Definition of Iman in The Light of The Quran
Definition of Iman in The Light of The Quran
Definition of Iman in The Light of The Quran
"Lo! We have sent you (O Muhammad )ﷺas witness and a bearer of good tidings and
a Warner, that mankind may believe in Allah and His Messenger, and may honor him,
and may revere him and may glorify Him at early dawn and at the "close of day"
Oh Muslims! Note that your ALLAH Almighty says hear clearly that there are three
aims of sending to you the faith of Islam and revealing to the prophet the Holy Quran.
Oh Muslims! Note the beautiful order in which these three important things have been
mentioned. In the beginning Allah has mentioned the belief in Himself and in the end He
has mentioned His worship and between these two He has mentioned His beloved
Prophet. The reason is that belief without respect of Prophet ﷺis no use. There are
many Christians who have written Prophet's greatness and refuted the allegations of the
non-believers or given lectures, but because they have no belief in Allah, their writings
and lectures are only an appearance but not reality. Had they a real attachment to the
Prophet in their hearts they would have Started believing in Allah Almighty. Unless one
holds the Prophet in the highest degree of affection, there is absolutely no reward for a
life-time of loyalty to Allah. There are many yogis and others who have renounced all
joys and spent their lives in praying to all. The are many amongst them who assert that
there is no deity but Allah ( LA ILAHA IL LALLAH ) and they utter these words again
and again but since they do not respect the Prophet their worship is not acceptable to
Allah. Allah Almighty has said about such people:
“And We shall turn unto the work they did and make it scattered motes"
May Allah protect us! Oh Muslim, is the respect for the Prophet a basic requirement of
belief and salvation or isn’t it ? Say that it is, and definitely, it is.
"Say (O Prophet): If your fathers, and your sons, and your brothers, and your wives, and
your tribe, and the wealth you have acquired, and merchandise for which you fear that
there will be no sale, and dwellings you desire are dearer to you than Allah and His
Messenger and striving in His way: then wait till Allah brings His command to pass.
Allah does not guide the wrong-doing folk”.
(SUHAH IX: 24:)
From this verse we come to know that any person, who holds any relative or person or
wealth or anything dearer than Allah and His Prophet, stands rejected in the eyes
of Allah. There is no possibility of Allah being pleased with him, and he must wait for
Allah’s punishment May Allah protect us!
"Nobody amongst you will become a Muslim unless I am dearer to him than his parents,
children and all other persons".
This Hadith is from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim and its narrator is Anas bin
Maalik Ansari (may Allah be pleased with him). It has been le crystal clear that any
person who holds somebody dearer than the Prophet is not a Muslim at all. Oh
Muslims, Say whether the highest degree of respect for " Prophet is stipulated as the
fundamental requirement of faith and salvation or isn’t it? Say it is and positively, it is.
So, all the Muslims who recite the Kalima will quite willingly accept that the honor
and greatness of the Prophet is on the highest point in our hearts. I emphasise that we
love our Prophet more than our parents our children and the entire world. Brothers, I
pray to Allah that He may allow attitude of ours to continue. But listen to these words
of Allah most attentively:
"Do men imagine that they will be left (at ease) because they say, we
This verse warns the Muslims that mere recitation of the Kalima is not enough for your
salvation. You will be tested. If you are up to the mark, you will be regarded as Muslims.
For testing a thing it is seen whether it does or doesn't possess those qualities which are
essential to its very existence. You have just now seen that the Quran and the Hadith
have clearly stated that two things are essential for Islamic faith: Firstly, respect for
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him); Secondly, a higher degree of love for Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) than the entire world. The proper method of this test is
that the persons who command your respect and love such as your parents, teachers,
your spiritual guides your children, your brothers, your intimate friends, your
companions, your mauIvis (professional Muslim priests), your huffaz (the Muslims who
have memorised the Holy Quran), your Muftis judges of the Islamic courts), or your
preachers etc,.. etc., who-ever they may be. if they are disrespectful to Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him). they should lose their respect and love in your hearts
at once. You should leave them and throw them out like a fly thrown out of the milk.
You should hate them. Don’t take into consideration your relationship and your
friendship. Don't feel impressed by their religious leadership and scholarship. After all,
what-ever position they enjoyed was on account of their slavery and loyalty to Prophet
Muhammad(PBUH), and if they have acted disrespectfully to Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) they have lost their position. Their religious cloaks and turbans should not
impress you. Aren't there Jews who wear cloaks and turbans? What shall we do with
their external appearances, big names and long titles? Are there not many Christian
priests and Philosophers whose knowledge of fine arts and other subjects is very vast? If
they show any disrespect to the Prophet and you still maintain friendship with them and
a serious hatred does not take root in your mind, decide it for yourself whether you have
passed the test. Obviously, you haven't passed it. The Quran and the Hadiths have clearly
stated the essential requirements of the Islamic faith. Decide for yourself as to how far
away you have gone from this criterion. Oh Muslims! Would any believer, who has love
for Muhammad (PBUH) in his heart, respect such insolent people, even if such persons
include his spiritual guide or teacher or father? Will a person who loves the Prophet
more than the whole world not start hating an insolent man seriously, even If he is his
friend or brother or son? For the sake of Allah take pity upon yourself! Listen to Allah's
words. See how He calls you towards His own infinite See:
“You will not find folk who believe in Allah and the Last Day loving those who oppose
Allah and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers or their brothers or their
clan. As for such, He has written faith upon ..their hearts and has strengthened them
with a Spirit from Him, and He will bring them into Gardens underneath which rivers
flow, wherein they will abide.Allah is well pleased with them. and they are well pleased
Him. They are Allah's party. Lo: is it not Allah's party who are the successful?
In this verse it has been clearly said that a Muslim will not have friendly terms with any
person, wto is disrespectful to Allah or His Prophet. From this we deduce that a person
who maintains friendly relations with such a person would cease to be a Muslim. In
order to establish the general and final application of this command the words 'father,
son, brother and relatives” have been specifically mentioned. It means anybody who
commands your respect or love cannot be allowed to hold such a position in your heart
after showing an attitude of disrespect towards the Prophet, otherwise you will no longer
remain a Muslim. It was enough for Allah Almighty to say this much. But see He
persuades you to come towards His infinite mercy by telling you that you will be entitled
to the following benefits, if you stay away from these insolent people in order to glorify
the name of Allah and His Prophet:-
1. Allah will write the Islamic faith in your hearts. It implies that your end will be on a
note of divine promise of salvation, because what-ever Allah writes can never be
wiped off.
3. He will take you into the Gardens where rivers will be flowing.
4 You will belong to Allah's party and you will be the true lovers of AI!ah.
5. You will get what you ask for; you will get millions of times more than what you can
7. He says: "1 shall be well pleased with you and you will be well pleased with Me." For
a man there can't be any greater blessing than His Allah being pleased with him, but it
is indeed the height of generosity to say that “Allah is well pleased with them and
they are well pleased with Allah.
Oh Muslims! Speak the truth in the name of Allah. If a man had a million lives and he
sacrificed them all for achieving these rich and rare blessings, even then he would have
got all these benefits for nothing. I can say this on oath because it is the whole truth.
Under these circumstances it is very important to sever your relations of re- spect and
love with an insolent Tom, Dick or Harry (Zaid or Amar). On this point Allah has
promised numerous re 'ards. and His promise is certainly true. It is customary in the
Holy Quran to give the good tidings of blessings to the believers and to threaten the
disbelievers with the whips of chastisement, so that the less courageous people, on
whom the persuasion for blessings does not work, should come on the right path for fear
of punishment Now listen to an account of this chastisement:
"0 you who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brothers for friends if they take
pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you takes them for friends. such are
And He says:
"0 you who believe! Choose not My enemy and your enemy for friends. Do you give
them friendship when they disbelieve in that truth which has come unto you, driving out
the Messenger and you because you believe in Allah, your Lord? If you have come forth
to strive in My way and seeking My good pleasure, (show them not friendship). Do you
show friendship unto them in secret? When' I am best aware of what you hide and what
you proclaim? Whosoever does it among you, he verily has strayed from the right way.
Your ties of kindred and your children will avail you naught upon the day of
Resurrection. He will part you. Allah is seer of all what you do.
And He Says
“And whoso of you takes them for friends,you belcngs to them. Allah guides not the
wrongdoing flok.
In the earlier two verses the insolent people were described as wrong-doers and on the
wrong path. This Holy verse has decided the matter beyond any shadow of doubt that
those. who are their friends, also belong to their party. They are also disbelievers like
them. They will be tied with the same rope along with them. And you must remember
the whip in which Allah said that you meet them secretly and He knows your open and
secret actions quite well. Now you should hear about the rope with which those people
will be tied. who have been insolent to Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him). May
Allah protect us!
“Those who vex the Messenger of Allah, for them there is a painful doom.”
