Matete Integrated (2006)

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openUP (November 2006) ANALYSIS

Integrated ecological economics accounting approach to evaluation of inter-basin water transfers: An application to the Lesotho Highlands Water Project
Mampiti Matetea and Rashid Hassanb, 1 Department of Agricultural Economics, National University of Lesotho, P.O. Roma 180, Lesotho b Center for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa, University of Pretoria, 0002 Pretoria, South Africa

This study developed a generalised analytical framework that can be applied to integrating environmental sustainability aspects into economic development planning in the case of exploiting water resources through inter-basin water transfers (IBWT). The study developed and applied a multi-country ecological social accounting matrix (MCESAM) for Lesotho and SA to evaluate the ecological implications of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP) and their consequent economic costs and benefits for the two countries. The study further used the developed MC-ESAM multipliers to analyse the impact of lost ecological services downstream the LHWP dams in Lesotho on the wellbeing of households directly affected by the project in Lesotho and the general economies of Lesotho and SA. The results revealed that while the LHWP has significant direct and indirect benefits in terms of social and economic development in Lesotho and SA, the project has serious unintended impacts on ecological resources and services, with deleterious wellbeing implications for populations residing within the reaches of the LHWP rivers and downstream the LHWP dams in Lesotho. The empirical analysis results showed relatively small impacts in general, but were significant for groups of people directly affected by the project in Lesotho. An important limitation of the empirical contributions of the study relates to the inability to measure and include in the analyses values of critical other ecosystem services of affected freshwater resources. Nevertheless, the study demonstrated the importance of integrated ecological economic accounting for comprehensive assessment of IBWT projects' impacts.

openUP (November 2006)

Article Outline
1. Introduction 2. The Lesotho Highlands Water Project 3. The integrated ecological economics analytical framework 3.1. Streamflow services to ecological production 3.2. Streamflow water services to households' direct consumption 3.3. Streamflow water as intermediate input in economic production 3.4. The ecological social accounting matrix (ESAM) 4. Data and results of the empirical analysis 5. Conclusions Appendix A. Glossary of ESAM notations Appendix B. Multi-country ESAM multiplier analysis References

1. Introduction Water is scarce in many regions of the world. But even in countries with an overall abundance of water, demand exceeds supply in many areas. To overcome water deficits, water is often imported through inter-basin water transfers (IBWT) across national, regional and local boundaries to meet increasing off-stream demands in agriculture, industry, hydropower, and household sectors for economic and social development. However, off-stream gains from IBWT are achieved at high ecological costs downstream. This is because transferring water from one basin to the other can enormously reduce water required for in-stream uses leading to negative impacts on ecological resources and processes, which provide direct and indirect benefits to riparians. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for inter-basin transfer projects usually leave out in-stream ecological effects of such projects. The assessments are also often done after important projects' elements have been designed (Hirji, 1998). The Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP) that transfers water from the Orange River in Lesotho to the Vaal River Basin in South Africa provides a good example. Recently, the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA) commissioned a study to determine Instream Flow Requirements (IFRs) necessary to sustain the ecology of rivers downstream the dams of the project in Lesotho (LHDA, 2002a). However, this was done after important elements of the project had been implemented, e.g., part A of the first phase of the project had already been completed and work on part B had already commenced. It is important that in-stream impacts of IBWT are measured and included in IBWT impact assessments before such projects are implemented, and that mitigation and compensation measures against possible losses are put in place to ensure sustainable flow of in-stream benefits to riparians. Otherwise, IBWT may result in unintended negative impacts that threaten the sustainability of such projects in the long run.

openUP (November 2006) The major objective of this paper is to develop and apply an ecological economics framework that integrates ecological considerations into economic assessment models to enable more comprehensive evaluation and analysis of implications of IBWT. Because inter-basin water transfers affect many sectors of an economy, a social accounting matrix (SAM) framework is considered most appropriate for assessing the socioeconomic impacts of inter-basin water transfers. Also, the SAM framework is an important tool for analysing social aspects (e.g. welfare implications of changes in institutional income) as it traces origins and distribution of income and expenditure (Adelman, 1975, Adelman and Robinson, 1989, Pyatt and Round, 1985 and Thorbeck, 2002). Therefore, the SAM can help assess impacts of IBWT projects on different households and social groups. Where more than one country is involved, like in the case of the LHWP, a multi-country social accounting matrix (MC-SAM) is needed to trace the impacts on the economies of all the countries involved. SAM models have been mainly applied in the literature to water quantity management issues: Pan (2000) in China, Kumar and Young (1996) in Thailand and Daren et al. (1998) in Canada. Multi-region country SAMs have been recently used to measure water benefits from the Komati and Thukela IBWT in SA (Conningarth Consultants, 2000a and Conningarth Consultants, 2000b). These SAM-based studies, however, did not include ecological considerations of water transfer schemes (in-stream impacts). Assessment of the ecological implications of water transfer projects has historically been performed as ad-hoc studies separate from direct economic impacts of such transfers. Examples include work done on assessing impacts of water transfer projects on Hadeija Nguru Wetlands in Nigeria (Hollis and Thompson, 1993, Barbier et al., 1993, Barbier and Thompson, 1998, Acharya, 2000 and Acharya and Barbier, 2000) and work done on estimation of streamflow values in recreational fishing (Johnson and Adams, 1988, Hansen and Hallam, 1991, Duffield et al., 1992 and Harpman et al., 1993). The present study, therefore, made an attempt to contribute to improving currently used analytical frameworks for assessing IBWT impacts by developing an ecological economics framework that integrates ecological impacts into economy-wide models. The LHWP is used as a case study to empirically apply the developed model. The paper is divided into five sections. The next section gives a brief background to the case study area. The analytical framework for assessing economic and ecological impacts of IBWT is discussed in Section 3. Section 4 presents the data and results of the study and conclusions are drawn in Section 5. 2. The Lesotho Highlands Water Project The prime objective of the LHWP is to abstract water from rivers in the Highlands of Lesotho, store it in reservoirs and transfer it, through gravity, to the water deficient Vaal region in SA. Before transferred, the water is used to generate hydropower in Lesotho. The transferred water is aimed at augmenting water supply for industrial and residential use in the Vaal region. SA pays for the full cost of the project except the hydropower component and also pays US$45 47 million annually in royalties for the water delivered

