T.E. (Production S/W) (Semester II) Examination, 2009 Process Planning and Industrial Statistics
T.E. (Production S/W) (Semester II) Examination, 2009 Process Planning and Industrial Statistics
T.E. (Production S/W) (Semester II) Examination, 2009 Process Planning and Industrial Statistics
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T.E. (Production S/W) (Semester II) Examination, 2009 PROCESS PLANNING AND INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Instructions : 1) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Black figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Assume suitable data , if necessary. 5) All questions are compulsory. SECTION I Unit I 1. a) Define process planning. Explain functions of process engineer. 6
b) A gear pump shaft is shown in Fig. 2.2. Five pieces per shift of 8 hours is required to be produced. The part should be produced from 25 mm diameter standard stock by using machining operation. Carry out detailed part print Analysis. 10
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1. a) Fig. 5.8, shows the component to be made by upsetting a 20 mm bar. 150 components per shift of 8 hrs to be produced. Draw and explain process picture sheet for given component. 12
2. a) For the component shown in fig. 5.23 to be manufactured by using standard lathe machine, explain following : 12 i) Locating Area ii) Supporting Area iii) Holding Area for chamfering operation, step turning operation. Explain how will you achieve location control, mechanical control and geometric control for the above component during machining.
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2. Calculate the machining time required to produce one piece of component shown in fig. 5.25. Component is required to be produced from 25 mm bar. Use following data : For turning : Cutting speed = 40 m/min Feed = 0.4 mm/rev Depth of cut = 2.5 mm/pass For thread cutting : Cutting speed = 8 m/min 16
Unit III 3. Prepare a process plan for a component to be produced by using standard lathe machine as shown in fig. 2.5.
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The process plan should include i) Manufacturing process plan : selection of machine tool, details of measuring instrument, work and tool holding devices, cutting tools, special tools required if any. ii) Operations process plan in tabular format containing operation sequence, manual/ machine operation, speed, feed, depth of cut, other machining parameters and frequency of operation. Also include time estimate for each operation. iii) Estimate total time of manufacturing considering 5% fatigue allowance of normal time. 18 OR 3. Prepare a process plan machine to drill four 8 mm diameter holes and one 40 mm dia central hole for the component shown in fig. 5.26. 20 mm dia hole to be drilled first and then enlarged to 40 mm hole. Material for given job is M.S.Plate The process plan should include i) Manufacturing plan-selection of machine tools, details of measuring instruments, work holding devices, cutting tools, special tools required if any and their sketches to accompany. ii) Operation process plan-operation sequence, manual/ machine operation, speed, feed, depth of cut and other machining parameters for each operations and time estimates for each operation. iii) Estimate total time of manufacturing for producing 100 No. of such jobs. 18
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SECTION II Unit IV 4. A) What is the purpose and utilization of Tolerance Charts ? B) What are the three basic methods by which surface roughness is measured ? Explain. OR 4. A) Define following with the help of diagram : i) Datum ii) Flatness iii) Allowance iv) Tolerance B) Construct a
: S a m p l e N o .
8 8
8 8
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Unit V 5. A) Discuss various methods of collecting Primary data. B) From the following data obtain the two regression equations. 8 8
OR 5. A) What do you understand by the term "regression" ? With the help of example illustrate how regression analysis helps in business decision-making. B) Define hypothesis. Explain the types of hypothesis with suitable examples. Unit VI 6. A) If coin is tossed 15 times, what is the probability of having ? i) 0 heads; ii) 5 heads; iii) at most 3 heads; iv) at least 4 heads. B) The arrival rate of vehicles arriving at a toll gate follows Poisson distribution with a mean arrival rate of 50 vehicles per hour. Find the probability that. i) no vehicle will arrive in one hour. ii) exactly 40 vehicles will arrive in one hour, iii) at most 5 vehicles will arrive in one hour. C) Explain : single and double Sampling . OR 6 4 8 8 8
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6. Explain in brief any three of the following : i) Control chart for variables and attributes ii) OC curve iii) Procedure of testing hypothesis iv) AQL and LTPD v) Measure of central tendency.
[3563] 221
T.E. (Prod./SW) (Sem. I) Examination, 2009 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY (2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
N.B. : 1) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Black figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION I 1. a) Differentiate between (any three) : i) Inspection and quality control. ii) Cost of quality and value of quality. iii) Quality of design and quality of conformance. iv) Quality policy and quality objectives. OR 1. a) What is TQM ? Describe internal and external customer and supplier link concept in TQM. b) Explain the methodology and implementation of Five S in large scale manufacturing organisation. 2. Explain following quality management tools : a) Cause-Effect diagram b) Brain storming c) Pie chart and check sheet d) Pacreto analysis. OR 9 9 16 18
[3563] 221 2. Explain the following : a) Poka yoke b) Six sigma c) Zero defect d) QFD.
