Far West by Patricia C. Wrede

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The document discusses the strange and dangerous wildlife found in the Far West as settlers moved further inland. It mentions medusa lizards, mirror bugs, and other deadly creatures.

The document mentions medusa lizards that can turn people and animals to stone, mirror bugs that destroyed plants over a wide area, and other dangerous wildlife like swarming weasels and saber cats.

The mirror bugs that ate every plant over an eighty-mile-wide strip from the middle of the Red River Valley almost all the way to the Middle Plains Territory caused the most problems according to the passage.

Pat r ici a C.

W r ede

The Far West

S c h o l a s t i c P r e ss N e w Y o r k

Copyright 2012 by Patricia C. Wrede

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Available
ISBN 978-0-545-03344-2
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First edition, August 2012
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It is a true thing that the Far West is a strange and dangerous place. Everybody knows that, which is a little odd. In my
experience, the things everybody knows are just exactly the
ones that are most likely to be mistaken in some important
way or other, if theyre not flat-out wrong right from the start.
But folks are mostly right about the Far West. If anything,
its an even stranger and more dangerous place than e verybody
says. Thats why whenever someone makes it a little farther
west and comes back alive, they have tales of new wildlife no
ones ever seen or heard tell of. Sometimes theyre harmless,
like prairie dogs and chameleon tortoises; sometimes theyre
useful or beautiful, like jewel minks. Most of them, though,
are like swarming weasels and saber cats and dire wolves and
steam dragonsdeadly dangerous and not anything youd be
advised to stand around admiring, beautiful or not.
The critters have never stopped
people from heading
West, though. By the time I turned twenty, the settlements and
tinytowns stretched a hundred miles west from the Mammoth
River, and dangerous new wildlife was showing up every couple
of years instead of every decade or so. The mirror bugs that ate
every plant over an eighty-mile-wide strip from the middle of

the Red River Valley almost all the way to the Middle Plains
Territory caused the most problems, but the medusa lizards
wed only just found out about were the ones that scared the
bejeezus out of everyone.
The medusa lizards turned animals and people to stone
and not just one at a time, but in bunches. Worse yet, they
absorbed magic, so normal spells were no use against them. We
were lucky thered been only two of them, and even so wed
lost two horses while we were trying to shoot them. We almost
hadnt managed.
My twin brother, Lan, and I had been part of the group
that killed the medusa lizard pair, and just having been there
was enough to get every newspaper and broadsheet in Mill
City after us. One reporter cornered me halfway home from
my job at the college menagerie and kept me standing in the
hot August sun for ten minutes while he asked the same questions wed been answering for daysWhy were you up at
Big Bear Lake? and Did your brother sense the medusa lizards
before anyone else? Then he had a bunch of personal questions
about what it was like to be the twin of a double-seventh son.
Whats it like not to be a twin? I said, trying to hide
how cross I was. I dont have anything to compare it to.
Er, he said, looking startled. He drew a line on his notepad, then looked up at me. Its just something our readers
would be interested in.
I was about ready to say something when he added,
Because youd never know from looking at the two of you that
youre twins, and
If I could grow a pair of muttonchop sideburns and

about five inches in height, wed look exactly alike, I snapped.

That wasnt strictly trueLan and I both have brown hair and
eyes, but I have Mamas straight little nose and Papas narrow
chin, while Lans nose is flatter and narrower, like Papas
but we have as much resemblance as any other brother and
sister, and maybe more than most.
But Miss Rothmer
Good day, sir. I turned and walked briskly off before I
lost my temper even worse and hit him with the hotfoot spell
Lan used on the school bullies back when we were thirteen. By
the time Id gone twenty feet, I was regretting it, but it was too
late. I just hoped no one at home heard about it.
Of course, I wasnt that lucky. Everything I said got written up in the papers. My mother and my sister Allie both
scolded me for being rude and unladylike, and my older brother
Robbie spent three weeks teasing me about growing sideburns.
I was just glad that the reporters h adnt counted up all Papas
children and figured out that I was an unlucky thirteenth
child. It didnt seem to matter as much to folks in the West as
it did back East, but I still d idnt like the idea of p eople finding out.
Lan hated the notice even more than I did. He was still
getting over the accident back in the spring that killed one of
his college professors out East. It was partly Lans fault
hed been messing around with advanced Hijero-Cathayan
magic, and it had gone out of control and burned him and a
lot of students, as well as killing Professor Warrenand he
didnt think he deserved to be remarked on for helping out
with the medusa lizards after doing something like that.