openUP (November 2006) (World Bank, 1998), which brings valued foreign earnings to Lesotho. Fig. 1 shows the location of the project in Lesotho including the main dams and rivers supplying the dams. The figure also shows sites where populations deriving livelihoods from the LHWP Rivers downstream the project dams reside. These are marked as IFR sites in the figure.

Fig. 1. The LHWP location in Lesotho and areas affected by modified river flow downstream the project dams. Source: LHDA (2002a).

In the IFR sites reside 150 000 riparians whose livelihoods depend on a host of ecological services within the reaches of the affected rivers (LHDA, 2002b). These services depend

openUP (November 2006) on the flows of the river system (streamflows) and include wild vegetables, medicinal plants, crafts grass, firewood, fish, sand deposits and forage for grazing. The rivers are also the source of drinking water for riparians and their livestock. They also provide cultural/recreational/religious services to riparians. All these benefits were estimated to value 45 million Maloti at 2000 prices2 (LHDA, 2002c). LHDA (2002c) also estimated that, due to the modification of streamflows downstream the LHWP dams, availability of aforementioned ecological services will decline with deleterious impacts on the welfare of riparians. However, these impacts were not assessed by the EIA of the scheme and hence respective mitigation measures have not been considered. In SA significant ecological impacts are expected on the As, Liebenbergslei and Wilge Rivers, the main rivers connecting the Katse reservoir in Lesotho to the Vaal dam in SA, and Saulpoort Dam (see Fig. 2). The additional water from Katse Reservoir is expected to alter the flow, temperature, chemistry and biology of these rivers and dam. The increased flow of the rivers is expected to erode the river beds and alter the flows necessary to inundate riparian floodplains and probably destroy existing wetlands that are a habitat for the spurwing goose, yellow bill duck and Egyptian goose populations, all of which are endemic in the Eastern Orange Free State (Jackson, 1987). The increased flows are also expected to increase the size of the rivers, which is expected to impact positively on the diversity of riverine biota. These impacts were studied by Chutter and Ashton (1990) and Chutter, 1992 and Chutter, 1997, but were never quantified as in the IFR studies of Lesotho.

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openUP (November 2006) Fig. 2. The river system in SA connecting the major reservoir (Katse dam) in Lesotho and the Vaal dam in SA. Source: Adapted from Chutter and Ashton (1990).

3. The integrated ecological economics analytical framework Because of close trade links between Lesotho and South Africa (i.e. Lesotho obtains approximately 90% of its total imports from SA), the use of the MC-SAM is especially important for capturing economy-wide impacts of the LHWP in both economies. To measure ecological and economic implications of water transferred from one basin to the other through a SAM framework, it is important that ecological values of water are integrated into the SAM. This is more important in developing countries where the bulk of the population living in rural areas directly derive livelihoods from ecological resources and services.3 Unfortunately, conventional SAMs are derived from countries' national accounts (NA) that usually capture values of only traded goods and services (Abel and Bernanke, 2000, El Serafy and Lutz, 1996 and United Nations, 2003). Since many ecological resources and services are usually not traded (e.g. moisture recharge service provided by streamflows to riverbank agriculture), their contribution to national income is often attributed to other sectors (e.g. agriculture in this case) or underestimated in the NA. To integrate ecological values into economy-wide modeling this study developed and used a conceptual framework that traces flows between water-related ecological and socioeconomic systems (Fig. 3). The framework incorporates all major transactions within the socioeconomic and ecological systems4 and shows how benefits flow within and between systems (notations used in the figure are defined in Appendix A). The dotted lines in the figure denote benefits for which providing ecosystems are not compensated (i.e. representing a subsidy from nature). These flows are later formally modeled and presented in the ecological social accounting matrix (ESAM) presented in Table 1. As conceptualized in Fig. 3, the freshwater ecosystem comprises two major activities: (i) ecological production (N)5 and (ii) streamflow or natural water (Q). The streamflow/natural water includes water quantity and water quality attributes, which in the system of integrated environmental and economic, accounting (SEEA) language, are called water environmental assets (United Nations, 2003 and Pan, 2000). Water environmental assets consist of environmental attributes of water including biochemical oxygen demand (BODs), chemical oxygen demand (CODs), and ammonium ion (NH4+) concentrations (United Nations, 2003). Water quantity and quality form part of the natural capital and provide three types of services: (i) freshwater to support ecological production, (ii) freshwater for human consumption, and (iii) freshwater used as intermediate input and waste sink in economic production.

