Renewable Energy Certificates
Renewable Energy Certificates
Renewable Energy Certificates
What is REC Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) represent the attributes of electricity generated from renewable energy sources. These attributes are unbundled from the physical electricity and the two productsthe attributes embodied in the certificates and the commodity electricitymay be sold or traded separately. In other words, one REC represents that 1MWh of energy is generated from renewable sources. RECs are expected to become the currency of renewable energy markets because of their flexibility and the fact that they are not subject to the geographic and physical limitations of commodity electricity. RECs can be used by the obligated entities to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements, such as Renewable Purchase Obligations. What is REC? Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) are market tradable instruments representing the green attributes of electricity generated from Renewable Energy sources and represents 1MWH of RE based power fed to the grid. The RECs are a second component other than the Power that can be traded through the Power Exchanges. On one hand, the REC's compensate for higher cost of RE generation and on the other, they seek to address the mismatch between the RE Power generation potential of a State and the obligation to fulfill the RPO. Thus by purchasing RECs, an obligated entity is deemed to have purchased RE Power for compliance of RPO.
Who are obligated to purchase RECs? The entities mandated to purchase a defined quantum of renewable energy of their overall consumption are Obligated entities. Obligated entities may either purchase renewable energy or can purchase RECs to meet their Renewable purchase Obligation (RPO) set under Renewable Purchase Obligation of their respective States. Following entities are generally obligated in the State: a. Distribution Licensees b. Captive Consumers c. Open Access users
d. Sells electricity to the i. distribution licensee of the area at a price not exceeding the pooled cost of power purchase of such distribution licensee, OR ii. to any other licensee or to an open access consumer at a mutually agreed price, or through power exchange at market determined price. Selling electricity to any entity other than local distribution company at market driven prices or otherwise
Categories of Certificates
There are two categories of certificates: a. Solar Certificates issued to eligible entities for generation of electricity based on solar as renewable energy source. b. Non-solar certificates issued to eligible entities for generation of electricity based on renewable energy sources other than solar.
Step 1. Accreditation Through this process State Nodal Agency (SNA) authorizes or endorses the RE Generator and recommends it for registration. Eligible Generator can get accredited not before 6 months prior to the proposed date of commissioning. Accreditation Certificate valid for 5 years from the date of accreditation. Separate applications for separate RE generation projects Minimum capacity of RE generation project to be 250 kW. Step 2. Registration Through this process, NLDC (Central Agency) registers their Generator as Eligible Entity for its RE Generation Project.
Eligible Generator can get registered not before 3 months prior to the proposed date of commissioning. Registration can only be done after receipt of the Certificate of Accreditation for the RE Generation Project from the concerned State Agency. Registration is valid for 5 years from the date of Registration.
The electricity generated from RE project is injected into the grid and sold to either a distribution licensee or open access consumer with whom it has contract or sold through the power exchange. The metering of quantum of Renewable Energy injected into the grid is approved by or recorded through energy accounting by SLDC. Eligible RE Generator to apply to NLDC to issue the RE certificates equivalent to the amount of electricity injected into the grid as certified by the SLDC. The application to be filed within three months from the date of renewable energy generated. Application can be made on a fortnightly basis, i.e., on the 1st day of the month or on 15th day of the month. NLDC to issue RECs to Eligible RE Generator within 15 days as per SLDC and State Agencys generation report. RECs to be sold within 365 days of issuance or else they will lapse.
Step 4. REC Trading at Exchange Platform Once the RECs are issued to the RE Generator (Eligible Entity), sale/purchase of RECs amongst Eligible RE Generators and Obligated entities to be undertaken only through Power Exchanges. Trading through Closed double-sided auction on the last Wednesday of every month. Call of bids from 13:00 Hrs to 15:00 Hrs on the auction day(T-day). PXs to intimates details of maximum sale bids placed by each Eligible RE Generator to NLDC by 15:30 Hrs . NLDC to check availability of RECs with the eligible entity by 16:00 Hrs. Post-confirmation from NLDC, PXs to determine Market Clearing Price and Market Clearing Volume and send the details final cleared trades to NLDC for extinguishing of RECs sold in the records of NLDC by 17:00 Hrs. Step 5. Surrender/Redeeming of RECs The Obligated Entities purchase RECs through PXs and to surrender to SERC or other agency as specified by SERCs as to meet their RPO. NLDC (REC Registry) to maintain record of RECs sold and purchased . Step 6. Compliance Reporting Compliance Auditors to monitor and report the compliance of REC Regulations.
Which agencies are involved in the Registration process? What is the time schedule? Accreditation - State Designated Agency-30 days from acceptance of complete application. Registration - Central Agency (NLDC)- 15 days from acceptance of complete application. Issuance - Central Agency (NLDC)- To be applied on 1st or 15th of a month along with the energy injection report upto previous 3 months issued by SLDC. Trading - At any of the Power Exchanges- Trading one day a month, i.e. Last Wednesday. What are the Fees involved in the Process of Accreditation to Issuance? i. Accreditation o One time non-refundable Application processing Fees @ Rs. 5000/- per application. o One time non-refundable Accreditation Charge @ Rs. 30,000/- per application once the 'Certificate of Accreditation' is granted by the State Agency. o Annual Charge @ Rs. 10,000/- per application shall be paid by end of financial year. o Charges towards Revalidation / extension of Validity @ Rs. 15,000/- per application payable at the end of 5 years. Registration o Non refundable one time Application processing Fees @ Rs. 1000/- per application. o Non refundable one time Registration Charge @ Rs. 5000/- per application once the Registration is granted by the NLDC. o Annual Charge @ Rs. 1000/- per application shall be paid by end of financial year. o Charges towards Revalidation / extension of Validity @ Rs.5,000/- per application payable at the end of 5 years. Issuance of REC NLDC-Issuance Fees @ Rs.10/- per Certificate only. Power Exchange Annual Client Registration Fees @ Rs. 100000/- +ST paid by April each year. IEX transaction Fees @ Rs. 10/- per REC Professional Member 'Registration as Client' charges and transaction fees as signed in MoU.
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