Reflex Testing Method For Evaluating CNS Development

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Second Edition | Mary R. Fiorentino

1 This manual is dedicated to the therapists in my department for their conscientious and diligent cooperation in the application of a method of treatment that has been found effective for the child with cerebral palsy.

2 FOREWORD In the development of the program for the cerebrally handicapped at Newignton Childrens Hospital, the necessity for an increasing awareness of what is normal has prompted Miss Fiorentino and others to better document the normal reflex development in children. Miss Fiorentino has accomplished this through considerable personal effort. She I gifted with a rare ability to impart this information to physicians, other therapists and students. Requests for her knowledge of the subject led her to the writing of this manual which provide a better understanding of the reflex patterns of both normal children and those afflicted with neurological disorders, and should aid medical and paramedical persons dealing with such children in establishment of diagnosis, programming and recording of progress in their habilitation. Burr H. Curtis, MD Executive and Medical Director Newington Childrens Hospital Newington, Connecticut

3 PREFACE It is believed that a clearer understanding of normal, neurophysiological development and methods of testing will be helpful to physicians and paramedical personnel working closely with handicapped children. It is hoped that this will assist in the evaluation, diagnosis, assessment of children through six years of age, and in programming rehabilitation of neurophysiologically involved children. The testing methods will be of value to the following: Pediatricians In the initial and periodic examination of all infants and children through six years of age. Neurologists In the diagnosis and evaluation of infants and children where abnormal reflexive reactions are suspected. Orthopaedists For the assessment of patients who would lend themselves to a neurolophysiologically oriented treatment. Physiatrists A basis for diagnosis and program-planning for rehabilitation. Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapists To determine the maturational level and abnormal reflexes for a treatment program.

4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Grateful appreciation is extended to Edward D. Mysak, Ph.D., former speech pathologist at Newington Childrens Hospital, for introducing this method to the Hospital and this department, and without whose guidance and teaching in the basic theories of the Neurophysiological Approach, this manual would not have been possible at this time. To the following members of the staff of the Newington Childrens Hospital for their assistance and cooperation in making this manual possible: Burr H. Curtis, MD, Associate Physiatrist ; Otto G. Goldkamp, MD, Associate Physiatrist; Walter F. Jennings, MD, MyronE. Shafer, MD, and Charles W. Goff, MD, members of the orthopedic staff; Miss Carol Nathan, OTR, Assistant Director of the Occupational Therapy; Miss Ann P. Grady, OTR, staff therapist; Mr. William McCarthy, high school teacher; the photography department; the children and their parents who allowed their pictures to be used. To Associate Professor Frieda J. Behlen, MA, OTR, Advisor, Occupational Therapy Curriculum, New York University, for her sincere efforts and interest in this manual. To Barry S. Russman, MD, staff Pediatric Neurologist, and Miss Constance M. Lundberg, OTR, Student Supervisor, for their assistance in the revision of this book. Photographs taken by Miss Carol Nathan, OTR. MRF

5 INTRODUCTION Early diagnosis of persistent abnormal reflexes may be of great significance to a more effective functioning of the cerebral palsied child. We feel that the knowledge of normal and abnormal reflex responses and their effect upon motor development is needed to provide a basis for evaluation in the diagnosis and treatment of the cerebral palsied child and certain other cerebral dysfunctions. Since Little applied the term spastic paralysis to all cerebral palsied children in the 1843, much research has been undertaken in an attempt to understand the physical, mental, perceptual, visual, auditory, epileptic and psycho-social manifestations of neurological dysfuntions. Though scientist and clinician have contributed much to our knowledge, there is need for further investigation in both theory and therapy of CNS abnormalities. Some of the recent advances in this country are based upon knowledge of the neurophysiological implication of reflexive maturation of the CNS. The rationale of treatment and therapeutic application of this approach was described by the Bobaths et al. Knowledge gained from this approach can be applied to testing and evaluating the normal sequential growth and maturation of any child.

