Programming With Sci Lab
Programming With Sci Lab
Programming With Sci Lab
By Gilberto E. Urroz, September 2002 What is programming? Programming the computer is the art of producing code in a standard computer language, such as Fortran, BASIC, Java, etc., to control the computer for calculations, data processing, or controlling a process. For details on programming structures, use of flowcharts and pseudo code, and some simple coding in SCILAB and Visual Basic, see document [16] in the References section of this document. What do I need to program the computer? To type code you need an editor, which is simply a program where you can edit text files. Some modern computer programs such as Visual Basic include the editor within an Integrated Development Environment that allows the user not only the editor for typing code, but also access and control over visual components of the program. If using SCILAB, or Fortran g77, you can use the free editor PFE (see reference [3]) to type code. Once the code is typed and the corresponding file saved, you need to have either a compiler (as in the case of Fortran g77) or an interpreter as in the case of Visual Basic (although, compilation is also allowed). A compiler translates the contents of a programs code into machine language, thus making the operation of the program faster than interpreting it. An interpreter collects as much code as necessary to activate an operation and performs that portion of the code before seeking additional code in the source file. SCILAB functions are compiled within the SCILAB environment as soon as you load them with getf, but cannot be run separated from it as are Visual Basic compiled programs. To produce code that works, you need, of course, to know the basic language syntax (see references [1], [2], [4]). If using SCILAB, you need to be familiar with the materials from, at least, Chapters 1 through 5 in the textbook Numerical and Statistical Methods with SCILAB for Science and Engineering, i.e., references [1] and [2]. (The material for Chapter 1 corresponding to SCILAB version 2.6 is available in reference [4]). You also need some knowledge of SCILAB elementary functions (see reference [7]), of basic program structures (if then else end, for end, while end, case select, etc.), of string manipulation (see Chapter 2 in reference [1]), and input and output (see reference [9]). Knowledge of the materials from Chapter 4 (vectors) and, more importantly, Chapter 5 (matrices), both in reference [1], is imperative when programming with SCILAB since the numerical operation of the software is based on matrix manipulation. Scripts and functions For details on the differences between scripts and functions in SCILAB see reference [6]. A script is a series of interactive SCILAB commands listed together in a file. Script files are typically given the suffix .sce, and are executed with the command exec. Scripts are not programs properly. SCILAB functions, on the other hand, can are self-contained programs that require arguments (input variables) and, many a time, an assignment to output variables. Some SCILAB functions can be called from other SCILAB functions (thus acting like subroutine or function subprograms in Fortran, or Sub or Function procedures in Visual Basic). Function files are typically given the suffix .sci, and are loaded into SCILAB (i.e., compiled) through the command getf. To call a function, we use the name of the function followed by either an empty set of
parentheses or parentheses containing the function arguments in the proper order. The function call can be done with or without assignment. Many examples of userdefined functions (as opposite to those already loaded with SCILAB, e.g., sin, exp) are presented through the SCILAB textbook (references [1] and [2]). Examples of simple SCILAB functions Refer to reference [6] for details about the basic structure of a function. Herein we present an example of a simple function that calculates the area of a trapezoidal crosssection in an open channel, given the bottom width, b, the side slope z, and the flow depth y (see the figure below).
Trapezoidal cross-section
z 1 Y
function [A] = Area(b,y,z) //|---------------------------------------------| //| Calculation of the area of a trapezoidal | //| open-channel cross-section. | //| | //| Variables used: | //| =============== | //| b = bottom width (L) | //| y = flow depth (L) | //| z = side slope (zH:1V, dimensionless) | //| A = area (L*L, optional in lhs) | //|---------------------------------------------| A = (b+z*y)*y
The file function turns out to have 13 lines, however, it contains only one operational statement, A = (b+z*y)*y. The remaining 12 lines are a fancy set of comments describing the function. A function like this could be easily defined as a SCILAB inline function through the command deff, e.g., deff([A]=Area(b,y,z),A = (b+z*y)*y) An inline function becomes active as soon as it is defined with a deff command. Use inline functions only for relatively simple expressions, such as the case of function Area, shown above. An example of application of the function Area is shown next:
-->b = 2; z = 1.5; y = 0.75; A = Area(b,y,z) A = 2.34375
If the inputs to the function will be vectors and you expect the function to return a vector of values, make sure that operations such as multiplication and division are term-by-term operations ( .*, ./), e.g., deff([A]=Area(b,y,z),A = (b+z.*y).*y) An application of this function with vector arguments is shown next:
-->b = [1, 2, 3]; z = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]; y = [0.25, 0.50, 0.75]; -->A = Area(b,y,z) A = ! .28125 1.25 3.09375 !
