1. Introduction to Real-Time Embedded Systems: Brief history of Real Time Systems, A brief history of Embedded Systems. 2. System Resources: Resource Analysis, Real-Time Service Utility, Scheduling Classes, The Cyclic Executive, Scheduler Concepts, Preemptive Fixed Priority Scheduling Policies, Real-Time OS, Thread Safe Reentrant Functions. 3. Processing: Preemptive Fixed-Priority Policy, Feasibility, Rate Monotonic least upper bound, Necessary and Sufficient feasibility, Deadline Monotonic Policy, Dynamic priority policies. 4. I/O Resources: Worst-case Execution time, Intermediate I/O, Execution efficiency, I/O Architecture. 5. Memory: Physical hierarchy, Capacity and allocation, Shared Memory, ECC Memory, Flash file systems. 6. Multi-resource Services: Blocking, Deadlock and livestock, Critical sections to protect shared resources, priority inversion. 7. Soft Real-Time Services: Missed Deadlines, QoS, Alternatives to rate monotonic policy, Mixed hard and soft real-time services. 8. Embedded System Components: Firmware components, RTOS system software mechanisms, Software application components. 9. Debugging Components: Exceptions assert, Checking return codes, Single-step debugging, kernel scheduler traces, Test access ports, Trace ports, Power-On self test and diagnostics, External test equipment, Application-level debugging. 10. Performance Tuning: Basic concepts of drill-down tuning, hardware supported profiling and tracing, Building performance monitoring into software, Path length, Efficiency, and Call frequency, Fundamental optimizations. 11. High availability and Reliability Design: Reliability and Availability, Similarities and differences, Reliability, Reliable software, Available software, Design trade offs, Hierarchical applications for Fail-safe design. 12. Design of RTOS PIC microcontroller. (Chap 13 of book Myke Predko)
Reference Books: 1. Real-Time Embedded Systems and Components, Sam Siewert, Cengage Learning India Edition, 2007. 2. Programming and Customizing the PIC microcontroller , Myke Predko, 3rd Ed, TMH, 2008. 3. Programming for Embedded Systems, Dreamtech Software Team, Jhon Wiley, India Pvt. Ltd., 2008