Gita Corporate World
Gita Corporate World
Gita Corporate World
Lessons from Lessons from Srimad Srimad Bhagavad Bhagavad Gita Gita
for Excellence in Leadership for Excellence in Leadership for Excellence in Leadership for Excellence in Leadership
Professor B Mahadevan
December 19, 2011
Todays Context
Interesting world of dualities?
Income levels going up
Material Progress
accelerating at great
Youngsters getting old
faster Hypertension &
Diabetes at 30 Psycho
More selling More
malls More cars
More education
educational standards
More knowledge
Quality of Life
Working life deteriorate
Where are the role
What is mass media up
We live in a world of duality
Suffering of many people in modern world
Work, work and work; earn more and more
money but remain inwardly poorer and poorer,
until one becomes a nervous wreck
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
until one becomes a nervous wreck
When men achieve security & welfare, now
that they have solved all other problems, they
become a problem themselves
(Schopenhaurer, A (1819), The World as Will
and Representation)
Modern Corporations
Very primitive form of existence
Most large, apparently successful corporations are profoundly
Average life expectancy of Fortune 500 companies is 40
50 years
of companies listed in Fortune 500 in 1970 vanished
by 1983
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
by 1983
40% of all newly created companies last less than 10 years
Managers in these companies experience
work stress, endless struggles for power & control,
cynicism & resignation
work environment that stifles rather than releases human
imagination, energy & commitment
Source: Geus, A. (1997), The Living Company, Harvard Business School Press
Issues facing us today?
What is the most important aspect of great
How do we break from the drudgery of work?
How do we develop inner character that sees
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
How do we develop inner character that sees
us in good stead at all times in our life?
Bhagavad Gita
Practical Vedanta?
Primacy of this text in this country in
vedantic traditions
Three dimensional perspective
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Religious Angle
Spiritual Angle
Secular Angle
Direct & Relevant thoughts for us
Management consultants also have ideas to
draw from Gita !
Religious Angle or is it?
4(l 4(l |( PF4 l|+4|6 l6
H-4tl+PPF4 6(ltPl+ B=l4(P+ 4.7.
9|lTl4 Bl+l |4+lHl4 !T6lP
PBFl9+ll4 B 4l|P 4 4+ 4.8.
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
PBFl9+ll4 B 4l|P 4 4+ 4.8.
When there is a deterioration of the Dharma and rise
of the evil forces, I incarnate and protect good
people, destroy evil forces and restore Dharma
Stability and long term sustainability of the system happens because there
are regenerative points in the system. When the system attains
disequilibrium and shows signs of being unstable and going out of control
corrective measures are taken to restore equilibrium in the system.
Spiritual Angle or Is it?
4lBl|B =lTl|+ 4l |4(l4
+4l|+ l|6 +l59l|T
6l Hll|T |4(l4 =lTl|+
H-4l|+ B4l|6 +4l|+ ((l+2.22.
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
H-4l|+ B4l|6 +4l|+ ((l+2.22.
Just as one discards a torn old shirt and wears a new
one, the soul also discards a old (& tired) body and
shifts to a new one
In order to be successful and sustainable organizations need to
continuously engage themselves in discarding old ideas (mind set!) &
embrace new ones. This is the essence of the notion of time & change
Relevant questions, thoughts
H T+ 9416l54 9l9 |6 969-
H|+7|9 4l!T4 4l|(4 |+4l|=6-+ 3.36.
What is happening behind all these bad things?
Although I am not interested it appears I am forcibly
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Although I am not interested it appears I am forcibly
involved into this.
PllF9HlF6 Tl-64 Hl6l!TBG-G(l-
HlPl9l|4+l5|+t4l- 6l|F6|6F4 l6+ 2.14.
You can not runway from the world of dualities.
Learn to handle them you will be a great leader
Arjunas Predicament
Are there management lessons?
Argument 1: Happiness not guaranteed
F4=+ |( T (t4l B|G+- F4lP Pl4+1.37.
How can one be happy after killing ones own people?
Argument 2: War creates bigger problem
(l96- T+l+l 4TBTlT-
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
(l96- T+l+l 4TBTlT-
7tBlH-6 =l|6Pl- TPl HlH6l-+1.43.
By these misdeeds Confusion in the society, class may happen on a
permanent basis
Argument 3: Impractical Idea
T l!PP( B=4 l T PB(+
9|- 9|64ltF4l|P 9=l(l H|B(++2.4.
How can I fight those who are worthy of worship?