(SURAH lX:’61)
“Lo! Those who malign Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in the world
and the Hereafter, and has prepared for them the doom of the disdained".
From these verses there are seven whips proved against a person who maintains friendly
relations with those who have been disrespectful and insolent towards Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
1. He is a wrongdoer.
3. He is a disbeliever.
6. He is under a curse from Allah in this world and in the next world.
7. He is an enemy of Allah.
or these seven whips are better which you get on continuing to communicate with the
insolent people. i.e.:
7. You may live under the curse of A!lah in both the worlds.
Good heavens! who can say that these seven are better? Who can say that those seven
are worth losing. But my brother. mere words and idle talk do not help you there. It is
the time for test. You have just heard the verse from the Holy Quran proclaiming, "Do
men imagine that they will be left (at ease) because they say, we believe, and will not be
tested with affliction?"
Look! The Omnipotent and the only one Allah wants to test you. Look! He says that
your relationships and friendships will be of no use to you on the Day of Judgement.
After severing your ties with Me whom do you want to make your friend. He is not
unaware; He is watching your deeds; He is listening to your words; He knows what is in
you mind. Don't behave carelessly. Don't spoil your Here-after for the sake of others.
Don't behave obstinately in the matters relating to Allah and Prophet Muhammad (Peace
be upon Him). He is warning you about His punishment. Nobody can escape His
chastisement. He is calling you towards His mercy. Nobody can live a successful life
without His mercy. The other sins are merely sins which expose you to Allah's anger and
punishment but you do not lose your faith. After the punishment either Allah's mercy or
His beloved Prophet's intercession will bring the punishment to an end. But it's a
question of the honour and respect of Muhammad (Peace be upon Him). The love and
respect of the Prophet is the basis of faith. You have heard the verses from the Holy
Quran to the effect that anybody who falls short of love or respect for the Prophet will
stand cursed by Allah in both the worlds! When you have lost your faith. you will suffer
severe punishment for all the time to come and there will be no end to it. Those who are
insolent to the Prophet will be suffering their own punishment in the next world and they
will not come to save you. Even if they come, what can they do? Judge for yourself
whether it is sensible on your pan to expose your life to the anger of Allah and fire of
punishment for the sake of the friendship of these people. who are disrespectful to the
Prophet. In the name of Allah forget about all minor considerations or personal relations
and think for a moment that you are present before your Allah. Also think of the dignity
and greatness, which Allah Almighty has bestowed upon His Prophet; based faith end
Islam on His Prophet's love and respect. Decide for yourself whether you like a person,
who says that the depth of Satan's knowledge can be proved from the Quran but there is
no proof in the Quran about the depth of Prophet Muhammad's knowledge. Has this man
not insulted Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him)? Has he not blasphemously
argued that the knowledge of Satan is more extensive than the knowledge of the Prophet
of Islam? 0 Muslims! Say to this insolent and foul-mouthed person, "You are equal to
Satan in your knowledge." Now note whether he feels offended or not, although he has
been de- scribed as equal in knowledge to Satan and not less than Satan. If describing an
individual as equal in knowledge to Satan is an insult, then will it not be a serious insult
to describe the Prophet of Allah as less than Satan in knowledge? If the insolent person
pretends that he does not mind your comparing him with Satan, just leave him.
If you want to make a test case, go to the court and say these words to the Judge. The
matter will become crystal clear in a moment that it means a direct and serious insult. So
tell me. "Is the act of insulting Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) an act of
blasphemy? It is. and definitely it is. A person who wrongly proclaims the depth of the
knowledge of Satan provable from the Quran and who wrongly rejects the Quran's proof
in favour of the extraordinary depth of the knowledge of the last Prophet of Allah.
certainly commits an act of disbelief. On top of this he says that to consider the Prophet
as highly learned is to regard him as a partner of Allah. He should explain what sort of
faith he has; he himself regards Satan as a partner of Allah. If you prove that "A" is a
partner of Allah on specific grounds. then "B" will also logically be held as partner of
Allah on the same grounds. It is a fact that Allah is one and He has no partner. When a
person states that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) would take the position of a
partner of Allah, if we accept that His knowledge is profound, it follows that the depth of
knowledge is a special quality of Allah which is so important that the Prophet gets
elevated to the rank of partnership with Allah, if it is attributed to Him. How is it that the
same quality and the same depth of knowledge has been accepted by the insolent man
for Satan? It is quite clear that he has proved Satan to be a partner of Allah. 0 Muslims!
Is it not an insult to Allah Almighty and to His Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon
Him)? Certainly, it is. Obviously, insult to Allah lies in proclaiming somebody as His
partner. And who is this partner? Iblis, the cursed Iblis is proclaimed to be His partner.
On the other hand, insult to the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon Him) lies in raising
the position of Iblis higher than the Prophet and attributing to Iblis that quality of Allah
which, if attributed to the Prophet, would have made him a partner of Allah. 0 Muslims!
Is a person, who has insulted Allah and His Prophet, not a disbeliever and an infidel?
Definitely, he is. Has he not said that some knowledge about the unseen is nothing
special about the Prophet. because this sort of knowledge about the unseen is possessed
by every Tom, Dick or Harry (Zaid or Amar) even mad persons and even all the animals
possess it. Has he not in this way used abusive language against Prophet Muhammad
(Peace be upon Him). Did the Prophet get only the same amount of knowledge of the
unseen which every mad man and every animal possess?
out of your heart to such an extent that you do not regard this blatantly abusive
language as an insult to the Prophet's esteemed personality? And if you don't believe
even now, please go to these insolent people your- self and talk to them. See how they
respond if you say to them about themselves,
their teachers and their spiritual guides: "Listen, you have only that amount of
knowledge which a pig has; your teacher had that sort of knowledge which a dog has;
your spiritual guide had only that level of knowledge which a donkey has." In short,
that their knowledge is equal to tne knowledge of an owl, a donkey, a dog or a pig, you
will see whether they regard this language as abusive and insulting to themselves, their
teachers and their spiritual guides or not. They will surely regard it as insulting. If
possible, they will try to blame you for using this abusive language. So, when used for
them this language is insulting, how can it be con- tended that it is not insulting when
used for Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him). May Allah forgive me! Is the
dignity of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) even less than that of these
people? Is this what you call faith? Good heavens! An insolent man says that every
person knows something, which is hidden from another person and for this reason all
the people should be described as possessors of the knowledge about the unseen. In
the light of this statement, if Zaid assume.s that he would call all the people as
possessors of the knowledge of the uneen. the question which arises quite logically is
why, then, is the knowledge of the unseen considered as one of the special qualities of
the Prophets?
When it has been said that every believer or even every unbelieving individual
possesses this quality, how can it be a special quality of Prophethood? And if this I
assumption iis not made, it becomes necessary to explain the difference between I a
Prophet and an ordinary person. Here is a man who does not know the t difference
between the Prophets of Allan and the animals or madmen, using I abusive language for
the Beloved Messenger of Allah. By doing so, has he not openly rejected and refuled the
words of Allah Almighty?
"(Allah) teaches you (Muhammad) that which you did not . The grace of Allah towards
you has been infinite”
(SURAH IV-113)
"And lo! He (Jacob) was a lord of knowledge because We had taught him."
"And (the angels) gave him (Abraham) tidings of (the birth of) a wise son."
There are many other verses of the Quran which indicate that Allah regards knowledge as
one of the special qualities of His Prophets (peace be upon them all). Now put the name
of Allah Almighty in place of Zaid, and put absolute knowledge in place of the
knowledge of the unseen. It stands to reason that simple knowledge is possessed by every
animal. Now try to see how the statement of this insolent person rejects the words of
Allah Almighty. In other words this insolent man has taken a position against Allah and
he is saying that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) and other Prophets (peace be
upon them all) can be in the light of Allah's words accepted to possess knowledge but
what sort of knowledge do they possess? Is it partial knowledge or total knowledge? If it
is partial knowledge of some subjects, it is nothing special about Prophet
Muhammad(Peace be upon Him) or the other Prophets because such knowledge is
possessed by every Tom. Dick or Harry (Zaid or Amar) or by mad men or by all the
animals. Under these circumstances, if Allah assumes that he will call everybody
knowledgeable, it appears confusing why Allah has mentioned knowledge as one of the
distinguishing qualities of His,Prophets. A quality, which is not a distinguishing feature
of a believer or even a human being, cannot be regarded as a unique quality of-
Prophethood And if this assumption is not made, it is essential to explain the difference
between a Prophet and an ordinary person. In case it implies total knowledge which does
not exclude even a single branch of learning, its rejection is proved by arguments, both
factual and intellectual. That marks the end of this point.
