Yeddyurappas Rajayoga Bhanga Yogas BW
Yeddyurappas Rajayoga Bhanga Yogas BW
Yeddyurappas Rajayoga Bhanga Yogas BW
rs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev is the Editor of
Modern Astrology, the successor to Dr. B.V.Raman's The Astrological Magazine which closed down in December 2007 following her resignation from its Editorship in June 2007. As Editor (January 1999 to July 2007) of The Astrological Magazine, the world's foremost and most authentic journal on Jyotisha or Indian astrology, and earlier as its Associate Editor Gayatri Devi Vasudev was actively involved with her father--- its Founder and the Father of Modern Astrology Dr. B.V.Raman,---- from 1972 to until his death in December 1998, in his mission to bring astrology into the comity of sciences. She continues his mission. She is also the National Vice-President of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences founded by Dr. B.V. Raman in 1984 to organize the study and practice of astrology. Gayatri Devi Vasudev has authored many books on astrology that include The Art of Matching
Magazines Section
Charts, The Art of Prediction in Astrology, Advanced Principles of Prediction, Clues to Interpreting Charts, Practical Horary Astrology, The Story of Dr. B.V. Raman for Children and How to Judge a HoroscopeVolume II.
he Karnataka chief minister B.S. Yeddyurappas political journey has been a long and arduous one. Though it has taken him to the highest political office in the state, it has not been a comfortable one. Pitted against dissidents which include the mining powerfuls the tenure has seen heavy strains right from the beginning. The seeds of crisis sown in OctoberNovember 2009 appear to be now in the process of sprouting if directional influences in his chart are any indication of things to come. Chart 1: B. S. Yeddyurappa: Born February 27, 1943 at 2h. 35m. at 12 N 33, 76 E 54 with a balance of 18 years 3 months 3 days of Saturn Dasa at birth.
Planetary Positions: Asc: 27 Sc 32 Su: 15 Aq 44 Mo: 03 Sc 51 Ma: 01 Cp 10 Me: 20 Cp 38 Ju(R): 23 Ge 50 Ve: 10 Pi 01 Sa: 14 Sa 21 Ra: 02 Le 53
Ke: 02 Aq 53
The strong point of Yeddyurappas horoscope (Chart 1) is Mars, the Ascendant lord, rendered powerful by his occupation of Capricorn, his sign of exaltation, as also his Vargottama strength due to his occupying the same sign in Navamsa also. Another feature that fortifies the chart while at the same time contributing to formidable impediments and opposition is Saturns Vargottama position in the 7th from the Ascendant. As the Karaka for politics, Saturn has brought Yeddyurappa thus far. But as a
malefic, it has been a great struggle from the grass roots level to the post of chief minister. Another feature of the chart that has definitely helped the political career and produced the current Yoga enjoyed by Yeddyurappa is the 10th lord Suns Vargottama position in the 4th and aspect on the 10th house. However, the Sun also is not blemishfree and comes under the strangulating influence of Saturn by the latters 10th house aspect. The favorable influences for power are strong but so are the unfavorable factors.
The Ascendant Scorpio is occupied by the 9th lord Moon who is Neecha or in debility in the Ascendant itself. Does the Moon get Nechabhanga? In this context, it is important to note that there can be several factors, each on its own, that can cause Neechabhanga or cancellation of debility. The more the number of such factors obtaining in a chart, the stronger will the Neechabhanga be and the greater the resilience of the Yoga to overcome challenges that hit it. And Neechabhanga Raja Yogas, as a rule, have a tendency to attract opposition and problems at every stage which regular Raja Yogas are generally insulated against.
