Clean Room Validation Protocol
Clean Room Validation Protocol
Clean Room Validation Protocol
INDEX Content Index Pre-Approval Sheet Objective Scope Responsibilities Introduction Equipment And Material Air Velocity Test And Calculation Of Air Changes Per Hour HEPA Filter Integrity Testing Air Flow Pattern Test Non Viable Particulate Count Test Recovery Study Differential Pressure Test Temperature Control Test Humidity Control Test Light Intensity Measurement: (Lux Measurement) Noise Level Measurement General Requirments Annexure Reference Page No. 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 9 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 35
Sr. No. 01.0 02.0 03.0 04.0 05.0 06.0 07.0 08.0 09.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
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Validation Incharge
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Validation Head
FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
To establish that the documented evidence of HVAC System is meeting predetermined specifications performing,
Air velocity (ACPH) measurement HEPA Filter leak testing (using Hot or Cold DOP) Air flow pattern test (Smoke test) Nonviable particulate counts measurement Recovery test Monitoring of Differential pressure of the area Monitoring of Temperature within the area Monitoring of relative humidity within the area Area light level measurement (LUX measurement) Area noise level measurement (dB level)
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Validation Head
FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
4.0 SCOPE:
The scopes of this study will verify that the HVAC System is effective & reproducible. FREQUENCY: To be performed once in six months basis except Temperature, Relative Humidity and Differential pressure, monitoring on daily basis.
A team comprising of the representatives of the following functions shall be responsible to undertake the qualification studies.
Validation Head report
Responsible for final review and approval of protocol and
Responsible for perform site work within the time bond period. Responsible for Prepare Report.
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
The Heating, ventilation & air conditioning system installed at service floor of any company, It consists of following AHU's & configuration of filters SR. NO. AIR HANDLING UNITS ROOM NAME HEPA FILTERS
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
PROCEDURE: [FOR HOT WIRE ANEMOMETER] STEP Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Switch on respective air-handling unit (AHU) of clean room. Ensure that AHU is operational for the last 5 to 10 minutes. Take the relevant details, like No of filters of area, filter size, room volume, AHU No, design CMH/CFM and ACPH for each room. Switch `ON the calibrated hot wire Anemometer. Check the Zero reading on the display. Hold the `velocity measurement-probe at the working height 6 inches (approx.150 mm) below the face of HEPA filter in clean room. Record air velocity at different points of HEPA filter i.e. Four corners and one center [Terminal HEPA]. For HEPA filter list with AHU & room Calculate the average velocity of each filter.
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
8.4 CALCULATION OF AIR CHANGES PER HOUR STEP Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Measure the filter face area in square meter. Calculate the actual volume of supplied air in each room as below. Air flow discharge [m3/minute] = Air velocity of HEPA filter [m/s] Filter area [m2] x 60. Calculate the volume of the room in cubic meter, of which air changes are to be calculated. Calculate the no. of air changes as follows. No. of ACPH = Airflow discharge in room 60(CMH) Room volume. For filling and sealing area, ACPH should not be less than 300. For all the Classified areas, ACPH should not be less than 20. If the air changes in the area are not within the limit, trouble shoot the cause and rectify. Engineering and QA staff should investigate the reason for the deviation. Engineering will take immediate action to rectify it. Record the ACPH [Annexure-I]. End ACTION
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
PROCEDURE: [BY CAPTURE HOOD] ACTION Start 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 Switch on respective air-handling unit (AHU) of clean room. Ensure that AHU is operational for the last 5 to 10 minutes. Take the relevant details, like No of filters of area, filter size, room volume, AHU Take the mean velocity reading of each filter [cfm) by capture hood Calculate CMH of room by sum of all filter cfm multiply into 60. Calculate the ACPH of room i.e. Record the ACPH [Annexure-I]. If done by capture Hood. End
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
9.3 PROCEDURE: (FOR GENERATION OF AEROSOL): STEP Start 1 2 3 4 Check the Aerosol oil level in Aerosol generator. Connect Compressed air / Nitrogen gas to aerosol generator & adjust the pressure regulator to 20PSI. Direct the outlet of the aerosol generator to return duct [riser] or fresh air intake of AHU. Start the aerosol generator by switching on the Compressed air / Nitrogen gas to produce the upstream concentration required for leak detection till photometer reads the Photometric concentration of 100%. End ACTION
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
