Osamaro IFISM Vol 2 English Complete Osamaro Ibie
Osamaro IFISM Vol 2 English Complete Osamaro Ibie
Osamaro IFISM Vol 2 English Complete Osamaro Ibie
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Mr. Cromwell Osamaro lble was bom on 29th September. 1934. He received his
elementary and secondary education at Benin City In Edo State. Nigeria between 1941
and 1953. He joined the Colonial Civil Service on 1st February. 1954 where he rose to the
rank of Executive officer before proceeding to the United Kingdom for further studies.
During his stay In the United Kingdom he studied at the Universities of london and
Strathcylde where he obtained the B.Sc. (Hons.) and BA (Hons.) In Economics. respec-
He retumed to the Nigerian Federal Public Service In September 1963 where he rose
to the rank of Permanent Secretary. a position from which he voluntarily retired on 1st April.
Mr .lble Is currently engaged In Private business In lagos and Benin. He Is the Chairman/
Chief Executive of several industrial and commercial companies Including:
Efehlltd . lagos
AEG - Nigeria ltd
Eurotrade Cement Works (Nigeria) Ltd
Odin Biscuits Manufacturing Ltd
TRW Investment (Nigeria) Ltd
He Is also a member of the Governing council of the University of Benin. Nigeria.
Scanned for the first time, July
2012, Lowo Awo Ogbe Ate, "R.G."
De Puerto Rico
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Preface xl
1. The origin of Good and Evil 1
The famous proclamation of Esu 1
The creation of the virtue of Intelligence 2
The paradox of virtue 3
The or1gln of truth and falsehood 3
2. DldGod make a mistake? 6
The hypo1hetlcallmperatlve of Existence 7
Does God need man to defend His Cause 9
Old God create hell? 10
How man Invented heR 10
n-, antithesis of wealth and death 11
God 'continues to give man a chance
to Improve
The reward of Ingratitude
God abandons the Earth to Eau
The Beginning of strife on Earth 17
Lessons from Orunmlla's observations
on human Behvalour
Are men truly sympathetic to one another
Man created His own God
The of Human Intellect 25
8. lnsfltuflonallsatlon ot lflsm 27
Ogbe-Emlko lfa Culutral Society 29
The lndllvlduallty of religion 31
9 What lnstltutlonallsaflon has done to Religion 32
How religious Institutionalism began
with Judaism 33
The technologlco politic treatise 37
Judaism versus Christianity 38
Effects of lnstltutlonallsaatlon on Christianity 39
The polltlclsatlqn pf the Church 41
The paganlsatlon of Christianity 44
The recourse of the church to philosophy 46
The radicals 53
The attempts of the church to reform Itself 53
Correlation between Church Institutionalisation
and strife 54
Institutionalisation of Islam
Genesis of instltutlonallsaatlon
Jamhat Ahmadiyya (Ahmadis)
Epilogue on instiMionallsed religion
lfa as a way of life
The art of divination according to Orunmila
lfa art of divination
The cannons of divination In lflsm
The use of Kolanut for divination
The use of cowries
The use of Okpelle for divination
The transfiguration of Okpelle
Okpelle returns to heaven
Transldtlon of Ol<pelle
Divination by ibo
lkln Divination
Divination for Agboya
Divination for Oba-Lifon
Divination for the Tiger In heaven
Divination for Himself
Divination for Ogbe-Oyeku against
Divination for Ogbe-Oyeku's
Ono-lfa (ODIHA) for long life
Divination for longevity
Preparation before leaving heaven
Ogbe-lworl proves that a dead animal
cries louder than a life animal
He prepares for gathering a crowd
around himself
The feud between A yo and lwo
How Ogbe lweyin cures stomach ache
with lumbago
How Ogbe-lweyln takes anew wife
Ogbe-lworl becomes the king of llu Ajojl
Why benevolence to relations yields
How a dead goat sounds louder than a life
goat: another variation
The Incantation of Ogbe-lworl
Divination for the man who seduced the
wife of another man
t :"'13.
. :
1 ..
13. Ogbe-ldl 91
Divination for Orlsa-Nia to gain supremacy
over all divinities
Ogbe-ldl reveals how cheating began among
the children of the 200 dlvlnlfles In the World
Other heavenly works of Ogbe-ldl
The .Protectlve.force of OrunmDa
Physician heal thyself
Divination for Ejo and Eku
Ogbe-ldl settles down In lwara-ota
Divination for averting the danger of
having only one child
Divination for the big Bat and the king fisher
Divination for the people of Oro
Divined for lfaylml when his wife was lying
to him
Divination for Orunmlla when animal-kind
reported him to God
Divination for the adulterous woman
14. Ogbe-Obara
Ogbe-Obara made divination for Sango
The birth of Ogbe-Obara
Divination f ~ three brothers '
Divination for Akensheolu
Ogbe-Obara's experience as a hunter
Ogbe-Obara suNives fire accident
Ogbe-ObQra makes sacrifice for prosperity
Divination for Adegoroye
Divination for a man bewitched by his wife
Divination for the pregnant woman
15. Ogbe-Okonron 109
OQbe-Okonron leaves for the world
Divination for Elephant and Orunmlla
Divination for the well In heaven
Divination for Meerlye
Divination for Ekunkun
How Araka lost his wife
Orunmlla's advice to the children of
16. Ogbe-trosun 119
Ogbe-lrosun reveals how Orunmlla
won Ude (insignia of authority from God)
Ogbe-lrosun leaves heaven for the world
How Ogbe-lrosun lost his first wife
Divination for child-birth
Divination for Mangalaja 172
Ogb&-lrosun's works on earth 173
Divination for two brothers,
the hand and the mouth
/ 174
Divination against enmity 175
Divination for Olofln 175
Divination for Onlgede 175
17. Ogbe-OWanrln
1 ~
Ogbe-OWanrln made sacrifice for prosperity 177
Other sacrifices made by Ogbe-OWonrtn
before heaving heaven 177
What Ogbe-Owanrln should not do on Earth 178
Divination for Orlsa-Nia 179
DIVInation for Nugbuke when he was going
to ascend the throne of his father 180
Ogbe-Owanrln becomes the Balogun
of Obaa-Akoko 182
Divination for a barren woman, warrior
and king 183
He played A yo game with the Olofen 184
18. Ogbe-Ogunda, OgbeYonu, Ogbe-OIIgun,
Ogbe-Suru 142
Divination for three friends when they were
coming to the world 189
Divination for Erumen when she was
coming to the world 191
Divination for the Moon 192
Ogbe-OIIgun reveals OrunmUa's
attributes of perseverance 192
Orunmlla's enlogy of patience 193
Ogbe-Suru's own demonstration of the
reward of perseverance to the Princes 195
Ogbe-OIIgun's sacrifice against poverty 197
Divination for A ~ e . the blind man 198
The contest of five friends for a single woman. 201
The Prince who suffered a high prize fo falling
to make a token sacrifice 201
Ogbe-OIIgun!leaves heaven for the world 203
Heaven wages war on the sinful world
Advice to the children of Ogbe-OIIgun 205
How Ogbe-OIIgun solved the problem
of his parasitic brothers 206
Ogbe-OIIgun reveals how the divinities
retumed to heaven
Divination for the barren woman
Divination for two brothers
Divination f:)r the king of ltoko 211
Divination for a woman-Eklpkpayeml when
she had four suitors 213
Eklpkpayeml pays a high price for flirtation 214
He reavels how Orunmlla saved one friend
from the other 215
Ogbe-Osa prepares to come te-the world 217
The first test of Ogbe-Osa on earth 219
How Ogbe-Osa ended the female rebellion
atlfe 219
The first plot against Ogbe-Osa at lfe 222
The retum of Ogbe-Osa to Olofen's palace 224
Ogbe-Osa checks the menace of
witchcraft against lfe 226
Ogbe-(\>sa made dlvlnaflon for the Ezomo 227
made dlvlnaflon for Ollha and
his bro r Oruone 229
Ogbe-0$CI's divination for Alaakpa 232
Ogbe-Osa made divination for 1wo friends 243
Divination for the Hunter and the beer 235
20. Ogbe-Eturd, Ogbe-Abara, Ogbe-Kunle-Ara,
Ogbe Kunle)o 190
Prosperity begets enmity 240
How Orunmlla made dlvlnaflon for sleep 241
Ogbe-Etura made divination for the farmer
and the hunter 242
Ogbe-Abara made dlvlnaflon for Jegbe the ..
eldest son of Oduduwa
The punishment of Orlwaye for having an
affair with his father's wife 245
21. Ogbe-Ate 2()1
Divination for Olokun 250
Ogbe-Ate leaves for the world 250
Ogbe-Ate's experience in the world
Ogbe-Ate's first work at lfe
Ogbe-Ate made dlvlnaflon for Ogbere and
the Olowu of owu
Orunmlla's marriage to Ajlwenu
Divination for the masquerade
Divination for Ugun. Akala. Asa and Awodl 262
Divination for Udl
Divination for Ogun In heaven 263
How the Divinities got their crowns
Divination for the head
Divination for a pregnant woman
Ogbe-Ayoka.leaves heaven for the world 266
. (IX)
k ..
OgbeEturukpon, Ogbe-Tomokpon
Other heavenly works of Ogbe-Tomokpon
Divination for the first Olu of !were
He revealed Ajija's (Ezlza) destiny to him
The earthly work fo Ogbe-Tomokpom
Divination for a barren woman
OgbeOse, Ogbe Sanwo, Ogbe kowojo
Heavenly of Ogbe-Ose
Divination tqr the Chain
preparcitlo':l leaVIng hec:wen
Ogbe-l<owojo'&-experlence before setting
out for the world . .
. Other on earth
, His experience on earth
. Ogbe-Ose reveoled how money came to the
How Orunmlla got his Parrot
Ogbe-Ofun,Ogbe Kulejo 237
Divination for Cough and Throat
How Ogbe-Kulejo brought salt to the world
Ogbe-Ofun's experience In the world
Divination for the article seller
Dlvlnatlon for Oba Alaaye
he wo.rk of Ejiogbe on how man created his own god, is a continuation of
the first book on lflsm, detailing the complete work on Orunmlla. It follows
the same general outline as the first book. The only major difference is the
deviation in Chapter 9 from the orthodox thematic on lfism to a cursory exam(..
ndtlon ofthe three main Religions. ltwas not originally Intended to embark on
such an iconoclastic exefclse.lt W<=J$ only provoked by Orunmila's observation
on the pollution o( simptetrutfls tiY"tnstitutional conventions and dogma.
The only other variation is on the vexed question of lfa divination. Were it not
tor Qrunmila who himself authorised the superficial revelation of that aspect of
his work, the author would not have had the courage to delve into it. No human
bemg taught the author the art of dMnation. He was taught over a two night
period by Orunmlla himself for the benefit of ignorant humanity. I sincerely
apologise to the lfa. priests who .might see this aspect of the work as an
unnecessary affront on their fundamental practice of lfism. They will see that I lay
no claim to expertise on the art of divination. It Is however reasonable to Imagine
that Chapter Ten will galvanise the reader to do a more In-depth study of the art
of divination, which will ultimately send him to the adepts.
Since the publication of the firs.t book, I must have directed no less than three.
hundred enquirers to practising lfa Priests and I imagine that this book will even
do more than that. The other points of Interest are Chapters eleven to twenty-
five on the work of the Odus of Ejl-ogbe, addressed to students of African
Literature who wlll discover that In terms of ethics and philosophy, lfism Is based
on a tradition, culture, and religion much older than the other religions. It Is also
a boon to lfa scholars and priests In terms of history and routine divination.
A revolutionary revelation Is made in the opening Chapters of this t:5ook; that
far from the cliche that Esu (devil) was created by God, Orunmlla has revealed
that like God, the Devil (Esu) existed autonomously. While God represents the
embodiment of good. the Devil is the embodiment of all evil forces.
I have tried in this book to provide answers to the often posed questions ofwhy
is it that evil covers more ground than good. Man in society is more capricious
than when in a state of nature, and why institutionalised religion is being
profaned the world over. It is hoped that the brief insight into the three
institutionalised synoptic religions of Judo ism, Christianity and Islam would reveal
. why their spiritual appeal has been devalued; why they have been persecuted,
and, why they have themselves persecuted sceptics and critics alike. At the
same time the book praises individuals in religion who still live by orthodox
doctrine and dogma; without minding the visible corruption of their corporate
institutions. men and women who serve God truly in total disregard for the
conventions woven around the truth by institutions.
The book is divided into four broad sections: the first seven chapters deal with
ethical precepts according to lfism; the eighth chapter deals with why Orunmila
enjoined the author not to institutionalise lfism; and. Chapter 9, a book by itself,
deals with the effects of institutionalisation on the three synoptic religions of
Judaism. Christianity and Islam, which drew inspiration from the Bible. Chapter
10 deals with the mode of lfa divination, and the remaining chapters deal with
the underlying stories of divination.
It is the first attempt by a writer who has previously had a brush with modern
religion. to give others the benefit of his experience as a mirror to reflect the
dogmas so often taken for granted by adherents.
Many fanatics will find Chapter 9 distasteful If not .unpalatable. I make no
apologies for window-dressing the skeletons they prefer to hide In the cupboard
because several scholars have previouslY written about them since the days of
Martin Luther.
Someone has told me that the three tripods which support religion - Brotherty
love. Truth and Charity have been changed by Institutions to- Envy. Hypocrisy
and Ues. A believer's word of honour which was once his bond of sacrosanctity
to be relied upon. has now become a fog of obfuscation and promiscuity. I invite
believers and unbelievers of all stripes and strands tojudgewhether my claims are
In this connection I wish to thank Ita practitioners In the Americas and the
Carribean who were mainly responsible for accelerating the completion of this
book In the light of their persistent Inquiries for the next book.
My thanks also go to Chief Owoeye. the Royallfa Priest to the late Ajoro of ljero
In the Eklti area of Ondo State. My gratitude also goes posthumously to Chief
Omoruyl Edokpayl of Qndo as well as to Prince Omobude for their contributions
to this work. as well as readers all over the world who have urged me to write
more .
C. Osamaro lbie,
Efehl Ltd.
P. 0. Box 10064,
Lagos. Nigeria.
he first book on lfism revealed Orunmila's account of how God created
heaven and earth without indicating where God came from. The first book
also demonstrated how the divinities created by God lived in the divinosphere,
In heaven and on earth. This second book will not only reveal where God came
from but also give an indication of why inspite of His desire to make all his
creatures good and perfect they have been overrun by evil. It will also give the
history of evil and why it has overtaken the earth so effectively that God has
temporarily abandoned mankind to it.
This work will also give an indication of the difference between the True God
that created all existence, and the tribal god created by man to serve his
purpose and to which an infinitesimal proportion of mankind claims a monopoly.
It will also go to demonstrate the reason for the preponderance of evil over good
In the world of man. In the course of man's flight from reality, he embraced the
world of fiction In which 'evil' has become the erudite rule while 'good' is
relegated to the feeble exception. It will also demonstrate that even man's rule
of law is all about WHO can be right and WHO is wrong, which depend on
subjective factors -and not about WHAT can be right and WHAT is wrong, which
ceteris parious are more objective. That is why man's rule of law is divisive and
totally Incapable of settling issues between peoples, because no matter is
settled until it is settled right.
Truth hod considerable difficulty in thriving in a world dominated by Esu (devil)
who begot falsehood. The divinities subsequently withdrew from earth as soon as
Truth returned to heaven. The children of the divinities did their utmost to make
the world liveable for the righteous but to. no avail.
Orunmilo therefore taught his own children how to consult him in his Qbsence.
These teachings are contained in Chapters ten to t w e n t y ~ five of this book. The
teachings give brief accounts of the lfa Oracle. and its mode of divination. It will
enable anyone interested .to have a working knowledge of the so called secrets
of lfa divination.
A word of warning however is that reference throughout the book to animate
and inanimate objects should be regarded as strictly allegorical and metaphori-
I have tried to venture; not only into the past of mankind but more specifically
Into the genesis of black culture and religion. Ours Is a culture disengaged by
Ignorance, throllish gullibility, and hybrid education, from its ancient and time-
tested moorings. Yet, without the post, and some appreciation of what It has
done to us- of where the ingredients in our present life have come frcm,and how
they have come, we con only with difficulty comprehend the significance of
our present behavioural stripes and strands. For, without some knowledge of the
post, we are blind-folded In our efforts to grapple with the future; and the
m:Jititudinous problems it will pose if we know nothing of our roots because so
many of them are embedded in our ancient past.
The educated black man particularly shies away from his post and grabs the
synthetic culture of colonial masters as if he never had a culture and a history.
Many friends and contemporaries have asked why I, a supposed knowledge-
able academician and eco-political scientist found solace in writing about an
Idolatrous past, instead of reaching for the demonstration effect of following the
Joneses, to write about my experience in the field of societal economic man-
agement. Incidentally, without the force of destiny, I might probably have taken
that course, but the more I delve into lfism: the greater the satisfaction 1 derive
from knowing the history of . how our' forebears lived without the coercive .
lnteNention of colonialism, which is our basic undoing. The alien cultures imposed
on the black man in the last two h'undred years have cut him adrift with no post
ond no Indigenous culture. on which to fall back. Thus, we hqve unwittingly
the culture of the cofonisers, who ate una.bfe to unscramble their own
pre-history, in ordertodistfngulsh.myth from le.gend . fiction from facts, and who
.can at best only make a plausible of a capricious past' laced with streaks
of romanticism and a fictitious present. . .
In fairness however to imperialists, Africa is not the first part of the world to hove
been subjected to external colonial Influence. Greece was an erhplre with Its
own brand of religious polytheism. The countries of the near and for East come
under Greek suzerainty up to 300 B.C. But the countries they colonised did not
abandon their religion and culture to give way to the Greek equivalents. Until the
Pagan Roman Empire become-the Holy Roman Empire, their colonies kept their
religions and cultures.
In contrast, African history is immanent with instances of total to
invasions by foreign culture and religions without examining whether they ore
Inferior to their own. I have tried therefore in this book to mirror the kaleidoscopic
enchantments in the foreign religions and cultures which have so easily over-
whelmed the African psyche and soul.
For instance what dazzled parts of the world Into surrendering to Christianity
was Inter olio the promise of a better life after death and the immortality of the
soul. These concepts did not originate from Jesus Christ. They pre-doted Him into
antiquity. In pre-Islamic Egypt, an initiation to the cult of Isis; carried with it the.
promise of a future happiness after death. If. as Luke reports in the gospel. Jesus
and his parents took refuge in Egypt when Herod wonted to destroy the child, and
thpt they remained there until after the death of Herod, it is easy to surmise that
Jesus had already discovered in Egypt that the promise of a happier fife after
death, was a rough and ready heart winner. Luke, by the way was a Greek
scholar and intelligentsia, Which explain why his account of the early fife of Jesus
differs substantially from those of Matthew, Maii< and John.
For over 150 years before the birth of Christ, the worship of the Iranian Light-
god Mithra. gained vogue In the Roman Empire although it did not make dny
special appeal to the Greeks. The Romans on the other hand, had accepted
Mithrasm because its strongest appeals were its doctrines of: the immortality of
the soul. the resurrection of the body and the belief that through the help of the
god Mithra, those faithful to him would reach heaven. While on earth, the faithful
were pledged to good human conduct. brotherly regard, and mutual help,
regardlesS'of status. Mlthraism, like Christianity was to adopt later, was the religion
of the poor and degraded servile classes.
Many will be surprised to know that :the Ji.Jdoeo-Christian story of God's
creation of man, has its root in Greek Mythology. In the 'Birth of Westem
civilization'. Michael Grant, under the caption of "how we are all enthralled by
tradition". reveals that "The giant Prometheus in early (Greek) mythology was a
Joyal friend of mankind for whom he is said to have stolen fire from heaven. A
later version of the myth even made Prometheus, the creator of the Human race.
He even refers to the remains of the clay from which Prometheus created man.
To the Jews and early Christians, this Grecian myth symbolised rebirth in the life
after death and in the process of transmission through history, was eventually
accepted and passed into Christianity as the creation of man by God.
Orpheus was used by classical Greek mythology to represent the Good
shepherd. He reappeared in French and English fairy tales in the middle ages
when Dante used Orpheus allegoricaly in the artistic style of saying one thing and
meaning cmother. Orpheus however owes his survival to King David because it
Is In the guise of Orpheus that David is portrayed as the biblical good shepherd.
Hercules left Western Art and Literature at the end of the ancient world only
to reappear in the Bible in the second millenium as Samson.
The foregoing analytical relationship between human history and culture on
the one hand. and the ~ 0 - 0 U 1 1 e o modern religion on the other. would be further
examined in the subsequent chapters .
Chapter 1
runmila has Ogbe-ldithat before me of the .
divinosphere,tnere was a phenomenal void called ORIMA or 'AlMA.
The closest approxjmatlon. to ORIMA in modem etymology is the
primeval. which was characterised by total darkness. That w9s the realm
COI"!trolled by Esu as illustrated In Figure 1. A layer above the darkness was a
minute translucent enclave wtllch contained the seeds of a subsequent
existence. Within the transparent enclave existed the nuqleus of light; air.
water. space. and the abode of Olodumare. or the kingdom ot God.
In the fullness of time. God ordered light to emerge by pronouncing ONQ-
YOO- and He lit up the entirety of ORIMA or the primeval. The total darkness
of Esu's kingdOm was lit and he raised up his heod to query "Who is this? God
replied: "I am Olodumare CGo.d). He continued. "I saw that the darkness
engulfing us. did not provide a basis for the fullness of existence. That is why I
created light to enable life to blossom and flourish. As the dialogue contin-
ued. Esu reminded Olodumare that he owned the vast majority of the space
called ORIMA because. it was ail darkness.save for the microscopic part which
He(Oiodumare) occupied. Esu conceded that darkness did not conduce to
the organic development of life. which explains why he (Esu) has no creative
capabilities. He promised however to move freely under the brightness of light
and Olodumare agreed that he was at liberty to mlx with his own creatures.
That. according to Orunmila. is why Evil which thrives in obscurity and darkness,
occupies more grounds than goodness.:tothis day. That is also why good and
evil cannot totally eliminate each other. but must perforce live togett:ler.
The famous proclamations of Esu
Olodumare proceeded to complete his creative work by creating plants
and animals to live side by side with the 200 divinities. As soon as Esu saw the.
multiplicity of Olodumare's creatures. he proclaimed that while he was inca-
pable of creating life. he was nonetheless determined to demonstrate that he
hod the disruptive power to mutilate by proclaiming to Olodumare:
Whatever vegetation blossoms under the brightness of light will
become my farmland and whatsoever being you create in the
vastness of space will become my servants and handmaids.
Not even the divinities realised what Esu meant with his everlasting procla-
mation. and the fact that after several millenia since creation. man is still
boasting to achieve the feat of eliminating the devil and the forces of evil.
clearly that mdn has still not appreciated the significance of Esu's
Afterfhat dialogue. God went ahead to conclude his creative works. His first
creations were the 200 divinities which included Light. Wind. Ground. Earth.
Space. Metal. Lightning. Water. Death,Fear etc. Thereafter he created plants
and pnimals to live on land space and water to feed the divinities. When God
credted the divinities He intended them to be good. to behave well and to
support and co-operate with one another. No sooner were they created than
Esu infiltrated them and they began to fight one another.
Olodumare created all his animate beings to be perfect and good. Esu's
threat to make a servant of any being created by Olodumare was not idle at aD.
He set out to work at once on the divinities. and before Olodumare knew what
was happening. his divinities were already behaving In the manner instigated b
Esu. They were veering away from the path of goodness ond beginning to
practice evil.
The Creation of the VIrtue of Intelligence
The proclamation of Esu to mutilate. transform: and arrogate whatever God
created under the sceptre of light. marked the beginning of the competition l
between good and evil. or light and darl<ness. openness and obscurity as well as
truth and falsehood. Esu quickly went to work and began to tum the divinities
against one another. To checkmate the evil machinations of Esu. God created
the virtue called OLOGBON (Intelligence) to enable the divinities to withstand
and resist the onslaught of Esu.
Thereafter. God decided to put the divinities through a test to find out how
they would use their newly acquired intelligence to ward off the might of Esu. It
will be recalled that soon after the commencement of creation. Esu had caused
the grounds of the dlvinosphere to be heated up. The snail was created by God)
for the purpose of cooling the grounds. Meanwhile. God. sent each of the
divinities in search of snails from the forest. One after th:e other. God sent each
of the divinities on what looked like the wild-goose-chase knowing fully well that
Esu would accost them. Esu made It impossible for each of them to accomplish
th'elt.misslon of finding th.e snail. It was then the turn h) tty his mettle.
God symbolised intelligence with five different and disposable materials.
These were: white chalk. kolanut. camwood. white cloth and alligator pepper. ,
Before leaving for hismlssion. Orunmila embarked on divination on what to do
accomplish his task. He was advised to be as moggonimous as possible
throughout his mjssion. As soon as Orunmila set out, Esu. as he did to the
others .went on his trail. God gave all five materials to each of the divinities before
sending them out in search of the snail. but without disclosing how to use them.
Esu transfigured Into five different creatures to beseech Orunmila to part with
each of his five divine gifts. In consonance with the div!national advice he got
before leaving home. Orunmila ported with each'of his motertals. '
By the time he disposed of his fifth gift which was the alllgator pepper. Esu
appeared to him and asked him what he was looking for and he disclosed that
God had sent him in search of snails for cooling down the over-heated grounds
of the divinosphere. Realising that God was aware of his machination and
having received what he wanted. he told Orunmiia to look into one corner of the
forest. where he saw a large collection of snails. He took 16 of them and returned
home to report mission accomplished. After receiving the five gifts which God
gave to Orunmila. and the snails which were offered in sacrifice. Esu instant a-
, '
neously plugged the heat-wave whtch he hod caused to heat-up the grounds
of the divtnosphere and everywhere became cool once more.
When God asked Orunmila to disclose to the Divine Council how he suc-
ceeded in procuring the snails where others failed. he narrated how on five
different occasions he was approached by five separate creatures (to which Esu
had transfigured) to persuade him to part with each of God's five gifts to him.
and that he did not hesitate to part with them. Orunmila added that it was otter
he had parted with the last of the five gifts. that a strange creature him
what he was looking for and helped him to procure the snails. Tf"le others quickly
recalled that they too had been approached by similar creatures but dio not
think It was appropriate to part with <;:llvlne gifts given to them by their Father.
At that point. God told ali the divinities that He deliberately refrained from telling
them what to do with the gifts to test how they could use them Intelligently on their
own Initiative: God added that no one attains a desire without giving up
something for It. and that to who_m much is glven.much Is expected. If one must
succeed In one's endeavour. one must be prepared to part with an equally
precious Investment In materials. patience or time. That was how God taught the
the significance of sacrifice. me atonem'ent Invested to cool down the
heafed grounds of the divlnosphere was the first sacrifice ever made.
For having the lnteHigence to use his Initiative effectively. God proclaimed
Orunmlla ... the divinity of wisdom. That Is "f.hY to this day. the modus operandi
of Orunmlla Is the' doctrine of sacrificial offerings. with which he can always
. achieve his objectives.
The Paradox of VIrtue
It has often been sold that virtue Is poorer than vice and that vice has more
disciples than virtue; On the face of It. the axiom Is a truism. Virtue triumphs too
late to have proxlmate.-oppeat. _and It Is-not in the nature of man to Invest in the
perseverance necessory.to witness the Inevitable victory of virtue. It Is true that
virtue only triumphs quickly in the synthetic and fictitious world of theatrical and
cinematographic performances.
In a world dominated by Esuhowever. the path of virtue Is lined with the corpses
of Its lndomittlbtEJ ehorhPldns and soaked with the blood of its fanatical
ers. '
H6w often have people been jailed; molested and even killed for having the
to give honest advice. It is those who tell people what they want to hear
that get more heariogtllan those who prefer to stick to the naked truth. Them an
who will not compromise his basic-principles for momentary benefits. ton never
be liked by the multitude of others who prefer the short circuit approach to
material acquisition. Be It in politics. management. governance. or virtually any
community of human beings. It is the defender of truth that gets dreaded like
leprosy. Everyone keeps quiet when he approaches because the truth Is
inVQriably only-to-be found In the point which everybody is afraid to mention.
one cheats through deceit. false hopes and flattery. one Is more likely to
be acknowledged albeit momentarily. than when one plods the path of virtue In
one's interactions with human beings.
When we come' 'to Eka .. Oyeku in latter books. we shall see how Orunrnlla
demonstrated the subordination of falsehood to veracity in his interactions with
human beings. When his followers asked him why that was so. he replied that
Truth was the only son of God while Falsehood was the only son of Esu.
The origin of truth and falsehood
Truth came with God just as Falsehood came with Esu out of ORIMA or the
primeval. These are the only known children of the primordial powers. All-other
forces claiming to be their children are. mere impostors. Truth accompanied the
divinities to earth ar'!d lived with and among them quite happily. Try as Esu'didy
he could not get his&_on Falsehood to subdue\Tn.Jth in thdt environment. As
as he dwelt among the diviniti&$. Truth felt at hc;:>me.
When the divinities however brought their mortal servants to eorth. It soon
became cleat.tfhat mdn could not feel at,ease. wifih Truth ... He t;>ecame so
miserable among men. that he becal'l!.e poor. dejected and frustrated. When
the last of the divinities was leaving earth the second time. Truth retumeq with' .
them to heaven. He was the conscience of the earth and told peop .
all the time. The Divinities Ustened to him very attentively, but not their mortal
followers. He .knew that he would no longer belong os.soon as the earth was
abandoned to man. That was why he left the world to return to heaven with the
As soon as he left however. Falsehood not only took his place. but occupied
his house. Falsehood then began to tell men whatever they were happy to hear.
He quickly succeeded in using the concepts of probabilities. hope without a
time-frame. euphoria and remote fear; in winning the hearts of men. They
believed him and paid him handsomely .which mode him to become materially
Most of what sold however never come to pass. but having captured their
hearts. he would always tell man a new lie to explain the abortion of the lost one.
It was only then that man began to remember the veracity of what Trut.h used
to tell them. It is therefore well nigh impossible to be virtuous and be materially
wealthy because truth. although songuJne.ond right inthe end. is neither liked
nor respected by man, which explains why. he is materially poor but righteously
rich. That was how Orurimil.o explo1nedthe paradox of virtue to his followers, Just
before he joined his colleagues in heaven. Incidentally; the of Truth was
the hearts of men, which Falsehood stealthily as Truth left for
heaven with the divinities .. is why it is said that conscienc,e Is the voice of God
in man, which tells him whotls good;ondwhat is evil, what is true and what is false,
but how many of Lis listen to that God means of
experimenting w.hether on evil-free universe could evolve outside Heaven and
the Divinosphere. God was test the vow of Esu to mutilate any being
created by Him to become his servant .. God thought that an earth wos the
oNwer. We hove already seen from the first book tlilepivinities left
for earth, Esu was there in ambush on the swamps woRlng'Tbrthem. By the time
they were alighting from the top of the polm-tree,.Esu was tt1ere fo welcome
them. He soon began to work on the Divinities and instead of supplementing the
efforts of one another as God ordained them to do; they began to work at cross
Before God's next experiment with the earth. Mannad been. created as
servants to the divinities. This and subsequent editions of the Books of IFISM will
be devoted to How the Divinities lived with their mortal servants and how men
lived among themselves after the withdrawal of the divinities.
It took no time for Esu to turn mortal servants against their divine masters. On
account of the traditional meekness of some of the divinities, their servants soon
rebelled against them and began to usurp the authority of their .masters. Once
he felt free and liberated from his divine master, the true nature of Man began
to emerge. He hoCi come to demonstrate that he did not need any divine
inhibitions to pursue his goals In life. He was beginning to exhibit the features of
o selfish monster capable of fighting to destroy anything standing in his way.
---Kingdom of Olodumare
1---Abode of Esu
ll IUV
.,___The Planetary system as
we know it.
Chapter 2
twill be recalled that when God created man, the DMnfty of Death hailed
the action with hysterical optimism. Death remarked detlghtfully that God
createct plants and animals to provJde food for other dMnltles. but that by
creating man, He had at last .provided f()()dfor hlin. The other divinities forwhQm
God supposedly created man;to $erve, did not Immediately know the Import d
Death's jubilation. It was only,Whe() Death began to remove men one after the
other, that they appreciated that he was out to plunder their servants. lhey
began to reason among whether God'S lntentlonhQCfbeenmJscon..
strued or that God hod maGe a mistake. .
However, ALAGEMO- th!3 favourite servonf.of God,..Jnslsted that God was
Incapable of making mistakes dnd that Death might haVe msccntrU&d
Intention. Alogemo recoiled thQt God hod only authadledoeoth take any
man who transgressed the basic natural law. Tt:lis remained extont
until the divinities came with their mortal servants,to the earth. Even after man
came to the world. Death who remalned In heaven, ttw
wortdto kill them at will. notwithstondlilg thelrmorql ThQtwos
of the fact that God at His first meeting with divinities, enumerated the
transgressions capable of attracting the rnterver)tion of
A$1t tumed out subsequently. Death beQCr\ 10 man lndl&-
crlmlnately, Irrespective of their ethical inclinotlons.c;anp Bh good
and evil doers fell victim to Death at will. ltwUI be recQIIeQ that
in the first book. Orunmilo hod taught man In heaven h9W to checkmate the
menace of Death which explains why De,ath does not operate In heaven.
As soon as man got to earth. Death contlnuec;l to GQme '.llith his CLUB
(Aiugbogbo In Yorubo. Ugbolo in ibo. and Ukpokpo to remove
men In their thousands on o dolly basis. It was once again Orunmila who
eventually stopped Death from coming to remove rnon t;)y hJmself from the face
of the earth. It happened when Death travelled to the worl<:i,to tgke Orunmlla' s
eldest son. Sacrifice CEbo in Yorubaand Ese in BinD becQUSEt he bad been helping
man to obviate the onset of Death. When Death heaven that
CEbo)- Sacrifice the son of Orunmilo was helping man on earth . to prevent him,
(Death) from attacking them. he decided to go for Orunmilo's son himself . Ebo
was famous for playing the A yo Game Clse In 81':'\D very proficiently. One day,
Deoth decided to go to t'he earth to challenge Ebo to att A yo contest. On
getting to Ebo's house. Death challenged him to on A yo contest 'With the caveat
that if he defeated Ebo. he would kill him and toke him to heaven which would
have meant the end of ell forms of sacrifices on earth. On the other hond.lf Ebo
was victorious. he (Death) would refrain forever from coming to the world.
The game started in eomest and there were several contests in which Death
__ ,...was victorious for most of the time. The equivalent of the A yo game in other
'social cultures Is the (Game of Chess). Towards evening of thoft day, as the
contestants were retiring to resume the game the next morning. E>eoth remarked
that on the following day. it would be one full mol\th since he had been
defeating Ebo in the game. Ebo in his vouthful ignorance retortectby querying
\ I '
. . \ . .
how Death could claim to have been defeating him for one whole month, when
they had only played the game for one day. Death explained Ebo's puzzle by
reminding him that the new moon was going to appear on the next day. Ebo
argued thatfarfromappearingthe next day, the new moon was going to appear
on the third day. The argument was resolved when Death amended his earlier
caveat by declaring that whether or not he ultimately defeated Ebo In the ayo
game, he would no longertake him to heaven on that score. His new conditionality
was that if as he proclaimed, the new moon appeared on the next day, he would
not only to:e Ebo with him to heaven. but, would Invariably continue to retum to
the world toke human-beings. If on the other hand the new moon
on the tnlrd day as Ebo predicted, he would not only leave him atone but wpuld
stop coming to take anyone from the world. On that wager, they retired for the
Thereafter, Ebo ron to his father. Orunmlla, and reported how he with
Death on when the new moon was going to appear. Orunmlla quickly checked
his lUnar calendar and discovered that true to Deeth's prediction, the moon was
due to.appear on the next day. He became perplexed. He however consulted
Okpelle', his main instrument of divination, on what to do about the situQtion. The
divination advised him to offer a he-gdat immediately to Esu. Ebo offered the he-
goatwltl)outany delay beseeching Esu to prevent Death from overcoming him
In the' cki-golng contest, because defeat for him would have wldEtrOnglng .
reveiberatiohs throughout the earth.
Afterebttrlg his he-goat, Esu raced to heaven to visit the home of Moon.
On his port, the Moon has only one loin cloth with which he dresses when he
comes to the world. The follow1ng tnorning he hod washed and spread It on the
grass of his court-yard to dry before putting it on in the evening. When Esu got to
the hous$'. he asked him when he was due to make his monthly trip to tN1 world.
TheMoohrepHed that he was going that evening. With that, Esu left. At.thattime
of the dey the Sun was beginning to retire from his daily trip to earth. r Esu then
gathered the ilttle children of heaven to play and tread on Moon's white loin
cloth which was olredcfY dty. The Children marched on the cloth with their dirty
feet and if become totally defaced with untidiness. The children left the cloth In
such 0 ditty condition that the Moon would scarcely have been visible If he had
appeared In tt: ; :
When at i;fusk'ft'leMoon gbfup to collect his loin cloth to wear, he discovered
that tHe iiffte of lieaven hod messed It up. He cried havoc threatening
to puniSh the chilareh of heaven .. As he moved to strike, God intervened to find
out what was happening and the Moon narrated what the children of heaven
had dcineto his' cloth. God admonished the Moon for seeking to punish Innocent
children on occ6ti"'t of a single error. God asked him whether It was not the some
little children Who often hailed him anytime he made his monthly appearance.
Was he goirig to 'forget their songs in praise of him because of one fortuitous
mistake. God asked? The Moon retorted by apologising to God for being so
forgetful and with thbt. he forgave the children. The Moon then decided that he
would wdsh his fdin cloth the next day. and spread it on a rope . !nstead of on the
ground to dry. and would therefore appear on earth the following doy.
Back on earth, Death and everyone else waited in vain for the Moon to appear
that night. He did not. It was in the evening of the following day that the Moon
finally appeared. Before then. the Moon usually came to earth every thirty days.
It was from that time that he began to appear every thirty one days. When the
Moon finally appeared on the thirty-first day. Death to Ebo that
events had proved him right ond promised never to come to earth again. That
was how Orunmila anCI his Son'isocriffce(Ebo) succeeded in expelling Death
from the face of the earth. --
Since Death had however the human flesh t6 be his staple food
he had to improvise a new arrangement for fetching his food. As he did
previously in heaven. he once again appealed to the ferocious to assist
in fetching food for him on earth. These are: OGUN- the divinity of strife. accident
and war; SHANGO - divinity of thunder .lightning end
the divinity of water; WITCHCRAFT the divinity of sorcery; and SAKPANA - the
divinity of epidemics. in addition to his wife ARON. the divinity of sicknesS. When
OGUN kills through war or accident. the victims are .collected by the messengers
because. Ogun does not feed on human flesh. The is true of
San go when he kills by lightning or electricity. When Olokun kills in and with Water
;the vtctims become food for Death. . When Sakpana kills via all forms of
epidemics. be is fetching food for Death. Even when elders of the night kill human
beings. they first tum them into animals while the human carcasses are taken by
the messengers of death to him in heaven. On her part. Sickness - the wife of
Death is slow .to take her victims especially If they seek solace with sacrifice or
with Osun- divinity of medicine.
Back to the debate on the infallibility of God. the. argument continued as long
as Death continued to plunder mc;m on earth either by himself. or by proxy. When
Orunmila discovered that Death was continuing to plunder man on earth.
througd the other vindictive divlnitie$. he recalled God's Injunction in heaven
that should. not kill on earth. He was hurshed down by the others on the
ground that God wasjncapable of making mistakes. He recalled that God only
authorised death to feed on those who did evil or those condemned at the
.weekly court of the divine council of God. Why was it that Death was taking both
the fnnocent and the guilty?
The hypothetical imperative of existe.nce
That was the point at which Orunmila delivered his famous treatise to be
revealed later under TURA-ORILANA on what ought to have been. -For the
. present purpose. it is enough to recall thA l.amentations of Orunmila when he said
to the other divinities that when God man to seNe them. he expected
men like them not only to be good but also to live for ever. He added that good
would have stood a better chance of triumphing over evil. if God hod differen-
tiated between good and evil doers. in authorising inteNention of Death. He
added that if by the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation. God had
ordained those who do good to live on earth forever. while Death took away
those who practiced evil. the presence of a few champions and defenders of
ethical objectivity on earth. might have been a shining example to prospective
evil doers. If upcoming generations discovered that those who did evil were the
only ones dying. while those who did good live permanently on earth. they too
might hove been persuaded to do good and to abhor evil. Given a choice.
nobody wonts to die.
The reason why there Is no compelling attraction for doing good and why
good people succumo to evil is because even the do-gooders of this world die
more prematurely than the evil doers. as if to confirm the saying that those who
the gods love. die young. If the reverse had been true, the degree of ethical
objectivity on earth might hove been more appealing. That. in the words of
Orunmila. amounts tothe basic mistake made by God at creation. Readers ore
called l,lpon to reflect on the logic of this privileged information.
Chapter 3
an has deluded himself throughout history by thinking that he Is expected
to strive and die in defence of Goq. What man has often failed to do Is
to ask himself whether God actually needs him to defend His virtues. Man
Is a transcient and ephemeral bird of passage. He Is here today and ggne
tomorrow. , . : .
God created man to serve the divinities. while He exists for all humanitY ond
divinities alike. It is the corpus of .humanity and divinities that needs God and not
the other way round. Doing good has Its reward. just as the of evil
attracts Its own punishment. Reward and punishment follow good and evil. as
night follows day. The fact that human governance requires law enforcement
agents does not mean that divine governance requires man to enforce natural
laws. They exist and are automatically enforced whether or not man exjsts.
When man does good. he does so for his personal benefit. When he prefers to
practice evil. he does so to please himself .. Man should therefore not think that
God Is happy when he engages In evil practices "in defence of God" }'because
He does not require such services. The laws exist in spite of whether o}l not man
protects them. It therefore behoves him to evolve his personal strbtegy for
ensuring a virtuous existence on earth.
Did God create hell?
When I asked Orunmila whether hell existed. he merely laughed at saying
that. that was a figment of human imagination. He asked me a question I could
not answer effectively - "Do you believe that God is capdbl.e of doing evil? I
answered in the negative. He went on. "If God is incapable of doing evil. how do
you explain that Olodumare can be heartless enough to create hell fire for
buming his defaulting creatures?" He continued. "Will you as a transclent mortal
condemn your misbehaving children to a Tiger's den?" I answered in the
negative. "What makes you think that God. In His Infinite desire to ensure the
preponderance of good over evil. will condemn transgressors to eternal hell fire.
He rel'ninded me that natural laws enacted by the Divine Council of God. exist
to 'mete out proximate punishment here on earth or in heaven to
Just as over-feeding gives rise to constipation. so do transgressions of naturdllaws
engender automatic difficulties for offenders. The fact that one man prospers
while the other is condemned to penury is a reflection of the differentiation
institutionalised in the concepts of heaven and hell.
If a person leads a life in which he feathers his own nest at the expense of
neighbours; in which he deprives others of the legitimate rights and privileges due
to them. the punishment is bound to come to him before he dies. Whatever he
gets at the expense of others may give momentary satisfaction. but at the end
of the day. it goes back to the rightful owner. That is why some people live a life
of ups and downs.
How Man invented hell
As soon as man liberated himself from the divinities and founc;f.solace V{ith Esu. he
came to the realisation that human action was motivated by two
complementarities - selfishness and fear of suffering. Human selfishness arose
from man's tendency to feather his own nest at the expense of his fellow men,
while the fear of punishment originated from the sanctions which ttie Divine
Council of God Imposed for transgressing the Jaws of nature. Much as man
abhorred divine punishment ,he nonetheless borrowed a leaf from them to enact
a series of laws to punish offenders. After treating his own god, man has to weave
a web of celestial fears around him to force his fellow men to behave well In
society, II) order to enrich his own authority. First, the concept of Hell was created
to drive everlasting fear Into subordinated man.
Man rounded up his circle of selfiShness by arrogating to himself the authority:
to_, shut the gates of hell through the practice of Indulgence, penance and
forgiveness and to open the door to paradise by encouraging subordinated man
to dO what he says, even though, he was himself totally incapable of practising
what he proclaimed. By so doing, he gave on open Invitation to Esu to Intervene,
whlch\fsu did by Influencing some non-conformists to protest under pain of
death. Some kings and princes who had become powerful enough to oppose,
took over the protest of the under-privileged but vocal protesters and effectively
divided the ranks of man to evarrgelicals and protest ants. That was because the
Truth about God had been obscured and disfigured by human customs and
Moses Maim on ides, a Spanish Jew, told the Jews that "the bliss of Paradise and
the tortu,res of Hell are all metaphorical figment of human Imagination and
mere a t ~ m p t s to express spiritual imponderables In popular forms. He went on
to explafn that the real bliss of Paradise consists In spiritual communion with Goq
and the:real suffering of Hell in alienation from God.
The Antithesis of Wealth and Death
When Wealth got to the world from heaven, he became so rich that he was
capable of buying anything under the sun. We shall see In later books 6n Ofun-
lrete or Ofun-Aiaje that he soqn became so conceited and pompous that he
challenged kings and nobles alike. Meanwhile, he decided to return to heaven
to buy perpetual longevity from Death to enable him live on earth forever. He was
anxious to know what it would cost him to live forever on earth.
When he met Death in heaven, he was directed to put his request to Indiscre-
tion, the son of Death. Orunmila called him Aigboron in Yoruba and Aquaehon
In Bini. The full name of Indiscretion is "Inability to heed advice. When he got to
Indiscretion, he was given a positive reception. Wealth was however told, by
Indiscretion that he would visit him on earth in seven days time and should md:lke
arrangements to receive him.
Upon returning to earth, Wealth sent out Invitations to all his friends and relations
to join him in according a befitting reception to an august visitor. On .the
appointed day, Wealth had made elaborate preparations for food and drinks.
The Invitees began to arrive in trickles whilst the food was still being cooked in the
kitchen. It Is important to mention that Indiscretion, the son of Death did not
disclose to him, the time and mode of his arrival.
Meanwhile, Indiscretion set out from heaven in the form of a noon-day
tornado. Suddenly the compound of Wealth, was engulfed in a whirling wind-
storm which sent everybody running helter-skelter. Subsequently, the windstorm
gathered speed and jettisoned fire before the kitchen to the roof of the house,
setting _the palace of Wealth ablaze.During the conflagration, Wealth lamented
that he had very important items of treasure to rescue from the blazing inferno.
He was advised by everyone not to dare enter the burning house but no one
could stop him. He went fool-hardily into the house and the fire consumed him,
Thus, it was Wealth's inability to accept honest and prudent advice that led
to his demise. That Is why Wealthy people are prone to die prematurely in the
course of looking for more wealth because they scarcely listen to advice after
becoming rich. Those who heed the genuine advice of others and resist the urge
to behave rashly and indiscreetly in critical circumstances are bound to enjoy
the cool air of longevity.
God continues to give man o chance to Improve
Orunmila said that the divinities to serve Him and that at the
ntance of the divinities; He created man to serve them. He also said that God
created Orlsa-Nia to be His corporeal representative when He decided to
evaporate into thin air and to be communicating with the divinities in spirit. He
created Orisa-Nia to become the embodiment of what He stood for at the
Divine Council. The mortal servants He created for Oriso-N Ia became known as
the Omonighorogho-Orun and Omonighorogho-Aiye - that is, the prophets of
good tidings who were created to uphold the good intentions of God at
creation. It is from this category of hurpan beings thqt prophets have come to
this world from time to time, and they h'ave been remarkable for the exemplary
lves they lived. They are supposed to be shining examples to other men and
women, just as Orisa-Nia is a shining example to all the other divinities created
Orunmila then goes on to say with all the emphasis at his command, that God
does not need the flatteries and eulogies of man. You can praise Him from here
to eternity without acknowledgement, but if you perform one good turn to your
feUow man or resist the temptation to avenge any wrong done to you, or if you
con toke an indomitable stand against the urge to think, speak or practice any
evil. God will instantly acknowledge you as His true son.
the reward of Ingratitude
According to lwori-Ogunda, God admonished Ogun when he fell from grace
otter contriving the assassination of Orunmila. Ogun was very poor .and his
guardian angel advised him to request Orunmila to prepare lfa for him. Orunmila
refused on the ground that Ogun would try to kill him in an ultimate show of
ngratitude. Ogun begged Orunmila several times, but on each occasion, the
latter refused to oblige. Eventually, Ogun reported the matter to the Divine
Council of God wher,e all present accused Orunmila of being uncharacteristi-
cally hard-hearted ..