An inline function can return more than one result, as illustrated next with a function that calculates the Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) corresponding to the Cylindrical coordinates (,, ):
-->deff('[x,y,z]=CC(rho,theta,phi)',['x=rho.*sin(phi).*cos(theta)', ... --> 'y=rho.*sin(phi).*sin(theta)','z=rho.*cos(phi)'])
Notice the use of the continuation characters (...) to avoid typing an extra long line when using the command deff. Also, notice that since three different expressions are required to define the three results (x,y,z) in the function, the function statements are enclosed in brackets. Here is an example of function CC applied to the cylindrical coordinates = 2.5, = /6, and = /8.
-->[x,y,z] = CC(2.5,%pi/6,%pi/8) z = 2.3096988 y = .4783543 x = .8285339
If no assignment is made to a vector of three elements, the result given by CC is only one value, that belonging to x, e.g.,
-->CC(2.5,%pi/6,%pi/8) ans = .8285339
Notice that in the definition of the function term-by-term multiplications were provided. Thus, we could call the function using vector arguments to generate a vector result, e.g.,
-->[x,y,z] = CC([1,2,3],[%pi/12,%pi/6,%pi/3],[%pi/10,%pi/20,%pi/30]) z = ! .9510565 1.9753767 2.9835657 ! y = ! .0799795 .1564345 .2715729 ! x = ! .2984875 .2709524 .1567927 !
Function CC, defined above, could also be put together as a file function, e.g.,
function [x,y,z] = CC(rho,theta,phi) //|---------------------------------------| //|This function converts the cylindrical | //|coordinates (rho, theta, phi) into the | //|Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z). | //|---------------------------------------| //Check consistency of vector entries nr = length(rho) nt = length(theta) np = length(phi)
if nr <> nt | nr <> np | nt <> np then error(Function CC - vectors rho, theta, phi have incompatible dimensions) abort end //Calculate coordinates if vector lengths are consistent x=rho.*sin(phi).*cos(theta) y=rho.*sin(phi).*sin(theta) z=rho.*cos(phi)'
Consider now a vector function f(x) = [f1(x 1,x2,x3) f2(x 1,x2,x3) f3(x 1,x2,x3)]T, where x = [x 1,x2,x3]T (The symbol []T indicates the transpose of a matrix). Specifically, f1(x1,x2,x3) = x1 cos(x2) + x2 cos(x1) + x3 f2(x1,x2,x3) = x1x 2 + x2x 3 + x3x 1 f3(x1,x2,x3) = x12 + 2x1x 2x 3 + x32 A function to evaluate the vector function f(x) is shown below.
function [y] = f(x) //|-----------------------------------| //| This function calculates a vector | //| function f = [f1;f2;f3] in which | //| f1,f2,f3 = functions of (x1,x2,x3)| //|-----------------------------------| y = zeros(3,1) //create output vector y(1) = x(1)*cos(x(2))+x(2)*cos(x(1))+x(3) y(2) = x(1)*x(2) + x(2)*x(3) + x(3)*x(1) y(3) = x(1)^2 + 2*x(1)*x(2)*x(3) + x(3)^2
You can check that f(x) will produce the same result as above.
A function can return a matrix, for example, the following function produces a 2x2 matrix, defined by
x1 + x 2 J ( x) = x1 x 2
( x1 + x 2 ) 2 , x1 + x 2
x x = 1 x2
function [J] = JMatrix(x) //|------------------------------------| //| This function returns a 2x2 matrix | //| J = [f1, f2; f3, f4], with f1, f2, | //| f3, f4 = functions of (x1,x2) | //|------------------------------------| J = zeros(2,2) J(1,1) = x(1)+x(2) J(1,2) = (x(1)+x(2))^2 J(2,1) = x(1)*x(2) J(2,2) = sqrt(x(1)+x(2)
Examples of functions that include decisions Functions including decision may use the structures if then end, if then else end, or if then elseif then else end, as well as the case select structure. Some examples are shown below. Consider, for example, a function that classifies a flow according to the values of its Reynolds (Re) and Mach (Ma) numbers, such that if Re < 2000, the flow is laminar; if 2000 < Re < 5000, the flow is transitional; if Re > 5000, the flow is turbulent; if Ma < 1, the flow is sub-sonic, if Ma = 1, the flow is sonic; and, if Ma >1, the flow is super-sonic.