6 PURPOSE The purpose of this manual is to orient the physicians and the various paramedical disciplines to a method of evaluating CNS dysfunction utilizing neurophysiological principles. To accomplish its goal, the manual presents the following: 1. Normal sequential development of reflexive maturation. 2. Possible abnormal responses found in individuals with CNS disorders, such as cerebral palsy 3. Reflex testing and Motor Development Charts to assist in rating normal and abnormal responses (see pages 50 - 52) Purpose of Testing To determine neurophysiological reflexive maturationof the CNS at the spinal, brain stem, midbrain and cortical levels. This maturation has been determined in animals, as described by Sherrington. We feel that we can assume similar reflexes seen in humans might correlate in their pattern of neurological maturation Who Should Test Tests are designed for all those evaluating and treating children with neurophysiological dysfunctions, namely, the general practitioner, pediatrician, neurologist, orthopaedist, physiatrist, occupational, physical and speech therapist. When to Test The initial and periodic examination of all children from infancy, of full-term gestation, throughout the age of six years, as well as older children demonstrating abnormal reflexes. Therapy should begin before children develop abnormal patterns of turning, sitting, crawling and walking. Early referral of patients for reflex therapy cannot be overemphasized.

7 RATIONALE We feel the primitive reflexes are essential in normal development. Response to these reflexes prepares the child for progressive development, such as rolling over, sitting, crawling, standing, etc. it is to be understood that a child may omit one level of development, such as creeping, and still continue the normal process of developmental maturation. In normal development, these primitive spinal and brain stem reflexes gradually diminish in order that higher patterns of righting and equilibrium reactions may become manifested. When inhibitory control of the higher centers is disrupted or delayed, primitive patterns dominate to the exclusion of higher integrated sensorimotor activities. Certain neurologic dysfunctions are believed to result from specific CNS lesions. Such lesions release primitive, abnormal reflexes from inhibition normally exerted by higher centers. These more primitive reflexes result in abnormalities manifested by phylogenetically older postures and movements and abnormal muscle tone, as seen in cerebral palsied children. Following the above concept, the cerebral palsied child can be classified according to sequential development of reflex maturation and evaluated in terms of the status of his particular level of reflexology and abnormal muscle tone. There are three levels of reflexive development: Apedal predominance of primitive spinal and brainstem reflexes with motor development of a prone or supine-lying creature. Quadrupedal predominance of midbrain development with righting reactions and motor development that of a child who can right himself, turn over, assume crawling and sitting positions. Bipedal at cortical level of development reveals equilibrium reactions, with motor development that of a child who can assume the standing position and ambulate. TABLE 1 Normal Sequential Development Levels of CNS maturation Spinal and/or Brainstem Midbrain Cortical Corresponding levels of reflexive development Apedal Primitive reflexes Quadruped Righting reaction Bipedal Equilibrium Reactions Resting levels of motor development Prone lying Supine lying Crawling Sitting Standing Walking

In neurologic dysfunction, varying degrees and combinations of the above levels may be seen in any one child. Knowledge of normal and abnormal reflex responses and their effect on motor behavior will aid in better understanding the nature of the neurophysiologic dysfunction, and in providing a basis for evaluation.

8 PROCEDURE The following pages present photographs and explanation of the four levels of the CNS in their sequence of reflexive maturation. Photographs and explanations of reflex responses are illustrated. Negative reactions of the first two levels imply normal responses; positive reactions, abnormal responses; positive reactions, normal responses. Each reflex tested can be rated on a Reflex Testing Chart and resulting functional responses on a motor Development Chart. These reflexes are normal within certain age limits and should be interpreted as abnormal beyond those limits. Normal growth and development levels vary somewhat; therefore, age levels are approximate.

9 SPINAL LEVEL Spinal reflexes are mediated by areas of the CNS. Deiters nucleus which is in the lower third of the pons.