According to Phaladeepika, Chapter VII, Slokas 26 to 30, Neechabhanga or cancellation of debility occurs under the following conditions:-
a) i) The lord of the sign occupied by the depressed planet or the sign-dispositor, or (ii) the planet who gets exalted in this sign is in a Kendra from the Ascendant or the Moon. Under (i), the Moons sign-dispositor is Mars who though in his exaltation sign is not in a Kendra from the Ascendant or the Moon-sign. Under (ii) Ketu gets exalted in Scorpio and is in the 4th, a Kendra, from the Ascendant and the Moon. So the Moon gets Neechabhanga. b) The lord of the debilitation sign and the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet are in mutual Kendras. Mars rules Scorpio where the Moon is debilitated. Venus rules Taurus where the Moon gets exalted. Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Pisces are not in mutual Kendras. c) The debilitated planet is aspected by his sign-dispositor. The Moon is not aspected by his sign-dispositor Mars. d) i) The lord of the sign where the planet is debilitated, or (ii) the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet is in a Kendra from the Ascendant or the Moon.
The two planets here are Mars and Venus. Neither is in a Kendra from the Ascendant or the Moon. e) Lastly, the debilitated planet is in a Kendra from i) the Ascendant, or (ii) the Moon. The debilitated planet Moon is in the Ascendant itself.
Yeddyurappas Moon gets Neechabhanga only under two counts which does not speak much for the strength of the Raja Yoga. The Neechabhanga factor has elevated him from humble origins when he started life as a first-division clerk in the social welfare department to taking him to the topmost post of the chief executive of the state. However, the Neechabhanga has made the climb-up a tough one while Saturns aspect on both the Ascendant and the Raja Yoga causing-Neechabhanga Moon has shown up as an unduly protracted delay in the Yoga manifesting itself. Both these factors have also made it a tough tenure marked by uncertainties and tensions from ruthless adversaries.
Saturn rules labour, common people, agriculturists and the rural populace. His aspect on the Ascendant led Yeddyurappa to take up the cause of landless farmers and bonded labour while Mars as Ascendant lord fortified in his sign of exaltation made him an efficient organizer with leadership skills.
The 7th lord Venus is exalted. That makes for two planets, including the Ascendant lord Mars, occupying their exaltation signs, two planets including the 10th lord Sun in Vargottama strength and with one planet in the Ascendant with Neechabhanga Raja Yoga strength making the chart undoubtedly strong. These factors are partly responsible for the BJP opening its account for the first time in South India in 2008 in Yeddyurappas Sun Dasa. While the Neechabhanga Yoga is favorable to a degree, Saturns aspect on the Moon as 9th lord (and who is the centre of this Yoga) is far from comfortable.
The position of Jupiter in the 8th from the Moon is a Sakata Yoga whose results, in their simplest form, are Yogabhangam pade pade or setbacks and reversals or fall (from power). The Yogabhanga has already shown its results more than once. First, it was in October 2007 when Yeddyurappas turn to take over the chief ministership from Kumaraswamy was scuttled by the latters refusal to resign from the post. This led to the BJP government withdrawing support to the JD(S)-BJP coalition on October 5, 2007 bringing the state under Presidents rule. This was in Sun Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti. The Sun as Dasa lord is well-placed but Jupiter as a benefic 5th lord is ill-at-ease in the 8th and in
Sakata Yoga with the Moon. The Yogabhanga was inevitable. Not only did Yeddyurappa not get the chief-ministership, he even lost his deputy chief-ministership.
The JD(S) and the BJP made up and Yeddyurappa was sworn in as chief minister on November 12, 2007. Again, the maverick JD(S) went back on its word leading Yeddyurappa to resign on November 19, 2007. During this fiasco, it must be noted that Yeddyurappa was clearly morally ahead of his JD(S) counterpart. Saturn, the principled, aspecting the Moon did not let the BJP leader go back on his word on the sharing agreement. But the same Moon involved in a Sakata Yoga with Jupiter led to the partner Kumaraswamy retracting when the time came for him to make way for the BJP leader, first in October and again, a few weeks later in November when he withdrew support to the coalition government.
The 2008 elections which followed as a matter of consequence saw Yeddyurappas party back in power with the government being sworn in on May 30, 2008, just days after Jupiter Bhukti had ended, in Saturn Bhukti. Both the Sun and Saturn are in mutual Kendras in great strength and the Dasa lord Sun aspects the 10th house powerfully. The Yogabhanga caused by Jupiter was overcome by Saturn as Bhukti lord.