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Fig. 3. Flow diagram of ecological and socioeconomic flows. The dotted lines in the diagram refer to implicit transactions representing income and expenditure by freshwater and ecological production segments of the system that do not take place through market exchange but are nonetheless real contributions made as implicit transfers. For example, household does not pay nature for harvesting its wild products (CN) or for use of freshwater services (CQ). Similarly, economic activities do not pay for the services of ecological processes (XNE) and freshwater (XQE). These values, however, represent direct and indirect subsidies from nature to production and consumption activities using them in the form of natural resources rents dissipating to users. Collectively, the freshwater ecosystem forms part of the accumulation accounts in the SAM parlance. Accordingly, this analytical framework assumes that natural water from rivers downstream the LHWP dams (streamflows) have three main competing uses (services): (i) Maintaining ecological production (i.e. support of growth and availability of ecological services), valued as XQN. (ii) Maintaining human wellbeing (i.e. freshwater for direct human consumption and water required for aesthetic/religious/cultural reasons), valued as CQ, and

openUP (November 2006) (iii) Maintaining economic production (natural water required as an intermediate input in production and as waste assimilation amenity), valued as XQE. 3.1. Streamflow services to ecological production Ecological production in this model uses two production factors: (i) natural water to support growth of biological resources and their services and (ii) economic factors (mainly labor) for harvesting biological resources. Ecological production is directly consumed by households (CN) or further used as intermediate inputs in economic production (XNE): YN=CN+XNE (1) where YN, CN and XNE measure gross value of ecological production, value of ecological products directly harvested by households for consumption and value of ecological products and services used as intermediate inputs in economic production, respectively. Although the system of national accounts (SNA) allows for inclusion of all non-market consumption and household production, these are not included in the NA of most developing countries, mainly because of accounting problems. Lesotho is no exception in this case. The most recent Household Budget Survey (HBS) of the country (1994) did not include values of ecological services and products. Since ecological production does not explicitly involve market transactions, some of its value goes missing from the NA of Lesotho such as CN, which represents a direct subsidy from nature to households harvesting these products. However, the value of ecological products and services used as intermediate inputs in economic production (XNE) is included in the NA as part of the VAD in using sectors and hence economic surplus dissipating to owners of benefiting economic activities. Both CN and XNE contain various natural resource rents' components (rents for ecological production and freshwater services) that are realized as subsidies to different economic agents and institutions as will become clear later. As said above, ecological production uses freshwater and economic factors (valued in Fig. 3 as XQN and WN, respectively). The main economic factor used in ecological production in this model is labor efforts (i.e. the opportunity cost of labor needed for harvesting products from the wild).6 Suppliers of these factors and services are not directly compensated for the value of their contributions. Nevertheless, all that value (rents to ecological production and freshwater services of nature), ends up dissipating directly or indirectly to institutions owning the various factors and economic activities employing such services of nature through CN and XNE. Accordingly, the value of ecological production can alternatively be measured as:



openUP (November 2006) where VADN measures value added in ecological production and XQN measures the contribution of freshwater as intermediate input into ecological production. Using Eqs. (1) and (2), we can express VADN as: VADN=YNXQN=CN+XNEXQN Consequently, one can derive the value of freshwater (streamflow) contribution to ecological production as: XQN=CN+XNEVADN (3)


However, note that VADN is made up of the value of labor employed in harvesting products of N (WN) and the rent to the natural ecological processes supporting N (RN) and hence:

XQN=CN+XNEWNRN Or alternatively:


XQN+RN=(CNWN)+XNE (6) The above indicates that while households and firms are not explicitly paid for supplying the production factors and inputs to N they are compensated through CN and XNE. In other words, the actual value that households and firms get of N output includes natural resource rent components (XQN and RN). For instance, one can think of (CN WN) as the net subsidy (or share of natures' rent) accruing to households, whereas XNE measures what firms reap of nature's resource rent through ecological production as part of their business profits. One can split nature's rent RN into two components here, the part accruing to households RNC and that accruing to economic production RNE. Biological products and services of relevance to this study include fish, wild vegetables, medicinal plants, wood, crafts and thatch grass, and fine and rough sand. Some of these resources are harvested for final use in consumption and their value is measured by (CN) (Pan, 2000). Examples of resources harvested for sale or direct use as intermediate products in economic production (XNE) include medicinal plants sold to, or directly used by traditional healers, wild vegetables, fire and construction wood, sand used in bricklaying and construction, and crafts and thatch grass directly used by, or sold to crafts makers (LHDA, 2002c). In the case where harvested ecological products are sold in markets, they become economic products and hence form part of the commodities block in Fig. 3 (United Nations, 2003). However, since not paid for, their value (XNE), which includes nature's resource rent in economic production (RNE), is absorbed in VAD of economic production sectors. Notwithstanding, trade in most of these resources mainly takes place in the informal markets and hence these values are often not included in national income. For example, riparians who harvest crafts-grass directly from nature either make crafts which they sell in the informal sector, or sell the grass to crafts' vendors who make and sell crafts in the