Thus it is proved that all the verses of Allah stand refuted by this illogical argument of
this insolent man. 0 Muslims! You have seen that this foul-mouthed person has not only
used abusive language for Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) but also refuted
and rejected the words of Allah Almighty. However, it is not amazing for a person who
has rejected, falsified, ignored and trampled under his feet the words of Allah, to
compare the knowledge of the unseen possessed by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon
Him) with the knowledge of madmen and animals. He has closed his eyes to faith,
Islam and mankind and declared that there is no difference between Prophet and an
animal. Ask him whether his verbal statement abusing the Prophet is still current
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amongst his teachers, his colleagues and his disciples. If not, why not? And if it is. what
is the justification? Ask these insolent people whether they would allow us to ask them
a simple question. People generally address you as scholars, religious leaders and
spiritual guides but they do not address the animals, like dogs and pigs by these titles.
People respect you, kiss your hands and feet but they do not treat the animals like owls
and donkeys in the same way. What is the reason for this? You do not possess total
knowledge about everything and partial knowledge is nothing special about you. Such
knowledge is possessed. according to your own claim, even by the owls, dogs and pigs.
On this basis all these animals should be called scholars, religious leaders, spiritual
guides and so on. If you assume that you would call them scholars, the question arises
why is knowledge, regarded as one of your special achievements? In this connection,
you have already proclaimed that human beings are not special but donkeys, dogs and
pigs also possess knowledge. Why on earth can this be regarded as one of your special
achievements? If this assumption is not made, in the light of your own statement it is
essential for you to explain the difference between yourself and a donkey, a dog, and a
pig. That concludes the point under discussion.
0 Muslims! As soon as you ask these questions. it will become crystal clear that these
insolent people have abused Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) seriously. They
have also rejected many words of Allah. 0 Muslims! Ask this particular person and his
companions whether after their confession the following verses of the Quran are
applicable to them or not?
Already have We urged unto Hell many of the Jinn and Humankind, having hearts
wherewith they understand not, and having eyes where with they see not, and having
ears wherewith they hear not. These are as the cattle-nay, but they are worse! These are-
the neglectful."
And He says
"Hast thou seen him who chooses for his god his own lust? Wouldst thou then be
guardian over him? Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are
but as the cattle-nay. but they are further astray?
These insolent people accept that the knowledge of the Prophets is equal, to the
knowledge of the four-legged animals. Now ask them whether their own knowledge is
equal to the knowledge of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Perhaps they will
not openly say yes, however, if they say so, they would declare that they themselves are
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equal to the four-legged animals. They are themselves two-legged people and as such
they would hardly feel ashamed of this equality. Now ask them whether among their
teachers religious leaders, and spiritual guides there has ever been any person who
possessed more knowledge than others or whether they were all equal in knowledge. At
long last they will accept that their teachers were more knowledgeable than themselves.
So, the conclusion would be that their teachers on the basis of their own confession are
equal to the four-legged animals and they themselves are less in know- ledge. That is
why they became their pupils. The rule of Algebra is that if a person is less than "A", and
"A" and "a" are equal. it follows that the said person will be less than "B" as well. So,
these insolent people in the light of their own statement are far more astray than the four-
legged animals. They are, in fact, the type of people who are mentioned in this verse:
"Thus Allah made them taste humiliation in the life of the world,and verily the doom 'f
the Hereafter will be greater if they did but knew."
0 Muslims! I have discussed so far those statements in which abusive language has
been used against the Prophets and for the final Prophet, Muhammed (Peace be upon
Him). Now, I move on to those printed statements in which a deliberate attempt has
been made to dishonour Allah Almighty. I appeal to you to do justice in the name of
Allah. This insolent man insists that there is a possibility of a lie being told, by
chance, by Allah. It means that he believes that Allah is a liar; I He has told lies; and
He does tell lies. Those people who have issued an Islamic verdict that this insolent
man has made a mistake in the interpretation of the I verses of the Quran but he should
not be considered as a disbeliever are wrong. Those people who say that no harsh
judgement should be passed on him are unjust. Those people who say that in this
connection the Islamic scholars in the past will also be involved and we will have to
declare them also as disbelievers are suggesting by implication that many Islamic
scholars in the past have declared Allah as a liar. Those who say that this is a minor
difference, like some other differences between the Hanafi and Shafai schools of
Islamic law, such as
folding the hands above or below the belly-button or navel are wrong because, calling
Allah truthful or liar is far more serious than these matters of minor nature. It is quite
unfair to stop others from calling a person sinner or a spade a spade. Anybody who says
that telling a lie by Allah is an insignificant matter is ignoring the serious nature of this
blasphemous statement. The insolent man has openly admitted that Allah has by chance
told a lie. How can a person still remain a Muslim after making that anti-lslamic
statement? How can any other person who' regards this person as a Muslim remain a
Muslim? O Muslims! In the name of Allah, tell me what faith is. It is to testify that Allah
is great and true. The opposite
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of being true is to be a liar. Saying that Allah has told a lie is to cancel the Islamic faith.
If the faith remains intact after attributing a lie to Allah, one wonders what the word
"faith" really stands for! Why do we call the astrologers, the Hindus. the Christians and
the Jaws disbelievers? They do not call their Gods as liars. They do not accept the words
of the real Allah because they do not know Him. You will hardly find a disbeliever in
the world, who acknowledges Allah as Allah and accepts His words as his own and yet
openly calls Him a liar. In short, no just person can doubt the fact that these insolent
people have used highly insulting and abusive language for Allah and His Prophet. Now,
this is the time for Allah to test us. Fear Allah, the Omnipotent and the only One Allah
and act in the light of the abovementioned Ouranic verses. Your own true faith will fill
your hearts with hatred against these insolent people. It will not allow you to take the
side of these insolent people against Allah Almighty and His beloved Prophet. You will
not follow or defend them but you will hate them instead. Do justice in the name of
Allah! If a person abuses your mother, father, teacher or your spiritual guide, will you
support or defend him by inventing flimsy arguments? If you have a sense of honour as a
person. a sense of dignity as a human being, and an affection for your parents, you will
hate this insolent person. You will run away from his shadow. You will become an
enemy of that person also who tries to defend him. Now put your mothers and fathers on
one side of the scale and put your faith in one powerful Allah and His Prophet on the
other side of the scale. If you are a Muslim, you will hold the honour of Allah and His
Prophet as far more important than your affection for your parents. You will consider
your love for your parents as insignificant In comparison to your love for Allah and His
Prophet. So, it is your duty, a thousand times your duty that you should hate, stay away
from and show anger to the insolent people, a thousand times more than a person who
insults your parents. These are the people about whom Allah has promised seven
blessings. 0 Muslims! Your humble well-wisher hopes that our one and Omnipotent
Allah's verses and these convincing arguments will leave no need for further explanation
and your faith will force you to speak the same words against these insolent people.
which Allah Almighty has spoken in the Quran about the nation of Abraham (peace be
upon him) in order to teach you a moral lesson:
There is goodly pattern for you in Abraham and those with him, when they told their
folk: Lo! we are guiltless of you and all that you worship besides Allah. We have done
with you. And there has arisen between us and you hostility and hate forever until you
believe in Allah only. Verily you have in them a goodly pattern for every one who looks
to Allah and the Last Day. And whosoever may turn away. lo! Still Allah, He is the
Absolute, the owner of Praise."
Allah states that His Prophet Moses and his companions severed their relations with their
nation for His sake and became enemies of their nation in order to show how angry they
were You should also do the same with these insolent people. You should tell them that
you do not want to continue your relations with them. Also bear in mind that Allah is
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self-sufficient. Your doing the right thing or the wrong thing would not influence Allah's
position. There are many enemies of Allah, and if you will not follow the right path, you
will also become a part of these enemies. Allah has told you all these things in your
interest because He Himself is independant of all the things of the world and His
attributes are the best and highest in their own right.
If Allah wants to help any person, He gives him the courage to do the right thing. But
here we have two groups of people, who offer excuses for not obeying these
The ignorant and simple-minded people, give two types of excuses. Their first excuse
is that such and such person IS our teacher or elder or friend. You have already heard
the answer to this excuse in the verse of the Holy Quran in which Allah Almighty has
said repeatedly that you should not care even for your fathers in this matter, if you
want to save yourself from the punishment of Allah. Their second excuse is that the
insolent people are also religious leaders and one cannot consider the religious leaders
as disbelievers or bad people. The answer to this is:
"Have you seen him who makes his desire his god, and Allah sends him astray
purposely. and seals up his hearing and his heart, and sets on his sight a covering?
Then who will lead him when Allah (has condemned him)? Will you not then
And He says.
The likeness of those who are entrusted with the Law 0r Moses. yet apply it
not, is as the likeness of the ass carrying books Wretched is the likeness of
folk who deny the revelations of Allah. And Allah guides not wrongdoing"
"Recite unto them the tale of him to whom We gave Our revelations, but he
sloughed them off, So Satan overtook him and became of those led astray.
And had We willed, We could have raised him by their means, but he clung to
the earth and followed his own lust. Therefore his likeness is as the likeness of
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a dog; if you attack him he pants with his tongue out, and if you leave him he
pants with his tongue out, Such is the likeness of the people who deny Our
revelations, Narrate unto them the history (of the men of old), theri perhaps
they may take thought.