In his verdict, God Commanded Orunmila to prepare If a for Ogun. Orunmila
agreed to carry out the injuction, but predicted that God would Himself be a
witness to the ultimate manifestation of Ogun's/1ngrotitude. Orunmilo pro-
ceeded to perform the ceremony which lasted se.ven days. Before finalising the
ceremonies, war broke out between llakporo (Hadlmand Aminikun (Ere bus) on
the sixth day, and being the divinity of war, Ogun had to leave for bottle before
completing his lfa ceremonies. He fought both sides into submission and
returned home with over 600 prisoners of war, all carrying the spoils loots of
On getting home. Ogun began to ponder over the hidden powers that
Orunmila wielded. He thought to himself that if the ceremony performed by
Orunmila could so efficaciously transform his lot from penury to affluence, what
would such a fellow-divinity do to him the day he decided to dare him. Ogun
then contrived a strategy for the elimination of Orunmila. He invitedhis soldiers
and gave them detailed instructions to go to Orunmila' s house lot:$ in the night
not only to set it on fire but also to kill anyone trying to escape from1he blazing
----.------ -
Traditionally, Orunmila's house is next to .God's in heaven, which-is why he Is
called Ajiborisha Kpero- meaning. the divinity who goes to greet God first thing
in the morning. God's house is all-white with a white flag in front of it. On the other
hand. Orunmila' s house Is painted with black dyestuff with a palm frond In front
of it. Ogun toid his followers to bum the dark coloured house without telling them
who owned or lived in Jt.
Meanwhile. at his usual morning divination. tfa revealed toorunmlla that war
was imminent and that he should without delay offer a he,'\'goat. white chalk,
charcoal. white cldth. and palm-frond tp Esu. He quickly sent Akpetebl to the ,
mprket to fetch the materials and he made the sacrifice- without any delay.
Late in the night. when.ev.eryone had Slept. Esu goftJp to do the work for which
food had been given to him. He turned the colour of Orunmila's house to white
and inserted a white flag in front of it. At the same time. he turned the colour of
God's house from white to black and Inserted a palm-frond in front of it. At this
point. it is. important to recall the proclamation of Esu. that although. he has no
creative powers, he can nonetheless mutilate whatever God has created or
After everyone had slept. Ogun's soldiers moved In to attack. They had no difficulty In
locating the black house with the palm frond In front of it. They instantly set it on
fire _and took position to attack whoever would come out of it. When God saw
that His house was on fire. He commanded the fire to extinguish because. "it Is
forbidden to do any damage in the house of God- Aikoro lule Orisa. The fire was
instantly extinguished.
God then asked Ogun 's soldiers what it was all about and they explained that
they were acting on Ogun's instructions. He asked which house they were
instructed to set on fire, and they further explained that it was the dark-coloured
house with palm-frond in front of it. God immediately realised what had
happened and used tl)e-._Divine Telephonic Telepathy to invite Ogun and
Orunmila to His Divine be recalled that the telephonic Commu-
nication the white mOh brought to this world is a replica of the means of
communicatibn used between God and the Divinities and between' the Divini-
ties. Guardian angels and their wards. It was revealed to this earth by the cult of
In no time. Ogun and Orunmlla were present ln. God's palace. God ..
Ogun. who sent the arsonists that tried to set His house ablaze .. He was speechless.
When he was finally able to collect himself together, he giggled that they did not
go to where he sent them. Asked wllere he sent them. he replied that he directed
them to destroy Orunmila's house. By this time. the Houses of God and Orunmila
had assumed their usual features and characteristics from what Esu had trars-
formed them to be.
God settled back to His throne and recalled the predictions of Orunmila. The
Divine Father admonished Ogun for not having the magnanimity to present a few
of his spoils from war to. his. benefactor. as a gesture of appreciation for what
Orunmilp did for him. Rather. he thoughtthat the best way of demonstrating his
gratitude was by eliminating his benefactor from the face of heaven. That was
the first demonstration of anger that God was ever associated with. He quickly
convened an emergency meeting of the Divine Council to make a proclama-
tion. When all the Divinities were assembled.God recalled what transpired on the
day He ordered Orunmila to prepare lfa for Ogun. and how Ogun and his
followers tried to set His own house on fire when in fact he told them to set
Orunmilo's house ablaze and to kill him and to kill him and members of his
household. He briefed them on how Orunmilo's good tLJrn to Ogun manifested
In his success in the war between llokporo and Aminikun. Instead of shoring his
loot with Orunmilo. he decided under the influence QfEsu to eliminate him from
the face of heaven. God commanded Ogun to stand in the .middle of the
conference chamber and proclaimed:- . .
ogun .I hod .eoriieron at creation. ordained that you would for all time. be the
indispensoble.complement of an divinities and mortals by Me. That will
continue to be so without foil, because. no divinity or mortal will be able to.do
. witnout you' Or:'l. accoan't Ofy.Our.enginee[ing'industry OQd Now that
you hove demonstrated that you are not only an arsonist but.olso an ingrate,.! will
add proclamation y.our mjnd f'\as been tcl<e("l overby Esu: .
God tnen out his wai:K:J of autt)ority (AStin Yoruba and Akhase or
SoS.omayein Bini) and fqrtner.proclaimed:-
"From today to eternity, you Ogun will become the servant of all my divinities
and mortals .. You will assisttheminall their chores. be it in the home. in the farm.
moving from one place to another and in moments. of strife: As the metal divinity.
you will continue to be endowed with the authority to produce all kinds of
Instruments and ornamentations. However. before you are able to perform any
transformation. the fire with which you tried to burn My house and the house of
Orunmila. your benefactor. aMmerrt.,or. will always be used to burn your head.
chest. handsond feet. before you assume the shape in which you are required
for service. After working for my creatures night and day. no one will ever
remember to express gratitude to you in any shape or form. That will be your
everlasting punishment for the ingratitude you have shown to your benefactor.
God then turned to Orunmilo and proclaimed that as the Divinity of Wisdom.
and the wisdom qiviner of Heaven and Earth. anyone who. repays your good
deeds with ingratitude will also become the victim of ingratitude for all the good
turn they may do to others. But I will always repay you tenfold for act of
Ingratitude demonstrated to you for your good deeds."
The manifestation of God's curse on Ogunis reflected in the following living
facts we all take for gronted:-
(a) Before iron ore is melted into malleable steel or cast iron. it is heated with fire
and beaten up with manual or mechanical instruments before assuming
the required design. E'Xamples are matchets. gLins.metal beds and tables.
bicycles. motor vehicles. aeroplanes. factory machinery. all domestic and
institutional metal appliances and so on.
(b) After using any of them for the purposes. they are cast aside until
they ore required for use again. No one ever bothers to thank the rnatchets.
hoes and ploughs with which the farmer feeds the world. nor does any one
express any form of ingratitude to the bicycle, motor bike. car. helicopter
or aeroplanes that transport them to and from the places they fetch their
means of livelihood. That is Ogun. the metal divinity, performing all the
chores. but no one stops to show him any form of recognition or apprecia-
tion. t.
With that final proclamation. the meeting of the Divine Council dispersed just
before the crow of the cock. That is why anyone for whom lwori-Ogunda comes
out at Ugbodu can rightly be described as an ingrate and hence all his good
deeds are also bound to be repaid with ingratitude. '
This goes to illustrate that we do not really have anything to do for God except
to the extent to which we live in harmony among ourselves. As long as we are
supportive of one another's effort, assist, and cooperate with one or-other, God
will be happy that His objective for creation Is manifesting. If on the other hand,
we ore at odds and war with one another, no matter the ostensible justification
for It, It Is o sod reflection of the success of Esu, which provokes the lamentation
of God.
Make no mistake abOut it, whenever you hove to ploy God, or assume the
authority of the Divine Council by kill, maiming, dehumonlsing, plotting against,
seducing the wife, bearing false witness, subverting, conspiring, robbing and
meting out ol unwholesome octs,ogolnst your fellow men, In the
nome of God, and the punishment will await you at the pinnacle of your life, not
In hetr but hereon earth.
It Is true that the Institutionalisation of religion has given rise to universal
enlightenment, stopped slavery, human sacrifice and enhanced moral virtues,
all of which culminated In making the world more liveable. At the sme time, It has
enhanced universal corruption, wars, factional hatred, schisms, nepotism, divi-
siveness, factional discrimination, and all forms of human denigration. Religious
Institutionalisation has always been the precursor and midwife of any diaspore
among 1he civilised and the barbarians, believers and unbelievers. saints and
Chapter 4
. hen the the w_o. rid, people were still generally a.f.ro .... td
of doing evil did their bestto obseNe the _lows of heaven
on earth. They were final authorities within the jurisdiction allotted to
-each of them by God In heaven. Any matter which defied the authority of any
single ()ne Oro of them, was referred to the Earthly Council of tile Divinities,
or Orlsa.:Nic;J. that is, God's own representative on earth.
While ori .they kept the trot.Hfion of meeting every five days, during which
n0 one wqnt fc;>( ony outside chores, be it to the farm, forest, or market. Thot day
WQS generoliy OS the sabbath day (ljo iyasi mimo in Yorubo or .Eken in
Blnfk It WO$ universally under pain of mysterious death or sickness to
peiform any oUtside the house on that day. The Earthly Council of the
Dlvinities<w.hich wasthe fir)OI COI,Jrt of appeal on all matters affecting mankind on
edrth):o:CJeeided the fate of each human being .on earth. Most of the activities of
the however, transcends the common sense comprehension of lay
mortots. because, the Divinities themselves were endowed by God with the
perceptive vision of .simultoneousiy knowing and seeing what transpired in
which power, was denied to man vyhen he was created
to serve the divinities before the advent of the earth.
When the mortal population. of the world began to increase however. the
divJnlties disCovered that theirmortol servontswere gradually beginning to strov
away from the paths ot their destiny to uncharted terrai.n. They were fallihg-easy
preys to th& mochinations of Esu who had vowed to mutijat'e and ba5tbrdise
whafever being wascreated'by God. As long as the authority of
held sway on eorth,llttle was heard of divinitY's indivinity to divinity. As o5 the
earth became totally mortalisedhowever, man'S inhumali!ty tQ.JJlan became rife
to the point of ringing discordant gongs in heaven. Men .to cannibalize,
rob. scandalise. brutalise. subjugate, enslave. torment, rope, etc.
themselves in the name of one cause or the other. ;?rtt:< .
That period coincided with the time when the divinities bose
in heaven. The children and priests of the departed . ught that law
and order could be maintained by introducing the- co s of swearing,
cursing, and oath-taking in t,he name of their departed That was how
oathtoking and corporate and became practice on
earth. They even introduced trial by ordeal as a means of evi , g the truth from
those who were economical with the '
It will be recalled that tor a millenia, Orunmila was the left by God.
to con_ tinue corpore. ol existen.ce on earth. after recalling "' her dMnities to
heaven. That was because, he was the only divinity fo abnore
evil and champion the cause of ethical objectivity. practices evil
. cannot be an adherent of. Orunmila. . . .
; . t. . Q.runm_. no_.. travelled. far. and wide _from his .base at Oke-Mesi now call.ed lle-lfe In
i11f. Nlgerta to places beyond the mass of sand as distant as Mecca and
Medino;wnere.he taught the art of: divination and beyond the the land of
the olbinos V/here they not recognise the importance of s.acriflce .. .
We ,tlQve olieadY seen from the first book under Otuu-meji, why Orunrntta could.
n"<>t:settte.1n.ibe.lono. of the mass sand because, they had no respet for senioilty.
' ,. . . . .. ' . .
of age, and elders. He found In those places that man hod abandoned the
heavenly low which decrees the supremacy of the elders. They hod come to give
pride of place to position, possession and .knowledge, thus: subve'rtlng the
wisdom that goes with age.
From there, he travelled to the land of albinos where people were only
interested In divination but not In S9Criflce because they dl? not recognise the
sup'!ersjve Influence of Esu. He sow in the land beyond seas, monJfelta.
tlon otthe curse which Esu pronounced on the albinos In heo\ten, that for foiling
to him (Esu) I they would always Jlve to be the scavengerS of the earth
withol,Jt hovirig final satisfaction. And that in the process of providing for others,
they would hove no peace 1 because since they come to h$d\ien to seek the
unkryown, they would continue to wonder from one ohOther, forever
onq ever, with no omen, in search of the unknown. That, in Iotter day parlance,
means that not being satisfied with the discovery of the tour wtnas of the earth,
the man has since embarked on the infinite probincfot sPbce:
that frustration. Orunmilo returned to Oke-Mesl with the determination
that it was time to return to the simplicity of heaven. In later we shall see
from Olconron-Oyeku that when he retumed home. he o$SembJeO hls followers
and told them that he was already over-owed with a feetingbh.Jnt>elbnging on
earth .arid o nostalgia for his colleague in heaven. . .. . . . . '
That was In spite of the fact that his own followers remotned the onlyflockthat
still managed to resist the l!rge to do evil. They asked hlriiWhyheWO$ choosing
to leave them for heaven never to retum in view of the faotthcit th9'fhdd always
utmost to live by his values and standards. He fOld them ih .. 6. poetical
diction, that he come to the world. not for his followers alone, but. for orr mankind,
thot'in'the course of his interaction with human natur&:' t1e''ntid' come to the
conCtCsston that. the earth was beyond redemption. and fo the wish
of that man should love. respect, support and co-operate with his fellow
men. man was always at war. not only with his conscience btrt also with his fellow
meh:HElodded that for him OS a divinity. he felt like on unwonted$1,rcmgeromong
men and was resoived to retum home to heaven. he belonged.
His followers .. ... _ .
Wonni mao kpe, e ni baba " c:.' . .
Eni ebaq :.rlle mao kpe e ni baba "'
OrunmJJ'9i )i Jgbere Okun, kooniwamo. .
And he
. . .
In other words, . Is followers who were already used to calling him their father I
asked him who going to refer to as their father if lift tl}em. He replied
that. they to,get used to regarding any benefactor OSthelr father,
because, he never to retum.
With that dialogue. OrunmHo went to the foot of the. original palm
tree through which the divinities came to the world in the first instance and he
translated into etmPity.
lrst, men began t6 make themselves Kings by using brute force to compel
weaker men to pccept their leadership .. World Kings become so powerful
that they begori10:crecit'EHheir own divinities. God only become relevant
for as F.her COl.lld be used for the advancement of politlcol
Cl'ld economic ObJectives. Som.e on_d queens were even deified, either at
their own Instance, or at the instance of their subjects, and worshipped as gods
bvthelr subjugqted men.,G$nerolly, Kings sow themselves as nqmlnees 9! , .
the gods, chosen to represent them on earth. While some were satisfied to b.e
aegarded OS the gods' chosen representatives others regarded themselves and
were regarded by the.ir as reincamates of one or many gods. The eroof
Dlg-worshlp Is replete wit.h Instances in which the deified King
was the cone. on toR-of..t.he secular and religious pyramids of the state. .
After consolidating fheirJmmediate kingdom, 1hey began to plunder other
habitations of around them and across the waters.
natloble him to conquer and subdue other habitations
c:l human under his suzerainty. Man held wh.Oie rOCfSrBt. A
feiOW human be1ngs'oy brute force to answer tO his beck and COlt HIS Whims Ql"\0 .
wJshes become societal lows bQcked by discipline hinged on fear.
.Unknown he was now acting fully as a servant of Esu. By using: ..
mOn to subvertJhe.Divmities, su has established the dictum that the servant ct.. , ,
today con become the master of tomorrow. It was time to demonstrate that the
master of today could aJso become the servant Fbronething, Since .
man was to a transc1ent fife through Deeth's intervention,f'lo
ldng was able to 'nve forever. For another thing, their
W\told hardship and suffering for the vast majority of their Since
common suffering has a way of welding people together, of covert
opposition began to emerge, which over time, culminated in of
ldngs all over the eart. h .. Groups of con.spirators began to bv. erthrow
their kings. They were able tG obtain the support of the moss pfe united by
common suffering. In time. it soon turned out that rule of tit Is right only
transferred from one man(king) to a smaller group of oligarchs;i .2 '
Before the oligarchs seized power from their kings, they had preehed slogans
Ice the lfberotionofmenfrom the oppression of one man and of
)Jstice. The definitions of Freedom and Justice began to one system _/
d human govemance to another. as it pleased the powers The rule'bf
the Oligarchs was however. also tronscient. ," ,1:;J'
Esu once again moved against them and the unorgonised"'m6ss of people
began to overthrow them by dlrmed uprising. Man has continued to
experiment on one system of order fo other without arriving at a definitive
anchorage. And yet, God ordered his own methodology once and it has
remained immutable and unfailing ever since. The sun rises and sets dally, the
moon comes and goes monthly, the rain falls when it should and the seasons of
the year come and go without foil. In contrast. man has experienced Innumer-
able changes both In his social relationship with fellow men and in ordertng his
The failure of man In his various experiments in socio-political relationship with
fellow men and In his attempt to conquer the unknown since he was abandoned
to his own devices, will co. nstltute the. ace to. the book. For:
now, we shall continue with Orunmllo's modes of divlnoll()n, which he taught man
as o means of reducing the marginof in his dolly life.
Lessons from Orunmlla's observations on human behaviour
come .to the conclusion.thot, instead of being' IOvlflg, supportive opd
one another, they hod QOme to be ot WOrwlth one another.
Hoving virtually obondoneq the dlvlnitles'they were creoted}p ,rnen hod
Qrrogoted to themselvesthe right to chart fhelr own pqths, In search of God. In
his seor:chtor the unknown. man has foundhimself In o whlripoof of endless thesis.
and anti-thesis. Man has .chosen to engage In on search for his own
definition of truth and values In on endless construction .o( dlsposoble hypotheses.
Cttornplons and defenders of the heavenly ordained tr:uths. qnd values. hove .
over .the been denigrated derl$1yely OS barbarians. pogOri$, SQVoges on
under,.developed minds. In the final analysis, man will corrielo the reolfsotjon that .
original truths and values ore Immutable. . , , . . . '.
God did not crecite men. to bose the freedom of on the political or
economic enslavement of others. Nor did God wish to Gre9te.rnon. to become
so sSJflsh. thatthe affluence of some should be. based of others. or.
th .the prosperity of some. should be based on the dehumonisption of others.
Mon oos truly.become not. the worshiper of God. but thetrueservont of Esu or evil.
' ' ' ) . ";: ..
Are men truly sympathetic to one another?
' j
definition qt SYmPathy Is "a feeling to that which
onotherfeels. that Is. feeling for onothe.r person in pain or grief. A
emotion. interest or de.sire. compassion or pity.
., might seem cynical to ask whether men truly with
one another .. let us at this stage anticipate the revelations of OSE-OGBE COs -
Orlgbeml) will appear in the lost book of the series and see how Orunmilo
illustroted theJtualon of human sympathy. ,; r:' '- .
There were 1wo bosom friends who were reputed to Joye themselve.s so much
that the.y, COLtlliNolunteer to die for each other. The,y were both very
hunters ond$Ud to travel together on hunting expeditions. One was called
Ekundoyo ondlthe other was called Odegbomi.
As the to Gin end. the king announced that onvone who could fetch
olive tiger fotthim to serve his head during the would be
aptly reworded,with among other things. o chieftaincy title. When the two friends
heard the announcement. they both went for divination and were told to serve
tneir heads fenJocess on the mission and to serve Esu against misfortune otter .
success. TheV their heads separately bvt he did not
hove he-goat. Ekundayo volunteere.d to buy .o hegoot for them to
serve-E_su togstoor. After making all the sacrifices. they set out forthe forest.
On their way to the forest. Ekundayo asked Odegboml .why it Vo/OS that when .
he lost his eldest son recently. nearly every household in thEHown visited fo
commiserate with him. whereas. when his junior-wife delivered o molechild the
following month. he was able tQ count those who came to on his
ten fingers. Odegboml replied .that tt was bec.ouse people were prone to be
closer to one when one wosin pain that when one was in pleasure. Ekundoyo said
that he thought from the calibre of people visiting him. especially those who hod
never visited him before. thaHhemuttitude of "moumers who visited him when
he lost his son were demonstrating their. subconscious pleasure that what
happened to him did QOt happen to them which Is on extension ot human
eelfishness whilst the fewness of people who visited him-when he had a new child
dearly lllustrotect thot people a.re not too happy when one moves one step
ahead of them.
Odegbami his friend should be so cynical In his of
hJman reaction and thdt monneede(J more sympathy In pain than In pleasure.
AJ the.argument was going on. Esu vias right behind them scheming hGw to
ctemonstrate the veracity or lack of It. of their stances. Meanwhile. Esu turned
into: a to run after the two of them. As the supposed
former cdughHipwlthlfiem, he broke the news that war had broken out In their
.town and that: all tne houses had been set ablaze. that the casualties were In the
Jt\OUSOnds. survivors hod taken flight to the bush, and. that the king hod
been token pris6ner.\Ntlnctiv.ety; botnofthem decided to return home without
atY delay. As they were racing home. the supposed farmer-Informant, disap-
peared. As they were t;)olf-way home . Esu again transfigured Into o palm wine
tapper who they met on.the way. They oskedthe palmwine topper how hew.os
ttill able t0 come and top wine in the bush wl"len there was war at home. The
palm wine tappertcldthem that the invqding9rmy made emit-and-run raid
on the eastem end of the townwhere they burnt severql houses and took several
captives. the of the town whilst Odegbami lived
on the western part
. Almost of relief could be seen on the,countenone:ot
()degbomi who lived on the western port of the town. He Instantly stopped to
rest. whilst the other friend continued racing home. As soon 0$ he stopped
RJnning sighted Q tigress and shot it. The animal fell deGd.
As Ekundciyo c:ontlnued to run. ()small helpless animal running along the
path way. He rein for it and saw it Infant tiger. He ror:1 otter it and
up with it. Wit.hthe:smo)l tiger in hand, heron home into the town only to dlsCO'Ier
that his housewo&.among those set obi(Jze by the ottocking enemy forces. His
family was nowhere to be found and he now began to cry. not how to
look for them. He however d.ecided to go and keep the young.Jttger in his form
as he went In s"eorchot:memtoers of hisfomily. , '"t t
Meanwhile. to his house on the Westem &ad Qf the town.
where he was h-appily by members of his. family. He oJUDged at once
for people to help him ferry home the gqme he shot in the forestiHtwosvery le
In the evening before he finally got back to his house with the -ti(iress.- When he
was however told that Ekundayo's hquse was among thoserozedto the ground
and that memberS; of his family were missing. he deCieedt(b\blt'.l')im before
resting. .JOrc
He got to Ekundayo s house but found nobody because. the.emtlre orea.was
desolate. TheFectter. he returned home. Ekundayo got tCYbltSform only to
discover happily that on members af his family had token lef\lg& In the form
during the enemy attock. They all spent the night at the farm. day,
Ekundayo decided to visit Odegbami to let him know that he only lost his
belongings and not his family. to the. war. He was received by his friend with
mixed feelings when he accused him. of abandoning him at the time 0$ needed
him most. )hey pqrted on a polemic note in spite of the fact that Ekundoyo
disclosed that !}is-family was safe oqyway. The porting of the hod stortec:;J
between the two friends.
Meonwhne. after shooting the tigress Odegboml discovered that It was o
nursing mother and began to wonder what happened to Its young 6nes. He
decided to return to the forest. That was fhepoir.at at which Ekundoyo, otter
Improvising a temporary accommodation for his fomlty,declded to report to the
king that he hod captured a young tiger. As soon as he mode the report, the lttng
ordered the construction of o new house befitting the title of the Shoshere. or,
_ lyoshere, that Is. the Prime Minister and Commonder-in..Chlef of the kingdom's
Armed Forces. After conferring the title on Ekundayo . the king Immediately.
charged him with the responsibllity.of orgonlsingtroopsto punish the hlt-ond-run
. hi accordance with tradition. as soon as a title Is op ,$qmeone. he will
tetum to his house at the head of a thanksgiving processlort-fhrough the main
streets of the town. That was the point at which Odegboml was returning from
.. the forest after unsuccessfully searching for the children, of the tigress he shot. He
Jubilont procession of celebrants and stopped roi'lnem to pass bye. He
however became curious after he was told that the man at the head of the
procession was Ekundoyo. Cunousity gGJVe way to hySteria when he was later
hold that his friend hod been given one of the highest titles of the land
'because he was the first person to succeed In dellvefing. o tiger to the king for
serving his head at the up-coming annual Festival. His f\llrtO bego'n to race and
he decided to rendezvous with his friend at HJ;) scorcety waited for
Ekundoyo to get bock to his house before asking him he got the
tiger. . , ,, ,\ r; .,.,-,. ,:., .
Unwittingly, Ekundayo tOld him how he got the tige'fSbOri clrtefthey sow the
wine topper. Odegbomi lost no time in concluding that the small tiger coptured
. was the young one of the Without
a moment longer. he raced to the palace
l<lng he hod
conferred title on the wrong man; He produced the skhof the tigress he shot to
. prove his,point that Ekundayo,hod cheated. . .
' . lbe king was confused: He quickly convened a meeting oft'll.s . .Councll of Chiefs
to discuss the matter. At theend of the deliberations.lt was decided that the two
friends sholJ!<;:f invited .. Ekundoyo explained that ,j"'is ce of the lost
twenty-four had clearly proved two points t(i nlm:: .. that there is
coefflcien,t .. :. name and experience .. True to his n.orne E. k. uhaoyo. his tears
hod been' vJJ d off by joy. Secondly. that he had: been pr:oved right that
sympathy is . flection of human selfiShness. He began by exploining how his
. friend and were both told in thEHirSt place that war hod' broken out at
home; their decision to race bock.home; how Odegbomi stopped
runinng, the rif6rnent they were told that only his <Ekundoyo' s) part of the town
was affecteq'B:{ihe war; hOw he alone continued running hOme in the course of
which he sowl:frie young tiger which transformed his life; o manifestation of his
o.rgument stopped running a. F'ld h. eoved o sigh o.f relief- as soon as
he knew thcit "was not affected by the tragedy which befell him; and. that
'human selfist{ s was manifested. the moment he knew and realised that his life-
lOng friend .a ken several jumps ahead of him by the title he had just been
r. .
. .
Odegbomi himself decided the matter when he admitted everything said by
his friend and ended up by agreeing that sympathy is an i!fusion. and. that man
is more interested in what happens to him personally tbon in what h_appens to his
fellow men. With that. he was made the Balogunof the town. b!-11' to take orders
from his friend Ekundayo. Between the two of them. they mobflised a powerful .
army that drove the attacking enemy forces out of the town aDd returned home
with loots and several prisoners of war.
Chapter 6
s soon as moriwos abandoned to his own world. or to put It In the words
of on.inmilo,'when God decided to abandon the earth to Esu:, there was
a vacuum which had to be filled. First, the. children, followers and priests
d aa the dlvln,l,ties decided to make gods out of their patron dMnltles.
Wars which gods were more powerful or more
than the others. Man fought himself for over five thousand years to create a
u'llversally acceptable god for himself. .
Arst, become so powerful in
lights thatthe resultant balance of terror mode man to accept the compromise
d Uving with many gods. It was man who, for selfish reasons, upgraded the
divinities to becom.e so-called gods and not the divinities themselves. It wUI be
recalled that OruJirnilo, the wisdom divinity, hod always described hlmielf and
ln. cllnot .. Ions a.nd Intentions. Sooner or later. the e.vilmind.ed oct.lvists of any
tlon w111 goln oscendoncy and In the end. they ore bound to incline the
objectives ofthe Institution to their evil thoughts and hidden ogend6.
s'tltutlonollsdtlon Is a manifestation of the gregarious ihstlncts of mdn. It is a
phenomenon and not a religious prerequisite. Religion deals with
tht $CUI whilst politics deals with the mind and hence. the sociological instincts of
man. Qrunmllo Illustrated this dichotomy of the group mind and the individual
sovf by df9Wing 'attention to the experience of the divinities when they Initially
comet() the World. 1
Before they Jeft heaven, they were advised at divination not to establish
instlfutfonot rules that could later become on albatross round the necks. At one
of their usual five dolly meetings. Ogun moyed a motion that whoever had grey
hairs on earth would return to heaven. Orunmllo opposed the motion on the
groundthotltwould nat leave them sufficient time to complete their assignments
on earth. se;ng a junior divinity however. his counter-motion was out-voted by
the majority onct Qgun's motion was carrted. It meant that, the appearance of
grey hairs on ooyone's head, would signal hls5tum to heaven.
That was how the more elderly divinities retu ed to heaven. When it came to
the tum of Orunmlla to hcwe grey tl.oirs. the oth reminded him tl,'lot it was time
for him to retum to heaven and he agreed that e. was already concluding
arrangements to do so.
He sounded his lfa who advised him to make sq_criflce with white hen
ood to pluck a lithe feathers. grlr\d"them, adding lyerosuh and to tie the powder
n a bag which he was to up at the entrance to his house. He. was
aJbsequentJy to prepare o feast for all the other divinities In his house for a
farewell party. He did as he was advised by lfa.
It was time 'br Esu' to go to work. It was the custom In those days. as It still is to
this day, that anyone entering a divine house should remove his cap. As .each
ct the divinities walked through the entrance to Orunmila's house to take their
seats. the powder inside the bag and smear it on their hair,
which made: instantly After taking their seats, they wore their cops
They feasted and made valedictory speeches to wish Orunmlla joumey
to heaven. In his reply, he thanked all of them for accepting his InVitation and
for to rejoice with. him. before returning home to !:leaven. He added
rather unequivocally that his return joumey to heaven was particularly pleasant
because. he was not going alone.
Asked what he meant by that statement, he told them that group travel was
less boring fhan a lonesome joumey,just as there was no pain from mass death.
Asked to further explain his. figure of speech, he disclosed 1tlot since everybody
h the room had gone grey, they were all returning together to heaven. The rest
admonished him for referring to them as having gone grey. When they removed .
the cops on their heads, they discovered in truth that everyone in the room had
gone grey, except for Orunmilo. who only had streaks of grey hairs.
Since they were not prepared for the moss death, they decided to review their t
pevlousruling. It was Olokun, the water divinity who moved another motion that
lle growth of grey hairs should no longer be the criterion detern'lining the time
d death. and that from then on, only those who were invited to heaven by the
DIVine Council should actually retum to heaven. The motion was unanimously
carried. That is why people live long on earth to this day.lest: people would hove
been dyjng.,at the first appearance of grey hairs on their heads.
Orunmila used this analogy to illustrate how institutions can mutilate the will of )
God. No private individual couJd have Initiated such a self-defeating tawas the
clvinities had done collectively.
He was emphatic, that he did not want anything In the nature of a cult, altar
or medium of congregation for worshipping him as people claim to worship
God. Asked wflat was wrong with the Idea of lnstitutionatrsing 'tflsm, he asked >.
me whether I come to this World in a group. I replied that as rnuch95 my mortal
memory could conceptualise. I come alone. He also asked me whether rt I
trcrngresseq oriy of the natural laws. would I suffer the inevitable punishment
18Verolly or jointly. I also replied thatlwould bear the brunt alone. He was anxious
to close the subject because he obviously did not enjoy my naivety. He ended
ac> by saying that as long as I agieed that I came alone to this wottd and would
suffer the penal consequences of my transgressions alone, there was no bQSI$ for
contemplating the institutionalisation of lflsm. except In so for as It Is necessary for
lmpcbrttng knowledge to Ignorant humanity. That dialogue .'has gwen me o
number of sleepless nights ever since. tn my attempt to juxtapose lfiSm with other
religious collings.
The IndiVIduality of religion
Orunrnila has sanctity of religion revolves around the
lndlvlduql and the divinity he serves. Anyone who does harm to his feliow man fn.
the nQme of religion is doing so OS 0 servant of Esu, and not OS 0 true son ofGod.
There ore no double standards in the manifestation ondretribution C>f divine
justice. one emb.orks on any violent crusode in the defence Of inSt.ltUtionot
dogmas. one will. as rilght follows day: to1<e puntshrn&ntc1t<;>ne.lf
ooyone deludes himself into kil!lng another in defence of hfs e<>U.Ctl'fa.,foffh. he
will P9V for If alone and n.ot collectively. . . ... . : .
Qf\Jnmllo has emphqsised that when people go for divination. they do so" alone
and often. in secret. and when; they perform the prescribed they oiso .
tendency Of establishing SOCial institutions bs long OS the fOCUS ttselfinto
the observance of ethicot rules capable of making society more liveable. bufnot
beh.lnd religious facades. The e.stqbftshment of religious institutions for the
propagation and defence of faith wnt degenerate into. on open invitation to. Esu
to bostordiSe and prostitute tt)elr genuine objective aspectciily 1t IS>$een. to .
masquerade as a monolithic riot-for-profit phil<::lnthrqpicol association. The
history. of man is a cliche of instances in which religious instttutiondllsotion
l!ecomes divisive enough to provoke o diaspore and schism in erstwhile cordial .
relatioi'lships between peoples.
The question therefore is whether onEr any institution for offering
honest and Sincere service to God and his Divinities. or whether the worship Of
God Is Q personal obligation of the individual to t:'is God. What has been obvious
from empirical onoiysis generally is that religious instltytionol!sotion appears to
hove been on evolutionary contrivonc.e by man forthe manifestation of his selfish
politico( and economic ambitions.
Empirical evidence seems to suggest that although. religious institutions were
originally established fort he theological propagation of faith. overtime h.owever.
with the onslaught of Esu. the focus haS. invariably shifted to more ml!ndOne
succulence. especially the socio-political force that man con wield through
these institutions. . . .
That is why it is often soJd that religious zealots. are not so much interested in the
spiritual tenets of their faiths, osJn the secular forcer and power they con wield
thorough it. For example. man has over the ages hidden behind the facade of
liberation theol6gy to lead political crusades. .It is an. uneasy cohabitation
between theology. and politics. Over ti!l)e. such thee-political aberration was
bound to splash corr:osive fluid on the credibility of religion. Once a course loses
Its credible credentials. it is often difficult to whistle it bock to bose. Human history
Is replete. with religion a bla.ck eye from its flirtation with politics.
Invariably syndromes on the port of those who could not
reconcile the two .. Self-appointed custodians of ideological purity hove been
given the derisive nome of Fundamentalists only because they too tried to use
politics to achieve their objectives through religious militoncy. For instance. what
has often given rise to religious wars. persecutions is not
. . . . ' . ,
the Interpretation of NqturoiLOWS'orthe commandments of God. but Invariably
the Interpretation and application of conventional and Institutional lows woven
around Blasphemy. heresy and apostasy for which millions of people have
beenkiU$CSor}01Jed.orehumOntowsandnotGocrslaw. ThereiSnothlng1nGod's
lows which authorised the leader of a religious sect in one country to pass on
open death sentence without prior trlol.on a writer in another country. who w01
exercising his fundamental human . Th.1s irWiMIC)nallaws are
often lnttuencect by cultural. ecqJ()gieot. s6cletot. lndMdl.lol and
despotic nuances. . -
At thts pOint the writer will digress tG tokeci took dt what institUtionaHsatlon has
done to contemporoly theology.
he purp. . <;>se of this dig. f. ess .. ion is to attemp.tto. unscramb.le the,splritual fro .. m the
secutqr factors In the cosmic theological eq4atlon. Far from being designed
to deride the hall-markS and dogmas Of modern religion, IUJJneant to. f09US
the genesiS of the fundamental 9ssumptlons and parameter$. under-scoring
precepts and practices. The Bible has been sald-toreflect.tf:le cultural
hlstoty 'of the Jews, who succeeded In intenectuallslng and unlversallslng their
baste customs, mores. myths and folklore. The Bible Is a collection of stories
originally written by sixty three writers and before getting to ffs pre$entform, It was
revts$d over o period of 1400 years. .
Without making any dellberate concession to the concept of comparative
religion. the writer will now take a blrd's eye view of what may be described a5
the three synoptic religions which derived Inspiration from .tne Sible. ,
The foundation of modem religion was never laid on 11"\S'tlfutlons. The Individual
was the axis on which It revolved. An uneasy lntercoursebetween politics and
reJlt)loo brought about the Institutions which become !ts undotng.. Religion Is
based on diVIne revelation and spiritual inspiration, not ot soclety,(Orcommunlty
at Iorge. but of the solitary individual. The revelations to the prophets were
con<iOJOted Into Institutions ttlat began to flirt with secular edttw1rltt'es In the nome
of geo-political expansion, o process which soon become so divisive as to splash
cotrC'Slve fluids on erstwhile cordial relations between people&!or human beings.
It necessary tor the present generation to Insight Into how
the Incurable selfishness of human nature. adulterated the pure relationship
betWeen man and his creator. Into on Institutional onthropomqrphlsm.
":2'''". ..
How religious Institutionalism began with Judaism
Since the days of Moses. the Jews hove established the foundations of religious
separatism because as far as they ore concemed. lsroen ootlonohid,entlty and
Its religion ore Indissolubly linked. The early history of the Jews Is told In the Hebrew
Bible, or the five books of Moses - Pentateuch or TorQtl. PQtriochs are
Abrohom.lsoac and Jacob.
Abraham crossed from Mesopotamia to Canaan (the promised land) In 1800
B.c .. During o severe famine, the twelve sons of JocobtoQJ< re:fvge inEgyptwhere
they later become stoves. At about 1250B.C. Moses began the institutionalisation
of Judaism by consolidating the poli!icol demands of the descendants of
Jacob. for freedom from Egypt. when he beseeched the PhorooM to "Let my
people go. That was a political and not o religious action. This fact become
clear from the difficulties he subsequently encountered in moulding manumitted
slaves into o united people (Jews). Moses was how evermore of a society builder
than a spiritual leader. which makes him one of the world's leading political
scientists. He was principally concerned. with how to use the low to regulate the
behaviour of individuals in society. ,
Much of the legal structure that constitute the (Torah) or low of the Israelites
covers both religious and private lives including the type of food to be eaten and
the way it Is to be cooked. It has been verified that generally. the mosaic law is
not very different from the Babylonian and Hittite lows that existed-et the time of
Much of it Including the ten commandments was no more than on encoding
of the ethical standards of the tlrne especially' in the light of the emphasis which
Moses and his low-giving succeSsors placed, on detailed l.ow as the foundation
of the society. 'the emphosis w
s not on the way people behaved toward, one
CI"'Ither, but how they_behaved towards the low .. It follows therefore that If
everyone observes the row. w111 behove rationally towards each other
and towards society.
This Is the raison d' etre of the mosaic approach to society. The religious aspect
of Moses' work beghis and ends with belief in his single God <YAHWEH), as the
authority for his low.. Thereafter, the emphasis shifted to detailed low whlctl
lmples detailed structure <:>f'socieW: It Is a fundamental principle in
P"llosophy, that if the low governing Man's behaviour in society is sound enough,
and backed by effective authority, on witt be well in society. This explains why
Plato odvocote<:i:ftlot. the Wise rnen.or guardians of society shoul.o pretencHhfl! ,
the tows come from God, when de'{eloplng tows for society; .. since no one
Challenges the authority of God. .
The more detailed the law. th.e less sqope there is for subjective human Inputs,
lhce man has tow. Hence, detailed lows of procedure
cuoble than lows belief is always vulnerable to interpretation
end heresies. Religion has so much Imposed a god-centered culture on mankind_
that Voltaire was <:Jble to declare that If God did not exist, It would hove been :
necessary to Him1 which Is what man has done through religious Institu-
tionalism. :.,-... ... , . . _ ...
Moses never' gc!'trinth& .,romlsed land of Canaan. No one knows where- he(\ ....
died or where the, original Sinal is. It was Joshua and the Judges who eventually
got the Jews to thEt ..prOQ11sed lohd. The circle of institutionalization continued.: '
when the twelve sons ofJacob mode themselves leodm ot
their clans and constituted themselves into a lose federation, govemed by a
succession of.Judges;.. _, . rt7o
They formalisec;t tne by organising a central government. ruled '?Y ..
a King, the Of whom was follo"'!ed by David and Solomon. The circle of
Institutionalisation was completed by David, tfle shepherd Who used'to ploy
songs on his l')te,tC1(Jn'gl Serul. whenever the totter felt dtsntusloned. Oovld toter.
beCame King and ne formonsed the unification of the twelve tribes of Israel,
naming Jerusalem QS its cetpltal.
It was David'$ son Solomon who was toter accused Of "Introducing elements
nto life and worship which many thought destructive of Israel's religion. The
J!lse. W discontent, unrest and civil war, which split the Jews
nto two after Solomon "S daath; - Israel in the North and. JUdah in the South. .,
Two years later, Israel to the Assyrian Empire. itwasSolomonwhd.lntrodaced
Temples and appointed Priests to be making sacrifices in them, ohd he it was. who
brOught politics and religion together. The Temple was a place ofworship as
OS 0 forum for SOCial activities. But it soon become corrupt. A series of prophets.
visionaries and rebels: spoke out against soclOt injustice in Israel and Judah.
The kingdom Of Judah survived untllltfell to Nebuchodnezzor of Babylon .. The
Babylonians destroyed the JewiSh temples after which tne Jews began to
mprovise by socialising ondworshipplr)g in small rooms that become the model
for the Synagogue. which was laTer to: take the place of temples.
Under Judaism. there was no flnerdemorcation between religion and politics.
In the days of Jesus Christ the CouncH oUheJews(Sonhedrln)was headed by the
High Priest, from among the Sadducees, a group of: aristocratic priest&;
devoted to the first five books of the old testament. The couneU. used to meet
week at the JerusalemTemple.lnaddltlon tofts rellgloustunctiOnofflxlng
;events of the year. and deddlng true It had. other
5ecutarduties. It ran a pollee force and .also.opefoted .as t;l c.ourt of Tnere
were mini-Councils throughout Palestine. It was one 9f these Councils that
helped to condemn Jesus Christ. . ' .
Ac'cordlngto Angela WoOd In "Judaism. Jews In $XIIf)had seen the
weol<ness of pulldlngs and institutions and found that only that which hO$ not
beeo'created can never be lnorderto.ke.ep their beliefs and stop
their. way of life from being .polluted. the Jews to llve from other
Onthe religious front. the Jews began to tribal
Qed. In .the _words of Isidore Epstein at. P<;Jges 29,-30 of .hls"book"Qn Judaism.
by quotqtlons from Bible. be<;:Qme the God of tsrael._whowere
the only chosen children of God to mark them out as a distinct people omong
the nations of the world. the Jews were to re_gord the rest of
'strongers'.tobe. tolerated. qecouse God loveth the ... love.ye therefore
the str<:mger. Epstein. went on to odd . still quoting fronllhe Blble;on Injunction
for "Israel tp separat-e itself from all coqtamlnating contact$ with the ldolot(ous
civilisations and cultures of fhe surrounding nations. lsraefhad thus to be 6port
from the world and yet remoJn of the world. This was.the fundamental principle
which underscored the Jewish Torah- the brainchild of Institutionalised Judaism.
J4doism has unwittingly or deliberately dlstJngulshed its&tf osesef)Qrotlst religion
in a variety of ways: . - . ..
(1) They Used the word Gentllesto refer to all non-Jew,s.Jncluding fhose.who
wUliogly decided to beconwJews <ProselYtes) andwfiiO'il(ei'e circumcised.
baptised and accepted all the Jewish lows .. ,. '" ,_ - '
The construction of the famous Jerusalem Temple w"qs storted by King
_ Herod the Great. 40 the birth 9f Ctmist 64
' AD.
:T'f/0 IOrQe inscriptions woined non-Jews that they' Ohly went
.the at the ri$J< of their lives. The most soc.ted;port of the Temple
was the Cqyrt (the Altar) where twice a dQ'i aJomQwos sacri-
ficed. It was also the scene o1 several private sacrifices throuQhoutthe
.day. SocriflcloJanimals were sold in the court 'the Temple
__ wqs destroyed byJhe.Romans only four years otter it wos 9ompleted.
(3) _ . they also against the.Samorltans. who Jews. brought
Into Samaria by the King of Assyrlo. Judaism would hove nothing to do .
with them even though they accepted as their Holy Bible the some books
as the Jews.
(4) The word .means ones -those who had to
separate t-hemselvesfrom what Judaism regarded as the sinful world.
Much later. they marked out "-Jewish Christians as separate
peoptes .... who ... to gain some,temporary advantages. did not hesitate to: re-
nounce all the Jewish religious practices. cutting tnemse.lves adfift from their
people and Molly joining the moss of Pagans who were attracted to Christian-
tty. Even now;the Jews still cannot acknowledge the facUhatthe knowledge
and worship of God hove spread mor$ .through .Chr.istianity than through
Judaism. The:baslc dlfferencebetween Judaism andChrlstlanity lsthatthe lott.er-
became a universal religion by riding on the bock of a political'l'lOrse. whilst the
former has always been and remaii"'S the religion of a part (excluding Gentiles)
of a single nation.
Christ is so repwgnqnt to tfle. Jews thOt_rather: than U$lng the terms
Christ. (B.CJ Domtnl prefer to use eefore theCorvmon
era (B.C.E> and common E{a shall see presently. Chrlstlonlty wos
to practice Its own brand of exctuslve and norrow-mlndedness which
provoked the reo9tlon that:Culllllnoted In the birth of Islam over 600 after
the advent of christianity. It Is not surprising therefore that in Sura lt Verses 11,1 ond
113. the Quron demonstrotes the norrow-mlndedness of,Judoism and Christianity
bV drawing attentiOn to earner Pfoclgmatlons. that:
None shall enter pdrodJse unless he be a Jew or a Christian and yet
The Jews soy that Chrlstlans.have naugRt to stand upon whilst Christians S4JY
that Jews have nought to stand upon. .
and they ore supposeqtp hove derived Inspiration from the same source.
The Qurori wos. however lpter to oove Its doze of the gull and wormws>Qd or
nstitutlonolisqtlon which has, differences-be-
tween the orthodox Muslim9nd the.Musum fi.[l(;iomentolistsqtour day and age.
the situation was summed, up byKhalif AI Ray/of ot page xi of his coml1)entary oo
the Quran: . J .
rhe:.rtew-Reoals&once of-Islam which is just will, it Is .. :.
hoped . J;Jwoy cobwetl&gnd let in the of reason and
understanding: . . . .
He went on to
iflcreosJng knowledge (by Quranlc commentators> of history ..
and legends. tJ::\e
Illustrate the text of the Holy Bool<wlth reference (Jewl$h and
Christian> tege[!ds. ,Sometimes the amount of stuff.- some of
it absurd.:-. wbienh>u.nd this way into the commentorle,s was QUt of all
proportion to lts Importance. and. relevance and gave. rise to the
legend ... that Islam wQs 'uP<>n on lmpenect knowteqge ot .
Chrlstionity(am:t juck;lism'". . / . .. . .
Thes.e dialectics. of dtsposoQie hypotheses only len<;! fillip tQ the 007effielent of
regressiof) between reUgiQus lnstttutlonolisatlon and human dlvlslve.nass. To fhe
detached developments. one finds lt all the more
difficult eithe.r to.drow .o distinction between m,yths reallty.-or between
legend and history without having a distorted reflecti9n of a real post.
