Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production: Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia

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Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia

Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

August 2007

1 INTRODUCTION 2 OBJECTIVES 3 METHODOLOGY 4 TERMINOLOGY 5 ACCEPTABLE MIXING WATER 5.1 Guideline on Limits of Impurities 5.1.1 Mandatory limits and guide on questionable amount of impurities 5.1.2 Water testing standards and scheme 5.2 Current Standards 5.3 Water in Leading Road Authorities Concrete Specifications 5.4 Water from Concrete Production Operations (CPO) 5.4.1 Clarified wash water (partial recycled water) 5.4.2 Slurry water (complete recycled water) 6 SOURCES OF WATER 6.1 Metropolitan Potable Water 6.2 Reclaimed Water 6.2.1 Sources of reclaimed water 6.2.2 Quality of reclaimed water 6.2.3 Classes of reclaimed water 6.3 Sewer Mining 6.4 Groundwater or Bore Water 6.5 Occupational Health and Safety 7 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8 SUMMARY APPENDIX A: Current and Future Sources of Reclaimed Water REFERENCES 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 11 11 12 12 12 15 15 15 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 25

Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production


With the current water shortage in Australia, there is a need as well as opportunities to look for alternative sources of water for use in concrete production. Water authorities are increasing the supply of recycled water as greywater for domestic use and as reclaimed water for agricultural and industrial needs. They also encourage sewer mining by the private sector. In addition, it is possible to reuse higher proportions of wash water as well as combined wash water and slurries from concrete production operation (CPO) which will move the concrete industry toward zero-discharge facilities. This report presents current information on the quality of concrete mixing water in terms of: mandatory limits and guidelines on impurities, as well as permissible performance variations stipulated in leading National and International Standards; and the impact of CPO water on concrete performance. New sources of reclaimed water which are or will be available for industrial usage are identified in terms of quality and impact on Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S). Based on this review, new opportunities and gaps in knowledge will be identified. 2 OBJECTIVES

The objectives of this study are to:


compile guidelines on quality of water suitable for making concrete in terms of the presence and limits on impurities; review the reuse of water from concrete production operation (CPO); review alternative sources of water supply, quality and impact on OH&S. METHODOLOGY

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This report has been compiled from technical literature and information provided by local water authorities. Suggested limits on impurities in mixing water and their effect on setting time and strength are based on a literature review of current standards which allow a variation in initial and final setting times and strength of the concrete. Guidelines on the possible effects of other impurities on concrete are compiled from published information. OH&S considerations when using recycled water is based on information available from authorities such as EPA Victoria, NSW Health Department and Queensland EPA. 4 TERMINOLOGY

Terminology used in this report has been specifically adopted from the water industry and internationally-recognised concrete standards such as EN 1008, ASTM C1602and AS 1379. The term reclaimed water is used to describe water recycled by the water industry, whereas terms such as wash water and slurry water are used to describe recycled water recovered from CPO. Potable water water suitable for human consumption. Recycled water water recovered from CPO or water generated from sewage, greywater or stormwater systems and treated to a standard that is appropriate for its intended use. Reclaimed water treated recycled water supplied by the water authorities for domestic, agricultural and industrial usage.

Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

Greywater wastewater from hand basins, showers, baths, laundries and kitchens. Greywater is often contaminated with human faeces, dirt and other materials but to a lesser extent than blackwater and is therefore less infectious. Blackwater wastewater generated from toilets and bidets which is heavily and directly contaminated with human faeces and/or urine and may contain contaminated solid material, such as toilet paper. This wastewater is highly infectious. Sewage a combination of both blackwater and greywater. Also highly infectious. Water from concrete production operations (CPO) water recovered from processes of hydraulic cement concrete production that includes wash water from mixers or water that was part of a concrete mixture; water collected in a basin as a result of storm water runoff at a concrete production facility; or water that contains quantities of concrete ingredients. Wash water clarified water recovered from washing mixers. Slurry or sludge water a mixture of slurry or sludge, collected from sediments, and clear water recovered from waste water storage system from CPO. Combined water a mixture of two or more sources of water blended together, before or during introduction into the mixture, for use as mixing water in the production of concrete. Sewer mining or water mining the process of tapping directly into a sewer (either before or after a sewage treatment plant) and extracting wastewater for treatment and reuse as recycled water. Some sewer mining by-products may be returned into the sewerage system. BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) a measure of the quantity of oxygen used in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter in a period of 5 days under specified conditions. E. coli (Escherichia coli) A type of thermo-tolerant Coliform bacteria, nearly always present in the gut of humans and other warm-blooded animals. E. coli is now generally regarded as the most specific indicator of faecal contamination, and therefore the most important indicator for public health. Hydraulic stabilising admixtures (HSA) extended set retarding admixtures used in managing returned concrete and water from concrete production. Impurities soluble and insoluble (solid) materials that exist in water which may or may not be deleterious to the quality of concrete produced using the water. NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit) units of measure of the turbidity of water due to suspended, colloidal and particulate matter, measured using an apparatus called a nephelometer. 5 ACCEPTABLE MIXING WATER

The principal considerations on the quality of mixing water are those related to the effect on workability, strength and durability. In addition, health issues related to the safe handling of such water must be considered. The suitability of water can be identified from past service records or tested to performance limits such as setting times and compressive strength. Limits are placed on the contribution of mixing water to the total alkalis, chloride and sulfate of all concrete ingredients in order to control the durability of the concrete. Biological treatment and pathogen reduction are used to ensure safety in handling reclaimed water.

Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

There is limited information on the quality of water which is acceptable for use as concrete mixing water. The allowable impurities in concrete mixing water are compiled from earlier literature such as Abrams2, Steinour3, Kuhl4 and Neville5. Some of these limits are reflected in current standards which allow the use of recycled water or CPO water. Recent literature such as Lobo and Mullings6 and Cebeci and Saatci7 focused on the use of CPO and partially treated sewage water. 5.1 Guideline on Limits of Impurities

Steinour3 found the following:


Natural fresh water rarely contains more than 2000 ppm (0.2%) of dissolved solids, and is generally suitable as mixing water. Water contaminated with industrial wastes, but free of suspended solids, appear also to be generally suitable at low concentrations. Much larger contents of the impurities, in natural water, can be tolerated except for the alkali carbonates and bicarbonates which may have significant effects even at 2000 ppm. Other inorganic impurities, of possible industrial origin, ones that may be detrimental at moderate concentrations are the sulfides, iodates, phosphates, arsenates, borates, and compounds of lead, zinc, copper, tin and manganese. Organic solutes are also suspect, especially sugars. Seawater, although it contains 3.5% of dissolved solids, produces concrete with good early strength, but often somewhat lower later strength. Risk of corrosion of embedded metals limits the use of seawater in reinforced concrete.