function [] = FlowClassification(Re,Ma) //|-------------------------------------| //| This function classifies a flow | //| according to the values of the | //| Reynolds (Re) and Mach (Ma). | //| Re <= 2000, laminar flow | //| 2000 < Re <= 5000, transitional flow| //| Re > 5000, turbulent flow | //| Ma < 1, sub-sonic flow | //| Ma = 1, sonic flow | //| Ma > 1, super-sonic flow | //|-------------------------------------| //Classify according to Re if Re <= 2000 then class = "The flow is laminar " elseif Re > 2000 & Re <= 5000 then class = "The flow is transitional " else class = "The flow is turbulent " end //Classify according to Ma if Ma < 1 then class = class + "and sub-sonic." elseif Ma == 1 then class = class + "and sonic." else class = class + "and super-sonic." end //Print result of classification disp(class)
Notice that the function statement has no variable assigned in the left-hand side. That is because this function simply produces a string specifying the flow classification and it does not returns a value. Examples of the application of this function are shown next:
-->FlowClassification(1000,0.5) The flow is laminar and sub-sonic. -->FlowClassification(10000,1.0) The flow is turbulent and sonic. -->FlowClassification(4000,2.1) The flow is transitional and super-sonic.
An alternative version of the function has no arguments. The input values are requested by the function itself through the use of the input statement. (Comment lines describing the function were removed to save printing space).
function [] = FlowClassification() //Request the input values of Re and Ma Re = input("Enter value of the Reynolds number: \n") Ma = input("Enter value of the Mach number:\n") //Classify according to Re if Re <= 2000 then class = "The flow is laminar " elseif Re > 2000 & Re <= 5000 then class = "The flow is transitional " else
class = "The flow is turbulent " end //Classify according to Ma if Ma < 1 then class = class + "and sub-sonic." elseif Ma == 1 then class = class + "and sonic." else class = class + "and super-sonic." end //Print result of classification disp(class)
The structures if then end, if then else end, or if then elseif then else end are useful in the evaluation of multiply defined functions. Refer to reference [13] for more details. The following example presents a function that orders a vector in increasing order:
function [v] = MySort(u) //|--------------------------------| //|This function sorts vector u in | //|increasing order, returning the | //|sorted vector as v. | //|--------------------------------| //Determine length of vector n = length(u) //Copy vector u to v v = u //Start sorting process for i = 1:n-1 for j = i+1:n if v(i)>v(j) then temp = v(i) v(i) = v(j) v(j) = temp end end end
-->MySort(u) ans =
9. !
Of course, you dont need to write your own function for sorting vectors of data since SCILAB already provides function gsort for this purpose, e.g.,
-->gsort(u,'g','i') ans = ! 0. 2. 2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 6. 9. !
However, a function like MySort, shown above, can be used for programming an increasing-order sort in other computer languages that do not operate based on matrices, e.g., Visual Basic or Fortran. Notice that the function gsort can produce a decreasing order sort by using simply:
-->gsort(u) ans = ! 9. 6. 5. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2. 2. 0. !
Function MySort can be modified to perform a decreasing order sort if the line if v(i)>v(j) then is modified to read if v(i)<v(j) then. Alternatively, you can modify the function MySort to allow for increasing or decreasing sort by adding a second, string, variable which can take the value of d for decreasing order or i for increasing order. The function file is shown below:
function [v] = MySort(u,itype) //|---------------------------------| //|This function sorts vector u in | //|increasing order, returning the | //|sorted vector as v. | //|If itype = 'd', decreasing order | //|If itype = 'i', increasing order | //|---------------------------------| //Determine length of vector n = length(u) //Copy vector u to v v = u //Start sorting process if itype == 'i' then for i = 1:n-1 for j = i+1:n if v(i)>v(j) then temp = v(i) v(i) = v(j) v(j) = temp end end end else for i = 1:n-1 for j = i+1:n if v(i)<v(j) then temp = v(i) v(i) = v(j) v(j) = temp end end end end
-->MySort(u,'i') ans = ! 0. 0. 2. 3. 6. 6. 6. 7. 8. 8. !
-->MySort(u,'d') ans = ! 8. 8. 7. 6. 6. 6. 3. 2. 0. 0. !
