Dead of Night Rules (v4)

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3 4 6 10 12 14 16 18 20 21 22 This booklet tells you what to do in an emergency General advice about what to do in an emergency Coping with specific emergencies What to do if youre in a fight Basic first aid Preparing for an emergency what you can do Helping to prevent a zombie attack Whats being done to protect us all? Emergency contact details Things to remember Order form

The material used in this publication is mostly made up

The dead have risen, and as night falls you stumble across this isolated building. Get in, secure it, find supplies and plan your escape or hold your ground until help arrives. There may be out buildings perhaps there is a car? The power is out is there a generator somewhere? Is the building deserted or have the inhabitants become zombies? Have the zombies already got in? Have the owners left a shotgun and chainsaw in the shed or are you going to have to hold back the army of darkness with a wok and a table leg? One thing is for certain: they are after your brains and more will come. Two things. Whether you fortify the house and make a stand or get a car running and head for the nearest shopping mall or army base, as the horde outside grows and the groaning and banging on the doors and windows becomes unbearable, dawn seems far, far away.

This booklet will tell you how you can help yourself during zombie emergencies. A lot of this information is based on common sense advice and may seem obvious or familiar to you, but it has saved lives in the past. It will also let you know what has been done to protect our country in recent years. Get inside and make it safe. You will need to search the house and grounds to find equipment, weapons, and a possible escape plan, so you will want to keep the zombies outside until you are ready for action. You could decide to defend an area and hope you can hold out until the army regains control, or try to get everybody in a car and try to escape. Either way, you will probably want to act as a team and keep everybody armed and healthy, unless you want to grab a shotgun and make a run for it, leaving your housemates unarmed as the zombies crash through the windows. You could set fire to the house if things get really desperate. You can blow things up, burn them down, or hit them over the head. The game ends when somebody makes it to the road in a fuelled up vehicle, or when the final card is drawn, which signifies the break of dawn and the arrival of the army to restore order. If you can survive until the end of the game, you are a winner. The survivor who best fulfils their objectives will come out on top.

If you find yourself wanting to play the game, your common sense and instincts will usually tell you what to do. However it is important to: Place location cards and zombie entry points according to the scenario rules. This is the board Prepare a deck of event cards according to the scenario rules, and place the deck next to the board Put fire, hole, barricade, structural damage, 1- and 2- handed weapon tokens in piles by the board Distribute character cards to players. Use a pen or pencil to mark energy (6) and ammo (0) Place player tokens on the board according to the scenario rules After taking the above precautions, you will probably play the game. It is important to take your turn in the agreed order. In most cases the advice is: Take the top card from the deck and do as youre told Take two actions from the action list Take any number of free actions Of course, there may be particular occasions when you cannot do all three. If you are told to miss a turn, or are too injured to move, you still take a card, and you can continue to use free actions. Otherwise: CARD, ACTION, FREE ACTION.

The card text will tell you what to do. Some are good, some are bad, some are very bad. As the night draws on you can be sure things are going to get much worse, so try to get all your searching and faffing about done early. If the card shows this symbol:

You also have to move the zombies. Place one zombie on each of the entry spaces on the board. These newcomers have shuffled into the area on the promise of fresh meat. All zombies (including these newcomers) now move. note: means you do all of the above twice

Zombie motives are simple. They will not try to outwit you or second guess your plans, because they are stupid. Move all zombies 1 space towards the nearest player. They can smell your fresh and spicy brains and will relentlessly advance (slowly) toward the nearest source of meat. Zombies will break through undefended windows easily, and pass freely across these spaces. A zombie within 1 space of a human will always attack. If a zombie reaches a wall, door, or barricade, it will either stay and wait, or move around the wall looking for another way in. Its up to the player moving the zombies at the time.

Card, Action, Free action

Move zombies

Pick 2 actions from the lists on the next 3 pages. You can perform 2 different actions, or the same one twice. If one of your actions is to move, you can perform your other action at any time during your movement, with no penalty. For example, move 2 spaces, start a fire, then move the remainder of your movement allowance. These actions can be performed in any order during your turn. Whenever this booklet refers to an adjacent space, it means any of the 8 spaces around the current one. When you move, you can move diagonally to an adjacent space, except when moving through a doorway or single window (ie a window which is only one space wide). Players and up to 4 zombies can share a space.