Evil as an example are the folk who denied Our revelations, and were wont to
wrong themselves.
He whom Allah leads, he indeed is led aright, while he who Allah sends astray
-they indeed are losers,"
It implies that guidance does not depend on knowledge but it is in the power Allah
Almighty. These Quranic verses condemn those scholars who have gone astray.
There are many other verses and sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him) on this
theme. The subject is so grave that according to one Hadith the angels of hell will
catch these insolent scholars before even the idolaters. These so-called scholars will
protest why they were being dealt with before the worshippers of the idols, The
divine answer will be: "Those who know and those who don't are not equal".
Brothers! We respect the scholar because we look upon him as a heir to the
Prophet. The lawful heir to the Prophet is a person who is on the right path. An
insolent person, who is on the wrong path, is a heir to Satan rather than the Prophet.
~o respect a true scholar is to respect the Prophet, and to respect an insolent scholar
is to respect the Satan. A man who is not himself on the right path cannot bring the
other people to the right path. The scholars of unbelievers and infidels cannot be
regarded as the leaders of Muslims. A scholar who uses in8&JIting language for
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) is like an unbeliever or a disbeliever. He
does not deserve to get any respect from the Muslim community. 0 my brothers!
Know- ledge is useful, if it strengthens faith, otherwise the scholars of Hinduism
and Christianity are also in their own communities regarded as distinguished
scholars. Iblis was a distinguished scholar and yet not even a single Muslim
respects him. He was known as the teacher of the angels, which implies that he
used to impart knowledge to the angels. He became cursed and rejected when he
refused to bow to the light of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which was shining in
the forehead of Adam (peace be upon him) From that moment the former pupils of
Iblis changed their behaviour with him. They curse him, Every year in the month of
Ramadan they bind him in chains. They will push him into Hell on the Day of
'Judgement. From this we can understand how knowledge and status fail to help a
person who shows disrespect to the fair name of Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) Brothers! it is a matter of serious regret that the Muslims should show
more respect to their teach6r than Allah Almighty and His Prophet. The rule is that
a Muslim should not love his brother or his friend or anything else in this world
more than Allah and His Prophet. May Allah guide us and help us to become true
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Muslims by the grace of His infinite mercy and by the honour of His beloved
Prophet! Amen
The enemies of our faith, who do not act according to the essentials of the faith,
try to escape being labeled as disbelievers by ridiculing Islam, Quran, Allah, the
Prophet and our faith. They also tell tales on the lines of Iblis so that people
should think that there is absolutely no need to act upon the essentials of our faith
They want that Islam should be reduced to a parrot-like utterance of the Kalima A
man should recite the Kalima and after that it doesn't matter if he calls Allah a liar
or uses humiliating and insulting language for the Prophet. He will continue to
pretend that he is a Muslim.
'Nay. but Allah has cursed them for their unbelief. Little is that which they
believe'(SURAHII:88)These enemies of the Muslims. antagonists of Islam present some
Satanic and fraudulent arguments with the evil intention 0f cheating the people and
altering the faith of the One and Omnipotent Allah. Their first fraudulent argument is
about the utterance of the Kalima. It has been said in the Hadith: "He who says that there
is no god but Allah will go to paradise". They argue that you cannot call a person an
unbeliever or a disbeliever for any of his words or deeds so long as he just says the
Kalima. 0 Muslims! Beware, the essence of this fraudulent argument is that merely
saying "there is no god but Allah" gives you the status of almost the son of Allah. If the t
son of Adam abuses you, strikes you with a shoe, or does whatever he likes, you will not
cease to be the son of Allah. In the same way, if a man says "there is no god but Allah",
he will not go out of the circle of Islam even if he calls Allah a liar or uses humiliating
and insulting language for the Prophet. The answer is this fraudulent argument has
already appeared in that Ouranic verse, which says "Do men imagine that they will be left
(at ease) because they say we believe, and will not be tested with affliction?" (SURAH
XXIX: 2). If Islam merely stood for saying the Kalima. Why does the Holy Quran
declare that these proud and self-centred men were wrong?
You believe not, but rather say "We submit", for the faith has not yet
And he says:
When the Hypocrites come unto you(0 Muhammad), they say: WE bear witness that
you are indeed Allah’s Messenger, And Allah knows that you are indeed His
Messenger, and Allah bears witness that the Hypocrites indeed are speaking falsely.
It is worth noting that the reiteration of oaths and recitation of the Kalima did not prove
useful for the Hypocrites. Allah has declared them as liars. In the light of these verses
it is clear that the recitation of the first half of the Kalima should not be taken as the
final word on being a Muslim. Actually a person who recites the Kalima must be
regarded as a Muslim, until he says or does something which is anti-Islamic. As soon
as he commits an anti-Islamic action, his recitation of the Kalima ceases to be of any
use to him.
"They swear by Allah that they said nothing (wrong), yet they did say the
word of disbelieve and did disbelieve after their surrender (to Allah).
Ibne Jareer and Tibrani and Abu Shaikh and Ibne Mardaya have recorded Hadith
of which the narrator is Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him). It
says that once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sitting under the shade of a tree.He
said that a man Would soon come and, look upon his companions with the eyes of
Satan. The Prophet advised his companions not to talk to him. Not much time had!
elapsed that a man passed by them, whose eyes were like the eyes of the cat. The
Prophet (Peace be upon him) called him and then asked him why he and his friends
had been using arrogant language about the Prophet. The man went and brought
back with him his friends. All of them took oath that they had not uttered a single'
word of arrogance against the Prophet. At this stage Allah Almighty revealed a
verse stating that they had been insolent to the Prophet. although they had sworn by
Allah. The revelation clarified that they had become disbelievers on account of
saying insulting words against the dignity of His beloved Prophet. We must notice
here that Allah Himself testifies that a word of insolence against the dignified
personality of the Prophet condemns the speaker to the lowest position of disbelief,
although he may claim thousands of times that he is a Muslim or may have recited
the Kalima a million times. Allah says:
"And if yo-- ask them (0 Muhammad) they will say: We did but talk and
jest. Say: Was it at Allah and His revelations and His Messenger that you
did so scoff?" Make no excuse. You have disbelieved after your
(confession of) belief.
- 19 -
Ibne Abee Sheeba and Ibne Jareer and Ibne Almunzar and Ibne Abee Hatim and
Abu Shaikh have recorded this Hadith. The narrator is Imam Mujahid, who is a
favourite disciple of Syedina Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him):
“A man lost his camel. Everybody was searching for it. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be
upon him) said that the camel was in such and such jungle and at such and such place.
On this a Hypocrite commented that Muhammad could not know where the camel was
because he did not possess the knowledge of the unseen"
In this situation Allah Almighty revealed this verse, which asked whether they were
jesting with Allah and His Prophet. The verse further declared that they should not make
any excuses and that they had become disbelievers after having been Muslims on account
of saying this word,(see commentary by Iman Ibne Jareer, published in Egypt volume
10, page 105, and commentary Durre Mansoor by Imam Jalaluddin Sayuti, volume 3,
page 254) !
0 Muslims! Note that this man was punished by Allah for saying that Prophet I
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) did not possess the knowledge of the unseen. His
reciting the Kalima was of no avail to him. Allah has said clearly that he should not
make excuses because he had reduced himself to the lowest position of a disbeliever
after embracing Islam. From this verse of the Quran those people should take a lesson
who think that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) possessed absolutely no
knowledge of the unseen. It is worth noticing that basically it is a statement of a
Hypocrite and Allah has branded him and his fellow Hypocrites as the people who jest
with Allah, the Holy Quran and the Prophet. Allah classifies them as disbelievers and
apostates. It is quite right because the knowledge about the unseen affairs is a privilege
of Prophethood. This subject has been treated at length by the prominent Islamic
scholars like Imam Muhammad Ghazali and Imam Ahmed Qastalani and Mullah Ali
Qari and Allama Muhammad Zarquani and others. I have given necessary details by the
grace of Allah, in my leaflets about the knowledge of the unseen. Imagine the utter
misery and horrible misfortune of the person who says that the Prophet cannot know a
single thing about the un- seen, even if Allah tells him about it. He thinks that is
absolutely impossible for Allah to do anything in this matter. and He is powerless in
giving any knowledge of the unseen to anybody. May Allah save us from the deceptjons
of Satan! Amen.
of millions and billions of oceans. It would be right to say that the knowledge of the
Prophet (Peace be upon him) is so vast and extensive that the knowledge of this
universe is but a tiny part of our Prophet's knowledge. The details of this subject have
been discussed in ”Addaulat-ul-Makeyya" and other books. Let us now come back to
the subject under discussion.
