Tlab 63 Xxllei
Tlab 63 Xxllei
Tlab 63 Xxllei
provide poor network utilization by a field engineer are needed to upgrade capacity
n Visits n The
solution is inflexible for data subscribers. PDH/SDH bandwidth is offered either as 2 Mbit/s, 34 Mbit/s or 155 Mbit/s and changes of capacity are too time-consuming SDH protection offerings are not ideal for data subscribers
n Provisioning n Traditional
protection. If a fiber or a PDH/SDH node on the path through the network becomes defective, the subscriber cannot send or receive any traffic. protection, in which two paths are established through the network. Traffic is forwarded on both paths. If the primary path fails, traffic is received on the secondary path so service continues without interruption. The consequence is that the secondary path is unused for about 99.9xx percent of the time, which is a huge waste of network capacity.
Now, thanks to Tellabs, you can offer your subscribers a leased line service that provides a much better fit to their needs. Benefits include:
n Lower
n 1+1
price flexibility and scalability solution with migration path to more advanced
n Greater n The
n Future-proof
services Tellabs refers to this new service as Layer 1 Ethernet Private Line (Layer 1 EPL).
Figure 1: Layer 1 Ethernet private line solution utilizes the network more efficiently and offers the subscriber the bandwidth they request
The above protection methods are not ideal for either data subscribers or operators, as either protection method is inadequate or the protection is very expensive and the network is badly utilized. What data subscribers need is a leased line service with a protection along the following lines:
n 99.9xx n If
For instance, a subscriber with a 14 Mbit/s line will receive this as an Ethernet interface and 7*VC12s assigned to this interface. If the subscriber wishes to upgrade or downgrade the connection, it is just a matter of adding or removing a number of virtual containers, which is easily accomplished through Tellabs centralized network management system. The fine granularity in bandwidth assignment makes it possible to match your subscribers needs much more accurately. Moreover, since changes in bandwidth no longer require a site visit, subscriber requests can be carried out very quickly.
a fiber or a PDH/SDH node fails along the path, the consequence is only a temporary degrading of capacity, for instance, from 14 Mbit/s to 8 Mbit/s. This means the subscriber can still serve customers and employees, even though the speed is lower.
Benefits at a Glance
n reduced n reduced
capital expenses due to low-cost interfaces and better network utilization operational expenses since less equipment must be kept in stock; the same interface type is used no matter what capacity the subscriber requests operational expenses as capacity up/downgrades can be carried out via centralized network management software; no site visit by a field engineer is needed competitiveness through more accurate bandwidth provisioning, faster provisioning and changes in bandwidth, and optimal protection methods for data applications
This is exactly how Tellabs Layer 1 EPL solution works. Subscriber traffic is transmitted on both the primary and secondary paths. If a fiber or equipment becomes defective, traffic is only transmitted/ received on the remaining trail, thus reducing capacity but maintaining the service. The main economic advantage of this method is that many data subscribers will move to the new protection method, which means operators can match subscribers demands while effectively doubling their network capacity. Tellabs has achieved this functionality via a new protection method; Link Capacity adjustment Scheme (LCaS) a solution that combines the best of the SDH world with the actual requirements of the data world.
n reduced
n Increased