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Requirements for protection and control systems. Principles for the Icelandic power transmission network.

Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Introduction. ................................................................................................................... 4 System requirements ...................................................................................................... 6

Validity: ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Requirements for protection: ................................................................................................................ 6 Requirements for information handling: .............................................................................................. 6 Requirements for communication protocols: ........................................................................................ 6

Staff competencies and skills. ........................................................................................ 7 Process level................................................................................................................... 8

220 kV Line bay terminals ................................................................................................................... 8 220/132 kV Transformer bay terminals ................................................................................................ 9 220 kV Bus-tie bay terminal (A/B-V bus) .......................................................................................... 10 220 kV Bus-tie bay terminal (A-B bus) .............................................................................................. 10 220 kV Busbar protection terminal (Centralized busbar protection) .................................................. 10 220 kV Busbar protection terminal (De-centralized busbar protection) ............................................. 10 220 and 132 kV Capacitor bank bay terminals ................................................................................... 11 220 kV and 132 kV Generating unit bay ............................................................................................ 11 132 kV Line bay terminal ................................................................................................................... 12 132 kV Bus-tie bay terminal (A/B-V bus) .......................................................................................... 12 132 kV Bus-tie bay terminal (A-B bus) .............................................................................................. 12 132 kV Busbar protection terminal (Centralized busbar protection) .................................................. 14 132 kV Busbar protection terminal (De-centralized busbar protection) ............................................. 14 132/xx kV Transformer bay terminal (20 MVA and larger) .............................................................. 15 132/xx kV Transformer bay terminal (Up to 20 MVA) ..................................................................... 16 66 kV Line bay terminal ..................................................................................................................... 17 66 kV Cable bay terminal ................................................................................................................... 17 66/xx kV Transformer bay terminal ................................................................................................... 18 66 kV and 33 kV Generating unit bay ................................................................................................ 18 33 kV Line bay terminal ..................................................................................................................... 19 33/xx kV Transformer bay terminal ................................................................................................... 19

Protection-, control-, and monitoring-function definitions .......................................... 20

Distance protection ............................................................................................................................. 20 Line differential protection ................................................................................................................. 20 Non-directional earth fault protection ................................................................................................ 20 Busbar protection................................................................................................................................ 20 Breaker failure protection ................................................................................................................... 20 Transformer differential protection .................................................................................................... 21 Overcurrent protection........................................................................................................................ 21 Overvoltage protection ....................................................................................................................... 21 Synchro-check function ...................................................................................................................... 21 Interlocking function .......................................................................................................................... 21 Mechanical Protections....................................................................................................................... 21

Bay level ...................................................................................................................... 22

Redundant bay units ........................................................................................................................... 22 Non-redundant bay unit ...................................................................................................................... 22

Station level ................................................................................................................. 23

Information handling .......................................................................................................................... 25

System level ................................................................................................................. 26 Control principles......................................................................................................... 28

220 kV lines........................................................................................................................................ 28 220/132 kV transformers .................................................................................................................... 28 220 kV busbars ................................................................................................................................... 28 132 kV lines........................................................................................................................................ 28 132 kV busbars ................................................................................................................................... 29


Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

132/xx kV transformers ...................................................................................................................... 29 66 kV lines.......................................................................................................................................... 29 66/xx kV transformers ........................................................................................................................ 29 33 kV lines.......................................................................................................................................... 30 33/xx kV transformers ........................................................................................................................ 30

The future protection- and control system ................................................................... 31 Appendix 1; Protection principles ............................................................................... 35
220 kV lines........................................................................................................................................ 35 220 kV busbars ................................................................................................................................... 35 220/132 kV transformers .................................................................................................................... 35 220 kV and 132 kV Shunt capacitor banks......................................................................................... 35 132 kV lines........................................................................................................................................ 36 132 kV busbars ................................................................................................................................... 36 132/xx kV transformers ...................................................................................................................... 36 66 kV lines.......................................................................................................................................... 36 66 kV busbars ..................................................................................................................................... 37 66/xx kV transformers ........................................................................................................................ 37 33 kV lines.......................................................................................................................................... 37 33/xx kV transformers ........................................................................................................................ 37 33 kV busbars ..................................................................................................................................... 37

Appendix 2; Specification of requisites to Dispatch Centre ........................................ 38

Specification of riquisite points sent to Dispatch Centre .................................................................... 38 Specification of riquisite analogs sent to Dispatch Centre ................................................................. 42 Specification of riquisite controls to be sent from Dispatch Centre ................................................... 43

References: ................................................................................................................... 44


Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

The most important thing a power utility must focus on is the quality of the products and services sold and delivered to the customers. Among the parameters of quality of electrical energy, there are terms such as voltage-control, frequency-control, and last but not least minimizing of energy not delivered to the customers. The tools that a power utility has to influence these factors are protection- and control equipment. This equipment alone is not enough. The power utility must have the know-how and the expertise to make the most of these tools. This means both detailed information about the power system and qualified employees to optimize the use of the control- and protection tools. In order to be able to do the necessary settings, configurations and calculations the base upon which this work shall stand on, must be clear. With the introduction of the numerical technology into the field of protection and control, power utilities are forced to review the foundation on which their protectionand control-philosophy is based upon. Before the numerical technology was introduced, there was great emphasis on redundancy to increase availability. But by increasing availability this way, the security against unwanted operations has been decreased. In the past years, it has been unwanted operations of equipment that has been a significant contributor in the number of outages in the Icelandic power system. This experience has proven that more is not necessarily better. The numerical technology offers considerable benefits in terms of availability and its use can lead to an increase in security against unwanted operation as well. Instead of redundancy by duplication, sufficient availability can be achieved by the use of selfsupervision which is an integral part of the numerical technology. The need to duplicate is reduced, thereby increasing security. [1] Another important aspect of numerical technology is the amount and variety of data the equipment can store and deliver to the operator and protection- and control engineers. This data can be used for all sorts of applications such as normal operation, maintenance, fault analysis, statistics, etc. With better and more reliable data coming from the equipment, costs can be cut and quality of the energy delivered, increased without much increase in investment. One of the benefits of numerical devices is that they offer serial communication. They have the possibility of interchanging information with their surroundings, information that can be used for system operation, fault analysis, maintenance and setting changes, can be accessed remotely. The best solution for a utility is a serial communication from the protection engineer office via the dispatch central, substation and to each unit.


Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

All numerical units have a self-monitoring system in operation. The quality is getting better and today the self-monitoring system covers approximately 95 % of the unit. The detection ability of self-monitoring and manual testing can be comparable. However, the automatically self-monitoring system covers different parts of the unit than manual testing procedure. It is known that self-monitoring will increase the dependability, security and availability of the equipment, but will have the main impact on security. Self-supervision reduces the probability of unwanted function significantly (increased security) due to the possibility to block the equipment for internal failure. How self-monitoring improves the equipment availability is illustrated by how it reduces the mean time to repair (MTTR), which is the time from a fault occur till it is repaired. The self-monitoring is continuous, thus the time for fault detection with selfmonitoring is in the order of seconds compared to the time to detect a fault with manual testing, which is in the range of years. [4] This new technology sets totally new requirements on staff skills, working with protection and control. This issue will be addressed later in this paper. This paper will describe the overall principles that Landsnet will be using when designing control and protection for the 220 kV and 132 kV transmission systems, as well as on 66 kV sub-transmission and down to 33 kV distributions. These principles are divided into four stages or levels. 1. Process level contains principles on the bay unit or units and other equipment in a bay. This includes which protection and control functions shall be included, which monitoring functions and other functions needed such as current and voltage measuring. 2. Bay level outlines how a bay shall function, i.e. how the level one units and equipment are connected together and the connection of the level one units to primary equipment to fulfill the intended functionality of the bay. This includes functions such as interlocking schemes. 3. Station level outlines how all the bay levels are interconnected to one station and how the stations functionality is fulfilled. This includes interlocking between bays and station control. Data from the bay units and process level components and handling of this data inside the station is also a part of this level. 4. System level outlines how the station shall function as a part of the power system and the connection between the station and dispatch center. This will also describe other means of communication with the station and equipment, disturbance recorders etc. One aspect is more efficient evaluation of fault and disturbances in the power system.


Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

System requirements
Validity: These principles apply to new stations as well as renewing and extension of existing stations. Requirements for protection: Using these principles, it is possible to fulfill the requirements for protection, set by the system operator. Tripping a faulty component shall have as little effect on the operation of the transmission system. Fault-clearing shall be so that risk to humans, property and components is minimized. 1. All short-circuits and winding fault shall be detected by at least two independent protection systems. 2. One of the two protection systems must fulfill requirements on minimum faultclearing time of 100 ms and selectivity, unless otherwise specified. 3. Under normal circumstances all short-circuits shall be cleared selectively. A fault in the protection system, both redundant and non-redundant, fault in the circuit breaker, fault between circuit breaker and current transformer and a broken conductor fault can cause unselective tripping. 4. The protection system shall, under normal circumstances, isolate a faulty component from the rest of the power system. 5. All components in the 220 kV, 132 kV and 66 kV shall have a non-directional earth fault protection with RXIDG-characteristic. 6. The protection system shall not trip during transient, dynamic and abnormal stationary conditions caused by fault clearing, switching, islanding, energizing, load shedding and losing of production units. 7. The protection of system components on voltage levels below 66 kV shall be selective against the protections in the main transmission system. 8. The protection- and control systems shall be designed so that the risk of unwanted operation is minimized. [2] 9. Current transformers used for protection purposes shall be of class 5P. Requirements for information handling: Requirement for information to Landsnets SCADA system is handled in appendix 2; Specification of requisites to Dispatch Centre

Requirements for communication protocols: Until now communication protocols have been more or less product specific. Future communication protocols shall be IEC 61850 or IEC 60870-5-103. In stations already in operation SPA, LON, DNP, and other protocols already in use, are acceptable.


Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Staff competencies and skills.

In the era of electromechanical- and electronic protection and control, a big emphasis was put on routine testing of protection system. This was due to the fact that there was no way of detecting a faulty protection unless by testing it or by observing improper operation of the protection during faults. Testing was also a considerable source of unwanted operation of protection in the power system. Working on protection equipment always poses a risk to the power system. Information from the protection during faults was in the form of binary signals to dispatch center and indicators on the protection itself. All connection between the protection and the surrounding equipment were hard-wired. All changes required rewiring work. The numerical technology requires new competencies for staff. Emphasis on routine testing has been drastically reduced due to self- monitoring of the equipment. Greater emphasis has been given to thorough commissioning of the equipment. New tools and test equipment generate better and more accurate commissioning reports and enable more thorough commissioning done in a shorter period of time, than was possible earlier. Changing of functions and configurations can be done by software thereby eliminating re-wiring work. A primary fault is the best way to test the performance of the protection and control system. Therefore a great emphasis must be put on thorough fault analysis after each fault. In many cases has fault analysis replaced the need for testing of protection and thereby reduced risk of unwanted operation during and after testing. A power utility must have staff which is capable of mastering all the skills mentioned above. That requires of the utility constant vigilance regarding new technologies and working procedures. This poses a great challenge on the utility to take good care of staff education and training so that the utility will always have staff with the knowhow needed.


Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Process level
The process level comprises of hardware and software. A process unit shall contain protection- control- and monitoring functions needed for adequate operation of the bay and station. A process unit shall among other comprise of a continuous self supervision, a man-machine interface and data exchange via serial bus. The functions that have to do with protection- control- and monitoring shall be put as close to the actual process as possible.

220 kV Line bay terminals

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The line bay terminals shall contain the following functions: Terminal A Protection functions Distance protection Breaker failure protection Control functions Interlocking Autoreclosing Synchro-check Man/Auto Switching Trip-transfer Monitoring functions Distance-to-fault Disturbance recorder Fault values Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision

Terminal B Protection functions Differential protection Earth fault protection Control functions Trip-transfer Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder Fault values Circuit breaker supervision Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision


Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

220/132 kV Transformer bay terminals

220 kV






132 kV

The transformer bay terminals shall contain the following functions: Terminal A Protection functions Distance protection 220kV EF - protection 220 kV Breaker failure protection Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Trip-transfer Point-on-Wave control Synchro-check Monitoring functions Distance-to-fault Disturbance recorder Fault values Circuit breaker supervision Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision

Terminal B Protection functions Differential protection Distance protection 132kV EF protection 132 kV Breaker failure protection Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Synchro-check Trip-transfer Automatic voltage reg. Point-on-Wave control Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder Fault values Distance-to-fault Circuit breaker supervision Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision


Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

220 kV Bus-tie bay terminal (A/B-V bus) The Bus-tie bay terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Synchro-check Monitoring functions Overcurrent/Overload Trip circuit supervision Circuit breaker supervision

220 kV Bus-tie bay terminal (A-B bus) The Bus-tie bay terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Overcurrent protection Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Synchro-check Monitoring functions Overcurrent/Overload Trip circuit supervision Circuit breaker supervision

220 kV Busbar protection terminal (Centralized busbar protection) The Busbar protection terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Current differential Breaker-failure Control functions Monitoring functions Trip circuit supervision Circuit breaker supervision Disturbance recorder

220 kV Busbar protection terminal (De-centralized busbar protection) The Busbar protection central terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Current differential Control functions Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder

The Busbar protection bay terminals shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Breaker-failure Control functions Monitoring functions Trip circuit supervision Circuit breaker supervision



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

220 and 132 kV Capacitor bank bay terminals

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The Capacitor bank bay terminals shall contain the following functions: Terminal A Protection functions Overcurrent protection Earth fault protection Overvoltage protection Undervoltage protection Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Synchro-check Point-on-Wave control Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder Fault values Circuit breaker supervision Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision

Terminal B Protection functions Overcurrent protection Unbalance protection Breaker failure protection Control functions Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder Fault values Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision

220 kV and 132 kV Generating unit bay Protection functions Breaker failure protection Overcurrent protection Earth fault protection Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Synchro-check Point-on-Wave control

Monitoring functions Circuit breaker supervision Trip circuit supervision


Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

132 kV Line bay terminal

Z< I


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The line bay terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Distance protection Earth fault protection Differential protection Breaker failure protection Control functions Interlocking Autoreclosing Synchro-check Man/Auto Switching Trip-transfer Monitoring functions Distance-to-fault Disturbance recorder Fault values Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision

132 kV Bus-tie bay terminal (A/B-V bus) The bus-tie bay terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Synchro-check Monitoring functions Overcurrent/Overload Trip circuit supervision Circuit breaker supervision

132 kV Bus-tie bay terminal (A-B bus) The Bus-tie bay terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Overcurrent protection Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Synchro-check Monitoring functions Overcurrent/Overload Trip circuit supervision Circuit breaker supervision



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

132 kV Busbar protection terminal (Centralized busbar protection) The Busbar protection terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Current differential Breaker-failure Control functions Monitoring functions Trip circuit supervision Circuit breaker supervision Disturbance recorder

132 kV Busbar protection terminal (De-centralized busbar protection) The Busbar protection central terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Current differential Control functions Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder

The Busbar protection bay terminals shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Breaker-failure Control functions Monitoring functions Trip circuit supervision Circuit breaker supervision



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

132/xx kV Transformer bay terminal (20 MVA and larger)

The transformer bay terminal shall contain the following functions:

Protection functions Differential protection Distance protection Earth fault protection Breaker failure protection

Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Synchro-check Trip-transfer Automatic voltage reg. Point-on-Wave control

Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder Fault values Distance-to-fault Circuit breaker supervision Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

132/xx kV Transformer bay terminal (Up to 20 MVA)

The transformer bay terminal shall contain the following functions:

Protection functions Differential protection Overcurrent protection Earth fault protection Breaker failure protection

Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Synchro-check Trip-transfer Automatic voltage reg.

Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder Fault values Distance-to-fault Circuit breaker supervision Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

66 kV Line bay terminal

The line bay terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Distance protection Earth fault protection Control functions Interlocking Autoreclosing Synchro-check Man/Auto Switching Trip-transfer Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder Fault values Distance-to-fault Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision

66 kV Cable bay terminal





The cable bay terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Differential protection Earth fault protection Distance protection Control functions Interlocking Synchro-check Man/Auto Switching Trip-transfer Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder Fault values Distance-to-fault Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

66/xx kV Transformer bay terminal

The transformer bay terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Differential protection Earth fault protection Overcurrent protection Control functions Interlocking Manual Switching Synchro-check Trip-transfer Automatic voltage reg. Monitoring functions Disturbance recorder Fault values Trip circuit supervision Event recorder VT/CT supervision

66 kV and 33 kV Generating unit bay Protection functions Overcurrent protection Earth fault protection Control functions Interlocking Man/Auto Switching Synchro-check Monitoring functions Circuit breaker supervision Trip circuit supervision



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

33 kV Line bay terminal





The line bay terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Overcurrent protection Earth fault protection Control functions Interlocking Manual Switching Synchro-check Monitoring functions Event recorder Fault values

33/xx kV Transformer bay terminal

The transformer bay terminal shall contain the following functions: Protection functions Differential protection Overcurrent protection Earth fault protection Control functions Interlocking Manual Switching Synchro-check Monitoring functions Event recorder Fault values



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Protection-, control-, and monitoring-function definitions

Distance protection The distance protection shall be full-scheme and have four independent zones with rectangular characteristics for all zones. Setting of resistive and reactive reach shall be independent of each other. Included in the distance protection function shall be following: Permissive schemes Blocking schemes Single pole tripping possibility. Distance-to-fault calculation. Switch-onto-fault. Power swing blocking. Unsymmetry current supervision. Transient blocking (current reversal logic). Possibility of storing at least two different setting groups must be available. Line differential protection The line differential protection shall be phase segregated for single pole tripping. The protection shall be able to communicate to the remote terminal via a multiplexed digital (64 kbits) data link. The differential protection shall have settable characteristics and serial communication to remote. Communication protocol such as V35/36, X21 and RS232 are acceptable. Non-directional earth fault protection The non-directional earth fault protection shall measure zero sequence current. Time delay shall be settable according to various characteristics including; constant time, normal inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse etc according to IEC 255-4, and additionally a logarithmic inverse (RXIDG-Inverse, t=5,8-1,35ln(I/Iset)) Busbar protection The busbar protection shall be three phase and phase segregated. Busbar protection with integrated breaker failure protection is preferable. A decentralized busbar protection is preferred but a centralized protection is acceptable. Breaker failure protection The breaker failure protection is a three phase and single step protection. Time delay shall be settable from zero in increments of 10 ms. Current setting for breaker failure shall be settable down to 0,1*In. Single phase and three phase starting of the breaker failure function shall be possible.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Transformer differential protection The transformer differential protection shall be three phase and phase segregated. The differential protection shall have settable characteristics and serial communication to remote. Overcurrent protection The overcurrent shall be three phase. Time delay shall be settable according to various characteristics including; constant time, normal inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse etc according to IEC 255-4. Overvoltage protection The overvoltage shall be three phase and sensitive with a high resetting ratio. Time delay shall be settable according to various characteristics including; constant time, normal inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse etc according to IEC 255-4. Synchro-check function The synchro-check device shall be capable of energizing (DLLB, DBLL) paralleling as well as synchro-check function. Normally the syncro-check function is started by a close order. A time delay (Waiting time) shall be adjustable between 0 600 s. Interlocking function This function is to prevent inadvertent or improper operation of disconnector switches and earthing switches. Interlocking shall be such that is impossible to energize or deenergize a component using a disconnector switch. It should not be possible to close the earthing switch when the component is energized. Mechanical Protections Tripping from mechanical protection such as Buchholz shall go directly to circuit breaker. A parallel signal shall go into a protection terminal for event logging.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Bay level
Level two defines how primary equipment and a bay unit ( or bay units ) make up a line-bay, transformer bay or any other type of a bay in a station. For the bay to function properly, sufficient amount of data and information need to be channeled to and from the bay. Redundant bay units Where system requirement specifies a fault clearing time of maximum 100 ms, the protection system needs to be redundant. This requires double independent systems from Separate CT cores Separate VT miniature circuit breakers Double redundant protection terminals Separate DC- supply Separate trip coils in the circuit breaker. Control functions such as autoreclosing, interlocking and voltage regulation do not need to be redundant. Non-redundant bay unit Where a fault clearing time of longer than 100 ms is allowed, a single non-redundant protection system is acceptable, but with the same protection-, control- and monitoring functions included as in the double redundant system. Either a galvanic connection to current- and voltage transformers, or digital measuring transformers are acceptable. As the development and reliable operation experience of digital measuring transformers progresses and prices are comparable, this type of measurement transformers will replace the older type. If digital measuring transformers are installed, they are a part of the components which have selfsupervision.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Information generated in the bay it self and information flow to and from the bay. Bay Intra Voltage 3ph Current 3ph Position indications Breaker status Protection trip Autoreclosing Inputs Time synchronizing Open/close commands DC-voltage Voltage 1ph Position indications Protection communication Outputs Protection trip/ BFP trip Protection indications. U I P Q values Open/close commands Position indications Protection communication Supervision indications Event list Disturbance/fault data

When operation of the station requires that the outgoing feeder be fed through the tie breaker, the tripping from all protection functions must also trip the tie breaker. It shall be possible to operate the bay locally from the bay unit through a local HMI. When the bay is being operated locally, it should not be possible to operate the bay from the station level nor remotely from dispatch center.

