SM4 Beneath The Dark Shroud Peaks
SM4 Beneath The Dark Shroud Peaks
SM4 Beneath The Dark Shroud Peaks
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and AD&D are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast.
SM4 Beneath the Darkshroud Peaks Stuart Marshall
If the adventure is played as part of the series, the access to clerical services if necessary, although these
events of the preceding adventures (The Spider should certainly not be available for free!
Farm , The Melford Murder , and The Shrine of the
Oracle ) will need to be taken into account. This The characters are assumed to be generally around
adventure follows The Shrine of the Oracle in 2nd or 3rd level when play begins. If played as part of
sequence. the series, a reasonably successful adventuring party
will be at the correct level and have obtained the
In this case the player characters are assumed to be correct amount of loot to continue. The DM should
familiar with the village of Melford and its note, however, that the level of challenge in this
surroundings. They are also assumed to have access adventure has been significantly ramped up as
to the services of a 9th level cleric (Maenae from compared to previous adventures from the series on
Shrine of the Oracle ) at reasonable rates, should the assumption that levels have been gained.
healing, cures, or even the raising of the dead prove Characters who are still 1st level may well struggle
necessary, and to have acquired a certain amount of with the encounters presented herein.
experience and loot.
The DM should give the player characters a chance to
If the adventure is to be played alone, the DM will spend some of their money upgrading their armour
need to place this dungeon in his or her own and weapons—if items that Melford cannot supply,
campaign world near a suitable village. It is such as plate mail armour, are required, then a trip to
recommended that the player characters should have the Old Kingdoms will be necessary. This will be safe
and uneventful.
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If the player characters do not figure this out for recommended to the PCs by one of the Sibyls, who is
themselves, have Maenae (the High Priestess from aware of their reputation as trustworthy and
Shrine of the Oracle ) step in and tell them—the only courageous fighters. (In fact, they receive a +10%
way to save the town from imminent destruction is to bonus to their morale because they are well trained
raid the barrow and slay the wizard! and highly disciplined. Their loyalty will be a function
of the charisma, actions, and alignment of the hiring
(DM Note: Even if the player characters have not PC, determined in the normal way).
advised Maenae of their finds among Magdalene’s
papers, she can still tell them this. She is, after all, It is for the players to decide whether to hire these
dedicated to an oracular god and has mysterious and mercenaries, of course, and they should not be urged
supernatural sources of information!) in favour of either course. However, the presence of
the mercenaries will certainly make the adventures
At this time, a group of mercenary soldiers will which follow less dangerous for the PCs!
become available for hire. There are ten of these
mercenaries, and their services can be obtained for 2 Mercenary Roster
gp per mercenary per day. The player characters will 1. Urgan 5hp Spear LN
also be required to provide food, lodging, and 2. Puhcs 7hp Halberd LN
equipment for them. The mercenaries, all of whom 3. Regdor 4hp Pike LN
are 0-level men-at-arms, are proficient with spear, 4. Scand 6hp Sling TN
short sword, and sling and will require studded 5. Frosh 5hp Short bow LN
leather armour and bucklers (or better) before they 6. Kunkil 6hp Spear LN
will serve. 7. Snork 4hp Hand axe LN
8. Pepila 7hp Club LG
If played as part of a series, these mercenaries will 9. Turys 5hp Short bow NG
arrive at the King's Head Inn in Melford and be 10. Gurn 6hp Sling LN
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4th squad: 1 sergeant (hp 7) with short sword and Subchief: 1 subchief (hp 10) with short sword and
shield; 1 corporal (hp 6) with short sword and shield; shield; 4 bodyguards (hp 7 each). The bodyguards
8 privates (hp 4 each) with sling and shield. fight as orcs, the subchief as a hobgoblin.
5th squad: 1 sergeant (hp 7) with short sword and Ravenskull tactics: Note that the pike-armed goblins
shield; 1 corporal (hp 6) with short sword and shield; are capable of attacking from the second rank of a
8 privates (hp 4 each) with pikes (AC 7). formation. The Ravenskulls will use this to full effect.
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between the Ravenskulls and the Greycloaks, the • REAR ATTACK: If the player characters have
Chief will not call upon the Greycloaks for assistance. already broken into the dungeon from areas
"B" or "C" then they will be in a position to
Conversion note: DMs considering converting this attack the Ravenskulls from the opposite
adventure to other game forms will need to have direction, entering the lair via Area A16. The
regard to the rule that fighters have one attack per goblins have not drilled for this contingency
level against the goblins. DMs should also pay close and are unprepared. However, the Chief (if
attention to the morale rules. A PC victory in this he survives) or the Subchief (if not) will
scenario depends on them killing enough goblins, fast attempt to organise a defence along the
enough, that the goblins break and run. If your rule same lines as described above, save in the
system does not allow for this, the PCs are very likely opposite direction.
to be overwhelmed by sheer numbers.
A1. GUARDROOM: 2nd Squad, "A" Company
CONTINGENCIES begins the scenario in this room. They have 1d6
goblin females with them who are providing
• RETREAT: When the player characters realise
entertainment to alleviate the boredom of guard duty.
the number of goblins facing them, they may
These females will remain behind if the alert is
attempt a fighting withdrawal. (Judging from
sounded. They have 2 hp each, are AC 9, and will not
play-testing results, this is quite likely). The
fight unless attacked. A search of the room will reveal
stairs are a more defensible position for the
3d6 silver pieces among the goblins' personal
PCs, and the subchief will simply continue to
commit troops until one side breaks and
runs. A2. GUARDROOM: 5th Squad, "A" Company
begins the scenario in this room. They have recently
• FLIGHT: If the player characters flee, they
been taken to task over their equipment, which is
will find themselves harried by fast-moving
supposed to be maintained to military standards, and
goblin missile troops. These troops will
so are busily removing rust from their pikes, polishing
definitely pursue until driven off or slain,
their buckles, and otherwise making ready for an
unless the PCs surrender.
inspection. A search of the room will reveal 3d6 silver
• IF THE GOBLINS BREAK: From play- pieces among the goblins' personal possessions.
testing, a failed morale check on the part of
A3. ENTRANCE CHAMBER: 1st Squad, "A"
the goblins is the key to a player victory. In
Company begins the scenario in this room. They have
this case, the goblins will flee back through
been given this dull duty as a punishment and are
the lair, not stopping to collect their
keen to redeem themselves. Thus they will be in a
possessions, and attempt an escape through
state of high alert at all times. There is no loot here.
Areas C8 to C1, taking further casualties in
the process. The player characters will The pit in this chamber is a defensive feature and is
encounter further resistance from "C" kept empty and clear. It is quite obvious, and there is
Company, "D" Company, and the Chief's no risk that the PCs will fall into it accidentally. The
group at the entrance to Area A11. bottom of the pit is lined with sharp stakes, and the
sides are smooth and difficult to climb. Anyone
• INFILTRATION: This is the most effective attempting to cross the pit in the face of goblin
approach on the PCs' part, but is not easy to missile fire will find that there is nowhere in the pit
manage. They will need to surprise the where they can take cover from the sling stones.
goblins in A3 and take them out silently,
which is possible if (for example) a sleep spell A4. COMMUNAL CHAMBER: This room is
that affects the entire first squad is employed. occupied by the 3rd and 4th squads of "A" Company
The players will then be in among the at the start of the adventure. They are lounging
unprepared goblins and can wreak around telling coarse tales to one another. The room
considerable damage unopposed, which will is cluttered with their bedrolls and personal
probably cause a goblin rout. possessions. A search of these would reveal 6d6 silver
pieces and a rather nice iron cooking pot (looted
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from a nearby farmhouse) in which the goblins are bronze armband inlaid with a dragon which is worth
brewing tea; this pot might be sold for 25gp. 80 gp.
A5. GUARDROOM: When the scenario begins, 1st A11. COMMUNAL CHAMBER: This room is
Squad, "B" Company is resting here while off duty. occupied by the 1st, 2nd, and 5th squads of "C"
They are sleeping, and their armour and weapons rest Company at the start of the adventure. They are
up against one wall. A search of their possessions will drilling in spear and pike tactics but, although fully
reveal that they have 3d6 silver pieces. In addition, armed, are not wearing their armour. A search of the
one of the goblins has several pieces of chalk and a room will reveal 9d6 silver pieces among the goblins'
rather high-quality writing slate (more plunder from personal possessions.
the human locals) which bears a rather badly drawn,
but still distressingly graphic picture of an unclothed A12. COMMUNAL CHAMBER: This room is
female goblin. occupied by the 3rd and 4th squads of "C" Company
at the start of the scenario. They are demonstrating
A6. GUARDROOM: At the start of the scenario, close combat techniques to a group of 5d6 young
2nd Squad, "B" Company is resting here while off goblins. The young have 1 hp each, are AC 10, and
duty. They are being served dinner (roast dog with will not fight unless attacked. They will remain here if
mixed vegetables) by 2d6 goblin females. As with they hear the alarm. A search of the room will reveal
Area A1, these females will remain in this room if the 6d6 silver pieces among the goblins' possessions.