The second fraudulent of this insolent group is that Imam Azam (may Allah be pleased
with him) has said, “We do not declare any person as adisbeliever so long as he prays
with his face towards our Qiblah." There is a Hadith which confirms that he, who prays
with us, turns his face towards our Qiblah, eats the meat of the animals slaughtered in our
Islamic way, is a Muslim. O Muslim! In this fraudulent argument these people have
shifted their stand for faith from reciting the Kalima ), to turning the face towards Qiblah.
They argue that a man who offers his prayers with his face towards the Qiblah is a
Musiim, even if he calls Allah a liar and uses insulting language for the Prophet In the
first place the answer to this fraudulent argument is
"It is out righteousness that you turn your face to the East or West; but
righteous is he who believes in Allah and Last Day the angels and
scripture and Prophets.”
See that AlIah has made it quite dear that the basic requirements of faith are to
accept the essentials of Islam and that turning your face towards Qiblah is of no
significance without accepting those essentials. At another place in the Quran Allah
"And naught prevents that their contribution should be accepted from them save
that they have disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and they come not to
worship save as idlers, and pay not their (contribution) save reluctantly."
See that their prayers have been mentioned and yet they have been classified as
disbelievers. Did they no. offer their prayers facing the Qiblah? Also note that they
used to offer their prayers in a congregation led by the most-loved, the greatest and
the final Prophet Mohammad PBUH facing Qiblah: And He says:
“But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor- due, then are they
your brothers in religion. We detail Our revelations for a people who have
knowledge. And if they break their pledges after their treaty (had been made with
- 21 -
you) and assail your religion, then fight the heads of disbelief-Lo! they have no
binding oaths -in order that they may desist".
See that the praying and poor-due paying people have been called heads of the
disbelievers and leaders of disbelief, because they assailed Islam. Are the arrogant
words of the insolent people against Allah and His Prophet not just like assailing the
faith of Islam? In this connection listen:
"Some of those who are Jews change words from their context and say:
"We hear disobey; hear you as one who hears not" and "Listen to us!"
distorting with their tongues and slandering religion. If they said: “We hear
and we obey: hear you, and look at us" it had been better for them, and
more upright. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so the believe,
not, save a few.
Some Jews used to interrupt Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in the course
of his speech by saying an ambiguous Arabic word 'Ra-ina'. Allah knew that the Jews
were pretending outwardly to show respect but at heart they wanted in wardly to show
disrespect to the Prophet. This word, if spoken in polite manner means "Iisten to us",
The second possible meaning is "Iisten to us, you as one who hears not" The third
meaning, if the middle vowel is prolonged while speaking the word, 'Ra-eena', are
"our shepherd". Since there were different possibilities of the meanings of one word,
Allah has considered the ambiguity as a serious attempt to assail lslam. Be just and
say that all the three meanings do not insult the personality of our Prophet so much as
the words of the insolent men of today, who have said that the knowledge of the
Prophet is less than Satan or that it is equal to the knowledge of madmen or animals.
These insolent men have also said that Allah is a liar and yet they pretend to be
virtuous Sunni Muslims. We seek the refuge of Allah who is the Lord of the Worlds:
Secondly, it is a baseless allegation against Imam Azam (may Allah be pleased with
him) because in his book about his creed Fiqah Akbar it is stated:
"All the attributes of Allah are eternal; neither somebody has created
them nor they have come into existence by accident. Anybody who says
that they are created or accidental or who entertains doubt or delay in
this matter is a disbeliever."
- 22 -
Similarly, Imam Humam (may Allah be pleased with him) says in his book "Kitab-ul-
“Any Person who says that the Holy Quran is a created collection of words has
committed an act of disbelief against Almighty.”
In other words three Imams (may Allah be pleased with them) have concurred that any
person who describes the glorious Quran as a created thing is a disbeliever. Do the
Mutazilah, Kiramiyah and Rawafiz, who described the Holy Quran as a created thing,
not pray with their faces towards the same Qiblah? Let us take a small detail of the
subject. A leader of the Hanafi school of Islamic law, Imam Abu Yusuf (may Allah be
pleased with him) says in his book "Kitab-ul-Khiraj":-
“A person who, after embracing Islam uses insulting language for Prophet Muhammad
(Peace be upon him) or accuses the Prophet of telling a lie or alleges that there is any
defect in the Prophet's character or tries inany other way to belittle the dignity of the
Prophet, cer1ainly becomes a disbeliever. He has disbelieved in Allah, and his wife has
gone out of his matrimonial contract."
.See how clearly the point is made! Any Muslim who finds faults with Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ceases to be a Muslim and becomes a disbeliever and
his wife goes out of his matrimonial contract. Does this Muslim not pray with his face
towards the Oiblah or does he not recite the Kalima? He does both, but since he has
insulted the Prophet, he has lost all chances of the acceptance of his Oiblah or Kalima.
O, Allah we seek your refuge!
Thirdly, the fact of the matter is that the term "facing the Oiblah" in the opinion of the
Imams stands for a person who believes in all the essentials of the Islamic faith. If that
person denies even a single essential, he certainly becomes a disbeliever, in the light of
the unanimous verdict of the Islamic scholars. Anybody who does not call such a person
a disbeliever is himself a disbeliever. Shifa Sharif, Bazaziah, Dar Radd- e-Gharoor, and
Fataawa-e-Khairiah and many other books state:
“All the Muslims are unanimously of the view that any person, who
shows disrespect to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is a disbeliever. Any-
body, who doubts it, is himself a disbeliever"
"Any person, who becomes a disbeliever on account of showing disrespect to a Prophet, will not be
forgiven; and anybody who doubts his punishment or disbelief is himself a disbeliever"
Allah be praised! This is an important aspect of this topic and the entire Muslim
community is unanimous that these insolent people are disbelievers; he, who does not
consider them as disbelievers, is himself a disbeliever. It is mentioned in the
commentary on Fiqah Akbar:-
"The correct approaches include this that the followers of Qiblah will not be
called disbelievers, unless they refuse to accept the essential requirements of
faith; for instance treating forbidden (Haraam) as allowed (Halaal). It is no
secret that our scholars, when they say that the followers of Qiblah should not
be classified as disbelievers, do not mean just turn- ing one's face towards the
Qiblah. The Aafizi people falsely say that Gabriel made a mistake in
conveying the revelations; Allah had sent him towards Hazrat Ali and not
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Some of them treat Hazrat Ali as
Allah. These people, though they pray with their faces towards the Qiblah, are
not Muslims. This Hadith also has a similar meaning, which says that he, who
prays like us, turns his face towards our Qiblah, and eats the animals
slaughtered by us, is a Muslim".
It,.means that such a person must believe in the essential requirements of the Islamic
faith, and he should not do anything against the spirit of the faith. In the same book 'we
come across this statement:-
"That is to say, it is an agreed view of the Islamic scholars that a person who
violates the essential requirements of Islam is a disbeliever, though he may be
a follower of the Qiblah and he may spend his entire life in performing the acts
of obedience, as has been stated in Sharah-E- Tahreer by Imam Ibnul
The books of Islamic belief, law and principles are full of clear directives and details on
this point.
Fourthly, this subject has its own plain logic. Can a person, who offers prayers five times
a day with his face towards the Qiblah and worships Maha Dev once a day, be regarded
by any sensible person to be a Muslim? The action of worshipday Maha Dev and the
action of calling Allah a liar or insulting the Prophet are equally the acts of disbelief but
the acts of disrespecting Allah and His Prophet are definitely more serious than
worshipping Maha Dev. 'Some acts of disbelief are worse than others'. The reason is that
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worshipping an idol is a symbolic denial of Allah, but this symbolic denial, is not equal
to the actual denial. Moreover, prostration (sadja) before an idol can be possibly given a
rational explanation that it may have been just an act of respect and not an act of
worship. Any act of respect done in the form of prostration (sadja), is not an act of
disbelief in itself. For example, if a person comes before a scholar or a spiritual leader
and prostrates before him as a mark of respect, he win be judged as a sinner but not a
disbeliever. The Islamic law has condemned idoIatory by the non-Muslims as disbelief
because it falls into a pattern of disbelief in their life-style. On the contrary, talking ill of
Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) is in itself a disbelief, which leaves no chance of Islamic
belief left in this case. I am not relying here basically on the difference that the Islamic
community can by its unanimous decision forgive a worshipper of an idol but even one
thousand Imams cannot and would not forgive a( person, who talks ill of the Prophet of
Islam. Our Hanafi scholars of distinction like Imam Bazazi, Imam Ibnul Hammam,
A/lama Maula Khasrau author of Dar Radd-E-Gharoor, Allama Zain bin Najeem auttKJr
of Bahrar Raaiq and Ishbah Wan-N-Nazaair, Allama Umar bin Najeem auttKJr of
Naharul Faaiq, Allama Abu, Abdullah Muhammad bin Abdullah Ghazi author of
Tanveer-ul-Absaar, Allama Khairuddin Ramli author of Fataawa Khairiyya, A/lama
Shaikh-Zada author of Majma-ul-Anher, Allama Mudaqaq Muhammad Ali Haskafi
author of Durr-E- Mukhtar and many other prominent scholars have held this view. (For
further details and discussion on this point see my book "Fataawa-E-Rizwiyah").
