This document provides a list of common morphemes or word roots from Greek and Latin, along with their meaning and examples. It is organized into three columns - the first column lists the morpheme, the second provides the meaning or definition, and the third offers illustrative words that use that morpheme. In total, over 100 morphemes are defined and explained with representative examples.
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This document provides a list of common morphemes or word roots from Greek and Latin, along with their meaning and examples. It is organized into three columns - the first column lists the morpheme, the second provides the meaning or definition, and the third offers illustrative words that use that morpheme. In total, over 100 morphemes are defined and explained with representative examples.
This document provides a list of common morphemes or word roots from Greek and Latin, along with their meaning and examples. It is organized into three columns - the first column lists the morpheme, the second provides the meaning or definition, and the third offers illustrative words that use that morpheme. In total, over 100 morphemes are defined and explained with representative examples.
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This document provides a list of common morphemes or word roots from Greek and Latin, along with their meaning and examples. It is organized into three columns - the first column lists the morpheme, the second provides the meaning or definition, and the third offers illustrative words that use that morpheme. In total, over 100 morphemes are defined and explained with representative examples.
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morpheme meaning examples
arch, archy rulling, taking the ethnarch monarchy tetrarch lead, government, ruler center, centr, center, central, centripetal centrifugal centrobaric centri, centro centrally cur, cura care, cure heal curator curatrix curative curr, cur,curs run curricle curriculum recurrence ante before, previous antecede anteroom antedate, anticipate calli, cali, beauty calligraphy calligram callisthetics kali,callo bar, baro weight, pressure baromacrometer barology barometer ant, anti opposite, against, in antidote antibody anticaustic, exchange, instead, antifebrile rivalling, simulating dem, demo people demagogue democracy demography amphi both, of both kinds, amphibia amphitheatre amphibiology on both sides, about, around caco bad, evil caco-demon cacoepy cacography dendro, dendr tree dendrology dendriform dendrophilous bi, bin, bis two, pair, couple binate binary bissannual aud, audi hear audible audiometer audiophile, chron time chronogram chronopher audiophone chronomastix ann year annals annual annuity ad, an to, toward, near, very admit annex adoral ideo, idea idea ideography ideopraxist ideology later, lateral side lateral multilateral equilateral chrom, colour chromascope chromatic chromatism chromo, chromat meter, metr measure chronometer barometer symmetry metr mother metropolis metronym calor, calour heat, warmth caloricity caloriduct calorify mono, mon alone, one, single monarch monopoly cap, cip, capt, take recipe recipient cept morph, morpho form, shape morphology morphosis amorphous gam, gamo, marriage polygamy mongamy gamy doc, doct teach doctrine doctrinate doctrinaire gyn, gynaec, woman gynaecology gynarchy misogynist gyneo anim life, spirit, mind, soul animate animosity equanimity etym true, meaning, word etymology etymon etymologicon dyn, dynam, power, force dynameter dynamism dyanmo frica, frict rub frication friction fricative archae, ancient, primitive, archaeography archaeology archaeolatry archaeo, beginning archeo hemi half, one half hemisphere hemisect hemistich bi, bio life, course o way of biogenetic biognosy biometry living) hydr, hydro water hydrophoby hydrosphere hydrotherapeutic bi twice, two, doubly bilateral bilamellate biennal her, hes stick, cling inherent adhere cohesion biblio, bibl book biblioclasm bibliotheca bibliopegy lun, luna moon lunar lunatic lunation aer, aero air aerodrome aeronaut aerostat mim, mimo, imitate mimeograph mime mimicry mimeo crit judge critic criticaster hypercritical
gathered by: mojgan fathzade
morpheme meaning examples