Challenges of high performance
Overcoming these conflicts is essential
The Head (Leader,
CEO) confronts a
difficult situation
Although the solution is
known, it is difficult to
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Therefore make several arguments for
not making a change or defending the
status quo
The arguments are very
convincing at the outset
High Performing organisations need leaders who do not get stuck like this
Maintain status quo or
avoid tough decisions
Lessons from Gita Chapter 1
What happens when we face crisis?
Lack of
Lack of
Less questionable
about mindset
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
More Defensive Faint-heartedness
Relevance of Gita
Developing character thro spirituality
What does it mean to develop character?
Strength & Gentleness must coexist
Great Broadmindedness develops along with
intensity of faith and conviction
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
intensity of faith and conviction
Intense fearlessness and intense compassion
H4 4 9l-6l|B =+T- (Brihadaranya
4FPl6 + 7|=6 lTl- lTl6 + 7|=6 4-
(Gita chapter 12)
Relevance of Gita
Developing character thro spirituality
Capacity to withstand non-sense in life
(withstand changes and chances in life)
Ability to go beyond the pulls of physical/
nervous/ psychic systems
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
nervous/ psychic systems
Ability to see changelessness amidst
Management Lesson 1
Excellence thru Leadership
Secret of great leadership
Developing a sense of equanimity
PllF9HlF6 Tl-64 Hl6l!TBG-G(l-
HlPl9l|4+l5|+t4l- 6l|F6|6F4 l6+2.14.
4 |( + -44-t46 969 9699
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
4 |( + -44-t46 969 9699
BP-GBG l Bl5P6t4l4 T-96+2.15.
4lF- T6 TPl|T Bq t41t4l +=4
|B&|B&l- BPl t4l BPt4 4l 746 +2.48.
A key element of leadership
BG-G BP Tt4l
llll =4l=4l
66l 4&l4 474F4
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
66l 4&l4 474F4
+4 9l9P4l-F4|B+ 2.38.
Different facets of equanimity
Chapter 14: Guna Treya Vibhaga Yoga
BP-GBG- F4F- BPl7l7PTl+-
6-4|94l|94l l- 6-4|+-(ltPBF6|6-+ 14.24.
Pl+l9Pl+4lF6-4- 6-4l |Pl|94l-
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Pl+l9Pl+4lF6-4- 6-4l |Pl|94l-
B4l9|t4ll Tl6l6- B 746 + 14.25.
Why this repeated reference to
Equanimity (BPt4 l4-) ?
Great things are not achieved through
Animal Vs Human difference is a function of
this attribute
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
this attribute
Balance between Sensory input & Motor output
Man has physical homeostasis Gita argues for
psychological homeostasis
Gita is all about handling the world around us
and also handling oneself while engaging in
the thick of activities
Management Lesson 2
Discovering the Joy of Work
What is work?
Todays perspectives
Work is drudgery
Therefore I need break
I need a weekend get away
I do not enjoy it
This is anti-thesis to Gita!
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
I do not enjoy it
It is boring
Modern thinking & Mgmt. is about associating all work
with drudgery & seeking pleasure from outside
Boredom is spiritual emptiness of mind
Chapter 4: Sloka 18
The paradox of Karma
TP'4TP 4- 9746 HTP|T TP 4-
B 4|&Pl-P+!49 B 416- TtF+TPT6+ 4.18.
One who sees action in inaction and inaction in
action is intelligent, composed, doer of all action
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
action is intelligent, composed, doer of all action
You see several examples in real life
Work done with a deep sense of devotion
Work done with selfless love (Mother attending to a child)
Work done with enormous passion (Dr. V of Aravind Eye Hospital)
In a nutshell, all greatest achievers in this world will be part of this list!
Relevance of Gita
Freedom from work: Practical guidelines
Twelve Principles to be diligently practiced
and followed
Enable us to have holiday while engaging in heavy
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Lead us to get liberated from all effects of doing
Karma dissolves and it does not taint us in anyway
Discovering Joy of Work
Checklist & Practical Guidelines
l+l|P (- l+l|P (- l+l|P (- l+l|P (-- Burnt by the fire of knowledge
TlP BT-9 4|=6-- Devoid of sensual desire & desire for results
TP T HlB t4--Forsaking the clinging to fruits of action
|+t4 6-6--Ever satisfied
|+l~4-- Depending on nothing
46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
|+l~4-- Depending on nothing
46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl- Controlled mind/body
|+lHl-- Without any ambition
t4 B4 9|(-- Relinquishing personal possessiveness
4((l l B-6!-- Content with what comes without effort
|4PtB-- Free from envoy
- H6l6-- Transcending the world of dualities
|B& H|B&l BP-- Even minded in success & Failure
Is this an Utopian idea?
