Image Enhancement v3
Image Enhancement v3
Image Enhancement v3
Image Enhancement - 2
Spatial domain
Spatial domain g(x) = T[f(x,y)] the neighborhood can also be 1x1
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Image Enhancement - 2
Transformation functions
s=T(r) menu curves in image processing software see example with Moon image see p.675 [Zakia] for the quadrant diagram in photography
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Log transformation
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s = c log(1+r) where c is a constant and r >= 0 a narrow range of low-level values in the input image is mapped in a wide range of output levels at right the spectrum values are now more similar and easier to be represented
Gamma correction
A CRT monitor has a gamma value of 1.8-2.5
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Image Enhancement - 2
Gamma correction
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Gamma correction
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Contrast stretching
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Bit-plane slicing
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Bit-plane slicing
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Bit-plane slicing
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The histogram is a discrete function h(rk)=nk where rk is the kth gray level and nk is the number of pixels having gray level rk Usually is normalized p(rk)=nk/n where n is the total number of pixels Over/under-exposure are easily seen in the histogram in the digital camera display
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Image Enhancement - 2
sk = T (rk )
= ! pr ( r j )
j =1 k
19922008 R. C. Gonzalez & R. E. Woods
nj n
j =1
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Image Enhancement - 2
Histogram specification
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Histogram specification
1. Mapping of the levels in the original image into sk, starting from the histogram of the original image sk= T(rk) 2. Computes G function vk=G(zk ) starting from the desired histogram as a T(zk) like sk (please note that after both applying T to the original image or G to the desired and unknown image, results should be the same) 3. Computes G-1 4. Computes the desidered levels of the image applying G-1 zk=G-1[T(rk)] zk=G-1(sk)
19922008 R. C. Gonzalez & R. E. Woods
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Histogram specification
Image Enhancement - 2
Histogram specification
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Histogram specification
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The function in (b),(2) is the inverse of that in (b),(1) It can be obtained (geometrically) reflecting the graph across the line y = x (not always it is possible)
19922008 R. C. Gonzalez & R. E. Woods
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Mathematical operations
Image subtraction used in segmentation and enhancement Image addition Image division multiplication of one image by the reciprocal of the other (e.g. for uneven illumination) Image averaging used for contrasting noise (e.g. in astronomy)
19922008 R. C. Gonzalez & R. E. Woods
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Image Enhancement - 2
f (x) o g(x) =
f (# )g(x $ # )d#
Convolution theorem
f (x) " g(x) # F(u)G(u) f (x)g(x) # F(u) " G(u)
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Image Enhancement - 2
g(x, y) =
# # w(s,t) f (x + s, y + t)
s="a t="b
Example of convolution mask, where the image f has size MxN, the filter mask has size mxn, a=(m-1)/2, b=(n-1)/2 Linear spatial filtering is often referred as convolving a mask with ! an image
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112.5 m (core is 22.5 m) for a ~f20 lens, seen through a 3.75m pixel-wide CCD
19922008 R. C. Gonzalez & R. E. Woods
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median is the numerical value separating the higher half from the lower half median lter computes the median under the mask (here 3x3) and uses it as a resulting value it is very effective for some images
19922008 R. C. Gonzalez & R. E. Woods
Image Enhancement - 2