openUP (November 2006) informal sector. Therefore, except for the insignificant portion of the grass used in making crafts sold in the formal market, most of these resources are traded in informal markets. Because in this case benefits from these resources accrue directly to households, they form part of CN as explained earlier and the corresponding nature's resource rent RNC. Income transferred from ecological production to households (CN) in this particular case study area is not included in the NA of Lesotho as explained above. This comprises total income transferred from ecological production to households CN (which equals the sum of WN, XQN and RNC from the above discussion). Under the category of regulatory and supportive streamflow service in ecological production discussed above, the following values comprise contribution of ecological production to GDP, and are either missing or improperly accounted for in the NA: (i) Contribution of N to households' consumption (CN), (ii) Contribution of N to economic production (XNE), (iii) Contribution of N to households' labor income (WN), and ecological goods and services rent dissipating to households (RNC). Given information on these variables, one could isolate RN and XQN from the total value of ecological production. In this case study, information is available only on CN, which is adequate since the focus of this study is on the total contribution of streamflow to households income through ecological production and hence no need to decompose that to its various components. Availability of biological resources and services are crucially dependent on the water quantity and quality that provide supportive and regulatory services for their production. Part of the water from nature is also used for direct human consumption and economic production. If due to economic activities the capacity of the natural water (streamflow) to provide water for direct consumption by households and for maintenance of biological production diminishes, the availability of ecological resources diminishes, leading to reduced households' welfare. 3.2. Streamflow water services to households' direct consumption Households do not only use produced water, which we shall call CW (CW is not included in Fig. 3 for simplicity). That is, the value of water distributed to households by the water supply sector (see Section 3.3). They also abstract or use water directly from streamflows or nature for direct consumption or aesthetic/religious/spiritual/cultural purposes, the value of which is measured by CQ. Since water from nature is free, its production function follows that of biological resources production (see Section 3.1). It is assumed that only two inputs (i.e. streamflow and labor (sometimes also capital) for collecting water are used in the production of

openUP (November 2006) natural water for direct human consumption. Accordingly, one can present total value of natural water directly consumed by households as:7

CQ=WQ+RQC (7) where CQ, WQ and RQC represent gross value of streamflow output for direct human consumption, the value of labor (and sometimes capital) used in collecting streamflow water and natural water resource rent accruing to households RQC. Production costs in this case are only labor costs associated with fetching the water (WQ). While households pay CW for water supplied by water utilities, they do not pay for freshwater services from nature. Thus, freshwater resource rent absorbed in consumption, RQC is a subsidy from nature to households. The SNA only includes the value of households' consumption of water distributed by water authorities (CW). In the same manner, only factor income payments made by the water-producing sector are included in the SNA. The contribution of streamflow/natural water to labor services (WQ) and natural water rent dissipating to households from consumption of streamflow services (RQC) are not included. Inclusion of both WQ and RQC (or CQ) in the SNA is important as it increases households' purchasing power to expend on other products (i.e. saves households money by not having to buy water). Therefore, the SNA and thus conventional SAM accounts must be extended to account for CQ, which equals RQC + WQ from the above discussion. 3.3. Streamflow water as intermediate input in economic production Economic production also uses the quantity and quality of freshwater from streamflows as intermediate input. Some economic sectors abstract water from nature for direct use in production and some abstract water for distribution to other sectors, i.e. water supply utilities. Because of these two distinct economic uses of water, we split economic production between the water producing sector (W) and other economic sectors (E) (this distinction, and related notations that follow, are not explicitly made in Fig. 3 for simplicity). We also split the value of intermediate use of raw water between these two activities as: (i) the value of water used as an intermediate input by the water supply sector (XQEW) and (ii) the value of natural water used as intermediate input by other economic sectors (XQEE). Therefore, XQE in Fig. 3 equals XQEW + XQEE (this distinction becomes clearer in the ESAM presented in Section 3.4 where a distinction is also made between the use of produced and natural water by different sectors). Economic sectors return water that is no longer useful in its current state back to nature, or streamflows (i.e. water residuals), measured by Z (water residuals are also not included in Fig. 3 for simplicity). Water residuals can also be re-absorbed by the economic system (e.g., the water used for hydropower generation in Lesotho is re-absorbed by the water sector and transferred to SA).8 In this case, the value of the residual is not altered since it is assumed that the water is returned to nature in its original quantity and quality. But the water can also be returned in degraded quantity and quality (i.e. polluted water). The

openUP (November 2006) quantity and quality of water that remains in-stream after water abstraction by economic activities, or after waste disposal into the streams is also referred to as residual because it represents the condition of streamflow after economic production use. To make a distinction between the water producing sector and other economic sectors we denote the value of water residuals from the former as ZW and those from the latter as ZE (i.e. Z = ZW + ZE). If the value of the water residual is less than that of raw water used as intermediate input in economic production (i.e. ZW XQEW < 0 and/or ZE XQEE < 0), it means that the opportunity cost of water use in economic production is positive, implying a negative externality or a cost to society. Economic production activities must then pay nature the water resource rent (RQE) to internalize the water quantity/quality loss in terms of lost biological resources and services and harmful effects that insufficient and polluted water may have on humans. In this case, RQE = RW + RE, where RW and RE are water rents to be paid by the water supply sector, and other economic sectors, respectively. It thus follows that:9



