Using Check Function Module in SAP Workflow
Using Check Function Module in SAP Workflow
Using Check Function Module in SAP Workflow
Following is a custom function module created for our demo purpose, which will check the conditio the workflow. FUNCTION ZGEE_SALES_ORG. *"---------------------------------------------------------------*"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(OBJTYPE) TYPE SWETYPECOU-OBJTYPE *" VALUE(OBJKEY) TYPE SWEINSTCOU-OBJKEY *" VALUE(EVENT) TYPE SWETYPECOU-EVENT *" VALUE(RECTYPE) TYPE SWETYPECOU-RECTYPE *" EXPORTING *" REFERENCE(RESULT) TYPE C *" TABLES *" EVENT_CONTAINER STRUCTURE SWCONT *" EXCEPTIONS *" NOT_TRIGGERED *"---------------------------------------------------------------TABLES: VBAK. DATA VKORG LIKE VBAK-VKORG. SELECT SINGLE VKORG INTO VKORG FROM VBAK WHERE VBELN = OBJKEY. IF VKORG = '3000'. RAISE NOT_TRIGGERED. ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION. Now go to transaction SWE2 and insert your object type, event, and the receiver type.
Provide the name of the customized function module name created earlier in the check function mo
Now workflow is triggered only when the sales order is created with the sales organization 3000.