So I wasnt too surprised when he told me he was going

back out West for the rest of the season as a sort of assistant
circuit magician.
I was surprised by Mamas reaction, though I shouldnt
have been. She never liked it when anyone in the family went
west of the Mammoth River, and she was still fussed about
Lan having been hurt.
No, she said firmly when Lan told her over dinner.
Youre not well enough.
Mama, I was well enough to go out with Professor
Torgeson two months ago, Lan said, surprised.
And look how that turned out! Mama said.
Lan frowned. It turned out fine.
Fine? Chasing off after creatures that turn people to
stone? Thats not fine!
It would have been worse to wait for them to come to us.
It would have been better not to go at all!
Better for who? Lan said. We didnt come to any harm.
You could have, my sister Allie put in.
I could have fallen down the stairs and broken a leg, too,
Lan told her. Or been hit by a runaway horse cart while I was
crossing the street, but I dont see you worrying about that.
shouldnt be making
Allie scowled at him. You
Mama fret.
Lan got a curdled look on his face, like he really wanted
to say a whole lot of things that he knew he shouldnt, and was
having trouble keeping them in. I decided Id best step in
before he exploded. The Settlement Office wants everyone
who faced up to the medusa lizards at Big Bear Lake to go out

and warn other settlements about them. Lans one of the people
who was there, so of course they want him.
Mamas eyes narrowed and she gave a skeptical sniff.
They send out warnings all the time. They dont need eyewitnesses to do it.
I believe they want to prove that it is possible to kill the
creatures and survive, Papa said mildly. Then he added
soberly, Without turning to stone, in whole or in part.
I breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Id figured that Papa
knew what the North Plains Territory Homestead Claim and
Settlement Office intended, because he was one of the magicians the Settlement Office called on regularly to help out with
things like improving the settlement protection spells. Hed
been West himself, too, when there were emergencies out in
settlement territory that the settlement magicians and regular circuit riders couldnt handle alone. But I h adnt known
until right then that he d idnt object to Lan going West that
They dont need Lan to prove anything, Mama said.
There was a whole group of people who went after those
lizard things. Some of the others can go; they dont need to
send a boy who hasnt even finished his schooling yet.
Lans face darkened, and I knew he was about half a second from losing his temper, so I said quickly, Lan and I are
twenty, Mama; thats older than a lot of the folks who file for
settlement allotments. And there were only six of us who went
out hunting the medusa lizards, and Professor Torgeson has to
stay here and study the one we brought back, Mr. Grimsrud
has his allotment at Big Bear Lake to tend to, and Greasy Pierre

went back out in the wildlands right after we got back to the
settlement. I dont think anyone could find him even if they
wanted to. That leaves Lan and Wash and me.
Wash cant cover all the settlements by himself in two
months, Lan said, and I c ould see he was trying hard to sound
reasonable. Its...its my responsibility to help, Mama. And
its not as if they can ask Eff to go.
Mama pressed her lips together for a second. Then she
opened her mouth and took a deep breath. Before she could
say whatever she was going to, I said cheerfully, But they did
ask me.
Everyone sat there looking stunned, even Papa. Mr.
Parsons came around to the menagerie late this afternoon, I
went on.
Eff, you cant possibly be thinking of going! Allie said
in a horrified tone.
I shrugged. Mr. Parsons said theyve sent Wash out to
take care of the far edge of settlement territory, but they want
someone to go to settlements closer in, too. It d idnt sound like
it would be too bad. All of which was quite true; I just d idnt
say that Id already told Mr. Parsons that Id be staying in Mill
City to help Professor Torgeson and Professor Jeffries. I figured that by the time everyone finished up yelling at me and
making me stay home, Lan wouldnt have as much trouble getting Mama to let him do what he wanted.
Just as Id hoped, Mama and Allie were even more fussed
about me going out West again than they were about Lan, but it
was a lot easier for me to keep my temper because I d idnt r eally
want to go this time. Riding around to different settlements

asnt as interesting as studying the dead medusa lizard wed

brought back, and Id only ever have just one chance to help
study the very first medusa lizard anyone had ever seen.
Lan left for the settlements a week after that dinner conversation, and for a while it looked as if everything was going
to work out just exactly the way Id wanted. Mama still w
best pleased about Lan leaving, nor about me going back to
work at the menagerie (she thought Professor Torgeson and
Professor Jeffries were a bad influence on me), but she couldnt
do much about either thing.
The first sign that things were going wrong came in early
September, when Professor Jeffries walked into Professor
Torgesons office waving a letter. The Frontier Management
Department wants one of us to take Lizzie to Washington, he
said. Lizzie was what wed started calling the dead medusa lizard. It was a lot shorter than saying medusa lizard all the
time, and it made it feel less dangerous than itd been when it
was alive.
What? said Professor Torgeson, frowning. That will
take a good two months! Its going to be hard enough to
develop the lizard-repelling spells the Settlement Office needs
before spring without wasting that much time.
I believe they expect us to take the train, Professor
Jeffries said mildly.
Bureaucrats! Professor Torgeson said, like it was a r eally
horrible swear word, and her Vinland accent got thicker, the
way it always did when she got angry. Dont any of them
remember more than two paragraphs of the magic theory they
learned in day school? Let me see that letter.