Institutionalised retig.ion has therefore failed to provide a basi& of solid and
verifiable facts against which to determine the comparative reality of the events
related in heroicmyths ' , . . .
The bone of. modern:teligion is the construction of earthly kingdoms--in co-
habitation. wit)t secular authorities. leading to spiritual degeAeration. moral
depravity and corruption. ,
To dempnstrote the UQre1iabllity of fhe h.umon intellectr.lt required Amos to
admonish the . . . .
.. of themselves when they imagined tl'lat they we.re
God's favourites, hod no greater regard for them
than for nations.
He added: t , , . ..
He was not God of Israel onty;He was a universal God.of universal
morality. '
According tp . . . . . .
"the w.Qmlngs of Amos fall upon deaf ears and Israel continued to
tread the path of doom provokinaCI rMJfry between the Northern'
and Southern Kingdoms of israel.
Exodus 19:6says that since Israel foited to be to God "a Kingdom of priests and
\ allloly notlon"lt was invaded by Tlgloth-Pilesetlll whowrenched. took
!..Of'd.d&J;opuloted more than half Of lts1en1tory". All he left to Israel was the Httle
province of Samaria. whiCh was subsequently over-run In 721 B.C. and What
remolned of If formed "a seml-ldototrouspeepfe known astheSomarttons. Thus
. the,klngdom of Israel passed out of history.
Th&Jews however consoled themselves In those circumstances bysoylngthot
although they were scattered to the four.Corners of the earth WithOut a state
. country or govemment. nonetheless. the kr\owleage of the Torah and olle-
glonce to the only God ... ensured their survival os people among
the nations of the .world". '>
Once more. if required the instrumi:mtolttYof lndMduol prophets. os opposed
to Institutions. to startle mankind to rise above natlonot boundaries to
.. conceptuolise "d vision of a united humanitY .a harmony in whtch
dll men and peoples acknowledge and revere Goo osthe Loroofall the earth" .
. Jt,woslnelAttMduatltles of isoioh.JO$t. Jeremlonr&ekleHitc. that come to;loYthe
emphasis on the universality of Religion, and the conversion9f an peoptesto the
worship of God through self or autonomous converslonJos :ot>p05$d to Induced
or coercive conversion. According to Ezekiel. "the onlversotsolvotton Of man-
kind will require the highest contribution of the IndividUal"; r . 'r.
The Individual must will to be delivered from sin ond'rmak&fGhtmself. through
penttence and confession. a new spirit. Hoving done hls:shore;he Is reconciled
1ot\db God. who In Hfs loving kindness. recreates him Thdt was at
the time when tn exile. the Israelites come to the realisation thdt mor{s personal
relationship With GOd meant that city, temples ond InstitutiON wer$ no longer
lndlspensobte to the worship of God". .j .-., ,
In 539B.C. Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon ondHe' alte>WedtheJewlsh exiles
... to retum to JudOh. making Nehemiah the govemor of Judah. In 63 B.C. the
1\ RGmons Invaded Judah ond occupied tt. In 66 A.D. thit&wdS oaewtsh revolt led
tiy . .fM ZealOts. who opposed taxes levied on natiVe. Jews bY the Roman
outoorttles. blft It was ruthlessly put down. destroylng the rebuilt TernJ)res: Jn 135
A.D. there was another revolt which was ogoln pOttdOWh
f&jt:2the Romans.
Jerusalem was mode o pagan city onee more and the Jews were forbidden
under pain of death from going there. That was when the Romans renamed the
country Palestine. ond the Jews settled elsewhere. --
When Islam conquered Spain fn 714 A.D. the Jews there welcomed them
because according to them, "they were so muct:\ more Civilised thOn the
barbOrlons or Europe. But the muslims were .from Spolri by the
Chrlstlons In 1492 A.O. and the Jews with them. even though they hod lived In
Spain since the Babylonian conquest 2COO years before; The eorty Chrlst1ons
were forbidden to lend one another morley at Interest. but they could borrow
from the Jew$ at high Interest rates. which continued to find o place for the Jews
In Christian societies. The Roman Catholic Church only sanctified the usury Lows
ln1830A.O. otter condemning It for 1800yeors.
Later, It requtred Moses Ben Moimon Molmonides (1135-1205) a Spanish
theOlogian, scholar ond philosopher of Jewish extroctlon.(poge 214 of Judaism
. by Epstein) - to drive It home to the Jews that:
Christianity ond Islam hod on Important role to ploy in paying the
woyforoll mankind to embrace the full truth and knowledge of God.
The Theologlco-Polltlcal treatise
;,.. .'
Splnozo (1632-77) was the first jew to demonstrate in his book.
Troctatus Theologlco-Polftlcus that the language of the Sible is allegorical. os o
concession to ordinorymortols, and that the scriptures thus Interpreted, contains
nothing contrary' to reason. In his philOsophy he demurred that ts no
personal immortality and that go6d and evil ore relative to human wohts:ond
purposes. He was Juooism ln 1656 for his views, hlsfother
being o Jewish clergyman . ftts religious orientation was ponth91stlc and he was
one of the first seventeenth century philosophers to argue forcefully that "It Is
. pointless to use politic power and coerdionto enforce rellgtous belief, ancfthot
It Is unnecessary for any govemment regulate religious beliefs of Its
subjects ... because m,en cannot reOHy be compelled to believe. He was
portlculorlyconcerned with tndivlduotfreedom of thought and action ond
Rght of the real life experience of his time, .he startled the West em world wnei'\ he
proclaimedtl'ltit greatest enemies o(fraedom ofthOughtweretnstttutiOnollsed
religion ond tt:ie clergy; (whd were) exploiting the fears and the consequent
fanaticism oN'helrfoltowers; using their spiritual authority to extef1d their temporal
power; arid using thepolitlcal tmp(?S9
That was why Thomas Hobbes llke.Splnoza, odvocoted strong
secular government os a counter-weight to the clergy espetlbtty as they alSo
wielded tntirMnottOnot.power". show that when secular ond'sptritual
authorities engage In unholy matrimc>ny; the first casualty Is the freedom otthe
helpless individual to think and speak freely. . ." . . . .
Yet I man contini.JeS-t'o construct chasms of bridges.'to destroy them-
selves. servlrtg each other, people,_ continue to enslave one another
and economically inthe nome of God. Godld!OnOt
create the world 'for the surVival of one part to :depend on the devastatiOn and
dehumonl$otlon of another. L .;;;
Judaism ve.rsus Christianity
According to H: L .. l;llison in the History of ChristianitY, the Jews
Initially as o Jewish sect. The Outhorffies
began to persecute Christian Jews because of "their doctrine dAd'tt'lelr
admission of Gentiles without accepting the Judaic low. When the JewS revolted
A.D. and 132to l33A.D .. the Christians did
not participate In the revolts, whichwere by the zealots. Forfontng
to demonstrate symgpthy and solidarity with their nationalism, the Jews frof"''fthen
on. began to regard Christian Jews as nOtional
On their port. Christians come to regard Jews as haters of the objective good.
When Christi(lnitwos recognised as the religion of the Roman
Empire by CQnstontine in 313 A. D.. Christians began to behO'Ile as
custodians of theological purity and the Jews were elbowed to the stdeflnes;on
account OftAeir "inexcroble bigotry. legal discrimination against the.Jews
gathered a fFesh momentum and they were gradually deprived of all rights.
Incidentally there was no distincrlon In the attitudes of the Chure1"1 and state
against the Jews..
During the dark and middle oges,Jews were exposed to constant harassment.
frequent expulsi9ns and even massacres. especially during the first crusade
between 1;.09 and 1099 A.D. The Jews were banished from England In 1290, from
France in 1306. 1322 and 1394, when they were given the option of accepting
Christianity or banishment. Following the massacre of Jews in 1391 , the Spanish
Inquisition .inyestigoted,with its horrendous track record, the genuineness of
Jewish faith. Eventually all Jews were .expelled from Spain in 1492. .
In ports of Europe where they were still toteroted, the Jews were forced to live
In designated streets (ghettos) and to wear distinctive dresses. The Renolssonfe
and Reformqtlon mellowed the attitudes of. the liberals onq the IOtelllgentslo.
Even MQrtin Luth$r. offer epdier novii')Q fovourQble vieW$ abOut lofer
mode bitter and despicable attacks qgalnst them. . . .
. !4 attitudes began t.o:CbOJ:'IQe. the .. allowed. to settle In Holland in
159&, In l-{omburg In 1612 and !n EnoJ.ond unofflc!QIJY In 1656: From 1354. Poland
becQme the chief centre pfEuropeon Jewry. A$'Polonqgrew polltlcoUy weaker
the}&Wf:'tlere expoSed to the hotred of the Roman CathQilc Church. c;ind the
hostUttyof the When Polqnd_wQ$P.Q.rtitionedmter 1772. Ppfish Jews
founQ themselVes, In Roman and In orthodox R,uss,lo. The Russior,l
.<Pogroms>. qt 1881 to 19l4 forced ob.out 2 miHion seek refuge
In tht (.J.S.A . . . , .
_age.of in the 18th century created o mOI'eJiberot ottltupe
toward& the Jews. leading to their emonelpotlon In various parts of' Europe.
beOlmlno with France .. Nonetheless. pOlitical cOUld not chqnge
deep-{ooted PQPUior prej!JdJqe. Jhe grQwth Of smoutdered from
climaxing ln1878 with the infamous FinoJ sotvtlon
in obol.lt 6 .Jews perishing un9er Hitler's Nazi regime.
Is s6id ttiot there are only twp groyps,of animals that destroy
rs.Ond m.en. Old j\Aan to destroy hiS fellowmen In such
savagery? ..
The Je.ws may nave carried their chO:Uvlnlsm far too f(;)r. but WhQ1' gave the
Gtmstk:Jn "qlvtne rlgt)t fQ;si04Qhterthelrfellow men <Jilin tfl$,nome of
God? OtiiV a In that Cfl.ltallty- tf.le
COd fhot 'Church to serve It f)Offtteot <lhd material
greed. It was only otter the Nazi holocaust that Christian$ began to shed
crocodUe tears by stressing understanding, removal of and dialogue.
otthough even in this day and age. there is "little evidMtte that ONthJudoJsm Is
- no... . . .. . . . . . .
; . 1 Is notppdslng, Rene Descartes. the fftmCh philoSopher qnd
fl'\Qthemqtlelan of sixteenth century (1596-1650) (lnd the totner of modern
brazeOIY expostulated in his .concept of." R;lethophyslcal dualism
that "it isloglcolly Pc>ssit;>Je in the absence. proof to 't.be oontmry. thot God
deceiver .In the that ... truths accepted in the_Ughtof not
necessarily correspond to verifiable reality. He went on to blaspheme that
Some proof Is needed thQf God cannotbe o deceiver end that we ore not the
victims Of a,molicious dem9n ... He was such 0 sceptic thof he Sdid that . .there was
only one truth he could not doubt. viz . -his own existence (CPQitO ergo sum). Of
course. Descartes was provoked to propqund his cartesian theory in the light of
the god created In his day by institutionolisfJ(;treligion; ondcoul.d not hove been
referring to theAimighty God of all creation, w,hose existence is on indubitable
reality. becquse even he or any of us is on infinitesimal cell inthe corporate body
of all existence or God ..
Effects of Institutionalisation on Chritlanlty
Followlrig the death of Jesus Christ, Christianity started with a few handful (about
120) ofsometimesreli.Jctont followers in the small obscure province of Judoeo.
and has since grown to a followership of overJOOJ million people. NoQ'linoiJy.
. one third of the world: s population Christians. .
DurinQ Its metamorphosis. it has survived harrowing turbulences golvonlsedby
ideo-philosophical and geo-political factors. beginning with Celc_us and Lucian
In the second century. to tbose of Voltaire in the 18th century. Karl Marx In the
19th century and.Adolf Hitler In 20th century.
Its resilience has been a funCtion of its oblllty .. to refonn and renew Itself otter
every stonn. From the first to the the Qdheslve that glued the
oppressed and. harassed Christians. .tc)gether.wQS Its lndMduollfy and falthln
Christ. As the Messfcih. Christ held out to the lridivlduol believer the praspects of
forgiveness of slh. peace with GOa.hope fort he future. 0 new and t)lgher ethical
code and a promise of life otter death. They practiced a neweti)ICsoflove-even
towards Early con'(erts were attracted. by t .... vlslble.inonlfestotlon of
bYe demonstrated by beDevt:ns. . . .... . .
they were exclude<fi ff'DJ'ri hmotri stream of PQOOn society becouse of their
dlferent llfEt-style. The eoW,' ChiJStlOn$ were taught to refuse to portlclpofe In the
pomp and pageantry of material sc;>clolllf$; not to PQrtiCipote in war: to reject
buy and
lh:e they forword to becoming citizens of heaven. This withdrawal
svnctrome mode them to b9 regQt$'J&d osantl-soclolond fanatlcol.ln the Romon
world. they were called rQce. being neither Jewlst;l nor pagans.
In consonance with Chrlsl'sdlctum of"gMng to CoesorWhqf tsCoesors. Paul
ROnlQns Chapter 13 was. discouraging, anorchism, which mode the .early
Christians to give propeJ respect to constitUted QWhortty. Jn fact the pathos of
earl)' Christianity were slmpftclty. eommunlty. evangelism. (lnd Jove .. It was simple
because It had no formal organisation. maintained no Church. buUdlngs or
membershlpJolls. tought easy-to understand dqctrlnes. and finonc.d mutual
activities by vqluntary personal giVing. . ....... .: . . . . .
The slmpliclfy opP&oled to.the pborancf who were able to
partiCipate In a new faith without dltficulfy. ChriStian communttles mode no
dstlnctlons based on notion. eultu(ol statUs. slavery or sex. It gave othefwise
social out-casts a sense of Identify and beJonglng.
Jesus hod taught hls follow$f$.ttltee woy$of retilplng favour from. man and from
God: . .
(1) Through prayer- He sold "hypocrites love to. pray In S}'r:\ogogues
and at street corners. so that peoJ:>te rrl(ffSM them. /Ott 1hdtrttheirf9Ward
and nothing more
He then Qdded;
"When you .pray. go Into your Inner room, shut the door. and .pr.QY to your
father In secret. Your heavenly father will reword you.
(2) Through Alms giving. - He sold that "hypocrites. when they give. otms In
synagogues. sound a trumpet so that people wRI prGise them. Well. that Is
their reword; nothing more.
He then taught - .
when you give alms . do It so secretly that even your left hand does not
know what your right hand Is giving. Your heavenly father will know. ond wm
reword you. c
(3) Through fasting -:He sold that "hypocrites. when they fast t deliberately look
miserable Cleaving their beards -unshaved and faoes unwashed) so thQt
people wiH know they ore fasting. Well. that ts their .reword. nothing more".
He then taught - .
"When you fast. make sure there Is no change In Wash
your face and anoint your head. Fast for your heavenly father In secret. He
wiU reword you. .
Jesus re.ossured his followers that they hod no reason to amosstteasures on earth
beCause they only needed treo&ures In heoven;-He asked'. whom do yQu serve?
God or your possessions. You cannot serve God and mammon (the god of
greed). That Is wt:w It Is sold that G,od has provided for our n,eds but forgot to
provide for our greed.
tn his VOledictory oddreu to his toltowers at Ephesus. Pout sold, r know 'that
otter my going away .oppressive among you ondwlll not treat
with ,tenderness. qnd from' orrtong you yourselVes. men 'will rfse Qnd
speak twisted things todrow.owoythe disciples Offer themselves. Therefore keep
owoker Acts 20:29.;.31
TWo before the end Of tpe fli'st century, John the on1Y surviving apostle,
disclosed how for opostocy hdd progressed and sold voung:'6hlldren. It Is the
lost hour .... ontl-chrlst Is coming, even now there.hove come to be many ontl-
chri$ts:... They went ot,lt fr6m us. byt they not of our kind. fest ... they would
ho\Ye remained with uS. He then urged them to be steadfast lnthelrfalth In God
JOhn 2:18.19.24. . ' '
nme was $con to prove the accuracy of these prophetic warnings. many of
them began to fallforthe attractions of the material world td yield to the
popularity of Greek philosophy, .and to place it tne Holy Scriptures. By
trying to harmonise the Scriptures with Greek philosophy t>e.gan to compro-
mise the truth. In the later holf of the second Jtle6ph1tus, the bishop of
Antioch In Syria. apparently soaked In popular paganism. wrote in Greek to
Introduce the doctrine ottne word.ttias. meaning mad or trlnlty.
His contemporaryfn North Africa. Tertullian of Cartage. wrote in defence ofthe
word tflnltas. meaning trinity; From then oh. the trinitarian doctrine came to
Infect orthodox Christian benet: The word trias Is no where. to. be found In the
Inspired Christian Greek Scriptures nor Is the wortf trtnitas to be found In the
Latin transfQtlon of the the V\Jtgdte:
(}n the other hand. Orlgen (185-254 A 0.) ot Caesorea. a famous Biblical crlttc
and his Hexapta. yielded to the philosophy Qf Plato on the Immortality Qf the
human soul. That ted him to believe in the of human souls. and
th.elr re-incarnation In bodies for offences pre'vio\Jsly co'mmitted".
Institute of Ecclesiastical History)
The politielaoHon .of the Church
The politicisation of the Church was completed when Emperor Constantine.
brought about a cohabitation of Roman paganism and Christianity in 312 A.D .
when Flavius Aurenus Constontinus was the Emperor of the Pagan Roman
. ..
robe able to take the imperial crown of Rome. he had to dislodge his arch-
rival Maxentius. who had usurped the government ontaly and AfriCa. After losing
two battles to Maxentius. he had to engage htm in o third combat at Rome-s
Milvian bridge. He had one problem; the source of recruitment into his army was
being depleted as more were betng converted to Christianity. It was
therefore tactically expedient tofeignconversion to Christianity because the
early Christians were famous for their pacifism and they preferred to go to prison
rather than to be enlisted .into the secular for two reasons: Christ's
Injunction to love one's enemy, and the fact-that they were rebuffed by the
idolatory which permeated the Roman army. He is reported to have said to his
close aides. "If I can infiltrate the Christian flock.l will have at my command the
biggest army the world has ever known.
Before embarking on a third battle with Maxentius. Constantine claimed to
have seen a cross flaming on the face of the sun. in the noon-day sky. with the
words lh hocsignovinces. that is,"Conquer by this sign pointing to the Cross.
The following nlglit. Christ is sold to hove appeared to him and to have ordered
him to take for nis standard an imitation Of the fiery cross he SOW "in the heavenly
vision. So he had a standard made in that form (Fig: 2) and he called It the
,. ' . ~ .
Lotxuum. He dlsclo$ed this event tothehlstOf\On, Euset;>lus.of CQS$0reo bef9f*l
hedled. . . . .. .. . . ....
The Roman CathoHC-Hierorchy claim this was a sign from heqven v.thlch to
Constantine conversion to the Christianity. ot the day. . On the other riQnd.
faithful upholder$ of the Holy Scriptures took no such view .of mo:tter.
Jesus hod his the.Jews, unless,vou P,.eople S.e signs.
and wonders, you will by,no means believe". and he called them Odulterous and
wicked generation. because of always wonting.Q sign.' The fotthtVls thel'$fOre dld.
not believ:e. Constantine's convei'siOnglmmlckb$couse they
unlikely that Jesus would stultify himself by sending a sign from heaven todpagon
n convert him to Christianity, and especially when Jh pogon was
sheddlng blood with como I weapons In order to gain polltlcolsi.U)temocy In the
aggressive Roman Empire, . "' / : ..
In the ensulngcQmbot .Constantine deft;lotedMoxenttus If) tO. oufurrin' .Qt 312
A.D. and the Rornon Senate declorec;i him to be Augustus
on 28th OctQber, 3,l2 A.D. he.beeam$ the
Pagan Roman religion, which was quite different J?9Pflsed to
-consummate his feigned conversion to Christianity. In faCt, ne WOS..
tDI he fell sick twenty five yeor.s toter In 33_7A.Q.; when he di&1, . . ... . , ,
Emperor worship to tt)Et Suo
was the letterT, the.fnltiol of th,e rqmr:nvz.
Todd In the History of Christianity, Emperor Constantine did not lnlttolty dlsttn_gufSh
clearty between the Father of Jesus Christ and the dMne Sl.!n. For a decode h""
. . ' t '-. . ' - . ' _...
coins continued. to feature some of the Pagan hotoply his ,own favourite
deity. the.uncor\Quered Sun. RetQIQ!ng,thy pogao necessary
compromise with his pagan sub]ects."stJU very muchlnthe .. m.Q}Qrlty, He contln- .
ued to identify the Sun with the Christian Goo. o belief rriode eosrer by the
tendency of Christian writerS and artists to u5e the"s\Jn ilp.dQ$ry'Jo ROrtf'oylng.
Christ . He later confided Eusebtus that the cross he Q[l
ct his Sun god. because Jewish historians dverth(Jf #>t'lo. '
across but upon a simple stoke". ttwosfrom qnwgrqs
symbOl of the apostate ChriStianity, become the . . . . . . . ,
Emperor Constantine's (who changed the place npme .. Of
Constantinople) successors foUQwed his e)(omple ln,odORtJ':lQ tlfte'Pbnnfe,r
Moxlmus until Grotion Emperor of the Western wing ofthe .. Rorndn
A.D.> refused to assume the title and Insignia of Pontlfex Moxlmus, a dfgnltytm
then considered as annexed to that of Emperor. tn'SJ S:AD. tl':\e
Ocmoscus, took over the title, borrowed from a Pagan cult, as 9ne of fJ:le. Chief
designations of the Pope or Pontiff of Vatican City.' . ... . . .
For Christianity, the conversion of Emperor Constantine. th& JrppQQ9LR\.i!&r 6f
the world at thettme. was a mixed blessing. By the Edict otMQO.nln A.D .. he
lfopped the persecution Christians of them lqfp
positions. and he eventually.deolored Christianity, the ReligiOI\Qfttie HQtvRomon
fmplre. . .. . . , - . .. .
Bishop Leo 1 <A.D. 440-461) was the firsttotalitorian Pope 11"1 the.niodem'sense.
He established the "apOstolic choir" whfch.endqw.ed the bi$hoP of with
spiritual supremacry over ever{ branch. of Catholf1sm Ond (or Its
u:cupont. the exclusive use of the of Popa(Pope) by piOclolff\lhQ.fbQt the
tliShop of Rome was the succesSor of Peter. He wds colled'FotnerOftcithers
CPoter Patrum) and "holy
none your father upon earth; for one is your father wh<:) f$,1t\ Mc:!ffhew
23.-9. . ,j : . ,, :, : .. ;
The Roman Catholic Cardinal . John Henr'f Newman, com(:x>Ser of the song
Lead. kindly Light' was outspoken enough to admit that the Roman Catholic
wstem hod disobeyed God's command to ovoid becoming infected With Pagan
r$1fbl8r\ ondgetting snored by It''. He admitted that the Church bod eontlnuoiiV'
with ,demonlsm., ,!n, 1878 published his essay on the'
DeveloPment of Christian Doctrln_e, Where he sold Inter-alia ... and they {the
Chuteh 's hierarchy) must Invent wHat they needed, If they dlcfnot like What they
fo!.lnd, ... t>elng of the very ofwhtch paganism ottempted>
the$hodows;the ruler$ of the Church from earlytlmeswere Pt"epored, should the
orlse. to 0d9pt, Jmltat_e, the rites and customs ofther
poJ:lU!c:;ICe, os well as the PQilosoptly of the educated etasf,. . '
Bttr:9Ytng the fusion for with Pogordsm. the Stltlsh Cardinal contln-
ued ' . . .. . . . . . . . . . J
._., .. ... . .
The of temples dedicated to particular saints Cind omomented on ll
dccostons With 'branches of trees, incense, IamPI and candles:
Qfferings on very from holy asylum$. holidays and seasons .)
.. . . blessings on the fields; vestmentS.
' . tt\e. the ring In marriage, fuming to the east (the direction from"'!
. wh,lch the sun sets) qnd Perhaps the ehont, and tne; I
, , <Lorq hove m,ercy) ore on of Pagan ortgtn, and sanctified :
tSY fhetr adoption Into the . . . . , " _);
once a leading defender of Rom on Cothollcl$m lntheU.S.A.
CQ:lftb.lffi1.9n artlcJe t6 etooklyn Eagle (New York) on Febn.Jory 21 19'43 quoting
fbt.vn({er;mentloned statement mOde by the late Pope Pius XI to Newspapers.
. . ' .. _ ' . .
.' 1-heHeodoftheCOfhollcChurchwouldconsiderlthlsdutytodeot
. With th& .. Devil to soy nothlng opout ohyOther mortals who, '
" hyppth8flcotty, or If'! ri:Jaltty; were mere1y ogen!s of the Dictator of
Dloboltsm, lf rEtQSonoble grounds existed to suppOrt the hope that
1\Jeh cteonno. would protect, or advance, the interests of r$1lglon
' . pmong moolflnc;:l. . . . . . ,
m..Jtat,l)'lent. corning trom the Pope_ whO mode concordats with the Fos.ctst
GICfQt9fMU$SQifnl lh J929 dnd_ Hitler In 1933; clearly demonstrates
that the spirit of Cothonclsm hdd not changed from what It was In the days of
'600yearS ago. This lsln stark naked contro.st 19
of Jesus On 'the mQunt of temptation to make qny bargain With for
WOfkiVPQIItlcOipQWer. The Pope's spirit Wa$.One ofeompromise with demoniSm.
rengiOn. for temporal power. . . . ) ... . i ,: . ) .
"-> " > "i
of. Christianity
AmOng the for-reaching ehCJnges which Emperor .Constantine lntrodl.Jced Into
Chrl$tiQnlty. were the following;- , ,._
1. He beneved. that. he saw wos1nspir'ed by the Sun which was
Rom(jngqo, who.directed him to tolerate ChristianitY, and who
he as the fotper Christ; which' explains why Christian
writer$ and artiSts used the imagery ofthe Sun to portray Christ.
2. Before A.D., Christians observed the Sabbath In consonance with their
Jewish trOdftlon, According to the new Testament.. Jesus used to worship
preach in the SVI,'Iogogue dn Sabbath days: Tne Romans on the other
hand 9bserv9d the first day of the week as a day of rest for serving the Sun
QOd. Jn 321 A.D . Emperor Constantine declared the firSt day of the week
. as hOlY day of observation - orSundoy, . .. . . .
3. . Ftom the worship for the Sun come the celebration of Christ's birth on the
'26th of December, which before then; pagan Rome observed -as the
birthday of the. Sun god. with all the affectations of what is now Christmas .
. ,.
In contrast, there Is nothing In the Blble'to6t.Jggestthat Jes1.1s wos.born on the
25th of December. In fact, the early Christians used to celebrate the birth
of Jesus on 6th JanuOfY. .
4 Saturn was served on Saturdays. Sotunalia, the Roman 17th
to 21st December provided the merriment, gift giving, candle llghfs and
Incense buming, typical of latter-day Christian modes of "'
a. It was not until the fifth century A.D. that Pope Leo I stopped Jhe Christian "
practice (earner Imposed by Emperor Constantine) of bowing to the Sun
before entering St. Peters Basilica In Rome.
6. The use of candles, Incenses and garlands were Roman pagan practices
which were first resisted by Christians because they symbolised pog6hism,
but subsequently Christlanlsed.
7. European scholars and theologians have associated the nigh deification of
the "Virgin Mary, with the pagan worship of Artemis or Diana of Ephesus.
I. Egyptofp,t!tsts on the other hand, believe that Pagan practices died hard
otter the fusipn of paganism and Christianity and that the worship of lsfs, the
Egyptian goddess who was described as "the greotvirgin and the mother
of was transferred mutatis mutandis to the Virgin Mat'y. Surviving
trn_gges of Isis holding the child Horus are similar in every respect fo later .
Christian Madonnas.
t The Christian historian Theodoret holds that in many parts of Eur,ope. Saints 'i
and Martyrs took the' place of pagan gods; their shrines replaced pagan
temples, and their feast days were replaced t)y holy days of 6t::>servatlon of
Christian Saints and Martyrs.
10. In commemoration of pagan beliefs in mystical capabilities of Jhe
gods, some Salnfs and Martyrs, were claimed to be capable of
curing barrennesS, protecting travellers. detecting foretelling the <"
future and healing the SiCk The shrines of Saints Cyrus and JOhn, who as r
pt'lysioians charged no fees lritheir lit&. time were popular healing for J
early' Christians near Alexandria. St. Augustfne himself sent two Reverend
Fathers who accused each other, to the shrine of St. ofNoler, wtib was
to be capable of detecting which of them was lying. that woswhy
orthodox' Christians argued that attachment to shrines and Saints marked a
return to paganismandwhy, Rev. FatherVigUantius of Aquitafne lamented. ,
we almost see the rites ofthe pagans introduced not thEfChurches under
the pretext of religion. Ranks of candles ate lit in bright day light and
evervwhere people kiss and adore some bit of dust in 0 little Wtapped
In d precious fabric although he was rebuked by Archbishop Jerome for
11. An argumeot between Bishop Alexander of Alexandria and PresbysterArius
as to whether there was theologlcaljustffication for equating Christ with csdd
when: he was created by God. was settled by a proclomation from fhe
unbaptised Emperor Constantine afhis fiist Ecumenical council in Nicaea in
325 A:.D. HiS decision was finat. The Council was convened
Constantine in hTscapadty at the Pontifex Maxim us. Only about 318btshops
(one sixth ofthE:Hotalnurriber) attended. The bishop of Rome did not preside
and discussior\s were in Greek and not Latin: After two months ofwrariglihg,
the Emperor decided that the Nlcene Creed upholding the trinity 'Should be
not by the sword of the spirit, vii, the word of God. Arh..ls who argt:Jed
powerfully against 'the trinity was banished after the Empero(slded with
12. The month of January was named after the two-faced Romans god Janos
who&e;gdtes were c!Qse_Q In times of peace and opened during times of
13. February comes from the Roman pagan word. "Fet>ruo- (that which
PL.trlfles) and It refers to the. 15th . ot February Festival of LupercoHo com-
where tha sh&-wolfwas sotdio hove acted as o foster-mother-
to Romulus and Remus. the founders of Rome. Onthtndaya dOg and goat
were sacrificed and strips Were cut from the. hides of the goat to whip any
wnman the brant metdurlng th.eir procession., The Roman year began
with the 1st of March in honour of god mars. which gave us the word March
as the third month of the year.
14. the month of June took Its nome after Juno. the Roman godofwomen. who
considered the second half of the year as the more favourable time for
moniage .q practice prevalent among,Christions foroverothousond years.
\5. Jupiter was the highest pagan god wMo was said to make hi1 wish known
throughthunderond lightning. the equivalent of Sango. ttspriesta dressed
Jn rectrobes. . . . . .
16. Nepf\,lne was the Roman god of the seq or woter(the equivalent. ot0Jokun)
whose priests dressed in white robes. The High Priest of Neptune'WOS called
"Pontlfex who sup$Nlsed the religious Calendar and
The title has survived and is today applied to the Pope.- (Pontiff).
The fQregolng of religJousdogmowith secular expediencies was
only mqde pOSSible because otthe institutionalised Church. After 313 A.D .. it
becamt c::onvenient to a Christian for political . economic :and social
The. recourse of the Church to phllo$ophy
In its plqUQI"It enthusiasm to build a kingdom on earth. the Catholic Church,
preferred t.q Ignore the teochi!19S of Christ and tt'\Q Apostles and to eek solace
In the doctrines of theosophers like St. Augustine who ;in the fifth
t cerit'-'ry. estqbllshed of upon wtllch St. Thomas
was eventually to construct the .edifice .of Cotholicorthodoxy in the
thirteenth century. Christian philosophefS and clencs especioUy those woo were
to Aristotle s phUosophy ofter:the translation from Greek to latin of the
Greek Philosopher's Physics found in it
o.formidably complete rational
tlon of the order of the unlv&Jle. That was in spite of the fact that the irresistible
Aristotelian Physics was onchoreq OF) ideas for removed from Christioni}y. The
Aristotelian. universe which dazzled Christian Phik;>so.phers after the complete
tnstttutionCJiisation of the Church,had no beginning: it is governed by o.God who
is not a creator; It includes no beatitudes. immortality of the soul. or divine groce
and .Jt almost deified reosqn ... They begon to erect pillars for their city of
man by theorising that: there could be no, conflict between reason and .revela-
tion "beCause both come from 'Pod; ss:tlvotiqn comes not by. separmion or
from the material world. :but through intellect's power to abstract
lmmvtQble truth5 from our changing sense which meant thot our
Ideas have a sensory Qrigin. and that to reach God. men _l)eed not. indeed
cannot. tum owoy .from human life. Thus. Christ's doctrine of self-denial in the
love of God- by giving up the .immediate. tangible. sense-grotifyi!Jg .universe for
a new eJe,mol universe was finqlly jettisoned. Christ hod taught that man need
not worry oboutmaterialllfe because there is a better one qfter death. Needless
to observe that this Is a dogma thm could nOt hove t;>een comprehended by the
senses. St. Augustine set out to square Bible with Plato. just as St. Thomas
Aquinas.. was later to square it with Aristotle.
46 ... ___ _
Ctvlstlon Philosophers began to propound theories that everything Is linked
t. a reality that has form of o ladder leading to God. in o world n which
everything Is essential to the economy of the whole. What is porticu10r1y disturbing
' that the so-called Christian Philosophers based their theories on the pagan
of Plato and Aristotle whose hypotheses were based on human
I80SOn rather that on faith and whose universe was godless. It Is not surprising
therefore that Monsignor Martin Luther began his diatribe on the Catholic Church
wlh a denounclation of St. Thornos Aqull)as's ladder to God (which the Church
had accepted as o dogA"'a) as "the Invention of ungodly men. who pretended
lobe capable of ascending to heaven by their own wits. It is however a paradox
history that after splitting from the Church of Rome. the Protestant Church
MWrted to an even purer form of Augustionlsm, the foct that Luther was
on Augustinian Monk, John Colvin. the Fren<;h leader and Cornelius
Jansen the Dutch Chief protagonist of Protestantism advocated the sGvere
concem with pre-destination. sinfulness and moral responslbilty that originated
wlh St. Augustine. It has been said that Augustine was responsible for the main
ctrrerence In moral concepts between the Westem and Eastern world. And yet.
a. Augustine was converted to Christianity relatively late In his Intellectual life;
dter he had first done o lot of thinking under the influence of secular Greek
l'hi<>SOPhy. Far from being an lf'ltellectuat convert. he was emotionally converted
to Christianity. largely as o result of the Influence of his Christian mother. and the
wov of life he Observed among christians.
Eventually. Jesus become obscured by the institutionalised Church. os the
pivot around which Christianity revolved. The Church's"flirtation with pagan
P*>sophy. politics. and secular authority culminated In its spiritual devaluatfon.
which gave rise to Its dismemberment. Christ strove to build a Kingdom In
heaven. but the lnstltuffonalised Church preferred to build a Kingdom In this
Armenia was the first country to adopt Christianity as an official religion. It then
IW9Pt across the Greco-Remon world and lost some of Its original zeal and
ltnpllcity. The insti1 utionalisation of the Church and Its cohabitation with secular
power provoked the loss of its apostolic purity and seriously damaged its simplic-
ly. Its Internal problems began with the split between Constantinople and Rome.
In the former. the Church subjugated itself to secular authority. whilst the Pope
emerged In the latter as the dominant political and spiritual authority because
the Institutionalised Church had become embroiled in the affairs of the
temporal world.
The advent of Roman Catholicism and Greek orthodoxy at about 1054 A.D.
was Influenced by diverging psychology. history. philosophy.language. culture
ond loving-kindness. The Greeks with their aggressive inter-city squabbling and
the Romans with their force-Imposed empire. could not have provided an
adequate school for Christianity In their successor-nation-states. Nonetheless It
goes without saying that it was the Greco-Remon epoch. especially the Pagan
Roman Empire that provided the conditions which enabled Christianity to survive
and spread. albeit. not without the pollution of its spiritual oppeat.
For instance. page 316 of The Birth of Western Civilization clearly demonstrates
how the message of Christianity- following its cohabitation with Roman pagan-
Ism was in a variety of symbolic images. many token over (like the
river god of!r!ordon or the egg) signifying the Resurrection from pagan heritage.
To illustrate how the teaching of the institu. tionolized ChurcEh., deviated from
the piety of Christ and the apostles, page 142 of the History of, J$fk:inity tells the
story of how in 388 A.D. following a riot in the town of Call':. \. :on the River
. :;'ti;:.
Euphrates, Bishop Amborse "fed the Christians to rob and burn a Jewish Syno-
..;..gs::>g.u.e. Wf:lenEmperorTheodosius ordered theretum9UJ:\e.$tolen property and
.the :elshop to rebuild the synogogue. tf"\e bishop challenged the of the
Emperor to impose civil low on a religious matter. that "it omountecj to
apostasy (abandonment of religious faith) forthe-Emperorto side with the JE)y.tS.
:being enemies of Christ. The Emperor subsequently withdrew his orders.
. )n the fifth century. the Bishop of Rome. Gelocius I developed the dogma tJ'ilQt
-c.Jt'l$ Bishop of Rome (that is. the Pope) should rule the Empire for the good of
G.od:s people. 6ishop Ambrose later demonstrated how it could work in practice
r bv making Emperor Theodosius to publicly apologise and ask for forgiveness for
of avenging the murder of a military commqnc::feUn Tl)essolonfca by
. 7.000 citizens including several innocent supremacy of
the Pope over civil administration was to be more vigorously pursued in the
middle ages when the pope divided the world to be administered by Spain and
;Portugal in the Papal Bill of Demarcation. . . ,
Even before then. the Church was already running info difficulties with. the
crowned heads of Europe. Under the Bill of Clericis Loicos in 1296 A.D. Pope
BQ.nlface sought to limit the P.Owers of Kings to tax the France reacted
the export of bullion and in England. to
. remove Royal protection from the clergy. The Pope h.od towithdraw the Bill by
force of circumstances. Between 1300 and 1500 A.D . there were several
in the spiritual liturgy of the institutionalised WlilCf? hod become
the. dominant force in society. that generated the.,d,i$ucyify, oo.q unrest that
to the Reformation. One of such changes by
: PoR9 Boniface of plenary (ossyronce of immediate entry jnto
. after death) for pilgrims to Rome in the Pf;QJ ... -1 .. 400 A.D. ,
. theologians and Philosophers hove the Romor
. Empire onJts cohabitation with Christianity whilst at the some time blaming the
... devaluation and dismemberment of the with
and secular .. when Rome fell. the
:r second Rome. Constantinople itself also fell to the onset of Muslim Turks. otter
which Moscow became the third Rome. This impression w9s conveyed in a
by Monk Phllotheus to Ivan Ill. the Emperor of the
church claimed to be the chief protector of Eastern Christianity. , ,
The Spanish Inquisition by the Catholic Church was designed
wipe out witchcraft. but the methods used by the a greater
danger than witchcraft. The political authority of the Pope was always respon-
... for the difficulties of the Church. He ran int_o difficulties again with
. Frdr:1ce when a bishop was arrested and charged with treasop: The Pope
. reqcted by promulgating another Bill (Asculto Fill) emphqsising the Pope:s
superiority over secular rulers. In reply. King Phillip V of France stirred up pub.lic
opinion against the Pope. Pope Boniface answered with onother BilL Unom
",Sonctum in 1302, summing up papal claims .
. Finally. the French King sent Nogoret. his'ogent to bring the Pope to PariS to
c;tecl<;:fe his fate. Boniface reacted by excommunJcoting tne French King ... In
. February 1303. with the support of the family (the pope'sorch rival) In
, ttaly,.:Nogoret attacked the Pope at Anogni and Bonifoc.e escoQed to Rom.e
where he died a month toter at the Vatican. .
After the death of Pope Boniface. the French King on the
college of to elect a docile and less ambitious Pope. which found
expression in XI. The new Pope died q year later before he hod
any his more concifliotory approach papal gover-
.d ..... - .., I _.,
the apostles. and hence, advocated that the Church should refrain)rc;>m
entanglements In the materials world; and the Church hierarchy wt)0 were
happy to head a massively wealthy Church whose head was the ruter of the
temporal princes of Chrlstlendom. Pope John XXII eventually condemned the
Franciscans doctrine of poverty In 1323 and excommunicated some of Its
That however did not stop the open criticlsr:n of the material wealth and
political power of the Church, by those who saw "the suffering Christ as replacing
God. the stem judge .This found expression in a swing away from an Institutional
to a personalised religion. The Dominican order championed the personalisatlon
of the folth <;>f the Individual In hls God. This coincided age of overseas
discovery of new lands and the missionary zeal in Individual priests and clergy. To
demonstrate how corruption had plagued the Church hierarchy, the Italian
Philosopher, Marchiavetli. once wrote "the nearer one got to Rqme, the more
corruption one found. Even the plague epidemics c;:ieath) and the
menace from Muslim Turks that ravaged Europe were regarded as the scourge
of God to punish the failings of Catholicism. In three years, the plague killed one
third of the population of the entire Catholic West anq re,moin.ed endemic for
several years afterwards. The Turks took ConstantinopiEtJn; In
1470 dnd made a landing on the heels of Italy in Otranto in .
An age of national consciousness dawned in Europe with of new
territories overseas. The institutionalised Church In terfll'S, of Its qcx::trine, morals
arld . administration was seen as a far-cry from the ld.@,gl,t.Rf and love
enshrined in the New restatement. Meanwhile, the egg of R.eformation which
was laid by Deisderius Erqsmus of Rotterdam was soon to be hatched by
Professor/Monsignor Martin Luther of Wittenberg in
seeds of
renewal had been sown and the harvest of. reformation was at hand.
The forgiveness of sins through Absolution and sale of indulgence was Intro-
duced by the Church. in the words of Martin Luther . wttan the Church was
looking for money to build Cathedrals and golden Certificates of
forgiveness of sins were prepared in advance and issued to believers after
confessing their sins and paying penance in cash or in kinq,peAenqjng on status.
After paying penance. absolution was then given. Martin Luther vigorously
opposed the sale of indulgence. and blazed the trail of religious reformation in
the early sixteenth century - by releasing his famous "Ninety-five Theses of
objection and nailing It to the wall of Wittenberg University where he was
Professor of Philosophy. He embarked on the crusade that became known as
the Reformation or Protestantism. after expcsing the abuse of indulgence and
forgiveness of sins.
In those days. Priests (generally referred to as indulgence salesmen) used to
travel itinerantly to public squares and parks to ring bells forpeople to come and
confess their sins so they can obtain forgiveness. After confessing to the Priest.
the "sinner wos fined on omount which he paid on the spot. A certificate of
forgiveness signea by the Priest. was then given to him.
In 1517. Pope Leo X gave permission to the Archbishop of Mainz to allow the
sale of Indulgences (remission of sins) in his diocese. Officially. the proceeds of
the sales were to go towards the rebuilding of St. Peters in Rome. butalso to be
used to help the Archbishop pay his debts.
Before then people were already fed up with the menace of i,n ence
salesmen in of Europe. Luther. who had previously .9DN been pre-
occupied with against the doctrine of (the myth
that the Priest CorliJCQr:lsecrate bread and wine into the flesh and bl09d of Jesus)
now had a more proximate pretext for launching the opprobrium against the
Church hierarchy. Martin luther decided to ridicule the sale of Indulgence by
summoning some hefty men to go before the indulgence salesmen to pay
penance and obtain absolution for a sin they were about to commit. After
paying for and obtalni g t certificates of forgiveness. they proceeded to lay
In ambush to rob the divine rgivers. In those days in Germany. offences were
tried and judged instantly b magistrates.
As the carts carrying the Priests were returning to base. the "marauders
attacked. and robbed them of all the fines they collected forth at day. For daring
to rob holy Priests. the marauders were instantly apprehended and almost
lynched by the popuroce. They were saved from the mob by policemen who
orroigned them before the magistrate. Of course. they admitted
1t1e offence but pleaded "Not Guilty. f..sked to expiQin pleo of their
admission. they asked the magistrate. whether a Magistrate hod the right to
punish anyone for an offence already forgiven by God.
The Magistrate answered in the negative. but told them to explain whether
God had forgiven them for the offence. Each of them brought out the Certificate
of Forgiveness Issued to them by the Priests. Without any further argument, the
magistrate' disd1brdecfdnd acquitted them. This clearly illustrates that penance
and absolution Ntorl<edlhe beginning of corruption in the Institutionalized Church.
luther was conVInced that the Priesthood. mysticism and academic theology
summed up t&mon'Si attempt to use discipline. curiousity and speculation to
shrewd the 'ti1Je natUre and character of God. The underlying mistake .GJC:-"
cording to Luther: wi:ls that man made his fellow man to believe that he could get
1tlem to God .. or at least take them near enough to God to accept them. He
concluded'that thiftewrse was true. "Man created and sinful. was distant from
God. ', ' \; ' ., t 'l
On the 31st of October, 1517. which was the eve of All Souls' day. Mlrtin Luther.
Professor of Bi.biical' StUdi,es at the University of Wittenberg In Germany, orr
nounced his d1sputot1bn of lndulgencies. stating his argument In 95 which
he pinned to the door of the Castle Church at Wittenberg. It set Europe ablaze
and all universities and religious centres were agog with
excitement.'" ' ". ''
He opposed the abuses and peNersions of induigencies. Medieval people
had very real dread of the period of punishment In purgatory as portrayed by the
Church. The'Church had taught people to believe that before reaching heaven.
1tley had tp be cleansed of every sin committed in mortal life. The Church also
taught ana many oelieved. that once penance was made a sacrament. on
Indulgence assured the shortening of the punishments to be endured after death
in purgatory.
Luther saw the "holy trade in indulgence as wholly unwarranted by the
scriptures. reason or tradition. It encouraged a man in his sin as he had
demonstrated before preparing his 95 theses.
The Pope claimed authority to shut the gates of hell and open the door to
paradise. Luther had treaded on the exposed corn of the Church hierarchy and
1tle everyday practice of Christianity. He was excommunicated by the Pope in
1520 and outlawed by Emperor Charles V in 1521 . but he found support from his
faith in God.
During the next twenty five years. he wrote books after books and translated
the Bible for people to see for themselves the truth of his He appealed
to the ordinary people by publishing an account of all with. Rome.
which multiplied his followership. When the Pope tried Luther's move-
ment at the Diet of Speyers in 1529, some of the Princes of the German states
stood up in "protest. That was how the movement found itself with the title of
"'Protestants. Hoving foiled to reform the Institutionalised Catholic Church from
Within, the movement branched off to become known osthe Reformation.
luther hod split Christian Europe in two. giving rise to the Churches known as
or Protostonts - having three strands; Lutherans In Germany and
Zwinglian and Calvinists in SWitzerland. France, Holland and
SCotland. and the Church of England. The Reformation was on attempt to
the gospel of Christ from the web of obscurities that Church theology
round it, and also to rid it of all the P(OCtiqes . c\,l$toms and
that corrupted it. .. ,
' The 'Reformers rejected the authority of the Pope. indulgences. the mediation
oftt')e Virgin Mary and the Saints. and all sacraments not lnstituJed by Christ. They
reJected the doctrine Of transubStantiation (that is. the myth that the Priest con
consecrote bread and wine to become the body and blood of Jesus Christ). the
doctrine of the Mass as a sacrifice. purgatory prayers for the dead, private
C?!'!es,sion of sins .to a priest. ce.libocy of the clergy. shrines, chantrles,
maQeS. rosones. pater nosta stones They
argued that there was no precedent in the early Ch!JrCh for. the Priest as a
mediator and more importantly, that there was nothing In. tt')e scriptures
supporting the secular power of the clergy. . . r ' . . . ' .
soon began their own brand of lnstituti6noilsotioo when they
otter the.Diet of Angsburg in 1530 that the Pope:woi. to wage total
waron Protestantism. They formed themselves into o defensive alliance called
ofSchmokolds. After several abortive
the:!fdQic Schmolkald war broke out In 1547. shortly ottef-hutt\er' s demh in 1546.