Move (1 action): You can move as many spaces as you currently have energy points (max 6). You do not have to use your whole allowance. You can move freely through doors, windows and holes unless they have been barricaded, when they are impassable. You cannot walk through walls. You cannot move within one space of a zombie without stopping to fight it (So you cannot run through a group of them). If you enter an unexplored room, take 2 free searches. If you are in a vehicle, you can move faster (according to the vehicle marker.) Search (1 action): There are many places a paranoid survivalist may have hidden a weapon, and many household items which could break a zombies skull. Roll one die, and consult the list on your current room card. You can search from any space within the room. Any item found can be placed immediately into your hands if you have room, or left on your current space. Sometimes a search will reveal a zombie, which you must fight. If the item stack has run out of your item, try the item with the next lower score until you get something. Go up/down stairs/ladder (1 action): place your token on the other end of the stairs or ladder. Zombies cannot climb ladders. Jump out of a window (1 action): place your token on the ground under the window you jumped out of. Roll one die. This is how much energy you lose. Your turn ends immediately if you perform this action.

Moving, searching and energy

There are steps you can take to ensure any zombies outside your location stay there. Windows are no good, as the zombies will break through them. Doors keep zombies out just like a barricade, except the players can pass through freely. Otherwise treat doors exactly like barricades (including when a card tells you a barricade falls). Alternatively you may be trapped inside an area and need an emergency exit.

Start a fire (1 action): Whether its a destroyed zombie or a pile of broken furniture, you can start a fire as a temporary blockage. You do not need any equipment to do this. Place one marker in an empty space adjacent to your token. This small fire will not spread, and will burn until the start of your next turn, when you should remove the marker. Caution: fires are dangerous (see below, Fire) Fight a fire (1 action): If you have a fire extinguisher in your hands, you can remove any fire tokens adjacent to your token. Fire cannot spread into any space adjacent to you while you have the extinguisher ready. Build a barricade (1 action): Block 1 space of window, door, or damaged wall. Place a barricade token on a space adjacent to your token. You need to have a hammer (or operational nail gun) in your hand to build a barricade. Of course some windows are larger than one space wide, and will need multiple barricades to block. Neither zombies nor humans can pass through a barricade. Zombies will move toward the barricades, and stay there if there is no easier way to get to the live flesh. If another human passes by, the zombies will give chase Dismantle a barricade (1 action): If you are on the correct side (ie the side the player who built it was standing on at the time) of a barricade, you can tear it down. Remove the chosen barricade token. If you are on the wrong side, you will have to attack it. Attack a wall or barricade (1 action): See below, combat. If you are successful, remove the barricade or place a hole token on the wall. Building and destroying defences, fire

The items you will find during your investigations may keep you alive. Some of them can be used for defensive purposes, some for offensive use, and others to replenish your energy. Sometimes another player will have an item you want. You may have something they want. Despite the zombie horde on the other side of the wall, you cannot always rely on the other players to help you in your time of need. A generator is a useful thing to find, for if you can fuel it and start it, all indoor locations can be lit, and you can use power tools. If you are indoors with the power on, you can add 1 to your combat and search dice rolls. Power tools show a combat score which is used when the power is on. With no power they all have a score of +1. A lawnmower, for example, is an excellent weapon if you can plug it in, but without power all you have is a huge, cumbersome club.

Rearrange your items (1 action): you can only use, drop or pass on items in your hands. You can swap your items around but this takes time. Two handed items fill both hands or 2 of your 4 storage slots. Steal item (1 action): your victim must be in an adjacent space. Roll 1 die. If your score is higher than their energy score, you can grab any item out of that players hand (you need space in your hands for the item) Combine items (1 action): Put fuel in a car, put fuel in a generator, or make a Molotov cocktail. Some items can be improved by combining them. You must have access to both items. Start the car or generator (1 action): Once fuelled, the car or generator can be started up for further use. Even if you acquire the car through the Car Crash card, you still have to fuel it before you try to escape. Use an energy item (1 action): Remove an energy item from your store or your hand and increase your energy. Rest (2 actions, ie, your whole turn): Do not move or attack, just take a breather and regain 1 energy. Items, health

If your plans include escape from the local area, you need a vehicle. Walking for miles to the nearest shopping mall is not an option. As with the generator, you need to fuel the vehicle before it can be used. Movement when using a vehicle is obviously much faster, and it can hold multiple players. The speed and capacity of each vehicle can be seen on its marker.

