara'irj, no. 23; al-Tha'alibi, Dey vertraute Gefahrte des Einsamen, ed.
Fliigel, pp. 266 ff. [Le. in reality Raghib Mubadarat al-Udaba'; ed.
Cairo 1287, I, pp. 218-9]. See also Kanz al-' Ummal, X, p. 203, nos. 1562-4:
al-Samarqandi, Tubfat al-Fuqaha:, 1/1, Damascus 1964, pp. 628-g.]
8 It is not surprising that the mawiili made use of this principle; Agk., XXI,
p. 131,4.
example, when the mawtti of a family who stands in bill relationship
with another tribe becomes the [lali! of that tribe.' . .
If these democractic principles had been transferred ill theIr
literal application to the new sort of mawali this new element would
at once have found a position in Islam which would have accorded
with the Muslim doctrine of equality. A few of the rulers who were
devoted to religion did in fact see the new in these tenns.
But on the whole this democratic view of the relatlOns between the
newly acquired aliens and the Arabs was not agreeable to the Arabs,
obsessed as they were with their aristocratic traditions: Apart from
this aristocratic prejudice, euvy and jealousy also contnbuted to the
reluctance of the members of ancient Arab families to acknowledge the
equality of the foreigners. The proud and boastful Arabs
especially the fact that it was the foreigners, who had entered IslamlC
society and had been incorporated into the Arab people, who. ,:ot
only gained riches' but also, on account of their intellectual
soon acquired the greater influence in society as far as the matenal
aspects were concerned.4. It could said of th:: }iuslim hi
Yasiir (died IOO) that no one was more respected ill Ius day than he:
The foreigners also took the lead in intellectual throu?h therr
furtherance of the specifically Arabic and Muslim SCIences, which they
pursued with greater eagerness, diligence and s';lccess than the
chosen Arab people with their one-sided gifts. It also t.rue
old noble families whose descendants were known In Mushrn tImes
as dihqans,' countered the racial pride of the with a pride in
their own ancestors which insulted Arab society. ThIs at least appears
to have been so from an apocryphal tradition which seems to stem
from contemplation of this situation: 'Six kinds of men go to hell
without being asked any previous reckoning: the rulers becau;se of
their injustice, the Arabs because of their racial fanaticism (' "$ab,yya) ,
the dihqans because of their arrogance (al-dahiiqin the
merchants because of their lies, the scholars because of thelr envy,
and the rich because of their meanness:'
1Ibn QutaYba, cd. \Vustenfeld, p. 161 below.
S Kremer, I.e., p. 155.
3 An example from the middle of the first century, Ibn 3
[er. the ch. about the high sums paid by mukiitab slaves for therr emanclpation,
Ibn J:Iabib, al-Mubabbar, pp. 340"-7; for FirQ.z d. also al-Mubarrad,
al-Kamil, pp. 655-6.J .
4. 'While the Arab rides a lazy mare, the mawiiU; ride fine chargers. 'ThIS was
not our custom in the days of the Prophet'-Abu'l-Aswad al-Du'ali had already
made this complaint; al-Baladhuri, p. 354.
S Ibn Qutayba, p. 121, 3. .
e For their position and infl.uence see Kremer, Culturgescktchte, II, pp.
For the early date of their importance in the Muslim state, Tab., II, p. 458, IS
't Al'$iddiqi, fo1. 85a.
The shrewd Persians succeeded in working up from the lowest
status to the most important positions in the 'Abbasid empire, thanks
to their skilful use of existing circumstances. .
The biography of the last vizier of Ma'miin affords a typical
example of the way in which striving Persians knew how to gain
administrative posts by their superior skill.
There were many such
examples in earlier days as well. But the foreigners not only led in
administration'but-as has beensaid already-theywere foremost too
in the specifically religious sciences. Kremer says: 'It seems almost as
if these scientific studies (reading of the Koran, exegesis, science of
tradition and jurisprudence) were mainly indulged in by clients
during the first two centuries:
whereas the true Arabs felt more
drawn to the knowledge of their old poetry and to its development
and imitation,' But, we may add, here too they were often outdone
by the foreigners, whose scholars considerably furthered and indeed
really opened up this sphere of Arab culture, byliterary and historical
studies about the ancient Arabs, and by detailed criticism of the
tradition, etc. It would be superfluous to mention the many names
whose very sound is evidence of the debt Arabic grammar and lexico-
logy owe to non-Arabs. Even if, we do not entirely accept Paul de
Lagarde's statement that 'of the Muslims who achieved anything in
scholarship none was a Semite',
it can certainly besaidthat the Arabs
lagged considerably behind the non-Arabs in the specifically religious
studies and in the studies concerned with the knowledge of the ArabIC
language. For this the Arabs themselves were largely to blame,
They looked down with sovereign contempt upon the studies
zealously taken up by the non-Arabs, and thought that such triviali-
ties were unsuitable for men who boasted great ancestors, but be-
longed to the 'lTaooaywy6s who wished to hide his obscure genealogy
behind such facades. 'It is not suitable for a Qurayshite: says a
thoroughbred Arab, 'to immerse himself in sciences other than the
knowledge of the old traditions (of the Arabs) or at best the art of
drawing the bow and attacking enemies: When a Qurayshite once
noticed an Arab child studying the grammatical work of Sibawayhi
he could not help exclaiming: 'Bah! this is the science of school-
teachers and the pride of beggars: because it was considered ridicu-
lous that Someone who was grammarian, prosodist, arithmetician
and learned in the law of inheritance-for the last science a knowledge
1 Al-FakhrJ, ed. Ahlwardt, p. 273-
2 Few are likely to have shown such modesty as is attributed to MakJJ.ul.
When 'Umar b.Abd al-' Aziz offered him the office of judge he is said to have
refused with the remark: 'The Prophet said: "Only a man respected by his
own people is to judge men" but I am a mawlii' (al-'Iqa., I, p. 9 below).
3 CulturgeschichtZiche Strei/zuge, p. 16.
4- Kremer, Cultttrgeschichte, II, p. lr5
Gesammelte A bhandtungen, p. 8, note 4.
of arithmetic was necessaryl-instructed small children in all these
sciences for sixty dirhams (unfortnnately we are not told for which
Even before Islam it was mainly Christians' and Jews' who were
the teachers of the Arabs in sehools where the latter learned to read
and write, and it is a fact that in Medina,' where the Jews were the
writing was more practised than in the purely pagan
parts of the peninsnla. The perusal of holy scriptures which the
pagans lacked made Jews and Christians more capable of learning
these arts than the bookless Arabs, amongst whom the art of writing,
111 though not entirely unknown, was only exercised by an elect few,
primarily educated poets and more especially those whose intercourse
with I;Iira and the Ghassanid court helped them to acquire this
accomplishment. Contact with Persiaus' and Greeks had established
a culture there which far exceeded the normal level of Arab civiliza-
tion and probably became the source from which select Arabs gained
1 Cf. Osterreich. Monatsschrijt jur den Orient, 1885, pp. 137, l56. Hence the
frequent juxtaposition in biographies of scholars: jiiriq, l;tasib, Ibn Qutayba, ed.
Wfistenfeld, pp. 117.4, 263 ult.; al-jaraq,f, al-l;tiisib, Ibn al-Athir, X, p. 201
(anno 5II), etc., e.g. al-jaqih
2 AI-Jal)iz, Bayiin, fo1. 92b. Cf. similar stories from other sources, in Kremer,
op. cit, II p. 159. [For this and the following, cf. Goldzihcr's article 'Education'
in Hasting's Ene. of Religion and Ethics.]
3 Agh.. V, p. 19I. AIMuraqqish is sent by his father to the school of a Chris-
tian in al.I:Iira to learn to write; and the letter of Uriah, which the poets
al.Mutalammis and Tarafa were to bring to the ruler of BaJ:l,rayn. could only
be read by a Christian youth whom they met on their way; al-Ya'qfibi, ed.
Houtsma, I, p. 240. Amongst the Iyad-amongst whom Christianity had
spread (the bishop Quss b. Sa'ida was an Iyadite)-writing was widely knovm,
as the poet ot the tribe Umayya b. Abi'l.$alt stresses with approval (Ibn
Hisham, p. 32, 6.). [Bishr, brother of Ukaydir. ruler of Dfimat aI-Jandal. is
said to have taught Meccans to write, Ibn Durayd, p. 223: Ibn
l;Iazm, Jamharat Ansiib at-'Arab, p. 403.]
4 In Medina Jews taught writing to the Aws and Khazraj; al.Baladhurl.
I) Ibn Qutayba, pp. 132, uIt, 133 ult, 166. 16; d. Yaqut, I, p. 3I1, 18.
S Cf. Kremer, Ober die Gedichte des Labyd, p. 28. That poets liken the traces
of deserted camps to mysterious characters rather shows that writing was
strange to them. This is also indicated by the word alwa1)y, which is often found
in this context, e.g. Zuhayr. Append. 4;1. Add to the passages mentioned by
Fraenkel (Die aramaischen Fremdworter im Arabischen. pp. 244 fl.) a few charac-
teristic verses: Agk. XIX, p. 14, 14; Abu Dhu'ayb in Ibn al-Sikkit. p. 276
Led. Cheikho, p. 329=Hudhayl., ed. Cairo 1945, I, p. 64] (ka-raqmi'l-dawiiti
yazbumha'l-kiitibu'$-Zoimyariyyu); 'farafa, I2 :2. 13 :1. 19:2, Yaqiit, III, p. 58.
21 (Ea'iib). The passage by 'Antar quoted by Fraenkel (27:2) is imitated by
'Ali b. Khali:l, Agk. XIII, p. IS, 9 below. ka-raqmi 'l-Jursi. [See collec-
tions of passages on writing by F. Krenkow in A Volume of Oriental Studies
presented to E. G. Browne, pp. 264-6 and aI-Din al-Asad. Ma!jiidir at-Shi'y
at-]ahilf, pp. 23-103 passim.]
7 Interesting is kuttiib at 'ajam, I;iam., p. 763. v. I.
theirs. A large part of the nomenclature eonneeted with the art 01
writing consists of foreign loan words, as can now be seen from the
material collected by FraenkeI.' The poet Laqit sends home a
written greeting (fl sa1}fjatin);' the conditions of peace between
BakrandTaghlibwere writtendown, but probably bythe people ofthe
king of l:iira. under whose auspices the treaty was conc1uded
and on
that occasion the loan word mahariq (sgl. mahraq) , whieh is used in the
relevant account, is interesting.
It is indicative of the rarity of scribes
that an old poet describes a wise man, from whom he quotes a
sentence, as one 'who dictates writing to be noted down upon
parchment by the scribe'.' An idea of how undeveloped the art of
writing was, even amongst those who were acquainted with it at
that time in the I;Iijaz,' can be gained from the primitive writing
materials used for recording the Koran. How few men were able to
write in those days can be seen from the account that prisoners taken
in the battle of Badr paid for their freedom by giving lessons in
writing in lieu of paying ransom.
Amongst those who ean be called 112
true Arabs-those who remained untouched by foreign contacts and
influences-very few have acquired such knowledge; this was
especially true of the Bedouins, who to this day despise the arts of
reading and writing,' much as in the days of the poet Dhu'I-Rurmna,
who all his life kept secret the fact that he could write. He said to
someone to whom he had incautiously given himself away:
'keep it seeret because we eonsider this as shameful ija-innah1t
'indana 'ayb).' 9
From this it is easily understandable that the true Arabs preferred
to conform in their spiritual life exclusively to the old ideals of the
1 Die aramtlischen Fremdworter im Arabischtn, pp. 244- fi.
II His poems ed. Noldeke, Orient and Occident, I. p. 708; al.Ya'qfibi, I, p. 259,
3l;Iarith, l\IIu'all., v. 67.
4 Hudhayl., 56:15.
I> Fraenkel, p. 245, below.
6 Sherds are used as writing material even for the poems of Abu'VAtahiya,
Agh., III, p. 129.
7 p. 17l, 19.
8 Cf. Robinson, [Biblical Researches in Palestine, London x841, II, p. 178;
German transl.] Palaestina tmd' die sudlich angrcnzenden Lander, II. p. 42: 'but
as even this (that the sheikh of the Ta'amirah Bedouins knew how to read and
write) is an exception to Bedawy custom. the Ta'amrrah stand degraded by it
in the eyes of their brethre?' How low the standard of literacy is even today,
even amongst those BedOUlDS who caDI lay any claimto it, is seen from ZDPV
IX, p. 247. When Wallin's desert poet swears' by the twenty-nine letters of
alphabet', ZDMG, VI, p. 190, v. I, he shows also by this that he is no real Bedouin
poet (d. Wetzstein, Sprachliches aus den ZeUlagern, etc. p. 6 of the
g Agh., XVI, p. 121.
'perfect Arab'lleaving the care of the higher sciences, which answered
the need aroused by the new religion, to the foreigners, the newly
adopted' Ajam-as he called them--<'!ven at that stage of civilization
which came in the wake of Islam. This, however, does not mean that
the Arabs turned away from science altogether. The history of Islamic
scholarship mentions many true Arabs-like, for example,.al-Mu:arrij
from the Bedouin tribe of Sadfis (died I9S)-who were qUIte emment
scholars. He described his own career in the following manner: 'I
came from the desert and knew nothing of the rules of the Arabic
language, my knowledge was purely instinctive and I learnt the
rnles in the lectures of Abu Zayd al-Am;an al-Baeri.' ThIS man later
undertook long journeys as far as Marw and Nisabiir, where he spread
much knowledge, which he also recorded in his writings.' But the
Arabs had to change their entire nature. and to immerse themselves
113 in foreign culture, in order thus to transform themselves into men?f
the theoretical sciences. Only a small minority were able to do thIS
and they were easily overtaken in the intellectual fieldby thenewly
adopted foreigners who had only to apply their natlve deSire for
learning to the new circumstances brought about by the conquest.
It is thus in fact one of the most instructive chapters of the cultural
history of Islam to trace the steady progress of in Islam:s
intellectual life. If we are to believe Arab histOrians, Per51an partIcI-
pation in Arab culture goes right back to pre-Islamic times. The
predecessor of Badhan, the governor of Yemen, whom we have
previously mentioned as Muhammed's contemporary, was Khurra-
khusraw the son and successor of the governor Marwazan. This
KhurraktlUsraw is said to have become completely Arabized in
Yemen' he recited Arabic poems and educated himself in Arab
his assimilation to the Arabs (ta'arrabuh, according to our
authority) was the cause of his re-call:' A,:,".ngst the Islamic
theologians there are also some men of PerSlan ongm whose ancestors
made contact with the Arabs not only through Islam, but because
they belonged to those Persian troops' who came to Arabia under
Say! b. DhI Yazan.' Under Islam the Arabization of non-Arab
1. See above p. 49. note 8. Those circles which, the influence of
literate surroundings, valued acquaintance with 'wnting also before IslamIC
times, as in Medina, counted this knowledge also as an attribute of the 'perfect';
al.Baliidhuri, pp. 473-4-
2: Ibn Khallikan, no. 755.
STab., I, p. 1040, From the time of the Prophet must be mentioned Fayniz
al.Daylami (died under 'Uthman), ct. Ibn Qutayba, ed. Wftstenfeld, p. 170.
4. cf. Agh.. XVI, p. 76; Ibn Hisham, pp. N/)ldeke,
Gesc.hic.hte dey Araber und Peysey, p. 223 M"
The famous theologian Tawos b. Kaysan al.Janadi (dIed 106)
back to such origins (Abu'l.Mal).asin, I, p. 289); also Wahb b. Munabblh (dIed
II4), one of the main authorities for the Biblical legends in Islam, Ibn Khal.
elements and their participation in the scholarly activities of Muslim
society advanced rapidly, and there are few examples in the cultural
history of mankind to rival this process. Towards the end of the first
century there is a grammarian in Medina named Bushkest, a name
which sounds quite Persian.
This man, who occupied hinJself with
teaching his subject, took a prominent part in the Kharijite rebellion
of Abu Hamza, and because of this he was tracked down and killed
by the of Merwan.' A mimber of the most famous Muslims
were descended from Persian prisoners of war. The grandfather of
Ibn Isl;tiiq, whose biography of the Prophet is one of the most 114
important sources for the history of the origins of Islam, was a
prisoner of war named Yasar; this was true also of the father of
Abu Mfisa b. Nueayr, who reached a high position in Andalusia. The
fathers and grandfathers of many others who excelled in politics,
science, and literature, had been Persian or Turkish prisoners of war
who became affiliated to Arab tribes and who by their completely
Arabic nisbas almost made people forget their foreign origin.' But on
the other hand it was not impossible for such Arab maWlili to retain
a memory of their foreign descent, though it was not very common.
The Arab poet Abu Isl;tiiq Ibrahim al-$iill (died 243) kept in his
family name al-$uli a reminder of his ancestor $ol-takin, a
Khurasanian prince who Was defeated by Yazid b. al-Muhallab and
lost his throne. Converted to Islam, he became onc of the most
zealous partisans of his conqueror. He'is said to have written upon
the arrows that he sent against the Caliph's troops: '$01 is calling
you to follow the Book of God and the Sunna of His Prophet.' The
famous Arab poet was descended from this Turk.'
Even to mention ouly the most outstanding examples of the
participation of the 'Ajam element in the learned life of the Muslim
world and its role in the religion of Islam would involve digging deep
into the history of Arabic literature. A statistical assessment of these
matters would certaiuly be to the disadvantage of the Arabs. We
will, however, permit ourselves to illustrate the influence of non-
Arabs on the Muslim state and science, by means of a synchronized
list of the most able men of Islam in the time of the Umayyad caliph
'Abd al-Malik. This will be easy, since we only need to quote the
words of an Arab writer who was deeply interested in this pheno-
menon, Ibn al-$aliil,l relates in the book of his travels that al-Zuhri,
1 Agh., I, p. 114,9 from. below.
a Ibid, XX, p. 108. 5; no, 18 f.
a Al.Baladhuri, p. 247. gives an interesting list of such men.
'" Agk. IX, p. 21, Abu'lMal:!a,sin. I, p. 747.
likan, no. 795 (IX, p. ISO). Learned descendants are ascribed also to Badhan
himself; Yaqllt, II, p. 891, 2.
the famous theologian, once appeared at the court of the caliph
'Abd-al-Malik and introduced himself to the Commander of the
Faithful. The following remarkable conversation is said to have
ensued between the ruler and the scholar:
C: 'Where do you come from, al-Zuhri?'
Z: 'From Mecca.'
C: 'Who hadauthority over the people therewhile youwere present?,
Z: "Ata: b. Rabah:
C: 'Is this man Arab or a mawlli?'
Z: 'A mawlli:
C: <How did he succeed in getting such influence over the in-
habitants of Mecca?'
Z: 'Because of his religiosity and his knowledge of tradition:
C: 'This is right, men who fear God and are knowledgeable in
tradition are fitted to be eminent among men. But who is the
most eminent man in Yemen?'
Z: 'Tawils b. Kaysan:
C: 'Is he of the Arabs or of the mawiil;?'
Z: 'Of the mawiili:
C: 'How did he gain his influence?'
Z: 'With the same qualities as 'At.:.
The caliph asked these questions about all pro,":"ces of I.slam,
and al-Zuhrl told himthat the leadership of Muslim sOClety was m the
hands of Yaz]d b. Ab] I;Iabib in Egypt, of Mak!;Liil-son of a prisoner
of war from Kabul, set free by a Hudhaylite woman whom he served
-in Syria, Maymun b. Mihran in Mesopobu:nia, al-1!a1).!).ak
Muzahim in Khurasan, al-I;Iasan b. al-I;Iasan m Baera, and IbrahIm
al-Naima'] in Kufa; all of these were mawlili. When the caliph
expressed his astonishment at such conditions, which. w?uld lead
to the mawJlis seizing power over the Arabs and brmgmg them
into subjection, al-Zuhri said: 'This is so, Commander of the Faithful.
It is because of the commands of God and His religion: he who obeys
them rules, he who neglects them is defeated:'
'Every people: the Prophet is represented as saying in order to
express public opinion, 'has auxiliary forces and those of the Quraysh
(meaning here the Arabs in general) are their mawJli:' The Prophet
1 In our story Makl;l.'ul is described as a Nubian slave ('abd' nubi). Ibn Kha.lli-
kant no. 74. derives his origin from Sind; his name is originally Shahdib b.
Shadhil. He was a teacher of al-Awza'i and became famous because of the
acumen of his judgements.
I AI-Damiri, II, p. I07. A similar story is told in al-'Iqd, II, pp. 95.6, but the
dialogue there is bet"..een the governor 'Isa. b. Mftsa and the theologian Ibn Abi
a b. I:Janbal quoted in aISiddiqI, fo1. 67b: inna li-kulli qawm maaaa
wa.macldat mawalihim.
made 'Vmar present the Qurayshites to him, and when he learned
that there were also allies and mawlili amongst them he said: lyulafli'-
una minnii wa-mawtilinii minna
i.e. 'OUf allies and mawali belong to
us; have you not heard that on the day of resurrection the God-
fearing amongst you (irrespective of descent), will be those who are
closest to me?" Al-BukharJ has a whole paragraph expounding that
judicial and administrative offices can be given to mawiili. It is typical
that the report contained there (that already in the oldest days of
Islam mawJli were considered equal to Qurayshites of the highest
standing) stems from Nafi' (died II6) the mawlJ of Ibn 'Vmar."
Such reports were designed to justify to the Arabs the positions of
foreigners in political life.
'Vmar is made to answer an accusation
that he made a mawlli governor of Wadi'I-Qura with: 'He reads the
book of God and knows the laws. Has not your Prophet said that God
lifts up some through this Koran and lowers others?" Thus did the
pietists acqniesce in the ascendancy of foreign elements.
No pious co-religionist would ever have reproached one of the
above-mentioned Muslim scholars of foreign extraction with being of
lower standing than the true Arab because of his foreign origin. The
fact that these foreign authorities could find such a firm foothold
in the ecclesiastical language of Islam, in the same way as the truest
descendants of Islunael, so that they even contributed to the scientific
study of this language more than the members of the race of which
it was the native tongue, gave, them legitimate opportunity to
bridge the racial difference even more easily. This also has, of course,
to be expressed by no less a person than Muhammed himself:
'Oh men: he is made to say, 'verily God is one God and the ancestor
of all men is the same ancestor, religion is the same religion and the
Arabic language is neither the father nor the mother of anyone of
you but is nothing but a language. Therefore all who speak Arabic
1 Ibid., fo1. 69a. [This tradition occurs in aIwBukhan, al-Adab al-Mufraa.
Cairo 1379. p. 40; Kanz al-' Ummal, X, p. 203, no. 1564.]
:I B. Al;kam, no. 25, cf. above, p. 105, note 2.
3 Cf. the passage from al.Maqrizi, Khitat, II, p. 332, quoted by Kremer
II, p. 158, note z.
, In a!.Fakihi, Chroniken der M ekka, II, p. 36.
l> Amongst the anecdotical stories which are designed to combat Arab
hauteur towards the mawiUi, there is an anecdote of al.Shu'bi of the encounter
of 'Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr with a mawla named Dhakwan (probably an ana-
chronismif it refers to the pious mawla of the tribe of Ghatafan who died in 101;
Abu'I.Mal].asin, I, p. 274) at the court of Mu'awiya. The proud Ibn
disdained to render the mawlii an account 'there is no answer for this slave', but
the latter reinforced his argument, 'this slave is better than you', with Islamic
sentences favouring mawalf. The story also makes the Caliph take the mawla's
part. See al.'Iqa, II, p. 138, and ibid., p. 152, where there is a story intended to
teach that the mawla can have a greater share in the happiness of the other
world than true Arabs.
are Arabs." 'He of (the inhabitants of) Faris who accepts Islam is
(equal to a) Qurayshite.'2
How deeply this fact was felt early in Islam, and how eager people
were to come to grips with it, is seen from the fact that traditions
were invented in which Muhammed himself is made to have prophetic
foresight of these conditions of Islam. 'We sat,' Abu Hurayra was
made to relate, 'with the Prophet when the Sura of al-:/"ma'a was
revealed to him . . . Amongst us was Sahnan the Persian. The
Prophet laid his hand upon Sahnan and said: 'If belief were in the
Pleiades, men of this people' (the Persians) wonld reach it.'4 Later
this saying was made to refer to science and transformed into: 'If
science were attached to the ends of the sky a people of the men of
Faris wonld reach it." The following dream of the Prophet is related:
He dreamt that black and white cattle were following him and the
white ones were so numerous that the black ones were hardly
Iloticeable. When the Prophet asked Abu Bakr to interpret this dream
the latter said: 'the black ones arc the Arabs and the white ones the
non-Arabs ('ajam) who were to be converted to Islam after them;
they will be converted in such large nwnber::;6 that the black ones
will not be noticed any more,'7
We have again seen traditions which are quite unmistakably the
product of those circles which endeavoured to protect themselves
from the jealousy of the true Arabs by inventing and spreading such
maxims. We must repeat here that the representatives of the old pagan
Arab ideas turned a deaf ear to the teaching of the Prophet, propa-
gated with pleasure by the pietists and Persians, abont the equality
of men irrespective of whether they were northern or sonthern Arabs,
118 Arabs or 'Ajamis. A son of a sister of the Caliph had to bear the
1 Ibn' Asakir in fol. 90b. 1 mention the tradition in this context,
though it probably is a laterinvention (Ibn' Asakir lived 499-564); there is .no
doubt Ulat pious Muslims thought like this in earlier times too. [The quotatIon
is from Ta'rfhh Dimashq, Damascus I349, VI, p. 45
2 Ibid., fo1. 38b: man asZama min Faris ja-huwa Quraysk. [Read Qttrash'L. The
tradition is quoted from Ibn ai-Najjar by al-Suyitti, aZ-JaHti' II, p.
I 63]
S In a later version specifically: of the 'Ajam (al-DamirI, II, p. 525)
'" B. Talsf:r, no. 30I, to S'Clra 62.
In Ibn Khaldun, I, p. 478. [ef. also Ibn I;!anbalJ Musnad, ed. Shakir, no.
7937; al-Haythami, Majma' al-Zawa'iil, X, p. 645; al-TibrIziJ Mishkat al-
Ma;ilbr/>, p. 576.]
8 Flii.gel reads Zi-shirratihim and translates: 'because of their badness'; this
is to be corrected into Zi-katkratihim, 'because of their great number.' [This is
in fact the reading in the ed. of Raghib; see next note.]
'1 Verty. Gejtihrte, no. 313. [In fact Raghib al.I!i!fahani,
tjarat aZ-UdaM', I, p. 2I9]
ridicule of his contemporaries becanse his female ancestors were of
Ethiopian origin.' The ma'li'lii Ziyad al-A'jam' (middle of the first
century) was mocked because of hi, obscure descent by the Arabs,
who wished him
and he did not escape being taunted with incest,
the sin of which the Persians were commonly accused.
It is true that
this mawla had made himself at home among the Arabs; he had per-
secuted many an Arab tribe with pitiless hijii" and had dared to
circulate satirical verses about the descent of pure Arab tribes. Nor
did he avoid those Arabs who had mocked him; he retaliated with
merciless satire: 'When the dress of a Yashkuri touches yours you
may not pronounce God's name before you have cleaned yourself;
If shame could kill a tribe it wonld doubtless kill the Yashkur tribe.'
'I am amazed,'" he replied to a taunt, 'that I do not whip an
tAnazi who mocks me:?
According to a saying by an Arab of the Banu Shayban, even the
blood of amawliiis quite different from that of an Arab by decsent, so
that when the blood of both is shed the difference can be seen after
their death." Only as a very rare exception is there a friendly word
for the mccwiili from the representatives of the Arab nation, especially
from the poets.' Arabpoetry, particularly that oitheUmayyadperiod,
is full of scorn and derision for those in whose veins the blood of Arab
d.oes not fio.w. The poet al-Akhtal thinks that his best way
of humiliating Arabs lS to call them people of Azqubiid (a place in the
district ofMaysan),
i.e. to deny them the status of Arabs and relegate 119
them to Persia," as a not very honourable place of origin. It is typical
that-even at a much later date-the mccwlii Abu'l- 'Atahiya taunts
1 Ibn Durayd
p. 183. [See the conversation between this 'Abd
b. Umm al-l:Iakam and Ab'Cl Khidash in al-BaIadhuri, fo1. 362 r. 'Amr b. aI-' A!i!
was contemptuously nicknamed on account of his mother, a captive woman:
Ibn 'Abd aI-Barr, al-IsU'iib, p. 434.]
I He was, however, given this epithet not because of his origin but because of
his stuttering, Agk., XI, p. I6.s; XIV, p. I02; aZ.'lqa, III, p. 296.
3 Sam., p. 6]8, v. "2. The poet al-Mughira b. I:!abna' particularly has the habit
in the hija' between them to expose him as a foreigner who insinuates himself
into Arab society, Agh., XI, p. 166, I6 if., 167,20; 168, 8 'iZj mu'ahad.
Agh.. XIII, p. 62, 6.
5 E.g. Ibn Khallikan, no. 298 etc.
8 Agh., XI, p. I]I below. This satire is used much later in a collection of
satires against Arab tribes, JournaZ asiat., I853, I, p. 551.
7 In Sibawayhi, ed. Derenbourg, II, p. 3I3, 13.
8 Agh., XXI, p. 209.
I refer to the short poem by an anonymous author in -earn., p. 5I4.
10 Yaq'Clt, I, p. 233, 6. I
11 Al.Tabrlzi, to [;] (Leiden manusexipt no.
59]) p. 4?5 [ed. Chelkho, p. 580,.m al-Akhtal's nT-wan, ed. $, p, 193, 6;
the. readmg of the place-name IS, however, doubtful since there are many
vanants], cf. also Agh., XVII, p. 65,23 where Ibn Mufarrigh says to the family
of Ziyad b. AbIhi: lahum jf ali .1\.1aysana ya4ribu.
an Arab opponent, the poet Wiiliba, who was the teacher of Abu
Nuwas, by saying that he will be well advised to join the mawlilr,
as he is not worthy to stand amongst the Arabs.' Nevertheless
it was considered as an elevation in rank to become a mawla of an
Arab tribe rather than to belong to the Persians. Is!)aq al-Maw,!ili
(under Haran al-Rashid), who called himself a descendant of the
Banu'l-A!).rar, was subject to insult as long as he was not affiliated
to an Arab tribe, by the Arab Ibn Jami', who said that no one need
fear contradiction who called Is!)aq the child of a whore. Only his
affiliation to the tribe of the Khuzayma protected him from such
taunts and he could say: 'Even if the A!).rar are my tribe and rank,
scorn is averted from me only by Khazim and the son of Khazim."
As a mawlli he at least found support and defence in the tribe to
which he was affiliated, though he was far from being deemed the
equal of the Arabs.
Feelings towards mawCiti who were not even clients of a pure
Arab family, but-as happened frequently-stood in the relation-
ship of clientage to another mawlli family of good social status, were
even more contemptuous. Al-Farazdaq mocks 'AbdAllii.hal-l;iadraml,
who had dared to critiCize his poems: 'If 'Abd Allii.h were a mawlii I
would make a satire on him, but 'Abd Allii.h is mawlli of other
mawrili (and therefore too Iowa target for my scorn!)'.3
If one reads the relevant chapter in the philological work of al-
Mubarrad one is easily convinced that in its sentiment towards the
mawlili that age had in no way altered from the views of those pagan
heroes who praised their desert ac; the source of all ethical perfection.
If a person proves himself an exception-and this only in 'Abbiisid
times-by showing sympathies for the mawlil,! this is considered
120 worthy of note as a miracle. And the ill-natured tone of poets is only
a reflection of the social ostracism of the mawlil, of which von
Kremer has given us so detailed a picture'
Even on the tombstoues of mawlili this peculiarity of their genealo-
gical position is clearly indicated: 'Z. b. Y. mawlli of X... :' It seems
that in Kufa (our testimony refers to the second century)7 mawlili
were made to pray in a special mosque; and in provinces where they
lived in large numbers (our example is from Khurasan) they appear
1 Agk., XVI, p. 149.
SAgk,. V. p. 56 below.
31bn Qutayba in Noldeke, Beitrtige z.K.d, Poes.. p. 32; 49. 10 [aZ-Shi',.. wa'l-
Shu'arii:, p. 25]. [See Tabaqiit p. 7.]
4. Agh., XX, p. 96, Yo.suf b. al.l:!ajjaj.
I> CultuYgeschichtZiche Streifzi,ge, pp. 21 if.
GIn 'Vright, 'Kufic Tombstones in the British Museum' (Proceed. ofSoc. Bibl.
Arch.. IX, 1887, p. 340).
'1 Tab., III, p. 295 masjid aZ-mawalf.. [ef. for Jurjan Dcr Islam. 1964, pp.
8, 10, 13.]
to have formed a corporate unit.' Mistakes in language by mawlilis
were derided in the most offensive manner and people appeared out-
ragedwhen a foreigner presumed to criticize an Arab in matter of Arab
and poetry;'. it was completely forgotten that they had
proVIded for the ArabIC language the most eminent grammarians
and the most eager researc!lers into the treasures of the old language
and literature.' The full-blooded Arabs were convinced that Arab
poetry was a field quite inaccessible to the mawlii. A Bedouin once
said in the mosque at Ba.;ra, concerning Bashshar b. Burd (died
r68), _a. f::mons Arab poet who came from a Persian lineage of
Tukhanstan and was a freedman of the tribe of 'Uqayl: 'How do
mawlili achieve poetry?' We cannot believe that the sharp answer
of the poet he attacked cured the pride of the son of the desert.4
M awlili were thought capable of Some deficiencies in character which
;'lere believed impossible an Arab. 'He who is looking for shame,
mfamy and dIsgrace-verily amougst the mawlili he finds their neck
and extremities (I.e. he finds them there complete from head to foot):'
They are capable of giving false testimony recklessly, and
a number of stones are told of how clever judges recognized their
attempts at this crime.' This contemptuous attitude is matched by 121
the legal treatment of the mawlih at that time when Arab racial
pride was still unbridled. We have indications f;om which it would
seem l!'at under the Umayyads, until 'Vmar II, mawlili who partici-
pated m the wars of Islam were, if possible, deprived of their share
of the booty which belonged to the tribe to which they were affiliated
this procedure was not the general rule; Arab
(,..ab,y)'a) were glad to abide by it and so assert the old Arab
the value Arab placed on the nobility of his
descent, whIch filled him Wlth prIde and a feeling of honour, it is not
1 In arab., .p, 19, l;iaiYan aI-Nabati (beginning of the reign of
) IS called The chIef of the mawali (in Khuriisan)'.
Agh., V, p. 6, below.
3 I,. p. 295, and I.e., in many passages more especially in
Btib al.aZ?an; In another work by at [or rather Pseudo there is also
a collectIon (al-Maluisin wa'l-Af/dad) MS. Imperia! Library Mixt, no. 94,
fols. 5b ft. [ed. van VIoten, pp. 8-9].
" Agk., III, p. 33. .
VI, p. 150, I,
S AI.Mubarrad, p. 254.
'1 Beca.use we.find, e.g. that in the old days the Muslims of Ethiopian origin
were regIstered In the diwan of the Ban'Cr. Khath'am, Ibn Qutayba, ed. Wfisten.
feId, p. 88, 1I.
s ed. Houtsma, II, p. 358. 8; 362, 19. [Cf. Siilih Ahmad aVAli
al-Trm.fimat aI-Ijtimii'iyya Baghdad 1953, p. 66.1 '
astonishing that if a man were descended from a female slave or, as
the saying went, of a girl who had to lead the flock to pasture,' he
became an object of contempt to every proud Arab.' It was thought
that only the son of a free woman was able to protect the honour of his
tribe, to help the suffering and oppressed, and thus to fulfil the
duties of muruwwa.
If it could be shown that there was a slave-
girl in the genealogy of a tribe this shame was kept alive for genera-
tions. I nna ummakum amatun, i.e. 'Your ancestor is a slave,' were
the words with which the poet abused the Banii NujaYh from the
tribe of Darim;' and descent from a 'black woman' (the story of
'Antara is well known) conld be mentioned as a particnlar cause for
shame.' The children of a connection between an Arab and a slave or
freed woman were Icgitimate,6 but the proud Arabs could not bear
122 to see them as equals, though experience seemed to suggest that such
offspring were intellectually gifted above the average.' Muhammed
(Siira 4:3) did partly break this prejudice by putting a legitimate
marriage with a freed slave and marriage with a free-born Arab
woman on the same level. But as with all opinions connected with
their tribal constitution, the representatives of ancient Arab thinking
did not wish to cede the point. The old Arabs remained quite un-
touched by the consequences of Muhammed's and Islam's teaching of
equality in regard to this question which so deeply affected everyday
life. Just as it continued to be a title to special glory if one was born
ibnu I;mrratin, the son of a free mother,S or ibnu bayifa'i'l-jabin,
the son of a mother with white forehead,
so Arabic poetry still
abounded, even in Islam, in satires alleging rightly or wrongly that
a man was the son, or at least descended from the son, of a slave-
woman." A mocking appellation of people who had slave women
amongst their ancestors was mukarkas.
It is not surprising to learn
that a favourite slave-girl was subjected to continuous taunts from
1 Mzt/arJ4., 24:20,
2 Cf. the opprobrious appellations: ibnu turnii. ibnu jartana. Httdh. 107:13
and commentary (for the explanation of this odd word there is material in
.dgn., IV, p. 45). Cf. Rutih., ibid., v. 30 'my mother is a slave. if etc.'
3 Tarafa, 9:8.
"Ibn al.Sikkit. p. x63 [Tahdhfb al-Alfii1, ed. Cheikho, p. I96]. Cf. also
particularly l;Iassan, Diwan, p. I7, nrz [ed. Hirschfeld, no. 53]: 20, 4 below
[Hirschf.. 46:2].
& l:!assan, p. I9, :2 wa..ummuka sawda'u mawdunatun [= Hirschfeld, I96::2].
6 Cf. in general about these conditions Robertson-Smith, p. 73
7 AI.Mubarrad, p. 302. According to al.Al?ma'i, the children of non.Arnb
women are the bravest (al.'Iqd, III, p. 283, I4)
8 Hudhayl., 270:3.
II Agh., XI, p. I54. 3 below.
10 Cf. Ansab aI-Ashraf, p. :223.
11 Agh. XXI, p. 32, 2:2.
her Arab master's wife, who ,,!onld boast of noble descent and
proclaim the names of her father, uncle and brother.'
In the actual happenings of everyday life there is no more telling
example of this kind of sentiment than the behaviour of a certain
al-QattaJ. ('the murderer') of the Kilab tribe, a wild fellow, whose
name alone indicates his savage habits and who under the reign of
the Umayyad caliph Marwan b. 'Abd al-:f.Iakam was a true represent-
ative of the old robber knights, quite unrestrained by Islam. This
QattaJ. was determined to prevent his uncle from marrying his
favourite slave-girl; 'because we belong to a tribe who hate their
children to be born of slaves: He went so far as to kill this slave and
the legsl proceedings against him because of this murder show an
interesting example of exhumation and dissection for forensic
reasons.' We will judge the Arab resistance to the Islamic teaching 123
of equality rather more mildly when we consider that Islam itself
contained many residues of the ancient pagan views in respect of the
legal position of slaves.
It cannot be denied, and this has been repeatedly stressed in
descriptions of Islam, that the Islamic spirit helped to make good
treatment of slaves a duty and inner duty3 and to encourage an
attitude which had its roots in the oldest documents of I s l a m . ~
It is true that the canonical schools of law-with the exception of the
:f.Ianbalites-taught that the testimony of a slave was invalid, but in
this they contradict the older doctrines of the traditionists, who
recognize its full validity and make statements like the following:
'All of you are nothing but slaves and boudwomen'.' But even a far-
reaching apology for Islam would have to admit that its founders did
not rise to the doctrine of the full moral equality of slaves. Insofar
as ethical judgment is concerned the slave remained an inferior being.
This is manifest nowhere more clearly than in the Islamic concept
of the slave's responsibility for his actions. Muhammed taught that
an immoral slave-woman received only half the punishment that
would apply to a freeborn woman in a similar case (fa-' alayhinna
1 Agh., V, p. I5I, 5.
I Agh., XX, p. I65. cf. the verse of Qattal in Sibawayhi, ed. Derenbourg,
II, p. 98, 7; 198, 6; the second half there differs from Agh., ibid., 162, 6 from
below. [Cf. Ibn ?abib. alRMuZtabbaY, p. 227.]