The 'Protestants were defeoteq and many of their leaders were imprisoned.
Maurice of Saxony however fought bock successfully and by treaty of
in 1552, Protestantism was legally recognised.
In the Lutherans and the Calvinists won equal rights with the Catholics. .
Protestantism had a smooth ride in Switzerland but a bumpy drive in France.
At the end of the middle ages. the divisive effects of,.insttiutioOONsotion hod
splintered Christianity into the following sects; Catholics. Lutherans, Calvinists,
Anglicans. Zwinglians, Anabaptists. etc. The reform movement soon developed
. its own political commitment to independence in irr)perialist eountries of
Eurqpe at considerable cost in human lives. The Spanish Duke of Alva was
spqnslble for the deaths of over 100.000 Protestants 1567 and 1573.
The Protestants soon began to use political power to spread their doctrine.
being converted in 1536, King Christian of Denmark imposed Protestantism
on his people. That was followed by a war between and Denmark after
whlh.the former was also forced to accept Protestantism. Followirtg o in
which was ruthlessly suppres$GQ, that coun1ry was also forced to
PrQtestontlsm In 1540.
In Engtond, King Henry VIII proclaimed himself. head of the Church of England.
not for religious reasons but on account of the Pope's refuspl to sanction his
divorce of Queen Catherine. It was Queen Elizabeth who finally
established Protestantism in England during her long reign from 1558 to 1603.1n
Scoti(Jnd, John Knox who studied under Colvin introduced Protestantism to
Catholic Scotlond,,Mary Queen of Scot. a Catholic. stoutly opposed Knox, but
She defeated 1n Cattle and later beheaded in 1587. otter WhiCh reformation
was consolidated
. J::> rr
1he radicals
. .
There were people who were not happy with the use of the fist t9 champion the
word of God. It was time for Protestantism to have its own challenge from those
who believed that it was possible to retain individual free will. while belieVing In
God. It has been said that Martin Luther experienced more opposition from
Radicals than from Catholics. Luther wanted a spiritual and moral reformation of
the Church. but the Rodicols were prepared to go further- to express their
theology in terms of the political and revolutionary aspirations of the ' .
The stance of the Radicals culminated. in spite of Luther's opposition. in the
Peasants' revolt in which 100.000 lives perished. Their brand of sl2Jrlt!.ioi
reformation marked a return to the injunctions of Christ In their dealing, wfff\
people outside their fold. They would neither go to war. defend themsolvos
09oinst their . nor take part in coersion by the stote. Thtly Ql$9
practiced mutuel a.id\Ond re-distribution of wealth within their community. ln
Moravia. it was practiced as Christian communism. They re-boptised themselves
which is why they were called Anabaptists. They distinguished Church from
Society even claimed to be. Christian. Paradoxically. was,q9.,.
alliance between l'ft)fe:stonts and CatholiCS to root out the Anabaptists In ...
because they were corisfderedto be a threat to the religious and social stability
ot Christian
They were perse9ute(j during the next twentyiiVe years - put to death by fire,
In Catholic by drowning and the sword in Protestant
Others were forceHYrecant. Even the pacific Anabpptists were to alter the.rr.
tune as soon as they had a brush with political power. In 1534. some sul:\1vtng.
in Munster in Westphalia and this politicised 0,1;
Anobaptrsm.s8nctronedlhe cohabitation between religion and politics,
freedom to participate in violence. It was Menno Simons who tliiedrto restore tne
virtues of vyhen he repudiated violence and advocated
That is how survivors of Anabaptism become known as
nites. although they have not been able to rediscover the radical disclplesnlp '
and evangelical that ignited their forefathers to be SUCh unique
the drama Of'fN@ Reforrhbtion. .
The AHempts of the Church to reform itself
Attempts by'llberaiPope&to reform the Church in the 16th ano 17th centuries
were often resisted by those who had a vested interest In a corrupt Church. It Is ,
on irony of history tf:tat Pope John Paull. Albino Luciani, "a fierce opponent Of
corruption .was murdeted 33 days after his election on September 29, 1978, on
the eve of announcing his revolutionary proposals for the reformation of the .
Church. If the conclusion of David Yallop in his book In God's Name is anything
to go by, the Pope was said to have been murdered because, inter-olio, he .hod.
discovered during hls brief papacy. "that d chain of corruption existed llnkJflg"''
leading figures in financial. political. criminal and clerical circles round the world
in a conspiracy.
Back to the 16th and 17th centuries. the attempts of liberal Popes like aemenf ..
VII ( 1523-34). f>aullll ( 1534-49). and Paul Vt ( 1555-59) at internal reformation ofthe '
Church were invariably frustrated on the political front. The Pope was the
temporal ruler of Catholic States. which were often military and diplomatic rivalS.
The of., Rome afld the King of France were for
supremacy 1n EUrope. , . ,
The most sinc$re reformer of them all was Pope PoutC,f
'He appointed
Reformers to the college of cardinals. set up a papal reform commission, and
convened the Ecumenical Council ofTrent In 1545, to consider the commission's .
report. The Reform Commission submitted a very blunt report in 1537. The report
confirmed that the papal office had become too secular, and that both Pope
and Cardinals needed to give more attention to spiritual matters and stop flirting
with the world. It recommended cleaning up In the following areas: bribery In
high ptaces, abuses of papal power. evasion of Church tows by both Clergy and
Laity, laxity In monastic orders, abuse of indulgences and the high number Of
prostitutes operating In Rome itself;
Against opposition from older cardinals, Pope Paul Ill reformed the papal
-.:Qyreaucrocy, ended the taking of money for spiritual favours, and forbode
bl)ying and selling of Church appointments. He was stopped on his track when
the Protestants got hold of the Report and published it as evidence of the corrupt
state of the Roman Church.
The Ecumenical Council of Trent tumed out to be the most Important between
Nlcea In 325 and Vatican II In 1962-65. As It turned out, Trent only reaffirmed the
dogmas which provoked the Reformation. These were transubstantiation,
justification by faith and works, medieval practice of Mass, the seven sacraments.
celibacy oof the clergy and t h ~ existence of Purgatory. The post of Indulgence
seller was abolished, and the abuses connected with It were condemned. but
.Indulgences Itself was reaffirmed. A curse was pronounced on anyone who
disagreed.with the Council's decisions, which further alienated the Protestants,
many of whom came to agree with Luther on the lrrefonnobUity of fhe Catholic
To ~ h e c k the onslaught of protestantlsm, the Church IntroduCed the Supreme
Sacred Congregation of the Holy office, which tumed out to be the grandchild .
of the Spanish Inquisitions of the 13th and 15th centuries. It become known as the
Roman lf'\Quisition. Six cardinals were appointed as Inquisitors-General. One of
them was Cardinal Caraffa. who was later appointed Pope, and he became the
architect of the use of the Inquisition as a means of dealing with Jieretlcs by
branding them as traitors against God. The Inquisition used terror and torture to
procure confessions, and where they returned a verdict of death penalty, the
victims were handed over to civil authorities for execution, slnce canon law
forbade Churchmen to shed blood.
Another step taken by the Church to check the surge of protestant ism was the
periodic publlcation of an Index of books, ports of books, authors, and printers.
not fit for the eyes of falthfuls, - the so-called Tridentine Index. The first Index of
prohibitions was published by P6pe Pius IV In 1584, banning three quarters of the
books being published In Europe at the time. The only books allowed were
Catholic devotional literature and the Latin Vulgate Bible. Pope Plus IV estab-
lished the congregation of the Index to update the index periodically, a practice
which was only finally abolished In 1966.
Correlation between Church Institutionalisation and strife
The rete . nation of Christianity set the stage for the religious wars which broke out
in Europe following the failure of the Lutherans and the Catholics to reach a
compromise ot Regensberg in 1541. There were several '.Jars in the 1540s and
early 1550s until the peace at Augsburg in 1555. when it was agreed that each
King or secular ruler could decide the faith of his subjects (whose the rule. his the
In France t h e r e ~ ~ r e more wars between the H. uguenots (Calvinist Protestants)
and the RortlanCqthoHcs from 1562 to 1598. often complicated by political
issues. It was "the Edict of Nantes irr 1598 which drew up the religious map of
France. between the Huguenots and the Catholics. It was revoked by King louis
rn 1685 when Protestants were subjected too new wave of persecution. Thou-
.:mcts fled to Geneva. Germany. England and America.
The war of Independence In Holland between1560 and 1618 had tremendous
181glous undertones. so was the civil war In England from 1642 to 1649.
The last of the religious wars of the 17th century was the thirty years war of 1618
to 1648. It started as a religious struggle with political undertones and ended as
a political struggle with religious overtrones.ln Germany. when a Catholic Prince
became King of Bohemia. which was then a CaMnlst state. He was Ferdlnard 11.
Emperor and King of Bohemia. His coronation brought religious conflict to a
heOO. When anti-protestant violence broke out In 1618. the Bohemian nobles.
l'l'QtiY orote$tant$, appealed to the Emperor for protection, and a guarantee of
181glous freedom. When they got no satiSfaction. they rose In revolt. The Nobles
deClared King Ferdlnard II deposed. and offered the crown to the Calvinist ruler
d Palatinate. one of the major German states. His acceptance of the crown
marked the beginning of the war between Calvinists and Catholics In Germany.
Later, the German Lutherans. Dones. SWedes and even the French become
twolved. The war ended after 30 years with the peace of Westphalia. whtch re-
drew the religious map of Germany.
In Russia. the struggle was between those who believed that the Cnurch
thould minister to society from o position of poverty . Independent of secular
political authority. (Non-Possessors) and those who believed in the union Of
Church and state. with o rich Church supporting and being supported by the ruler
<Possessors). The state supported the Possessors and persecuted the Non- .
Possessors. Following the doctrine of the Possessors. the Church become o
wealthy land owner. owning up to one third of all property In Russia at the end of
the 16th century.
The first Patrlach was appointed In Moscow In 158Q when Mosc<>VI declared
lselfthe third Rome. There was o time. when Patrlach Fila ret was the father of King
Czar Michael. The King was completely dominated by his father. who sat side by
tide with him on the throne and was co-signing all state documents. The Patrloch
called himself "the Great Sovereign. The post of Patriachwos abolished by Czar
Alexis In 1721 and In his place. the Czar appointed o Procurator-General. to head
the holy Synod. The Russian Orthodox Church became little. more than o
deportment of state. in which Priests taking confesslons.were statutorily obliged ,
to report all evidence of treason to the police. Those who could not go with that
were called the Prlestless group. It resulted in the Peasants Revolt of 1773-751n
which hundreds of thousands were killed.
The Peasant Revolt of 1792 in France was largely provoked by religious
grievances. because people were dissatisfied with the secular powers of the
Church. The French Revolution temporarily abolished the power of the popocy
n France. compelled the clergy to swear allegiance to the state. enacted the
law that Bishops and Priests were to be elected by the people. and reduced the
number of bishops in France from 140 to 83. After beheading King Louis XVI on the
21st of January. 1793. the revolutionaries marched on Notre Dome Cathedral i n ~
November of the same year. Normalcy was only restored otter Napoleon
Bonaparte made a concordat of 1801. which restored the power of the Pope to
appoint bishops. subject to the veto of the state. Napoleon also granted
freedom of religion to French Protestants. Ironically. Pope Pius VII sat os o
spectator when Napoleon crowned himself Emperor in 1804. In 1808. Napoleon
conquered the Papal States. seized the Pope. deported him to Savona and
ftnally exiled him to Fontainebleau_ nedr Paris. He was not restored to the Vatlcon
The Church added insult to injury when the dogma of Papal infaUibility Wljlen
speaking ex cathedra (I.e. on motter:s of faith and practice) wa,s promulgated
in July. 1870. by Pope Pius IX. After another twenty five years of struggle between
the Church and the state. France passed the Association Law which led to the
breok between Church and state In 1905. Pope Pius X declared the law null and
void and called on French Catholics to disobey it. The Pope's actlon.was
generally ignored.
In Italy the Law of Papal guarantees was .passed in 1871 defining the rights of
the Pope. fixing his annuol remuneration and limiting his properties to the .
Vatican. Pope Pius the IX rejected the law and went Into exile In
the Vatican until Mussolini concluded the Lateran Treaty in 1929.
The era of religious wars and persecution could not have done justice to
Christ's teachings on piety of "Love your enemies. and do good to those Who
mistreat you. or render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God the things that are
God's." He had taught that lt was blessed to be poor. artd he Hved that way.
The experience of the U.S. was remarkably different. The founding fathers of
America were mainly religious refugees who were fleeing from persecution from
Europe. They had experienced the adverse consequences of religious and
seculor political co-habitation and were looking for a new hoven where Jhe
individual was free to make ;UP his own mind on his relationship with God. They
were moving to America at a time when John Locke in England and Voltaire in
France were philosophizing that "God Is to be odored and worshipped and not
to be made the object of institutional religion .. They sow the Church as a citadel
of corruption and deceW. The American declaration of Rights was influenced
by the Philosophy of Descartes. The declaration says:
we hold these truths to be self evident. that all men ore created
equal. that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalien-
able rights. that among these are; life. liberty and the pursuit of
happiness ...
Perhaps one of the factors responsible for the success story of the United
States. is the wisdom of the founding fathers in distancing religion from secular
authority. The first amendment to the American Constitution in 179;1:procloimed
neutrality in religion. treeqom of speech and right of assembly. It barred
Congress from making lows oh religion and rejected religious tests for holders of
public office.
In spite of all that. religious zealots tried their utmost to drag religion Into
governance behind the facade of flative Americanism. Forinstonce. in 1830.
the American Bible Society urged Protestants of all stripes and strands to join
forces against Catholic influence in the West. At the some time, Christians Hom
oil parts of the United States begon to use the Bible to attock or defend slavery.
When Southern Methodists later discovered that their Northern counterparts
were advocating the abolition of slavery. they (Southern Methodists)
themselves independent. That was in 1845. the same year that the
Baptist Convention was held..
After 1860. ministers in both North and South. encouraged their young men to
serve in their respective armies. Both Confederates and Republicans prayed for
victory in the civll war. Julio Word Howe wrote the battle hymn of the Republi-
cans in 1861 to explain that "God was trampling out a vintage where grapes of
wrath were stored and that God's truth (the Northern Couse) was matching on.
The confederates with a prayer to the same God: "Lay thou their
legions low. roll back the rUthless foe. Let the proud spoiler know that God is on
our side.
Even the surrender of the Southam Armies did not bring reconcntatl6n between
the Churches In the north and the south. After the civil war, Southem Christians
toiled to admit the wrongs of slavery. The freed slaves become Methodists and
Baptists because they were freer to express their emotions In those denomino-
About fifty years ago, the Pope designated the year" 1950 as the "Holy Year
end "the year of the great return (of Protestants home to roost In Catholicism).
1991, it is only modest to $UgQGst that the cleavage between them has
widened because there ore thousands more Christian denominations today
lhan there were In 1950.
In September 1897, ambitions ran.rtot and a World's Parilament of Religions
was convened. Events hove since demonstrated that It Is utopian enough to talk
d "Christian Unity let alone, "Religloos Unity. Twenty years loter,there was a
world war, which was followed by a second world war otter another two
decodes, Under the title of Religion has done for Mankind, the watch-
tower Bible and Tracts Society observed In 1951 ,that "The rupture of peace and
harmony began, not In the so-called 'heathendom', but In Christendom, where
all ore supposed to be Christian brothers, who show that they follow Christ,
because they love one another and loy down their lives for one another, not to
ldll one onother. Catholic and Protestant Clergymen Ignored the rule laid down
by Christ, when he said - 'I om you a new commandment, that you love
one another; just as I hove loved you. By this all will knowthotyou ore my disciples,
I you hove love among yourselves'. Contrary to this Injunction, these sectarian
leaders, remained patriotically divided on notional and Ideo-political issues of
the time (during the two world wars) and prayed to this one and the some Christ
to bless and prosper the death-dealing weapons of whichever side they were
The book went on to conclude that "More than Ideo-political bettefs. religion
Is a divisive force, ... because it is Itself divided. Religious Intolerance has been a
curse to mankind. It is still rife today and threatens to do more domoge than It nos
already wrought throughout the centuries. So divisive Is religion that the United
Nations AssemblY ... cannot open its sessions with a united prayer to a common
Onets tempted to agree with these broad generalisations, except that they fail
to draw 0 distinction between the generic ord objective meaning of religion
(belief in the existence of a supernatural ruling power- the creator and controller
of the universe, who has given to man a spiritual nature, which continues to live
after tne. death of the body) and institutionalised religions by which men hove
created their own "institutional gods to replace the God of all creation. That Is
what happened when Esu (devil) capitalised on the selfishness of man to turn him
against his creator.
Institutionalisation of Islam
The crisis of religious chauvinism did not end with Christianity, although the two
younger religions were one step ahead of their elder brethren Judaism. in terms ,
of diversity. Christianity and lslom were not construed as the exclusive religion of
one port of a single notion - barring the Gentiles.
The founder of Islam was bom at Mecca in A.D. 570 with the nctme of Kutom,
the son of Abdallah, but before his call to religious missionary, he come to be
named Ahmad or Muhammad, meaning "the Proisec;:f One. He belonged to the
Hashim family which claimed lineal descent from lshmo'l. Abraham's son by
Hagar. Egyptian slave girl of Abraham's wife Sarah. Except that
was a caravan conductor. little Js. known Qf his early life until he married hrs
employer, Khadijah. a wealthy widow fifteen years his senior. He had seven
children by her. He periodically sought solitudfl for meditation.
The 14th and 15th Quranic commentaries dramatise the demise of the Greeks,
the Romans. the Persians. the Indians and the Chinese and how "God to
given pagan Arabia a Jight tha.t was to spread to all directiOns of globe
especially in Asia. Europe and Africa. and made the Arabs. the leading nation
of culture. science. business.law and arts. Commentary 16 refers to the Birth of
Prophet Muhammad whilst 17 starts off on Its divisive troll by proclaiming that
"others before him had been bom in darkness. beyond the reach of and
others it pleased God to send as messengers preaching and working in the
twiUght of history in which men fashioned legends far removed from reality. "In
came Muhammad in the fullest blaze of history as a man of faith who never broke
his words. He was to be the voice of unity to speak and declare to th& people
without the appurtenances of priests or priest-craft, without mfrocles and mys-
teries. the Unity of God and the Brotherhood of man.
Commentary 46 demongtrates how "the Jews failed time and again spiritually.
to live up to God's expectation. hpw they rebelled against Moses and how they
slew their prophets. rejected the signs. falsified the scriptures and turned their
backs on righteousness; that was why God decided to illuminate Arabia in order
to reform the world. That was why Abraham and lshma'l, both Muslims. built the
house of God in Mecca. as a centre ofworshipforallthe world . How <!:lid all these
high hopes materialise in the face of institutionalised Islam? The first note of
discord was struck in Sura II Verse 145 which enjoins "Muslims not to accept the
Judaeo-Christian Quibla since they will not accept the Muslim QJidla. The
Qdibla is the direction to which Muslims tum at prayer - the Holy Mosque in
Mecca. The Judoeo-Christian Quibla is said to be Jerusalem. Muslims were soon
required to physically "fight in defence of God because mayhem was pro-
claimed* to be permissible in self-defence ... to restore peace and freedom for
According to Stephen Neil in his Essay on .. God in other Religions l:U1ammad
began his Ministry at the age of 40 years. He was a man of infinite patience: He
preached for thirteen years in Mecca without making any significant impact in
terms of converts. As an individuat. he never claimed to have found a religion.
He merely said that he was bringing back the ancient faith of Abraham. the
oldest prophet. He did not claim to have written the Quran because He received
it from God or as some traditions say. through the mediation of Arch-ANGEL
Gabriel. Jt is said to be the utterance and the very voice of God in the Arabic
language. Thus. the Muslims claim for the Quran what Jews and Christians have
never for the Bible. Muslims often question. how can the Bible be the
word of Goo when it claims to have human elements in it? According to Stephen
Neil. "there are 99 beautiful names of God in the Quran but "God is Love is not
among them, because love implies relatedness and God is too highly exalted
to enter into 'any kind of relationship. God is referred to as the compassionate.
the merciful. But this mercy is limited to believers. Nothing awaits the unbelievers
except to be cast into hell on the day of judgement.
Genesis of institutionalisation
.Right from the outset. Islam was institutionalized for socio-political and religious
objectives. Islam however has always seen itself as a total way of life. where
politics and religion are According to Allama Sir Abdullah al-
Mamun al-S!Jhrawordy at pages 3 to4 of l)is- bOok on the sayings of Muhamll)od,
1slarn made its debut at a time when ':'Arapia ... was a state of religious chaos
and political dissolution ... Almost all the p<;>pulation of Arabia worshipped idols,
stars. stones and fetishes. The idolc:rtory of his people. their immorality and the
terrible treatment of the poor and the weak set Muhammad's mind and soul
aflame with intense horror and righteous disg!Jst ... Muhammad and the other
leading members of his clan BanlHashim and their relations Bani AI-Muttalib and
the Leaders of the clans of Bani Zunra and Bani Taym formed themselves into a
league pledged to defend the weak and champion the oppressed. freemen
and slaves alike. and to vindicate their rights against tyranny and aggression.
This league known as HILF AL-Fudhood exercised such efficient protection that for
a long time. the more threat of its intervention was sufficient tore press lawlessness
and afford redress to the "Muhammad was very proud of his member-
ship of this chivalrous league and used to say .I would not have the riches of the
earth in exchal!)ge for my membership of rr.
According to MyrtleS. Langley at page 53 of his book of Beliefs. at the request
ot the citizens of Yathrib, renamed Medina in his honour. <Medinat alnabi-clty of
the Prophet). the Prophet left Mecca for Medina (the celebrated hijra. the event
from which the. Muslim Calender begins). "Overt he next few years, Muhammad
organised his followers and the citizens of Medina as a religious and political
community and began to attack the trade caravans from Mecca. Meanwhile,
he had e>pelled most of the Jewish tribes. whom he hod hoped to win. and
graduaUy incorporated the Bedouin tribes of Western and Central Arabia into the
Muslim community.
"The Mass of Pagan Arabs in Mecca and elsewhere ... was utterly destroyed by
the of Mecca. The first armed conflict between the Quraish in Mecca
and the Muslims took place at Bador in Ramadhan. in which the Muslima were
victorious. The Trench (Khandaq) dug round Medina on the Prophet's orders
protected the city when the infidels from Mecca besieged Medina with lO.CXXl
troops .. The Prophet was himself wounded at the battle of Uhud and hQ was
nursed by his daughter Famiria. The abortive siege of Medina was the last and
dying effQit. of the military alliance comprising Meccans. the central Arabian
Bedouins, discontented Jews and the Hypocrites. Thereafter the initiative lay with
the forces of Islam.
of the sayings of Muhammad by Suhrawardy clearly suggests that the
Ka'bo or Qu'bla. was originally used by the Quraish as a hcly shrine for
worshipping .their Idols. Following the prophet's denounciation of the idolatory
ot his people. he would have been killed by the Quraish if they hod not been
deterred by the fear of blood vengeance from his powerful clan. the Bani Hashim.
k'\630 A.D .. he massed an attack against Mecca. which finally surrendered. He
subsequently began to eliminate the polytheists and re-dedicated the. ancient
sanctuary of the Ka' abo to Allah. making it the central shrine of pilgrimage tor
Muslims.which it remains to the present day.
He spent the next two years consolidating the tribes of Arabia. Historically,
before the dawn of the Muslim era. Mecca was already a city of pilgrimage for
those who came there to worship the black meteorite stone in its K' abo or cubical
receptacle. According to Chapter 22 of vyhat Religion Has Done for Mankind-
pp. 282/283. "Against the worship of this K'aba stone Muhammad hod once
preached. but after the Muslim conquest of Mecca. he compromised to make
1 a part of the Islamic religious doctrine. so that one of the d\.Jties lofd on each
Muslim was to make at least one OilgrimogQ to Moe co dvring hlc life tlmo ond do
religious acts toward the stone. including kissing it seven times.
being a persecuted preacher exiled to Medina. Muhammad rose to
political power in the lost few years before he died at the age of 63. He wds the
Head of the state Of Medina. and his mode of govemance- OS on Islamic State
-is a model to which Muslim statesmen aspire to this day.
Nonetheless his missionwas unique: In the sense that Islam recognises tne
individuality of man in the service of the dne and only invisible; etemal, indivisible.
beneficent; Almighty. All-knowing. Omnipresent. Just. Merciful, Loving and fOr-
giving God. Islam does not that any priest. pastor or saint con Intervene
or between the individual worshipper and his creator. nor can anyone
grant Indulgence or absolution from sins. Each soul ml;.lst work out its ovJn
solvation. The Muslims blame the Jews for rejecting the me5Soge of Christ, and
also t:Diame the Christians for deifying Christ. Muhammad did not preach that
solvation is only reserved for Muslims. Anyone; Jew. Christian or Sablan 'who
believes in God and the last day and does good to others shall find his
recompence with God .
The Prophet died in 632 A.D. without naming a successor, He
succeeded by a series of Caliphs <successors) first two being Abu Bakt dnd
Umor. During the tenure of Umar as Caliph, the frontiers of the Islamic World
expanded by geometric progression. He led military conquests in Persia and laid
siege on Damascus. He also negotiated terms for the Muslim occupation of
Jerusalem. Umor was eventually stabbed to death by a non-Muslim. Forty years
after his death. the mosque called Dome of rock was built in Jerusalem on
the site of the Jewish Temple and nicknamed "The Mosque of Umar.
"It should be recalled that offer the death of Muhammad.
which had been received by him were put together from oral and written
sources to form the Quran. which means recitation. That was at about 650 A.D.
under UthmQn. the third Caliph.
Haddith (tradition) is the record of the life and activities of Muhammad and
the early Muslim communities .. It contains the Sunnoh (example) of fhe prophet.
and sets the standards which all Muslims should follow. The Quran ondthe
Sunnah combined to form the Shorr a (law). a comprehensive guide to life <;:tnd
conduct In Muslim communities.
Although Muhammad hod said Henceforth the vengeance of btood is
forbidden and blood feuds abolished commencing with the murdet of my
cousin Ibn Rabl'o son of AI-Harlth, son of Abdui-Muttoub, the Institutionalised
Muslim religion proceeded to hove a Muslim Army that spread lstoni bY eon-
In fact, Islamic commentators believe that the hey-day of Islam began
with "the Muslim victory at the battle of Madoin In 637 A.D. when the great dnd
glorious Persian Monarchy, full.of pride and ambition. come to on lgnomln6us
end and a new chapter opened for Persia under the banner of Islam. When Ali-
AI-Murtada became the fourth Caliph, Muslim missionaries and soldiers spread
Into Asia. North Africa and eventually Spain. All was assassinated during the holy
month of Ramodor. 01'1 o FHday during prayers. The Muslim 'Empire was still
spreading. Ideally, Islam clearly demonstrotes how politics and religion eon
sustain a happy matrimony. Nonetheless. the basic problem which ariseS from
any intercourse between religion and politics Is according to Suhrawardy Jhot: ...
"It is a recognised fact of history that In the Dark ages of the crusades,'frUth
was constantly perverted for the sake of political ends and hoped that his
"little book (The sayings of Muhammad) will be on ambassador of goodwill
and understanding between Muslims and Christians.
Thereafter. "the Roman Empire itself began to shrink by losing territory ... to the
new MuslimPower. Between 635 and 642A.D. the Roman Empire that
ot the provinces nearest to Arabia to Muslir11 Empire ... which continued to
spread on in Asia Minor to the North \9nd Egypt -t.o the South. Constantinople
eventually surrendered to the Muslim Army in , 1,453. .
Institutionalised Islam was however to have dose of schism. After Ali. the
Mu$1ims began to split some calling. Sl.Jnni. after the Sunnah. that is.
those who follow the prophets way of fife. They- began to advocate that any
gooq Muslim who was respected by the comm\Jnity and having demonstrable
leadership qualities. could be chosen as Caliph.,
A second group close to All. or or Shl'l. felt that the Caliph's role was
to continue the revelations from Allah. and so. should be a blood relative of the
Prophet. descended through Ali. Caliph Ali married Muhammad's daughter.
Fatima h. and they had two sons; Hassan and Hussein.
Although. the Shi'ite Muslims constitute only oqout 10% of world Muslims. they
ore in turn divided into three sub-groupings; the is of the Yemen. the 121mam
Shl'ites who dominate In Iran and who believe that the line ended with the 12th
h\Om. :and seven-Imam Shi'ites or lsmailis of Indio and East Africa. the
followers of Ago Khan and who believe that th$. line ended with the seventh
The basic difference between them is that the Shi'ite Muslims do not believe In
fle principle of consensus (ijma) or majority decision. Their leading theologians
c:olled Mujtahids are regarded as spokesmen of hidden Imam". and:
exercise extensive authority In religious.legat and political matters- the Mullahs
and Ayatoflahs of contemporary Iran. who claim to have descended from All "
Mujtahids discount the opinions of early Muslim lawyers and prefer to go
bock directly to the basic principles contained in the Quran. Sun no (the prophet's .
way of life). and Hadith (which refers to what the prophet said or is reported toi
hove said), which underscores their fundamentalism.
The struggle for leadership is always very hot among Muslim commul)lties.
because. Islam being a way of private and public life. gives the Caliph tremen--
dous authority over all aspects of material and spiritual life.
Jomhat Ahmadiyya (Ahmadis)
1he Ahf'lllaqJ,v.yo. movement in Islam is another Muslim Sect led by Hazrat Mirza
Tahir Ahmad. It is said to have ten million followers throughout the world. It is
levant at this stage to draw attentiOn to the position of the movement on the
celeprated ,Solman Rushdie Saga. It will be remembered that Salman Rushdie
a book 'titled. Satanic Verses as a result of which he was accused of
apostacy by the late Ayattolah Khomeinl. the spiritual leader of Iran. who passed
on death sentence on the author. The position of the Ahmadiyya move-
ment isreflected in the following excerpts culled from Caliph Ahmad's book titled
Murder in the name of God. The author's attention was drawn to it by a Mini-
Cab dr[verwho drove him one morning in London. The book is solo to be first
translation into English of Mazhab Ke Nom Per Khoon" being "a reaffirmation of
the basic tenets of Islam .
Hazrot Mirza Tahir Ahmad argues "that religion is often blamed for what are
actually political struggles though religion has little to do with them. He asserts
that Islam has by fanatics and made an excuse for violence and
the spread of terror. It is a powerful force that leaders cynically exploit for their
ONn political en;ds".
He then went on to on Muslims to reject terrorism and return to the true
meaning of Islam. peace and submission to the will of God ... He proves beyond
doubt that the Prophet Muhammad only fouoht in ond ogoino+
unbearable oppression. True Muslims ore ashamed when leaders preach
violence in the prophet's nome under the bonner of religious militancy.
On the death sentence passed on Salmon RushdiE;), he concluded:
the punishment for apostocy lies in the hands of God Almighty against
whom the offence has been committed. The Caliph lumps the Ayatollah
together with Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler as totalitarians.
At this point, it will be recalled that the author of this book started his elementary
eduCation at the Ahmodiyyo Muslim School ~ n a e n i n City, Edo State of Nigeria In
January, 1941.
However, since history is not famous for exactitude, it often happens that what .
the Quron says is one thing. but what institutionalised practitioners do, is another.
For Instance, <Sura) verses 30-46 refers to the meekness of Abel when Cain
threatened to murder t'lim. He sold, "if thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to
slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee. Joseph
forgave his brothers who sold him into slavery. At the some time, (SurO) verses
XXIII: 93-118. enjoins Muslims "to eschew evil. but not to pay bock evil with Its own
coins however great the temptation. Also that the brotherhood of Truth is one
in all ages. "It is the narrow man that creates sects. The Quron says in (Sura) verses
X: 19, that God created mankind as one notion.
In practice. the Institutionalization of Islam has introduced Its own brand of
exclusionary approach to faith. They began by condemning the children of
~ Israel for rejecting faith (Sura) verse: 81) and for befriending unbelievers (SURA
V:-83). Sura IX: 30 condemns Jews for calling Uzolr the son of God and also
. Christians for calling Jesus the son of God. SURA IV: 155 accuses both religions of
\ blasphemy and of Incurring divine displeasure.
On the other hand. SURA IX: 5 authorises Muslims to fight and slay Pagans
outide the forbidden months. unless they repent in Islam. Literally, that is o
prescription for coerslve conversion and mayhem. SURA IX: 43-72 forbids Muslims
from having anything to do with hypocrites because they are a burden whether
or not they join Muslims.
There is a whole medley of don'ts for Muslims because "only Islam upholds the
law of Moses:
1. To fight and die in.defence of God <SURA Vs: 242).
2. Not to associate with those outside their ranks or those who are not Muslims,
(SURA Ill: 89-118) because they will not foil to corrupt you.
3. Seize and slay renegades who turn against the faiths CSURA IV: 89) as well as
spies and double dealers. Muslims should keep together in brotherhood
with muslims <Sura IV:71-91).
4. Fight unbelievers because they ore enemies in the cause of God - Seize
them and slay them wherever ye get them (SURA IV: Vs 91).
5. Unbelievers are open enemies CSURA IV: Vs.101).
6. You can take property from the enemy. provided you give a share of it to
the needy (Hadith).
7. Exile is righteous in the sight of God (SURA X: Vs. 20).
8. Do not turn to the enemies of God for friendship <SURA LVIII: Vs. 14) nor seek
any Vs. protection from them (SURA LX: Vs. 1).
9. There should be no marriage between believers and unbelievers. Better to
marry a believing slave than a faithless woman.
10. According to the Hadith. a Muslim need not obey a ruler who does not obey
Allah. .
Since most of these injunctions are subject to human decisions. the questions
which arise are:
a. who decides when It Is appropriate for on individual oro community to fight
and die In defence of God?
b. who declares a fellow man as o pagan. renegade. enemy of God. on
unbeliever. or when o ruler disobeys God?
These ore decisions that must of necessity be the products of value judgement.
which is relative. subjective and hence divisive. It also enables Non-Musllms to
understand the reactions of Muslims In some ports of the world to notional and
lntemotlonollssues. This Is In spite of the fact that commentary 200 to Sura XXXVIII,
clearly states that "self glory separatism. envy arid suspicion are among the roots
of evtl. Commentary 241 to Sura LXII states that "God's care for His creatures Is
universal and His revelation is for au.
Epilogue on tnstltutionallsed religion
The chequered experience of Institutionalised religion and in Its cohabitation with
politlcs.sowed the seeds of doubts through the rationalists in the 17th century. The
seeds were nurtured by the sceptics and deists of the 18th century. and it began
to flower in the 19th century. Eventually. Science. Philosophy and History were>OII
called upon to show that Institutionalised religion hod no leg to stand on.
It demonstrated that refiglon Is the prerogative of the Individual will. The history
of religion during the lost 2CXXJ years, has clearly demonstrated that man Institu-
tionalized religion not for the purpose of strengthening faith, but for the sole
purpose of wielding socio-political and economic power. On the other hand.
Government is not particularly famous, as an efficient manager of human affair$.
That Is why It has often and always come out with a black eye In Its flirtations wth
religion, because the bureaucratic command syndrome In human governance
will invariably adversely affect Institutionalised religion.
Moreover, man has a strong tendency to define freedom superficially, In terms
of the removal of proximate ecological constraints, without conceptualizing
where the ultimate autonomy will lead him. History has all too ottlm demon-
strated that the autonomy incubated by licentiate freedom, brings out the worst
excesses of human selfishness, leading to abuse of authority and corruption. That
Is because freedom is an Intoxicative wine which can produce some very painful
Freedom as a concept was based oh the value judgement of mankind, which
Is very subjective. Man has always wanted his own way since he was token over
by the free-wheeling influence ofEsu. biblically referred to os Satan or Devil. That
was when man moved to create his own God in the Image of his own likeness, the
kind of supreme authority he wants to see as his hero- a celestial supreme judge
surrounded by stern regulations, despotic discipline and Inescapable punish-
ment for all transgressions. Since such a god was the embodiment of subjective
human values, it was inevitable that every man became free to take his own pick
In the ethical supermarket of existence. Is It surprising therfore that more than half
of the populaion of this world have metamorphorsed In the last three thousand
years.from polytheism to monothelsm,and then to synchretlsm {mixed religion)
ending up with the total rejection of deism by seeking solace In atheism? The
remaining half Is divided between over 22,CXXJ different denominations each
having Its own concept of God.
Orunmila's revelation of the primodlat proclamation of Esu <Devil) on his
determlnaion to pollute thecrecitures of God with evil, was re-echoed by Jesus
Christ when he forewarned his apostles that "Satan the enemy wpuldSOtAJweeds
{servants of the Devil) among the wheat {children of God) P9rticutarty after
tnetwelve QP9Jtles st\QU hove fallen asleep io deatn . Maffhf!'# 7 36-43 .
. The God of.QII cr$oflon and exlstenc;e only creQt.ed o good has
mode it on evU world. If ours were o perfect world and we were perff!ct human
beings. there would hove been no need for religion .. Unfortun:Otely .. our world
. and our Uvesor fractured by greed. lust, cruelty and selfishness. -
It Is now cte(ll'.that oll.the dlscorc;:t and
schisms that mon has gone through. ore the PfQd\,Jcts of rellglon
Ol'ld.not caused b.y religion itself. whlcJ') prima facie 0 unifYihg gllje ... That Is
... bicgse the gOd created insitutJonolmon as ogoinsttt)$G9dwhocrecited
.all.the good things has been <presumed
to hqve o human personality). The qualities which the creator$ .bfth9t ,god_
most. they transferred mutatis mutandis to h.lm. l'h,at god ryos to
. ,euJoglsed and flattered to ovoid his wroth. 'Ori,Jt)mUo :s9VS that theAimlghty
Creator ot all existence has no taste for the drdconian punishment ftiat man has
r- QSsocioted wtfh hls own brand of god. . ;' ; . . ..... : . . '
., .. .. Without the perversions of institutional dogma, rnon Is aware of the self evident
.exitence of God.ond that he does not need mOo to use b,rute force; politic at and
r;nllltory power - all Instrumentalities of Esu <Devil) - figtlt or defenq, .
. Tt;\e undoing of Institutionalized religion Js its fljrfotion.witf:l secular govemdf:lce
. : Qt:),whosewlnis It rides to enforce its will on the indivicfOq,l._ Unfortunotely'"'qn-stlll
) not realise that govemment Is not just a port of humor) pi'gqlern.lt IS qctuolly
. :.:the cause of i( . That is wh'f secular authorities become
.. the necessity of criticism and sceptlcisrnf in o
syndrome. _,,_;_ .. Ill. , ' v . :
Thethree monotheistic religions examined .. in this.long chapter, hove tried to
. .,maJce Ito beter world. but the only misto.ke common to the three of tl1em Is the
.. that God created the devil to be :t?d!n6nity .or by
presuming that God created man as o medium for it)e pmporotive
of good and. evil. '
The God of all creation and existence is so god-that He does not hove o
1 for Man has assumed that flattering (;od with qll kinds .of high-
. folutlng encomiums and praying round the clock. c;lay)n and d9y0ut: approxi-
mate to the most superlative worship of Him. For from it:".,; .. ' . . ...
. , . Voltaire. thf) French philosopher of the 17th centrury., puzzJ_eifby what man
wos dOing in (?od's nome, adduced that God Is .to be q<jqred:(:]ndse,ryed- and
not to be mode the object of institutionalised religiqn .. <?. another
philosopher Qf the 18th century, argued that thetruth'of be settled
-by appeals to religious history. because all religions dre.relative. He said that
rel.iQion was on,ologous to the story of o man who hod qne r!nQ. Vfhlch gave him
. the -gift of being loved simultaneously by God and man. He hod three sons.
whom he loved. To resolve the dilemma of which son sboul9 hove the
ring on his death, he hod two exact replicas of the ring.Jl"'ode. The three sons
quorelled as to who hod the authentic ring. A wise judge told them each to
behove OS if ,pe hod the true ring. Their behavioUr would show which one hod
the. gift of being loved by God and man. .
The three sons represent Judaism. Christianity qnd Islam. lh the same way, we
cannot that two and 'two make four by appealing to hist9ry, because
history does f.)Ot produce the some kind of truth as mathematics. That Is why
religion should not bose truth on historical events alone, because history might
. pt best embody truths, Q_ut does not provide the basTs of truth.
Moreover, history. for from being absolute and objective. is subjective
because it con become the victim of several extraneous factors in the laboratory
I ,H
of th$ human. mind. To illustrate the unreliability of history In pr$Sentlngfacts.lt Is
necessary to go back to the newTestamentto demonstrate ho\11. gospel reporters
slanted the report of one of the miracles performed by JesUs Christ on the
withering of the fig tree. : N.
Marks's gospel reports In Chapter 11 Verses 1214 and 20-22';:that Jesus went
toJerusalem, entered the Temple and thereafter retumed to Bethany. He wos
hungry. and seeing a fig tree .in the distance. he went to if he couk:Hlnd
anything on it. 'When he{Ound..aothing but legves. for it was riot the seosorHor
figs. Jesus said to it, .. MOY.J 10 one ever eat fruit fr(?myou again ; When they were
returning the next moming. they saw the fig tree withered away to Its roots. Peter
asked Jesus- "Moster. look! The fig tree which you cursed has withered. And
Jesus answered them "Hove faith in God". ' : f"
Mothew changes the story In chapter 21 Verses 18-21 by reportlri<)ft{us:
In the momlng. os Jesus was retuming to the city. he was hungry and seelhg a fig
tree by the way-siqe, he went to it and found nothing on It but leaves only.: ,;,t*<nd
he sold to It; "May no frutt from you again. And the fig tree wfthered
at once. When the disciples saw it. they marvelled saying "How did the'flgtree
wither at once?. And Jesus answered them. "Truly I say to If you haVe :fOlth.
and never: doubt you will not only do what has been done to the fig tn:Jeuo
Many eJrly Christians heiQ this to be a somewhat unreasonable mlrdele.
because the fig apporently committed no offence for which It coul&be
punished so harshly., Luke apparently shared this view because his gospel
contains no such miracle. Instead. he substitutes a parable In chapter 13 Vesses
6 to 9. 1b:.,'t'
. "A l)lan had a fig tree planted In his vineyard. and he came seeking frUits on
It. and he sold to the vine-dresser. "Lo. thesethree yeett"s-h<!lve
I come seeking fruit on this tree. and 1 find none. Cut it down". And tMYihe-
dresser answered him. "Leave it alone. Sir. for this year too. till Fdlg Glbouf It' and
put manure. And if it bears fruits next year .well and good; if not. you con cut It
down. '7:
Although the miraCle/parable was said to hove predicted the demtSeof
Jerusalem. the differing, accounts tempts one to ask. what can' be truly befleved
about these.$,tories. . , . :. " ;r;
A more spectacular enigma variation is to be seen in the firs}' two chapters of
St. Matthe"V and St. Luke on how the virgin birth of Jesus was revealed and what
happened inirryediately after his birth. Apart from these two gOspels, there IS no
direct reference to the virgin birth anywhere else in the New Testament '' ;
The reference to these two incidents is not designed to cast aspersion soothe
credibility of the events but to focus the co-efficient of pollut;on the
human mind and history. Immanuel Kant rounded it up by' putting It 'more
the dawn of the age of enlightenment- when man thought
he had come of age- he decided to cast aside all authorities oCrtside himself. by
bringing everything to the bar of his own reason.
On the other hand. Orunmila has taught that the truth of God Is beyond all
arguments because it is verified by the truth of all existence. He then g_oes to
proclaim that the only vvay man can express his gratitude for the bounties of God
Is by dutifully playing his part as a tiny cell in the corporeal of (Sod.
Man's only duty is to return the love of God by loving Him.When you love God.
you do the things that will please Him . ..Nbic.h ore; to love yourfellowmen. by doing
nothing to them. by not denying:tQ$m their fair dues arid rights. by living
according to good sense. tolerance and-normony. and by not 9venging wrongs
Upon reflection.lt Is easy to imagine. what a better world It would hove been
for everybody and to the joy and happiness of God. If men in positions of
authority dealt fairly with their fellow men. without depriving them of their
legitimate entitlements on grounds of religion. race .birth. colour. froter;nlty and
by fellowmen in moments of need. telling them the simp1e truth always,
by not demanding or expecting gratifications for doing their duties; by not
treoting them less favourably than their own b.lood relations. friends on<;:J associ-
ates. and by dealing with them os children ofthe some parent (God) .. If man was
able to behove in the foregoing manner. he would be putting Esu (devil) to
shame .and God would be happy with man. Before concluding this Chapter. the
writer would like to draw attention to three popular Islamic dicta (hodith): .
. Whoever relieves a fellow human being from grief'ln this world, God wJUrelieve
him fr.om grief on the day of judgement.
Anyone who has no mercy on juniors and respect for seniors is not a believer
inGod. .
None of you Is a true believer in God until and he loves for his fellow man
what he loves for his own self".
These ore olt summed up in the biblical golden rule - Love your neighbour os
you love yourself. I om the lord . (Levltlcus 19:.18). This goes to demonstrate that
the three religions ore prqne to looking at dlffferent sides of the some coin.
To reduce the margin of friction. It Is a cliche to emphasize the- areas of
common ground between the three religions. Instead of being polarised on
sides of the bose of Mount Arafot or Mount in the
Interest of this generation and of posterity for them to construct ladders to toke
them up to the apex of any of these mountains. so that together, they con look
below at existing and potential areas of common QOd In
the neme one and only God. the Father of us all.
From the top of the mountain. they ore sure to see clearly below that oil three
of them have the same cannons of faith viz:
< 1) Belief in one God or the confession of faith (Shohado)
(2) Prayer - (Solat) not minding the-form;
(3) Fasting -{Ramadan) Irrespective of
(4) Alms giving or charity (Zakat) -
(5) Hajj or Pilgrimage to Mecca or Jerusalem.
Besides. of the known Prophets named in the Bible and the Quran, there Is only
difference in language between the Judoeo-Christians-on the.one hand. and
Muslims. on'the other. as may be surmised from the following:
Judoeo-Xtion Muslim
Adam ldrls
Noah Nuh
Abraham Ibrahim
Ishmael Ismail
Isaac lshaq
Lot Lut
Jacob Yoqub
Joseph Yusuf
Job Ayyub
Moses Muso
Aaron Harum
Ezekiel Dhulkifi
David Dowood
Solomon Sulaiman
Elijah mas
Elisha Al-gesu
Jonah Yunus
Zechariah Zeketlyyo
John Yohyo
Jesus lso
Mohammed Muhammad
They all believe In etemolllfe otter death which Muslims call Akhlroh, as well as
In the final day of Judgement (Yomwuddln In Islam).
They on believe In spirits which the Muslims call Jlnn which Islam teaches were
created fromflte. They also believe In the exemplary holiness of Angels which the
Muslims call Nur, created from light, as well as In Death called tzrail by Muslims.
They ore all at one In accepting the dictum that man was created from cloy. The
only differences In emphasis and dogma ore the web of conventions woven
around the facts because In the words of a Muslim theologian. "Compilers hove
changed GOd's words elthet deliberately or accidentally.
It Is time man realised that he Is only a bird of passage, here today and gone
tomorrow. Man shQUid recognise the Immutable fact that he does not, 9nd con
never, hove a free-holcron this planet. All that he can strive to hove Is a porttol
repair lease.
This chapter has clearly demonstrated that Esu has truly been using the
Instrumentality of organised religion to frustrate God's Intentions at creation.
God createct-tr1<!irl'IN"IS
0wn Image to be perfect and good, but what
(Esu (devil) has tumed him out to be under cover of organised religion. Ontts pbrt
Institutionalised renglon has deified man's Idealised consciousness, his aspirations
for Ideal vdfues, andoasmlc consciousness OS man's god ..