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3. Discuss the metrological properties of measuring instruments. OR 3. a) Explain with neat sketch the electrical comparator. b) Differentiate between i) Line standard and end standard. ii) Accuracy and precision. c) Explain with sketch Slip gauge manufacturing. SECTION II 4 a) Calculate the value of constant cloud and its depth from the tip of the gear of module 4 mm and 20 pressure angle. b) Explain the base tangent method. c) Write a short note on Parkinson gear tester. OR 4. Write short notes on : a) Thread cursors and their effects b) Talysurf c) Three wire method. 5. Write short note on : a) Taylors principle b) Auto collimeter c) Tool Makers Microscope. OR
7 4
4 8 6
*3563221* 5. Write short notes on : a) Angle dekor b) Optical flat c) Profile projector.
[3563] 221 16
6. Explain with neat sketch, the procedure to check the a) Spindle run out. b) Parallelism of spindle Aubon Assembly. c) Squareness of spindle movement. d) Straightness of straight wedge. OR 6. Write short notes on (any three) : a) Surface plate b) CMM c) CNC performance test d) Flatness testing methods. _____________
[3563] 220
Time : 3 Hours
T.E. (Production Engg. / Production Engg. S/W) (Sem. II) Examination, 2009 DATABASE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR PRODUCTION ENGG. (2003 Course)
Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Answer any one question from each Unit. Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Black figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of electronic pocket calculator is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary.
1. a) b) c) 2. a) b) c) 3. a)
SECTION I Unit I Draw a neat line diagram for organization of a database and explain. Explain the entity - relationship model with an example. Explain the functions of database administrator. OR Write the correct SQL syntax for modifying the structure of tables under the following cases : i) Adding new columns ii)Modifying existing columns. Compare DBMS and file processing system with following points i) Redundancy ii) Access control. What are the different types of data types used in SQL ? Unit II Create a table sales_ order _ details in SQL with the following constraints on the table :
C o l u m n N a m e D a t a T y p e S i z e A t t r i b u t e s
7 5 4
6 4 4
d e
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b) Give an expression/s in SQL for each of the following queries from the table sales_order_details : i) List the names of products whose name starts with letter p. ii) Insert any three records of your choice using INSERT command. iii) Update any one record using UPDATE query. iv) Delete specified number of records. C) Explain primary key and foreign key. What are the principles of NULL values in SQL ? OR 4. a) Why should you avoid duplication of field in relations ? Is duplication allowed in databases ? If yes, under what conditions ? b) What are the various database storage devices ? Explain any two of them ? c) i) Create a table client master with the following columns assuming suitable data type and size with correct syntax. client_no, name, address, city, state, pincode. ii) Write the correct syntax for adding a new column hire_date to the client_master table. iii) Modify the table by changing the field client_no as primary key. Unit III 5. a) Define mathematical modeling. Explain the importance of mathematical modeling in engineering applications. b) Define the terms : Algorithm, programming language and computer program. c) What are the characteristics of an Algorithm ? Explain. OR 6. a) Explain the following in brief : i) Base band, broad band and carrier band ii) Bus topology iii) Token ring b) What is LAN ? What are the characteristics of LAN ?
4 6 4
2 2
6 6 4 12
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SECTION II Unit IV 7. a) Describe the output that will be generated by the following C-programs : i) #include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { int x = 4, y, z ; y = -- x ; z = x -- ; printf (%d %d %d \ n, x,y,z) ; return 0; } ii) #include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { int fun (int) ; int i = fun (10) ; printf (%d \ n, -- i) ; return 0; } int fun (int i) { return (i++) ; } b) Find the root of a function 4.x ex = 0 that lies between 2 and 3 using Newton-Raphson method up - to four decimal places. OR 8. a) Solve by Gauss Elimination method the following equations : 3.15 x 1.96 y + 3.85 z = 12.95 2.13 x + 5.12 y 2.89 z = 8.61 5.92 x + 3.05 y + 2.15 z = 6.88 b) Describe the output that will be generated by the following C - programmes : i) #include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { int i = 0 ; for (; i <5 ; i ++) printf (% d \ n, i) ; return 0; } 8 8 8
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ii) #include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { int i = 3, j = 2, k = 0, m; m = ++i && ++j | | ++ k ; printf (%d %d %d %d \ n, i, j, k, m); return 0; } Unit V 9. a) From the data given below, find the value of x when y = 13.5 using Lagranges interpolation method. x: 93.00 96.20 100.00 104.20 108.70 y: 11.38 12.80 14.70 17.07 19.91 8
b) Fit a second degree parabola to the following data using the method least squares : 10 x: 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 y: 352 356 357 358 360 361 361 OR 10. a) From the table given below, find the best values of a and b in the law y = a. e (b.x) by the method of least squares : 8 x: 0 5 8 12 20 y: 3.0 1.5 1.0 0.55 0.18 b) Draw a flow chart and pseudo C-program for Newton forward interpolation method. Unit VI 11. a) What do you understand by EDI ? Why EDI important in e-commerce ? Explain. b) What is ERP ? Explain ERP with respect to production and operations management. OR 12. a) Explain the following terms : i) Data ii) Information iii) Knowledge iv) Artificial Intelligence. b) What is an expert system ? Explain in brief the need and structure of expert systems in manufacturing. _____________ 10 8 8 8
[3563] 219
T.E. (Production/Production S/W) (Sem. II) Examination, 2009 DIE AND MOULD DESIGN (2003 Course)
Time : 4 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : i) From Section I solve, Q. 1 or Q. 2, Q. 3 or Q. 4, Q. 5 or Q. 6 and from Section II solve Q. 7 or Q. 8, Q. 9 or Q. 10, Q. 11 or Q. 12. ii) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate answer book. iii) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. iv) Figures to the right indicate full marks. v) Use of electronic pocket calculator is allowed. vi) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION I 1. Design a blanking die for the component shown in Figure 1. i) Draw strip layout and find out material utilization. ii) Find out press tonnage with full shear. iii) Design blanking die and draw the same. iv) Draw neat sketch of press tool. 4 4 4 6
Fig. 1 OR
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Fig. 2(a) i) Fig. 2(b) shows strip layout for the component in fig. 2(a). Find out material utilization assuming sheet of size 2500 1250 1 mm. 4
Fig. 2(b) ii) Calculate cutting force and press tonnage with staggering and full share. Given : shear stress = 400 N/mm2. iii) Draw sketch of fixed stripper showing location for starting stopper. iv) Draw press tool assembly. 5 3 6
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3. Design a drawing die for the shell shown in fig. 3 drawn from CRC sheet of 0.8 mm 16 thickness and UTS = 240 N/mm2. Determine : i) Blank size. ii) Number of draws. iii) Dimension of die and punch and assembly drawing for each draw. iv) Force required for each draw.
