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Ces Working Papers: Author Guidelines

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The authors are kindly invited to prepare the paper in accordance with the following instructions: Language: o papers should be written in English or French, should be clear, and grammatically correct; Page numbering: o pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals placed on the bottom right corner; o papers must be up to 20 A4 (21cm29,7cm) pages in length, including list of references and annexes; Margins: o Portrait: Top 2 cm, Bottom 1,5 cm; Left 2 cm, Right 2 cm, Header 2 cm, Footer 1,5 cm; o Landscape: Top 2 cm, Bottom 2 cm, Left 2,4 cm, Right 2,8 cm, Header 1 cm, Footer 1 cm; Font format: o Times New Roman, 1,5 lines spacing, Indent paragraph: 1 cm, Normal style; Footnotes: o footnotes (not endnotes) should be used (not applicable for the references in the text instructions provided below); Paragraph (Indent and Spacing): o Alignment: Justified; o Indentation: Left: 0; Right: 0; Special First Line: 1 cm; o Spacing: Before: 0; After: 0; Line Spacing: 1,5 lines.

TITLE (Times New Roman, 16 pts, Bold, Center, Capital Letters)

~ Empty line ~
Author1 (Times New Roman, 11 pts, Bold, Right)

~ Empty line ~
Abstract (One Tab (1 cm), Bold, 11 pts): Text of the abstract (Times New Roman, 11 pts, Italic, Justify, Line spacing 1 pts, maximum 200 words)

~ Empty line ~
Keywords (One Tab, Bold, 11 pts): keyword 1, keyword 2 (maximum 10, Times New Roman, 11 pts, Regular, Justify, Line spacing 1 pts) JEL Classification: C01, C02 (maximum 5, Times New Roman, 11 pts, Regular, Line spacing 1 pts, for classification see http://www.aeaweb.org/journal/jel_class_system.php) (Leave two empty lines before articles text)

~ Empty Line ~ ~ Empty Line ~ Titles and subtitles - Leave one empty line before and after every heading - Number every title and subtitle excluding introduction, conclusion and references ~ Empty Line ~ 1. HEADING 1 (One Tab (1 cm), Times New Roman, 12 pts., Bold, Left, Numbered, Capital Letters) ~ Empty Line ~ 1.1 Heading 2 (One Tab (1 cm), Times New Roman, 12 pts., Bold, Left, Numbered) ~ Empty Line ~ 1.1.1 Heading 3 (One Tab (1 cm), Times New Roman, 12 pts., Italic, Left, Numbered) ~ Empty Line ~

Affiliation and contact details (Times New Ro man, 11 pts, Regular, Right) E.g. Ion Popescu, Professor in the Economics of Eu ropean Integration at the University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iai, Ro mania, email: ion.popescu@uaic.ro.

Text format (Times New Roman, 12 pts, Regular, Justify, Line spacing 1.5 pts) Tables should be included in text as objects, numbered in Arabic numerals, with the title above the table. ~ Empty Line ~ Table 1 - Title (Times New Roman, 11 pts, Bold, Center)

Source: (Times New Ro man, 10 pts, Regular, Justify)

~ Empty Line ~ Figures should be included in the text as objects, numbered in Arabic numerals, with the title above the figure. ~ Empty Line ~ Figure 1 - Title (Times New Roman, 11 pts, Bold, Center)

Source: (Times New Ro man, 10 pts, Regular, Justify)

~ Empty Line ~ References in the text: in the case of summary or paraphrase, references should appear in brackets with the author's name, followed by the year (Johnson, 2001), or (Johnson and Richardson, 2001), or (Johnson, Richardson and Smith, 2001) or, in the case of multiple authors (Johnson et al., 2001); if the author is not known, give the title of the work and the year (Climate Change, 2009);

in the case of quotation, add the page number, i.e. (Johnson, 2001, p. 10 or Johnson and Richardson, 2001, p. 13 or, Johnson, Richardson and Smith, 2001, p.25, or, for multiple authors, Johnson et al., 2001, p.30); in the case of a quotation from a work yo u havent read, as cited in a another work you have read this must be indicated in your list of references - both authors should appear in brackets (Johnson, 1998 in Richardson, 2000, p.26); for two papers of the same author in the same year, following the year add a, b and so on (de Haas, 2007a, p. 26); when the date is not known, use the abbreviation n.d. - no date (Johnson, n.d., p. 12); For citing and referencing other kind of sources, please consult American Psychological Association (APA) guideline. ~ Empty Line ~ ~ Empty Line ~ Leave two empty lines before REFERECES section:

REFERENCES (One Tab (1 cm), Times New Roman, 12 pts., Bold, Left)
Reference list (Times New Roman, Regular, 12 pts, Left, Special Indentation: Hanging by 1,5 cm) the sources should be listed in alphabetical order (whatever book, article or online document), by family name/names of the authors or editors, followed by the initial letter of the first names (Samuelson, P., Smith, A., Ricardo, D.); for two papers of the same author in the same year, in the parentheses, following the year add a, b and so on; if the authors names are missing, the alphabetical order is given by the title of the document. The reference for a book Bodvarsson, O. B., Van den Berg, H. (2009) The Economics of Immigration. Theory and Policy, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag. The reference for an Edited Book

Acosta, P. (2007) Entrepreneurship, Labour Markets and International Remittances: Evidence from El Salvador, in zden, C. and Schiff, M. (eds.) International Migration, Economic Development & Policy, pp. 65-79, Copublication World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan. The reference for a Journal Article Ahmed, T., Mouratidis, H., Preston, D. (2009) Website Design Guidelines: High Power Distance and High-Context Culture, International Journal of Cyber Society and Education, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 47-60, accessed on July 2009 at http://www.academicjournals.org/ojs2/index.php/IJCSE/article/view/531/16 de Haas, H. (2007a) Turning the Tide? Why Development Will Not Stop Migration, Development and Change, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 819841, accessed on Octomber 2010 at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-7660.2007.00435.x/pdf The reference for an Inte rnet Resource Barber, W., Badre, A.N. (1998) Culturability: The merging of culture and usability, accessed on April 2010 at http://zing.ncsl.nist.gov/hfweb/att4/proceedings/barber/ Massey, D. S. (2003). Patterns and Processes of International Migration in the 21st Century. Lucrare pregtit pentru Conference on African Migration in Comparative Perspective, Johannesburg, Africa de Sud, 4-7 Iunie, 2003, accessed on January 2010 at http://time.dufe.edu.cn/wencong/africanmigration/1Massey.pdf de Haas, H. (2007b) Migration and Development: A Theoretical Perspective, Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development Working Papers, nr. 29, Paper presented at the conference on Transnationalisation and Development(s): Towards a North-South Perspective, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld, Germany, accessed on March 2010 at http://www.heindehaas.com/Publications/de%20Haas%202007%20COMCAD%20WP %20Migration%20and%20development%20theory%20.pdf Cassarino, J. P. (2008), Conditions of Modern Return Migrants, Editorial Introduction, International Journal on Multicultural Societies, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 95-105, accessed on September 2010 at http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0018/001812/181209E.pdf#page=3 5

European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (2008), The Voice of SMEs in Europe, Press Release, available at http://www.ueapme.com

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