Kalana Woods
Kalana Woods
Kalana Woods
these rules or about roleplay in the Woods. ******************************************************* Table of Contents: ******************************************************* I. RP SUMMARY OF KALANA II. GENERAL RULES III. WEAPONS, SINGLE STRIKE WEAPONS AND SHEATHS IV. TARNS, KUR, AND ANIMALS V. START/EXIT POINTS VI. COMBAT- AND RAID RATIO MIRROR RULES VII . EMOTED ACTIONS VIII. ROLEPLAY / GOREAN WARDROBE IX. DEATH/KIDNAPPING X. SLAVES XI. DISPUTES *******************************************************
I. RP SUMMARY OF KALANA: ========================== "The Kalana Woods is situated in the heart of the northern forest, a no man's land which separates Torvaldsland from the temperate Vosk region. A geographically isolated expanse of kalana trees, the area is dangerous to travelers... bandits and panther girls both frequent the area and have a reputation to waylay wanderers for their coin and valuables. Even the woods itself poses a danger, teaming with dangerous wildlife, such as the dreaded larl... There is, however, riches to be had here: the forest floor can become so thick with the kalana berries that you can lose sight of your ankles in their depth. Also, the skins of the larl, available to a cunning hunter, fetch an ubar's ransom in the rich lands of the Vosk. An enterprising trader can even make his fortune off of the bounty of the resident outlaws." The woods are a large place with several camps tucked away for those daring enough to explore it all. Those interested in more information on these groups, or joining one: please contact someone in the Kalana Woods Sim Administration.
II. GENERAL RULES: ================== 1) This is an ADULT only, Role playing SIM. There are force collaring, death, sexual themes, and inappropriate language for minors presented here. All players entering the sim must be at least 18 years of age to participate. We represent to the best of our abilities the concepts laid out in John Norman's books of Gor. It is OUR interpretation of the books that we represent here. Our concept is not up for debate. We are all here to have fun, and the administration strives to create an
environment that can accomplish both of these goals: ultimately creating a positive roleplaying experience for visitors and residents alike. 2) No child avi's, furries, non-human avi's (with exception to Gorean Animals and Kurii with an admin's approval), avatars under 30 days old, or Griefers in any shape or form, whether Non-gorean or Gorean. Drama is NOT welcome here. This includes general harassment, placing listening devices, etc. 3) We want a good roleplay environment so please NO out of character conversations, use IMs and refrain from using sound gestures, including sound draw weapon gestures. Combat should be used to begin or further roleplay. 4) We are strictly RP here; roleplayers are expected to remain in-character at all times, except for special events. OOC Observers are allowed only outside camps. We do not tolerate metagaming here, so if you want to scout, do so in character. The Market is OOC, always, no fighting allowed. Any arenas are OOC areas, combat practice is allowed. 5) The latest version of the Gorean Meter must be worn at all times while visiting the woods. There are meter dispensers located in the market and on each of the docks on the sims.The only exception to this rule is during OOC events. In the event you are not wearing a meter or wearing the wrong one, you will autocapped, and ejected if you refuse to wear one. These meters are very important in combat and can invalidate entire roleplays if forgotten. 6) Safe zones on the sims are: the market only The docks are safe for a total of 10 minutes to allow for rezzing upon arrival only. There are no other safe zones on Kalana lands.