It should be understood that the inability to forgive is limited to the court of an Islamic
ruler, because he has to pronounce death sentence even after hearing the plea of
forgiveness. On the other hand, if somebody seeks forgiveness sincerely and heartily it
is acceptable in the court of Allah. There is a danger that these insolent people may put
up an excuse that there is no point is seeking forgiveness because it cannot be granted.
The correct positon is that the disbelief will be obliterated; you will become a Muslim
and get rid of the eternal confinement to Hell. To this extent there is unanimity
amongst the Islamic scholars (see Rudd-ul. Mukhtar and other books).
The third fraudulent argument of this disbelieving group is that the Islamic law states
that a person, who has 99 things of disbelief and one thing of Islam in his personality,
should not be labelled as a disbeliever.
.Firstly, this flimsy argument is the worst and the weakest of all. If a person gives a call
to prayer or performs a prayer of two-Rakah once in the day and worships the idols,
blows the clarions or rings the bells in the remaining part of the day for 99 times, he is
by this definition a Muslim. Such a person is not a man of faith. Let alone faith, such a
person cannot be described as a Muslim by a sensible man.
Secondly, in the light of this definition except the atheists, who deny the very existence
of Allah, all other disbelievers, like Hindus, Christians, Jews etc, will have to be
described as Muslims. They have one thing in common; they all believe in the
existence of Allah. This one thing is one of the most important principles in Islam. The
- 25 -
Thirdly, the verses of the Holy Quran which have been quoted above, are enough to
refute this argument. It has been proved by these verses that despite reading the
Kalima or offering prayers these insolent people are disbelievers. At one place Allah
said "They have become disbelievers after embracing Islam, because they have made
a particular statement." At another place Allah has said: "Make no excuses; you have
become disbelievers after embracing Islam". According to this flimsy argument there
should be more than 99 words of disbelief but Allah has declared them as disbelievers
for only one word of disbelief. Perhaps the insolent people will answer that this is a
mistake of Allah or He has been too hasty in restricting the sphere of Islam. They
would blame that the followers of Qiblah and the readers of Kalima are being pushed
out of Islam just for saying one word, and that they have not been given even the
chance of making an excuse. Also Allah did not consult some worshipper of nature or
a lecturer from Nadwa or some other liberal Islamic reformer of their persuasion.
"May the curse of Allah fall on the wrongdoers.”
“Believe you in part of the Scripture and disbeliever you in pray thereof?
And what is the reward of those who do so save ignominy in the life of
the world, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be consigned to the
most grievous doom. For Allah is not unaware of what you do. Such
are those who buy the life of the world at the price of the Hereafter.
Their punishment will not be lightened, neither will they have support.”
(SURAH II 85 –86)
Suppose there are one thousand statements in the Holy Quran. The Islamic faith
requires that every statement should be accepted. If somebody accepts 999 and does
not accept only one, the glorious Quran says that he is no! a Muslim for having
accepted 999. The Quranic Command is that he is a disbeliever because he has not
- 26 -
accepted one statement of Allah and he will suffer humiliation in this world and
severe punishment in the Hereafter. This is the situation on accepting 999 and
rejecting one; how can a person become a Muslim by accepting only one and
rejecting 99 out of one hundred principles of faith. Obviously. this is not an Islamic
creed. The Quranic evidence leads us to the conclusion that it is on its very face a
clear disbelief. The Quranic evidence leads us to the conclusion that it is on its very
face a clear disbelief.
Fifthly, as a matter of fact these insolent people have levelled this baseless charge
against the Islamic scholars. The experts of the Islamic law have never given such a
decision. The insolent people have acted like the Jews and changed the meanings by
interpreting the statement out of its context. "The Jews change and interpret a
statement out of Its context," says the Quran. The experts of law have not said that a
man who has 99 acts of disbelief and one ad of Islam in his character is a Muslim. 0
Allah we seek your refuge from such a dreadful mischief! The truth, on the other
hand, is that the entire Muslim community is agreed on the point that a person who
has in his balance-sheet 99 000 statements of Islam and one statement of disbelief is
certainly and absolutely a disbeliever. In 99 drops of rose-water if you put one drop
of urine, it will all become urine. But these ignorant people say that if you put one
drop of rose-water into 99 drops of urine, the whole mixture will become pious and
pure impossible. Let alone the Islamic scholars, even an ordinary sensible man
cannot make such a silly statement. Actually the experts of lslamic law have said
that if a Muslim uses a word which has one hundred possible shades of meaning,
and 99 shades of meaning go towards disbelief and one comes towards Islam, it
would be fair not to call him a disbeliever, until it is proved that his intention was to
express some shade of disbelief through this world.
The logic behind this statement appeals to common sense. The experts want to give this
Muslim the benefit of the doubt. At least, there is one shade of opinion which is
Islamic. 1t is quite possible that he might have intended this one, and this view would
go in his favour. However they have al- ready made it clear that, if his intention was
based on disbelief, in Allah's decision he will be a disbeliever. Let us take an example.
If Zaid says "Amar possesses knowledge of the unseen definitely..' This statement has
the following possible shades of meaning:
1. Amar by his very nature knows about everything that is unseen. This is clear disbelief
and partnership with Allah.
"Say none in the heavens or on earth, except Allah, knows what is hidden",
- 27 -
2. Amar does not possess the knowledge of the unseen but some spirits (Jinn) who
possess this knowledge, convey this knowledge to him. So he definitely gets the
knowledge of the unseen. This is also a disbelief.
“The Jinn saw clearly how, if they had know the Unseen, they would not have continued
in despised toil”
3. Amar is an astrologer.
5. He is a palmist.
8. He can know or predict about the unseen events by taking into consideration
whether a bird or an animal has passed a person by the right or the left side.
9. He takes omens from the sudden winking of the eyes or movement of some other
pan of the body.
12. He communicates through a medium with the souls of the dead people f~, obtaining
the knowledge of the unseen.
17. He knows how to draw a horoscope. And by means of this skill he gets definite
knowledge about the unseen. All these ways are also disbeliefs.'" Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) says,
- 28 -
"He who consults a seer or witchdoctor and believes in what he says, has
verily rejected what Muhammad has brought." Ahmed and Hakim
reported on the authority of Abu Huraira through authentic channels.
Ahmed and Abu Oawood report on his (Abu Hurairas) authority, "He
has recanted that which was revealed on Muhammad." (P.B.U.H.)
18. Amar gets revelations of Prophethood. In this way he gets the knowledge of the
unseen definitely like the Prophets. This is a serious form of disbelief.
"But he (Muhammad) is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets;
and Allah is ever Aware of all things."
19.He does not get revelations but he has received knowledge about the unseen matters
through intuition; he claims that his knowledge covers the knowledge of Allah. This is
disbelief because the knowledge of Amar has been given a higher level than that of
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him); even Prophet Muhammad's knowledge did
not cover all the aspects of Allah's knowledge.
"Say! Are these equal? Those who know and those who do not know."
“Anyone Who says that a certain person is more learned than the Prophet has surely
degraded the Prophet and the ruling in his case will be that of one who abuses the
O. He does not know everything, but his limited intuitive knowledge of the
unseen involves no guidance from any Prophet, angel,. Allah has given him
the knowledge of the unseen directly without the Mediation of a
Prophet.This is also disbelief.
“Nor will disclose to you secrets of the Unseen, but he chooses of His Apostles whom he
pieases” (He is) the knower of the Unseen and revealeth unto none Hs secrets ---- save
unto any Messenger whom He hath chosen”
(5.3 V. 179)
21. Amar gets knowledge about some unseen matters through Prophet Muhammad
(Peace be upon Him) by the eye or by the ear or by intuition from Allah
Almighty. This possibility is purely Islamic.
- 29 -
The Muslim scholars, will not declare him as a disbeliever, because out of 21 shades of
meaning 20 went towards disbelief but one came towards Islam. They will exercise
due care and give him the benefit of the doubt and consider this good aspect unless it
is proved that Umar had the intention of expressing one of the 20 shades of disbelief.
This sort of care and benefit of the doubt cannot be extended to an insolent man, who
says that Allah's words are lies or uses insulting language about the Prophet of Islam,
because this matter is so serious that he must be called a disbeliever. Not to call him a
disbeliever is to accept disbelief as Islam, Anybody who accepts disbelief as Islam is
himself a disbeliever, Earlier on, we have heard that authentic books like Shifa,
Bazazia, Darar, Daher, Naher, Fataawa-E-Khairlyah, Majma-ul-Anher and Durr-E-
Mukhtar etc, have stated that any person who insults the Prophet (Peace be upon Him)
is a disbeliever, and that a person who doubts his disbelief will himself become a
disbeliever. It is a different matter that the Jewish type of people change the meanings
of words by tearing them out of their context and by attributing false statements to the
great scholars.