alert is sounded. They have 2 hp each, are AC 9, and
will not fight unless attacked. A search of the room A13. COMMUNAL CHAMBER: 3rd, 4th, and 5th
will reveal 3d6 silver pieces among the goblins' squads of "D" Company are here when play begins.
personal possessions. They are off duty and sleeping, and their armour and
weapons are stacked untidily in a corner. A search of
A7. GUARDROOM : 3rd Squad, "B" Company is their possessions will locate 9d6 silver pieces.
here when the adventure begins. They are sleeping,
and their armour and weapons are in an untidy heap A14. COMMUNAL CHAMBER: 1st and 2nd squads
against one wall. Another wall is covered with goblin of "D" Company are here when play begins. They are
graffiti (which, if translated, will prove to be largely off duty and relaxing, trading boasts about their
obscene). A search of the room will reveal 3d6 silver combat prowess, and their armour and weapons are
pieces among the goblins' possessions. arranged along one wall. A search of the room will
reveal 6d6 silver pieces. Additionally, one of the
A8. GUARDROOM : 4th Squad, "B" Company starts goblins has a decorated brass cloak pin which might
the scenario in this room. They have just come off fetch 15 gp on the open market.
duty and are removing their armour and weapons,
stretching, scratching, and swearing. A search of the A15. PRISON: The eight cells off this chamber are
room will reveal 3d6 silver pieces among the goblins' occupied by assorted human villagers who are being
personal possessions. held for ransom. If released the value of their weregild
will be paid to the player characters, in the sum of 25
A9. GUARDROOM: 5th Squad, "B" Company starts gold pieces per prisoner. Each villager has 4 gp and is
the adventure here. They think of themselves as elite capable of fighting as a 0-level human if given a
troops, and they are exercising (push-ups) with their weapon, but note that the goblins' armour will not fit
equipment neatly stored on weapon racks. A search them. The DM may wish to permit some of these
of the room will reveal 3d6 silver pieces among their humans to be used to replace any men-at-arms who
gear, and the goblin leader wears a silver thumb ring have been killed in the fighting, although in this case
worth 50 gp. full wages should be paid.
A10. SUBCHIEF'S ROOM: The Subchief and his A16. FEMALES' AND WHELPS' AREA: This room is
squad are here at the start of the scenario. They have very cramped owing to the huge number of females
captured a villager and are interrogating him about and whelps who are obliged to share it. They are
his village's defences. A search of the room will reveal noncombatants and conform to the statistics
4d6 silver pieces, while the subchief himself wears a provided for such creatures elsewhere. The females
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are hard at work at the laundry, but will flee if they "A" Platoon
get wind that the clan may be defeated in battle.
1st squad: 1 sergeant (hp 7) with short sword and
Owing to the unceasing menial, manual labour which shield; 1 corporal (hp 6) with short sword and shield;
these females are obliged to do in service to the clan, 8 privates (hp 4 each) with spear and shield.
they are strongly pushing for the goblin males to
obtain more captives which can be used for slave
labour. Any character who surrenders or is otherwise
captured by the goblins will find him- or herself given 2nd squad: 1 sergeant (hp 7) with short sword and
over to the females as a slave, and will find them very shield; 1 corporal (hp 6) with short sword and shield;
hard taskmasters. 8 privates (hp 4 each) with spear and shield.
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3rd squad: 1 sergeant (hp 7) with short sword and where he will be able to manoeuvre his troops more
shield; 1 corporal (hp 6) with short sword and shield; effectively.
8 privates (hp 4 each) with sling and shield.
"B" Platoon is situated in Area B4 and will be ready to
fight in 2d6 rounds, while "C" Platoon is in Areas B6–
B8 and "D" platoon in Areas B10–B12; these latter
"D" Platoon two platoons will take a further 2d6 rounds to
prepare for combat. The shaman will try to have his
1st squad: 1 sergeant (hp 7) with short sword and troops make a stand in the northern part of area B4
shield; 1 corporal (hp 6) with short sword and shield; while the other platoons approach from the west and
8 privates (hp 4 each) with spear and shield. south; his intention will be to surround the PCs in this
relatively open territory. When the chief arrives on
the scene, he will also act in accordance with this
2nd squad: 1 sergeant (hp 7) with short sword and plan.
shield; 1 corporal (hp 6) with short sword and shield; This plan will likely spell doom for the player
8 privates (hp 4 each) with spear and shield. characters if they permit it to be followed. However,
intelligent players will not try to fight the goblins in
wide open spaces and will locate an area they can
3rd squad: 1 sergeant (hp 7) with short sword and easily hold. In this case, the goblins will attempt to
shield; 1 corporal (hp 6) with short sword and shield; stand off and defeat the players with missile fire.
8 privates (hp 4 each) with sling and shield.
The shaman will retain his cure light wounds spells for
himself and the chief, not wasting them on the
ordinary goblin troops, among whom major casualties
Other units are expected.
Chief: 1 chief (hp 13) with short sword and shield; 4 As with the Ravenskulls, victory for the PCs against
bodyguards (hp 7 each) with short sword and shield. the Greycloaks depends on the players' front rank
The bodyguards fight as hobgoblins, the chief as a comprising far superior fighters with multiple attacks
2HD monster. who hit the goblins so fast and so hard that their
morale is broken. DMs contemplating a conversion of
this scenario to some rule formats should read the
conversion notes presented under the Ravenskulls'
Shaman: 1 shaman (hp 9) with club and shield; 4 section of the lair.
bodyguards (hp 7 each). All fight as orcs. The shaman
is 2nd level and has two cure light wounds spells CONTINGENCIES
1. RETREAT: When the player characters
realise the number of goblins facing them
they may attempt a fighting withdrawal.
Greycloak tactics: One squad (normally 1st Squad, (Judging from play-testing results, this is
"A" Platoon) will be positioned in Area B1. They have quite likely.) The stairs are a more defensible
a small ballista which they will fire down the corridor position for the PCs, and the shaman will
towards the stairs (see below). Meanwhile, the 2nd simply continue to commit troops until one
Squad of "A" Platoon will move up from their starting side breaks and runs.
position in Area B2 to support them, and 3rd Squad
will open fire on the party with slings through the 2. FLIGHT: If the player characters flee, they
arrow slits from Area B5. The shaman and his group will find themselves harried by fast-moving
begin the scenario in Area B3, so the goblins will goblin missile troops. These troops will
have strong and effective leadership from early in the definitely pursue until driven off or slain,
encounter. If the opposition seems strong, the unless the PCs surrender.
shaman will organise an early retreat into Area B4
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3. IF THE GOBLINS BREAK: From play- B3. SHAMAN'S ROOM: The Shaman's group
testing, a failed morale check on the part of begins the adventure here. The Shaman is relating a
the goblins is the key to a player victory. In goblin parable about the exploits of the goblin deity,
this case the goblins will flee back through to his squad which is fully armed and armoured.
the lair, not stopping to collect their When the alarm is sounded, these goblins will take
possessions, and attempt an escape through only 1d3+1 rounds to arrive in area B1. A search of
areas C8 to C1, taking further casualties in the room will reveal 4d6 silver pieces among the
the process. goblins' personal possessions. There are also religious
artifacts (wooden totems, blocks of foul-smelling
4. INFILTRATION: In play-testing it was not incense, clay idols and so on) which are of no value,
possible for the PCs to manage a successful but a good-aligned cleric, paladin or other religious
infiltration of this area, because the goblins character could gain 100 xp by destroying them.
in B5 were always able to observe the PCs
and sound the alarm. If infiltration is B4. COMMUNAL AREA: All three squads of "B"
somehow managed, the players are very Platoon are situated in this room when the scenario
likely to be able to break the goblins' morale begins. They are squatting and kneeling on the floor,
and cause them to flee, resulting in a eating a meal (stewed horse with buttered cabbage)
relatively easy victory. which is being served by 3d6 goblin females (hp 2
each, AC 9, unarmed, and noncombatant). The
5. REAR ATTACK: If the player characters females will flee any fighting and will only take up
have already broken into the dungeon from weapons in self-defence. A search of the room will
Areas A or C then they will be in a position reveal 9d6 silver pieces among the goblins' personal
to attack the Greycloaks from the opposite possessions.
direction, entering the lair via Area B13. The
goblins have not drilled for this contingency B5. GUARDROOM: 3rd Squad, "A" Platoon begins
and are unprepared. However, the Chief (if the scenario in this room. They are alert and ready for
he survives) or the Shaman (if not) will trouble. Upon sighting the players, they will
attempt to organise a defence along the immediately yell to sound the alarm if this has not
same lines as described above, save in the already been done. The room has arrow slits which
opposite direction. open onto the players' area and grant the goblins
50% cover against any return missile fire. From this
B1. GUARDROOM: 1st Squad, "A" Platoon will be vantage point, they will fire their slings into the player
situated here at the start of the scenario. They are characters' rear ranks. Note that the arrow slits are
alert and ready for trouble. Upon sighting the players, too narrow for any player or goblin to squeeze
they will immediately yell to sound the alarm. The through. A search of the room will reveal 3d6 silver
squad is equipped with a small ballista (2–8 damage). pieces among the goblins' personal possessions.