Station level
A station is comprised of a number of bays of different kinds and different voltage levels. The station can be configured in different ways. The most common configuration used today is where wiring is used through out the station. This is the conventional way of designing a station. The next step in the evolution is the mixed station. There we have conventional wiring from the bay units to the primary equipment and then a bus connection between bays and bay units and to the station control- and information systems. The so called process-bus is used for exchange of necessary data and information.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

The process bus must be set up so that a malfunction in one bay unit will not cause a breakdown on the rest of the process bus. A bus system must compatible to products from different manufacturers. A protocol of some sort must be agreed upon by the manufacturers of equipment. The standards IEC 61850-8 for station bus and IEC 61850-9 for process bus, is most likely to be this common platform that manufacturers will agree upon. The next generation of stations is a more or less wireless station where the bus connection extents to the measuring transformers and circuit breakers. The bus communication will have to be fast and reliable. To utilize the bandwidth of the bus, it is necessary to prioritize the data flow. An example of data and its priority can be as follows: Continuous, time-deterministic communication of 64kbits communication and of fast sampled analog values such as current and voltage. Occasional, but time deterministic transmissions of binary telegrams like interlocking data. Occasional, but fast transmission of binary values such as trip signals and carrier signals. Continuous but non-urgent communication of slow-sampled binary values such as monitoring- and diagnostic data. Occasional, non-urgent communication such as disturbance report data and downloading and uploading of software and settings. To ensure that the data flow on the process is correct, it is crucial to have a reliable time stamping from a central time source such as a GPS-clock. [3] A time-resolution of 1 ms is required. The station control system shall provide functions for supervision and control of the station. Basic functions that will have to be available in the system are, Manual switching, Alarm listing, Event listing, System status Parameter settings Single line diagram of the station, Status of all switches Measured values. A separate system for information handling is also needed in the station. This system shall be accessible from remote. This system handles fault analysis and evaluation of faults and disturbances. A station level protection is a busbar protection. Such a protection is needed in a station if the system requires a maximum fault clearing time of 100 ms. The busbar protection shall have separate CT cores with identical turn ratios in all bays. Interlocking is needed on this level for transfer of bays to bus-tie, or transfer of bays from one busbar to another.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Information handling In a numerical substation the possibilities for keeping information and data are much bigger than in a conventional station. The most essential data and documentation shall be stored in the station-database. This enables immediate updating of the data after modifications have been done in the station. A printer for hardcopies shall be installed. For reliable operation of the station the following documentation shall be available: List of drawings Assembly drawings Single line diagram Block diagram Circuit diagram Logic diagram List of apparatus Functional design specification Operator manuals Product manuals Erection manuals This information shall be stored locally in the station, but shall be accessible from remote. Under normal operating conditions all measured values and connections between level 1 units can be monitored continuously. Possibility to alter settings and parameters from remote shall be available. During and after disturbances it shall be possible to check the performance of each unit or a group of units in the station and alarms and indications generated by the disturbance or fault. One example is monitoring how a reclosing process in a line bay performed during a line fault. For analysis of faults in the power system, Data from disturbance recorders. Voltage- and current curves. Automatic distance-to-fault calculation. This information and all the necessary tools for analyzing shall be available both locally in the station and from remote. Task that are essential for analyzing this information are real-time data gathering such as; Signals Events (SOE) Diagnostics functions Monitoring Trends Dynamic values.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

All software and software licenses, which have to be used for normal operation, changing of settings and parameters, creating and modifying of diagrams, extension of the station, data retrieval etc, shall be provided along with the documentation. All necessary serial and parallel cables shall also be provided for communicating with individual units. If any special tools are needed for operation or maintenance, such tools shall be provided. A commitment by the manufacturer of the equipment, that a replacement part shall be available in the station within 48 hours of ordering. If the manufacturer can not guarantee a delivery time of 48 hours, he must keep a sufficient stock of spare parts in Iceland at his own expense. The equipment manufacturer must guarantee availability of spare parts for minimum of twenty years after commissioning of equipment (or final acceptance certificate).

System level
It must be possible to use serial communication from the protection engineer office via the dispatch center and the substation to each bay unit. This possibility should be used for interchanging information used for system operation, fault analysis, maintenance and setting changes. The system level shall be an extension of the station level. With todays technology is this only a goal, but future solutions need to be evaluated. Since the amount of data from a modern numerical substation is so vast, the information flow between station and dispatch center must be defined in detail so that the dispatch center will not be overloaded with non-relevant data during faults in the power system. The possibility to filter data for various purposes must be available. Communication between dispatch center and station is today governed by the Harris H5000/6000 communication protocol. For all new power stations and substations the unbalanced version of the IEC 60870-5-101 or IEC 60870-5-104 protocol will be used. One of the responsibilities of the dispatch center is system restoration after both severe and minor disturbances. Therefore it is very important for the operators to receive relevant data from different stations so that the dispatch center gets an overview of what has happened. It is very important to be able to have the sequence of events and in that way try to establish what caused the disturbance and what are the consequences of the disturbance. A list with sequence of events coming from stations in the power system must be defined. Event names must be identical between stations.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