"Those who do wrong will come to know by what a great reverse they will
be overturned",
"If an issue is many faceted necessitating condemnation (Takfeer) and one aspect
prohibiting condemnation, the Mufti and Qadi has to incline towards that one aspect and
not to issue a decree of Kufr against such a person, having good faith in a person's Islam.
Then if their intention of the one who utters those words confirms to the aspect that
prohibits condemnation, he will be regarded as a Muslim, and if it is contrary to that then
the Muftis attempts to explain his statement from that angle which does not necessitate
(Takfeer) condemnation will be futile in his case".
See that there are a number of possibilities involved in one word. The matter becomes far
more complicated and serious when some statements of a man are to be examined. But
the Jews change and misinterpret the meanings.
This search tor the truth has also made another point clear. In some Islamic
decisions like Fataawa QaziKhan etc, it is recorded that a person, who gives
'he names of .A.llah and His Prophet as to a marriage contract, or
says that the souls of spiritual guides are present and omniscient, or says
that the angels possess the knowledge of the unseen or says 'I possess the
knowledge of the unseen' is a disbeliever. It implies a declaration of
disbelief on account of his personal knowledge, although in these
statements there are many possibilities of Islamic interpretation. Here it is
not clearly stated that the knowledge of the unseen is definite and the term
knowledge is used in good faith. If we go into further possibilities, there
will be 42 rather than 21 possibilities. Many of these will be out of the
range of disbelief, because assertions of the knowledge of the unseen in
good faitry is not disbelief. Baher-ur-Raalq and Durr-E-Mukhtar state as
"It is learnt from their issues here trlat one who regards something which
Allah has condemned as Haraam being Halaal following his wishful
thinking, he will not be condemned as Kafir. He will be condemned as Kafir
if he resolutely believes in a Haraam as being Halal, and likewis. What
Oartabi has mentioned in the Sharah of Muslim that having wishful thought
regarding the Unseen such as the thoughts of the star-gazers and palm-
readers regarding the occurrence of things in the future through daily
practice which is a correct thought. Claiming to possess the knowledge of
the Unseen, apparently such a claim of having ideas of Ghaib is Haraam but
not Kufr as against the claim of the knowledge of the Ghaib.
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The question arises why have the Islamic scholars issued a verdict of
disbelief when so many Islamic Interpretations are possible? Obviously,
they have given importance to the more probable possibility, which goes
towards disbelief If we do not take this view, the statements and the
reasoning of the scholars will be- come null and void. Further details can be
seen in Jami-ul-Fasooleen, Radd-ul- Mukhtar, Hashia Allama Nooh,
Multaqit Fataawa Mujjat, Tatar Khaniyah, Majma-ul-Anher, Hadiqah
Nadiyah and Sal-ul Hisam etc. The key references to the Quranic verses and
Prophet's traditiorls can be studied in the books concerning knowledge of
the unseen, such as AI-lolul-Mahnoon etc. It all depends of-the guidance
and strength given by Allah' Here it would suffice to quote the following
words from Hadiqah Nadiyah:-
"That is to say In the books of Islamic decision only those words have
been considered adequate to give a verdict of disbelief through which the
speaker had the intention of expressing the disbelieving shade of meaning,
otherwise it would not be disbelief"
Only that probability is reliable which appeals to the common sense. When a
statement is clear, it is not advisable to explore the far-fetched probabilities If we
indulge in this sort of unreasonable exercise, nothing would be classified as
disbelief. For example, Laid says that there are two Gods. If we try to interpret this
statement metaphorically as two forms of Allah's will. The Quran, says:
"Except that which Allah decrees" (that is) the order of Allah (Quran).
Ajar may say "I am the Messenger of Allah (Rasool of Allah) .It can be
presumed that he means literally because It is Allah who has put soul Into
his body These presumptions are not impossible but they don't stand to
reason It is stated in Shifa Sharif
"Where the statement is clear In Itself there is no need to hear and consider the
far-fetched probabilities'
Nasim-ur-Riaz shows.
This sort of interpretation will not be considered valid. May Allah save us!
The fourth fraudulent argument is denial. These insolent people flatly deny the charge of
having made insulting statements against Allah and His Prophet. If they are facing a
person, who has not read their books, they pretend to be innocent On the other hand, or
some scholar produces their printed books and shows their statement in writing, they
either walk away with a frown on their face or look into his eyes and unashamedly say
that they-would go on saying the same thing over and over again, even if he convinces
them to the contrary. To a lay-man, they say that their statements do not mean this. For
Allah's sake make it clear what they were intended to mean by their writers. The answer
to this situation is contained in this verse of the Holy Quran. "They swear by Allah that
they said nothing, (wrong). yet they did say the word of disbelief and did disbelieve after
their surrender (to Allah)."
The books containing the disbelieving statement were printed and published by these
Insolent people long ago. during their own life-times. Some of these books were printed
twice. Time and again the scholars of Ahl-E-Sunnat printed refutations of these
disbelieving statements. The printed papers, in which these insolent people have called
Allah A/mighty a liar. under their seals and signatures, can be seen even today. Photos of
these documents were taken. I carried one photo together with other books to Makkah
Muazzama and Madina Munawara for presenting the same to the scholars of these Holy
places. This photo still exists in the records of the government of Arabia. This unholy
verdict relating to Allah being a liar was printed 18 years ago together with a refutation in
Rabiul Akhir. 1308 A. H. in the magazine Siaanat-un-Naas in Hadiqah-tul-Uloom Press.
Meerut. Later on, in 1318 A.H. a detailed refutation of this verdict was printed in Gulzar-
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e-Hasnie Press, Bombay Still later, in 1320 A.H. a very comprehensive refutation of this
verdict was printed In Tuhfah-e-Hunafiah Press at Patna Azimabad. The author of this
unholy verdict died in Jamad-al-Akhir 1323 A.H. He maintained complete silence till his
death. He neither said that it was not his verdict nor explained that he did not mean to say
what scholars of Ahl-E-Sunnat had understood. He could have clarified what he actually
meant to say. It was not an insignificant matter. which he could have ignored. It was a
very serious matter of disbelief. if laid is alive and well; a sealed and signed verdict is
openly printed under his name; he is described as a disbeliever: how can he afford to
ignore it? Suppose he does so; and for a number of years his books are reprinted, others
refute them branding laid as a disbeliever, and he lives silently for 15 years. Can a sane
man conclude that he wanted to deny or did not mean it? The other insolent people, who
are alive even today are silent on the subject. They can neither disown their printed books
nor they can invent any other meaning of their words of Insult.
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In 1320 A.H these disbelieving statements were printed in a single volume along with a
convincing refutation. At that time some Muslim leaders contacted the head of these
insolent people to ask him some intellectual questions. These questions flabbergasted the
insolent people very much You can ask from those who saw them how worried they
looked. But they could neither disown their statements nor Invent any meaning. Their
leader said that he had not come to take part In a debate. He further said that he did not
want a debate to take place because he and his teachers were ignorant in the art of
debating. His final word was that he would continue to say the same thing over and over
again, even if others convinced him to the contrary.The questions together with a
detailed account were printed on the 15th of Jamad-al-Akhir 1323 A.H. and this
document was handed over to the head and his insolent followers. Four years have
passed after this event and we haven't heard a single voice in reply. Under these
circumstances. their fraudulent denial is just like saying that the insolent people who
have used insulting language for Allah and His Prophet were not born in this world, and
nothing can be done because it is all unreal. May Allah give them a sense of self-respect!
There is a fifth fraudulent argument, which they give; they blame scholars of Ahl-
E-Sunnat for branding others as disbelievers. This shows the helplessness of the
Insolent people. They lack moral courage to seek forgiveness from A!lah AImighty
and His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for theirprinted insulting words
and arrogant attitude. They should refer to these words clearly because Prophet
Muhammad says:
Secretly for your secret action and openly for your open action Imam Ahmad reports in
Zuhd and Tibraani in AI-Kabeer and Baihaaqi in Shuab on
"Who debar men from the Way-of Allah and have It crooked"
And try to instigate the Muslim public by blaming the scholars 01 Ahl-E-
Sunnat for condemning many Muslims as disbelievers. Their allegation IS
that they have a machine. which point the verdicts of disbelief only Ismail
Dehlvi has been called a disbeliever Molvi
- 35 -
Ishaq has been called or Molvi Abdul Hay has been called a disbeliever
More brazen-faced people go so far as to say that (May Allah forgive us for
quoting) that Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz has been called a disbeliever. Shah
Waliallah has been called. Hajj Imdad Ullah has been called a disbeliever
The absolutely shame-less go beyond this and say (May Allah forgive)
Hazrat Shaikh Mujaddid Alif Sam
R.A. has been called a disbeliever In short, they mention the name of that person
who is held in high esteem by the person they talk to. So much so that one of these
insolent people went to Maulana Shah Muhammad Hussain Allahabadi (May Allah
bless his soul) and wrongly alleged that His Holiness Hazrat Syedina Shaikh-e-Akbar
Mohyuddin bin Arabi has been called a disbeliever. May Allah grant a place in
Heaven to the Maulana in the highest Heaven! He acted upon the Quranic verse:
O Muslims! It is not difficult to deal with this week and fraudulent argument. Ask these
people to give proof There is no point in saying that such persons have been called
disbelievers. They must give evidence. They must show the book or the magazine. Or the
Islamic verdict or any other document in which such a statement is contained. If they
have any evidence, why don’t they produce it? for which particular day are they waiting?