This ballista requires a crew of three goblins to load, There is also a beautifully decorated bronze cauldron,
and will take one round to load and aim prior to liberated from a human farmhouse, which the goblins
firing. Having fired the ballista, the goblins will disable are presently using as a chamber pot. If emptied and
it to ensure that it cannot be captured and used cleaned it would be worth 45 gp.
against them. A search of the room will reveal 3d6
silver pieces among the goblins' personal possessions. B6. GUARDROOM: 1st Squad, "C" Platoon begins
There are also four javelins (ballista ammunition) the adventure here. They are off duty and relaxing,
leaning against the east wall of the room. swilling cups of a dark and very mildly alcoholic brew.
Their weapons and armour are piled in a heap in one
B2. GUARDROOM: 2nd Squad, "A" Platoon will be corner of the room. A search will reveal 3d6 silver
situated here at the start of the scenario. They are on pieces among the goblins' bedrolls.
duty, fully armed and armoured, and are playing a
game of cards. When the alarm is sounded will take B7. GUARDROOM: 2nd Squad, "C" Platoon will be
only 1d3 rounds to arrive in area B1. A search of the located here at the beginning of the adventure. They
room will reveal 3d6 silver pieces among the goblins' are off duty and sleeping. Their weapons and armour
personal possessions. are arranged along one wall of the room. A search
will discover 3d6 silver pieces among the goblins'
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personal possessions. Additionally, one of the listening to a motivational speech by the Chief. Their
bedrolls will prove to contain a pouch of 4d6 gold weapons and armour are to hand.
B14. CHIEF'S BEDROOM: The Chief's bedroom
B8. GUARDROOM: 3rd Squad, "C" Platoon will be contains two unclad goblin females (hp 2, AC 9) who
situated here when the adventure begins. They are off are noncombatants and will attempt to flee or hide.
duty and watching a wrestling match between two of There is also a locked strongbox (the key is hidden
the squad members. Their weapons and armour are under a loose flagstone nearby, detect as a secret
in a pile in the middle of the room. A search will door) which contains 599 ep, 1,902 sp, 8,451 cp,
reveal 3d6 silver pieces among their gear. fourteen severed dwarf beards, a crystal decanter
with four matching glasses worth 150 gp, and a
B9. COMMUNAL AREA: This room is very cramped magic- user scroll of knock.
owing to the huge number of females and whelps
who are obliged to share it. They are noncombatants AFTERMATH
and conform to the statistics provided for such
creatures elsewhere. The females are hard at work Monsters which flee will not return and may be
preparing another meal (baked swede with mixed considered as defeated for the purposes of xp, but if
fungus), but will flee if they get wind that the clan the chief flees with the treasure, then the treasure xp
may be defeated in battle. should be considered lost.
As before, owing to the unceasing labour which these This lair is a proving ground for the party. If they are
females are obliged to do in service to the clan, they forced to surrender or flee, they are not ready for the
are strongly pushing for the goblin males to obtain greater challenges which await deeper in, and should
captives which can be used for slave labour. Any be encouraged to adventure elsewhere until they
character who surrenders or is otherwise captured by have gained more experience.
the goblins will find him- or herself given over to the
QUESTIONING A GOBLIN: This section applies to
females as a slave, and will find them very hard
both the Ravenskulls and the Greycloaks. If the player
characters are successful in capturing a prisoner,
B10. GUARDROOM: 3rd Squad, "D" Platoon begins good players will wish to interrogate the creature.
the adventure here. They are off duty and are bullying
When interrogation is performed, the DM obviously
one of the members of their squad by forcing him to
needs to watch alignment behaviour closely.
lick their boots. Their slings and armour are in a pile
in one corner of the room. A search will reveal 3d6 Any captured goblin will lie. These creatures are
silver pieces among the goblins' personal possessions; expecting to be ransomed back to their clan and will
one of their number also has a pouch containing 12 not wish to betray them. They will exaggerate the
silver sling bullets (value 3 sp each if sold). numbers of the goblins, claim to be supported by
numerous ogres or bugbears, and otherwise say
B11. GUARDROOM: 2nd Squad, "D" Platoon will
whatever they feel will discourage the player
be here at the start of the scenario. They are off duty
characters from pressing the attack.
and sleeping. Their weapons and armour are neatly
arranged at the foot of each bedroll. A search will If the player characters are somehow successful in
reveal 3d6 silver pieces among the goblins' gear. forcing the goblins to tell the truth, note that the
goblin minions (i.e., all save the Chief and Subchief of
B12. GUARDROOM: 1st Squad, "D" Platoon will be
the Ravenskulls and the Chief and Shaman of the
here when the adventure begins. They are off duty
Greycloaks) do not know who is coordinating their
and sleeping. Their weapons and armour are in a pile
activities. They believe that their chiefs are simply
in a corner. A search will reveal 3d6 silver pieces
daring and cunning raid leaders, and the large
among the goblins' gear.
quantities of loot which they have recovered from the
B13. CHIEF'S CHAMBER: The Chief's squad will be human settlements are in their chiefs' possession. The
here when the adventure begins. The squad are only useful information which can be extracted from
a goblin minion is the approximate number of goblins
in its tribe and the approximate layout of the lair.
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If the player characters are successful in capturing C2. CATACOMB: This chamber contains 5 ghouls
one of the goblin chiefs, the Subchief, or the Shaman from the roster. Each turn that the party spends in
and force their captive to tell the truth, then the Area C1, there is a 1 in 6 chance that the ghouls will
goblin leader believes that their activities are really smell them and come through the secret door to
coordinated by a powerful human magic-user by the feast. If turned, they will flee to Area C7.
name of Zenegral Byle. They believe that Zenegral
dwells deeper in the dungeon on one of the lower The east and west walls of this chamber are lined
levels, and is guarded by gnolls. However, they are with small cubbyholes which are filled with human
unclear on the size or layout of the dungeon and remains. A careful search of the cubbyholes will result
have never ventured into it. They will also be able to in the searcher disturbing a tiny, poisonous spider
confirm that most of their loot is now in the (like a black widow) and receiving a very nasty bite. A
possession of this Zenegral Byle. successful saving throw vs. poison will avoid the
effects; otherwise, the bitten character will be
C: The Barrow. The Barrow, which is the final incapacitated by the poison for 2d6 days.
resting place of a human barbarian chieftain from
ages past, is now haunted by ghouls. These creatures, C3. CATACOMB: This chamber contains 3 ghouls
despite their cunning, are too deranged and chaotic from the roster. Loud noises in nearby rooms (Areas
to react to attack in a coordinated fashion and will C2 or C4) will have a 1 in 6 chance of causing them
simply charge the PCs in waves. to come and investigate. If turned, they will flee to
Area C7.
Ghouls' Roster: Tick the boxes as each ghoul is slain.
There are seventeen ghouls, all of which have 9 hp. The north and south walls of this chamber are lined
with small cubbyholes which are filled with human
remains, as in Area C2. One of the remains is the
body of a former evil high priest, and his spirit will not
C1. THE BARROW: The superstitious goblins have appreciate his bones being disturbed. The character
not dared to venture into this chamber, and so it has who conducts the search of these cubbyholes will be
remained untouched throughout the centuries. It cursed (saving throw vs. spells applies) with horrible
contains an assortment of grave goods which are nightmares, and as a result will require roughly
apparently now rotting, rusting, and useless. There fourteen hours' sleep a night before being properly
are the ruins of three swords, a battleaxe, a mace, a rested. Any night when the character has less than
conical helm, and a mail shirt; and three pottery jars this amount of sleep will result in him or her receiving
containing a noisome, foul-smelling liquid. Anyone a −1 penalty on all "to-hit" rolls, damage rolls, and
even sipping this stuff must save vs. poison or be saving throws the following day owing to fatigue. This
incapacitated for 1d6 days with horrible stomach curse can only be removed with remove curse.
cramps—but one of the jars has a bone wand at the
bottom which is shaped like a snake. This wand has C4. CHAMBER: This chamber is empty of monsters.
the command word pagipot inscribed on one side in The walls are inscribed with detailed markings in an
Common. (It is a wand of paralyzation with 11 ancient (human) tongue. If translated, these will prove
charges remaining). There is also a sarcophagus in the to be the life story of the barbarian chieftain interred
centre of the room which contains two inanimate in Area C1, and they relate in sycophantic and
human skeletons. Under the skeletons are four clay wearisome detail the number of foes he slew, the
tablets inscribed with runes. (These clay tablets are number of captives he took, the number of men he
simply a variant kind of scroll ; they crumble to dust led, the number of battles he won, and the number of
upon use. All are clerical, and they contain remove wives he married and subsequently had executed for
paralysis, hold person, and two cure light wounds). being too fat, too thin, too talkative, too old, or just
The secret door which leads into the ghouls' tunnels is too boring.
detectable in the normal way—but there is also a 1 in
A careful search of the room might reveal a secret
6 chance per turn that the PCs spend in this area that
compartment in the ceiling (detect as a secret door).
the ghouls from Area C2 will smell them and come
Concealed therein is a dagger +1, +3 vs. orcs,
through the secret door to attack.
goblins, and hobgoblins . This dagger is worth 500
xp and could be sold for perhaps 2,000 gp.