III. WEAPONS, SINGLE STRIKE WEAPONS AND SHEATHS: ================================================ We permit Gorean weapons only. No speed enhancers, hacks, or AIM mod are allowed- No push scripts. Asian Style looking Swords are allowed from now on. No thrown weapons besides quiva and daggers/knives allowed. 1) You can use only this Weapons where you wear a Sheath for, no magical appearing Weapons and no Weapons what exist only in your Profile! NO SHEATH = YOU CANT USE IT! - If you dont like this Rule then play somewhere else! 2) Once disarmed, you need a valid way to gain a weapon. Via another person, weapons station, or one hanging on a wall. no magic spawning weapons. 3) Using Weapons what dont follow the GM Weapon Guide - like Arrow of Doom, Capture Scent and other - will lead in a 1 Week Ban by the First violation, in 4 Week Ban by the Second Violation and in a permanent Ban by the third violation! Using an Aimbot like the WaW HUD or ANY Stuff from ScripterDude Resident (Elite Tools) leads to a lifetime Ban. 4) If you want the use of Capture Scent in a Roleplay then it is allowed to Emote it if both
CLAWS FOR HUMANS: ================== Claws for Humans/Humans what act like Ferrals may not exceed the 19% Slave Damage Version.
WEAPON STYLE AND APPEARANCE: ============================= Gorean Weapons only, asian Style Weapons like Katana are permitted!!! If it looks like Final Fantasy, Mad Max or any sort of the Fantastical, it is NOT allowed. THIS is a NO BRAINER. (Swords that look like aeroplane propelers, bows that look like wings/made of bones, look cool but aren't gorean and totally unrealistic. We're here because we are attempting to create a realistic experience. If we wanted FF7 we'd be looking at the Xbox.) **excerpted from the Weapon Maker approved Weapons application** "All weapons must be in the style of accepted Gorean weapons as depicted in the books of John Norman. No oriental styled weapons are accepted. Nothing with laser beams (red, green, blue colors***) or with a technology that would earn one the Blue Flame." *** Arrows should appear as arrows, not splinters, beams, toothpicks, etc. Again, Gorean Style, includes the arrow shape.***
FEMALE WEAPONS RULE: ===================== Because the weaker Female Setting in the GM is bugged (it take no effect if you wear a Shield or Dodge), we turned weaker Females OFF. Free Women and Femlaws are allowed to wear Swords but the damage have not to exceed 35%. Free Women and Femlaws please wear the Female Version of your Sword, Axe, Lance or whatever.
WEAPON STATS AND PARAMETERS: ============================= Even allowed Weaponmakers create weapons that do not fit within allowable parameters. The attached weapon guideline lists the accepted stats that clarifies the allowable parameters. If you have confusion or doubt, ask a SIM owner/admin or Moderator first. WEAPONS FOR KUR AND ANIMALS: CHANGE TO LARL, SLEEN AND KUR 40% CLAWS AND BEAST METER, ============================= Any KURII type of weapon, e.g. Claws, Axe, teeth, blowdarts etc, must be first approved through proper channels. Any non-Kur caught using such weapons will be ejected immediately. There is no Dual Wielding. Only one claw may do damage. No combination of claw/teeth. No claw/blow dart. One weapon just like the rest of Gor. We mirror the Sardar and Essex Weapons Kuri / Larl Weapons List! WEAPONS FOR SLAVES: =================== Slaves may use any sort of Weapons what they are physically able to, but getting in risk to get killed for touching Free Men/Women Weapons others as a Bow. >>> IF A FREE CONSIDER TO USE SLAVEWEAPONS IN THIS LIST, HE OR SHE HAVE TO USE THE SLAVE VERSION ALSO, A FREE ISNT STRONGER AS A SLAVE! In Kalana Woods male Slaves are allowed to use Bows also if the Owner of the Slave permit it. A male Slave cant be killed for using a Bow with his Owners permission. Indepedent from the (OOC) permission to use any Weapon what a Slave is physically able to wield, they are subject to Kill (IC) if they touch other Free Men/Women Weapons as a Bow. THIS WEAPONS CAN BE USED FROM SLAVES TO DEFEND THEMSELF, THEIR HOMESTONE, THEIR MASTER OR MISTRESS WITHOUT GETTING IN RISK OF BEEING KILLED FOR TOUCHING FREE MEN/WOMEN WEAPONS, AS LONG AS THEY ACT DEFENSIVE; FOR BOWS LOOK INTO THE MAINLIST: WEAPONMAKERS AND THEIR ALTS: ============================= Weaponmakers and their Alts are not allowed to use their own Weapons, indepedent if they are listed in the "Allowed Weapons" Section or not!