Fig. 3 OR 4. a) Find out the developed length of the component shown in fig. 4. 6
Fig. 4 b) What are the methods of reducing spring back and which would be used for the component in fig. 4. c) Find out bending force required for job in fig. 4. 6 4
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Fig. 6 SECTION II 7. a) What are the difference between hot chamber and cold chamber die casting ? b) Explain with neat sketch die terminology in die casting. OR 8. a) Write note on ejection in die casting. b) Explain different types of core. c) What is mechanical locking mechanism in die casting ? 6 6 4 6 10
[3563] 219 6 5 5
9. a) Explain injection mould for thermoplastic material. b) What do you mean by register ring ? Explain its function with neat sketch. c) What is sprue bush ? Explain its two types. OR 10. a) What is bolster ? What are their functions ? What are its different types explain with neat sketch ? b) What are the functions of guide pillar and guide bush ? Explain its different types. 11. a) Design an injection mold for the PVC component shown in figure 7.
8 8 18
Fig. 7 OR 12. a) Explain any two types for ejector plate return system. b) What is stop pin in injection moulding ? c) What rectangular edge gate and 50 mm long runner dimensions are required for moulding PVC box the dimension of which is as follows ? Length = 150 mm; width = 130 mm; depth = 50 mm. Given ; PVC constant (n) = 0.9; PVC density = 1.39 gm/cm3.
8 2
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T.E. (Production / Production S/W) (Sem. II) Examination, 2009 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES II (2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Solve any one question from every Unit in each Section. 2) Answer to the two Sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION I Unit I 1. a) What is meant by welding electrode ? Classify the welding electrode. Write down the selection of electrode for a particular application. b) Explain self-adjusted arc and self-controlled arc method to maintain arc length constant in metal inert gas (MIG) arc welding process. OR 2. a) Compare the Electroslag welding with that of submerged arc welding with respect to heat liberation, electrode welding position and application. b) What is meant by plasma arc welding ? Explain Non-transferred arc process and transferred arc process in plasma arc welding. Unit II 3. a) Suggest a suitable gas flame used for welding of following material and draw sketches and justify it. i) Stainless steel, ii) Zinc base metal, iii) Aluminium 9
8 8
8 8
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b) Explain a simple resistance spot welding cycle. And also explain the different resistance seen in total resistance of the welding system between the electrodes in resistance welding. OR 4. a) Explain the following process with respect to : i) Principle of operation ii) Metal to be welded iii) Advantages iv) Limitations v) Applications. Process : A) Percussion welding B) Butt welding b) Explain theoxy fuel gas cutting process. How is a gas cutting torch differ from welding torch ? Unit III 5. a) Write a note on : 1) Diffusion welding 2) Explosive welding b) Explain the different types of soldering fluxes. OR 6. a) Explain with neat sketch a thermit welding process along with advantages, limitations and applications. b) Explain in short any two brazing processes on the basis of method of heating.
8 8
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SECTION II Unit IV 7. a) What is the ideal profile of sprue ? What are the criteria to be used for designing the pouring basin ? b) Calculate the size of cylindrical riser having height and diameter equal, necessary to feed a steel slab casting of size 353510 cm with a side riser, casting poured horizontally into the mold. Given in Caines equation substitute the values a = 0.1, b = 0.03, c = 1.0. OR 8. a) What is meant by directional solidification ? Describe in detail various methods of achieving directional solidification of casting. b) Define the choke area. Explain how this area is calculated. Draw sketches for different gating system. Unit V 9. a) Explain thread grinding with single rib wheel and multirib wheel. State important features of thread grinding over cylindrical grinding. b) Explain with a schematic set up for gear cutting on a gear shaper. Write advantages and limitations of this process. OR 10. a) Write a note on i) Automatic tapping machine. ii) Thread rolling. b) Explain with schematic diagram the set up of hobbing machine for cutting a spur gear. 10 8 8 8 8 8
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Unit VI 11. a) Explain the RC circuit used in EDM M/c. b) Explain the influence of accelerating voltage, beam current, and beam diameter on MRR in EBM. c) Explain the process plasma arc machining in brief. OR 12. a) Explain the principle of working of electro chemical process. What materials are used for preparing tools ? How is the profile of the work piece controlled ? b) Draw schematic diagram for i) Ultrasonic machining ii) Electron beam machining. Lable the important component in it. Write down the advantages and application of it. _____________ 10 8 6 6 6
[3563] 216
T.E. Production (Semester II) Examination, 2009 MACHINE TOOLS AND ADVANCED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS (2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Black Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Use of electronic pocket calculator is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. 6) From Section I, solve Q. 1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4, Q.5. or Q.6 and from Section II, solve Q.7 or Q.8, Q. 9 or Q. 10, Q. 11 or Q.12. SECTION I 1. Referring to Figure, design the set of plate of cams for a single spindle automatic machine. Assume suitable machining parameters depending upon the type of material to be machined. Include the information on the chart and draw the layout for turret cams.
