The Coming of The Comforter - L-1.E. Froom (1928)

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The Co Co

Studies on t of the T

By Le


scanned and edited by Maranatha Media


Copyright 1928 By the Review and Herald Publishing Association

To of the who, t power the, L tined t talitie commi this v

By Way of Introduction


17 19

The Promise of the Spirit The Scriptural Foundation for the Promise of the Spirit The Promise of the Spirit My King Divine

73 The Coming of the Spirit The Scriptural Foundation for the Coming 75 of the Spirit 79 The Coming of the Spirit - 134 Heavenly Power

137 The Filling of the Spirit The Scriptural Foundatioin for the Filling 139 of the Spirit - 141 The Filling of the Spirit 206 The Divine Call to Prayer

THE studies on this volume were fi and workers of t dian, and Atlantic ministerial institut the conference ses The gracious pres these gatherings gratefully rememb edgment given to o At the urgent who were present delivered, these stu permanent and acc of truth, whom t wider circle of in By request, th ceding the presen as accurately as the entire setting possible. A most solemn upon me as I co

The Coming of the Comforter

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to spend together in earnest, searching study. A sobering consciousness of accountability to God overshadows all other considerations. Frankly, I did not choose this line of study. The constraint of a great pressure has for months rested down upon me,- a conviction that I could not cast off, leading along in the research. I am profoundly convinced that God has led me to sense my own need and the need of my fellow workers. This has led to a mighty outcry in my own soul for the one adequate provision for our common needs. And I pray that these studies in printed form may prove a genuine blessing and help, however faultily and inadequately they are presented. We have not gathered to hear one another preach, however proper that may be. N or are we here to be entertained by clever, original turns to thoughts nor. to indulge in speculative theory. Rather, we have assembled for deep, sober study and for earnest, intensive search after great truths, mighty principles, and adequate provisions commensurate with an hour like this.
It is foundationally necessary to understand

certain factors at the outset. We live in a rapidly changing world,- a world running riot

with new forces. the pit have prod during the last d not understand th driving the race a defiance, and reb intensifying and c year. New and grav new and sinister toward God and challenge us. We sition period fro thought to light, ment. It is my co are harder to reac message than the ago. The tremend growing bigger, c task. Within a r field, Mass., wher terial institute w 000,000 reside; miles of New souls are said to touching these ci children with the must hear God's


The Coming of the Comforter

By Wa
urnes on the Ho choicest gems wri scanning many Thus were formed volume on the Pr Filling of the Spir Before approa is asked to pond the two extracts w
.. The promise thought of; and the pected,- spiritual dr declension and death tention, and the divi the growth and pros would bring all other though offered in it nies," Vol. VIII, p. 2 l< Just prior to heavenly courts, Jesu ise of the Holy Spiri to us as it did to th sented before the peo the church. In cons most important them about by its practical of the gift of the to be given to all o of the Holy Spirit i courses, is incidenta Prophecies have bee

The battle with evil forces constantly grows sharper and more sinister. I am persuaded that there is only one solution to the problem we face individually and denominationally, one provision for our need,- and that is the power of the Holy Spirit, the outpouring of the latter rain in our lives and service. This promised provision falling upon the heralds of Heaven's last message to earth is our supreme necessity. This alone will enable us to cope with this pendous situation and to finish the work committed to us. I had believed this for years, but somehow it had never gripped me before. I pray that this same divine compulsion may grip each evangelical worker of the advent movement. In preparation for these studies, following a close survey of every text in the Bible on the Holy Spirit, I read every reference thereto in the twenty-three volumes of the spirit of prophecy, as well as many articles appearing in the past in our denominational journals from the pen of Mrs. E. G. White. From this encompassing array of material the outstanding statements and principles were selected. (They appear scattered through the studies. ) These were taken as the guide and standard in studying further some fifty vol-


The Coming of the Comforter

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through the agency of God awaits their dema joy will be reaped by t truth."-H Testimonies ers," pp. 17.1" 175.

expounded; but that which is essential to the church in order that they may grow in spiritual strength and efficiency, in order that the preaching may carry conviction with it, and souls be converted to God, has been largely Zeft out of ministerial effort. This subject has been set aside, as if some time in the future would be given to its consideration. Other blessings and privileges have been presented before the people until a desire has been awakened in the church for the attainment of the blessing promised of God; but the impression concerning the Holy Spirit has been that this gift is not for the church now, but that at some time in the future it would be necessary for the church to receive it. "This promised blessing, if claimed by faith, would bring all other blessings in its train, and it is to be given liberally to the people of God. Through the cunning devices of the enemy the minds of God's people seem to be incapable of comprehending and appropriating the promises of God. They seem to think that only the scantiest showers of grace are to fall upon the thirsty soul. The people of God have accustomed themselves to think that they must rely upon theIr own efforts, that little help is to be received from heaven; and the result is that they have little light to communicate to other souls who are dying in error and darkness. The church has long been contented with little of the blessing of God; they have not felt the need of reaching up to the exalted privileges purchased for them at infinite cost. Their spiritual strength has been feeble, their experience of a dwarfed and crippled character, and they are disqualified for the work the Lord would have them to do. They are not able to present the great and glorious truths of God's Holy Word that would convict and convert souls

Washington, D. C ApriZ 22,1928.

0 """ Q.




" LITTLE childre Ye shall seek Me: an I go, ye cannot come Peter said unto Him, answered him, Whit now; but thou shal 13: 33-36. " Let not your h believe also in Me. mansions; if it were go to prepare a plac pare a place for yo you unto Myself: th also. And whither know." John 14: 1 " Philip saith un and it sufficeth us. so long time with y Me, Philip? he that h and how sayest thou Iievest thou not that in Me? the words th Myself: but the Fat the works. Believe the Father in Me: works' sake. Verily believeth on Me, the and greater works t go unto My Father.


The Coming of the Comforter

THE PRO IT was night night since man The city was thro little group of Lord through the had gathered with in the upper, roo type. The Son o a towel as a serv men and washed immaculate hands They had eate the poured-out proaching passion. rated the scenes struggle in the ga comparatively, bet and the blood on while the Shephe but soon the She the sheep scattere Judas had lef disciples were fill necessary to anal

" I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth Me no more; but ye see Me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in Me, and I in you." Verses 16-20. " Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth Me not keepeth not My sayings; and the word which ye hear is not Mine, but the Father's which sent Me. These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you." Verses 23-25. " Nevertheless I tell you the truth: It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto. you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you. And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on Me; of righteousness, because I go to' My Father, and ye see Me no more; of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come. He shall glorify Me: for He shall receive of Mine, and shall show it unto you. All things that the Father hath are Mine: therefore said I, that He shall take of Mine, and shall show it unto you:" John 16: 7-15.

The Coming of the Comforter

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lawyer; if he is if in trouble, a fri more is our heave were not to be lef parent to care for, the most impressi He taught them Spirit as the cu earth for them. To receive the preme privilege, a preme privilege of while waiting for receive them to th
" In the teachin Holy Spirit is made p this for contemplati treasures of truth di disciples in His instru the Comforter! He console His disciples to experience, that th disappointment.... bring to the hearts strongest solace. B He chose the theme inspire and comfort Christ made much of Spirit, how little is -Mrs. E. G. White,

much of selfishness intermingled with it. But the shadow of the approaching separation had fallen upon them. It was a momentous hour. How they listen to Jesus' every word! His declaration that He was going where they could not follow, brought sorrow and grief to their hearts. They had not before sensed the reality of the coming separation. The Master proceeds to apply comfort to their hearts. He tells of mansions He is going to prepare for them. But that does not compensate. Mansions cannot take the place of the personal presence of their living Lord. 'Nhat would they do when He was gone? To whom could they turn? As some one has said, Paint a starless sky. Drape the mountains with darkness. Hang somber curtains of black on every shore. Darken the past. Let the future be even more bleak. Fill the picture with sad-faced, sorrow-shrouded men. Such was the disciples' situation, as they faced their Lord's departure. Then He proceeded to unfold to them the great provision of " another Comforter." This statement implies that Jesus was the first Comforter. A comforter is a "help in time of need." If one is an orphan, he needs a parent; if sick, he needs a doctor; if perplexed, a

The Coming of the Comforter

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Before vacating His own earthly office as teacher, Jesus introduced His successor, in His valedictory discourse.
" Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally. Therefore it was for their interest that He should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to be His successor on earth."-" The Desire of Ages," p. 669.

scended. And the ity and deference Lord was to be Christ's vicar on As Christ had Spirit has a defin dispensation being advent. He is a came in a definit time for a definite since as really as mission during th
" The dispensati to be, to those that Spirit."-" Testimoni

He unfolded the tremendous fact of the dispensation of the Spirit, and this dispensational aspect cannot be overemphasized. It is based on the earthly work of Christ, and was impossible until that work was finished and He ascended. In John 14 and 16, Jesus opened before them the three mighty truths of1. The promised coming of the Holy Spirit. 2. The character and personality of the Holy Spirit. 3. The mission or work of the Holy Spirit.

Taking these in order, observe the explicit declaration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. One must be impressed with the fact that just as truly as the prophets announced Jesus' advent, so He announces the advent of another, coequal with Himself, and the successor of Himself. As one ascended, so the other de-

Weare under of the third pers as the disciples the second person. Pentecost was, the Holy Spirit for Holy Spirit was the ages past. M gins with Bethle though He was Eighty-eight time thirty-nine books Spirit is mention

third person of the Godhead may be traced through the centuries from the beginning of the world. At creation the Holy S..J irit was present, brooding over chaos, and was the agency in producing cosmos. He is also spoken of in striking connection with men. But before Pentecost He came more as a transient visitor, for the purpose of equipping a few men for their special work. His action was more intermittent than constant. He came upon individuals, working through or clothing them with mighty power for special deeds. He strove with men (Gen. 6: 3); He gave Bezaleel skill (Ex. 31: 3-5); He gave Samson strength (Judges 14:6). Thus did the Holy Spirit make men His instruments, doing a work or delivering messages through them, as with Joshua (Num. 27: 18); Gideon (Judges 6: 34); Saul (1 Sam. 10: 10); and David '(I Sam. 16:13).
" During the patriarchal age, the influence of the Holy Spirit had often been revealed in a marked manner, but never in its fullness. Now, in obedience to the word of the Saviour, the disciples offered their supplications for this gift, and in heaven Christ added His intercession. He claimed the gift of the Spirit, that He might pour it upon His people."-" The Acts of the Apostles," p. S7.

The Coming of the Comforter

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It is a signific ment the Spirit is forter/' or the" S or the" Spirit of and similar expr Father. V\ hy ar in the New Test happened! An changed things ! dead, arose from when Jesus comp ascended with Hi His place in the h were fulfilled, an as Christ's official to make individu tive work. He Spirit of Jesus. It may be of i the Holy Spirit is two times in the battalion of texts. work and the glo Lord. Reasoning we see it was b death to bring us substitution of Hi death, meeting t

26 and justice as well as holiness. Thus the Holy Spirit came in recognition of the Father's acceptance, and for the assurance of man. "By one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us." Heb. 10: 14, 15. Consider the twofold work of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament He worked upon men more from without inward, but did not dwell or abide in them permanently. He appeared to them and empowered them, but did not often take up His abode in them. But from Pentecost onward there is a great change, a special work differing from that of preceding ages. Provision is made for Hiin to enter and live in all Christian believers, and to work from within outward, filling and abiding. This personal indwelling of the Divine Spirit is the distinctive glory of the Christian dispensation. Everything in the past was preparatory to this. The Old Testament provision was the promise and preparation; the New, the fulfillment and possession. The difference is between simply inworking and indwelling. And it is a permanent heritage; He is to abide thus with us forever. The coming of the Holy Spirit was as the gift of the Father through the Son. John 14:

The Coming of the Comforter

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16, R. V. Chris Father, indicates, from one on a p not ask for the prayer which im 17. Why? - Bec accomplished. W vindication of the the completed sa John 14: 23-26. ished work of C Christ who asked Holy Spirit upon t The Holy Spir to man. He ca covered, or evolve God for such a gi poured out in an man, or in respon because of the satisfaction given Holy Spirit for t ment among men, pensation. The g be distinguished f bestows. As the triumphal entry' the conquered ki


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would have been of been strengthening f of men to this sata could be resisted a mighty agency of t who would come wit fullness of divine po effectual what has b Redeemer. It is by pure. Through the taker of the divine na as a diVIne power to tivated tendencies to acter upon His ch page 671.

Christ, after His triumphal procession into heaven, gave this Gift supreme to men. Of course, the most conspicuous culmination of all the gifts the Holy Spirit bestows upon the remnant church has been the restoration of the gift of the spirit of prophecy. But that is a differ. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is declared by John the Baptist to be the essential, vital purpose of the ministry of Jesus Christ. "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but He that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire." Matt. 3:11. (See also John 1:33.) John's message concerning Christ was twofold - the blood of the Lamb taking away sin, and the baptism of the Spirit to keep from sinCalvary and Pentecost. The culmination of Calvary for this dispensation is found in the gift of the Holy Spirit by Jesus Christ. They are two inseparable truths. V\1ithout Calvary there could be no Pentecost; and without Pentecost, Calvary is of no avail.
" The Holy Spirit was the highest of all gifts that He could solicit from His Father for the exaltation of His people. The Spirit was to be given as a regenerating agent, and without this the sacrifice of Christ

If it were not rounds our earth, would shine upon star. The atmosp ceives its rays and heat, and light. Holy Spirit, Chris the Father could ascencled Lord. Him to 'our hearts truth. And as wh scope, we see not t brings near, so thr not Him, but" Jes more easily compr of the blood is visi


The Coming of the Comforter

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sires to put into o of the Spirit. He and tutelage of th of His ministry He service by the Spir formed His miracle in the power of the the dead by the po cradle to the grave Ghost.
" Christ's humani was fitted for the co Holy Spirit. And He the divine nature."-

all; while this gift of the Spirit is inward and invisible, and is for the loving, obedient disciple. His indwelling, being spiritual, is not so readily grasped and made a practical reality. The blood of Calvary cleanses the soul temple. Yet there is more in God's provision. Then nothing less than occupancy through the indwelling Spirit will satisfy either God or man. The baptism of the Spirit was not accomplished during the three years of Christ's earthly ministry. It was impossible because of the localization and limitations of His human-. ity, and for the reason that" the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified." John 7: 39. So Jesus never baptized with the Holy Spirit during His earthly career. Among His last words was the charge to wait for the promised baptism after His departure. "And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith He, ye have heard of Me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence." Acts 1: 4, 5. He who was to baptize His followers with the Holy Spirit was the example of all He de-

Be it remember sinless life, and ato ascension, and en mediatorial work, sable, and at the s steps toward this deemed us from t made a curse for is everyone that blessing of Abraha tiles through Jesus ceive the promise Gal. 3: 13, 14. A demption was imp

The Coming of the Comforter

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the promised Spir in being, character is Christ's other s nature and charac be they angle - alike but

tion. John 7: 39. Thus Peter says: "Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, He hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear." Acts 2: 33. The rock in Horeb was a type. The smiting of the rock brought the flowing water. So the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was in answer to Christ's atoning death. His death removed . every barrier between God and the sinner. 2 Cor. 5: 19. The Father's acceptance of the Son's sacrifice was the indispensable condition to our justification. But only the coming of the Holy Spirit could apply the results of that sacrifice, making effectual in us what Jesus did for us. Having perfected His human nature, Jesus could now communicate what was previously impossible. And the Holy Spirit's work in this dispensation is that of applying and communicating the atoning work of Christ to individual human hearts, regenerating, justifying, sanctifying, and communicating the very life of our risen Lord, as we await His second bodily coming.

"The Holy Spir for Christ had not ye dant impartation of after Christ's ascensi could the disciples ful gospel to the world. a special purpose. their official duties Christ breathed His mitting to them a mo impress them with Spirit this work coul The Holy Spiri the soul. The impa partation of the life with the attributes of page 805.