There is another important astrological angle to Yeddyurappas not being able to get the chief ministership in Jupiter Bhukti. The Dasa lord Sun is of course qualified to confer power. But the Bhukti lord, apart from being relegated to the 8th, a Dustana, and the center of a Sakata Yoga, is additionally the Chara Atmakaraka (as per Jaimini being the planet who has moved farthest in his sign of occupation). The Atmakaraka in his Bhukti is said to show padachyuti or loss of position. With such a Jupiter in control, it could not have given any other results than keeping Yeddyurappa away from the chief ministership or snatching it away prematurely, if obtained. So when in a few weeks time when Yeddyurappa was sworn in on November 12, 2007, the Atmakaraka Bhukti being still on could hardly support the Yoga resulting again in loss of power within a week.
Chart 2: Swearing-in of Yeddyurappa: May 30, 2008 at 14h. 00m. at 12 N 59, 77 E 35. Planetary Positions: Asc: 10 Vi 45 Su: 16 Ta 46 Mo: 14 Pi 47 Ma: 18 Cn 44 Ve: 14 Ta 06 Sa: 09 Le 47
Me(R): 28 Ta 30 Ju(R): 29 Sg 09
Ra: 29 Cp 50
Ke: 29 Cn 50
The planetary positions at the time of taking the oath of office (Chart 2) can also give some clues to the tenure of the incumbent. Virgo (6), a favorable sign, rises on the Ascendant. The Nakshatra Uttarabhadrapada (26) is also good while the Tithi or lunar day is Dasami (15 + 10 = 25), the 10th lunar day of the waning Moon. The weekday Friday (6) is also Muhurta-friendly. The sum of these factors is 6+26+25+6 or 63 with zero as remainder which gives Panchaka Suddhi. All these factors are favorably disposed. However, a somewhat negative feature of the Muhurta chart is the position of the Moon in the 7th house which is generally to be avoided. Just as the Moon in the natal 7th produces Balarishta Dosha or strokes of infant mortality, in a Muhurta chart too, it results in making the chart vulnerable to fatal strokes. In other words, such a planetary disposition can come in the way of the incumbent completing his term.
Reverting to Yeddyurappas directional influences, the Dasa in Chart 1 is of the Sun pre-eminently placed to support the Raja Yoga. The Bhukti on now is of Ketu till June 2010 and then of Venus till June 2011. How are these Bhukti lords placed?
Ketu is with the Sun in Aquarius influencing the 10th house. Saturn aspects Ketu as he does the Sun. Ketu though reflecting Martian results as per the dictum kujavadketu can also reflect Saturnine results being in a sign ruled by Saturn. While these invest Ketu with favorable properties, Ketu intrinsically by himself is inimical to the Dasa lord Sun. Added to that is the fact of the looming solar eclipse of July 11, 2010 where the solar disc will be eclipsed by the descending Node Ketu. Further, the natal Rahu-Ketu axis involves the 10th house Leo as well as the 10th lord Sun. This can lead to tremendous pressures building up against the chief minister. Yeddyurappa therefore must be braced for the dissidents taking up positions against him once more with renewed vigour. The next Bhukti is of Venus who, as 7th and 12th lord, is in Pisces in his sign of exaltation in the 5th. Venus is not a functional benefic and being the lord of the last Bhukti of Sun Dasa may not be in a position to protect the chief ministership. This read against the solar eclipse would point to dissident activity brewing and gathering momentum in the coming months. Though the transits of Saturn and Jupiter will be favorable post May 2010, the Dasa-chidram factor due to the Bhukti of Venus being on may not be able to sustain Yeddyurappas position. The indications for loss of power appear to be quite strong.
Will the next chief minister be from the BJP or will the state come under Presidents rule? These and related issues will be dealt with at an appropriate date.