TlP BT-9 4|=6- Service to someone who was responsible for
what you are today Bhakti & Shraddha
TP T HlB t4- Mother attending to a child with pure love
|+t4 6-6- A person attending to any work with a feeling of
fullness of life
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
fullness of life
|+l~4- One who believes that his/her work is Gods Work Those
who work with a great social cause and divine perspective
t4 B4 9|(- People who feel that they have no premium for
life Poor people in any society have great propensity to take risk
and participate in common good
4((l l B-6!- The pleasure of a 2 year old child can never be
matched by anyone else
Is this an Utopian idea or a
gateway to evolution of the self?
We do have examples in real life but in
varying degrees we practice it
Post-man delivers news without emotions
Thomas Alva Edison with 100s of failed inventions
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Thomas Alva Edison with 100s of failed inventions
Great leaders who made an impact on the society
Deep sleep do we not practice this daily?
Avatara Purshas: Rama, Krishna, Jesus
Management Lesson 3
Developing Inner Strength &
Relevance of Gita
Understand the ways of mind
Mind is an apparatus available with us
Keeps wandering all the time
Revels in the world of dualities, controversies,
adversaries, contrasts of existence, comparisons etc.
Constantly makes an effort to deal with the gross
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Constantly makes an effort to deal with the gross
objects of the world
A gainful mechanism for the world of without
How can we use a gross apparatus to see,
understand and assimilate the subtlest of the
How to understand the world of with in?
How do we spend most of our time?
Seek to understand
why events unfolded
one way or the other
Judge everyone and
everything around us
There is a lot for our analytical mind to work on and seek answers !
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Questions about
many things/events
happening in our life
Continuously bargain for results
(Even with GOD!)
Not accepting the
reality as it unfolds
Mind Game!
Causes of Dukha
+l4 =+l P BG-G(6- + (46l- + HltPl
+ ( + TP + Tl- P+- 9 TlT HlP+|-6+
People Time
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Body Past Karma
Deities Planetary
Relevance of Gita
How is the inner-self & character weakened?
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
l -
Mind & Its activities
Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Wife, Husband
Angry, Afraid, Envious, Attached, Possessive
Dying, Losing my position, Left uncared for, Alone
Must do this, Responsible for, I alone can do.
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Boss, Sub-ordinate, Team worker, Leader, Follower
Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya, Sudra, Male, Female,
Bachelor, Householder, Sanyasi, Human, Superior Race
This is just a narrow sample.
How do we get out of this?
How do we reduce the number of tags that we wear?
P+- 9Tl TTl4P
\4l+ helps this process; otherwise some kind of disturbances keep spoiling us
Relevance of Gita
Flawless work thru Mind management
How to avoid blunders in life?
Desire & Anger are the two causes
They are stemming from Rajo Guna
Buddhi Manas Sense Organs have a
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Buddhi Manas Sense Organs have a
hierarchical relationship Understanding this is
fundamental to managing this issue
Fighting the world of desires & anger is the true
war to be won
Chapter 3: Slokas 42 43
Sense organs Master Vs Slave?
|-4l|T 9l'4l- |-4-4- 9 P+-
P+BF6 9l 4|&- 4l 4&- 96F6 B-+ 3.42.
Sense organs are superior to body mind is
superior to sense organs buddhi is superior to
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
superior to sense organs buddhi is superior to
mind Atman is superior to buddhi
Katha Upanishad
Yama to Nachiketa
Life is a journey towards fulfillment
Chariot Body
Horses Sensory System
(Motive power is in the horses and not in the chariot)
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
(Motive power is in the horses and not in the chariot)
Reins to control horses - Manas
Charioteer (who holds the reins) Buddhi
King (the Adhikari) - Atman
4|&6 Bl|6 |4|&
Bhagavad Gita
Ultimate guide for management
Central issue in Gita is all about
Doing work
In the most efficient manner
Ensuring work results in good benefits
No other known source for extreme levels of motivation
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
No other known source for extreme levels of motivation
How easy is it to shoot down all credible leaders of the
society in one go?
Vital clues for alternative paradigms of management
Logical explanation for how to do certain things in the process
of creating high performance entities