Spinal reflexes are phasic or movement reflexes which coordinate muscles of the extremities in patterns of either total flexion or extension. Positive or negative reactions to spinal reflex testing may be present in the normal child within the first two months of life. Positive reaction persisting beyond two months of age may be indicative of delayed maturation of the CNS. Negative reaction is normal. Complete domination by these primitive spinal reflexes results in an apedal (prone, supine-lying) creature. Flexor withdrawal * Extensor Thrust * Crossed Extension

10 Flexor Withdrawal Test position Patient supine. Head in midposition. Legs extended. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Stimulate Sole of foot.

Negative reaction Controlled Maintenance of stimulated leg in extension or volitional withdrawal from irritating stimulus.

Positive reaction Uncontrolled flexion response of stimulated leg. (Do not confuse with response to tickling)

Positive Reaction Positive Reaction is normal up to two months of age. Positive reaction after two months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

11 Extensor thrust Test position Patient supine. Head in midposition. One Leg extended, opposite leg is flexed Negative reaction

Test stimulus Stimulate Sole of foot of flexed leg.

Negative reaction Controlled Maintenance of leg in flexion

Positive reaction Uncontrolled extension of stimulated leg. (Do not confuse with response to tickling)

Positive Reaction Positive Reaction is normal up to two months of age. Positive reaction after two months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.


Crossed Extension Test position Patient supine. Head in midposition. One Leg flexed, opposite leg is extended. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Flex extended leg.

Negative reaction On flexion of the extended leg, the opposite leg will remain flexed.

Positive reaction On flexion of the extended leg, the opposite, or initially flexed, leg will extend.

Positive Reaction Positive Reaction is normal up to two months of age. Positive reaction after two months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

13 Crossed Extension Test position Patient supine. Head in midposition. Legs extended. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Stimulate the medial surface of one leg by tapping.

Negative reaction No reaction of either leg upon stimulation

Positive reaction Opposite leg adducts, internally rotates and foot plantar flexes. (Typical scissor position.)

Positive Reaction Positive Reaction is normal up to two months of age. Positive reaction after two months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

14 BRAIN STEM LEVEL Brainstem reflexes are mediated by areas from Deiters nucleus to the red nucleus which sits at the most caudal level of the basal ganglia.

Brain stem reflexes are static postural reflexes and effect changes in distribution of muscle tone throughout the body, either in response to a change of the position of head and body in space (by stimulation of labyrinths), or in the head in relation to the body (by stimulation of proprioceptors of the neck muscles). Positive or negative reactions to brain stem reflex testing may be present in the normal child within the first four to six months of life. Positive reactions persisting beyond six months of age may be indicative of delayed motor maturation of the CNS. Negative reactions are normal. Complete domination by these primitive brain stem reflexes results in an apedal (prone, supine lying) creature. Asymmetrical Tonic Neck * Symmetrical Tonic Neck * Tonic Labyrinthine Supine Tonic Labyrinthine Prone * Associated Reaction * Positive Supporting Reaction * Negative Supporting Reaction

15 Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Test position Patient supine. Head in midposition. Arms and legs extended. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Turn head to one side.

Negative reaction No reaction of limbs on either side.

Positive reaction Extension of arm and leg on face side, or increase in extensor tone; flexion of arm and leg on skull side, or increase in flexor tone.

Positive Reaction Positive reaction is normal up to four to six months of age. An obligatory ASTN reflex is pathologic at any age. Positive reaction after six months of any age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

16 Symmetrical Tonic Neck 1 Test position Patient in quadruped position or over testers knees. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Ventroflex the head.

Negative reaction No change in tone of arms or legs.

Positive reaction Arms flex or flexor tone dominates; legs extended or extensor tone dominates.

Positive Reaction Positive reaction is normal up to four to six months of age. Positive reaction after six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

17 Symmetrical Tonic Neck 2 Test position Patient in quadruped position or over testers knees. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Dorsiflex the head.

Negative reaction No change in tone of arms or legs.

Positive reaction Arms extend or extensor tone dominates; legs flex or flexor tone dominates.

Positive Reaction Positive reaction is normal up to four to six months of age. Positive reaction after six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

18 Tonic Labyrinthine Supine Test position Patient supine. Head in midposition. Arms and legs extended. Negative reaction

Test stimulus The supine position, per se.