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C5. CHAMBER: This chamber contains 4 ghouls been forgotten are inscribed here. There are 61 such
from the roster. Loud noises in nearby rooms (Areas tiles, and if these can be removed without being
C4 or C6) will have a 1 in 6 chance of causing them broken, the Sibyls of the Shrine will pay 5 pp for each
to come and investigate. If turned, they will flee to of them.
Area C7.
Removing the tiles from the walls is a delicate and
The north and south walls of this chamber are lined tricky job. A non-thief has a 10% chance of removing
with sarcophagi. Here were interred the former clan each tile intact, while a thief has the same chance of
nobles of the chieftain whose corpse the characters so doing as his or her chance to remove traps.
have probably exhumed in Area C1. These clan
nobles arose as the original twelve ghouls of these DMs wishing to run this adventure as a standalone
catacombs, and so the sarcophagi are now empty. should substitute appropriate religions from their own
campaign or else simply rule that the tiles are
C6. CHAMBER: This chamber contains the unreadable or of no value.
remaining 5 ghouls from the roster. Loud noises in
nearby rooms (Areas C5 or C7) will have a 1 in 6 There are two staircases which lead down from this
chance of causing them to come and investigate. If room. If a light is shined down either, the staircase to
turned, they will flee to Area C7. the north will seem almost to absorb the incoming
light. That to the south will be apparently normal. The
The east and west walls of this chamber are adorned air in both directions is still, and no sound can be
with the more valuable gifts given to the chieftain by heard.
his tribe. Although the tapestries are now rotten to
worthlessness and the wooden and leather goods C8. DISUSED TEMPLE: This was a temple to the
have not survived, considerable treasure remains. forgotten god Tulkann. It was looted by Zenegral
There are four pieces of ivory (value 200 gp each, Byle, and virtually nothing remains of its former
weight 200 lbs. each), an electrum belt buckle worth luxury. However, it retains its sanctification to that
50 gp, a tarnished silver ceremonial knife (of no accursed deity, so the very rocks are still alive with
combat value owing to its softness) studded with evil. Clerics and paladins will find that they cannot
peridots worth 450 gp, a large piece of amber turn the ghouls in this room, so any that flee here will
containing a beautifully preserved chrysalis worth 220 need to be destroyed in melee or somehow sealed in.
gp, and 832 archaic silver pieces which are worth
It is not possible for a player character, even an evil
90% of the value of a modern silver piece (i.e. they
cleric, to revive the worship of Tulkann. All extant
could be sold as a lot for 750 sp.)
copies of his holy books and prophecies were
C7. LARGE CHAMBER: Any ghouls which have destroyed centuries ago, and the religion cannot
been turned by a cleric will be encountered here. If flourish without them.
the cleric manages to turn them again, they will flee
A player character who sanctifies this unclean place
to Area C8; on no account will they run away down
(by means of a bless spell, sprinkled holy water, or, if
the stairs.
Unearthed Arcana is used in play, a ceremony) will
The walls of this chamber are lined with hand-painted earn 100 xp.
ceramic tiles. Each tile contains a prayer, written by
If the temple is sanctified by the activities of the
the individual members of the chieftain's clan. Most
player characters and all the ghouls have been slain,
of the prayers are addressed to the Chaotic Evil god
the characters will find that some of the goodly gods
Tulkann (who is no longer worshiped) and are of no
have a long memory and do not remember Tulkann
interest or value to the player characters. However, it
with fondness. A mysterious glow will light the room,
appears that a significant number of the clansmen
driving away the shifting shadows, and when it is
worshiped the Oracle (cf. Shrine of the Oracle ) in
gone, a clerical scroll of raise dead will have
ages past, and a number of prayers which have since
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Any player character dwarf or gnome will note that 3 - 2d4 Stirges (hp 6 each).
the construction of Level 2 of the dungeon is
centuries older than Level 1. It seems clear that the
barrow must have been raised atop a much earlier
delving, into which the player characters are now
4 - 1 Giant Spider (hp 21). This is an unintelligent
If this adventure is being played as part of the series, variety (intelligence: non-) but otherwise conforms to
a learned character will be able to use this the normal characteristics of giant spiders.
information to deduce that the characters are
entering a construction which dates back to the
ancient Vermil empire. The Vermil collapsed into
demon-ridden decadence centuries ago, and their 5 - 2d6 Giant Centipedes (hp 1 each).
sites are associated with great evil. If the adventure is
being played as a standalone or inserted into another
campaign, the DM should obviously ignore this
section or replace it with information appropriate to
his or her own milieu.
Wandering Monsters: Wandering monsters should
be checked for every 3 turns. Checks should also be 6 - 1 normal- sized, highly poisonous Spider (like
made if the player characters make loud noises or a black widow). This creature has dropped onto a
backpack or landed on a party member's armour and
otherwise act in a way likely to attract attention. Such
monsters appear on a 1 on 1d12 normally; this will bite 1d6 turns later, or when disturbed. See Area
C2 for the effects of its bite.
chance may be varied down to 1 in 6 or up to 1 in 20
depending upon how stealthy the characters'
approach might be.
D: Chambers of Darkness . These rooms are now
There are limited numbers of wandering monsters on
the home of a pack of nightcreepers (q.v.) which have
Level 2. Tick the box each time a wandering monster
been attracted and placed by Zenegral Byle.
is slain; when their numbers are depleted, no more
wandering monsters of that type will appear (treat This area of the dungeon is very dark and shadowy.
any such result as "no encounter"). Roll 1d6 to The walls, ceilings and floors are formed of very dark
determine what kind of creature appears: stone, and the air is still and quiet. It seems almost to
absorb light. While adventuring in this area, the radius
1 - 2d4 Ghouls (hp 9 each).
of light emitted by the players' torches, lanterns, etc.
is halved, such that torches now only illuminate a 20'
radius and magic swords only 15' around. Even the
beam of a bullseye lantern can only penetrate 40'
into the gloom.
2 - 1d3 Shadows (hp 16 each). Infravision functions normally here, save that it will
not detect the nightcreepers, and this is the most
likely way in which the characters will navigate the
darkness. Attempts to keep the lamps lit or the
torches burning in the presence of the nightcreepers
will most probably be frustrated.
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are not otherwise hostile. If the party works this out circumstances, or determine it randomly if desired.
and chooses not to engage the Nightcreepers in The first the players will hear of their approach will be
battle, they will find the area relatively easy and will the soft pattering of their feet, then suddenly
be able to collect considerable quantities of loot with shadowy humanoids will appear from the darkness
relatively little difficulty. and the PCs' lights will begin to go out.
This part of the dungeon is intended to be eerie and The doorway to the north of Area D1 (which is
creepy, and the DM should seek to ensure that the between the characters and the staircase down) is
player characters are jumpy and nervous throughout. made of stout oak bound with iron, and it is locked.
Zenegral Byle (q.v.) has a key, and there is another in
If the party tries to hack their way through, they are Area D10.
likely to find themselves fighting in pitch darkness.
Characters without infravision are at risk of hitting The PCs will be unable to break down this door by
friendly party members instead of enemies, sheer force. Either a thief must pick the lock or a key
particularly those using large weapons; spells and must be found.
missile fire are also likely to go astray. The DM will
need to determine the chance of this occurring D2. NIGHTCREEPERS' CHAMBER: There is an
according to the circumstances which prevail. 85% chance of encountering 2d4 nightcreepers (from
the roster) here if any remain. This room contains an
Nightcreeper Roster: There are 29 nightcreepers in array of eight continual light spells cast on the south
Area D. Each has 9 hp. Tick a box each time a wall, although these will not be functioning when the
nightcreeper is slain: characters arrive because of the feeding activities of
the nightcreepers. If the PCs keep the room clear of
nightcreepers, these spells will reactivate in 2d4 turns
(check each spell separately).
The nightcreepers are unintelligent and will not react Reactivation of a continual light spell will attract 1d4
to the players' presence in a coordinated fashion. nightcreepers per round until the roster is empty.
D1. NIGHTCREEPERS' CHAMBER: The player There is nothing else of value or interest in the room.
characters' footsteps echo hollowly as they descend
the steps. Their light sources appear to grow dimmer D3. NIGHTCREEPERS' CHAMBER: There is an 85%
and dimmer in the gathering darkness. chance of encountering 2d4 nightcreepers (from the
roster) here if any remain. This room contains an
When Zenegral Byle has finished with a captive, it is array of seven continual light spells cast on the south
his practice to chain the unfortunate to the wall in this wall, although these will not be functioning when the
room and leave them to die in the darkness. There characters arrive because of the feeding activities of
are several (inanimate) human skeletons lying around the nightcreepers. If the PCs keep the room clear of
here, the flesh stripped from their bones by the nightcreepers, these spells will reactivate in 2d4 turns
feasting of the dungeon vermin, and assorted (check each spell separately).
manacles are still attached to the walls. There appear
to be many more skulls than corpses (22 skulls as Reactivation of a continual light spell will attract 1d4
opposed to 8 corpses, if anyone counts) and there is nightcreepers per round until the roster is empty.
a good chance that a player character will A thorough search of the room will reveal a scroll
inadvertently kick a skull and send it skittering across lying in one corner (accidentally dropped by Zenegral
the room. Searching the room will reveal nothing else Byle and lost in the darkness). This is a scroll of one
of interest. magic-user spell: web.