Professor Jeffries handed her the letter and winked at me.

I smiled back, but I could understand why Professor Torgeson
was upset. The preservation spells on something as big as the
medusa lizard were easy to disrupt, and one of the most surefire ways of disrupting them was to move the thing they were
cast on. Moving it as fast as a train went would pretty much
guarantee that the spells would fail. On top of that, the medusa
lizard was resistant to magic; it had been hard getting the spells
to work in the first place, even with Lan helping.
I dont know what they can be thinking, Professor
Torgeson muttered. Train tickets! And of course it didnt
occur to them that we are teachers and classes have started.
Theirs doesnt seem like the wisest course of action, does
it? Professor Jeffries said. Would you like to tell them so, or
shall I?
Professor Torgeson got a gleam in her eye. Ill be happy
to let them know, if youre quite sure you dont want the plea
sure yourself.
Im sure youll be far more convincing than I would
be, Professor Jeffries told her with a perfectly straight face,
and Professor Torgeson laughed.
Professor Torgeson was convincing, all right, but what
finally made the Frontier Management Department reconsider
was the fact that the medusa lizard wed brought back was a
female, all ready to lay a whole lot of eggs, and the preservation
spell Lan and Professor Torgeson had put on it had worked so
well that Professor Jeffries thought some of the eggs c ould be

The Frontier Management Department didnt want live

medusa lizards anywhere near Washington, not even baby
ones. They werent all that happy about the possibility of having them east of the Great Barrier Spell. As soon as they got
Professor Torgesons letter about the eggs, they sent a very ner
vous little man out from the headquarters in Washington to
talk to the professors and Mr. Parsons at the North Plains
Territory Homestead Claim and Settlement Office about the
best way to proceed.
They talked for the rest of September, while the medusa
lizard sat in storage and Professor Torgeson got madder and
madder and even Professor Jeffries started walking around
with a frown. By then theyd agreed on letting the lizard
and the lizards eggsstay at the Northern Plains Riverbank
College, provided we took it back west of the Barrier Spell just
as soon as we c ould. And that was where things bogged down.
Once he understood about the preservation spells and the
eggs, the man from the Frontier Management Department didnt
want anyone to so much as look at the medusa lizard until it
was back on the other side of the Great Barrier, and until the
new study center was finished, there really w
asnt anywhere on
the west bank to take it. He also wanted to pick a bunch of
experts from out East to do the studying, though I surely d idnt
see how anyone could be an expert in a critter no one had ever
seen before. The professors wanted a proper scientific study
done, but they wanted to be the first ones doing it, and they
were itching to get started. Mr. Parsons didnt care who looked
at the medusa lizard or where they did it as long as somebody

figured out how to stop the critters real soon, before more of
them showed up out of the Far West and started turning settlers into statues.
It took until early October for them to come to an agreement, and what they agreed on was that the Northern Plains
Riverbank College professors could observe the medusa lizard
at the college as much as they wanted as long as they didnt
remove or disrupt the protection spells even for a second. That
meant no dissection and no testing, especially not magical
tests, but at least we didnt have to move Lizzie to a warehouse
on the far side of the river and ignore her. The Frontier
Management Department promised to get its list of experts
together and start sending them out in a month. The nervous
little man shook hands on the arrangement and went back to
Washington to tell them about it, and the rest of us went back
to work on other things.
I couldnt help feeling cheated, though. If Id known that
the Frontier Management Department was going to make us
wait until November to work on the medusa lizard, I could
have spent the last couple of months out in the settlements
with Lan and Wash. I was very grumpy for the rest of October.



Three weeks after the man from the Frontier Management

Department left, right before Halloween, we had an early
snowstorm. It was only about half an inch, and it melted off
before the next morning, but it put Mama and Allie in a considerable taking, because Lan still h adnt come back from the
settlements. Nothing anyone said made any difference; they
were both convinced that Lan would be stuck out West for the
whole winter. Papa and Robbie and I c ouldnt make a dent in
their notions.
Even Mr. Parsons doesnt know for sure where Lan is,
Allie announced. I saw him after church yesterday, and I
Allie, I thought you knew better than that, Papa said.
Mr. Parsons isnt likely to have the whereabouts of a settlement rider at his fingertips, especially this late in the season.
Well, he should! Mama said in a cross tone that meant
she knew Papa was right but she didnt like it one bit. Anything c ould happen out there. Robbie made a face behind her
back that nobody saw but me.
Before Papa could reply, there was a knock at the door.
Papa frowned; no one in Mill City came calling during the

