Emergency Drug List

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Department of Rehab Nursing Emergency Drug List

Sl. no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Name of the drug Tab. Acetaminophen Inj. Acetaminophen Adrenaline Bitartrate Aminophylline Diazepam 5mg/ml Inj. Dicyclomine hydrochloride Inj. Dicyclomine hydrochloride (10mg/ml) Diphenhydramine Dobutamine 50 mg/ml(5ml amp) Doputamine hydrochloride 40mg/ml (5ml amp) Tab. Frusemide Inj. Frusemide Inj .Glucose with sodium chloride Inj. Glyceryl trinitrate 5mg/ml Inj. D50% Inj. haloperidol Inj. Heparin sodium 5000IU/ml Hydrocortisone sodium succinate 100mg/ml Inj.Lignocaine IV 2% Inj.lidocaine 2% Tab.metoclopramide Inj. metoclopramide Inj.Morphine sulphate Inj.N/2 saline Inj.N/5 saline Oxygen inhalation Inj.phenobarbitone 200mg/ml Inj.phnytoin 50mg/ml Inj. Potassium chloride Inj. Ringer lactate Salbutamol sulphate inhalation with Nebuliser Inj. Sodium bicarbonate Inj. Tetanus Toxoid Inj. Vitamin K10mg/ml Nitroglycerine (Sublingual) Silver sulfadiazine (Topical) Inj. Verapamil Sterile water for injection

List of Items for Emergency Tray

IV EQUIPMENT 1. 0.9 % Sodium chloride 2. I.V Administration tubing 3. IV catheter 20ga1(2) Safety syringes & needles 1. 10ccw/21ga1 2. 10cc w/22ga1 3. 3cc w/20ga1 4. 3cc w/21ga1 5. 3cc w/22ga 1 6. 3cc w/25ga5/8 Resuscitation equipment 1. Disposable resuscitator with adult mask -1 2. Endotracheal tubes:3mm with stylet 1, 7mm with stylet 1 3. Laryngoscope large -1 4. Laryngoscope small-1(interchangeable light source) 5. Manual suction unit-1 6. Oropharyngeal airways: small -1, medium-1, large -1 Oxygen equipment 1. Oxygen mask with strap and non re breathing bag-1 2. Oxygen cylinder with toggle handle-1 3. Roll of tubing-1 Surgical instruments 1. Alcohol spomges-2 2. Gauze sponges 33 (2) 3. Gloves, Nitrile-2 4. Hemostat -2 5. Needle holder-1 6. Scalpel blade -1 7. Scissors-1 8. Sutures 4-0 prolene-1, 2-0vicryl-1 9. Tape-1 10. Thumb forceps-1 11. Tourniquet-1

Monitoring equipment 1. Sphygmomanometer-1 2. Stethoscope-1 General Medicine List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Tab .Brufen Tab. Paracetamol Capsule Ampilox Syrup Brufen(ibugesic) Syrup calpol Syrup Phenargan Syrup Ampilox Inj. Ceftriaxon Inj .Voveran Inj.Sodium Bicarbonate In. Lycortin Ointment Soframycin Inj. Decadron Inj .Calcium Gluconate Inj. campose Inj .Fortwin Inj .Tramazac Inj .Dicolic Inj .Zofer Inj. Lasix Inj.Rantac Inj. Efcarlin Inj. Derifyllin Inj. Perinorm Inj. Atropine Inj. Adrenaline 25% Dextrose Band aid Sterilium

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