3 Against the unjust and biased judgments of most of the travellers we may
refer among recent publications to Oscar Lenz, Timbuktu, I, p. 204. Snouck
Hurgronje in the Verhandlungen der Gesellschajt jfir Erdkunde zu Berlin XIV
p.ISI [VeYspYeide Geschriften, III, PP' 60_I], and his essay 'Ren Rector de;
Mekkaansche Universitcit' (Bijdragen tot Taal, Land- en Volkenk1mde, 1887,
no. S), p. 33 of the offprint [Verspr. Geschr., III, pp. 97 ff.].
"B. 'Atq. nos. 15, 16, al-Muwa!ta', IV, p. 2I7. [Cf. Wensinck, Handbook of
Early JUuh, Tradition, s.v. Slaves'.]
G B. Shahiidiit, no. 13 and also al.Qastallani, IV. p. 437.
mii 'ala' and from this derives the principle that
the badd of a slave must always be only half the punishment pres-
cribed for a free person.' Malik b. Anas refers to the practice of the
caliphs 'Umar and 'Utlunan, when teaching that a slave who infringes
the prohibition concerning wine only receives half the number of
lashes which a freeman would get if found guilty of this sin.' Such
124 small matters unmistakably express the fact that the equalitarian
teaching of Islam was not consistently followed in theory or in
practice and that the age-old prejudices of society had left their
traces in this field. This matter is ouly referred to in order to elucidate
the Arabs' prejudice against marriages such as that which aroused
the aristocratic fanaticism of Qattiil.
It took a very long time for these prejudices to be completely
overcome. However, their disappearance had the consequence of
diminishing the dignity of women. In order to give a theoretical basis
to the equality of people whose maternal descent was by ancient Arab
standards not noble or equal to their paternal descent people became
used to taking the view which a poet expresses in the following words:
'Do not scorn a man because his mother is of the Greeks, or black or
a Persian, because the mothers of men are but vessels to which they
have been entrusted for keeping; for nobility fathers are important,"
The literatures of many other peoples present analogies for the
same idea. Legouv,,' has a great number of parallel passages from
Indian and Greek literature which show this point of view, which,
however, corrupted the life of no society more than that of the
Muslim East, though it originally developed in the fight against a
The irrelevance of maternal descent was already fully established
in the middle of the 'Abbasid period.
Of the 'Abbasid caliphs only
three, al-Saffal), al-Maneur, and al-Mahdi were the sons of free
1 Sura 4:30.
2 Cf. an example Agh., XIlI, p. 152, S from below. Casuists consequently
teach that the punishment of stoning cannot be awarded to slaves as it cannot
be halved, al-Bayq.awi, I, p. 205, I.
3 Al.MuwaWi', IV, p. 24.
'AI.'Iqd, Ill, p. 296.
$ Histoire morale des femmes (3rd ed.), pp. 214-220.
CI That the words by the anonymous poet quoted above are more than his
own thoughts, but represent universal opinion, is seen from the fact that in the
popular book Sfrat 'Antar, II, p. 63, Malik, who demands from Shaddad equal
rights for' Antar, son of a black slavewoman and tries to persuade the hesitant
Shaddcld to introduce this as a suana: amongst the Arabs, uses the follo",ing
argument: 'The woman is but the vessel in which honey is kept; when the
honey is taken out, the vessel is cast aside and no longer bothered with.' From
the point of view of the Arab patrician, Shaddad rejects this argument with:
'Dagger.wounds would be mare congenial to me, Malik, than such talk.'
7 Kremer, Culturgesch. d. Orients, II, p. 106.
mothers; the mothers of all the rest were slaves.' But we have to
consider what paved the way to this development.
The importance of the question of the status of children born of 125
non-Arab mothers increased with the number of captive women
were acqnlred by Arab magnates in the wars between Arab Muslims
and nations of different race. Within this question there were several
ramifications according to different social circumstances: the non-
Arab woman could be, for example, a slave taken prisoner in war or
the daughter of a mawla, etc. The question was Soon resolved
according to Muslim teaching (see for example, Koran, 2 :22) and
reference could be made to the Prophet's own marriages. AI-I:!usayo,
the Prophet's grandson, married a Persian captive-it is said she was
a Persian princess-whom he had gained as his share of the spoils
of war, and from this marriage ste=ed Zayo al-'Abidin. This
mat'riage and its fruit caused religious men to say in later years that
all men would wish to have slaves for mothers.' The theologians
recalled that even Ism.'il, the ancestor of all Arabs, was the son of the
foreign slave Hagar, whereas the free Sarah was the ancestor of the
despised Jews.
But this pietistic sacrifice of Arab family ideals did not reconcile
the old aristocratic circles. There is a story about the above-
mentioned marriage of al-I:!usayo which, though unhistorical, reflects
clearly the conflict between the Arab and Islamic views in this field.
The caliph Mu'awiya, it is related, had a spy at Medina who reported
to him on the conditions and events in that town. Onee the spy sent
the following report to the caliph. AI-I:!usayo, son of 'Ali, freed and
married one of his slaves. Thereupon the caliph sent this letter to
'Ali's son: 'I am told that you passed over women of your own
standing of Qurayshite blood, and married a slave, though it would
be more seemly to continue your lineage through your Own kind and 126
more to your credit to ally yourself ,,1th them. You have considered
neither your reputation nor the purity of your future offspring.'
Al-I:!usayo answered this document with the following words: 'I
have received the message you have written to me-your rebuff
eoncer;>ing my marrying a freed woman and scorning my equals.
There IS. however, no goal in nobility and nothing desirable in descent
'Cf. ZDMG, XVI, p. 708.
3 Arab women were not to be treated as prisoners in Islam, B. Maghiizf, no.
, ct. al-Tabrizi on I;lam., p. I7, II. The principle mentioned there refers to
Arabs as is evident from the full wording in Agk., XI, p. 79 la siba'afi'l.isliim
wa-la riqqa 'ala 'arabiyyin fi'lislam. But I:!arith, 1l1u'allaqa, v. 31. calls the
women captured from the Tamim tribe, maids (ima'), d. Agk., XXI, p. 97. I.
S AlYa'qo.bI, II, P.364, cf. Ibn !{hallikan, no. 433, ed. Wftstenfeld, V, p. 4.
'Al-'Iqd, II, p. 145 below, at greater length ibid., III, p. 296; al-Ya'qftbI,
I.e., p. 390.
In the old days it was pretty well established that the
marriage of an Arab woman with a foreigner, even of the highest rank,
was impossible.
Al-Nu'man, king of I:fira, and his Arab subjects reso-
lutely refused to marry an Arab woman to the mighty king of Persia.
'They are miserly with their women to other nations, they prefer
deprivation and nudity to satiety and lUXUry, they choose desert
stonns rather than the scents of Persia which they call a prison:
The much discussed and beautiful poem which the Kalbite wife of the
first Umayyad caliph, Maysun bint Bal;1dal, is said to have written'
and which contrasts desert life with the luxurious life of the cities:
sounds like a poetical elaboration of the Weltanschaung expressed by
this statement. This poem also concludes with the words: land a
handsome youth from my tribe, even if he be poor, is preferable to _a
well-fed barbarian ('ilj)'.' Of course, the implication here is that 'the
barbarian' is the caliph.
How absurd it seemed to the, people of the first century that a
mawlii should marry a free Arab woman is seen from an interesting
episode in the biography of the poet (died r08).' rus man
was so esteemed in the tribe whose client he was that his son obtained
the consent of his deceased patron's uncle when he asked for his niece
in marriage. But himself had to admit that such a marriage
would seem unnatural and impossible iu the eyes of the Arab
aristocrats, and he had his son beaten for such a daring aspiration
and advised the girl's uncle rather to find her, in his own interest, a
youth from a true Arab tribe. The daughter of the poet al- 'Ujayr
from the tribe of the Saliil, a highway robber like many other Arab
poets (died 80), strenuously objected to a I)larriage with a respected
mawlii and her brother vigorously supported her refusal.
were only a few mawiili who. because of special merits, were
1 In the earliest days of Islam, when the fight for the new belief made
brothers of the small community without much regard to the genealogies of the
fighters, this question did not arise. Typical of these conditions is the example
of Salim, a :lighter at Badr, a mawiti with a very involved genealogy who was
adopted by his patron AbO. l;Iudhayia and given the latter's niece for wife;
Ibn Qutayba, ed. Wiistenfeld, p. 139; III, p. 9I. On the type of
emancipation mentioned here (sa'ibatan) see Muw., ib., p. 264.
I It was shameful to be a muqrif i.e. descended from an Arab mother and a
mawlii; schoL to !:Iam., p. 79, v. I, cf. mudharra' (generally a child of a mesal-
liance even if both parents are Arabs); al.Farazdaq in al.']qd, III, p. 296.
11 Agh., II, p. 30.
t Redhollse, Journal of Roy. As. Soc., 1886, pp. 268 ff.
f; [Ibn al.Shajarl, al-l;lamiisa, p. 166;] Abulfeda, Annales, ed. Reiske, r,
p. 398; cf. alDamiri, n, p. 297- I
(I Much similarity can be observed between the ideas expressed in this poem
and in that attributed to the pre.Islamic poetess Rama bint al!:1u9ayn from
the Asad tribe (Yaqfit, III, p. 8I3, 4.6).
'1 Agh., I, p. 136.
8 Agh., XI, p. 154.
beyond the Prophet of God. She whom I married was once my
property (m"lk yamin, in reference to Sura 4:3, etc.) and is now be-
yond my power through an act (of emancipation) with which I
hoped to achieve God's reward, and I have re-introduced her to my
house in the spirit of the sunna of the Prophet. Yes, God has throu?h
Islam abolished inferiority and shame of low descent. For the Muslim
only sin brings shame and the only infamy is the infamy of ba-:-
barism.' \'/hen Mu'awiya had read this letter to the end he handed It
to his son Yazld. After he, too, had read it he said: 'It is too bad the
way in which this I:fusayn sets himself up against you': '0 no': replied
the caliph, 'it is the sharp tongues of the Banu Hiishrm
which spht
rocks and ladle water from the sea.'2
The historical accounts do not mention Mu'awiya's admonishment,
and the information is suspect also because in other places I:fusayn's
role is given to his son 'Ali and the admonishing caliph's to 'Abd
al-Malik. 3 There is no doubt that this is a tendentious invention which
nevertheless has value as a document of cultural history. In their way,
in this story the theologians give a picture of the conflict between the
mentality of the pious Muslim and that of the race-proud Arab
which was still very strong among the true Arabs of the Umayyad
times. The poet al-Farazdaq uses the phrase: yii ibn al-fiirisiyya,
i.e. <0 son of a Persian ...voman', 4, as an insult, much as in the much
later popular romance of 'Antar, a person who is disliked is derided
127 with the epithet ibn al-ifranjiyya (son of a Frankish woman)' and the
same al-Farazdaq must submit to mockery from his rival Janr
because his great grandmother had been a Persian slave.
these facts show how difficult the adherence to old ArabIC ractal
prejudices became in the face of changed the Muslim
state and the progressive racial mixture of the populatIon.?
Arab opinion in the early days of Islam was even more stnct about
a freeborn Arab woman marrying a foreigner. The conditions in large
Muslim towns must often have given topical interest also to the
question whether an Arab woman should become the wife of a
1 Cf. 'the tongues of the Quraysh', al.Fakihi, Chron.d.Stadt Mekka, n, p. 39. 16.
2 Zahr al-Adiib, I, p. 58 according to older sources.
'Al'!qd, III, p. 296.
11: Agh., XIX, p. 7, 4, according to ibid..' II, p. 77 the mother Ibn Mayyiida,
satirized here was a Berber, but accordmg to others a woman.
S Romance 'of 'AntaY, III, p. 170. 'Antar's rival, 'Ammara, is called this
besides other mocking names.
(I Ibn Qutayba, Kitiib al.Ski'" wa'Z-Shu'arii' (MS. of the Imperial Library in
Vienna) fol. 97b ted. de Goeje, p. 29
]. .
'1 In much later days the aim of the Romance of 'Anta" was to fight agamst
the last survivals of the Arab prejudice through 'Antar-one of the
whom the remark of Renan, Histoire du peuple d'lsrael, I, p. 328 applIes: tIllS
is the real cultural.historical importance of this remarkable popular book.
deemed entirely eqnal to true Arabs: one such was l:Iumran b.
Aban (died 75), of whom the caliph 'Abd al-Malik said that he
should be regarded as a brother and an uncle; and this man also
succeeded in marrying into Arab tribes, as did his children.
But this
was the exception rather than the rule. The more usual conditions
seem to be illustrated in the report that the Qag; BiHil b. Ab; Burda
punished the descendant of a mawlii, 'Abd Allah b. 'Awn (died ISI),
with a whipping because he had dared to marry an Arab woman.'
Only in the days of the deepest degradation of the Arabs' could the
129 'Abbasid Commander of the Faithful, al-Qa'im bi-Amr Allah, have
given his daughter as wife to Togrulbeg; even then, this demand at
first made the Qurayshite prince shudder,' and two hundred years
earlier it would have revolted even the simplest of Arabs. Even
people who did not object to the marriage of Arabs with non-Arab
women rejected this situation in which the woman of higher position
was to change her rank as a member of a free tribe and become the
wife of one of lower social rank. Few voices dissent from the outcry
against this degradation. When Ibrahim b. Nu'man b. Bashir al-
Aneiiri gave his daughter to Ya1).ya b. Ab; l:Iaf'ia, quite an eminent
Arab poet aud a client of the caliph 'Uthman, probably merely
because of the large bride price of 20,000 dirhams, this occurrence
was bitingly ridiculcd by Arab contemporaries' Later (at the begin-
ning of the second century) when a family from the tribe of Sulaym
settled in Rawl;ta' in the district of Baghdad because famine had
forced them to leave their homesteads, the head of the family gave
his daughter to a mawlii, and the poet Mul;tammad b. Bashir from
the tribe of Kharija considered this event so important that he
travelled to Medina in order to inform the governor, who ordered
that the marriage should be dissolved. The young bridegroom was
also given 200 lashes and his beard, hair and brows were shaved
off-a common act of public ignominy-which presumably hurt the
poor barbarian more bitterly than the satirical poem in which the
peet who had denounced him sang, with malicious htunour, of the
lashing he had caused.' The Sulaymite family had in fact committed
I Ibn Qutayba, p. 223 above.
S Ibn Qutayba, p. 245 below.
s It is worthy of note that the Arabs in Syria retained this attitude even to
this century towards the Turks. The last Arab village chief thought it shameful
and undignified to give his daughter to a high Turkish officer during the
country's invasion by Ibrahim Pasha; D'Escayrac de Lautour, Le ,!eserl et le
Soudan (German ed. Leipzig 1855) p. 155 [pp. 334-5 of the French original).
'Ibn al.Athir, anna 454, ed. Bliliiq, X, p. ], d. Aug. MUller, II, p. 83.
6 Al-Mubarrad, p. 2]1; al-'Iqd, III, p. 298 mentions Khawla bintMuqatil b.
Qays b. 'A.!;iim instead of the daughter of Ibrahim al.Anlilari.
15 Agh" XIV, p. IS0. The poem ends with the words: "hat other right have
the mawtiU than that slaves should wed with other slaves?'
a deed which was repugnant to the aristocratic ideas of the Arabs
because, even in times of need, true Arab families rejected connections
even with Arabs whom they did not consider as fully their equals.1
Thus the intermarriage of Arabs with mawali was considered a 130
mesalliance and the question was even debated whether pious non-
Arabs could have Arab women as wives in paradise.' That such a
connection wa&-at least in this world-regarded as abnormal is seen
also from the literary fact that the philologist and genealogist al-
Haytham b. 'Adi wrote a special work on those mawiili who had
married into Arab families.
The question whether such connection
was permissible remained for a long time a point of debate in Arab
and the theologians were also forced to consider it,' a proof of
the difliculty of overcoming the prejudices of Arab aristocrats, despite
Koran and Sunna.
It is quite important for knowledge of the continued survival of the
old Arab ideas in the theological development of Islam to look at the
position of this question in legal literature which, though not an
infallible mirror of the views of those for whom it was written, may
yet be instruc.tive concerning their aims and moral level. An example
IS the theolOgIcal treatment of the question with which we have been
concerned in this chapter. It is well known that Islamic law demands
that the waU, i.e. guardian of the girl, without whose intervention
marriage cannot be contracted, makes sure that the future spouse
is 'worthy' (kufu'-we cannot yet use the word 'equal') of the girl.'
The nature of this 'worthiness' was very much disputed in theological
circles in the second century' and the main point of the argument wa.
whether it included genealogical equality. It is not surprising that
the pious Medinian Malik b. Anas, the father of Islamic jurisprudence,
excludes genealogical considerations from the question of worthiness;
for him only religious issues are important, and the more pious man
is the more worthy. The famous doctrine of Muhanuned's farewell
sermon is of course the foremost argument in deciding this question.' 131
From the legal point of view one had to provide also for the case in
. I Ifam., p. II], Jaz' b. Kulayb al-Faq'asi, cf. above p. 80, note 5. and below
In connection with Haytham b. 'Adi.
2 Al-Mubarrad, p. ]12, II.
:I Fihrist, p. 99, ult.
4. Cf. al-'filsi's List of Shya books, no. 53.
6 [Salman allegedly quoted a prohibition bythe Prophet of marriages between
mawtilZ and Arab women: al-Jiil).i?:, al-'Uthmtiniyya, Cairo 1955, p, 220; al-
HaythamI, Malma' al-Zawii'id, IV, p. 275. Contrasting attitudes are ascribed to
'Umar: pp. 211, 10; 210. 4; cf. 221, 13-5. Cf also p. 124, note 8.]
is Cf. Kremer, Culturgesckichte, I, p. 521.
1 The points of difference are not exactly reproduced in al.Sha'ranI, Mbtin.
II, p. 125.
aCf. the reproduction of the proof in aI8Qas1:alla.nI, VIII, p. 2I.
which a slave (mukatab or 'abd) had a free Arab woman wife.'
Such a couuection was socially highly objectionable according to
Arab views. But the pious views of the Medinian theologians, Wlth
which in this respect the Shj'ites were in agreement,' could not
prevail as they were in contrast to the prejudices of society, and the
Muslim law-givers knew well how to adapt Islam to the demands
of society and the needs of the day. The first question which Arab
parents addressed to the man asking for the hand of their daughter,'
or to the man who asked for her on behalf of a friend,' remained that
of worthiness (al-kaJ'), and even if worthiness was J?IOved they used
to take into consideration special tribal points of vIew as well.
In the early days of Islam the spirit of JahiliJ:Ya had
not changed much in this respect InSIde Arab soclety. Durmg the
pagan era a father was not sure of his life if he permitted daughter
to marry even a free Arab, if the tribe for some reason conSIdered the
connection unworthy.
Such prejudices did not cease. The Quray-
shite 'Abd Allah b. Ja'far had to suffer the bitter reproaches of the
Umayyad princes because he had given his daughter to the .T.haqafite
al-l;!ajjaj, though this man was in a highly
the Thaqafite was finally forced to divorce his Qurayshite WIfe.
Some Arabs were so proud of their noble maternal and paternal
descent that they did not admit that anybody could be W:
them. This is expressly reported of the poet of the Banu Murra,
'Aqil b. 'Ullafa (died ICO).' . . .
The theologians came to terms Wlth these prejudices: We
from a good source what Abu l;!anjfa thought this que;tlOn.
Muhammad b. l;!asan al-Shaybanj (died 189) a pupil of the great
uttered the following doctrine in the latter's name: 'The
Qurayshites are equal to one another; ;\rabs are of equal
standing with each other; and of the mawal, thIS IS true: those whos."
grandfather and father were Muslims are equal (to the Arabs) but If
they have no bride-price (mahr) to offer they are not equal:' Here the
1 AI_Muwalta' I III, pp. 57, '262.
S Al.Tabarsi. Makarim al.Akhlfi.q (Cairo 1303). p. 84
S Agh" XIV, p. 151, 4 . . .
.. Ibid., X, p. 53. gives instructive of these condltions; cf. also I, p. 153.
XllI, p. 34 below. XIV, p. 64. 10 fi.
Agh" XXI, p. 142, 14
II I, p. 146, another version, ibid., III, p. 292.
, Agh., Xl, p. 89, 2. .'. . - Kh -' b
B At-]a-mi' al-SaghiY (B'Q.Uiq 1302), margmal edition to Kttab al- araJ Y
the Qa,q.i Abll Yfrsuf, d. Brill, Catalogue periodique, no. 359. p. 3? !he book
received its present form, with the division into abwab, at the 0: the
fourth century by the Qagi Abii. Tahir al-Dabbas in Baghdad (d.
[Similar maxims are attributed to the Prophet: al-Haythami, MaJma al-
Zawa'id, IV, p. 275; al-Suyuti, al-]ii-mi'al-$agkfr. II, p. 68. cr. also the contrast-
ing opinions in Ab'il Sulayman al-KhartabI, Ma'iilim aZ-Sunan. III. pp. 180-1.]
[:0X 365
j',r TA[):-!''';P., Ch. '':'WUl
171 and desires to learn the strangest (choicest) expressions and to
deepen his knowledge of the language should study the book of
Kazwand.' But he who wishes to achieve reason, high culture, know-
ledge of etiquette (al-'ihn bi'l-martitib),' of good examples (al-'ibar)
172 of proverbs,
noble expressions and fine thoughts should get acquain-
ted with the 'stories of the kings:-
1 This is presumably a textual error; even a discussion with specialists of
Persian literature did not lead to establishing with certainty the correct reading.
[The printed text has kiiywand.] It is possible that the word is a corruption of
kiirnama. Such a book is ascribed to Ardashir, Mirkhond. trans!. by de Sacy,
Mlmoires sur diverses antiquitts de fa Perse (Paris 1793), p. 280; of. the Karnama
!lSIrat Anashirwan, Fihyist, p. 305. ZDMG. XXII, p. 732, no. II. [Thisexplana
tion is hardly plausible. In JaJ:1i;, al.Tarbf. I55. the MSS. have KiiwYld.]
2 For the explanation of this expression we can make use of an account of the
belletristic circle of the caliph al-Mu'tamid which is quoted in al-11as'l1di,
VIII, pp. 102-3. Among other subjects of intellectual conversation it is men-
tioned that at the caliph's court one discussed 'the forms of meetings, the
places to be taken by subordinates and superiors, and the places and manner
of their ranking (kayftyyat manitibihim, Barbier de Meynard: 'sur la hierarchie
aobserver'); ibid., p. 104, 7, it is said that in these discussions one considered
'what is told in this connection of previous kings.'
3 [The printed text has the correct reading wa'l-mathuliU, which means
'examples', not 'proverbs', so that the following note is Dot relevant in this
formulae which had to be said before eating. In a poem cited in Ibn al-Faqih,
ed. de Goeje, p. 216. 3, a Persian priest is named: shaykh muzamzim, i.e. the
humming sheikh: d. also Golius, l.c., p. 28,3,4, Also in Sirat Ill, p. 59,
it is said of the Magi that they yuzamzimu bi-kaUlm alYahud al-
Majils in the fire temple, and the name of the Zamzam well has been connected
with this designation of religious recitation by Persians (Yaqilt, II, p. 941, 14)
A Christian author also mentions the unintelligible murmur (retana) of the Magi
(Hoffmann, Aus.:uge ates syrischen Acten christl. MtlYtyrey, p. 96) and the same
word is used in the Talmud, bab. &ita, 22a, of the Magi rafen megilsha we-Iii.
yiida' mayamar. But it is not only Arabic which uses the word zamzam in res-
pect of Persian religious texts and magic formulae in general (Ibn Hisham,
p. 171, 7 zamzamat al-kiihin, otherwise also hamkama, Agh., XIV, p. II, 6 or
ajlaba, 'Alq., 3:Z1 t'agin mujlibun); Persian authors use it also. Prof. Spiegel
wrote to me about this on March 19, 1886: 'In this sense the word is also used
by Fird15si. Thus Mapur says, p. I443, 6 from below, to his guest: "Bring the
Zandawesta and Baroom, in murmur (bi-zamzam) will I ask your reply" i.e. "You
are to swear by Awesta that what you say is true." Also p. 1638, 4, in the same
book, during an expedition of Nilshirwan against the Greeks. it is recounted of
the great men: bizamzam haml iifarln khwumadand. Nevertheless I am reluctant
to interpret tafs$r zamzama in the sense of "commentary on the Avesta," since to
my knowledge there is no mention there of the things of which al J speaks.
[See however above. p. 156 note 2, where it is pointed out that according to
the correct translation this passage does not quote the commentary at all.] But
if one wants to understand by it the exegetical Parsee literature in a wider
sense. this is in my belief legitimate, since the Parsees have many maxims
though no proverbs.' Further on he refers to Mainyokhat'd and the sayings of
Buzurj-Mihr, Shahn., p. I7I3. Abu'I.'Ala.' compares the noise of lances on
armOur to the murmuring of the Persians (haynamat al-' Ajam),$iqf.,II, p. 153,
After a reference to the literature of the Greeks and Indians, the
representatives of the Shu'iibiyya resume their glorification of the
gifts of non-Arabs in this manner: 'He who reads all these books by
Persians, Greeks and Indians will understand the depth of spirit of
these nations and see their remarkable wisdom and will then be able
to decide where eloquence and rhetoric can really be found and where
this art attained perfection, and how those peoples who are famed for
fine understanding of concepts, well chosen expressions and dis-
crimination, judge the fact that Arabs agitate with spears, staffs and
bows during their speeches. Indeed you are camel drivers and sheep
herders; you continue to use lances in settled life, having retained
this habit from your desert wanderings, you carry them in your
permanent habitations because you used to carry them in your tents,
and in peace because your feuds accustomed you to it. You have long
dealt with camels; therefore your speech, too, is clumsy and the
sounds you use are rough because of this, so that one might think
there are ouly deaf people amongst you when you speak in public:
Then follows a long excursus, which is quite important to archaeolo-
gists, on primitive weapons of combat and Arab strategy as compared
with the developed instruments Of war and military art among
the Persians. Because ofmy insufficient knowledge of these archaeolo-
gical subjects I must forego a more detailed reproduction of this
Against these arguments al-JaJ:>i!, represents the pro-Arab view
and endeavours to refute the attacks of the Shu'ubiyya, but does not 173
deal with anyone of them in as much detail as with the attack on the
rhetorical gifts of Arabs. His remarks on Indian and Greek literature
are interesting chiefly because of their naivete. 'It is true: he says,
'that the Indians have left a vast literature, but it consists entirely
1 In order to understand them, the passage by Ibn Qutayba, mentioned by
Rosen, I.e., p. 176, will have to be compared.
place.] These seem to have impressed Arab belletrists; in the fourth century
Abu'I-Fa<;l.l al-Sukkari [cf. Yagut, Irsha.d al.Arib, II, p. 33J and Abu 'Abd Allah
alAbiwardi concerned themselves with spreading them in the Arabic language
(Yathnat al-Dahr, IV, pp. 22 ff., 25); d. also ibid., p. 167 below and my BeitYtige
zuy Literaturgeschichte dey Ski'a. p. 28.
"Siyar al-muZuk. These are works like those which Firdawsi used as sources
for the national traditions treated by him and from which al-Tabari (d. Nol.
deke, der una Araber, pp. XIV ft.) quotes extracts. A large
number of al-muluk books are enumerated by al-Biruni, ed. Sachau
P: 99, 17 ff. and in the Fihrist. Among older Arab authors they are used and
Cited also by Ibn Qutayba; cf. Rosen, Zur arabischen Literaturgeschichte dey
altern Zeit', Melanges asiatiques, St Petersbourg, Vin (1880), p. 777. [C!. also
Mul;1a:mmad qazwini,. Teheran 1332 solar A.B., II, pp. 7 ff.;
V. ill Stua; in onore di Giorgio Levi della Vida, II, pp.
159-62, With further references.]
without following examples or the traditions of predecessors; they deal with
camels and sheep, live in tents made from hair and slcins .. _they h:we educated
themselves and their high sentiment has elevated them etc.' (there follows a
panegyric on the historical position of the Arab people). al-'lqd, II, p. 5I.
From these literary data it is evident that in the lifetime of Ibn
Qutayba and I.e. in the third century A.H., the literary feud
between the friends of the Arabs and the Shu'ubites was indnlged
in to a far greater extent than the relics of the literature would
indicate. As an echo, so to speak, of this literary movemeJlt we find in
the fourth century the learned Iranian al-Bironi, who wrote in
1 Kitab alFJayawan. fo1. 398b [VII. p. 220]. Unfortunately this part of the
manuscript is very corrupt and hastily written.
'Ibid., 101. 2a [I, pp. f-5J.
well was so natural to everyone that it was not necessary to write
down the work performed or to make it the subject of study
and tradition; just as the examples of their predecessors were not
available to them. Thus only that which a man had involuntarily
remembered was ever transmitted; it is but a small part of the great
mass which is known only to him who counts the drops in the clouds
and knows the number of the grains of sand. Of this any Shu'ubite
might convince himself if he but came to the dwelling-places of the
true Arabs.'
In another work, too, al- seizes the opportunity to attack the
Shu'ubiyya. What he says reveals that the representatives of the
Shu'ubiyya even in his days did not rest content with defending
their assertions but had gone as far as immoderate aggression. He
states that the long disputations eventually led to real scuffles, and
he voices the conviction that the ideas of the Shu'ubiyya lead to
religious apostasy 'since the Araps were the first to produce Islam."
Al- has given proof of his anti-Shu'ubite tendency in other
works, too. In the introduction to his Kitiib al-Ifayawiin he feels
called upon to say, among other things, of the opponents of his
literary activity: 'You have criticized me for my book on the descen-
dants of 'Adnan and Qa!)!an and accused me of exceeding the limits
of enthusiasm, saying that I have been guilty of fanaticism, showing
the glory of the 'AdnfuJis only by disparaging the Qa!)!anis; you
further find fault with me because of my book on Arabs and mawiili
and accuse me of depriving the mawiili of their rights, attributing
things to the Arabs which they do not deserve; and you also reprove
me for my book on Arabs and non-Arabs, and think tllat because of
tlJis distinction the same can be said as of the distinction between
Arabs and mawiili.'3
of anonymous
works transmitted from very .ancient times to
posterity. The Greeks had solid in philosophy:,:,d lOgic,
but the founder of logic himself had a whinmg way of recltmg, and
though he taught scientific distinction of the parts of speech he
himself was no great orator. Galen was the most eminent logician,
but the Greeks themselves do not name him amongst the masters
the art of speaking. The Persians may have good orators but theIr
eloquence is always the result of long thought, deep study and
counsel. It is founded in literary scholarshIp, so that the successor
always builds upon the efforts ofhis man
always uses the fruit of all prevlOus thinking. It IS qUIte different
amongst the Arabs.
Their eloquence is spontaneous, extempore, as
if the result of inspiration. It is produced without effort or deep
study, without exercise of reason and without the aid of others. The
speaker prepares to speak or recIte a on. the day of or
when watering the beasts, or when driVIng his camel on. his w"-,:-
derings; as soon as he concentrates his thoughts on the subject his
speech the concepts and words just flow from hIS mouth as if by
themselves. Nor did the old Arab poets endeavour to preserve their
speeches or transmit it to their children. The Arabs .had no know-
ledge of writing and their art was inborn and not acqUlred.
To speak
1 !\.nonymous and pseudonymous works are considered abnormal by these
circies, See only Fill-rist, p. 355. 14: 'I say, however, that it is for an eminent
man to sit down and take all the trouble to write a book contammg 2,000
the composition of which plagues his mind and thoughts, then to tro,uble h15
hand and body with copying these things and then to
this to another man, whether real or fictitious (Y. mawJud'tn ma dutnm
instead of the accusative of the ed.); this I say is a folly. which must not
be expected of anyone and to which no one consents who has but one hour
to science. What use or reward would there be in such an act. On pseudonyms
see also Agh.. I, p. 169, 3 from below. _
2 The remark of the best aesthetic critie of Arabic literature, Ibn alAthir
al-Jazari (died 637), on a shortcoming of Arab literature be
h Ibn al-Athir concludes his treatise on poetry and prose WIth the followmg
'I found that in respect of the point just mentioned .the Arabs ar:
done by the Persians. Persian poe.ts :vrite books WhICh from
to end contain well-ordered descnphons of stones and events and which move
in the highest levels of the eloquence_of _the .national for
example, al-Firdawsi wrote his book Shahnama lD 60,000 .It conta.lDs the
whole history of the Persians and is the Koran of nat:0n,. smce. tb:err most
. rtant rhetoricians are in agreement that there IS nothmg In thelI literature
Impo ., bl . th ,- b
t cel this work in elegance. There IS nothmg campara e lD e.n.J.a Ie
despite its wealth and an.d fact that the Pe:sian
language is but a drop in the sea ill companson WIth It. other words. the
Persians excel the Arabs by having an epical literature which the latter lack.
Al-Mathal al-Sa'ir, p. 503 (end of the work).
3 A similar idea is also ascribed to Ibn al-Muqaffa'-the praise of Arabs
would be more effective if it came from such a source: 'The Arabs are wise
Arabic, defending the cause of the Persian race against the exaggera-
tions of the pro-Arabs, and especially against Ibn Qutayba.' Religious
sectarianism also profited from this agitation of minds. Towards the
end of the third century we find that the Qarmatian propaganda in
southern Persia combines their religious and political teachings with
the thesis 'that God does not like the Arabs because they killed
al-I):usayn, that He prefers to them the subjects of the Chosroes and
their successors because only they did defend the rights of the Imams
to the Caliphate:' a doctrine which was taught to the initiated
amongst the followers of the Isma'niyya, of which thl'Se Qarmatians
were a branch. According to the account of Akhu MuJ.1sin this doctrine
was taught in the ninth grade of initiation into the mysteries of the
While the Arabs and the national were engaged in trivial
quarrels about the recognition of the excellences of their respective
races, the philosophical consideration of social conditions appeared
176 as an unbiased elemen!. The philosophers were little suited to side
with one or the other party; they weighed the virtues and faults of
races and nationalities coolly and rationally, and found that they
counterpoised each other in each people. Al-Kind! made the ancestor
of the Greeks a brother to QaJ:1tan presumably for just such reasons.4-
An interesting document of this unbiased way of looking at things is
the competition of confessions and nationalities as it is represented
in a chapter of the encyclopaedia of the Ikhwan al-Safa', presumably
not without intent to take a reasonable stand in the quaqels of that
But in any case the activities of the Shu'ubiyya did at least damp
the enthusiasm of those circles which hitherto had not ceased to dis-
parage all and sundry in favour of the Arabs. The highly developed
self-confidence of the Arabs must have been subjected to a great deal
of doubt until in the fourth century Abu'l-'Ala' al-Ma'am, himself
a descendant of the tribe of Quo;];;' 'a (though at the same time a
mocker of everything that was sacred to others), could write a poem
to the glory of the Persian people:
1Chronologie der orientalischen Volker, ed. Sachau, p. 238, cf. the editor's
introduction, p. 27-
iDe Goeje. lvUmoires sur las em'mathas au Bahrain at les Fatimides 2nd ed.
pp. 33; 207. 9-
3 Guyard, Fragments relatijs ala doctrine des Ismaelis (Notices et extraits,
XXII, i), p. 403. [Statements in antiIsma'mparnphlets, such as that by Akhfl
Mu}:1sin, cannot be accepted on their face value; nevertheless we may ,,:ell
believe that the early Isma'm missionaries occasionally appealed to PerSIan
national sentiment.]
4 [AI-Mas''C1di, Murftj alDhahab, II, p. 244, whence] Ibn Badro.n, p. 48.
:; [Rasa'il Ikhwan at-$aj:, Cairo 1928, II, pp. 235-44 =] Thier unit Mensch
var dem KOnig der Genien, ed. Dieterici, pp. 59-68; not without influence on later
representations like al.Khulajii', p. 136.
May Qu<;la'a list their days of glory and I):imyar boast their kings
While the Arab king al-Mundhir was but a governor in the service
of Kisra of a town in the land of Tafl.
Will not he who seeks silver find this (the search for silver)
trivial when you spend red gold?
And who wiJIlook for pearls at the bottom of the sea when from
your mouth flow the noblest of pearls?
You are pointed out with the finger, etc.
Thus the Persian race is addressed in praise by the Arab poe!.'
1 Siqt al-Zand, III, p. 24. [At the end of this chapter it may be recalled that
Goldziher published a study of the Shu'l1biyya of Spain in Zeitschrijt aer
deutschen morgentandischen Gesellschajt, 1899, pp. 601 fl., and that the text
analyzed by him is printed in full in 'Abd aI-Salam Harful's Nawadiy al-
Makh/Uliit, IlL]
SINCE Shu' iibiyya signifies a movement entirely literary represented
by scholars and belletrists its influence was inevitably felt not onlyin
competitive polemic, as we have seen in the last chapter, but also in
the treatment of those branches of scholarship in which the question
of nationality was necessarily paramount. We deal here with two
branches of scholarship in particular, in order to show how the
followers of the Shu'ubiyya brought their views into play in their
treatment of the subject. We refer to the two groups of knowledge
and research which grew particularly from Arab national conscious-
ness and from which Arab national feeling drew most of its nourish-
ment, and which therefore seemed to caII most for interference by the
Shu'ubiyya-namely genealogy ('ilm ai-ansa,,) in its connection with
research into old Arab stories, and Arabic philology ('ilm al-lugha).
The old Arabs had no science of genealogy-indeed science had
no part in their lives at all-but they had to be concerned with
genealogical questions because of the nature and direction of their
political life, social views, and the ancient customary law upon which
family connections were founded. Among a people whose poets
constantly dwell upon the glorious deeds of tnoal ancestors, pro-
c1airu them at every opportunity, and defend them in competition
178 with other tribes, the individual tribes were obliged to know, not only
the traditions concerning these deeds, but also the lineages of their
ancestors-even if they had no systematic genealogical trees-and
transmit them from generation to generation. These freely trans-
mitted lineages did not yet, however, become symbols of canonical
iruportance as they did later on and they conld not yet go back to the
distant past. It would, however, be underestimating these genealogies
to think that they moved only in the individual circle of particular
family consciousness, and that they did not rise to the level of pntting
various groups under a common ancestor. N61deke has lately pro-
: ,
vided us with some data to show that even in pre-Islamic days
genealogical descriptions of a collective nature had existed.
But a
systematization of these loose and fragmentary traditions had not
been achieved so far. The collective designations of ancestors reaching
back to the remote past were, so to speak, in the air: a continuous
chain did not yet exist to connect them with generations for which
the tribal traditions already had some fixed dates. The filling of these
gaps pre-supposed an e n o r m o u ~ number of fictious for which the
basis was found only after Islam.
The fact that the Arabs, despite the opposite direction of Islamic
teaching, did not cease to find pleasure in their inherited tribal
boasting, and to cultivate the traditions of their particularistic tribal
pride, was of help in founding the system of genealogical traditions
which became possible with the awakeulng of speculative inclina-
tions in Islam after administrative interests also had favoured the
establishment of genealogical data. Closer acquaintance with
Biblical history, to which the exegetes of the Koran were perforce
led by the Biblical ailusions and references in it, later enriched these
beginnings with new materiai and paved the way for the connection
of Arab genealogy with Biblical accounts. Jewish scholars had their
share in creating these links.' The ever-increasing competition of 179
northern and southern Arabs, as we have seen, promoted these
efforts; and the genealogy which went beyond 'Adnan as it was
plotted in the scholarly workshops, was to give theoretical justifica-
tion for those feuds which had their root only in a hazy sense of tribal
differences. Names which in Arab traditions were merely general
descriptions now found their fixed place in the genealogical register:
for example Ma'add,3 which had been a more general concept in old
days, now found a fixed place in the register of ancestors of the
northern Arabs.