Now think of the Holy Spirit's character. He is "another Comforter." This identifies

Jesus said of Lord is upon Me, to preach the gosp Me to heal the br liverance to the sight to the blind, are bruised, to pr the Lord." Luke

The Coming of the Comforter

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the broken-hearted without the Comforter,one alongside to help. They were to lose Him, the first Comforter, so He would send another. As long as' Christ lives, so long that pledge stands. But" Comforter" is an inadequate translation of the Greek word Parakletos, the new name for the new ministry upon which the Spirit was about to enter. Paraclete is better translated "advocate," most scholars say. It also means representative, intercessor, pleader, consoler. Really it is an untranslatable term. It is the same word used of Christ with reference to His work before the Father: " My little chil-. dren, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." 1 John 2: 1. In Greece and Rome, during New Testament times, the advocate helped the client in two different ways: Sometimes he spoke for him before the tribunal, pleading his case for him; at other times he merely prepared his speech for him, that the client might speak for himself. So Christ is our advocate with the Father, and the Holy Spirit is Christ's advocate with us. As Christ pleads for us, so the Spirit pleads for Christ in our hearts. Shall we who do all honor to the representatives of earthly

governments, be gui of this Advocate of representative to th The discussion o Spirit leads us dir of His personality. Father as a person, seem to " visualize Holy Spirit is consi so invisible, so moved from the se is questioned becau persons of the God peared visibly to th the occasion the fo 3: 22, R. V.) The influence, graces, p prone to think of a power, an energy. "fire," "oil," "w tended in that dir name "Spirit," in in following precis the impersonal pro Authorized Versio had a large bearin ing,-" The Spirit our spirit, that we

36 "likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:, but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." These have been corrected, however, in the Revised Version to harmonize with His personality. This is not a mere technical, academic, or impractical question. It is of utmost importance and highest practical value. If He is a divine person, and we think of Him as an impersonal influence, we are robbing a divine person of the deference, honor, and love that is His due. Again, if the Holy Spirit is a mere influence or power, we shall try to get hold of and use it. But if we recognize Him as a person, we shall study how to yield to Him, so that He may use us. If we think we have the Holy Spirit, we shall be inclined to strutting and self-inflation; but the other, the true concept, leads to self-renunciation, self-abnegation, and self-humiliation. Nothing is more calculated to lay the glory of man in the dust. On this point let us note the spirit of. prophecy:
U We cannot use the Holy Spirit; the Spirit is to use us. Through the Spirit, God works in His people 'to will and to do of His good pleasure.' But many will not submit to be led. They want to manage themselves. This is why they do not receive the heavenly

The Coming of the Comforter

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gift. Only to those w watch for His guidan This promised blessi other blessings in its the riches of the grac supply every soul acco -" Gospel Workers,"

No, the Holy S effluence emanating an impersonal som nized, just an invi Holy Spirit has in t separated from p unreal, hidden in reality. But the g world to-day is the personality. Jesus influential persona and the Holy Spiri place. Noone but of that wondrous would ever suffice. There is dange sonality to bodily difficult to grasp t from the tangible existence with a li But personality a be clearly distingui

38 confused. Personality does not require the limitations of humanity. Here again the spirit of prophecy speaks:
"The Holy Spirit is Christ's representative, but divested of the personality of humanity, and independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be'in every place personally. Therefore it was for their interest that He should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to be His successor on earth. No one could then have any advantage because of his location or his personal contact with Christ. By the Spirit the Saviour would be accessible to all. In this sense He would be nearer to them than if He had not ascended on high."-" The Desire of Ages," p. 669.

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teries, which are too silence is golden." pp. 51, 52. "There are tho would interpose bet light. They would Holy Spirit; they hav it has been to them a lessons to the Jew Spirit of God is not men to deCide wheth the manifestations of God work."-" Cmlns

God the Spirit is not to be measured by human standards. We cannot express the infinite in finite terms. The Holy Spirit is incapable of concise, final definition. We need not solve the mystery of His nature. Against this we are specifically warned:
" It is not essential for us to be able to define just what the Holy Spirit is. Christ tells us that the Spirit is the Comforter, 'the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father.' It is plainly declared regarding the Holy Spirit, that in His work of guiding men into all truth, ' He shall not speak of Himself.' " The nature of the Holy Spirit is a mystery. Men cannot explain it, because the Lord has not revealed it to them. Men having fanciful views may bring together passages of Scripture and put a human construction on them; but the acceptance of these views will not strengthen the church. Regarding such mys-

But the same lishes forever the

"Evil had been could only be restrai power of the Holy Sp head, who would com the fullness of divine isters," p. 392. "The Father is bodily, and is invisibl " The Son [of G head manifested. T be 'the express imag the world, that He g whosoever believeth i everlasting life.' Her Father. "The Comforter after He ascended. to.


fullness of the Godhead, making manifest the power of divine grace to all who receive and believe in Christ as a personal Saviour. There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spiritthose who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ."- Mrs. E. G. White, in " Testimo-

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nies," Series B, No.7, pp. 62, 63.


God is not a magnified or sublimated man. God alone has perfect personality. His perfect personality has existed since the days of eternity, long before a single human being, with his limitations, came to be. There are four things that are predicated of personality: (1) Will; (2) Intelligence; (3) Power; '(4) Capacity for love. Personality involves a selfconscious, self-knowing, self-willing, and selfdetermining being. A person is therefore' a being who is approachable, who can be trusted or doubted, loved or hated, adored or insulted. These essentials of personality are but limited and imperfect in man, but limitless and perfect in God. So the personality of the Holy Spirit is not to be confined to comparisons with man. It will help us to listen to Jesus on' this point here in these two chapters of John, the fourteenth and sixteenth. 'Not a word does

Jesus utter that that the Holy Spi addresses Him' a He calls Him the of a person. It i only by a perso dominates the gra sentences. Twen and 16 the perso "Whom," occur, violated Greek sy to indicate pers personal pronoun example, -note Jo that the persons as contrasted wit contrasted with i the personality of to emphasis of s the personality is is wholly proper. Christ as teachin guiding, hearing, telligence, discri sonality. N ow let us ta testimony as to Spirit. Personal


The Coming of the Comforter

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"Through the work of God's appoi nobled, and made to place himself under whose dictates he is " Counsels on Health,

and personal relations are ascribed to Him. It is knowledge, feeling, will, and love, not hands or feet, that are the marks of personality. 1. Knowledge.-" What man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth . no man, but the Spirit of God." 1 Cor. 2: 11. The Holy Spirit is a person qualified to deal with personal beings consciously and intelligently, causing them to know what is in the heart of God for them, and what is in their own hearts. It is preposterous to speak of an influence, energy, or power as having such understanding. 2. Will.-" All these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He will." 1 Cor. 12: 11. Here is the strongest proof of personality. The will is the most distinctive element in any personality. 3. Mind.-" He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God." Rom. 8: 27. This in the Greek implies both thought and purpose. An exhibition of this is found in Acts 15: 28: "It seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things."

4. Love.-" N for the Lord Jesu love of the Spirit power, but a pers affection. 5. Communio Jesus Christ, an communion .of th all." 2 Cor. 13: with the suprem and the Son, in th communion with ceivable on the ba partnership and r 6. Grief.-" God, whereby ye redemption." Ep of this thought a will shape the wh 7. Insulted, T how much sorer he be thought wor


The Coming of the Comforter

The Pro convicting and s twenty different a acts possible for i could not be perfo But the Holy sonality. He is a called God (Acts of the Godhead." tributes,- omnipot presence (Ps. 13 (Heb. 9: 14). Th they are attributes than the angels, f of Christ, directs battle with the leg
" All the intellige And more than ange Spirit, the representa host, comes down to of Ages," p. 352.

foot the Son of Go.d, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?" Heb. 10: 29. " Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out." Acts 5: 9. "Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost? . . . Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God." Acts 5: 3, 4. Thus He is susceptible to personal mistreatment. In the four Gospels the most solemn warning ever uttered by Jesus in the hearing of men declared that if His own words or person were rejected, the rejecter could be forgiven, but he could not be forgiven if he grieved and sinned against the Holy Spirit and finally refused His teachings. It is inconceivable that man should so sin against an influence or energy as to bring himself into danger of unpardonable sin. Let us next sweep through the acts and deeds ascribed to Him, that only a person could perform. Think of His inspiring of the Sacred Writings, His commands and forbiddings, His appointments of ministers, His intercessions and prayers, His teaching and witnessing, His

Again, divine - creation (Job 3 5-8) ; resurrection of prophecy (2 could be accomplis the Holy Spirit is vine person. In t includes creation,


The Coming of the Comforter

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Himself to human ity, -" The Desire 0/ Age

Again, in spea Holy Spirit, He sai

H I will pray the anothe r Comfo rter, . will not leave you co John 14: 16-18. "M will come unto him, Verse 23.

generation, sanctification, and equipment for effective service. This brings us to a brief survey of the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the other persons of the Godhead. In our conception of the Trini ty we are sometimes inclined to conceive of three Gods instead of one. Our God is one God. Deut. 6: 4. But there are three persons in the one Godhead. Our difficulty arises from trying to conceive of spiritual beings in terms of physical thought. But perhaps a crude illustratio n may be suggestive. A triangle is one figure, but it has three sides. So God, being one, manifests Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus said, " I and My Fathe r are one." John 10: 30.
" 'If ye had known Me,' Christ said, 'ye should have known My Fathe r also; and from hencef orth ye know Him, and have seen Him.' But not yet did the disciples unders tand. 'Lord, show us the Father ,' exclaimed Philip , ' and it sufficeth us.' " Amazed at his dullness of comprehension, Chrfst asked with pained surpris e, 'Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip ?' Is it possible that you do not see the Fathe r in the works He does throug h Me? Do you not believe that I came to testify of the Fathe r? 'How sayest thou then, Show us the Fathe r?' 'He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father .' Christ had not ceased to be God when He became man. Thoug h He had humbled

So the presence the presence of Jes words, the fullness and present in the by the Holy Spirit as it were, Jesus' makes His univers all His people.
H Those who see and receive Him into It is throug h the Spir the Spirit of God, rec the beginn ing of the Ages," p. 388.

Before Christ c was the most cons head, filling the ho second person filled pensation of the S the horizon, this l

The Coming of the Comforter

The P1'

of God's progressive provisions. In the dispensation of the Father the standard of the law was outstanding; in the dispensation of the Son, reconciliation is added; and in the dispensation of the Spirit, sanctifying, equipping power. Thus they are cumulative. Each re-enforces and supplements the other. In each dispensation the spirituality of church has been conditioned upon adherence to the principal .truth of the economy in which it lives. The standard of righteousness has been set forth, the means 01 reconciliation and atonement made manifest, and lastly the agent for applying this benefit to man now conspicuously occupies the field. The three great historic tests of faith as regards godliness are, First, in the period before the incarnation, the test. of " one God" versus polytheism, and God's right to rule, with the law as the standard and the Sabbath as the sign; second, as to whether, at Christ's first advent, those who had met the first test would accept Jesus as the divine Son and Redeemer; then, third, having accepted the first two, as to whether we will submit fully to the Holy Spirit to make efficacious in us all that has been wrought out for us. These are broad fundamentals, and sweep everything vital into their embrace.

The plurality cated in Genesis 1 make man in our source, the Son th Spirit is the medi tion came into bei head is several ti ment. In Numbe My name upon th proceeds with the the Lord . . . the two, but three: " T thee: the Lord ma and be gracious un countenance upon This threefold repe apostolic benedictio 2 Corinthians 13: Jesus Christ, and t munion of the Hol Here in Numbers t sociated with the one name of God. Further, in Isai
"In the year tha the Lord sitting upon a His train filled the te phim: each one had si his face, and with twa

The Coming of the Comforter
twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory."

The Pr
" Therefore bein alted, and having re of the Holy Ghost, H now see and hear."

Here we find another threefold ascription of praise to the one person. Again, in Isaiah 48:16:
" Come ye near unto Me, hear ye this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now the Lord God, and His Spirit, hath sent Me."

And in the c
"I will pray th another Comforter, t ever." "The Comf whom the Father will you all things, and brance, whatsoever I 16,26. " When the Com unto you from the F which proceedeth fro Me." John 15: 26. " Howbeit when He will guide you into of Himself; but what He speak: and He wi shall glorify Me: for show it unto you. All Mine: therefore said and shall show it unt

Here we find the " Lord" and the" Spirit" and "Me"- the Coming One. As soon as Jesus walked on earth as an individual among men, it was inevitable that the distinctions in the Godhead should be clearly recognized. And there is no Biblical reason for believing in the deity and personality of the Father and the Son, that does not equally establish that of the Holy Spirit. At Jesus' baptism (Matt. 3: 16, 17) the Father's voice announces pleasure in the Son, and the anointing Spirit descends. Here is a clear-cut distinction of the three on one occasion. In the great commission (Matt. 28: 19) the baptismal formula has the name of the Spirit placed on an equality with those of the Father and the Son. In Peter's Pentecostal sermon he said:

To this should "Through Him [ by one Spirit unto And in Hebrews 1 Son works, and th Concerning this have absolutely no t

52 no attempt to define or to analyze the Trinity as to nature. It is simply a truth revealed and declared. Weare to accept it, though we cannot fathom it. Just a word more, before leaving the division on the character' of the Holy Spirit. A, brief recital of the history of the perversion of this truth will be helpful. In the third century, that time of developing apostasies, Pq.ul of Samosatar advanced a theory denying the personality of the Holy Spirit, regarding the Holy Spirit merely as an influence, an exertion of divine energy and power, an influence moving out from God and exerted on men. Then about the time of the Protestant Reformation two men, Laeleus Socinus and his nephew, Faustus Socinus, revived the theory and many accepted it. The chilling influence of this concept has told on all the Protestant churches. In our Authorized Version of 1611, the personal pronoun applied by Christ to the Holy Spirit is translated by the neuter "it," or "itself," in Romans 8: 16, 26. This is an index of the attitude of the time, for Christian people then spoke of the Spirit as "it." It is significant that the utterances of the Spirit of prophecy were squarely against prevailing sentiment on

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the part of some o ment, who were inc of an influence, an the Trinity. Veril writings is heaven, Not only was Spirit attacked in t deity was challeng Arius, a presbyter that God was one perior to the angels Son exercised supe tion of the third p difference between ism and Arianism, nition of the pers while denying His Arius, the Holy Sp created, then not th not divine. So mu Spirit. And now we t mission of the Hol office: 1. He first of a ing presence.


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2. He reveals God's truth, making it a reality in the inmost being. 3. He is intrusted to bring holiness to man. 4. He testifies of Christ. 5. He glorifies Christ. Of all the utterances of Jesus, none perplexed the disciples more than this:
" Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you." John 16: 7.

departure was a Spirit's coming, an Better than His Christian era, wou Spirit within His f Spirit, He has co innumerable hearts is everywhere pres tions ended. Whe was at a material men. Through the this distance is a nearer now than w feet.
"Pentecost bro Comforter, of whom you.' And He had f you that I go away: forter will not come send Him unto you.' Christ was to abide children. Their unio He was personally wi power of the indwe them, so that men, be knowledge of them, t _" Steps to Christ,"

How it must have staggered them! For three years He had gone in and out among them. They had listened to the music of words. They had gazed at the wonder of His deeds. Their dearest hopes were centered in' Him. But He declares His departure will be their gain. Why? - Because in the flesh He could communicate with them only by the outward touch, through messages addressed in imperfect human language. It was an external presence and communion. Furthermore, His presence was localized, limited, and individualized. If in Judea, He was not in Egypt; if in Jerusalem, not in Capernaum. When He had taught His principles, when He had ordained and commissioned His disciples, and had offered Himself once for all, His bodily mission was fulfilled. And His

The importanc cannot be overemp 14: 16-18, 21, 23:


The Coming of the Comforter

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t I

Thus our orpha desolation, no loneli personal presence of to the Holy Spirit, presence. Read it:
"The work of the great. It is from this s come to the worker for Comforter, as the pers soul."- Mrs. E. G. Wh Nov. 29, 1892.

"I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and be in you." "He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him." "Jesus swered and said unto him, If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love Him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him."

The Holy Spirit session of the life. the living, glorified himself to each soul the only one on ea And this intercourse the historical Chris yet He does not sa We must have a p Christ of history be

Through the ages past the Holy Spirit had been with men, but from Pentecost forward God's purpose was that He "shall be in you." This is to be a sacred reality. The world receives Him not because it sees Him not. The world's devotion is to the visible, the material. But the Christian is to realize the personal occupancy and indwelling of God the Spirit. The first and second persons of the Godhead now hold their residence on earth throu Q'h the third. He is the abiding representative. The presence of the one involves the presence of the others. Thus we are made aware of Christ's presence. To know the Father we must know the Son (Matt. 11: 27), and to know the Son we must know the Spirit. So the Son reveals the Father, and the Spirit reveals the Son.

4' The Holy Spirit ! it is welcomed as an ho it will be made comple begun will be finished affections, and Christli of impure thoughts, per acts."-tt Counsels on H

The Coming of the Comforter The Prom

"And shall be in you!" For this, man was created. For this, Jesus lived and died .. For want of this, the life of the disciple is honeycombed with failure, while the true Christian life is just Jesus living out His life in us. We are to be charged with the sense of His presence. Henceforth He is the one, great, living reali ty, filling the whole horizon. The Son of man came into the world to unite the very life of God with the human life of man. When He completed His work by His obedience, death, and resurrection, He was exalted to His throne, that the Holy Spirit which had dwelt in Him might come as this all-prevailing sovereign presence, and the disciple becomes the participant of His very life. Thus the life of the Creator penetrates the life of the creatures. Thus we find what the Holy Spirit is doing in us.


is to teach us "a There is not a tru which the Holy Spi us. And we never There was a gui who was said nev carried in his brea fine cord attached t as to the path to in the air, and th at the cord as it tr of home. So it led i and people called hi larly, the Holy Sp able and willing to so. The Holy Spiri the great fact of Teacher.

f 1
II I, I ,

Transformation of character is the testimony to the world of an indwelling Christ. The Spirit of God produces a new life in the soul, bringing the thoughts and desires into obedience to the will of Christ; and the inward man is renewed in the image of God."-" Prophets and Kings," p. 233.