These free actions can be performed at any time (even if it is not your turn). If one of your new found friends is being dragged through a smashed window by zombies, there is no need to stand watching until play comes back round to you. Act immediately run away! Remember, these actions can be performed at any time, even during another players turn Pick up item: as long as you have space in your hands (not your storage slots remember it takes time to stow or retrieve items from storage), you can pick up an item in the same or adjacent space, unless there is a zombie on it. Drop or throw item: place the item (from your hands) on your space, or an adjacent space, or if you throw it, place it on a target space no further away than you currently have energy. You must have a line of sight to the target space. Give/swap item with other player: as long as the other player is on the same or adjacent space, swap or give items from your hands (by mutual consent, otherwise it becomes a steal, which is not a free action) Fight!: see below, combat. Flee!: out of turn you may take a normal movement action, but you get just one action on your next turn. Do it now!: out of turn, you may perform any one of your usual actions, but you miss your next turn. Either Flee! or do it now! Can only be used once between your turns.

Close combat Fighting zombies hand to hand is dangerous and may result in loss of life. However, if there are zombies in an adjacent space you do not have any choice. If you do not attack them, they will eat you. All zombies within 1 space are in the fight, unless they are on the other side of a wall or barricade. You do not have to resolve combat with every nearby zombie individually they will all attack at once. Roll one die. Add the attack value of your chosen (and ready) weapon. Subtract 1 for each zombie in the fight. If there are other players in an adjacent space to any of the zombies in the fight (and if they are willing and able to help you), you may add 1 for each friendly assistant. Any kills are attributed to you, and you choose which zombies are removed, even if another player helps you. 6 or more: kill 1 zombie for each point over 5. If your weapon is a breakable item, it must be discarded now. 4,5: knock back 1 zombie (move 1 zombie 1 space backwards) 2,3: you are injured, lose 1 energy 1 or less: you are grabbed by the zombies. Lose 1 energy. Roll one die. If the roll is higher than your energy they grab your weapon and you lose it. If this is your turn, you break free and can continue. If you are fighting out of turn, you cannot break free until the start of your next turn. You can therefore do nothing else until your next turn, or until, perhaps, another player comes to rescue you by killing all the zombies grabbing you. Breakable (Use Once) items are only broken when you actually use them to smash a zombie skull. Waving them threateningly but ineffectively will not break them. Players are much faster than zombies, and will always have the chance to strike first unless they have zero energy, in which case the zombie attacks, and the player is killed. Unless you are grabbed, or killed, you can keep going for as long as you want to. You can move away from a fight at any time using your move action, but you must fight any adjacent zombies at least once first.

Ranged combat Shooting or throwing things at zombies is much safer, but it is harder to kill them (only a head shot will do), and uses up ammo, Pick which zombie (or group) to attack. There must be a clear line of sight between you and the target. You can attack from an upstairs window. Lose 1 ammo for each attack, whether or not the attack turns out to be successful. Roll one die. Add the attack value of your chosen (and ready) weapon. If your target is within 2 spaces, add 1. If your target is in an adjacent space (or the same space as you), add 2. If you score a 6 or higher, you kill one zombie. If you score a 4 or 5, one zombie is knocked back. If you decide to throw an item at a zombie, your weapon attack value is 1. This is to represent lighter items being more accurate but less deadly than heavy items. You can throw an item up to as many spaces as you currently have energy. After the attack (whether or not it is a success) place the item on the target space. You can go and get it later (unless it is a breakable item, in which case it is now discarded.) If you throw a 2 handed item at a zombie it will be knocked back (move 1 zombie 1 space backwards) Attacking inanimate objects Use hand to hand or ranged attacks, but here you are going to either destroy it, or fail. For zombies your success score is 6. For other targets, the number is as follows: Barricades: 5 (ie if your dice roll plus weapon strength is 5 or more, you destroy the barricade remove the marker) Internal walls: 7 (place a hole marker over the wall you can now pass freely through this space. But so can the zombies) External walls: 10 (place a hole marker as before) Fuel cans or gas cylinders: 4 (see below) Vehicles: Score equal to or higher than the vehicles CAPACITY value

Attacking other players There may be occasions where another player needs to be slowed down or stopped. You can use ranged or hand to hand attacks, and you need to roll a combat score higher than your victims` current energy. If you succeed, they lose 1 energy and are knocked back one space. Of course, unless you kill them you should expect them to fight back. Remember that all players can enter combat even though it is not their turn. Anybody involved in this type of inter-player combat should each take an attack in turn until the fight is stopped by mutual consent or death.