REGARDLESS OF WEAPONMAKER, THE FOLLOWING IS ILLEGAL: ==================================================== DUAL WIELDING: the use of two weapons at the same time. Includes Hand to Hand combat
HUDs with any weapon or weapons where the Hand to Hand is included in the weapon. If the punch/kick does damage, it is illegal. HYBRID WEAPONS: Any weapon that can change from Range to Melee, and back automatically. INCORRECT STRIKETYPE: Normally accepted weapons with the incorrect strike type, ie Stones with arrow / arrow~direct (should be slave / slave~direct); blow guns with arrow / arrow~direct (should be dart / dart~direct, NOTE!! Darts may not do damage past 30 meters of flight.) are not allowed. Any slave weapon should not have a damage exceeding the 5-11%, nor those objects that are ranged should not have a range beyond 30 meters. If your rocks throw like an arrow, speak to the weapon maker and ask that it be corrected. It is not allowed here. FRIENDLY FIRE PROTECTION: means any Weapon what have a scripted mechanism to prevent Hits on Avitars what are in the same Group! Use the Version what hits all! ALL: Bolas, Assassin Wrist blades or Climbing Claws, or any type of Combo weapon. ONLY: Normal appearing arrows (no lasers, toothpicks, etc) are Legal.
CHEATING: ========= The use of Aim Robots like WaW HUD and all other Aim Bots, are illegal and lead into permanent Banishment. The use of Speed Enchanters will leed into a temporary ban of 1 Month and in second Instance into a permanent Ban. The use of Animation manipulating HUDs what displays your Avitar more as 3,5m from his physically location will lead into a ban. The use of Shield HUDs will lead into a permanent Ban. The use of Scripted Bombs, ALL Items from ScripterDude Resident, Arrow of Doom and similar Stuff will lead into a permanent Ban on the first strike!
APPROVED WEAPON LIST KALANA WOODS, 02/12 (we mirror the Sardar and Essex Weapon List: ======================================================================= ==================================================== - AKWeapons Resident ( AKWeapons ) Bows Only - Alika Sao / Danna Ewing (Alika Sao Weaponry) All - Alvar Nurmi (Weapons by AN) - Arcturus Itano (Infinity Weapons) Bows issue 3.3 or higher - Braydon Randt (SWS) Bows and Melee - centipedeweapons residant, kendra zaurak ( Centipede Weapons ) All - claera resident-Claire Wendel II ( [RONIN] ) All - Cris Campese & Ju Darkfire ( JC Shark ) Bows Only - Cruz Shipley & Harvest Dezno ( Epic Arenal ) Bows only
- CryArmory Fang ( =Cry Weaponry= ) Bows only - Dromar Demonista & Xxandera Voom ( DD weapons ) All - Doremi Ultsch (Melody Weapons - ) Bows V10 or higher All - Didro Ultsch (Arena Weapons) Bows only - Eternal Stillwater ( Eternal Armoury ) - Eve Mikazuki swords must be issue 2.2 or higher - FataPussy Farrjones ( FATA Weapons ) All - Gek0 Auer ([GKzero] Weapons & Design) Melee only - Grave Revnik ( Wyvern weapons ) All - Gwillym Wycliffe (2tone Traders) Melee Only - Grave Revnik ( Knights Innovations Armory ) - Hamlet Hellershanks - (Totem Inc) - Melee must hit with {TO} identifier - Heather Rau (Black Orchid) - Homie Kungfu - (G-Spot) - HZ Engineer - ( HZ Weapons ) -Ice Bradley (Wrecked) - melee only -Irvin Schnyder - melee only - Jake Molinaro - ( Ancient Builds ) Bows and Melee - Jaraziah Lowell - Jara Creations - jewell dagger ( Primal ) Melee only - kendra zaurak, centipedeweapons residant ( Centipede Weapons ) Bows only - Kaoru Slade & Silvia Hawks (Panther Gears) Bows Only - Kye Fhang (F D Weapons) - Larion Rhodes weapons ( Elle Erre (LR) weapons ) All - Larah Oh (Larah's