(9) XQEE=ZE+RE If economic production activities do not internalize the costs, it means that the rent is absorbed into private profits. In this case production costs of the externality source sector is determined by ordinary total private production costs (TCp). But due to the externality, there is extra cost to society (TCe) that is not borne by the externality source sector. This damage is measured as the total sum of decrease in society's utility due to the external effect on society and/or firms affected (Sterner, 2003). In this case, the externality manifests itself as reduced output of biological resources, deterioration in human and animal health and reduced human welfare in general. If internalized, total social production costs (TCs) would be the sum of total private production costs and total external costs to society (i.e. TCs = TCp + TCe). If the external cost is not internalized, total production costs of the source sector are underestimated and the externality is absorbed into private profits (uncompensated damages to others). With this background, the value of services of streamflow (natural water) in economic production consists of: i) The value of freshwater directly abstracted from nature by economic sectors for own use (XQEE), e.g. water abstracted by agriculture for irrigation and used to provide moisture to dryland farming. In most cases, this water is not paid for, and thus, its value represents a subsidy to agriculture from nature. That value, however, is captured in the NA as part of VAD generated by agriculture and not attributed to the supplying natural resource sector (freshwater ecosystem). ii) The value of freshwater abstracted from nature and processed by the water supply utilities for distribution to other sectors like agriculture, industry, and final consumers

openUP (November 2006) (XQEW), or even for export to other countries. In this case, water is considered a product and it enters the SNA (United Nations, 2003). However, the value is not allocated to the correct sector. Only costs associated with the water infrastructure and purification are correctly charged to water using sectors and correctly allocated to the water sector as revenue in the NA. iii) The value of water used by economic sectors as a sink for waste products from production (point pollution), i.e. waste amenities (also broadly measured as part of XQEE). These water benefits are indirectly captured by the SNA as they contribute to improved VAD in sectors receiving, but not paying for this service. External costs associated with the use of water in economic production (RQE) are included in the NA, but are not included as part of the cost of production in economic sectors (they are rather absorbed as VAD by water using economic sectors). This value thus needs to be measured and removed from profits of economic sectors and properly allocated to the source, which is natural water. Therefore, in the ecologically adjusted NA and SAM, RW and RE in Eqs. (8) and (9) must be subtracted from the GOS of source sectors to calculate operating surplus adjusted for water opportunity cost, and included in government income account as water rent if government is assumed the custodian of natural resources on behalf of households, or else be directly included in households income. To meet the double entry requirements of the SAM, this value should be paid as compensation to affected households. 3.4. The ecological social accounting matrix (ESAM) From the above discussions it is clear that some adjustments and extensions are needed to the conventional SAM to integrate ecological values. Major adjustments are required on production and factors' accounts, which have to be split between economic and ecological production and factors, respectively. Effectively a new set of accounts (ecological accounts) has to be introduced into the SAM, and existing production and factor accounts have to be adjusted with ecological values. Accordingly, corresponding accounts (e.g. households, enterprise and government accounts) have to be adjusted as well. To accommodate these adjustments, the ESAM (Table 1) is augmented with two accounts: (i) ecological production and (ii) natural water/streamflow. In the ESAM of Table 1, the inner block (light shade) represents a simplified conventional economic SAM and the outer block (dark shade) represents the ecological system that augments the conventional SAM structure. The ESAM forms the analytical framework and it gives a snapshot of the economic and ecological flows shown in Fig. 3 for a given year. It uses a generic single country SAM as an example to show how ecological values can be integrated in the conventional SAM framework.

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In the ESAM the use of streamflow/natural water by economic activities is explicitly split between the water production activity and other economic activities (i.e. XQE in Fig. 3 is split into XQEW and XQEE in Table 1). This explicit presentation is important because water requirements for economic and human consumption in an economy are met from natural and produced water. As discussed earlier, water users directly abstract natural water from nature while produced water is distributed to users by the water supply sector. This sector abstracts water from nature and distributes it to users in either processed or raw (natural) state. In this study, we assume that any water that is distributed by the water supply sector (or water authority) is produced water even if it is distributed in the raw/natural form (e.g. the water exported by Lesotho to SA is exported in the natural form by the Lesotho water sector). The explicit distinction between natural and produced water is necessary to show the proportional use of water between the two categories and also show which users (sectors) absorb the water rent. According to discussions presented in the preceding section, the following adjustments to the NA and consequently the SAM are needed: a) By excluding the value of freshwater and other biological products and services supported by freshwater ecosystems, which are directly harvested for final consumption, the NA underestimates total output or income. This value needs to be estimated and added to measures of income, i.e. GDP and GNP (ecologically adjusted GDP = TYN + TYQ, where TYN and TYQ are the missing values of biological products and services and natural water, respectively). b) The value of water and other biological products directly harvested for use as intermediate inputs in economic production is included as part of the VAD in economic production. However, products harvested and sold in informal markets are excluded from GDP. c) As the SAM also traces the distribution of the values in (a) and (b) to institutions, corrections are needed in the following accounts to properly account for that: (i) Income of households who directly harvest water and other services for final consumption, and thus enjoying the total value of these ecological production activities. Part of this total value represents the contribution of labor to VAD in ecological production (WN) but also includes the resource rent to the natural water system (XQN and RCN), which dissipates to households harvesting under common property/open access. The correction in this case involves paying this additional value estimates in (i) above to households either through government transfer or directly. In this study, we assume that these transfers are made to households directly. Households then spend that additional income to pay nature (e.g. buy ecological products and natural water). (ii) The value of water and ecological products used in economic production (E) is received by economic activities and hence rents on those are transferred to business

openUP (November 2006) owners (government or private enterprises) as a subsidy from nature (XQEW, XQEE and XNE). These values (resource rents) must be estimated, reallocated to ecological production and natural/freshwater services, which in turn will transfer them to households directly. Households are already receiving and spending that value on final demand sectors (e.g. consumption, savings, transfers, etc.), but in the conventional NA, this value is part of enterprise profits distributed to households and not a subsidy transfer from nature to households. d) As the quantity and/or quality of water is extracted (degraded), the stock of water resource assets is affected and hence such change in the value of the asset needs to be accounted for. Although adjusting the NA for depreciation or appreciation of asset values is the most important correction to measures of sustainable income and welfare, the SAM structure represent flows of value in current period and does not contain assets components. Accordingly, this study did not make an attempt to account for changes in asset values (apart from quality aspects and capacity of the ecosystem to supply products in future, this is not major for a renewable freshwater resources). The double entry balances required by the SAM (i.e. for every expenditure there must be corresponding income) are as follows for the augmented accounts in the ESAM: (i) Ecological production

