Working Set Limits and Memory Usage Explanation
Working Set Limits and Memory Usage Explanation
Working Set Limits and Memory Usage Explanation
The three limits (all are normally in % of total RAM): a. Low Working Set Size Above this limit Windows is allowed to swap QlikView memory to disk b. High Working Set Size Above this limit Windows should Swap QlikView memory to disk c. Cache Limit Upper limit for what we keep in the cache B. QlikView assumes that it has reserved physical memory up to the Low limit. This means that it will NOT release cache memory even though the cache is beyond the set Cache limit. This memory is QlikView memory and if we do not have better use for it, extended caching is still a use C. The High limit is primarily intended to give other applications on the machine a fair chance. If you have lots of memory on a dedicated QVS machine, you can set it to very high (>95%) So, you get two distinct operating scenarios: A. Below the Low limit. In this scenario, QlikView will never release any memory from the cache, so it will look like the cache release is not working to someone that is not familiar with the setup B. Above the Low limit. In this scenario, QlikView will keep the cache size below the set limit. QlikView will act as you would suspect it to act On a desktop machine the settings are as follows:
On a developer machine with 12GB memory (my machine), this means that as soon as you get above 120 MB you will be in the area where the cache works okay even for the nave investigator. On a dedicated server on the other hand, the settings are as follows: Low: 70, High: 90, Cache: 10 Unless you have already allocated 70% of the machine RAM to QlikView Server, you will not see any release of the Cache. In order to validate that the cache release works in the server environment, you should change the Low Limit
and in order to do that on the server you will need to use RegEdit and edit directly in the registry:
There is an additional registry setting that will flush the cache periodically if set
If you add this string value to the registry node indicated above (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\QlikTech\QlikViewServer\Settings 7) QlikView Server will clear the cache repeatedly. Set it to 24 to clear the cache once every hour. If you want to change the Cache Limit, you need to set the value ObjectCachePercentage (same registry place)