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No general summary or tabulation in terms of maximum limits on impurities was attempted by Steinour3 as he considered the information to be inadequate. For the most part, the data were only strength data. Effect on un-investigated properties such as workability, long-time volume stability, and tendency to effloresce were unknown. Ryan and Samarin8 summarised the general effects of impurities in mixing water on concrete properties as shown in Table 1. Netterberg9 reported that, on the whole, the deleterious salts present in construction water are likely to be sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), less often sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and rarely calcium chloride (CaCl2), and magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and nitrates. TABLE 1 Effects of impurities in mixing water on some properties of concrete (Ryan and Samarin8)
Impurity Oil, fat or detergents Calcium chloride and some other calcium salts Sugar, salt or zinc, lead, and a range of other inorganic and organic materials Chloride ions Effect Air entraining possible Probability of set acceleration Probability of set retardation Strong probability of steel corrosion

Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

5.1.1 Mandatory limits and guide on questionable amount of impurities Despite the limitation on these findings, mandatory limits of chemical and total solids in concrete mixing water compiled from the reported literature, National and International Standards are listed in Table 2. A general guide on questionable amount of impurities in concrete mixing water is provided in Table 3. It can be used as the basis for the selection of acceptable mixing water. TABLE 2 Mandatory chemical and other limit for concrete mixing water
Chemical Chloride Cl Limit ppm* 500 1,000 3,000 Test method ASTM D512 Notes (References) Prestressed concrete/grout, reinforced concrete.

Sulfate SO4 Alkalies, as (Na2O + 0.658 K2O)


EN 1008 limit. Water with higher salt contents has been used satisfactorily. (Building Research Station). Total sodium and potassium ions, computed as Na2Oeq, from all ingredients is limited to 2.8 kg/m3 of concrete to safeguard potential alkali-aggregate reaction if used with reactive aggregate. ASTM C9411 optional requirement. See section 5.4.2 for possible use of water with solids exceeding the limit. AS 1379 and EN 1008 requirements. In the first instance, qualitative tests may be carried out. If the qualitative tests show a positive results, either the quantity of the substance shall be determined or tests for setting time and compressive strength shall be performed. AS 1379 requirement. AS 1379 requirement.


ASTM C114 or EN 196-21

Total solids


ASTM C1603

Harmful substances Sugars Phosphate, P2O3 Nitrates, NO3 Lead, Pb2+ Zinc, Zn2+ pH Oil and grease

100 100 500 100 100 >5.0 <50

AS 1141.35 Local Standard ISO 7890-1 ASTM D3559 ASTM D1691 AS 1580.505.1 APHA 5520**

Standard test methods cited in this table are: ASTM D512 Test Methods for Chloride Ion in Water ASTM D516 Test Methods for Sulfate Ion in Water ASTM C114 or EN 196-21 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement AS 1141.35 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Sugar ISO 7890-3 Water quality Determination of nitrate Part 3: Spectrometric method using sulfosalicylic acid ASTM D3559 Test Method for Lead in Water ASTM D1691 Test Methods for Zinc in Water AS 1580.505.1 Paints and related materials Methods of test pH of water-based paints. *1ppm=1mg/L, 0.1%=1000ppm **Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water, 18th edition, American Public Health Association 1992.

Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production


Water testing standards and scheme

The test methods specified in AS 1379, ASTM C94 or EN 1008, are given in Table 2. In the first instance, qualitative tests may be carried out (Annex B in EN 1008). For the harmful substances, if the qualitative tests show a positive result, it is required that either the quantity of the substance be determined or tests for setting time and compressive strength be performed. TABLE 3 General guide on type and amount of impurities in concrete mixing water
Impurities Dissolved solids Limit 2000 ppm 1000 ppm Na2CO3 or NaHCO3 or sum of the two Ca(HCO3)2 and Mg(HCO3)2 Other common salts NaNO3 and KNO3 MgSO4 and MgCl2 CaSO4 No limit available Sodium and potassium nitrates gave strengths little inferior to those obtained with sodium chloride (Steinour3). Magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride at solution concentrations up to 4% of the negative ion, showed as good strength as control (Steinour3). Water saturated with calcium sulfate is satisfactory for the liquid phase in cement paste which is normally saturated or even super-saturated with this compound. (See SO3 limit in AS 1379). Calcium nitrate added at 1.7% wt of cement accelerates setting with 10% strength reduction. A 1% joint concentration of these common ions, exclusive of carbonate and bicarbonate, could be present without much effect on strength (Steinour3). If water lacks service record, then ensure durability by testing for volume stability and long-term strength in wet and dry storage (Steinour3). In mix water at negative ion % of 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 wt % of water showed 28 days and 3 years tensile strengths exceeding control by 1015%. At 2 wt % of cement, similar or better strength than control at 328 days. Some retardation but satisfactory setting times (Steinour3). No significant effect (Neville 19955) 2000 ppm Notes (References) Testing to BS 3148* if limit is exceeded. Testing if alkali carbonate or bicarbonate is present. Large amount of Na2CO3 can cause quick set, and NaHCO3 can accelerate or retard setting. Testing if they exceed 1000 ppm (Steinour3). 400 ppm Calcium and magnesium carbonates have low solubility and can be disregarded, but not their bicarbonates (Steinour3).

4% of the negative ion

No limit available

Ca(NO3)2 Na2SO4, MgCl2, MgSO4 and CaCl2 Total impurities

1.7% wt of cement

10,000 ppm

5,00010,000 ppm

Ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) Ferric sulfate Fe2(SO4)37H2O and ferrous sulfate. pH

No limit available

No limit available



Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

TABLE 3 continued
Impurities H2SO4 Limit 6250 ppm Notes (References) Spent plating bath water which was high in iron sulfate and contained 6250 ppm H2SO4 gave borderline strength results (Abrams2). Contribution made to the SO3 content may upset the optimum gypsum content in cement. Normal setting, superior 7- and 28-day strengths (Steinour3). Free carbon dioxide in solution constitutes reserve acidity which is drawn into action as hydrogen ion reacts. Uncontaminated natural waters seldom exceed 10 ppm. Significant strength reduction. Reduce effectiveness of Ca2SO4 as retarder.


10,150 ppm


No limit available


(2.0% wt) (0.65% wt) (1.2% wt) No limit given

KOH Mineral oil

Large % of petroleum fluid residual oil emulsified so well with cement paste as to disappear completely. 10% in concrete resulted in 2535% strength reduction. 2.5% may cause 8 and 20% reduction in wet-cured and air-cured strength respectively. Of the five salts, the last three were the most active. Zinc and copper chlorides retarded so greatly that no strength was achieved. The action of lead nitrate was completely destructive. Significant reduction of initial strength. More information reported by Steinour3.