H The Comforter i His work is to define a dwells in the heart as He becomes the Comf peace in the truth, but found in falsehood."-

Now He also does this for us,- He will guide us "into all truth." For He is Himself the" Spirit of truth." John 16: 13. And He

" The Holy Spirit representative. It not the truth - the faithf great Searcher of hear characters of all."_lt C



60 And witho ut the Spirit of truth, there, is no saving truth for us to-day. Chris t is Him-: self the truth (John 14: 6), and none but the Spirit of truth can guide us to a realization of the chara cter and work, the suffering and death, of Christ. When the Spirit of truth floods and illuminates the heart, the Bible becomes a new book. What light is to the marin er's compass at night, just that the Holy Spirit is to the word.
"We can attain to an unders tandin g of God's word only throug h the'illu minati on of that Spirit by which the word was given ."-" Steps to Christ," p. 109, pocket edition.

The Coming of the Comforter

The Prom Church. But he fo cente r of autho rity doctrine and admin i That "Jesu s is Lo of all Chris tian d grows out of it, bu Jesus is the Lord, 1 Cor. 12: 3. This basis of all our latte
"Chri st, His char and circum ferenc e of al which the jewels of d found the complete sy White, in the Review a

In this connection, it is most significant that Joel's prophecy of the promised early and latter rain gives as the marg inal readin g for He will send H forme r rain" (Joel 2: 23) that " a teach er of righteousness." What marvelous harmo ny I What a gracious provision! Even in Old Testa ment times the proph et wrote, " Thou gavest also Thy good Spirit to instru ct them. " Neh. 9: 20. The seat of divine autho rity on earth is the Holy Spirit . Cardi nal Newman entered the Roman Church because he sought for ultimate autho rity, and he found a species of rest in the purpo rted autho rity of the Catholic

" To this end Chr revived, that He m dead and living." The distinctive f out which there w claim that the pope of Christ. The dis tantis m, without Prote stanti sm, is th true vicar or succ To depend qn organ dom of men, is to the divine, and in principle.



The Coming of the Comforter

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There have been three great movements out of and away from the papacy,- the Reformation of the sixteenth century, headed by Luther; the evangelical revival led by Wesley and his associates; and this last-day message and movement. Luther's Reformation was necessary, for in the early centuries the Holy Spirit was dethroned and Constantine was made the patron of the church. Through materialistic concepts they lost sight of justification by faith because they lost their loyalty to the Holy Spirit. So they lost the application of the death. of Christ by the Holy Spirit in response to personal faith. The evangelical revival was necessary because the church of the Reformation had lost its vision of sanctification, and Wesley was raised up to promote holiness. It was hidden because the church failed to heed the Holy Spirit. He is so called, not because holier than the other persons of the Godhead, but because one of His special functions is to cultivate holiness in man. The fox-hunting parsons so common in the eighteenth century, cared little for God or for the salvation of souls. But Wesley and the Holy Club of Oxford brought forth again the truth of sanctification of human lives for service.

This twentieth ce vent movement, was of God to complete reformations of the repudiation of all t by the papacy and r estantism on the on toration of the Hol sovereign place in b the other hand. It this that brings the which we have been power of which still inevitable logic of th How we need to meet the situation! making its way do The pilot gave a s There was a bright ahead. "Why did y engineer asked, as the cause. "There i night is getting dar the - way," was th The engineer looked saw he was, dying. one spiritual pilot and cannot see to g

64 The Coming of the Comforter


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God give us new life from the source of life in this treacherous hour.

So much for the Holy Spirit's work with the believers. We turn now to His work with the unregenerate world. John 14 deals primarily with the Holy Spirit in the private life and preparation of the disciple. John 16 sets forth His work in connection with the worker's public labor and witnessing. In the first He is in the believer, and by tha,t indwelling there is union with Christ. But the Holy Spirit also strives with the worldling as the Spirit of conviction. "When He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sjn, because they believe not on Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ye see Me no more; of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged." John 16: 8-11. The coming of the Holy Spirit brings a new sense of sin to the soul. Think back to the upper room, as the disciples were about to partake of the emblem of the body to be and the blood outpoured, yet quarreling over premier positions. This would have been absolutely impo'ssible if they had had a true

sense of sin. Ther in the lives of Ch on the basis of a sin involved. Strife malice, evil thinkin one another - these appalling lack of t to the epistles of Pe of John after Pent Holy Spirit had ma and the utter loath blackness of sin. The outlook of t ness, judgment - t future. They are i Holy Spirit takes t and places them in t persons are involved So here is the hear and the problem of eousness always pr righteousness. And indispensable as we p and the first angel's stand without excuse timony of God agains We are baffled, b our utter inability to


The Coming of the Comforter

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eousness, and judgment. We cannot do it, for that is the Spirit's work.
"Without the divine working, man could do no good thing. God calls every man to repentance, yet man cannot even repent unless the Holy Spirit works upon his heart."-H Testimonies," Vol. VIII, p. 64. H None are so vile, none have fallen so low, as to be beyond the working of this power. In all who will . submit themselves to the Holy Spirit a new principle of life is to be implanted; the lost image of God is to be restored in humanity. " But man cannot transform himself by the exercise of his will. He possesses no power by which this change can be effected. The leaven - something wholly from without - must be put into the meal before the desired change can be wrought in it. So the grace of God must be received by the sinner before he can be fitted for the kingdom of glory. All the culture and education which the world can give, will fail of making a degraded child of sin a child of heaven. The renewing energy must come from God. The change can be made only by the Holy Spirit. All who would be saved, high or low, rich or poor, must submit to the working of this power."_H Christ's Object Lessons," pp. 96, 97.

But notice how,- when He is to come to you, He will convict the world! As, Spiritfilled, we go out into all the world in this hour of the judgment to plead with men, the Spirit will go with us, witnessing to the message, convincing of sin as the reprover, and revealing righteousness only in Christ. He convicts not


of unbelief, but of revolutionizes man's man and the judgm of escaping by the and the reigning S the atonement provi with conviction. Th the law. It involves other transgressions, sies. Thus the thr prophet, priest, and threefold conviction Conscience brings while the Holy Spiri hope. The same win into restless heaps, q calm. Not conscien minated by the Holy the world's need. No hand of the Father h eousness for us. H offenses," He "was r tification" (Rom. 4: throned for our assu the Spirit has not b It may seem slow to for eternity; " and wh be forever."

The Coming of the Comforter

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The Holy Spirit's work is to convict men of the terrible sin of rejecting Christ -" of sin, because they believe not on Me." John 16: 9. (See also John 3: 18.) That is the issue, and it involves all else. The one supreme responsibility of the sinner is the personal rejection of the all-sufficient life and death of Jesus. God has caused man's eternal salvation to hinge on faith in Jesus Christ. This unbelief is the mother of all sin. The problem of all human destiny is the attainment unto the righteousness of God, for without this no man can stand in the presence of God. Heb. 12: 10, 14. Christ was made H sin for us," that" we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." 2, Cor. 5: 21. This is the issue in salvation, and not merely the question of our outward moral life. And this must be the heart of our message as we lift up the standard and vindicate the downtrodden law of God in this rebellious generation. How we need the power of the Holy Spirit to give authority to the presentation of the awful truths of final judgment, the inevitable day of wrath impending, and the triumph of righteousness to empower the message of the remnant church! Men go about to H establish their own righteousness" rather than come

under the bestowed divine power is ne argument is suffici soul concerning th path of life. And to the all-sufficient is veiled, it is veil whom the god of t minds of the unbeli gospel of the glory of God, 'should not 4 : 3, 4, A. R. V. Thank God for come as. the divine ence, the divine inst the divine testifier, divine comforter. the earth would ha Spirit come? No c the work of Christ of sin, so no repent Lord Jesus Christ, a no balm for the tr liverance from the and Guide - Just orp in a hostile world! the darkness and the was "when the Com

The Coming of the Comforter

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But, oh, Jesus us than that! Thr done His best for our best to Him. our lives will stan in the eternal galle of God.
1. JESUS, Tho Monarch Reign Tho Thy love Take Thou Thy will Live Thou My King

My King di Live Thou

Titian, the great painter, met a young soldier with a gift of art that seemed promising. He urged him to give up his military life and devote his talents to painting. This he did, and labored long upon an ambitious painting. But he came to a point where he felt that his genius had failed. In despair, he threw down his brush. Titian found him weeping in despair. The master artist didn't ask the reason, but going into the studio, realized, as he looked at the painting, that the lad had reached his limit. So Titian took up the brush, andremained at work until he finished the picture. The next day the young man came to the studio resolved to tell Titian he would try art no more. But as he entered, there on the easel stood the finished picture. That wherein he had failed he saw that a master hand had made up. He knew instinctively that his master had completed it. With tears of appreciation he said to himself: "I cannot abandon my art. I must continue for Titian's sake. He has done so much for me,. I must forget myself and live for him; for now his fame is my fame. He has done his best for me; I will do my best for him." And to-day his pictures hang side by side with Titian's on the gallery walls of the world.

t r

2. Keep throug Saviour d Meet Thou t Thy powe Give vict'ry 0'er all th Lead on tri My King

3. Use me in time's last hour, Maste r divine ; Fit me for service , Lord, Thy love to tell. Win souls Thyse lf throug h me, Thy praise to swell; Grant Thou my heart's desire, My King divine.
[It was during the time of

The Coming of the Comf orter

study for tations , when the heart was full of love these presen and wonde r over new glimps es of God's matchl ess provision of the Holy Spirit for our need, and the utter claim of His love upon us was seen as never before , that this hymn was born, - the music at the noon hour and the words in the evenin g of the same day. So it rightfu lly belongs with these studie s on the Holy Spiri t.- L. E. F.]

The Com




U THEN opened He might understand the Thus it is written, and t and to rise from the d pentance and remission His name among all na And ye are witnesses o send the promise of My in the city of Jerusalem from on high. And Bethany, and He lifted And it came to pass, parted from them, and they worshiped Him, a great joy: and were co and blessing God." L " The former treat of all that Jesus began day in which He was t the Holy Ghost had g apostles whom He had c Himself alive after H proofs, being seen of t of the things pertainin being assembled togeth that they should not wait for the promise of have heard of Me. water; but ye shall be

not many days hence. Wben they therefore were come together, they asked of Him, saying, Lord, wilt Thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1: 1-8. " When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitudes came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galileans?" Acts 2: 1-7. "We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. And they were all and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this? Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine. But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words: for these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by

The Coming of the Comforter

The Script
the prophet Joel: And it days, saith God, I will all flesh: and your so prophesy, and your you your old men shall drea and on My handmaidens of My Spirit; and they s " And it shall come call on the name of the L " This Jesus hath are witnesses. Therefor God exalted, and havin promise of the Holy Gh which ye now see and h "Therefore let all suredly, that God hath ye have crucified, both they heard this, they we said unto Peter and to and brethren, what sha unto them, Repent, and the name of Jesus Christ ye shall receive the gift promise is unto you, an that are afar off, even shall call." Verses 36-3

THE COMIN Jesus w about Him through tian church, He d venerable schools exclusive circle of t send to Greece, the culture, for His dis Rome, the home of tary prowess, to fi trod the shining sho humble men whose admit the Lord o finally be willing t might be everythin Holy Spirit could w sophistry, or selfish Yet to bring the mind and heart was during Christ's phys was it accomplishe years they listened They heard from the gospel. They To them


The Coming of the Comforter

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the kingdom to Isr they had made no bound by materiali prejudices. They siah's mission. T of the old, while new. Their love a intense. They had They knew the r fact. Yet they w appointed work. In handing ov the apostles after H and He was ready there were three th

. I.

'- t J

"Jesus came an power is given unto M therefore, and teach a name of the Father, Ghost: teaching them I have commanded yo even unto the end of t

parables were explained. If all that men needed was a Teacher, and lessons of divine wisdom, then the disciples should have been of all men best qualified to carry out the great commission to evangelize all nations immediately upon Christ's ascension. Yet with all their priceless privileges they were wholly unqualified, as the strife for supremacy, the forsaking, the denial, and the despair so clearly indicate. They were wholly unfitted for their designated task until they had received the great equipment promised. Jesus gave them life, but not power; truth, but not the efficacy of truth when with them on earth. For a little time the cross extinguished their hope. They had followed Him whom they' loved. Then they sa w the detested Romans scourge that blessed back and pierce those holy hands and feet. They were utterly overcome as they saw Him expire on the cross. How sincere was their sad sigh, "We hoped that it was He who should redeem Israel." Luke 24: 21, A. R. V. They did not see that His death meant life to them. They did not understand that apparent defeat was the way to victory, and that darkness was the price of light. Even after the resurrection they asked, "Wilt Thou at this time restore again



1. The power t

in Christ. 2. Therefore th all nations, " bapti of the Father and Spirit, through wh plied.


The Coming of the Comforter

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upbuild? We hav belated now." Bu ure unless they t for gospel service heavenly power. activity is not eno of the Holy Spirit. conferred upon the 9: 10; 10: 1, 8, 1 With increasin heeding the divine it has not yet se the second dictum inseparable corolla attempt the first t the same Lord utt
" What we need Without this, we are world than were the their Lord. Jesus them to tarry in Jer dowed with power fr in the Review and H " The preaching without the continu Spirit. This is the truth. Only when t heart by the Spirit, transform the Iife.

3. They were to teach the observance of all things. But this could be done only through the ministry of the divine Teacher, Remembrancer, and Guide foretold in John 14: 26 and 16: 13. Yet when Christ ascended, He left the disciples in utter impotence amid the deadly enmity of the world. The one thing needful was power from on high, the power of the promised Holy Spirit. And the one thing they were told to do was to wait for the coming of the promised Spirit. How tragically hopeless everything would have been without the power. Thus we read Christ's last command: "Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high." Luke 24 :49. "Tarry ye!" until endued, no matter how long it takes. The words were uttered by none other than the same Lord who had just said, " Go ye!" Surely the charge must have caused the most intense surprise, speculation, and expectation. And He was talking to the preachers, teachers, pastors, evangelists, whom He had called and commissioned. "What?- tarry longer, with a great perishing world to warn, a tremendous work to do, and a church to

.. If divine power does not combine with human effort, I would not give a straw for all that the greatest man could do. The Holy Spirit is wanting in our work."- Mrs. E. G. White, in the Review and Herald, Feb. 18,1890.

The Coming of the Comforter

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The same insp the narrative of

., And, being a [Jesus] commanded t from Jerusalem, but Father, which, saith John truly baptized tized with the Holy G

The Lord is not in a hurry, though men may be. God sent Moses into the desert for forty years to fit him for his task, when he was already forty years of age, and the children of Israel were smarting under the lash of the taskmaster and waiting for a deliverer. As in the exodus movement, so in the advent movement, God will fit His leaders and ministers before He delivers His people from spiritual Egypt. He sent Paul into Arabia for three years, after the vision of his Lord, preparing him for the first world-mission movement, and the ancient world was waiting in darkness. Is less demanded in the last world-mission move,:,,' ment? Jesus spent thirty years preparatory for three and a half years' work. If our sinless Lord did not enter upon His public ministry until He was specifically anointed by the Holy Spirit, how dare sinful, fallible men attempt to win souls without being filled with the Spirit? How dare we rush in to work where Jesus, apostles, and prophets feared to tread?

Pierson has " Acts" should be Holy Spirit." He ished to "wait" are many promise there is only one t as "the" promi among all the "ex promises It of our nected the mission evangelization of t How hard it is in filling the vaca Judas. The discip choosing of the t selections personal others. But Jesu had told the apos until" the promise to wait, to tarry


The Coming of the Comforter

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A minister is n God unless called Spirit.
"Those only wh only who possess the i in whose life the Ch as true representati Workers," p. 285.

It is His work t

as to empower in the pastors were not simply by suf concurred and rec
"Take heed ther the flock, over the whi overseers, to feed the purchased with His o
" A s they minist Holy Ghost said, Sep the work whereunto they had fasted and them, they sent them by the Holy Ghost, d thence they sailed to

And there is a as well as of perso

.. He gave some, and some. evangelists ers:' Eph. 4: 11.

