Classroom Rules and Procedures
Classroom Rules and Procedures
Classroom Rules and Procedures
Classroom Rules: 1. Bring all of your materials to class daily. 2. Respect yourself and others. 3. Have a positive attitude and be willing to learn.
Classroom Procedures: 1. Entering the Classroom: As you enter the room, please be seated. When the bell rings everyone should be quiet and begin working on the bell ringer activity. 2. Tardy: Any student who is not in the classroom when the bell rings will be considered tardy. If you are late, go directly to your seat and begin working. 3. End of Class: At the end of class, please remain in your seat. I will dismiss you. 4. Listening To/Responding To Questions: Everyone has the right to be respected when they are speaking. If you would like to ask a question or make a comment, please raise your hand and wait to be called on. Please do not speak while someone else is speaking. Everyone will have an opportunity to talk. 5. When You Need Help: If you or your parents need to speak with me outside of the classroom, please schedule an appointment with me. If you are having difficulty with an assignment, I am available before and after school. Please arrange a time with me and I am happy to help you. 6. Moving Around the Room: If you need to move around the room, please raise your hand and wait to be called upon. Please do not interrupt in the middle of an explanation unless it is an emergency. 7. Restroom Passes: You will be given two restroom passes per nine weeks. You will not be allowed to use the restroom during an explanation. Please make every effort to use the restroom before or after class. 8. Classroom Language: Please use appropriate language in the classroom. Do not use negative words and speak positively about other classmates and what we are studying. 9. When You Finish Early: If you finish your work early, read your AR book or work on other work that you need to finish.
10. Seating Charts: You must sit in your assigned seat. We will change seating arrangements every 2-3 weeks.
Incentives and Consequences: It is important that you respect and follow the classroom rules and procedures on a daily basis. There will be appropriate rewards for following the guidelines explained above, as well as appropriate consequences for not following the classroom rules and procedures. Incentives: It is important to have a positive, comfortable learning environment. Students will be rewarded for several things in class, such as: having a positive attitude, helping another student, being polite, trying something new, a good grade, improvement, or many other things. The incentives are as follows: o Titan Pride Card to put in a basket for a team drawing. o Participation Points o Other incentives will be available on occasion. For example, a winning team might be given extra credit on their quiz or a homework pass.
Consequences: My behavior expectations for you are high. If I feel that your behavior is inappropriate for class or you are not following the classroom rules and procedures the following consequences will be utilized: 1. Verbal Warning 2. The student will be asked to fill out a Stop and Think sheet which will allow both of us to look at the situation. 3. Teacher Student conference with Ms. Merrell to discuss the situation. 4. If the behavior persists, the student will be sent to the office on a referral or I may request a parent conference.
*Severe disregard for school or classroom guidelines (i.e. fighting), will result in an automatic referral to the office. Welcome to Class! It is going to be a great semester!!