Organised religion may be credited with a contribution to enllghtenmentond
scientlfl.c progress, bUt these ore 0\.itWelghed by Its psychological enslavement
of man. Organized religion has become so divisive that according to Emil
Brunner, "the God offhe other religion is regarded as on Idol.
By stressing the beauty and benevolence of the world as we
should not also be blind to the destructiveness and the evil aspects of life on
earth, which ore devil-manifesting. That Is why L.H. Gruenboum concluded that
"the world Is so dreadful, so bloodstained and full of misery that ltmlght just as well
hove been planned and created by Satan Instead of God.
The truth isthof man Is helpless In a world virtually ruled by evil and no one should
blame God for it. Esu Is merely carrying out his proclamation at creation that
through bereft of creative power, he would nonetheless mutilate and tum to his
ser\tont, any being created by God. What other opportunity could he have got
short of exploiting the narcissiSm of man through the Instrumentality of organized
References on Chapter 9
The author Is grateful to acknowledge the fact that ln compiling Chapter 9.
he culled elaborate excerpts from the following bOOks:-
The Birth of Western Civilization by various authors.
Rei/Qions by Alan Brown. John. Rankin and Angela Wood.
. H ..
A ppok of by John Allan. John Butterworth & Myrtle langley.
Ji.itl!ifsm by lsid9re Epstein.
:;,'.- .
No,_tfJs on Old for modern explorers by Roland Wilson.
'...'l, f.
CdrnoridQe Bible Commentary on the New English Bible by R. Dovldsbn.
.. ,, : .
,.,. Hf#ory of Christianity by lion .Publishers -.various authors.
Ctiiifitian MythOlogy by George Every.
Handbook of Christian Belief by lion Publishers - various authors.
. ' "'' . - ' 'i ..
and Teaching of Jesus- by James and Audry Bentley.
Ctiristk:Jntty and World Order by Edward Norman.
} "*
TetfMyths about Christianity by Michael. Green & Gordon Carkner.
Qur' on - text. translation & Commentary by Abdullah Yusuf All.
The SOytngs of Mohammed edited by Abdullah AI Mamtun AI Suhrowardy.
f. . .t .
Mecca and Medinah Today by Hamza Kaldi and others.
The greatest thinkers by Edward de Bono.
,. ,
) ._..,
Chapter 10
the Art of divination according to Orunrnlla
ivinotton hos been defined as the art of telling the Mure ondthe unknown
by non-rational or metaphysical methods, Intuitive prevision, or OUQIJIY..
There ore several methods of divination which con be done by ostroldgt-
cal means ond by through gazing. It con also be done through
palm or face retrc:ttng. Other methods Include the use of sand or water and
crystal bolls. In sorcery o wltct) doctor ts able to ten the future of, someone,by ,
180dtng the person's'vlbrottons. Some diviners use appropriate hetbs to rub the
faces of ordinary pei'$00S to make It possible for them to fore-tell the Mur' .of ..
others. Other doctors us& medicinal preparations for prospeCtlve seerS to
..-allow, thus making It possible for such persons through extra-perceptual vision
to tell the Mure of other people. ' .
Orunmllo ... hQS proclaimed that any tfo Priest who uses extra-percep-.
tuatvlslonto lnterpfele hfsrevelotlonsortosupplement his theophystcol knoNiedge
d lflsm with extra-curricular visionary will court the risk of, rumtng ,JntO: "'
difficulties such as blindness. permanent deformities. or premature death. lhOt
Is because. extro-vlstonory powers belong to the elderS of the night, andto,,..s,"
t unouthorisedly Involves spying on the night without being a witch. A witch
doctor who is also on .lfo Priest might use such and with It
provided he does not transgress the rules ')f the Night. Any non-lnittatelnto the
cult of nq rootter how dlobrAlcolly strong he may be, oson#a
ex os o diviner. runs the risk of blindness. If he uses extra-perceptual power of
divination withQI)t being o witch. Infect. he runs the risk of loosingihiS life If n&.ls
not strong enough to protect himself against the Inevitable onslaught of the
Night. as soon as his spying discovered. .,.
Orunmila is the only divinity that con be invoked to advise without being
possessed. That is mainly because he was first and foremost. the wisdom divinity
d the divinosphere from the beginning of existence. The second reason Is that
he was the last of the divinities to retum on his own free-will to heaven. He did
For the other divinities. they can only. truly divine by taking over the ordinary
senses of their servants or priests. and talking to people through them. When the
cxdinory divine priest Is possessed. he or she con foretell post. present. and future
events in the usual way. because the person is no longer In charge of his orner
senses. As soon as the Priest is de-possessed. he or she cannot remember a word
d what he or she sold under the spell of divine possession. The most common
divinities known to West Africa who divine by possession ore Ogun, Sango, Osun .
OsQnyin. Obolifon. Oboluwaye. Ake.lrewe. Ovio or Oso. Okhuoihe, Olokun,
Oyo. Ezizo or Ajijo. and so on. In addition to involuntary possession, the divinity
Is usually invoked by beating drums or gongs or maracas. or on ensemble of ol
the three musical instruments. As soon as the instrumental music. sometimes
accompanied by vocal music. builds up to crescendo. the ollegr9 comes when
the priest gets possessed and gives thanks to God for creating the diVInity that.
ordained him or her as a priest and for creating the earth on which he or $he
stands. Divination then begins.
On the other hand. Orunmlla does not permit the use of any of the above-
montlonod mothods of divination by his followers. Orunmila says that divination
should not be mode to look like magic. He only recommends the use of lfa
symbols for divination through the 2561fa ODUS. The only similarity, betweenlflsm
and astrology Is that just as astrologers use the stars appearing, at divination to
predict the future. on If a Priest ;Uses the portJcular ODU appearing at divination
to Interpret post. present. and future occurrences. .
Ito art of Divination
The simplest form of diVInation known in lfism is the use of the four-piece kolonut.
The kolonut Is split open and four of the pieces con be used to invQke the
folloWing five Olodus of Orunmlla:
1. 1f all the four pieces appear face up .It m e a ~ that the most senior Olodu.
Ejfogbe. Is ready to speak;
2. If all the four pieces appear face down. It means that Oyeku-mejt, the
second most senior Olodu of Orunmilo Is ready to speak;
3. If two of the four pieces appear face up and the remaining two oppeor
face down.lt means Obara-meji. the fifth Olodu of OrunmHo,,ls ready to
speGk: . .
4. tf one of the four pieces appears face up and the remaining three
appear face down. It means that Okonron-meji. the Sixth Otodu of
Orunmila.ls ready to speak; and
5. If three of the four pieces appear face up. and the remotning e>ne
appears face down. It means that Ogunda-mejt the ninth Olodu of
. Orunmila.ls ready to speak.
It can be said therefore that the kolanut con only Invoke five out of the 256
OD:tJS of OrunmUa. That is why Orunmilo does not rely ontne use Qf the kolonut
for In-depth divination. One slight variation Is that when It becomes abs<;>lutety
necessary to invoke more than the five ODUS that the four-piece kolanut con
Invoke. a second set of four piece kolanuts con be used side by side with the
other one. Even then.lt can only invoke four more ODUS such as Ogbe-Oyeku.
Ogbe-Obara. Ogbe-Okonron and Ogbe-Ogundo. Any other permutation
beyond that will not belong to the lfa literary corpus.
Some lfa Priests who are not aware of this Injunction by Orunmllo are often
tempted to use the kola nut for purposes which It was never meant for. in the
course of divination.
The Cannons of Divination in lflsm
We know through Orunmila that Seniority ~ the first order in heaven. A junior
person submits to the will of his Senior. Whatever a senior person In a gathering
says. holds sway. This is the first cannon in lfism. The senior person's will is decisive.
The most Important thing to note therefore in lfism is that when one Odu savs
move and a senior one countermands by saying don't move. there is no
movement. We can see from Fig. 3 the order of seniority in lfism according to the
Ita literary corpus. as demonstrated through Okpelle.
The Use of the Kolanut for Divination
Like It is with all other divinities. the kola nut is traditionally used for d'IT'edng prayers
and sacrifice to Orunmila. Whether the sacrifice is with rat. fish. hen. snaiL reptiles
and amphibianS. or quadruped mammals Uke goot. ram. cow and so on. that Is
being mode to Orunmlla. the kolanut Is used as a coli sign to beg Orunmllo to
accept the offering. This is virtually the case with all other divinities because the
l<olanut was created by God not only as the staple snack In heaven. but mainly
for use In offering prayers.
After praying to Orunmllo with o kolonut In hand. and beseeching him to
accept the food being offered to him. that Is. before actually offering the
sacrifice. the lfo Priest and picks out four pieces. Any extra, soy
o fifth piece Is offered to'Esu. Taking two of the;kolonuts with the right hand and
two with the left hand. the Priest clenches the four pieces between his two palms
and ask Orunmilo whether he is to accept the sacrifice being made.
The appearance of Ejiogbe. Oyeku-meji or Obaro-meji on the ground. usually
Indicates that the offering Is occept.0bte. Obora-meji is universally accepted as
signalling acceptance of sacrifice. The only other Odu which can supersede
Oboro-meji in these circumstances is the Odu which appears on the first throw
of the kolonut. foro new Initiate Into lflsm. at Ugbodu during a ceremony that is
normally regarded as the baptism of lflsm. If Is that It Is strictly
forbidden to disclose what happens at Ugbodu or the secret conclave during an
Initiation ceremony Into the priesthood of lflsm.
There ore o variety of reasons why the confirmatory Odus may refuse to
appear on the first throw. these reasons ore:
1. If the offering is incomplete
2. If the lfo Priest making the sacrifice Is not satisfied;
3. If Orunmllo intends to give any further advice. or If any supplementary sacrifice
Is required to be made to other divinities. s.uch as Ogun. Olokun. Shongo. the .
offeror's heads or his guardian angel and so on.
4. If the offeror is very worried in which case Okonron normally appears at the
throw of the kola nut once or twice in succession. the offeror Is to leave
his problems to Orunmllo. If subsequently Ogundo appears. at the next throw
of the kolonut. the offeror is told that Orunmilo is prepared to solve his
problems. Thereafter. the confirmatory Odu normally appears.
5. Ordinarily. the kola nut is used as o rough and ready medium for asking Yes or
No questions from Orunmilo. although. highly proficient adepts do also use It
for interpreting lfo. That however Is not the regular use to which the kolonut
is normally applied.
If on o particular day. one does not feel Uke going out. one con ask Orunmilo
through the kolonut whether or not to venture outside on that day. If one Is In a
tight spot and wishes to seek new directions. in the absence of Okpelle. one con
use the kolonut to find out what to do next. In short. the kolonut con be used to
ask as o question like should I or should I not proceed with o proposed action.
Assuming you propose to toke on action therefore and you throw down the
kolonutto ask Orunmilo whether to proceed as proposed. and all the four pieces
fall face upwards -It means that Ejlogbe. the eldest ODU is ready to advise you.
You do not bother to throw the kolonut pieces o second time to ask for
confirmation. because no other ODU is senior to Ogbe. It means that you ore
cleared to proceed with the proposed action.
If on the other hand all the four pieces face downwards. it means that Oyeku
Is ready to advise. Although he is the second In rank among the 256 ODUS. you
then proceed in one of two ways. You con ask o second question.- should I not
proceed with the proposed oct lor.? If Ejiogbe comes out. it means that the over-
all verdiq_iH\Ot to proceed with the action. because Ogbe is senior to Oyeku.
If any of the other three remaining ODUS (viz:. Oboro, OkOI"'ror'\ Ol"''d
Egiton> appears on the second throw of the kolonut. tt means you ore
to prOOE(ed the proposed action, $lnce all of them ore junior to Oyeku, who
appeared on the first throw. . . .
The second method of proceeding Is to throw the kotonutthrlce. Folfowlng the
above order of seniority, If for Instance, Obara Qppeored first, you throw the
kolonut a second'flme by asking - should I actually proceed? 'Th&n Okonron
appears. Finally, you throw the kolonuts a third time to ask .: ShOuld I not
proceed? Then Egiton appears. lt:meons you are. cleared to
Egiton Is junior to either Obara r or Okonron. In this case the second throw
becomes the deciding foetor In the dlvlndtlonor equation. Remember thot
Okonron appeared on the second throw. If Obara or Okonron again or;)pears
on the third throw. It means you ore cleared to proceed with the prQpc>seq
action. On the other hond.lf Ogbe or Oyekudppears on the third
-answer Is No since they are both senior to Obara and Okonron. There ore sllg .
variations which ore the exclusive preserve ot the Ito Priest. such as ask
whether there Is anything to be done before proeeedlhg wtth the octlort Th$ .
details will scarcely make sense to the Jay reader dnd neophytes. '
For a person having his own tfa. If the koiOnut which first come out for him at
Ugbodu comes out on the first or second he Is cleared to go ahead
without asking more questions. On the other hand.lf It appears on the third throw,
even If it Is senior to the first two Odus that appeared. it is confirming that you
should not go ahead.
The Use of Cowries
Orunmilo only taught his wives Akpetebl to use the four cowries for
when he Is away from home. The some principle Qpplles as wlththe kotonut.
In the that OrunmiiO has declared through the kola nut. that
enquiries should be mode regarding the problems necessitating the sacrifice,
the kolonut ceases to be the medium for making such enquiries. Resort Is then
mode to the use of the traditional instrument of divination in lfism calle-d Okpelle.
or the divination chain. See Fig. 3.
The Use of Okpelle for Divination
It has been revealed by Ogundo-meji that Okpelle was one of the favourite
surrogates of Orunmilo. It will be recalled that during Orunmilo's second ,
expedition for the establishment of the earth. h.e was accompanied during that
mission by Okpelle his favourite servant. It was Okpelle that Orunmilo sent bock
to heaven to inform God that he hod succeeded with his followers In fout"ldlng
a habitation on earth. It was on that occasion that God released ULE in Yorubo
or OWA in Bini. (the House or dwelling divinity) to join Orunmilo on earth.
After the earth was reasonably and firmly established. Okpelle told Orunmilo
that his mission on earth hod been accomplished and sought permission to return
to heaven to rest for good.
The transfiguration of Okpelle
It was Ejiogbe who on the other hand revealed how and why Okpelle decided
to give up his physical existence on earth. He felt slighted byOrunmilo. Orunmilo
was in the habit of treating him. not as on auxiliary; but as a servant who was not
fit to dine on the some plate and table with his master. Okpelle felt that he was
being slighted by Orunmilo because of his harmlessness. This was because
Orunmilo was In the habit of cutting out of what he was going to eat onoputting
It aside .for Okpelle to eat. The practice has survived to this day by whlth
...._ \_,...
shores of any food given toOrunmliQ Is put on top of Okpelle instrument
at Orunmilo's shrine. One day, 0kpellewhose actual nome was (Akpekpere in
Vorubo or Asesenoglobo In Bini), complained to OrunmHo why. it was that after
serving so faithfully both In and on earth, he w9s still peing treated as a
servant. Orunmilo In reply told hll"fl t.hQt forfrom treating as o slave he Akpekpere
was actually the mirror which ref!$.ctedthe futureto hlm.ond that he was more
of on auxiliary than o servant.
Ejiogbe has revealed that before Akpekpere come to live with Orunmilo, the
l!:lffer hod no formal divination Instrument. Orunmllo hod the rare gift of
understanding the language of .au IMng plants and animals. The wind could
always bring messages to Orunmno. to reveal to any one who come to him for
dMnotion. Orunmilo at the time who were; (Ode in Yorubo or
Orere In Blni,Use (poverty) ond Uyo In Voruoo and Oyo In Blnf .. hardship). On one
one of his wlvescoUed Use (poverty) challenged him to reveal what he
was using to Sa$ the post and the future .. He merely rep11ed that God hod given
him the lnstrumentof.outhortty.whlch made It possible tor him to Nve and operate
Simultaneously In the Pastj the present and the future. On the other hand, Ode
or (Orere In Bini) his senior wtfe was determined to discover his secret. His three
wives consplr!'d to tantalise him into revealing his secrets.
Since he knew what the women were to, he appealed to the Wind divinity
to send him a messenger who would constitute the demonstrable physical eyes
with which he was to see the post, the present and the future. The following
morning, o visitor came to Orunmlla' s house when he was away to the forest to
collect leaves for his lfo practice. The visitor who introducedhimself as Akpekpere
met his three wives and appealed to them to persuade Orunmllo to employ him ,
to live with him as a servant or apprentice to learn the lfo art. The women liked ,
him at once and agreed to persuade their husband to emp19y him. When
Orunmilo eventually returned from the forest, he met Akpekpere waiting In his
Sitting room. Since he knew what .the visitor's mission was, ,he told him that If his
wives agreed to accommOdate him. he too would hove no objection. He called
on his wives to sound their opinion on their preparedness or otherwise to
accommodate the visitor.
They unanimously agreed to accommOdate him. That was how OkpeDe
came to live with Orunmilo; Other_iervonts who were also sent to assist Orunmllo
lncluded.Orofo. Uroke. andAkpoko, and much later, Omlnlgun. They become
his principal dMr.'latlonol aides throughout his operation In heaven.
. . .
OkpeUe returns to Heaven
Just before leaving for heaven, Okpelle however, Informed Orunmlla that offer
he hod left. he would find a tree growing on the woytothe form and that the tree
would bear fruits and the shelf of the fruits would continue to help him as much
as he Okpelle did, as flesh and blood.
With that injunction. Okpelle disappeared into heaven through the earth
(face up) (face down)
Fig. 1. Okpelle
' '1 few days a at P<;>int of 'thE! equ:th.
lapsed Into heaven: The blown .tree 'kith in three
and it began to bear fruits, In consonance with Okpelle s advice. Orunmila cone
shells of the fruits and .sewed them up in units-of eight pieces. By throwing the string of
pieces of Okpelle shells on the ground he be@anto carry messages to Orunmila. It was
then on tbat the use or 'OKpelle shells. as a divination instrument became a ,
practice in ifism.
Translation of Okpelle :,-, i.;' , , .. .: . f -" .: . ,
When. an' Okpelle chbin_is;throv:!tn: on of animal skin. cloth.
canvas. any seed dropRing faee up is represented by one marking.:. one vertical
the lfa tray. On the other. Q.ond any seed_dropping face down is,represe
. . - . - . . .. . . . . " 1
two vertical markings on tt:1e' .lfa tray. into etght
is held at the mlodle such that wl)enJt drops to the ground, lt will fall in two
formation ot-foyr seeds on either _side as represented in -.fig. 3 . !''
,. ( - .
When the Okpelle chain Is thrown on the floor and _QII the'eiQht seedsfallir-lg on
appear face up, it,meaps th,atEjiogbe is reqdyto "'{hEm all the eight a
face down. it meqns that Qyeku-meji is ready to speak: The same process. of tra
follows In repr,esenting qll the other 254. O_sjus. second of lfismis that
of the 0du ln' lfistn is done from right to lett: "The thiid canon in lfisfn is 'thaffhe
representing tl)e Odus are d0ne vertically from top to bottoM. : ,
As on illustration. lfthe Okpelle,.,is thrown on the grouncfin' I.Jhits off6ur i,n a
formation and the first of the four seed!i from the tdp ofthe)\ght. faces upwQrds. while
other three seeds belo.w are ,facing downwards. it is marked cis A below.
:t 1-1- ... A ._ ....
Left ,. ; Right . : ..- l ,
.... :i_.{+t , .._.!"'-r- I t .... !', I r ""'
.?k ;;. .
he took
apartment with h&f' b9$ket of kolonuts. With or
accepted his Qff;er of marriage and to .live .wttt}him ;t;!Ot'lt. ,ll;le.
scene of the scenQriO ;C?ontrived by the king ottwo h<).q
tum otthe girl to trade her femininity to achi?ve the .. ..
One c:JQy. os Eleengb.a we.nt out on. his doll chore&. ..
whisk (hors. e tal I) roo. sted It and. d tne skin.to. p .. rep. . e. s ... o .. up f.l>. ..
getting home,. he. .. for h1s h. orse. tail .. e. re .... l .... o. _nc.:t . .... .QP., . Q . .. '. .P. bOCk ....
que"lfng whether he left any money at home tctb.uy . .
defiantly that she hoo to use that divine instn.iment to .ck ee . ' ftiei'e'Wc!l
no meat ot hom&. .. Eleengbo dldnot lose his fem"er. . .. . ' ;>;
cking.,When Eteengba retumec:it\ometo
vontshed . that $he used if
no firewood at home. Once ogalr;l, he kept: his codt . .. .. , ,, . .' ; .. : .. '
.ThefQIIowingday$he used his(Uronk e).(d. .. lon. .stq11) .... "..to .. m9 ... . ... . ,t
Gnce again. Eleengqo nc;>nethetess wfu$edJo.t<:)se l1iS
to hon}e:
months and.felt 1t wos time to reto,rn hOmeto'redim nit
poreotsthot She
of, .. t to h ... erooc;Uq., h. e.r P.O .. repts_f,ar .. .. : .. ItO-_ .
tfOJ"' fortnree mopthswtthout bothering to !IQQ 9ur.o.t:tow ...... ,. . :
In teal$, she admonished that It was time to let hltn know that she l"'tXf'Ci
to which to return.
He however. coresseo and her by saying that for from meaning to
disrespect parents. he .hod every Intention of going with he,rto r:neel'
them formally as' soon as she returned from her pending trip. Pretending to be
satiSfied with his expfonotion. the princess conclwded her arrangements fOr
Jmumlna home the next mornina. AS she aot her things together She Olso took
pQins to Pock Eteer'lgbo's troditiqnol requirements foro snort trip oslfhe wQS
trovSJnng with her. She collected his Okpelle. Akpoko/ lyerosun. ofdivinotion
powder. dresSes. Urukere and all th.e other-minorthings she thoughthe would
require foro trip he .did not bargain f()r.
. c>n the next she carried her luggage to setout for the journey; Before
leaving, she promised toretyrn to Oyo after spending o'few weeJ<s;wlth her
parents. As she wos soylng goodbye, she aSked ete:engboWhether h& Wd8 not
going to bother to escort her. He gulckly put on his loin cloth to esoort
ThiS lnaldent will explain later why Eleengbo did not bother to peiformdny
dlvlnotion.orsocrifice before leaving home because osfaros he. was concemed
he was. only going to escort her through the first few rrieter&\6t her
joumey in the traditional monner. . . . .
After escorting her for what might have been .oboutsoo meters. he deOtded
to tatum home; She retorted that there was o bandit -infested forest ohedtt
coiled Eluju- Shono .. fe, which no woman could safely pass through lone:. He
rec:x;tily 6greed to her through that of forest. As spqn as fhey;got
through tn_ot he <;>ffered to return horne. At that point she Oi'009ht outthe
cJQlrvoyont mirror given to her by her father and invited him fo lOok at to
hod sc.orc.ety left the gates of Oyo. n (!I W(Jy Of. :
telescOPing any stretch ofdistance .
. Eleengbo then agreed to continue to escort her. what he
fQ have been lQ,kilometers, he thought it
One$ Ogoin she:l'Oid him that there was 0 more tortuous stretch-offore.stin ftont
ElujU-ShO(fnb'-konre, wl!ich no human being .let owomon, dared to.
pgss through atOne .. He qgoin to. see her througt:l When he .
home ofter:puttlng that
then'! :$he oQoiO tlrought out her magic mirror which. disclosed that they 1\N&re
already w11hin ear-short of her father's farm house, That was becou$e
had refused to proceed. any further.
She h.!mthotshe would look cheap and reckl&ss:
came form coming to Identify hlmserf through o
GO!Jrtesy coli. beseeched hirn.meto-dramoticolly that her people might not
believe thot she hod b.een living with o man. of presentable. Cl'$dehtfots-
whpJGved a gltl:eihOUQfl to keep her.forthree months but nofSmceretv enough
to meet her In the. light Of hef solemn appeal. he agreed to see het Up
to nerfofher's.fof.rn promlsing.only to exchange courtesies becoi.Jse he
was notpr&Pdred for any formotmee.ting,wlth anyone. .
.They got toth$ v.llloge farm Qnd exchanQed courtesies with the peeple there.
'*was greeted. witH flclr:nbovont reverence. After receiving him .with the
trOdltlonot befitting a famous Ito Priest. the people of the villetge assumed
that his way to the town to see the king of lwo. As they offeted to lead
him inpro.cesslon to two town, he declined to proceed anyfurther,onthe ground
that fherewos no previous o,rranQement for f\im to get as for as the f6wn. He sold
that he only to escort wife on her way bock home to her people.
ond thot not only Qld he: canslder:it for him to visit his prospective
he did not pre pore. himself-for ony journey. More SDedffiColly, he
explained left home qny t9Fhong.e lntq nor .
of the appurtenances of his vocation. ' . .. .
At that stage. the princess broughfout all his clothes and dlvinotion inSftvm&nts
including garments, slippers, Okpelle, Uranke, Urukere, Akpoko and tyerosun;QI.
of which she had pocked in her luggage In anticipation oNhat contlgency,
Although, he become bereft of excuses for not proceeding to lwo, nonethe1tsS
he was visibly gripped with apprehension on what tO: expect at lwo. He wosnoVI
convinced that he hod been bated ioto a trap. However, the digntty Of
manhood enjoined him to proceed to lwo, and that wos what he did. tt wosOA
getting to lwo and fo the pdloce of the king that he reoHsed he hod bee" ttvtng
with the famous princess of lwo. As a royal guest, he was given on elabOrately .,
furnished apartment to stqy with his wife, where he was treated to. uporotelled
regal hospitality. As he was being entertained night andody with endtess feasts ;-
sponsored by the' PotC?ce ,Chien, tl"'le !<lng of lwo ordered his to: ,\
launch on attock on Oyo. . . .
Since Eleengba was not afhometo provide the usuolprotectipn, the klng.of.:.
Oyo was coptured and beheaded and au his Qnd Army were 1toket'\r.,
captive. The severed head of the king of Oyo was brought In a special tx>x to
the palace of lwo. When the content of the
called on his daughter to invite her husband to make divlnatiOh to rev$01. ffie
content of the pox. Eleengbo touched the box with his OkpeUe and sounded It .
and his own lfoCOgbe-lwori) appeared. He was immedlotelyoverwhetmed Wifl'l .
grief and sq.b. crying;
lyorlsogbl Orun, : . >'
loogun fije,Ue.lwo, . .. . ' . . .. : .
Olorl Obo Oyo, nfyii. . ' . , . . .. . .
Whilst to weep. the ktng .of lwo \aros
how knew the content of the box. Th$ king onwo:. po1fi4KJ
pos51onotely;tiyotferiQgJo,ieleose any of the worcopttveswhict*teprocti:Jirned :
to betqng.to. p the. morl)irig ,' Eleehgbo hdd mode socritlb,wlth fwG
hens .. It wds therefore time 1or Esuto lntel"..en& to:fUtfll the.t>UfPOSeofthe
sacrifice. Eleengbo told the thdt any of the coptlvel: novtnowtltte
his or her head was his own follower. .. '" :., , . 1.::r , .. , . ,,, :
Almost immediately thereafter, Esu converted all the wblta featt'lel'$ ofthe.
hens with which Eleengba mode sacrifice ond:used them to covertmefiltodt9f
all the war captives whose heads immediately become white:nW.f'len tti$'kJMI .
of lwo sow that the heads of practically tne prisoners-of-war were
white, he. released all. of them to retum home :to Ovo wlth:Eteengb<:J. ,
ing; it was tha.battte from the rear that voriQOished Frpm qo.v-,
this Oducomes out of the diviner will $uddffntvj
heads to the right and to th&left ".may ttl$ bottle of,
the rear not. overcome : With that cbltectO'd ott the:
Inhabitants of Oyo as well as his wife tpretuitltlome:
him. wl!ere .he got hiSbeoutiful wif&whC):WOS no.w
Princess and he replied; lj ' . ,, , . p: .. ,: . ::, ,' .....
Uyo.nimonje, . . . : . . ' .:-, ::- , ,. .. ,
: }:i:: .. .. :..
.. abbreviated to lyowo . : : ; . ' , . , , ; : , , . : , , : .
meaning; . , . : i : : 1.. . : ; .. , : i n : , , , , : . ; , ...
This woman is'trie',resi.,Jit of the suffering Q'Hwet;. ' ' '> t ; ' : r,.
This Is the origin of the word lyawoin 'f'oruoo,: meoniflO;:o new;Mfife orQ
How Ogbe-tweytn euresstomacti ach and
Adoondo ado .
pQOQn dogbo.
Adifo fun kogbekoowo lnu olciro.
Kobo tlwo eYin. Qjero.
KeJon kpee Ogbe mt eyln: . .. .
When Ogbe4worl comes out of divlnotiQn the 1$ told that he is suffering
from stomach ache )Yhlph is olso affecting !:lis waist.,UnEt and that It was caused
by the elders of the night. To cure it, the re.tevont leaves ore obtained from the
bush for a special prwof'ation.whicl') tokes two days to complete, because It
involves burning lO eggs to prepare tt'le.mediclne for t11e
person to be taking every morning for seven days. It is believed that o totot.cure
will be achieved within the seven day period ot taking the medicine.
-:fw&ytn a new wife
A!akpe suni -beers..
Ototowowo tiwo
.,, l/VI\.....1 Cll'
These ore the two Awos who mode divination for wo5 going
to marry one intelligent woman. He was told to make sacrifice with two hens and
his heQd wi!ho,goot. He mode the sacrifices andhe'Ofiurt:ed the
succe;SstuJI'itc) !:)is 5(3C6nd Wife. ,. ' '
-n., ' . . ...
. When it out. of divination therefore for a person who is proposlng'to
marry .o. .n.e .. w. w.w .. :.E 4 .. h$ .... i.JI told,that .. h. 9s? toce .. hea\tv ..
. and, tbat. t'ave f1ye ond fOMOt.JS
forthewo.mon to become wife.
the king of llu A.JoJi
. OkRa.etui>u'st1e,\\LQ dgbo. . . ' . .
Ototo deje lo ri ewe
Ugpif:l guo. .
. ogun eyin'Ju bQbin. . . . ' . .
these werfi the Jfa Priests. who made. divination for Ogbe-lworl before he
becamG on dt:>d. He, wds told to serve his hf3ad with a tortoise and o snail, a fruit
of ko.IOnUfs\\.hicn wos not to be splltopen. He was told to fetch the tortoise and
the snail' by himself from fne farest: . He subsequently went to the forest 'Otld
StJCCee,d.edin procuring the materials for the sacrifice. As he sat down to serve
his ah un,known c6rne steothily from his rear to steal them. When
he qci9l<'to who tnetniefwqs. h$ the messenger who was sent
by the elders 6f his town' fo invite him t&retum home to become their king.
He got dressed and left for the council hall where he was told that the
populace hq9. to. him the Obo of the town; He
retorted by saying that it was utterly wrong to' appoint any king arbitrarily without
prior divination. He then proposed that a number of proficient Awes should be
invited to make special oivinatlon on who was to be appointed among seven
nominees. The elders g!;)f their heads together o.nd nomlr\cited seven names
Including Ogbe-lwori's. Three Awos were ossembled.from different towns to
make the, divination .. At the end of the exercise. all Awos:l,lnanlmously
returned a verdictin favour of and he was subsequently crowned;as
the Obo of llu-Ajojl. .. . ::
tf Ogbe-tworl comes out for a new Initiate at Ugbodu he should be toldto.offer
soerlftce with a ram.tohislfa within five days. He should be advised to beWcire
of the risk of robbery against him. and that there Is on ptdwomanln hlsfarnUywho
is a witch. There is 11so o divinity In his famltv assocloted with o secret< Oro) cult.
If the spec lot sacrifices (Ono-lfa orOdlha) are promptly prepared thtsODU sha\.lld
make the owner PfOSt')er to o position of eminence.
Whv benevolence to relations yields Ingratitude
Orlre .kll ri iron mlloju
Adifa fun Ejimere
To 'nlo yo ikorlko nlnu ofi
Ebo kl ore ma'do obi manilowo
,.Lo'mo ru o. oklko. odlye ni EbO.
This Odu postulates that favour does not please one's relaflons. 'That W:oa<the
name of the Awo who divined for an animal c::olled Ejimere wa&,gelng
to rescue his brother. the lion who was trappedln a The
remained for two days groaning for help from within Pit and no. one
to go to his rescue. Meanwhile. Ejlmere who belongs to theJaroily of
zees. heard cry-otrtl'\6 lion from the top of. a tree. . . . . .
When Ejimere gotto the pit. he sow the lion wt\obegged nl[n.to help him out.
Knowing how vicious the lion can be. Ejimere deoi9ed to. n_.home firP for
divination a. nd he mE)tthe Awowho told him to mo. ke sacrltlce...y h a c;ock so that
his magnanimity might not earn him death. He made the sacf,cewlthOUtbny
delay. Thereafter. he returned to the pit. He told the lion to fQVOUT
does not traditionally turn out well for members of theit: family. He asked lion
whether he would not kill him after 'saving him. and tfl9:110J'l .to do
nothing of the sort. Ejimere then climbed atree oq.steqptostlyto Its
branch. dropping his long toil into the pit to bring out . ,, . . . .. ...
As the lion came out with the help of the tail. Ejimeraqlimbe4WWQrds em the
tree. When the lion got to the surface. he clenched hi$ fist Ejlmefe.told
to relations was often repaid with Ingratitude .. the lion f9Qf.
him. he should beg God.torforglyeness.
for forgiveness. Ejimere escaped unto the top tre(!l. That was how
survived ingratitude ofthe lion. . , .. . . , , " , .
. .., . . . . . . . .
At divination; the person toJd that e5pe101fY to
members of his family. does not favour .him., and thqt he shQuld .rnQke !S.OerffiCe
so that his benevolence does not earn hl!1lillgrotitude., It 0{, If .It
Is Ayewo. i ' ..
a dead goat sounds loudr. than a
, ' : : ,,- r , , '
: ,' ' '\ J; '-"
lrigitlgl ., .. , . ' :, .. , .... ,.
Odifa fun omo obute . , .
Onl oru senu ju aylye.
The dead goot makes o IOlldersoond thot o Hve one wos the name of the lfo
Priest who mode divinatiOn for the tree called Omobule In he oven (Ethonno-
gbukpo In Bini). Esu hod proclaimed to the divinities that o dead gdotsounded
louder than a live one. All tne divinities objected. A live goot wos.lnstantly
pr:oduc&P and Esu was Invited to demonstrate 'the veracitY of his proclorm:Jtlon.
Eov then gor n:nrtruntn>f Cl tree wltti d hole. . . . .. s
. He begbn by beotfng the goat and it could ornv shout .;Mobee or mea. He
then killed the goat btid uhskinned it. Esu Qlew air Into the skin otthe goot and
It wo5 lnstontry dry .. He put the dried skin over tt:'le hple on tt:'le trunk of the tree,
and began to beat thedrurn. AU thO$& who heqrd soundqf druJ'Tl.'Vvifl"l
0 melodious song accompaniment ,'gatheredto dance to thelune of the mus1c.
That was 'how Esu proved his point that unseen and unknown forces ore more
powerful than known and vocal ones.
When this Odu comes out of divination. the person should be told that he has
too many powerful unknown enemies capable of harming him, and that the
temperamental and vocal antagonists who he regards as his enemies cannot
pull a hair off his body. He should be advised to buy a live goat in the market, kill
It ot the back of the house. and use the dead goat to serve lfo to enable lfa assist
him lr.\ exposing his enemies. He should unskin the goat to prepare a drum for lfa.
The Incantation of Ogbe-lwori
Boba lawo kii gban gbon gbon.
Komo lfa tomao do loju okpon.
Sbbo lowo kii gbon gbon gbon.
Komo lbo to moo gba.
Oro nwayi kli eni mao fi se eyaro.
Awon meteta L'oun difo fun Orunmila.
Nijott boo; Orunmiloshoto.
An lfo Priest cannot be Intelligent enough,
To foretell the Odu likely.
To appear on thettoyat lkin divination.
An lfo Priest cannot be intelligent enough.
To foretell the reSUlt oflbo divination
An Issue otFeody known and revealed
Con no longer be regarded as a Secret.
These ore tf:le names of the tfo Priests wno made divination for Orunmilo In
hedven. when the rom kept enmity with Orunmila. The names of those lfo Priests
ore the ineontotlon which on should sing before slaughtering o ram to
If a.
Divination for tht.: rnan who wife of another man
lie to yoo oro iwaju,
Kii eru eyin kii ye si oro.
Eni ti ekun kpao ejule reje.
Bi o'bo ri omo ogbo riye yo. oosa,.
Adifo fun omo kuMn jogoto.
Ti yio tote loa ye. Aya ebiti.
Ebo ki o'maa ku ni ojiji lama ru.
Obuko oti okiko ni ebo re.
Kii oyera fun alagberi Obinrin.
The ground which slipped the people In front.
Warns those coming behind them.
The person who lost a relation to a tiger.
Takes to his heels at the sight of a fox.
These are the names of the Awos who made divination for the young-man
who was proposing to seduce .the wife of a stronger man. He was advised not
to do it. If he however was teo committed to retreat. he was told to make
sacrifice with a he-goat and a cock to avoic;l sudden death.
~ , ' - ' - . , . -- 1
' ,,
. !:
'' .<
: '
Chapter 13
I I ,
t1 I
I . . t
He made divination for OrisO-N Ia to gain supremcicy over all
t wos this Odu that revealed that Orlso-Nio was the lost of the divinities to be
created by God. It was when God discovered that Esu hod Infiltrated the ronks
ond token over the minds of the first 200 divinities to be created. that He
creattc$ Qrlso:Nia. (Obiemwen In Bini). He was to oct as the embodiment .of
God's own desires. In terms of goodness and ethical objectivity In dealing with
his 200 divinities. like Esu warned God at creation however, Esu soon took over
their minds and began to mantpulate them to .corry out his wishes. Instead of
beQovlng os poragons of exceUence. as God expected them to be. they
o.ntqgonlsttc and destructive to one another. That was how Esu
dernot')Strcrted that although. he was Incapable of creative work, he was
capable of mutHatlng and bostordislng the products of God's own '
creotfv.e workS. It was also this ODU that revealed that God neither created Esu
OrlsoNlo Is reputed to be the only divinity that Esu could not Influence: :
although. It Is a historical fact that Esu often tempted and procured many '
problems for hthi.' OrlsoNia was able to neutralise the machinations of Esu on ; :
occQunt or Sacrifice he mode.
tole tf't
Ofl 1vn .Urugbon ye were
Adlfo fun Orls-Nio
NJjQ t'PUff io d enlokpesl
Ia' oro owon 4boQbo ugbo erumole.
Ofi obuko. o{lbo otl oso fltun ru ebo.
fvf"pn/ng.. . 'f'\e turkey is the only creature
1f'lat develops beards from Infancy
. ltlat was the Awo who divined.
. . for God the son before he.
. gained supremacy over all.
the other 200 divinities.
After dlvlr\Qtlon. :he :was told to make sacrifice with o he-goat. 201 coconuts.
a rom and a white piece of cloth. Meanwhile. God invited on the other 200
divinities to admonish them for t'ransgressing the commandments he gave them
at creation. He told them that having fallen victims to the evil machinations of
Esu. they hod not only mode evil to triumph over good. contrary to his expec-
tation. but hod also established the impression. that He created them to do evil.
God proclaimed that He is the embodiment of truth. goodness and justice. and
that whatever evil they did, confirmed them as seNants of Esu and not as his own
sons. He then warned that as long as they engaged in the practice of evil. any
act of evil would limit the efficacy of the authority <ASE) which he gave them,
whilst any act of truth and goodness done by them would increase their powers.
I .
At that point, Ogun, who previously regarded as the eldest and-most
powerful of the dMhltt&s, oskeq GOd why in sptte of on hls powers, he OlloWCtd Esu
to piunder them. Ogun continued, woslt not God Himself that created Eso and.
gave him the authority he wielded? Elenlnl divinity of obstocte(ldobOo fn
BinD also asked Go(i whether he was not capable of destroying the forces of evil
from the face of heaven and earth, since God was on-knowlng,ever present and
After a long pause, God uitlmoteiY procrolmed that he was notan architect
of evil as they hod cometothlnk. He oskedtl'lemwhetherthey as his own chosen
servants, were capable of IC>Cklng up their chffdren In a room and putting a wolf
or on enfont-te"lble In their midst to llve\vlth them. They olt answered negattvetv,
At that point, GOd revealed that he was not the creator of Esu: Atl the dMnlttes
lookeq at one another In astonishment. It was the tum of OBALII=ON to ask who
created Esu. if It wos not God Himself. On toe other hOnd. Orunmlfo oddedthot
he hod always be'lieved since the first temptation he got from Esu when he went
In search of'snoUsfor socrlflce, that: God creqted fsu to testthest-eodfosthesa ot
the other divinities. God then asked them wtiy isv was never
at the five doily meetings of the divine counctr lf he was one 't:Jr thttm;
remembered. in fact ;that Esu hod never been J)hysfcally and
meetings of the dMne cooncll. God added that Hke the turkey wno<tevelep8d
beards from Infancy, ESO hod his OWn existence ond flem
the beginning oftime.AndttiOt both ESU'dhdHimsetf liVedih'AJMA<ORIMA In' Bini)
or the PRIMEVAL before He Godbegari'hfs creatiVe YiOi'ks. the
primeval was a Iorge sphere of total darkness In which Hfi, God. occupied a
microscopic enclave which carried the only neucleusofHghtand Rfe,andwhfch
In the fuHness of time, metomot'Phosed Into the e)dstence of the dlvlnosptrere.
heaven and earth. God ended the account by It was when He
created the divinity of Hgtit to eliminate fhe'entlre ddrkness oft,. prtmevoUhat
Esu was provoked Into voWing to disrupt HIS cfeatlve efforts. He r&eolt$d thdt Esu
had boasted that any vegetation He created under the sceptre of 1ight, woud
be his own farmland, and 'that any living being He' credted woutd become'hiS
CEsu) servants.
God concluded His expose by procfoirnlng that He
the bluff of Esu by creating Orlsa-Nia as his own r.eJ)resentottv, having his own
features of steadfastness and determination. After fntroaucingortso-Nio,
other divinities were unanimous In acclaiming him os th&lr 1eader'Wfl\o WOUld be
the Chairman of the Divine Council - whenever God wos not In a position to
attend. That ts haw Ortsa-Nto was proclaimed as the son, of God or God the Son.
Whenthts Odu comes out of divination. the person will be tOfdfhat he wll give
birth to a lost son. who will prosper and become more PQW&rfUtthan hJS other
children provided sacrifice is made for him. His pJOSJ)ettty, fom. and lnttuenee
would only blossom otter serving his head wfth as rrl1ny cs 201 coconots.
Ogbe- fdl
Ale OfQJu. Eept Erif.
Ale Ogboro, Eereno.
l :. r ; \. ....: , ,
t. ' . , ,. ; L
These were the two Awos who mode d1vJnation for Qgbe-ldi when.hewas
coming world. He was tOld to r!',oke sacrifice with a he-goat tO, who
waS: going to be his main probl&m on earth. He was adyisedcto .rnoke freqUent
to !;au. that If he offered fOod ai\Nays to Esw, whJie.ol"l earth,
hts everklstlng supPort and cooperation. C)nlhe other hand, if
he failed to do so.Esu would constitute a major obstacle to depiive him of
success in whatever he did on earth .. in heaven however, he was told to offer a
he-goat to and a tortoise to his Jfo. He did the sacrifice and left for the world.
When Ogbe-ldi con)es out at Ugboou the Initiate should neverto
engc;sge in the fishing business in any shape or form. He should pe Cidvised also
to refrain as much as possible from eating fish In order to. avoJd the risk of
mollgnant stomach trouble. The person should be.toiq tnclf he sl)ffered from
stomqch pains during infancy and that it could relapse he gave up eating
'fish. . ... . . . . .
. . '
Ogt:)efdi reVeals hoW cheating began among theohUdren of
. the 200 divinities In the, 'World
In view oft he eClltl'l was. still relotively water-Jogged from the flpodwhlch
terminated its first hobitotion, there was not much for its Inhabitants 'to do. They
resofted to the otnets for:tishif\g. Esu was .also fishing with them with his own
net. It tumed out,thot the of all the .others were never catching me>re than
one or two fishes.ot a time whereas the one belonging to Esu was alwqys full of
catches overnight. . . .
-When the others tOO\.!gtltJhat the secret of success. in fishing lay In
positioning the mouth of to face downward whilst others'9osifi()ned the
mouth of theirs upwards. tbey decideqto follow in spite of qll these
con.trivanoes, only usedtoqatch elaborately,. '. .
The other divinities were at a loss on w!lat to do to.checkmate the challenge
of Esu. They all got onq persuaded him to go to heaven on an errand.
as a diversiOnary stt<::negy tor,gettioo Esu way. They told Esu to g6to
Ogun in heaven to cast new instruments for them to use for flshlng. The
instruments Included hooks.>Spears and giant needles. .
. , Aftersetting t'lis net in evening, Es.u decided to leave for heaven early the
, next morning. As soon as he put t)is foot outside his house. he was instantlY in
heaven. However .when he got to Ogun s house. it was still fairly dark and Ogun s
factory hod not opened. Moreover. Ogun was preparing to answer a.coll at t:he
palace of God. As Ogvn was about to leave for God's palace. Esu arrive<fto
beseech him to maQutocture some instn.trnents for him. Ogun told.Esu to wait for
him to return from on invitation divine palace. Since EsU..wos pressed
for time. he decided to make Qgunstoy to do his work for him right away.
Ogun' s chUdren were eating and Esu focussed his gaze on one of
tt::lef1l who Instantly began to choke. with a hiccup. As the child struggled for
bredth. Esu feigned concern at his suffering. whereas he was responsible for his
In a subsequent rescue operation. Esu went to the back of Ogun's house to
pluck some leaves. butwhot he actually did was to untie the rope with which he
mysteriously tied up the child's oesophagus. As soon as the rope was untied the
child obtained immediate relief. In a gesture of gratitude. Ogun immediately
postponed his trip to God's palace. and assembled his equipment to produce
the materials that Esu came to collect from him. As soon as Ogun ignited his
' furnace .Esu blinked an eye to the fire, and all the materials on the fire sharpened
into the required sizes. design and quantity. When Ogun brought them out of the
furnace, h& went to fetch water with which to cool them. Esu told hJm not Jo
bother cooling them. Thereafter. Esu blinked a second eye and all themoteriols
became glittered to the astonishmer)t <;?gun Esu
materials and stretched out one foot wh1ch 1mmedtate1y transported"hlmbock
to eartM. On home; Esu discovered that all .the divinities hac:tStCien the
fishes-caught by his net. He then admonished them to save themselvesJhe
embarrassment of beingdi!i9racecd. that the price to be paid for
their transgression All the others readily paid the fine, except Orunmilo
who bluntly refused topoy.
Orunmilo sounded his lfa who advised him to slaughter a he-goat and to fry
the meat keeping it. by the rood side. Meanwhile .Esu concluded arrangement
to return to he'Oven where he propOsed to accuse Orunmilo of stealing. OrunmHa
hod fried the meat ofthe he-goat and kept it bythe roadside concealing himself .
nearby. The lnvfting smell of the meat oft he he-goat soon got to Esu s house and
he could not resist the temptation to find out where it w.Gls ... When. he savdl'le
meat, Esu khew that OrurimHo pr&poreatt 'to then
passed by the meat without touching it. seeing Esu pass by,Orunmifo blew his
divinoiion powder (lyerosun) With on incantation into the air. ThatmQde 'fhe
aroma of the he-goat's meat more alluring. Esuthen returned to the spotto1eed
on the meat. He sat down to a sumptuous meal and finished up :meot
As he was crocking the skUll oft he he-goat. Orunmilo emerged from where he
was hiding. and instantly accused Esu of stealing the meat. he preporect tOr
feasting the 200 divinities. With the balance of theft occus-ationoA both sfdes,
Esu was Jeff with no option but to compromise on the ecrller
preferred agt'tinst Oronmilo. because he too had stolen in -contravention of:tf!le
laws of heaven. . ..
