Advaita Makaranda Introduction

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- -(-) rlakmdharakavi-viracita advaitamakaranda svayaprakakta-k(rasa-abhivyajik)sahita Advaita Makaranda Of Shri Lakshmidhara With the commentary Rasa-abhivyanjika by Swayamprakasha Yati.

nityam nirantarnanda citghana brahma nirbhayam | ruty tarknubhtibhymahamasmyadvaya sad || nityam eternal nirantarnandam ever blissful citghanam embodiment of consciousness brahma Brahman nirbhayam free from fear ruty by shrutis advaya non-dual sad ever

tarknubhtibhym by logic and experience aham I asmi am

By Shrutis, logic and experience, I am ever the Brahman which is non-dual, eternal, everblissful, embodiment of Consciousness and free from fear.

ambghtavmrdha vande candrakaldharam | lvayamadhurkra kruyarasavridhim ||

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ambghtavmrdham the one whose left-side has been grabbed by Mother vande I salute candrakaldharam wearing the crescent moon lvayamadhurkram of

charming and beautiful form kruyarasavridhim ocean of compassion I salute the one whose left-side has been grabbed by Mother, who is wearing the crescent moon, of charming and beautiful form, and an ocean of compassion. kaivalynandayogndrapdakajarajoravi | rjate me hdke mohadhvntanivartaka || kaivalynandayogndrapdakajarajoravi the dust from the lotus feet of kaivalyAnandayogIndra rjate shines me my hdke heart-space mohadhvntanivartaka remover of darkness of delusion The dust from the lotus feet of Kaivalyanandayogindra which is the remover of darkness of delusion, shines in my heart-space.

uddhnandapadmbhojadvandva seve yadudbhavam | nirvarasamsvdya h iylipaktaya || uddhnandapadmbhojadvandvam the pair of from which arose nirvarasam the elixir of nirvana

lotus feet of ShuddhAnanda seve I serve/worship yadudbhavam svdya after drinking h fulfilled iylipaktaya the rows of bees of disciples
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Rows of bees of disciples are fulfilled after drinking the elixir of Nirvana arisen from the pair of lotus feet of Shuddhananda which I serve/worship.

saccidnandayogndr jayanti bhuvi kecana | yatkplavatastro may sasravridhi || saccidnandayogndr Saccindanandayogindra jayanti live(exist) bhuvi in this world kecana someone sasravridhi the ocean of samsara I have crossed the ocean of samsara by the little of the compassion of the person(teacher) Saccidanandayogindra who exist in this world. ---- yatkplavata by little of his compassion tra crossed may by me

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- - -- iha khalu lakmdhara nma kacit kavndra nirantara-nitydi-anuhnauddha-svntatay sajta-viveka-vairgya-amdi-mumukvata tmavividiay satyakta-loka-veda-dharmn guruvara-caraa-upasarpaapurasaram samyak-ruta-vednta-tattve api asabhvanay pratibandhajnatay aparituyata kcit purua-dhaureyn-upalabhya sajtakarua tem karatala-bilva-phalavat sphuam vednta-pratipdyam
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brahma saccidnanda-lakaam sarvajam sarva-updnam nityam sarvagam-advayam deha-indriya-pra-mano-buddhi-ahakra-sk pratyag-abhinnatay tarkai sambhvayitum kicit prakaraam-advaitamakaranda-khyam-rabhama cikritasya-avighnena parisamptaye sva-iadevat-prama-rpam magalam svayam-anuhya iyaikyai granthata nibadhnti -- - - -

iha khalu kacit lakmdhara nma kavndra kcit purua-dhaureynupalabhya sajta-karua iha here(now) khalu indeed kacit someone(certain) lakmdhara Lakshmidhara nma by name (-) kavndra (brahmavid-uttama) best among the knowers of Brahman kcit someone - purua-dhaureyn excellent men(could also sajta-karua overwhelmed with compassion The best among the knowers of Brahman, famous Lakshmidhara met with some excellent persons(disciples) and got overwhelmed with compassion for them. ---- ---- - --- --- -- - nirantara-nitydi-anuhna-uddha-svntatay sajta-viveka-vairgyaamdi-mumukvata tma-vividiay satyakta-loka-veda-dharmn guruvara-caraa-upasarpaa-purasaram samyak-ruta-vednta-tattve api asabhvanay pratibandha-jnatay aparituyata mean load carrying beast in human form) upalabhya met with -

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---- nirantara-nitydi-anuhna-uddhasvntatay endowed with purified intellect through continuously following daily, occasional, and other duties ---- sajtaviveka-vairgya-amdi-mumukvata in whom discrimination, dispassion, the six-fold wealth starting from mind-control and desire for liberation sprungforth - tma-vividiay desirous of knowing the Self -- satyakta-loka-veda-dharmn having renounced social and scriptural duties and obligations --- guruvara-caraa upasarpaa-purasaram preceded by proper approach of the feet of best of teachers --- samyak-ruta-vednta-tattve api eventhough attentively listened to the ultimate truth of Vedanta asabhvanay owing to doubts - pratibandha-jnatay with obstructed knowledge aparituyata dissatisfied (For they were) endowed with mind purified with continuous observation of daily, occasional and obligatory duties resulting in manifestation of discrimination, dispassion, the six fold wealth of mind-control etc. and desire to liberation owing to which arose a desire to know the Self. Preceded by properly approaching(surrendering at) the feet of the best of teachers they attentively listened to the ultimate Truth of Vedanta after having renounced all social and scriptural duties and obligations. In spite of that, owing to doubts(lack of proper intellectual understanding) the knowledge was obstructed and they were quite dissatisfied with that. - - - ------ - -- --

tem vednta-pratipdyam brahma saccidnanda-lakaam sarvajam sarva-updnam nityam sarvagam advayam deha-indriya-pra-manobuddhi-ahakra-sk pratyag-abhinnatay tarkai karatala-bilva-phalavat sphuam sambhvayitum kicit prakaraam-advaita-makaranda-khyam rabhama
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tem for them - vednta-pratipdyam brahma the Brahman which is established in Vedanta - saccidnanda-lakaam of the nature of existence-knowledge-bliss sarvajam omniscient - sarva-updnam cause of all nityam eternal sarvagam omnipresent advayam non-dual ----- deha-indriya-pra-mano-buddhi ahakra-sk the witness of body, senses, vital airs, mind, intellect and ego - pratyag-abhinnatay as not different from innermost self tarkai thro argumentation(logic) -- karatala-bilva sambhvayitum to manifest kicit prakaraam some Advaita Makaranta rabhama started phalavat like a bilva-fruit in ones palm sphuam clearly sectional treatise -- advaita-makaranda-khyam called

For them he started composing a sectional treatise called Advaita Makaranta to manifest clearly as if like a bilva fruit in ones palm the supreme Brahman which is established in Vedanta as of the nature of existence-knowledge-bliss, omniscient, the cause of all, eternal, omnipresent, non-dual, the witness of body, senses, vital airs, mind, intellect and ego, as not different from the innermost Self thro argumentation(logic). - - -- - cikritasya-avighnena parisamptaye sva-iadevat-prama-rpam magalam svayam-anuhya iya-ikyai granthata nibadhnti

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- cikritasya-avighnena parisamptaye for completion of intended without obstructions - -- svaiadevat-prama-rpam in the style of obeisance to own chosen god-head magalam prayer(invocation) - svayam-anuhya himself practising - iya-ikyai for edification of his disciples granthata with the treatise nibadhnti attaches(enjoins) An invocation in the style of obeisance to own chosen god-head, he enjoins with the treatise for completion of the intended without obstructions, himself observing for edification of his disciples.

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