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2. A) What factors distinguish between automatic and semiautomatic machine tools ? Give their classification. B) With appropriate Figure explain the Geneva mechanism. In a six station Geneva mechanism, the driver rotates at 3 rpm, determine the cycle time of indexing mechanism, process time, time spent by each cycle in indexing the table to the next working position. C) Compare single spindle with multi-spindle automat. 3. A) Explain the functions of different components of CNC machine tool. Compare NC/CNC and conventional machine tools on the basis of performance, reliability, production rate and maintenance required and economic factors of machine tools. B) Explain with neat diagrams, open loop and close loop circuit employed on CNC machines. OR 4. A) Explain the different feedback devices used for position and velocity control on NC/CNC machines. B) Explain how accurate position control is obtained in CNC machine. 5. A) What is micro machining ? Explain any one process of micro machining. B) Explain C.V.D. Process variables which affect deposition rate and film properties. OR 6. A) Write short notes on : i) Anodizing B) Write briefly on i) Plasma coating ii) Phosphating ii) Electroplating.
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7. A) Discuss the methods of balancing an assembly line using precedence diagram. B) A eight station transfer machine has an ideal cycle time of half a minute. The frequency of line stop is 0.060 stop per cycle. When a line stop occurs, the average down time is 5.0 min. Determine : i) Average production rate part/hr. ii) Line efficiency iii) Proportion downtime. OR 8. A. Give classification of automated material handling equipments. B) Differentiate flow lines having storage buffers with flow lines without storage buffers. C) The company is setting a automobile assembly plant to produce 200 units per eight hours shift. The information regarding work elements in terms of times and immediate predecessors are given below. What is the desired cycle time and theoretical number of work stations ?
10 4 4
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9. A) What are different types of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS)? What are the considerations done in effective planning in FMS ? B) Explain with neat diagram, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS). OR 10. A) What are the different types of flexibilities considered in manufacturing systems ? Explain the techniques of performing simulation of manufacturing systems. B) What are the different configurations of robots ? Explain the terms used. i) Work volume iii) System accuracy ii) Degree of freedom iv) Precision movement. 8 8 8 8 8
11. A) What are the types of maintenance policies practiced in manufacturing industries ? Explain in brief about total productive maintenance. B) Write a short note on : i) Coolant type and selection ii) Chip removal system. OR 12. A) Describe the factors which affect the quality and performance of NC/CNC machines. B) What are the installation considerations in designing of machine tools ? What are the contents in the operators manual of CNC machine tools ? ____________
8 8
[3563] 215
T.E. (Production/ Production S/W) (Semester I) Examination, 2009 METAL CUTTING AND TOOL DESIGN (2003 Course)
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Instructions : 1) Attempt one question from each Unit from Section I and Section II 2) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Neat diagram must be drawn whenever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION I Unit I 1. a) List the various types of chips produced during metal cutting. Describe the conditions in which these types of chips are produced. b) Sketch merchant's circle of forces, and name the various components of forces and angles involved. c) In an orthogonal cutting the following observations were made. Cutting speed = 100 m/min Rake angle = 10 Cut chip thickness = 0.228 Uncut chip thickness = 0.125 Cutting force = 550 N Thrust force = 220 N Calculate shear angle, friction angle, power consumed. OR
6 6 6
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2. a) What is the function of cutting tool dynamometer ? Explain with suitable sketch anyone cutting tool dynamometer of your choice.