For the more particular confirmation of fictitious
claims and for the firmer ratification of the sequence of ancestors,
1 ZDMG, XL, p. '78.
%[Ibn Sa'd, I,ll pp. 28-9, quoted by] Sprenger, Muhammed, III, p. CXXXIII
on Abu ya.'qfr.b, the Jewish convert from Palmyra. The same information is in
Tab., I, p. I I 16, and d. Meier, .AnteMahometan history of Arabia' (Calcutta
Review, no. XXXIX, 1853), p. 40. From a note by Ibn al-Kalbi (in Yaq'O.t, II,
p. 862) it is evident that this Ab'O. Ya' qi:r.b produced Biblical genealogies and
fitted them to new circumstances with the aid of his own inventions. The
Palmyrene Jews were not considered equal even in Talmudic times, bab.
Yebhiimoth, fo1. 17a.
3 Cf. above, p. 88, note 8.
4 We will leave in suspense the question whether the words ascribed to the
dying Labid, Agh.. XIV, p. 101, 5 from below (wa-hal ana iZlii min RabZ'ata aw
Mu4ar) can be quoted also as proof of the exact use of such genealogical con-
cepts. Even if one does not doubt the genuineness of the poem in which they
occur, it could not have been the poet's intention to specify his tribal affiliation.
He says only: Am I different from any other man, whether Rabi'a or MUQar?
such details were accredited by means of apocryphal verses-,.,-an
undoubted authority in the eyes of the uncritical public to whom this
learning continued to be imparted most diligently well into later
times. I
At any rate the extension of genealogy beyond 'Adnan provided
new food for the genealogical competition of southern and northern
Arabs. The pious Muslims therefore condemned these genealogical
endeavours and were well able to quote traditional sayings to support
this condemnation.' The viewpoint of the pious Muslims is evident
from the following discussion of Ibn Khaldiin, which also includes
the traditions relevant here: 'Malik was asked whether it was per-
missible to trace one's descent right to Adam. He disapproved,
asking, "How can this be known?" "And up to Isma'iJ?" Malik
disapproved of this also, saying: "Who can give information about
180 this?" Nor was it thought fitting for the descent of the prophets to
be traced genealogically. Many of the older authorities were of the
same opinion. Of one of them it is told that he used to remark on
Sura r6:IO ("And those who are behind them are known only to
Allah"): "The genealogists therefore lied.'" Reference is made to the
tradition of Ibn 'Abbas, according to which the Prophet used to say,
after he had traced his descent up to 'Adnan: "And from here on the
genealogists lie."4 Reference is also made to another of the Prophefs
sayings-that this is a field the knowledge of which is of little use
and ignorance of which does no harm.
Other sayings, too, are quoted
in support of this opinion. Many of the authorities on tradition and
law, however, such as Ibn IsMq, aI-Tabar! and al-Bukhan, thought
that the use of these old genealogies was permissible, and did not
disapprove of them, citing the case of Abii Bakr, who was called the
1Cf. Tab., 1, p. IllS: 'One of the genealogists reported to me that he found a
group of Arab scholars who transmitted forty ancestors of Ma'add with Arab
names up to Isma'il; for their statements they brought proofs from the poems
of the Arabs. The number of ancestors corresponds to the number transmitted
by Jewish scholars, only the names differ. 'Al.TabrIzI,JJam., p. 159, does not
regard as unusual the fact that verses were invented for genealogical purposes.
Z Ci. Agh., 1, p. 8, 5 from below. [For the discussion about the status of
genealogical studies and the tracing of the Prophet's lineage beyond 'Adnan
see also Ibn Sa'd, 1/1, p. 28; al-Baladhuri, AnsCib al-Aslwaj, I, p. 12; Ibn 'Abd
aI-Barr, al-inbah, Cairo 1350, PP' 4:2 ft.; Ibn Katbir, al-Bidaya, II, p. 194.]
3 In order to justify continued pre.occupation with genealogy despite the
above sayings, the casuistic point was made that the word kadhaba belongs to
the at/dad and thus the above saying means just the opposite: 'Genealogists
have said the truth', ZDMG, III, p. 104.
'Cf. al-Mas'udi, IV, p. lIZ, lI8 [Ibn Sa'd, 1/1. p. 28].
:; [Cf. Ibn Wahb, Jami" pp. 4-5; Ibn I:l'azm, jamhaYat Ansab p. 3;
Ibn 'Abd alBarr, allnbah, p. 43; alSam'ani, al-Ansiib, Hyderabad 1962,
pp. 9-10; al-Suyu?" al-]ami' al-$agMr, II, p. 60; al-ZurqaDi.ShayJ:f al-Mawahib.
V, p. 395; Kanz al-'Ummal, old ed., V, p. 236.1
greatest scholar in the genealogy of Quraysh, Mu<;lar and the other
Arabs.' Also Ibn 'Abbas, ]ubayr b. Mut'hn, 'j\.qil b. Ab! Talib and,
in the subsequent generation, Ibn'Shihab al-Zuhr!, Ibn Sinn, etc. are
named as learned genealogists. In my view, the truth of this contro-
versial question is that neither of the two opinions can be maintained
in its absolute form. It is not the study of the easily accessible
genealogy of the more recent generations which is forbidden, since
this knowledge is needed for various religious, political and social
purposes. Moreover, it is transmitted that the Prophet and his
companions traced their descent to Mu<;lar and made inquiries about
it. The following saying of the Prophet is also transmitted: "Learn
of your genealogical tree as much as is needed for the practice of
active love towards blood relations.'" All this, of course, refers to the
closer generations and the above-mentioned interdiction refers to
distant generations, knowledge of which is not easily available, and
can be gained only through the evidence of poetic passages and by
means of deep study, because of the passage of thne and the large
number of intervening generations. In some cases nothing can be
learned of such distant epochs since whole peoples who were involved 181
have since perished. To occupy oneself with such things is rightly
condemned. '3
The administrative considerations mentioned by Ibn Khaldiin
(division of booty, participation in the income of the state, etc.)
made genealogical registers a political necessity in the days of the
old Caliphate. Sprenger has illustrated this fact with a large amount
of good evidence and has evaluated 'Vmar's importance in the
furtherance of this genealogical work. <Administrative considerations
alS? genealogical research, in order with its help to reject
unjustified c1anns and correct the current genealogical traditions of
1 AI-JaJ:;d:r-, Kitiib al.Bayan, fo1. 105 a [I, pp. 321.2] has a special list of the
most famous genealogists of. the earliest days of Islam; cf. also Ibn I:l'ajar, I,
p. 461. [For Abi:l. Bakras genealogist see al-Baladhuri, Ansab aI-Ashraf, I. p. 416;
Ibn 'Abd aI-Barr, al-1nbiih, p. 43; aI-Suyuti, Ta'rikh alRKhulaja', Cairo 1952,
PP: 42-3: for Jubayr b. Mut'im see E. Sachau in Mitteilungen des Seminars]"r
Onent.Sprachen. Igo4,P. 172; Ibn 'Abd aI-Barr, al-1sti'iib, p. 88; idem, al-Inbah,
p. 43; Ibn I:l'ajar, al-1$iiba. I, p. 235; for' Aqi1: Ibn' Abd ai-Barr, al-1nbiih, p. 43;
Ibn Abi'l-l;Iadid, Sharl; Nahj alBalagha,III, p. 82; al-$afadi, Naqt al-Himyan,
p. 200J.
l Cf. al-'Iqd, II, p. 44; [al-Bukharl. al-Adab al-Mufyad, pp. 17-18; Ibn I;!azm.
Jamhayat Ansiib al-'Arab, p. 2; Ibn Abd aI-Barr. al-Inbiih, p. 42; al-Sam'an.i,
al-Ansab. I, pp. 5-8].
:I [Ibn Khaldftn, al.'IbaY, 1284, II, pp. 34; I have omitted the comma
put by Goldziher between Ibn Shihab and alZuhri; in the ed. also wa between
the two should be omitted.]
'" Muhammed. III. pp. CXXII ff. Now the important passage of the Kitiib
al-KhaYiij (ed. BOolaq), p. 14, 62, can be compared for the institution of the
dawiiwin by 'Umar.
individual families.' This was the more important since it seems to
have happened quite frequently that a lineage attached itself without
justification to some more powerful group-e.g. the Quraysh-per-
haps because the two groups lived in political unity.' But it appears
that the conditions created by 'Vmar were soon violated and pro-
tection was exercised in this field too. This, at least, would seem to
follow from the information that Ziyad accepted !:Iaritha b. Badr
(died 50), who was a Tamlmite, into the diwiin of the Qurayshites
because he had a great affection for him.
This however was quite different genealogical material from that
which the pagans used in their poetry for panegyric and satire and
from which they drew material for tribal competition. Yet the impor-
tance which was attached to the genealogical tables by the govern-
ment was on the one hand an aid to the continuation of the old Arab
tribal jealousy, while on the other it became the point of departure
for the progressive systematization of genealogy. This department of
knowledge became a popular branch of the philological sciences
182 which were just beginning to develop. The !:Ianealite Daghfal (who
flourished under Mu'awiya I and died 50) is named as the father of
the recognised science of genealogy. 'More learned in genealogy than
Daghfal' became an Arabic proverb.
From a poem by Miskin al-
Darimi (died go) one may conclude that at the time it was not only
information on facts of descent but also, in the old Arab manner, on
the excellences and faults of the individual members of the genealogi-
cal chain which was expected of the genealogists. Apart from Daghfal,
and Shihab b. Madh'ur, this poemindicates the family of the Banu'l-
Kawwa'5 as authorities in this field.' It is interesting that Daghfal
I The best known example is that ofthe H:hulj. The Banft tAwf, who believed
themselves to be Dhubyanis. were incorporated into the Quraysh: al.ya'qftbi.
I, p. 27I. It is difficult to find the motive which makes' Ali advocate the main-
tenance of the Dhubyani traditions of the Barril 'A...\f. [For 'Aw! cf. also
al-BaHidhuri, Ansiib aI-Ashraf. I, pp. 42-43; Ibn J:Iabib, al-Mul;iabbar. p. 169;
Ibn Hazm, jamharat Ansab p. 165.]
i Cf. e.g., the satirical poem by l:Iassan against the Ban'O. 'Awf; DEwan,
p. 19, 17 red. Hirschfeld, 208: r], against the BanO: Asad b. Khuzayma,
ibid. 82, II [Hirschi., 99: 3], against the BanO: Thaqif, ibid. p. 83, 5 [Hirschi.,
198: 3]. All this illustrates the uncertainty of genealogical traditions.
3 Agh., XXI, p. 22, 4. [See also the satirical verses about him for moving his
dlwan to Quraysh: al-BaIadhuri, Ansab al-Ashriij, MS., fol. Ioo3r.]
.. AI-Maydani, II, p. 253. [Daghfal was the son of but belonged to
the SadfiS branch of Shayban.]
5 Probably the wellknown Kharijite family, descendants of Ibn alKawwa'.
who in l;Iarura. was amongst the opponents of 'Ali (al-Ya'qfibi, II, p. 223): a
satire against the Yashkurite family is in Agh., XIII. p, 54. 'Abd Allah b. al.
sketches for Mu'awiya, in the manner of genealogists of the early
time, the character of inhabitants of the various provinces of the empire in
short, and pregnant sentences; Ibn al-Faqih, p. 135, and the parallel passages
mentioned by de Goeje, ib. b. Cf, also Ibn Qutayba, ed. Wiistenfe1d, p. 266.
already exceeds the boundaries of specifically national genealogy and
makes the connection with Biblical patriarchs.'
At the beginning of the Vrnayyad period these primitive beginulngs
which had previously existed in genealogical matters found their
further development.
The activity of Daghfal under Mu'awiya I shows us that this
productivity in the ancient history of the Arabs in fact and fiction
found much encouragement under this prince's rule, which is shown,
too, by the activity of the southern Arab scholar 'Abld b. Shariya at
the court of the caliph, who had summoned this man to Syria in
order to discuss with him information concerning antiquity.
compilation of a work on 'the old stories, the kings of the Arabs and
non-Arabs, the confusion of langnages and its cause, the history of
the dispersal of mankind in the various countries' is said to have been
due to such information.
This work, which is now completely lost
and in which, as is evident from the title, the ancient history of the
Arabs was interwoven with Biblical accounts,' was widespread and 183
widely read in the first centuries of Islam. We learn from aI-Hamdani
(died 334) that in his day various versions of tl,e book were current;
these were so widely divergent and so much was added to the original
text that there were hardly two copies alike;' and the younger con-
temporary of the above-mentioned author, al-Mas'lidi (died 346),
calls it a 'well-known book in everybody's hands."
The genealogists of the old school were not only knowledgeable in
matters of descent, nor were they mere collectors of nomenclatures.
Continuing in this respect the activities of the old poets,
who in
pre-Islamic days were the only organs of historical memory, they
were also concerned-as we have already hinted in the case of
Daghfal-with the characterization and description of the qualities
of tribes, and had the gift of summarizing these in short, sharply
1 Ibn aI.Faqih, p. 314.
t Also explanations of old proverbs by means of legends from the Arab past;
Aglt., XXI, p. 191, 206, 8. [The correct form of the name is 'Ubayd.]
o Fihrist, pp. 89-90. The title; Kitiib alMult'k waAkhMr al.MiiiJ.'ln ('Book of
kings and news on past lineages').
Cf. also al.Mas'l1di, Ill, p. 275.
Ibn I;Iajar, III, p. 202.
6 AI.Mas'iidi, IV, p. 8g.
7 The sharp observation of the physical characteristics of the tribes as signs
of tribal affiliation is worthy of note: the Fazarites were known by their yellow
teeth, Asadites by their bent posture on horseback, etc.; Agh., XVI, p. 55, 2I;
cf. Sprenger, III, p. 389.
(l Bayan, foL noa [I, p. 351]. [See also the edition by Schulthess
in ZDMG, LIV, p. 451, with copious not'es on Daghfal and the other genealogists
mentioned. For Daghfal add al-JaJ;li?:, alBayan, index p. 295; Ibn :E:iabib,
ai-M""abbar, p. 478.]
characteristic, and apt sayings;' they were also eloquent in giving
personal descriptions of eminent men of the past.
The genealogists
were also the depositories of the history and the traditions of the
Arab tribes, of all that is called akhbiir, i.e. 'accounts',3 of the battle-
days of the old Arabs (ayyiim al, 'Arab), and the proverbs which could
not be understood without knowledge of ancient Arab history, to
which they constantly referred. They were also concerned with
archaeological questions and linked also this part of their information
to the exegesis of ancient poetry. Some of the data which they offer
probably have their origin in a more easy and plausible explanation
of such verses. To transmit the historical connections and occasions
of such verses or-as was probably even more often the case-to
discover them, was the main task of these men, and a large part of
the traditions which form the stories of the ancient Arabs owes its
184 existence to this activity of transmitting and inventing.' They also
included pre-historic fables among their traditions and later also
biblical legends, a field which they later shared wifu the i.e.
the tellers of edifying stories.
'Tales of the history of '.Ad and Jurhum which the two
marvellous scholars Zayd (b. al-Kayyis al-Namari) and
Daghfal inquired into.'s
The latter is called 'the unfathomable sea of story tellers' (babr
al-r'uwiit at-khaq.iirim)' and both were bracketed together under the
name of at-'iq.q.iin, roughly 'the two devils of fellows." It is not
surprising that such men were known as the 'scholars of the Arabs'
('utama' at-'Arab)' since they could give information about the
nation's past. This was seen as a sign of special gifts, and ordinary
people also attributed to fuese revealers of fue past a deep insight
into future events about which they were questioned. The poet
Qudama al-Quray'i, to whom Daghfal presented his genealogy in
1 Al.]a,1:ti:j:, Bayiin, fol. 3830 [I, p. 247J: the characteristic which Dagbfa,l gives
of the Banft 'Amir, etc.; al']qd, II, p. 53. qawt Daghja1ft qabii'il al-'Arab,IlI,
p. 353, of the Baml Makhzum.
2 Agh., It p. 8 above.
:I Much as the authors of the old Toledoth interweave the historical traditions
of old times with genealogical material.
'" An interesting passage in commentary to the {lamasa, p. 697,
v. 3, shows that correct statements on the historical occasions of the verses were
considered as belonging to the particular field of genealogists.
[AIQutami, Diwiin, II+ quoted by] aI.Maydani, I, p. IS.
G Al.Qaiida al.Faziiriyya, fo1. rS5b (MS. of the Royal Library, Berlin, cod.
Petermann, no. r84).
7 AI.Mayda-ni, II, p. 31.
S Agh., XVI, p. 20, cf. Tab.. I, p. ruS.
exact sequence,' wanted to know 8.lso the day of his death. 'This is
not. my field' Dagh.fal.' This assumption of deeper ilIumi-
natlOn of genealogists has ,ts roots in fue past of the genealogical art.
It seemS fuat formerly questions about descent were settled by
people who were deemed to have knowledge of secret circumstances
and conditions, so-called qii'ifs who pretended to read from footprints'
and physiognomical characteristics matters which were closed to
common understanding.'
Ibn al-Kalbi lists ten characteristics which are typical only of 185
Arabs; five are shown on fue head, five on the rest of the body. Apart
Ir.o,:, these physical qualities, Arabs are marked too by the ability of
'1,ydfa. A man may observe two people, one of whom is short, the
other slender, one black-skinned, the other white and from this he
may be able to conclude that fue short man is son of the slender
black one .of fue white.' Usama b. Zayd was suspected of
illegitImate descent In the time of the Jahiliyya becanse his face was
quite black whereas his fafuer Zayd b. I;J:a.ritha 'was whiter fuan
wool'. In's days a qii'if concluded from the comparison
of both theIr footpnnts that Usama could have descended ouly from
Zayd.' According to a biased fiction it was established in a similar
manner that b. is the father of 'Amr b. al- Itis worfuy
of note fuat thiS qa if also held the office of cutting off fue forelocks
of prisoners of war before they were set free' and was therefOre
1 Fihrist, p. 8g, r6.
I AIMayda-ni, II. p. 253.
3 Similarity of feet is used even later as proof of a genealogical link Agh
XVIII. p. '78, 8. ' .,
f Sf: in das Studium dey arab. Sprache, p. r34. A synonym
of ga ijlS also bamy; Agh., X, p. 38, r7. It might be mentioned that the Gil'On
Haya, whose words are cited by Moses b. Ezra in Kitiib al-Muhadara wa'l
fo1. (MS. Oxford, communication of Dr. in his
aleawf explams t?eword Ashshiirim (Gen., 25:3) which in many old tranw
latIons and commentanes (Onkelos, JenIs. Targum, Ibn Ezra, etc.) is consi.
dered an appellative-as 'seers' (gaja).
'AI-'lqa, II, p. 50.
G.B. Fa1'a'i4, no. 30, Muslim,III. p. 35g; cf. for further reference Robertson
SmIth, p. 286. The Banu Mndlij especially provided the qala of th; old Arabs
Ibn Qutayba:, ";iistenfeld, p. 32, II [Ibn I;Iazm, ]amharat Ansab a1-'Arab:
p. 176, 16; LZS4": al- Arab, s.v. dl)1. In our days the Ban'O. Fahm in the region of
are the best qaja: they know from footprints the most
Intimate quahties of men (Doughty, II, p. 625).
7 Al-'lqd, I, p. 164 below, d. ib., p. 22.
8 E.g. al-'lqd.III, '?' 64 and frequently. Cf. in Wellhausen, Arab. Heidenthum,
many passages referring to the removal of hair as a punishment. See also Agh.,
XV, p. 56, 18. Unchaste women have their heads shaved and are then Jed
throu%h the Ag?, XVII, p. 83, 9. The old Babylonians, too, used
sheanng Qf hal! as a pUDlshment; Transactions oj Soc. Bibl. Arc;h., VIII (
:po 241. [Cf. Kanz al-' UmmiiJ, old ed., VI, pp. 355-6: removal of hair
mg a iJ,add; and Ibn Qutayba, 'Uyun al-Akhbiir, I, p. 73,]
Mujazziz.' The cutting off of hair was not merely an act of degrada-
tion and humiliation but had-as we shall see in a larger conte.xt in
an excursus to this volume-a religious meaning. The cut hair was
originally considered a sacrmce to the gods and it is important to
note in this case that this office was held by a soothsayer who was
also responsible for decisions in genealogical problems.'
While-as we have seen-the beginnings of speculative concern
with genealogy and ancient history go back to the earliest Umayyad
period, this branch of knowledge later developed into a much-
cultivated integral part of philological study. Right from the be-
ginning fictions and biased fables, more especially the party interests
of the northern and southern Arabs, were the easily accessible sources
from which genealogy derived its material, and supplemented the
gaps in the traditions or any knoV\'TI facts;3 it was according to these
that the latter-as far as they really existed-were interpreted and
used. Further developments retained the same characters. The
genealogists tolerate no uncertainties; in the case of any important
man they must be able to name the male and female ancestors with
great accuracy, and also their tribal affiliations! If one considcrs that
-quite apart from differences of opinion in respect of the genealogy
of individual notables of the past'-gencalogists are frequently at
loggerheads about general questions of the ancient history of the
Arabs which are to be regarded as elements of genealogical know-
ledge,' one will understand that this chapter of Arab science was a
battleground of individual caprices and tendentious inventions and
often of base interests. Genealogy also seems to have lacked that
control which otherwise saves biased theoreticians from excesses and
which lies in the collective consciousness of a people. Even in the
middle of the third century Ibn Qutayba can voice the accusation in
the introduction to his manual of history 'that the noblest do not
1 Cf. Ibn I:Iajar, III, p, 738. In al.Nawawi to Muslim 1.e., there are also other
variants for this word, e.g. mujazzar or mub-riz, etc., but they are not as well
documented as muJazziz. Cf. also al.;jazzaz as by-name for a man who cuts the
of prisoners before they are set free; Agh., X, p. 4
, 5
2Cf, al-MuwaUa', Ill. p. 207. [The article '!pyafa' in the Ene. of Islam is
mainly based on this passage of Goldziher, but has a few additional references.]
3 Whether we may believe sucha notorious falsifier as Ibn al-Kalbi:, when he
claims that he derived material from the archives of churches in !;Iira Crab. I,
p. I770). I am d?ubt. .. ._
4. An interestmg hne In thIS respect IS In Ibn Hisham, p, lI3. 13 Compare to
this the appeal to genealogists, Agh., II. p. 166.4. XIII, p. lSI, 4 from below.
5 Cf. the various opinions on the descent of Imrq. (Agh., VIII, pp. 62 fr.), or
on the time when Aws b. 'f:Iajar lived (ibid., X, p. 6).
6 On the uncertainty of the genealogical detennination of the tribe of Iyad,
see N61deke. Orient and Occident, I, pp. 689-9. In the first century no complete
unanimity was reached on the question whether membership of the Quraysh
tribe was to be extended to all descendants of Nagr b. Kinana, or whether this
concept was to be limited; Agh., XVIII, p. 198 below.
know their descent and the best know nothing of their ancestors
Qurayshites are often ignorant of the point in their descent which
links to the Prophet.' It was thus easy for the
prOfeSSI?nal genealogIsts to palm off their handiwork on the public
and .to i:> wanton biased fables. The point
of Vlew which dIctated the mner SOCIal life also set corresponding
problems for genealogtsts and offered opportunity for vast differences
of opinion-whether a given tribe was of northern or southern Arab
origin. We will not deal here again with the often described dis-
cussion about the Qw;la.'a and Khuza.'a-whether they belong to the
group or southern Arabs;! nor will we repeat the
fable WIth WhICh harmomsts sought to settle the question.
For the
settling of this problem, too, recourse was had to the device so
popular. in the genealogical and antiquarian literature, of up
tendentious verses (the harmonizing fable has one too) which were to
serve as documentation. It is interesting that even Arab critics
kt;ow how much faith to place in such inventions, and even collectors
WIth such a poor reputation for credibility as, for example Ibn
al-Kalbi,' openly cast doubt' upon such documentary verses (shawa-
But it was not verses only that the genealogists fabricated as loci
probanles for the strengthening of onc-sided inventions. They did not
worry extent of falsificati.on if they were out to strengthen
a favounte thesIS, whether the thesIS were based on true tradition or
-as was frequently the case-on tendentious considerations. The
highest form of legitimization of a statement in the eye of Muslims
was always reference to some saying of the Prophet. If this were
as authentic-and for this external points were usually
became impossible. Genealogists of
days, III which the mvention of l;IadIth was already flourishing,
did m fact to a 1;ladIth in order to strengthen a point if nothing
more was available. Why should genealogists be any better
than theologIans, who made extensive use of this device? One exam-
ple of this may suffice here:
Amongst the sub-tribes of the Quraysh there are the Banu Sfuna
Sfuna whom they give as their ancestor is the son of Lu'ayy b:
Ghiilib, and the latter is the son of the eponymous hero of the tribe
1 For Khuza.'a I refer in addition to Agh., XVII, p. 158, 3 below.
2 discussions in Robertson Smith, pp. 8 ff. and other passages
CIted III the llldex. -
:I See above, p. I66, note 1.
4 Ve::- characteristic of this man Agh., IX, p. 19, XVIII, p. I61
(mainu at Ibn Whenever', says yaq1i.t, (II, p. 158), 'scholars differ
about pre-IslamIC matters the view of Ibn al-Kalbi is always the most reason-
nevertheless he is neglected and insulted with ironical remarks.'
Tab., I, p. 751.
of Quraysh. In Baera there was a quarter where the descendants of
this Sama lived together, and because of their name wished to be
considered as Qurayshites. The genealogists, presumably with the
consent of the other Qurayshites, did not admit this, since it was an
advantage to the latter to have fewer participants in the cash income
which they were drawing. The genealogists then transmitted the
following story, which probably had some foundation in the tradi-
tions of the tribe of Quraysh: Sama is said to have left his home
because of a family quarrel and to have been killed by a snake-bite
on his way to 'Uman, where he first intended to gO.' His wife Niijiya
married a man from Bal.>rayn, to whom she bore a son,lj:iirith. This
son is said to have returned as a young man to the Qurayshites, his
mother pretending that he was the son of Sama. The Banil Sama are
descended from this Hiirith and thus have no claim whatsoever to be
considered as Qurays'rntes, so they were always called by the name
of lj:iirith's mother: Banil Najiya.
To this family belonged 'Ali b.
al-Jahm al-Sami, court poet of Mutawakkil (died 249). He still
had to bear the mockery which was the consequence of the genealogi-
cal troubles in the descent of the Banil Sama.
A poet of the descen-
dants of 'Ali, who was thus a full blood Qurayshite, addressed him
in the following words: 'Sarna, of course, was one of us, but his
children-that is a dark affair; they are people who bring us genealo-
gies which resemble the mutterings of a dreamer'.
On the other hand there were genealogists even at that time who
defended the Qurayshite affiliation of the Banil Sama. At their head
was al-Zubayr b. Bakkar, QaQ1 of Mecca (died 256), a liberal genealo-
gist who, though a Qurayshite himself, did not grudge the Banu
Sama their claim to belong to Quraysh, because-as his enemies
maintained-members of the Sama family were opposed to the
1 Al.Ya'qiibi, I, p. 270, Wilstenfeld, Register zu den genealogischen TabeIlen,
p. 411; cf. also Agh., XXI, pp. 198 f. [For the discussions about Sarna see also
al-BaHidhuri, Ansiib at-Ashraf. It pp. 46-7; Ibn l;lazm, Jamharat Ansab
aI-'Arab, p. 163; Ibn Abi'I-I;Iadid, Snarl}, Nahj al-Balagha, I, pp. 262-4.]
:I Agh., IX, p. 104. It happens also in historical times that a child begotten
in a previous marriage. but born in a new marriage, is called after the mother.
The example which we can study in detail in Agk., XI. p. 140, shows that the
principle alwalad li'l-firash or al-firash (which shows traces of the doc-
trine of Roman. law pater est quem iustae nuptiae demonstrant) had not yet been
fully accepted in the middle of the Umayyad period; otherwise the legal quarrel
between Zufar and J;irar over the paternity of Artat would be inexplicable.
I add for the sake of completeness the sources of this Muslim legal principle
(d. Robertson Smith, p. 109 below): III. p. 203; B. Buyu', no. 100.
Wasiiya, no. 4. Maghazi, no. 54. Farfi'iil. no. IS, Muflaribun, no. 9. KkufL"i.mat,
no. 5; Muslim III. p. 357 [ef. also J. Schacht, Origins of Muhammadan
Jurisprudence, pp. 181-'2.]
3 Interesting notes about the position of this 'Ali b. al-Jahro are to be found
in the article on Marwan al.A!ighar, Agh. XI, pp. 3 fE.
, Al-Mas'1idi, VII. p. 250.
claims of the 'Alids,
which determined the orthodox Qa<;!i in their
fa,:o?" Thus, as late as the third century there were differences of
';' and doubts amongst the genealogists about the tribal
of the Banil Sama. For example, in referring to a member
of :!tis. tnbe,_"': unusual form of words was used: ' 'Umar b. 'Abd
al- AZ12 al-Sanu, who traces his descent to Sarna b Lu'ayy 'z the
indicating the doubt about the correctness oi the
cal .clanu.. But opponents thought they could end this quarrel
by a sa>:"g of the 'My uncle Sama left no child-
rer:. He who authenticity of this saying could not
believe that the Banu NaJ1ya had Sarna as their ancestor and were
true Qurayshites.
the tradit!on about the Banil Sarna did not find its way into
canomcal colleCtions of tradition. It is much more characteristic if
find a genealogical tradition of this kind was incorporated
mto the highly respected canomcal collection of al-Bukhari-the
other collectIOns do not quote it. It has already been mentioned that
the genealogists differed about whether the tribe of Khuzii 'a was of
northe:" or southern Arab origin. In order to have indisputable
for Its d,:scent the genealogists defending this
theSIS a hIgh-sounding saying: 'From Abu Hurayra. The
Prophet s_ald: Amr b. Lu1).ayy b. Kami'a b. Khindif is the father of
the I\:huza'a: A!-Bukharitook t!,is saying from Isl;1aq b. Rahawayhi. 4
It not our to outlme the history of the development of
Islam;c genealogI?al science, for we are concerned here only with
stressmg particnlar point in this development. Thus we took the
of. JumpIng from the beginnings of the genealogical specula-
tIons straJght to the tinte of its highest development.
In.respect of genealogical science too, the Arabs were excelledby the
PerSIans and other new Muslims. These people liked to interfere in a
field of through the study of which they were able to control
the asp,;atio":,, of their Arab co-religionists. The Arabs did seem
to It natural that foreigners should participate in their
SClence. Even al-Mutanabbi mocked a foreigner, an other-
WIse respected statesman, because he undertook research into Arab
1 To them also belonged al-Khirrlt b. Rashid who revolted against 'All Ibn
p. 68. [The Qurayshite descent of the BanD. Sarna is also admitt;d b
ab b. ZUbayr. Nasab Quraysh, p. 440; Ibn Habib al-Muhabbar p 168y]
t Al.Ya'ql1bi
II, p. 599. . J ,.
, Agh., IX. p. 105, 5.
4 B. Manaqib, Many traditions were also invented in connection with
;he problem of they are collected by al-$iddiqi, 01. 86a. [See also Ibn
, al-Inbak, pp. 59-63; Ibn Kathir, al-Sf.ra al-Nabawiyya Cairo
19 4. ,pp. 4-6; Kanz al-'Ummiil, old ed., VII, p. 143.] .
genealogy.' It is true that we find amongst true people
versed in genealogy as it was studied by the But the
mawali took hold, together with the other philologIcal SCIences, of the
study of Arab antiquitywhichwas almost indispensable to the knowl-
edge of poetry, and they developed it far in excessof the framework
of the old Arabic 'ilm al-ansab. To what perfection some of
brought this, and what influence the:s: had on the development of this
field of study in the second century, 's best seen from the exampl:
Hammad al-Rawiya (died I60)'. Hiiriin al-Rashid once asked Isma il
b. Jami' , a scholar from Mecca, about th; details ,?f his own genealogy;
the Arab scholar could give no proper mformatlOn, but referred the
caliph to Isl;taq, son of the singer Ibrahim who happe.ned
to be present. 'May God make you ugly: cried the angry caliph;
'you are a shaykh from the tribe of Quraysh and do not know your
genealogy and must ask a Persian f,?r in.formation.'4
The use that Persians made of this sCIence of genealogy accorded
well with the system of the Shu'ubiyya party tendency; yet the
presence of this tendency was little noticed, as appeared the
more recent genealogists had only to link up Wlth the tradItions .of
the older Arab genealogy. It is said already of the ancIent gene;u0gISt
of the Quraysh tribe, AbU Jahm b. :I;ludhayfa, peo?le feared
him because of his tongue',
and Daghfal hImself IS .saId to
concerned himself with the faults and weaknesses of tnbes and Wlth
the shameful points in their history (matMlib)' and thus to have
revived the practice of the pre-IslaIllic 'insults: that were contrary
to the spirit of IslaIll.' Sa'id b: al:Musayyab .(died 94), .who was one
of the greatest theologians of hIS tIIlle and emment also In genealogy,
1 In the passage discussed by Die" Ssab!er, I, ? 70.o,lLe. bihii
min ahli'lsawadi yudarrzsu ansaba ahlt l-fala, ed. DIeterlel, p. 703],
:l See a list in Ibn Qutayba, cd. \Viistenfeld. pp. 265 ff.; from later days we
may mention the Shaybani 'Awf b. (died known the
name of Abul.Mu1).allim-he is called aZ.nassiiba, Agh., XvIII, p. 153, I, 19
y whom there were written notes, ibid., XI, p. 125, 5, d. I, p. 32, n.
3 Sprenger, III, pp. CLXXI fl. [d. van Arendonk's article in the Ene. of
Islam sov.].
, Agh.. VI, p. 6g. ," - - f' N b
S Ibn Durayd, p. 87. [For Abu jahm d. Mu arnJ aI-Sadusl, IJadh nnn
Quraysh, p. 83: Nasab Quraysh, p. 369; Ibn 'Abd aI-Barr, al-IsU ab.
p. 63
.] . h J . h
B This tendency of the ancient Arab genealogy has an analogy In e eWlS
MegiUoth Yubasln, 'the lineage registers with good and bad famIly
with partly invented genealogies which were collected by some In
Jerusalem,' d. the relevant Mishna Gemara m Bloch,
Beitrage zur Einleitung in die talmudzsche LderatuY (Wlen 1884), I, p. IS .
Al-l:!u:?ri, III, p. 263. ['Aqil b. Abi TaIib was, feared_ on account hIS
genealogical traditions: Ibn Abi'I-l:Iadid, Sharl; NahJ III, p. 82, and
d. the story of l:lakim b. :E:Iizam, aI-Zubayr b. Bakkar, Jamharat Nasab
Quraysk,p.363; Ibn 'Asakir, IV, p. 421.]
is said to have told a man who asked himfor instruction in genealogy:
'I suppose you want to learn this science in order to be able to insult
people:' and it is remarkable that the son of this Sa'id, himself a
genealogist, had to. be punished by the government because he used
his science to the detriment of other men's honour.' The genealogist
Hisham ibn al-KalbI (died 204) was 'a great scholar, genealogist,
transmitter of the mathtilib and a scorner (' ayyaba)" The business of
'scorning' remainedclosely linked with that of genealogy. The 'scorns'
were not only concerned with revealing the shaIlleful points in the
history and genealogy of tribes, but also with inquiring into the
authenticity of descent, as for eXaIllple when the author of such a
book of matMlib, the historian
HaythaIll b. 'AdI (died 207), proves,
contrary to accepted belief, that Abu 'Amr b. Umayya was not a
true son but an adopted son of the man he naIlled as his father.
This proof injured the noble descent of all descendants of 'Amr.'
Another exaIllple shows genealogists-citing the above-mentioned
Haytham from Ibn al-Kalbi-inqniring into the fact that even in the
days of 'Umar an Arab still had a regular marital union with the wife
of his deceased father, though MuhaIllmed had condemned such
marriages (niktib al-maqt). This caused daIllage to the reputation of
the latest descendants of this couple.' It is interesting that HaythaIll
himself was considered a da' i and because of this was forced to
separate from his wife, who was an Arab WOman of the tribe of Banu
:I;larith b. Ka'b, because the woman's tribal companions would not
tolerate her marriage to an intruder unable to legitimize his Arab
descent.' (Cf. above, pp. I22 fl.) In a satirical verse he was told:
'If you count 'Adi your father aIllongst the Banu Thu'al you must
put the d before the 'a (da'i instead of 'Adi).' That he is called a
Kharijite' presumably only means, in this as in other cases, that he
did not set great store by the prerogatives of Arabs.
This field of study must have been very welcome to the Persian
philologists at a time when evidence of the faults of the Arabs,
shaIlle of their tribes and disparaging details from their past could
support their thesis about the superiority of the non-Arabs.
These scholars had, of course, to inqnire also into the good points
of the various tribes-a literary speciality which appears to have
'AI.'Zqd, II, p. 51.
Ibn Qutayba, p. 224, 3.
Agh., XXI, p. 246, 12 [Yaqfit, lrshad, VII, p. 262].
"He also transmitted sacred legends, Abu'I-Mal}Asin, I, p. 424.
G Agk., I, p. 7 below. !
(I Agh., XI, p. 55 below.
Ibid, XVII, p. 109 [Yaql1t. Irshfid, VII, pp. 262-7].
o Cf, al'Iqd, III. p. 301.
9 Ibn Qutayba. p. '267.
been summed up by the genealogist Abu'l-Bakhtari (died 200) in his
'great books of excellences'.' But the genealogists of the Shu'ubiyya
party favoured 'scorns' which accorded with their convictions; and
this striving was not in contrast to the literary taste of the time.
Even then satirical poets aimed at fighting the objects of their lam-
poons effectively by disparaging their tribe, and particularly by cast-
ing doubts upon their pure descent or suspecting the chastity of their
193 mothers,' or by applying this method against certain individuals
who were the objects of their particular hatred. Doubts about the
mother's virtue and the purity of marital life remained one of the
most popular weapons of Arab satire,' which in.
respect the traditions of former times and the trend of the,r satirical
poets. The most scandalous statement in the Islamic period was
I dare say uttered by al-Farazda'l in his hijii' on al-Tirimma1;L about
family lifewithin the tribeof Tayyi' .'Though religious people
to a continuation of these traditions and condemned them m
theory and practice,
philological literature did in fact favour their
continued existence.
The mere practice of this genre could not therefore be con-
1 Fihrist, p. IDa, 21.
2Agh., IX, p. 109. the satire of 'AU b. al-]ahm (died 250); among other
things, he addresses his opponents: 'Your mother does not know who loosened
her belt, and who has given you to her, 0 unclean ones. You are apeople--when
their descent is called, onc and the same mother is to be named, but only God
knows the fathers, as there arc many of them', etc. In the same way the descent
of whole tribes was ridiculed and genealogists chose, e.g., the tribe of the
Banu'l. 'Anbar as a target for their mockery by naming as their ancestress
Umm Kharija, who was ill.famed for her polyandry; al.Mubarrad, p. 265
II The satirical poems of . Abdan al-Khuzi against Abu'l.' Ala', who called
himself an Asadite, may serve as examples from later times: e.g. <Take. 0
Abu'I.' Ala' my friendly advice ... Never mock anyone older than you, you
might insult your father without knowing it.' Cf. the poems in Yatimat al.Dahr.
III, pp. 127 fl. Al.$aymari addresses in a satire his fellow poet
<Ya'bna'l-mubiibati li'lwarii', Le. 'You son of a woman who was free to all,
Agh., XVIII, p. '74, 3
"E.g. Mufaij.ij.., 6:II; Agk., XXI, p. 20I, 21 (al-Mutalammis); I:Iam., p. lI3.
esp. v. 4: Agh., XXI, p. I4, r7-al-Afwa1;t. boasts of jealousy of his own
tribe for their women in contrast to the enemy tribe whose 'women were
dragged into captivity'.
Le diwan ae Farazdak, ed. Boucher, p. 89
G The pious Muslim neophyte Abil 'Ubayd b. Sana-m,. son of a
Greek slave from Herat (died 224), who achieved much authorIty m Islam.
was-apart from his theological work-also author of lexicographical works
which were concerned chiefly with the explanation of difficult words in the
tradition. In these works Abl1 'Ubayd often had to quote loei probantes from
old poets, but whenever he used a verse: he eliminated the
names in it, substituting for them fictItIOUS ones In the same metre. This fal
siftcation is credited to Abfi 'Ubayd as a special merit by the Magbribi theolo
gian Qa<!i 'Iya<! (Shift.. , II, p. 237)
sidered as due to hostility to the dignity of the Arabs, as its roots
are, as we have repeatedly seen, among the most authentic impulses
of Arab genius which, even where refined conditions of life gave no
opportunity for its full expression, was exercised at least in belletris- 194
tic play and literary dillettantism.' An author who is shown to be an
advocate of the Arab cause by a polemical writing against the Shu'-
ubiyya is the author of mathalib works and he obviously does not
wish to assail the honour of the Arabs.