liter, litera letter literary literate literacy algia, agly pain cephalalgy neuralgia nostalgia liqu fluid liquate liquefacient liquefy anthropo man, mankind anthropocentric anthropogenic anthropoid integer, integr, whole, entire integrity integrant integri astr, astro, star astrognosy astronomy astrology aster aster inferior criticaster poetaster junct join junction juncture crat, cracy, power, rule, plutocracy technocracy bureaucracy cratic government jur, just, juris law, right jural jurisprudence just auto self, one's own, autocrat autonomy autopsy indopendently log, logy word, speech, study, eulogy archaeology philology science amb, ambi both, round, on both ambidexter ambient ambiguous side jace lie, lie down jacent adjacent derm, dermat, skin, hide, leather dematology hypodermic taxidermy dermato antho flower anthology anthoid anthologist cord heart cordial cordiform cordiality am, amor love, liking, amialbe amorous amicable lat friendiness hide latent latency glyph, glypt, carving glyphography glyptography hieroglyphic glypto leg, lig, lect choose, gather, levy legion, legume delectus, elect electant, select leg, lect read legible, legit lectern, lector lecture, lection leg law legislate legitime legitimate cumul, cumli, heap cumulate cumulative cumulus cardio, cardi heart cardialgy cardiograph cardioid dia across, through, diagonal diameter during, throughly dict say dictum dictograph dictator lin, linea line linear lineation lineature acro terminal, topmost, a acrobat acrolith acropolis tip, a peak digit finger, toe digit digitally digitize meso, mes middle mesopotomia mesothesis mesology dent, denti, tooth dentifrice dentine dentist dento dors, dorsi, back, of, to, on the dorsal endorse/indorse dorsi gerous dorso back ichthyo, ichty fish ichthyomorphic ichthyology ichthyism ge, geo earth gemancy geophagy georama humid moist humid humify humidity atim --by-- or --for-- verbatim gradtem literatim aristo best aristocracy aristocratize ex- , e- out, expel, remove, exclude, enervate excruciate, exorcize expatriate, thoroughly excorticate gloss, glott, language, tongue glossolalia polyglot glossology glot hibern winter hibernacle hibernaculum hinbernate cephal, head cephalalgy cephalic cephaloid cephalo decem, decim, ten decennial decimate decimal dec auct, aug to increase, growth, auction augment public sale in which bids are increased
gathered by: mojgan fathzade
morpheme meaning examples
dis apart, in different discredit distract disintegrate direction capit head capitation capitulate capitally du two, double duarchy dualism clast, clastic breaking, destroying, iconoclast cranioclast biblioclast destroyer dorm sleep dormitive dormant dormitory limin threshold eliminate preliminary chiro, chir hand chirognomy chiromancy chironomy aur ear aural auricle auricular lumin light luminate luminarist luminescent athl, athlete conted for prize athletics pentathlete pentathlon contra against, inoposition, contraband contradict controversy oposite fract, frag, break, breaking fracture fragile frangible frang, fring fug flee, dispatch fugacious fugitive flu, fluc, fluct, flow, current, wave fluctuate fluent fluid flux fortu, fortun lock, chance, good fortunate fortunous act, ag, ig do, act, move, drive actuate agent, cogent agenda, cogitate jacul, ject throw jaculate inject ejaculate de down, down from, deciduous demolish despise lubr, lubric away slippery lubricate lubric lubrify hier, hiero sacred, holy, hierarch hieromancy hiergram powerful, supernatural litig strife, lawsuit, dispute litigate litigant litigious graph, gram, to write, to describe, cryptography cartographer stenography graphy letter heli, helio sun heliotherapy heliocentric heliophobous latry, olatry worship, fanatical mariolatry heliolatry bibiolatry devotion to sth fall deceive, mistake fallacious fallacy enn year sexennial quinquennial biennial deb owe debit debtor debtee cosm, cosmo order, ornament, cosmopolitan cosmography cosmology world, universe desider desire desidrate desideration facil, fac easy facile facilitate ambul walk ambulate ambulator ambulance bib to drink bib bibacious bibacity lav wash lave lavender laver hom, homi, same, one and the homicide homonym homographic homo same, similar fisc, fisk treasury, purse, rush- fiscal fisc = fisk basket equi, aequi equal, fair equivocate equity equirotal ethn, ethno nation ethnography ethnology ethnomaniac lith, lite, litho stone lithagogue paleolithic lithograph func perform function functionate functionary crat bowl, mixing vessel crater crateriform api bee apian apiary apiculture gno, gnos know gonstic agnostic prognosticate fiss, fisso to split, the condition fission fissiped fissure of being cleft miso hatred, hate misoneism misology misogamy gust taste gust gustatory gustful aur gold auriferous auricomous aurific frater, fratr brother fraternal fratricide fraternize iso equal isobar isocracy isomer aqua water, liquid, solution aquamarine aquarium aquatic
gathered by: mojgan fathzade
morpheme meaning examples