Chlorides of tin, manganese, zinc, copper and lead (nitrate). Sodium salts of iodate, phosphate, arsenate, and borate

2% of CaCl2* wt of cement (*equimolecular quantity)

Chlorides or nitrate (where solubility is low) of lithium, barium, iron, sodium, strontium, potassium, nickel, ammonium, cadmium, cobalt, magnesium, aluminium, calcium and chromium, and other sodium salts of fluoride, peroxide, chromate, chloride, hydrosulfite, bichromate, bromide, thiosulfate, sulfite, sulfate, chlorate, perchlorate, nitrate, aluminate, iodate, nitrite, silcofluoride produced no pronounced detrimental effect at high concentrations and may be presumed to be relatively safe in smaller concentrations such as might be encountered in industrial contaminated mix water (Kuhl 4) Zinc oxide 0.01% wt of cement No significant effect but 0.1% strongly retarded setting and lowered strength. More information reported by Steinour3. Reduction in early strength. Higher dose gave detrimental effect on strength development. Ammonium chloride increased strength. 0.4, 0.8 and higher % by weight of water of ammonium nitrate gave same strength as with similar % of NaCl. May result in air entrainment. See BS 3148*. Humic acid or other organic acids may adversely affect the hardening of concrete (Neville5). < 100 mg/L < 50 mg/L AS 1379.

Sodium sulfite


Ammonium ion

No specific limit

Algae Organic acids

To be tested

Sugar Oil and grease

continues 8
Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

TABLE 3 continued
Impurities Sucrose Limit 500 ppm Notes (References) 0.03-0.06 wt % of cement retarded setting but increased strength, 0.1% severely retarded setting but increased strength, 0.15% caused quick setting and lowered 7-day strength & similar or lower 28-day strength. (Steinour3). No effect on strength but may well have a considerable effect on setting time (Steinour3).

Tannic acid

(0.5% wt of water)

Silt or suspended clay particles

2000 ppm (turbidity) USBR Concrete Manual**. Much higher amounts can be tolerated as far as the effect on strength is concerned (Abrams2).

* BS 3148 Methods of test for water for making concrete ** US Bureau of Reclamation Concrete Manual.


Current Standards

The use of water and recycled water for the production of new concrete is covered in National Standards such as:
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AS 13791997 Specification and supply of concrete ASTM C9405 Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete, which refers to ASTM C1602 06 Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete EN 10082002 Mixing water for concrete Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete.

The most common performance criteria for mixing water are in terms of relative strength and setting time, whereas prescriptive limits are usually given in terms of chloride, sulfate and suspended solid contents. These criteria are compared and summarised in Table 4. AS 1379 stipulates that mixing water shall be drawn from a source of acceptable quality. Water recycled from mixer washout operations may be used as mixing water if it is stored such as to prevent contamination by matter deleterious to concrete and the water drawn from the storage outlet is of acceptable quality. Acceptable quality is identified from past service records or tested to requirements in Tables 3 and 4 in the Standard. Table 3 covers performance requirements on 7-day and 28-day compressive strength and initial setting time. Table 4 limits the maximum concentration of sugar, oil and grease and pH. ASTM C94 stipulates that mixing water comprises water and ice added to the batch, water occurring as surface moisture on the aggregates and, in the case of truck mixers, any wash water retained in the drum for use in the next batch of concrete. Water shall conform to ASTM C1602 which defines sources of water and provides requirements and testing frequencies for qualifying individual or combined water sources. In any case where the requirements of the purchaser differ from the specifications, the purchasers specification shall govern. ASTM C94 permits the use of non-potable water or water from CPO in any proportions to the limits qualified to meet the requirements and optional limits summarised in Table 4. The levels of impurities permitted in the wash water should be below the maximum concentration criteria

Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

TABLE 4 Main criteria of EN 1008, ASTM C94 and AS 1379 for the assessment of mixing water
ASTM C94 Optional requirement: 500 ppm (prestressed concrete or bridge decks) 1000 mg/L (reinforced concrete) Optional requirement: Sulfate as SO4 3000 ppm Optional requirement: Total solids by mass 50,000 ppm Optional requirement: Alkalies as Na2Oeq 600 ppm. Density as QC tool for combined water. Not specified. AS 1379 Specified as a total limit for concrete. Acid-soluble chloride ion content shall not exceed 0.8 kg/m3 Specified as a total limit for concrete. Acid-soluble sulfate-ion content, reported as SO3, shall not exceed 50 g/kg of cement.

Sugar < 100 mg/L Oil and grease < 50 mg/L pH > 5.0 The mean 7-day compressive strength of the mortar or concrete samples prepared with the water must be at least 90% of the mean strength of the control samples (prepared with distilled or potable water). From 1:00 hr earlier to 1 hrs later than control.


EN 1008

Cl content

500 mg/L (prestressed concrete/grout) 1000 mg/L (reinforced concrete) 4500 mg/L (without reinforcement)

SO42 content

2000 mg/L (otherwise, water fit for use in certain cases only*)

Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

Suspended solid matter

Recommendation: 1% of the total amount of aggregate in concrete

Other impurities and harmful contaminants

Preliminary inspections for oils and fats, detergents, colour, odour, acids and humic matter (see Table 1 of Standard). Alkali as Na2Oeq < 1500 mg/L* Sugars < 100 mg/L Phosphate, P2O3 < 100 mg/L Nitrates, NO3 500 mg/L Lead, Pb2+ 100 mg/L Zinc, Zn2+ 100 mg/L

Comparative samples strength

The mean 7-day and 28-day compressive strength of the mortar or concrete samples prepared with wash water must be at least 90% of the mean strength of the control samples (prepared with distilled or tap water)

7-day and 28-day compressive strength of concrete made with water from a source with no service record must be at least 90% of the mean strength of the control samples (prepared with water from a stable reticulated drinking water supply). Initial set from 60 min earlier to 90 min later than control sample time.

Setting times

Initial set 1 h and final set 12 h with both not differing by more than 25% from control.

