209652CIMB Islamic DALI Equity Growth Fund
209652CIMB Islamic DALI Equity Growth Fund
209652CIMB Islamic DALI Equity Growth Fund
15 May 2012
Iund Vo|an||ny
L|pper Ana|yncs
^Based on the fund's portfolio returns as at 15 May 2012, the Volatility Factor (VF) for this fund is 10.51 and is
classified as "Moderate" (source: Lipper). "Moderate" includes funds with VF that are above 9.790 but not more than
12.735. The VF means there is a possibility for the fund in generating an upside return or downside return around this
VF. The Volatility Class (VC) is assigned by Lipper based on quintile ranks of VF for qualified funds. VF is subject to
monthly revision and VC will be revised every six months. The fund's portfolio may have changed since this date and
there is no guarantee that the fund will continue to have the same VF or VC in the future. Presently, only funds launched
in the market for at least 36 months will display the VF and its VC.
We recommend that you read and understand the contents of the Master Prospectus (Shariah-compliant Funds) ssue
No. 4 dated 30 June 2011 and its Supplemental Master Prospectus (Shariah-compliant Funds) dated 9 December
2011, which has been duly registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia, before investing and that you keep the
said Master Prospectus for your records. Any issue of units to which the Master Prospectus relates will only be made
upon receipt of the completed application form referred to in and accompanying the Master Prospectus, subject to the
terms and conditions therein. nvestments in the Fund are exposed to company specific risk and stock specific risk. You
can obtain a copy of the Prospectuses from the head office of CMB-Principal Asset Management Berhad or from any
of our approved distributors. There are fees and charges involved in investing in the funds. We suggest that you
consider these fees and charges carefully prior to making an investment. Unit prices and income distributions, if any,
may fall or rise. Past performance is not reflective of future performance and income distributions are not guaranteed.
You are also advised to read and understand the contents of the Unit Trust Loan Financing Risk Disclosure Statement
before deciding to borrow to purchase units.
Most Recent Fund Distributions
10.00 S.00 6.00 7.00 +.S0 7.08
Jun Jun JuI Jun Mar Aug
2008 2007 2006 2004 2010
Gross (Sen/Unit)
* Performance data represents the combined income & capital return as a result of holding units in the fund for the
specified length of time, based on bid to bid prices. Earnings are assumed to be reinvested. Source: Lipper
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31 May 2012
CIMB IsIamic DALI Equity Growth Fund
Available under the EPF Members nvestment Scheme.
Shariah-compliant Equities (Local) 88.31
Sukuk 0.03
Cash 11.66
100.00% TotaI
Trading f Services 30.16
Plantations 23.11
!ndustrials 12.66
!PC 7.23
Construction S.99
Consumer +.02
Finance 3.78
Properties 1.07
RE!TS 0.29
Sukuk 0.03
Cash 11.66
TotaI 100.00%
1 Sime Darby Bhd Nalaysia 9.78
2 Axiata Group Bhd Nalaysia 8.16
3 Tenaga Nasional Bhd Nalaysia 6.72
4 Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd Nalaysia S.07
5 Petronas Gas Bhd Nalaysia S.0S
6 !O! Corp Bhd Nalaysia +.S8
7 Digi.com Bhd Nalaysia +.21
8 Telekom Nalaysia Bhd Nalaysia 3.+S
9 B!NB Hldg Bhd Nalaysia 3.39
10 Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd Nalaysia 3.17
TotaI 53.58%
The Fund was up 0.38, outperforming its benchmark
by 0.+2. The outperformance was attributable to
the Finance and Oil 8 Gas sectors. At the stock level,
overweight in B!NB Holdings, Petronas Dagangan 8
Petronas Gas were positive. YTD, the Fund has risen
+.23 against the benchmark's rise of +.0+.
US economic growth is expected to slow in the next 12
months due to policy uncertainties in the run-up to the
US Presi dent i al El ect i on. Coupl ed wi t h a
sharper-than-expected slowdown in the Chi nese
economy, earnings risk in Asia is increasing in the
second half of 2012. We remain overweight equities
but have become more defensive with a focus on
companies with healthy cash flows and high dividend
We have i ncreased our wei ghti ngs i n the
Telecommunications sector and in YTL Corporation.
That has increased our index coverage while
maintaining our conservative beta level. The Fund
remains defensively positioned.
Beta 0.89
!nformation Ratio 1.67
Sharpe Ratio 1.39
3 years monthly data
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