At a later stage of the disturbance analysis, the retrieval of voltage and current curves from different stations, along with time tagged events. The same disturbance evaluation software shall be available in the dispatch center as in the station. Distance to fault information from a distance protection shall be displayed in the dispatch center. This information is valuable to line crews, and to evaluate if there are any weak points on a line, if the same distance to fault keeps coming up again and again.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Control principles
220 kV lines Single phase automatic reclosing is to be used on all transmission lines, except those that directly feed into customers. In case of a single phase fault and a single phase tripping, a single phase autoreclosing process starts. Dead time before breaker shall be sufficient for secure arc-extinguishing. In case of unsuccessful autoreclosing, a definite three phase trip signal follows and no autoreclosing is initiated after that. Autoreclosing shall not be active during energizing, and shall be blocked until after energizing. Evaluation of three phase rapid autoreclosing and three phase automatic re-insertion will have to be done. Interlocking shall be implemented so that a disconnector shall be locked when the circuit breaker is closed. Grounding switch shall be locked open unless the line-side disconnector is open and no voltage is detected on the incoming line. 220/132 kV transformers Energizing of transformers shall be from the stronger system i.e. the 220 kV side. This should be implemented into the synchronizing function. Interlocking shall be implemented so that a disconnector shall be locked when the circuit breaker is closed. Grounding switch shall be locked open, unless the line-side disconnectors on both (all) sides are open and no voltage is detected on the transformer. 220 kV busbars Busbar fault or a breaker failure trip shall activate a lockout-function preventing closing of circuit breakers in the station until a manual reset has been done in the station. 132 kV lines Although single phase automatic reclosing is not used on 132 kV transmission lines today, this function should be used on 132 kV lines. This relies on the fact that 132 kV circuit breakers need to have single pole tripping. In case of a single phase fault and a single phase tripping, a single phase autoreclosing process starts. Dead time before breaker shall be sufficient for secure arc-extinguishing. In case of unsuccessful autoreclosing, a definite three phase trip signal follows and no autoreclosing is initiated after that. Autoreclosing shall not be active during energizing, and shall be blocked until after energizing.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Evaluation of three phase rapid autoreclosing and three phase automatic re-insertion will have to be done. Interlocking shall be implemented so that a disconnector shall be locked when the circuit breaker is closed. Grounding switch shall be locked open unless the line-side disconnector is open and no voltage is detected on the incoming line. 132 kV busbars If a dedicated busbar protection is present, a busbar fault or a breaker failure trip shall activate a lockout-function preventing closing of circuit breakers in the station until a manual reset has been done in the station. If no busbar protection is present and a busbar fault is tripped from 2nd zone in the remote end, no lockout function shall be activated. 132/xx kV transformers Energizing of transformers shall be from the stronger system, in this case, the 132 kV side. This should be implemented into the synchronizing function. Interlocking shall be implemented so that a disconnector shall be locked when the circuit breaker is closed. Grounding switch shall be locked open, unless the line-side disconnectors on both (all) sides are open and no voltage is detected on the transformer. 66 kV lines Although automatic reclosing is not used on 66 kV transmission lines today, the possibility exists. Evaluation of autoreclosing and automatic re-insertion will have to be done for each individual case. Interlocking shall be implemented so that a disconnector shall be locked when the circuit breaker is closed. Grounding switch shall be locked open unless the line-side disconnector is open and no voltage is detected on the incoming line. In stations where the circuit breaker is mounted on a truck and no disconnector switches are present, the truck shall be locked and not movable when the circuit breaker is closed. The grounding switch can not be closed unless the truck is withdrawn and no voltage is on the incoming line. 66/xx kV transformers Energizing of transformers shall be from the stronger system, in this case, the 66 kV side. This should be implemented into the synchro-check or the synchronizing functions. Interlocking shall be implemented so that a disconnector shall be locked when the circuit breaker is closed. Grounding switch shall be locked open, unless the line-side



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

disconnectors on both (all) sides are open and no voltage is detected on the transformer. In stations where the circuit breakers are mounted on a truck and no disconnector switches are present, the truck shall be locked and not movable when the circuit breaker is closed. The grounding switch can not be closed unless the trucks on all sides of the transformer are withdrawn and no voltage is on the transformer. 33 kV lines Although automatic reclosing is not used on 33 kV transmission lines today, the possibility exists. Evaluation of autoreclosing and automatic re-insertion will have to be done for each individual case.

Interlocking shall be implemented so that a disconnector shall be locked when the circuit breaker is closed. Grounding switch shall be locked open unless the line-side disconnector is open and no voltage is detected on the incoming line. In stations where the circuit breaker is mounted on a truck and no disconnector switches are present, the truck shall be locked and not movable when the circuit breaker is closed. The grounding switch can not be closed unless the truck is withdrawn and no voltage is on the incoming line. 33/xx kV transformers Energizing of transformers shall be from the HV side. This can be implemented into the synchro-check or the synchronizing functions if those functions are present. Otherwise this can be done by interlocking so that the LV-breaker can only be closed when the HV-breaker is closed. Interlocking shall be implemented so that a disconnector shall be locked when the circuit breaker is closed. Grounding switch shall be locked open, unless the line-side disconnectors on both (all) sides are open and no voltage is detected on the transformer. In stations where the circuit breakers are mounted on a truck and no disconnector switches are present, the truck shall be locked and not movable when the circuit breaker is closed. The grounding switch can not be closed unless the trucks on all sides of the transformer are withdrawn and no voltage is on the transformer.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

The future protection- and control system

In the last years the trend in the development of equipment has been to digitize as much as possible. One of the advantages of digital equipment is the self-monitoring. Self-supervision of equipment reduces the need for maintenance work in the station, and thereby reduces risk of unwanted operation of equipment. In the next years, the development and evolution will be on the bay level. Wiring between components and units will disappear and more modern data flow will take over. After the introduction of the numerical protection- and control terminals the development of digital optical measuring transformers has gained momentum. This type of optical transformers has both advantages and disadvantages when compared with conventional measuring transformers. Conventional Measuring transformers Pros Cons Known technique Cumbersome Long experience Oil filled Spare parts Saturation problem Risk of open CT Optical measuring transformers Pros Cons Small construction Short experience No saturation Competence Self supervision Spare parts No open CT risk

All of the disadvantages of the optical measuring transformers, which are mentioned here above will disappear as time goes by and more utilities begin using the technology. The cost of optical measuring transformers will also go down as production numbers go up and more manufacturers compete on the market. Another primary component which is also being digitized is the circuit breaker. The purpose of digitizing the circuit breaker is monitoring. The performance of the circuit breaker can be monitored and evaluated so that maintenance work can be done on the circuit breaker when it is needed, not sooner and not later. When building a new station using equipment which generates data on a digital form, it is possible to use a bus system to convey this data between the appropriate units and systems in the station. The bus communication will have to be fast and reliable. To ensure that the data flow on the process is correct, it is crucial to have a reliable time stamping from a central time source such as a GPS-clock.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

With the use of self supervision of all components in a station, the maintenance work can be focused on where the need is for maintenance. A consequence of this is the complexity of the station in terms of primary equipment will go down. The need for double busbars and transfer buses will decrease and it will be harder to justify such an added investment in terms of maintenance needs. Another important factor that will influence maintenance scheduling is the introduction of the term energy not delivered and the rates that the utilities will have to pay for each kWh not delivered to the customer. Since maintenance work is a significant contributor to unwanted outages, and each outage will be more expensive for the utility, the need to focus the maintenance when there is a need for it. The numerical technology is therefore an important tool for maintenance scheduling.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

A simplified busbar arrangement has a great impact on the complexity of the secondary system. It is easy to envisage that a simplified busbar arrangement will give a simplified and more economic secondary system. It will lead to a reduced number of position indications, simplified autorecloser schemes, simplified interlocking, simplified busbar protection, etc. This will have an impact on both economy and availability. [1]



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

[7] It is only a matter of time before new substations are almost 100% self-supervised. It is therefore important for the power utilities to be ready and be familiar with the technology when the time comes.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Appendix 1; Protection principles

220 kV lines Protection shall be redundant with distance protection, non-directional earth fault protection and line differential protection. The distance protection uses two forward looking zones and one backwards looking. The reverse zone is used for indication only. Non-directional earth fault protection is set to 80 A primary value. A minimum time delay must be set. Characteristic curve of type RXIDG is used. (t=5,8-1,35ln(I/Iset)) 220 kV busbars A busbar protection shall be installed in all 220 kV stations.