But in the circle of the Shu'ubis the point of view of the mathiilib
had changed. Their philological interest is gnided by an inclination to
use the points which occur in the mathiitib as proof of the inferiority
of the Arab race which is to be inferred from data referring to individ-
ual tribes. They could attempt this with the greater success because
in the mathiitib verses Arabs speak of their own compatriots; there
could apparently be no more objective material.
The same tendency is followed in smaller details of their genealogi-
cal activity. The most eminent circles of pure Arab society were to be
degraded by genealogical means.
Khalid b. Kulthum, whom we see as an opponent of Iranophile
genealogy, handed down the information that in the 'Abbasid period
a Shu'ubi heretic (rajul min zaniilliqat ai-shu'ubiyya) had an argu_
ment with a descendant of the Umayyad caliph al-Walid, and this
degenerated into the rudest insults. In order to cast doubt upon the
lawful descent of al-Walid's descendant, the Shu'ubi wrote a book in
h.e tells of the adulterous relationship of one of the caliph's
w,ves WIth the poet Wac;l<;la1;L, and of the sad end of the philanderer.'
Even if it most unlikely that the story of the love-affair of the
princess and Wa<;l<;la1;L is a malicious invention of a Shu'ubite, the
above piece of information will nevertheless serve to show us the
nat,;,re of the aims by the Shu'ubite party in Islamic society
dunng the second and third centuries.
These general observations can,best be demonstrated by a concrete
example in the scholarly trend of one of the most important of those
philologists who lent their support to the Shu'ubi party. We refer to 195
Abu Ubayda Ma'mar b. al-Muthanna (died c.207-II),' contemporary
of the above-mentioned genealogist and mathiilib writer al-Haytham
1See e.g in alMas'ftdi, VI, pp. 136'56, an interesting collection of such
mathalib. A girl of the Bano. 'Amir tribe is credited with a number of satirical
epigrams, poems in which about forty Arab tribes are mercilessly attacked. Ci.
also Journ. Asiat., 1853, I, pp. 550 ff. [and al-5am'am, al-Amab, I, pp. 54-62].
2 Abu 'Abd 'Allah alJahmi, Fihrist, p. 112, 1 and 2.
a Agh., VI, p. 39.
"[Cf.. H. A..R. Gibb's. article'Abft 'Ubayda' in the new ed. of the Ene. of
Islam, In the lIght of WhICh Goldziher's conclusions have to be modified.]
b. Adi. By descent he was an 'Ajami, but by affiliation he belonged
to the Arab tribe of Tayrn. says of him that there was
nobody amongst either the heretics or the orthodox who was more
learned in all branches of human knowledge than this Abu 'Ubayda.
The same respect for his scholarship was shown by his younger con-
temporary Ibn Hisham, to whom we owe the edition of the
of the Prophet by Mu!)ammad ibn Is!)aq. In a number of passages m
this work he draws upon Abu 'Ubayda's scholarship for the explana-
tion of the true sense of old words and their illustration with examples
taken from poetry; he even chooses him as his guide to establish the
references contained in passages of the Koran. Abu 'Ubayda had m
fact an exceedingly comprehensive knowledge of the language and of
the old stories of the Arab, which he dealt with in a large number of
special treatises;' and a great part of what we know today of pre-
Islamic conditions and events amongst the Arab people, as well as of
their antiquities,' would have escaped us if Abu 'Ubayd:, had not con-
cerned himself with the transmission of such information and data.'
'There are no two horses: he boasted. 'who came to close quarters in
pagan or Islamic times but I know of them and their riders.' Together
with al-Asma'j and Abu Zayd he was the greatest expert of Arab
lugha at tiJat time, excelling the first, according to Arab critics, but
being outdone by the latter in the extent of his knowledge.
W.e owe
very much to him in the field of the tradition and interpretatlOn of
196 old poetry. In the latter he showed-as we may anticipate here-a
Shu'iibitc bias'
It is not surprising that he gathered much of his from
desert Arabs, as was the general practice of the great philolOgIsts of
his day; yet just as in other matters he had the laudable mod:,sty to
admit his ignorance on questions which he could not answer1 j so we
1 I;iarlri commentary, ed. de Sacy, 2nd ed., p. 672.
I: A survey ot his most important \vritings-he wrote c. 200 monographs-
Ibn Khallikan, no. 741 (VIII, p. 1 23).
3 Al.Mubarrad, pp. 441, 442, data about the use of the crown by ancient
Arab princes and the finding of old Arab coins. .
4 The rich source of information comprised in his traditions can be easily
seen if we examine e.g. Agk.. A, pp. 884; the pre.Islamic,stories told there are
almost exclusively due to A. 'U. info:rmation, and the is, tru.e of man;.: 0t.-
pa.rts of old Arab history and of poetic pieces connected WIth It. Ibn Hlsham,
pp, 180 ff"can relate the story of the war of Dal;).is and Ghabra: only according
to the account of A.'U,
S Al-Suyftt
, Muzhir, II, pp. '202-3; cf. Rosen, Drebne arabska Poezi (Peters.
burg 187:z), pp. 66-67
6 Ibn Durayd, p. 77, mentions an old Arab couplet with remark: 'A,'U;'
has added to these verses an explanation which I would not ltke to ,
presumably an explanation not favourable to the Arabs and therefore mcon-
venient to the pro.Arab (sec p. 192) Ibn Durayd.
7 Agh., XVII, p. 27.
find himmore sceptical about that sort of information' than is other-
wise current in these circles of philologists,' and is altogether ready
to admit it if he is unable to glean any information about a detail of
Arab antiquity from his living sources.
But tradition' and exegesis
were not the only fields in which he excelled; he also contributed much
to higher criticism and aesthetic evaluation of Arabic poetry. Of the
deep insight of his judgment there is no better example than his
criticism of the poetry of the Christian poet al-Akhtal from the tribe
of Taghlib.
Here, however, we are not considering this part of his activity and
it is only mentioned in order to indicate how great were the achieve-
ments of the non-Arab Abu 'Ubayda in the Arab sciences; we shall
discuss in more detail his participation in the tendencies of the
Shu'iibiyya. It may be said that Abu 'Ubayda was a true Shu'iibite
and students of his writings have called him that. When he is occa-
sionally described as a Kharijite,' it is not the dogmatic and political
side of the Kharijite party which seems to be in mind, but only that
aspect which the Shu'ubites share with the Kharijites: denial of pri-
vilege to any race. Here the followers of both parties meet quite
unintentionally on the same groundS and ouly this point of viewwould
justify the superficial description of AbU 'Ubayda as a Kharijite,
which must, judging from other indications,' definitely be rejected.
1 He will have derived from the desert Arabs the information contained in a
citation. al-'Iqd, I, p. 58, where he gives a precise canon of how thoroughbred
horses may be recognised. Agh., XXI, p. 86, ro; 88, I he transmits from Ru'ba,
but Ru'ba died in 145 and a direct contact between him and A,'U. is hardly
likely. 1n al-Suy-o:t:i, Itqan (ed. Cairo I279). Il, p. I9I he is also made to quote
in the name of Ru'ba a judgment 09' the Koranic passage 15:94.
! Agh., IX, p, 151, 8 from below fa-za'amali shaykk min'ulama' BanI Murra.
s ruraf 'Arabiyya, ed. Landberg, p. 31, 2.
4 To this category belongs the knowledge of old proverbs (amthiU) and the
establishment of their historical connections and moral application: for this,
too, Abrr. 'Ubayda was an eminent authority (al-'Iqd, p. 333). Some proverbs
would have remained unintelligible but for A.V.'s transmission of the reference
on which they were based, e.g. 'more faithless than Qays b. or 'more
faithless than 'Utayba b. alI;3:arith' (al.Mayda-ni, II, p. 10). There are many
examples of this. [Cf. also R. Sellheim, Die klassisch-arabischen SprichwOrler.
sammElngen, The Hague, 1954. pp. 69.70, I52.]
5 Agk., VII, p. 174.
6 Ibn Qutayba, ed. Wiistenfeld, p. :269: 'He hated the Arabs'; al.Mas'l1cU',
V, p. 480: 'Abrr. 'Ubayda or another of the Shu'l1bites'; d. al.Maqqari, I, p. 8:25,
7 Abulfeda, AnnaEes, II, p. 144. But al.Mas'lldi himself says of him, 'VII,
p. 80, that he professed the views of the Khawarij; d. Ibn Qutayba., I.e.
a Cf. above, p. 130.
II It is unthinkable to find one who is seriously a Kharijite amongst the
admirers, and even more, the transmitters of al-Sayyid al.I;iimyari. the poet of
the Kaysani party, as this is attested of A. 'V., Agh., VII, p. 5. That poet ridi.
culed the rebels of Nahrawan and their leaders, ibid., p. 16, 16.17_
Much that we cau observe of his literary characteristics in the
scattered remnauts of his work shows that he was intent on furthering
the aims of the Shu'ubiyya. In the course of his philological aud
autiquariau studies he liked to point out non-Arab elements in the
culture aud daily life of Arabia-which the pro-Arabs described with
satisfaction as altogether original and owing nothing to auy other
nation. In Arab poetry and rhetoric, which the pauegyrists of Arab
originality never ceased to praise as the fruit of the indigenous genius
of the Arab people, Abu 'Ubayda finds connections with Persian
elements; for example, he attempts to explain the hyperbole of Arab
poets and orators as an imitation of the Persians
, and many fabulous
Arab tales he regards as imitations of corresponding fables in Persiau
He also traces the foreign words in the poems of a most
198 truly Arab poet,' though he strongly deuies the occurrence of foreign
words in the Korau, attributing their apparent presence to the
accidental agreement of words in various lauguages. He looked for
foreign elemeuts also in everyday customs of the Arabs, which
explains a story, told with great relish, about the introduction of a
Persian dish into Mecca.' He studied the history of the Persians in
detail and wrote a book on the subject, using information provided
by a Persiau converted to Islam, 'Umar Kisra" It may be men-
tioned that amongst the many writings of Abu 'Ubayda there is one
entitled Kitab ai-Taj, a title which Iraniaus and other non-Arabs,
writing of the glories of ancient Persians, liked to choose.' From this
book by Abu 'Ubayda we have fragments on old Arab genealogy,'
but it is not impossible that he dealt also with Persiau matters.
Even as he sought for elements of Arab civilization which could be
attributed to Persiau influence, so he liked-if he could justify it-
to reclaim for Persia persons who had gained a place of honour in the
culture of Islam in specifically Arab fields. He thus reclaimed for
Persia, for example, the family of the Raqqashi, who were famed
amongst the Arabs for their rhetorical gifts. The first of them to
have found a place in Arabic literature was Abiin b. 'Abd al-!;Iamid
al-Raqqashi, famous as an Arab poet and translator of Persiau books.
1 Al.Mubarrad, p. 35I.
2 AI.Tawwazi in al.SuY'ClP'S Muzhir, II, p. 253.
:I Ibn Qutayba, Adab alKiUib (MS. Imperial Libr. Vienna, N.F. no. 45) fo1.
157b [ed. GrUnert, pp. 257, 530].
4. Al-SuyO.ti, Itqiin, I, p. 167. [Already in Ibn Qutayba, I.e.]
'Agh., VIII, p. 4.
6 Al.Masudi, II, p. 238.
1 Rosen, 'Zur arabischen Literaturgescbichte der Zeit' I (lvUlanges
asiatiques, l.c.) p. 774.
8 Al-'Jqd, II, pp. 53 fl. and probably also the quotations ibid., I, pp. II, 26,
36. Islamic history also seems to be contained in it, e.g. the citation ibid., II,
His translations from the Persiau did much to enrich Arab literature.'
His son !;Iamdiin aud his brother' Abd al-!;Iamid were also known in
Arabic poetry;2hisgreat nephew al-Fa(!l b. 'Isab. Abiin al-Raqqashi
was one of the most importaut orators of his time and the latter's
son 'Abd al-Samad is said to have excelled even his father in this art.
Concerning this Abu 'Dbayda said: ITheir ancestors were eminent
orators at the court of the Chosroes, when they became prisoners of
the Arabs aud had descendauts in the countries of Islam aud in
Arabia itself, this rhetorical vein made its appearauce and they
became amongst the people of this Arabic lauguage the same as they
had been amongst the people of the Persian lauguage, namely poets
aud orators. But when they later intermarried with strangers this
gift receded aud eventually decayed. '.
Thus Abu 'Ubayda tried to take every foreign flower from the
proud Arabs' bouquet of fame. He occasionally went further thau he
could justify aud had to face many disputes. In general, his mauner
of treating Arab autiquity seems to have roused the ire of those
Arab philologists who, full-blood Arabs themselves, pursued other
lines in the study of their national language and traditions. This inner
difference explains the opposition which existed between Abu
'Ubayda and his learned contemporary aud rival al-A>;ma'i.' This
difference of viewpoint and literary tendencywas particularly evident
in the following matter. It was, as we shall soon see
in accordance
with the line taken by Abu 'Ubayda to cultivate the genre of satire
in Arabic poetry and particularly the hija' directed against Arab
tribes, while al-A"ma'lis said to have condemned this part of ancient
Arabic literature for religious reasons, to the point of never under-
taking a philological interpretation of a poem containing satire
(hija').' Ibn al-A'rabi's low opinion of AbU 'Ubayda' might well be
due partly to the latter's attitude towards the Arabs to whom the
mawla Ibn al-A'rabi was devoted. He was at great pains to prove
that Abu 'Ubayda had insufficient knowledge of the Arabic language
aud that at his only meeting with him he heard him make three
solecisms. S
1 Fihrist, p. IIg.
:t Ibid.
p. 163.
S Cf. a curiosity about him in alMaydclnI, I, p. 360.
4. Kitiib al.Bayiin, fol. 103 b [I, p. 308].
S Ibn Khallikan, no. 389, IV, p. 88.
6 AI.Suyiip, Muzhir, II, p. 204.
, ZDMG, XII, p. 70.
8 In his unfavourable judgment of 'I he was naturally guided by other
points of view, but it may be doubted whether Ibn aI-A'ram's remarks against
and Abll 'Ubayda were influenced by the contrast of the Kiifans
with the followers of the school (Flilgel, Die grammatischen Schulen der
Araber, p. 147).
The rivalry of 'i and Abii 'Ubayda arose not only fr?m.the
literary differences and their opposing views about Arab antIqUIty;
therc seem also to have been purely worldly motives for their mutual
enmity. To assess these the following report by Abu'l-Faraj al-
is of great importance: The singer and belletrist IsI:>aq al-
Mawsili used to receive instruction from 'i and make use of
his tension developed between them later and IsI:>aq
directed satires against the other and told the caliph aI-Rashid of his
faults, his ingratitude, his miserliness, the baseness of his soul, and
that he did not deserve favours. He described Abu 'Ubayda on the
other hand as a reliable, faithful, generous and learned man. He said
the same things to Fa<;ll b. al-Rabi', whose help he enlisted in the
intended destruction of al-Asma'j, He continued these activities until
lost the favour of'the court and Abu 'Ubayda was invited
to take his place.'I
It is not surprising to learn that the representatives of the Arab
trend' were in opposition to 'Abu Ubayda particularly in respect of
genealogy. We have only recently mentioned the poet Wa<;l<;laI:> al-
Yaman who had to serve the Shu'ubites in manyways. He was famous
for his beauty, which was so outstanding that he had to guard against
the cvileye by veiling his face as hadthe 'veiled Kindite'
al-Kindi)' before him, but he was even better remembered for hIS
love affair with the wife of the Caliph al-Walid I and for his sad end.
The name Wa<;l<;laI:> was given him because of his beauty: the word
means 'the shining one', His real name was 'Abd al-Ra4man b.
Isma'il b. 'Abd Kulal b. Diidh. The name of his great-grandfather
Dadh is Persian, and therefore Abu 'Ubayda taught that he came
from those Persians whom the Persian king Khusraw had sent to the
Ycmen under the leadership of Wahriz in otder to protect King Say!
b. Dhi Yazan against the Ethiopians. This assertion was energetically
rebutted by the pro-Arab Khiilid b. Kulthiim: 'If you argue from the
linguistic character of the name, I maintain that 'Abd Kulal is a
name indigenotls to south Arabs onlyG and Abu Jarnad. the
(k"nya) of Diidh's' father, is a southern Arab by-name, smce the
1 Agh., V, p. 107.
2 Amongst those who directed polemics against him after his that
enemy of the Shu'Ubites, Ibn Qutayba; !:I.}<h., I, p. 327. no. 825:
AU 'Ub.
'Agh., VI, p. 33.
4 Kremer, des O"ients, I, pp. 145 ff. [For al.WaQ.Qal:). cf. also
Brockelmann, Suppl. I, pp. 823.]
5 We find the name also among the northern Arabs e.g. 'Abd al-Ral;1man b.
Samura was called before his conversion tAo KuHi1; a!.Na'....awi, TahdMb,
p. 380 (according to others, however, 'Abd al.Ka'ba). .,
BAgh., VI. p. 45, q; the poet boasts of his ancestors and mentions thlS
ancestor with this kunya.
Persians never used such I can further mention that in
Yemen many people are called by the Ethiopian name Abraha and
by your method all these people must be given an Ethiopian descent.
Names are but symbols and marks. Many a man is called Abu Bakr,
without being the Siddfq, and many men are named 'Uma; without
bcing the Faruq. Thus names cannot be used as proof or disproof of
any national descent.' Abu 'Ubayda-concludes Khiilid-was shamed
by this refutation and unable to reply.', .
This anecdote prepares us to see Abu Ubayda the pur-
poses of the pro-Arab party in the field of genealogy, and m effect we
have various indfcations of this. To prove that the pure Arab descent
of those circles, who used such genealogy as a title for their superiority
tothe rest of the Muslim people, was not above suspicion, and IS
more could not withstand a detailed examination of genealoglcal
facts was one of the main aims of this kind of genealogical criticism.
In populated by mixed nationalities it was m?st
to the purposes of the party td prove the unreliability of the
claims of the Arab families and groups to be the true descendants of
one or the other desert tribe. How could the descendants of that
maguate of the tribe of Banu Sa'd called Fadaki b..A'bad have
survived with unmixed blood in up to the third century?
Claims like these were easy game for men like Abu 'Ubayda.' He
made diligent investigations in order to prove the absu:?lty of
genealogical statements. For example, when the families of Niifi
and Abu Bakra announced proudfy that they were linear descen-
dants of the famous Arab healer I:!iirith b. Kalada (who accepted
Islam only in 'Umar's time), Abu 'Ubayda proved that this man had
left no son at all to carry on his line.' .
It is easily understandable that in the genealogy of Arab tnbes
Abu 'Ubayda was most attracted by the branch of
But he was not only concerned with the proof that certam genealogl-
cal claims of Arab antiquity were invalid; he was also fond of pro-
ducing data from his philological arsenal with whic.h to ridicule
excessive racial vanity of Arabs in cases where nothmg could be saJd
against it from a genealogical point of view. Typical of this is his
story about 'Aqil b. 'Ullafa, who was so pro,:d of his des,cent .from
the Banu Murra that he subjected one of hiS daughter s sUltors,
whom he did not consider as her equal, to torture, the description of
which is almost untranslatable.
In general Abu 'Ubayda seems to
have been fond of transmitting or inventing stories in which full-
, [bid., p. 33.
2 Ibn Durayd, p. 153.4; cf. Iris objections against the Banii Arzam in
ibid., p. 323 ult.
, Agh., XI. p. 86.
4 Ibid.
blood Arabs confront each other and hurl the coarsest insults con-
cerning the other's descent. I From all this we can easily get an idea
of what Abu 'Ubayda intended with his writings 'on the mawiiZi'
and t concerning tribes.' Amongst his works are also mentioned a book
of 'the mathiiZib of the tribe of Bii.hiIa' and a general 'book of the
mathiitib' in which he proves the insufficiency of the genealogies of the
Arab tribes on whom he heaps all kinds of accusations.'
From what we have already heard about the material of genea-
logists, it does not seemincredible that-as al-Mas'udI thinks possible
-Abu 'Ubayda (or another Shu'ubite) did not shrink from literary
falsifications, after the fashion of old Arab poetry, in order to support
the party's policy in genealogical matters. In the days of the author
of 'The Golden Meadows' a book known under the name of at-Wii/zida
could still be read; it dealt with the subject of 'excellences' and 'scorns'
and discussed those good and bad qualities of each Arab tribe which,
according to tradition, distinguished it from any other tribe. The
book reproduced poetical competitions between the court poets of
the Umayyad caliph Hisham, in which each poet-al-Mas'udI quotes
203 them by name-boasted of the superiorities of his own northern or
southern Arabrace andtreatedwith contempt the dignityof that of his
rival. These boasts naturally only served as foils for the insults
which were to expose the vices and moral defects of ancient Arabs.
Abu 'Ubayda, or men like him, is said to have devised these verses
and the possibility of such an assumption shows clearly enough what
the eminent philologist was thought capable of in days not far distant
from his O"NIl.
In the mathiilib of Shu'ubite bias, then, as is evident from the last
mentioned literary fact, it was no longer (as had been the case with
the old mathiilib traditions) full Arabs who stood up against other
full Arabs with the presumption of the great value of true Arab
descent. The Shu'ubites could. not accept such an assumption. They
were out to destroy this belief in the value of uncontaminated Arab
descent, and the assembliug of the old mathiilib offered them the
opportunity of demonstrating how problematical was a man's claim
on the fame of his ancestors. But in all this we must always take into
account their presumption of the lack of value of true Arab descent
even in a case where it was found to be well established. Abu 'Ubayda
did not avoid-as did most of his contemporaries in his position-
pointing to his own origin. He boasts that he, the genealogist of the
Arab tribes who criticises their descent, heard from his own father
1 A typical example is found in al.BaUidhuri's Ansiib alAshru.j. p, 172.
2 Fikrist, pp. 53, 26, 27; 54. 2, 4; al.Mas'fl.di, VII, p. 80.
3 AI-Mas'fidi, V, p. 480. Excerpts from the J{itiib al-Wabida were quoted by
alMas'ftdi in his 'Middle Book' {al-Awsan; it is cited in the commentary to the
Qalda Fazariyya, Ms. of the Royal Library, Berlin, Cod. Peterm., 184, fol. 170b.
that the latter's father had been a Persian jew.' According to one
account (which is, however, rather curious) he owed his by-name
Abu 'Ubayda to the fact that his grandfather had been a jew. 'Abu
'Ubayda was a nickname given to jews and the famous philologist is
said to have become very angry when addressed by this nickname."
He repaid in the same coin all those who held it against him that he
was a non-Arab. When he learned that a member of the Raqqashi
family, himself a mawlii of this Arab tribe,' had remarked satiricaliy
that he who could not be proud of his own genealogy criticised the
descent of others, he remarked to a large gathering: 'The government
has overlooked an important fact when neglecting the collection of 204
the Jewish tax from Aban. His family is jewish, and in their houses
the books of the Torah can still be found, whereas there is hardly any
copy of the Koran. They do in fatt boast of knowing the Torah by
heart, whereas what they know of the Koran is hardly sufficient for
the prayer."
This, of course, does not mean much. Muslim genealogists were
bent on proving the jewish descent of anybody whom they dls-
liked for any reason. This trick was not their own invention, and their
application of it was, like many other things, an imitation of older
habits of Arab society. The two poets Artat b. Zufar and Shabib b.
al-Ban;a' (died 80) had had a poetic competition of long standing in
which each denied the other's right to trace his descent from the
Banu 'Awl. Amongst the members of the tribe there was a singular
tradition' according to which a true 'Awfi would become blind in his
old age.' Artat was able to point out that, while this applied to him,
Shabib himself had remained in full possession of his sight (after his
rival's death he too is said to have gone blind). Artat mocked him:
'In the tribe of the 'Awf there is a jewish family in which youths are
like old men"-irnplying that his opponent belong to this jewish
branch which had insinuated itself into the 'Awf tribe.
Thus we see that genealogists only had to follow existing patterns
when using this motive for their genealogical taunts. An example is
1Fihrist, p. 53. 12.
2 Agh., XVII p. 19.
a Cf. above, pp. 182-3
Agh., XX, p. 7S.
Agh., XI, p. 97, 8.
a We meet the same tradition later in respect of another tribe, Le. that
branch of the Banft l:fanifa which in the early 'Abbasid period were clients of
the Hashimite family and to whom belonged the blind scholar Abu'I.'Ayna:
(died 282). The ancestor of this Abu'VAyna.' is said to have behaved im.
politely to .Ali and therefore .Ali had cursed him and his descendants with
blindness. Blindness was taken as sign of legitimacy in this family. See a l . I ; l u ~ I i .
I, p. 251.
7 Agh., XI, p, 141,8 below; cf. the same phrase also VIII, p. 139,8,5 below.
the poet Marwan, grandson of Ya!)ya b. Abi Ijafea (died 182). In his
family the tradition was current that the grandfather of the poet had
been a Persian who became 'Uthman's slave at the conquest of Ie-
205 takhr. Hostile. genealogists do not rest content with that. Abu
Ijafea was represented as a Jew who was converted to Islam by
'Uthman, or according to others only by Marwan b. al-Ijakam.
Political and religious enmity also sharpened its weapons with such
These examples may serve to illustrate the genealogical accusation
which Abu 'Ubayda's enemies made against him. But we saw that he
used the same trick himself when necessary, and this is evident also
from the account of how Abu 'Ubayda endeavoured to blacken the
descent of the Umayyad governor Khalid b. 'Abd Allah al-Qasri,'
following in this respect the example of al-Mada'ini (died 130). This
zealous servant in the cause of the Umayyad caliphate traced his
descent to the southern Arab tribe of the Bajila, and amongst his
ancestors he named the famous pagan soothsayer Shiqq. According
to Arab concepts the genealogy of this man seems to have been open
to some doubt; Ibn al-Kalbi openly confesses-and this is typical of
the ways of the genealogical profession-'My first lie in a genealogical
matter was this. Khalid b. 'Abd Allah asked me about his grand-
mother. Now I knew that Umm Kurayz was an ordinary prostitute
of the tribe of Asad. But I said to Kbalid: "Zaynab bint 'Ar'ara bint
Jadhima b. Nagr b. QU'ayn-she was your grandmother." He was
glad and made me gifts.' To discredit Khilid, AbU 'Ubayda ad-
vanced the following revelation: his ancestor Kurz b. <Amir was a Jew
from Tayma; he became a slave of the 'Abd al-Qays and was able to
escape but was captured again by the tribe of 'Abd Shams and was
forced into the service of Ghamghama, the son of that soothsayer
whom he names amongst his ancestors, who in his turn gave him to
somebody else. Having escaped a second time he became a prisoner of
the Banu Asad, who married him to a slave of ill repute who bore him
a son called Asad. The Banu Asad then gave him his freedom, which
lasted only a short time because he was accidentally recognised by
members of the tribe of Ijujr, to whom he had previously been slave,
206 and he was forced to continue in this state amongst them. They freed
him for ransom, and when he passed through Ta'if with his patrons,
the Banu Asad, he attached himself to the Bajila tribe, who soon
1AI_Mubarrad, p. 27I, Agh., IX, p. 36: the story is told in detail of the
emancipation of this mawlii; d. also Abu'l.Mal],asin, I. p. s06.
2 We think of the way in which enemies of the Fa.timid dynasty asserted that
its founder was descended from a Jew (aI-Sayan alMMughrib. I, p. ISS [E.
Lewis, The Origins oj Isma'llism. Cambridge 1940, pp. 07-
3 See for him Kremer, Culturgeschichte, I, p. 180.
Agh. XIX. p. 58
him. Kh.ilid then was descended from this Kurz; and he
mhen:ed hIS grandfather and great-grandfather the gift of
excelling. all h!s contemporaries in mendacity.' This example shows
the way In whIch the ahl al-4nathiilib
sought to subject to ridicule and
mockery the genealogy of people whom they disliked, especially when
such people appeared as representatives of the Arab trend.
We have described Abu 'Ubayda's literary character in such detail
we his activity typical of the whole group of
Shu . and genealogists, a comprehensive and ex-
of would call for a special chapter in literary
hIstory, for :WhICh we wIshed only to supply some material here. But
the of the Shu'ubite mathiilib activity might be rounded
off wIth .the, mentlOn of s:,ccessor to Abu 'Ubayda, namely the
Allan. UbI, who was employed as copyist in the
hbrary of the SCIences In the days of the caliphs Harun and al-
Ma'mun. He was admittedly of Persian descent. and as his name
shows he to the Shu'ubiyya party. This Shu'ubite is quoted
as an authonty In gene"!-ogical problems concerning Arab tribes.'
Though he wrote In pralse of some tribes (Kinana and Rabi'a)',
'Agh., XIX, pp. 57 f.
2 is the name to those who spread such scandalous rumours about
Khahd s ancestor; Agk., Ibid., p. 55. I
a PerhaI?s this is the place to mention an anecdote which is found in ai.'] d
II, p. 151, m of Emil b. Abi Burda. A madman of whom BiHil demanled
some which he had brought with him from the prison into which Emil
had had him thrown replied: 'Today is the Sabbath and on this day gifts rna
not ?e made or accepted.' By this he is supposed to have pointed to Bilal
JeWIsh a for Jews, ZDMG, XXXII, p. 342 note
al-I:Iu!?rl, III, p. 10. To rejOICe hke Jews on a Sabbath' YaqO:t I p 8
is a Be?ouin tribe to this day called BanO: Sabt f;om whidh
ordinary conjectures been made, d. Burton, The" Land oj Midian I
p. 337. however, Glbb's pertinent criticism of Goldziher's point of
the artIcle quoted above. p. 179 note 4: 'Materials relating to the tribes
were.. arranged under the categories of "virtues" (manaqib)
and VICes (mathaltb); by the latter he gave much offence to the tribal prid
of the .Arabs, the so they provided ammunition for the
poleIDlcs of the PerSlan shu Moreover, as a convinced Kha:riJ'" h
had tf th Ie ... c
no n:spec or e Arab sbarifs, especially the Muhallabids
and publIcly exposed the!! these reasons he was accused
by_the opponents of the shu of bemg a bItter calumniator of the Ar b
(kana aghra' Inas bi-mashafim alntis: Ibn Qutayba Xitab al'Ar-T- ,'n R
I B I h-, C - ,<I, asa
a - u .ag a, auo 1946, 346), but there is little evidence to identify him
Amin [.puJ.ia'Z.!slam, II, 304-5J have done, with
PerSIan shu ubzyya-ratber, indeed, the contrary (d. al-Mas'l1di T b'h
243):J ' an ,
'Agh., XI, p. 172 above.
S Fihrist, p. 106, IS, 16.
his scholarly activity was chiefly directed to the mathiilib of Arab
tribes. A great work of the mathiilib' had the purp?se
investigating and finding fault WIth the past of Arab
We believe that we have found a piece of this work m the foliowmg
excerpt which is'quoted in the name of 'Allan:'
'The Banu Minqar are a perfidious people, they are calied kawiidin
(Le. horses descended from a thoroughbred stallion and, a common
mare) and also a'riiq3 ai-bighiii. They are the w?,rst?f G?,d s
in respect of protection; they are also calied traItors and,
less". Filthy miserliness also dwells am.ongst them.. b. A'11!U,
one of their ancestors, emphasized nothmg so much m his testame,;-
tary exhortation to his children as care of their property, though thlS
is not usual among the Arabs, who on the conside,: it a bad
habit. Thus it is this tribe that al-Akh!al b. RabI a has m mmd when
he says:
o Minqar b. 'Ubayda! verily your shame is written in the d'iwiin
since Adam's day;
The guest has a claim on every noble man, but the guest of the
Minqar is naked and robbed.
And al-Namir b. Tawlab says in a satire upon them, referring
particularly to their designation as traitors and faithless: "When
they are calied faithless the meaning is that their elders are closer to
treason than their beardless youths." '4
This is generaliy true of the Banu Sa'd, S but the:r then;selves lay th:
charge at the door of the Banu Minqar who attnbute It to
Sinan b. Khalid b. Minqar, who is the grandfather of Qays b. MIm.
Such is the mathiilib book by 'Allan: and it can be imagined what a
mine of infonnation for his purpose this Shu'ubite scholar found in
the innumerable satires of the old poets. We hear also of a Ghilan
al-Shu'ubi, who is quoted as the authority for the Persian d",:cent
of Basshar b. Burd.' We admit, however, that we know no of
this Ghilan, and it is not impossible that the name IS a corruptIOn of
1 Fihrist, p. lOS, 26 fE.
Z Agh., XII, p. 156.
aSee above, p. 46.
4 i.e. the older the more faithless they become. ..
r; The tribe to whom the Minqar belong. Cf. the poem and the OCcasIon for It
in al.Maydani. II, p. 9 (to the proverb: agkdaru min kunati'l.gkadari) and
ala'Iqd, I, p. 31. ..,
6 Quite different things are told of the Banft Mmqar In the panegync by the
same Qays ({lam., p. 695)
7 Agk., III, p. 19 below.
Competition between anti-Arabs and Arabs expressed itself also
in the field of ideas concerning language. The national vanity of the
Arabs had bred no more favonrite prejudice than that according to
which Arabic was the most beautiful sounding, richest and best of
ali the languages of mankind, a belief which was raised by the
influence of Islam to almost religious siguificance' even amongst the
orthodox non-Arabs, as it concerned the language in which the
dlvine revelation was expressed in the Koran.
But the followers of the Shu'iibiyya and other Iranophils would
not accept this belief. They sought to prove that non-Arabs, more
especialiy Greeks and Persians, surpassed the Arab people in richness
of language, beauty of poetry, and merit of eloquence. We have
already seen (pp. 157 ff.) the role which this point played in the argu-
ments of the older Shu'ubiyya. Here we will merely consider the
altercations about the superiority of the Arab language. Actualiy our
relevant material for this comes from the fourth century A.H., a
time at which the literary campaign of the Shu'ubiyya proper had
long passed its peak.' It seems on the other hand that the conflict
between Arabophils and Iranophils concerning the superiority of
language lasted longest, and kept the party desiguation of the
Shu'iibiyya alive until the end of the sixth century. At about that
time al-Zamakhshan, himself of Persian descent but deeply con-
vinced of Arab superiority" (died 538), wrote in the introduction to
his famous grammatical work al-MufCl$$ai words which show us how
strongly, in the course of time, the unconscious identification of Islam
with Arabism took root in the conscience of believers: 'I thank God,'
he says, 'that He made me busy with Arab philology and has made
me fight for the (cause of the) Arabs and has given me enthusiasm
for it, and that He did not make me leave their brave helpers and
join the band of the Shu'ubiyya; that He saved me from this party
who can do nothing against the fonner but attack them with slan-
derous words and shoot at them the arrows of mockery.'4
This utterance of al-Zamakhsban is, chronologlcaliy speaking, the
last trace of the Shu'iibiyya in literature. It goes against one of its
1 The summary description of what theological science teaches in respect of
this idea is found in Fakhr aI-Din alRazi, Majatt.J;, VII, pp. 347 ff. Cf. also
below, p. 195_
2 [See, however, below, p. 196 note I, where it is pointed out that part of
the argument set forth by Ibn Faris in the fourth century is derived from Ibn
Qutayba, an author of the third centurw.]
II See his dictum, which De Sacy used as motto for his Arabic Chrestomathy
[= Journal asiat., r875, II, p. 378, no. 144]. --
'[Ed. J. P. Brock. Christiania 1859. p. 2.]
1[As we noted above, p. IgI n. 2, Ibn Qutayba's passage from his Jo.:lushkil
al.Quy'an, quoted below, p. 196 n. It should be kept in mind here, as being
an earlier discussion.]
Ii [Al.!shtiqiiq, ed. Wustenfeld, pp. 34.]
3 [For this author, cf. E. Mittwocb, 'Die literarische Ta.tigkeit }.Iamza al-
I:;;bahani's', Mitteilungen des Seminays ft7-y Orientalisehe Spraehen, Berlin
1909. For 'died 350' read 'died after 350'; d. Mittwoch, p. 5, n. 3 On
pp. 28-33 Mittwoch argues that though l:lamza emphasized with pride his
Persian descent, he did not evince Shu'' tendencies in the sense of being
prejudiced against the Arabs or the Arabic language.]
4 Chronologie dey orientaliseken Volker, ed. Sachau, p. 52, 4 ta'tL$iaba li'I-Jztrs.
5 Kremer, CuIturgesehithte, II, p. 80. According to al-Ya'q', II, p. 366.
'Vmar II abolished the nawruz and mikrajiin gifts, which were re.introduced by
Yazid II. Under alMutawakki1-as the poet al-Bu1.lturi says-'the nawruz
day has again become the same as instituted by Ardashir', Tab., III. p. 1:448;
d. Ibn al.Athir, VII, p. 30, ann. 245. [or rather speaks
tendencies, which might be called linguistic Shu'jibiyya, which we
have already described. Its manifestations are better known to us
from the polemics of its opponents than from its own positive state-
ments, though there is no lack of these either. From the literary
expositions of the friends of the Arabs we may supplement our
knowledge of the motives of this linguistic Shu'ubiyya.
The oldest of the documents belonging to this pro-Arab series' is
the 'Genealogical etymological hand-book' of Abu Bakr Mu!).ammad
ibn Durayd (died 32I). The author himself states in the introduction
to his work
that the immediate occasion of its being written was that
he wished to refute the party whose followers attack the Arabic
language and claim that the names used by Arabs are without
etymological context. They refer here to the admission of the oldest
lexicographer of the Arabic language, al-Khalil, which Ibn Durayd
however calls apocryphal. In this book he answers opponents by
investigating the etymological context of every Arabic tribal name.
The representatives of the opposing party are unfortunately not cited
by name. Presumably they were people of the same type as the
But we do know the name of one of the most energetic represen-
tatives of the philological reaction against the Arabs amongst the
younger contemporaries of Ibn Durayd. He is I:Iarnza b. al-l:Iasan
al-Iefahimi (died 350).3 In the history of Islamic literature this
scholar is best known by his short historical handbook edited by
Gottwaldt (Leipzig I848). In it also the lranophil sentiment of the
author is evident, and al-Bironi, who held the same opinion at a
rather later date, says so expressly.4 In great and small matters this
trait shows itself by emphasis on specifically Persian points which
had obtained no similar treatment from previous historians. In a
special chapter he gives a table of days of nawruz-festivals which
appeared again with the predominance of Persian influences-from
the year of the hijra down to his own times. He also wrote a treatise
on the poems dealing with the feast days of nawruz and mihrajan.'
He ,;,any data :rom the history of Iranian antiquity and this
actiVIty IS eVIdence .of his to put the lrauian past into the
foreground of Muslim consclOusness. He also collected information
about t.he Iranian language-of course in the childish way usual in
an o.n its including Syriac (1),
IS still available. He obtained his mformation about this favourite
subject from cliIect contactS with Persian priests! and he also used
Persian writings.
His work, so far ;IS we know it from quotations, is
pervaded. WIth t.he endeavour to investigate the original forms of
the PersIan. nomenclature and to establish its etymological
and relatlOns;6 to reconstruct and explain etymologically
the ongInal PersIan forms of geographical names which Arab national
philology had explained from Arab etymologies;' and in general to
:-ecover the original Persian forms from the shape they had acquired
the mouths of the conquering Arabs.
This was all the more of great
Importance to the PersIans who were faithful to their race sirice
Arab chauvinism had not omitted to lind reminiscences of Arab
1 Cited by al-Blrunf, p. 31, 14.
II From the Hitlib alTanbfh of l:lamza in Yaqfit, III, P.925.
3 He also gathered information on Jewish matters directly from Jews cf
ZDMG, XXXII, p. 358, note I. '
"yaqQ.t, I, pp. 426, 637.
5 AI.Birftni, pp. 123, 1, 125, 1.
6 Yaqut, I. pp. 292 f., 791. IV, p. 683.
7 'Iraq. ibid.. I, pp. 417, 419, III, p. 629; III, p. 15.