In the following example, the function is used to swap the order of the elements of a vector. Thus, in a vector v of n elements, v1 is swapped with vn , v2 is swapped with vn 1 , and so on. The general formula for swapping depends on whether the vector has an even or an odd number of elements. To check whether the vector length, n, is odd or even we use the function modulo. If modulo(n,2) is equal to zero, n is even, otherwise, it is odd. If n is even, then the swapping occurs by exchanging vj with vn -j+1 for j = 1, 2, , n/2. If n is odd, the swapping occurs by exchanging vj with vn -j+1 for j = 1, 2, , (n-1)/2. Here is the listing of the function:
function [v] = swapVector(u) //|----------------------------------| //| This function swaps the elements | //| of vector u, v(1) with v(n), v(2)| //| with v(n-1), and so on, where n | //| is the length of the vector. | //|----------------------------------| n = length(u) //length of vector v = u //copy vector u to v //Determine upper limit of swapping if modulo(n,2) == 0 then m = n/2 else m = (n-1)/2 end //Perform swapping for j = 1:m temp = v(j) v(j) = v(n-j+1) v(n-j+1) = temp end
Applications of the function, using first a vector of 10 elements and then a vector of 9 elements, is shown next:
-->u = [-10:1:-1] u = ! - 10. - 9. - 8. - 7. - 6. - 5. - 4. - 3. - 2. - 1. !
-->u = [1:9] u = ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. !
-->swapVector(u) ans = ! 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. !
The case ... select structure can be used to select one out of many possible outcomes in a process. In the following example, the function Area calculates the area of different open-channel cross-sections based on a selection performed by the user:
function [] = Area() //|------------------------------------| disp("=============================") disp("Open channel area calculation") disp("=============================") disp("Select an option:") disp(" 1 - Trapezoidal") disp(" 2 - Rectangular") disp(" 3 - Triangular") disp(" 4 - Circular") disp("=============================") itype = input("") select itype, case 1 then id = "trapezoidal" b = input("Enter bottom width:") z = input("Enter side slope:") y = input("Flow depth:") A = (b+z*y)*y case 2 then id = "rectangular" b = input("Enter bottom width:") z = input("Enter side slope:") y = input("Flow depth:") A = (b+z*y)*y case 3 then id = "triangular" b = input("Enter bottom width:") z = input("Enter side slope:") y = input("Flow depth:") A = (b+z*y)*y else id = "circular" D = input("Enter pipe diameter:") y = input("Enter flow depth (y<D):") beta = acos(1-2*y/D) A = D^2/4*(beta+sin(beta)*cos(beta)) end //Print calculated area printf("The area for a " + id + " cross-section is %10.6f .",A)
1.400000 .
Simple output in SCILAB functions Notice that we use function disp in function Area, above, to print the table after the function is invoked. On the other hand, to print the value of the resulting area we use function printf. This function is borrowed from C, while disp is a purely SCILAB function. Function disp will print a string used as the argument, as in the examples listed in the function Area. The following are a few examples of using function disp interactively in SCILAB: Displaying a string:
b = 1.2
Displaying a value and its identifying string in a single line by converting the value into a string:
The function Area also utilizes the function printf to produce output. This function includes as arguments a string and, optionally, a list of variables whose values will be incorporated in the output string. To incorporate those values in the output string we use conversion strings such as %10.6f. The conversion string %10.6f represents an output field of for a floating-point result, thus the f, with 10 characters including 6 decimal figures. An integer value can be listed in a conversion string of the form %5d, which will reserve 5 characters for the output. The following interactive example illustrates the use of printf to print a floating point and an integer value:
-->A = 24.5; k = 2; -->printf("The area is %10.6f for iteration number %5d.",A,k) The area is 24.500000 for iteration number 2.
The characters \n in the output string of function printf produce a new line. For example:
-->printf("The area is %10.6f \nfor iteration number %5d.",A,k) The area is 24.500000 for iteration number 2.