If your energy falls below its maximum level, you cannot move as fast, and you become more susceptible to losing your items either by being grabbed by the zombies or by having them stolen by other players, and you are more likely to be injured if another player attacks you. Use one of your actions to replenish your energy by using an energy item, or resting. Energy items (energy drinks, food and first aid kits) give you the number of energy points shown on the marker. Discard the item once it has been used. Energy items may be used directly from your storage spaces (so you dont have to have them in your hands first). Resting replaces 1 energy point. Your energy cannot exceed your maximum level. If your energy drops to zero, you are in bad shape. You are in a crumpled, bloody heap on the floor, and all you can do is use energy items. Not even resting can help you now. Once you have managed to get your energy up to 1, you can at least hobble away. If your energy drops below zero, you are dead, and obviously out of the game. Replace your token with a zombie.

Roll one die. Add the attack value of your weapon. Subtract 1 for each zombie in the fight. Add 1 for any players who can help you. 6 or more: kill 1 zombie for each point over 5 If your weapon is a breakable item it must be discarded now 4,5: knock back 1 zombie (move 1 zombie 1 space backwards) 2,3: you are injured, lose 1 energy 1 or less: you are grabbed by the zombies

Pick which zombie (or group) to attack Lose 1 ammo for each attack Roll 1 die, add the attack value of your weapon Add 2 for adjacent targets, or 1 for a target within 2 spaces If you score 6 or more, 1 zombie is destroyed If you score 4 or 5, 1 zombie is knocked back Thrown items always have an attack value of 1 Items can be thrown as many spaces as your current energy score. Thrown 2 handed items will knock back 1 zombie Ranged combat

Close combat

Use your choice of combat method as above Success score is as follows: Barricades: 5 (remove barricade marker) Internal walls: 7 (place hole marker) External walls: 10 (place hole marker) Fuel cans or gas cylinders: 4 (explodes) Vehicles: CAPACITY value Attacking objects

Use your choice of combat method as above If your combat score is higher than your opponents energy score, they lose 1 energy and are knocked back one space

Attacking other players

There are certain steps you can take to prepare for an emergency: People in zombie films have clearly never watched any zombie films. Do not make this basic mistake Always be aware of your surroundings. Although slow and shuffling, zombies always sneak up on people Most people use their brains almost daily. Keep yours where you can find it easily Surround yourself with people who will be of use. A Master of Unlocking, for example. Try to avoid seeking help in a police station/hospital/army base/secretive scientific laboratory Prepare items which will explode in a spectacular manner for zombie crowd control

Fire and explosions If you find a gas cylinder or a can of fuel, you can blow it up. You could either hold a match to it and wait (if you really want to) or leave it somewhere and shoot at it. Use a standard attack (see above) Gas cylinder The explosion kills everything (including players) within 3 spaces, or within the same room. Barricades, doors and vehicles within 2 spaces are destroyed. Any wall within 1 space is destroyed (place a hole marker on any destroyed wall). An explosion indoors or damaging a wall always causes structural damage to the room. Place a structural damage marker in the room. Fuel can The explosion destroys any zombies within 2 spaces. Any players within 2 spaces roll a die. You lose this much energy. Place a fire marker in the target space, and one in each adjacent space. This fire will spread (see below). Molotovs If you have a bottle, and also a fuel can, you can combine them to create a molotov. Swap the bottle item token for a molotov token. Molotovs, used as a ranged weapon, always kill the target zombie (the combat score (+1 for a thrown weapon) is used only when attacking other players. If hit directly, the player will lose 1 energy now, and will probably lose more when they move out of the resulting fire). Place a fire marker on the target space, and one on each adjacent space. All zombies caught in the fire are destroyed. This fire will spread (see below). Fire Any zombie caught in a fire is destroyed. Any player running through a fire loses 1 energy for each fire marker crossed. A player may not spend a whole turn in a space containing fire. If you can move, you must move out of the flames. The player who started the fire must spread the fire at the beginning of each subsequent turn by placing a new fire marker adjacent to one of the existing ones. If a fire starts in a room, it will not spread outside of the room. The fire will spread until it is extinguished, or it fills the room it is in. If a fire fills a room it causes structural damage. Place a structural damage marker in the room. If a stationery vehicle (ie, with no player driving it) finds itself engulfed in flame (both spaces occupied by the vehicle contain fire markers) it is destroyed. Structural damage If anybody (player or zombie) enters a room containing a structural damage marker, roll a die. On a 6, the room collapses. Turn the structural damage marker over to show collapse. everything in the room (players and zombies) is killed instantly. Any fires in the room are extinguished. This room is now totally impassable. Furthermore, any adjacent rooms now suffer structural damage, along with the room above the collapsed room, if there is one.