dinner hour. Id better see who it is, he said. A minute later,

we heard muffled voices in the front hall, but Papa d idnt come
back. Just when Mama was about to send me or Allie to find
out what was going on, the door of the dining room opened.
Im home! Lan announced.
Allie burst into tears of relief. Mama gasped, then stood
up to give him a hug. My stars, Lan, you gave me a turn!
Why didnt you let us know when you were going to be back?
We were expecting you a week ago!
Allie had just about convinced herself that youd been
eaten by saber cats, Robbie put in.
Lan winked at me over Mamas shoulder, then let go of
her and turned to Robbie. Things happened, and by the time
I knew for sure when Id get here, there w
asnt a mailbag heading east that would have beat me home.
I was looking from Lan to the doorway. Papa h adnt come
back yet, and Lan had an expression on his face that he only
ever got when he was planning to surprise someone. Lan? I
said. What sort of things happened?
Oh, this and that. No saber cats, though, Lan said, and
grinned. Now I was positive he was up to something. He
stepped to one side and said in a too-casual tone, I brought
you a surprise, Mama.
Is that why youre so late? Allie sniffed. I cant imagine
what would make up for all the worrying weve done.
Lan shot me a look; then he turned to Allie and his grin
broadened. You tell me if it was worth the wait, he said, and
called back down the hall, Come on in!


There was a rattle of footsteps, and six p eople crowded

into the room, two adults and three childings, with Papa
bringing up the rear.
Rennie? Mama said, her eyes going wide. Rennie!
Auntie Eff! my almost-eight-year-old nephew, Albert,
said importantly. Uncle Lan brought us. We came in a giant
wagon! It took weeks, and there was a whole herd of mammoths. I was hoping theyd follow us, but they didnt.
My niece, Seren Louise, aged six, was right behind him.
Auntie Eff, we saw a lady with a feather on her hat!
Annie Eff, Annie Eff! yelled Lewis. He was the littlest
of the childings, barely three, and he seemed more interested in
having an excuse to shout than in understanding what was
All three of the childings had grown enormously in the
year since Id last seen them, and they were all happy to be
admired and wondered at. When Mama finished exclaiming
over Rennie and passed her along to Allie, I told Albert and
Seren and Lewis to come and meet their grandmother. Mama
and Allie and Robbie had never met Rennies childings before,
because theyd never made the trip out to the Oak River settlement, and neither Rennie nor Brant had been back to Mill City
since theyd run off together eight and a half years before. Id
been to visit them at Oak River twice in the last two years.
While Mama was busy hugging the little ones, I sat back.
Brant was standing quietly beside the door, just watching. His
brown eyes were tired, and there were lines in his face that
hadnt been there a year ago. My stomach clenched. He looked


much too sad and worried for this to be an ordinary family

I glanced at Lan. He looked just as tired, which d idnt
surprise me if hed just spent a week helping ride herd on
Rennies brood, but there was something else. His shoulders
were tense, and a second after his eyes met mine, he looked
away. I felt more uneasy than ever, in spite of the way the
childings were bounding around.
After a bit, Lan pulled some extra chairs up to the table
for the grown-ups and offered to take the childings to the
kitchen for some dinner. As soon as they were out of the room,
Allie fairly exploded into questions. Oh, Rennie, its so good
to see you, but why d idnt you tell us you were coming? Or did
the letter get lost? Settlement mail isnt always reliable, I know.
Why havent you come before? She gave Brant an unfriendly
look, like she thought he was to blameas if Rennie wouldnt
have just upped and come home if shed really wanted to.
How long are you staying? And where?
Rennie looked down at her plate and picked at the carrots
shed just served herself. Weit was kind of a last-minute
decision. We havent settled much yet.
Mamas eyes narrowed, and I c ould see that shed gotten
over her surprise and was starting to add things up...and I
didnt think she liked the total she was getting any more than
I did. Rennie, she said, I hope you and Brant know that
you and your children are welcome here, no matter what has
thank you, Mama, Rennie whispered without
looking up.

Now, why dont you tell us what is going on?