The previous day. Esu had made a publicannouncementthat Orwnmua hod
stole.n because he was the only one who refused to
As part of the peace settlement between Orunmlld dr'ld E$l1. tt'\e was
required to reverse his earlier announcement. On the next ddly, Esu'wenftound
again and announced that Orunmila was not d thiet.at oJrdnd thdt wriat sdid
was that he was going to be made a chief. Orunmila wo5 .subsequer'ltly niode
a chief. Esu also agreed to in the perpgtudl se.!Vice of all''ttre dMI'\tties
especialfy Orunmlla. provided they gave him food frprn time to time. .
That is why when Ogbe-ldi comes out .of divinaJiqn; the person shOUl(ll;:>e
advised to seNe Esu with a he-goat and to frytheHneot and qeJX>sit
side in order to ovoid the risk of robbery or of being fotse1y 9ccused of
Other heavenly works of Ogbe-ldi
He made divination for the moat COdi in Yoruba'and !yo In Bihi).
Ogbe-ldi. din din. Odifa fun Odi,
Abufun yaro eyinre. . . ; :
> ,
Ogbe-ldi made divinat{on for the moor surrotlnding town: Kii aye OboJe.
igharafa ulu. aatu aye odishe; meaning. fo.rthe moat surrounding thet<;>vyn <;)rat
the entrance oft he town to die of neglect. the elders pfthe town
a conference td do something to repair if. ' . . . '' : . . >- t .... . .
If it comes out of divinatio'n: the person should. be told tliat 'no matter how
difficult things might be with him. he
nick of time to h!s rescue. The' person wit! t>$ h.e-ls fdhf!Or\ey dnd
that it will come to.him soon .. is d.ohe'bi6o .. ..... .. ()tn.
coconu! adding akara antl ekOwith o -coc.k:'for sdf.i9o Ll"
The patm 'oil rs poured on rna ground ol:itstd$ .and
) ' ' ' : . ! - ' '
come ond eat on the spot. Thereafter all present will eat out of the cooked
moterlols. .
,; Qf orunm1ta .. , . .
Qrunrntlo osk:eq his tanowers. what tree it Is that ls strong enough In the bush to
bOck o Pef'SOI'tDnd remain the protective force behind him, as well as directing
him on what to do. ond what not to do?
Hts fotte>Wer,s replied that it was the oak tree. Orunmno retated. that the oak
tree Is not. strgng enough to support anyone because It Is prone to being up-
r90teQ. . . , . . .
. When he put the question the second time. his followers asked, what at:>out the
lroko tt&e? replied that the lroko tree could aupp()rt anybody beco.use
ttwassucceptlbte to being felled or up-footed. His followers then considered that
:they knew of no other tree In the forest having the capability of protecting and
supporting people and telling them the future. .
.. ..He: replied thdt the palm tree Is the only tree having that capability Just as he
".OJC"' .$hQgc OkOOdoyll, obikulu, oro weeerewe. Onl oun nlkon lotu feyln tllka
:shubO c>run 'fuuuurutu, meaning; :"1 Orunmllo 'om the only one that st(,lnds
behinct ypur bdck and tell you abOut. the Mure". The sacrifice I& with a
. ., It ttte f:tnqulrer .Is o forme.r. he should be told that there Is o palm tree '
beiQhbfhg to near his farm; He should go and serw tne polmtree with
. o ptgeQn, If ort-the other hand he Is not a former he should be told to serve his lfa
With o . . , .. ,
If comes out at Ugbodu. the person should be odvl&ed to serve his
:heodwtth ocoeQr)ut oi\Yoys. using the milk of the coconut to wash his head from
ttme to time. Prosperity wm only come to him after he has served hls-heo9.wlth
coconut-two hundred and one times during his life span. ,, : :
: ' : - . . - : : .
Physician heal thyseH , . . , .
. Orunrnllo . hqd bo1tt up considerable reputation for. himself from his philan-
thropy and to help others lnsoMng their problems. It was his own
of problems.' These were however minor problems which
. h9d the effect ofattocklng hls
peoce of mlnct.Since he was apparently unable
to solve those problems. the young. people of the town began to ridicule him
cciltlnghlmth$ doctor WhO could save others from their problems but Incapable
anything to helphlmself. .
If was fhenthOt he tnvtted the lfo Priest II'Angwlth him. called Flirin jigini to make
dMnottonfor him. After divination, he told him to make sacrifice with three rats
In order to bEJ obleto solve the rnlnorprobfems besetting him. Th& three rots were
colted .. Ekuedbo ondEku-Afo: 'He quickly mode the sacrifice and all
his It is this sacrifice that the Awo advises a dlvlnee to
tnOI<e' When ltcomes out dfi{'jivlndtlon, dftertefling him that people ore laughing
ot him for helping others, whll&'OOf being 'Obi& to help himself.
H made for Ejo and Eku
Ejo (snake) and Eku (rot> were brothers. Once upon o time. there was famine In
the world, as one of the perennial heavenly punishments for the sins of mankind.
Very many people were dying of stoNation. However, no matter how wide-
the famine was; there was olwaysfood In the poloca.,ot the king .
. M&()O\yhfle. EJo went to oefflend one of the klnQ).wivesthrough whom he was
Eku, who Uved In the some house with Ejo. began to
.. wonder Why lh $plte bf the unlversot tomlne and stoNatlon, Ejo was stilllooktng
' : e" ( / 1 ; i ' >
fresh and robust. . . .
EJo replied Eku that he had taken out a comprehensive IRsuronee agatNt tJW.
prevailing famine but that he was forbidden to disclose the secret to anyone.
however revealed to Eku that he was privileged to be having free meals
friend who had given him an Injunction not to allow anyone to accompany him
to her abode. There was however a device at the entrance to the klng's harem
prepared for trapping any lntn,Jder. The trap could not catch ejo because of the
peculiar size and shaf)eof .his que. that Is why It Is said that a trap poe& nOt
catch a snake, Those appointed to watch the trap at the entrance to fhe klng'.s
harem were the cock, who was expected to crow at the approach of any
Intruder, Ugba or the Calabash and_ Awoo (cloy pot) both of which were
suspended over the gate and expected to fall to the ground as soon as the cock
crew. The noise from the.lrfan wos expected to alert
vigil over the entire royal household. ,
Eku however succeeded In persuading Ejo to accompany hlr'il on his hext trip
to wherever he was getting food from, because he was at the pqlnt Of
starvation. Much as Ejo was prepared to Qblige his pro.ther. he Wm. nQt _sur& of
how to ferry Eku through the trap without being,caught. however come ,up
with the proposal that Ejo CO!Jid swallow. him up so thQt 'coul9. bottl go
through the trap as a single passeQger. The plan ""{O' agreed,
however, Ek\.1 on his part hOd meanwhile eaten malle which,
abdomen. Eku enter,ed.the mouth of Ejo and they were .on their wQY . Wltnacu
In his stomach. the size of Ejo had increased considerably.
passing through the. trap he was caught by it. Hoving ,c9,ught by tbe-lrc:ip
the snake begged to be released, The tr()J;) on the groynd thc;d
caught h-e come with someone. e!se il')sicte. hiS.
fought with all the weapons at his disposal to np OV9il. ., . ' , . , . .. , .. . .
The cock in turn. opel)ed his mouth to crow. Bufqgai_n, the tlJm
not to crow. The cock refused since'he had a Job tb
-Uren aloana kpee ejoo. hoo(i.e.the trqp snal<e) ..
lo'Vler heard the crow ofthe cock. she ron of
the head and the tail of the snake and kept ner
c1oy pot and the calabash meanwhiledroppe9 to 1t\a pgJq
constables watching the polace.They came out f9' fne
intru<!:fer. They met the snake without its head tQ\IPn tJ'qp Ql1d.
what such a creature was coming to do in .the king:s. h<:.'!rem.
unravel the puzzle. The snake hod died if) th$, of doing o fpyour
to o relation. . . . . . , . .' , ,.. r' , , . ; ..
, ,. , .
When Ogbe-ldi comes out of divination .
advised to refrain from risking any .favour ,or ...
fnto trouble. He should also be ac:Niseq to retroin from on'Jf
and of habouring onyvisitors. He-Should be'tOid.tQ 1Q
to avoid the risk of cartying someone .else's L ,
: , r :
Ogbeldi seHies down In ... : , J L . , ; , : i .. : ... i , . :< 1 1
Ogbeidi ka ko ko,Oge-ldi,ele. le; 1; ,,,, i:: , ; . r (' r. ,,
Ogbe-ldi Ia -Ia Aron Ogun, . : r,,!, , ' 1.; r: c ,, :
Ogbe-ldilo-laAronOriso. : ,. : y:r ..
,:": '''/
Odifo fun Orunmila nijo toon snowo ,Jo si }r:,t t '
, .
These ore the Awos who mode divinot!Qn
settle down for lfo art and practice in the
going. to make sacrifice with six coconuts ondsix He wos to sfirve f11s head
with three cocks. and three coconuts while the remaining cocks and coconqta
were to be used to prepare a speciallfa sacrifice for him. When he got to the
place. he realised ptenty of gains. money . wives and children At the. height of
his prosperity. he song In praise of the 1fo Priests who made and
sacrifice.for him and also pr.oised Olodumare .in the following poem:-
. AjQ timo rno ni.
Olo she ni wora Iowa.
Ire gbogbo nlwara. niwaro. nlwara le wa ...
'tfOgbe-tdi C{)mes outfor a person at Ugbodu. he should betold that he hos.
not led a settled life before hislfa initiation and that prosperity Will only come to
him if he goes bOOk te setttle dowl"l near his home town because .lfo has advised
him that everything he is looking for is waiting for him nearer home;
Qgbft-ldi divinatiol) for averting ttle ctanger of he)v,l)g '
only child '
, , Qlawure :Ogbe--ldi.
Adifa fun ekiiri bolojo:
. Omo ablkan,kpadi lllofe . .
He made divination for a woman called EkRri bolojo when she was going to.
mgrrY;. odvised her to.make sacrifice. in order to avoid the probability of
having: only one did not make the sacrifice. She subsequently got
morriedond gave birth to one child Try as she did to have another child. she did
not sliceed:" . . . . ' :
: Ori the other h<Zlnd. if this.Oou comes out of divination for a person especially
a woman only one of'litd; she w(ll be toltl to make sacrifice to obviate the
one afteF. theJ)ther . until tt :r&l\lQins only one of them. . .
He .. Jer the Big Bat and the King Fisher '
The 'bat and ktng fisher flew surreptlclously to. the earth without. making a,r-iy
$0crific$in .. told thebig bot to make saarJflce w.lth
o gopt,. o he.n; al"ld dn $0Ck of mciney and to give he-gootto Esu in
to havephildren. The bjg.;bot iscqlled.Oiojo-Otoworon inYoruba and Owo in BJr)i:
On the. otnert(len.d;the.klng fisher.<Okpeghe in Yoruba:and UkpomobteJn Bil!i)
alSO to for ow to have good health and prosperity:
hirnto with a goat. a he-goat, and fourpigeon.s.
The bat was not d.ivinotion made for him and so, ciecided to
m<;:Jke another cJjvination on eqrth. Ohhis part. the king fisher just flew oway from
heaven anY socrifice. While on earth the bot went to earthly
for fresh.: .. The. edrtt,)ty Awos. were annoyed with him fo.r
undermining thef'advtce he was given by Ogbe-ldi in heaven. They therefore
resolve a to deceive bs&,Uring that he would have children ff he could
make sacrifice to his grand-parents. The advice did not give him any satisfaction
Once again. he decided to return to Ogbe-ldi in heaven. When he got to
Ogbe-ldi's house to make the sacrifice. he was told that his initial hesitation had
doubled the sacrifice. Nonetheless he produced all the materials for the
sacrifice. After making the sacrifice he went home. and the following month. his
wife.became pregnant and she eventually had a child. The bat was so happy
that he decided to go and thank' ()gbe-di with elaborQte gifts. vowing that he
would only express his gratitude to the Awo in heaven.and not the oneon earth.
That is why to this day, the bat bows his head downward, when standing on top
of a tree. thusexpresstrighis theAwo In heaven.
The poverty dnd sickness of the king fisher on the other hand have stuck with
him incurably ever since, because they came with hfm from heaven. When
Ogbe-ldl therefore comes out at Ugbodu, the person should be told to beware
of a 'relapse of on illness he preViouslysUfferectfrom, unless he makes the sacrifice
prescribed for the king fisher.
H.e made divination tor the people of Oro
Kpehgele ojo fidl gbe di
.Adifa fun won ni Ode Oro
Nijo ti ode .Oro fl Om! oju,
Shu bere omotwrutu.
The divinity of secrecy (OrO) wandered Into the forest and foun(f'fed the part of
KworaState of Nigeria now called Oro., He was often served annuoly in whotwO$.
always a sumptuous festival. After sometime however, suqsequent generatiof,lS
neglected the annual festival to the Oro divinity resulting In
deprJvation.There was endle-ss famine in the town Qf1d no woman becqme
pregnant for a long time. Many otthe able--bodied men and women began
emigrate southwards and northwards. ;.
dna the elders reasoned among themselves and dectded to sef')(f a
message to Oke-Mesl <now lfe) for divination, on what to do to overcome. their
pr6blems. They were told that they had neglected the worship of
divinity (Oro) for too long 'They were advised to offer sacrifice to him wttf!tiWO
rams. tWo goats. two hens, two wooden lmag&S and two snails. Ogbe4dfhe
dfvinerof the time, dlso told them thdtthelrtown ho<tbeen largely depop\illot.O
through emigration but that If they mode the sacrifice, ottoouW'l their emJQres
migt\t not return:home bog and baggage, they would enrich the
town with the fortunes acquired. from their sojourn to distqnt ,Ionas. He
advised them that their land was stony dnd not suitable for prolific QrOble
farming. Therefore their generic occupation was trading.
. As soon as they returned hor:ne, the sacrifice wos mode. On the day of the
sacrifice. there was a' taln which the beglnnmg' ot the
prosperity and childbirth to the town. Subsequently, the children of OmiMrV'
at;> road .began to return home at the end of every year for the Oro festival.
When this Odu comes out of divination for someone he $hould be toidthott\e
had. neglected his guardian divinity and should go and offtr sacrfflce to lt. He
sh.ould be told however that he is not living In the land of his birth because his
fortune and prosperity lies away from home. He will proSper ObrOad ond return
home safely with his wealth. He should also be advised to vlsltthe tond of his birth
at least once a year to make a teastthere otter he becoh'lihg prOsperous.
Divined for lfOjitni. when his wife was lying fo:htiA . . . .
Ogbe ldi ka ko ka
Ogbe Jdi 1e 1e le
Awa ko1lotinwo
Do owuro olo
Adifa fun lfajimi nijoti,
A yo re kpuro tun.
Meaning We will not leave our drinks,
To momlng,
Give us the <;!rink now. '
. :'
' .
I . .Jrf '
:.") ..
TheSE:t l.lre the names otthe Awos who mode divination for lfojlml when his wife
was nOt telling hlm the truth. That Is why. os soon as Ogbe ldl appears at
dlulnmlon .. tho dlvlnorc chould to produoe drink; for
hi$ orfhem. ' ' ' r'. . ''
. The wife of ltajiml was often cheating on she bought from the
market. If she bought goods worth 10k. she would extort the equivalent of.5Qk
from the husband. The lfo told h!rn that his wife ,was .cheating. and that
Orunmilo .was going to punish her ln'o manner that Wduldoffect him unless he
mode sacrifice. offer which. she would be exposed. He wos told to make o
sacrifice with o cock and o hen. The next day. he told the wlfetobuy,a cock and
a hen from the market. and he gave her. the equivalent of !$01< to buy. the two.
. She Insisted that the current price in the market was 50k for eoch of them and
- demanded., lfrom the husband. He refused to burgebecouse 50k was Oil that
he had at home. The womon went to the market In the morning and retumed
home wlfh 1he money on the ground that It could not buy the two as she hod
earlfet Intimated. ;
As 50on asshe refurnedhOrAe however. Esu;dlrected o girl hawking fowls on
her head In o basket. toeorne by house. the girt was shouting:
!wo ro abo oti okiko odiye - o .
That is. com&orldtruyllen and cock. When: lfojiml heard the t\Qwklng chant
of the young girl. he COf!le out to ask for their prices. The girl gave the prices as
rCJ11glng between 15k and 25k-each. ttojlmi boughtthe hen for 151< and the cock
fbr20k. Before the girl went OWO'f .lfojlmi invited his wlf to verify the pdces from
tne.norse'smouth. The glrtcontifmedtoherthotthe price ranged between 151<
one 251< eoeh. With that girl went away and. the cheating )Of
lfd]lmt' S wife been e@sed r As' J;>unishment for her cheating. <Jnd to OV,QIQ
th9 wratt, of'Orunmuo.
werfin roost.
. Of) hisP9,1t hod ,Y,ears J'l.qd o. deformfX:t arm.
y.'hleh ... got b.n;>ke_n vmen_. P_ 'n '.. Oo thi:J,other hOnd. me
robbit exP,\Oined ;tnqt n;qspltolftY by. eotlng up oil the
seven young ones she was nursing in her home. and that she had to run out in
fright when the Ingrate set out to devour her as well. The bOa on his part
explained that he was quietly resting under the thicket of the forest. when an
objoet jottlsonod by the and hilarious 5quirrel, startled him Into eseaplng
tor refuge. He recalled that It was the creator of oil existence who authorised the
squirrel to be announcing his whereabout since he J<llledthe servant of God. and
that It was the squirrel thOt h.eralded the toughter that led to the death of his
ancestors and relations..
On his part. the squirrel explained that what excited him into hilarious laughter
. WQS the experience of three brothers who were trying to fiSh In the pond. The
heavenly knight then called on the three unfortunate brOthers. They all came .out
with their afflictions heated instantaneously to explain that their misfortunes arose
from their refusal to make sacrifice.
The heavenly knight otherwise known as omo-onl ghorogbo Orun, ad-
monished them to fonow the tradition establrshed by their father. He reminded
'1hem that their father to make sacrifice before commencing his annua_l
'tl$hlng expedition at the lake. He advised them to go and make the prescribed
as soon as they got home. The knight absolVed the squirrel but oeMsed
to refrain from l?ughlng at the misfortune of other peop!e,lest hewouid Invite
wrath of the hunter. He blamed the boa for the IngratitUde rye demonstrated
to th& rCJbbit. He advised the rabbit that In future she shoUtd tearri to block the
her house against the risk of 'rpat
tQilWpy1o thrs day. the rabbit blocks the entrance to at points.
From .then on. the boo Should refrain from entering any hole which is why,hedQes
not enter any hole. no matter how Inviting it rnoy be. T11,9 .. ol:?S<?Ived
but told gulr.ea !OWl never again to loy but to
conceot them In a cove or beneath the sand of the gross land; or desert. .
> l'h& panoply 'of hard .. s up the .se,quenc. e; of .sp.eclol
COno Ita or Odiho) t,n'e s.on .of at
perfor"" In order to receive He Sh()L!Id teoves
after set\tlng Esu In a take with a h,-goot. the kl!led but
thrown Into the ldke. t9pt of '!n dtd lroko with
_o of. thr.ee-tledyo ... .. a ... ro .. on. oth.&.FbO ... Jb at .. ,the. fo.ot of
the tree. After having flls-ba:t _.he should peel'tf'lEj of toke home
to prepare a spec lot 'won f6r'hlm tq foF the' c;>f his this
comes out .at dlvlnotloo. person ady1$ed
nof to the
of.any ;coto-
. ' . '' ' ''I I' It - -. - .. ' '
He for Akensheolu : . ) . , .. ) : <. , 1 1 : ..
Ogbe-bara do telegan loku ' :
: :
: ( 1 - ' .. :
Adtfo fun Akensheolu.
J-ie made divination for WhO W05 a vfctOIJs bOnd1t that et
nothing to prevent others. from gotrig
6b0ut legttlmdt& businesses. He
stopped brides from getting to 'tnerr Jj(tfero6ms'" horhes. 'preventedi.men from
going to their farms.women.ft'Om th&morl<et.' and from going
to the river because he terr_orisoo them wlft\ hts bandlfr\t.
A1tet trying everything
they knew to Obote the rhenacEfOf Akehsheofu, of the town Invited
Ogbe-Obard to assist them. At aivinbtttsnlOgt:)e!.000\'0: was himself told that he
would succeed In dislodging the 6dndiflf lie with o cock,
he-goat. cutlass. rat. fish. akar<i"eko'bridi'hcished y<::m"Y. 'f.te mode ft>le sacrifice
and set out to confront Akensheolu .
.,.--- -.
While on his way in search of the bandit. Ogbe-Obara came to a four-road
junction and did not know which of the four roads led to the abOde"'Of
Al<ensheolu. When he could oot find a'nyone to show him the direction. he loy
down pretending to be unconscious. The next set of exclaimed on
seeing him "who Is this unfortunate dead man who has his head pointecUo the
direction of the market and his feet pointing to the direction of Akenshe'olu's '
hideout. With those remarks they passed him by but he had got the informatiOn
he wanted.
When he got to Akensheolu'sfarm. Ogbe-Obara called on him having In hdnd
his only weapon of one bow and three arrows, which he had prepored f.or the
exploit. When he called on Akensheolu. the bandit roared back querying whleh '
man was gold enough not onlY to eome .to his form but olso to core shout .on his
name. asked whether the Intruder did not know that he was the 01
death. Akensheolu then came out in fury to face Ogbe-Obara. holding his own
bow and three arrows. He asked Ogbe-Obarawhat his backbone wasfordOrlng
to venture Into his farm. In an equally defiant reply. Ogbe-Obara totd htrn.fhqt
.h& come to kill him. Akensheolu laughed and then faced Ogbe-baro
telling him that It was only his foot steps to the form that would bear
his dare devlll)' .. beqq;yse he.would walk back. nor _
Ogbe-Obara replied that he was joking because he was going to cut
and return hQrne with It ps o testimony to the success of the mission to
farm. Akensneolu 'fnEm became delirious. . . . . . . J
. f1e It oUt in' full to shoot.dt
usea an \nc.ontatlon, 1mplylng that a nurslng mother bocks
tl')rough the left side of. her body. When Akensheolu simultaneously retea$,$Q the
orrpw, trEl wiQd co,rrle,d it to letr side and It went astray. l[wos
shoot., When he shot his arrow at Akensheotu. ...
retorted wlttl nis ow.n lr)ontotlon. conjur,ing the arrow. to stray skyword
when it goes upwards. Thepondlt
shot a
Intervention of God. on seeing that there wosnO, f()Od oq earth. G'od subse
quenfiY advised the Inhabitants qf eo.rth ond
o form
After clearing the form and setting it po,flfe, they seven animals .
from tne blaze. 'The two groups shored the 'meat by each faking three leaving
one to be divided. An argument ensued ot'liwtfo should tctkeJhe seventn meat;:
The earth being traditionally more vindictive than heaven. on having.
and Indeed took, the seventh meat. The people of heoveb were ;ot;:>vlously
annoyed and went home vowing never to shore anything. In COQ'l(nOn with the
.. k. . '. . ' .
people of the earth thereafter. .
life become. tougher. on; E?Orth than bef<;>re .. settlement .. Tiie earth then
went to beg the people of tor was Ot:fhot stage_ that
proclaimed thE? py Hjm permanent
home of dll existence. People left heaven tc found the earth ond therefore the
earth hod orwoys tieen.:d1\cli Wifl.afv.!C1ys tembitl .. otiotfe for its
Inhabitants who will eventually return home to heaven. That was the point in time
ot which God decreed that since heaven was the hor;ne Ol}d the o:sojoum,
the offspring could never claim seniority over its .parent. .
At that stage. the people of the earth went on their knees to recognise the
superiority of heaven over the earth. Following the reconciliation.. God called on
Arone the keeper of the key to the earth to open the woyfqrgood things to return
from heaven. which was to-remir[ld tl;le ec;u;th th,ot the key to all
' ! ' " ' ' . .. " , ./ - '. - -- '.
good tidings coming to the.eGrth : .
When O,YtiOf the person should.t?e
told to serve Ogun and his
forefathers so that he might ,not rloln 0$ p of the action of
relation, and to ovoid
became' very prosperous.
J . .''; ., : ' 1 . ;; ' : .j ' i : ) : ; . . \ < : ; -
He Mode Divination for:Adegorove.- Jhe Prince of EwiAdo
ljo kijo ilijo Asinwin" t i - ; . : r : 1 '
:.' <c, .
Adifo fun Adcgoroyc Om:o Obd twi . - '
Ebo omub6 torr oye:) ; - -':"' :
Ewurc nr6 r'li<:JC)fi. kpe1ui i '
Ebo eyi tori ansah ni Ia. . : . I . ; -I
Meaning' I The 1uncitic adnces' oH kindS Of dOnee:;
These were the Awo$ whb diVinbtidn 'fbr 'prfnc Adegoroye of Ewi-Ado.
The idiot 1s' happy 0t afl kinds of ,
When th,e EwJior Ado . gon for a successor.
was PO!Jularty rightf uccessorto the
. OeCOUSe he WaS Very pOIJ'Uiar, 'lhtellfgent' ond $omc; ;,mort \;liOOO
\; . ---1
..r .... -
however, argued that there was no low .of primogeniture ifl Ado-Ekltl, which
permitted the son of a demised Obo ro succeed hls father. That -School of
thought argued that the choice of a new Oba shout.d-go to the next house in the
line of succession, as was the tradition in the.lond.
At that point ,his supportersamong.fhe kingmgkers advised him to go to Ogbe"
Obara for divination. on what to do to ascend to the. throne of his !other. At
dlvinatton, OrunmiiO advised him to make sacrifice with a big ram .ana a multi-
coloured gown he hod dt home, so that offer ascending to he would
not. be afflicted. through the machination of his enemies. with an Incurable
disease He,.made thesocrifice and the throne to a ripe old age.
When this Qdu comes out of divination for any person asPiring to a position of
authO{Iy. he .shoul.d be advised fio make-sacrifice with a big ram.and a multi-
coloured apparel- garmel'lt he has in his house. In lfism. Ram is used for making
sacrifice for chieftoil)cy, sheep or ewe for long life, pig for pea<ee and tranquility,
whilst goat remains the staple food of Otunmila.
mode divination for a man bewitched by his wife
Ukege went to Orunmila for divination on what to do to. arrest his declining
fortunes. Nothing he ,touched seemed to manifest correctly, Ond he was
beginning to degenerate into penury. The poem with which Orunmlla made
divination for him was as follows:-
Atoto bi o,toto
.Er\inl Bteninl,' ,.
, Koje ki ojo ci;o oc:sa .
Ojo oro oti do
Ewuru wuru re kotan nile.
Adifa fun okege oti iyo 're oje ..
Ewure ow ewu oloroboro re lebo .
. Meaning The.threot.ening rain,
was preceded by heavy dew.
The rain fell; ond tne dew followed the rain.
But the moisture on the foliage, and
the flood on the ground.
Remained stagnant.
That was the epilogue with which Orunmilo mode divination for Okege whose
wife wos the witch creating problems for him. Okege wos advised to make
sacrifice with o goat ond his multi-colol,jred garment.
Supsequently, os his wife wos fast asleep, one night, she went into d.elirium
tremens and began o feat of open confession. She admitted that she was
responsible for creating oil the problems her husband has been
She disclosed that she was respo"'sible for using her witchcraft to bring prosperity
to the household. ond that she only become annoyed when the husband
began to .befriend another lover. She begged Orunm,ilo to,spare her life
after promising to undo whatever she did to co use deprivation to the husband.
The husband agreed to forgive her ond prosperity retJrned to tt)em afterwards.
When this Odu comes out of divination. the person will be told that his senior
wife is a witch. ond that she was responsible for fomenting most recent
problems. because. he married a new wife or is courting a new one, That is why
it is generally believed that it is easy to marrya witch. provided the is
elther himself o wizard or he is prepared to exercise the self-imposed dJsciPithe
of not flirting with or marrying another wife. If he makes the mistGke qf.morrying
another wife to join o witch in the house, he will be truncating thel pillarsof his
destiny. In any event. he should be advised to make the sacrifices referred to
He made divination for the pregnant woman
A woman was pregnant and was having frightful dreams. which made her to go
for divination on what to do for safe delivery.
Ki aduro ki akanse
Ki abere ki akdlnse
Adifa fun aboyun
Tini beni ekan aye
Asukan orun
Stand and hit your foot on<the stud .
.Bend and stand your foot
Theseare the names of the lfa Priests who made divination for a pregnant
woman, who. unknown to her. had one foot on earth and the Other fooHn
heaven. After divination. she was advised to make sa< riflce with a goat. and the
cloth she was wearing so that the child in her womb might know the father. In
other words. if she did not make the sacrifice. the father would surely die before
the chRd grew to know him. She made the sacrifice and the couple IIVedto
nurture the child to adulthood.
At divination. the person should be asked If he has a pregnant woman. who
should be told 1o make sacrifice. to ovoid the danger of premature death for the
husband soon otter the birth of the child. That is. if the lfo cOmes out as A yeo. If
It is Uree. the woman should nonetheless. make sacrifice for a safe-delivery .
' - l '
l \. ) ~ ; . : ' .... ! .. }
1 : i , I I.) ' . i : ' ., ' ~
' ! ! I:: :_: : ~ ' ) t : :. ; t '
. 1 ,: . : . ~ . ! ~ ' : \
i . ? : J .\ f ~
Chapter 15
Erinku ton ton ton lode,
Ere keni .oje tere olu akoko mo oho.
hese were the awos who made divination for Ogbe-Okonron when he was
leaving heaven for the world. They told him to make sacrifice in order to live
long on earth and to avoid the risk of undoing himself. He bluntly refused to
make any sacrifice. He even vowed to shake and cool the world because it was
reported to be very hot.
On getting to the world. he actually made life difficult for people. The people
In his locality got to find out what to do to pbate his nuisance effect.
They went tojhe witch doctor to tell them what to do to end his life. The witch
doctor told them that the man would live for 30 years. Not satisfied with the
revelation of the witch doctor. they decided to go to the divine priest who again
told them that Ogbe-Okt>nron W<')Uid live tor 20 years.
Since he was the only I fa Priest around .. they deCided to go to him for divination
on how to end his own life. They told him to divine for them on what to do to
overcome their enemy. who was life intolerable for them. He told them
after divination that the man was already fully prepared for death .. He advised
them to make sacrifice with only one hen .. .They quickly did the sacrifice. Not long.
afterwards. Ogbe-Okonron died. only tb re-in<;;arnate in lfe where he was told to
make a feast with a goat to.the ,elders and to give ohe-goot to Esu.
Oni maotee Ita mi. Kutu Owuro Ouni rpdo. gbigbo re. were the Ita Priests who
made divination forOgbe-Okonron whe,n he came to the land of tfe. He wast old
to feast the elders of lfe with a goat. feast and the elders prayed
for him and cleared the . .way for him tp practice, his, I fa art in the kingoom of If e.,
i' . ' '' . . ' 1
He become very famous and prospeJOliS- . , . , ,
If this Odu comes out .of divination for someone who is starting a new venture
' 1 ' j '
or changing residence. he shovl.d ,bQ tolot;q elders with a goat and to.
give a he-goat to Esu.
Ogbe-Okonron leaves for the wofldt . I
E) a lnu Ubu ati Oni ma
o Odo were the 'o'wo;, who mode divination for Ogbe-
Okonron when tiG v:os coming to the world. He was advised not to live in any
abondonEd promises CAti kporo le Of/9 Owo nevbo nasikpaa in Bini).
He was also advisod not to engage lr) playing A game of marble with anyone
while in the world in order to enjoyhis'fortvr\e toJhe end of his life. He was told
to serve h!s head with four snoils;,o pige,pr) and a,goot in order to hove h0'"10L.;r
ora frorn the people of the world.- He made the sacrifice
No sooner had he entered the world. than he was asked to go and live in
abandoned dwelling. Having lost all memory of what transpired in he'1ven, he
went to live in the abandoned building. The house was in such a poor state of
disrepair that its roof was always leaking whenever it rained. He was a renowned
lfa Priest and aH comers and goers consulted him for divination in the dilapidated
building. He then consulted his lfa who advised him to offer a he-goat to Esu and
a pigeon. goat and snail to hiS head. He did as he was told. .
After performing thE} Esu challenged the people of the town
whether they were hot ashofnedfo consult the old man in such a ram shackled
dwelling. The people of the town immediately got together and built a befitting
nou3s for him by communal enort.
Thgincantation which EsU lo coAjUfG the !'eO!'Ia of the town to build a
house for him was "tigi tokpe, loun $t}oonu fun lghere . Both trees and palmtrees
give respect and honour to the ginger plant. Thereafter he lived a prosperous
and happy fife.
Ogbe-Okonron made divination for Elephant and Orunmila
lroke amenu jigini
Adifa fun Orunmlla
Abufun Erin
Nijotiwon she Awo.
Losi ile owdn
Ani kiwon ru ebo
Tori iku enikan ninu won
Tori erunre ki abak'po
Kia 'tun sora ojukokoro.
Uranke "":! b''sl:Jrrogate of Orunmila made divination tor the elephant and
Orunmila in when they went to the land of Owon for practice. They:
were bOth advised to mdke sacrifice to obvtafe the risk of death to one of them
who might have been kilied by greediness and the words of his mouth .
. Orunmila ttredi.Insuccesstully to persuade the elephant to make the sacrifice
but he fefuse(j. Orunrriila then proceeCied to make the sacrifice alone which
was done with a to Esu.'and a dog to Ogun.
When they:goltbOwan: Orunmila's lfaartand practice impressed their hosts
and they had a 16rg:e clientele. The elephant was the treasurer of all the gifts and
compeflsation the'/had which he kept in the bag inside his stomach. At the e!)d
of 17 doy's; rt'was time for them to return home. As they goHo the junction of the
roads lebdfng t6 tHeirsepordte hOmes. Oruninila requested the elephant to
'the1'r rewards to be shared. Ttie elephant bluntly refused to surrender
them. He told Orur")mila that whatever entered his bag never came out except
througli peat h. And th6t 'not even: ?gun . .the owner of .the forest was capable
of doing CH"l\tthing to nim. Oruhmiltl Wished him good luck and took leave of the
Meanwhile. unknown to either of, tnem. Ogun over-heCJrd their dialogue
especially the boasting of the e!ePhant .. Ogun took aim with his principal hunting
instrument and shot the 'ell:mhant as he was returning home. He struggled
through a distance and di/ci. . ' ' .
As soon as the on Orunmila and told him to take his
reward from the elephant. Since ttl!e latter boasted that he could only surrender
them at death. Oru)lm-ilo thof!ked' bgun and gave him odequote compensa-
tion for coming to :hfs :o,ruhmllo }hen ret'-'rned. home to obtain
assisrance for butchering the elephant:
When this Odu appears ot Ugbodu, the initiate should be advised that if he
wonts to live long, he should refrain from being mouthy and greedy. Greediness
would earn him deadly enmity and loquaciousness would fetch him instant
do.otl-\.. A+ ordll'\ory C:Uvlnotion, tho be o:;kod whother he Is
preparing to embark on a joint venture away from home. If $0; he should be
acMsed touvold being greedy and mouthy to escape the risk of loosing all his
gotns from the enterprise Including his life.
He made divination .for the well In heaven
We shall later see under Ogbe-Oso how the well lost his head to Ogongo hiohio
- OIOrl eye Jgbo and became a headless creature. He used to live In the house
like anyone else. After loosing his head to the mysterious head-chopping
creature, he decided to live outside the house. He then went for divination to
Orunmilo on what to do In order to hove food to eat In spite of his physical
lrciWe wele wale
Odifo fun Ofln _
Nijo t'nlo bo otugbodo
Ebo ifo jije ni ohun
_ n ate she ylo dora
The, small leaves divined for the well when he was going to live in the bush. He
was told to make sacrifice yv-lth_ pigeon and a hen in order to be receiving free
gifts and favours. He mode the sacrifice. Thereafter, leaves from top of trees,
animals and other things began falling into the well anc;t once Inside the bowels
of the well, they never surfaced again. That was how the well started receiving
free gifts in spite of his defqrmtty. _ . _
When this Odu appears at divination the person should be toicftt:lat h,e Is-likely
to suffer a deformity 16tertn tife. but that the handicap wllfb&come a
bfesslng In disguise.- because, lh"tfit'niotkthe begfning o{his prosperity;
. : : -. -,;' -_ : - ;-' - :. ' -' .
He made divination :for Meerlye. , -
lkpe lkpe-leno ejo,: ' ;
;. '' i + ; r
Ogbe-konron mole; -.- I :. '! ! '; '<'-
Uno ewObobd Jorri koJoot i - - - - ' t ' : : - : 1 -
- Blobo nil jonl kOdobo yeri blbu.' -- ' ' '- . .- - .- ' -,
- These weretfle ()Wos wno rhode dfVIn<lflon for Meer!Ye to
make ci new form of'the Of
the year; ' ' : -
' ' : ' _; -.
They told hlrtrthat he jhdufd make ht$ newforrnf.cir away frpm his ntitlve lanci
and that as soon os he got to 'the stioU!cfrrial<& another diViflotion on
what to do to reo Use 0 good ho.VeSt1rom(the He WaS gWe'tt he-goat
td Esu. .. t ; i ' : ! - ( , ; .J ; , l : .
. He then leff hoMe Qhd 'travelled untH he; come rd the' town of Okpoti. On
getting there. hewent'to the appliecHorperriii$siorHo
stby-cir\d make
a form in the town. He persmls51on to sfoy antj he was dli'ected to
make his form on a bnbrest coiled The forest was
traditionally inhabft&cf.rb\t'dangarQUS mai'):.edfing reptiles. 0n
getting to the foreSt, h& brushed ti srnoll poltloH of If arid brought out his lkin to
make divination on the bore )Ita o9Vised hfrln td ouy a torfolse and to
make plenty of l'Y\OShed yam (0"obotor dnCJ tb ptcby'lt with the lyerosun of
this ODU on the forest before the socrlfice and began
his form. At the tin)& of ho!Vest, Of maiZe, Yar6: piohtqin, melon and
sa on. yielded ek:lb6rdtely "to flie arllb2ement 'df tt1e;people of the town.
: :: i t :. I r .i; . t: - { ; - i : ;
1. i:!
: I 111 . '
At the end of the year. he oomed several tubers of yams and grains. He sent
a large number of harvested crops and a whole antelope as homage to the king
of the town. His success also as a trap setter made the people to ask him to
vacate that stretch of forest. The following year. he was directed to a swompy
valley where the was told to make his farm. Unknown to him. that stretch offorest
had the handicap of being completely flooded ourtng the roiny season. All the
inhabitants of the town were used to moklng their farms on dry IQncf,
Before setting out to brush his farm. he decided to make another divination
and the If a that appeored was Ogbe-Okonron. He was advised to give another
he-ijoat t9 gig, he PTOC88d8d to Orust'l t\IS
t<;m11. HE? gng os the foliage become dry. he set the form
on fire. After clearing the shrubs. he dug yam ridges and planted other traditional
farm crops such as maize. melon. pepper. cocoyam. plantain and vegetobles
and so on. After the planting season. it was time for the rains to start.
After enjoying his sacrifice however. Esu made sure that he regulated the rain
tap on the sky. to release only little drops of rain. All the Indigenes of the town who
made their farms on dry ground did not have enough rain to make their craps to
flourish. Thereafter. Esu locked-up the rain tap and there was no rain for the rest
of the s.eason. With the benefit of the earlier rain-faN .. coupled with the advan-
tage of planting on the swamps.oll of Meertye's crops flourished Immensely. On
on dry grounq. which wouldotherwlse have flourished wlffiligular raln-foU, got
bumt before the harve$ting season. .
The general poverty of the harvest in the. town during that year caused a
severe famine and everyone else had to buy foodstuffs from. Meertye anc:tthe
surroundlngtowrs and villages throughout the:followlng year.
At the beginning of the next pt9,nt.ing season, the indlQei'Sous farmers thqught
it was more advantage6us to make their farms on the swamps and deJto of the
river. When Meeriye subsequently asked fortnespotwttere he was to fartn, the
elders of the town directed him to the hilltops and dry lood oncttold him to form
as expansively as he could. With the money he realised from the previous year's
harvest. he was able to cultivate and plant severcit acres.of dry land. Before
embarking on the farm however. he once more. mode .dMnatjon and he was
tQid to Wltt:'l He did sacrifice before proceeding
to brusti. fell the trees and fire ,He, qt.lepdto plant the usual seeds
and crops. As crops begqn to it once agoln for Esu to
lnteryene :OA thpse SC!91ffice.: He the rain top
qt the skY.: tGt . a, spate . of: 1 roln-foU on the earth.
Thereafter Esu embarked on a rhythm of releasing heavy rains every ftve days to
soften up the grov.nd o"t)iiH,OPs and_ on dry land. On the otNer
hand au: 011 bo$& of valleys were
completely : . .
At the end J')Qd; rbl,lfl;lper horve.st.whlfst au the .other
farmers could- :repliSe i9nyt
furtherdlseto8ed that as soon as hlsKingshlpwos acknowledged and confirmed,
the elders would automatically assemble all the marriageable spinsters for hlr'r\
to choose one of them os his Queen. The woman added that h&Wdstradltlonolly\
Obliged to take the girt to wife lest his reign would not last. He thanked her and
agreed to comply with her adviCe If her predictions manifested.
As soon s they got to the town, he sighted the three life trees. moved to the one/
In the middle and embraced it. Almost instantaneously. the citiZens of the town
saw him and burst Into songs of praise. thanking God and their ancestors for
bringing them their next King .. The whole town then gathered, put him on a horse
and led him In poss&ssion to the town hall, where he was dressed up and
crowned as the new Oba of ttu A}oji. All the young girls in the 'town were
assembled and he wos told to choose one of them for a wife. He lOOked at all
of them and chose the very woman who led him from gross to grace. She was
called AMUKAN her legs kayed. Everybody was astonished but they
haled It oil the some. .
By trQdltlon, on the pOim wine tappers of the town were obliged to bring one
ofwtne to him every morning. Emf. the friend who noned him to the lroko
tree In the forest ondwho hod been longutsNng In penury, hod meanwhile
te$0rted to palmwlne topping. Pre'-'lousty, the two friends had lived In the town
=-- \"
of lleto. News soon come to the King that there was a special palm-wine topper
at lleto whose wine was o delicatessen for Its sweetness. Not knowing that It was
his friend, the King sent for him. Sheml the King, Instantly recognised his friend as
soon as Emi was arraigned before him. butt he Iotter could not recognise the King
as the friend he hod consigned to mortification In the heart of the forest.
As soon as Emi was brought to the palace. the King asked his royal heralds to
request the town's elders to assemble in the palace. When the crowd was
assembled. the King proclaimed that anyone who hod committed any mortal
evllln the post should make on open confession. foiling which. whoever was
Indicted for such on offence would be executed summarily by crucifixion, that
Is by nailing him too tree. Almost immediately afterwords. Eml went on his kneels
and begged the King not to execute him because he was on evil man. He
confessed that his latest evil deed was to his life long friend who he killed by
nailing him to o tree and abandoning him to die and be eaten up by vultures In
the forest. The King immediately took pity on him and told him to stand up on hls
feet. The King then asked him whether he would recognise that friend If he sow
him. He replied that recognition of the friend was out of the question because
fhe man hod long been dead.
The King then ordered the people to remove the lleto-bosed palm wine
topper's dirty clothes and to dress him up properly. As soon as he was dressed
up In presentable at ires. King Identified himself to him as his friend Sheml and
that true to his nome. his destiny hod manifested because all that was done to
undo him neither deterred nor pained him. The King advised him to refrain from
that day, from doing any evil. He was subsequently opp6inted the next man to
the Klng.
When this Odu comes out at divination therefore. the person should be told
that file has o long standing friend who will do him o bod tum that will become
o blessing in disguise. He should be told to make sacrifice withto boo. spitting
cobra. and the relevant leaves which would be prepared by the lfo Priest otter
adding the lyerosun of this Odu and marked 201 on his head. He wll! be o great
He d_ivination for the Hunter and the Deer
Ase elu omujo ode ilu,
. Omujo yeye oshoro fun eni mejl
: :, Jere :egojo
Adifo fun Ode. Abufun Agbonrln.
Ebo tori lku omo.
, Ki orou lsu morun osuon.lgbin.
Ejo - oro bo Oriso.
Kl otoro omo rere ni owo Orisa.
These Awos mode divination for the Hunter and the Deer. The hunter hod o
farm where the deer used to feed. Apprehensive that the owner of the form
might react negatively to her intrusion. the deer went to Orunmilo for divination
on what to do to ovoid the wroth of the owner of the form. She was told to make
sacrifice with 80 cowries which she produced instantly. Orunmilo then advised
her to toke 40 out of the 80 cowries to give to the old woman whose house was
positioned on the way to the form. He also asked her to put o tree branch at the
entrance to the form before entering to go and feed. With that. she left.
Soon afterwords. the hunter also came to Orunmlla for divination on what to
do to apprehend the deerthot used to ravage his form. He too was told to make
sacrifice with 80 cowries which he also produced instantly. Orunmlla again gave
him 40 out of the 80 cowries to give to the woman who lived at the lost house on
the way to his form. With that, the hunter also left.
Next moming, the deer left with her young.one for the form. When she got to
the lost house before the form, she knocked at the door and an old woman
our rrom rne neuse. The deer asked her whether the hunter hod passed
to his form. In annoyance, the woman asked whether the deer employed her
to be her day-guard. The deer gave her the 40 cowries which immediately
changed her attitude. She then disclosed that the hunter hod not passed to the
form. After the dialogue, the deer quickly left for the form, where she began
feeding at once with her young one after positioning the tree-branch at the
form's entrance.
Not long afterwords the hunter also come to the house occupied by the old
woman. She he asked the woman whether the deer has passed by and she
again queried whether she was his informant. He also gave her 40 cowries and
she replied more positively that the deer hod just passed.
On getting to the entrance to the form, the hunter sow a fallen tree branch.
As he removed it from the way, the noise alerted the deer, who Immediately sow
the hunter taking aim and she escaped into the forest. The baby deer began to
wonder what mode the mother to run away. As It wondered whether to
continue eating or to run away, the hunter took aim and shot it, dead.
When the mother-deer got home, she rushed in fury to query Orunmilo why she
lost her child in spite of the sacrifice she mode. Orunmilo replied that s("le only
mode the sacrifice for herself and not for her child. Perplexed. the deer returned
hunter also come to query Orunmllo why, In spite of his sacrifice, he
could only shoot the baby deer instead of the more aggressive mother .. Once
again. Orunmilq replied that he neither mentioned any specific deer nor two
deers when he mode the sacrifice. With that, the hunter left Orunmilo for home.
.. At divination, the person should be told to make sacrifice so that the death
'which misses him or her, might not get hold of the son or daughter, that .Is, if It
comes out as Ayewo. If It Is Ure-:-for some one seeking to achieve a de.sired
objective, he will be told to be specific In praying and making sacrifice for the
objective to ovoid manifestation In half measure. ' .
Chapter 20
Uroke mi lowo U'gonri,
Oroke lokpoke
A won mejl m'ejl,
Lo'ndifo fun Arlku
Nijo toun bowo nl kole aye.
ronke (divination Wand) and Oroke (fly whisk or horse toil) were the two
seNonts of OrunmUo who made divinations for longevity (long life) when he
was leaving heaven for earth. He was told to make sacrifice with a gourd
of wine (Uko-oyon in Bini and Akpa Otin in Yoruba), cock. cutlass. rat, and fish and
a bag of money (50k) in order to prosper in the world, because he was destined
to have a bumpy ride on earth. He made the sacrifice. A port of the wine was
prepared into a small gourd with medicine for him to d r i n ~ before setting out for
the world. He was born into the home of Ogbe-Etura, who before then. had no
living child even though his wife had given birth to several children, but who oftsh
died of birth.