bows) Bows only - Larmen Capra ( FLP Weapons ) Bows only - Leanne Woodward (Bows Navar 1.61 scripted and later) - Lucius Obviate ( Sigil Foundry ) Melee only - Luxor Barbosa, Harley Mullery ( Luxory Weapons ) 3.0 or higher bows only - Marcomr2 Zenovka - (Outcast weaponary ) swords only - Markz McMahon 9.81 bow issue or higher All - Malice Vieria - Naama Easterwood, Birdy Windstorm ( Sibudu Cave Creations ) Bows only - Navar Harbinger and Stormie Frua (Navar & Stormie Designs) Bows Only - Nephtides Resident ( SteelSleen ) Swords only - Norton Burns (Angels and deamons ) All - Osith Emmons, Deccan Arida, Romper, JJames [Ancient Lore] All - Patrik Ling ( TL Designs ) - P373R Kappler, Noreia Owen ( P3 weapons ) All - Phantom Radikal ( Radikal Dezigns ) Melee Only - Petite Pixie (Bosk's Emporium) Melee only - Rhubardin Fluffball (Ordo Kivsungai) (Saddlebow of the skies not allowed) - Romper Barbosa & JJames Alter (EZ Weapons) - melee must be 2.6 or higher - Sephiroth Juran (Medusa Weapons) swords only - Sindra Aquila ( AGNI Weapons ) - Spider Carnot ( SPIDER PRODUCTIONS ) Melee only - Susan Whizenhunt - Forest Maiden & Whiplash bows must be 2.29 or higher - sweety Wardark ( Sweety Weapons Style ) all - Tala Nagy (Tala's weapons & specialities) - Tommy Burton Tetsuia Kohime Nacho Rajal ( GTS GTS weapon/design) - Thord Karu (Primus Weapons) - Triton Paine ( IPWN)
- Vladimir Bombacci (Apotheosis Weapons) - Vault Story ( VS Designs ) - vo0d0o Fhang Tungsten Inventor ( Vo-Fhang Weapons ) All - wicked Swashbuckler (WBCC Weapons) - Willy Marjeta ( WiMa Weapons ) Bows only APPROVED SHIELDS: ================= - All Above Maker in main List - Atano Anatra - Bye Charisma APPROVED FIST FIGHT/UNARMED COMBAT: ==================================== - Alika Sao - Primus - Larion Rhode v1.05 - H&S(navar) 4.0 or higher - Markz - GTS APPROVED BLOWPIPES/BLOWGUNS: ============================== - Alika Sao - Primus - [EZ] -SWS ( Braydon Randt ) -Larion Rhodes - VoFang - GTS weapon/design APPROVED BALLISTA: ================== Arbilist by Tommy Burton Tetsuia Kohime Nacho Rajal ( GTS GTS weapon/design )
*********************** *** BANNED WEAPONS *** *********************** ANY WEAPON WITH FRIENDLY FIRE PROTECTION!!! ANY CUSTOM WEAPON NOT READILY AVAILABLE TO PUBLIC!!! NO FOOD ITEMS!!! - ALL STUFF OF ScripterDude Resident (Elite Tools) - Arrow of Doom and similar Stuff - Catania Weapons
- Devils Forge (Tom Reddevil) Kur Avi inbuild Weapons, no Hudblock, no Autosheath, Dual Wield possible. - H&J Swords - Jenny Cioc & Greyhound Burt ( DM Weapons ) - Jeremia Kalinakov & Lavaandarr Lewinter ( LJ Creation ) All - Navar Harbinger All Melee - Nightmare Weapons - - - PAC - ( PAC hit ) - TCJ weapons - XX weapons XXander snook ****************************************** *** BANNED FOR OTHER REASONS AS ILLEGAL *** ****************************************** Due to not being able to purchase anymore no in sl shops or weapons available to purchase on marketplace - Anhandreu Riederer (AC) - ALL WEAPONS, not longer in sale, some are modifyable. - All Paule & Soozie Nirpaw ( A&S WEAPONS ) - Devils Forge (Tom Reddevil) ALL Weapons, this includes the inbuild Claws in the Kur Avi also! - Fire Fray, Raul Darkthief. ( Nihil Creations ) All Slip Barrett (Weapons of the Warlord) >>> FAILURE TO FOLLOW WEAPONS RULES MAY RESULT INTO AUTO CAPTURE OR BANISHMENT !!! <<<
IV. TARNS, KUR, AND ANIMALS: ============================ If you want play an Animal or another Race (like Kur) in Kalana Woods the you need to get approved by a Sim Admin! 1) No mounted beast are allowed, Tarns arent allowed also!