Allie opened her mouth to say something, and Mama shot
her a glance that made her close up again real quick.
The long and short of it is, weve parted company with
the Oak River settlement, Brant said heavily. Theyre buying out our share, but...well, it wasnt exactly a friendly
There was silence while everyone waited for him to go on.
Before it got awkward, Papa said, I see. Have you had time to
consider what youre going to do next?
Not really, except looking for work as soon as Im able.
Brant hesitated. I was hoping that Rennie and the childings
could put up here for a few days, until I can get a place lined
up for us to stay.
With Jack and Nan and Hugh gone, theres plenty of
room for all of you. I wont hear of you staying anywhere else,
Mama said firmly. I expect youll have enough to do without
househunting on top of it, so dont argue.
I wouldnt dare, maam, Brant said with a faint smile,
and Robbie laughed.
The wagon with our things is still over at the Settlement
Office holding pen, Rennie put in. We
Your father and Robbie can go with Brant to pick them
up tomorrow, Mama told her before Rennie c ould get any further. Youve had a long trip, and you need a quiet evening. If
you dont have enough with you to get through the night, Im
sure we can find something in the attic. Lewis is too old to
need any of the baby clothes I passed on to Nan, and most of
the things for older children are still there.

Mama and Allie spent the rest of the meal going over
details with Rennie, deciding which rooms Rennies family
would have and tiptoeing around the question of what they
might need, in case asking straight out or waiting for Rennie to
ask would make her feel worse than she already did.
I wasnt as worried as Mama. It wasnt as if Oak River
had failed and left Rennie and her family with nothing more
than the clothes they were wearing. Oak River was actually
one of the more successful settlements, and Brant had been one
of the founders. He and Rennie might not have brought much
home with them, but if the settlement was buying them out,
they should have a fair stake to start over with.
The real question was why they had to start over at all.
The settlement had been founded by the Society of Progressive
Rationalists to prove that people could manage well without
magic, and theyd always been strict about making people
avoid using spells even if they were only visiting. Every year,
the settlers had gotten stricter about making sure no one
used magic, and by my last visit, most of them had just about
stopped speaking to Brant and Rennie because Brant d idnt
think they should be so firm about making folks abide by their
rules if the folks were just passing through. I h adnt thought
the settlers were worked up enough to kick someone right out
of the settlement, though, especially not someone like Brant.
I didnt find out what had happened that night, nor the
next day (which was mostly occupied with getting Rennie and
the children settled in). Neither Brant nor Rennie would talk
about it, so it wasnt until Saturday, when I cornered Lan in
Papas library, that I got the whole story.

The problems at Oak River had started with the mirror

bugs. They hadnt been drawn to Oak River the way they were
drawn to all the other settlements, because it was magic that
drew them and the Oak River settlement didnt use magic.
Youd think that the settlers would have been pleased, but Id
already figured out that the Rationalists w
erent any more rational than most other folks. Sure enough, a lot of them h adnt
been happy. The spells the other settlements used had attracted
the mirror bugs, keeping them away from Oak River, and some
of the settlers d idnt like feeling that theyd benefited from
spells, even if they hadnt been the ones to cast them.
Then Professor Torgeson found out that the mirror bugs
hadnt just been using whatever magic was around them, the
way normal magical creatures did. They absorbed it and took
it with them, and it didnt go back into the surroundings until
they died. The mirror bug traps that the Settlement Office set
up had r eally high levels of magic around them, and would for
a few more years until the magic evened itself back out.
When they found that out, some of the more dedicated
Rationalists at Oak River had taken the notion that they
should find a way to get rid of all the natural magic anywhere
in their allotment. Unfortunately for them, there was no way to
do that without using magic or magical critters, and it w
have lasted, anyway. Theyd backed off from that idea, but
now they were talking about keeping all of the magical plants
and wildlife away from their land, as well as not using any
spells themselves.
Thats crazy, I said. Even the settlement protection
spells cant do that, not completely. They only try to block out

the dangerous things. And are the Rationalists going to stop

growing hexberries and calsters in their gardens? Or Scandian
wheat, or meadow rice?
Theyre scared, Lan said softly. Scared p eople do crazy
Something in the way he said that made me narrow my
eyes at him. How crazy? I demanded. And how did you end
up traveling with Brant and Rennie, anyway? I thought you
were riding the middle settlements with Paul Roberts. Oak
River is part of Washs circuit.
Lan flushed and kicked at the floor. We finished the circuit early, so I talked Mr. Roberts into taking me through Oak
River on our way back. I wanted to talk to Brant.
To... I stopped, thinking hard. There had been a
point, a few years back, when Id thought that giving up magic
and becoming a Rationalist was the best way to keep from ever
doing harm with my magic. Id almost done it, and Id only
been worried that I might hurt someone. Lan had actually
killed his professor by accident. You wanted to talk to someone who doesnt use magic.
Lan nodded without looking at me. Mr. Roberts tried to
talk me out of it, but I thought it was just because the normal
Rationalists dont like magic. I told him Id been to Oak River
before and it h adnt been that bad, and he finally gave in. I
didnt realize how much theyd changed.
When we got to Oak River, we found out that Brant and
Rennie were the only folks who were still letting magicians
stay with them. If a group came through that was too large, the