XNE+CN=WN+RNC+XQN (ii) Natural water

XQEW+XQEE+CQ+XQN=ZW+WQ+RQC+XQW+RQE For detailed adjustments of the conventional SAM accounts refer to Matete (2004). 4. Data and results of the empirical analysis The model developed in the section above was empirically applied using the case of the LHWP as far as the data allowed. The Lesotho and SA SAMs for the year 2000 were used to develop a multi-country economic SAM for the two countries as the first step to the development of the multi-country ESAM (MC-ESAM) (see Matete, 2004 for details on the SAMs). Since the riparians reside in the highlands of Lesotho, and the main focus of this paper is on welfare impacts on riparians due to the LHWP, the households account in the Lesotho SAM was disaggregated into four groups: (i) high-income mountain households, (ii) low-income mountain households, (iii) other high-income households and (iv) other low income households. The households' account in the SA SAM was also disaggregated into low- and high-income households. To build the MC-ESAM, the values of ecological resources and services supported by flows of the Lesotho Highlands Rivers as well as the value of streamflow in maintaining the health and cultural values of

openUP (November 2006) riparians calculated by the Lesotho Highlands Water Authority (LHDA) were used to estimate CN and CQ in the MC-ESAM (LHDA, 2002c). Productivity/cost measures were used to value those ecological resources that riparians use directly or sell in informal markets and where in-stream water serves as an input in their production. For streamflow health and cultural services, mitigation and transport costs, respectively, were used to value these services. Valuation details can be obtained from LHDA (2002c) and Matete (2004). LHDA (2002c) did not calculate the value of streamflow in economic production. Hence, XQEW and XQEE could not be isolated from economic production profits. XNE was assumed to be zero since almost all the harvested ecological resources are traded in the informal markets and hence their rent directly dissipates to households (see Section 3.1). LHDA (2002c) also did not explicitly calculate WN and RNC; and WQ, RQC, XQN, and RQE. As a result, required adjustments in some of the MC-ESAM accounts could not be implemented and these measures could not be isolated from CN and CQ, respectively. The value of the loss of ecological resources and services due to the LHWP was calculated from the biophysical changes resulting from the project, socioeconomic and economic information collected by LHDA. The same techniques used in valuing streamflow services in biological production and direct human consumption were used (see LHDA, 2002c and Matete, 2004 for details). The derived value was used as a proxy for RQE in the MC-ESAM. This was introduced, however, as an external decrease in households income in the MC-ESAM to analyse the impact of the LHWP, through the loss of ecological resources and services, on households' welfare. The data on ecological resources and services relevant for riparian livelihoods, their values and impact value of the LHWP are reported in Table 2.

Table 2. Ecological resources and services values Resource/service Total value (million Maloti at 2000 prices) 10.77 1.6 0.52 4.93 24.54 Percent loss in resource/service (%) 4.6 0.2 0.2 1.7 13.5 Value of lost resource/service (million Maloti at 2000 prices) 1.95 0.09 0.09 0.74 5.70

Fish Forage Medicinal plants Wild vegetables Trees and shrubs

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Total value (million Maloti at 2000 prices)

Percent loss in resource/service (%) + +

Value of lost resource/service (million Maloti at 2000 prices) 0 0 0.26 0.17

Crafts and thatch grass 0.92 Sand Public health Animal health Total 45.43 2.14



It is noteworthy to mention that the project also have potential positive water regulation benefits. It is expected that increased river flows downstream the project dams will lead to increased availability of crafts and thatch grass and sand (see Table 2). The values of these resources were not included in the impact analysis since they are currently not limiting, and thus increase in their abundance will not add much value to riparians. This is confirmed by fairly small value of these resources (about 2% 4%). Hence, this omission will only slightly overestimate the total net losses suffered. In any case, it is not appropriate to net out gains and losses for this kind of exercise as they are of different nature and might accrue to different people (Klassen, 2002). It should also be mentioned that the study only considered use values of streamflows and ignored non-use values thereof. For impact analysis, the SAM used the multiplier matrices. Therefore, to analyse the impact of the loss in ecological resources and services due to the LHWP, the value impact is multiplied by the respective multiplier matrix derived from the MC-ESAM to calculate the total impact on households' welfare and general economies of Lesotho and SA using the equation dY = M2M1dF, where dY is change in endogenous incomes in each country, M1 the intra-country multiplier matrix that shows multiplier effects that result from linkages wholly within each country taken separately. M2 is the inter-country multiplier matrix and captures all the repercussions between the accounts of one country and those of the other, but excludes all of the within country effects and dF an exogenous change in Lesotho households income resulting from the loss of ecological resources and services (see Appendix B for derivation of multi-country multiplier analysis). The results of the multiplier analysis are reported in Table 3.