220/132 kV transformers The main protection of the transformer is the current differential protection. A redundant distance protection is needed on the 220 kV-side and on the 132 kV-side. Two forward looking zones and one reverse are needed. Non-directional earth fault protection is needed on both sides of the transformer. The protection is set to 80 A primary value. A minimum time delay must be set. Characteristic curve of type RXIDG is used. (t=5,8-1,35ln(I/Iset)). The protection function must be stable against 2nd harmonic inrush currents. 220 kV and 132 kV Shunt capacitor banks A shunt capacitor bank shall be protected by an overvoltage protection, an unbalance protection and two types of overcurrent protection. One overcurrent protection shall measure only the 50 Hz component of the current, whereas the other protection shall measure all frequency components. Protection on 220 kV shunt capacitors shall be redundant.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

132 kV lines On lines where a fault clearing time of 400 ms is acceptable, a non-redundant protection is sufficient. The protection functions shall be the same as for the redundant system. Protection functions shall be distance protection, non-directional earth fault protection and line differential protection. The distance protection uses two forward looking zone and one backwards looking. The reverse zone is used for indication only. Non-directional earth fault protection is set to 80 A primary value. A minimum time delay must be set. Characteristic curve of type RXIDG is used. (t=5,8-1,35ln(I/Iset)) 132 kV busbars A busbar protection shall be installed in all GIS stations and where fault clearing time of maximum 100 ms is needed. Otherwise a 2nd zone distance protection trip from the remote stations is sufficient. 132/xx kV transformers The main protection of the transformer is the current differential protection. A nonredundant distance protection is needed on the 132 kV-side. Two forward looking zones and one reverse are used. On the 132 kV side, a non-directional earth fault protection is set to 80 A primary value. A minimum time delay must be set. Characteristic curve of type RXIDG is used. (t=5,8-1,35ln(I/Iset)). The protection function must be stable against 2nd harmonic inrush currents. A three-phase overcurrent protection is used on the 132 kV-side instead of a distance protection on transformers smaller than 20 MVA. 66 kV lines On lines with 66 kV voltage a non-redundant protection is sufficient. The protection functions shall be distance protection and non-directional earth fault protection. On short overhead lines and cables the differential current protection function shall be added. The distance protection uses two forward looking zone and one backwards looking. The reverse zone is used for indication only. The use of the 3rd zone shall be evaluated for each individual case.

Non-directional earth fault protection is set to 80 A primary value. A minimum time delay must be set. Characteristic curve of type RXIDG is used. (t=5,8-1,35ln(I/Iset))



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

66 kV busbars A busbar protection shall be installed in all GIS stations. Otherwise the busbar is protected from 2nd zone distance protection trip from the remote stations and the 2nd zone of distance protection on 132 kV side of incoming transformer. 66/xx kV transformers The main protection of the transformer is the current differential protection. On the 66 kV side, a non-directional earth fault protection is set to 80 A primary value. A minimum time delay must be set. Characteristic curve of type RXIDG is used. (t=5,8-1,35ln(I/Iset)). The protection function must be stable against 2nd harmonic inrush currents. A three-phase overcurrent protection is needed on the 66 kV-side, MV-side and the tertiary if applicable. 33 kV lines On lines with 33 kV voltage or lower, a non-redundant protection is sufficient. The protection functions shall be three-phase overcurrent protection. Settings for the function will have to be evaluated for each individual case. If the neutral point of the system is grounded, a non-directional earth fault protection function is needed. In a system with the neutral point isolated, a sensitive directional earth fault protection shall be used, if capacitive currents generated by an earth fault are sufficient. 33/xx kV transformers The main protection of the transformer is the current differential protection. A three-phase overcurrent protection is needed on the HV-side, MV-side and the tertiary if applicable. A non-directional earth fault protection is also needed if the neutral point on the transformer HV-side is grounded. On smaller and less important transformers, the current differential protection can be omitted. 33 kV busbars To protect the busbar against short circuit, the instantaneous overcurrent stage on the incoming transformer bay should be used if possible. An alternative, if no shortcircuit in-feed is from any of the outgoing bays, is to accelerate the time delayed overcurrent stage in the incoming transformer (The poor mans busbar protection). If the neutral point of the system is isolated, an open-delta voltage is needed for earth fault supervision.



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Appendix 2; Specification of requisites to Dispatch Centre

Specification of riquisite points sent to Dispatch Centre
Time stamp X X

Eining / Device Aflrofi / Circuit breaker

Key P001 P002 P003 P004 P005 P006 P007

Lsing merki Rofastaa - aflrofi inni/lokaur Rofastaa - aflrofi ti/opinn Rofastaa - inni/tdreginn Rofi lstur/ekki tilbinn (hindraur, stastrur) Mismunastaa pla Vivrun um bilun aflrofa Aflrofabilun (BFP) - tleysing Rofastaa - skilrofi inni/lokaur Rofastaa - skilrofi ti/opinn Jarbla inni/loka Jarbla ti/loka Vivrun vegna SF6 gasrstings/-leka Lsing rofa vegna SF6 gasrstings/-leka Varnarbn. virkur vegna bilunar ea hindrunar Vktun tleysirsum Vktun mlirsum 1.reps tleysing 2.reps tleysing 3.reps tleysing Start R-fasa Start S-fasa Start T-fasa Start bakrepi Start jr Fjarmerki sent (carrier sent) Fjarmerki mtteki (carrier receive) Endurlokun Mislestun tleysing, riggja fasa tleysing R-fasa tleysing S-fasa tleysing T-fasa Endurlokun Vrn virk vegna bilunar fjarskiptum tleysing

Status point Breaker status - CLOSED Breaker status - OPEN Breaker status - IN / WITHDRAWN Breaker blocked / not ready Breaker pole discrepancy Breaker warning/failure - alarm Breaker Failure Protection - trip Status - CLOSED Status - OPEN Status - CLOSED Status - OPEN SF6 low pressure/leakage - alarm SF6 low pressure/leakage - breker locked Protection System failure or blocked alarm Trip circuit supervision Measuring circuit supervision Zone 1 - trip Zone 2 - trip Zone 3 - trip Start fault phase L1 Start fault phase L2 Start fault phase L3 Start of reverse zone Start earth fault Carrier send Carrier receive Reclosing send Load unbalance Trip 3 phase Trip phase L1 Trip phase L2 Trip phase L3 Reclosing send Protection blocked - Telecom. failure Trip