Negative reaction No increase in extensor tone when arms and legs are passively flexed.

Positive reaction Extensor tone dominates when arms and legs are passively flexed.

Positive Reaction Positive reaction is normal up to four months of age. Positive reaction after four months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

19 Tonic Labyrinthine Prone Test position Turn patient prone. Head in mid-position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Prone position, per se.

Negative reaction No increase in flexor tone; head, trunk, arms, legs can be extended.

Positive reaction Unable to dorsiflex head, retract shoulders, extend trunk, arms, legs

Positive Reaction Positive reaction is normal up to four months of age. Positive reaction after four months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

20 Associated Reaction Test position Patient supine. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Have patient squeeze an object. (With a hemiplegic, squeeze with uninvolved hand.)

Negative reaction No reaction, or minimal reaction or increase of tone in other parts of the body.

Positive reaction Mirroring of opposite limb and/or increase of tone in other parts of the body.

Positive Reaction Positive reaction in patients with abnormal reflexology may be an indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

21 Positive Supporting Reaction Test position Hold the patient in standing position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Bounce several times on soles of feet.

Negative reaction No increase of tone. (legs volitionally flex),

Positive reaction Increase of extensor tone in legs. Plantar flexion of feet, genu recurvatum may occur.

Positive reaction is normal from three to eight months of age. Positive reaction after eight months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation. Positive Reaction

22 Negative Supporting Reaction Test position Bring patient to standing position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Weight-bearing position.

Negative reaction Release of extensor tone from positive supporting allows plantigrade feet and flexion of legs.

Positive reaction No release of extensor tone, positive supporting persists.

Normal Reaction is sufficient release of extensor tone to allow flexion for reciprocation. Abnormal reaction is continuation of positive supporting reflex beyond eight months of age. A reaction of excessive flexion on weight bearing is abnormal beyond four months of age. Positive Reaction

23 MIDBRAIN LEVEL Righting reactions are integrated at the midbrain level above the red nucleus not including the cortex.

Righting reactions interact with each other and work toward establishment of normal head and body relationship in space as well as in relation to each other. There are the first such reactions to develop after birth and reach maximal concerted effect about age ten to twelve months. As cortical control increases, they are gradually modified and inhibited and disappear towards the end of the fifth year. Their combined actions enable the child to roll over, sit up, get on his hands and knees, and make him a quadrupedal creature. Neck righting * Body Righting Acting on the Body * Labyrinthine Righting Acting on the Head * Optical Righting Acting on the Head * Amphibian

24 Neck Righting Test position Patient supine. Head in midposition. Arms and legs extended. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Rotate head to one side, actively or passively.

Negative reaction Body will not rotate.

Positive reaction Body Rotates as a whole in the same direction as the heas.

Positive reaction is normal from birth to six months of age. Positive reaction beyond six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation. Negative Reaction over one month of age is one Positive Reaction indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

25 Body Righting Acting on the Body Test position Patient supine. Head in midposition. Arms and legs extended. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Rotate head to one side, actively or passively.

Negative reaction Body rotates as a whole (neck righting), and not segmentally.

Positive reaction Segmental rotation of trunk between shoulders and pelvis, e.g. head turns, then shoulders, finally the pelvis. Positive Reaction

. Positive reaction emerges about six months of age and continues to eighteen months. Negative Reaction over six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

26 Labyrinthine Righting Acting on the Head 1 Test position Hold blindfolded patient in space. Prone position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Prone position in space, per se.

Negative reaction Head does not raise automatically to the normal position.

Positive reaction Head raises to normal position, face vertical, mouth horizontal.

Positive Reaction . Positive reaction is normal about one to two months of age and continues throughout life. Negative reaction after two months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

27 Labyrinthine Righting Acting on the Head 2 Test position Hold blindfolded patient in space. Supine position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Supine position in space, per se.

Negative reaction Head does not raise automatically to the normal position.