b) A pipe 38 mm in diameter is being turned on a lathe with a tool having a rake angle of 12 and a feed of 0.15 mm/ rev. The length of chip over one revolution of work piece is 70 mm. The cutting speed is 15 m/min. The tangential force is 400 N and feed force 170 N. Calculate i) Coefficient of friction on the rake force. 10 ii) Thickness of chip iii) Angle of shear iv) Velocity of shear v) Velocity of chip along the tool face. Unit II 3. a) Write a short note on : i) Cutting tool materials ii) Heat treatment of tools. b) What is the function of Reamer ? Name different types of reamers and explain any one in detail. OR 4. a) Draw only sketches for tooling systems for turning tools with mechanically clamped indexable inserts and labled on it. b) Explain with neat sketch a tool signature in ASA system. Unit III 5. a) Write a note on : i) Tool wear ii) Factors affecting on tool life. b) In a turning operation, it was observed that the tool life was 150 min when the cutting speed was 20 m/min. As the speed was increased to 25 m/min tool life dropped to 45 min. If the time required to change the tool was 2 min and if the cost of regrinding the tool was ten times the cost of turning/ min. Calculate i) the most economical cutting speed ii) tool life for maximum production. OR 9 7 10 10
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6. a) Prove that
b) What is machinability ? What are different criteria for machinability assessment ? Explain different factors affecting machinability. 10 SECTION II Unit IV 7. a) Explain design procedure for turning tool for strength and rigidity consideration. 6
b) A key way is to be broached in the bore of a low alloy steel gear. Design a broach with following data : 10 - Bore diameter = 40 mm - Bore length = 60 mm - Width of key way = 5 mm - Depth of key way = 3 mm - Rise per tooth = 0.02 mm - Finishing teeth = 4 Draw sketch for designed broach. OR 8. a) With a neat sketch explain the various design aspect of a plain milling cutter. b) With suitable example explain design of circular form tool by graphical method only. Unit V 9. a) What is an indexing jig ? Describe the various indexing devices commonly used with suitable sketches. b) Write short notes on : i) standardisation of jig and fixtures. ii) universal jig. OR 8 8 8 8
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*3563215* 6 5 5
10. a) What are the different requirements of locating elements ? b) Discuss the principle of perpendicular locating planes. c) Discuss the different elements of jig and fixtures. Unit VI
11. a) Design a drill jig for drilling a hole of size 14 and 16 mm for the component shown in fig. No.1. 18
OR 12. a) Design a milling fixture to mill the face A and face B to maintain dimension for the component shown in fig. No.1 18 Draw minimum two views of your design. Show the component in position, name all important elements on your drawings.
0 . 0 # # 0 . 1
[3563] 214
T.E. Production (Sem. I) Examination, 2009 PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL (2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100
Instructions. : 1) Answer any three questions from each Section. 2) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Black figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION I Unit I 1. a) Explain with block diagram functions of PPC. b) What is the integrated approach towards PPC ? OR 2. a) Explain following production system : i) Make to stock ii) Make to order iii) Assemble to order. b) What are the objectives of PPC ? Explain essential information required for production planning. Unit II 3. a) How sales forecasting methods classified ? Explain any two in brief. b) An investigation into the demand for Maruti Swift Desire in 7 towns resulted into following data :
P o p u l a t i o n o f t o w n % ! $ ' ! ( i n l a k h )
9 9
9 9 8
Fit a linear regression and estimate the demand for Maruti Swift Desires for the towns with population of 20 and 27 lakhs. OR
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*3563214* 8
4. a) Explain various Demand pattern used in sales forecasting. b) The following data contains sales of a particular product for 6 weeks and forecast of 1st week is given :
i) Calculate forecast for remaining six months using single exponential smoothing with = 0.2. ii) Calculate MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) and BIAS for the forecast.
4 4 8 8 8 8
Unit III 5. a) Define Production Control and explain outline functions of Production Control. b) What is Process Planning ? With the help of block diagram explain Process Engineers Frame work. OR 6. a) Explain briefly the concept of Line of Balance. b) Explain Gantt charts used in process planning with suitable example. SECTION II Unit IV 7. a) With the help of block diagram explain inputs and outputs of MRP I. b) What are different documents used in purchase development ? Explain any two in detail. OR 8. a) Explain CRP-Capacity Requirement Planning with its inputs, outputs and block diagram. b) Explain how a company has to take decision for make or buy ? 8 8
8 8
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Unit V 9. a) With your own example explain ABC analysis in detail. b) Annual demand for CNC machine is 40000 units. The carrying cost is Rs. 10/ unit/year. The ordering cost is Rs. 40/-per order and the shortage cost is Rs. 15/-per unit/year. Find optimal values of the following : i) Order quantity. ii) Cycle time. iii) Maximum level. iv) Represent the system graphically. OR 10. a) Explain what is stock out cost ? Why stockout occurs in Industry ? b) A manufacturer buys items in lots of 800 units which is 6 months requirements. The cost per unit is Rs. 100/- and ordering cost is Rs. 220/-per batch order. The inventory carrying cost is estimated at 20% of the average inventory investment. i) Find EOQ. ii) What is the Annual Total Cost of existing policy ? iii) How much inventory can be saved by using economic order quantity (EOQ) ? Unit VI 11. a) Why industry has to go for stock taking ? Explain what are the different methods of stock taking (stock verification). b) What are the advanatges of good stores keeping ? c) Explain any one documents used in stores and list out minimum four documents used in stores. OR 12. a) Explain in detail JIT system used in industry. b) Explain different factors considered in store design. c) Explain waste/scrap management in brief. 9 4 5 9 5 4 8
2 2 2 2 8
2 3 3
[3563] 213
T.E. (Production) (Sem. I) Examination, 2009 MATERIAL FORMING (2003 Course) (Common with Prod. S/W)
Time : 3 Hours
Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Answer any three questions from each Section. 2) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Black figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION I Unit 1 1. a) Explain principal factors affecting plastic deformation. b) The state of stress at a point is given by