*ie the final assessment depends on an assessment of each individual case and / or the comparative concrete test Na O 2 eq is Na2O+0.658 K2O

as follows: chloride as Cl(500 ppm), sulfate as SO4 (3000 ppm), alkalies as Na2O equivalent (600 ppm), and total solids (50,000 ppm). The PCA12 also permits the use of wash water from mixing concrete with a tolerance of up to 50,000 ppm of total solids. Annex A1 in ASTM C1602 provides a guide for the comparison between two concrete mixtures necessary for compliance with, while Appendix X1 gives guidance for testing frequency as related to water sources used in mixing water. EN 1008 specifies the requirements for water suitable for making concrete conforming to EN 206-1 and describes methods for assessing its suitability. The Standard considers the use of potable water, water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, water from underground sources, natural surface and industrial waste water for reinforced concrete, and seawater or brackish water for concrete without reinforcement or other embedded metal, but considers sewage water to be not suitable for use in concrete. The requirements for water are summarised in Table 4 comprising preliminary assessment, chemical properties, and setting time and strength. Appendix A provides specific requirements for the use of water recovered from processes in the concrete industry. 5.3 Water in Leading Road Authorities Concrete Specifications

Leading road authorities such as the Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales (B80 specification), Queensland Department of Main Roads (Standard Concrete Specification MRS11.70) and VicRoads (Specification for Structural Concrete) refer to the requirements of AS 1379 for mixing water. VicRoads also limits the chloride and chlorine content to 0.03% of the water. 5.4 Water from Concrete Production Operations (CPO)

There are a number of studies on the possible use of CPO water: as clarified wash water (partial recycled wash water) or slurry water (complete recycled water). A complete recycling of wash water and slurry for concrete making is part of the industrys move toward zero-discharge facilities. Studies by the NRMCA in the US and at the University of Toronto (Canada) on recycled water in ready mixed concrete operations were reported by Lobo and Mullings6. Other studies in Taiwan, Thailand, Italy and the USA were reported by Su et al, Chatveera et al, Sandrolini and Franzoniand Chini and Mbwambo). 5.4.1 Clarified wash water (partial recycled water)

There is sufficient evidence to support the use of clarified wash water collected from CPO with or without dilution with water from other sources into the collection well or sedimentation tank. It has been found that the quality of the water in terms of pH, total solid, chloride and sulfate content was well within the ASTM C94 limits, with the exception of the total solid content in the water collected from the bottom of the well. This supports the assertion that clarified wash water is suitable for making concrete provided that it is systematically collected and monitored. All studies indicated that using clarified wash water with a solids-content at or less than the ASTM C94 limit would produce concrete with strength and setting time complying with the Standard. In some cases, the compressive strength at 7 or 28 days was 90103% of that mixed with tap water. The higher strength might be due to the activation of the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash and slag by the high alkalinity of wash water. Drying shrinkage and rapid chloride permeability of concrete batches with clarified wash water were similar to the control batches. However, aged wash water (up to seven days) seemed to have marginally detrimental effects.


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production


Slurry water (complete recycled water)

The use of slurry water to replace the same amount of tap water will influence the effective w/c of the concrete due to the high solid content in the slurry water. The use of water with solid content exceeding the 50,000 ppm limit by up to 13,400 ppm (pH 12, SG 1.03) has been found to reduce slump but no significant effect on unit weight or semi-adiabatic temperature rise. Increase in the percentage of slurry water resulted in reduction of compressive and flexural strength, and the elastic modulus. Compressive strength was not less than 90% of concrete with tap water. Increase in the proportion of slurry water as a replacement of tap water also had a negative effect on the drying shrinkage and the resistance to acid attack. The NRMCA study6 found slurry water, with significantly higher solids content, increased water demand and accelerated setting time. The effects were more pronounced with an increase in the age of the slurry past one day and an increase in the solids content. Mixtures that had higher water contents due to the use of higher solids recycled slurry had an associated reduction in strength and increase in drying shrinkage and rapid chloride permeability. Hydration Stabilising Admixture (HSA) was effective in overcoming the negative effects of age and higher solids content in the wash water. The University of Toronto study6, commissioned by the ready mixed concrete producers in Ontario Canada, found the primary issue with the use of recycled water at higher solids content to be the acceleration of the setting time. At the same w/c, strength, permeability, shrinkage and other characteristics were similar to the control batches. Extreme caution is needed when considering the use of recycled water slurries with higher solids than the specified limit. The effect of such waters varies with increased solid contents as well as the age of the slurry. 6 SOURCES OF WATER

There are existing and new sources of water which may be suitable for direct replacement of potable water for concrete making or for dilution and processing of the CPO water. They include reclaimed water, groundwater and treated water from sewer mining or water mining. Water authorities are moving towards identifying new sources (including recycled water) for potable and non-potable water. There are also a number of residential dual-pipe schemes operating or under development in Australia such as the Rouse Hill Estate in New South Wales, Mawson Lakes in South Australia, Pimpama Coomera in Queensland, Aurora Development in Epping North, Sandhurst and Eynesbury Estate in Victoria. With an increased emphasis in supplying reclaimed water for non-potable uses, as well as the promotion to councils and businesses to gain direct access to untreated wastewater in sewer mines, these new sources of water represent opportunities for the concrete industry to tap into as part of its water management strategies. However, it required the source (eg wastewater treatment plant) and the target user to be in close proximity. For sewer mining, it is necessary for individual on-site treatment facilities to be established. 6.1 Metropolitan Potable Water

The World Health Organisation criteria for drinking water are summarised in Table 5. The quality of metropolitan water in major Australia cities and five US water-supply are tabulated and compared in Table 6. There was a wide range of variation of chemicals in water from different sources. The level of solids, chloride, sulfate and other chemical contents were very low compared to limits specified for concrete mixing water. This information indicates the range of chemicals and their variation that can be expected from one metropolitan supply to the other. 12
Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

TABLE 5 Drinking water standards of the World Health Organisation Concentration in milligrams per litre (mg/L) (after Ryan and Samarin8)
WHO International (1958) Chemical constituent ammonia (NH3) arsenic cadmium calcium chloride chromium (hexavalent) copper cyanide fluoride iron lead magnesium magnesium + sodium sulfates manganese nitrate (as NO3) oxygen, dissolved (minimum) phenolic compounds (as phenols) selenium sulfate total solids zinc 200 500 5.0 50 500 0.1 0.001 75 200 1.0 0.3 150 1000 0.5 0.002 Permissible limit 200 600 1.5 1.0 Excessive limit Maximum limit 0.2 0.05 0.01 0.1 350 3.0* 1.5 0.1 125 0.1 50 5.0 0.001 WHO European (1961) Recommended limit 0.5 Tolerance limit 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.1

400 1500 15

0.05 250



* After 16 h contact with new pipes: but water entering a distribution system should have less than 0.05 mg/L of copper

250 mg/L of sulfate is present, magnesium should not exceed 30 mg/L


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

TABLE 6 Chemical analysis of metropolitan water in Australia and the US (Ryan and Samarin8 and Steinour3)
Location (year analysed) Five US supply authorities highest for each item 1960 983

Chemical Total dissolved solids pH SiO2 Na K Ca Mg Fe SO4 Cl HCO3 NO3

Adelaide Happy Valley 19831987 413

Brisbane North Pine 1978 370

Perth Mirraboka region* 19861987 404

Melbourne Cardinia 1987 49

Sydney Ryde 19861987 93

7.6 7 101 5.5 23 20 0.68 36 180 85

7.1 17 43 2.5 31 20 0.10.3** 29 115 115

6.7 15.0 89 5.4 29.8 9.3 <0.1 54 153 51.5

7.0 6.3 6.3 0.8 3.0 1.6 0.2 2.0 8.4

7.19 3.72 12.6 1.63 8.2 5.0 0.10 7.1 24.8

22.0 215 18 96 34 0.2 121.0 280 549 13.0

Notes: All values in ppm except pH All values are presented as an average for period shown except for Hobart and Perth * Treated groundwater ** Data given as a range by water authorities concerned Data was give as typical values by water authorities concerned.