But they selected certain names, and proceeded to cast lots upon them before the Lord, and Matthias was declared elected. God does not forsake, even though man is disobedient. He is so long-suffering. But evidently Matthias was never the Holy Spirit's real choice. Jesus had gone, the divine Administrator had not yet come, and a valid election was impossible. The disciples should have waited; but they proceeded with the appointment. Two years later Saul of Tarsus was the one called of God. "Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead)." Gal. 1: 1. In the foundations of the New Jerusalem, in which are engraved the names of the twelve apostles, the name of Paul will undoubtedly appear as the twelfth. It is no more possible to rightly appoint an officer of the church than to preach a sermon, save by the Spirit of God. Too often there is a show of hands instead of a prayerful waiting for the direction of the Holy Spirit, a substitution of the voice of human choice instead of the voice of the Spirit. But a show of hands is of little value unless they are stretched out toward Him who holdeth the stars of the churches in His hand. Rev. 2: 1.

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Unless the Paraclete chooses and uses and blesses, all is in vain. If there were less diplomacy and more prayer, less manipUlating and more pleading, the Holy Spirit would have greater opportunity to indicate His will. For the church or a committee to take it upon itself to fill offices according to its own preference and will, is nothing short of an affront to the Holy Spirit. The Jerusalem council was a type of all true councils, and of the decisions we read:
"It seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things." Acts 15: 28.

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This was true read in the Acts of (13: 2); sent forth 9); sustained (13: 28) ; and forbade (1 12 the thought is it the diversities of gi pointed by "one a (See verses 4-13.) rogative.
"The wheel-like c the prophet to be inv under the guidance of a God, revealed to him wheels, brought harm whole world was under Vol. V, p. 752.

It is to be observed that the Holy Spirit's choice is first. Pentecost was the Installation Day of the Holy Spirit as the divine administrator of the church. The Holy Spirit is the true and only vicar of Christ on earth. And the entire administration of the church is committed to Him until Christ returns in glory at the second advent. From the day of Pentecost onward He has occupied an entirely new position. But He can fully work only through men who have given Him full possession of their lives, and over whom He is able to exercise absolute control.

" Wait!" was t cost. How hard it easy to think we a on the Holy Spirit we go to work for an unction from Go running before one without unction. hurry to wait for premely needed. multiplying labor, f in our anxiety for q


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direction of the Ma empty nets. One is forced to case of thousands t and direct command together too few hav equipment for Chris suaded that this is confess it has been m until we are "endu through us in five dued, than we can d true love begins at begins at our person
" Legal religion will may perform all the ou be as destitute of the qu Spirit as the hills of Gil rain."-" Testimonies,"

If It is our privilege to take God at His word. As Jesus was about to leave His disciples, to ascend into heaven, He commissioned them to bear the gospel message to all nations, tongues, and peoples. He told them to tarry in Jerusalem till they were endued with power from on high. This was essential to their success. The holy unction must come upon the servants of God. . . . "This is the very course that should be pursued by those.who act a part in the work of proclaiming the coming of the Lord in the clouds of heaven; for a people are to be prepared to stand in the great day of God. Although Christ had given the promise to His disciples that they should receive the Holy Spirit, this did not remove the necessity of prayer. They prayed all the more earnestly; they continued in prayer with one accord. Those who are now engaged in the solemn work of preparing a people for the coming of the Lord, should also continue in prayer. The early disciples were of one accord. They had no speculations, no curious theory to advance as to how the promised blessing was to come. They were one in faith and spirit. They were agreed." _" Gospel Workers" (edition 1893), pp. 370, 371.

Our temptation is to perpetual activity, to the exclusion of time im?erative to prayer, study, and spiritual meditation. We contend that we are tardy with our task. Men are dying, and we face the last crisis; so we worK on frenziedly, much like the toiling disciples who labored all night and caught nothing. But in the early gray of the dawn, a few minutes in the direct presence and under the specific

And notice that t at Jerusalem, with i crowded streets - th fied their Lord only a still hostile in its hat that had spurned and over which Christ ha Jerusalem, which stonest them that


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often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, andye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." Luke 13: 34, 35. It was the last place in the world they would ever think of. It proves God can bless people anywhere. If they had gone into the quiet country, the mountains of Judea, or the shores of Galilee, out of touch with the crying needs of humanity, they would have been tempted selfishly to remain there, as Peter suggested at the transfiguration, forgetful of a world's desperate need. Now we come to the marvelous words of Acts 1: 8: "Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." These words were uttered immediately before the ascension, and were followed by' the return to Jerusalem and the seeking of the upper room, where the disciples waited. Jesus had redirected their thoughts into a new channel moving from Himself as center, and with the new concept of the Holy Spirit as the administrator or divine executive of the


Godhead in the new d were lifted from the e spiritual. It was a w before them, and Pen on that basis. Their include the world. the Holy Spirit was church in the early the latter rain upon the same vision. Dur when the vision was Holy Spirit has never Now for forty years been living in the ti On March 29, 18 passed over the vas remarkable thicknes The wind broke it cakes of ice to form entrance to Niagara had piled up a wall s of Lake Erie was bl passed over the fall and history records Niagara. But unde sun the ice barrier power of Niagara f God for the returnin

I Unquestionably the word" power" is the key word of the text. Coming from the Greek word dunamis, from which we derive dynamic, dynamite, dynamo, it is most vital and suggestive. Only by this dunamis can the adamant walls of indifference, sin, formalism, and selfishness be blasted through. Only by this dunamis can come the power that will speed up the wheels of this divinely appointed machinery of the advent movement. Only through this dunamis are the human wires that are designed to carry the heavenly current, "alive." Only thus will we have the needed light, heat, and power to fill the earth with the glory of God. Think now of three phases: The power needed; the nature of the power available; the purpose for which it is bestowed. "Come and I will show you the greatest, unused power in America," said a business man to a Christian worker, as he led him to Niagara Falls. "There!" he exclaimed, as he pointed to that mighty torrent with its inherent power. " No," responded the Christian worker, " the greatest unused power in the world is the Holy Spirit of the living God." True! And that is the power we nee4,heavenly power, not human, natural, or earthly.

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Power from outside achieve what we ca Those apostles neede spiritual power to l standing the fleshly in the flesh. Power serve acceptably, a needed the power of Tremendous forces Persecution awaited t ing they had forsak needed intellectual p norance and inabilit mission and their tas in service to accom they were to aim. The root idea of and women carryin power of the Holy service. It is indi power, incomparable personal power, and power is measured b the Holy Spirit is H that power. Christ Spirit as an influenc or mercy. The Hol desires to live in us,


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us the power resident in Him. It is not given to us, but to Him. As we receive Him, we are empowered both to will and to work. But we cannot have the power without having the Holy Spirit Himself. He is the dispenser and the agent. He comes, not for me to use, but as an all-powerful Person who desires to use me. The final choice rests with me as to whether I shall limit the power of H the Holy One." Ps. 78: 41. Originally God put power in the hands of man, but he lost it through the fall. God cannot now intrust us with it. But He has put "all power" in Christ, who administers it through the Holy Spirit. And He bestows it on us in Him. N or is the power given merely for the asking. There are conditions to be met. We have something to do before we are ready to relater. But the ceive it. This will be laws of power are fixed laws. In the spiritual realm, as in the physical, whenever you obey the law of power, the power is pledged to operate. Think now of the nature of the power available. It is not intellectual force, as manifested in mighty eloquence. There were greater orators and more learned men in the audience at Pentecost than was Peter. A man may move his fellows by his eloquence and persuasiveness.


Bu.t that is not the po added to gifts of le Paul's; but it may b like Peter and John. silver-tongued orator mightily, producing tremendous enthusias genuity are admired that is not the po The glowing fire of power until the effec but intellect and the confounded. The hig falls short of the lo power. To electrify to bring them truly Jesus is quite anoth the. other is in the There is a psych religious meetings appearance to the Sp far apart as the p effects are produced ful acting. But thi appeal to the emoti fusion here. Tears inherently holier th program. Even th

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mined not to know Jesus Christ, and H Again, we read:

" In the saving of the work, making man manage the work of G ward work is vain unl power must mingle wi be laborers together in the Review and Her

lating, logical presentation of divine things that delights the hearers and impresses the imagination and the understanding, may be utterly destitute of the Holy Spirit's power. It is not mere abstract truth as such, but the power of the Holy Spirit witnessing to the truth, that produces spiritual results. Often these expedients of the flesh are a hindrance to the effectual working of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit-filled soul winner is frequently. supplanted by the religious orator who comes in to fill all with himself. Not until all confidence in enticing speech has been put away, can God use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. Often it is the plainest speech uttered by the humblest instruments that is most markedly used. Rhetoricians can never teach us the secret of the Holy Spirit's power. Immersion in the divine word, and utter abandonment into the hands of God, to be subject solely to His will and swayed by His Spirit, is the one true pathway to spiritual power. Paul learned this lesson. In his masterful oration at Athens he met log-ic with logic and philosophy with philosophy. But he left no church -there, and there is no epistle to the Athenians. But there are two addressed to the Corinthian church. Coming to them, Paul said, " I deter-

Again, the powe the power of organi Much of the visible is the result of orga cessful " preacher o to sheer perfected the world about is r tige are the result of this may involve no is not inconsistent works through cha But it may be sim _ a religious busi preacher builds. achieves the succes as if one founded financial enterprise Then is the ch drifting across the


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the Saviour, not so That is true spiritua Again, the powe men to a decision. something they did do they have new carry away and refl but the power of th action. This is the

Next think of
power is bestowed. is for witnessing. as witnesses, not to is so effective as t honest witness. T attorney must give is simpler. It is seen, heard, or exp speak that we do have seen." John know something. into court and say, testify to what I sa words are written He is guilty of pe "the truth, the w

forms. Dead men in the rigging, dead men at the helm, dead men in the bunks, drifting in silence across the dismal sea. There is many a formal church with a dead man in the pUlpit and dead souls in the pews, so far as the vibrant life of the Holy Spirit is concerned. And the finger from heaven writes, "Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead." Surely there is nothing more unseemly, as one writer puts it, than a dead preacher in the pulpit preaching to dead men in the pews. What then is the nature of this power, and how does it operate? The power of the Holy Spirit convicts of sin. It makes the hearers see themselves as God sees them. It sends people home, not admiring the preacher, but agitated, troubled, often vowing never to hear him again. Yet they know in their souls that he is right and they are wrong. It is the power of conviction which says to the heart, " Thou art the man." Such preachers are not often popular, but they are powerful. The personal power of God arraigns the sinner before the bar of justice, and wrongs are righted and confessions made. Then the power of the Holy Spirit lifts up Christ and makes Him real to the hearers. Some sermons leave a vivid impression of truth. Others leave an imperishable consciousness of


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the truth." A witness does not keep back testimony. He is mindful of facts, and faithfully declares them. Christian witnessing calls for personal experience in the deep things of God. It includes what one knows by the divine revelation of the Word. Personal, experimental salvation is imperative, the realization of the things preached. No man has any right to recommend to others what he has not himself tasted and tested. Some people need something to tell more than they need power to tell it. Too often we preach of things in which we have no personal experience. 1 earnestly .ask: \Vhat have you to tell that you are so anxious for God to give you power to tell it? When Peter told the people to "repent," he had himself repented of his own lying, denial, and profanity at the time of his witnessing. So he witnessed both to the necessity of repentance, and to the power of God to transform the repentant one. He declared, II We are His witnesses of these things." Acts 5: 32. Are you and I? Verily, experience lies at the foundation of all true witnessing. And let us not forget. we are to be witnesses unto Christ - about Him. Many fail here. Thus we read in Luke 24: 46-48: "Thus it is written, and


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thus it behooved C from the dead the pentance and rem preached in His na ginning at Jerusale of these things." The witness of t cerning Christ: "I men, the witness o is the witness of G of H;is Son." 1 Joh witness concerning sonal witness of sal on the Son of God h he that believeth n liar; because he bel God gave of His So that God hath given life is in His Son." is our privilege and telling others what is the greatest privil by grace. True witnessing operation with the Jewish law requir witnesses. And wh Spirit was the seco

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jection, or for the proof texts and proper as they all a to the reality of th own souls. If we a the ministry of som special training to come to him. We more to simple, joy primal purpose in of .the Holy Spirit.

Jesus came to bear witness to the truth, so the Holy Spirit bears witness only to the truth, and never to a lie, a perversion, or a distortion. Thus in God's plan the Holy Spirit is a joint witness with us. " Weare His witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey Him." Acts 5: 32. Indeed, we are not constituted true witnesses until we receive the power of the Holy Spirit. The English word" witness" comes from the Anglo-Saxon "witam," meaning I know. One reason for so little real witnessing is because we know so little of the Lord Jesus Christ ourselves. We cannot witness if we have nothing to witness to. It is of further significance that the Greek word for witness is martus, from which we derive the English word" martyr." Now a martyr is one who is convinced of truth and manifests it in life and death. The fires of persecution do not make martyrs; they simply reveal them. The man who is not already a martyr never lays down his life for the truth. The martyrs died, not to become martyrs, but because they were martyrs. The Master did not contemplate disciples especially trained to argue and overcome ob-


After the asce says: "Then retu from the mount c Jerusalem a Sabbat they were come in, room, where abode John, and Andrew, tholomew, and Mat phreus, and Simo brother of James. one accord in praye women, and Mary with His brethren. when the day of

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they were all with one accord in one place." Acts 2: 1. Pentecost was one of the three great Jewish feasts. It held the central place between the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. It was dependent upon the Passover, and was dated fifty days after the Passover. If there had been no Passover, there would have been no Pentecost. Similarly, if there had been no Calvary, the Holy Spirit would not have come. Picture if you will those ten days of waiting between the ascension and Peritecost. The angels' words were still ringing in the disciples' ears. Their Master was coming back visibly, bodily. But until He came the invisible Spirit was to take His place. And Jesus' command to " tarry" was still fresh and vivid. The" they" referred to were the apostles, certain women, and some of the brethren - one hundred twenty in all. Yet there were over five dred brethren who saw the Lord after His resurrection and before Pentecost. 1 Cor. 15: 6. So only about one in four tarried as di.. rected. There may be some encouragement for us in that, in the light of conditions and tendencies of to-day. If we are looking for the whole church to receive the latter rain, that day will never come. It was an insignificant

and humble gatheri fishermen, publican some humble wome During the ten all their hearts and The "all" of the disciples, and the The" in one place but the "of one a dition. The place the accord, or unit they were "steadf Spirit came at a p with heart, and pr And every recorde Holy Spirit in the by earnest prayer. failing right here. And how earne How keen were thei unfaithfulness. Ho confessions one to their utter helpless each day passed, t would come that may be a greater lo But how the Multitudes were dy


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The first, second, third, fourth, and fifth days come and go. Why has He not come? The sixth, seventh, and eighth days pass. As the days dragged on, how easy it would have been to criticize! No wonder He hadn't come, with Thomas among them, with his doubting disposition. And Simon Peter! Just remember his oaths and curses. .He could scarcely be trusted. And of course there were the sons of Zebedee, who had actually asked for the two chief seats. They surely were self-seekers and firebrands, veritable "sons of thunder." And then there was Mary Magdalene. Just recall her past. How could the Lord bless? Oh, it is so easy to turn the searchlight on others instead of on self,- around instead of within. Weare prone to blame others for our lack of power. But Pentecost proves that if our repentance is true and deep, no blessing is withheld because of past sins. Thank God for that! Let us then draw together, and draw near to Him. The ninth day passed uneventfully. Probably they wondered if the Father would fulfill the promise on Pentecost. That must be His plan. The last night was doubtless spent watching, praising, entreating. At length the day of all days dawned. Momentous day! both


for the praying disc crowds without, as born. This is the sacre came a sound from mighty wind, and it they were sitting. them cloven tongues upon each of them. there was a sound li It was not like any neither from north, from heaven. It w sound of wind. It sound. There was lift a hair or to f suggested wind, but as of the hurricane by the multitudes i (Verse 6, A. R. V.) in one place, filling t were gathered. It r Nicodemus, " The wi and thou hearest th not tell whence it co so is everyone th And there appe as of fire." They

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miles over ice and a thousand miles over water, and at last dropped into the cote at the home of the explorer's wife, and she knew that all was well. So with the coming of the Holy Spirit. It was Heaven's signal to earth that Jesus' sacrifice was accepted of the Father, and that He had taken His place at God's right hand, with His full prerogatives. So all the Spirit's special work for the world during this dispensation found its initial realization and fulfillment at Pentecost. A new day had dawned in human history, a new departure was initiated in the economy of God, a new era in intercourse between God and man. A new order of things was ushered in at Pentecost, a new relationship of which the Old Testament types and shadows were the whisperings. They were like gleams of early light or songs of hope in the night - visions of glorious, coming things now realized.
.. When Christ passed within the heavenly gates, He was enthroned amidst the adoration of the angels. As soon as this ceremony was completed, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples in rich currents, and Christ was indeed glorified, even with the glory which He had with the Father from all eternity. The Pentecostal outpouring was Heaven's communication that the Redeemer's inauguration was accomplished.

d appearance of fire. only appeared as of ch, they were visible but not to himself. he rushing wind and ing to the seeing and emporary manifestato the descent of the ho had come. They n to the power presower. But the eye ing to its presence. niments, and had no he moment, marking f the Holy Spirit as s dispensation. The was neither of these of the Spirit, who, I nseen and unheard. thing is that the disSpirit. This essenain with the church. on his Arctic expedieon with him. After message and fastened took the pigeon and made three circles, t flew for a thousand

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According to His promise He had sent the Holy Spirit from heaven to His followers, as a token that He had, as priest and king, received all authority in heaven and on earth, and was the Anointed One over His people." _ t t The Acts of the Apostles," pp. 38, 39.