9.4 CALIBRATION OF THE INSTRUMENT [PHOTOMETER] STEP Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 Put the photometer selector switch on upstream mode. Connect the tube of photometer to upstream port of HEPA filter. Wait until the photometer displays 100% upstream concentration. Remove the tube of photometer and close the upstream port of HEPA filter and ensure fir zero leakage. Put the photometer selector switch on down stream mode. Wait until photometer display 0 [ZERO]. On any installation the sealing gasket should be considered as part of the filter and this should be scanned separately from the filter pack. Select the sample port; scan the filter pack and the gasket at a distance of 50 to 100 mm. For a filter to efficiency 0.001% the range selected should be 0.01% and the alarm set for 0.001%, which is 10% of the full scale, which assumes an efficiency of 99.99% against the challenge aerosol. End ACTION
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
9.5 TESTING PROCEDURE [TERMINAL HEPA FILTER WITHOUT INDIVIDUAL UPSTREAM PORT] STEP Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ensure that before staring activity AHU is operational for 5 to 10 minutes. Ensure that the air velocity, air balancing and flow adjustments are done before proceeding to the Filter integrity testing of HEPA filters. Check that a sampling point is provided and accessible immediately upstream of the filter to be tested. Start the compressed air / nitrogen gas to Aerosol generator to generate the test aerosol at minimum 20 psi and monitor the pressure. Direct the test aerosol to riser of room. Ensure that it is possible to introduce test aerosol so that 100% concentration can be detected at the upstream sampling point. Place the aerosol generator in an accessible position, ideally near the riser, and adjust the aerosol concentration to the specified density. Prior to the generation of the aerosol place the photometer probe down stream of the HEPA filter until the instrument has stabilized. Put photometer selector switch on upstream mode. Check the upstream concentration of Aerosol at port provided for representative HEPA filter for each room ;Until photometer displays 100 % upstream. After getting the upstream conc. & put selector switch to clear position and close upstream Aerosol port. Put photometer selector switch on down stream mode. Wait until photometer displays 0. Measure the down stream concentration by holding the probe approx.1 inch away from the face of filter. The photometer has a sample flow rate of 1 cfm. Hold the probe at a distance between 50 to 100 mm from the filter face and scan the filter and perimeter by passing the probe in slightly overlapping strokes so that the entire area of filter and sealing gasket is sampled. The probe traverse rate should not exceed 10 feet per minute. Observe the percentage of leakage directly on photometer If any leakage observed through the sealing of filter tighten the filter nuts and check again for any leakage.
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
STEP 18 19 20 21
ACTION If any leakage is more than 0.01% of the upstream aerosol concentration then repair it. Repair the patches on filter s should not exceed maximum of 5% of the total filter face area & maximum width / length of each patch should not be more than 1.5 inches. Total no of patches should not exceed 5 number / filter. If above mentioned limit exceeds then replace the filter & check the integrity of the filter as per above procedure. Record the result [Annexure-II].
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
Air flow pattern of HEPA filter 10.3 PROCEDURE: STEP Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION
Start the respective AHU of which airflow pattern is to be checked. Person carrying out airflow pattern activity should follow clean room gowning. Fog generator should be used for smoke generation. During the process, hands of operator and facemask should be covered properly with gloves and facemask. Expose the smoke at supply end of the system. Observe the smoke pattern and ensure the following. The airflow pattern should be within specification in order to ensure environmental contamination control. The smoke should be diffused uniformly at supply grill and pass through return riser. Carry out Videography/ Photography of the entire airflow pattern checking activity. Record the result [Annexure-III]. End
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
particles. 11.2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: As Per EU Guide ACCEPTANCE Maximum number of permitted particles per cubic meter equal to or above Grade AT REST 0.5-5m Non viable particulate count test A B C 3500 3500 350000 >5 m 0 0 2000 IN OPERATION 0.5-5m 3500 350000 3500000 >5 m 0 2000 20000 Not defined
Not defined
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Validation Head
FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
11.3 PROCEDURE: ESTABLISHMENT OF SAMPLING LOCATION: STEP Start 1 All components of the clean air system affecting air quality must be operating in accordance with the specification and all aspects of the controlled environment, which contribute to the operational integrity, are complete. Measure on a centered grid pattern determined by dividing the total floor area, into approximately equal areas such that: ACTION
The number of sub-areas is as specified in any relevant national standard or as agreed between the client and the contractor sampling positions should be at the intersection of the corners of each sub-area and at a height of 900 mm from the floor, unless agreed otherwise by the client.
Take the required number of samples at the specified flow rate at each point on the grid. These can be determined from the relevant national standards or agreed by the customer. Calculate the number of sampling locations with the formula
N = Square root of Room in cubic meter made it to approx. [Reference is made to ISO14644-1]. The sampling location shall be evenly distributed throughout the area of clean room or clean zone and position at the height of work activity. In case of additional sampling locations their number and position will be specified.