rest of the settlers made some of them stay outside the palisade
wall. Without protection spells.
I was horrified. But their charter says that magicians can
stay in the settlement, because they dont have a wagonrest.
They did it that way on purpose! And now theyre going back
on the agreement? Does the Settlement Office know about this?
They do now, Lan said grimly. Anyway, the second day
I was there, I went for a walk. There were a couple of boys
playing marbles...remember that game Robbie and William
invented, with the marbles changing color? I showed them how
to play.
Lan, you didnt!
Its just a game!
Its still using magic.
Not for anything important.
I gave him a stern look, and he shrugged. All right, I did
know better. But I was angry. And I really d idnt think there
was any harm in it. None of the Rationalists I know ever
minded using magic for little things that dont count. Its only
useful things that they insist on doing by hand.
How many Rationalists do you know? Besides Brant. And
how many of them care enough about Progressive Rationalism
to leave everything and go off to live in a settlement, just so
they can get away from magic?
I know, but... Lan shrugged again. The point is,
the boys mother caught me at it. She threw a fit right there in the
street, and next thing I knew, practically e veryone in the settlement was out there threatening to get a rope and string me up.


My eyes widened. No wonder you didnt want to tell

Mama! She already worries about the wildlife; if she took a
notion that the people out West are dangerous, too, shed never
let any of us get within a mile of the Mammoth River, ever
And it wouldnt do any good to tell her that even if
theyd actually tried to hang me, they couldnt have done a
thing, Lan said. Not without magic.
They didnt try, then?
No. Brant got there first. He was just in time to hear
them muttering about ropes, and he blew up. Lan paused.
You know, blew up probably isnt the right way to put it.
What did he say?
He...well, he tore strips off them, Lan said. And he
did it without even raising his voice. He told them they were a
disgrace to the whole Rationalist movement, talking about
hanging someone without a trial, and then he went on
about how magic w
asnt against the law but murder was, and a
bunch of other things about Rationalist philosophy.
The boys mother went red in the face and yelled at him
that Id been corrupting her sons and she d idnt want me in
the settlement, wildlife or no wildlife. Quite a few folks had
drifted off by then, but most of the ones who were left agreed
with her. One of them called out that Brant should be ashamed
to call himself a Rationalist, supporting a magician the way
he had.
Brant went real quiet for a minute, and then he said that
asnt ashamed to be a Rationalist, but he was sure as
he w


anything ashamed to belong to the Oak River settlement.

Right about then, Mr. Lewis showed up.
After he heard what happened, Mr. Lewis told everyone
to go home while he had a talk with Brant and me. Lan shook
his head. Brant said he d idnt have anything to hide, and went
on some more about Rationalist philosophy. He finished up
saying he and his family were leaving Oak River, and Mr.
Lewis just looked... He paused again. Tired and stricken.
Brant is his nephew, I said. I always thought they were
pretty close. He must feel like Mama felt when Rennie ran off,
Lan nodded, but he didnt look as if hed really thought
on it much. There was some more talk, and Brant and I went
home. I apologized for putting him in such a situation, but he
said he and Rennie had been talking about leaving the settlement since early spring, and it was better to go now than to
wait and maybe get caught by an early winter. Rennie gave me
one of her scolds, and we spent a couple of days packing up.
Mr. Lewis came around and talked some more with BrantI
think thats when they worked out how the settlement would
buy out Brants shareand we left.
I thanked Lan for telling me, and we agreed that neither
of us would say anything to Rennie or Brant unless they
brought it up first. I was pretty sure that Rennie was glad to be
back, but I wondered how Brant felt, and about how my niece
and nephews would feel when they saw the rest of the family
using spells.


I was right to worry. The first couple of weeks were difficult. Seren Louise got terribly upset the first time she saw Nan
use the dusting spell, and Albert lectured e veryone about how
wicked it was to use magic for anything until Brant told him it
was bad manners. Rennie alternated between flinching whenever
someone cast a spell, and using spells herself even for the littlest things. Brant just looked tired all the time, and a little sad
whenever he saw Rennie doing spellwork.
The third week after Rennie came home, two more families arrived from Oak River. Theyd left for the same reasons
as Brant and Rennie, and they brought letters from Brants
uncle. Having them around seemed to make Brant and Rennie
feel better, though they d idnt spend a lot of time together that
I knew of.
Gradually, things settled down. Albert and Seren Louise
started at the day school, and Brant found a job at one of the
riverboat companies. Rennie started acting more like her old
self, and stopped making such a point of casting spells in front
of Brant, though she didnt hide that she was doing it.
The trouble was, Id never much liked Rennies old self,
and I liked her new-old self even less. Shed always tried to
boss us younger ones, and as soon as she was back to feeling
better, she started in trying it again. Having Rennie around
made Allies bossing worse, too. Between the two of them, I
wished more than once that I could move into Mrs. Jablonskis
rooming house just to get away from them, but I knew Mama
and Papa would never allow it, even once I turned twenty-one
come June.