Longevity (Ariku in Yoruba and Onaiwu in Bini) had gone "before the divine
palace of God in heaven. to appeal for clearance to be born into the home of
Ogbe-Etura. out of sympathy for his childlessness.
Meanwhile, Ogbe-Etura's wife was once .again pregnant on earth, c..:md he
went to Orunmila for divination on what to do in order to retain the incoming
child. He was told to make sacrifice with 2 snails, cock. pigeon, fish. rot. chain and
white cloth. He did the sacrifice. The liquid from the snails. the blood of the
pigeon. and the crown of the cock. were used to prepare the necessary
medicine. Part of the medicine was used to prepare a talisman and a magic
belt (Akpolode). He was told by Orunmila that the incoming child was going to
be a boy whose name should be Ariku. Hewastotiethe magic belt to the child's
waist seven days after his birth and to wear the talisman round his neck until he
grew up. He did the sacrifice half-heartedly, since he was already reconciled to
the experience and prospect of losing his children after birth.
Eight and a h o ~ months Joter, the wife gave birth to a mole child. On the
seventh day, a naming ceremony was done at which the child was named
Ariku. At the same time the magic belt was worn round his waist and the talisman
round his neck. At the subsequent naming ceremony divination. he was told that
his wife would become pregnant again after her first post-natal menstruation
and that it would be a female child who should be named Omotade (Omosede
in Bini). He was told to make yet another sacrifice in anticipation of the second
child with a cock. pigeon. Scimitar and Miter(Ada and Eben in Bini). white cloth.
and cowries to prepare medicine to await her arrival. He prOduced all the
materials and the medicine was prepared and tied to the small Ada and Eben
as a Talisman.
Three months later his wife became pregnant and In the fulness of time, she
gave birth to a female child who was named Omotode. .
In accordance with the Injunction of the lfa Priest, the special medicinal
proporo+lol"' Ol"' +no Ado on<::l ~ b o n woa kopt under the pillow of the child's cradle, 1
while the talisman was worn round her neck. At the naming ceremony divino-
tion, Ogbe-Etura was told that heaven hod cleared the way with a special Ono-
lfa or Ode-lha for the children and that he would live to a ripe age.
As soon as he began to have children Ogpe-Etura achieved contentment
and peace of mind. However, contentment soon generated complacence
and he began to neglect his obligations to his family. He became an ubiquitous
musician dancing about from place to place with divine priests. His happy-go-
lucky adventuring distanced him physically from his wife who had no opportunity
of becoming pregnant again. The son Arlku grew up without adequate fatherly
guidance and supeNislon. He too began to misbehave and to fish In troubled
waters, as he had been fore-warned before he left heaven. He became
pugnacious, fighting both old and young, oil over the place.
Finding that his life was becoming listless and colourless, Ogbe-Etura went
again for divination, where he was reminded that his carelessness was going to
endanger his life and those of his children. He was told that the only solution was
for him to return home, and settle down with his family, after making sacrifice. He
was to give a he-goat to Esu as soon as he returned home, seNe his lfawlth a goat
and thereafter, refrain from travelling about. He accepted the advice ar1d since
he had no house of his own, he settled down In a ram-shackled building but
nonetheless stayed home. In fact It was Arlku who was advised by the lfo Priest
not to abandon his father's lfa and to Invite his father to return home to settle
down. so that he (Ariku) might prosper a ~ he was told In heaven.
This is lhe principal sacrifice (Ono-lfa or Odlha) of this Odu which has to be
properly prepared, lest the life of the subject will not settle. The Awo told Ariku:
Arlku ma do If a no
JeJe nl uwarebo.
Lo ono jenje.
Arlku ma do fano.
Uware bO leyln jenje.
Ariku, don't abandon lfa
'cause prosperity Is on Its way to you.
Arlku don't Ignore lfa.
Prosperity wlll.come slowly but sureJ.v.
After returning home to settle down, Ogbe-Etura began to mould and monitor
the upbringing of his children much more closely. He rehabilitated his Ita and
revived the protective medicines prepared for his children. Soon ofte.rwards, he
began to have more children.' He had two other ctJHdren called Ewemllere
CEbemwen ere In BinD and lfa Klyereml (lha Kheyekeme'n In Bini) and many others.
It was not long before he was able to build his own house and prosperity began
to gather around him. When the other divine priests with whom he went dancing,
discovered that Ogbe-Etura had sneaked away from their dancing and galli-
vanting spree, some of them began to contrive how to .undo him. One night he
dreamt and saw the sign of approaching danger and decided to sound his If a.
He Invited his two Awos, who made divination for him at which his own lfa
appeared. He was advised to make sacrifice because some enemies were
planning to wage war against him in his house. He was to make the sacrifice with
a he-:-goat to Esu, b u t t ~ fry all the meat for Esu to eat alone. He was also to offer
a goat to hiS lfa and to buy plenty of horse tails or fly whists (Oroke). He did the
sacrifices. Soon otter the sacrifice. all the Divine Priests accompanied by Esu
headed for his house on a visit with the determination to end the Hfe of Ogbe-
Etura. By the time they arrived. the food for the sacrifice had just been prepared.
As soon as they met him. they admonished him for daring to abandon them.
They told him that they had come to execute him summarily because the cult of
divinities had already tried and found him guilty of desertion. the penalty of
which was death. First. they ordered him to begin to dance by jumping up. He
agreed that he was prepared to carry out their instructions. but beseeched them
to first grant him audience. Esu then Intervened. having earUer been solicited for
support through Ogbe-Etura's sacrifice. by reminding the divine priests that
heaven does not condemn anyone without being given the opportunity of
explanation and defence. With that Intervention. the divine priests agreed to sit
down and listen to him.
At that point. the feast was ready and they all settled down to eat and drink
to their hearts' content. After the feast. Ogbe-Eturo sought permission to sing a
song to which he was going to dance. The permisslon was granted. He began
by singing In praise of the Awos who made divination for him. referring to the
advice they gave him. that translated him from penury to prosperity:
Uroke mllawo Hgonri.
Oroke mi lawo le turu ye.
A won mejeji lo'n data fun mi.
Mo gbo. moru. tutu Esu.
Morola morayoo. '
Monaya monomo.
With that he invited his children one offer the other to join hfm In dancing to a
refrain each with o fly whiSk In hand: ..
Ariku omo mi yajo hon ml oo.
Aa mi lolo siwe.
Omoml yeye-o-amilolo siwee.
Omotade omo ml yajo hon mi oo.
Amilolo siwee.
Omo mi yeye o. aamllolo siwee
Ewe milere omo mi yajo hon mt-oo.
Amllolo siwee
Omo mi yeye-o-amllolo siwee.
lfasemoyin omo mi.
Yo jo honmi o. amilolo slwee.
Omo mi yeye o. omilolo siwee
lfagbamlla omo mi.
Yo jo honml o. amilolo siwee
Ae' miyeye o. amiloto siwee
tfo kiyeremi omo mi yo jo honmi oo.
AmUolo siwee.
Omo mi yeye o. amlloto siwee. ,
He did so with all his many children and the singing and cio1ctng become very
exciting. The divine priests told him to be shouting. eeeyoo as he used to do with
them previously. He refused to do so on the ground that since his children were
already dancing. he was the one dancing. He added that he had passed the
stage of dancing to eeyoo. His visitors were astonish9d otthe number otehHdren
he hoo. since he lett them. and instinctively. they all become hysterical and a
wail of weeping and gnashing of teeth ensued. They aU began tO' lament that
In retrospect, if they had stayed and.settled In their respective homes ;they rritght
have been as prosperous as Ogbe-Eturatumed out to be. He however pacified
them by advising them to change. their way of life to stop dancing abO\,If
ono down llkoho did,ln ii'\Qir rQspective homes. They all became
so downcast and sober that they began to depart sluggishly for their respective
homes, leaving Ogbe-Etura In peace and tranquility.
When this Odu comes out therefore at Ugbodu. the person should be advised
to make sacrifice In order to avert the danger of losing his chUdren at birth. If It Is
already happening to him, he should be advised to make the same special
socrifice or Ono-lfa which his Patron Odu made to stop the incidence of child-
death. He should however be advised never to lead a life of gallivanting about
because his fortune and prosperity would come from settling down at home with
his family. If it out at ordinary divination for a happy .. go-lucky adventurer
he should be advised to have his own lfa if he does not already have one, one.
to settle down at home.
Prosperity begets enmity
After surviving the conspiracy of the divine priests, he thought that his problems
were over. Little did he expect that another combat awaited him from his
relatives who were not happy to see him tower above, them' In fame and
achievement. He lost contact with his diviners, forgetting that the path of
prosperity is lined endlessly with hooks and thorns, from the beginnl(lg, to the end.
His diviners. who, unkoown to him, came from heavenrdecid$d to .return to
r heoven after losing contact with him for a long time. ' !'' '? ''
Not long afterwards, he was suddenly taken ill and died prematurely before
the fulness of his time, leaving his eldest son Ariku to takacharge attus family. That
Is why it4is said that if the son of Ogbe-Etura does notstrtve to-overcome the risk
of complacency and euphoria, he Is not likely to live to a ripe old age.
His son Ariku had been advised not to engage In mutual work or thrift
contribution with anyone. The divine priests at one of their agreed to
be assisting one another through mutual aid effort (Abo in'Voruba or Use In BinO
in their socio-economic pursuits. They agreed to start. by. assisting Ogun's son in
brushing his new farm during the bush clearing season. ln;the: course of the
exercise, they killed 201 rats and since it was agreed that wnatever ,was realised
during the mutual work would be sent to the host, all the rats were surrendered
to Ogun's son.
. After another nine days, It was the turn of the Olokun. son of the water divinity,
to enjoy the benefit of the mutual assistance of the ethers. After clearing up his
form. the group caught 201 fishes whicr. by usage, were ols<!>si.Jrrendered.to the
host. When it come to the turn of Ariku the son ofOrunmJio,thete .was no farm
to be cleared. He told the helping party to cteor:the .weeds round his fat mer's
house and to effect all necessary repairs to it. ! '. )
While the children of the other divinities were working round. his fother:s r.otJse,
he retired to his own house to prepare food for .them to eat. Before he returned
to meetthem. they had cleared up the pit at t:t?e back :Of s house where
Incidentally unknown to anyone. his father buried all his treasures, viz:, Beads,
Gold, Bronze, Bross ornaments. Elephant tusks, Money etc. As soon as they
excavated the treasure, instead of returning them to the host, they div!ded It
among themselves. They did so because they reasoned that to surrender the
finds to Ariku would make him head and shoulder richer than all, of them. After
shoring the treasures, they dispersed. By the time he later returned with food for
them to eat, they hod all gone ..
He might never have known what transpired. but for Esu who disclosed to him
how the children of other divinities found and stole all the treasures which his
father buried beneath the earth. After the Intimation from Esu. he returned home
and Invited the following Awos for divination:
Akara le ekpo,
Egboun ekpo wl.
Agbadlbo wl.
Beans bun entered red oil.
But remained white inside:
The Porridge black pot.
But retained Its white colour.
After divination. they told. him to make sacrifice In order to get back his
He was told to offer a he-goat to Esu and to make sacrifice with a cock.
pigeon. cudgel. sand stone. river sand. outside sand. parcel of ashes. 31 cowries.
bbsket filter. black and white tread as well as the skulls of bush goat and deer.
He collected all the materials and the sacrifices and medicinal preparations
were made.after adding the relevant leaves. After preparing the sacrifice. the
lfGJ Priests put It ort th& bOskej filter and carried It to the shrine of Esu with the he-
goat. .
With .the special incantation for invoking Esu to go into battle. Ariku and the ffa
Esu with the he-goat. While the sacrifice was still being made. Esu
went to Ogun s house to warn him that Ariku was repeating incantation tokttl hti'n
on. the E'su shrlne unless he quickly returned his share of the.stolen treasures. He
reminded Ogunthot the penalty for theft was death. With his esoteric telepatfw.
he overheord'wndt thl91fa Priests were saying at the shrine of Esu in Ariku's house.
Ogun became scared. He quickly collected his share of ttre treasures adding
some more and raced to Orunmila's house to surrender them. He then begged
. .
'Next. Esu went tb Olokun and to each of 1he other remaining divinities who
be'neflteo from tt:'le: treasures looted from Orunmilo' s.premises. They all met Ariku
stilt :repeot1ng1He-tncontation at Esu shrine. It is forbidden to write that special
in<tantation lnany:guise. However. that was how Ariku retrieved all his father's
stolen treasures, .:nhat why it is forbidden for the son of Ogbe-Etura to engage
In mutuaraid work or thrift contribution <Esusu) with any one else.
i : At ordinary divinotion .the person will be told that unknown to him. he has been
robbed of someof his mostJreasured assets. He should obtain the assistance of
d proficient, Ito Priest to make sacrifice witt1 the special incantation to Esu. and
that the thieves would return what they had stolen from him. He should refrain
fror!ri mutlilal aid work or thrift contribution for a minimum duration three months.
But if Ogbe-Etura is his patron Odu. he should refrain from mutual aid work and
"tl':lrift1contribution for the rest of his life.
divination for sleep
When was by God. he also went his own way like all other
creatures having little or no .influence on other creatures. In other words. he was
not recogn:ised by anyone Each time he tried to visit any other creature. he was
houndecLowoy, as cin unwelcorr\ed guest because he was found to be the
bosom frit:n:d otthe'diymity of Deoth. Apart from the divinity of death. he had
no,other!COrAp:mion. He decided to go ror aiVInation on what to do in order to
gain . :e The diviners who made divination for him were called Rest
(lsimlln Yoruba and lketln in Bini). ond Thought (lro in both Yoruba and Bini) and
Dream (Ala ln-Yoruba and Imina In BinD. "
Akpato. akpafa okpaara (Dream. Rest and Thought)
OKpaara re lajugoa.
Adlfa fun otalegbeje enlyan.
Tibo orun orun shoshe ota
Orun nl oreyin gbo gbo won.
Orun kumi oo orun kasha.
Rl kun mi oo orun.
They advised Sleep to make sacrifice with a he-goat to Esu.ln order to see the
end of the The Awos prepared the lyerosun of this Odu for Sleep forhlm
to blow into the E yes of living organisms resting. dreaming. or thinking. As sooh
as he approached the domain of any creature he would blow the powder Into
his eyes and the victim would surrendertoSieep. Thatwas how Sleep conquered
his universal enemies of tlvlng creatures.
When this Odu comes out at divination. the person will be told that he has
severo! enemies lurking around him. and thOt If he makes sacrffice to esu. he will
overcome the enemies.
Ogbe-Etura made divination for the farmer and: the hunter
At the beginning of the year. both the farmer ond the hunter approached
Orunmlla for divination on what to do to ensure success In their buslne'$Sesdurtng
year. Each of them was told to offer a f9""'er
did the sacrifice but the hunter refused beCause he coulc;j not Imagine why M
had to make any sacrifice before going nuntlng especially as he was not 1cnown
to miss any shot. He taunted the farmer that Orunmila for
meat to eat. .. , .
. Subsequently. all the crops the farmer cultivated turned out well and
?eaped a very rich harvest. " ; .. ... j. . ,
On his part. during his first post-divination expedit!Pn, he:'!VGJS ln,t!le
forest for six days without being oble to shoot a single game. All hls shpti
their marks. On the seventh day. he decided to return h0rl)E} Or:-;
his way home. he came across a kola nut tree with fruits ripe f<?T harve,,lng., . H:
plucked as many of the kola nuts as his bag could carry. By the tirne,heJ;JOtt9.me-
farmer's farm. the hunter was already very He cql!ed the t:?Y.his
nickname. OGBE-OLUSHI AYETIG_I who replied by .<rolling the Hunter. by his,
nickname- ODE OMINAJO AKPAKOM DAGBO. The Hunter replied that he lost his
way in the forest. Asked what he had in his bag. he
and not meat. , . . , ..
At that point. the farmer brought out roasted yam.prepored.for
palm-oll and fresh vegetables. The Hunter sat down to eat. otter which he _dr;qrpk
palm-wine. When the Hunter was ready togo hqme. he one unspUt
to the farmer in return for his hospitality. The mother of the Oba of the. town
been missing for three years and there had been q rool proqlomption tt:lpt
whoever was able to return the Queen-mother would be
pensated. . . . . . . : .
After the departure of the hunter. the former br01.,.1ght out .o cutlass to spUt the
kolanut. As he applied the cutlass on the skin of the kolanut, a:voice
within asking him to split gently. Astonished at the'tum of
assembled members of his farm-hold to listen to the voice frQrn the
continued to caution the farmer to split gently. He was therefore'
in splitting the koianut. By the time he finished the careful operation of
the kolonut. the queen-mother emerged. in her royal majesty. The
Former and all the members of his form-hold prostrated to pay reverence to the
Queen mother. The former's Wives quickly bathed the Queen mother before
taking her .
When the former got home. he mode for the Obo's palace to enquire otter
the reword that awaited whoever succeeded In locating the whereabouts of
the missing Qlleen :11:1e Obo promised to divide his kingdom into two
halves and to surrender on& Port to the successful discoverer. With that. he
subsequently produced the mother and he got his reword.
There was general rejoicing lfl the town. At the end of the day. the former was
given the tme of the Shoshere of Prime Minister of the town.
At Ugbodu. the person sh6\;11d be advised never to refuse to make any
socrttlce prescribed at divination and that he should reflect deeply before giving
gifts to ony.one. -The Esu of the lfo should be prepared within two days of going
to Ugbodu. Olokun should also be prepared for the Ito as well as providing o
thUnderstone:tor If, At divination. the person should wash his head on the shrine
of with o he-gooHn order to obviate the danger of diverting his fortune to
others. He should serJe his mother to ovoid the risk of unconsummated fortune
CAmubo in YorubQ Qnd Osobo no mo sunu in Bini).
:_-1,' ,- :.- \1\f '
OgbeAiarc made divination for Jegbe the eldest son of
Oduduwo:.,, .. :. _
Before . Jegpe Who was 0 member of God's own
went before ttle divine oft or of God to wish his destiny for his sojoum on earth. He
Wtshed_for [iot only to be bom as the eldest son of o King. bpt also. to
went into conference with Orisa-Nia to deliberate on how to cneckmOfe tHe
emb<arrassmer)t caused by Ogun. They all resolved that if the head
disgraced. it would affect the rest of the body. Since Oris::J-Nia was their leader,
any accusation levelled and successfully proven against him. would affect the
corporate and individual imagery of all of them.
Ortsa-Nia however confirmed that after searching in vain for kolanuts for
libation at the next council meeting. he plucked the kolanut fruit from Ogun's
kola tree and that it was one of the gadgets protecting the tree that Injured his
bandaged hand. After the admission he went for divination to Orunmila, who
advised him to give one he-goat to Esu immediately and he did1t.
After Esu had eaten his he-goat. he caused each and every divinity to Injure
the same part of their hands similar to Orisa-Nia's injury. Those cutting trees,sticks,
food. clothes. grass etc. in the world. all began to injure their hands and to
bandage them up as Orisa-Nia did his own. Esu also caused a heavy rain storm
to wipe off all traces of the blood trail.
At the next council meeting. all the 200 divinities met again. Ogun was invited
to confirm the accusation he had earlier preferred against Orsa-Nia. and he did
so with brazen effrontery. He then formally accused Orisa-Nia of stealing. Since
the penalty for proven theft was to return to heaven. Ogun was told to
substantiate his allegation. .Ogun explained that Orisa-Nia injured his hand
during the robbery operation which was why he bandaged his hand. All the
divinities looked at Orisa-Nia's bandaged hand and looked back at their own,
only to discover that Ogun s flimsy allegation was based on a hand injury which
had recently afflicted everybody. As if to belie Ogun's allegation. all raised
their hands adding that if the only proof he had was the Injury to Orisa-Nia' s hand,
then far from being Orisa-Nia alone. they were all equally guilty of stealing.
Knowing that he could no longer use the second circumstantial evidence of
blood trail to substantiate his allegation 1::5ecause Esu had recently procured a
heavy-downpour of rain to wipe off all traces of Orisa-Nia's blood on the troll.
Opun opened his eyes and ,mouth aghast not knowing what next to say.
After due consideration. the divine council decided that Ogun-should be
executed for slandering the good name of their leader. As he was being
apprehended for execution. Orisa-Nia inteNened and appealed that Ogun's
life should be spared. His wish was granted. Orisa-Nia however ordered Ogun
to move closer to t)im. He inserted his hands on the two shoulder blades ofOgun
and removed two long objects from them. The.practical effect of that operation
was to destabilize the physical strength of Ogunand to render him less harmful.
Orisa-Nia decreed that from then on. Ogun should forever becOme
the slave to serve all the other divinities.
That is why to this day. Ogun serves all and sundry. mortals and deities alike. be
it in the form of a matchet. hoe. shovel. plough. bull-dozer. bicycles. motor
vehicles. ships. aeroplanes. building materials;road construction materials. etc,
etc without any appreciation or gratitude. That is the prize he had to pay for
refusing to make sacrifice both in heaven and on earth.
At divination the person should be advised not to rely too heavily in his physical
power and to have respect for superior authority to avoid the danger of not
receiving any reward for his stewardship and benevolence.
How the divinities got their crowns
Before they left heaven. God assembled the divinities and gave them 16 crowns
to share among themselves. Between themselves. they decided to share them
in order of seniority. Before then. Orunmila had been told to give a he-goat to
Esu; and he did. When the crowns were being shared. it did not get to the turn
ofOrunmila being a very juniordivinity. At that time however. Ogun was oway
to war and Esu intervened that since it was forbidden to share benefits to
absentees who were away from home, the crown otherwise earmarked for
Ogun should be given to Orunmlla. Esu argued that as the wisdom divinity.
Orunmlla was capable of administering the affairs of the world much better than
the beiHcose' and pugnacious Oguri. Esu pleaded that Orunmlla deserved to
have a crown. The crown was eventually given to Orunmlla who thanked Esu
with yet another he-goat.
Meanwhile. Ogun returned from the war front. When he discovered that no
crown had been kept for him. he made a representation to God. who explained
what happened. He decided to challenge Esu and Orunmlla for usurping his
rightful entitlement. On his way home. he met Esu and hit his head with a club.
Esu shouted and the grounds of heaven quaked. Ogun hit him a second time
and there was volcanic eruption which set the grounds of heaven ablaze. When
God enquired after what was going on. He was told that Ogun was aggressing
Es\.J for giving his crown to Orunmlla. God quickly ordered the crown miller of
heaven to provide another crown for Ogun. Sango volunteered to deliver it to
Ogun.; That was how Ogun earned the title of Amu]a Joye, that Js, the one who
won the 'down with a fight. After obtaining his corwn, Ogun finally released Esu,
who went straight to Orunmila. Orunmlla appeased Esu with a third he-goat and
expresied ret;7ref for lacking the courage to come to the venue of his combat
with Ogun ..
When this Odu comes out of divination the person should be told to serve Esu
with one live he-goat and the skulls of two other he-goats, so that a position of
authority earmarked for him might not pass him by. He will nonetheless experi-
ence c<J>nsiderable delay and difficulties before achieving it.
He m o ~ e divination for the head
When the Head was looking for a permanent ObOdfi, he went to three heavenly
priests called: 0 ~ 6 oshin, Omo ora and Omo Oguh kperere-lu-urode. He was
told to make sacrifice in order to multiply. He made sacrifice with 2 cocks and
sand. taken from the moat surrounding the town. (Odi in Yoruba and lyo in Bini):
He was given one of the cocks and thelyerosun of this Odu and a portion of the
sand from the moat. He was to serve his head with the cock on getting 'home'
al"ld to mix the sand and the lyerosun with the blood of the cock and mark It on:
his :head. He did the sacrifice and beCame the leader of all creatures createdi
byGod. :
When it comes out at diVInation. the person should be told to make d similar
sacrifice in <?rder to become a leader In his calling or vocation.
He made'divination for a pregnant woman
Vi ole ribiti. ml ole keregun.
Kini ikon be nimu Omo eku.
Oun no lo'ma kpaa.
Vi ole ribiti. mi ole keregun.
Kini ikon beni inu omo eja.
Oun no loma kpaa.
Vi ole ribiti. mi ole keregun.
Kini kon'be ninu Omo eniyan.
Vio no lo 'ma kpaa.
I' i
; .
Mi eleyi odara o Orunmila.
Yio obirin ni akpowo dash&. ' ' ' '
.; ~
Meaning .
There is something in the abdomens of the rat. the fish. and the goat.
which is capGJble of killing them.
kill her.
Is al$0something In the abdomen of a pregnant woman which con
Orunmlla was told that It was not a gooci thing to happen.
wO$ oaked what was to be csone to prevent pregnancy from killing a
He recommended sacrifice with three cocks and the wearing apparel of
the pregnant woman.
The sacrifice was accordingly done,
And the woman had a sate delivery.
This Is how to make sacrifice for a woman when danger (A yeo) Is portended
at divination.
Ogbe-Ayoka leaves heoven for the world
Before leaving heaven, Ogbe-Aiayoka consulted the elders of heaven who
advised him to serve his head with oro fish. He was to do It by sitting behind, a
masquerade. Thereafter, he was to dance round the town the next doywlth the
masquerade. As soon as he emerged, the women of the town gotmaracas
(Shekere in Yoruba or Ukuse In Bini) and they began to dance around the
masquerade. After dancing to several places in the town, he later went Into the
bush to undress at which point the women dispersed. When the masquerade
was performing, pf3ople suspected trot it was Ogbe-Aiayoko who turned Into
the mosqueradeond theY-went in search of him. He was no where to be found,.
They concluded that he was the one masked in the masquerade. When he later
come out, he was applauded and he could no longer deny the fact that he was
the masquerade. Then he was asked when the next dancing sessJon would be.
He replied that It would be the following year. this time. on eaf:th. : ,:
. When he got to t!tte world. he was always moving around daily, One doy,.he
to vJsit the Oba of the town. His father tried to stop him on the grounq
thdt a small boy, which he was. did not know how to visit the Oba. He however
on going to see hlin. The following day. he got dressed up as Q
masquerade and headed alone for the potoce. As he donced towards t(le
a multitude of chlldren danced along with him. When he.. go1 to the
courtyard of the palace,. he continued to dance gracefully like no other
mosque rape had dQnced before. His songs were so melodious and his dance
movement so that a group of palace chiefs headed by Chief
Jyowo trooped out oUhe poloce to watch him In admiration. The chiefs went
into the palace to challenge the Obo for not telling thern preylously th9f
there was going to be a masquerade dance at the courtyard pf P.aJace on
that day. The Oba wondered where the dance troupe could hove come from,
because he hod no previous knowledge of their coming. When the Oba come
out to see the crowd surrounding fhe masquerade, he too together with his chiefs
joined In the dancing. He then asked Chief Agese-tyowa to accompany the
donee party to his house and to arrange for a day for the masquerade to come
and stage a royal gala performance for the Oba.
The masquerade promised to come and dance for the Oba on any day
. appointed by him. At that point. Chief Agese-lyowa intervened and told the
masquerade to retum to dance for the Oba three days tater because there was
going to be an Important ceremonyatthe palace on that day. The masquerade
then went away. On getting to his changing post, he beckoned with both hands
to his followers to retum to their houses. On getting home. the father asked him
what he got from his day tong visit to the Oba. He replied by Inviting his parents
to accompany him to the Oba's palace in three days time.
On the appointed day. he retired to his usual changing post to dress as a
masquerade. The children who already knew that the masquerade was going
to perform on that day. had gathered to walt for him. As soon as the masquer-
ade came out. the children had equipped themselves with drums. gongs
trumpets and maracas to provide appropriate musical accompaniment to his
songs. The donee procession set out Immediately passing through his father's
house. After wondering how and when the masquerade came to the town. his
parentsandthelrentlre household joined the procession to the palace. Meanwhile
at the palace. the Obo and his Chiefs. were already occupying the high table
of the courtyard to receive the masquerade. After paying the traditional
obeisance to the Oba-in-Councll. he began to dance. Almost instinctively, all
the Chiefs rose to dance with him and It was branded as the most exhlliratlng
dance session that hod ever taken In the town. While the dancing wqs
going on. several gifts In cosh and kind were sprayed on him. Everyone began
to wonder that only a masquerade from heaven could have accomplished the
kind of feats he demonstrated. At the end of It all the Obo presented him with
gifts and told him to return to the palace the following day. to come and identify
himself PHYsically In order to know whether or not he came from heaven since
no one seemed to know who he was. He distributed some of his gifts to the
children and then returned to base.
The following day. he went to the palace to lee the Obo. where he identified
himself as a loyal citizen of his domain. The Obo was happy to see him and
prayed for. him: In a show of appreciation. the Oba told him to gather the
children and to be staging the masquerade donee every market day. He
thanked the Obo and promised to carry out his wishes.
On the next market day. he staged the donee accordingly atthetnd ofwhich
he requested all the women to return to their' homes. while asking hls mole
$upporters to come along with him. The men dn<1the boys followed him to his
changing post where he removed his mask for them to know who he was.
thereafter they accompanied him to his father's house where he told his parents
that he was the masquerade they accompanied to the palace. Hls
ade performance was later institutionaHsed as a rc)yol:occosion andtd this day
tt'feotures at all itnportont occasions in the town of Ayoka ih Yorub61and: 'l'liot
Is' how this Odu got its pseudonym ofOgbe-Aiayoka. : : ' '
' When this Odu comes out at divination the person shoufd be told toprep<ife
c:t Masquerade and to serve his head with an oro fish he will be very
prosperous as a crowd puller and a group leader. The person should be totcHo
serve his-head annually. The perSon for whom this Odu comes out 6t Ugboou
meat of pig and monkey. l '
.. '
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Chapter 23
f I
efore leaving for the world, Ogbetomokpon was advised in heaven to
make sacrifice in order to survive the problems he was bound to encounter
from the brother bom before him. The lfa Priests who made dlviflation for
him were called:-
Enl tomu Ugba godogbo gbomi,
Orire Jogbon ilo.
Agba tokpe ibu ike rate,
Omo oni kpade.
Whoever raises water up with a flat basin,
Invites water to pour over his head.
P\ny adult who sows the seeds of hatred,
. Will get his .chHCJren to reap the fruits.
~ ~ H e was adVISed to serve Esu with a he-goat and a fish. He was also adVised
. fCS ,cultivate a soft and humane disposition and to refrain from any act of
iWiCkedness. He was told that one of his brothers would create a lot of trouble for
. him, but that if. he resisted the urge to retum tit for tat. he would be more
:. prosperous than him. He did that sacrifice and the Awe colleCted the:OJ!>propri-
ate leaves. added the heads oftortoise, rat and fish and ground them together.
, They prepared the medicine, tied it to the handle of a mini axe and buried it in
, nt& t:lebd, wifh the incantation that: "it is with one head .that the axe fells 201 trees
In the forest. When he got to the world. he become a famous lfo Priest and o
, successflJ farmer. He soon became very prosperous and his wealth and
; poJl)ulority earned him the enmity of his senior brother who began fcH:>lof against
him. After some time. he ran into difficulties and his fortune tiegon to tlag. 1-l!e
then mode divination and his lfo reminded him of the heavenly injunction not to
' avenge 'Ony wicked oct done c;,gainst him and not to do anything with anger.
Thbt was when he was provoked into hitting bock at his brother. With the
diVInotiOnal rEknfnder, he decided to soften up and went quietly about his
business. His brother did everything he could to procure his downfall. Although
tie wdsstoggered from pillar to post, he nonetheless remained on his feet. After
~ oil his other contrivances had failed. the brother incited the wf:1ole town against
., him; Some people began to tum against him. He then invited the following Awes
'tor dMnatton. '
~ Beeni oonirl, ola ooribee!
) Oron ola eena sema teteri.
Today cannot be like tomorrow and
Nobody knows what he will do tomorrow.
They told him to persevere because the. child who goes to play outside never
forgets to return home. He was advised to make sacrifice to avoid being killed.
He offered a black goat to his lfa and made a feast with it. He seNed his head
with a cock in order to invekethe wand buried inside It before he left heaven. He
also seNed Ogun with a dog. tortoise and cock.
Not long afterwards his senior brother who had been gunning for him, died.
People began to return to him with the apology that it was his dead brother who
Incited them against him. Others betrothed wives to him and he came to have
several children. Sixteen years he had a very big household comprising
several wives and children. At the height of his prosperity he prepared a feast of
thanksgiving to his Ita to which he invited the Awos who made divination and
sacrifice for him. He sang in praise of his celestial and terrestrial Awos, who
helped him to suNive his ordeals.
When this Odu comes out at divination, the person should be told to make
sacrifice in order to avoid problems created for him by his elder brother, that is,
If It Is Uree. If it is A yeo, he should pe told to seNe his If a with a black goat, his head
with a cock and Ogun with dog, cock and tortoise so that his brother who had
prepared a burden of death for him might carry it.
Other heavenly works of Ogbe-Tomokpon
Ugba onle a hun teregun mojo was the name of the awo who made divination
for the Tortoise in heaven when he was going to start his farm. The tradition in
those days was for the inhabitants of heaven to go to God to collect the. seeds
they wished to plant in their farms during the planting season. Aftet clearing hJs
farm, which he was late in doing. the Tortoise went to God to ask for seeds to
plant. God told him that he was late in coming ot.hers had collected
the seeds available fort he year. Since God does not refuse any requests, 1-fe told
. the Tortoise that the only remaining seeds were those of the gourd {Ugba In
Voruba and Okpan in Bini). The only rider for planting the gourd's seeds was to
ovoid talking to it and God warned the Tortoise that. he would hO'.(&,probiems
with the gourd unless he could control his loquacious disposition.
It will be recalled that the Awo who mode divination for l)im had warned him
that If he did not make sacrifice, he would collect seeds that would constiMe on
. albatross round his neck. ;
. In spite of that premonition, the Tortoise, charocteristicclly.-rnode no sacrifice
before going to God. God however gave him the seeq:fs:and the Tortoise
promised to keep his mouth shut.
He subsequently went to the farm to plant the .gourd's: seacJs.:. When he
returned to the form the next day, he discoveredthot hod garfllinQted.
Out of excitement he shouted: "my gourd has gerrnin9te,d'!:.: WQS astonished
to hear the reply of the gourd who shouted my TortoiSe nbs germlnoted.
Supposedly. that was sufficient indication of the :Qf his
talkative tendency. The Tortoise however did not
Three days later, he returned to the farm tMot:theoourcthad
borne fruits. He rejoiced and exclaimed "my gourd has to which the
gourd replied my Tortoise is pregnant. When the Tortoise touched the fruits: of
the gourd, the gourd retorted by hitting the Tortoise. Up to that point the tortoise
hod still not got the message of what loy in store fore him. Heowent home rejoicing
that his gourd would soon be ripe for harvesting. Two days later, he returned to
see that the fruits were already dry enough for hc;vesting. He brought out his
cutlass and cut the first fruit. Instantly. the gourd seized the cutlass from him. As
the gourd tried to cut his neck. the Tortoise took to his heels and the gourd
pursued him. As the gourd raced in hot pursuit. the Tortoise began to sing:
Ugba onle ahun.
Tere gungun mojo.
Gun mojo tere.
Ugba koni owo.
Tere gungun mojo,
Gun mojo tere.
Ugba koni ese.
Tere gungun mojo.
Gun mojo tere.
Do mi low ugba.
Tere gungun mojo.
Gun mojo tere.
This was the distress cry of the Tortolsecalling on people to save him from the
limbless gourd who had no hands and no feet. Whenever anyone trteoto come
to his rescue. the sight of the mysterious gourd scared them owdy.
The Tortoise was almost exhausted when he came across the R<:1fft wno to!d
him to hide in one corner of his house while he took position to attack fhe gourd.
When he finally saw the gourd. the Ram stopped him and hit him with his homs.
In the ensuing combat the gourd broke Into pieces. thus saving the Tortoise from
the wrath of the gourd.
When this Odu comes out at divination. the person should be told that he only
came for divination out of curiosity because he is not In the habit of making
sacrifices. He be told that he Is very talkative but should bridle his tongue
so that the words of his mouth do not put him between the horns of a dilemma.
should endeavour to make sacrifice to avoid imminent catstrophe.
He made divination for the first Olu of lwere
lginua was a very poor man. although he was nonetheless a Prince of the
kingdom of the Edos. He eloped from home when he fell out of favour with his
father. King Olua. Besides. the Edos had left King Olua in no doubt that they
would not accept his eldest son as their King. He became so dejected that lginua
decided to go into exile where. he languished into a life of abject penury. T<>
erase.all connections with Benin. he changed his name from lginua toOgbomodu.
He finally settled in the land of Akoko where he met an lfo Priest. called:
Ojo'kpa. aka kon.
Omo aka konjo
Odafa fun Ogbomodu.
Lllranran omo keye okun oreje
His nickname later became the one who feeds his fowls with beads. He was
advised to serve his head a guinea fowl and to dres$ like o chief before
making the sacrifice. Hew" also ad'!ised to serve Esu with 9he-goat. He made
the sacrifices. but remained poor. Meanwhile. war broke out between Akoko
where he lived and the neighbouring Ekiti. The peqple of Akoko were defeated
and Ogt;:>omodu was one of the war captives token away by the victorious
. forces of Ekiti. He was later sold into slavery. When the Ewi of Ado sent foro slave
to be bought for his annual festival of the head. Ogbomodu was bought into the
royal house of Ado. When the slave was subsequently presented to the Ewl of
Ado. the Obo observed that the slave looked too good to be used for sacrifice.
He was occOfdingfy unchained released to serve asp servant of the royal
household. Tlie Oba was so satisfi d with his 1oyotty .lht. elligence. and eloqt.Jen_ ce
that he was fir\allyloppointed tq serve the King. 's head at annual festive_ Is.
When itwos f.lme to serve the head. Ogbomodu was dressed as a chief
for the ceremony. the wo very diligently. After serving the Obo's h$ad,
he was told to take his seat and to serve his own head. In his own prayers. he
beseeched his head to lead him o his pre-destinated goal in life. On hearing hi$
prayers, the Obo looked at him qi!Jestlonlngly, wondering where else he wonted
his head to lead 1\lfm. beyond the exalted position he held In his court. The
.follo\Ving day. the Obo directed that Ogbomodu,should be tied up and re-sold
Into slavery. Tradition enjoined the-Obo not execute the mal'l who had served
his head. That Is why he was condemned Into slavery.
He was taken to the market of Ekue. now Akure. where ne was bQught was a
slave to be used for serving the head of the Udezu <DeJI of Ekue). Once ogotn,
he served the. royal household of the Dejl. so satisfactorily. that he was rele(JSed
from slaveryto serve the head of the Obo. Once again. otter serving th9
head. he was told to pray to his own head. ttl sptte of what
happened to him. he. prayed to his head once more. to lead him 'to the
reot.lsatlon of.hls deStiny. lnstC;Intly, the Obo could notconceat his Qr.tg&.r. He
asked Ogbomodu. to which other destination he expected his
the prMieged hod been given royal cot.Jrt.
on the orders of the Obo. he was bound In chains and sold bock Into
As fate woutd nc:r-. 1. he repeoted the same experience In the royal ntJuJe-
holdS of l3 other Obos Including tl:le royal househdd of ljerQ,llara.lftaOrogun.
lfe. Abeokuta. Owu. Owo. Ondo until he was finaUy Sdd to1NtrOYOI
palace of Oba Ado Ajuwoleke. He had completed the.full circle
chains to the land to which he swore never to return. By the time he got to
just before the Jgue festival. no one could recC>Qnlse him osffte crown prlnCi who
lett Benin under the name of lginua. True to .diCtates Qf his destiny, he. wos
again appointed as the man to serve the Obo's head. 1\ft'er servtng theObets
head. tradition demanded that he too hod to serve'hfsowrrhead. Once ogolr),
he; beseeched his head to lead him to his final de$'11(\Qtton which prover.
obviously annoyed the Oba of Benin.
The following momlng. the Obo invited the royal bross smiths (lgurreronmwon>
to h)eosure the height of Ogbomodu and to cOst a bronze coffin to acomrn<)-
Ciate his size. The Oba also Invited royal iron-mongers (Owlna) and ord&red
tl"rer'11 to produce the requisite sizes of sharp pointed U-bofts to non him down In
the The coffin,decorated with was produced together
with the U;botts. The Interior of the coffin was Hoed With White cloth Orid he was
lie inside it. He was wrapped up with another cloth and the coffin was
covered with its lid. One U-boit was hammered doym In the. position of his head
and others were hammered down in the posltlohs of hiS chest. abdomen ond
feef. He was to be offered for sacrifice to the water divinity. presumec:t dead.
: 'It was howevertime for Esu to work for his he-goat: While the U-bottswere being
ndiled down. Esu hod meanwhile inserted a stony merpbrane bet)Neen
Ogbomodu's skin and the cloth used to wr.ap whicnhad the effect of
bending the sharp points of the U-bolts before cttng on his body. Through
Es. u; not o single. of. th. e u-_b. ._ ._n_ .. s touc_ hed. hts body .. The Oba
directed that the coffin shduld be thrown Into th sea COIOkun). .
MeonwhHe. tne lweres or lghan (now1tseklr!i)_h ... been eTQ.VIrla to have tbelt'
,. C>Wht<ing. They had earlier been told at divination that o King .would come to
them through the water because they were forbidden before then to appoint
any son of lghan as their King. They had made several sacrifices to their big river
so thaflhe wGter divinity could aend them a King. They made sacrifices with 14
different animals and 201 _inanimate materials for that purpose.
Four doys offer they the sacrifice. the elders were a special
rlfuaJ at the bank of the "big river when they saw a big shinning object floating
on the water. They brought it out and opened it quietly with an axe. As
opening it. they had a voice from the box asking them to break it carefully. When
they remove.d the lid. they saw the face of a young handsome man blinking his
eyes. When they saw It was a full grown adult. they all thanked the sea for
manifesting their wishes and sacrifice for a King. He was carried shoulder high In
a dance procession through the town. announcing to the populace that a water
king <orOglamen) had a. rived. In the ensuing coronation ceremony. he personally
chose to be crowned with the title of the King of water or Ogiamen. He also
reverted to his original name of lginua or lglnuwa which wast he name his father
him at birth before he went into voluntary exile. Three years after his
coronation. he decldedJo pay homage to his father. King Oluo of Benin. Before
then. he sent an errand to present 2 cocks and 2 hens and 6 bags loaded with
beads to the King of Benin. When the fowls were fed with corn. they refused to
swallow them. The errand men corrected them by disclosing the fowls only
fed on beadS which was the purp6se of the six bags of beads they brought. The
messengers notified the Oba of Benin of the appointment of of
the lweres. The Oba gave his blessing but rejected the accepting the
,.bea<;js. . ,,,. r: . . . . . ..
i ; SuBsequently. the King ofthe lweres dressed up in a be()ded outfit and crown
to visit the Oba of Benin . When the Bints saw him they wondered what King it was
ihat 9fessedso luxuriously. as they had never seen himself.
>6S'the Ogiamen of lghaflt. He asked the Obo of Benin whether herecognised him
and he..replied In the negative. He removed his crown and identified himself as
whose nome was "if the he.ad does not get to its destination. if does
notstc>p. Consequently, the Oba remembered him to be the m'6n'w'h6 was
nailed clown in the coffin and jettisoned into the big river. The Oba thi:m touched
his head with his own head and exclaimed that indeed. "there is no armour
against fate and that no cloud can obliterate the star of ' : ' l
There was a final shock in store for the Oba when the Ogiomet{later
Introduced himself as his eldest son who went into
years before. He then narrated hls exploits which took him to fhe palaces bfthe
fifteen Kings of the known world before he got to his father's palate
was finally .made to realise his destiny in a new land acrosS thre water, As he
narrated his story. the Oba was In tears as he bugged him .in open embrdce.
thanking God and his ancestors for being alive to witness the event of that day.
He then went into the palace and g'ave him the wand of regcil6uthor.if.Y dr1se-
mwen-righo which all kings of Warri use to this day. ' ' ' :
With all his chiefs assembled. his father told lginua to stand up.
he formally gave him the title. of Olua-namen. or King Otua bf thewater. i The
significance of the title was to give his son corresponding jurisdictron 6-iter the
riverine areo called lwere. Thus.lginua became recognized asttie:Otuaof
and his destiny was eventually realised. Otua was abbreviOte'd' oVer
centuries of Otu and rwere was changed by the European expldrer5to:w6m:
The drum beat which heralded him into the palace was scftriefodi6us that at
the instance of King Oluo of Benin, they exchanged
what Bi.nis call Emedo-Emighdn neguegbero which is played
occas1ons 1n Benin to this day. ' c ',
When this Odu comes out at Ugbodu the person should be told that he will
realise his destiny after a long sojourn of suffering and that his prosperity Is nat In
the land of his birth but far away from home. He should serve Esu and his head
to hasten the realisation of his aspirations.
At divination. the person should be told to serve his head with a cock In order
to persevere to receive the fortune coming to him. He should not react violently
to any transient set-backs.
He revealed Ajija's (or Eziza) destiny to him
Ogbe-tomokpon was a very poor man. He came with the Wind divinity (Ajija or
Eziza) to the world. He was an expert in foliage technology, that Is. the science
of leaves and the.ir uses. As a young was given the task of clearing Ajija' s
farm. On his first trip for bush cleaning. he stood dazed with cutlass In hand
apparently amusing himself without cutting a single grass. When he finally
decided to start weeding he would cut a grass and hold It up in his hand In
adrniration because he knew what it could be used for. Passers-by who saw him.
reported to Ajija that rather than weed the grass which he was sentto do. he was
always gazing at the leaves. Ajija then went to see him in the farm. When asked
why he. was in the habit of gazing at the leaves instead of brushing them
he told Ajija that if he closely looked at the leaves. he would not agree to cut
down any ofthem. .
He then pointed ot the leaves respectively used by each of the divinities . such
as Ogun. Sango. Oiokun. Ake. Obalifon. Sankpana and even Ajija himself. He
adrnonished Ajija that farming was not his correct profession because.VSi.nielf
ir)volved cutting down leaves. it would amount to murdering his benefactors
which by qegven wpuld amount to ingratitude. That Is why the
lQ heaven is tt,\at.no .. one should show ingratitude to the animdte and inanimQte
obje9ts that their guardian angels used to prpare their instruments of authority
before lepving heaven. That explains why some people .are told to forbid the
nsumptjon oruseof.certain animals and materials.
disclosed to Ajljcl'that he was destined to be either a hunter oro
,appe_<:)led to him to teach him the science of the use of the leaves. and
he taught him the .use of every leaf in the forest. is used for.
, T(le first leaf he taught Ajija was Ewe gha ghoha. used for curing the incidence
\ otlr:'fanf which his wife had been experiencing every year. He showed
, hlm o instrument which he was to cook with 201 of those leaves and to
.. it irito a waist belt (Akpalode) for his wife to wear throughout her
, P(e_gnancrv
qnd to prepare a neck-lace from it for the child to wear os soon os
born Jt can stop the danger of premature death for infants.
: f}J!J?r dk;i 9s ne :.vas told and when his wife deUvered the next child. instead of
.l;lom.ing him on the 8th day. the child was named after three months. His nome
was .lfafeyi, meaning Orunmila helped me to save this one. It took Ajijo three
yep,rs.to learn the names and uses of most leaves in the forest. That is why the
: <;>tfsprln9s., of Ajija .ore pro ned to disappearing into the forest for long periods
witb<;:>ut troce because they are learning the use of leaves in the forest.
they sxent\.lol! they turn out to be wonderful herbalists and physicians.