TABLE 7 Some of the potential quality concerns for industrial reuse

Quality Microbiological quality Chemical quality (eg ammonia, calcium, magnesium, silica, iron) Physical quality (eg suspended solids) Nutrients (eg phosphorous and nitrogen) Problem Risk to health of workers and the public Corrosion of pipes and machinery, scale formation, foaming. Solids deposition, fouling, blockages. Slime formation, microbial growth.


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production


Reclaimed Water

There are many potential options for the reuse of reclaimed water within industry sectors. Some examples are:
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Cooling system make-up water Boiler feed water Process water (for example, concrete batching plant) Wash-down water Fire protection (such as sprinkler systems) Dust control/suppression at construction sites, quarries and mines.

Some of the potential quality concerns for industrial reuse are tabulated in Table 7. The Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (ANZECC, 2001) provides guidance on appropriate water quality for a range of industrial uses. 6.2.1 Sources of reclaimed water

Current and future sources of reclaimed water in various Australian states are listed in Appendix A and summarised in Table 8. It shows both current and future sources of reclaimed water. However, it is best that individual users contact the relevant water authorities for their advice of the best source of nonpotable water. 6.2.2 Quality of reclaimed water

Abrams2 examined the effect on concrete strength of waters carrying sanitary sewage and waters carrying industrial wastes. He found waters carrying sanitary sewage to give strengths between 83 and 102% of control. The analyses of these waters involved simply the usual determinations of suspended solids, total solids, ignited solids, silica and inorganic ions. The amounts did not differ significantly from those for the city waters. For industrial wastes, the contents are so diverse that only the total solids content was analysed. Of all these waters, only lime soak from tannery, refuse from paint factory and acids waters were considered unsatisfactory. The other waters gave no strengths below 85%. All of the waters with reported total solids below 4000 ppm fall into this category. Specific quality of reclaimed water can be obtained from the respective supplier. The typical quality of some reclaimed water from Liverpool, Penrith, and Rouse Hill in NSW is given in Table 9. The data demonstrates the suitability of reclaimed water from these three sources for use as concrete mixing water.


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

TABLE 8 Sources of reclaimed water

Quantity (billion litres/ year)


Areas / suburbs served

Available from 2015 2010

NEW SOUTH WALES Western Sydney Recycled Water Initiative (via dual reticulation). Camillia (drinking water) Hoxton Park Camillia and Smithfield

27 6

Edmondson Park, Glenfield Road, Ingleburn Gardens, 3 Inghams, Yarrunga, Cecil Hills (South) and South Hoxton Park Aerodrome. East St Marys NA

2009 2019

Dunheved Industrial Estate Liverpool to Ashfield pipeline (sewer mining)


Many suburbs via a 24-km-long pipe from Liverpool STP to an existing sewer at Ashfield. LiverpoolAshfieldPipeline/


Late 2008

VICTORIA Melbourne Eastern Treatment Plant Onsite Eastern Treatment Plant. 13.4 13.8 0.2 5.0 2004/05 2009 2005 2010

Eastern Irrigation Scheme TopAq (Class A recycled water) South East Water

Cranbourne-Five Ways, Sandhurst development.

Frankston and Mornington Peninsula via Eastern Treatment Plants 56-km outfall pipeline.

1.4 1.7

2005 2010

Western Treatment Plant Werribee Onsite (Class C recycled water) Western Treatment Plant Werribee Agriculture. 20.7 37 0.1 0.5 3 8.5 2004/05 2009 2004/05 2009 2006/07 2009

Werribee Tourist Precinct

Southern Rural Water Werribee Irrigation District, Werribee South. (Class A recycled water) City West Water City of Wyndham, Werribee Fields, Manor Lakes and Bluestone Green, Werribee Technology Precinct, Hoppers Crossing.


In planning.

QUEENSLAND Brisbane Western Corridor Recycled Water Scheme: linking Luggage Point on Brisbane's east to Caboonbah in the north-west. It Involve the construction of three advanced water treatment plants at Bundamba, Luggage Point and Gibson Island by an approximately 200 km long which has a capacity to supply up to 230 ML per day. See the proposed pipeline route and summary of SQC Councils Recycled Water Information in Apprendix A. 80 2008

continues 16
Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

TABLE 8 continued
Quantity (billion litres/ year)


Areas / suburbs served

Available from

WESTERN AUSTRALIA Kwinana Water Recycling Plant Albany Waste Water Treatment Pinjarra CANBERRA Supplies reuse schemes, adjacent vineyard and golf Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control course. Centre North Canberra Effluent Reuse Scheme Provides effluent to irrigators, the Australian Defence Force Academy. 1.9 2006 Major industries in Kwinana. 6 +3.5 NA 2006 future 2006

Used to water gum trees and tree farms in Albany.

Used for dust control




TABLE 9 Typical impurities in reclaimed water (courtesy of Sydney Water)

Typical impurities (mg/L) in reclaimed water from Parameter Alkalinity (bicarbonate) Alkalinity (carbonate) CBOD Chloride COD TDS (total dissolved solid) TSS (total suspended solid) Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Sulphate Turbidity, NTU Reactive silica Liverpool (Secondary) 259 84 10.3 145 57 488 11 40 6 48 10 Penrith (Tertiary) 41 0 2.8 124 33 442 2.6 3 0.08 64 0.7 5.7 2.4 156 30 535 2.6 5.6 0.02 ~60 0.5 Rouse Hill (Residential recycled)

CBOD is the carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, COD is the chemical oxygen demand