S Yaqfit, I, pp. 555, 558: Baghdad-the garden of Dadawayhi.
at length abou: and m..ihrajiin (MS. Imperial Libr. Vienna Mixt. 94, fols.
173 fl. [al-ft.!a-!tas1n wa.l .Aq,dad, ed. van Vloten, pp. 359 if.; cf. also pp. 373 ff.]
The whIch BUylds played at the reintroduction of the mihrajiin (Kremer,
I.e.) IS m a passage in the Responsa of the Ge'6nim (ninth and tenth
centUrIes : here the 'Daylamites' are mentioned as those who celebrate
the feast ill Baghdad (ed. Harkavy, p. 22, no. 46). These feasts offered the
contemporary Arab poets under the Bfiyids much material for festive poetry
see the many. and mikrajan
poems in al-Tha'aJ.ibl's Yatfma. [Fa;
nawY11z and mzhraJan; d . A..Mez, Die Renaissanee des Islams. pp. 400-2,
and B. Spuler, Iran tn frUlt1-slam1,scker Zeit, pp. 480 fI.] Other revived Persian
festivals also offered opportunity for suc.h poetry, e.g. qafdas for the sadhaq
(II. pp. 173. 177),.0: poems for the occaslOn of iabb aloma' (ibid., p. 176). Arab
on the orIgm of the latter in I.c. [ed. van Vloten, pp. 364-5].
fires of the Persians at the sadhaq' offer a poeH:al image.
51,q# p. ,:". 2. the sadhaq cf. also Mez, op. cit., pp. 397-8.]
The Mushms In Spam Identified the Christian Whitsun with the mihrajii
(Maqq.. II. p. 88. 6). [This last sentence is not quite correct: the feast of th:
'aniara, to .which the name of mih1'ajiin was applied, is not the Christia.n
sun, but MIdsummer Day.]
conquests' in old Persian names. His etymology of the place-name
bas rah, i.e..many ways'2 shows that his Persian aspirations
in this field led him astray.
His favourite occupation was proving that Arabs had turned
Persian names upside down, frequently in order to make them
suitable for their national purposes. His work Kitab al-Tasl;tif wa'l
Tal;tri! (on mistakes in writing and corruptions) seems to be concerned
with this.' In general he liked to reclaim words for the Persian
language that Arab philologists had claimed for Arabic. Al-Tha'ilibi
accused him, with reference to the word sam, which I;!amza identified
with the Persian sim (silver), of being eager, because of his Persian
sympathies to enlarge the dictionary of Arab foreign
words with many curious examples,4 whereas Abu 'Ubayda strangely
enough did not indulge in manifesting his national bias in this way.
since he countered the assumption that the Koran contained foreign
words with the view that such words were common to the foreign
language and Arabic.
I;!amza's manner of philological research,
which we have just described, appears to have determined the trend
of his Kitiib al-Muwiizana ('Book of Balancing'), which is nnfortun-
ately completely lost.
AI-Suyii!i quotes from this work in a learned
little treatise a passage in which I;Iamza derived from the Persian
word tasakhin (sing tiskhun, 'head cover, which was used by judges
and scholars but never by otbers') which appears in the tradition but
is missing from our dictionary.7 He also ridicules the lying fables of
212 the Arabs;' and when we find among his works a treatise 'On the
nobility of Arabs' this does not necessarily mean that he was con-
cerned with finding proof of Arab superiority.
The literary work of I;!amza-whose method was not unique in
those days, as can be seen from the quotations in the articles con-
1 Tustar (Shustar) was said to have been the name of an Arab from the tribe
of the Banu 'IjI; ib., I. p. 848.
2 lb. I, p. 637, according to a Persian priest.
S [A MS. of this work, entitled al-TanMh 'ala Ijudttth al-Tail.Llf. is found in a
library in Teheran; see P. Kraus, JiibiY ibn Ijayyan, II, p. 241 n. 7; d. also pp.
171 n. 2, 245 notes 2, 3, 4. 251 n. 2. The passages published so far do not
allow us to form a clear picture of the contents of the book.]
4. AI-Tha'alibi, Fiqh al.Lugna, ed. Rushayd DaJ;1daJ:1 (Paris 1861), p. 12g.
Above, p. 182; d. also alMuzhir, I. p. 129.
6 Cited also by Yaqut, I, p. 553 etc. [See Mithvoch, pp, 27-8.]
7 MS. Leiden Library Cod. Warner, no. 474. treatise on the taylasiin, fo1. 4b.
8[In his Amthal. MS. Munich IIS; quoted by al-Maydam, r, p. 434 and]
alDarniri, II, p. 287. lMittwoch, pp. Jr-2, points out that this and another
similar critical remark need not prove a Shu'ilbi tendency.]
g AlRisala aZ-mu'yiba 'an shaYaj aI-A 'Yab; in QastaIHini, VIII, p. 31, there is
quoted a passage based on Sara 4:3 about the va,rious. CQID1?inations
of numerals.
cerning Persia in Yaqiit's work-reveals the attempt to extend the
endeavours of the Iranophiles of the preceding century to the
linguistic field. The cardinal point of national Arab belief which had
to be overcome in this field was the thesis that Arabic was the best
of all the world languages, a thesis which the Prophet himself was
represented as expressing in an apocryphal tradition in which 'Ali
says: 'My dear, the Apostle 0'1 God told me that once the angel
Gabriel descended from heaven and said to him: '0 Muhammed! all
things have a master: Adam is master of men. you are the master of
Adam's descendants, the master of the Riimis $uhayb, the master of
the Persians Salman, the master of the Ethiopians is BilaJ (see above,
p. 128), the master of trees is the lotus (sidr) , the master of birds is
the eagle, the chief of months is Rama<;lan, the chief of weekdays is
Friday and Arabic is master of speech." When seeking to demonstrate
conclusively the richness of Arabic, the Arabs had always boasted of
the unequalled variety of synonyms in their language, and this
argument remained a favourite one until quite recently, as contact
with Arabs will easily prove. The popular view on this matter is
expressed also in an episode in the romance of 'Antar.
After 'Antar
had fought and defeated the most celebrated heroes of the Arab tribes
and was able therefore to claim equality also for his poetical
achievements, he succeeded in having his poem pinned to the door
of the Ka'ba, where it was destined to become an object of respect for
the Arab heroes and poets. But this success did not come to him until
he had passed yet another test. The competing poets sent Imru'u'
I-Qays to examine 'Antar on the synonymy of sword, spear, armour, 213
snake and camel. But this rich synonymy was derided by authors
who were hostile to Arabs. The irouical remark ascribed to Hamza
must be understood in this context: 'The names of
(al-dawiihi) are misfortunes themselves." The synonymy of dawiihi
is well known for its richness. and Harnza himself collected four
hundred such expressions. .
Abu'l-I;!usayn ibn Faris, the apologist for the Arab nation and
language,' had to defendArabicagainst such attacks bythe Shu'iibites.
We have already shown that this scholar intended in one of his
philological works to combat anti-Arab attacks on the Arabic
language, devoting some chapters of the work' to this purpose. Here
lSayyid al-kaIam al'aYabiyya. al.Damiri, II, p. 410 below.
S $!rat 'AntaY. XVIII, pp. 47-56.
a[In the Cairo fragment of the K. al.Muwazana, fol. 4b, see Mittwoch, p. 32;
quoted by] al-Tha'aJ.ibi, l.e., p. 122. [Mittwoch again argues that there is no
need to look here for Shu'ubi tendency.)
, He was the teacher of Bam' al-Hamadani, the first author of maqamas,
Ibn aIAthir to the year 398, IX, p. 78. [For Ibn Faris see also Ene. of Islam,
s.v., and Brockelmann. I, pp. 135-6, Suppl. I. pp. 177-80.]
4 [The work in question is al-$ilMbf /i Fiqh al-Lugha.] Cf. partiCUlarly the
we shall briefly repeat from that studyl whatever may help in the
understanding of the movement.
Ibn Faris, as representative of the Arab party, of c?urse starts
from the point of view that 'Ar,,;bic is the, be;;t and 0:. all
languages.' 'One cannot, however, he says, dann that It IS pos::ilble
to express one's thoughts correctly only in Arabic; but the n:ter-
change of thoughts in other languages is on the lowest level, smce
they do nothing but communicate thoughts to others. pe?ple
also express their thoughts but only by means of b?d.lly mdicatlOns
and movements which point to the main part of theIr mtentlons; yet
nobody will call this expression language, and still less will anyone
say of him who uses such means that he expresses himself clearly, let
alone eloquently:
'Arabic cannot be translated into any other language, as the gospels
from the Syriac could be translated into Ethiopian and Greek, or as
the Torah and Psalter and other books of God could be translatcdmto
Arabic, because the non-Arabs cannot compete with us in tbe wide
use of metaphorical expressions. How would it be possible to render
the 60th verse of the eighth Sura in a language with words which
reproduce the exact sense; circumlocutions would be used.
what is summarized would have to be unrolled, what IS separated
connected and what is hidden revealed, so that you might say:
When yod have madc a truce and treaty of peace with a people, but
fear their cunning and that they might break the contract, let them
know that you on your part will break the conditions and announce
war, so that you may both be clear about the of peace. -r:he
same applies to Sura 18:10. There are passages also m the poets whIch
in translation can be rendered only by long paraphrase and many
words.' Ibn Faris makes a long list of those resources in which Arabic
excels all other languages. In grammar Arabic is far superior to other
languages because of its i'rab, by which it can distinguish the logical
categories of speech with a clarity that is unknown to any other
nation in the word.
1 'Beitr:!ge zur Geschichte der Sprachgelehrsamkeit bei den Arabem', no. III
(Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie dey Wissensc;kajten, I873, vol. LXXIII,
phiL hist. Clasee). [In that study Goldziher the work the quota-
tions in alSuyClti's al1ifuzMr. The first quotation m the followmg paragraph
is t.he title of eh: III, ed. p. 12; the subsequent quotations arc from t?etext of
t.hat chapter and are to be found in the cd. pp. I2 and 13. The passage IS marked
as a quotation by being introduced with the words 'One of the scholars said',
and is in fact from Ibn Qutayba's Ta'wil MushkiI al.Qur'an, ed. Al,1mad
Cairo 1954, p. 16; the last part, about the poets, is Ibn Faris's own.]
headings of chapters III. IV, XIII, XVI according to the table of contents
reproduced from a MS. discovered in Damascus, ZDMG, XXVIII. pp. ff.
[The book has been published. Cairo 1910. The chapters referred to by Goldziher
are to be found on pp. 12, r8, 34, 42.]
'Some people, however,' he says,' 'whose reports must be left alone'
-here he is attacking the Shu'ubites-'believe that the philosophers
also (Le. the Greeks) possess i'rab and grammatical works; but little
importance can be attached to such stories. People saying such
things pretended at first to be orthodox and took many things from
the books of our scholars after altering a few words; thereafter they
refer everything back to those whose names have an ugly sound so
that the tongues of true believers are unable to pronounce them.
They also claim that those peoples have poetry; we have read these
poems ourselves and have found that they are unimportant, of little
beauty, and lack a proper metre. Verily, poetry is to be found only
with the Arabs who preserved their historical memories in poetical
works. The Arabs have the science of prosody which distinguishes a
regular poem from a defective one. He who knows about the nuances
and depths of this science knows that it excels anything cited as proof
of their opinions by those who live in the vain belief that they are
able to recoguise the essence of things: numbers, lines and points. I do
not see what is the use of these matters; in spite of their little value,
they damage belief and cause things against which we invoke God's
The apologist for the Arabic language must also refute the attacks
of opponents of synonymy. He points out that because of this rich-
ness it was possible for Arabic to achieve a precision of expression
unequalled in any other language. 7'10 people can translate the Arabic
nomenclature of the sword, lion, spear, etc. into its own language. In
Persian the lion must rest content with but one name, but we give ita
hundred and fifty, Ibn Khiilawayhi counted 500 names for the lion
and 200 for the snake.' And each name corresponds to a different point
in the essence of the things named and thus testifies to close obser-
vation of these things. Z
Another peculiar feature of the Arabic language which enemies of
the Arabs used in order to prove the inadequacy of the language and
to point out the fact that the Arabs are wide of the mark when talking
about its perfection and superiority, was the group of words which
philologists call a(Jdad, Le. words which represent opposite meanings
with completelyidentical pronunciation. That the Iranophils used this
peculiarity in order to disparage the Arabic language we know from
the introduction of Abu Bakr ibn al-Anbiiri (died 328) to his special
monograph on this group of words. 'People who profess false doctrines
and condemn the Arab nation wrongly believe that this linguistic
phenomenon of Arabic is due to lack of wisdom on the part of the
1 [This passage is found in the edition on pp. 42'3.]
2 Ibn Faris's Figk aZ-Lugha quoted byal.SuyClti. Muzhir, I, pp. 153"57. [Ed.
p. 15; the last sentence is not in Ibn Faris's text and seems to have been added
by al,SuY"ji.l
Arabs, to the small measure of their eloquence, and to the many
confusions in their verbal intercourse with each other. They argue
that each word has a special meaning, to which it has to point, and
which it has to represent, and they say that if the same word stands
for two different meanings, the person who is addressed does not
know which of the two the speaker has in mind and thus the connec-
tion of the name with the concept is completely destroyed."
216 From their defence of the Arabic language by Ibn Durayd, Ibn
Faris and Ibn al-Anbari, we see that in the fourth century there
existed a linguistic Shu'ubiyya which continued the endeavours of the
genealogical, political and cultural-historical Shu'ubites of the pre-
vious century in a field in which Arab pride could be most painfully
wounded. As late as the sixth century the need was felt to discuss the
question of adiid from the point of view of the polemic against the
Shu'ubiyya. The title which al-Baqqali (died 526) gave to his relevant
work points to this fact: 'Secrets of the culture and fame of the
Arabs." This shows that al-Zamakhshari referred to existing circum-
stances when opposing the Shu'ubiyya in the above mentioned
1 Kit.iO, ed. M. Th. Houtsma, Leiden 188r [po rJ.
t Redslob. Die arabischen WarIer mit entgegengesetzten Bedeutungen, (GOt-
tingen 1873), p. 9
From Islam's earliest times, Muslims have tried to bring order into
the narrow picture of the historical development of humanity offered
them by their religious view by marking the critical points of history,
to delimit historical epochs and divide that development into periods.
No comprehensive and self-conscious view of life can forgo this
analytical task which for the first time expresses an awareness of the
difference between its own essence and past preparatory stages of
The division into periods which the Muslims undertook is by its
nature concerned only with the religious development of humanity,
and takes account only of elements which Islam believes to have
been its own preparation. The periods of Judaism, Christianity
and Islam are the three epochs which are differentiated as phases in
the development of the history of the world, or rather of religions.
The Muslims express this sequence by the simile of morning, noon,
and evening prayer. The duration of the world is taken to be a day.
'Your relation to the owners of the two books,' the Prophet is made
to say to true believers, 'can be illustrated by the following parable:
A certain man hired workers and told them: He who works the whole
day will receive a certain sum in wages. A few of them worked only
till noon (these are the Jews) and said: We will not work any longer,
we renounce the agreed wages, and what we have done up to now
shall be done for nothing. When they were not to be persuaded to
finish their work and gain their full wages the employer hired other 220
men for the rest of the day to whom he promised, on completion of the
work, the fnll reward promised to the first group. But these people
too (they are the Christians) stopped work in the afternoon and gave
up their wages, even after they were told that they had but a few
more hours' work before gaining the whole reward. Now new workers
were yet again engaged, the Muslims, who worked until sunset and
gained the whole reward.' 1
1 B. Ijara, nos. 8, II in different versions. Taw[l,fii, no. 48 names the times
of prayers; in this version Jews and also Christians gain part of the wages, but
the persevering workers receive double wages; cf. also Anbiya'. no. 44. [Cf. to
this variation of Matthew, ch. XX, also Goldziher, Of'iens Christianus, II (1902).
p. 393)
This division, however, refers only to the development of Islamic
monotheism, and only considers its preparatory stages; the heathen
world does not appear in it at all. The consideration of the relation-
ship of Islam to previous, more especially Arab, paganism, resnlted
in the well-known division, which also is hinted at in the Koran,
of the history of the Arab people into two periods: that of the
Jahiliyya and that of Islam. The whole of the pagan, pre-Islamic time
is al-JahiIiyya. Between these two periods there is the Nubuwwa,
i.e. the time of Muhammed's appearance as prophet and of his
missionary work.
For the sake of completeness it might be mentioned
that the Jahiliyya is subdivided into two periods: the older period
(i.e. the time from Adam to Noah or Abraham-according to others
from Noah to Idris) and the more recent one (from Jesus to
This, as we see, rather unclear sub-division arose owing
to misunderstanding of the Koranic passage 33:33 where Muhammed
says to the women that they should not flirt as was customary in the
days of the 'first JahiIiyya'. 8
Following the general Muslim explanation we tended to think of
the 'Jiihiliyya', in contrast to 'Islam', as 'the time of ignorance.'
This conception is wrong. \Vhen Muhammed contrasted the change
brought about by his preaching with earlicr times he did not seek to
221 describe those times as times of ignorance, since in that case he
wonld not have opposed ignorance with devotion to God and con-
fidence in God but with alr'ilm, 'knowledge.'4 In this book we have
explained the word al-JahiIiyya as 'time of barbarism' because
Muhammed wanted to contrast the Islam that he preached with
Though it may seem trivial and pedantic to put so much stress on
the mere translation of a word, we do think that a proper definition
of the concept of Jahiliyya is important for these studies, since it aids
us in finding the correct point of view for the understanding of
Muslim opinion about pagan times. Therefore it will be well worth
the space needed to give at length the reasons for our opinion.
Muhammed presumably did not intend to express anything else by
Jahiliyya than the condition which in the poetical documents of the
1 Agh.. IV, p. 3, 6 from below.
2 AI-QastalUini, VII. p. 329.
aIt is also given as an explanation that the first Jahiliyya comprises the
whole of the pre.Islamic time and the new }ahiliyya refers to relapses into
paganism after the Prophet's appearance; cf. also BayQ.a.wi, II, p. 128, II to the
4. From Siira 3:r48 it is evident that according to Muhammed a typical sign
of the Jahiliyya was that it recognised no order coming from God. The ulu'l
'ilmi and al-rasikhunaji'l.'ilmi 3:5, r6; 4:6ro are no contrast to the ]ahiliyya.
Ii [For uilm andjahl cf. also H. Lammens, Etudes sur Ie regne du caliJe omaiyade
Mo'dwia pp. 66-88, 363-4,]
time preceding him is described with the verb jkl, the substantive
jahl, and the nomen agentis, jiikil. It is true that in the old langnage,
too, we find the concept of knowledge ('ilm) contrasted to jakl,1 but
this opposition is founded on a secondary meaning ofjhl. The original
meaning is seen in an antithesis of this word group, much more com-
mon in the older langnage, with blm, bilm and l;alim. According to
their etymological meaning these words describe the concept of firm-
ness, strength, physical integrity and health, and in addition moral
integrity, the 'solidity' of a moral character, unemotional, cahn
deliberation, mildness of manner. A balim is what we wonld call a
civilized man. The opposition to all this is the jiiMI, a wild, violent
and impetuons character who follows the inspiration of unbridled
passion and is cruel by following his animal instincts; in one word, a
barbarian. 'May no one act wildly against us (Iii yajkalan) because we 222
then would excel the wildness of those acting wildly (jahl al1iiMlina).'
The kind of character and manner of action against which 'Amr
b. Kulthiim' wishes to protect himself by threatening revenge in the
way of the Jahiliyya is nsually contrasted to alrl;tilm, i.e. mildness-
and not al-' ilm. Wii-law skil'a qawmi kiina l;tilmiya fiMmi / wa-kiina
'alii jukkiili a'dii'ikim jakli, 'If my tribe wonld have it I wonld show
mildness to them-and practisemy wildness against its wIld enemies';
not as Freytag translates: et contra ignorantes inimicorum eius
ignorantia mea.
Another example of this is a line from the poem by Qays b.
Zuhayr on the death of Bamal b. Badr which he has brought upon
himself: A;unnu'-l-bilma dalla 'alayya qawmi / wa-qad yustajhalu'l-
rajuMlrbalZmu. Wa-marastu'lrrijiila wa-marasilni / fa-mu'wajjun
<alayya wa-mustaqimu,'4. a classical case of this opposition between
bilm and jakl. The false assumptiqn that jiikil is the opposite to
'knowing' and that therefore ista/kala means 'to consider someone
ignorant' has misled the translators. Freytag, who misunderstood
al-Tabrizi's and al-Marziiqi's sckolia which lead to the proper meaning,
translates: Mansuetudinem meam in causa fuisse puto cur gens contra
me ageret et fit interdum ut mansuetus ignorans kabetur. E. Rehatshek
translates: 'I think [my] meekness instigated my people against me,
1 Al-Mutalammis, Agk., XXI, p. 207, 8, 'Antara, Mu'all., v. 43 in kunti
iahilatan bi-nui lam Nab. 23:rr walaysa jahilu shay'in mithla man
'alima, Tarafa4:Ioz; cf. theline ascribed to Imrq. in al-Ya'qubi, ed. Houtsma., I,
p. 250. 10 (missing from Dr-wan, ed. Ahlwardt). In later times, after the pene.
tration of the general false explanation of the word Jahiliyya, this contrast
becomes even more frequent, Here belongs the passage discussed above,
p. r37 note 2.
Mu'all., v. 53.
3 Ijam., II, p. 488.
"Agh., XV, p. 32; Ijam, r, p. 210 [NaqiJ,'irj" I, p. 97;, Mu'jam
at-Shu'arli', p. 322],
and verily a meek man is considered a fooL" Here also Ruckert
rightly understood what Qays meant to say (I, p. I35) Ich denk',
um Miissigung (l;ilm) kann mein Yolk mich wben, Doch der Gemiis-
sigste (balim) gereizt mag toben. i.e., literally: 'A wild man can be
brought to wild excesses,' Istajhala means: to display the manner of
a jiiMI, here in the passive: to be ronsed to such wild behaviour. The
second line fits in with this: 'I tested the men and they tested me-
there were amongst them some who showed themselves crooked
(brutal and unjust) to me and some who behaved straight (well and
223 justly),' This contrast of 'crooked' and 'straight' (mu'awwaj and
mustaqim) corresponds also elsewhere in the poetry of Arab heroes
to the contrast of jiihil with balim.'
Fa-in kuntu mubtiijan ila'l-bihni innani /ila'l-jahli fi ba'4i'l-
>Va-Ii farasun li'l-bilmi bi'l-l;ilmi muljamu / wa-li farasun li'l-jahli
bi'l-jahli musraju
Fa-man rima taqwtmi fa-inni muqawwamun I wa-man rama ta<wiji
Though I need mildness, at times I need wildness (jahl) even more.
I have a horse bridled with mildness and I have another bridled with
He who wants me to be straight, to him I am straight, but he who
desires my crookedness, for him I am crooked.'
The pagan hero al-Shanfarii. says in his famous Liimiyyat al-'Arab,
v. 53: 'The wild desires (al-ajhiilu) do not overwhelm my mild senti-
ment (bilmi) and one does not see me looking for bad news and
slandering,'. This shows how the Arab made from jahl the plural
ajhiil in order to express ilie multitude of evil passions and the
various points of bestial brutality; a similar plural was formed from
bilm (abliim).
Tarafa describes the virtue of noble Arabs: 'They suppress brutality
1 'Specimens of pre-islamitic arabic poetry', Journ. Roy. Asiat. Soc., Bombay
Branch, XXXIX (ISBI), p. 104
:t 'lwai is used as synonym of jakE in parallelism, e.g., in the conversation of
!:Iarith b. Kalada 'with the Persian king, Ibn Abi U:?aybi 'a, I, p. no, 14 By
al.milla al-awifi', the crooked religion (E. Buya. no. 50), presumably the
Jahiliyya is meant.
3 I have unfortunately lost the source for these lines. [See references in
Kister's edition of alwSula:m.i's Adiib al-$ul;ba, p. 73; add Ibn' Abd Rabbihi.
al-'Iqd, I, p. 302; alMarzubani. Mu'jam al...$hu'arii', p. 429; Qudama, Naqd
ed. Bonebakker, p. 74]
4. Chrestomathie arabe by de Sacy, 1st ed., nI, p. B'Ma sagesse n'est point Ie
jouet des passions insetf.sies.
(al-jahla) in their circles and to the aid of the man of dlscretion
(dhi':-filmi), ilie noble one" and in the same sense anoilier poet
says. If you come to them you will find round their houses circles in
whi:h is cured by their good nature (majiilisa qadyushfii bi-
J ahl thus was neither a virtue to the Arabs of an older time-it
appropriate to a young and impetuous characterS-nor was it
entlrelycondemned. Part of the muruwwa was knowing when mildness 224
;nas not befittmg character of a hero and when jahl was indicated:
I am ferocIOUS (Jahul) where mildness (tabalbmn) would make the
hero (bal!m) ferocity (jahl) would be unfitting
a noble J or, as IS saId m the spmt of paganism:
(Some meekness
IS shame mina' l-bilmi dhullun) as you well know, but mildness
when one IS able (to be ferocious) is honourable.'
. Another expressing the same thought, tells under what
CIrcumstances h'lm would be shameful and base:
The wild man amongst us is ferocious (jiiMI) in the defence of his
The ferocious man is mild (balim) when insulted by him (the guest).'
!his jahl .is exp,:essed not in rough words but in powerful deeds:
We act wildly With our hands (tajhalu aydi'nal but our mind is meek,
we scorn With deeds and not with talk,"
Examples could be multiplied" and a number of examples from
more re:ent poetry could be cited' to elucidate this antithesis. JiiMI
and bahm are two groups in one or the other of which every man
belongs: wa-ma'l-nasu illii jiihitun wa-l;talimu.
We will just refer to some old proverbs where the contrast is
shown: ma!iyyal al-jahul, 'the meek is ilie pack animal of
the f:roclOus, I.e. he to be ruthlessly used without
plottmg revenge or repaYIng his tormentor with like deeds;" further:
1 Taraia 3:7; d. the almost literal repetition of the first half verse ibid I -8
s Zuhayr, 14:37. ' ., 4 .
8 Na.b., 4:1.
"'!;lam., II, p. 263_
Ii Ibid., I, p. 516. It seems that this verse by Salim b is used b
later poet in V, p. was changed in the Islamic sense s:
to a gloni.cation of a forglvmg spirit.
1;Iam., p. 3Ir, V. 2.
7 Ibid., p. 693, v. 2.
a i!.udhayl., 102:12, 13; Opuscula aYab., ed. Wright, p_ 120, 4; Hassan in
Ibn HlSham, p. 625, 4 from below. . ,
II Mutan., 27:21 (ed. Dieterici, I, p. 70); d. a small collection inal
pp. 195 ff.. 'h ,
AI-Mubarrad. p. 425, 9-
n AI-Maydani. I, p. 186 [al-'Iqd, I, p. 338, 3J.
ft,asbu'l-l;talimi anna'l-nasa a1t$iir'uhtt 'It is a satisfaction
for a decent man that his fellow-man help him against the jahil.'l
In none of these examples can jahil mean ignorant, nor can it do so
in the proverb (lacking in al-Maydani): ajhalu min al-namr, 'more
ferocious than the tiger." In the same way a saying of the Prophet,
transmitted by Abu Hurayra, demands of him who is fasting wa-la
yajhal, Le., that he should not be roused to deeds of brutality;
'if someone wishes to fight or insult him he should say: I am
When, therefore, Muhammed and his first successors refer to the
pre-Islamic times as the Jahiliyya we must not take this in the sense
of the xpovovs 'Tfjs clyvotas, which, according to the Apostle.
preceded Christianity,' since for this dyvota. (in Syriac la'yiUhii)
Muhammed used the Arab term !jaMl (error), which he contrasts with
his hudii (right guidance)'. The Jahiliyya in this context is nothing
but the time in which jaM-in the sense which we have seen-was
prevalent, Le. barbarism and cruelty. When the proponents of Islam
say that it has ended the customs and habits of the Jahiliyya, they are
thinking of these barbaric customs and the wild mentality which
distingnish Arab paganism from Islam, and through the abolition of
which Muhammed intended to become the reformer of his people's
morality-the arrogance of the Jahiliyya (llamiyyat al-]iihiliyya)',
the tribal pride and the eternal feuds, the cult of revenge, rejection of
forgiveness, and all the other particularities of Arab paganism wh!ch
were to be superseded by Islam. 'If one does not turn from the lymg
speech and the jahl (Le. wild habits),' transmits Abu Hurayra, 'verily,
God does not require one to restrict one's food and drink." This
tradition clearlyshows that in early Islamic times jahl was understood
in the same way as in old Arabic poetry. IPreviously we were a people,
men of the Jahiliyya,' J a'far b. Ab! Tilib is made to say to the
Ethiopian prince: 'we prayed to idols, ate carrion and committed
shameful deeds; we disrespected the ties of kinship and violated the
duty of faithfulness; the strong among us oppressed (ate up) the
weaker ones. Thus we were, until God sent a Prophet from our midst,
whose descent and justice, righteousness and virtue are known to us.
1 I, p. 203.
II Musta#r., I, p. 156.
a Muw., II, p. 121. [Other references in Concordance de la tradition musulmane,
I, p. 392.]
'Acts of the Apostles, 17:30, cf. 3 :17. Wellhausen, Arab Heidenthum, p. 67,
note (and already before him Joh. Dav. Michaelis, Oriental. una exeget.
Bibliothek, XVI, 1781, p. 3) combines the word J. with this expression from the
New Testament.
Ii See above, p. 20, note 5.
c Sllra 48: 26.
T B. Adab, no. 50.
He called us to God so that we might recognise His unity and pray to
Him and cast aside what our parents adored: stones and idols; he
commanded us to speak the truth, be faithful and respect ties of
blood, fuJfill our duties of protection and keep away from forbidden
things and bloodshed. He forbade evil vices and unjust talk,
squandering the goods of orphans
slandering innocent people, etc. '1
In the invitations to pagans to be converted to Islam, almost
exclusively moral-not ritual--observances are demanded; thus, for
example, the homage of the twelve neophytes at the 'Aqaba takes
place under the following conditions: that they will put no one on a
level with God, will not steal, commit adultery or infanticide or be
arrogant.' This is the point of view from which older Islam con-
trasts the Jahiliyya with Islam. The ritual laws of Islam are also
mentioned, but the main point in a life contrary to the Jahiliyya lies
in turning away from worshipping lifeless things and more especially
putting an end to inunoral and cruel actions in which the Prophet and
his apostles see the main characteristics of the Jahiliyya. From this
point of view the Jahiliyya is contrast to what is called din in a
religious sense, and the opposition of the two words is attested from
the earliest days in Islam.
What Islam attempted to achieve was, after all, nothing but a
l;ilm of higher nature than that taught by the code of virtues of
pagan days. Many a virtue of Arab paganism was-as we have seen-
reduced to the level of a vice by Muhammed, and on the other hand
many a social act, considered dishonourable by Arabs, was now
elevated to the status of a virtue. He is fond of calling people llalim
who practise forgiveness and leniency. With this in mind he often
calls Allah llalim, a title which he gives with preference to Ibrahim
amongst the prophets.'
Muhammed's teaching thus brought about a change in the meaning
of llibn and hence we can understand that his pagan fellow-citizens,
who opposed his teaching, constantly accuse the reformer of declaring
their llilm to be folly (yusaffih alllamana") , branding as barbaric acts
(Jahiliyya) deeds which in their eyes were of the highest virtue. The
word safth, fool, is a synonym of the word jahil and belongs to that
1 Ibn Hisham, p. 219.
t Tab., I, p. 1213.
3: In a poem by TamIm b. Ubayy b. Muqbil, Y1iql1t II, p. 792, 7. Contrast
of J. and sunnat Ibn Abi'lZa'ra in Ibn Durayd, p. 234.
"E.g. Sl1ra 2:225. 236; 3:149; 5:131; 17:46; 22:58; 35:39; 64:17. usually in
connection with ghafur, forgiving.
Ii E.g. 9:II5; II:77. I
G Tab., I, II75, 5,14; II79, 8; n8.s, 13. Ibn Hisham, p. 167 penult.; 168,7;
169,4; 186, 2; 188, I; 190, 9; 225 ult. Cf. Tab., I, 977, 8 yusaffihanna 'uqulakum
wa-'uqula aba'ikum, al-Ya'ql1bI, IT, p. 264, g.
group of words which, like kesU and siikhtil (iu Hebrew),
describe not
only fools but also cruel and men.' .
Accordingly, when Zayd b. Amr b. Nufaylls converted to Islam
and renounces paganism he says: 'I will no longer pay homage to
(the idol) Ghanm, who was God to us when my /tilm was small,'
i.e. when I was still a jiihil, in the time of the Jahiliyya.' latter
word is thus also in the early days of Islam, as In pagan tImes, the
conceptual opposite of /tilm and not yet,of 'ibn (sci",:,c:). !WO
are well differentiated. 'There are people, says a traditlOn of Ubada
b. al-Samit, 'who had science and /tilm and others who had but one
of two:'
Because Islamic ethics restricted the idea of b-alim- to such men as
were virtuous in the Islamic sense, it was quite possible for mu'min.
right believer, to be used as the opposit.e ofjahil, fr?m .the of
view of Islam, a man acting accordmg to God s will In practical
things as well as in the dogmatic. se,;se. Rabi' b. Khaytham
speaks of two kinds of men: one IS eIther m'tt mzn-and such a one
must not be harmed--{)r jahil-to whom one must not be cruel.'
Profane literature also shows tIlls contrast,' which is also projected
back into earlier times. It is told of Qays b. 'Aeim, whom his contem-
porary, the Prophet, called 'master of all tent dwellers' ahl
al-wabar), that he belonged 'to the /tulamii' of the Banu Tamlm and
abstained from drinking wine even in pagan days:?
1To translate the Greek ltSU(11aaVTOS and clo'K7j8lVTOS the Syriac translation
uses the Af'el form of sekhal. II Cor. 7:12. It might be that :he
Hebrew translator of the Daliila of Maimonides translated Jahiliyya WIth
sekkiilim, II, ch. 39. .
z Salabtini bilrnt, 'you have robbed my sense' (Agk., V:' 57, 6). Sfk IS also
(like its synonymjhl) a contrast to bhn; e.g., Zuhayr, Mu aU., v. 63
3Ibll Hisham, p. 145,9. Cf. Agh., III p. 16, r.
4 Ibn l:lajar, II, p. 396. , ., ._. _._.
6 Ib,yfi:, II, p. 182: Al-niis raj1,Ziin1!Lu'minja-lii ja-la tUJahtlhu.
15 Agh., XVIII, p. 30, 1'2: wa.liiktnnahu JJad!d jalnlla yu mm wa-ana a[Uam
7 ibn Durayd, p. 154, 5. [This interpretation of l.alim here as a
projection of an Islamic concept not to me necessary. AVOIdance of
drunkenness could well be descnbed as bdm; cf. Ibn al-Mubabbar,
pp. 237 fl.]
WlTHOUT wishing to advocate the theory of the 'modern eubemerists'
which has recently, through the inspiration of Herbert Spencer,
gained ground in many different fields, one may claim that the
heightened veneration of the national past, and its historical and
mythical representatives, was a religious factor in the inner life of
pagan Arabs, one of the few deeper religious manifestations of their
It was expressed also in forms which are usually classed with the
manifestation of religious life. To mention but a few examples.
According to a traditional account, after the end of a pilgrimage the
pilgrims used to halt in the valley of Mino. in order to celebrate the
deeds of their ancestors with songa,' much as the ancient Romans
sang songs of praise to their ancestors at banquets. Muhammed is
said to refer to this in Sura 2:I96: 'And when you have completed the
ceremonies of pilgrimage think of Allah just as you remember your
forefathers, and more.' The Qurayshites of pagan days, and other
Arabs too, used to swear by their ancestors-wa-jaddika 'by your
forefather", this type of oath is common in old poems'-and Muham-
med forbade such oaths,' restricting them to All1i.h's name.
Some of
these pagan customs survived in Islam, and like many formlliae of
old Arabic thought and life the oath wa-jaddika, wa-abika, wa-abihi
1 In al-Bayga.wi, I, p. IIO. [Cf. also alTabarl's commentary to the Koranic
verse.] I
:I This interpretation was abandoned by NOldeke, d. ZDMG, XLI, p. 723.
I thought that it could be maintained because of the above data. It must be
mentioned that the word jadd in other contests, too, made the interpreters
doubt whether it refers to ancestors or is an equivalent of the word bakkt, e.g.
in a saying al-Muwatfa', IV, p. 84: it does not avail dhu'ljadd his jadd. Cf. also
the dual explanation of the word majdti.d; in the meaning 'blessed with material
goods' it is used by Abu'VAla.' alMa'arri, II, p. 179, v. 2.
3 Imrq. 36:12,'amrujaddf Labid, p. 14, v. 6.
'" B. Manaqib no. 26, TawJ;,!d, no. 13. Traditions had to forbid
also other pagan oaths: B. Adab, no. 43. ]ana'iz, no. 84 (man ?talaja 'ala
milIaein ghayri'l.isliim) is referred to this by some exegetes.
15 Shaniidiit. no. 27, Adab. no. 73.
The cult of the dead is coupled with the cult of ancestors. There is
only a relative difference between these two types of reverence, in
that the latter seeks for objects of religious veneration in the dist;mt
past, whereas the former is dedicated to the memory of more recent
generations. We can say about the Arabs that we have more positive
data about their cult of the dead than about their ancestor worship.
If we speak about the latter at all we do not by any means wish to
give way to the opinion that among the pagan Arabs the veneration
of ancestors occupies a position even remotely comparable to that
claimed by Fustel de Coulanges for the Romans and Greeks. A more
developed ancestor cult has been proved only for the southern Arabs,'
and among inhabitants of the middle and northern part of the Arab
area onlyscanty indications can be found. What we claimis only that
amongst the moral impulses which lie at the basis of Arab views on
life the veneration of ancestors has a decisive influence
The Koran refers to an$iib or nU$ub as a cult object of the heathen
Arabs. Their veneration is forbidden in the SaIne breath as other
things condemned in Islam, like wine, the game of maysir, etc.,
it is forbidden to eat animals slaughtered near them (or in their
'Do not sacrifice to the raised nlt$ub-do not pray to the high
places, worship God alone' says al-A'sha in his panegyric on MuhaIn-
An$iib, which is etymologically identical with the ma$$ebhii
of the Old Testament, and has the same meaning,
means upright
stones which were honoured as part of a cult by pagan Arabs.
name is usually referred to the stones placed in the vicinity of the
Ka'ba, where Arabs are said to have made sacrifices. We will not
discuss here whether tllis is really to be regarded as historical, and
1 Praetorius, ZDMG, XXVII, p. 646, D. H. Miiller, 'Stidarabische Studien'
(Sikungsbuichte del'. Kais. Akaaemie in We.n, phil. hist. Ct, LXXXVI, p. 135),
II See above, p. 13.
:0 SCLra 5 :92.
4- Ibid., 5:4.
Ed. Thorbecke, MorgenltindisGhe Forsckungen, p. 258 [Diwan, no. 17 v. 20].
Palmer [The Desert of the Exodus, p, 43 =) Die vierzigjtibrige WustenwandeYung
I sraels, p. 36, finds the name Wa.di Na:?b on the Sinai peninsula reminiscent of
old pagan idolatry from pre-Islamic times.
6 Cf. Stade, GeschiGkte des Volkes IS7aeI, I, p. 459.
7 It is worth noting that amongst the attributes of the an#tb cult the hurried
walk to the sacred stones is mentioned (Koran, 70:43; cf. B. jana:iz, no. 83).
Hurrying in the Ka'00 procession and the quick run between :;;afa.' and Marwa
are probably relics of this quick walk to the an{>ab. This con:firms the discussion
in Snouck Hurgronje, Het MekkaanSGhe Feest, p. 105 [and p, IIS; Verspreide
Geuhrifkn, I,pp. 70,
could uot be eradicated.' Even in tales where the Prophet is quoted,
such affirmations are put into his mouth, though he is made to up-
braid 'Umar severely when he swore by his father. Theologians', of
course, are not embarrassed to applytheir art of interpretati?n to such
contradictions when pious people swear by the name of therr
In their opinion the grammatical expedient of taqdir (reshtulto ,n
integrum) must be applied to such cases. 'By mx. is. to
be considered equal to 'by the God of my father. It 's not ImpossIble
that Muslim philologists used this taqdir as a taclt correctIOn of an
old Arabic verse.
