Modeling, Simulation and Control of D-Statcom Using Atp/Emtp

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The paper presents a model of a D-STATCOM for reactive power compensation and studies its performance using simulation software. A D-STATCOM can regulate voltage magnitude using PWM control of reactive power injection or absorption.

The paper aims to address poor power quality affecting sensitive end users and the use of custom power solutions like D-STATCOMs to solve continuity of supply problems.

A D-STATCOM is a voltage source converter connected in parallel to the distribution system that can generate or absorb reactive power to regulate voltage magnitude at its connection point by varying the output voltage from the converter.


Modeling, Simulation and Control of D-STATCOM using ATP/EMTP

K. Somsai, and T. Kulworawanichpong
Control parts and measurement systems can also be include in the model via Transient Analysis of Control Systems (TACS). II. DESCRIPTION OF THE D-STATCOM OPERATION In electric power distribution networks, D-STATCOM (Static Compensator) is a shunt device that regulates the system voltage by absorbing or generating reactive power at a point of coupling connection. The schematic diagram of a DSTATCOM is shown in Fig 1. The D-STATCOM is a solid state DC/AC power switching converter that consists mainly of a three-phase PWM voltage source converter (VSC) bridge having six IGBTs with associated antiparallel diodes. It is connected to the distribution network via the impedance of the coupling transformer. A DC-link capacitor provides constant DC link voltage.

Abstract-- This paper presents a study on the modeling of DSTATCOM used for reactive power compensation in a power distribution network. The power circuit topology and network simulation are modeled by using ATP/EMTP software. The model description of Phase Locked Loop (PLL), the measurement system, voltage regulation loop and sinusoidal PWM signal generators are derived and presented. The results show that fast dynamic responses and low harmonic content can be expected from the proposed control strategy. Index Terms-- Voltage source converter (VSC), D-STATCOM, PWM, ATP/EMTP.

HE last decade has seen a considerable increase on the deployment of end-user equipment that is highly sensitive to poor quality control electricity supply. Several large industrial users are reported to have experienced large financial losses as a result of even minor lapses in the quality of electricity supply [1-2]. Great efforts have been made to remedy the situation, where solutions based on the use of the latest power electronic technology figure prominently. Indeed, custom power technology, the low-voltage counterpart of the more widely-known flexible ac transmission system (FACT) technology, aimed at high-voltage power transmission application, has emerged as a credible solution to solve many of the problems relating to continuity of supply at the end-user level. Both the FACT and custom power concepts are directly credited to EPRI [1]. At present, a wide range of very flexible controllers, which capitalize on newly available power electronics components, are emerging for custom power applications [3]. The distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) is a voltage source converter (VSC) based custom power technology which can perform as a reactive source in power systems. D-STATCOM can regulate magnitude of voltage at AC bus, at the point where it is connected, via generating or absorbing reactive power from the system. To understand D-STATCOM operation, modeling on digital simulation is made with Alternative Transient Program/Electromagnetic Transient Program (ATP/EMTP).
This work was supported in part by the Ministry of University Affairs, Thailand, and Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand. K. Somsai and T. Kulworawanichpong are with the School of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, THAILAND (e-mail:



Fig. 1. Simplified power system equipped with D-STATCOM

The output voltage of the D-STATCOM is generated by a DC/AC voltage source converter operated from an energy storage capacitor. From the DC input voltage, provided by a charged capacitor, the converter produces a set of controllable three-phase output voltages at the frequency of the AC power system. Each output voltage is in phase with and coupled to the corresponding AC voltage via tie reactance. By varying the magnitude of output voltage produced, the reactive power exchange between D-STATCOM and AC system is controlled. If the amplitude of output voltage is increased (or decreased) above the AC system voltage, the converter generates (or absorbs) reactive power for the AC system. D-STATCOM acts as a shunt compensator connected in parallel to the system so that it can inject appropriate compensation currents [4]. The D-STATCOM has several advantages, compared to a conventional static var compensator (SVC). It is faster, can produce reactive power at low voltage, does not require thyristor-controlled reactors (TCR) or thyristor-switched capacitors (TSC), and does not produce low order harmonic.