2) Kuri, Larls and Sleens are allowed with GM for Beasts Meter IF approved by Sim Administrator. Only Kuri are allowed to wear Dartguns. Kuri, Larl and Sleens can use Claws what make 40% Damage. Not approved Kur Groups what want Raid here need to contact a Sim Admin in front of the Raid to get their approval! 3) Other GOREAN Animals with Standard GM are allowed to wear Claws what make max. 19% Damage. IF they got APPROVED by a Sim Admin. 4) Only 1 Weapon at the same time, no dual Wielding!
5) Lycans, Vamps and Werekuri dont exists in Gor and are not permitted to set their Feets on this Sim.
V. START/EXIT POINTS: ===================== The docks are the only approved places for visitors to TP in and out from during roleplay. Teleporting out of a running roleplay on a other Place will be addressed by moderators for possible disciplinary action.
VI. COMBAT- AND RAID RATIO MIRROR RULES: ========================================= RAID/RESCUE RATIO MIRRORS YOURS. This also includes all rescuing parties if you are in a rescue party and have a raid ratio, yours will be enforced. 1) No Jumping or flying. This includes no jumping for advantages durin melee Fight! If we catch you then you are out of the Game and Captures done by you are void! If you dodge and run then we see that as prove for cheating, in case of unwanted jumping, stop, stay a moment and then run again! 2) time) 3) No dual wielded weapons (ie: 2 damage dealing swords, or a bow and sword at the same
No fighting under the water. Arrows are not effective under water nor are swords. You can shoot if they come to the surface. Swim HUDs are allowed but cannot include speed boosts. a) NO HEALTH RAISING UNDER WATER. - Health raising under water = Autocap 4) Reinforcements cant join after a Fight started. Only people who were on sim before a raid started, can join. Only thus with AFK Meter can join, Avitars with OOC Meter cant join a raid after fight beguns. AFK Meter count to the Raid Ratio! 5) No climbing, scaling or grappling the mountains. Zip Lines can be used from the higher to the lower Position but not opposite! Grapples are required to scale fort defenses, max. Height 14m. Grapples must be attached to wall, no grapples up in the air holding to nothing. No resetting your meter unless instructed by a Mod else Autocap.