8 8
= 70 MPa
= 120 MPa
= 35 MPa
if the yield strength for the material is 125 MPa. State in a uniaxial tensile test, yielding will occur according to Trescas or Van-Mises yielding conditions. OR 2. a) Explain the effect of strain rate on the yield stress. Explain Cam-operated plastometer with neat sketch. b) A tensile specimen with a 12 mm initial diameter and 50 mm gage length reaches maximum load at 90 KN and fractures at 70 KN. The minimum diameter at fracture is 10 mm. Determine the engineering stress at maximum load and the true fracture stress. 8
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Unit 2 3. Explain the following : i) Effect of grain flow lines in forging ii) Powder forging iii) Orbital forging. OR 4. Explain the following : i) Isothermal forging and its advantages ii) Metallurgy of forging iii) Upsetting. Unit 3 5. Derive an equation for the drawing stress induced during tube drawing operation using fixed tapered plug. OR 6. a) Calculate the maximum reduction per pass in a wire drawing operation considering die angle = 18 and coefficient of friction = 0.12. b) Explain various types of wire drawing machines. State their advantages and limitations. SECTION II Unit 4 7. a) Explain various types of series used in roll pass sequence. Give a proper roll pass sequence to produce a circular bar from square bloom. b) Explain AGC and state various methods of AGC. OR 10 8 8 8 16 18 18
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8. A steel strip of size, thickness 100 mm width 140 mm length 1000 mm is rolled in rolls of diameter 600 mm with reduction of 20%. The coefficient of friction is 0.35. The roll rotate at speed 160 rpm. Determine : 18 i) Arc contact length ii) Angle of bite iii) Ratio of neutral section thickness to final thickness (Assume rear tension coefficient = 0.892 and front tension coefficient = 1) iv) Neutral angle v) Forward slip. Unit 5 9. a) Sketch a horizontal extrusion press. List the auxilary equipments required in extrusion plant. b) Explain types of impact extrusion with neat sketch. State their applications. OR 10. a) Explain the following terms : i) CCD ii) Shape factor iii) Form factor iv) Extrusion ratio and extrudability. b) Explain Hydraustatic extrusion and explosive extrusion with neat sketch. Unit 6 11. a) Explain various types of materials used for making dies in explosive forming. State different factors to be considered while selecting the die materials. b) Explain stretch forming process with neat sketch. OR 12.a) Explain important process variables of explosive forming process. b) Explain Dynapak High speed forming machine with neat sketch.
8 8 8
8 8 8 8
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T.E. (Production/Prod. S/W) (Sem. I) Examination, 2009 KINEMATICS AND DESIGN OF MANUFACTURING MACHINES (2003 Course)
Time : 4 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1) Answer three questions from Section - I and three questions from Section- II. 2) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION I Unit No. 01 1. a) Explain various Kinematics principles used in the operation of gear hobbing machine used to generate helical gear. b) Explain the following terms related to Kinematic Synthesis. i) Function Generation ii) Path Generation iii) Body Guidance (Motion Generation). OR 2. a) In four bar mechanism, the link AD is fixed link and the dimensions of the various links are as follows : AB = 60 mm, BC = 200 mm, CD = 140 mm, AD = 210 mm. The crank AB has an angular velocity of 30.13 rad/sec in the anticlockwise direction and retardation of 24 rad/s2. When the input link is inclined at an angle of 30, find : i) Angular displacement of the link CD. ii) Angular velocity of link CD. b) Explain the following Kinematic chain representation with figure: i) E-21 ii) C-12 iii) K- 23 6
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Unit No. 02 3. a) Explain the significance of fatigue stress contraction factor and the notch sensitivity. b) Explain the Modified Goodman diagram for fluctuating Torsional shear stresses. c) A cantilever beam of rectangular cross section is fixed at one end and subjected to a completely reversed force of 2.5 KN at the free end. The force is perpendicular to the axis of the beam. The distance between the free and fixed ends is 400 mm. The beam is made of steel with ultimate tensile strength of 540 N/mm2 and tensile yield strength of 320 N/mm 2. The theoretical stress concentration factor and notch sensitivity at the fixed end are 1.4 and 0.8 respectively. The beam operates at the temp of 100C for which temp. factor is 1.020. The size factor, surface finish factor and reliability factors are 0.85, 0.8 and 0.868 respectively. The depth of the beam is 1.25 times the width of the beam. If the required factor of safety is 2.0, determine the cross sectional dimensions of the beam for : i) Finite life of 40,000 cycle and ii) Infinite life. OR 4. a) Determine the maximum load using Soderbergs criterion for simply supported beam, cyclically loaded as shown in figure. Assume surface finish factor as 0.90, size factor 0.85. The beam material has ultimate tensile strength of 500 MPa and yield strength of 350 MPa, factor of safety is 1.5 and diameter of beam 35 mm. 8 4 4
Figure - Q. 4 (a)
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b) A steel bar is subjected to two dimensional stresses, the tensile stress along the X-axis varies from 40 MPa to 90 MPa, whereas the tensile stress along the Y-axis varies from 10 MPa to 75 MPa. The corrected endurance strength of the component is 250 MPa. The ultimate strength is 650 MPa. Determine the factor of safety by maximum distortion energy theory. Use Goodmans fatigue criterion for failure. Unit No. 03 5. a) What do you mean by formative number of teeth in helical gear ? Derive the relationship. b) Show 3-dimensionally the various forces acting on a Helical Gear tooth. c) A pair of spur gears with 20 full depth involute teeth consists of 21 teeth pinion running at 720 rpm. in mesh with a gear running at 378 rpm. The centre distance is 152.5 mm. The pinion is made of alloy steel Sut = 700 N/mm2 , while the gear is made up of plain carbon steel 40C8 (Sut = 580 N/mm2). The gear pair is heat treated to a surface hardness of 400 BHN. Face width of gears is 12 times the module. The service factor and factor of safety are 1.25 and 1.5 respectively. The gear pair is manufactured by hobbing. Assuming the velocity factor accounts for dynamic load, calculate : i) ii) iii) iv) v) Beam strength Wear strength Maximum static load that gear pair can transmit The rated power Dynamic Load by Spotts equation.