Positive reaction Head raises to normal position, face vertical, mouth horizontal.

Positive Reaction . Positive reaction is normal six months of age and continues throughout life. Negative reaction after six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

28 Labyrinthine Righting Acting on the Head 3 Test position Hold blindfolded patient in space. Hold around pelvis. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Tilt to the right.

Negative reaction Head does not right itself automatically to the normal position,

Positive reaction Head rights itself to normal position, face vertical, mouth horizontal.

Positive reaction is normal six to eight months of age and continues throughout life. Negative reaction after eight months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation. Positive Reaction


Labyrinthine Righting Acting on the Head 4 Test position Hold blindfolded patient in space. Hold around pelvis. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Tilt to the left.

Negative reaction Head does not right itself automatically to the normal position,

Positive reaction Head rights itself to normal position, face vertical, mouth horizontal.

Positive reaction is normal six to eight months of age and continues throughout life. Negative reaction after eight months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

Positive Reaction

30 Optical Righting 1 Test position Hold blindfolded patient in space. Prone position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Prone position in space, per se.

Negative reaction Head does not raise automatically to the normal position.

Positive reaction Head raises to normal position, face vertical, mouth horizontal.

Positive Reaction

Positive reaction normally appears soon after labyrinthine righting acting on the head (1-2 months) and continues throughout life. (Optical righting reactions in all positions are valid only if the labyrinthine righting is not present.) Negative reaction after this time may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

31 Optical Righting 2 Test position Hold patient in space. Supine position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Supine position in space, per se.

Negative reaction Head does not raise automatically to the normal position.

Positive reaction Head raises to normal position, face vertical, mouth horizontal.

Positive Reaction .

Positive reaction is normal about six months of age and continues throughout life. Negative reaction after six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

32 Optical Righting 3 Negative reaction

Test position Hold patient in space. Hold around pelvis.

Test stimulus Tilt to the right.

Negative reaction Head does not right itself automatically to the normal position,

Positive reaction Head rights itself to normal position, face vertical, mouth horizontal.

Positive reaction is normal six to eight months of age and continues throughout life. Negative reaction after eight months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive Positive Reaction maturation.

33 Optical Righting 4 Test position Hold patient in space. Hold around pelvis. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Tilt to the left.

Negative reaction Head does not right itself automatically to the normal position,

Positive reaction Head rights itself to normal position, face vertical, mouth horizontal.

Positive reaction is normal six to eight months of age and continues throughout life. Negative reaction after eight months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive Positive Reaction maturation.

34 Amphibian Reaction Test position Patient prone. Head in mid-position. Legs extended, arms extended over head. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Lift pelvis on one side.

Negative reaction Flexion of arm, hip and knee cannot be elicited.

Positive reaction Automatic flexion of arm, hip and knee on same side.

Positive Reaction Positive reaction is normal six months of age and remains throughout life. Negative reaction after six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

35 AUTOMATIC MOVEMENT REACTIONS These are described as a group of reflexes observed in infants and young children which are not strictly righting reflexes, but which are reactions produced by changes in the position of the head and, hypothetically, involve either the semicircular canals, or labyrinths, or neck proprioceptors. Like righting reflexes, they appear at certain stages of development and their persistence, or absence, can be observed in patients under pathological conditions. Moro Reflex * Landau Reflex * Protective Extensor Thrust

36 Moro Reflex Test position Patient in semi-reclined position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Drop head backward.

Negative reaction Minimal or no startle response.

Positive reaction Abduction, extension (or flexion), external rotation of arms; extension and abduction of the fingers.

Positive Reaction Positive reaction is normal from birth to four months of age. Positive reaction after four months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation. Negative reaction is normal after four months of age.

37 Landau Reflex Test position Patient held in space, supporting thorax. Prone position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Head raised, actively or passively.

Negative reaction Spine and legs remain in flexed position.

Positive reaction Spine and legs extend. (when head is ventroflexed, spine and legs flexed)

Positive Reaction

Positive reaction is normal from six to two or two and one half years of age. Positive reaction after two years of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation. Negative reaction is normal from six months of age and from two and one half years throughout life.