I started staying as late as I could at work, though there

wasnt much to do. The Frontier Management Department had
lied about getting started on the medusa lizard in November;
by the end of the month, they d idnt even have a preliminary
list of people who they thought would be good choices to study
Lizzie, much less an actual schedule of folks to show up and
do things.
By mid-December, winter had settled in for sure. With
the ground frozen, work on the study center had stopped.
Work on the medusa lizard still hadnt started. I spent most of
my time at the office sending letters to the Frontier Management
Department asking when their so-called experts would arrive,
or trudging back and forth through the snow to the Settlement
Office to see if they had any news. At home, I watched the
childings for Rennie and Brant and helped with the extra laundry and mending that came with having so many more people
in the house.
And every night as I fell asleep, I wished I were back in
settlement territory. Facing saber cats and medusa lizards
might be a lot more dangerous than minding childings and
writing cranky letters, but it was also a lot more interesting.



Right before Christmas, a man came up from the Society of

Progressive Rationalists in Long Lake City to talk to Brant
and the others whod left Oak River. The Long Lake City
branch of the society were the ones whod provided a lot of the
people and money to start up the Oak River settlement in
the first place. Mr. Lewis had been sending them progress
reports for years, and the Long Lake City Rationalists were
very unhappy about the turn the settlement had taken. The
man they sent up to Mill City spent a week talking to all three
of the families whod left the settlement and then spent another
couple of days talking to Mr. Parsons at the Settlement Office,
and he wasnt any happier when he left than when hed come.
Rennie and Brant stayed on at the house after Christmas,
though Brant had been with the riverboat company for over
two months and theyd gotten their settlement buyout. I didnt
bother asking why. I wasnt sure I wanted to know. I felt snappish all the time, the way the golden firefoxes at the menagerie
acted when we had to put them in the small cages in order to
clean out their usual pen.
Even the Frontier Management Department deciding to
let us start dissecting Lizzie at last d idnt help, though at least

I finally had something to do at work besides write letters.

Actually, it made things even harder. Id spend my day taking notes and making sketches while Professor Torgeson and
Professor Jeffries eased the preservation spells back from one
bit of the medusa lizard or another so they could work on it.
Wed talk and speculate about the lizards magic and development, and Id help write up the report of their findings.
And then Id go home to Rennies childings and Mamas
thing and
chores and Allie trying to make rules for every
everybody. Lan was the only one who ever asked about the
medusa lizard or the menagerie. Robbie and my sisters w
interested, and Papa d idnt have to ask me because he and
Professor Jeffries and Professor Graham always got together to
talk at the end of the day, so hed already heard. And if Mama
or Brant wanted to know, they talked to Papa. It was like I was
still thirteen and too young to know what I was doing.
Early in February, the first batch of experts from the Frontier
Management Department came out to look at the medusa lizard. There were so many that they couldnt all fit in Professor
Torgesons laboratory at the same time, and a lot of them d idnt
have anything useful to say. As far as I could see, most of them
had talked their way onto the list just so theyd be able to tell
folks back home theyd actually seen the lizard.
Good riddance, Professor Torgeson said when they left a
week later. Eff, were taking the morning off.
We are? But
I have an important letter to write. Youre helping.
It took us most of the morning to put together the letter she sent to the Frontier Management Department, and I

learned a lot about how to be frigidly polite and still leave

somebody feeling like theyd been spanked.
That was Thursday. On Friday, Roger Boden arrived back
from Albion. Id met Roger a little over a year before, when
hed started coming around to help out at the menagerie after
taking one of Professor Jeffriess fall classes. Wed gotten to
know each other pretty well, but then hed had an offer
to study advanced magic in Albion that was too good for him
not to take. Wed been exchanging letters for the past year, and
Id been looking forward to seeing him again.
Roger stopped by the house on Saturday afternoon and
Mama invited him to stay and have tea. I introduced him to
Lan, whod been away from home when we got acquainted,
and to Brant and Rennie and the childings. Lan asked about
his studies in Albion and they ended up having a long, energetic talk with Papa and Robbie about magical theory. I was
especially glad to see Lan getting all emphatic and waving his
arms around to make a point. He hadnt been that excited
about anything in months.
I wasnt so sure what to think about Roger. His red-blond
hair was a little longer than it had been, and hed grown a
small mustache that made him look older. Hed always seemed
solid and reliable, but he was more sure of himself now, and
less quiet than he had been. Hed picked up just a hint of an
Albion accent, too. He didnt flirt or pay me any more attention than was courteous, but e very so often during that tea, I
felt his blue eyes following me for just a little longer than they
followed anyone else.