Function printf can be used to produce an output table, as illustrated in the following function:
function [] = myTable() printf("======================================") printf(" a b c d ") printf("======================================") for j = 1:10 a = sin(10*j) b = a*cos(10*j) c = a + b d = a - b printf("%+6.5f %+6.5f %+6.5f %+6.5f",a,b,c,d) end printf("======================================")
====================================== a b c d ====================================== -0.54402 +0.45647 -0.08755 -1.00049 +0.91295 +0.37256 +1.28550 +0.54039 -0.98803 -0.15241 -1.14044 -0.83563 +0.74511 -0.49694 +0.24817 +1.24206 -0.26237 -0.25318 -0.51556 -0.00919 -0.30481 +0.29031 -0.01451 -0.59512 +0.77389 +0.49012 +1.26401 +0.28377 -0.99389 +0.10971 -0.88418 -1.10360 +0.89400 -0.40058 +0.49342 +1.29457 -0.50637 -0.43665 -0.94301 -0.06972 ======================================
Notice that the conversion string was changed to %+6.5f, which allows for the inclusion of a sign in the values printed. The function myTable is modified next to produce output using scientific notation. The conversion string used here is %+6.5e.
function [] = myTable() printf("==========================================================") printf(" a b c d ") printf("==========================================================") for j = 1:10 a = sin(10*j) b = a*cos(10*j) c = a + b d = a - b printf("%+6.5e %+6.5e %+6.5e %+6.5e",a,b,c,d) end printf("==========================================================")
The application of the function with the new conversion strings produces the following table:
-->myTable() ========================================================== a b c d ========================================================== -5.44021e-001 +4.56473e-001 -8.75485e-002 -1.00049e+000 +9.12945e-001 +3.72557e-001 +1.28550e+000 +5.40389e-001 -9.88032e-001 -1.52405e-001 -1.14044e+000 -8.35626e-001 +7.45113e-001 -4.96944e-001 +2.48169e-001 +1.24206e+000 -2.62375e-001 -2.53183e-001 -5.15558e-001 -9.19203e-003 -3.04811e-001 +2.90306e-001 -1.45050e-002 -5.95116e-001 +7.73891e-001 +4.90120e-001 +1.26401e+000 +2.83771e-001 -9.93889e-001 +1.09713e-001 -8.84176e-001 -1.10360e+000 +8.93997e-001 -4.00576e-001 +4.93420e-001 +1.29457e+000 -5.06366e-001 -4.36649e-001 -9.43014e-001 -6.97170e-002 ==========================================================
The table examples presented above illustrate also the use of the for end structure to produce programming loops. Additional examples of programming loops are presented in the following examples. (For additional information on input-output, see reference [9]).
Examples of functions that include loops SCILAB provides with the while end and the for end structures for creating programming loops. Programming loops can be used to calculate summations or products. For example, to calculate the summation
S ( n) =
we can put together the following function:
1 , k =0 k + 1
function [S] = sum1(n) //|----------------------------------------| //| This function calculates the summation | //| | //| n | //| \--------| //| \ 1 | //| S(n) = \ ______ | //| / 2 | //| / k + 1 | //| /--------| //| k = 0 | //| | //|----------------------------------------| S = 0 //Initialize sum to zero k = 0 //Initialize index to zero //loop for calculating summation while k <= n S = S + 1/(k^2+1) //add to summation k = k + 1 //increase the index end
Within the SCILAB environment we can produce a vector of values for the sum with values of n going from 0 to 10, and produce a plot of values of the sum versus n:
-->nn = [0:10]; -->m = length(nn); //vector of values of n (nn) //length of vector nn //initialize vector SS as an empty matrix //this loop fills out the vector SS //with values calculated from function //sum1(n) //show results in graphical format
If we need to calculate a vector, or matrix, of values of the summation we can modify the original function sum1 to handle matrix input and output as follows (the function is now called sum2):
function [S] = sum2(n) //|----------------------------------------| //| This function calculates the summation | //| | //| n | //| \--------| //| \ 1 | //| S(n) = \ ______ | //| / 2 | //| / k + 1 | //| /--------| //| k = 0 | //| | //| Matrix input and output is allowed. | //|----------------------------------------| [nr,nc] = size(n) //Size of input matrix S = zeros(nr,nc) //Initialize sums to zero //loop for calculating summation matrix for i = 1:nr //sweep by rows for j = 1:nc //sweep by columns k = 0 //initialize index to zero while k <= n(i,j) S(i,j) = S(i,j) + 1/(k^2+1) k = k + 1 end //disp(i,"i=",j,"j=",S(i,j),"S=") end end