The grave of the ancestor also appears to have been of solen,tn
significance. This at least seems to be indicated by a verse of J:Iassan
b. Thabit in his panegyrie on the Ghassanids in Syria: 'The descen-
dants of ]afna, around the grave of their ancestor, the grave of Ibn
Mariya. the noble and excellent man.
This is, however, a local.
perhaps individual trait and, in. of what know of the :eliglOn
of the Ghassanids in general, It mIght be danng to generalIze and
exploit it-as so often happens in respect of the ancestor cult-for
far-reaching conclusions. But in this context fact should be
stressed that some Arab tribes maintained the traditIOn of the grave
of the ancestor even in later days,
for example that of the grave of
the ancestor of the Tamimites in Marran,7 and that of the ancestor of
the Qw;1a'a tribe on a hill by the cO"":t of al-Shil:Jr in
where the original settlement of the tnbe named after lun: IS SaId to
have been before their migration to the north. Panegynsts, when
wishing to praise the descendants, refer to the graves of their ances-
1 Cf. l{uthayyir, Agh., XI, p. 46, 18, al.$imma al.Qllshayri, ibid. V, p. 133,
13 .
2 Maimonides has taken over this use of taqdLr for an analogous phenomenon In
Judaism (d. ZDMG, XXXV, p. 774 below); byth,e Z,adhjaZ-mutjiij
he explains the oath in ]\loses' name (=wa-yabbz 1\.fusa), Le hvre des preGeptes,
ed, M, Bloch, p, 63 ult.
3 Al.MuwaNa', II, p. 340, and the commentary of al-Zurqani to the passage;
cf. al-Qastallani, IV, p. 46r. .,
" Wa.rabbi ablka in I:Ia.rith b. I:Iilliza (Agh., IX, p, I8r, II) IS hardly genurne
and the original reading was presumably: Ia.<atnru abika.
5Diwan, p. 72 [ed. Hirschfeld, 13:8], aI.Ya<qubi, I, p. 236, aI
l\laydani, I, p. 204: d. Reiske, Primae lineae .historiae
p. 81. Cf. also al.Nabigha I :6, in accordance WIth Wetzstem, Rezsebencht uber
Ha.uran und die Trachonen, p. n8.
G Cf. also alFasI, Chroniken der Stadt Mekka, II, p. 139, 3 from below. The
grave of l{ulayb Wa'it, Yaqut II, p. 723.
7 YaqUt, IV, p. 479, d. Robertson Smith, p. Ig.
B \Viistenfeld, Register zu den genealogischen Tabellen, p. 138.
g Yaqut, II, p. 773, 17 (= Ibn Hisham, p. 89, 4, but here we always fmd mayt
instead of qab
will stress only that there is certain evidence that such an$cib were
erected by the graves of especially venerated heroes' as a sign of
veneration. The Arabs considered it important to provide the graves
of men whom they had honoured in life with memorial stones'
Vlhen we consider that such a grave is described with the same
epithet (jadatk
riisin)4 as that used for mountains (al-jibiil al-rawiisi)
we may conclude that preference was given to the erection of a
memorial of durable and upward-rising construction. In an account
of Abu 'Ubaydamentionis made of a house (bayt), which the Tayyi'ites
erected over the grave of the powerful Qays al-Dariml,' bnt this is not
to be taken literally. Characteristic of such memorials is the descrip-
tion in the dirge of Durayd b. al-;;imma on Mu'awiya b. 'Amr:
Where is the place of visiting (of the dead) a Ibn Bakr?
By erect stones (iram) and heavy (lying) stones and dark
branches which grow from the stones, and funeral buildings
over which long times pass, month after month.'
Such mausoleums are also called iiyiit.
Arabic poetry frequently
mentions stones under which the dead are sleeping; they are called
abjiir or atMq8 and also ,aft!;,. sajii'i!;' or 'l,ejJii!;. The latter
the end of the poem by BUr] b. Mush'r from the tnbe of Tayy:r , m
which he describes the life of luxury, and concludes that after a life
fully enjoyed, rich and poor alike must wi.thdraw 'into holes
lower parts of which are hollow and over which stones are erected_
The king Nu'man had the presents intended for Shaqiq placed on
his grave because the latter died on the way to his court, and al-
Nabigha praises this act of generosity with the words: 'Shaqlq's
1 Just as to-day stones decorated with wusum are erected in honour such
men who by protection or other merits deserve the permanent recogmbon of
the tribe, Burton. The Land of Midian Revisited (London, 1879) I,.p. 321.
Z On the other hand it would follow from Agk" XII, p. 15.}, 7-u we attach
value to this note-that men strove to profane the graves of enemies whom
they feared, (Reference to this from later ti.mes: 19h.,_XIIl, p. 16, 17) .
3 This word is usually associated (GesenlUs) wIth gadrsh Job, 21 :3z-whlch
R. Haya explains thus: It is tbe qubba the grave in the of
countries (Bacher, Ibn Esra als Grammattker, p. In). The word aJdath, WhICh
appears three times in the Koran, is explained with qubuY by the oldest exegetes,
B. Jana 'iz, no. 83
.. Hudhayl,. 16:4, d. al.Jadath al.a'la, Sam., p. S80. v. 6.
l Agh.. XIV. p, 89, 16. ['AI-Darimi' is an error; see also the Diwiin of Tufayl
al-Ghanawi, p. 18,]
41 Ibid.. IX. p, 14, 10. ..
7 Mutammim b. Kuwayra's dirge. v. I7.m N5ldeke, Bettriige, p. 99 [=Muja4-
4aliyyat. no. 67, v. I7J perhaps also Zubayr, 20:8 (but certainly not ib., v. 3 as
Weil pre-supposed, Die poetische Literatur der Araber, p. 43).
6 yaqo.t, IV, p. 862, 5: illa rttsumu 'igamin taMa a!b?iqin.
gIn al-Mas'ndi, III, p. 312, 3 from below.
10 I;Iam., p. 562 v. 8: fu/fiil.un muqrmun.
present is on the stones of his grave' (fawqa a!;jiiri qabrihi).' Such
memorials are not only made of upright stones: the 'la/ii'i!;, in par-
ticular, are broad stone plates laid on top of one another.
Cairns were also used as memorials by the ancient Arabs, and the
derivations of the root rjm
are used to describe them, just as the 234
tumnli in I;Iawran are called rejm by the natives.
But metaphori-
cally this word was already used for 'grave' in the old langnage.'
To the words used to describe upright grave memorials also belong
derivations from the root n'lb, which especially express the idea of
erectness, e.g. na,ii'ib (sing. na'liba) which Sulaym b. Rib'i uses in a
dirge on his brother' (v. 5): 'Verily the mourner who injures his face
(as a sign of mourning) is no more alive than the buried one for whom
nlemorial stones (na$ci'ib) are erccted.'7
Our an'liib is preferably used in this context. A few examples will
show the form and significance of such memorial stones. Grateful
contemporaries erected an'liib facing each other by the grave of
I;Iatimfrom the Tayyi' tribe, 'who was famous for his generosity; these
stones looked like wailing women and a legend connected with the
grave' indicates that Arabs passing the tomb expected hospitable
reception there. The deceased tribal hero was credited with the same
attributes and virtues after death as distingnished him while alive,
and his grave was believed to benefit people seeking protection and
help in the same way as did the tent of the living man. This trait of
Arab belief is not confined to antiquity. We may mention the grave
1 This verse is transmitted thus by Ibn al-Athir, al-Mathal al-Sti'ir, p. 190,
21; ed. Ahlwardt, append. 16:2, fawqa a';ami qabrihi. For completion of the
nomenclature the word gkariyy must be mentioned. which is interpreted as
nU$ub, upon which the 'askii'ir sacrifices were slaughtered. The same word also
means grave memorial, cf. the well.known al.ghariyyan, Yaq-o.t, III, p. 790, 10.
II Tarafa, Mu'all., v. 65: $ajii'il;u fummun min $aft1).in muna44adi (mttwa4-
4a'u in Sibawayhi, ed. Derenbourg, II, p. 23, 12.): cf. inna'l-$ajii'i!Ja qad
nu44idat in al-Amidi, Muwazana, p. 174, 4 from below, and Ibn Hisham,
p. r033. 3 from below.
!I Rijm, pI. rujum, Agk., XII. p. 151, 2 fa-burikta maytan gad l.awa.tka
rujumu; ct. for the general context of this custom: Haberland iun Zeitsc;hrijt fir
Volkerpsydl>ologie, XII, pp. 289 ff.
"[Ch. W. Wilson, Ch. Warren etc., The] Recovery of Jerusalem, pp. 433 fI.
II Lij walajta'l-rajama: al.Maydanr, II, p. II6; al-Mufat;lc;1al, Amthill,
p. 10 penult; Alat al-rajam are called by Abu'I'Alii' alMa'ani (Siql, II,
p. 176. v. 2), the paraphernalia belonging to the funeral, e.g. shrouds.
Wright, Opuscula arabic;a, p. 104, 7; for the thought, d. ib. p. 165,6.
? Cf. al-Farazdaq, Agh., XIXp. 20,18: wa-Iawkilnafi'lamwati taijta'l-tta$a'ibi.
8 As site of the grave our passage names Taba'a, a place in Najd where
'A.dite graves which Arabs especially venerated are said to have been. Others
put the grave of !:1atim at 'UwariQ., a mountain in the Tayyi' area (yaq., I.
p. 823, '9; III, p. 840, I3).
II Agh., XVI, p. 101, DEwan of I;IatimJ ed. Hassoun, p. 30, cf. Kremer, Ge-
schic;hte der herrschenden ldeen des Islam, p. 166.
of Shahwan b. 'Isa, chief of the Banu Dabab. '0 Shahwan b. 'Isa,
we arc your guests,' the Arabs who pass this grave (in Tripolitania)
callout when they arc short of food; and through the intervention of
the deceased shaykh it is usually possible for them to hunt ul;
in the vicinity of the grave.' But with the ascendancy of the religlOus
habit of mind it is now at the graves of saints rather than of heroes
that one experiences the practice of the old virtues.'
But the account of the memorial stones at the tomb of I:Iatim does
not show the cult significance attributed to such memorials. This
significance can be observed by the of an equally venerated
tribal hero, 'Amir b. al-Tufayl. When this rival of Muhammed, whom
the Prophet vainly tried to convert, died (so our relates)
Arabs erected ansib in the circumference of one square mile round
his grave; these 'were to designate the grave as a T<f'<VO<. (i,imal
Within the space thus delimited animals were not permItted to
graze and no pedestrian or riding beast was allowed to step on it.
Some' of the areas marked out by stones, as mentioned by
Schumacher in his description of the J61an,
are presumably places
of this nature; in recent days students have paid attention to such
places both east and west of the Jordan.
Though it seem,: that we
are justified in placing origin of the. doIn;ens, w.h1c1: ha;,e
recently been discovered m great numbers In thIS area, chiefly In
pre-Arabic times, it is not impossible that simpler enc.lo,:ures
arc dueto the Arabs. The Bedouins mayhave been InspIred to Imltate
dohuens which already existed in this area. The fact that such
monuments were erected by Arabs is confirmed by the verse of
Durayd quoted above (p. 2IZ) and we must also regard the J;,imii of
'Amir b. al-Tufayl as a memorial of this kind.
When one considers that such /timii were also dedicated to the gods
1Journal asatique, 1852, II, p. 163. This grave is called al-qabr pay excellence
in that area.
Z On marabout graves. whose purpose is to be a place of entertainment
for pilgrims, see Daumas, Le Sahara algerien, p. 228. In the zawiya of Sid 'Abd
Allah b. Tamtam in the region of Tuat Bedouin Arabs are excluded from
this hospitality. The saint buried there 'does not that people
themselves with his kuskusu in order to rob pIOUS Mushms on the road
(Voyage d'El Ajachi, transL by Bergbrugger, J? 25). The
amples are the quMb of Sidi Na.l?r in the of Oran, about which there
is the belief that the pilgrim who enters the place tued and hungry must spend
the night, after having :ecited .a few piOUS the roof of the
marabout, and while he IS sleepmg be IS nounshed In a lUlraculous way so that
he awakes feeling satiated.
3 Agh., XV, p. r39
0( ZDPV, r886, IX, p. 238, especially p. 271.
6 Ibid., vol. X; d. also a lecture by Schick on Moab in Jerusalem, year-book
edited by A. M. Luncz, II (r887), p. 56.
6 Schumacher, Across the Jordan (London r88s), pp. 54-7
(as expressly related, for example, about the deity of the Daws tribe,
Dhu'[-Shara)l this dedication of the graves of deceased heroes takes
on a significance as part of a cult and it is better understood why, in a
tradition ascribed to Muhammed, the erection of a /timii, except
the Prophet, is forbidden.' ijimii-incidentally
Identical Wlth the southern Arab ma/tmii ('the area which is under
the protection of the temple')3-is a cult term in old Arab lin-
guistic use and means the same as the word 1;Iaram (which came to
be used later) in the terminology of Islam. < It is said of a man who
acts perfidiously that he has profaned the 1;Iimii of such and such a
person,5 and it is said figuratively of the conqueror that he strips
(aba/ta) the /timii of the vanquished of its sacredness.'
The sacred awe which was inspired by the graves of honoured
heroes is also connected with the belief that the grave was considered
as a safe and inviolate sanctuary, a viewwhich was inherited by Islam.
The poet I:Iammad sought refuge by the grave of the father of his
enemy and his confidence was not in vain. When the pro-'Alid poet
al-Kumayt aroused the caliph's anger with an anti-Umayyad satire,
so that the caliph outlawed him and he wandered about like hunted
game, he eventually took the advice of friends and sought refuge by
the grave of a prince of the ruling family. The caliph, implacable at
succumbed to the urgent entreaty of his grandchildren, who tied
theIr clothes to the poet's clothes' and cried: 'He sought protection
by the grave of our father, 0 Commander of the Faithful, do not
shame us in tJ;e person of him who seeks sanctuary by this dead man;
because shammg the dead is blame to the living:' This same means
1 Ibn Hisha.m, p. 253: ct. Krehl, ObeY die Religion der vorislamischen Araber,
p. 83 (On ltima, see now the exhaustive description of Wellhausen, Arab.
Heidentkum, pp. ro! H.
'l.La. .Mman illii w.a-U-rasuliki (Jawh., s.v. limy, beginning). This
saYIng IS apocryphal and In It a veneration of the Prophet is allowed which he
himself did not claim, but always refused. According to the usual Mus.lim
explanation attributed to al-Shaft'i this difficulty of course does not exist;
see yaq'O.t, II, p. [The tradition is also given by aI-SuyOt!. al-Jami'
al-$aghir, II, p. 201; Idem, al-KubYii, Hyderabad 13I9, II, p. 242;
'Abd alGhani: al-Nabulusi, Dkakhii'ir al-Mawaritk, I, p. 269.]
8 Mordtmann-Miiller, Sabiiische Denkmtiler, p. 74.
4 Dozy, De Israeliten te Mekka, p. 78. In a figurative sense 'Umar is credited
with a saying against a tax collector who whipped the people (d. above p. 26,
note 2): 'the back of a Muslim is a bimii' (Abii Yftsuf, Kitab at-Kharii.j, p. 65,
6 from below, p. 86. 18), apparently following the usage mentioned by the
commentators to SUra 5:102 (ad v. (tiimin).
1\ Imrq., 56:3 abaJ;a '[zimii Qujrin.
GAgh., p, 97,. witpista,J;,allr: eam., p. 224, V. I.
'1 On this type of 1.st1.Jara, see my contrIbutIons In Lbl. f. orient Phil. r885,
p. 26; Agh., X. p. 35. 5. Parallels to this in Plutarch, Themist., ch. 24, Arlax.,
8 Agh., XV, pp. II7. r21
saved the life of the poet Uqaybil b. Shihab, who ridiculed al-I;rajjaj:
he also erected a tent over the grave where he took refuge. He fled
to the grave of Marwan, whose son 'Abd ai-Malik had just become
caliph. In consequence, the latter had to appeal to his stern governor
for a pardon for the poet.' During the reign of aI-Walld II the poet
'Abd al-Malik b. Qa'qa' took refuge from his persecutorsatthesame
grave, but the caliph did not respect the asylum and his lack of piety
was reprimanded in the following words of the 'Absid Abu'I-Shaghb,
which prove that the sanctity of the grave was taken for granted in
those days:
The graves of the sons of Marwan are not protected, there is no
refuge found there and nobody takes notice of them.
The grave of the Tamlmite is more faithful than their graves-
his people are secure in its protection;
Verily people call, when visiting this grave:
fie upon the grave where Ibn Qa'qa' sought refuge"
This shows what indignation was roused in those days by any
disregard for the sanctuary of the grave. Such cases were in fact
exceptional, because the grave of the father or ancestor was sacred to
Arabs. For example, we are told of the poet al-Farazdaq, that he
took up as his own the cause of anyone seeking protection by his
father's grave.
In the cult of saints this attribute is transferred to
the graves of saintly persons in general, and' this attitude developed
to a greater extent in western Islam than in the east, just as will be
shown that the eastern cult of saints is far less rich than its Maghri-
bine counterpart.
\Vhile in the east the right of sanctuary (like
other privileges and miraculous powers) is the privilege of some
specific saints' graves-for example, that of Tall;1a near
right was given to almost all graves of marabouts in the Maghrib.
The grave mosque of the 'Alid Idns in Fez is considered an asylum
to this day, and escaped criminals are secure there from persecution
by temporal justice. The same is true of the mosque containing the
graves of the Moroccan princes, of the grave chapel of Sldl Abu'l-
'Abbas, the patron saint of Morocco, and generally of most graves
of saints in that country.7 The marabout to whose grave the per-
secuted flee even saves, by miraculously feeding, those who are
1 AI-Bala.dhurl, Ansab aZ-Ashraf, p. 40 [al-Marzubani, ]o,:[u'am al-5hu'ara',
pp. 23-4]'
2 Fragmenta kist. arab., ed. de Goeje. p. 122.
II Ibn Khallikan, no. 788, ed. Wiistenfeld. IX, p. II4.
4. Cf. my 'Materialien zur Kenntnis dcr Almohadenbewegung', ZDMG, XLI,
pp. 44 If. [Cf. vol. II, pp. 305, 324, 374 If. of the original.]
5 AI.Fakhri, p, 107.
Il Rohlfs, Eyster Aufenthalt in Marokko, pp. 24I, 285-6, 392.
7 Host, Nachridtten von Mar6kos, p. 125.
threatened with starvation when surrounded by enemies.' These are
features which were inherited by Islam from paganism, like many
other things which secured the sanction of Islam and were given
Muslim form. Quatremere, in one of his scholarly essays, has collected
a large number of beliefs from Islamic times about the inviolateness
of the jar alrqabr (protege of the grave).' All this is connected with
the belief in the sacreduess of the grave. To Arabs the graves of
ancestors or heroes were as sacred as the temple altar, considered as
a sanctuary, was to Greeks, or as the Ka'ba,
where everyone fonnd
certain protection and refuge: wa-lnan dakhalahu kana aminan
(Sura 3:91).
If the graves of dead ancestors, heroes or benefactors were con-
sidered as religious sanctuary, one may well deduce that they were
connected with some manifestations of religious feeling or real 239
cnJtual practices. In this context we may point out that ancient Arab
poets often used the oath 'by the in a way that indicated that
they referred not to idols but to grave memorials. 'I swear by the
am;ab between which blood (of sacrificial animals is shed)'.' 'Awf b.
Mu'awiya swears, speaking to a dead person, 'by that which I
sacrificed near your black These oaths also contain a reference
to cult acts which took place by the graves of the deceased, i.e., the
sacrifice for the dead.
Islam does not favour the oath 'by the grave
of the dead,' but it had as little success in eradicating it as it had with
many other pagan customs. In Islam also it is customary to swear, for
example, by the grave of a caliph who has recently died." It is less
remarkable when the oath refers to the grave of the Prophet,' which
is also the object of invocation.
We have just mentioned the sacrifice for the dead as a cult act, a
1 Pezant, en Afrique au roya1,me ae Barcak et aans la Cyrtnaique a
travers Ie desert (Paris 1840), p. 290.
! 'l\1emoire sur les asyles chez les Arabcs' (Mimm. de l'Academie des Inscrip-
tions) XV, 2, pp. 309-313.
* Ibn Hisham, p. 818: 'Before his entry into Mecca the Prophet ordered that
they were to threaten only such enemies who attacked them sword in hand;
he named only a few persons who had td be killed even if they were to be found
under the curtains of the Ka'ba'. Ci. Exod. 21 :1.4, Lev. 4:7, I, Kings, 1:50, 2:28.
'" Ci. Wellhausen, Arab. Heidel1Jhum, p. 99; al-Mutalammis, Agh., XXI.
p. 207, 6: wa'/-Liiti wa'l-aniiibi.
IS Tarafa, 18:1, in the same breath the oath, wa-jaddika; cf. the same poet,
Append., 13, 2. Nab., 5:37, does not seem to belong to this series.
'" Agh., IX, p. 9, 5 irom below.
7 Cf. ljassan b. Thabit, Ibn Hisham, p. 626, 3 from below.
8 Agh., V, p. HO, 5 from below: l;alaftu bi.turbat aI-Mandl.
o Ibid. VI, p. ISO, 5 wa-ltaqq az-qabr.
10 Ibid., IV, p. 139. 7 of alNabigha al-Ja'cli. contemporary of Uthman.
practice which has not only survived to this day amongst
but has also been transplanted with Islamlc remterpretatlOn mto the
regular religious life of orthod?x Islam. The l?yalty of the.represen-
tatives of the old Arabic spmt to tradItIon lS so deeply
that Bedouins, even when they fonnally adhere to the religIOn
of Muhammed, have retained their social institutions and laws
until recent times, despite the fact that the Prophet opposed them
with other ordinances and rules. Burckhardt, who produced the first
true picture of Bedouin life in European literature. was therefore
right in thinking that observation of the institutions of the large
tribes in Yemen and Najd would be the best source of knowledge of
Arab conditions during paganism
-asuggestion that has since been
followed. Burckhardt describes the following remarkable of
the Bedouins in Najd-a custom which, in regard .to the tIme. of
its practice, had been assimilated into the Islan:uc way of life.
On the great annual feast ('id al-qurbiin) every family slaughters as
many camels as they have lost adult members death durmg the
past year. irrespective of sex. The custom IS earned out even where
thc deceased person has left but one camel. If not even one camel was
left the nearest relatives have to provide one. Seven sheep are
considered as the equivalent of one camel. If the
of sacrificial animals cannot be produced, compensation lS m
the following year or the year after. 3 This is apparently a rehc of the
old sacrifice for the dead. Islam, too, instituted a sacrifice for the same
festival but has founded this rite on a reminiscence of the Bible:
Abraham's sacrifice of a ram as a substitute for his son Isma:n, who
had originally been destined for the For this reason the
sacrifice is named al-fidii, 'ransom', and the liturgy decrees that a
prayer' which includes the recitation of Sura38:I07 be before the
A few relics of the old cult of the dead did, however,
survive in popular Islam and have attached themselves to this
festival and to the preceding small ',d. These feasts are made
occasion, particularly in Egypt, of visiting the graves, which at thls
time are decorated with pain! leaves. Apart from prayers and
recitation of the Koran there are popular entertamments, of which
sufficient infonnation is available in Lane's faithful description.'
1 Cf. Stade, 1,c., p. 389,
Z Voyages en Arabie. III, p. 277.
II Burckhardt, Lc" p. 73: cf, Doughty, Travels in Arabia Deset'ta, t, p, 137
above. d. 293, 354: but for women the sacrifice is not made, . p, 451.
of Takbfr tashriq, d. Muradgea d'Ohsson, Tableaugenbal de 1empwe Otl:oman,
II, p. 226, . '7'
.5 Cf. also the sermon for this feast day in Garcin de Tassy, Doctrme et uev(Xt's
de la religion musulmane (Paris 1826), p. 200. .
'Lane, An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptzans (5th
edition, London 1871), II, pp. 212, 221.
In Islam there are other survivals of the sacrifice to the dead. I
mention an example from the third century, by no means an isolated
one. It is told of the pious Mu1:Jammad b. Isl;laq b. Sarruj, who was a
client of the Thaqjf tribe (died 3I3), that he made a weekly or fort-
nightly sacrifice in honour of the Prophet. The same pious man
relates about himself that he completed the reading of the Koran
I2,OOO times and made as many sacrifices in memory of the Prophet.'
We see here how pagan customs continued to live quietly and un-
consciously within the framework of Islam and have clad themselves
in the fonn of Muslim religiousness and piety.
In fonner times, whenever they passed the grave of a man famous
for his generosity and nobility,
Arabs used to slaughter a riding ani-
mal and feed people with it.
In Islamic days the same honour was
shown to graves of saints. ' For many years after the death of a
beloved person, relatives used to renew annually the wailing cere-
mony and the sacrifice of a camel. 5 Neglect of a sacrifice before the
grave of an honoured hero required special excuses and was con-
sidered abnormal. The grave of Rabj'a b. Mukaddam belongs,
because of the outstanding chivalrous virtues of this hero of pre-
Islamic centuries-even when he was dying he defended a caravan
of women from the pursuing enemy-to those where the passing
traveller offered the usual sacrificial banquet for many years after the
burial. The philologist Abu 'Ubayda relates that an Arab from the
tribe of the Banu' l-Barith b. Fihr passed this honoured place and
that his camel shied at the stones covering the body of the hero. The
wanderer then excused his failure to make a sacrifice in honour of
the manes of Rabl' a with a poem:
My camel shied from the stones of the Barra country which were
erected over the man with open hands, the generous one;
Do not flee from him, 0 camel, he knew how to circulate
wine and instigate wars;
If it were not for the journey and the immense desert I would not
have failed to leave it behind crawling on the ground with cut
sinews. a
1 Abu'l-Ma1:lasin, Annates, II, p. 226. [Read: M.b.I. al.Sarra.j.]
2 Thus also in later elegiac poetry those who passed by the grave were
exhorted to slaughter animals and to sprinkle the grave with their blood
Ktiib al-A4dad, p. 38, IS.
S AlTabrizi, l:latn., pp. 4Ir, 4; 496, 8; d. Freytag's l;Iam. Commentary, II,
p. 89, to v. 4.
4 Burton, The Land oJ Midian, I, pp. 236, 238; e.g. by Aron's grave. Palmer,
[The Desert of the Exodus, p. 434=] Vie'Yzigjalwige Wurtenwanderung, p. 337.
GCf. a southern Arab example in Kremer, I.e" p. 167.
'Agh., XIV, p. 131 and above p. 29, note:2, ef. also Perron, Femmes arabes-
avant et depuis l'Islamisme 1858), p. 80.
This poet, about whose name the philologists cannot reach agree-
ment, is said to have been the first to have omitted the performance
of a sacrifice and to have expressed the opinion that a dirge might
serve the same purpose.' In the early days of Islam we find-again
according to Abu 'Ubayda-that Layla al-Akhyaliyys passed the
grave ofherfriend Tawba b.l;Iumayyir (died 75), who had been killed,
and in honour of the dead slaughtered a camel with the words:
'I have slaughtered a camel stallion near the an!pw of Tawba in
Hayda because his relatives are not there." A similar story makes
Majnun al-' Amiri say ahuost the same words by the grave of his
father. while sacrificing a camel mare.
More corrunon than this exceptional form of veneration is the
sacrifice of one or more animals by the grave of a dead man imme-
diately after burial. In an account from old Arab life, describing the
death of a pair of lovers, which occurs in book al-MaMsin
wa'l-Acjdad we hear how, in honour of a martyr to love, 300 camels
were slaughtered by his grave.' Even in the second century of
Islam it is the old Arabic sacrifice to the dead-not yet reinterpreted
in an Islamic sense-which the father of Ja'far b. 'Ulba (died I25)
makes after the death of his son. The mourning father slaughtered
all his young camels and sheep and threw the carcasses to their
dams. 'Weep with me,' he is related to have said 'over Ja'far.'
'And the camels howled and the sheep bleated and the women wailed
and wept and the father of the murdered man wept with them."
That this type of mourning occurred among the ancient Arabs is
recorded also in an old Jewish Midrash, in which it is related that the
inhabitants of Ninivch performed hypocritical acts of penance: they
shut up young calves leaving their mothers outside, so that all
the animals lowed for one another and then the inhabitants of
Niniveh said: '0 master of the world, if you do not show mercy to us
we shall not show mercy to those animals either.' Rabbi Akha said,
'In Arabia they do the same." The mourning of 'Ulba had its root in
pagan customs.
1 cr. I;Iam., pp. 410, 412.
2 Taqnt, IV, p. 999, ro.
a Agh., I, p. 168, 10.
... Girgas.Rosen, Arab ckrBstom.. p. 56, I.
II Yaq'CLt, III, p. 49.
5 Cf. Midrash Tanl)i1ma, ed. Buber, Genesis p. r8s below.
7 Pesiqtii of Rabbi Kahana, ed. Bubet, p. r6ra. From this parallel, too, it is
evident how instructive it would be to have a collection of all data from. the old
Rabbinical literature referring to Arabia and the Arabs. The most complete
survey of these is in Steinschneider's Polemische und apologetische Literatur
(d. Literaturbl.fur orient Phil., 1887, p. 93) and Hirschenson's Shebha 'Sokhmoth
(Lemberg 1883), p. 189. [Cf. S. Krauss, 'Talm.udischeNachrichtenuber Ambien',
ZDMG, LXX, pp. 321'53, LXXI, pp. 2689J
The sacrifice for the is so common a practice among Arabs
that we IDlght expect ,t to be described frequently in the lively
of n:=ers customs of desert Arabs in the Sira!
Antar. In ncwy eplSodic desert tale, as often as one of the
many heroes dies and the mourning ceremony is described in typical
and regularly recurring phrases, we may be sure to find that many
are slaughtered by his grave.' But whenever the 'Antar story
IS used as source of. the ethnology of the Arab desert, it must be
remembered. that this work, apart from its glaring anachronisms, is
full of fanClful hyperbole, and that the judgment of Hammer-
Purgstall (followed also by later authors) that this Sira belongs as
far as t.. he Arabs, are concerned to those works t qui nous ont
conserve la pe-t,nl'ltre jidele de '!1'0eurs,
de leur religion, de leur
usages et des itans de le"r geme " 's modified in many respects by
closer knowledge of it. Amongst such examples of hyperbolism,
presumably, belongs the frequently mentioned slaughter of men on
the graves of dead heroes. To expiate the murder of a hero prisoners
of th: m,;,rderers' tri?e sacrificed.' An example of this given by
the S,ra In the descnptIOn of 'Antar's mourning for his son Ghasiib
killed by the Banii Fazara. '
'On the day,' it is recounted, 'he cal1ed his brother Shaybiib
and ordered h= to prepare a grave for Ghasiib's corpse. They had
soon d,;,g a deep grave and placed the body in it and 'Antar's tears
flowed In streams. they had covered the grave with soil 'Antar
sat down by the SIde of the grave and ordered the prisoners to be
brought there. He bared his arm, drew his sword al-Dami and
beheaded one after the other. The Banii 'Abs watched until a
thousand Fazantes had killed. Their blood was left to dry on
the Then the EIDlr Maysara stepped up, his tears flowed
d?wn his cheeks and he gave vent to expressions of deep mourning; he
killed three hundred of the emprisoned Banii Fazara on his brother's
grave :he tribal chieftain Qays ordered a halt to the slaughter.'
In the listing of those Arabic customs and ideas with which we are
here conc:rned, the of the mourning of the Bani1 'Abs
father of Antar, may be mentioned. It provides an
illust;ation of the funeral customs of Arabs such as we often find
mentIOned In the many dirges preserved in literature' and describes
: '1ntar, p. 89, and many other passages.
C.... Zeztschr. fur Volkerspych. u. Sprachwissensch. XIII (1881) pp 251 :ff
The custom and attitude qnoted there from the . book (lmottin th '
as a symbol of protection) is con:firm.ed by Mufadd Amth1il PP 4
f :.. at:,1pe
dani, II, p. 27
. . ..' " _. ay-
3 Fundgruben. I, pp. 372-76,
4. $irat 'Antar, XXVI, p. II7.
l'.i E.g. ed. Guidi, p. 183, 4:ff, below; l;Iam., PP.363, 1,449,
6 ff, 476, 13; Opusc. arabzca, ed, Wright, pp. 19, 6, III, 9;, Beitrage
1 Ta'diid literally: the enumeration of the good qualities and virtues of the
deceased (d. Ryssel, Zeitsckr. j, d. Alttest. Wiss., V, p. 107). This enumeration
belongs to the essence of the Arabic dirge, d. Agh., XIV, p. 106,
2,3; Fleischer, De gloss is Habichtianis, I, p. 35
2 Latamat. Wailing women in Syrian towns are still called latlamal, Le.
women who beat their faces (sec Wetzstein in the treatise to be mentioned
below); ct. also Budde, 'Das hebraische Klagelied'. Zeitschr. f Alttest, Wiss.,
II, p. 26).
3 A remarkable analogy to Plutarch. A1'istides. ch. 14 end.
4 $fYat 'Antay. XVIII, p. 150.
zur K. a. Poesie. p. 179. 5 [= al.K!lansa:, DJwiin, ed. Cheikho, p. 173. V. 2].
Wailing women beat their faces with shoes: Hudh. 107, II, 139,3. Instead of
shoes other pieces of leather are also used, mijlad. seho1. to Siq! al-Zand, II,
p. 58, v. 26 after al-Muthaqqab. In later days use ofsuchleathe.r .pieces was
omitted; a woman beloved by Abu Nuwas, who IS amongst the wallmg women
in the funeral procession holds cosmetics in her hand while beating her face
according to custom, Agh., XVIII, p. 6, 8. To explain the use of shoes for
beating the face it may be useful to mention that t?is is also o.f in.the
Talmud and Midrash literature as a means of pUDlshment and mtImIdation,
'Arukh, article if!l, no. 3. Kohut has added a. few typical passages (s.v. IV.
p.6xa) (to complete with M<J'id Qii!on, fo1. 25a). Cf. also Abraham b. David,
Sefer Haqqabiilfi. ed. Neubauer (Anecd. Oxon. Sem. Ser. I: iv). p. 65. 20.
a detail in the treatment of the sacrifice for revenge of which we are
unable to tell whether it exists in the imagination of the author only
or whether it has its origin in ancient Arabic customs. 'When the
Banu 'Abs had reached the place of battle they dismounted, men
and women alike, and started to wail,' servants howled and maids
smote their faces;' they were mourning Shaddad on that day. They
shaved the manes of the horses'and broke into loudwailing. King Qays
said, "Verily a pillar of the pillars of the Banu 'Abs has collapsed;
may God curse Dhu'l-Khimar for his treason." Then Rabi' b. Ziyad
mme forward and breaking into weeping and wailing he cried: "Who
remains for the Banu 'Abs after they have lost you, 0 Shaddiid?
By Alliih, you were full of goodness and energy and with you wisdom
and good advice have departed from us." 'Antar during all this wept
and wailed continuously and swore that he would not bury his father
until he had destroyed the Jews of :E.!i.n Khaybar. His brother
Shaybiib tore his clothes and strewed ashes upon his head, and the
same was done by all men and women ... Thereupon' Antar ordered
his brother to take matting made of Tii'if leather and to wrap his
father's body into it. Thus they loaded it on the back of a slender
camel and took it back to their homestead weeping all the while:'
On the way' Antar recited one of those moving dirges of which there
are many in this book of folklore. Arriving at the dwelling of the
tribe the mourners are received by the men and women who stayed
behind with heartrending cries, those which Muhammed had strictly
forbidden to his faithful, together with other Arab mourning cus-
toms, as being specifically pagan. After this wailing had also come to
an end Qays, the chieftain of the tribe, ordered his brother Miilik to
dig a grave and Shaybub and Jarfr lowered the body into it and
closed it up with earth. While this was going on the world grew dark
before 'Antar's eyes and he cried until he fainted. When he woke
up again, wailing, reciting off dirges and tearing of clothes started
afresh.' With bloodthirsty relish it is then related how Samiyya,
the dead man's widow, slaughtered fifty prisoners with her arms
bared, 'in order to extinguish the fire of her liver' and how Zabiba
sacrificed ninety of the captive Jews and Christians. 'Antar ended
this bloody scene by reciting a dirge: 'When the Banu 'Abs heard 246
the hero's words, tears poured down from their eyelashes and they
said, "0 father of heroes, he who has left behind him such a son as
you, he has not died:' But' Antar now had the prisoners of Khaybar
brought and the girls and women were led in. He had them led round
his father's grave for seven times and then granted them their Iives:
'Antar remained in the 'house of (bay! al-a/tziin) for forty
days and received the condolence visits of Arab tribes. After the
forty days he gave a banquet for his relatives and gave alms to
widows and orphans.
In view of the fact that the 'Antar story is full of anachronistic
uses of specifically Islamic customs and ideas in describing pagan life
-so much so that heroes often speak like Muslim theologiaus'-<me
may assume that the forty days of mourning mentioned at the end of
the episode have been taken from the customs of Muslim life, in which
to this day mourning ceremonies last for forty days.
On the other hand Islamic law was not strong enough in this as in
1 The same expressions of grief and mourning as we :find among pre-Islamic
Arabs are reported also of eastern Christians. nor is the scratching of
faces (khadash) lacking. In the Narrationes of St Nilus (Migne, Patrologia
graeca, vol. 79), p. 660, a brave Christian mother is described who scorned the
mourning after the cruel death of her son: oli xa'rEUXtaa x,,.wva 0.1 i'up.vct x<!palv
'l'T'mf;a. aT/pYa. OUK KOP.aS Jp.ds OUK ovvbv TO -rrp6awTTov.
t Sfrat 'Antar, ibid., pp. 153-157.
a: the n:0urning customs mentioned in this book of folklore we may
also smgle out banng the head and the pulling down of tents; III, p. 75, II,
16, 19. ct. 76, 7. [Rich material about mourning customs is given by Goldziher
WZKM, XVI, p. 323.] ,
4 Apart from the almost constantly Muslim introductory formulae to the
various sections of this tale we should like to point out as examples among the
great number of such passages VI, pp. 126-7. XIII, p. 6r (a pagan chieftain
addressed as amir al-mu'minin), XV, p. 16 (a satirical polemic against
XVI. pp. 15-16, XVII, pp. 60,1121. XVIII, p. 55 (Koranic phrases
In the mouth of pagans) etc. Cf. also ZDMG, XXXII. p. 343.
Ii One may refer also to the beginning of the story of the jeweller'AlI al-Misr1
in Arabian Nights (ed. Bl11aq 1279). II, pp. 343. 425; see also Lane, Mann;rs
and Customs, II, p. 272.
other cases-as we shall see in more detail about wailing for the dead
(niya{za)-to eradicate mourning ceremonies that had survived from
paganism, and many particular features of the pagan cult of the
dead survived in Islamic society. In assimilation into Islamic life
Friday became the usual day for such ceremonies, and the old
customs thereby acquired a specifically Islamic colour. 1?'e
poet Mul;1ammad b. Sili!;l once passed the 9fave of an .Abbas'.d
prince in Surra-man-ra' a and that gtrls were beat,;,g therr
faces. This sight inspired the poet WIth the followmg poetlc excla-
On a Friday morning I saw in Samarra' eyes whose flow of
tears may astonish any onlooker;
They visit the bones, which moulder in the ground, they ask
for forgiveness of sins for these bones.
If it were not anyhow God's will that dust may be
revived to the day when the $ur trumpet will sound,
I shonld say that they would be called to life again by
the eyes, overflowing with tears, of those who visit
them etc.
One of the pagan survivals in the cult of the dead is the sacrifice of
animals on the grave of the deceased, which persisted until modern
times. At the funeral of the Egyptian viceroy Mul;1ammad 'Ali eighty
buffaloes were slaughtered. The Islamic interpretation of this sacrifice
claims that it is made in order to atone for the smaller sins of the
deceased and adds that the meat of the sacrificed animal must be
divided amongst the poor,' on account of which the name of at-
kaffara, Le. atonement, is also given to the sacrifice.