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
11.4 ESTABLISHMENT OF SINGLE SAMPLE VOLUME PER LOCATION: STEP Start Sample a sufficient volume of air at each location such that minimum of 20 particles would be detected if the particle concentration for the relevant class were at the class limit for the largest considered particle size. The single sample volume Vs per location will be determined by Vs =20x1000 / Cnm Where Vs = is the minimum sample volume per location expressed in liters. Cnm =class limit (number of particles/ m3) for the largest considered particles size specified for the relevant class. 2 20 = is the defined number of particles that could be counted if particle concentration were at the class limit. The volume sampled at each location shall be at least 2 liters with a minimum time at each location of 1 minute. Since particle counter operate at a flow rate of 1CFM, which is equal to 28.3 lits per minute, therefore particle analyzed per cubic feet will need to be multiply with 35.31 to convert to m3. Direct measurement with 1 M3 particle counter, Specification are: 50 LPM i.e. 1M3 i.e. 1000 liters per 20 minutes. 3 Sample at each location is taken for 20 minutes, which is equivalent to 50 LPM i.e. 1M3/20 minutes. There fore for grade A/B/C areas [ISO/5/6/7] and for grade D area 1 minute per location. Sampling locations are abased on the criticality of the work zone [Reference is made to AnnexureIV]. ACTION
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
11.5 SAMPLING AT SPECIFIED LOCATIONS AT WORKING HEIGHT: STEP Start 1 Start the sampling and take minimum of single sample volumes from each location and compute the average particle concentration at specified location. Sampling will be conducted at rest and during operation. End 11.6 PARTICLE COUNTING AT EACH LOCATION STEP Start 1 2 Switch on the AHU and let it run for 10-15 minutes. Switch `ON the particle counter and set the sampling rate as 1.0 cfm (Approximately 28.0 liters/minute). Hold the particle counter probe to the working height at different locations of control/critical areas and take the print out of the particle counts of mentioned locations of control/critical areas. Take the particle count at different location under HEPA filters covering total area of the control / critical room as mentioned in layout & take printouts of particle count. Switch OFF the particle counter. Get report of the particle count by the external party (Supplier) Such reports should be preserved by the Quality Assurance department. Particle count test of all control /critical rooms under AHUs to be carried out once in six months or earlier immediately after any major change in AHU facility. Record the results and make the trend of particle count [Reference is made to Annexure IV]. End ACTION ACTION
6 7 8 9
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
12.1 OBJECTIVE: To determine the recovery period for the HEPA filters installed in critical areas. 12.2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA:
Recovery period 12.3 PROCEDURE: STEP Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION
Not more than 10 minutes/As per Design Specification
Measure the clean room or clean zone non-viable particulate counts at rest [before disturbing the area for Recovery test]. Shut OFF the AHU of required zone. Allow the required zone to reach next higher grade (i.e. Grade B To Grade C). Measure the non-viable particulate counts when area achieve the next higher grade with help of particle counter for one day. Continue the particle counting for at least 5 counts. Start the AHU and measure the particle counts till it the area achieves the desired level of counts approximately equivalent to the initial counts taken at rest before the test. Measure time taken to recovery the initial grade. Record the results and enclose the particle count printouts and calculate the recovery time as 5 minutes-Initial count after AHU shut OFF X minutes-Time taken by the area to recover to initial counts after getting the next grade. Recovery time = X minutes.
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
13.1 OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the capability of the air system to provide pressure gradient among the different room. 13.2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: CRITERIA Differential pressure of rooms 13.3 PROCEDURE: STEP Start 1 2 All HVAC systems of the clean room facility are to be in continuous operation when performing these tests. To avoid unexpected changes in pressure and to establish baseline, all doors in sterile facility must be closed and no traffic is to be allowed through the facility during the test. Adjust the Magnehelic gauge to give a reading of zero in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Connect one end of the tubes to the higher-pressure side of the Magnehelic gauge(Calibrated) & place the other end of the tube in the area of higher pressure such that it is free from obstruction and directed away from any airflows. Next, connect one end of the second tube to the lower pressure input side of the Magnehelic gauge and place the other end of the tube in the area of lower pressure such that it is free from obstruction and directed away from any airflows. If the tubing passes a surface ensure that any gap surrounding the tube are sealed. Record the pressure displayed on the Magnehelic gauge three times ,for design differential pressure. Record the result [Reference is made to Annexure-VII]. End
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
