Pro-Ana Web Sites: April 20, 2006
Pro-Ana Web Sites: April 20, 2006
Pro-Ana Web Sites: April 20, 2006
Iries and a Pop
etnies : lo-slip VELCRO
lwrnc 66044
talk to us @
Tues & Wed 11 to 7
Thur & Fri 11 to 8
Saturday 11 to 7
Sunday 12 to 5
Mon 3 to 7
on MASS street
circa dc etnies vans
4 girls
ladies weve got your kicks ... sandals too!
Brian Bratichak
Brian: If I were dating
someone and found out she
had two other boyfriends, Id
be furious. If youre gonna
have all those boyfriends,
keep them up-to-date on
whats going on so they dont
feel neglected. But if you
really want to make things
interesting, just create a dating
show, like Flavor of Love on
VH1. Give the guys nicknames
and wear something on your
neck that says a lot about
you. For you, I suggest either
a huge condom, or just a sign
that says,I have STDs. Then at
least everyone will know what
(or whom) they are getting
Jessica: Its not alright.
However, its ok to be
casually dating more than
one person, as long as its
absolutely clear youre
seeing other people. But
seriously, I gotta know how
this works. How do you keep
them all straight? How do
you keep them from finding
out about each other? Does
this mean you get three
times as much of everything
(kisses, lovin, wooing)?
Whos your favorite? How do
you manage date nights? Im
taking notes
Is It All rIght to hAve three boyfrIends At A tIme?
leslIe, junIor
Brian: Try browsing the back stacks of
Watson. Ive been there before (for a
book, I swear) and theres rarely a soul
in the area. Screamy McScreamerson
could scream her lungs out and nary a
person would hear. If not, I recommend
bringing something to keep over
or in her mouth; think socks, t-shirt,
fst or just grab a book off the shelf
and shove it in her mouth. If youre
worried about getting caught, dont
bring identifcation and as soon as
you see someone else, run for the hills.
Just dont forget to leave the library
book stuffed in your girls mouth; its
Jessica: I think you speak for all of us, so
why dont you serve as the guinea pig
on this one? I doubt youll get caught
if you fnd some stacks on the top
foors (preferably one where Brian isnt)
and give (dont shove) your girlfriend
something to bite on so that she
doesnt scream too loudly, perhaps your
shoulder or fngers (not socks, a t-shirt,
fst or a book). Academic misconduct?
Hardly! If you should get caught, just
explain that sex makes your brain
function more effciently. Good luck. Let
us know how it works out!
I want to have sex In the
lIbrary, but my gIrlfrIend
Is really loud, and I dont
thInk I could fInIsh before
we would get caught. what
happens If you get caught
anyway? Is that consIdered
academIc mIsconduct? any
dwayne, freshman
Jessica: I fnd this very
offensive, Dane. Ive
had a multitude of
complaints from close
friends about girls
doing this, and, even
worse, girls who go on
dates and have full-
fedged relationships
and fail to mention
theyre engaged. I
think it comes down to
dissatisfaction and/or
uncertainty with the
current relationship.
When some people
arent having their
needs met or arent
sure theyre with the
right person, they look
elsewhere. I also think
many people like to
know they still have it
or that theyre making
the right decision
with their relationship/
engagement. Whatever
the case may be, I say
wait for a girl to ask you
out or get to know a girl
before asking her out.
Brian: Im sorry to
tell you this, Dane,
but its because girls
are heartless. Its that
simple. Thats why
men become deeply
involved in the great
relationships they
fnd; they know those
outstanding girls are
few and far between.