openUP (November 2006) Table 3. Impact of lost ecological services in Lesotho due to the LHWP (2000 million Rands) Total income in Lesotho Agriculture Mining Manufacturing Electricity Water Construction Trade Transport Business Community services FACTORS Skilled labor Semi-skilled labor Unskilled labor Capital INSTITUTIONS Enterprises Mountain households highincome Mountain households lowincome 1073.98 240.19 270 368 0.80 1.92 0.07 0.80 1.40 0.0005 1348.69 1389.2 2055.11 2304.98 189 838 90 238.8 144 150 371 237 0.55 0.58 0.75 1.71 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.77 0.37 0.77 2.37 0.0004 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 2687.51 47.4007 9397.77 435.636 370.289 5019.6 1889.19 763.269 1518.67 1557.63 Total income in SA 94 302.5 115 668 1 047 034 57 711.5 17 621.6 148 571 361 783 275 261 503 838 163 895 Change in Lesotho income 3.11 0.03 7.63 0.19 0.11 0.17 1.23 0.51 2.94 1.93 Percent change (%) 0.12 0.07 0.08 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.19 0.12 Change in SA income 1.08 0.27 8.66 0.33 0.10 0.10 1.83 1.40 3.26 0.92 Percent change (%) 0.0011 0.0002 0.0008 0.0006 0.0006 0.0001 0.0005 0.0005 0.0006 0.0006




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Total income in Lesotho Other households high-income Other households low-income SA high income SA low-income Total 4362.69 545.94 37 162.18

Total income in SA 513 684 154 620 4 519 821. 40

Change in Lesotho income 1.89 0.20 33.71

Percent change (%) 0.04 0.04 0.09

Change in SA income 2.38 0.65 26.66

Percent change (%) 0.0005 0.0004 0.0006

Adjusting the SAM for freshwater ecosystems' services values (from Table 2) in the MCESAM showed that by excluding ecological resource and service values, the NA underestimates Lesotho's GDP by M45 million (at 2000 prices). From Table 2, it is clear that streamflows downstream the LHWP dams provide substantial benefits of high importance to sustaining riparian livelihoods estimated at M45 million (at 2000 prices). This comprised 24% of riparian total income in 2000 (LHDA, 2002c). Due to the LHWP, the benefits of streamflows downstream the LHWP are likely to fall by approximately M9 million (at 2000 prices), thus affecting households depending on these resources for livelihoods. This comprises 10% of total income of households directly affected by the project (LHDA, 2002c). For the total mountain households' population, the loss is M1.8 million and M7.19 million for high- and low-income mountain households, respectively, and is equivalent to 0.75% and 4.66% of total income of the two groups of households, respectively. The MC-ESAM multiplier analyses showed that, due to multiplier effects, the total fall in directly affected households in Lesotho is M1.92 and M7.43 million for high- and lowincome mountain households, respectively. This fall represents 0.81% and 4.81% percentage loss in total income of the two groups of households. Because of the inter- and intra-linkages that exist between Lesotho and SA the loss of ecological services does not only affect households directly affected by the LHWP, i.e., the Mountains households, but also other households in Lesotho and SA, though the magnitude of impacts on the latter is low. Other high-income and low-income households in Lesotho are likely to loose income of M1.89 and M0.20 million on average, respectively. In SA, high- and low-income households are likely to loose income of M2.38 and M0.65 million, respectively. In addition, because of direct and induced multipliers, the loss in ecological services is also likely to affect economic production in both Lesotho and SA.

openUP (November 2006) In both countries production sectors likely to suffer most are manufacturing sectors with income loss of M7.63 and M8.66 million for Lesotho and SA, respectively. However, in terms of proportion to total income of respective sectors, these losses are insignificant. Again, due to induced multipliers, Lesotho and SA factors are likely to loose employment, with SA factors loosing by higher magnitudes compared to those of Lesotho because of the strong forward multipliers that SA has with Lesotho (Matete, 2004). For example, the impact of lost ecological values is likely to lead to a total fall in employment of M1.88 and M1.91 million for Lesotho and SA, respectively, with unskilled labor the hardest hit in both countries (see Table 3). In the case of capital, both countries were estimated to loose M1.71 and M2.37 million for Lesotho and SA, respectively. Total impacts were estimated to amount to a loss of M33.79 million for the economy of Lesotho, which is equivalent to about 0.1% of total national income. In SA the total impact was estimated to stand at a loss of M26.66 million, which is highly insignificant compared to SA national income. It is not surprising that the percentage changes are this small because of the size of the impact compared to the sizes of both Lesotho and SA economies. Notwithstanding, the important result remains that, if unaccounted for and mitigated against or compensated, ecological losses due to water transfer projects can have significant negative impacts on riparians and to some extend, the general economies of involved countries. It is important to note, however, that this study could not estimate and include in the analyses values of a number of critical freshwater ecosystem functions and services and consequently the economy-wide consequences of loosing those services as a result of the project leading to an unknown downward bias in estimates of actual ecological and associated economic costs of the LHWP. It is evident that the LHWP generates benefits amounting to M9 million accruing to sectors directly benefiting from the LHWP water. This, however, comes at a cost to households in Lesotho directly affected by the consequent loss of ecological services. According to the compensation principle from the Cost Benefit literature (Freeman III, 1994 and Gittinger, 1982), for the project to achieve Pareto improvement required for sustainable development, the ecological losses identified in this study need to be internalized, either through mitigation activities or direct compensation of loser populations by the winning sectors. The estimated total loss of M9.35 million in Lesotho is notably much lower (i.e. 1.7%) than the royalties of approximately M540 millions payable to the government of Lesotho by SA. This means that the transfer of such a small share (1.7%) of the royalty to losers would achieve the necessary compensation or cover mitigation costs. While the loss of some resources like vegetables, firewood and fish could easily be mitigated through agricultural programs aimed at growing them in other areas, other ecological services like human health and spiritual, cultural and aesthetic values cannot be easily substituted or compensated. 5. Conclusions Inter-basin water transfer projects undoubtedly have significant direct economic impacts necessary for socioeconomic development of economies involved in the projects. However, they can seriously affect the capacity of water ecosystems to provide services