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production


Classes of reclaimed water

In many states, reclaimed water is classified for a range of usage. Examples of classification from Victorian EPA and Queensland EPA are given in Tables 10 and 11 respectively. Industrial use of reclaimed water within enclosed systems (such as sealed conveyance systems, tanks or vessels) will minimise the risk to workers and allow the use of a lower class of reclaimed water. For an open system industrial use, where there is potential for worker exposure due to ingestion or inhalation of aerosols, Class A reclaimed water is generally needed to protect worker health. Lower levels of disinfection (reclaimed water Class B or lower) may be possible but will depend on assessment of the measures employed to control worker exposure to such water. Measures could include ventilation or extraction of enclosed spaces (adequate air exchange to outside the work area), or personal protective clothing and equipment. As shown in Tables 10 and 11, all classes of reclaimed water have very low suspended solid content and hence are highly likely to be suitable for concrete production. Class A reclaimed water appears particularly suitable for consideration for use in concrete batching plants including mix water as it should post no health risks to the worker. According to EPA Victorias Guidelines for Environmental Management: Use of Reclaimed Water17 , treatment will be required to achieve a median concentration of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of 20 mg/L and suspended solid (SS) of 30 mg/L (30 ppm) for recycled water. Secondary treatment is the minimum standard of treatment needed for most agricultural and municipal reclaimed water use scheme. For class A, B or C reclaimed water, the treatment process also needs to include a pathogen-reducing disinfection step such as chlorination. Note that the use of any class of recycled water should involve development and implementation of a Recycled Water Management Plan incorporating risk management. TABLE 10 Classes of reclaimed water and corresponding standards for biological treatment and pathogen reduction (Table 1 of EPA Vic guideline)
Water quality objectives median unless specified E.coli org/100 mL Turbidity, NTU* BOD Suspended Solid, SS pH** Residual (or equivalent disinfection) Classes of reclaimed water A <10 2 <10 <5 69 1 mg/L B <100 <20 <30 69 C <1000 <20 <30 69 D <10000 <20 <30 69

Range of uses (industrial specific) Open system with worker exposure potential

Closed industrial system

Closed industrial system with no potential worker exposure

Agriculture non-food crops.

Notes: * Turbidity limit is a 24-hour median value measured pre-disinfection. The maximum value is five NTU. ** pH range is 90th percentile. A higher upper pH limit for lagoon-based systems with algae growth may be appropriate, provided it will not be detrimental to recipient soils and disinfection efficacy is maintained. Where Class C or D is via treatment lagoons, although design limits of 20 mg/L BOD and 30 mg/L SS apply, only BOD is used for ongoing confirmation of plant performance.


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

TABLE 11 Recommended water quality specifications for recycled water, its uses and recommended monitoring (Tables 6.2 and 6.3 in Queensland EPA Water Recycling Guidelines18)
Water quality specifications E.coli, median (cfu/100 mL)* Turbidity, NTU 95% ile (max.) BOD5, median (mg/L) Suspended solid, SS, median (mg/L) pH TDS, median (mg/L) EC, median S/cm)** Recycled water use (Industrial specific) Classes A <10 B <100 C <1000 D <10,000

2 (5)*

20 5

20 30

20 30

68.5 1000 1600 Open system (potential for occasional human contact, but with safeguards in place. E. coli weekly, turbidity and disinfection continuous, pH weekly

68.5 1000 1600 Washdown of hard surfaces in agricultural industries.

68.5 1000 1600 Closed system (low human contact)

68.5 1000 1600 Turf, cotton, wholesale nurseries with controlled access.

Recommended monitoring

E. coli weekly, disinfection weekly, pH weekly, SS weekly

E. coli weekly, disinfection weekly, pH weekly

E. coli monthly, pH monthly

Note: Turbidity would generally be measured before the disinfection point at the treatment plant as this is the point at which low turbidity is essential. * As these values are medians, for each of these guideline values a response value should be set (eg 50% above the guideline value). ** For sustainable irrigation, salinity should be kept as low as possible. For example, if TDS >1000 mg/L or EC>1600 S/cm, a salinity reduction programme should be implemented.


Sewer Mining

Sewer mining (NSW) or water mining (ACT and Queensland) is the process of tapping directly into a sewer either before or after a sewage treatment plant and extracting wastewater for treatment and reuse as recycled water. Some sewer mining by-products may be returned into the sewerage system, subject to trade waste disposal and licensing requirements. The user will be responsible for treating the water from sewer mining to the required quality. It is likely that the treated water will cost more than water obtained from water authorities but with the certainty of supply. Examples of such schemes include Kogarah Council and Pennant Hills Golf Club in Sydney, Rocks Riverside Park in Brisbane and Southwell Park in Canberra.


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production


Groundwater or Bore Water

Botany Sands Aquifer bore water supplies are used for industrial purposes such as cooling and manufacture of paper and chemical products. The water is also used for irrigation of parks and gardens, golf courses and bowling greens. Natural groundwater discharge from the sand bed aquifer supports important dependent ecosystems such as the Botany Wetlands. In NSW, the Department of Natural Resources is responsible for managing access to water and ensuring water is shared between the environment, towns and cities, and farmers and industry as well as for Aboriginal cultural activities. To access groundwater for any purpose requires approval from the Department. In Melbourne, the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) is responsible for co-ordinating groundwater management activities across the State. To support this role, it undertakes groundwater investigations using in-house and contracted resources. These include the provision of technical advice on groundwater resource, salinity and contamination matters, as well as information management and mapping. In Queensland, there is a moratorium banning the drilling of new water bores in Brisbane and Toowoomba. Groundwater may be a suitable source of concrete mixing water. It has a tendency to be saline or may contain appreciable amounts of dissolved carbon dioxide. In securing a source of groundwater, quality requirements (Table 2) and guide on impurities (Table 3) could be used to gauge the suitability of a particular source. 6.5 Occupational Health and Safety

The following best-practice measures, recommended by EPA Victoria, should be implemented to minimise the exposure of on-site workers to risks associated with the use of reclaimed water:

Education of on-site workers as to the risks associated with exposure to reclaimed water (ingestion and inhalation of reclaimed water droplets and mist). Appropriate immunisation (immunisations are not considered necessary for any Class A schemes, due to the high microbiological water quality). Installation of wash basins. No consumption of food or drink while working directly with reclaimed water, and the washing of hands with soap before eating, drinking or smoking, and at the end of the working day. Using protective equipment appropriate to the tasks being undertaken and the quality of reclaimed water being used. Avoiding high exposure to, and inhalation of, reclaimed water spray by limiting access to irrigation areas to a minimum during irrigation periods.

n n

An Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risks (Phase 1) was released in 2006. It is an authoritative reference for the supply, use and regulation of recycled water schemes. It provides guidance on how recycling can be safely and sustainably achieved. It can be downloaded from