They must give proof if they can. Obviously. They can’t Allah knows that they can’t
produce any documentary proof. See that the Holy Quran gives evidence that they are
liars.O Muslims!
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Since they produce no witnesses, they verily are liars in the sight of
0 Muslims! there is no point in testing those people who have already been tested.
It has happened a number of times that these insolent people have made a lot of
fuss and noise, but they run away when some Muslim asks them to give proof.
They could not face him. They are addicted to making fuss and noise. They want
to cover the disbelief of those who have used insulting language for Allah and His
Prophet by instigating the Muslim public by saying that the scholars of Ahl-E-
Sunnat brand other people as disbelievers without any reason. They may have
said the same for the insolent people as well. 0 Muslims' these inventors of lies
can't produce any proof. It is a fact: falsehood has no legs of proof to stand upon.
“.And that Allah will never guide the snare of the false ones".
“Say : bring your proof (of what you state) if you are truthful.”
No further discussion is necessary But by the grace of Allah we are going to produce
such a proof of their lies, that the facts will shine like broad daylight. This proof shows
them as Inventors of lies more brightly than the sun. This proof is by the grace of Allah
written, printed and many years old. Of all the people who have been alleged to have
been called disbelievers by the scholars of Ahl-E-Sunnat the one who comes closest to
disbelief is Ismail Dehlvi. There is no doubt the scholars of Ahl-E-Sunnat have found
many statements of disbelief in his writings They have given proof and published their
findings. In spite of this, see Subhan-us- Subboon-un-Abid Kizb-e-Maqbooh., first
edition. which was printed In 1309 A H in Anwar-E-Muhammadi Press. Lucknow By
giving convincing arguments it proves that Ismail Dehivi deserves to be declared as a
disbeliever on 75 counts. and yet it has been written on page 90 that in the Interest of
care and caution the scholars should not call him a disbeliever It is a careful and a fair
- 37 -
I "That is to say: this is the answer. this is the basis of the verdict; this is our
religion; and this
are still investigating the difference between exposure to disbelief and the actual
commission of disbe!ief. They took into consideration the fact that it is one thing that
the statements made by a person may reflect disbelief but it is quite another thing to
regard that person as a disbeliever. The attitude is to remain careful and silent. to
exercise patience and to fear Allah in issuing a verdict of disbelief if they can find
even the weakest evidence to the contrary
Fourthly. see Izaala-tul-Aar Bay Hijril Karayim un Kalab-un-Naar, which was printed
for the first time in 1317 A.H. at Azimabad. In this booklet we wrote on page 10 that
In this matter we have adopted the policy of our learned Ahl-e- Sunnat scholars, who
Insist that no Muslim should be called a disbeliever, if he does not deny some essential
principle of the Muslim faith.
Fifthly, let us leave Ismail Dehlvi aside. These Insolent people about whom a verdict
of disbelief has been given now. were under investigation for a long time. When we
had not seen their clear insulting words against Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon
him), we looked-upon them as accused of being liars. After : recording 78 reasons for
their exposure to disbelief wrote on page 80 of Subbhaan-us-Subbooh .that I did not
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want to label them as disbelievers. Even today the modern followers of these Insolent
people are regarded by me as Muslims. although I have no doubt about their
derogatory and negative attitudes. I do not consider even Ismail Dehlvi the leader of
this group as a disbeliever because our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has
forbidden us to label any Muslim as a disbeliever, unless the reason of his disbelief
becomes more apparent than the sun and there remains absolutely no possibility of his
continuing to stay with in the fold of Islam.
0 Muslims! 0 Muslims! think of your faith, your religion, your Allah Almighty
before whom you have to appear on the Day of the Judgement and consider how
careful I have been in respect of calling any Muslim as a disbeliever despite
recording numerous reasons for doing so. It is quite shameless, cruel and impious of
the insolent people to bring against me the false charge of declaring other people as
disbelievers too quickly. Certainly, they have invented a lie. Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) says, and whatever he says is right:
0 Muslims you have before you these crystal clear and powerful statements. Some of
these were printed 10 years ago and written 19 years ago. (These. insolent people
have been declared as disbelievers since 1320 A.H. the year of the publication of AI-
Mutamad-ul-Mustanad; say for the last 6 years). Read these statements very carefully
and do justice while fearing Allah and His Prophet. These statements not only refute
the charge of these inventors of lies but they also prove that a cautious Muslim
scholar has not called these insolent people as disbelievers unless their disbelief
became more apparent than the sun. and there remained absolutely no chance of
Islamic explanation of their disbelief. This servant of Allah, is after all the same man,
who listed about 70 charges of disbelief with proof against each prominent insolent
person, and yet did not call him a disbeliever. He gave them the benefit of the doubt
in the light of Prophet Muhammad's command that a Muslim should not be labelled
as a disbeliever unless his disbelief becomes more apparent than the sun and there re-
mains no chance of his continuing to stay with in the fold of Islam.This servant of
Allah is the same man, who gave 78 reasons justifying their disbelief and yet
expressed his unwillingness to call them disbelievers. because (at that stage) he ! did
not know the exact insulting words which they had used against Allah and His
Prophet He had no anger against them, He had no Joint property with them , which
may have given. rise to the present disagreement. The relationship amongst the
Muslims depends upon loving or hating Allah and His Prophet. As long as these
insolent people had not used insulting words or this servant of Allah had not seen or
heard these insulting words,against Allah and' His Prophet he used to respect their
lip-service to Islam. He used utmost care and did not join those scholars who argued
that these insolent people deserved to be called disbelievers. But this servant of Allah
joined those scholars who insisted that one should use great care in calling a Muslim
as a disbeliever But when he saw with his own eyes insulting words used against
Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and he became
convinced that these insolent people have failed to observe the essential principles of
Islam. He then had no choice but to declare these insolent people as disbelievers. You
have already heard the opinions of the leading Imams that a person who doubts the
sin or disbelief of such insolent people will become a disbeliever himself. It was
necessary to save my own faith and the faith of my Muslim brothers and the Islamic
community. Hence a declaration of disbelief was given and published.
"He who has doubt in his punishment and him being a Kafir is himself
committing Kufr".
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“Say: Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away. Lo! Falsehood is
ever bound to vanish.”
And He Says:
1. The written and printed statements of these insolent people were definitely insulting to
Allah Almighty and His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
2. Anybody who insults Allah Almighty and His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) is definitely a disbeliever
3. Any person who would not call them disbelievers. or would maintain friendship with
them. or would take into consideration their positions as teachers or relatives or
friends. will also definitely become one of them. He is a disbeliever like them. On the
day of judgement he will also be tied with them in the same rope.
4. Whatever lame excuses and fraudulent arguments the give here are invalid and false.
All these four points, by the grace of Allah Almighty, became very clear. Than verses of
the Holy Quran gave proof and indicated direction. On one side, there is paradise and
eternal joy, while on the other side there is hell and eternal fire. One can choose what
one likes. But it must be understood that a person who will leave Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) and support Zaid and Amar will never be successful. Guidance is
in the power of Allah alone. This matter was clear in its own right for every Muslim but
often our Muslim brothers want to see the seals of the scholars on the documents. The
seals of the scholars of Makkah Muazzama and Madina Munawara are the highest
becaue our faith began at these places. The agreed traditions of the Prophets testify that
Satan will never succeed in that part of the world. Hence for the satisfaction of our
Muslim brothers, the matter was presented before the judges and scholars of the Islamic
law in Makkah Muazzama and Madina Munawara. These leaders of the Islamic world-
certified the verdict willingly and enthusiastically. All praise be to Allah! their verdicts,
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testimonials, and comments have been published with Urdu translation on the opposite
pages in the book named Mustataab Hisaam-ul-Haramain Alaa Manher-ul-Kufr Wal
Main for the perusal of our Muslim brothers. O Allah give wisdom and courage to my
Muslim brothers to accept the truth and save them from supporting Zaid and Amar
against You and Your beloved Prophet on the basis of obstinacy or selfishness. Accept
our prayer for the sake of Prophet Muhammad's dignity and magnanimity. Amen!
Amen! Amen!