Skilrofi / Disconnector

P008 P009

Jarbla / Earting switch

P010 P011

SF6 gas / SF6

P012 P013

Varnarbnaur almennt / Protection System - common alarms Lna -fjarlgavrn / Line distance protection

P014 P015 P016 P017 P018 P019 P020 P021 P022 P023 P024 P025 P026 P027 P028


Lna mismunastraumsvrn / Line differential current protection

P029 P030 P031 P032 P033 P034


Lna - jarstraumsvrn / Earth fault protection Lna - yfirstraumsvrn / Overcurrent protection

P035 P036 P037 P038





Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Aflspennir varnarbnaur / Transformer protection

P039 P040 P041 P042 P043 P044 P045 P046 P047 P048 P049 P050 P051 P052 P053

tleysing fr undirsndarvinmsvrn Vivrun fr Bucholzlia tleysing fr Bucholzlia tleysing fr rstilia Vivrun um vafhita tleysing vegna vafhita Vivrun vegna oluhita tleysing vegna oluhita Vivrun vegna oluhar tleysing vegna oluhar tleysing vegna yfirstraums tleysing vegna jarstraums Mismunastraumstleysing Vivrun vegna kfnunarefnis (N2) Kling spennis bilun (viftur - dlur) Vivrun fr repaskipti Staa stringar - fjar-/starepastring handvirk / sjlfvirk tleysing vegna yfirstraums tleysing vegna yfirspennu Vivrun um mislestun tleysing vegna mislestunar Innsetningarbnaur Vivrun fr safnteinavrn tleysing fr santeinavrn Staa samfsunar Staa hlitengdrar samfsunar Bilun samfsun Samfsunartmi trunninn Vktun stjrnkerfi stvar Staa stringar - fjar-/staStaa vlar Staa stringar - fjar-/staTilbin til rsingar Rsing Stvun Tilbin til samfsunar

Min. impedance protection - trip Bucholz relay - alarm Bucholz relay - trip Pressure relay - trip Winding temp. - alarm Winding temp. - trip Oil temp. - alarm Oil temp. - trip Oil level - alarm Oil level - trip Overcurrent - trip Earth fault - trip Diffrential current - trip N2 - alarm Cooling equipment (fans) - alarm Tap controller failure Control - Local/Remote Control - Auto/Manual Overcurrent - trip Overvoltage - trip Load unbalance - alarm Load unbalance - trip Control system failure Busbar Protection - alarm Busbar Protection - trip Status of synchronization Status of parallel synchronization Synchronizer failur Synchronization time-out Station control system supervision - alarm Control - Local/Remote (pr. Control element) Unit status - (on/off) Control - (local/remote) Ready for start - (yes/no) Start - (yes/no) Stop - (yes/no) Ready for synchronization - (yes/no)



Aflspennir - repaskiptir / Transformer - tap Controller ttir - varnarbnaur / Capacitor protection

P054 P055 P056 P057 P058 P059 P060 P061


Teinn / Busbar protection Samfsun / Synchronizer

P062 P063 P064 P065 P066 P067

St / Station Vl almennt / Unit - common alarms

P068 P069 P070 P071 P072 P073 P074 P075




Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Vl - rafali / Unit - generator

P076 P077 P078 P079 P080 P081 P082 P083 P084 P085 P086 P087 P088 P089 P090 P091 P092 P093 P094 P095 P096 P097 P098 P099 P100 P101 P102 P103 P104 P105 P106 P107 P108

Flokkur 1 - merkjahpur - tleysing -> tkall Flokkur 2 - merkjahpur - alvarleg viv., tleysihtta -> tkall Flokkur 3 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall Flokkur 4 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall innan 10 tma tleysing vegna jarstraums stri (95% og 100% vrn) Vivrun um jarstraum sn tleysing vegna jarstraums sn Vivrun vegna xulstraums tleysing vegna yfirstraums/undirspennu tleysing vegna yfirstraums Vivrun um yfirlag tleysing vegna yfirlags tleysing vegna undirspennu tleysing vegna yfirspennu tleysing vegna yfirtni Vivrun um hita stri tleysing vegna hita stri tleysing vegna mismunastraums tleysing vegna mismunastraums samstu Vivrun vegna mislestunar milli fasa tleysing vegna mislestunar milli fasa tleysing vegna yfirhita rafala Vivrun um bakafl tleysing vegna bakafls Vivrun vegna undirsegulmgnunar tleysing vegna undirsegulmgnunar Spennureglunarhttur (AVR) Launaflsreglunarhttur Vivrun um hita segulmgnunarspenni tleysing vegna hita segulmgnunarspenni tleysing vegna yfirstraums segulmgnunarspenni tleysing vegna mismunastraums segulmgnunarspenni tleysing vegna jarhlaups segulmgnunarspenni Flokkur 1 - merkjahpur - tleysing Flokkur 2 - merkjahpur - alvarleg viv., tleysihtta -> tkall Flokkur 3 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall Flokkur 4 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall innan 10 tma Vivrun - brotbolti brotinn Vivrun - lgt sttisfli

Group 1 - Trip - Call field Group 2 - High severity alarm - Call field Group 3 - Medium severity alarm - Call field Group 4 - Medium severity alarm - Call field within 10h Stator earth fault - trip Rotor earth fault - alarm Rotor earth fault - trip Shaft current - alarm Overcurrent/undervoltage - trip Overcurrent - trip Overload - trip Overload - alarm Undervoltage - trip Overvoltage - trip Overfrequency - trip Stator over temperature - alarm Stator over temperature - trip Differential protection - trip Block differential protection - trip Negative phase sequence - alarm Negative phase sequence - trip Generator over temperature - trip Reverse power - alarm Reverse power - trip Loss of excitation - alarm Loss of excitation - trip Excitation system - Voltage control mode (on/off) Excitation system - Mvar control mode (on/off) Excitation transformer over temperature alarm Excitation transformer over temperature trip Excitation transformer - overcurrent - trip Excitation transformer differential protection - trip Excitation transformer earth fault - trip Group 1 - Trip - Call field Group 2 - High severity alarm - Call field Group 3 - Medium severity alarm - Call field Group 4 - Medium severity alarm - Call field within 10h






Vl - hverfill / Unit - turbine

P109 P110 P111 P112 P113 P114



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Intake grating losses - alarm Inlet valve - emergency closing Governor - load control mode (on/off) Governor - speed control mode (on/off) Governor - opening control mode (on/off)