5 3
KV =
6 6 e . n
Fd =
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6. a) i) State purpose of providing lubrication in Gear box. ii) State different types of lubricant used. iii) State modes of lubrication. b) A pair of helical gears consists of 20 teeth right hand pinion meshing with 50 teeth, left hand gear. The pinion rotates at 3000 rpm and transmits 7.5 kW power to the gear. The normal module is 4 mm and normal pressure angle is 20. The helix angle is 23. The pinion is above the gear and is rotating in clockwise direction when viewed from the right side. Determine the components of force acting on meshing teeth and draw a free body diagram showing the forces acting on the pinion and the gear. SECTION II Unit No. 04 7. a) What do you mean by bearing with probability of survival other than 90 percent ? Explain. b) Write short note on lubrication of rolling contact bearing. c) A ball bearing operates on a work cycle consisting of three parts, a radial load of 4000 N at 700 rpm for 30 percent of the cycle, a radial load of 6000 N at 1440 rpm for 40 percent of the cycle and a radial load of 5000 N at 900 rpm for the remaining part of the cycle. The basic dynamic capacity of the bearing is 35700 N. Calculate : i) the rating life of the bearing in hrs. ii) the average speed of rotation and iii) the life of the bearing in hours with 95% reliability. OR 8. a) Describe the different materials used for sliding contact bearings. Which bearing materials are recommended for the main bearings of heavy duty diesel engines ? Why ? 8 3 5 9
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b) The following data is given for a belt drive : Diameter of the pulley Shaft diameter Power transmitted Speed Ratio of belt Tension 300 mm 25 mm 7.5 kW 720 rpm 3:1
Calculate the dynamic load carrying capacity for radial deep groove ball bearing for a life of 10,000 hrs. Assume the pulley to be placed centrally with the belt tensions acting vertically downwards. The load factor can be taken as 3. 10 Unit No. 05 9. a) Discuss design considerations for manufacture of connecting rod. b) What do you understand by aesthetic feeling ? Explain the various aspects which contributes to the aesthetic appeal of the product ? 4 6
c) A shaft fitted with a flywheel rotates at 250 rpm and drives a machine. The torque of machine varies in a cyclic manner over a period of 3 revolutions. The torque rises from 750 Nm to 3000 Nm uniformly during revolution and remains constant for the following revolution. It then falls uniformly to 750 Nm during the next revolution and remains constant for one revolution, the cycle being repeated thereafter. The safe centrifugal stress is 6 MPa. The material density may be assumed as 7200 Kg/m3. Determine the power required to drive the machine, diameter of flywheel and draw turning moment diagram for complete cycle. 8
OR 10. a) What is significance of parting line in forging ? What factors affects selection of parting line ? b) Distinguish between Machine Design and Ergonomic Design. c) Derive the expression for tensile stress induced in the flywheel rim. 6 6 6
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Unit No. 06 11. a) In Johnsons method of optimum design how you will construct primary design equation, subsidiary design equation and limit equation ? Explain with suitable example. b) An assembly of three components A, B and C is shown in figure. The dimensions of the three components are normally distributed and natural tolerance is equal to design tolerance as shown in figure. Determine the percentage of assemblies where interference is likely to occur.
Figure - Q. 11 (b) Areas below the standard normal distribution curve are.
Assume linear interpolation for intermediate values. OR 12. a) What do you understand by sampling distribution ? b) Explain the method of optimum design for redundant specification in short.
4 6
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c) An assembly of two ComponentsA and B with an overall dimensions of is shown in figure. The overall dimensions as well as the dimensions of individual components are normally distributed and natural tolerances are equal to design tolerances. Specify the dimensions for Component B.