Notice that both n and S are now treated as matrix components within the function. The following SCILAB commands will produce the same results as before:
-->nn = [0:10]; SS = sum2(nn); plot(nn,SS)
Notice that function sum2 illustrates the use of the two types of loop control structures available in SCILAB: (1) while end (used for calculating the summations in this example) and, (2) for end (used for filling the output matrix S by rows and columns in this example). Nested for ... end loops can be used to calculate double summations, for example,
S ( n, m) =
i =0
1 . 2 j= 0 ( i + j ) + 1
Here is a listing of a function that calculates S(n,m) for single values of n and m:
function [S] = sum2x2(n,m) //|---------------------------------------| //| This function calculates the double | //| summation: | //| n m | //| \------ \-----| //| \ \ 1 | //| S(n,m) = \ \ ---------| //| / / 2 | //| / / (i+j) + 1 | //| /------ /-----| //| i=0 j=0 | //|---------------------------------------| //|Note: the function only takes scalar | //|values of n and m and returns a single | //|value. An error is reported if n or m | //|are vectors or matrices. | //|---------------------------------------| //Check if m or n are matrices if length(n)>1 | length(m)>1 then error('sum2 - n,m must be scalar values') abort end //Calculate summation if n and m are scalars S = 0 //initialize sum for i = 1:n //sweep by index i for j = 1:m //sweep by index j S = S + 1/((i+j)^2+1) end end
The following SCILAB commands produce a matrix S so that element Sij corresponds to the sum2x2 evaluated at i and j:
-->for i = 1:3 --> for j = 1:4 --> S(i,j) = sum2x2(i,j); --> end -->end -->S S = ! ! ! .2 .3 .3588235 .3 .4588235 .5561086 .3588235 .5561086 .6804207 .3972851 ! .6215972 ! .7659093 !
As illustrated in the example immediately above, nested for end loops can be used to manipulate individual elements in a matrix. Consider, for example, the case in which you want to produce a matrix zij = f(xi,yj) out of a vector x of n elements and a vector y of m elements. The function f(x,y) can be any function of two variables defined in SCILAB. Here is the function to produce the aforementioned matrix:
function [z] = f2eval(x,y,f) //|-------------------------------------| //| This function takes two row vectors | //| x (of length n) and y (of length m) | //| and produces a matrix z (nxm) such | //| that z(i,j) = f(x(i),y(j)). | //|-------------------------------------| //Determine the lengths of vectors n = length(x) m = length(y) //Create a matrix nxm full of zeros z = zeros(n,m) //Fill the matrix with values of z for i = 1:n for j = 1:m z(i,j) = f(x(i),y(j)) end end
-->y = [2:1:5]
y !
= 2. 3. 4. 5. !
-->z = f2eval(x,y,f00) z = ! ! ! .9092974 1.8185949 2.7278923 .1411200 .2822400 .4233600 - .7568025 - 1.513605 - 2.2704075 - .9589243 ! - 1.9178485 ! - 2.8767728 !
Notice that SCILAB already provides such a function (it is called feval):
-->feval(x,y,f00) ans = ! ! ! .9092974 1.8185949 2.7278923 .1411200 .2822400 .4233600 - .7568025 - 1.513605 - 2.2704075 - .9589243 ! - 1.9178485 ! - 2.8767728 !
SCILAB function feval (or the user-defined function f2eval) can be used for evaluating matrix of functions of two variables to produce surface plots. Consider the following case:
-->deff('[z]=f01(x,y)','z = x.*sin(y)+y.*sin(x)') -->x = [0:0.5:10]; y = [-2.5:0.5:2.5]; -->z = f2eval(x,y,f01); -->plot3d(x,y,z)
Z 9.7
Or, if you have loaded the PLOTLIB library (see, for example, reference [11]), you can use, either
--> mesh(x,y,z)
--> surf(x,y,z)
Nested loops can be used for other operations with matrices. For example, a function that multiplies two matrices is shown next:
function [C] = matrixmult(A,B) //|--------------------------------------| //| This function calculates the matrix | //| C(nxm) = A(nxp)*B(pxm) | //|--------------------------------------| //First, check matrices compatibility [nrA,ncA] = size(A) [nrB,ncB] = size(B) if ncA <> nrB then error('matrixmult - incompatible matrices A and B') abort end //Calculate matrix product C = zeros(nrA,ncB) for i = 1:nrA for j = 1:ncB for k = 1:ncA C(i,j) = C(i,j) + A(i,k)*B(k,j) end end end
An application of function matrixmult is shown next. Here we multiply A3 x 4 with B4 x 6 resulting in C3 x 6. However, the product B4 x 6 times A3x4 does not work.
-->A = int(10*rand(3,4)) A = ! ! ! 2. 7. 0. 3. 6. 6. 8. 6. 8. 0. ! 5. ! 6. !