P115 P116 P117 P118 P119

Ristartp - vivrun Inntaksloka - neyarlokun Afllreglunarhttur gangrs Hraareglunarhttur gangrs Opnunarstring gangrs

Vl - klivatnskerfi / Unit - cooling system

P120 P121 P122 P123

Flokkur 1 - merkjahpur - tleysing Flokkur 2 - merkjahpur - alvarleg viv., tleysihtta -> tkall Flokkur 3 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall Flokkur 4 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall innan 10 tma

Group 1 - Trip - Call field Group 2 - High severity alarm - Call field Group 3 - Medium severity alarm - Call field Group 4 - Medium severity alarm - Call field within 10h

Stokerfi stvar / Station supervision

P124 P125 P126 P127 P128 P129 P130 P131 P132 P133

Flokkur 1 - merkjahpur - tleysing Flokkur 2 - merkjahpur - alvarleg viv., tleysihtta -> tkall Flokkur 3 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall Flokkur 4 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall innan 10 tma Innbrotsvrn Vktun innbrotsvarnar Brunavivrun Vktun brunavivrun Loftrsikerfi Hitakerfi Flokkur 1 - merkjahpur - tleysing Flokkur 2 - merkjahpur - alvarleg viv., tleysihtta -> tkall Flokkur 3 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall Flokkur 4 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall innan 10 tma DC kerfi 48V - vivrun DC kerfi 110V - vivrun AC kerfi 400V AC kerfi 11kV Neyarrafst Flokkur 1 - merkjahpur - tleysing Flokkur 2 - merkjahpur - alvarleg viv., tleysihtta -> tkall Flokkur 3 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall Flokkur 4 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall innan 10 tma Flokkur 1 - merkjahpur - tleysing Flokkur 2 - merkjahpur - alvarleg viv., tleysihtta -> tkall Flokkur 3 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall Flokkur 4 - merkjahpur - vivrun -> tkall innan 10 tma

Group 1 - Trip - Call field Group 2 - High severity alarm - Call field Group 3 - Medium severity alarm - Call field Group 4 - Medium severity alarm - Call field within 10h Braek-in-alarm system - alarm Braek-in-alarm system failure Fire-system alarm Fire-system failure - alarm Ventilation system alarm Heating system alarm Group 1 - Trip - Call field Group 2 - High severity alarm - Call field Group 3 - Medium severity alarm - Call field Group 4 - Medium severity alarm - Call field within 10h DC system 48V - alarm DC system 110V - alarm AC system 400V - alarm AC system 11kV - alarm Station auxiliary generator Group 1 - Trip - Call field Group 2 - High severity alarm - Call field Group 3 - Medium severity alarm - Call field Group 4 - Medium severity alarm - Call field within 10h Group 1 - Trip - Call field Group 2 - High severity alarm - Call field Group 3 - Medium severity alarm - Call field Group 4 - Medium severity alarm - Call field within 10h

Stvarnotkun / Station service load

P134 P135 P136 P137 P138 P139 P140 P141 P142

Vatnsvegir / Hydro system

P143 P144 P145 P146

Gufuveita / Geothermal system

P147 P148 P149 P150



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Specification of riquisite analogs sent to Dispatch Centre

Eining / Device Lna / Transm. Line Lsing mlingu Raunaflsfli Launaflsfli Spenna Straumur einum fasa Raunaflsfli Launaflsfli Spenna Straumur llum fsum repastaa Vimiunarspenna reglis Launafl, Mvar Spenna, kV Straumur llum fsum Spenna Tni Raunaflsvinnsla Launaflsvinnsla Spenna Straumur einum fasa Tni Rennsli Vatnsh vi inntak, m y.s. Vatnsh vi frrennsli, m y.s. Vatnshiti Rennsli Staa Vatnsh, m.y.s. Analog Powerflow, real power Powerflow, reactive power Line voltage Current in one phase Powerflow, real power Powerflow, reactive power Line voltage Current in all phases Tap position Reference Voltage Reactive Power Output Line voltage Current in all phases Line voltage Frequency Power generation Power generation Terminal voltage Current in one phase Frequency Water flow rate Head water elevation m.a.s. Tail water elevation m.a.s. Water temperature Water flow rate Gate position Water elevation, m.a.s. Unit MW Mvar kV A MW Mvar kV A unit kV Mvar kV A kV Hz MW Mvar kV A Hz m3/s m m C m3/s m or % m

Spennir / Transformer

ttir / Shunt Capacitor Teinn / Busbar Vl / Gen. Unit

Vatnsaflsst / Hydro station

Loka / Gate Milunarln / Reservoir



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

Specification of riquisite controls to be sent from Dispatch Centre

Eining Aflrofi / Circuit breaker Skilrofi / Disconnector Aflspennir / Transformer Vl / Gen. Unit Lsing stringu String - T String - INN String - T String - INN repun - upp/niur skgildi vimiunarspennu reglis Strihamur - handvirk / sjlvirk (AVR) MW string - hkka/lkka MW string - skgildi MW string - strihamur (h/l - skg.) String rafalaspennu - hkka/lkka String rafalaspennu - skgildi String rafalaspennu - strihamur Mvar string - skgildi String launafls-striham (rafalasp. - Mvar skg.) Rsing vlar Stvun vlar String reglunarhamI gangra Opnun - minnka Opnun - auka Opnun - skgildi Rennsli - skgildi Samfsun / Synchronizer Samfsun af/ Hlitengd samfsun af/ Control Control - OUT Control - IN Control - OUT Control - IN Tap - up / down Reference voltage setpoint Control mode - manual / auto MW control - raise / lower MW control - setpoint MW control mode - r/l / setpoint Gen. voltage control - raise / lower Gen. voltage control - setpoint Gen. voltage control mode - r/l / setpoint Mvar control - setpoint Reactive control mode - Gen. Volt. / Mvar ctrl. Unit start Unit stop Governor control mode Opening - lower Opening - raise Opening - setpoint Flow - setpoint Synchronization - on / off Parallel synchronization - on / off

Loka / Gate



Type: Version nr.: Date of approval: Approved:

05 25.03.2011 IH

Protection and control

1. Y. Aabo, B.Lundqvist: The cost benefit of modern substation automation in electrical high voltage installations. Cigre 2. Statnett, Nettstyringsdivisjonen, avdeling vern og feilanalyse: Krav til vern i hovednettet. 3. F. Engler, A. Jaussi: Intelligent substation automation- monitoring and diagnostics in HV switchgear installations. ABB Review 3/1998. 4. Y. Aabo, J. Andersen, A. Petterteig: Integration of protection, control and monitoring functions experiences and future requirements from a utility point of view. Cigre 1998. 5. Y. Aabo: Hvordan kan informasjonhndtering forbedrede driften ? Vern og kontroll 2000 Gardermoen. 6. BKK-Nett: Breivik substation technical specification protection- and control system. 7. A. Kaczkowski, W. Knoth: Combined sensors for current and voltage are ready for application in GIS. Cigre 1998.



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