Zombies versus fire

Zombies in general will move away from anything which is on fire. They will not move to within one space of a fire, and if a fire occurs next to them they will move away next time a card instructs a player to move them. Most of the time.
Zombies, while dry and prone to burning, are also very stupid. If the symbol on the card is red, then the zombies will move toward the nearest player as normal, even if they have to move through a fire. If a zombie does enter a fire space it will catch fire. The next time it moves, place a new fire marker under it on the new space, and turn the figure on its back. Next time, place another new fire marker under it, and turn the figure on its front. Next time, place a new fire marker, but remove the zombie. It therefore has moved 3 spaces, spreading the flames, before being destroyed. The new fire will spread, even if the original fire did not.

If you have a car key, and a vehicle is found during your investigations, you can fuel it, then use it. (A car acquired any other way (Car Crash, for example, does not require the key, but still requires fuel.) You could try hotwiring it, however. Roll 1 die (this takes 1 action) 1-2 the car starts. 3-4 no effect. 5-6 you completely bugger it and it is now useless. You can fit players into a vehicle up to or equal to its CAPACITY score. The vehicle can move the number of spaces shown for SPEED on its marker. A vehicle can A vehicle can move either forwards or backwards (never to the spaces directly to the side), or turn to the spaces diagonally in front or behind. The front of the vehicle must enter the new square, and the rear of the vehicle then occupies the square the front of the vehicle vacates. The same method is used whilst travelling in reverse. On entry to the vehicle designate a driver (it is acceptable to use combat to decide) and it only moves during their turn, although it is assumed to be in motion until the driver, on their turn, decides not to move it further. Players in a moving vehicle cannot be attacked by zombies. Players leaving the car whilst in motion should be resolved as if they jumped from a window. (See above, Actions) Whilst driving, the vehicle can be used as a standard close combat weapon. (See above, Combat) All zombies in any of the spaces adjacent to the vehicle (front or rear) are included in the combat. The combat score is the CAPACITY number. On a score of 1 or less the vehicle crashes and cannot be used again.

Use of vehicles

Our ability to deal with a zombie infection does not depend on the authorities alone. How effectively we cope also depends on you.

Removing evidence of outbreaks of zombie infection is our highest priority. Working closely with our military and intelligence partners, we strive to keep the public feeling vaguely paranoid, and make it difficult for people to find out the truth.
Victoria Mornington-Crescent, Director General of the Security Service

The game ends when one of the following conditions are met: A player fulfils the primary objective (eg escape in a fuelled vehicle) The End card is drawn Only one player remains alive

The winner is the first player to fulfil your Objective. If more than one player fulfils the objective, the winner is the player who has amassed the most Victory Points. The End card represents the break of dawn, and the arrival of a military rescue team. The survivor with the most Victory Points wins If only one player remains alive, obviously that person is the winner. The winner

The end of the game

The Police, Fire and Ambulance Services are specially trained to deal with major emergencies and have specialist equipment to cope with a whole range of incidents. In the event further assistance is required Special Tactical Weapons are on standby to handle any form of potential threat.