L filter

C filter

978-1-4244-1770-4/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE

III. D-STATCOM MODELING ON ATP/EMTP As can be seen in the previous section, the D-STATCOM is a power electronic system with a complex control system. Modeling the D-STATCOM with the power network and its controller in ATP/EMTP requires electric and TACS devices from ATP/EMTP. An ideal TACS switch is used instead of IGBTs in the simulation because ATPdraw does not provide any model equivalent to this device. Figure 2 shows modeling of the D-STATCOM and the distribution network in ATP/EMTP. The high-voltage side of the 230/11 kV power transformer can be modeled by a Thevenin equivalent circuit. A varying load is connected to the 11 kV, secondary side of the transformer. A two-level D-STATCOM is also connected to the transformer secondary side to provide instantaneous voltage support at the load point. A 750-F capacitor on the DC side provides the D-STATCOM energy storage part. A PWM pulse generator with a carrier frequency of 5 kHz is used to control the IGBT converter bridges. The modulation scheme used is a sinusoidal type.


va vb vc


2 reset


PI controller


2f 0

Fig. 4. PLL circuit diagram

Some helpful transformations are used by the PLL to calculate the reference angle ( ). The 0 transformation or Clarke transformation maps the three-phase instantaneous voltages in the abc phases, instantaneous voltages on the system,

va , vb and vc , into the

0 -axes v , v and v0 . If the

three-phase voltages are balanced in a three-phase four-wire

v0 can be negligible. If v0 is ignored, the Clarke

transformation of three-phase generic voltages are given by [6].


L filter = 5mH
C filter = 500 F

1 1 v 2 2 v = 3 3 0 2

1 v a 2 v 3 b v 2 c


Rs = 0.1 Ls = 758mH

The result of this transformation are

230kV / 11kV

v and v in

230kV / 50 Hz

SW1 = 1.5s 2.0s

SW1 = 0.5s 1.0s


coordinate. These voltages are used for calculating space vector v q in the rotating reference frame. If phase angle of the power system is locked with the PLL, the space vector during a transient period and the space vector always zero. The space vector



RLoad 2 = 0.05
LLoad 2 = 5.9mH


is zero. However, the system phase angle may not be locked

C Load 3 = 2F

RLoad 1 = 12.1

LLoad 1 = 192.6mH

v q is not

Fig. 2. D-STATCOM and the distribution network in ATP/EMTP

v q is inverted and then fed to

The controller diagram is shown in Fig. 3. It consists of several subsystems: a phase-locked loop (PLL), to dq transformation, the measurement system, a voltage regulation loop and sine PWM generators. To simulate its control function, the PLL is implemented on the digital simulator for creating the reference angle for a firing circuit. Diagram of PLL is illustrated in Fig. 4 [5].
q = v i + v i
p = v i + v i

a PI controller. The fundamental frequency ( 2f 0 ) is added to the output of the PI controller. The result is integrated at 2-reset integrator block. The output of the integrator is the phase angle of

va . Therefore, the PLL will track the system v q becomes zero. Consequently, the system

phase angle until

p q

Voltage regulation

va vb vc ia ib ic





i PLL i





* ua * ub
* uc

to VSC PWM firing circuit

phase angle is locked and the reference phase angle ( ) represents the system phase angle. In addition, the reference phase angle ( ) can be used in the simulation of measurement system. The reference phase angle from the PLL is used in a calculation process of the measurement system as shown in Fig. 3. The measurement system, the three-phase instantaneous active and reactive power (p and q) can be calculated as described in (2) [6].

Measurement system

Sinusoidal PWM generators



Fig. 3. Controller diagram

p v q = v

v i v i


In voltage and current measurement, the voltages and the currents on the coordinate are transformed into dc level at steady state in the dq coordinate by using equation (3) and (4), respectively [6].

vd cos( ) sin( ) v v = q sin( ) cos( ) v id cos( ) sin( ) i i = q sin( ) cos( ) i


vref vq

(4) (a)

The inner voltage regulation loop consists of proportionalintegral (PI) controllers that control the q-axis voltage ( vq ). The D-STATCOM control system exerts voltage angle control as follows: an error signal is obtained by comparing the reference voltage ( vref ) with the q-axis voltage ( vq ) measured at the load point. The PI controller processes the error signal and generates the required angle to drive the error to zero, i.e., the q-axis voltage is brought back to the reference voltage. In the PWM generators, the sinusoidal signal ( ua , ub and uc ) is phase-modulated by means of the angle
* * *



Fig. 5. Voltage STATCOM

vq and vref : a) without D-STATCOM and b) with D-

. The modulated signal ( ua ,

* * ub and uc ) is

compared against a triangular signal (Tri) in order to generate the switching signal for the VSC valves. The main parameters of the sinusoidal PWM scheme are the amplitude modulation index
* * * ma of signal ( ua , ub and uc ), and the frequency