Each turn that the player characters spend in this D4. DARK CHAMBER: There is a 25% chance of
room, there is a 1 in 6 chance that a group of 2d4 encountering 2d4 nightcreepers (from the roster)
nightcreepers will be attracted and enter the room here if any remain. Otherwise the chamber will be
from one of the adjoining passageways. The DM empty.
should choose which entrance is appropriate to the
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D5. DARK CHAMBER: The passage to the south of There is a sack against the north wall, mouldering and
this room contains the inanimate skeleton of an rotten. It contains 1,033 cp, 219 sp, and 13 ep. The
incautious goblin (from the first level) which decided sack also contains a silver-headed mace with a
to explore down here. bronze handle. This weapon is non-magical but can
be used to hit creatures which are vulnerable to
This room is avoided by the nightcreepers because silverweapons. It could be sold for perhaps 80 gp.
they have learned that it contains a trap. The central
10' square of the room features a concealed pressure D10. DARK CHAMBER: There is a 75% chance of
plate which will, if triggered, blast the triggering encountering 2d4 nightcreepers (from the roster) in
character with a jet of frost from the ceiling (2d6 this chamber if any remain.
damage, save vs. wands for half damage).
On a shelf in the west wall in the chamber are a
DM Note: Do not forget to impose item saving cluster 14 of small clay jars. Their contents are as
throws against frost for each of the triggering follows:-
character's items if he fails his own save!
• 12 platinum pieces.
D6. OTYUGH CHAMBER: This room contains a
small otyugh (6 HD, 19 hp). This creature is very old • A small quantity of white crystals. (This is
and senile, only semi-intelligent, with 1 bite attack rock salt and has no resale value).
which inflicts 2d4 damage; its tentacles are too weak
to be useful in combat. The nightcreepers are afraid • Half-full of dirty water. (This is unholy water.
of it and leave it alone. It will inflict damage on a paladin as if he or
she were an undead creature hit with holy
The otyugh is hungry and will attack, but it can be water. Other characters will find it safe to
distracted with food. handle).
There is a pile of refuse in the northern corner of the • Filled to the brim with human teeth.
room in which the otyugh dwells. If this pile of refuse
is searched, it will prove to contain a new and rather • Quarter-full of vinegar.
sharp knife, which has a 50% chance of cutting the
• Contains the key which opens the door to
searching character's skin. While this does no damage
the north of Area D1.
in game terms, if this happens, the DM should
determine the risk of a disease (cf. DMG, "disease") • Holds three tiny crystal rods. (These are of no
resulting from the filth in the character's wound. The resale value but can be used as the material
knife is worth only 1 gp; but there is also a rotten component of a lightning bolt spell).
cloth bag containing 343 gp in the refuse which the
searching character will find. • Contains fifteen small, downy feathers. (A
druid will recognise these as being owl
D7. DARK CHAMBER : There is a 50% chance of feathers, of no particular value).
encountering 1d6 nightcreepers (from the roster) in
this chamber if any remain. Otherwise the chamber • Contains a small chain fashioned of tiny silver
will be empty. links. (This is a necklace worth 140 gp).
D8. DARK CHAMBER: There is a 75% chance of • Three-quarters full of blue sand.
encountering 2d4 nightcreepers (from the roster) in
this chamber if any remain. • Holds 113 dried centipede legs (these are
from normal-sized centipedes).
Lying in a forgotten corner here is a beautifully
wrought silver earring set with a jasper (value: 85 gp). • Contains a golden embroidery needle which
pierces a piece of rotting cloth (value: 15 gp).
D9. DARK CHAMBER: There is a 75% chance of
encountering 2d4 nightcreepers (from the roster) in • Holds a small block of beeswax.
this chamber if any remain.
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• Quarter-full of red pigment. (This is cochineal, • Ignore any creature which lies on the ground,
an ingredient in the dying of expensive cloth; provided the bugbear has hit it at least once
its resale value is 35 gp).
• If given a choice of things to attack, hit the
D11. DARK CHAMBER: There is a 75% chance of target which is closest to it
encountering 2d4 nightcreepers (from the roster) in
this chamber if any remain. The chamber will The DM should note that a gnome will receive a −4
otherwise be empty. AC bonus against this creature, just as it would if the
bugbear were alive. If it is successfully turned, the
E: The Screaming Statues. The original builders of zombie bugbear will flee southwards. It has no
this complex placed many bronze statues in the treasure.
corridors connecting these rooms. It has pleased
Zenegral Byle, who is rather chaotic, to cast a magic E3. NECROPHIDIUS CORRIDOR : There are six
mouth spell on each statue, such that it will emit bronze statues in this corridor, all of humans with the
eldritch wails, screams, or other harrowing sounds heads, hind limbs, and tails of cats, clad in archaic
when any creature over 2' tall passes by it unless scale armour. Those on the north side of the corridor
Zenegral Byle himself is present. are male, the south, female. Lurking on a stone shelf
over the archway to Area E2 is a necrophidius (death
The statues are not otherwise dangerous or animated worm) (hp 11). This creature will drop onto the first
in any way. They are made of solid bronze, far too creature passing through the arch, surprising on a 3 in
heavy to move, and even if they are somehow 6, and bite it to paralyse. Only then will it execute its
extracted from the dungeon, will not prove to be of dance of death.
any significant resale value. Brief descriptions of each
statue are provided; the DM may need to elaborate On the necrophidius's shelf, the player characters will
upon this if the players prove to be curious about find its treasure: a cloth pouch containing 23 pp.
E4. TRAPPED CHAMBER: This room is apparently
Area E is also home to an assortment of undead empty. A Good-aligned character with a WIS of 14 or
creatures. None of these are capable of reacting to more will find the area vaguely disturbing, but will not
the presence of the player characters in a be able to explain his unease.
coordinated fashion and hence no tactical
The 10' x 10' square just before the northern exit of
information about them is provided.
this chamber is trapped such that three spears will fire
E1. CORRIDOR: There are six bronze statues in this from the west wall of the chamber and impale the
corridor, all of humans with the heads, forepaws, and door opener. Each spear attacks as a 2 HD creature,
tails of dogs, clad in archaic scale armour. Those on and inflicts 1d6 damage if it hits; otherwise they will
the east side of the corridor are male, the west, land harmlessly against the east wall.
female. Nothing will come to investigate the statues'
E5. CORRIDOR: The six bronze statues in this
corridor are of humans with the heads and wings of
E2. ZOMBIE CHAMBER: This room contains the gigantic bats. Those on the west side of the corridor
animated corpse of a giant bugbear (monster are male, the east, female. Nothing will come to
zombie, turned as a ghast, AC 6, HD 6, dam 4d4, hp investigate the statues' screams.
24). This zombie is programmed as follows:
E6. DEAD END CHAMBER: This room contains two
• Attack any creature over 2' tall which enters zombie bugbears (hp 26, 22), each with exactly the
the room, unless it says the password same programming as the zombie in Area E2. A
"Zenegral Byle" gnome PC will receive his or her normal combat
bonuses against them. If successfully turned, they will
• Attack any creature which attacks the flee to the northern edge of the room. The 22 hp
bugbear with a missile weapon, even if it is zombie has a large axe embedded in its spine. This is
standing outside the room a battleaxe +1, +2 vs. undead .
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E7. CORRIDOR: The six bronze statues in this character an experience level just as if struck by the
corridor are of humans with the heads and hind legs wraith in melee.
of horses. Those on the east side of the corridor are
male, the west, female. One of the eastern statues is The wraith's treasure (944 gp, 1,017 sp, a perfect
missing an arm. The arm lies upon the ground nearby. albino wolf pelt worth 500 gp, and a ring of
Replacing it will have no apparent effect and it will warmth ) is concealed in the mattress of its bed.
simply fall down again. The arm is heavy, bulky, and
E11. CORRIDOR: The six bronze statues in this
enormously encumbering, so reduce the movement
corridor are of humans with the heads and hind
rate of any PC who insists on carrying it around by 3".
hooves of goats. Those to the east of the corridor are
E8. CHAMBER: This chamber contains a pile of male, those to the west, female. Nothing will come to
broken children's toys: a rocking horse with a broken investigate the statues' screams.
leg, a doll without a head, a toy knife with a broken
E12. CORRIDOR: The six bronze statues in this
blade, and so on. These were formerly the child-
corridor are of humans with the heads and hind legs
wraith's property (see Area E10).
of boars. Those to the south are male, those to the
E9. CORRIDOR: The six bronze statues in this north, female. One of the male statues is missing an
corridor are of humans with the heads and hind legs arm, which lies on the ground in front of the statue
of cattle, appearing vaguely minotaur-like. Those to (see Area E7). Replacing the arm will have no effect
the north of the corridor are male, those to the south, and it will simply fall down again. The arm is heavy,
female. Nothing will come to investigate the statues' bulky, and enormously encumbering, so reduce the
screams. movement rate of any PC who insists on carrying it
by 3".
