Textbook(s) and Materials Required: Stepping On My Brother's Head and Other Secrets Your English Professor Never Told You: A College Reader Edited

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ENG 110: Developmental Writing and Reading COURSE SYLLABUS: Fall 2012 Instructor: Sean Ferrier-Watson and team

Office Location: Writing Center Office Hours: Monday 9-12PM; Tuesday 9-12PM Office Phone: (903) 886-5280 Office Fax: (903) 886.5980 University Email Address: seanwatson08@yahoo.com

COURSE INFORMATION Materials Textbooks, Readings, Supplementary Readings: Textbook(s) and Materials Required: 1. Stepping on My Brothers Head And Other Secrets Your English Professor Never Told You: A College Reader Edited by Sondra Perl and Charles Schuster. ISBN #: 978-0-86709592-0 2. Access to e-College space 3. Paper and pen for notes in-class 4. Paper and access to a printer for final project (critical reading handout)

Course Description: Critical reading is an important skill for college-level academic study, and this course is designed to help students develop their critical reading skills.

This course contains two elements: 1. The lecture section, where you will meet each week on Monday at 2:00 to discuss the weeks reading assignment and your response to that assignment 2. The lab section on e-College, where you will be required to complete weekly quizzes small-group discussion, and a weekly summary of that discussion.

Student Learning Outcomes: Students who successfully complete ENG 110 should be able to: 1. Identify and employ critical reading strategies 2. Identify the main idea or central argument in a text 3. Identify and understand potential bias within a text 4. Identify rhetorical strategies used by authors to support arguments 5. Recognize and identify organizational elements of writing 6. Explicate a difficult text for meaning and understanding

COURSE REQUIREMENTS Heres how your grade will be determined: Attendance: You must attend the weekly lecture on Monday at 2:00 PM. If you miss more than TWO classes, you cant earn higher than a B in the class. If you miss more than THREE classes, you will not pass ENG 110 and you will be required by the university to take the course again. Attendance is taken at the beginning of every class. Students who come to class late will not be given partial-credit for attendance. 20% Online discussion boards: In the e-College space, you will be split into smaller groups. In those smaller groups, you will be given a

discussion prompt about that weeks reading. You are required to post at least once for each prompt. Discussion prompts are posted on Monday after class and will remain open until class time the following Monday. To clarify: your posts (and quiz) are due by classtime on the day we discuss the text. 10% Weekly discussion summary: Between the end of class on Monday and Wednesday morning at 8:00 AM, you are required to submit a summary of your groups discussion. 30% Weekly reading quizzes: Each week there will be a four-question quiz on the assigned reading for that week. The questions are multiplechoice, and the quiz can only be taken once. These quizzes test your ability to find the main ideas in an article, understand the rhetorical techniques authors use to make their arguments or get their points across, etc. In short, these quizzes test your critical reading skills. To clarify: your quiz is due by classtime on the day we discuss the text. 40% What is Critical Reading? Handout: Relying on what youve learned and experienced in this class, how would you define critical reading to someone just learning about it? What advice, guidelines, or tips could you offer to someone enrolled in this class next semester? Remember that your audience will be students who visit the writing center, so think about that audience when designing the handout and deciding what information to include. Also keep in mind that grammar, spelling, and lay-out counts on this assignment. This handout will be graded by a panel of Writing Center tutors and writing teachers. Two members of the panel will grade your handout for quality of information, style and grammar, and indication that you understand the concept of critical reading. They will award your handout a score out of five possible points. The final grade will be derived from an average of the two scores given by the panel members.

TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS A valid, working email address that you check often (everyday) Regular internet access access to e-College space Access to a computer with a word processing program and a printer (final assignment must be typed and printed) COMMUNICATION AND SUPPORT Interaction with Instructor Statement: Please contact you instructor with any questions you may have. You can contact Mr. Whitley at seanwatson08@yahoo.com Grievance Procedure: If you have concerns about the class or about me as an instructor, please speak to me about those concerns. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our conversation, the next person in the chain of command is the Director of the Writing Program, Dr. Tabetha Adkins. Her e-mail address is Tabetha_Adkins@tamucommerce.edu. COURSE AND UNIVERSITY PROCEDURES/POLICIES Course Specific Procedures: Academic Honesty

The official departmental policy: Instructors in the Department of Literature and Languages do not tolerate plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonestly. Instructors uphold and support the highest academic standards, and students are expected to do likewise. Penalties for students guilty of academic dishonesty include disciplinary probation, suspension, and expulsion. (Texas A&M University-Commerce Code of Student Conduct 5.b [1,2,3]) If you ever have any questions about a particular use of a source, always ask your instructor. They want you to avoid plagiarism, too, so they will help you do so whenever and wherever they can. Do what you can to take advantage of this supportto look innocent in addition to being innocent when it comes to charges of plagiarism. Students who commit academic dishonest acts should expect to fail the assignment in question and, depending on the nature of the offense, the entire course. On University-Sanctioned Activities To accommodate students who participate in universitysanctioned activities, the First-Year Composition Program offers sections of this course at various times of the day and week. If you think that this course may conflict with a universitysanctioned activity in which you are involved--athletics, etc.-please see your instructor after class on the first day.

University Specific Procedures: ADA Statement The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal antidiscrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights

protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact: Office of Student Disability Resources and Services Texas A&M University-Commerce Gee Library 132 Phone (903) 886-5150 or (903) 886-5835 Fax (903) 468-8148 StudentDisabilityServices@tamu-commerce.edu Student Disability Resources & Services Student Conduct All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets of common decency and acceptable behavior conducive to a positive learning environment. (See Code of Student Conduct from Student Guide Handbook).

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