6) 7)
Weapon Restrictions a) Free have no weapon restrictions with one exception, if they use Slavestyle Weapons or Claws it have to be the Slaveversion. Look into the Weaponrules above! b) Kajirus can carry bows and slave weapons. c) Kajira can carry slave weapons, including sling shots and rocks. d) Slaves are permitted to use any other Weapons also but then they can get killed
for it. e) damage. f) GM Shields are allowed. 8) No firing over sim lines unless battle is happening and you happen to run over, but no snipping across sims. No firing from Larius Pass Northwest Corner in our Camp, no firing from Kalana Woods Outlaw Camp to the Northwest Corner of Larius Pass! 9) Leashing Captives: ONE (!!!) captive leashed per person, whether feet are bound or not. a) No running while carrying a leash. b) Must drop the leash or emote tying it to your waist prior to drawing a bow or sword. ((Hint: .unleash)) c) Only leashed People can be transported (exception, pulling one out of the water to make bind possible). 10) 11) All fires, grapples, and flags must be touch-die (no massive priming please). No self reproducing Fires, we see this as a griefing attempt! No repeat raids within 3 hours time. Rescues excluded. Free Women are allowed to fight here and can use also melee weapons with 35%
12) KEYS: 1 Emote, the Avitar you steal from must be uncoscinous or bound and close on the same Side of the Door. (you dont require being bound.) 13) Avoid exessive Primshooting, it can lead into a invalidation of the whoole raid. No melee fight through closed Doors or Walls! What you cant do RL that you cant do in RP! Violation = Ejection. 14) Any RESCUE or RANSOM attempts will have to wait 90 minutes after the person is taken off sim. 15) Kidnapping will be honored for no more than 3 (three) days. This is not a guarantee as roleplay will continue to get the kidnapped person back. **The exception to this would be up to the Captive, should they wish to extend their RP time.** 16) If we cant rescue / raid with our female Fighters on your Sim then you cant take Captives from our Sim! 17) Information for Raiders from BtB Sims: Raiding in Kalana Woods means you accept that we do a Counterraid / Rescue / Revenge with our and allied Groups. This includes Femlaws what are armed with Swords, Shields and Bows, it includes also armed Slaves if your Slaves are allowed to bear Weapons. This Rule is also valid for Alliances where BtB Sims are involved and help GE or other Sims in a raid against us. Due to the nature of a Raid we dont announce the Counterraid / Rescue / Revenge. 18) GM Meter Rule: The Gorean Meter, short GM, is the common Meter in Gor. We arent responsible that some Sims isolate themself from this Meter System.
Kalana Woods use the latest Gorean Meter Version only. If your Sim use other Meters then you cant raid here nor can take captives. 19) If there is a problem with any of these rules, do not raid here. We will not accept captures by groups whose rules do not allow our members to come ransom/rescue our own. VII. EMOTED ACTIONS: ==================== SLAVES ...........................................................may perform all of these tasks, see SLAVE section for more detail WE ARE NOT going to count words in a emote but please roleplay it correctly: * All emotes must be reasonable and descriptive not copy-pasted/gestured, and be available to be NCed if challenged * 1) Lockpicking: 3 emotes (Use of doorbreaker prims is prohibited, unless in circumstances of extreme lag which must be approved by a mod prior) 2) Binding: 3 emotes (Cannot be done underwater.) Hogtie: 1 emote after the Meter allow this (times). If you do it before then its considered as failed attempt. If you are hogtied then you are unable to perform ANY action besides talking. 3) Disarming: One descriptive Emote per Weapon. Weapons what you dont name arent removed! Weapons what you dont name properly (eg. you disarm a bow instead of a crossbow) arent removed! 4) Unbinding (interacting with another's GM Bindings): 3 emotes 4a) Unbinding others while Bound: 6 emotes and only then, if you have a visible sheathed Weapon left and in Range (directly lay by the one you unbind). Range means Bodycontact and not 3 Sims away. 5) Grapples set: 3 emotes, shouted(Editing or using 'double/piggybacked grapples' is prohibited, must be touch-die. You must be close to the Wall where you want to set the Grapple while emoting. No grapples over 14m tall and must be attached to wall, no grapples up in the air holding to nothing.) Climbing on Grapple: 1 emote, shouted. Cutting a Grapple: 1 emote shouted, you must be in Range, no cutting a Grapple through Doors or Walls. 5.a) 6) 7) 8) Zip Lines: Cutting a Zip Line: 1 Emote, shouted. Aiding (interacting with the unconscious bubble): 3 emotes Unbinding and aiding self: Prohibited Sailing off sim (from docks only): 1 emote with a minimum of 10 words, Captives must be
VIII. ROLEPLAY / GOREAN WARDROBE: ================================= 1) General Wardrobe will be enforced on the sim with ejection from RP. a) All people must dress in a gorean (or medeival/fantasy fashion). Cowboy hats, top hats, skull masks, cargo shorts, sneakers, and jeans will not be acceptable. b) Free women must dress appropriately, showing tight, navel and excessive cleavage will lead into enslavement. c) For violations of the weapons laws (Including use of metal armor) the moderators reserve the right to roleplay the flame death upon the guilty character. This will involve an ejection (a warning always given first to change attire) and could result in a ban for repeated offenses. d) Exceptions made for characters arriving initially from earth. These characters will be roleplayed accordingly. 2) Women are allowed in the tavern/trading post area without fear of collar.