Items are generally easy to use, however some need a little explanation: Fuel Hazard (Chainsaw) & Explode hazard (Antique Firearms): If you roll a natural 1 during an attack with these weapons, the hazard occurs. Fuel hazard means the item runs out of fuel, and must be refuelled. You can continue to use it, but with the normal combat score. Explode hazard means the weapon explodes. Discard it and lose 1 energy. Hammer: Although useful as a weapon, the hammer also enables you to build a barricade across a window, door, or hole. You must, however, have it ready in a hand space on your character sheet in order to build a barricade. If you have the hammer, you also get a big box containing more nails than you will have time to use. (Just in case you are worried about that). The nail gun, if the power is on, can also be used this way. Ladder: Position the ladder token on the ground floor, under an upstairs window. This allows safe access to and from upstairs until somebody takes it away. Zombies cannot use the ladder. Torch: If you have the torch in your hand, you can add 1 to your combat rolls while the power is off. If the power is on, the torch is less useful in combat. The torch gives you plus 1 to a search roll at any time. Fuel canister: You have to put fuel in the car, and in the generator for them to work. There is more than enough fuel in the canister to do everything you want, and then to blow it up. Further information about items

Cards As with the items, the cards are mostly self explanatory. However Defences fall/Zombies break through etc: Only count barricades or doors under attack by zombies your barricades will not fall down on their own. Car crash: Place a car token in the doorway. This door is now completely blocked. If you can fuel this car, you can have it, but roll a die. It contains this many zombies. Car keys: keep this card. The keys can be passed to another player (or stolen) just like an item, except they do not take up a space. Power restored: leave this card next to the board. Power tools can now be used. You also get plus 1 to attacks whilst indoors, and you get plus 1 to search rolls. If power failure is drawn, discard the power restored card. Ammo is non-specific & may be used in any gun. Explanatory notes on cards

It is important to prepare for the possibility of a player being bitten and infected by the zombies. This is an optional rule, so use or ignore it as you wish. When you are grabbed by the zombies, if you lose your weapon as a result of your dice roll, roll the die again. If the second roll is also higher than your energy, things get even worse. You have been bitten and infected. On each subsequent turn, lose 1 energy. If your energy falls below zero, your life is over and you become undead. It is therefore important to keep regaining energy by using energy items. Resting is no use to you once you have been infected, as your body will not repair on its own any more. When you have died, remove the player token and replace it with a zombie. This zombie now moves along with all the others, and you are out of the game.

You might find it useful to complete these details and keep them somewhere safe. If you are unable to find the numbers, dont worry. In an emergency the phone lines will be blocked anyway.

Name Emergency Services National Medical Advice Line Anti-Zombie Hotline Home Office Local Police Station Local Authority Doctor Noodle The Winchester

Telephone number 999/911/122/321/42 0845 3825 968 0800 227 8273 0870 662 243373

Local Radio Station

Frequency (see local press for details)

If you are involved in a zombie emergency it is important to remember: Somebody in your group will become infected and hide the fact until they die and try to eat you Shotguns almost always blow zombies heads off A friend or relative will return as a zombie and attack the person who used to know them Zombies always break through the window just as somebody is standing by it Leaving your stronghold for another, safer location never goes to plan If you are not involved in an incident but are nearby and believe you may be in danger, in most cases the advice is: RUN AWAY, HIDE, BEFORE THE AREA IS SEALED AND CLEANSED. This booklet is intended to cover most eventualities, but it is possible that you will happen upon a situation not covered in these instructions. The general advice under these circumstances is not to panic, and certainly dont stop the game while you try to find a rule which applies. This game should keep moving, and your common sense and instincts should help you to resolve any issues quickly. Generally, if you think it would work in a zombie film, do it. Tear off this page and keep it somewhere safe for no reason
Dead of Night board game rules Simon Spearing 2007. Original text and images from Preparing for Emergencies booklet Crown Copyright 2004. Most of the text here did not appear in the original document. Crown copyright havent really released a booklet about zombies. Anyway, it says I can reproduce the text without permission subject to the material not being used in a derogatory manner or misleading context. I think we will be okay with this, unless I have unwittingly misrepresented the governments actual zombie contingency plans, and as for misleading? In the event of a real zombie outbreak I believe the general advice given herein is sound, and I will happily pay compensation to anybody who becomes a zombie because they followed this advice and found it to be lacking. The images and textures visible on the board tiles and tokens are almost all from, and are copyright of the respective artists

There are many useful things you can gather in preparation for a zombie emergency. Many of these can be found locally, but if you wish you can order them from us. We promise rapid dispatch of your order. Prices on application.

Please write the number you want next to your choice, eg 1 (maximum 5)
Shotgun Chainsaw Sniper Rifle Helicopter Rotary Lawnmower CCTV/Alarm System Flying lessons Cricket Bat Flamethrower Portable generator Ving Rhames Armour plated truck Tom Savini Name Initials


Blood Type

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