38 Protective Extensor Thrust (Parachute Reaction) Test position Patient prone. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Suspend patient in air by ankles or pelvis and move head suddenly towards floor.

Negative reaction Arms do not protect head, but show primitive reflex reaction, such as, asymmetrical or symmetrical tonic neck reflexes

Positive reaction Immediate extension of arms with abduction and extension of fingers to protect the head.

Positive Reaction Positive reaction is normal about six months of age and remains throughout life. Negative reaction after six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

39 CORTICAL LEVEL These reactions are mediated by the efficient interaction of cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum.

Maturation of equilibrium reactions brings the individual to the human bipedal stage of motor development. They occur when muscle tone is normalized and provide body adaptation in response to change of center of gravity in the body. They emerge from six months on. Positive reaction at any one level indicates the next higher level of motor activity possible. Supine * Prone * Four-footed Kneeling * Sitting * Kneel Standing * StandingHopping * Dorsiflexion * See-Saw * Simian Position

40 Supine Test position Patient supine on tiltboard. Arms and legs extended. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Tilt board to one side.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; no equilibrium or protective reactions. (it is possible to have positive reaction in some body parts but not in others)

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax, abduction and extension of arm and leg on raised (equilibrium reaction), protective reaction lowered side of board. Positive Reaction Positive reaction normal about six months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reaction after six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

41 Prone Test position Patient prone on tiltboard. Arms and legs extended. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Tilt board to one side.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; no equilibrium or protective reactions. (it is possible to have positive reaction in some body parts but not in others)

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax, abduction and extension of arm and leg on raised side (equilibrium reaction), protective reaction lowered side of board.

Positive Reaction Positive reaction normal about six months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reaction after six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

42 Four-footed Kneeling Test position Patient in quadruped position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Tilt toward one side.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; no equilibrium or protective reactions. (it is possible to have positive reaction in some body parts but not in others)

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax, abduction and extension of arm and leg on raised side (equilibrium reaction), protective reaction lowered side of board.

Positive Reaction Positive reaction normal about six months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reaction after six months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

43 Sitting Test position Patient seated on chair. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Pull or tilt patient to one side.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; no equilibrium or protective reactions. (it is possible to have positive reaction in some body parts but not in others)

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax, abduction and extension of arm and leg on raised side (equilibrium reaction), protective reaction lowered side. Positive Reaction

Positive reaction normal about ten to twelve months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reaction after twelve months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

44 Kneel Standing Test position Patient in kneel-standing position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Pull or tilt patient to one side.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; no equilibrium or protective reactions. (it is possible to have positive reaction in some body parts but not in others)

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax, abduction and extension of arm and leg on raised side (equilibrium reaction) and protective reaction lowered side. Positive Reaction

Positive reaction normal about fifteen months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reaction after fifteen months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.


Hopping 1 Test position Patient in standing position. Hold by upper arms. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Move to the left or to the right side.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; no hopping steps to maintain balance.

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax, hopping steps sideways to maintain equilibrium.

Positive reactions normal about fifteen to eighteen months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reactions after eighteen months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation

Positive Reaction

46 Hopping 2 Test position Patient in standing position. Hold by upper arms. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Move forward.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; no hopping steps to maintain balance.

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax, hopping steps forward to maintain equilibrium.

Positive reactions normal about fifteen to eighteen months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reactions after eighteen months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation

Positive Reaction

47 Hopping 3 Test position Patient in standing position. Hold by upper arms. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Move backwards.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; no hopping steps to maintain balance.

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax, hopping steps backwards to maintain equilibrium.

Positive reactions normal about fifteen to eighteen months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reactions after eighteen months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation Positive Reaction

48 Dorsiflexion Test position Patient in standing position. Hold under axillae. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Tilt patient backwards.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; no dorsiflexion of feet.

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax, feet dorsiflex.