Fig. 5 (a) shows the q-axis voltage ( vq ) at the load point for the case when the system operates without D-STATCOM. Similarly, a new set of simulation was carried out but now with the D-STATCOM connected to the system. The results are shown in Fig. 5 (b), where the very effective voltage regulation provided by the D-STATCOM can be clearly appreciated. Voltage vrms at load bus, which was calculated from measurement system, and voltage across capacitor was plotted in Fig. 6. The voltage at load bus recovered within approximately 1-2 cycle after step load changed. In Fig. 6, the capacitor voltage ( vdc ) is higher than voltage at load bus when D-STATCOM generates reactive power. It is lower when DSTATCOM absorbs reactive power. This confirms that reactive power flows from high voltage magnitude point to lower voltage magnitude point.

modulation index index

m f of the triangular signal. The amplitude

ma is fixed at 1 pu, in order to obtain the highest m f is set at 5 kHz, m f =100. It

fundamental voltage component at the controller output [7]. The switching frequency should be noted that, in this paper, balanced network and operating conditions are assumed. The modulating angle is applied to the PWM generators in phase a. the angles for phases b and c are shifted by 240 and 120 , respectively. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Fig. 2 illustrates the test system implemented in ATP-EMTP to carry out simulations for the D-STATCOM. The set of switches (sw1 and sw2) shown in Fig. 2 were used to enable different loading scenarios being simulated with ease. To evaluate the effectiveness of this controller in providing continuous voltage regulation, simulations were carried out with and without D-STATCOM connected to the system. 1) In the simulation period 0.5-1.0 s, the load increases by closing sw1. In this case, the voltage is droped by almost 23% with respect to the reference value. 2) At 1 s, the sw1 is opened and remains so throughout the rest of the simulation. The load voltage is close to the reference value, i.e., 1 pu. 3) During 1.5-2.0 s , sw2 is closed, connecting a capacitor load to the high voltage side of the network. The voltage level increases 17% with respect to the reference voltage.



Fig. 6. Voltage at


at load bus and capacitor voltage

Signals from the measurement system are shown in Fig. 7, which are active power (P) and reactive power (Q). It can be seen that the D-STATCOM consumed little active power and offered fast response of reactive power transfer. Both signals can track the operation of the system very well due to fast calculation of the PLL in the measurement system. The response of voltage and current of the D-STATCOM when load 2, (R=0.05 and L=5.9 mH), was connected to the system at 0.5-1.0 s is shown in Fig. 8 (a). In the same manner, the response of voltage and current of the D-STATCOM when load 3, (C=2F), was connected to the system at 1.5-2.0 s is

shown in Fig. 8 (b). As can be seen, the voltage and current waveforms of both scenarios can reach their steady-state level within 1-2 cycle after disturbance.

Steady-state voltage waveforms when the D-STATCOM generates reactive power are captured for harmonic analysis. The results are shown in Fig. 10, where vertical axis denotes the magnitude (% of fundamental) scale. Fig. 10 (a) shows the harmonic of the voltage waveform with filter while the harmonic of the voltage waveform without filter is presented in Fig. 10 (b). V. CONCLUSION This paper has presented electromagnetic transient models of custom power equipment, namely D-STATCOM, and applied it to the study of power quality. The highly developed graphic facilities available in ATP/EMTP were used to conduct all aspects of model implementation and to carry out extensive simulation studies. A sinusoidal PWM control scheme has been implemented to control the electronic valves in two-level VSC used in the D-STATCOM. The principle for simulation of the phase locked loop, the measurement system and sinusoidal PWM generators are described in details. Moreover, the control system for voltage regulation was introduced. The control scheme was tested under a wide range of operating conditions, and it was observed to be very robust in every case. The simulation results illustrate the principle of operation and control very well with accurate responses and waveforms. VI. REFERENCES

Fig. 7. Active power (P) and Reactive power (Q) signals

ia va

a) Reactive power delivering by D-STATCOM

va ia

b) Reactive power absorbed by D-STATCOM Fig. 8. Voltage and Current D-STATCOM waveform:

[2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Fig. 9. Voltage D-STATCOM waveform with and without filter



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Fundamental (50Hz) = 0.9977 , THD= 1.49%

Mag (% of Fundamental)


Fundamental (50Hz) = 0.9977 , THD= 1.49%

M g( o F n a e ta a % f u d m n l)





30 25 Harmonic order








250 200 Harmonic order






a) With LC filter
Fundamental (50Hz) = 1.841 , THD= 87.24%

M (% of Fundamental) ag

Fundamental (50Hz) = 1.841 , THD= 87.24%


M g( o F n a e ta a % f u d m n l)






250 200 Harmonic order


30 25 Harmonic order











b) Without LC filter Fig. 10. Harmonic of the voltage waveform

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