C ! ! !
= 57. 95. 58. 74. 104. 112. 49. 102. 88. 52. 83. 76. 61. 101. 94. 54. ! 119. ! 122. !
-->D = matrixmult(B,A) !--error 9999 matrixmult - incompatible matrices A and B at line 10 of function matrixmult D = matrixmult(B,A)
called by :
Of course, matrix multiplication in SCILAB is readily available by using the multiplication sign (*), e.g.,
-->C = A*B C = ! ! ! 57. 95. 58. 74. 104. 112. 49. 102. 88. 52. 83. 76. 61. 101. 94. 54. ! 119. ! 122. !
Reading a table from a file The first example presented in this section uses the command file to open a file for reading, and the function read for reading a matrix out of a file. This application is useful when reading a table into SCILAB. Suppose that the table consists of the following entries, and is stored in the file c:\table1.dat:
2.35 3.19 1.34 3.21 8.17 9.18 5.42 3.87 5.17 3.22 4.52 5.69 6.28 3.21 8.23 3.23 8.78 3.45 3.17 5.18 7.28 3.24 2.31 2.25 5.23 6.32 1.34 3.25 1.23 0.76
The following function reads the table out of file c:\table1.dat and separates the 5 columns into a number of variables x1, x2, x3, x4, x5: function [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5] = readtable() //|---------------------------------------| //| This is an interactive function that | //| requests from the user the name of a | //| file containing a table and reads the | //| table out of the file. The table has | //| exactly 5 columns. | //|---------------------------------------| printf("Reading a table from a file\n") printf("===========================\n") printf(" ") filname = input("Enter filename between quotes:\n") u = file('open',filname,'old') //open input file
Table = read(u,-1,5) [n m] = size(Table) printf(" ") printf("There are %d columns in the table",m) for j = 1:m execstr('x'+string(j)+' = Table(:,j) ') end close(u) //close input file The file command in function readtable uses three arguments, the first being the option open to indicate that a file is being opened. The second argument is the file name, and the third is a qualifier indicating that the file already exists (required for input files). Also, the left-hand side of this statement is the variable u which will be given an integer value by SCILAB. The variable u represents the logical input-output unit assigned to the file being opened. Function readtable uses the command read with the second argument being -1 which allows for not knowing the number of rows in the matrix to be read. With this argument set to -1, SCILAB will read all rows in the matrix. The number of columns, however, needs to be known (This is not too difficult to find out since we have access to the input file -- a text file -- through a text editor program, e.g., PFE). Notice the line execstr('x'+string(j)+' = Table(:,j) ') in function readtable. This line puts together a string that becomes the argument of function execstr. For example, if j=1, the argument becomes x1 = Table(:,1). Function execstr (execute string) then translate the resulting string into a SCILAB command. Thus, for this example, it will be equivalent to writing: x1 = Table(:,1) As shown in function readtable, it is always a good idea to insert a close statement to ensure that the file is closed and available for access from other programs. Function readtable assumes that all the files to be read have only 5 columns. The columns are returned into variables x1, x2, x3, x4, x5. Here is an example of application of function readtable. User response is shown in bold face.
-->[x1,x2,x3,x4,x5] = readtable() Reading a table from a file =========================== Enter filename between quotes: -->'c:\table1.dat' There are 5 columns in the table x5 = ! 5.23 ! ! 6.32 ! ! 1.34 ! ! 3.25 ! ! 1.23 ! ! .76 ! x4 = ! 3.17 ! ! 5.18 ! ! 7.28 ! ! 3.24 ! ! 2.31 ! ! 2.25 !
x3 ! ! ! ! ! ! x2 ! ! ! ! ! ! x1 ! ! ! ! ! !