aligned character with a WIS of 14 or more will feel a If the arm from Area E7 is touched to the shoulder of
sense of foreboding as this room is approached. The the statue in Area E12, or vice versa, then it will fuse
whole chamber radiates evil. to the shoulder in question and the statue will be
made whole. If this is done to the damaged statues in
This chamber was outfitted as a child's bedroom, but both rooms, the secret door in the north wall of Area
the furniture and other contents are mildewed and E18 will open (whether or not the PCs have detected
decayed. There is a clay jug and goblet on a wooden it yet).
platter beside the bed. The child-wraith (hp: 23) will
be hiding in the clay jug when the players approach. E13. CHAMBER OF SILENCE: This area is empty. It
If the jug is investigated, it will burst out and attempt is under the effect of a permanent silence spell which
to scare the players away. affects the entire room. (The spell was cast many
centuries ago by those who built the barrow, and its
In the long distant past, as a living human child, this purpose has long been forgotten. For the purposes of
creature was a member of a peaceful culture and dispel magic attempts and the like, the level of magic
swore an oath against harming others save in self- use may be considered to be 18th.)
defence. In death, its Lawful nature has caused it to
keep this oath, and it will not attack any character E14. CORRIDOR: The six bronze statues in this
which has not attacked it first. corridor are of humans with the heads and tails of
rats. Those to the east of the corridor are male, those
Note, however, that the creature is very evil and it to the west, female. Nothing will come to investigate
remains highly intelligent. It will attempt to the statues' screams.
circumvent its oath in order to feed on the players'
life force, either by advancing on them in a Partway down the corridor there is a patch of green
threatening manner in the hope that they will attack slime (hp: 6) on the roof. Any character incautiously
or, if this fails, by taking advantage of its childlike passing underneath has a 75% chance of being hit by
appearance and tearfully begging the characters to the falling slime and suffering the consequences; this
touch it "because that's the only way to release my chance should obviously be reduced if the PCs are
soul." Any such touch will, of course, cost the particularly alert and cautious, and if the PCs become
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aware of the slime and avoid it, they will not be are decorated with the pelts of many animals—and in
subject to attack. places, the skins of humans, elves, dwarfs, halflings,
and gnomes.
has discovered the secret of creating magic-using Notes on this sublevel: The part of Area F which is
skeletons, and these are his early experiments. The situated on Dungeon Level 2 is, in fact, only
two magic-using skeletons domiciled in this chamber accessible by travelling through Dungeon Level 3.
appear like normal skeletons, but with eyes and Effectively, Areas F1–F7 comprise a balcony which
tongues. Although they fight as normal skeletons, looks down on the remainder of Area F. From here,
they have two hit dice (hp 9, 7). Each has one first Byle's gnoll guardsmen will attempt to fire bows
level magic-user spell per day. The stronger of the down on the player characters. Safety from this fire
two can cast sleep , the weaker, magic missile, and may be gained if the PCs shelter beneath the balcony
they will cast these spells at the party on sight. areas, but the gnolls will (of course) try to move so
that they have a line of fire.
These creatures have no treasure save for their
shared spell book, which contains read magic, detect Zenegral Byle , level 6 magic-user, S10 I17 W12 D13
magic, sleep, burning hands, magic missile , enlarge , C10 Ch16, hp 17, alignment Chaotic Evil. Spells
affect normal fires, and invisibility. memorised: magic missile , sleep, shield, protection
from good, web, mirror image, monster summoning I,
E16. CORRIDOR: The six bronze statues in this slow. Byle obviously has no armour but wears a ring
corridor are of humans with the heads and wings of of protection +1 . He also carries a scroll of haste
eagles. Those to the north of the corridor are male, which he will save for use on himself if too many of
those to the south, female. Nothing will come to his gnolls are killed and he feels the need to flee.
investigate the statues' screams.
Byle carries his spell book in a pouch around his
E17. CORRIDOR: The six bronze statues in this neck. It is magically enchanted such that it shrinks to
corridor are of humans with the heads and wings of the size of a normal d6 but returns to normal size on
owls. Those to the west of the corridor are male, command. A player character could take Byle's very
those to the east, female. useful spell book and use it for him- or herself if he is
defeated. It contains all the spells which Byle has
The two statues to the very north of the corridor have
memorised, plus 2d6 randomly determined first-level
magical effects within their screams. The male statue's
spells, 2d4 randomly determined second-level spells,
scream will slow the party; the female's scream will
and 1d4 randomly determined third-level spells.
weaken them (both effects operate as the relevant
spell). They will scream in unison. Gnoll Roster:
E18. CHAMBER: This chamber contains four normal ● 5 Chieftain with a two-handed sword, hp 22
zombies (hp 9, 9, 7, 6) and a zombie bugbear (hp 23)
which is exactly similar to those encountered ● 5 chieftain's guards with battleaxes, hp 20 each
elsewhere on the level, save that they are also
programmed to attack anything in Area E17 upon ● 5 gnoll leaders, armed with halberds, hp 16 each
hearing the two northernmost statues scream. Note
that these zombies are outside the area of effect of ● 15 gnolls with longbows, hp 9 each
the statues' screams and will not suffer the
● 35 gnolls with halberds, hp 9 each
detrimental effects therefrom.
● 15 gnolls with two-handed swords, hp 9 each
The secret door to the north of this chamber can be
detected in the normal way, but it can also be ● 20 gnolls with battleaxes, hp 9 each
opened by the method detailed under Area E12. The
stairs beyond it lead to Area G1. ● 15 gnolls with morning stars, hp 9 each
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F1. GNOLL STATION: A patrol of 2d6 gnolls with F5. GNOLL STATION: The five gnoll leaders begin
hand arms (from the roster) will initially be stationed here. They will move to flank the player characters if
here. Their orders are to guard against attackers possible, descending the staircase which they are not
coming up the stairs. taking. If the PCs are coming up both staircases at
once, these gnolls will move to reinforce the staircase
F2. GNOLL ARCHERS: 2d6 gnolls with longbows which the gnoll chieftain and his band are not
will initially be positioned here. Their orders are to protecting.
fire down from the balcony on any attackers.
F6. GNOLL ARCHERS: All those gnolls with
F3. GNOLL STATION: The gnoll chieftain and his longbows who are not situated at F2 will be here at
five guards will initially be positioned here. They will the start. Their orders are similar to those of the gnolls
move to reinforce the area which is most heavily in Area F2.
under attack.
F7. GNOLL STATION: A patrol of 2d6 gnolls with
F4. ZENEGRAL BYLE: The wizard Zenegral Byle will hand arms (from the roster) will initially be stationed
initially be situated here. He will send summoned here. Their orders are to guard against attackers
monsters at the PCs in the first instance, then use coming up the stairs.
ranged attack spells from the balcony.
DM Note: Area F is split across two levels, and Areas
F8–F12 are described under Dungeon Level 3.
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6 - 1 normal- sized, highly poisonous Spider (like potentially the most helpful also—is a group of rust
a black widow). This creature has dropped onto a monsters who are trapped in Areas G18–20.
backpack or landed on a party member's armour and Zenegral Byle uses the secretions of these creatures
will bite 1d6 turns later or when disturbed. See Area in the creation of magic potions (his laboratory is
C2 for the effects of its bite. situated at G4), but they hate him and are naturally
capable of posing an enormous danger to his troops!
The other creatures which inhabit this area are Byle’s
F8. GNOLL STATION: A patrol of 2d6 gnolls with noncombatant servants and minions, and there is
hand arms (from the roster for Level 2) will normally little combat challenge in this section, for the players
be stationed here. They will move to form a shield will likely find more than enough hack and slash to
wall against the player characters as soon as these are satisfy them elsewhere in the adventure.
Areas G1–G10 are among the oldest parts of the
F9. GNOLL STATION: Another patrol of 2d6 gnolls dungeon. However, a dwarf or gnome character will
with hand arms (from the roster) will normally be be able to determine that areas G11–G20 are very
stationed here. They will move to join the shield wall recent additions.
initiated by the gnolls at F8.
G1. STORAGE CHAMBER: This 20' x 30' room is
F10. ALARMED DOOR: This door is formed of filled with boxes, crates, chests, sacks, barrels, and
massive steel and embossed with runes. A other containers of all kinds. A cursory inspection will
comprehend languages spell is necessary to decipher reveal that they contain some of the provisions
these, which will prove to be an egomaniacal rant necessary to keep the dungeon supplied, so there are
which purports to justify taking whatever is desired sacks of grain, barrels of water and small beer, loaves,
through force of arms. It is signed, Zenegral Byle. cheeses, and other such items. A thorough search,
which will require at least 3 turns to execute, will
The door is both locked and trapped. The trap will reveal a homonculous (hp 8) hiding in one of the
trigger an alarm, alerting the gnolls and causing them chests. The critter sneaked away to have a quiet rest
to prepare for battle, while the lock must simply be in this room, hiding in a chest so as not to be caught.
picked. If the players are unable to pick the lock, a If found, it will attempt to bite as it flees.
total combined strength of 50 or greater will be
necessary to force the door open, unless a battering Note that the homonculous will not sound the alarm
ram of some kind can be obtained. because if it did it would have to explain why it was
here in the first place.