In older tir;'es
ancient Arab practice was adhered to even more closely by sacrificmg
Another Arab custom must here be considered which undeniably
shows the nature of sacrifices for the dead. It is mentioned in the
early days of Islam, and is probably a survival of the Jahiliyya cnlt
of the dead and of heroes, which was still alive in the consciousness
1 Agh" XV, p. go, 4 if. [Translate: 'If it were not God's will that they should
inhabit the ground etc. 'J
S E. W. Lane, Arabian society in the middle ages, ed. by Stanley LanePoole
(London 1880), p. 261.
a Manners ana Customs,l.e., p. 268. To this also belongs the cllstomexplained
by al-Qastallani, II, p. 527. whereby after the death of a Muslim. meals should
be prepared (for the poor) for seven days, a custom Islamic theology
explained by saying that the test in the tomb of true behevers lasted seven
days. .
'" Agh., I, p. 168, 9 if., gives an example from the Umayyad penod.
of all: we refer to the sacrificing of hair to honour the dead. A poem
of Labid's is transmitted which he is said to have addressed to his
daughters on his approaching death;
My two daughters wonld have wished that their father shonld
stay alive,
But am I different from other men, from Rabi'a or Mudar?
When it comes about one day that your father will die, .
Do not scratch your faces or shave your hair.l
This account had an analogy' in another tradition, according to
which Qays b. Mas'ud gave counsel to his daughter at her m'arriage
to the hero Laqit b. Zurara, that after his death 'she shonld neither
scratch her face nor sacrifice her hair.'2
On the death of the great warrior Khilid b, al-Walid, who had
fought against Muhammad and the Muslims at Badr, mud and at
the 'ditch', none of the women of the clan of the Banu Mughira omit-
ted to place her hair on the grave of the hero. (This immediately
brings the Greek custom to mind.) Our source adds in explanation:
'all shaved the hair of their heads and placed it on Khilid's tomb."
A little later the caliph 'Abd al-Malik cut the locks of his own head
and those of his children on receiving the news of 'Abd Allah b.
al-Zubayr's death.' In these cases the sacrifice of the hair must
presumably be seen first of all as an outward symbol of mourning;"
but placing it on the grave of the deceased looks like a cultic act,
survivals of which are still to be found amongst the Bedonins of
Transjordan, where women place a number of locks of hair on the
grave of the eminent dead.' 'We noticed, as a peculiarity of the
burials here', relates Palmer about the old country of Moab, 'that
two sticks were often placed beside the grave, with a rope stretched
between them, and upon this braided locks of hair were hung as
offerings." The same is told of Arabs near the Serbiil mountain.
These facts also explain the account from the third century accordiug
to which the Kharijites used to shave their hair by the grave of their
chief Siili!;l b. al-Musarri!;l, who 'revolted against the rnle of the
caliphate in the year 86.' Shaving the hair was considered a special
1Agh., XIV, p. 101; Ibn Hisham, to Banat Su'aa, ed. Guidi, p. 183. This
poem is not found in the Dfwiin. [Dfwan of Labid. Kuwait 1962, p. 2x3.
t Mufa4q.., Amthiil, p. 20.
S Agh., XV, p. 12.
01 Ansab aIAshraf, p. 74,
5 Cf. Jerem. 7:29, Micah l:x6 etc,
6' Selah Merrill, East a/the jOYdan (London I88r), p. SU.
'1 [The Desert of the Exodus, p. 483 =] Der Schauplatz dey vierzigiahrigen
Wusfenwanaeyung IsYaels, p. 376. -
8 Ebers, DUYCk Gosen zum Sinai, p. 204.
II Ibn Du:rayd, p. 133. [Read: in the year 76.J
1 Ibid., p. 139.
:I Kitiib al-Aqiiad, p. 199 [Kanz al-'Ummal, XI, pp. 127-9, 131, 177, 17
Lisiin al-'Arab, s.v. sbd].
3 Ibn Hisham, p. 15, d. p. 749. Cf. Wellhausen, Arab. Heidenthum, p. II7,
who gives an explanation of the ceremony. Shaving the hair means, according
to him, the suspension of the consecrated condition.
4 Waqidi.Wellhausen, Muhammed in Medina, p. 381.
l> Ibid., p. 182.
IS Krehl, i:!ber die Religion der vorisZamischen Araber, p. 32, where there are
more data from Arabic poets.
'1 Theseus, ch. 5.
8 IstibsiUan Zi'Z-mawti, alTabrlzi, to I;lam., 255, 17: cf. yawm tablaq
limam, Tarafa, I4:r. Cf. my article in Rev, de t'kist. des reUg" XIV, pp. 49 fE.
sign of the Kharijites even in earlier days? and an apocryphal
tradition seems to refer to it when the Prophet is asked whethcr the
Kharijites have a special mark. The Prophet replied, 'Yes, removal
of the hair of the head (al-tasbid) is common amongst them."
These accounts indicate the survival of cult habits. Apart from
other signs of veneration, pagan pilgrims practised shaving the hair
of the head.
The traditional knowledge of this point in the old Arab
cult is expressed in the legendary report that a southern Arab ruler,
said to be the first to have supplied the Ka'ba with an ornamental
cover after being converted by two Rabbis to the cult of the Arabs,
performed the same act of veneration. When the Thaqafite 'Urwa b.
Mas'lid, who left his house a pagan and returned a Muslim, arrived
in Tii'if after five days of travelling and was just about to enter his
house, one of his fellow-tribesmen noticed that he did not first pay a
visit to Rabba in order to sacrifice his hair at the image of the god-
dess.'It is also worth noting that in a poem ascribed to 'Abd Allah b.
Ubayy the following oath is taken: 'by him in whose honour the hair
is shaved', i.e. by God.
In this context-as Krehl has already suggested'-must be seen
Herodotus's account (III, ch. 8), which is confirmed by some Biblical
passages. He relates that the Arabs cut part of their beard (the
Kp6TOg,O') in honour of the God Orotal. It must also be meutioned
that Plutarch,' too, refers to the Arab custom of cutting the hair of
the forehead.
Two other customs which seem to be connected with the cultic
significance of hair sacrifice are known from the traditions of Arab
paganism. The first is the old Arab custom that a warrior going to
battle shaved the hair of his head as a sign that he dedicated himself
to death in honour of the tribe.' This must have been more than the
mere sign of recognition which some later philologists assume it to
have been. The combat undertaken in the tribe's honour was a sacred
and religious matter, and there was nothing strange about preparing
oneself for it with religious acts, just as men are known to have
dedicated themselves for carrying out blood revenge for the jiir by
religious practises at the Ka'ba.' The second customis that of cutting
the hair of prisoners of war, as mentioned above, p. 171, which was
probably not done merely to humiliate the enemy but also for
religious reasons: the hair was sacrificed to the gods.' With this IS
connected the fact that the forelock (nii.iya) was considered to have
a supernatural significance also in later days. At least this seems
indicated by Arab linguistic usage, which retained many survivals
of ancient ideas. We find the expressions: shu'm imra'atun
mash' umat (a woman of unfortunate forelock),
and in
contrast: 1nHbiirak al-nii#ya;S even of animals: dfibbatun ghadirat
a use which is common in Arabic popular books.
To this
group seems to belong the saying: al-khayl ma'qild fi nawi4ihii
al-khayr or al-baraka 'Good (or blessing) is tied to the horse's
forelock'," Finally we should like to mention as a late echo the
popular oath by the lock of the temple (wa-/tayiit Such
phrases seem to contain vestiges of the old belief according to which
forelocks were connected with superstitious ideas. This 'View survived
also in the following l;1adith in Malik: 'When one of you marries a
woman or buys a slave he should take her by the forelock and ask
God's blessing:
In view of all tlils it is likely that the sacrifice of hair served not
only to express mourning for the dead but also as a cult act in their
1 Hudhayl., no. 198.
2 Agh., III, p. 84 ult., where the ancient belief is presupposed that the
sacrifice of the forelocks placates the gods.
II Tab., III, p. 465, 3; Agh., XXI, p. 122, IS.
4. II, p. 110, d. 'his forelock is in Satan's hand', Muw., I, p. 171,
II Tk"ertma Mensch. ed.Dieterici,p. 81,8 [=Rasii'illkhwan al.$afa: II, p. 258,
20]; Qar/as, ed. Tornberg, p. 198, 9 from below.
IS al-MuZoft, s.v. ghdr.
'1 Sfrat 'Amar, V, p. 45 from below, ba's nii$iyatikii, IX, p. 21, 7 from below,
waylaka yii mayshum al.nii$iya, XV. p. 38, 8; Sirat Say!, XIII, p. 22, 3. We
also find: God has charged my nii$iya with' etc., Arabian Nights, IV, p. 3, 15
S B. Jihad, no. 42 [Aba. 'Ubayda. al-Khayl, pp. 5-7; aI-Sharif al
Majiizat al-Nabawiyya, p. 49].
Dozy, SuppUment, II, p. 352b = Arabian Nights, III, p. 383, 13: cf.
waZoaqq far#a"f" ibid., I, p. 233, 21.
10 Muw., III. p. 34. The Prophet touches the na$iya of those whom he blesses
(al-Fakihi, ekron. d, St. Mekka, II, p. 12, 5 from below) and where-as in the
case of new-born infants-there is no hair on the forehead, he touches the skin
where hair wi11later grow in abundance (Imam Al}.mad in al.Damiri, II, p, 253,
9 from below).
11 For the subject discussed above, d. also the study by G. A. Wilken, aber
das Haaropfer und einige TrauergebrtJ.ucke bei den V61kem Indonesiens. Heft II,
Amsterdam 1887. This appeared after the above was written' some points
dealt with in that study can perhaps be completed from here'. For what is
specifically Arabic: Wellhausen, Arab. Heidenthum, p. !I8.
1 [For the follo'Wing cf. also Wensinck, Handbook of early Muhammadan
Tradition, s.v. 'Mourning',]
S Fromthe subject of the niya.(la I only mentionthe remarkable detail inAgh.,
II, p. 138.8 and X p. 58, 3 from below. According to this women must stand for
the bewailing of their husbands when they intended to remain widows and not
to remarry. It must also be mentioned, though it does not definitely go back to
the J<1hiIiyya, that an Arab prince in Siyat 'Antar, XX, p. II3, advises his
daughter on her marriage that when her husband dies she should neither tear
her clothes, shave her hair nor scratch and beat her face but return to her
tribe before embarking on the mourning; ct. above, p. 225, notes I, 2.
I Bint is the name adopted by an eminent wailing woman of the
Jahiliyya (see the verse of al-Muthaqqab quoted above, p. 22r, note 5). The
name is probably to be considered as a laqab, literally: 'daughter of the black
(mourning) colour' with reference to the woman's occupation.
"Cf. Schrameier, ObeY den Fatalismus der voYislatnischen Ayaber, p. 37.
II Cf. Mufadd., 36:II.
4 Agh" IX, p. 5, 25.
'1 Travels in At'abia Deserla, I, p. I03. They particularly understand by this
'a courageous forbearing and abiding of hunger'.
8 It is typical that the saying: jamUun, i.e. 'endurance is good',
which is well known from the Koran 12 :83, can already be found in al-Shanfara,
Lamiyya, v.3+ (wa-Ia'lfabru in lamyanja'i'l-shakwuajmalu). Later poets have
frequently propagated it (.{{am., p. 403, 2, alDamiri I, p. 248).
But what was the reaction of Islam to these pagan customs' which,
apart from the mourning ceremonies which we have just mentioned,
included bewailing the dead (niyaba), an established institution of the
Jahiliyya in which professional wailing women as well as the female
relatives of the deceased took part-ceremonies which apparently
were ordered by customary law' which defined them in detail?'
The founders of the new religion and new views of life considered
desperate wailing and other manifestations of abandomnent to grief
as incompatible with resignation to Allah's will and acceptance of
his decisions, which they call and ibtisiib. Mii shii'a'lliih" Iii
bawla wa-ta q"wwala illii bi'lliihi was to be the motto of believers in
all situations. The concept of as virtue was J:1ot unknown in
paganism! Pre-Islamic poets often praised their heroes with being
i.e. patient during misfortune,' and Durayd b.
al-$imma is described by Arab historians of literature as one who
knew best of all poets how to glorify this virtue.' In Arabia today-
as Doughty stresses-this in the pre-Islamic sense is still 'the
chiefest beduin virtue.'7 But only Islam conceived of this 'endurance'
as acquiescence to God's will. For paganism it was merely an attribute
of strength of character, but for the Muslim it is an act of piety like
the fulfilment of the duty of prayer or the giving of alms (Sura 22:36).'
'What the head is to the body,' says one of those apocryphal kh,,!bas
of 'Ali, which expressed Islamic ethics at the age of its maturity,
is to belief. He who has no has no belief either, as there is no
body without a head." This is a different view of life from that ex-
pressed in the wailing and mourning ceremonies of Arabs. Allah
should be asked to forgive the sins of the dead man' but the latter
should not be hononred excessively or his death extravagantly
The funeral prayer al-jiniiza) was to supplant the honouring
of the dead. But we must note that these principles were not de-
veloped at the beginning of Islam and that religious sayings, which
express them and of which we shall have to mention more, were the
product of a more mature religious view. 'A'isha, the 'mother of all
believers', was angry with her niece because at the funeral of her 253
husband-to whom she had not been very happily married-'she did
not open her mouth' with wailing.
Later generations would not have
considered this omission sinful. On the contrary, a large number of
traditions are transmitted in which Muhammed condemns the
mourning customs of Arabs and forbids their practice.' 'The dead
person is punished for many a wailing of the survivors." This threat
is meant to intimidate the living. 'He who rends his garments
because of the dead does not belong to us, and he who beats his face
or uses the exclamations of the Jahiliyya does not belong to us.'
Muhammed also condemned the cutting of the hair of the head and
strewing the head with dust, and all these teachings are illustrated
with facts from the entourage of the Prophet and his immediate
successors.' It is related of 'Umar that he punished the sister of
Abu Bakr because she wailed for her dead brother. 7 The wages of
wailing women are in the tradition put on a par with the most
despised occnpations and considered legally on the same low level.
Pious and god-fearing men then adopted the exhortations expressed
in the traditional doctrines as guidance in the sorrowful situations 6f
life, and expressed them in pious stories. I;Iusayn is made to say to
'At-'Iqd, 1I, p. ,69.
:: Al-Farazdaq, ed. Boucher, p. 19, 3 below.
3 Agk., X, p. 56, 2r.
" Just as the law of Solon among the Greeks (plutarch, ch. 12) and the law
of the XII tables among the Romans sought to moderate excessive wailing,
Cicero, De legibus, II, ch. 23.
r; This view completely agrees with the popular religious view held by many
different circles that the dead should not be mourned too much and that tears
falling upon them torture them like fire and their rest is disturbed. Cf. Julius
Lippert, Christentkum, Volksglaube una Volksbyauch (Berlin 1882), p. 409.
, B. Jana'iz, nos. 32-35, 37-39. [Cf. the traditions against beating the face,
wailing, etc., in al-Turtnshi, al-I;iawiidith wa'l-Bida\ ed. TaIbi, p. 160; a.I-
Nawawr, al-Adhkar, pp. 66-7; aI-Shawkani, Nayl al-AwtiiY, IV, pp. 87-92;
al-Haythami, Majma' al-Zawii'id, III, pp. 12, 15.]
7 B. Kh1'$fhnat, no. 4.
8 Ijariit, no. 20.
his sister before his death: '0 my sister, find comfort in Allah's con-
solation, because I and all Muslims see in God's Prophet an example
to follow. I entreat you not to rend your garment on my behalf, not
to scratch your face or break out in wailing.'l The traditionist Ibn
'Abbas, who was not normally antagonistic to poetry, plugged his
ear on hearing the sound of wailing.' Even the wearing of special
mourning colours is avoided by representatives of Islamic views.
It is notable in this connection that Islam (presumably not yet
Muhammed himself) not only forbids the wailing of women, but also
forbids the mourning customs of women (il,tdiid), as performed in the
Jahiliyya, to last more than three days from the death of any person
other than the husband. These mourning customs have often been
discussed recently,' and I would only add here that the throwing
away of the animal' and of dung after the end of the year of
mourning was presumably a symbolical act in order to indicate
that the mourner had now renounced all community with the
There is a whole group of sayings in which the Prophet forbids
the reviling of fate or time (at-dahr); these sayings have already
been presented in another place for a different purpose. I think t?at
also by this prohibition Islam sought to denounce pagan mournmg
rites. The dirges of the ArabS of earlier times often abused fate for the
misfortune of the man who was mourned; a large number of such
poems begin with the exclamation ta/ta'lliih" dahran, Le. 'May God
curse a fate which,' etc.
Such words expressed a view unacceptable
to Islam and the opposition of Islam to them is the idea of dahr
The same protest is contained in the endeavour of Muhammed's
pious followers to avoid and similar to
the dead, which was practised m pagamsm and had not In practIce
1 AI-Ya'qubi, II, p. 290 [alMufId,IrshM, Najaf 1963. p. 232].
Agh., I, p. 35, 9
3 Burton, A pilgrimage to AI-Madinah and Meccah (Leipzig 1874. Tauchnitz),
11. p. 160.
'" Cf. Wilken. Het Matriarchaat. p. 45. and by the same author ObeY das
Haarop!er und einige andere Trauergebrttuche bei den Valkern Indonesiens.
Appendix. I, p, IV, note 10; Wellhausen, Ayab. Heidenth. p. r56, The best sour
ces for the strange custom mentioned in these passages are J\.luw. nI, p. 83,
B. TaIaq. no. 45.
6 The phrase taftatl,q,u bihi, which the oldest commentators explain as the
throwing away of the animal. is not clear linguistically or in meaning. Malik
adds that this custom was ka'l.nushra, a form of magic. Other explanations are
also mentioned. including thatf44 VIII is a denominative offi44a, silver, and
that the word refers to women washing and cleaning themselves in order to be
white like silver.
I Die Zdhiriten. pp. 15355.
7 I;Iam., pp. 479. 480 etc.
been overcome by Islam.! They go as far as to give direct instruction
against excessive mourning over their own bodies. In the earliest days
of Islam it still appears to have been customary-presumably as a
legacy of paganism'-to erect a tent over the grave of an honoured
person' and spend some time there after the funeral. This custom is
vividly described in respect of the mourning of the poet Artat (who
died in the eighth decade of the Hijra) for his son 'Amr. After the
latter's death the father erected his tent by the grave and stayed
there for a year. When the tribe to which he belonged wanted to
move on to new pastures, the mourning father cried to the dead
man: 'Come with us, 0 Abu Salma.' When his fellow-tribesmen
adjured him by his reason and his religion to give up imaginary
intercourse with someone who had been dead for a whole year, he
asked for another night's delay. In the early morning he took his
sword and slaughtered his riding-beast on the grave of the deceased.
But still he was not ready to leave and his companions had to stay
longer by the grave because they pitied him.' Thus we see that the
erection of the q"bba by the grave was meant to show how difficult
the leave-taking from the dead was for the survivors, and this easily
refutes, at least in reference to the culture with which we are dealing
here, the theories of the English anthropologist, J. S. Frazer. Frazer
explains the greater part of the funeral and mourning ceremonies of
various peoples as expressing a complete severance from the spirit of
the deceased; he also attributes the origin of the custom of mutilating
the body and putting clothes of a different colour than normal to the
wish to become unrecognisable to the dead person should he return
either in his own person or as a ghost.' This is not the place to judge
this theory, but we may take this opportunity of saying that a closer
consideration of the mourning customs of the Jahiliyya must
definitely exempt them from Frazer's generalizations. The custom
mentioned above (p. 229) shows especially that separation from the
dead is expressed by the cessation of the ceremonies, rather than _by
the ceremonies themselves. A favourite expression of wailing women
and those poets who composed dirges was; tii tab'ad Le. 'do not go
away', a call which is so often repeated in this and synonymous forms
1 Oddly enough there is no direct interdiction against sacrificing animals by
the grave, unless the Koranic interdictions against sacrifices on the an$ab were
considered sufficient.
Z In older days honorific qubbas were erected also in honour of eminent guests
who visited the camp, Agh., VII, p. (Ka'b in the camp of the Banfi Tagh-
a AI.Ya'qilbi, II, p. 313: a tent is erected over the grave of 'Abd
Allah b. 'Abbas in the mosque of Ta.'i!.
4. Agh., XI, p. 144: Wel1hausen, p. 162.
6 'On certain burial customs as illustrative of the primitive theory of the
soul' Uournal o/the Anthropological Institute ojGt. Britain and Ireland. vol. XV.
no. I, 1885, pp. 64roo).
in the mariithi literature,' that Riickert correctly stresses this as
characteristic of such poems in his notes to the translation of the
I;Iamlisa. When al-l:fasan. the grandson of the caliph 'Ali, died, his
wife erected over his grave a tent (qubba, which later became the
name for grave chapels). She maintained this tent for a year and
when she took it down a heavenly voice was heard-so it is said-
which cried: 'Have they already found what they have lost?' To
which another voice replied: 'No, but they have acquiesced in their
fate and have gone away."
This custom was disapproved by the orthodox from an early date,
as indicated by the report that Ibn 'Umar cried to his servant, on
seeing a tent (Justlil) on the grave of 'Abd al-Ra1)man b. Abi Bakr:
'Remove the tent, because only the pious deeds of the dead will offer
him protection and shade." To this context also belongs the last will
ascribed to the conqueror 'Amr b. al-' though he is not the type
of a proper Muslim: 'When I die do not weep for me and let no
panegyrist (mildi!;) or wailer (nii'iiJ) follow my bier; only put dust on
my grave, since my right side deserves the dust no more than my left.
Put neither wooden nor stone sign upon my grave. When you have
buried me, sit on the grave for the time that the slaughter of a camel
and distribution of its meat would take, so that I may enjoy your
company for that time." It is similarly reported in several collections
of traditions that Abu Hurayra (died 57) expressed the wish when
feeling the approach of death: 'Do not erect a tent over me, do not
follow me with the censer, but hurry' with my body."
The tent later became the grave chapel, the mausoleum, and the
name qubba was retained for this building. When Muslims began to
1 E.g. in the dirge of Ta'abbata on al-Shanfara. Agk., XIV, p. 130, IS, ib.,
XXI, p. 137, 3; l;Iam., pp. 89 ult. 410, 10 from below, 454 v. 23, 471 ult.; Yaq1lt,
II, p. 671, 5 etc.; aPlqd, II. p. II, 19. 'They say: Do not go away, yet they
bury me; but where is the place of separation if not my place (the grave)?'
Malik b. al-Rayb concludes thus his poem describing his own funeral. Cf. also
Kremer, I.e., p. r67. and the verse quoted in N61deke, BeitrCige zur d.
Poesie d. allen Araber, p. 69, I (=Agh., III, p. 18, 4), It is not surprising that
Muslim maratM poets retain this formula, e.g. the dirge of Kuthayyir on the
death of his friend Khandaq, Agk., XI, p. 48, 15. [See also Goldziher in WZKM.
XVI, p. 312.J
2 B. ]ana'iz, no. 62.
:I Ibid., no. 82.
'" AI-Damiri (s.v. jaz2i,r), I, p. 243 from the collection of traditions by Muslim
[[man, no. 192), II, p. 5. Al-Damiri expresses the opinion that the end
of this dictum is due to the profession of butcher which 'Amr followed in the
early years of his life.
6 The wish to hurry with the body is expressed also by caliph al-Ma'mfm in
directions about his funeral in his last will; Tab., III, p. U36, I5. [Cf. also
al-Tayalisi. Musnad. p. 120; Abn Shi!ma, al-Ba'ith 'alii Inkar p. 69;
al-Shawkfuli, Nayl IV, p. 60.)
G Ibn Battl1ta, Voyages. II, p. u3.
decorate the graves of holy and pious persons with monumental
buildings, this was also disapproved by adherents of Muhammed's
teaching. Apart from traditions expressing this disapproval, this
alS? expression in the frequently recurring legend that such
buildings were destroyed soon after their completion by the saint
whose grave they were to adorn. Such destruction was the fate-
according to the legend-of the mausoleum of Ahmad b. Hanbal in
Ba,ghdad', and of the qubba of the Algerian saint Al)mad 'al-Kabir,
bU11t by the grateful Moriscos at great expense for their protector in
the year goo, which became a ruin overnight-a destruction which
was repeated whenever the builders attempted to re-erect it.' The
same legend is told of the grave of the founder of the Naqshbandi
order, Baha' al-Din, in the village of Bawaddin near Bukhara. This
grave too in the open and not covered by a cupola, since it was
never pOSSIble to preservefor long the qubba that was built above it. S
The pious wished in their modesty to be content with a simple grave.
These legends serve the old Muslim view, expressed in many tradi-
tio,:s, that a grave may not be used as place for prayer,' a danger
whIch was enhanced by the erection of mausolea resembling mosques. 258
:rh.e same tendency was to be expressed also by the account-which
IS. m contrast to traditions-according to which the Prophet
dISapproved of standing up in honour of a funeral procession,' even
If It was that of a Muslim.
The unsuccessful endeavour of some theologians to ban from the
mosque, as far as possible, the $atat al-janiiza
served the same
of keeping all attributes of a possible cult of the dead from
this nte. These attempts had already been made in vain in the early
of Islam. But that such an attempt was made by some theolo-
gIans of_the early time is seen from the following report of Malik b.
Ana;;: 'A'isba ordered that the corpse of Sa'd b. Abi be
carned past her to the mosque, so that she might pray there for the
deceased. The people objected to this order (they did not wish to
allow a corpse to enter the Then 'A'isha said: 'How qulckly
1 Ibn !;Iajar, IV. p. 398,
Z TrumeIet, Les Saints du Tell, I, p. 246.
3 Vambery. Reise in Centralasien, ch. XV. The legendary trait shown in
s7veral here of self-destroying buildings can be found also in other
CIrcles. QuaresmIUs says that the Muslims wanted to build a maniira for their
worship in the. of the church of Ananias at Damascus; they made three
attempts but InVISIble hands always destroyed the building (De terra sanata,
VII, ch.).
41v!UW., II, p. 12, IV. p. 71; B.Salat, nos. 48, 55, Ta1awwu' no. 9; al-Baghawi,
al-Sunna, I, p. 37 [al-Shawkii.n.I, Nayl IV, pp. 58-g].
6 Cf. the passages in Revue de I'Mstoire des religions, XVI, pp. 160 fi.
e Qutb aI-Din, Chroniken dey Stadt Mekka, nl. pp. 208-10 [Ibn aI-Hajj
al-Madkhal, Cairo 1929. II, pp. 219 ff., II. pp. 251 fi.). .
do these people act?' Did the Prophet pray elsewhere than in the
mosque over the corpse of Suhayl b. Bay<;!a'?'2 This seems to represent
the difference of opinion between contemporary theologians which,
according to the method followed in this literature, was antedated to
the earliest days of Islam. What is attributed to the Prophet is
apparently the ritual praxis of the I:Iijaz of the second century, which
was not permitted to be declared wrong.
In making these views prevail public authorities played their part;
police measures were aimed at preventing a recurrence of pagan
mourning customs, and the need for the ordinances passed shows how
difficult it was to work against such old customs. Under the rule of
'Umar II the governor 'Adi b. Arlat (died IOO) forbade wailing for
the dead. a In the third century several governors of Egypt issued
strict orders against wailing and imposed punishments for offen-
ders' It is almost inevitable that the legal codices, supported by
259 many traditional sayings, strictly forbade wailing and all accom-
panying expressions of mourning.
Members of other religions also
had to refrain from wailing. In the so-called covenant of 'Umar with
Jews and Christians, which enumerates the conditions under which,
according to Islamic public law, they may live in Muslim countries,
the caliph is said to have made the condition 'that they do not cry
out in the event of misfortune and do not wail publicly on the death
of their rclatives.'6
In big towns it was part of the police chief's duties to supervise
expressions of mourning, just as control over ritual life in general
was also in his hands.' Ibn al-Athir al-Jazari (died 637), brother of
the historian of the same name, who was a court secretary under
Saladin, quotes in his work on style amongst the samples of official
style a decree which he had drawn up on the nomination of a
1 Mii asra'a aI-niis is explained in various ways: (a) how quickly they forget
the sunna of the Prophet? (this explanation of Malik penetrated into the
wording of some texts: mil asra'a 'mii nasiya al.niis); (b) how quick they are
with blame and disapproval! as Ibn Wahb explains it.
t Al.Muwatta', II, p. 14.
" Al-Farazdaq, ed. Boucher, p. 67. [Vlailing prohibited by 'Umar II: Ibn
Sa'd, V, p. 290.J
"The passages from Abu'l.Ma1;lasin are now found in Karabacek, Mit
tkeilungen aus der Papyrussammlung d. Erzkerzog R a i 1 ~ e r , I, p. 100.
li E.g. Minhiij aITiilibfn, ed. Van Den Berg, I, p. 221. In the I:Ianafite school
a less puritanical view was held about this subject, Ra'[lmat alUnnna,
p. 36, 13
(I AI.Hamada-ni, DkakkErat al-MuZuk, in Rosenmiiller, Analecta arabica, I,
p. 22 (text), no. 19.
7 The Oxford MS. Bodl. no. 315, which deals with the official duties of the
1nUlltasib (police chief), contains in Chapter V a list of his duties in funerals
(Nicoll-Pusey, Biblioth. Bodl. Catalogus, p. 96) [=Ibn al-Ukhuwwa, Ma'jilim
al-Qurba, ed. Levy, pp. 46 fl.].
mu[>tasib,' a document which gives us an insight into the social
conditions of those days and would be worth detailed study from this
viewpoint. This decree of appointment, which also contains instruc-
tions for the newly appointed official, states: 'To matters often
practised contrary to the religious sunna belong the holding of
assemblies of condolence,
the wearing of black or blue mourning
clothes,' and imitation of the Jabiliyya with wailing, excessive
weeping and heart-rending grief bordering on deliberate provocation 260
of God's anger. Women make appointments to erect tents by the
graves and use the feast days as times for meetings between the
visitors and visited (i.e. the deceased)'. Thus occasions of mourning
become opportunities for banquets and times of wailing opportunities
for social meetings.' This latter corresponds to the popular customs
of Egypt, whereas the complaint about the survival of pagan
mourning ceremonies can be applied very widely.
Despite all the opposition of the pious, supported by the temporal
authorities, many survivals of the pagan form of mourning and
veneration of the dead continued to exist,' though bereft of some
barbaric features. The dirges from 'Abbiisid times differ only little
from those of paganism. The absence of wailing women from the
funeral of a man who died far away from his relatives was stressed
with regret,
showing that they were considered as an integral part
of a decent funeral. Professional wailing women sometimes had
poets produce mourning poems to be kept in stock for use at funeral
I AIMathal alSii'ir, p. 353.
2 Cf, Dozy, SuPPlement aux dictionnaires ambes, n, p. Iz6b, on the word 'aza'.
;I Cf. Ansab alAshraf, p. 77. At the time of the ]a.hiliyya black mourning
clothes were customary. J;>amra alNakhshali (ZDMG, XII, p. 63): 'Will my
camel mares scratch their faces or bind their heads in black clothes?' A woman
who wrapped herself in black mourning clothes (siIiib, sulub) was called musal-
liba, ib., p. 67 below; Labid, p. 37 v. r.: naw'[lu musaIlibin, and the black mourn
ing clothes (al-sulub al-sii:d) in a dirge by the same poet quoted by al-Jawhari
s.v. rmli.. Cf. also Ibn Hisham, p. 627, 2 and Bint al-Jawn (above, p. 228,
note 3). The dark, especially black mourning clothes of women (Mdiid) are used
by the fourth century poet Abu'I-'Ala.' al-Ma'arri in his comparisons: he
compares the dark night, the black wings of the raven etc. to mourning clothes.
(Siqt al-Zand, I, pp. 67, v. 6, 1ZO, V. 4, 166, v. 2, II, p. 51, v. 6, 58, v. z), a proof
of how common the use of such clothing was in Syria and Mesopotamia in those
days. [In Abhandlungen zuy arab. PkiloIogie, II, p. xlv, note 3, Goldziher adds
references to 'Ant., 4, 2; Abo. I:Ianifa DInaw., 341, 1.]
f, [This seems to be a misunderstanding; 'times for meetings between visitors
and visited' i.e. the cemeteries are used as places for social appointments.]
~ Later poets have frequently copied the phrases of older ones without
thinking and thus they were used as typical expressions with a basis in reality.
Thus, e,g., the words from the dirge in Wright, Opp. arabb., p. 109. 6 (ci. Ansiib
aI-Ashriif, p. 33I, 5) recur in a poem by Mu1;lammad alLaythi on Yazid b.
Mazyad (died 185): <After YazId's death will weepers spare their tears or take
care of their cheeks?' (Agh., XVIlI, p. n6 ult.=al-'!qd, p, 35, 8 from below.)
6 Agh., XVIII, p. 20, 26.
How far people went in expressing ;reneration for
the eminent dead is seen, for example, m al-Farazdaq s elegy on the
death of the caliph 'Abd al-'Aziz b. Marwan, in which he says:
kiss the dust that covers his remains,
as the (black) stone 1S kissed
in the sanctuary to which pilgrims go." On the hand among
the insults with which, in the same period, a poet reviles the tnbe of
his opponent there figures the allegation that the hosllle tnbe sets
little store by the graves of its companions.
But Islam objected to none of the survivals of the ven;ration of the
dead more forcefully than the institution of lamentallon. In
to emphasize its condemnation later exegesis found m the Koramc
verse 60:12 an interdiction against wailing. The verse 'When
believing women come to pay you homage, (undertaking). not to
associate other beings with Allah, not to steal, not to formcate or
kill their infanIs ... and not to resist you in all that is good, accept
their homage.' The words 'in all that is etc. are taken. as
referring to the interdiction against lamentatIOn for the dead, whlCh
was usually practised by women. .. .
It is known, however, how little success these mterdicllons had,
and how rarely-despite some isolated attempts-they to
stop the practice of customs which had obtamed f;om tlffie ';"-
memorial in those countries where Islam now prevails, and which
were still practised without distinction of creeds'-customs of which
the mocker of Samosata could rightly say: 'All peoples of the world
'Ibid., Ill, p. 34 below; VI, p. 48.
:I Cf. also al.Maydani, II, p. 143. I.
SDt:wiin, ed. Boucher, p. 19 penult. The from the grave served for
many superstititions. AlFirl1zabadi (Qam., s:v. slw) the
belief that earth from a grave when dissolved water will cure
this drink is called sulwiin; d. Trumelet, Les au Tell, p. 319. The 8hi Ites
ascribe, as is well known, special prophylactic earth from the grave of
I:!asan, I:Iusayn or other Imams. . 15 saId to ha:ve among
things the power to quieten the wmd 1: a few, grams are strewn mto the h0v:'lm.g
I t (
'Abd alKarim Voyage de 1Inde a la Mekke, trans!. LangH:ls, Pans
eemen '.. fhi <Ii' tbf d
3) In O'der to antiCIpate the usmg up 0 t s me cme, 0 e eare
X7+7, p. II . thO . t
because of the great demand, it is claimed by them that . IS. power IS no
exclusive to saintly graves but is inherent in all the ground WIthin four.
miles around the grave. Mul]ammad b. AlJmad has_dealt WIth thiS
superstition in detail in his Kitiib al-Ziyiiriit, and In the Kashkul, p. 107, there
are extracts from this account.
4. Agh., 11, p. 104, 13. . .
r. The Jews of the Orient have also preser:red custom of
d d f
hieh mention is so often made m bIblIcal and talmUdIC wntings
ea ,ow . 0 U' . J s
J "dische Zschr. XI p. 257) to thIS day. n wa mg women In eru a
( elger, u ,J 1. Z 1. '''d Th
1 there is an account by Schwarz in GeIger, SCM"J""r JU. eo
IV (1839), p. 303 and by Luncz in the annual Jerusalem, I, Hebr. part,
p. II.
seem to be pledged to this unreasonable habit of bewailing the dead."
Long after Muhammed, even down to modern tinles, we find that- 262
except in a few regions, such as Medina
ever faithful to tradition-
lamentation for the dead was still customary. Also southern Arabia
appears to have yielded early to Muslim law. The fourth century
geographer and historian of southern Arabia, al-Hamdani, devotes a
separate chapter of a work which is not avallable to the southern
Arabic lamentation for the dead, and a special paragraph of his
'Geography of the Arabian Peninsula', edited by D, H. Miiller, lists
all those places in Yemen where wailing was practised in the days of
the author: they comprise, on the whole, the smaller part of the
province. It is also instructive, however, to see in what forms the old
pagan custom survived there. In Khaywan wailing for a dead man
was conthlUed until the death of another comparable man, when
lamentation for the second followed that for the first. Apart from
the niya1;a, executed by wailing women, alternating songs were
also customary, in which both wailing women and mawali men
participated,' But for lamentation for the dead to give way before
the laws of Islam is nevertheless an exception, and in most regions
where it was practised in pre-Islamic tinles it managed to survive.
It was in Syria that the custom survived most completely, and
least inI.uenced by Islam, and we pwe to the man most knowledgeable
about this part of the East, a detailed description of wailing in Syria'
which shows how powerless were the warnings of tradition and later
theology" in the face of the primeval institutions of Semitic society.
In funeral customs primeval habits were retained elsewhere, too, up
to quite recent days.7 To characterize the tenacity of ancient institu-
tions the following saying has been attributed to MuhanJIned: 'There 263
are four things among the customs of paganismwhich my commuuity
cannot give up; boasting of good deeds, finding fault with one
1Lucian's collected works transl. by Wieland (ed. I798), V, p. 205: 'On the
mourning for the dead' [De lue-tu, 2I]. Very instructive about pagan relics
which often survive in lamentation for the dead is an essay on these customs
in Great Russia, Globus, vol. 50 (1886), p. 140, and on wailing in Mingrelia.:
Revue de l'histoire des religions, XVI, pp. 90 fi.
% Burton, l.c. II, p. 167.
3 Jazlrat al-'Arab, p. 23.
4 Cf. Rodiger's note to Wellsted, Reise in Arabien, I, p. IS0, note IIO; Russell,
[The Natural History of Aleppo, London 1794, I, pp. 305-6J Naturgeschichte
von Aleppo, trans!. by Gmelin (GOttingen 1797), 1, p. 433.
5 Wetzstein. 'Die syrische Dreschtafel', Zeitschrijt fur E!hnologie, V, (
pp. 295-300.
IJ Theologians used drastic means against them. They invented a threat by
Muhammed that wailing women 'would be dressed in trousers of tar and shirts
of scabies on the day of resurrection.'
7 In Adolf von Wrede's Reise in Hadhfamaut etc., ed. by H. v. Maltzan,
pp. 239-49, there is a remarkable example.
another's descent, the belief that fertility depends on the stars, and
lamentation for the dead';' all matters against which Muhammed and
later exponents of his teaching fought vehemently without being
able to abolish the pagan customs and beliefs connected with them.
1 Ibn l:iajar, I, p. 50S: Fakhr al-Razi, MaJlitfl} al-Ghayb, VIII. p. 193
[Kanz al-' Ummiil, old ed., VIII, pp. 177. x87J.
ISLAMIC tradition condemns the greeting formulae of the ]ahiliyya1
and aims at putting the salam greeting in their place'. It is therefore
an anachronism when philologists transmit the saliim greeting from
pagan times.' On the other hand Muslim poets use the pagan form of
greeting in their poems, together with other ancient Arab elements
which had lost their currency.- Apart from this general greeting,
Islamic tradition was also concerned with condemning specific
greetings, e.g., the greeting of a newly married couple with the
words: bi't-rifa'i wa'l-banina ('in harmony and with the blessing of
children') as an alternative to which is recommended, as a formula
approved by tradition: 'ala'l-khayri wa'l-barakati wa-'alii ikhayri
Some theologians, however, think the use of the first formula,
which allegediy stems from the ]ahiliyya, permissible.
In Agh.,
XI, p. go, the old formula is mentioned with the words: btl-rifa'i
wa'Z-banina wa't4ti'iri't-mabmUdi.