' . ' this Oou c;omes out at Ugbodu. the person should be told that he would
enp up a native doctor. but that he should make sacrifice to avoid getting
lost ;t:iefore .taking up that profession.
, ., Afqrdinor divination. the person should be told that there is a strong likelihood
tt\Ot .the of a wicked lie and a show of ingratitude. He should
make SOCI'IfiCe to OVOid them.
The earthly work of Ogbe-Tomokpon
Before leaving heaven. he consulted his guardian angel who advised him to
make sacrifice with pumpkin (Unwenkhen In Bini and Eroku In Yoruba). He mode
the sacrifice. He was born into a hOuse on earth which had no children becauSe
all the on'es born before him never used to stay at home. As soon as they grew
up. they ott en lett for other places to settle. Unknown to the Shango. the
thunder divinity used to drive the children away from home. It had become a
tradition for Shongo to strike at the Palm tree in front of their house every year,
withQut foiling. because the original owner of that house. who sold It to the
present owner. had much earlier. offended Sango. That Is why Sango was
fighting the house annually which incident.ln tum. scored the children of the
house into emigrating from home as soon as they grew up.
However. when Ogbe-tomokpon grew up. he advised his father that there
was a sacrifice to be made to stop the annual onset of Sango. He asked him to
produce row seeds of pumpkin and a gourd of Palm oiL When they were
produced. Ogbe"tomokpon planted the pumpkin seeds round the house and
sprinkled the gourd of oil ols6 round the hous.e. The pumpkin soon germinated
and constituted a shade of foliage over the house.
On the next onnivesory of his annual attack. Songo discovered that the house
was surrounded by pumpkins. He then hummed round the house and-retumed
without dropping any missile. The next day. Songo transfigured Into a man and
returned to the house. He met the landlord of the house
greetings. When the landlord saw his red outfit. he took the visitor for a Shango
Priest and welcomed him with a gourd of oil. kola nut and bitter kola. The visitor
broke the kola nut and prayed for the landlord. He then asked the tor:dord what
year he built the house and he replied that he did not build the houseforlglnally
but -,bought It from its previous owner. Sango then asked him for the present'
ob<:tde of the vendor who sold the house to him and the landlord thothe
last saw him in the market. Sango Insisted that he wanted to meet 1he man
because they were bosom friends. The landlord replied that he would try totroce
him to the. market. on the following market day because he did pot wt)ere,
the man 11ved.
The following day. the landlord took Sango to the market. As soon as the: man
sow the buyer of his house and Sango together. he took to his heels. Songoltnen
asked the landlord to return home because having seen his frlend'he' wOUld
trace him to wherever he ron for refuge. After the market rendezvous. ShOngo
gave the man a wide berth of briefing space. It took a long period before c the
man who offended Sango plucked the courage to return to; the
apparently in the euphoria that Sango had lost track of hlm. One he weht
to the market and sot at his stall to market his wares. Not tong afterward$; tl\e
cloud gathered and Songo s wife. Oyo.lit up the dark cloud with tightening and
Son go torgetted his victim and struck him with his axe (thunder) on the cheSt dnd
the man died instantly. Son go left on his chest the gourd of oil which fhe irtlnocenil
landlord used to welcome him during his visit to the house. The furore>gEmerCllted:
by the incident. created pandemonium in the market. which dispersed
neously. : ! h -:
The following day. Songo again transfigured into a man and paid anotherviSlt
to the landlord. It was then he identified himself as the one Who fowght"IN the:
market the previous day. He thanked the landlord for taking him to the mdt11 who
was the casualty ofthe fight. Sango then proclaimed that os
would never fight in any house where he sees the pumpkin plant. He also advised
the landlord that any time he heard his bottle cry anywhere. he should immedi-
ately pour palm oil on the ground so that he might know that the house belongs
to his friend.
Before taking his leave. Sango promised to appeal to God in heaven to send
the landlord a special favour. He then left. Not long afterwards, the landlord's
wife became pregnant and in the fullness of time. she gave birth to a child who
was delivered in a sac. As they were wondering. how to deal with a child born
In a sac. Sango transfigurAd once more into a man and visited them. He advised
them to fetch palm oil. a c.ock-<:ind a knife. Sango cut the sac containing the
child with the knife. When the child was brought out, he was found to be holding
a thunderstone on his right ha'hd and an axe on his left hand. He asked them
to pour the palm oil on the child's body with which to bath him. He told them
to keep the two Instruments which the child brought from heaven safely and that
a visitor would come to tt'le house- bn the seventh day to name the child. They
thanked him and he went away. Before leaving, he told them to keep a cock
for another ceremony on the seventh day.
On the seventh day .Sango came back to the house as an ordinary mortal and
asked for the cock they were told to keep. It was brought to him and he
slaughtered it on the thunderstone and the axe. He reminded the father that the
child was the favour he promised to beg God to send to him. He said that the
child should be called Okeana that he was one of his own (Sangos disciples on
earth). Before leoq .he a.dvised the father that after three months he should
buy a ram..Ciaq amortor for sacrifice to Sango. WhenSongo returned agal!l>ofief ..
three:mont.hs. he placed the axe and the thunderstone on top of the mortar and
served them with the rom. That was the first San go shrine on earth. The child .grew
up to be 1be: first San.QQ Priest ever. which explains why Oke is the most tenior
disciple of Shango on 'earth. Peace and prosperity reigned ever otter. in that
fomUy. ..
. When this. Odu comes out at divination therefore. the person should be
advised to make sacrifice with pumpkin and Palm oil, to avoid carrying someone
burden and ln order to reap the favour coming to him from Sango.
He: macre 'divinatton for a barren woman
. Qgbe:suju omo,
: Sibere bere udi.
,Agbokpon eeye mon eniyan.
Eese. enito motu.
1Qrno .. kp>f1 leyin olomo,
: A'difQ:Juo ogon bl.
.J<P,r:n<ll-nto wo ala shosun.
: TlillstO.dv made divination for a barren woman who was desperately praying
for o. child; She was told to make sacrifice after which she began to have
cbil1fen.: She. mode sacrifice with a hen for lfa, a ram for Shango. white kola nut.
. land ,o h!m for her head. and he-goat for Esu. The first child was called Ere
and the next one was called lyadehln. Altogether she has seven children. Her
.&Qn was cQ"ed Owo miman CDoda) who was born with coily hairs and
b9come:t.l;)e second disciple of Songo on earth. .
. : 'fh<nt is wJw. tne chilc;iren of this Odu hove initial difficulties iO having children. but
th,eywiltend a maximum of seven children.
l .
Chapter 24
it was ODU that revealed how money come to settle down. Any person
bom under the patronage of this Odu is bound to be immensely weathy and
prosperous provided he serves Orunmilo well. He will however have initial
problems from his family because many enemies accompanied him to the world .
to frustrate the realisation of his destiny. However. If he makes adequate
preparation through the requisite sacrifices (Ono If a or Odihp) he will rise neod
and shoulder above his enemies.
Heavenly works of Ogbe-Ose
He mode divination for the chain
The Chain <Eghon In Bini and Seke in Yoruba). was by sundry in
heaven but in spite of his power he was very poor. He was called Seke oroju
ale boo. When his poverty become unbearable. he went to Ogbe-Ose who was
dolleq.lgbero orun. for divination. He was advised to sacrifice with o he;
goat tor Esu. cock forOgun and coconut for his head. lrie felt offended that he
whowos capable of holding both divinities and mortals. animate and inonlm.ate
objects alike. could not condescend to make sacrifice to .remoineq.
In his poverty. His work in heaven was that of the Chief jailor who took Cl.!s:tQdy .
of all offenders. The sacrifice he was required to make was to avoid the .. ,
of unconsummated fortune. that is. Amubo in Yorubo and Osobo-no-rnosunu il"'':
Bini. In spite of the diligence with which he carried O!Jt his task. he discove.red tl)ot.
he received no compensation whatsoever from his work. ThQsewho were kept: ,
with him for custody. were either acquitted after trial, fined. or executed
If the offence carried the death penalty. After the accused hadbeentried.t.he
Chain become empty ogoln. His frustration became so unbearable that he
decided to come to the world, nonetheless without making sacrifice: Wline
heaven. he was o disciple of the iron divinity <Ogun). : :
On'getting to the world ... he continued with his work os keeper of accused.
persons and other organic and inorganic substances awaiting trial or executionJ
Animals which were awaiting slaughter were kept under his t)e
either tied them up on their necks, waist or limbs. However. os soon as the fates
of his prisoners were determined and they were to be consJgned for .sQie.
slaughter or sacrifice, he was simply asked to release them thanklessly ond
without ony recompense. When accused persons were given to him\to keep in
custody. awaiting trial or execution. they were subsequently re1eosed from. his ..
custody without any gratification. The degree of ingratitude was so much that
he was used. time and time again without any requital. He neither got words ot
appreciation from his victims nor from his mentors. That is why It is said that no one
should pray to suffer the fate of the who works without any appreciation
but is merely cast aside after performing one assignment until he Is required for
Whenever a human being or an animal was brought to him to keep. he
became happy that he had got slaves to use. But soon afterwards his prisoners
would be released and he would begin to lament over his stubbomess for
refusing to make sacrifice ln heaven against unconsummated achievements
CAmubo orpsobonom<tlnsUI)u! ,.
When this Odu comes out at Ugbodu, the sacrifice that the Chain refused to
make is the first Ono-ifa or Odiha which the person should be advised to make
to avoid going to earthy or heavenly jail before seeing the lime-light of prosperHy.
At ordinary divination. the person should be advised to seNe his head. Ogun and
Esu respectively with coconut. oock and he-goat. to avoid the danger of
unconsummated fortune.
PreparaHon before leaving heaven
When this Odu. otherwise called lgbera-orun In heaven. decided to come to the .
wOrld, he went to two diviners for advice. They were called:
Bi babalawo ba kperonje.
Ogbolloma sanwo re,.
A won mejeji lo'n dlfafun.
Jgbera orun .
Afo kpukpu ile abarede.
. The gl:)Qt-s;tOOgl=ltered. by an awo to eat.
Is paid for by the lay man.
He was advised to make sacrifice before leaving heaven so that the problems
he was bound to encounter in his father's house might not his progress ..
on earth. He was tOiotomake sacrifice with the hedd ana.t.he four feet of ogoet :
sold. In the market as "eron okpata and to give a hErgoot to Esu. becoyse he
wasgoing fo'<!lperate ifa Priest and as a trader. If he did not mok9 the
sacrifice early enough; he would experience a mongnoht stomach trouble
whlchwouid'prevent him from embarking successfully on his professions. For that
reason, he w<!Js tOld to buy the bowel and Intestines of a goa;t In addition to Its
headtn"'id feet. He did the sacrifice. and the awos extracted parts of the meat
to Whichthey added the appropriate leaves to prepare medicine to mark on his
head> while he ate a port of it. This Is .another Ono-lfo or Odiho which has to be
prepared when this ODU comes out at Ugbodu.
before seHing out for the world
His trip to the world was not o1t9gether a down-hill left heaven for
the world ;he-did not.get to the world in the flrstJnstonce. He stopped at the bonk .
of thel riverseparating heaven and (Odb-mli'nlkpo) and sett\9d there for a
long time where he wqs makil')g (jivihotion for whoever was coming to the earth,.
His conswltation fee was always one cowry (okowo). H' was
everyone \passing to earth until it came to.the tum of the wind divintty .
. Winen the wind divinity was passing. Ogbe-kowojo did not know because the
winctfJew overhead while others walked on their feet. It was
cursed> the wirrtl,divinity with his wand of authority (ASE) ,:stoclolmtng that .moe
hedtdl not see him with his own eyes. no one would ever be able to see the Wind
with blseyes.from that day. He also proclaimec! ti 10t otl other divinities wnc>come
to the world on their feet would have priests and shrines, but that the wind divinity
who flew by stealth to the world would neither have a shrine nor a priest. That Is
why to this day, the wind divinity Is neither Institutionally serveo by anyone nor
having any discernible mode of worship. .
It was at that point that Jgbera Orun, otherwise known as Ogbe-kowojo,
decided to move down to the world. It was with the money he collected from
divination at the bank of Odo-mlmlkpo, the river separating heaven and earth,
that he started trading when he got to the earth.
. . At Ugbodu, tli&.man should go Into bustness and would become very rich. His
!fa will require two ESu (the traditional Esu-Obadara, and another Water Esu for
sending messages). They should be prepared with two separate he-goats. The
person should be told that his fortune before preparing his lfo had not been
At divination the person should be told to tie one cowry and 65k In a piece of
cloth to be kept at his lfo shrine. The officiating lfa Priest will ask lfa to gather his
wealth together in order to flourish.
Other sacrifices made on earth
When he was stiHryfng to make ends meet, he went to an !fa Priest called:
Ogbe sheriaje,
Kuku kuku she,
Ojotlboluwe.shawowo .
who advised him to serve his lfa with 8snalls in po&ftlon his feet on the
path of his destiny. He made the sacrifice. Thereafter the prepared the
leaves of the sacrifice Into a gourd, which was burled In the ground and he was
told to bath over it. He was then told that he was about to come withlrr-halflng
qrStance ot his fortyr1e. Whl.le he was bathing, he was told to reptota special
Incantation to the effect that 'water is never scarce In the bathroom.
divination, this special socrtflce Is made when a man runs short of money.
The snails are broken-on the floor of his bathroom, while saying that the bathroom
never runs short of water. thereafter, genuine money wlH come :his way
again. The preparation is howev,r'made by on lfa Priest.
His experience .Oil ..
where there were many brothers and sisters before him,. The
brothers and sisters weye quicJ< to spot his star and started from the. OIJ,t$&t to
all kinds of problems 1or him. He soon developed a chronic sk>mach
trouble which refu.sed to respond to any form of treatment. The harassment
became so intense that he went for divination at which he was told :to make
spcrifice by collecting all edible food-stuffs including com qnd
pigeon ondo he-oooUo be sent to the river. Thereafter, he was to buy q goat
"f'h the two horns polntfHgforw9fO.to a. After the sacrifice, t.I1,AY'OS
heart, bowel and duodenum of the goat, added lfo leaves to therp_
they were cooked fof him to
eat. Those were the only ports of the goQt lr\a was
ollowedto,ot. / t
'In the night, he beoon to vomit all the fore'ign substances in his stomqch-, fer
which his stomcich trouble, which hod already degenerot$d to of
vomiting blood, subsided. The brothers who were responsible for his. probJ$ms
began to die one after the other> His new found health enabled hirn tQ flourish
In his lfo practice and in his trading enterprise. Although he left frpm the palace
of Olokun In heaven, he had forgotten to!"seNe Olokun on earth. Once pgaln
things began to fall aport for him.
Eventually. he invited seven awos to make divination for him. They revealed
to him that he had neglected Olokun. the Water divinity, who accompanied him
to the world. He was told to go and fetch a special axe (Urobo in Yoruba and
lze in Bini). He immediately ordered one from an Iron-monger or black-smith who
prepared It for him. Thereafter. the priests prepared the axe and
tolcitlim to go and cut a bunch of palm fruits with lt. The speciallrijunction was
that rnel'Qlrn fruit to..be. cut losing a single fruit and without touching
the ground. A second.OS$1@nrn9fit was to catch a live parrot and bring to them.
He was told to perform th.ese special assignments while they were waiting for him
In his house. For his journey. he was told to go with a palm tree climber and to
put In his bag all eatable foodstuffs. and a gourd of water. including com.
mashed yam. (ewo or obobo). cpicken. pigeon and he-goat to be given to the:.
river. But he was not told how to uSe them. On getting to the river. he threw them
Inside the water and they quickly went under. That was how the awos expected
him to serve the Esu of the water.
He combed the forest around for ripe palm fruit and a parrot unsuccessfully.
As he was returning home towards dusk. he heard the voices of parrots. As he
raised up his head to see the direction from which the parrot's come. he
saw a palm tree that bent its head right into the river with a ripe fruit. on Its top.
The parrots were feeding o'=' the fruits. He used his palm tree climber to get to the
top of the palm tree. As soon as he got to the top. all the parrots flew away.
However.he quietly cut a ripe palm fruit. putting all the falling fruits in his bag. As
he turned'to position himself to cut the bunch offruit. the axe he was using
dropped into the river.
Out of frustration. he decided to end his life by jumping into the water. At that
point a voice spoke to htm to climb down gently. He did not see who was
speaking to him. He however came down quietly totally In o state of
paranoia however. he threw his palm tree and bag into the river and
. dived in. to go in search of his special axe. As soon as he impacted on the water,
a flock offdwls. emerged from nowhere and started beating him with their beaks.
Atm6st immediately Esu released the corn with which he had! made sacrifice for
the fowls to eat. After the fowls had eaten the com to the.ir satisfaction. he was
released. At that point. they asked him what he was looking for. and he replied
that he was searching for his axe. They confirmed that they saw it flying past them
. aistk>rtlw'hile before he came. They wished him success and cleared the way
; :for t'lim to continue on his search. Next. he saw goats with horns pointed forward
coorging fo attacked him. At the same time. Esu released the pieces of yam and
:plantains with which he made sacrifice. for them to eat'. The same dialogue
!foltowec:t'. 'Tiiey told him that they saw his axe flying past them a little while ago.
Medriw'hile: he met the tiger sharpening his nails and groaning for attack. At
'lhof p6it\t, Esu:re1eased the he-goat with which he made sacrifice. throwing it at
(ftlert1ger. After eating. the tiger told him that he was on track towards the
'destihafiori bf his axe and wished him success. Next. he saw a heavy ball of fire
dnd Esu threw ttie gourd of water and marshed yam with which
: 'l"'elmade sacrifice. at the fire and it instantly extinguished. Thereafter. he met the;
python (Ere in Yoruba.and lkpin in Bini) to whom Esu threw a rat before allowing'
his'journey. Finally. he saw a whale CErinomi in Yorubo and
Ettlue iriBihi) who again tried to swallow him. Esu threw a pigeon at the whole and
: :
itd0sed its m6tlth. allowing him to proceed. The whale tolo him that his axe hod
ef1tered tne parooe of Olokun. ....
.,: ...... Nmri.
awos!Vlho had been invited to make divination for her on do' to
have a child. The 14 awos had advised her to offer a he-goat to Esu and to took
for an axe prepared by a black-smith for them to make a special to
enable her have a child. The sacrifice to Esu was made the previous evening. It
was 1n recompense tor the which Esu ate that he contrived to steal fhe
axe from Ogbe-sanwo to bring it to Olokun. At the same time. It was the
elaborate offerings made by Ogbe-sonwo to Esu then he decided to guide him
through thick and thin to prosperity in the palqce of Olokun.
Meanwhile. the mysterious axe fell into Olokun's palace and It was appre-
hended by the waiting Awos who locked it up in a guard room. Almost
Immediately after hiding away the axe. Oghe-sanwo arrived at the palace c:;u'\d
the Awos challenged him whether he came to try them. tie replied that
coming to confront them. he was only trailing the movement of his axe which
In mysterious circumstances from his hands whEm he was using it to cut a buf)Ch
of palm fruits. The awos asked him whether he would recognise it at sight qnd
he answered affirmatively. He was then taken to the room containing several
axes made of gold. silver. brass.lead and cowries. He said his own was made of
Iron and that it was not there .in that room. He was then taken to the room
containing disused axes where his own was kept. He looked around.ldentlfled
his own and picked it up and held on tightly to it. He was then matched with his
axe In hand before Olokun. the water divinity. After explaining the significance
of the axe to her. he vowed to prefer to die rather than part with it at any prtze
because his life depended on it. Olokun offered to buy it. but he refused.
Perplexed. Olokun put an alluring question to him. "Would prepared to
part with It if you were moulded to become prosperous in llfe? After thinking
deeply. he replied in a melodramatic tone: "Since the axe was prepared for the
purpose of making prosperous. I will not mind to surrender it on that .
condition. Olokun then gave orders to her chief of staff to mould Ogbe-sonwo
with qn the paraphernalia and apotheosis of enduring wealth and prosperity.
After moulding him up to a point. he was brot ght before Olorkun to test whether
his frame of prosperity had reached its apogee. Olokun told him that If she
him up and all the birds of the land and water hailed and applauded simulta-
neously. it would mean that his prosperity was complete. On the other hand, If.
anything remained to be done for him. the birds of the water would noll and
applaud while their terrestrial counterparts would keep quiet. She tj')en threw
him up ond the water birds shouted and applauded while nothing was heard!
'from the land birds. It meant that the moulding had not been completed.
At that juncture. Esu blinked his eyes to Olokun and muttered to herthat since
she was the Queen of the water. she should also ordain the man ps the King pf
prosperity on earth. Olokun quickly acqu!esced in .Esu's proposal and. did so
accordingly. When she threw him up the second time. all the birds of theland
and the water hailed and applquded in unison. it meant that his prosperity
completed. He then asked to be given the instruments he was moulded with. tc;>
avoid returning home empty handed. Olokun in response moulded all. the
Instruments of prosperity into a ball of chalk. decorating it with o scimrrar m<;f
miter on top of it. It was encased in a casket of brass and lead. adding axes made
of cowries. bronze. and lead and they were all given to him .. After expressing tills
gratitude on his kneels to the water divinity. he asked for the route he was to take
home without encountering any difficulties. She directed him to tal<e a speciql, :
route in the inner chamber of her palace which was utterly dark. As soon as ne
stepped into the room. he found himself back on earth at the entral')9e to his owo
house where the seven awos were still waiting for him. WhE:m they asked him fO!
the parrot and the bunch of palm fruits he was told to fetch. he replied, mission
unaccbmplished. Asked for the special axe they prepared for him, he replied
that he hod lost it.
He then narrated the experience that led him to the palace of Olokun in the
underworld and brought out the moulded cask given to him by Olokun. At that
stage, the owos told him that Orunmila enjoined him to embark on his impossible
mission to search for his prosperity, and that his difficult encounters were the
proverbial darkness before sunrise. They told him that he had put his feet on the
ladder of his destiny and that prosperity would come within his grip from then on.
He thanked the awos andgave:fhem the little amount of money left with him and
they dispersed. he Inserted fhe moulded cask on the shrine of his lfa.
Not long afterwords. money began to flow into his house from many directions.
Whatever he tried his hands on. was resoundingly successful. He soon became
so prosperous and popular that he was crowned the King of the town. As soon
he become King. he invited,t.liS owos. other priests, the laity and the common
people and. feted them elaborately at the height of which he song in praise of
When this Odu comes out at Ugbodu. the person should be told that he was
destined to be prosperous and that he should prepare on Olokun mould for his
lfo and to give it port of whatever he uses to serve his lfo. He would however
become prosperous after treading on several hooks and thoms and that he
should serve Esu always.
At divination. the persoo should be told to make sacrifice to lfo. Esu and Olol<un
because he is on the threshold of prosperity. The persor. born of this Odu. should
refrain from eating fowL goat, tiger. python. and whale and not to risk entering
a t)buse to avoid showing ingratitude to his benefactors, lest he would
always be o victim of ingratitude from the beneficiaries of his own magnanimity.
' . .
OgbeOse revealed how money came to the world
At the herght of his prosperity. his brotHers were beginning towonder over the
sectet'of his new found prosperity. However. he told them that the path of
pr6sperlty was always very rugged and tortuous and that the only secret for
trooelrig.ifSpatr. Without bruises wqs unlimited perseVerance. He then narrated
bf h9w money come to the world during era of the divinosphere. The
divirr1ties J:futl been beseeching God to send money to the world to serve as o
mec:Hurrl of exchange.
One:(ltgl'lt. his guardian angel appeored to Orunmilo in o dream, to alert him
that ir\ response to the yearnings of the divinities (Oto legbeje Erumole) God was
sending money to the world. His guardian angel however warned him that
on'{oAe whb went for money with greed and avarice would oe perished by it.
and that he should let all the divinities go for it before him, being junior to most
: : ,
his guardian angel told him that anyone who runs after wealth in ,
a tiurrylwill b'e perished by it before the evening of his life. With that warning, his .
guardian dngel .advised Orunmila that when mo'ney arrived in the world. he
shotJia bEHhe:ldSt to go for it.
before the end of the apparotion his guardian angel advised him to
rear o oarrot without disclosing the significance of doing so. He did as he was
tol(il. :rnree months later. the parrot began to shout every morning and evening,
"OWdfdwa Ia t'oorun. ekaa roo. meaning: "the money which come from
hoo\/er'l morning .. tn the evening. it would soy ewo towo loto'orun,
ekoale o=meaning; "money which came from heaven. Good evening. The
parrof.chonfed the:>e words for several days without Orunmila understanding the
234 ....
message It underscored. An old woman living next door who was the Queen of
witches (lyaml Oshoronga in Ybrubo or Oghidian-nl yason In Bini) was the. only
one who understood the message of the parrot. She subsequently convened a
meeting of all the divinities to lnt1mate them of the message parrot.
She told them thcrt money hod orrtved In the world and thcrt they should trace It
In the direction to the east of the town which was where the parrot faced during
Its m6ming and evening greetings.
The fOllowing morning. Ogun Impatiently set out to trace the perth of money.
After two days and two nights. he caught up with money. for into the forest.
Unknown to him however. the heap of money sourced from the sky and apexed
on the ground. In his characteristic haste and hurry. Ogun set out to exca\crte
money with axe and shovel which he had specially prepared for thcrt purpose.
As he was proceeding with the exercise the avalanche of money gave way and
fell on him. perishing htmbeneath Its debris. After killing Ogun. money deposited
sixteen of its pieces (cowries) on his chest. One after the other. all the divinities
ended up and retumed to heaven In a similar manner. Finally. it was only
Orunmilo who was left to go for money. It will be recalled thcrt when the Queen
of witches first made the announcement of the arrival of money. Orunmila
. . he
suggested that they should make divlncrtlon before going forJt. The others made
jest of him with the deslsion that a time would come when Orunmlla would not
eat any food prepared for him. without first embarking on prior divination. Ogun
had said that GoC: hearkened to their yearnings and aspirations by sending
money to them to end- trading by barter which was the only medium of
exchange at the time. What was the necessity. Ogun had queried. of making
divination before going for it. He dissociated himself from Orunmila's suggestion
of prior divination. . , =: ;,i:n( .
Uttle did they know thot God had his own time for sending money_to the world.
as a unit of value. Since the divinities preferred to pre-empt tJI'T\1ng.
He to send Clown money to the world to end the lives Of the greedy o!ld
to benefit those who persevered. . . .
Curiously enough. all the divinities who leaped blil)dly lntottie vault of mor)ey
returned to heaven through it. Orunmila was bag inning to those
who went for money In haste and hurry did not return. He decldeCi to Ekrjbdrk.On
divination before makiQg any move. At divination. he w9sJold tnqt rn<::>f'ieY
would only stay and endure with those who mastered it and Ofilymeons
of mastering it was by giving It the food it eats. That meant thdt to
sacrifice with twQ!pigeons. two ladders. and 2.U-boits. Orunmila prc:>;cee.deo t9
make the sacrifice at the site of the money heap. He dnd
one U-bolt after giving the remaining ones to Esu. ' : . : .. ' .
following moming. he left for. the money heap. On ._he
1tw1th the blood of the pigeon. positioned the on it and it ).-lith
the U-bolt: In consonance the prescription at divination.
after mak1ng the sacrifice without touching the heap. When he the
: following morning. Esu had positioned an elongated
i higher reaches of the heap. As advised at d.ivination. he IP'ilQ
of climbing the ladder to excavate the heap from its top. Eac:h tii-he' he dug.up
to where he saw the instruments earlier used by the other divinities
to extract the heap befote they died. he found a number of cowri_es
their chests and kept the numbers separately. It is number of 'cowries 'founa
on the chests of each divinity that the offsprings. adherents and priests of those
divinities use for divination to this day. Those on whose chest he found 4 cowries
ore consulted by children and priests at divination with the some number.
Those on whose chest he found 8'-t1'6 or several cowries are consulted accord-
Ingly with those numbers at dlvfnatlon. These are the diviners who consult Oracle
with cowries.
In this way. Orunmila was able to excavate all the money (cowries) to his
house. On getting home. he gave the number of cowries he found on the chests
of the divinities to their respective children which they started using for divination.
Orunmila thus became the only divinity who succeeded in excavating the heap
of money from top to bottom without losing his life. That is also why Orunmlla's
shrine is the only one traditionally decorated with a seat of cowries. in com-
memoration of his success in digging money from the top.
At divination. the person should be advised that he can only become
prosperous without being in a hurry to acquire wealth. If he is patient. he will be
the dispenser bf fortune to others around him. His patience should be in-
Any person for whom Ogbe-Ose comes out at Ugbodu will surely become rich
lr !!fe. The person should forbid the palm tree maggof(Ogongo,lworiwo or lton
in Yoruba and Oruu in Bini). He should refrain from ever diving into the water. He
should forbid groundnut and meat cut with someone else's teeth. If he dives Into
fhe river; Olokun will surely seize him because he is not likely to have performed
the requisite sacrifice. He can bath however with water taken out from the river
but should not swim inside the river. He must not take up paid employment
because he will be dismissed from the job. His only profession is trading. and lfa .
art on the He will do business with White expatriates. He should always
ser.le Sangq. Ogun and Olokun along with his lfa.
H.oVI got his Parrot
As eprtier indicated. the Parrot was to play a significant role In the wOrk of the
dlvh1ifies, but try as did to get hold oflt. they did'hot succeed. Parrots did
not fly within the reach of the human tvteanwhile. Orunmlla had a dream
in y.tt)icl').his guardian angel advised him to start the only farm he ever made In
1'11s life. 'It was to be a maize farm. That was the sacrfficehe had to make not only
but at so for avoiding death through the money coming to the
to make the form on which he only planted maize. When
the matured for haNesting he did not go to the farm. The com became
d!V. All of the forest and the birds ofthe sky, went to his farm to feed
of\'.hfs. cph\. /,It was time once agair\for Esu to compensate him for the elaborate
sc#riftCe$hehQd been offering to him. Esu moved to his farm to cut the stems
of the Ma1ze pfonfs half-way. A swam of Parrots had been hovering in the sky in
of fqod to eat when they sited Orunmila's farm .
. : p:br:rot$ got the farm. as soon as they stepped on the plants to feed
99r[1, drppped to the ground. Traditionally. when the parrot's feet
tQI,IC'h tt1e grourrd. it will never fly up again. In that way. all the Parrots were down
,Wh,en he subsequently came to the farm he collected all the
t(;? hqiJse. Thereafter. he sold them to the other divinities and kept only
seen how the Parrot chronicled the arrival of money to
Aje wanbeeo. wanbeeoo. meaning: money is there.
Tl')6t )s this Od.u ?omes out at Ugbodu. person is advised to rear a
., fQrm ln, maiZe os a part-time vocat1on.
' ( '
;> i : 'l'
Chapter 25
hile in heaven. he is known to have performed five principal divination
ceremonies. He made divination for two brothers of the Ape/Monkey
kindred called Edon and Arlwo. They were told to make sacrifice and
to stop being argumentive In:order to avoid sudden death. Edon made the
sacrifice but Ariwo refused. Nonetheless they did not refrain from their constant
quarrels and arguments. One day, the two brothers were quarreling over a fruit
on top of a tree. The argument between them attracted the hunter who took
o shot at them. Ariwo was hit and he fell to the ground. dead. Edon ron away.
At divination therefore. the .person should be told to seNe Esu with a he-goat
and to refrain from engQGing in arguments with his maternal relations-to avofd
being poisoned to death. It is believed that without his altercation with Edon.
Ariwo would not have died.
He mode divination for Cough and Throat
His surrogates Baba kou-kou and Baba kon-gidi-kan-gidi made divination for'tne
Coogh and the Throat when leaving heaven. They advised the Cough to moke
sacrifice in order to hove on abode on earth. He was told to make sacrificeWi1h
kolanut. coconut and a small chicken for Esu. He made the sacrifice. They'also
advised the Throat to make sacrifice to Esu with a he-goat. palm on; h0ney'ort::l
salt in order to avoid the risk on earth of harbouring a parasitic' andl
lodger. He refused to do the sacrifice. They both came to the
On getting to the world. the Cough was looking for a suitable abooo.i :He
approached the Throat to give him temporary accommodation
agreed. . .
: ; ' , ;
Meanwhile, the Throat began to develop interest in the materials usea by tHe
. Cough for sacrifice in heaven. which were: kola nuts and coconuts: As tf'lle THroat
ate more and more of these materials. the Cough began to develop1nhis hdose.
The materials with Throat to.make sacrifice, jn
palm 011. honey and salt. are the antidotes wh1ch would have stoppea the
Cough from rapid development. but he refused to use them. 'Asthe Co6bh
developed. the Throat fell ill, so much so. that his voice become iri-dudlbiS.:
Throat then went to meet Orunmila for divination. where he was told 1h'dt
the architect of his own misfortune. by refusing to make sacrifice: as he wcis' tolb
to do in heaven. '
: : i ) : ( r)
Orunmila however advised him to make sacrifice with two he-goatS: noHey.
palm oil. roasted coconut and roasted kolanut. He quickly r::kodliced
materials. After the sacrifice. Orunmila took part of the materials. added
marble seeds (Akhue in Bini), roasted kola nut, burnt them and mixedfhe ground
powder with salt. palm oil and honey and gave the mixture to the l'hroat to be
ticking from time to time. Since tt\e materials used for preparing the mixture were
the very things that Cough forbode. he ran into the house of the Stomach for
refuge as soon as the Throat started licking the medicine. It was only then that
the Throat began to have peace of mind.
At divination. the person should be told to make sacrifice to Esu and to refrain
from accommodating any lodging visitors for sometime. to avoid the danger of
boarding someone who will create hypertensive problems for him. such as
Insomnia or sleeplessness. He should refrain from eating kolanuts and coconuts.
How Ogbe-Kulejo brought salt to the World
After making the prescribed sacrifices. Ogbekulejo consulted the e.lders of
heaven and they gave him good wishes for his sojourn on earth. Before leaving,
he was asked to fetch sand from the"sea for sacrifice. and he did so. They
parcelled it for him and told him to hold it with his hands to take to the world. At
that time, there was nothing on earth for salinating the taste of soup. He was told
to leave the parcel at a road junction as soon as he got to the world. He did so
QS soon as he arrived. Before the following morning. the parcel had tumed Into
an evermultiplying heap of salt.
When the wife of the Oba was going to fetch water from the river early in the
morning. she saw a heap of white substance at the road junction and Imagined
that It was not there the previous day. She sampled it and the taste was good.
She then packed out of it into her pot and took it home. On getting home. she:
showed it to-the Oba who also tasted it. The Oba gave her two cowries to go.
and drop on the salt site.
Meanwhile. the Oba convened an emergency conference of his people. As
soon as the people were assembled. the Oba asked for anyone who bad a new
arrival since the previous day in his house to identify himself. sold that
they had no visiting stranger$. The fatr,er of Ogbe ... however declared that
, wife had delivered a baby the night before. The Ob9 then explained that his
reason for inviting the people was to witness the strange discovery made by his
wife tpat morning. He called on his wife to bring a part of the salt which everyone
presE't., tasted. The taste delighted everybody and they ott came to the
'10r:lCJu$ion that it was the newly bom child. being the only new arrival in their
miQst:.. whO _brought the from heaven, The Oba ordered everybody to be
. Collecting from the salt heap attez depositing money. as he did. at the site. Very
- there:was plenty of money a) the site which the Oba invited the parents
of OgbeOfun to collect at the saltsite for their own use. That was how Ogba.
. Ofl!n broughtS9Jf.from heaven and prosperity to his parents.
,!t.t divif1atior). the person should. be advised to make sacrifice with salt and sea
1in.order to prepare the way for prosperity to come to him.
: Qgbe()fun's experience in the World
He was the 'lost of the disciples (ODUS) of Ejiogbe to come to the world. He hod
, E?Cl')oes of the problems which his elder disciples were experiencing on
. eqrth.- He therefore determined to make elaborate preparations for his trip
before setting out. Hew as told to make sacrifice to his guardian angel with a pig
cind.to serve Esu with a he-goat. He was told that prosperity would come to him
on earth through his guardian angel and not through human beings. He made
: sacrifices. At the same time. Ogun also set out for the world. He too went for
. divination. They went to the some Awes whose names ore as follows:
Jo to,lo loogbo owuanro.
. . Gbogo gbogo loogbo owo omon.
Orogpa Orogba lauko kiti ologba.
Ojo ye olu wonron.
Eniyon tiyon mosonon ofun kpln.
Awonlo difo fun Orunmilo,
Abufun Ogun alagbede.
Nijo awon meje tlkole orun.
Bowa niikole aye.
Ogun was advised to make sacrifice to his guardian angel with a dog. cock
and snail and to give he-goat to Esu. Since he traditionally relied on his physical
strength in preference to sacrifice. he refused to make the sacrifices. On getting
to the wor1d. Ogun built his house on the brow of the hill overlooking the river.
while Ogbe-ofun built his house on the river embankment. Orunmilo took to
forming in addition to lfa practice while Ogun Alogbede became an Iron
smelter. One day. Ogun proposed to Orunmilathat they should return to heaven
to make o representation to God to release prosperity to come to them on earth.
On getting to heaven. God persuaded them to return to earth where h.e
promised to take core of their problems. With that assurance. they both returned
to earth.
The following day. God arranged all forms of treasures including. money and
beads Into a big cloy pot and sealed the top with pop (Eko Oglrt) and he sent
two messengers to carry it to Ogun as the food he sent to him. When the
heavenly messengers delivered the pot to Ogun. he opened the cover with his
scissors wand and discovered that the pot contained pop. Ogun Queried that
tko-Ogirl was not his staple food. He added that since it was<>nly his his junior
brother Ogbe-ofun who ate Eko-Ogiri as his staple food; he decided t<>keep the
pot for him. ,.,,
At his morning before leaving for farm on that day. tfli:J OCMsed
Ogbe-ofun to roast two tubers of yam for Ogun and to peel them
andto deliver them to Ogun on his way from the farm. As he was
the form. Ogun greeted him and he presented the two yams to him.
very happy to receive his staple food. In return. Ogun gave him the pot Of Eko,
which he happily received. Ogbe-ofun carried the pot to his house. When he
opened It on getting home he discovered that the Eko-Oglrl on top of the pot
was only a membrane concealing an underlay full of treasures. He collected the
treasures and kept them safely. .
Five days later. Ogun cried out again of hunger and suffering and 'his
vibrations shook the earth and echoed In heaven. The Almighty Father
prepared a b.igger pot loaded with more precious treasures filling the top ogatn:
with pap. God was concealing the contents of the pot with pap so that the
carriers might not know what was Inside it. God sent four messengers to carry the
second pot again to Ogun. When the pot was delivered td Ogun, he opened
it with his scissors wand and sow that it was again filled with pop. Once more;he
kept It for his junior brother Ogbe-ofun. When the latter overheard the cries bf
Ogun, It was his signal that the great Ogun was hungry. Once more. he prepared
roasted yams for him with a bottle of oil and a gourd of wine whenihe was:
returning from the farm. When he delivered the food to Ogun. the latter ga-le
him the pot of pap which he again happily to()k home. it was however so heavY
that he could not carry it. He invited one @f Ogun's serv'ants to assist him in
carrying the pot to his house. With his he bought several slaves. o'
horse, and several furniture to adorn his house. He aiO..-prepared beaded
apparels, shoes and caps for himself. while also preparing a beaded dress for. his
horse. He was now farming with the help of his acquired slaves.
239 I
( I "" C.
The following day. Ogun cried out once again and the vibration shook the
grounds of heaven and earth as if an earthquake had occurred. At that point I
God began to wonder what Ogun had been doing with the gifts He was sending
to him. Once again. God prepared a third pot of treasures and pap which Ogun
disposed of. in the same manner as he did =to the previous ones. After Ogbe-
fun had given him roasted yams In exchange for the pot I Ogun complained that
God was not sending him what he wanted. while the former exclaimed-that he
was satisfied with the stgple. fOOdlle was getting.
Three days later. Oburfroaredonce again. This time. God responded by
sending for Ogun and Ogbe-ofun to present themseJves before Him In heaven.
On the eve of their departure to answer the can of God. Ogun put a massive
piece of iron in hisfumace and heated It until the following morning. Ogbe-hunle
was also making his preparation fqt:J.he trip. The following momlng. Ogun carried
the red hot iron on his shol!lder' 6nd left for heaven with it. He was bumlng
everything on sight_ along the way. When he got to God's palace. he lifted the
Iron up as if to bum the Almighty Father. God commanded him to stand stnt In
the distance. He asked for Ogbe-ofun and he replied that he was on his way .
. Ogbe-ofun dressed up himself and his horse In beaded outfit and left for
When he came to God's palace. he alighted from his horse. and
prostrated In full to greet his Father. God looked at Ogbe-ofun and asked Ogun
what he used to do with thE} food._He had been sending him. Ogun asked God
whether He knew him to feed on pap, adding defiantly that he always gave
them to Ogbe-ofun who alone knew how to feed on pap. God then looked at
Ogun lamentably and proclaimed that Ogun would again have peace
of mind throughout etemity and that he would always be restless and destitute.
On the other hand. He proclaimed that Ogbe-ofun would always Dve In peace
and prosperity and that people would always serve him wherever he happened
to be. That is whyto this day. Ogun is always either being heated or beaten on
the head. while food comes to meet Ogbe-olun wherever he may be. That Is
how this ODU eamed the nickname ofOgbe-ofun that Is, one who recelvesfood
in his house.
Wlfh that proclamation God cleared them to return to earth. On getting
home.Ogbe-ofun brought out a pig.a goat and a ram fora feast ofthanksgMng
to his lfa to which he invited his awos. and sang in praise of them.
At Ugbodu. the person should be told that he would be enriched by his
guardian angel and that he should always receive any gift offerings with
satisfaction and use them for himself. He should never give away to others any
gifts offered to him no matters how unappealing they may seem.
He made divination for the Article Seller
When this Odu comes out for a trader or businessman. he should be advised to
be satisfied with his wares and not to steal from others.
Onuu kooja. onuu koodea.
Kaamaan to do kpelu egba.
Odafa fun Olushowo kekere.
These are the Awos who advised the seller of small articles not to :teal other
people's wares for sale along with his own. He however retorted that since he
had neither stolen nor was inclined to steal. there was no necessity for him to
make precautionary sacrifice. He had been told to offer a he-goat to Esu. but
he did not do it.
He was selling Oja agbaa (Agbagii). For failing to make sacrifice, Esu
decided to punish him by cajoling him to steal a matchet which he .sold along
with his Agbagi or mini-cutlass. After selling the stolen cutlass, Esu revealed his
th9ft and he was Instantly arrested. He begged lor forgiveness, but his appeal
fell on deaf ears. He then requested to be allowed to make the sacrifice he
owed. This request was granted and he offered the he-goat to Esu. After
eating his he-goat, Esu inteNened by challenging his accusers why Olushowo
kerere was arrested. He was told that the man had stolen. Esudeclared that
the man was falsely accused because he did not steal. An argument ensued,
but before the verification, Esu transformed the stolen cutlass into Oja-Agboa.
In vain, they searched .for the stolen cutlass but it was no where to be found.
The accused was then acquitted.
At divination, the person should be advised to make sacrifice to Esu to avoid
being accused of an offence he would not be able to deny.
He made divination for Oba Alaaye
Oba Ala aye was suffering fFom destitution and deprivation. Eventually, Ogbe-
Ofun visited his palace in the company of the following awos:
Mee mugba shewe, meemu awo shewe,
Meeru gagaga, ki mi domi ewe si uro ode, lo Oba lu,
Mee mon oron alaye kimoshe eniyon ona efon,
Omo lo ogogogo owu bababa di ino,
Adifa fun alaaye.
They advised him to make a feast for the whole town with food and drinks.
Oba Alaaye then called his wife to reason with her, on how they were going
to afford the means. of feasting the entire community. They both hatched a
strategy for deqing with the situation.
The following night. Oba Alaaye got a lantern and toured from. one farm to
pthe other until he came across a farm with two long barns of yams. The wife of
the Oba fetched sixteen pots into which they stacked all the yams they stole
from the barn. In anticipation of the time when the owner of the yams would
cry out, the Oba 's wife filled all the sixteen pots with water. The next day, the
farmer who owned the yams was able to trace the footsteps of the intruders
right up to the backyard of the palace. Satisfied that the thief came from the
palace, he shouted that he traced the footsteps of the thief who stole yams
from his farm to the back of Alaaye's house. Alaaye reacted by inviting the
people to comb his house for any trace of the yams. There was no trace of
stolen yams because they had been dug beneath the earth. under the water
pots. They only saw several pots of water. Asked why there were so many water
pots in his house. he queried whether they did not know that dyestuffs was often
produced in his house. After searching in vain for the stolen yams. the
investigators left the paldce and the feast was made in earnest.
Alaaye had three hunters and three lfa Priests. The awos used to make
divination for him every five days. On the next divination day, the awos
predicted to him that his three hunters would returi'l from the forest with
different animals on that very d..;y. but that he should not eat out of them. They
were to be given to the awos. He agreed.
Not long afterwords. the first huntercame in with on arttelope. They severed
the head and put it on Esu's plate W ~ ) i l e the Awos kept the body in their bag.
The second hunter came in with a deer which was treated the same way. They
waited for the third hunter to arrive. He later came in with a bush goat CEdu in
Yoruba and Oguonziran in Bini). As the hunter was returning however. the
favourite wife of Alaaye was was wondering where they were going' to procure
meat for use in the house. stopped the hunter's approach. She forced him to
surrender the animal to her because the awos had taken the/first two. She did
not want them to take the third one as well.
She roasted the meat, butchered it and made soup with the small parts. The
awo began to wonder why the third hunter did not arrive with his game. When
he failed to arrive, they prepared the sacrifice with the heads of the first two
animals and sent it to Esu. Thereafter. they left for home.
The following morning, the favourite wife of Alaaye prepared pounded yam
and soup with the meat of the bush goat and gave him to eat. When the Oba
took the first helping from the food. it got stuck in his throat. The second and third
helpings also got stuck in his throat and he began to choke. As he started
perspiring profusely, he sent for the awes.
When they arrived, he queried them for not revealing to him the previous day
that he was going to die the following day. They retorted by asking him what he
ate. He replied that he ate pounded yam. The awos requested the wife to bring
the pot of soup. When they saw the head of the bush goat, they asked the wife
how she came by it and she confessed that she seized it from the third hunter. She
was then told to save Ala aye s life. Her family began to beg for forgiveness. They
asked her family to atone for her misdeed by bringing two goats, two rams, two
cocks. two hens. two fishes. two rats and 2 bags of money. After the fines were
produced. they brought the head of the bush goat from the pot of soup, opened
its mouth, and found a mushroom Inside its throat, which It was apparently
eating when the hunter shot it. Since lfa knew that Alaaye forbade mushroom,
that was why he ordered that he should surrender all the day's game to the awos
who did not forbid mushroom. The awo then prepared leaves. squeezed them
and gave to Alaaye to drink and he instantly vomited the mussels of pounded
yam, that got stuck in his throat.
As soon as he became well, he sentenced the offending wife to summary
execution. The royal executioner realising that Alaaye took the decision in
anger. beseeched him on three different occasions to temper justice with
mercy. He refused on the ground that his wife knew that he was capable of killing
a cow to eat. and yet she wanted to end his life with the meat of a bush goat.
At this point. the executioner presented his wife for confirmatory proclamation.
As he was about to pronounce the final condemnation. the wife held on to
his feet and went on her knees to remind him that it was a woman who fetched
the water that filled 16 pots recently. As soon as she said that. he embraced her
and pronounced forgiveness. After the feast, prosperity retumed to Alaaye.
At divination. the person should be told that he is suffering from poverty, but
then he should endeavour to borrow money to do a feast for members of his
family. He should refrain for sometime from eating bush meat, but should forbid