The powers of the unseen world were released, and flooded the lives of the disciples in the upper room. There was new life and power in the world. The Holy Spirit had come, not as a temporary visitor, upon some lonely, loyal watcher, but in permanent abiding majesty, to dwell in all yielded lives. Since Pentecost His residence has been on earth, just as Jesus' residence was here during the thirtythree years. Thus was marked the inauguration of a special work to continue until Jesus returns in glory at His second advent. So we do not wait for His coming. The Holy Spirit came to 'administer the life and power of the risen Christ, and to apply to trusting souls the actual value of the cross, working out in us the consequences of His redeeming work, both as relates to the power and the guilt of sin. So the coming of the Spirit, making effective the provision of the cross, was the dawn of the brightest day since the fall, to be outshone only by the crowning day when Jesus returns bodily and visibly to reclaim His perfected people who are waiting

translation day, an their dusty beds. of divine life and toward which the p in the previous disp There are var speaks of this grea the Spirit (Luke " sends" (John 15: ( Gal. 3: 5, A. R. (Acts 2: 33; Joel within" (Eze. 36 " proceeded" ( Joh 10: 44), and He" d In it all there is di divine sovereignty, As the Bethleh of Christ, so the Jer place of the advent cost was His install that we speak of t the birthday of Chr fore. And in a m for on that day th new conditions an possible before, Hi pacity as Advocate Lord Jesus Christ

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of divine love. T of Jonas who co taunting question ward he stood li priest and rabble God until the cr gregation, and th mercy. Councils withstand the dis men, yet differen characteristics, ye the change? Th - they were "fil had received the"

difference thenceforth in His mission. He came as the Spirit of Christ, to bring His personal presence to the soul. He understands our needs. He is able to succor. He is touched with the feelings of our infirmities. He prays for us with groanings that cannot be uttered in words. V, hat had been promised in the Gospels was experienced in the Acts. The Master's promise was fulfilled to the letter. The disciples were thereby completely changed, and turned the world upside down. Before Pentecost the disciples loved their Lord, but were unable to witness effectually, in the sense Jesus designed. They were devoted but defeated. Afterward, cowards became brave, and bosoms that heaved with rivalry and suspicion were filled with humility and love. Before Pentecost, James and John were narrow and intolerant. When a few timid Samaritans refused to receive their Master, these zealots wanted to wither them with fire. And they were filled with small, unworthy ambition - they wanted the front seats in the kingdom. After Pentecost the low ambition and bigotry were gone. J ames became the mig'hty man of prayer, and John the spiritual and lowly one who caught the sweetest whispers

And what do During our Lord' with the disciples, and train them. and pleaded; He r most respects the were. And why outward teachings this was not suff the power of indw upon them largely

116 ence, when here in the flesh. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14: 26. "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth." John 16: 12, 13. Through the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost He took up His abode in them as an indwelling presence. He filled the innermost recesses of their being, and became the very life of their lives. Thus the transformation before unaccomplished was achieved by the indwelling Christ when the Holy Spirit descended. This glorious fact and provision was the source of all the other blessings that came at Pentecost.
"It is through the Spirit that Christ dwells in us; and the Spirit of God, received into the heart by faith, is the beginning of the life eterna1."-" The Desire of Ages," p. 388. H On the day of Pentecost the promised Comforter descended, and the power from on high was given, and the souls of the believers thrilled with the conscious presence of their ascended Lord."_ H The Great Controversy," p. 351.

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<t The inexhausti command. Christ gi Spirit, the life of Hi page 112. "0 my brethren and cause it to depar Saviour, because yo ence? "- Mrs. E. G. March 22, 1887.

The very Spir of Bethlehem possi It is the only poss Jesus' earthly sta of men. Now we the Holy Spirit. change in cowar courageous victor, dwelt in Him. communicated to union with Him. in John, the love, the Father, the sel Himself came int the change wroug them for true a new vision was n was the actual ou the cross they ha nal Christ and we comrades with

118 life. And this changed their whole outlook and behavior. It was thus they were equipped for their apparently impossible task. This also is the only real and genuine way to live a victorious, triumphant life, and actually to overcome the power of sin in the daily life while living in the flesh. So many have their eyes fixed on the external, historic Christ of nineteen hundred years ago, and whom we must know, that they fail to realize that Pentecost provided for His dwelling in us and working in us. It is thus that He is made unto us "sanctification," just as His atoning death, preceded by His sinless life, provides for our "justification." Our glorified, ascended Lord, who lived in the flesh among men, now dwells in men by the Holy Spirit, imparting the very obedience and characteristics of His own life to them. In this dispensation the Holy Spirit is nearer than with men, He is within them. It is this that makes the difference. Thus the yielded life is brought under the immediate control of the Holy Spirit from within as an abiding Presence. Then the new commandment can be realized. The snirit and love of Jesus fill the life because He fills it. "That He would grant you, according to the riches of

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His glory, to be s His Spirit in the i dwell in your hea rooted and ground comprehend with al and length, and know the love of edge, that ye migh ness of God." Eph. noted that this is antidote of any p the rationalistic nence." To work for G God work through thing to forsake t it is quite another Spirit dwells abun power and grace. it isn't a change changed men. It new power that And God cannot with men until H revolutionary for of the Holy Spirit. That is why i to go away, in ord


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come and live in us. All His earthly work for them found its fruitage and realization for them at Pentecost. But one step more remains, - His glorious bodily return when we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is, with no dimming veil between. Then shall we talk openly to Him with whom we now commune through the Holy Spirit.

Note next the effect upon Peter, the burning preacher of Pentecost. An hour before the infilling of the Holy Spirit, he was unfit to witness effectually; now he is fitted. Study his sermon. The apostles and the seventy had preached many a sermon before Pentecost, but the Holy Spirit never saw fit to record a single one of them. But the sermon of Pentecost recorded at length by inspiration is full of importance both as to the true method and the subject matter of preaching, and the results as well. Observe that Peter stood up. That was new and revolutionary; it was different from the rabbis. They sat, while heralds stood to deliver their messages. So the apostles were not merely teachers, but heralds. And then Peter spoke forth. He enunciated clearly and correctly, so that all heard and understood.

Peter began w and led them into true art of preach destitute of either ical adornment. It great facts to whic They seem foolish i weakness; yet thre the simple recital. preacher, or his se less rhetoric and vitiate the power o so much upon our is the divine poten we preachers need Holy Spirit, Chris will convict the wo and " He will glori was full of Christ. a mighty telescope, near. So will ever day, irrespective of being set forth. Of course the raised. A Spirit-fil present to the wo natural phenomena produce wonder, pe


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Peter spoke forth burning convictions. There were no probabilities or suppositions in his discourse, no theories, no compromises. It was stalwartly courageous. It presented the fact of Jesus, and His perfection of life, His vicarious death, His resurrection and exalta tion, and the pouring forth of u this." That four-letter word, T-H-I-S, is the key word of the sermon. The multitude asked, "What meaneth this?" Verse 12. And Peter answering said, "This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel" (verse 16); and sweeping through the sermon, we reach the climax in verse 33: H Therefore being by the right received of hand of God exalted, and the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, He hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear." The" this" included all that they had both seen and heard, and which had caused their perplexity. Linking with prophecy, he led. directly to the ministration of Christ. Then were men U pricked in their heart," and " three thousand souls" were added to the Lord. It was not the outflow of human energy, zeal, logical argument, wisdom, or eloquence. No advertising nor organizing power accounted for their crowds and results. It was the convicting, converting power of the Holy Spirit.

It was the declaratio in the power of the witnessing to the r viction and inquiry, tion, obedience and That called for the out upon" all flesh." race. It cannot be n ler than the entire h indeed among the "f "The promise is u dren, and to all th many as the Lord o As to the resul first a witnessing, outbreak of persecut for many. Persecu centralization. The Pentecost brought a It cl conviction. There was a grea evangelism that sp Disciples went every The persecution tra sionaries. Means fl is my conviction tha repeated with us, t ization.

" Selling their houses or their lands, they brought the money, and laid it at the apostles' feet, 'and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.' This liberality on the part of the believers was the result of the outpouring of the Spirit."-" The Acts of the Apostles," p. 70.

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Such was the stQry Qf the early rain. Under the dQwnpQur Qf the latter rain these things will nQt Qnly be paralleled, but surpassed. Mighty things will happen, and that speedily. PQwer is always manifested in actiQn. That is the law Qf PQwer. May GQd quickly bring this hQly actiQn to' cut shQrt and finish the wQrk in righteQusness. When Christ was Qn earth, He sPQke to the dead and called them back to' life. But I am persuaded that it is a greater thing to' influence successfully a living man's stubbQrn will that is set against GQd. It is a greater miracle to' quicken spiritually a sinning, hating man than to' quicken the physically dead. That is undQubtedly what Jesus meant when He declared to' His astQnished disciples, " Greater wQrks than these shall he dQ." JQhn 14: 12. That was the miracle Qf PentecQst, as three thQusand SQuls, filled with prejudice, malice, bitterness, their hands dripping with the blQQd Qf Jesus, whQm they detested, repented and crQwned Him bQth LQrd and Christ.

"These scenes are t power. The outpouring of Pentecost was the fo will be more abundant. and reception. Christ i fullness by the Holy Sp ject Lessons," p. 121. "To us to-day, as v the promise of the Spi endow men and women He endowed those who the word of salvation. and His grace are for all Him at His word."-H T " The great work of less manifestation of th its opening. The proph the outpouring of the f the gospel, are again to at its close. Here are which the apostle Peter ( Repent ye therefore, an may be blotted out when come from the presence Jesus.' " Servants of God, shining with holy consec to place to proclaim th thousands of voices, all will be given. Miracles be healed, and signs an lievers. Satan also wor bringing down fire from Thus the inhabitants of take their stand.

The Coming of the Comforter
"The message will be carried not so much by argument as by the deep conviction of the Spirit of God. The arguments have been presented. The seed has been sown, and now it will spring up and bear fruit."-" The Great Controversy," pp. 611, 612.

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men, methods, and thority of the Holy the church plunged Dark Ages. In the developed, and at l himself up instead vicar of the Son of "who opposeth and that is called God, that He as God sitt showing himself that The church passi of the Dark Ages w voice of Martin Lu return has been ma centuries, the Holy His rightful place, u time of the complete the latter rain. Wit est need in the worl Spirit-called, Spirit-fi lead the advent move allotted task. And t what ought to be, m must be. But the ap and the loss of the
"I saw that if the her peculiar, holy char

Throughout the apostolic era the triumphs of the cross continued. The Lord was "working with them, and confirming the word with signs following." Mark 16: 20. Idolatry was shattered, pagan temples were emptied, and converts multiplied by the thousands. Without money they overcame the combinations of wealth about them; without schools they put to confusion the learned rabbis; without political or social powers they proved stronger than the Sanhedrin; without a priesthood they defied priest and temple; and without a soldier they were mightier than the legions of Rome. And so they planted the cross above the Roman eagle. But new privileges bring new responsibilities, and new responsibilities create new perils. The church gradually forgot the secret stairway to the upper room. By the fourth century the Christian church had transferred her dependence from divine power to the smiles of royalty and the patronage of an earthly throne. She placed henceforth her dependence upon

The Coming of the Comforter
Spirit which was imparted to the disciples would still be with her. The sick would be healed, devils would be rebuked and cast out, and she would be mighty, and a terror to her enemies."-u Early Writings,"
page 227.

The Co
hurried out of the doo out of Sodom before were strengthened by upon them in rich ab endure the hour of te
pp. 278, 279.

Pentecost did not exhaust the prophecy of JoeL There is to be a far more complete fulfillment in these last days of the dispensation of the Spirit. What we need is a clear apprehension of the person and work of the Holy Spirit, and a complete surrender to His control. The Spirit of truth, grieved and driven away by apostasy, perversion, rejection, and substitution of the false, will return in full power to the remnant church that is seeking to know and obey the full truth. To no others could He so come. The apostolic generation (A. D. 31-64), in which the gospel went to the known world, is a type of this last generation of the gospel era, when under the latter rain the "everlasting gospel" goes to the whole world in final consummation. What a solemn and yet glorious time in which to live!
(( I saw that this message will close with power and strength far exceeding the midnight cry. Servants of God, endowed with power from on high, with their faGes lighted up, and shining with holy consecration, went forth to proclaim the message from Heaven. Souls that were scattered all through the religious bodies answered to the call, and the precious were

The work of t the whole gospel t generation. It ha ness. It is the fo history has been un for which the whole Pentecost the disci whole world with have the latter rain responding task. us with both hope must have Pentecos It is our need of it is the only hop And the church m fore Pentecost will The Holy Spirit equipment. So co hundred twenty Sp there was a great been made in a lik our facilities notw are forced to the c


The Coming of the Comforter church lacks and supremely needs the power of the Holy Spirit that was promised to fit her for her final work. Men, gifts, methods, legislation, are all dead machinery unless vitalized and made effective by the spirit of Pentecost. The prophet may preach to the bones in the valley, but it takes the breath from heaven to cause them to live. Our great lack is not more earnestness, more importunity, more strength, more activity; it is our indifferent attitude toward the Holy Spirit. We are trying to render acceptable service in neglect of the one power by which it is accomplished. In the church, as in the world, all is rush, speed, pressure. We are so busy that we have no time left for the most needful thing. Our hands are full, but our hearts are too often empty. "The missionary movement is far in advance of the missionary spirit."-" Historical Sketches," p. 294. If we deplore the limitations of our activity, ought we not to be more concerned over our deeper need? The church is up-to-date. She has a wonderful organization. She has a marvelous machinery. The wheels are adjusted to a nicety., But she lacks power. In spite of all our facilities, we do not have the power of conversion which should mark the remnant church. We

The Co are altering the c belief, and unright is evangelizing the izing the church. tralized. To attra isters are resortin are miserable mak on high. It is hu these worldly expe To-day the wo sionary activities. want of proportio our gifts, and the Each passing year soul won, coupled souls per laborer. to alarm us. Why an army? Ah, ou is too largely unre own dispensation. with the Holy Spi days? We are in on man, methods, Him who alone ca vitalize them, equi and release and bl As there was the Word was mad

Bethlehem when Christ is formed within the heart through the Holy Spirit. Similarly, there was a historic Pentecost when the Spirit was poured out upon the church, but there is also a personal Pentecost when He fills the individual believer. And this personal Pentecost is the birthright of every child of God. Alas, many are living experimentally on the other side of Pentecost. But let us not be deceived into looking for the latter rain until the early rain has first watered our own individual souls. Let us read thoughtfully and prayerfully these statements from the spirit of prophecy:

The Coming of the Comforter

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the light they have, wi we are daily advancin active Christian virtu manifestations of the It may be falling on h not discern or receive i " The blessings rec needful to us to the en fice. While we cheris we must not, on the ot that without the latte ripen the grain, the h sickle, and the labor vain. Divine grace is grace at every step of can complete the work we do not place ourselv the former and the lat and the responsibility pp. 507, 508.

" The latter rain, ripening earth's harvest, represents the spiritual grace that prepares the church for the coming of the Son of man. But unless the former rain has fallen, there will be no life; the green blade will not spring up. Unless the early showers have done their work, the latter rain can bring no seed to perfection."-" Testimonies to Ministers," p. 506. " Many have in a great measure failed to receive the former rain. They have not obtained all the benefits that God has thus provided for them. They expect that the lack will be supplied by the latter rain. When the richest abundance of grace shall be bestowed, they intend to open their hearts to receive it. They are making a terrible mistake. The work that God has begun in the human heart in giving His light and knowledge, must be continually going forward. . . . But there must be no neglect of the grace represented by the former rain. Only those who are living up to

As the Holy Spi the enthronement is not until Christ individual heart t comes. This is ou and therefore our g Sometimes whe hard kind of rock, into which to driv oftentimes these fa they take out the wooden ones, which


The Coming of the Comforter

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How much T These stag O'er which w And fail of Help us t Our need And all Thy p Lord, save us Reveal Thy Thy boundless To turn me The light That ligh That penetrat

They are left to do their work. The damp wood swells. The stubborn granite cannot withstand the strain of the new power. The wood, and the wood on water works on the stone. After a bit, the rock yields and splits wide open. o rock of indifference, unbelief, and hostility, when wilt thou break? Perhaps thou art waiting for the water - divinely chosen symbol of the Spirit - instead of the iron, the product of men's genius. God send the needed power!