3) Slaves are vital to the lives of the residents of the sim and are given certain liberties. See SLAVES below. 4) rules. We do abide by personal limits as long as they are not expressly mentioned within our
While we respect other people's roleplay and personal issues which may stem from it, limits are not a way of bypassing sim rules. This includes no RP for 20/30 minutes = TP out limits. The timer must begin AFTER combat has concluded. Individual circumstances, however, can be discussed amongst roleplayers or a mod if an issue arises. 5) All fires, grapples, and flags must be touch-die. Flags are encouraged to have an LM available as well to continue the roleplay. 6) Fires, pranks, and theft roleplays must include a notecard sent to a member of . To be considered valid roleplay, a clue must be left to continue the roleplay back to your group. 7) Godmodding a) Unbound/Uncaptured: Any action that alters roleplay within your character's control that is not accepted/emoted by you. b) Bound/Captured: Any action that alters roleplay that does not have a reasonable chance to succeed given your state that is not emoted by you. c) Minor cases of it, ones that do not break RP or make gross assumptions are not the reason we have this rule. Bear this in mind when going OOC for minor infractions of it. These will be seen as combative and a means of evading valid RP. As a sim we do not tolerate arguments with the mods or OOC insults regarding an in character dispute (This includes gay bashing, which will result in an immediate and permanent ban). These
will be addressed with prejudice. We are all here to have fun and this sort of behavior is not tolerated.
IX. DEATH/KIDNAPPING: ======================= 1) Killing: a) There must be a valid reason for killing a person. Senseless killing will not be tolerated. b) There must be a minimum of 30 minutes of Kill Pre-RP before killing someone. (Battle time does not count toward the minumum RP time) c) The Kill Pre-RP must be initiated by an not misunderstoodable Emote, so if an Admin looks at the Roleplay he knows when it startet. d) If the start of a Kill Pre-RP isnt clear then it leads into invalidation. e) The Kill Pre-RP and Kill as such must be notecarded and send to an Admin. f) Slaves and Free are equal, both have the right for 30 Minutes Kill Pre-RP! g) No single line kills. A minimum of three lines is expected. h) Assassins, special rules apply (!) 1. The Assassin must provide evidence of their legitimacy to the sim Assassin Mods upon request a form of certified training papers or a letter of reference signed by at least two ore more recognized Master Assassins. An Assassin is not required to seek IC or OOC permission from an Ubar or Administrator to hunt on the sim, though must contact the Assassin Moderator for that sim, if absent, the Assassin must notify his own Master Assassin. Sim moderators will not require details of who the target is IC or OOC, and the target of the Assassin is not required to be informed IC or OOC, either. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Prior to the kill, the Assassin must clearly be able to identify the target through direct IC knowledge gained in RP. This will be included as part of the RP record. Tag reading and/or use of radar/minimaps is not sufficient. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Sanction for a Black Caste kill that requires a group of Assassins (as part of the Kill Phase) must appear as an IC scene in the RP record of the hunt, in which the Assassins approaches the Master Assassin of the sim or (if absent) his own Master Assassin. Such a kill is considered to be a group, would consist of three or more Assassins knowingly hunting a single target, led by the Assassin initially hired by the client. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Assassins wearing full black livery and be marked by the black dagger on his forehead will be granted the following considerations: * Passage through the city gates, to be left alone to do their work without undue interference. * Bypass of the 30 minute rule, to be able to attack the target whenever opportunity allows without prior warning.