openUP (November 2006) and thus negatively impact on households' welfare. Ignoring these effects can result in un-intended unsustainable development in the long run. Leaving out in-stream (ecological) effects of IBWT results in off-stream users of diverted water enjoying high subsidies through large profits at the expense of other economic activities and social groups affected by the loss of ecosystem services critical for their livelihoods. The impact results have demonstrated that the LHWP is good for the country of Lesotho because of its direct benefits and rents received on water transfers to RSA which are significantly higher than the in-stream losses of the project. It is important, however, to ensure that communities negatively affected by the project are adequately compensated on their losses for sustainable livelihoods. Because of often very strong inter-linkages between ecosystems functions and economic activity in multi-sector and multi-regioncountry systems, in-stream (ecological) impacts of IBWT are likely to affect, not only those households directly linked to such projects, but also the entire economies of countries and regions involved. The study demonstrated the importance of evaluating off-stream benefits from IBWT projects against the total impacts of in-stream (ecological) effects within an economy-wide framework to get a holistic measure of the net impacts of such projects before being implemented.

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Appendix A. Glossary of ESAM notations

Notation 1. Ecological production (N) block YN XQN RN and RCN and REN WN CN XNE


Gross value of ecological production Value of streamflow input in ecological production Total ecological goods and services rent, rent dissipating directly to households and business sector, respectively The value of labor used in harvesting ecological resources The value of ecological resources and services directly harvested by households for consumption The value of ecological resources and services directly used as intermediate inputs in economic production

2. Stream flow (Q) block YQ RQ and RQC and RQE WQ CQ Total value of natural water available for direct consumption by households Total streamflow rent absorbed from provisioning services of streamflow and streamflow rent dissipating to households and business sector, respectively Value of labor used in collecting streamflow water Gross value of streamflow output for direct human consumption

3. Economic (E) block XQE Total value of streamflow used in economic production

openUP (November 2006) Value of streamflow used by water supply activity Value of streamflow used by other economic activities Payments by water supply activity to economic production factors Payments by other economic activities to economic production factors Value of economic goods and services consumed by households Value of economic goods and services consumed by government Value of economic goods and services consumed for investment purposes


Appendix B. Multi-country ESAM multiplier analysis For analytical purposes, the ESAM is partitioned into endogenous and exogenous accounts, where the former consist of the endogenous accounts of both countries and the latter the exogenous accounts of both countries. The endogenous part of the ESAM accounts is converted into the corresponding matrix of average expenditure propensities or coefficients. This is obtained by dividing each element in a given column of endogenous accounts (Tij) by the sum total of that column (Yj). Thus

(B1) where i, j = Lesotho or SA. For endogenous accounts, the total income Yi in each country can therefore be computed as

Y1=A11Y1+A12Y2+F1 Y2=A21Y1+A22Y2+F2

(B2) (B3)

Following Round (1985) and Reinert and Roland-Holst, 1998 and Reinert and RolandHolst, 2001, Eqs. (B2) and (B3) may be written as

(B4) which is solved as

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(B5) Eq. (B5) then becomes

(B6) where D12 = (I A11) 1A12 and D21 = (I A22) 1A21. Therefore,

(B7) or Y=M2M1F (B8) where Y and F are stacked vectors of endogenous account incomes and exogenous expenditures, respectively, and M1 and M2 are multiplier matrices. M1 is the intra-country multiplier matrix. It shows the multiplier effects that result from linkages wholly within each country taken separately. M2 is the inter-country matrix. It captures all of the repercussions between the accounts of one country and those of the other, but excludes all of the within country effects. Changes in endogenous incomes (dY) (e.g. production activity and factor incomes, and resultant incomes accruing to different socioeconomic groups in each country) resulting from changes in injections (dF) (e.g. change in water exports from Lesotho to South Africa) can therefore be expressed as



1 2

Corresponding author. Fax: +266 22 340000. Fax: +27 12 4204958.

Maloti (M) is the local currency of Lesotho which is pegged to the SA Rand (R) on par basis. The M/R value in the year 2000 in relation to the US dollar was US$1 M12.00. 3 See Cavendish, 1999 and Cavendish, 1995, and Clarke et al. (1996) for detailed analysis

openUP (November 2006) on the link between rural households economics and ecosystems. 4 It should be noted that ecological systems in this paper only refer to those directly related to the LHWTS water. 5 In this case, ecological production refers to production of biological resources and services supported by streamflows. 6 It is noteworthy to mention that although harvesting of biological products is labor intensive, sometimes capital is used (e.g. tools of harvesting). However, capital use in this case study in Lesotho is negligible and is usually made by riparians themselves using own labor and products from nature (e.g. wood). Notwithstanding, sometimes used capital includes few manufactured implements like axes for chopping wood, spades for digging roots, carts for transporting harvests, pangas for slashing grass, etc. 7 Note that YQ = CQ + XQN + XQE. 8 In this case, the value of water residuals refers to the value of quantity and quality of natural water resulting from economic production. 9 Note that RW = XQEW ZW is defined only when ZW XQEW and similarly RE = XQEE ZE is defined only if ZE XQEE.

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