The work that centuries might have done, Must crowd the hour of setting sun." HEAVENLY POWER

How oft the power of words prevails, Instead Thy word of power; How oft we turn to human strength, When in that very hour Thy mighty word, That word of God, In all ita truth should tower! How prone we are to look for force Within our words and aims, And then expect these human plans To serve the latter rainsThe Spirit's gift. That gift of God, Which ev'ry doubt explains r

L. E. F.]

[Written by one ings of the Spirit-ble Institute, this poem c response to the messa publication, it nevert these studies on the







"A CERTAIN Jew n dria, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus. Thi way of the Lord i and spake and taught dilig knowing only the bapti speak boldly in the syna Priscilla had heard, the pounded unto him the w when he was disposed to wrote, exhorting the d when he was come, hel lieved through grace: f Jews, and that publicly, Jesus was Christ. I< And it came to p Corinth, Paul having pa came to Ephesus: and said unto them, Have ;ve ye believed? And they much as heard whether t he Mid unto them, Unt And they tsafd, Unto Jo John verily baptized wi saying unto the people, t which should come afte When they heard this, t of the Lord Jesus. And upon them, the Holy G

spake with tongues, and prophesied. And all the men were about twelve. And he went into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God." Acts 18: 24-28; 19: 1-8. "Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Eph. 5: 14-20.

The Coming of the Comforter

THE FILLIN EPHESUS was a coast of Asia Minor. junction of the natu mile from the Icaria point of great roads silted up; but still it from every part of seas and rivers wer commercial position lation was great, a Vanity Fair of Asi ardent devotees of p theater 495 feet in twenty-two feet wide, dred ten, and modate 24,500 perso famed religious shr Diana. And commer blended and centered To this important an Alexandrian Jew tian. Alexandria wa ing and culture, in standing figure. Inci


The Coming of the Comforter

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disciples. Doubtless obscure room, exercis vast, idolatrous city of God had drawn t Paul saw instant thing lacking in the was convinced there exercised no greater trating observer, an cause that produced satisfactory conditio The poverty of thei ence, the barrenness and the powerlessnes not be hidden. The t product of their eloq preacher begins with ends with mere ins divine dynamic will lift others only to th self lives.
U The preaching of without the continual p Spirit. This is the onl truth. Only when the heart by the Spirit, will transform the life. One letter of the word of G aU its commands and p

the Greek mode of thinking had invaded the Hebrew method of studying their own Scriptures. This background is helpful as we turn our thoughts to Apollos. He was a learned and eloquent man, and was mighty in the Scriptures. He knew how to present them convincingly, and was careful in his teaching. He was gifted in the art of oratory and bold in utterance. He was earnest and fervent in spirit, possibly having imbibed this intensity from John the Baptist. He" taught accurately the things concerning Jesus." Acts 18: 25, A. R. V. But his presentations were theoretical. And he could take the people only as far as he had gone - not a yard beyond, nor a foot above. There were two humble laymen _ Aquila and Priscilla - who knew Jesus better than he, for they knew Him experimentally. These instructed him more fully. One might think that Apollos would have turned the city of Ephesus upside down through his eloquence, but very little is recorded concerning his ministry, despite the burning eloquence of this sincere soul. There was but little result from his strenuous labor, and he passed on to Corinth. Paul, later coming to Ephesus, sought out the church, and was rewarded with the discovery of only twelve weak

Spirit sets home the truth, no souls will fall on the Rock and be broken. No amount of education, no advantages, however great, can make one a channel of light without the co-operation of the Spirit of God. The sowing of the gospel seed will not be a success unless the seed is quickened into life by the dew of heaven. Before one book of the New Testament was written, before one gospel sermon had been preached after Christ's ascension, the Holy Spirit came upon the praying apostles. Then the testimony of their enemies was, 'Ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine.' "-" The Desire of Ages," pp. 671.

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Without preliminaries Paul went directly to the crucial point, "Did ye receive the Holy Spirit when ye believed 7 " he asked. Acts 19: 2, A. R. V. And their reply was, "Nay, we did not so much as hear whether the Holy Spirit was given." The disciples of John knew of the Holy Spirit to come, but had not yet received Him. Yet this experience at Ephesus was twenty years after Pentecost. Paul was not asking concerning the special gifts of the Spirit, but of the Gift supreme - the Holy Spirit Himself. And their reply indicates they so understood him. He wanted to learn if they had received the filling of the Holy Spirit,the permanent, central feature of Pentecost. For there is an experience beyond and above the initial step by which the Holy Spirit first reveals sin, and begets a new life in the soul,

and that is to be the lack of this, o the spiritual life b to know something tions; but a vastl Him as a person these Ephesian disc experimentally wit vision. So Paul at with the gospel of t who was glorified a of the Spirit from t had sent down in liever to receive. Holy Spirit in ha vision. Alas, many tobaptism of repenta are honest, sincere, of their knowledge. the fuller, bright knowledge they hav indefinite, inadequa and presence are largely ignorant of and are sadly barr to look back to the or forward to the

with hope. But we live in the tremendous present with its terrific problems. And thousands have not yet grasped with any personal appreciation and appropriation the supreme fact and reality of the Holy Spirit. We are in weakness because the greatest of God's provisions for this dispensation is covered with unreality. We understand other truths, but have not laid hold of this one: that the one supreme fact and force and need in the world to-day is the Holy Spirit, not merely in the world or church in general, but in the individual life. So long as ministers imagine that what is needed is just more earnestness, importunity, brilliance, or strength, which if they can only obtain they will be all they ought to be, then their preaching is of little avail, for they are only perpetuating the condition of powerlessness. As we look back across the centuries to the Ephesus episode, Paul's question suggests the reason why so many lives are spiritual failures and why the church is so feeble. Nothing can compensate for the lack of the Holy Spirit. What steam or gas is to the engine, what electricity is to the motor, that and more is the Holy Spirit in the soul's battle with sin, and in the problem of successful service. Paul's

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question marks the classes in the Chri know Jesus only a their sins and give and those who kno power of sin, and w living presence and sible through the ind and equipping for f Some come with baptizing with wate ing and moral ref make the work of of spiritual, and its duct rather than wit with reform rather But John told of Hi the Holy Ghost, an differs from the sim as fire differs from is internal, consum that completes the pentance. To receiv most urgent of all years of personal c ciples, Jesus said it to go away that th Spirit. The presence


The Coming of the Comforter

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the materialistic, th for the spiritual visi the absence of the man's preaching po eloquence, and natur are powerless witho Paul's soul burned men that vital quest if he could see the c of the latter rain"
"It is the absence gospel ministry so po quence, every natural o possessed; but without God, no heart will be to On the other hand, if t if the gifts of the Spi most ignorant of His d will tell upon hearts. the outflowing of the hi -" Testimonies," Vol.
" Without the Spi word is of no avail. panied by the Holy Sp sanctify the heart. commands and promis Spirit of God sets the not be transformed. the Spirit, men will n from error, and they temptations of Satan
pp. 408, 411.

would be of more value to them than even the continued, bodily presence of Himself. Oh, do we have Him whom Jesus said would be more expedient to us than His actual, bodily presence if He were on earth to-day? It is a transcendent question. Again, whose business is it to raise such a question as, "Did ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye believed?" Is it not the minister's? Paul did it, and did it promptly when the need was apparent. His question indicated that there had been but a partial instruction. Their lack was primarily the fault of the preacher. That gospel presentation is not complete and adequate which does not set forth the glorious provision of the Holy Spirit. One partially instructed can have only a partial experience. But in all too many instances intellectual assent to a gospel of truth has been substituted for this divine provision. There are many preachers with wonderful gifts, full of zeal, mighty in the Scriptures, and eloquent, but who leave behind weak, defective converts because they themselves are living experimentally on the wrong side of their personal Pentecost. One cannot give a clear expression unless he has himself a clear impression. The tendency is ever toward the formal,

The Coming of the Comforter
" The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, pierces the heart of the sinner, and cuts it in pieces. When the theory of the truth is repeated without its sacred influence being felt upon the soul of the speaker, it has no force upon the hearers, but is rejected as error, the speaker making himself responsible for the loss of souls."-" Gospel Workers," p. 253. "We are not to make less prominent the special truths that have separated us from the world, and made us what we are; for they are fraught with eternal . interests. God has given us light in regard to the things that are now taking place, and with pen and voice we are to proclaim the truth to the world. But it is the life of Christ in the soul, it is the active principle of love imparted by the Holy Spirit, that alone will make our words fruitfuI."-ld., p. 288.

The Fill

for one is just as more than mere co of universal applic prohibition against liever not to be "fi obedience as for a yield in " repentanc more than a privile is the Christian's truth is no substitu no substitute. Inte tute. We disobey at mand enjoined. Think intensivel for a moment. It i something we are bi "be filled." We ca night, moment by m
U Morning by morn kneel before the Lord secration to Him, He w His Spirit, with its rev they go forth to the day ance that the unseen ag them to be 'laborers tog of the Apostles," p. 56.

VVriting some ten years afterward to the larger church at this same city of Ephesus, Paul joins to his original question this solemn injunction: "Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit." . Eph. 5: 18. Here is a call to receive something. Some were not filled, and their condition brought forth this double injunction, with a negative side and a positive. It is more than desirable; it is indispensable. It is not merely permissive, but mandatory. One has no more license to break the second part than the first,

Unbelief must no is too high. It is G fore as obligatory as


The Coming of the Comforter

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God's commands are enablings, they are each tantamount to a promise. We appropriate the other doctrines, exhortations, and teachings of this epistle to the Ephesians; why minimize or omit this one? All the children of God are born of the Spirit; but it is another thing to be fiUed with the Spirit. It is one thing to have the Spirit in a measure, or by measure; but quite another for Him to have us fully. What He wants is to come in and fill every part of the being. If we have faith to believe that Jesus Christ can save a person from the guilt of sin, ought we not to believe that He will fulfill this promise? One is as sacred as the other. One presents no greater impossibility than the other. And the one who has been saved ought to be filled, for Christ's power is as available as His pardon. To put it succinctly, we are to believe and be saved; and believe and be filled. Think not it was simply for apostolic times. It is for all who are" afar off" as well. Acts 2: 39. It is as much for us in the golden glories of time's last hour as for those who lived in the silver dawn of this dispensation of the Spirit. " Filled with the Spirit" is contrasted with the exciting influence. of alcoholic stimulants.


At Pentecost the d being drunken. B Spirit is here put i ral, alcoholic state the Spirit fills a ma the directi9n and c pernatural agent. of frivolity, profanit the outpouring of all But the Spirit-filled rounded, and anima self. The baptism communication of man. It is the in to dwell in the soul. manifesting the gift mentally different f ual. It is a purgin ergizing presence as "Be filled" is The need is urgent The realization is o We urge upon sinne Bearer on account certainty and immin and the blessedness future. In like ma to be filled with th

The Coming of the Comforter

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greater reasons. God is in extremity for men to-day who, thoughtless of themselves, will desire only to be receivers and channels of the Holy Spirit's power. ,\Ve need not understand His nature nor the process of filling. All we need to know is the fact of His power and the law of His working, and come into compliance with the conditions. Nothing less will enable us to live a life of victory and fruit bearing. Thus the full joy of redemption becomes a fact of personal experience. And in the waning days of this last age God will fill men with the Spirit as in the time of the early rain. Both John the Baptist and Elijah - prototypes of the advent people - were filled with the Spirit.
" The Father gave His Spirit without measure to His Son, and we also may partake of its fullness."--=. " The Great Controversy," p. 477.

" Be filled" is in the passive voice. Weare not bidden to fill ourselves, but to " be filled," both by and with the Spirit. There must be a Filler. Weare to depend upon Him, and the responsibility rests upon Him. This filling is certain because it is based upon the unchangeable word of the living God. By meeting the conditions we shall be filled. Yet the proffered gift is one thing, and the personal appropriation is quite another. The passive voice indi-

cates the surrender and the emptied h prerequisites. VIe deliberate, consciou surrender. But th quiescence, a passi There must be actu In this sense it is a Now, just a qu How shall we kno Spirit? There is d great stir of the em tion of glory, some majestic presence. case. True, it wa He came for the fir was not usually a d in cases been volcani upside down. But general. Let us d sence and the mere perience of filling i Temperaments cou just to have the w Spirit's managemen Himself in the prese Spirit, entering int believer's being, ru


The Coming of the Comf orter

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We must always dis of operation and the

U When the Holy it does not ask us in w it moves in unexpected




" The Holy Spirit work according to the sinful men are not to it shall come as a repro whom God shall choose obey its voice ."-ld., p

perfection of life and service. To be filled with the Spirit it is not necessary to have derful feelings, but to have Christ glorified within. Perhaps an illustration will be helpful: A river may be filled in two different ways. It may be filled with heavy, torrential rains, amid great noise, turmoil, and commotion. Then there is rush and overflow and violence. But there is another way of filling - from the melted snows, calmly, steadily rising until it is full, without any noise or disturbance or commotion. This way it is gradually and enlargingly filled. The methods differ, but in both cases the stream is full. Similarly, the voiceless wind is known, not by visible perception, but by its effects. In both the Hebrew and the Greek the word for spirit is the same as that for wind. This at once includes both gentleness and strength. It may be as the quiet evening zephyr, or it may come in the mighty tempest's power. Yet both are the wind. Thus with the filling of the Spirit. It may be sudden, or it may come down gradually on the soul. It is true that sometimes the filling in apostolic times was accompanied by miraculous phenomena - earthquake, wind, or fire. Yet many times there was nothing of the kind.

We must not ar vance the precise ch preconceptions whic Bible. Many are lo - joyous thrills and - which if they do ened. Really, the fi meant to be extrao provided as the no tians, daily enablin to serve effectually, by special endueme able to tell the time conversions, which c need be no ecstatic j Fact, faith, feel filling may be uniq

The Coming of the Comforter

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common. Barnabas never had the experience of Paul, yet both were filled with the Spirit. The fundamental facts were identical. The method is not important; the basic fact is essential. So filling is based not on feelings, but on fact. It comes as the result of quiet faith. Thus we read: "That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." Gal. 3: 14. Just as the offer of forgiveness of sins in 1 John 1: 9 is a simple offer on one hand and a simple acceptance of the condition on the other, so in Revelation 3: 20 there is likewise a transparently simple offer to enter and abide if any man hears and opens the door of the life. It is our human nature possessed by the divine Spirit. Filling brings a blessed consciousness of Christ. We know Him as never before, and His Lordship becomes a conscious, practical reality. One is quietly pervaded with a consciousness of that Presence which reaches back behind the veil into the unseen realities. There is a sense of God's sovereign ownership, a vision of unswerving purpose, an intimate consciousness of fellowship with Christ, a deep abhorrence of sin, and a joyous comradeship with the Spirit. There is a resultant difference in life and labor.

The evidence of the of ElisJia was not e manifestations. But waters, they were di in service. The devil has tw employs with regard t he seeks to hide the second, when this is applies the principle tortion. He will take its true setting, and error. Take, for ex fication by faith. centuries of the Midd sight until it was for Then the devil ind adapted and misappl antinomian ism, receiv multitudes. Thus also with the Obscured through the at last a revival of de tion of the question a generation. More tracts have been writt the last twenty-five y since the invention of


The Coming of the Comforter

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Spirit of God. The f neglect of the Scriptu to deception and ruin designs of the evil on tralian Signs of the Ti " Since the minis importance to the ch devices of Satan, thro fanatics, to cast conte and cause the people strength which our Ibid.

restrained, 80 the devil is determined to cast odium on the whole question by bringing the subject into ill repute by the extremes of Pentecostalism, the fanaticism and irrationalities of Holy Roller cults, or the vagaries of mysticism which discount the historic and minimize dependence upon the word. But the devil must not be permitted to rob us of God's truth or to keep from us His provided blessing. We must not be deceived by his cunning plan, and led to discarding Heaven's boon. Our deepest, highest, most urgent need of all needs to-day is the Holy Spirit, the power and provision of His filling. And the provision we are studying is in violent contrast to all modern perversions and counterfeits. It is most improbable that the staid, rational Adventist people would ever be deceived into the wild vagaries of the cults. Our peril is that we may be tricked into the devil's conspiracy of silence, either through noninvestigation of the true or through disgust engendered by extremes of the false.
" Great reproach has been cast upon the work of the Holy Spirit, by the errors of a class that, claiming its enlightenment, profess to have no further need of guidance from the word of God. They are governed by impressions which they regard as the voice of God in the soul. But the Spirit that controls them is not the

The Holy Spirit vague influence or Person, to be receiv eration, and obedi of our having more more of us,- yes, a not seeking some i knowledge of a Pe a Person, stronger absolute sway in t Holy Spirit of Go to administer in permit this possessi encing His power. the Holy Spirit al

The Coming of the Comforter

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not simply filled with an influence, or a sensation, or a set of ideas, or a mere blessing, but with a blessed Person. Weare to do nothing to displease or displace this heavenly Being. We are to treat Him as a welcome Guest, for He is especially sensitive to the reception He finds, never intruding, but gladly entering through the open door and following up every invitation. But He does not come in, nor stay in, without our full consent. Through ages past the Spirit worked according to His sovereign will upon the objects of His grace, visiting solitary hearts at His pleasure. But God has in this dispensation ordained certain universal laws of His operation and our co-operation. And He Himself most scrupulously recognizes His own laws. He respects the freedom of the human will, never forcing the inestimable blessing of His presence upon unwilling hearts. But He knocks, waiting to be recognized and claimed, working in the soul as we co-operate in obedience. The mystery of Bethlehem is incomprehensible, yet it is a positive fact. That a body should be formed for the Son of God by the overshadowing power of the Holy Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit should dwell in Christ of

Bethlehem, is indee But that the sam dwells in the bodies is the supreme my Spirit of God seeks bodies of ours. Go nally for this. Thr was frustrated, and Spirit of God, man i By Adam's first sin, and the union rupt the reign of sin Go session of the citade purpose of the com purchase back the l man to be again Ghost" (1 Cor. 6: broken fellowship nearly as possible b
II From eternal a every created being, fr man, should be a te Creator. Because of si ple for God. Darkene of man no longer rev One. But by the inca purpose of Heaven is f ity, and through savi comes again His te page 161.