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production


Water naturally contains a wide range of dissolved chemicals and suspended solids. Potable water, for example, can contain up to 1000 ppm of total dissolved solids and dissolved chemicals ranging from silica, alkalies, iron, chlorides, sulfates, bicarbonates and nitrates. Water containing a range of impurities can therefore be quite suitable for concrete production. Some waters which could adversely affect hardened concrete may be harmless or even beneficial when used in mixing (eg seawater in plain concrete). The bulk of research on the effect of impurities in mixing water on concrete performance was conducted in the first half of the twentieth century. The essences of these studies have been reviewed by Steinour3 and summarised in Table 3. Most recent literature focused on the use of wash water and slurry water from concrete production operation (CPO). The suitability of CPO water has been assessed based on its effect on setting times and strength. This approach follows the performance requirements of National Standards on concrete mixing water including recycled water. Table 4 compares the Australian, American and European specifications. Table 2 gives mandatory limits for chemical and total solid content. Table 3 serves as a checklist to identify potential harmful impurities in any new source of water for concrete production. Table 4 can be used to assess CPO waters for concrete production, and Appendix X1 in ASTM C1602 provides guidance for testing frequency of CPO waters. Most Water Authorities are strongly promoting the use of reclaimed water for domestic, agricultural and industrial usage. Sources and availability are provided for all capital cities in Australia. Information on the quality of reclaimed water is available from water suppliers (see examples in Table 9). From the OH&S viewpoint, there are water quality objectives for various classes of reclaimed water. They vary slightly from state to state, and examples from EPA Victoria and Queensland EPA are given in Tables 10 and 11. From such limited information, Class A reclaimed water appears to be suitable for concrete production but concrete performance testing will be required for any new source of reclaimed water. Under three broad water-use scenarios given below, there are two different sets of criteria to be used to check if the quality of water is suitable for making concrete:

If a new source of non-potable water, such as reclaimed or groundwater, is considered for use as mixing water or as part of CPO water, a stringent set of criteria should be adopted from Tables 2 and 3 to check if there are excessive impurities which are detrimental to the production and durability of concrete. In most cases, the water is supplied by a Water Authority or its water retailers. Reclaimed water is usually supplied to specific classes with corresponding standards for biological treatment and pathogen reduction such as shown in Table 10. The availability of reclaimed water in all major cities is listed in Table 8. It is best to contact the local water authority for details about supply and quality. Where recycled CPO water is chosen, the quality of the water must comply with criteria specified in AS 1379 or similar standard for recycling water summarised in Table 4. Different levels of process control are implemented depending on whether partial or complete recycled water is used. Appendix X1 in ASTM C1602 provides a guide for testing frequency. Potable water is considered suitable for concrete production. However, if potable water is used as part of the CPO water, the AS 1379 criteria used to assess recycled water would apply to the combined water.


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

Where full recycling of CPO water is targeted, there is evidence that slurry water containing suspended solid matters greater than 50,000 ppm (limit given in ASTM C94) can be used, but testing of the specific water and possible use of hydration stabilising admixture (HSA) or other admixtures is recommended. If water, other than potable water, is introduced, it seems that Class A reclaimed water (or higher class) can be used where there is potential for worker exposure. Where groundwater or sewer mined water is used, the Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risks19 should be followed. WATER USE SCENARIOS
NO 1 New sources eg Class A reclaimed water, underground water Meet criteria in Tables 2 and 3 Reject or reprocess YES NO AS 1379 Performance tests YES

YES 2 Concrete production operation Combined water Process/storage AS 1379 Performance tests YES Concrete batch plant

Use of HSA or process control 3 Potable water YES


All waters are likely to contain a wide range of dissolved chemicals and suspended solids which may affect concrete production in various ways. Extensive review of literature and standards in Australia and overseas has provided information on the following two aspects of concrete-mixing-water quality:

Table 2 Existing mandatory limits on chemicals and total solid content in the mixing water to ensure long-term durability of the concrete produced, and Table 3 A guideline on the type and amount of impurities which may adversely affect the properties of fresh and/or hardened concrete.

There is not sufficient research for a specific limit to be placed on each impurity in Table 3. In practice, the possible effects of this whole range of impurities in the mixing water are tested simply for their effects on the setting times and strength development of a standard mix compared to the same mix prepared with potable or distilled water. Any adverse results are accommodated in terms of tolerances in the setting times and strength. This is the approach used in all standards including AS 1379 (Table 4). Water authorities in many states are promoting the use of non potable water to industry and are in a position to provide information on the availability and quality of water from a specific supplier. In sourcing alternative water supply, quality requirements can be compiled from Tables 2 and 3 for concrete mixing water which will help the supplier to identify the


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

most appropriate source of water. In the case of reclaimed water, classification of the water according to the quality objectives for a range of water usage including level of human exposure, can be made available to assist the water user with OH&S management. In sewer or water mining, the choice of water processing technology and quality objectives become the responsibility of the licensee. APPENDIX A: Current and future sources of reclaimed water New South Wales Water authorities such as Sydney Water have implemented or plan to increase water supply sources for households, industrial and commercial use. They include:
n n n

Deep water in dams Options for transferring more water from Shoalhaven Groundwater in the event of severe drought.

The NSW Government has identified a number of ways to increase the use of recycled water by industry. The first of these is the innovative water scheme in the Camellia area near Parramatta. This has the potential to save up to six billion litres of drinking water a year. Smaller industrial schemes around Sydney such as that at the Dunheved Industrial Estate in East St Marys are being developed. Apart from using wastewater treated at sewage treatment plants and harvesting stormwater, businesses and councils can also gain direct access to untreated wastewater in sewer mines and treat it themselves for their own use or for supply to others. The NSW Government has planned for more-diverse recycled water markets including residential, industrial and agricultural markets in Western Sydney. The total recycling in these markets is projected to be more than 70 billion litres per year by 2015, or about 15% of all the wastewater collected. Victoria In Melbourne, stormwater, greywater and reclaimed water are all alternative water supplies. Reclaimed water is treated water from major sewage treatment plants, and is supplied by local water retailers: Southern Rural Water or TopAq and the metropolitan retail water companies. Greywater usually refers to domestic water recycling from baths, showers, basins or washing machines for gardens. In Melbourne, reclaimed water is also a source for greywater. See Table 8. Onsite water recycling (referred to as sewer mining in NSW) involves the removal and treatment of effluent from sewer mains to produce high quality recycled water while returning remaining water or sludge to the sewerage system. Melbourne has successfully trialled onsite water recycling plants in parks around Melbourne. South Australia SA Water supplies water state-wide through its distribution network This includes potable water for all purposes and recycled water principally used for irrigation. There are three main sources of potable water. The 200506 reported volume from these three sources was: River Murray (114 billion litres, 48.7%), surface water (105 billion litres, 44.8%) and ground water (15 billion litres, 6.5%). Overall, SA Water reclaimed approximately 18.9 BL or 18% of treated wastewater during 200506 for reuse. SA Water supplies recycled water from some of its wastewater treatment plants for use in the irrigation of crops, primarily in Virginia and Maclaren Vale, golf courses, parks and gardens. SA Water is a partner in the Mawson Lakes residential third-pipe scheme.