Positive reactions normal about fifteen to eighteen months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reactions after eighteen months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation

Positive Reaction

49 See-Saw Test position (Patient must be able to maintain standing balance.) Patient in standing position. On same side, hold by hand and foot, flex hip and knee. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Pull arm forward gently and slightly to lateral side.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; inability to maintain standing balance.

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax slight abduction and full extension of manually flexed knee to maintain equilibrium.

Positive reactions normal about fifteen months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reactions after fifteen months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive Positive Reaction maturation.

50 Simian Position Test position Patient in squat sitting position. Negative reaction

Test stimulus Tilt to one side.

Negative reaction Head and thorax do not right themselves; inability to assume or maintain position, lack of equilibrium or protective reactions.

Positive reaction Righting of head and thorax, abduction- extension of arm and leg on raised side (equilibrium reaction, and protective on the lowered side.

Positive Reaction

Positive reactions normal about fifteen to eighteen months of age and continue throughout life. Negative reactions after eighteen months of age may be one indication of delayed reflexive maturation.

51 NEWINGTON CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Occupation Therapy Department REFLEX TESTING CHART Name: BD Date: Reflexes Level I Spinal Level: a. Flexor withdrawal b. Extensor thrust c. Crossed extension Level II Brain Stem: a. ATN b. STN c. TL Supine TL prone d. Associated reactions e. Positive Supporting Reaction f. Negative Supporting Reaction Level III Midbrain: a. Neck righting b. Body righting acting on the body c. Labyrinthine righting acting on the head d. Optical righting e. Amphibian Automatic Movement Reactions a. Moro Reflex b. Landau Reflex c. Protective extensor Thrust Level IV Cortical: Equilibrium Reactions: a. Prone-lying b. Supine-lying c. Four-foot kneeling d. Sitting e. Kneel-standing f. Standing-hopping Dorsiflexion See saw g. Simian posture Reflex Level: Therapist:







52 NEWINGTON CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Occupation Therapy Department MOTOR DEVELOPMENT CHART Name: BD Date: Motor Development I. Head raising a. Prone (1-2 mos.): b. Supine (4-6 mos.): c. Side lying (7 mos.): Turning: a. Supine-side lying (1-4 wks.) b. Supine-prone (6 mos.) c. Prone-supine (8 mos.) Crawling a. Puppy dog b. Static makes amphibian movements; Moves body forward c. Bunny hops assumes 3 point crawling using complete rotation d. Crawling assumes 4 point crawling using complete rotation e. Crawling uses partial rotation up to sitting then assumes 4 foot kneeling and crawls Sitting a. Maintains (7 mos.) b. Assumes using complete rotation (10-12 mos.) c. Assumes using partial rotation (2-5 yrs.) d. Assumes symmetrically (5 yrs.,) Standing a. Kneel-stands b. Kneels-walks c. Pull up to standing (10 mos.) d. Stands unassisted (14 mos.) e. Walks (15-18 mos.) Development Reflexive grasp-no eye hand coordination: Conscious grasp-pronation a. Crude: b. Between palmar and fingers-ulnar c. Thumb adducted, not utilized Eye-hand coordination begins Arms used asymmetrically-control from shoulder and shoulder girdle: Comments Reflex Level: Therapist: Comments:





ArmHand 0-4 mos. 4-8 mos.

6 mos.

53 Corralling reach: Radial palmar grasp Scissor grasp: Thumb envelopes object: Elbow flexible: Crude pinch-pincer grasp: Advertent release of grasp Wrist flexibility: Use of forearm between mid-position and pronation: Pincer release: Supination more frequently: Opposition: Supination-cortically controlled:

7 mos. 8 mos. 9 mos.

11 mos. 12 mos.

54 CONCLUSION The sequential development of normal and abnormal reflex maturation is presented with illustrations and techniques for testing and recording described. Early evaluation of abnormal reactions and the importance of early referral for treatment are stressed. It is hoped that this presentation will provide a clearer understanding and stimulate the use of a neurophysiologically-oriented approach in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of the child with cerebral dysfunction.

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