The Coming oj the Comjorter

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was due to the Hol our pattern and ex the Holy Spirit. Ju testing, ministry, tion, and organizati through the movin was this complete fi Spirit that made o man. Every actio mind was due to the ing scriptures selec port, indicate:
" The angel answer Ghost shall come upo Highest shall overshado thing which shall be b Son of God." Luke 1: " Jesus being full o Jordan, and was led by being forty days tempt " Jesus returned i Galilee: and there we all the region round ab

At creation God made man of the dust of the ground, which was the material basis of the formation. Then He breathed into him the breath of life. Thus man became a spiritual being. Through this inbreathing by God the conscious side of man's nature was born, and thus he was fitted to enter into companionship with God. It has been truly said that it is this that makes man man, and differentiates him from the animal world. No lower form of life knows God. Man only was created to look into God's face and know, love, trust, and serve Him. The wisdom to exercise dominion over the lower creation came from God. Man originally understood and obeyed His laws. And all this came through the Spirit of God that was the agent in the making of man. "The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life." Job 33: 4. Thus the whole well-being of man was conditioned upon the energy and wisdom of the Spirit. But man lost this. Through resistance he was largely separated from the Holy Spirit. This principle of life becomes apparent as we study the life of Christ, the second man, the last Adam. The relation between the Holy Spirit and the Perfect Man is most illuminating. Every action of body and relation of mind

"How God anoint Holy Ghost and with good, and healing all th for God was with Him. If I cast out dev the kingdom of God is

The Coming of the Comforter
" How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" Heb. 9: 14. .. Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit." 1 Peter 3: 18. " The former treatise have I made, 0 Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, until the day in which He was taken up, after that He through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom He had chosen." Acts 1: 1, 2.

The Fill

During Christ's childhood and youth He was perpetually under the teaching, molding influence of the Divine Spirit. But at His baptism He entered into a new epoch, a fuller relationship. It was His personal Pentecost. He was endued, anointed, without measure. John 3: 34. He was full of the Holy Spirit. He was conscious that the Spirit of the Lord had come upon Him, anointing Him to preach. His miracles and words were under that inspiration. Through the eternal Spirit He offered Himself on the cross, and upon His resurrection by the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 3: 18), He was" declared to be the Son of God with power." Rom. 1: 4. Every grace of Christ's character is directly attributable to the Holy Spirit. The univer-

sality and indispen for man is indicate low: He is the Spiri of adoption (Rom (John 14: 17); Spi Spirit of power a Spirit of faith (2 (Heb. 10: 29) ; and 14). And the char sized is Holy Spirit Jesus was H ful the same Spirit wh who wept through sacrifices, wants to ence of our dear R Through sin from God. Sin is has poisoned eve The work of Jesus sin element, and ch the spiritual. Fro fall a new form o man began, which and only occasional were filled for the work. Thus Josep filled with the Spir When we reach the

The Coming of the Comforter

The Fil

Christ, John, His forerunner, was filled with the Holy Spirit from his birth (Luke 1: 15) ; Elizabeth was filled for her salutation (Luke 1 : 41); and Zacharias was filled for uttering his prophecy (Luke 1: 67-69),
"From the beginning God has been working by His Holy Spirit through human instrumentalities for the accomplishment of His purpose in behalf of the fallen race. This was manifest in the lives of the patriarchs. To the church in the wilderness also, in the time of Moses, God gave His 'good Spirit to instruct them! And in the days of the apostles He wrought mightily for His church through the agency of the Holy Spirit. The same power that sustained the patriarchs, that gave Caleb and Joshua faith and courage, and that made the work of the apostolic church effective, has upheld God's faithful children in every succeeding age. It was through the power of the Holy Spirit that during the Dark Ages the Waldensian Christians helped to prepare the way for the Reformation. It was the same power that made successful the efforts of the noble men and women who pioneered the way for the establishment of modern missions, and for the translation of the Bible into the languages and dialects of all nations and peoples."-H The Acts of the Apostles," p. 53.

To be filled is to be under the guidance, dominance, power, and control of the Spirit. But there is a clear line of demarcation between the new and the old dispensation. Being " filled with the Spirit" is no longer reserved

for the privileged within the reach o his Pentecostal ser Pentecost all the o and disciples, men with the Holy Spiri 4: 31 we read: " place was shaken together; and they Ghost, and they s boldness." New c was again filled ( other six deacons 55); Barnabas w Paul was filled (A The words " fill and again in the bo in three forms of and full. They we It was the normal c especially true whe or work. The beli it. It is not obscure ently simple. Not t rather than the ru Paul's inquiry at E It will be obser conclusion to the b

The Coming of the Comforter

The Fi


to be prolonged throughout the centuries of this dispensation of the Spirit. It is not simply for the sickly and saintly in appearance. The apostolic experience was given as a specimen and a type. God wants us to be filled. He asks, Are you willing? Our text in Ephesians 5: 18 implies that all Christian believers may be filled with the Spirit. Some people would almost seem to believe that a few people have the monopoly on the Holy Spirit. The truth is the precise opposite, that the Holy Spirit has the monopoly of only a few people. The Holy Spirit is promised, and God will give the Spirit in answer to prayer. " If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?" Luke 11: 13. Until Christ gave this admonition and promise, the thought of asking for the Spirit was largely foreign to the economy of the past.

The distinction between the Spirit's work in regeneration and being filled with the Spirit should be clearly defined and understood. Through regeneration by the Spirit (John 3:

5, 8), men dead i tines sunken in have spoken again published their s again by the Spiri Spirit enters, imp man have not the His." Rom. 8: 9. experience of a h necessarily synon the Spirit. It is o but another thing t ness. There is a v the Holy Spirit, a Spirit. They coul but often they do gree. Egypt has t its fertilizing, fru dormant until it 'i banks. Then it upon every foot of If you are a t the Holy Spirit in That is the crucia Jesus, yet never ge there must be an birth. And that is Comforter. Throu



Comforter The Filling of the Spirit


gh being filled, one fuller life. It is a e mayor may not orted, yea, divinely s 5; and in order to en there will be no ceases and forgivended, we must enter. filled, this heavenly eing, is relegated to heart, while He is of the life. Oh, let guest, to whom every wn wide open! Let nook and corner of ife in this relationge of the Christian. Lordship of Jesus is iourship. At Pented not only upon but 16, 17. He took up vidual lives, making He made them His permanent abiding s the pioneers took Holy Spirit took up s. He entered the He would not otherwise possess, for the devil had robbed God of His dominion in man. But now the Holy Spirit took possession and proceeded to dwell in them. Through all ages He has striven with men; in the old dispensation He generally came upon men, fitting them for special service; now He desires to dwell in them. In olden times He dwelt in the prophets (1 Peter 1: 11); now He desires to dwell in all believers. 2 Cor. 6: 16. This was the great aim of Jesus. After He had trained and educated the disciples for three years, He merely led them to the point of waiting for the promise of the Father. And what Jesus has promised we may obtain. This was the object of Peter's sermon at Pentecost. After men had been pricked in their hearts, Peter said: "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Acts 2: 38. This was the purpose of Paul when he asked the question and wrote the admonition to the Ephesians. Acts 19: 2; Eph. 5: 18. There is no true worship, personal victory, or effective service except through the indwelling and increasing operation of the Holy Spirit. While the disciples were filled at Pentecost, they

e Comforter The Filling of the Spirit


to receive, but each sure of his capacity. ck of a ship in midsun reflectE;!d in its e same sun in a tiny n the dewdrop of the way of accommodatSo God can fill any y, if he will only let a flower with all its colors; if the cloud ome rays until they urely the Holy Spirit of holiness in human sness and indwelling is the most wonderful a human experience. way or be two-thirds proportion to the fullLet us open the whole must be filled just as the blood our arteries rd usually translated fill full, so full that e expression " filled" ssel with capacity to is the potter; man is of the cup and Paul of the earthen vessel. Yes, man is a vessel designed to receive the Spirit of God - a vessel enlarged in proportion as it is filled and refilled. A once-for-all filling is not taught in the Bible. There are fresh needs and supplies imparted only by God, each additional bestowment comes from above. Pentecost was the beginning, but the disciples were filled again and again, repeatedly. Peter needed refillings. So while the initial infilling is an important crisis, it is to be followed by oft communications. Whenever a new emergency arose, the early disciples sought a refilling. True, there was a habitual fullness, but there were occasional fuller experiences for special purposes. They could even be full without implying fullness to the utmost, for those special times. Titus speaks of the "renewing of the Holy Ghost" (Titus 3: 5); and Peter of "times of refreshing" (Acts 3: 19). The trouble is that many are trying to do God's work with the power they received ten years ago. We are all leaky vessels. We have to keep under the fountain perpetually to keep full. To be filled involves being emptied. Self and sin are thus displaced. It is the operation of the law of ,exclusion. There is room for various things in a tumbler. But if filled with

he Comforter

The Filling of the Spirit


for the air that had diverse things cannot occupy the same place. annot occupy the same till be something, and self can never cast out make room. Simply will come suddenly to art there is a cross and the throne, self is on IV

vent of the Spirit that filled them. How good God is to give to man this gift supreme! History tells of a king who wished to express affection for a private soldier. So he gave him his own richly jeweled cup. "This is too great a gift for me to receive," he said. "But it is not too great for me to give," was the king's gener* ous reply. So we might say of the Holy Spirit.

t of self, you must accept . . . If you open the door ly the vacuum by the gift White, in the Review and

'Wind always blows he "upper chamber" ciples were being emps made. The son of his thunder, that he e. Doubting Thomas ubt, that he might be sumptuous Peter was on and fickleness, that e power and steadfastme the sound of the hat announced the ad*

Having progressed thus far in these studies, the question has surely formed in our minds: Is the promised Spirit imperative for us? Is He the indispensable necessity for the completion of our twofold task - to make ready a people prepared for the Lord, and to finish the final work of warning and entreaty for the world? The responsive question is inescapable: How else can it be done? We have more to fight against than had the early church. There are a thousand things to keep a man away from God. The world is friendly to the church to*day, and its temptations are consequently more subtle and dangerous. Its smile is more bland and alluring. The gulf has been narrowed between the two. Rationalism in the popular churches has robbed the world of simple



e Comforter The Filling of the Spirit


ow have to breast the his secularizing spirit ened our own ranks, or imperceptibly losan unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things." 1 John 2: 20. We need Him as the secret token, the necessary assurance, of our sonship. "The Spirit Himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are children of God." Rom. 8: 16, A. R. V. "Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit." 1 John 4: 13. We need Him for steadfastness in this age of bewilderment and confusion, when storms and cross currents sweep over the su:flface. We must not be like the canal I saw at Memramcook, New Brunswick. From the window of the little French hotel I watched the daily phenomenon of a stream flowing both ways. Normally it flowed down toward the bay, but when the terrific rise of tide came in from the Bay of Fundy, it absolutely reversed the current, so that it flowed the other way under the pressure of the tide. Just so with multitudes to-day. But this need not be. Often an iceberg in its journey southward in the Atlantic will encounter the gulf stream, which flows north. But because the larger portion of the ice is below the surface, it reaches down to another larger stream which is the return current, and it proceeds steadily on its way southward. So the soul may be so fully

departing from many e entered into dark, sever return. They will uin."-" Testimonies to .

means and endeavors The inward, invisible only by the inward, t through the Holy e heart, He quenches rks that fall into the We need His life as wn life. Gal. 2: 20. lopment of Christian y, peace, long-sufferfaith, meekness, and His graces, not ours. se fruits we need the ap in the branches. been shed abroad in oly Spirit which was 5, A. R. V. We need enment. " Ye have


e Comforter The Filling oj the Spirit


he mighty undercurat in spite of surface reat undercurrent of ough to keep the set hile it is the "blood seth us from all sin," od that empowers us e. m for power in servably performed, His ly to make us happy d with willingness to be used for service, convicting co-operas a " fire" may burn as a "hammer" it hearts, and that as a way through sin and ain primarily for our for service. As soon with the Holy Ghost, bout doing good. As e filled; they" began of mission endeavor ed, not for its own use. Note the pure filled in apostolic 2: 4) ; for answering objections (Acts 4: 8) for speaking boldly God's word (Acts 4: 31); for serving tables (Acts 6: 2, 3) ; for suffering persecution and martyrdom (Acts 7: 55) ; for exposing evil (Acts 13: 9, 10) ; for praising or giving thanks (Eph. 5: 18-20) . Surely that is intensely practical.
As a people, we are not doing one fiftieth of what we might do as active missionaries. If we were only vitalized by the Holy Spirit, there would be a hundred missionaries where there is now one."-" Counsels on Health," p. 507.

H The number of workers in the ministry is not to be lessened, but greatly increasetl. Where there is now one minister in the field, twenty are to be added; and if the Spirit of God controls them, these twenty will so present the truth that twenty more will be added."-" Gospel Workers," pp. 65, 66.

Glance next at Paul's picture of the results of being filled with the Spirit. The rest of the epistle to the Ephesians, after the admonition to "be filled" in chapter 5: 18, might be catalogued by verses as follows: 1. (5: 19) Songs in the heart,- holy joy thus finding vent. 2. (5: 20) Spirit of thanksgiving,- recognition that God has taken charge, and all adverse conditions are of His choosing or permission, all things working together for good to them who are called.

e Comforter

The Filling of the Spirit

gation,- nothing but this about. d in Daily life:


ength with power. r (verses 11-17). rcession (verse 18). ance (verse 19).

food. But everything depended upon having Him with them. His presence was their help. So also now all depends upon His presence with us. It is this consciousness and provision that gives strength and confidence. By the Holy Spirit Jesus takes up His abode in us as an Abiding Presence. That is what we need. It is accomplished only by this filling. "That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith." Eph. 3: 16, 17.
"Pentecost brought them the presence of the Comforter, of whom Christ had said, He 'shall be in you.' And He had further said, 'It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.' Henceforth through the Spirit, Christ was to abide continually in the hearts of His children. Their union with Him was closer than when He was personally with them. The light, and love, and power of the indwelling Christ shone out through them, so that men, beholding, ' marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.'''Steps to Christ" (pocket edition), p. 74.


nding things that the ngs: The presence of hrist; and the power iefly: e Holy Spirit brings sness of Jesus' presistinct; the glimpses far between, and the on fitful. In the days Jesus' presence was trouble and supplied e quieted the waters. hungry, He supplied

"The work of the Holy Spirit is immeasurably great. It is from this source that power and efficiency come to the worker for God; and the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, as the personal presence of Christ to the soul. He who looks to Christ in simple, childlike faith, is made a partaker of the divine nature through

e Comforter

The Filling of the Spirit


t."- Mr8. E. G. White, . f9, 189f.

wship with Jesus that en the new life and give ourselves up to on with Jesus. May this. The union bea union of flesh with rit. "Now the Lord 17, A. R. V.); and Lord is one spirit." we need to-day is the working Christ, His r spirit, His Spirit uling our spirit, His ower, and obedience and making us real erfering with our inur personality.

