Principle and Foundation Helpful Quotes

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Helps for Reflection and Prayer

I AM A CREATURE OF GOD Made to do his bidding Of myself clearly nothing. I am a tool of God Made for him to use. I am a servant of God II. I AM A SON OF GOD Adopted in his household I am a brother of Jesus Christ A co-heir with him. I am a member of his body Living by his life. III. I AM AN INTIMATE OF GOD I have called you friends I am a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, Of the Blessed Trinity. I am a partaker of the Divine Nature Called to be saints IV. WHAT RETURN SHALL I MAKE TO GOD/ FOR ALL HE HAS GIVEN ME? MY LIFE, NOW AND FOR EVER.


This beautiful, interesting world This painful, fascinating world

This craving, hungry world This disappointed, disappointing world This ever- hopeful, ever- hoping world. It seems of itself to be enough It tells us that it is enough Till we yield and find that it is not It fails when we are most in need It proves to us that there is more. Man, beautiful, interesting, noble Painful, fascinating, lovable Craving, hungry, never satisfied Disappointed, disappointing, pitiful Hopeful, hoping, ever striving, For a goal beyond his reach, A sense of something amiss, Seeking for he knows not what, A possession, and it is not enough Knowledge and it gives me no content, A satisfaction and it fails to satisfy Seeking for self-fulfillment, Seeking for right order, In liberty unchained, Seeking for peace at last, Outside himself, and it is not there, Inside himself, and he fails yet more Peace, peace, and there is no peace! In God alone will he find peace! In God the beginning, In God the end, In God the all-in all The maker of all, The life of all, For his own ends, With his own means.
This is the goal of man. (A. Goodier)

Dear Lord, Make me see things as you see them Their value in themselves Their value in relation to this life Their value in relation to me

Their value in relation to the will and plan of God All therefore a means to an end Dear Lord, Make me feel about things as you feel about them Their loveable ness in themselves Their reflection of God that is in them Their desirableness as means to get God Their desirableness as means to serve Him However lovable, however undesirable, all is Proportioned, subjected, to the loving will of God. Dear Lord, Make me be what you would have me be Just a tool in your hand With no will of my own but to discover yours Just a child at your feet With no choice of my own but blind trust in you Just a lover With no object in life but the love of the beloved. Dear Lord, Make me do what you would have me do Always a life of service Seeking nothing for myself Always a life of duty Not counting the cost to myself Always a life of love Forgetting that there is a self to be considered. (A.Goodier)


To Jesus my Lord Who is from the beginning Who is to the end. Who rules from end to end mightily And disposes all things sweetly In whom, for whom all things are lovable Who is love Who out of love created me That which I am In these circumstances With these powers And my limitations Consulting His Beloveds interests Knowing it was best for me

My Saviour when I fall My Sanctifier when I rise My Way, my Truth, my Life My Light, my Love I dedicate myself to you All I have. All I am. All I do All I may endure Amen (Goodier)


LORD, THOU MADE ME OUT OF NOTHING Grant me O Lord, the grace to serve you with all my heart, with all my might, with all my strength, with all my knowledge, with all my understanding, with all the power of my soul, with all my thought, with all my speech, with all my wits, with all my works, with all my occupations, with all my labour, with all my rest. LORD, YOU MADE ME LIKE YOU I beg of you to give me grace to love you with all my soul, with all my love, with all my will, with all my desire, with all my liking, with all my mind, with all my wish, with all my devotion, with persevering goodness, with contrition and confession to you and penance for my sins.

LORD, YOU MADE ME AND ALL MY LIMBS. I ask you ,O Lord, the grace to serve you with every bone in my body, to be occupied in your service and bowing to your biddings ever ready to work or rest at your will, ever lame to deeds of sin, and ever fresh and ready at your commands. LORD, YOU MAD ME AND HAVE GIVEN ME MANY GIFTS Body, mind and soul I pray to you to give me the grace to use them all in your service, and for the end you gave them to me that I may ever worship you in your gifts. Give me the grace to keep myself meek in your gifts, to be content with them, and never be presumptuous or proud of them , but for ever knowledge that I am a sinful wretch.

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