= 6.28 3.21 8.23 3.23 8.78 3.45 = 5.42 3.87 5.17 3.22 4.52 5.69 = 2.35 3.19 1.34 3.21 8.17 9.18
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
A large amount of examples for input-output and file manipulation are contained in reference [9]. A few examples are also presented in Chapter 2 of reference [1]. Writing to a file The simplest way to write to a file is to use the function fprintf in a similar fashion as function printf. As an example, we re-write function myTable (shown earlier) to include fprintf statements that will write the results to a file as well as to the screen:
function [] = myTableFile() printf("Printing to a file") printf("==================") filname = input("Enter file to write to (between quotes):\n") u = file('open',filname,'new') //open output file printf("======================================") fprintf(u,"======================================") printf(" a b c d ") fprintf(u," a b c d ") printf("======================================") fprintf(u,"======================================") for j = 1:10 a = sin(10*j) b = a*cos(10*j) c = a + b d = a - b printf("%+6.5f %+6.5f %+6.5f %+6.5f",a,b,c,d) fprintf(u,"%+6.5f %+6.5f %+6.5f %+6.5f",a,b,c,d) end printf("======================================") fprintf(u,"======================================") close(u) //close output file
Here is an application of function myTableFile. The function prints a table in SCILAB, while simultaneously printing to the output file. The user response is shown in bold face:
-->myTableFile() Printing to a file ================== Enter file to write to (between quotes): -->'c:\myTable4.dat' ====================================== a b c d ====================================== -0.54402 +0.45647 -0.08755 -1.00049 +0.91295 +0.37256 +1.28550 +0.54039 -0.98803 -0.15241 -1.14044 -0.83563 +0.74511 -0.49694 +0.24817 +1.24206 -0.26237 -0.25318 -0.51556 -0.00919 -0.30481 +0.29031 -0.01451 -0.59512 +0.77389 +0.49012 +1.26401 +0.28377 -0.99389 +0.10971 -0.88418 -1.10360 +0.89400 -0.40058 +0.49342 +1.29457 -0.50637 -0.43665 -0.94301 -0.06972 ======================================
With a text editor (e.g., PFE) we can open the file c:\myTable4.dat and check out that the same table was printed to that text file.
Once more, the reader is invited to review the examples for input-output and file manipulation contained in reference [9] as well as in Chapter 2 of reference [1]. Summary This document shows a number of programming examples using decision and loop structures, input-output, and other elements of programming. Review also the many functions presented in the references listed below. Advanced SCILAB programming includes the use of menus and dialogs. For examples of these applications, the user is referred to reference [14].
REFERENCES The references included herein are of four types: (1) SCILAB books; (2) SCILAB documents; (3) Computer programming documents; and (4) Online programming examples. Information on the location of those documents is provided below. SCILAB books by G. Urroz [1] Numerical and Statistical Methods with SCILAB for Science and Engineering Volume 1 [2] Numerical and Statistical Methods with SCILAB for Science and Engineering Volume 2 Find additional information about these books at the web site: SCILAB documents by G. Urroz All these documents can be downloaded from the web site (note: it is a single URL): /SCILAB_Notes&Functions.htm The web site contains additional files besides the ones listed below. The reference numbers shown below apply only to the references in this document, and do not represent any numbering of the documents in the web site. [3] Getting started with SCILAB [4] Introduction to SCILAB 2.6 - Replaces Ch. 1 in [1] [5] Summary of SCILAB book - Volume 1 Summary of chapters 1 through 9 in [1] [6] Script, function and diary files with SCILAB [7] Elementary mathematical functions with SCILAB [8] Operations with logical vectors [9] Input/Output and file manipulation [10] Debugging SCILAB programs - zip file [11] PLOTLIB examples - Complements Ch. 3 (Graphics) in [1] [12] Additional notes on SCILAB graphics - Complements Ch. 3 (Graphics) in [1] [13] Multiple-defined functions in SCILAB [14] Menus and dialogs in SCILAB Computer programming documents by G. Urroz All these documents can be downloaded from the web site (note: it is a single URL): 00/ENGR2200_IntroToComputers.htm Look under the heading My class notes for the following documents. The web site contains additional files besides the ones listed below. The reference numbers shown
below apply only to the references in this document, and do not represent any numbering of the documents in the web site. [15] Computer terminology and definitions [16] Computer programming basics [17] Flowchart examples for non-linear equation solution Online SCILAB programming examples by G. Urroz The functions accompanying the textbooks (see references [1] and [2], above) are available for download at the web site (a single URL): /SCILAB_Notes&Functions.htm Click on the link SCILAB functions at the top of the page for instructions and downloading the functions. Additional programming examples are available in the following web site (a single URL): 0/CEE6510_SCILABExamples.htm Programs are available in this web site that show how to drive SCILAB functions from scripts.
All the web sites listed in this REFERENCES section are accessible through the web site: Follow the links Software > SCILAB for additional information on SCILAB, or the links My Classes > ENGR2200 Numerical Methods in Engineering I or My Classes > CEE6510 Numerical and Statistical Methods in Civil Engineering to access the web sites corresponding to these two courses that use SCILAB.