Jesus' external presence with them during His fleshly sojourn, but did not exhibit His likeness, which comes only through His indwelling. He was humble, while they were proud. He was unselfish, while they were selfish. But when the Holy Spirit filled them, He brought the characteristics, the disposition, the very likeness of Jesus within. This is reproduction, not imitation. The empty places of our lives will be filled with His fullness, as the tide of the sea fills the hollows of the shore.
"What was the result of the outpouring of the Spirit upon the day of Pentecost? - The glad tidings of a risen Saviour were carried to the utmost bounds of the inhabited world. The hearts of the disciples were surcharged with a benevolence so full, so deep, so far-reaching, that it impelled them to go to the ends of the earth, testifying, 'God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.' Gal. 6: 14. " As they proclaimed the truth as it is in Jesus, hearts yielded to the power of the message. The church beheld converts flocking to her from all directions. Backsliders were reconverted. Sinners united with Christians in seeking the pearl of great price. Those who had been the bitterest opponents of the gospel became its champions. The prophecy was fulfilled, The weak shall be 'as David,' and the house of David' as the angel of the Lord.' Every Christian saw in his brother the divine similitude of love and benevolence. One interest prevailed. One subject of

o identify Himself with d our hearts and minds hat when obeying Him own impulses."-" The

ngs the likenes8 of presence, there will n and self, flesh and . The disciples had

e Comforter The Filling of the Spirit


ers. The only ambition the likeness of Christ's he enlargement of His ol. VIII, pp. 19, 20.

What, then, are the conditions of receiving this needed filling? It is provided and offered to all, yet comparatively few receive it. Many pray for it, yet without result. Why? Ah, because they are unwilling to pay the price. And what is the price? It is the fulfillment of the conditions upon which the filling is contingent and the power is operative. We have not, because we do not meet the conditions.
"In the great and measureless gift of the Holy Spirit are contained all of heaven's resources. It is not because of any restriction on the part of God that the riches of His grace do not flow earthward to men. If all were willing to receive, all would become filled with His Spirit."-" Christ's Object Lessons," p. 419. " Christ has promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to His church, and the promise belongs to us as much as to the first disciples. But like every other promise, it is given on conditions. There are many who believe and profess to claim the Lord's promise; they talk about Christ and about the Holy Spirit, yet receive no benefit. They do not surrender the soul to be guided and controlled by the divine agencies. We cannot use the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is to use us. Through the Spirit God works in His people to 'will and to do of His good pleasure.' But many will not submit to this. They want to manage themselves. This is why they do not receive the heavenly gift. Only to those

s the power of Jesus. have so little of it. r. This truism is so place, but so imporated until the church ngeth unto God, but n Christ through the give it to me to have lls me, He exercises 29.

energy. This will come; send His Spirit as the pel Workers," p. 308.

ghty facts, can there he filling of the Holy vidual and collective be only one answer.
in one moment by His rn from the great men to Ministers," p. 119.

rit with God's workers truth a power that not e world could give."51.

e Comforter

The Filling of the Spiri'


who watch for His guidven. The power of God eption. This promised ings all other blessings ding to the riches of the dy to supply every soul ceive."-u The Desire of

ditions are abandonnitial and the cone must be purity of surrender, and ime must realize and he first requisite to om a disease is the k. ,e must realize eneration as well as . We must reach the st have it at any cost, e nature, and every e His to fill, with no l,- a vessel emptied,

apart from thirsting. him that is thirsty, seed." Isa. 44: 3. part from or except em that obey." Acts apart from prayer.

" When they had prayed, the place was shaken, . . . and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost." Acts 4: 31. The first disciples received the Spirit on their knees. Let us get down before God. And let us not be in a hurry to get up. Nor is the Holy Spirit received apart from faith. "That they might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." Gal. 3: 14. Let us ask in faith believing. "Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field." Zech. 10: l. Amplifying again, there is first of all intense, unselfish desire. What do I want with the Holy Spirit? It is a searching interrogation. Do I want Him solely to glorify Jesus? J ames and John were never filled until they answered that question. Paul was filled only because to him to live was Christ. Phil. 1: 21. Peter was never filled until he was ready to say, " Why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?" Acts 3: 12. God searches hearts and sifts motives. The fullness of the Holy Spirit will never be given to gratify ambition, or to make us famous for saintliness or in service. Such is a misuse of a rightful thing.




,..I I'


e Comforter cally solve many a problem. N or will God answer while our personal life is wrong. We shall not be filled unless we are in harmony with both God and man. The spirit of rivalry, hatred, disgust, or dislike will certainly prevent the fulfillment, and constant prayer for the person involved is the antidote for hates. Jealousy or gossiping about others, criticizing or spreading evil reports, the exaggeration of little slips, or the imputing of wrong motives, becoming judges of evil thoughts - these are the hindrances that are so often fatal.
"When we bring our hearts into unity with Christ, and our lives into harmony with His worK, the Spirit that fell on the disciples on the day of Pentecost will fall on us."-" Testimonies," Vol. VIII, p. 246.

The Filling of the Spirit


t is sought is vanity he fulfillment is ims it for the sake of have it than Simon chase it with money. In other words, Do I the same reason that must receive the Holy receive His power; must be God's will, , nothing else. emptiness,- a deffor Him to have His s whole-hearted, posiioned abandonment, able consecration. It hole life, without resctification, and servas much as we yield. et, and the only way ngs 3: 16, 17, we are ditches" to be filled. to give us something omething more. The to be small enough Christ can be all in us from the world e. It will automatiThird, comes obedience. The promise rests upon simple obedience. And only the obedient remnant have the right to ask and ex.pect to be filled. It was after thirty years of implicit obedience that Jesus came to be baptized and said, "Thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness." Matt. 3: 15. Then He was baptized with the Spirit. And He went on with His obedience until He reached the limit of fidelity on the cross, where He was "obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Phil. 2: 8. And it was this obedience that secured for us


he Comforter The Filling of the Spirit


eaven has to bestow, gs in its train. bernacle for the Holy Moses and the people "as the Lord comin the last two chapession occurs. Then d with the glory of was a structure built ed will. And thererected by the divine true as regards Solo5: 13, 14. So God ay only in the human Willingness for God's tion that God's word is true, and that His promises are sure. The emptying is largely negative, while faith is positive. It is simply appropriating what God has offered when the conditions are met. It is reckoning that God has done His part. It is not waiting for some sensation, but daring to believe God first. Then God supplies the fact. And it becomes an experience more and more real. Receiving is simply faith in action. There is a sharp difference between appropriating the blessing and experiencing it. Many become discouraged because they do not at once experience the feeling of enjoyment expected. In seeking forgiveness of sin, many want to feel first and trust afterward. But this is a reversal. We must avoid waiting to see special results before trusting. Receiving Christ as Lord through the Holy Spirit is as simple as receiving Him as Saviour. There is no need for emotion. There may be emotion, but it is not necessary. When in response to the offer of Christ we forsake all, counting it all loss for the filling of the Holy Spirit, then from the moment we really believe, He accepts our surrender and bestows the fullness of the Spirit. When the conditions are met, the fulfilling answer is as

vah" was upon the e fire by night in the their journeys. Ex. 15-23 tells how Israel t they never knew a they were to go, but ontrol and regulation ud. ndition is faith to bey surrender and benvolves appropriating ith involves a convic-

he Comforter The Filling of the Spirit


it written in heaven. h open, yielding, hunng, accepting, absorband receives the rain, isture, or the vacuum selves at His disposal e gift, the Holy Spirit ty vessel is filled; but distance witnessed the supreme tragedy of the ages. They were too ashamed to look each other in the face. They never knew they were so faithless and treacherous. The Sabbath of the tomb was a day of death and unutterable anguish. It broke down all reliance in self, all trust in anything earthly. In utter despair of themselves they turned to Christ. On the resurrection day Jesus breathed on them and said, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost." Third, they accepted by faith the promise of the Spirit. ,During the ten days in waiting and prayer the devil doubtless tempted them over their unworthiness. They understood very little of the Old Testament promises. They just believed because Jesus promised it. And that is what faith is - doing just what Christ says. Thus they were prepared; and so they were filled. Just a word should be added on how the Holy Spirit is to be retained. A fire cannot be maintained without fresh fuel. So the fullness of the Holy Spirit is dependent upon abiding in the conditions of the initial receivingconstant, implicit obedience, constant separation unto the divine purpose, constant study of the word, time in daily secret communion, shunning all impurity (Jude 19), avoiding

ns. the experience of the ive the Spirit to the eps: all to follow Jesus. e possessions and the ing nets and the seat orsake all, we cannot hing is sacrificed and e if there is a secret ot forsaken all. Thus elation to Christ that


ought to utter selft deny self. This is k. They were filled e last supper. Then they fell asleep, and they fled, and from a


e Comforter

The Filling oj the Spirit


and willingness for a life of service. om which we cannot tempted. Alas, the were once mightily me has been snuffed sire to shine. New onsibilities, and new w perils. Can God r motives are pure. mental expressions in noted: " Resisting" has to do with the ; "grieving" (Eph. to do with His inuenching" (1 Thess. duement for service. s the presence of fire, one back to the fire d mission movement
.. After God has shown individuals their sins and given them grace to overcome, and His Spirit has been long striving with them, He will not work a miracle to prevent the sure result of resisting that Spirit and persisting in a wrong course. There is a boundary to His grace and mercy; and when this boundary is passed, the aid of His Spirit, so wickedly refused and insulted, is withdrawn, and the soul is given over to the worst of tyrants,- the power of a perverted will. If we are closely connected with sacred things, and yet do not realize their importance, the heart will become so hard that the most earnest appeals will not move it to contrition."-Mrs. E. G. White, in the Bible Echo,
June, 1888.

And once more the hand was closed. With drooping wings the dove went a little ways away. Yet again the hand was extended. The bird hesitated, then came slowly forward. When he was about to take the food the hand closed. Then he spread his wings and flew away, and the lad never saw the dove again. Such. is the fate of those who at last drive away the Spirit, the heavenly dove.

o tame that he would nd take food from held out a tempting to eat, he closed his ird turned away disned his hand. The ame, more timidly.

.. ,

VII In the conclusion of this movement, the spirit of prophecy says, there will be few great men. God wants us to take our eyes off men, and place our dependence upon the Holy Spirit for the finishing of our work.


e Comforter
I< My brethren and sisters, plead for the Holy Spirit. God stands back of every promise He has made. With your Bibles in your hands, say: 'I have done as Thou hast said. I present Thy promise, I< Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." , " - I < Testimonie8," Vol. VIII, p. 23. "0, how we need the divine presence! For the baptism of the Holy Spirit every worker should be breathing out his prayer to God."-I< Testimonie8 to Mini8ters," p. 170. "Why do we not hunger and thirst for the gift of the Spirit, since this is the means by which we are to receive power? Why do we not talk of it, pray for it, preach concerning it? The Lord is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to us than parents are to give good gifts to their children. For the baptism of the Spirit every worker should be pleading with God."Testimonies," Vol. VIII, p. 22.

The Filling of the Spirit


n our day that but few nd exalt among us those unction of His Spirit, of scientific institutions. despised or condemned; t they can furnish only od will manifest that He self-important mortals."


what a revival, what God's remnant church irit! Weakness and courage and power. ur lack is not to be elves. And there is ation of need, a delack. It is a happy

o preach a latter rain of the latter rain. reaks us down, it is t the requisite power. e should pray for it!

mpartation of the Spirit uls. The church needs ld we not prostrate ouras representatives of the eart and contrite spirit at the Holy Spirit shall on high? "-" Testimo-

I< For the daily baptism of the Spirit, every worker should offer his petition to God. Companies of Christian workers should gather to ask for special help. for heavenly wisdom, that they may know how to plan and execute wisely. Especially should they pray that God will baptize His chosen ambassadors in mission fields with a rich measure of His Spirit. The presence of the Spirit with God's workers will give the proclamation of truth a power that not all the honor or glory of the world could give."-u The Acts of the Apostles," pp. 50, 51.

When we want men to fill various important posts, do we seek men" full of the Holy Ghost and of wisdom"? Shall not this be the

e Comforter

The Filling oj the Spirit


our lack, our weakhat every candidate be asked Paul's queseceived ye the Holy and an intelligent, cted. How can we seashore with their ing little heaps of ountains, and little ans, when the mighty and the fathomless await the exploraU There is nothing that Satan fears so much as that the people of God shall clear the way by removing every hindrance, so that the Lord can pour out His Spirit upon a languishing church and an impenitent congregation. . . . When the way is prepared for the Spirit of God, the blessing will come."-Mrs. E. G. White, in the Review and Herald, March 22, 1887.

said that if he could have a hundred men who feared naught but sin, he would shake the world. God give us those men. Then, minions of darkness, beware!

We must not delay. wandering, when she into the Promised ur work could have When God's power is ant church, this old de down. It is not me trembled before berg. Queen Mary the nation than the d and shattered the anny. Garibaldi and enough to change n and three hundred of Midian. Wesley

When Moody was preaching in Chicago, two women came to him and said, " We are praying for you." " Praying for me? " he queried in surprise. "Why, am I not preaching the gospel? Why don't you pray for those who hear? " They told him he was preaching the gospel, but without power. The arrow went to its mark, and humbly he asked them to continue of to pray for him. The whole world the revolution that came into his life, "God's man in God's place doing God's work in God's way." J. Wilbur Chapman was a successful pastor of a popular chureh. He was preaching to a great congregation with conspicuous eloquence. Moody visited him, but was not impressed. He put his hand on Chapman's shoul-


The Filling of the Spirit


re a failure here? " g a mistake in your nning souls. I say " deeply. For weeks . At last, on Oct. , I am willing to be ything." And the

of us in our comd to be arrested, avoid the issue by nt isn't lack of inwas there so much nough to stir people ust have souls. We ask. We need the Where is our agony ainst God? Where n Pentecostal numg for the remnant lly surrender theme in this movement

usefulness of the one room for the working , and lives a life wholly nies," Vol. VIII, p. 19.

Within thirty years after the cross the whole known world had been influenced by a handful of men. To-day there are eight hundred million heathen, and multiplied millions of the nominal Christians in Babylon, having the form of godliness without the power. And, oh, how many of us are starving on the surface of the richest mine in the universe of God, like the old man who owned three hundred acres, but was poor almost to starvation! One day men appeared and surveyed the land, asked the price, and paid him $1 an acre therefor. Yet out of that very land millions upon millions of dollars have been taken, and are still being taken. Its wealth seems unlimited. It is one of the richest mines in the world. The tragedy of our poverty 1 And there are unclaimed, unlimited treasures awaiting us. The bankers of Scotland are said to have 40,.000,000 in unclaimed deposit. But the riches of all heaven, in the Holy Spirit, await our demand and reception. We need not wait for others to claim. Let us go to God individually. And let us go as a church. In Edinburgh stands the historic Greyf riar's church, surrounded by a mossy old graveyard. It was there that, several generations ago, a company

The Filling of the Spirit

e Comforter

signed the national herland leading the the veins of their nant with their own of our coming Lord our hearts, and bid ng of His work in is the imperious call eed will be met by
" Holy Spirit. light divine. Shine upon this heart of mine, Chase the shades of night away. Turn my darkness into day. " Holy Spirit, all divine, Dwell within this heart of mine, Cast down every idol throne, Reign supreme. and reign alone."

calls for His faithful bell ringers to peal out to church and world, "Holy Spirit, light divine." Let every man sound it forth!

ago in the city of Negro, a wonderful me of Gadsen, who who made it truly a he city was shaken nd despair possessed eing for their lives. he crash of falling s of the wounded. t, and sent pealing the strains of " Rock m the hearts of men. ing, assuring force. foundations of faith e hopes of men are filled with darkness and multitudes are mfort and hope, God

The Divine Call to Prayer 207

and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare Thy people, 0 Lord, and give not Thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God? " Then will the Lord be jealous for His land, and pity His people. Yea, the Lord will answer and say unto His people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen." " Fear not, 0 land; be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things. Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield their strength. Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil. And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, My great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your Goa, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and My people shall never be ashamed. And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else: and My people shall never be ashamed.


in the time of the latter bright clouds, and give one grass in the field."

solemn assembly, gather nts of the land into the and cry unto the Lord, of the Lord is at hand, Almighty shall it come."

ion, and sound an alarm the inhabitants of the e Lord cometh, for it is hall utter His voice bes very great: for He is rd: for the day of the ; and who can abide it?

h the Lord, turn ye even with fasting, and with nd rend your heart, and nto the Lord your God: l, slow to anger, and of Him of the evil. Who nd repent, and leave a eat offering and a drink od?

1 \

on, sanctify a fast, call he people, sanctify the ers, gather the children,

" And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and

he Comforter

esy, your old men shall en shall see visions: and upon the handmaids in Spirit. And I will show in the earth, blood, and e sun shall be turned into blood, before the great Lord come. And it shall shall call on the name of or in Mount Zion and in e, as the Lord hath said, e Lord shall call." Joel

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