Note, however, that the rust monsters (from Area
G18–19) can rust the door to bits in a matter of a G2. STORAGE CHAMBER: This square room is
couple of rounds if released. Such rusting will not filled with spears, shields, helms, and daggers, plus
trigger the alarm. many dozen neatly stacked sheaves of arrows and
piles of sling stones, all of the kind used by goblins. A
F11. GNOLL STATION: Another patrol of 2d6 careful inventory of the room will reveal that there
gnolls with hand arms (from the roster) will normally are a gross (twelve dozen) shortbow arrows, a gross
be stationed here. They will move to join the shield of sling stones, six dozen spears on racks, three
wall initiated by the gnolls at F8. dozen helms on pegs, three dozen small wooden
F12. GNOLL STATION: All the remaining gnolls shields (unpainted as yet) in a neat pile, and three
from the roster not assigned anywhere else (if any) dozen daggers. None of these items are magical or of
will be situated here. Those with hand arms will move exceptional value.
to join the shield wall initiated by the gnolls at F8, G3. STORAGE CHAMBER: This larger chamber is
while any with missile weapons will seek to climb to filled with supplemental food and water supplies
the balcony. designed to be of use if the barrow is besieged. It is
G. Lower Chambers: These chambers and caverns noticeably colder here than elsewhere in the
are the home of a variety of creatures. The most dungeon.
dangerous group to the player characters—and
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There are many sacks of oats and beans, many waxed ● A history of the dwarvish citadel of Morrikul Zane,
cheeses, barrels of small beer, containers of jerky, etc. situated a little way to the north of the barrow
A careful search of the room will reveal that one of within the Darkshroud Peaks (no value, but of
the barrels is filled with good quality brandy (value: potential interest in subsequent adventures in this
75 gp) and one of the coffers is a chest of series);
refrigeration , having the property of keeping
anything stored within it at a temperature slightly ● A journal of Zenegral Byle’s recent activities (of no
below the freezing point of water, provided the lid is monetary value, but including sufficient evidence
shut and the ambient temperature outside is not to ensure that he is convicted if brought to trial);
unusually great. This item is worth 500 xp, and could
● A Goblin-Common/Common-Goblin dictionary
be sold for perhaps 1,000 gp on the open market.
(value: 30 gp);
Such a search will also reveal that several of the
leather sacks are filled with brown mold, which is the ● A Grammar of the Goblin Tongue , by Zerment,
main reason for the prevailing low temperature in the the renowned Goblin scholar (value: 50 gp) — the
room. (The brown mold has been placed here preceding two works, if studied together, can
deliberately in order to maintain the low temperature halve the usual time it takes to learn the Goblin
and thus prevent food from spoiling). Thus, the language.
searching character is 90% likely to suffer a brown
Necromancy area: This section is clearly devoted to
mold attack before locating the chest of
the study of corpses, containing a number of partly
refrigeration .
dissected humans and an assortment of surgical
G4. WIZARD’S LABORATORY: The entrance area implements for a variety of disgusting and repulsive
to this large chamber contains a trap. If the threshold purposes.
is crossed without pressing a secret catch in the wall
Material- spell- component area: There are several
(detect as a secret door), a poisoned dart will fire
shelves containing material spell components, all
from an aperture in the west wall, aiming at the first
neatly sorted and labelled. Most of these are of no
character into the room. The dart attacks as a 4 HD
value (there is little market for bat guano among non-
monster, inflicting 1 hp of damage if it hits, and the
mages), but of potential interest are the material
target character must save vs. poison or die. The trap
components for casting a find familiar spell (value:
is then ineffective until reloaded.
100 gp), the pearl and live miniature carp for identify
The laboratory is a huge room, comprising several (value: 100 gp), and the ink for write (value: 200 gp).
areas which are outlined in turn.
G5. WORKSHOP: This area is used for making
Potion- making area: This area contains several work repairs to any damaged equipment. It is filled with
surfaces, alembics, distillation jars, burners, tripods, work surfaces, tools, raw materials (such as patches,
beakers, test tubes, and so forth. These items are hobnails, hafts, etc.), and an assortment of damaged
worth a total of perhaps 1,000 gp but are highly items which are under repair. None are of interest or
fragile, and almost any impact will shatter them! value, but it will take 3 turns to search this area
Open on the desk is a treatise on how to thoroughly and determine this for sure.
manufacture a homonculous (value: 250 gp).
The corridor to the south is lined on both east and
Library/study area: This area contains research west walls with pegs and garment hooks. Items
books, diaries, and journals. There are no spell books waiting for repair hang on the east wall, while those
(for Zenegral Byle keeps his on his person), but there which have been repaired and require collection hang
is a treasure trove of other works, including: on the west.
● An atlas of the area with detailed maps, G6. DOORWAY: This iron-bound wooden door will
approximately 100 years out of date (value: be closed when the players approach it. It has a crude
50 gp); notice affixed to the north side, which reads in
Common, Goblin, and Gnoll: “Private! No entry.” If
any creature opens the door without saying the word
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“Curannog,” a magic mouth will scream “Intruders!” G13. CAVERN OF THE WORMS: There will always
ten times. be 3d6 cave worms (cf. The Melford Murder for
stats) in this cavern. They are used to supplement the
Actually, this magic mouth has been malfunctioning diet of the various creatures which dwell in the
of late and sometimes shouts for no reason. Thus its barrow. If left undisturbed, there is a 90% chance that
yells will not really attract any attention. they will not attack.
G7. WAITING AREA: This area is used by creatures The spur of the cave which lies to the northwest
which are awaiting an audience with Zenegral Byle. It contains several dozen cave worm eggs.
contains a seating area (hard wooden benches) and a
number of grisly reminders of Zenegral Byle’s G14. FUNGUS FARM: This damp cavern is faintly
authority—notably Byle’s collection of unusual skulls phosphorescent, containing various pools of still
and an entire goblin skin which is used as a rug. water and an enormous number of varieties of
fungus. None of these fungi are harmful, and a
G8. HOLDING PEN: Many sets of manacles line the number are rather tasty. They are used to supplement
walls here. If a party member has been taken prisoner the diet of the inhabitants of this place.
and is being held for ransom, he or she will be found
here; otherwise the area will be empty. G15. MISTY CAVERN: This cavern has a putrid reek
which is detectable within 20' of the cave itself. The
G9. MINE ENTRANCE: This room contains various upper part of the cavern is filled with a thin mist
picks and tools which have been used to enlarge the which is mildly poisonous (any character whose head
dungeon complex into Areas G11–G20. These newly is over 4' above the ground must save vs. poison or
fashioned areas are very roughly hewn, having been be rendered unconscious for 1d3 turns). A dwarf or
hacked out by lazy goblins, and Zenegral Byle is gnome has a 50% chance of knowing that the smell
waiting until he has an adequate number of slaves indicates the presence of harmful gas.
before finishing them. Aside from the picks and tools,
the area is empty. This cavern slopes upwards towards Area G16.
G10. DOORWAY: This iron-bound wooden door G16. MISTY CAVERN: This cave is filled with the
will be closed when the players approach. It has a same gas that permeates the upper portion of Area
notice affixed to the south side, reading in Common, G15, save the gas is even denser, restricting visibility
Goblin, and Gnoll: “Hatchery – no admittance for to 20'. A character of any height must make a save or
any reason. This means you.” be affected as listed under Area G15, and a 1 on the
saving throw die indicates death due to inhalation of
G11. CAVERN: A roughly hewn area, G11 is uneven toxic fumes. Further, anyone carrying a lit torch,
and damn, sloping downwards noticeably from north lantern or candle into this cavern has a 20% chance
to south, and the footing is treacherous. A dwarf, of igniting the gas, inflicting damage as a 5-dice
gnome, or thief can keep his or her feet fireball (save for half damage applies).
automatically, but other characters have a 1 in 6
chance of falling and sliding to the southern edge of The extreme northeastern corner of the cavern
the room (taking 1d3 damage in the process) unless contains a small vent which is the source of this gas. If
they take appropriate precautions. ignited, it will slowly refill over the course of the
subsequent 6 hours (36 turns) until it reaches the
G12. CAVERN: This cavern appears to be empty. same concentration described before.