The interdiction of some expressions is not only confined to
fonnulas of greetings and good wishes. In other spheres, too, some
expressions are forbidden and replaced by others more fitting. One
should not say halaka'l-nas ('people have perished,').
Instead of
khabttthat nafsi one should say: laqisat n.,
instead of nasi'tu ('I have
forgotten'): nttsi'tu ('I have been made to forget').- A wall of the 265
Ka'ba, which was known as J;!atlm, was not to be called by that
1 Zuhayr, Mu'all., v. 6; 'Ant., Mu'all.. v. 4; Imrq., 40:1, 52, I
f.; also 'imf Jalaman, Agh., XII, p. 50, 10.
I Cf. Sprenger, III, pp. 482, 485.
:I Hudhayl., introduction to no. 219, p. 52, 7. 8.
40 yaq., III, p. 656, I.
6 'For the best and for blessing and with good auspices', B. NikliJ}., no. 57;
Muslim, III, p. 324; d. the formula: 'ala bad'i'l-khayri wa'lyumni, al.MaydanI,
I, p. 417. [Ct. also al-Nawawi, al-Adhkal, p. 125; Ibn al-Sunni, 'Amal aI-Yawm
wa'Z-Layla, p. 162.]
\I Ci. al.njani, TulJfat al-'Arus (Paris 1848), pp. 29 if.
't Muslim, V, p. 263 [al-Nawawi, op. cit., p. 157].
B B. Adab, no. 99 [al-Nawawi, loco cit.].
'B. Fa4ii!il alQ'lw'iin, no. 26.
name in Islam.
The well-known house sacrifice was to be called
nasika or dhabiba instead of the pagan 'aqiqa. 2 Similarly, the month
of fasting should not be called simply 'Rama<;Hin' but shahr Ram.
The vine was not to be called karm.
In B., Adab, Nos. 99 fl., there
are further examples of the numerous expressions disapproved by
Islam. Some formulas, such as the greeting marbaban, had to justify
themselves with a tradition in which the Prophet uses them. The
intended refonn in respect of everyday expressions and phrases
extended even to trivial interjections. The camel which was stuck
fast was not to be encouraged with the call da'da', but with an invo-
cation to God to give it new strength.
Other examples of these
matters are put together in Kitiib al-lfayawiin, and in
al-Suyii!i, Muzhir, I, p. r4I.
For theological reasons there were attempts to limit the use of the
expression rabb. Since the word rabbi, 'my lord: was sanctioned by
Koranic usage as an address specifically applied to God, it was not
to be applied to men. In Muslim, V, p. 70, the Prophet is made to say:
'Nobody shall say, Give your master (rabbaka) to eat and dnnk; nor
should one say rabbi of one's master, but sayyidi, mawliiya;' also do
not say my servant, my maid (' abdi,. amati) but jatiiya,.
ghuliimi: 'Abd meant man only in relatIon to God. A traditIon m
Abu Dawud
goes even further: according to it, even the Prophet
rejected the address sayyid (master) as being appropriate only to
Allah. It is well-known that actual linguistic use could not be regula-
ted by such theological scruples. There was generally no objection to
the use of the word rabb in stat. cstr. in the sense of $iibib, owner of a
thing,10 a very common usage in Arabic.
But some scrupulous
1 Manaqib al.An$ar. no. 27.
'Qasl, VIII, p. '79.
11 B. $awm, no. 5. . . _
4 Abo. Dawild, commented ed. alDimnati, p. 232 [al-Nawawi, loco CIt.,
al-'Arab, S.Y. krm; al-Haythami, Majma' al-Zawa'id, VIII, p. 55].
Ii Scholia to al.I:;Hi.dira. ed. Engelmann, p. 10, 5.
aVienna MS. fol, 6oa. ff [1, pp. 327 :ff]. .
'1 Subtle philologists condemned in this phrase the sequence:
wamawliina as incorrect and proved by logical arguments, and some
from the poets, that the only correct sequence is mawIiina
Al-Safadi wrote in detail about this in his commentaryto the RisiiIa Jahwarzyya
of ibn Zaydftn. [For rabbi cf. also al-Nawawi, op. cit., p. 160; Lisiin alR'Arab,
S.V. rbb.]
SThis recalls the Galilean Judah (Josephus Flavius, Antiqu" XVIII, 1:6)
who did not wish to accord to any man the address
II Ibid., p. 126.
10 Cf, al.Maqqari, I, 481 for this usage. . ..
11 Rabb aI-qabr, he who rests in the grave, Agh., I, p, 44, 8; alsom tbefemmme:
raMal almanzil rabbat al-sultiin, Agh., IX, p. 86, 14; yabbat al.khidr, Noldeke,
Beitrltge, p. 1 [=alMuja44aliyyiit, 37: I]; yabbat al-niir. Abu'I.'Ala.', Sigi,
II, p. II3 v. I; raMat al.dimlij. ibid. p. 193, v. I.
theologians wished to restrict this use. We learn from al-Mawardi,
who is quoted by the lexicographer al-Firiizabadi, in which direction
this restriction was to be applied: 'If the word rabb is preceded by the
article (al-rabb). it can be used only in reference to God, to the exclu-
sion of the creature; but if the article is omitted the word may be
used for anything created as well. It is thus possible to say rabb
al-.niil (the owner of property), rabb al-diir (the owner of the house)
etc. All this is permissible according to the generally recognized
doctrine (al-jumhur). But there is an opinion which permits this ex-
pression only for groups of words where rabb is connected to inani-
mate objects, as in rabb ai-mal; but this limitation is an error and
contradicts the Sunna' (Kitiib al-Ishiiriit ilii mil waqa'a fi kutub
al-fiqh min-al-asmii' wa'l-amilkin wa'l-lughiit).' These examples show
what careful efforts were made by Muslim theologians to discipline
the language in a religious sense.
1 MS. Leipzig Univ. Libr., no. 260/ tol. 48a.
AMONGST the many kinds of degradation which the fanatics of Arab
tribal pride inflicted on mawali may be mentioned the form of
address. They should not be addressed with a kunya (Abii N.), but
only by their personal name (ism) or by a family or trade name
This seems never to have been carried Qut, since at all times we
find mawiil'i names in the form of a proper kunya. -The restriction is,
however, characteristic at least as a theoretical expression of racial
fanaticism. The Arabs in various periods held the address by the
kunya to be a sign of friendship and respect. The words of the poet
are typical: 'I use the kunya (aknihi) when I call him in order to
honour him (li-akrimahu), and I do not call him with a by-name
(wa-la ulaqqibuhu)'. 2 AJ:>mad b.1:Ianbal, according to Tab.lfuffa;, VIII,
no. 15, never called Ibn al-Madini by his name, but always by his
kunya, by which he wished to express his respect. The caliph al-
Wathiq always called the singer IsJ:>aq b. Ibrahim al-Maw,ili-who
was of Persian descent-by his kunya in order to honour him (raf'an
lahu)3 and Hariin aI-Rashid who had given him the kunya Abii
$afwan had previously done the same'. An analogous example from
later times is in Ibn Abi U"aybi 'a.
Distinguished magnates amongst the ancient Arabs had several
kunyas as sign of their higher dignity.6 Notable is thc fact that
warriors used different kunya in war and peace; of this there are
several examples in Bayan.' It is not impossible that the
same person may use different kttnyas in different countries.
1 AI-' Jqa, III, p. go, c!. Kremer, Culturgesch. Strei/zuge, p. 64, 7 from below.
'1!:iam., p. 510, V. 3.
a Agh., V, p. 60, 5 below.
, Ibid., p. 52, 6.
6 Ed. A. Muller, I. p. 183.3 from below; cf. also alMQastallanI, to B. Adab,
no. !I3 (X, p. r32), and ZDMG, VI, p. 105. 5 from below.
Lata'ifal-Ma'arif, ed. de long, p. 59.
, Fol. Io8b [I, p. 342].
S Ibn Bashkuwal, ed. Codera, no. 1001, p. 457, no. nS5, pp. 577 f.
IN contrast to the Persians, the Arabs call themselves black, 01 in
general dark-coloured;' the Persians are usually described as red,
i.e. light-skinned (abmar or fern. bamra').2 The were
called in Kiifa: al-abamira.
Consequently this colour designation
applies also to mawali: 'A man of the Taym Allah, reddish as if he
were a mawlti. >4 Red is here used of lighter colour in general. The same
colour attribute is used also of other non-Arab races.
In Spain the
Arabs called the indigenous Christians: Banu'I-1:Iamra' or al-lfamra'.
It need not be specially emphasized that Muc;lar al-1:Iamra' 7 does not
belong here but is derived from a particular legendary reason. A
description of non-Arab nations as light-skinned is also al-Daylami
al-ashqar;8 the Franks were also sometimes called shuqr.
In this group belongs also Banu'I-A,far, a description of the Greeks
which is found in the poemascribed to the pre-Islamic 'Adi b. Zayd,l
The literature on this attribute is collected by Steinschneider." One
could add the excursus in Ibn Khallikan, no. 799
on this name which
is also found in al-Bukhari, $ulb, no. 7. is in fact used as 269
contrast to aswad,13 Genealogists who were not satisfied with the
correct meaning of the words as a colour description sawin A"far the
name of a grandchild of Esau, al-A,far, father of Riimi!, the ancestor
of the Rum.
This is no other than $ef6 of Genesis 36 :11; the infor-
1Akh4ar, d. al-TabrizI, J;Iam., p. 282; al.Mawardi. ed. Enger, p. 300, 4 =
Agh. XV, p. 2, 4.
2 Al-BaladhurI, p. 280; jazfrat at-'Arab. p. 212, 7; al-Mubarrad, p. 264.
'Agh., XVI, p. 76, 5.
, B. Ayman, no. 4I.
(; +,ab.. II, p. 530, 3, of the Rum, B. Jihad, nos. 94, 95l;r.umr al-wujuk of the
Turks (d. yaq., I. p. 838, 17).
8 Dozy, ZDMG, XVI, p. 598.
'1 Nab., 13:9, Tab., II, p. 551 ult., al.Ya'qilbi, I, p. 255, al-Mas'ildi, III, p. 236.
3 Sirat 'Antar, III, p. 29, II.
I ZD.MG, II, p. 239. r9.
10 Agk., II, p. 36, 19.
:u Polemiscke und apologetische Literatur, p. 257, note 36.
u X, p. 9, ed. Wiistenfeld.
13 Agh., V, p. 9, 15 wa'l-sud = white and black slave girls.
14. Yaq., II, p. 861, 18.
mation of the Mnslim genealogists is based on the reading of the
Septnagint: 2wg,ap.'
Al-a(:mar wa'l-aswad, 'red and black' means: 'Arabs and non-
Arabs' i.e. the whole of mankind' or the whole world without special
consideration of races.:3 The contrast is used also of animals
inanimate objects in order to express that the whole of a species is
meant. One says for example bumr al-tnaniiyii wa-suiluhii.'6 We may
also note in this connection the expression wa'l-bayijli' (all
that exists).'
1 Rfimil is probably adapted from Re'fi.'el, Gen. 36:IO.
t Ibn Hisham, p. 299, I3.
S E.g. ibid., p. 546, 9.
4. IJumr alna'iim wasuduhii, Agh., XIV, p. 83, 10.
r. Agh., XIII, p. 38. I, 12; 167, 6 from below.
Qutb alDin, ehron. d. St. Mekka, p. 91 uIt.
THE ascendency of the Turks in Islam is the subject of prophetical
sayings ascribed to Muhammed, which are to be found in Yaqut, I,
p. 838, I5 ft. They are a development from an older core, B. Manliqib,
no. 25.'
The antagonismof the Arabs to the Turks is expressed in proverbs
and legends. Popular etymology connected the name Turk with the
Arab verb taraka
and originated the saying: Utruk al-Turka mli
tarakiika in a(:abbiika akaliika, wa-in ghaijibiika qataliika, I.e. 'Leave
the Turks alone as long as they leave you alone. When they love you
they eat you, when they hate yqu they kill you:'
In respect of this saying it should be noted that the Prophet is said
to have given the following warning: utruku'l-lfabasha mii tarakiikum.
and another variant of the saying' has the addition: 'when they
are hungry they steal, when sated they are lustful.' It is not hn-
possible that the reference of the saying to the I;Iabash is its original
form, which was later, with the help of the etymological resemblance,
transferred to Turks. The connection of the name with the verb
taraka was in later times easily developed in puns. Muhadhdhab
aI-Din Abu'l-Faraj in Emesa (died 582) says in a poem
about an Egyptian vizier: A-amda(:,,'l-T"rka abghi'l-faijla 'indahumuj
wa'l-shi'ru mli zlila 'inda'l-Turki matriikli.'
It must, however, be considered that most of the current Arabic 271
sayings about and against the Turks refer not to the older thne of
Turkish supremacy over the Arabs, of which there is question in the
text, but to conditions due to the Mongol invasion under Hiilagu and
to Ottoman rule as it developed later. Muslim conscience grapples
1rCf. also Vol. II. p. 127 of the originaL]
2. Cf. Fiikihat al.Khula!ii, p. 227, 16, the same legend in Wetzstein, ZDMG, .
Xl, p. .518,
3 Cf. Abfi Dawud. p. 183; Ibn I:I'ajar. I, p. 998. (This last alternative is used,
for a different purpose in the wa#yya of Luqman, al-Damm, II, p. .50, 8.) [ef.
al-Suyfi1:i, at-La'iiU I, p. 446.]
4: Agh.. XIX, p. II3. 5 from below.
5 Ibid., I, p. 32, 7.
Ibn al.Mulaqqin, M5 of the Leiden University Library. no. 532, foI. 144;
cf. Additamenta to Wiistenfeld's Ibn Khallikiin, II. p. !I8 penult.
with the latter on the basis of the jafr predictions,' but Arabic racial
feeling was roused also against them.' A popular legend about the
transler of the empire from Arabs to Turks is found in Urqhardt,
The Pillars oj Hercules, I, p. 330; the same legend is told also in
Leon Roches, Trente-deux ans a travers fIslam, I (1884), p. "30. The
proverb {Culm at-Turk wa-lii 'adl at- 'Arab, 'better Turkish injustice
than Arab justice' probably came into being in later times.
1 A l . ~ i d d i q i , fo11. 5gb fl., ZDMG, XLI. p. 124. note 2.
I Burton, Personal narrative, II, p. 20; Didier [Se}our chez Ie Grand-cMrif
de la Mekke. p. 157, German transl.] Ein Aufenthalt bei dem Gyoss-Sherif von
Mekka, p. 194; Doughty, Travels II, p. 524 above. p. 128. note 8.
To this group of ideas seems to belong a poem of the sixth century by
the Arab poet Al)mad b. Mu!)a.rnmad (known as Dhu'l-Mafakhir),
who came from Njraman in Persia (district of Ramadan). The poet,
who otherwise seems to have had little local patriotism,' had to
defend himself in his capacity as a legtimate Arabic poet from the
satire of those who accused him of his Persian descent:
Fa-in lam yakun fl't- 'Urbi a$1i wa-man$ibi
w(g-tii min jududi Ya'rubu(n) wa-Iyiidu
Fa-qad tusmi'u'l-warqa:u wahya ltamamatun
wa-qad tanliqu't-awtiiru wahya jamMu.
With the need to defend his Persian descent from the attacks of
native Arabs is connected an epigram in which Dhu'l-Mafakhir
frivolously ridicules Arab claims to noble descent in the manner of
Shu'ubite predecessors. As if it were taken from Shu'ubite examples
which we saw above, it also questions the virtue and faith of the
Da' iiwi't-niisi fl't-dunyii junz,nun
wa- .ilmu'l-nasi akthartthz1 ;ununu
Wa-kam min qii'ilin ana min Fulanin
wa-'inda Futiinata't-khabaru't-yaqinu.'
1 Yaq., IV, p. 856, 14.
I al-BakharzI, Dumyat al-QaY, MS. of Vienna Court Library, M"-t, no. 207,
fols. 46a, 51a [ed. Aleppo 1930, pp. I04. IIS].
Ethiopians, 74
Equality in Islam, 54, 74
Equality of Spouses, 123, 124, 125
b, .1R.hi" I84
AIFarabi, 18
AIFarazdaq, 67, 77, 80, 95, 97, Iq,
120, 129, 178, 216, 236
Farewell Sermon of Muhammed, 71,
FarrOkh, 135
Fapmids. 188
Bano. Fazara, 169, 221
AlFida, 218
FirdawsI, 158, 159, 160
Forelock, 227
Filla Negroes, 135
Funeral prayers, 229, 233
Galen, 160
Genealogies, 94, g6, 164
Ghanm, 208
Daghfal, 168, 170, 171, 176
Dahr traditions, 230
Da'i, 127,129
Abu'lDalHi.', 82
Dan dialect of Persian, 157
Bam1 Darim, 81
Dark-coloured, 243
Da'wa, 63, IS0, 151
AlDaylami. 157
Day!amites, 141, 147. 193
Dead, cult of the, 20g, 210, ZII
sacrifice for the, 217
'Wailing for the, 228, 236
Dhakhwan, III
Ab'CI. Dharr, 73
Dhu'lMafakhir, 247
Dhfi.Qar, 100
Dhu'I.Rumma, 107
Di'biI,82, 145
Dihqan, 104
Dik aI-Jinn, 144
Din, 22
Diya, 103
Dolmens. 'Z I 4
Drinking vessel, comparison with, 127
Du'a, 63
Durayd b. 212, 228
Ibn Durayd, 180, 192
Al.l)a1,l1).ak b. al-Muza1}.im, no
1,)a/al. 206
l;>irar b. 'Amr alGhatafanI, 145
Ayiit, 212
Abu'I.'Ayna.', I87
Ayyam al-'Arab, 170
AbU Ayy<lb .1Anim. 34
Ayy'CI.b al-J;)abbI, 129
Azclites, 96
Azqub5.d, 113
Babak, 139
Badhan, 98, 108
Badi' aIZaman alHamadani, 195
Baghdad, 193
Bah5.' alDIn al-Naqshbandi, 233
Banft Ba.hila, 53
Bal).rayn, 100
BallU Bajila, 188
Abu'lBakhtarI, 178
Abo. Bakr, IIZ, 166
Abn Bakra, IZ9, 133
Abo Bakr Muhammad b. Durayd, see
Ibn Durayci
Bah b. al.Nat!:aJ;t, 80
Al.Baladhurl, 154
AIBaqqali, 198
Barmakids, 149
Barr b. Qays, 134-
BarraQ. b. Qays. 28
Bashsbar b. Burd, ItS, 149, 190
Ibn 133
Baton, 157
Bedouin Anecdotes, 43
Bedouins, 14, 65
Berber, 134
Biblical History. 165
Bid 'a, 46
BiHU, 122, 128, r89
Bint aI-Jawn, 228, 235
AlBirtini, 153. r6I, 192
Blindness in Particular Families, 187
Blood Money, see Diya
Bornu Negroes 134
Bow, 156
Al-Bu:Q.turi, 178
Bujayr, 20, 21
I II, 125, r66
Bushkest, 109
BOyids, 147
Cairns, 213
Character, Diiferences in the, between
Northern and Southern Arabs 85
Christians, 21, 106, 201, 234 '
Colour designations of different races,
Colour preferences amongst Qaysites
and Yemenites, 73
Copts, 147, 148
Crooked, Bent (mu'awwaj, 'iwaj), 204
Customs, foreign, 143
'AU l?a.l}.ib al.Zinj, 133
'Alliin al.Shu'ubi, 189
Banfi 1 Amir b. $a 1 a, 17
'A.mir b. alTufayl, 48, 84, 'ZI4
'Amr b. Artat, 231
'Amr b. 73, 93, 171, 232
'Amr b. Kultb'C.m, 24, 203
'Amr b. Lul;J.ayy, 175
'Amr b. Ma'di Karib, 36
AbfL 'Amr b. Umayya, 177
'Amr b. Za'bal, 82
Ibn al.Anbari, 197
Eanu'! 'Anbar, 178
Banft Anf a!Naqa, 52
An:;:fu", 90
'Antar, Sirat, 10, 195
'Antara, rx6, XI8
Antoninus Martyr, I I
Apocryphal Verses, 89, 166
'Aqil b. Abi Talib, 167
'Aqil b. 'Ullafa, 124, 185
their religion, II
their devotion to tradition, 19
their division into Northern and
Sonthern, 78, 165
their characteristics from al. Jal;li;
their racial arrogance, 98
Ibn alA'rabi, 183
Ban'CI. Asad, 168, 169
AI-A!!,far, 243
Al.A'shii, 12, 27, 80, 95, 2II
AliiJ::lllb al,S':Lbt. 189
Asma.' b. Kharija, 95
m.:t 'i, 180, 183
Asylum, 215, 216
Abu 'IAswad aI-Du'ali, 104
Abu 'VAtiihiya, II3, 132
Ata' b. Raba,l;J., lIO
A!biiq, 212
Ibn aJ-Athir al.Jazari, 160, 234
Atliil, 38
Augur ('a'i!), 49
Ban'CI. 'Awf, 168, 187
'Awf b. Mu'a.wiya, 217
'Awf b. al-Mu:Q.allim, 176
Aws b, I;Iajar, 24
'Abbas b. Mirdas, IS
Abhasids, 36, 137. 148
Sidi Abu'VAbbas, 2:1:6
Ibn 'Abbas, 166, 230
'Abd, :24
'Abd aI.'Aziz b. Marwan, 236
'Abd aIGhani alNcibull1si. 78
'Abd Allah b. 'Abbas, 139
'Abd Allah b, 'Awn, 122
'Abd Allah al.l;!aq.rami, 1I4
'Abd Allah b. Ja'far, 124-
'Abd Allah b. ]ud'a.n, 38
Ab'CL Abd Allah al.] ahmi, 179
Abd Allah b. Ubayy, 226
Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr, 95. 225
'Abd al.Malik, 109, 216, 225
'Abd alMalik b. Qa'qa.', 216
'Abd al.Muttalih, 93
Abd al-Ral!.man b. l:!assan, 92
'Abda b. alTabib, 54
Al.Abiwardi. 159
Ban'D. LAbs, go, ZZI
Abyssinians, 146
Aif,diid. 197
Adi b. Artat, 234
Adi b. aI.Najjar, 93
Adam b. 'Abd aVAziz, 37
'Adnan, 165
Adoption, see Tabauna
Afshin, Khaydar b. Kiiwils
A{la. R., 220
Ahl al.Mathalib. r8g
Ahl al-Taswiya, 136
Ahwaz, 157
Abjiiy. 212
Ahmad b. Abi Duwiid, 152
.AI;mad b, I;Ianbal, 233, 24'2
Al).marl al-KabiT. 233
Al).mad b. Mu1;l.ammn.d, see Dhu'l
Al).naf, 138
'.A'isha, 229, 233
AI.Akhtal, 'ZI, XI3, I8x, 190
Abu'J.'Ala alMa 'arri, 16:2, 178
'Ali, X95
Aba 'Ali, 130
'AlI b. al-Jahm al.Sami, 174, 178
Mal4tfrl, 105,. IIO
Malik b. Anas, n8, 123, 143, r66, 233
Ma'mar b. Rasbid, 145
AIMa'mun, 138. 149
]Vlanaya, Manuna. Manawiit, 13, 40
Abu Ja'far, 84. 138
Man-:?ur b. Zaban, 32
Marabout Graves. 214
Maratib, 158
Marriage of Arab women with mawiiU,
Marw, 108, 157
Poet, 188
II, 138
Al-Mas'udi, 145, 154. 169
Mathiilib, 48, 176, 177
Al.Mawardi, 241
Mawlii, MawiilZ, 96, 101, 130, 131
Different classes of, lOl, 102
Rules concerning, 132, 133
Their names, 242
Maymo.n b. Mihrlin, 110
Maysan, 34. 149
Maysun bint Ba:Q.dal, 121
Medina, 93, 237
Megilloth Yubasln, 176
Mesalliance among the pagan Arabs,
Midrash, 2'20
Abu Mil,1jan, 25, 32
MiArajan, 193
Mikh:;ara, 156
Bam1 Minqar, 190
Miserliness, 149
Miskin alDarimi, 168
Hired mourners, 222, 228, 237
Mourning colours, 235
Mourning customs, 222
Mourning clothes, 235
Mu'awiya, 93, 94, 119, 130, 168, 16$1
Mu<awiya b. 'Amr, 212
Mu'bad, 151, 92ft
Mudharra', 121
Mujiikhara, 57
Muhadhdhab Abu'lFaraj al-
Mam;;ili, 245
Muhiijiit, 60
Muhallab b. Abi !?ufra, 13I
Mul;lammad 'Ali, 224
Mu1)ammad b. BashIr, 122
MuJ:1ammad b. Ijasan, set alShaybilnI
Mu1}.amma.d b. al.Sarraj, 219
Mu1}.ammad b. alLayth, 149
Mu1;lammad b. !?, 224
Muhammed, 14ff. 54:ff, 50, 6l, 93, 116,
II7, 208
Sayings attributed to him, 14, 16, 26,
98, lOa, lIO, III, 127, 128, 195,
237, 238
Ghas1'Ia:r.ids, 210
Ghilan alShu'ubi. 190
AlGhitrif b. 'At8,', 131
Graves of the Ancestors, 210
Sacred graves, 215. 216
Gravestones and their names, 213
Greeks, 143, 157. 159, 160
Greeting formulae, 37 .l39
Hair sacrifice, 225
AI.Hamdani, 78, 169. 237
Hand kissing, 143
Ibn Harma, 129
Hariln aIRashid, 87. 131, 176, 184
Banti Hawazin, 59
Haya Gli'On, 1]1
Haytham b. Adi, 123, 155, 177, 179
Hija:, see Satirical Verses
Abu'I.Hindi, 33
Hisham b. al.Kalbi, 177
Ibn Hisham, 195
Hospitality, 20
Hudhaylites, 27
AIHilla, 156
Abu Hurayra. IIZ, 232
!;Iabitat, 81
I;!aQ.ramawt Arabs, 96
l:Iajib b. Dhubyan, 8r
AI'!::Iajjaj b. Yusuf. 96, 97. 124. 130,
AI-I;!akam b. 'Abdal, 95
!:1akim b. 'Abbas, 82
!:lallj. '9
I:Ialt,m, 203
l:Iamal b. Badr, 203
:E;1ammad alRawiya, 176
:E:iamza b. al.J;Iasan al.l:,?fahani, 192
Ab'tl I;!anifa. 124, 125
Banu I;1anifa. 97
I:Iaritha b. Badr. 35. 168
Banu I:Iarith b. Ka'b, 131
I:Iarith b. Kalada, 185
I:Iarith b. Najiya, 174
lfasab. 45
b. Sahl, r 55
AI-I;J:asan b. al-I;Iasan, lIO
I:Iassan b. Thiibit, 31. 91, 92. 127. 217
I:IaUm Tayyi', 47. IS8, 212
Abu I;Iayyan, 149
!:lil!, 65
lfimii, 215
Bano. I;Iimman, 131
I:Iimyar, 88, 94
I:Iulwani Qa!}ida, 94
1:Iumdin b. Aban, 122, 131
l;:Iurayth b. 'Annab, 6l
AI.1:Iusayn, II9. 162, 229
Abu'l.l;lusayn b, Faris. 195
Ibrahim al.Anl]ari, 122
Ibrahim b, HiHil. 147
Ibrahim 109
'Id alQurban, 218
'ld alSabu', 40
Banl1'Ijl, 52, 100
Ikhwan al'$afa', 18, 162
Iltata, 127
'Imrnn b. I;!itj;an. ISO
'Tmran b. 17
Imru'u'l.Qays, 56, 88, 195
Indians, 157, 159
'Irq, 46
Isaac. 135
Is:Q.a.q b. I;Iassan alKhurrami, 151
Is1,:ulq aI.Maw-?ili, II4, 176. 184, 242
Ibn Is1).aq, I09, 166
Is:Q.aqiyya, 135
!sma'iI,96, II9
Isma<n b. Bulbul, 133
Isma.'iI b, ]ami'. 176
Ismli'i! b. Yasar, q8
Isma'iliyya, 162
1 128
lstisqii' fire, see Nar lstisqa'
'Iya4 see Qfu;li 'Iya4
Banl1 lyad, 106
Iyas, 138
]abala b. al.Ayham, 76
jadath, 212
Jadd, 209
Ja'far b. 'Ulba, 220
AlJa.I;1i:?, 145, 153. 156, 180,220
Al.Jahiliyya, 201
Abet ]ahm b. Ijudhayfa, 176
] aIiyat al 'Arab, 77
Ibn ]a-mi', 1I4
Jar, 70
Jar al-Qabr. 217
Jarir, 51, 52
Jawn, see Bint
Jews. 60, 61, 96, 106, 143. 158, 165.
187, 201, 222, 234. 236
jiwar, 22
leHan, 214
JUbayr b. Mufim, 167
Judah of Galilee, 240
Ka'b alAshqari, 80
Ka'ba, 217
Ka'b b. Zuhayr, 20
KaJa'a see Equality of Spouses
AlKafjara, 224
Kalb, '49
Ibn alKalbi, 171, 172, 173, 188
Kar-nama, 158
Banu'lKawwa.', 168
Kazwand, 158
KesU, 208
Khar, 69
Ibn Khalawayhi, 197
Ibn Khaldi:i.n, 166
lilialid b. 'Abd Allah alQasri, 188
Khiilid b. Kultbfrm. '79. '84
Khalid b. al-Walld, 225
Al-Khalll, 192
Kharijites, 130, 142. 181, 225, 226
Umm Kharija, 178
Khaydar b. Kawo.s, 139
Khaywan, 237
KhayzurAn, 131
Khazraj, 16
Abu Khirash, 85
Khulj, 168
Khurasan, 80
Khurrakhusraw, 108
AlKhurrami, see b. l;Iassan
Khuza'a, 173, 175
Ban:ii Kinana, 59
Al-Kindi, 162
Kitiib al-Wa[tida, 186
Koran, 26, 28, 29, 55, 71
AlKumayt, 82, 215
Kunya, 242
Kurds, 134
Kurz b. 'Amir, 188
Labid, 12, 225
Lamps of Persians, and Monks. 99
LaqIt, 107
Laq!Ja. 138
La Tab'ad, 231
La(tamat. 222
Layla alAkhyaliyya, 220
Legal ideas of Arabs, 22
Leopards, 143
Linguistic usage in Islam, 239
Lu'ayy b. Ghalib, 173
Abet Lu'lu'a, 139
Ma'add, 88, 92
AI.Mada'ini, 85. 188
Ibn alMadInI, 242
Majakhir, 48
Magi, 157, 158
Magic, 40
AlMahdi, 131, 132
Ma{>ma, 215
Mahraq, 107
Maimonides, 210
Majnlin al-'Amiri, 85, 220
Particularism of Arab Tribes, 76, 77
Persians. 98, 99, 100, 105, II2, IIJ.
128, 133. 135, 148, 149ff, 157,
159, 182. 183
Persian festivals, 192, 193
Poet, 49, 50
Poetry of tbe Arabs, 49
Prayer, 39
Legend on its introduction, 41
Sarcasm of the Pagans against it, 42
Proverbs, 158, 205
QabUa. 137
Qaq.i 'IyaQ, 178
see Baton
Qa.J:ttan. 8r, 82, 95, 96
Qii'ij, 171
Al-Qa'im, 122
Qarmatians, 43. 162
Qasama, 101
Abu'j.Qasim 'Ali alTanfikhi. 83
Al.QattaJ., 117
Qa.ys, 221
Qays b. 190, 208
Qays aIDarimI, '212
Qays b. Mas'l1d, 225
Qays b. Zuhayr, 203
Qaysites, 78, 79, 144
Qirwash, 28
Qubba. 232
Quq.a'a, 173
Qudama aI'Quray'i, 170
Qurayshites, 80, 83, 84, 96, 105. no,
III. 124, 125, 130, 146, 168, 173,
174. 209
Qurayt b. Unayf, 25
QUHii$. 170
Qutham b. al'Abbas, 87
'Ubada b. aI.;;amit. 208
'Ubayd b. Shariya, 94
'Ubayda b. HilaJ., 44
'Ubayda aI.Salmani, 145
'Ubayd Allah b. Abi Bakra, 133 _
'Ubayd Allah b. Qays al.Ruqayyat, 95
Abo. 'Ubayd aJQasim b. SaHam, 178
Abil'UbaydaMa'mar b. alMuthanna,
89, 91, 94, 131. 180, 212, 219
'Ud, 150
Al'Vjayr. 121
'Ukl and 'Urayna. 16
'Umar, 23. 34. 35. 61. 64. 76, 85, III,
128, 139, 167. 168
Covenant of 'Umar, 234
'Dmar b. 'Abd al.'Azlz. IS, 17. 34,
102, ISS
'Umar 182
Ibn 'Umar. 232
Banft Urnayya, 97
Umayyads, 95, 137, 138, 148
Uqaybil b. Shihab, 216
Banfl 'Uqayl, 28
'Urwa b. MasLo.d, 226
Ta'iiqur, 62
Tabannii, 127
Ta'diid, 222
Bano. Taghlib, 21
Tahart, 142
TalJ,altd. see l;lalfj
Tamrmites, 43, 58, 92
Abu Tammam, 138
Tan'CIkh, 68
Taqdfr, 210
Taqwa Tradition, 72
Tawba b. I;lumayyir, 220
Tax collector, 26
Banft Taym, 53
Al.Tha'alibi, 147, 194
Thamudaens, 97
Banil Thaqif, 42,96. 97. 168
Thumama b. al-Ashras, 145
Togrulbeg, 122
Tradition, Literature of. 71
Traditions with polemical tendency
against Northern and Southern
Arabs. 83, 85, 86
Traditions on Respect for the Arabs,
Traditions devised to favour genealo.
gical theories, 175
Tribal system of the Arabs, 45
Tubba' Princes. 94
Turks. 140, 245
Tustar, etymology, 194
Tawfts b. Kaysan al-Janadi, 108, 110
Tayyi', 89, 178
AlTirimmaI;l, 130, 178
AIRustami, see Abl1 Sa'id
Rustamids. 142
Saja'il;, ZI2
Safik, 207
Sahl b. HaIiln, 23, 149
Sa'id b. al-Musayyab, 176
Abl1 SaLid, 43
AbO Sa'id al.Rustami, 150
Salama b. alKhushrub al.Anmad, 23
Salman. II2, 128, 142
Banl:!. Sarna, 173
Sanctuary, :lIS, 216
Siisiin b. Babak, 136
Satirical Verses. 50, 113
Sayf b. Dhi Yazan, 93, 108
Al.Sayyid al-I;limyan, 181
Shabib b. 187
AI-Shaft'i. 125, 145
Abu'I.Shaghb, 216
Shahwan b. 'lsa. 214
AlShanfara, 204, 228
Shaqiq, 212
AI.Sbaybam, 124
Ski'aT, see Da'wa
Ski'b, 137
Shihab b. Madh'ilr, 168
Ibn Shihab, 167
Shiqq, 188
Shu'o.biyya, 131, 136
Sibawayhi, 105
Sinan b. Thabit, 147
Ibn Sirin, 167
Siyar alMulUk, 159
Slavery in Islam, II7. II8
Slaves, Female, 116
Staff, 156
Sufyan b. 'Uyayna, r32
Al.Sukkari, 159
Sulaym b. Rib'i,2I3
Sulayman b. Qahraman, 133
Sulwan, 236
Sunna, 46
AISuyO:P, 194
Synonymy, 197
$abr, 228, 229
AI-Safadi, 240
$ b. 225
$alt b. al' A!;li b. Wabi!?a, 34
$aml:m, 101
$ariQ., 101
Al.$aymarI, 178
AI-Siddiqi, see MU!;ltaffi b. Kamal ala
$ol.Takin, 109
$uhayb b. SinaD, 128
Sul;laym b. WathJ.1., 62
Al:;;illi, see Ibrahim al-Silli
Rabb, 240
RaMa, 226
Ibn 'Abd Ra.bbihi, 153
Rabi' b. Khaytham, 208
Rabi' b. Yo.nus, 138
Ram' b. Ziyad. 222
Abo. Rabi', 15
RabI'a b. Mukaddam, 219
Rabi'a b. Umayya b. Khalaf, 34
Racial Antagonism of Northern
Southern Arabs. 90
Rama bint al.I;lusayn, 121
RamaQan, Fast, 27
AI-Raqqashi, 182, 187
Retaliation, 24
Retiina, IS8
AM Rigbal. 96
Rijm, Rujum, 213
Rising as a Mark of Respect, 143
Rock of Mocking, 59 Grotal, 226
Nabatacans. 130, 145
Al.Nabigha, 210
Niibigha al-ja'di, 61, 65
Nafi" III
Nahiir b. Tawsi'a, 8x
Niihid b. Thawma, 92
Baml Najiya, 174
Name, changing of, by mawiiH, 126
Namir b. Qasit, u8
Namir b. Tawlab, 190
N ii,r I sfisqa', .F
Nard, game of, 155
Nii$iya, 227
b. Sayyar. 138
Nata, 1'27
Nawruz, 193
Negro peoples, 134
Nilus, St., II, 223
Nisa.bfir, 108
Niyii!Ja, '228
Abti Nukhayla, 131, 145
Nu'man, 121, 212
AINu'man b. 'Adi, 34
Banfi Numayr, 52
NU9ayb, 121
NU$ub, sel! An$iib
Abu Nuwas, 351 83
Akhe. Mul}.sin, 162
1\1ukarkas. r 16
.Iv.(ukMyala. see M ufakhara
Mukhtar b. Abi 'Ubayd, 97
Ibn Muna-dir, 132, 133
Muniifara. see Mufakhara
]l.luntijada, 60
AI.l\1untair, 141
Ibn al-MuqafEa', 160
AI.l\1uqanna' al-Kindi, 184
Muqrij, 121
AI.Muraqqish, 106
.l'vluruwwa, 22, 45. 205
Musarrad, 99
Abil Mtisa aI-Ash'ari, 23
Abn. Musa. b. 109
Musa b. al-Wajih, 129
Muslim b. 129
Muslim b. Yasar, 104
MUi?1:afa,b. Kamal aI-Din al-$iddiqi, 78
AI-Musta'in, 140
AI-Mu'tamid. 133, 158
AI-Mutanabbi. 77. !42. 175
Al.Mutawakkil, 132, 140
AIMu'tazz, 141
AI-Muzzarrid, 51
'Unva b. aI.Ward. 49
Usama b. Zayd, 171
'Uthman b. 'AfHi,n, 3h 142
Abo. 'Uthman Sa'id b. l;lumayd b.
Bakhtigan, 152
'Uyay.-na b. I:Ii.:}n, 36
Abll 'Uyayna, 150
Ibn Abi 'Uyayna, 82
Wa9cfal:l, 179. :x84
Wahb b. Munabbih, roB
Ibn Wal,1shiyya, 146
WaJiba, 114
Walid I, 184
Walid II, 216
AIWalid b. al-Mughira, 127
Wine, Prohibition of, 28, 29
Expression for mixing of, 30
Women, their position, IIB
Writing, Art of, 106
Ya];Lya b. Abi H a f ~ , r88
Yanbu'. 40, 8r
Aba. Ya'q'flb, Jewish convert, 165.
Banu Yashkur. II3
Yathrib. 13. see also Medina
Yazid I, 94
Yazid b. Abi I:Iabib, lIO
Yazid b. 'Abd al.Madan, 84
Yazld b. al.Muhallab, 129
Yazid b. Rabi'a b. Mufarrigh, 94, 95
Yazid b. 'Ubayd, 127
Yazid b. Unaysa, 130
Yemenites, 78, 79, 144
Yilnus b. l:Iabib, 148
AlZamakhshari, 191, 198
Zamzam, 136
Zamzama, 157
Z a n ~ m , 126
Zarr b. Sadus, 75
Zayd b. 'Amr b. Nufayl, 208
Zayd b. Ijaritba, 171
Zayd b. alKayyis al.Naman, 170
Abu Zayd al-An!jiari, 108, 180
Zayn aI-'Abidin, 119
Zaynab bint 'Ar'ara. 188
Ibn Abi'!.Zin[d, 38
Zindfq, 139. 148, 149
Ziyad. 168
Ziyad alA'jam, II3
AI-Zubayr b. Bakkar, 174
Ibn alZubayr, III
Al.Zuhri, 98, lIO, 167