14.1 OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the ability of the AHU's to provide the required temperature in critical and controlled areas. 14.2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: CRITERIA Temperature of controlled areas 14.3 PROCEDURE STEP Start 1 2 3 4 5 Verify that the air conditioning system is operating in the stable condition and all equipment that is specified is running. Divide the room area in four equal zones test as required by the specification or on a grid pattern of 3m x 3m. Use calibrated Data logger to record the temperature. Record the temperature for location in each room . Record the result [Reference is made to Annexure-VI]. End ACTION ACCEPTANCE NMT 25 0C
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
15.1 OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the capability of air handling system to control relative humidity at the specified level in each room in critical area and controlled areas. 15.2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: CRITERIA Relative humidity in critical area Relative humidity in controlled area ACCEPTANCE NMT 50 % NMT 55%
STEP Start 1 Execute humidity control test after all the air balancing procedure have been concluded and air conditioning system is completely in operation and stable conditions have been achieved Use calibrated Data Logger to record the relative humidity. Record the relative humidity in room as per layout of relative humidity record in each room. Record the result for three consecutive days [Reference is made to Annexure-VI]. End ACTION
2 3 4
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
16.1 OBJECTIVE: To determine the lighting level and its uniformity throughout an area at predetermined points 16.2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: CRITERIA Light level ACCEPTANCE Not less than 300 lux / As per Design Specification
PROCEDURE STEP Start 1 2 3 4 Record the light levels on a pre-determined grid pattern/ layout of lux level or in the absence of a specification on a 3m x 3m grid pattern. Divide the room into four equal locations. Record the light level at working height or 750 mm above finished floor height. The area under test must have all fitted lights working and the area structure should be complete also if required emergency lighting levels can be recorded. Record the light levels in lux for each position on the grid [Reference is made to AnnexureVII]. Note down all variations from the specification if any. End ACTION
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
Noise level
Not more than 85 dB / As per Design Secification
17.3 PROCEDURE STEP Start 1 2 Verify that the air conditioning system is operating in the stable condition and all equipment that is specified is running [In operational condition]. Map out the area under test as required by the specification in a 2400 mm x 2400 mm x grid or on a previously agreed location basis i.e divide the area into fur equal parts. Set the instrumentation to work and ensure unauthorized entry and exits from the room are prevented. Measure the sound levels at work surface height or 750 mm from the finished floor level and layout of noise level. Record the data [Reference is made to Annexure- VII]. Note down all variations from the specification if any. End ACTION
3 4 5 6
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
18.4 The report will be approved by the same persons (or same designations) who has Undersigned the protocol. 18.5 The report should contain the following information: Report of all measurements and/or analytical results List of all documentation and or certifications. Check of the results against the Acceptance Criteria. Conclusions concerning this validation study Name and designations of persons who has executed the protocol Any (relevant) deviation from the prescriptions in this protocol and the Justification for the deviation.
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
Observation Table: Sr. No. Filter Tag No. Obs. Rdg. (m/s)/(ft/min)
1 2 3 4 5
Avg. Velocity
Room Volume
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
Test Performed Date Test End Date Next Due Date Acceptance Criteria Occupancy State Test Method
: : : : : :
0.01% As Per ISO 14644
At rest/ At operation
Upstream Conc. %
Leak in %
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
Test End Date Next Due Date Test Method Occupancy State
: : : : :
At rest/ At operation
Observation Table: Sr. No. Filter Tag No. Flow Pattern Observed Remark
Photographic Representation:
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
At rest/ At operation
Occupancy State
At rest At operation
Conclusion: Meets/ Does not meets the acceptance Criteria as per ISO 14644/USFDA/USP/EU/GMP.
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
ANNEXURE V (Recovery)
Ambient Condition:- NMT 25 & 50-55%RH
Area/Room Name Department Code No. AHU No. Test Equipment Used : : : : : : Test Performed Date Test End Date Next Due Date Acceptance Criteria
Recovery Occupancy State
Test Method
: : : : : :
At rest
Observation Table:- For Class Location AHU STATUS Time Required No. of Partical Per CFM/CMM 0.5m 5m Remark
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
At rest/ At operation
Schematic Diagram:
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
Observation Table: (For Differential Pressure) Designed Press. mm of of H2O Actual Press. (mm of H2O)
1 2 3
mm of H2O Average
Conclusion: Certified As Per Design Qualification. Observation Table: (For Lux Level) Designed (Lux) Actual (Lux)
1 2 3
Average (Lux)
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
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FLAT No. A/1, Shrusthi Shobha Co-op Hsg Society Opp. Hotel Pratik, Tembhode Road, Palghar PIN 401210 Dist : Thane
20.0 REFERENCE:NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CODE ISO 14644 VMP-2006 SCH.M Pt. I-A Annex 6 USP EC GUIDE TITLE Clean Room & Associated Environment Validation Master Plan. Drug and Cosmetics act 1940. WHO Technical report series No 902, 2002. 2005 USP NF the Official compendia of standards. EC guide to good manufacturing practice annexure-1 September 2003.
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