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

The scheme combines recycled wastewater from the Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant and captured stormwater from the Salisbury area to provide an alternative supply for irrigation of gardens and open space areas as well as toilet flushing. SA Water describes recycled water as reclaimed water. Reclaimed water20 is treated to reduce the risks associated with use of such water. Reclaimed water is divided into classes A, B, C & D. Class A is the highest quality of reclaimed water or non potable water classified for primary contact recreation, residential non potable use (e. garden watering), local council use with public access, dust suppression and unrestricted crop irrigation. Class B is classified for secondary contact recreation, restricted crop irrigation and fire fighting. Western Australia While water recycling has been undertaken in regional areas of Western Australia for many years, large-scale use of recycled water in the metropolitan area has been limited. To address this situation, the State Water Strategy sets a target of reusing 20% of WA treated waste water sources by 2012. It identifies large-scale, scheme-based reuse options as a priority above reuse at a household scale. The Strategy highlights the potential for recycling to provide water fit for purpose for irrigated horticulture, green space irrigation and industry, as well as the potential for managed aquifer recharge to increase water availability in groundwater systems and to maintain environmental values. The WA Department of Water is also working to increase recycling of stormwater. Kwinana Water Recycling Plant is currently supplying six billion litres of recycled water annually with expansion of supply underway. Queensland The Queensland Environmental Protection Agency provides water recycling guidelines21 which aim to encourage and support water recycling that is safe, environmentally sustainable and cost effective, and hence reduce pressure on existing potable water sources. These guidelines provide advice on recycling water for non-potable reuse that has been sourced from sewage treatment plant effluent, but not from other sources. The Western Corridor Recycled Water Scheme is the largest recycled water scheme in Australia and will involve building a pipeline from six wastewater treatment plants in Brisbane and Ipswich to take recycled water to industry and agriculture. The Western Corridor Recycled Water pipeline (see Project overview map below):

will be capable of delivering up to 95 million litres of recycled water per day from Brisbane to the power stations; could provide up to 115 million litres per day for other uses, such as replenishing the dams with purified recycled water.

Tasmania The Tasmanian Government supports the use of recycled water and provides guidelines22 for such use. Recycled water may be available from treatment plants; local councils should be contacted for possibility of supply. Current recycling is primarily for broadacre agribusinesses and golf courses such as the Clarence Recycled Water Scheme which provides up to 2700 megalitres of recycled water to potentially more than 100 Tasmanian growers. Public health requirements are given in the guidelines. Darwin The Northern Territory Power and Water Corporation have been recycling water for 20 years in Darwin and Alice Springs. Recycled water is used on a limited basis in Darwin, Pine Creek, Katherine, and Alice Springs. However, the demand for recycled water from large irrigation customers is increasing. Recycled water can be reused for watering public


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

sports playing fields, golf courses, tree lots, pastures and public areas. In Darwin, the Marrara sporting complex ovals and golf course are irrigated by recycled water, while in Alice Springs, Blatherskite Park uses recycled water to water its ovals. In Alice Springs, the project directs effluent from waste stabilisation ponds down to underground storage before being used in irrigation horticulture projects. Canberra The ACT Government issued a strategy for sustainable water resource management in 2004 23. It targets an increasing use of reclaimed water to 20% by 2013. It reported that the average volume of sewage collected in the ACT (from Canberra and Queanbeyan) potentially available for reuse is 35 GL per year. The 2006 reuse was around 2.2 GL per year. ACT Electricity and Water (ACTEW) confirmed the availability of recycled water from the Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre. REFERENCES 1a EN 1008 Mixing water for concrete specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete. 1b ASTM C1602-06, Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete, USA. 1c AS 1379 Specification and supply of concrete Standards Australia 2 3 4 5 6 Abrams DA, Tests of impure waters for mixing concrete American Concrete Institute Journal 20 (1942) pp 442486. Steinour HH, Concrete Mix Water How Impure Can It Be? Portland Cement Association Journal Research and Development Laboratories, 3, No. 3 pp. 3250 Sept. 1960. Kuhl H The Chemistry of High Early Strength Cement, Concrete (Cement Mill Edition), 33, No. 1, pp 109111, July, 1928; 33, No. 2, pp 103105 August 1928. Neville AM Properties of Concrete Fourth Edition, Longman, England 1997, p734. Lobo C and Mullings GM Recycled Water in Ready Mixed Concrete Operations Concrete InFOCUS Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 1726 Spring 2003, (Reprinted by permission of National Ready Mixed Concrete Association). Cebeci OZ and Saatci AM Domestic sewage as mixing water in concrete ACI Materials Journal, 86, No. 5, pp 5036 1989. Ryan WG and Samarin A Australian Concrete Technology, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, 1992. Netterberg F Occurrence and Testing for Deleterious Salts in Road Construction Materials with Particular Reference to Calcretes, Proceedings of Salts Symposium, IEAust, 1970.

7 8 9

10 Analysis of water encountered in construction BRS Digest No. 90, HMSO, London, July 1956. 11 ASTM C94 05 Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete USA. 12 Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures PCA Skokie, IL, 1990. 13 Su N, Miao B and Liu FS Effect of wash water and underground water on properties of concrete, Cement and Concrete Research 32, pp 777782, 2002.


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

14 Chatveera B, Lertwattanaruk P and Makul N Effect of sludge water from ready-mixed concrete plant on properties and durability of concrete Cement & Concrete Composites 28, pp 441450, 2006. 15 Sandrolini F and Franzoni E Waste wash water recycling in ready-mixed concrete plants, Cement and Concrete Research 31, pp 4859, 2001. 16 Chini SA and Mbwambo WJ Enviromentally friendly solutions for the disposal of concrete wash water from ready mixed concrete operations, Proceedings CIB W89 Beijing International Conference, 1996. 17 Guidelines for Environmental Management: Use of Reclaimed Water (Publication 464.2), EPA Victoria 2003. 18 Queensland EPA Queensland Environment Protection Agency Queensland Water Recycling Guidelines December 2005 (p17). 19 Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risks, NWQMS, Nov 2006. 20 Water, for growth, development and quality of life for all South Australians, Sustainable report, SA Water 2003. 21 Manual for Recycled Water Agreements Part 4, Queensland Government, available from 22 Environmental Guidelines for the Use of Recycled Water in Tasmania, Department of Primary Industries and Water, December 2002. 23 Think water, act water: Strategy for sustainable water resource management in the ACT, 20042005 Progress Report, ACT Government January 2006.


Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production


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Use of Recycled Water in Concrete Production

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