4 0 0 . 9 m m
Figure - Q. 12 (c)
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T.E. (Production Engg.) (Sem. I) Examination, 2009 MATERIAL SCIENCE AND COMPOSITE MATERIALS (2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Answer Q. 1 or 2, Q. 3 or 4, Q. 5 or 6 questions from Section I. 2) Answer Q. 7 or 8, Q. 9 or 10, Q. 11 or 12 questions from Section II. 3) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books. 4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 5) Black figures to the right indicate full marks. 6) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. SECTION I 1. Answer the following : 1) What are the advantages of electrolytic polishing ? When it is not suitable ? 2) Write all reactions of Fe - Fe3C equilibrium diagram. What do you understand by A1, A3, and Acm ? 3) What are Flow lines ? How are they developed ? What do they indicate ? 4) Define Austenite and Pearlite. OR 2. a) Draw microstructure of AISI 1040 steel. Calculate amounts of phases present in it, assuming equilibrium cooling conditions. Write the effects of non-equilibrium cooling on Fe - Fe3C equilibrium diagram. b) What do you understand by (any 6) resolving power, Ferrite, Fe3C, Austenite, Total Magnification, Numerical Aperture, FeE 200 K, T 75 W 18 Cr 4 VI, C40. c) Explain with a suitable graph, how mechanical properties of plain carbon steel vary with %C. 4 6 6 2
6 6 6
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3. Answer the following : 1) Distinguish between CCT and TTT diagram. 2) What is hardenability ? Explain the factors influencing hardenability. 3) Explain advantages of salt bath furnace. 4) In which heat treatment components crack ? Why ? How cracking can be reduced ? OR 4. Answer the following : 1) Normalised steel is harder than annealed steel. Why ? 2) Explain secondary hardening and temper embrittlement. 3) With a suitable graph, explain how properties vary during tempering. 4) Compare isothermal annealing with full annealing. 5. Attempt the following : 1) Explain ausfarming in detail. 2) Compare nitriding and carburising. 3) How carburised parts are heat treated ? Explain in detail. 4) What are the limitations of flame hardening ? OR 6. Write short notes on : 1) Induction Hardening 2) Cyniding 3) Patenting 4) Austempering.
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SECTION II 7. 1) White cast iron finds limited applications in engineering industry. Explain this with its microstructure. 2) How Malleable cast iron is obtained ? State 2 applications of it. 3) Which alloy / tool steel would you suggest for the following applications ? Justify your choice (any 3) : i) Containers in food industry ii) Master gauges iii) Wrist watch iv) Die casting die for aluminium alloy. OR 8. Answer the following : 1) How S.G. iron is produced ? Draw its microstructure and explain why it possesses best combination of mechanical properties in cast iron family. 2) Which alloy / tool steel would you recommend for the following applications (any 3). Justify your choice. i) Plastic molding die ii) Surgical instruments iii) Milling cutter iv) Extrusion die for steel. 3) Explain Sensitization. Is it desirable ? 9. 1) What are the requirements of a bearing material ?
4 6 6
4 4
2) State one property, composition and one application of the following (any 4) : 12 i) LM 6 ii) In Var iii) Muntz metal iv) Constantan v) Gun metal vi) Monel vii) Aluminium bronze viii) Haste alloy. 3) What is Dezincification ? OR 2
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10. 1) Explain modification treatment in brief. 2) What is season cracking ? How it is eliminated ? 3) Suggest suitable non-ferrous material for the following and justify (any 5). i) Permanent magnet ii) Bearing for air craft iii) Coins iv) Bellows v) Costume Jewellery vi) Marine hardware vii) Piston viii) Pressure cooker plug ix) Cartridge cases x) Automobile casting. 11. Answer the following (any 4) : 1) What are the effects of fiber orientation tensile strength of fiber reinforced composite ? 2) How carbon fibers are produced ? 3) What are Bimetallics ? How they are produced ? 4) Explain Yarn, Tow, Mat, Staple. 5) Describe, ISO stress and ISO strain condition. OR 12. Answer (any 4) of the following : 1) What is Biocompatibility ? Which material would you suggest for hip prosthesis ? 2) What are MMCs ? Explain in brief. 3) What is an aramid fiber ? Name 2 commercially available aramid fibers. 4) How Boron fibers are produced ? 5) Explain any one production technique of fiber reinforced composite.
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T.E. (Prod./SW) Examination, 2009 BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE (1997 Course)
Time : 3 Hours
Instructions : 1) From Section I Q. No. 4 is compulsory and from Section II Q. No. 8 is compulsory. 2) From the remaining solve any two questions from each Section. SECTION I 1. a) Discuss the external factors influencing an industrial enterprise. b) Discuss the environment in urban and rural sectors for setting an industrial enterprise. 2. a) What is an organisation ? Discuss in brief any 3 types of organisation structures. b) Discuss the relation of production dept with i) Sales ii) Finance iii) Personnel iv) Materials. 3. a) What is motivation ? Discuss different types of motivators. 8 8 8 8 8
b) Discuss Maslow theory of need hierarchy and compare it with two factor theory. 8 4. Write short notes on any three : i) Personality traits ii) Organisational theories iii) Learning curve iv) Purpose of an industrial enterprise v) Need of Industrial laws.
5. a) What are formal and informal groups ? Discuss the effect on these on performance of an enterprise. b) Define conflict. Discuss the nature and causes of conflicts. 6. a) Define the term Leadership. Discuss different leadership styles. b) Leader has to be born Comment. 7. a) Define and explain the process of communication. What are the types of communication ? b) Discuss the process of Interviews. Which are different types of interviews ? 8. Write short notes on (any three) : i) Transactional analysis ii) Group dynamics iii) Managerial grid iv) Barriers in communication v) Resolution of conflict.
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