The best way to shield
yourself from these
situations is to not jump
right in. Giving your
phone number to a girl
is clich. Get her phone
number. Then the balls
in your court. Dont call
her, but send her a text
just telling her when
and where she should
meet you. If you fnd her
there, pursue her. If not,
continue sending her
vicious text messages
so you can rack up tons
of charges to her cell
How Come wHen I ask
a gIrl ouT and sHe
says yes, sHe Calls
me laTer wITH a lame
exCuse or Tells me sHe
Has a BoyfrIend?
dane, sopHomore
Jessica Crowder
Please send your
questions to
04.20.2006 Jayplay 09
he Sounds like Lawrence so much
theyre coming back for a second
visit.I think its something in the
water, drummer Fredrik Nilsson
says. From Helsingborg, Sweden,
the pop-punk band returns this Wednesday
to promote their second album, Dying to Say
This to You, after previous stints touring with
Foo Fighters and The Strokes. While talking to
Nilsson, I dreamily imagined him as a tall, lanky
blonde Swede sitting on sleek Ikea furniture
spooning meatballs drizzled in lingonberry
sauce into his mouth between sentences. Well,
hes tall and lanky, but I learn that this Swede is
a brunette and his Scandinavian food of choice
is licorice the saltier the better. Nilsson taught
me a thing or two about the Swedes, while I
enlightened him on American 4/20 culture.
Jayplay: So Fredrik, where are you now?
Nilsson: Right now, were in Boston. Our venue
is across from Fenway Park. I think a game is
starting soon; theres a lot of commotion.
J: Does Sweden have baseball?
N: No. We have something like T-ball we play in
school, but as far as I know, we dont have any
J: Youre touring now to promote your new
album, Dying to Say This to You. What are you
dying to say?
N: That title actually comes from lyrics from the
song Ego.Wed been on the road touring for
two and a half years and were just dying to write
songs for the fans.
J: The band is known for putting on an
energetic show. In past interviews, youve
mentioned that you prefer performing live to
the studio. Does that still hold true?
N: Defnitely. You get an immediate response
from an audience if you play live. Everything is
in real time. You dont just play the drums, and
then a couple hours later someone comes in
and plays the guitar. Everyone in the band is in
one spot. Its the full package.
J: To me, Sweden seems like a utopia with
its lack of crime, statuesque blondes, and
environmentally-conscious society. Is there
any truth to that?
N: Well, we dont have as many homicides or
murders as in America. Its much harder to
get weapons in Sweden. There are a lot of tall
blonde people, too, but were not all blonde.
People are pretty environmentally-conscious. So
yeah, theres defnitely some truth to that.
J: What do you think Americans could learn
from Swedes?
N: I dont know that they should learn anything.
We have a way of thinking that is very un-
American. In America, youre supposed to have
it all. Nothing is impossible. Everyone has the
potential to be the president. In Sweden, we
think of each other as being all the same. If you
want to be on top, you cant think like a Swede
anymore. Somewhere between those two ways
of thinking would be best. A lot of Americans
dont have passports, so they dont necessarily
know about the rest of the world. When you
take a vacation, you go to California or Florida
and stay within your borders. Most Americans
can only compare America with America,
and I think its useful to travel and experience
different cultures.
J: Do you bring anything from home on tour
with you?
N: We always bring this one candy its a black
salty licorice. Its not at all like your red licorice. I
brought about a pound of it with us, but it only
lasted a few weeks.
J: Are there any American products that you
lug back?
N: I always try to bring some Airborne with us to
bring back home. Its that stuff that helps with
the immune system. It really helps. I travel with
so much stuff, so I dont really bother buying
much. Were in America a lot anyway, so its
never too long before were back. I do wish we
had Gatorade. If all those sporty guys and gals
are drinking it, it has to be good for something.
J: This interview is going to be printed next
Thursday, which is 4/20. Is it celebrated in
N: Ive heard about that, but I dont know
anything about it. We dont have that in Sweden.
What is it exactly?
J: Its basically a holiday for marijuana
N: Oh, really? Anything to do with drugs is
frowned upon in Sweden. Its a big no-no.
The Sounds play with Morningwood and Action
Action at the Granada, 1020 Massachusetts St., on
Wednesday, April 26, at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $12.50
to $14 and are available at
or at the Granada box offce.
Charissa Young
The Sounds