machy fighting, warfare, logomachy theomachy dispute itis inflammatory, appendicitis bronchitis tonsillitis inflammation ali other, another alias alibi alien itiner journey itinerant itinerary itinerate aeon age aeon aeonial dub doubt dubious dubitancy lustr light luster lustrous illustrate inan empty inan inanition apt to make fit, adapt apt aptitude kine, kino movement, motion kinematics kinematograph iter again iterate reiterate kilo a thousand kilocycle kilometer luc light, shine, clear lucid elucidate translucent kal, kali, kale beautiful kaleidophone kaleidoscope garrul chatter, talk garrulous garrulity arbor tree arboriculture arboricole arborous intra, intro on the inside, within intraocular intravenous intrapetilear inter between, among, in interact interagent intercommune between equ horse equine equisetum equivorous dis, di in two ways, twice, ditheism ditetragonal dithecous double twice err stray, wander, errant erratum erroneous ramble, roam mania a certain kind of kleptomania megalomania anglomania madness cresc, cret, cre grow crescent increment accretion hagi, hagio holly, saintly hagiocracy hagiolatry hagiography fatu folish, silly, insipid fatuous fatuity infatuate dol grief, pain doleance doleful condole laps, lapse slip lapsable collapse elapse cumb, cub lie, recline cubicle cubiculum recumbent langu weary, slack languid languish cruc cross crucify cruciform ben, bene, bon good, well benediction benefactor benevolent carn, carni flesh carnage carnivorous carnification grad, step gradatim retrogression gradation gred,gress megal, mega, great large megalophonous megalodont megalocephlic megalo can dog canine cancide canicule deutero, deuto, second deuterogamist deuterogenic deuteropathy deut hyper over, beyond, hyperaemia hyperbole hypercritical excessively ana به اسامی خاص americana میچسبد وکلمه به ادبیات وزبان،فرهنگ ربط می دهد hum ground, low, lowly humble exhume exhumate fer, ferous bear, produce, carry auriferous frugiferous luciferous laude praise laud laudator laudation frustr in vain frustrate frustraneous frustratory alb, albi, albo white albication albiflorous albumen linqu to leave,to leave relinquish relinquent entom behind insect entomoid entomology entomophagous mnem, men, memory, remember mnemonic mneme eu, ev good, well, easily eudemonic euphony euphory dactylo finger, toe dactylology dactylonomy dactyloscopy extra situated outside sth extramundane extravagant extramural mancy divination chiromancy hydromancy necromancy
gathered by: mojgan fathzade
morpheme meaning examples
dign worth dignify dignitary cid, cad fall down, off deciduous ricidivate loqu speak soliloquy loquacious eloquent cred believe credence credible credulous lapid stone lapidary lapidate lapidify clar clear clarify clarity brevi, brev short,abridged,summarized breviary brevioloquence breviped cent, centi hundred centigrade centipede centiloquy gravi, grav, heavy gravitation gravimeter gravific gravito micr, micro small micracoustic microcephalic microcosm colon, cult cultivate, dwell, colonize culture cult worship, farm dox, doxast opinion doxastic hetrodox orthodox heter, hetero different, other, other heterogen, heterography than usual heterogenous con, com, co together concord correspond convene arthr, arthro joint arthritis arthrology arthropod hept, hepta seven heptaglot heptarchy heptasyllabic fid, fidel faith fidelity fidejussor fidepromisser lev high (in weight), raise levity levitate levo left, on the left side levorotation levoversion fod, foss dig fodient fossil fossor arbitr, arbiter judge, decide arbiter arbitration corpor body corporal corporate corporation hect, hecto hundred hectogramme hectograph hectolitre fel cat felid feliform feline hort urge, encourage exhort exhorter circum around, round circumference circumduction circumfuse ard, ars to burn, burning ardency ardent hyp, hypo under, below, too little hypodermic hypogeous hypocrisy insul island insular insularity lingu tongue, language linguiform lingua linguist lucr, lucri gain lucrative lucre infra below, under neath infrapose infrared infratemporal blast, blasto germ,bud,sprout, blastema blastogenesis gon short angle, angled heptagon polygonal pentagon cend, cens set fire, burn incense incend hol, holo whole, entire, wholly holocaust holophrase holomictic dulc sweet dulcet dulciloquy dulcify lign wood ligneous ligniperdous lignocellulose ennea nine enneacontahedral enneagynous enneateric icon, icono image, figure, inconoclasm iconomachy iconize representation macro long, large macrology macrometer macroscopic a-, an- without, not abyss apathetic aphonic bov, buvi cattle, ox bovine boviform ep, epy word; speech epyllion cacoepy orthoepy cycle, cyclo circle cycloid cyclometer cyclone ago act of carrying away, agog agogic to lead flect, flex bend flex flexanimous flexuose lig, liga bind ligament ligate ligature fasc bundle, sheaf, fasces fascism fascicle assemblage long long, end-foremost longevous longiloquence longitudinal hort garden hortensial horticulture hortyard igni fire ignipotent ignipuncture ignicolist argent silver argent argentometer argentry glauc grey, gleaming, glaucous glaucosis glaucope bluish-green