* Bypass of the requirement for multiple emotes in order to kill the target; a single description of the act will suffice. Once the initial assassination attempt has been made, an Assassin can be attacked and waylaid as usual. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. An Assassin that successfully reaches and departs from the designated TP exit point after the kill is deemed to have provisionally completed his Kill Phase. If the Assassin is captured or killed on his way to the exit, that does not automatically invalidate the Kill Phase, assuming everything else would have been otherwise valid. The Assassin must make his RP record of the hunt available to the sim moderators on request. For privacy reasons, the Assassin may alter the identity of the client. ___________________________________________________________________ 6. The Assassin (and his client) is not required to recognize any further IC interaction No subsequent IC reprisals coming directly from the target back to the Assassin and/or client or vice versa will be honoured. WEARING BLACK BY NON ASSASSIN FREE MEN IC considerations: The color of the Caste of Assassins is black. Assassins were a hated and feared low caste in Gor. No self respecting Gorean would ever want to be mistaken for one, particularly those of high caste. A non Assassin FM dressed in all black, hooded, helmed and/or masked, should be treated with heavy suspicion, or dealt with harshly as impostors. OOC considerations: Non Assassin FM should use common sense when wearing black clothing. Black mixed with other colored clothing (example, black pants, scarlet tunic or shirt) is acceptable. All black clothing head to toe, especially while masked, hooded and/or helmed, is unacceptable. 2) Suicide is frowned upon by Goreans and was therefore uncommon. To emphasize its seriousness, the ghost time for suicide is 7 days. 3) We have a 24 hr ghost period. This is a temporary death, we do not require any permanent death by our sim rules. See imbedded note card regarding roleplaying resurrection: a) Death roleplay stops the cycle of revenge. "But he killed me!" is not a valid reason for roleplay. b) Using death/suicide as an escape from roleplay can result in disciplinary action. X. SLAVES: =========== The slaves of the Woods are trained to assist the Free during raids. The slaves here are not pretty
furring toys, they are a vital, working part of our way of life. 1) A slave will protect and defend their Owner's property by any means, without using any sharp edged weapons (aside from arrows). 2) Slaves are permitted to perform any actions listed in the EMOTE section of these rules.
3) A kajirus can carry a bow to protect themselves from wildlife in the woods, they will use these to defend themselves against attacking free as well. a) Slaves are not permitted first strike in any combat. They are defensive by nature and training, not offensive. Slaves are permitted first strike in the hunting of Sim Admin approved animals (AV's or Coded Objects). 4) Slaves will bind under orders of a free or when attacked. a) Slaves can drag one captive.
5) Slaves may use any sort of Weapons what they are physically able to, but getting in risk to get killed for touching Free Men/Women Weapons others as a Bow.
XI. DISPUTES: ============= A MODERATOR is always in OOC. In the event of a ROLEPLAY dispute, all involved parties should submit NC's detailing the instance, including any relative events prior to and after said occurance to the Moderator that is called in. If you are unwilling or unable to provide any proof of your side, it may affect the moderator's decision. The decisions of a moderator are final and not up for appeal. Arguing with the Moderator, showing ANY disrespect to the person who is doing their best to be fair and impartial, will not be tolerated and ALL persons will be ejected doing so. No questions asked, no explanation given. This includes friends, loved ones of the person acting as Moderator. Show some respect and understanding for the job they are trying to do. Level heads will always be listened to. If there is a dispute, a MOD may be called from the Kalana Adminstration or MODs from the Norther Forest Cluster if no sim mods are available. You will abide by their ruling as though handed down by a sim MOD. ***********************************