Mama and Allie must have noticed that extra bit of looking, because the minute he got up to leave, Mama said, Its so
good to see you again, Mr. Boden, and we h avent come anywhere near catching up yet. Wont you stay for supper?
Yes, do, Allie put in. You cant go back to a rooming
house meal on your first night home! Tell him, Eff!
Rennie frowned slightly, looking from Allie to me and
back. I shot Allie a glare, but I didnt say anything.
Roger smiled at Mama. Thank you kindly for the invitation, Mrs. Rothmer, but I r eally need to get back to my unpacking.
I think the trunks must have multiplied on the journeyI
swear there are twice as many as I remember sending off.
Im glad you took the time to stop by, Papa said. I
enjoyed the discussion.
Ill admit to an ulterior motive, Professor, Roger said.
Im hoping you can make time on Monday to start assessing
the work I did in Albion. Id like to finish my degree this year,
and the sooner I know what I still have to take
Say no more, Papa said, laughing. Ill be in my office at
ten thirty in the morning. Bring your papers along then, and
Ill see what I can do.
Roger nodded. Thank you, sir. Ill see you Monday. He
bade us all good evening and left in a flurry of good wishes.
The minute he was out the door, Allie pounced on me.
Eff! Why didnt you help us persuade him to stay?
Because she didnt want to help you make a spectacle
of yourself, Rennie said, frowning. Honestly, Allie, you cant
run after a fellow so obviously and expect to get anywhere.


Allies eyes went wide. But...Im not...Its not me,

its Eff!
What? Rennie gave her a puzzled look.
She thinks Mr. Bodens sweet on Eff, Robbie said,
snatching the last two cookies from the platter on the table as
he left to do his studying.
Lan paused in the doorway and gave me a startled
look. Rennie studied me for a moment, then turned and
frowned at Allie. What were you trying to do, then, ruin
her chances?
You can both stop that right this minute, I said, alarmed.
The last thing I needed was for Rennie to decide Roger Boden
was courting me; whether she was for it or against it, shed
want to mix in and make things come out her way, and never
mind what I thought of it. Roger came to see Papa.
Rightthats why Roger spent the whole afternoon staring at you, Allie said scornfully. And after a whole year of
writing letters between you, too.
Ive been writing to William for longer than that, I said,
feeling my face go hot. The thought flashed through my mind
that if I did marry Roger, I wouldnt have to come home to
Allies nagging anymore, and if I c ould have gone any redder, I
would have. Mr. Boden is a friend, thats all, I snapped, hoping to make that picture go out of my head.
Lan was looking back and forth between us, like he
wasnt sure which of us had the right of things. Eff, if you
like Mr.
You stay out of this! I interrupted. Whether I like him
or not is my business, and what I choose to do about itor

not to do about itis even more my business. And that goes

double for the two of you, I added, turning to Allie and
Choose to do about it? Allie snorted. Youre going to
end up an old maid like that professor you work for if you
dither around much longer.
There are worse things than being an old maid, Rennie
said softly.
Allie and I just stared at her for a minute. I remembered
how unhappy Rennie had seemed both times Id been in Oak
River, and some of what shed told me the one time wed talked
about why she ran off with Brant. Still, Id never expected to
have Rennie on my side in this kind of argument.
I like Professor Torgeson, I said finally. I w
mind turning out like her. And anyway, I told you already that
its my business.
Besides, isnt that a bit of the pot calling the kettle black?
Lan put in, tilting his head to study Allie. Youre three years
older than we are. If anyone is getting long in the tooth
I have plenty of prospects!
You do? I said. Well, Ill certainly remember how to
help you out if you ever bring one of them home.
I think you should leave each other alone, Rennie said
firmly. Effs right; its her business. Lan looked at me, then at
Allie, and nodded.
Allie glared at us, but she knew better than to keep up
arguing. You just think hard about what youre doing, Eff,
thats all, she said, and went off, leaving Rennie and me to
finish clearing up the tea things.

I was more annoyed with Allie than Id let on. Id known

what she thought about Roger, but Id been hoping that shed
forgotten in the year hed been away. Now shed gone and gotten Rennie and Lan interested, and even if they were on my
side today, there was no saying how long theyd stay that way.
Sometimes I couldnt help thinking that the unluckiest
thing about being a thirteenth child was having all those older
brothers and sisters telling me what to do.


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