However, a thorough search of the most extreme
northern point of the cavern will reveal a tiny crevice G17. RUST MONSTER FEEDING CAVERN: This
concealed near the roof. Inside this crevice is an cave contains a number of discarded items of ferrous
uncut agate (worth 5 gp, but capable of being cut by metal, such as bent spearheads, dented helms, etc.,
a skilled gemcrafter to a value of 150 gp)—the object which are beyond repair. The corridor to the west is
having been found in the mining process and sealed with a grillework of 6-inch-square pieces of
concealed here by the goblin who did not wish to wood, which are rotting slightly in the damp
share the treasure with its rulers and chieftains, and atmosphere (but are still very strong). A bend bars/lift
plans to return to collect it later. gates roll would be necessary to remove this
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grillework. Alternatively, the player characters could Each of the chambers from H2 through H11 contains
employ tools to cut through it (those found in Area creatures in the process of incubation. Not all of
G5 would work well). Zenegral Byle’s creations have been successful—some
are less powerful than he had envisaged, and others
On the other side of the grillework are small piles of are less tractable to his will—but he is persevering
rust. If a player character pokes a discarded metal with the process.
item through the grille, there is a 50% non-cumulative
chance per round that a rust monster will approach Notes on this sublevel: Many of the creatures here
to feed. are immature or incomplete in some respect. As a
result, they are less powerful than a normal adult of
Also in this room are two nets of strong rope. These their species (and this is just as well, for a full adult of
can be used to capture a rust monster, each being some of the creatures listed herein would be more
capable of holding one such monster safely. The DM than capable of making a horrible mess of the party
should determine the chances of the net successfully for whom this adventure is designed!) The DM is
trapping a rust monster according to the plan encouraged to read the creature descriptions with
employed by the player characters, but the chances particular care before attempting to run this section
should generally be good and the DM is encouraged of the adventure because the monsters differ, in
to look favourably on any reasonably intelligent plan. many cases, from a normal creature of their type.
G18–19. CAVERNS OF THE RUST MONSTERS: The entrance areas to the various hatcheries are
These two caverns each contain three rust monsters enchanted to keep the creatures inside. In every case,
(Area G18: hp 25, 23, 22; Area G19: hp 23, 21, 18). the 10' square adjacent to the corridor is the affected
Zenegral Byle occasionally collects their secretions for area. Each of these entrance areas contains a force
use in potion ingredients, and he also believes they field equivalent to a wall of force, which is permanent
may be useful when his plan matures a little further (unless deactivated by pulling the levers in Area H1).
and he is able openly to attack the lands of men. However, there is a 1' “slot” at the top of each wall of
force, through which meat and drink may be thrown
Although the rust monsters are unintelligent, they
to the creatures in each hatchery.
have felt little but cruelty at Zenegral Byle’s hands
and desire revenge upon him. Player characters who If the player characters release several creatures
show them kindness will be able to gain their dim and at once , then there is a 25% chance per creature
slow-witted loyalty. released that it will attack another released creature
(determine which one randomly)—except that it will
not attack its own kind. Otherwise, it will wander
cavern contains a huge female rust monster (hp: 34).
around the area aimlessly, looking for something to
She is exhausted, having recently laid 9 eggs, and
eat. Eventually, the creatures will dissipate up the
both moves and attacks as if under the influence of a
staircase (into Area D of Level 2) or through the
slow spell. (If the player characters leave and return
doors off Area H1 if these have not been sealed,
later, this effect will of course have worn off; it will
attacking any non-hatchery creature encountered
wear off in any case 6 turns after the players first
until slain.
enter this cave).
H1. HATCHERY ENTRANCE: The doors to the
There is a small market for rust monster eggs, and
south and east of this entrance chamber will always
each egg could be sold for 100 gp, although Melford
be closed but not locked. However, there are very
is too small a town to contain a prospective
stout (foot-thick) wooden bars which can be dropped
purchaser and the player characters will need to
into place to close them from either side; if this is
venture to a large town or city in order to locate a
done, a character on the other side cannot open
suitable buyer.
them by force, no matter how much strength is
H: The Hatchery. Area H is where Zenegral Byle is employed. They are designed to withstand the
in the process of manufacturing more creatures to creatures who dwell in the hatchery, and only a
serve him. When this work is complete, Byle will feel knock spell, a chime of opening , or similar magic
able to begin the next phase of his depradations. will suffice to open them from the side opposite the
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There are two levers on the western wall here. Both H6. LAMIA HATCHERY: This hatchery contains an
are marked, in Common, Goblin, and Gnoll with adolescent lamia (as an adult, but no spell-casting
urgent-sounding notices: “DANGER! Leave these powers as yet, and only HD 7, hp 33). She is highly
levers alone. Do not pull them under any intelligent, speaks Common fluently, and will claim to
circumstances! This means you!” Both levers are in be a centaur who has been mutated by Zenegral
the “up” position when the characters enter. Byle’s magic. She will agree to join forces with the
party until Byle is defeated, being careful not to
North Lever: This lever toggles the entrance area to betray her true nature, but as soon as he is down, she
each hatchery which is affected by the other lever. will certainly attack the players the moment she can
When the player characters enter, it is set to Area H2; be sure of achieving surprise.
if they pull it, it will set to area H3, then H4, then H5,
etc. until it reaches H11. Pulling it again will set it to The lamia does not understand how the levers which
H2 once more. control access to her hatchery function.
South Lever: This lever toggles the enchanted H7. MANTICORE HATCHERY: This hatchery
entrance areas “on” and “off.” All of them begin in contains a fully grown manticore (hp: 28). The beast
the “on” setting. Thus, if the player characters pull the has shed all of its tail spikes in frustrated attempts to
south lever without pulling the north lever, the attack things through the wall of force which seals its
entrance to Area H2 will be deactivated. If they pull it lair, so it is only capable of melee.
again, it will be reactivated.
H8. WORM HATCHERY: This hatchery holds an
H2. BASILISK HATCHERY: There are two fully immature purple worm (as an adult, but HD 8, hp 39,
grown basilisks in this room (hp 31, 28). Because of and bites for only 2d8 damage. The creature is too
the dangers of keeping basilisks, these have had their small to swallow whole, and saving throws against its
eyes put out, and have no gaze attack; their blindness poison are made at +2).
causes them to attack at −4 on the die. However,
they are immune to darkness and take no further H9. SLUG HATCHERY: This hatchery contains a
penalty for fighting foes who are invisible. young giant slug (as an adult, but HD 7, hp 37, and
its acid is weak, causing only 10 hp of damage).
H3. CHIMERA HATCHERY: This hatchery contains
an immature chimera (as an adult, but HD 6, hp 27, H10. WYVERN HATCHERY: This hatchery contains
and its breath causes only 2–16 points of damage). an adolescent wyvern (as an adult, but HD 5+5, hp
Because it has been reared in isolation from its kind, 26, and saving throws against its poison are made at
this chimera does not speak any languages. +1).
H4. GRIFFIN HATCHERY: This hatchery contains H11. SCORPION HATCHERY: This hatchery
an adolescent griffin (as an adult, but HD 6, hp 34, contains a fully grown giant scorpion (hp 31).
and 1d3/1d3/2d6 for damage). Although not yet an
Aftermath: A party which successfully kills Zenegral
adult, the beast is too old to be trained.
Byle is to be congratulated! Slaying the wizard is no
H5. HYDRA HATCHERY: This hatchery contains a small achievement. They will have saved the village,
fully grown 5-headed hydra (hp 40). It is a Lernaean and they should have received no small amount of
hydra and will regenerate two heads for each one booty from their exploits in addition to the
that is cut off (taking 1d4 rounds to do so) unless fire experience they have earned. DMs who rigorously
is applied to the stump. It can never have more than enforce the training rules for gaining a level of
16 heads, but of course a 16-headed hydra would be experience may wish to have the Village Council (or
more than sufficient to eradicate every other creature Maenae) present the party with a purse of a thousand
in the dungeon! gold pieces for their part in saving Melford from the
depredations of the goblins.
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FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 12"
% IN LAIR: 90%
Attack/Defence modes: Nil
Nightcreepers are humanoid creatures, apparently unintelligent, which somehow derive sustenance from light.
Their touch will extinguish torches, candles, or lanterns and dispel light spells. More permanent sources of light
such as fire beetle glands, continual light spells, or magical swords or daggers will lose their light-emitting
properties for 2d6 turns, although they will suffer no other ill effects from the nightcreeper's touch.
Nightcreepers are susceptible to sunlight, however, which is very debilitating to them. This means that they will
only normally be found underground or in other places completely shielded from the sun. Normally,
nightcreepers will seek to dwell near continual light spells or other magic which they can tap for a constant
source of nourishment. These spells will not be functional as illumination in the presence of nightcreepers, of
These creatures are very hard to see. They are visible in normal light but invisible to infra- or ultravision. They
can also hide in shadows with a 75% chance of success.
The behaviour of a pack of nightcreepers will usually be to swarm over the light-bearing characters in a party of
adventurers and attempt to touch the light to feed from it. Large light sources, such as lanterns or torches, are
easy for the nightcreepers to hit and are treated as AC8; candles or magic swords are AC6; and magic daggers
which shed light might be as low as AC4.
The nightcreepers will defend themselves if attacked but will not otherwise seek to harm humanoids save as
necessary to get to their light sources. They are AC6 in the light but AC2 once all light sources have been
These creatures have superior (120') infravision and also use a form of echolocation (similar to a bat's sonar)
which helps them to navigate the darkness. They often make a high-pitched chittering noise, like a rapid series
of staccato chirps, to facilitate this.
Description: Nightcreepers are rarely seen and always seem shrouded in shadow. They are hairless, naked, and
entirely jet black in colour, including their hair and eyes.
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Beneath the Darkshroud Peaks
Copyright © 2005 Stuart Marshall
1st Edition August 2006
"Working to bring you the best in original and free roleplay resources."
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