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AW OliverTwist

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PENGUIN ACTIVE READING Teacher Support Programme

Activity worksheets


Oliver Twist
Chapters 13 1 Find the right words in Chapters 13. a A piece of jewellery. (p. 1) b The last meal at night. (p. 2) c Information on a piece of paper. (p. 2) d Someone who works in the army (p. 6) e Another word for crazy. (p. 7) f To kill someone. (p. 7) 2 Put these words in the right place. hall death washed heart stick handkerchief a Olivers mother died of a broken . b Olivers room smelt of . c Bumble pointed his at the notice. d The boys were fed in a big . e Oliver tied up his clothes in a . f Claypoles mother clothes. Chapters 4 6 3 Put the underlined letters in the right place to make a word. a If Fagin felt a hand in his tkpoesc he would cry out. b Mr Brownlow lived in a apnselat house in a quiet street. c Jack Dawkins was a child but he abdvehe like a man. d Fagin lived in one of the rdtseiti places Oliver had ever seen. e Fagin took a box from a etrcse hole in the floor. f The man who owned the hokspobo said Oliver hadnt stolen anything. 4 Underline the wrong word and put the right one. a Fagin had an old looking face. b Mr Sikes was a tall man. c Jack Dawkins gave Fagin two watches. d Jack Dawkins didnt want to enter London before sunrise. e Fagin was cooking some eggs over the fire.
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f The young boys were smoking cigarettes.

Chapters 79 5 Put the names in the right place. Mr Grimwig Jack Dawkins Bill Sikes Fagin Mrs Bedwin Toby Crackit a threw a coat over Oliver and ran away. b was a large man, who wore a blue coat and a white hat. c was an old woman. d took a five pound note from Olivers pocket. e hit Oliver with a stick. f wore big boots and large rings. 6 Put a word on the left with a word on the right. narrow lost dead lightly heavily wide found push pull alive forward backward Chapters 1012 7 Find the right words in Chapters 10 12. a Someone who steals things. (p. 43) b Similar to embarrassed. (p. 44) c To do things quickly. (p. 46) d To be very happy or pleased. (p. 47) e Another word meaning to cry. (p. 48) f Talking very quietly. (p. 49) 8 Answer these questions. a Where did Oliver see the mysterious stranger? b Where did Bumble and the old woman talk to Monks? c Why did Mrs Maylie start to pray?

Oliver Twist - Activity worksheets

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PENGUIN ACTIVE READING Teacher Support Programme

Activity worksheets


Oliver Twist
d What did Oliver do while Rose was getting better? e Who taught Oliver to read and write? f What instrument did Rose play?

e Who told Mr Brownlow about the murder? f What did Olivers father leave him in the will? 12 Put the underlined letters in the right place to make a word. a Monks father had a very unhappy areimrag . b Sikes tied the rope round a mhiynec . c Agness child was born in a howkuroes . d People in London talked about a terrible rmdure . e Monks wanted to sdtyore Oliver. f Fagin thought about his lsecolugae when he was in prison. 13 Take three words from the book. Write them with the letters in the wrong order, for example: sweet twsee Change your paper with a friend. Who can find the words first? 14 Circle a number to show who you think is a bad person and who is a good person. 1 is a strong bad and 5 is a strong good. Talk to a friend. Do you think the same? Bill Sikes Fagin Rose Maylie Jack Dawkins Charley Bates Mr Grimwig Monks Mr Brownlow Mr Bumble Mr Sowerberry Mrs Sowerberry Noah Claypole Nancy Mrs Bedwin Toby Crackit Mr Giles bad 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 good 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
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Chapters 13 17 9 Circle the extra word in the sentences. a Nancy listened to at their conversation. b Nancy said that she lived among in thieves. c Rose asked to seeing see Mr Brownlow about something important. d Monks had a red mark on in his neck. e Fagin thought he could make Nancy to poison Sikes. f Sikes became wild on with anger. 10 Write questions for these answers. a Nancy / talk / Rose? In a hotel near Hyde Park. b heard / conversation / Nancy / Mr Brownlow? Noah Claypole. c Rose / offer / Nancy? Money. d Fagin / afraid? Prison and death. e Sikes / throw / fire? A candle. f Sikes / shoot / pistol? He realised someone might hear a gunshot. Chapters 18 21 11 Answer these questions. a Where were Toby Crackit and Charley Bates hiding? b What did Monks father give to Brownlow? c What was on the dogs feet? d What was Noah Claypoles new job?
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Oliver Twist - Activity worksheets

PENGUIN ACTIVE READING Teacher Support Programme

Progress test


Oliver Twist
1 What happened first in the book? Number the sentences. a c Mr Brownlow took Oliver to his house. b c Fagin hit Oliver with a stick. c c Dawkins gave Fagin two purses. d c Oliver went through a small window. e c Oliver slept in a room full of coffins. f c Monks paid Mr Bumble 25 pounds. g c Noah Claypole heard Nancy talking on a bridge. h c Sikes died on a roof. i c Oliver looked at a picture of a girl. j c Jack Dawkins bought Oliver some food in an inn. 2 Finish the sentences with the right word. river wasted papers shadows wild innocent coat pale prove listened a When Oliver was nine he was a and thin boy. b Noah Claypole was hiding in the . c Charley Bates thought that Oliver was an child. d Monks threw a locket into the . e Mr Brownlow wanted Fagin to show him where the were hidden. f Nancy said that Monks had eyes. g Monks went to America and all his money. h Monks said Brownlow couldnt that Oliver was his brother. i Sikes threw a over Oliver and left him in a field. j Nancy took off her shoes and near a door. 3 Answer these questions. a Why did the master in the workhouse hit Oliver? b Why did Bill Sikes kill Nancy? c Why were Fagin and Sikes worried that Oliver was with Mr Brownlow? d How did Nancy learn about Monkss secret?

e Why did Fagin think Nancy would work for him and against Sikes? f Why did Sikes want to kill his dog? g Where does Oliver hide in the Sowerberrys house? h Why did Jack Dawkins take Oliver to Fagins house? i What did Sikes see just before he died? j Why Did Mr Grimwig think that Oliver wouldnt return from the bookshop? 4 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? a Mr Brownlow was a relative of Olivers. c b At First, Oliver didnt realise Jack Dawkins c and his friends were thieves. c Nancy loved Bill Sikes. c d Dr Losberne didnt think Oliver would live. c e Rose tried to give Nancy some money. c f Fagin stopped Nancy from going to see Rose c and Mr Brownlow. g Monks knew that Nancy had been murdered. c h Mr Sowerberry was very cruel to Oliver. c i Olivers father had been a friend of Mr c Brownlow. j At the end, Mr Bumble was the master of the c workhouse. 5 Circle the right words. a The eyes of the girl in the picture looked happy / sad. b Oliver was sick in bed for many days / weeks. c Monks went to see Bumble in an inn / a workhouse. d Olivers mother was married / single. e Mr Sowerberry was a short / tall man. f Oliver thought that Fagins boys made / stole things. g Oliver took marks out of handkerchiefs / ties. h Jack Dawkins said that Mr Brownlow / a policeman had taken Oliver away. i Mr Grimwig was a friend / relative of Mr Brownlow. j Jack Dawkins took a five / ten pound note from Oliver.

c Pearson Education Limited 2008

Oliver Twist - Progress test


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