Order Amendment Idoc
Order Amendment Idoc
Order Amendment Idoc
EDI: Syntax error in IDoc (too many repetitions of a group) Message no. E0073 Diagnosis According to the syntax description of the basic type ZSO_IDOC (customer enhance ment ), the segment group ZSO_ITM can be repeated a maximum of 0000000099 times. However, this segment group occurs more frequently in the IDoc. Procedure Please check the IDoc or the syntax description of the basic type ZSO_IDOC (cust omer enhancement ). ========================================== Run transaction WE60. Enter iDoc type ORDERS01 (or whatever type you are using) and this will give you the semantics of each segment together with max repititio ns. The likelihood is that you are mapping too much data into one segment or your AB AP user-exit has a bug. ************ Thanks for your help and time on this problem =2E With the tips you gave me I co uld figure out what the problem is =2EThe problem is the Segment E1EDKA1 can be repeated only 8 times and I have nine records in it and the total Repetitions ar e 9 for this segment =2ENow, please advice me how to go about solving this probl em=2E Once again thanks for your time and help on this=2E *************** Refer to OSS note 370021 to increase the number of KA1 segments.