B.Tech Information and Communication Technology
SASTRA UNIVERSITY Narayana Junior College, Nellore, Andra Pradesh Sri Chaitanya Childrens Academy, Tirupathi, Andra Pradesh
2009-2013 2009 2007
7.42CGPA 95.3% 88.16%
Computer Skills:
Technology Programming Languages: Web Development: (Learnt apart from academic syllabus) Database Management Systems:
Operating Systems:
C, C++, Java Front End : Html, Css, JavaScript, Jquery Back End: PHP MySql, SQLitemanager, OracleSQL Windows XP/7/Vista AdobePhotoshopCS5,AdobeDreamweaverCS5, AdobeFlashProfessionalCS5 NetBeans,VisualStudio,AutoCollage2008 WampServer 2.0 PhotoScape, MS PowerPoint ,MS Word, Matlab TeamViewer6,FileZilla
Developer Tools, IDE and Other Tools: (Learnt apart from academic syllabus)
ProjectName/Organization/Guid e ICTAS2012/Sastra University Details Created a Website for ICT department of SASTRA University Sem5: MainSite: ndex.HTML TechFest: echc/techcarnival.html Sem6: Sem7: (OnGoing) Created a Website which gives information about energy resources- Trying to prepare an Tele Medicine Security application With following features Increasing The Level Of Security Implementing Honey Port Concept TeamSize 2
Save Energy
Internship/Industrial exposure:
NEEL SOFTWARE Address: NeelSoftware,sp-98, Southern Avenue Road, AmbatturIndutrialEstate,Wavin, Chennai-60058 Contact:9840378332 URL:
LandMark: Next To TVS showroom.
Worked in various teams of the company like Test-Case, Automation, Bug-Fixing, IPhone Application Development. Worked in an ERP project and finished the role of UI Designer. US Client: Task Is: Converting their Estorefront into mobile app. Sample Of My Design : ample/
Areas Of Interest:
Web Designing Leadership Roles Public Related Roles
Co-Curricular Activities:
Delivered presentation on WEB 2.0 in IBM-WIE Selected for finalist Paper Presentation Compitetion at Tech Carnival 2011 and delivered presentation on IEEE Journal Electro Oculography to 70+ students.
Workshops Attended:
Attended a 2 weeks workshop on web development using ASP.NET conducted by ICTAS. Attended certificate workshop on Adobe Flash Catalyst conducted by ADOBE at SASTRA UNIVERSITY. Attended certificate workshop on DB2 and LINUX workshop conducted by IBM at SASTRA UNIVERSITY.
Workshops/Events Organized:
Organized a workshop on You Can Solve Rubicks Cube for a group of 270 students of various branches in 6 batches in the month of March 2012. Organized workshops and weekly sessions as a member of department association ICTAS. Organized Web Designing event in department Tech Fest. Organizes weekly cultural events from Telugu Lits @ SASTRA.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
Achieved 2nd place in the events oke oka chance and khushi khushigaat kuruksastra 2010(National Level Cultural Fest), Sastra University. Achieved Best perfomance and Best script for Drama at kuruksastra 2011(National Level Cultural Fest), Sastra University. Achieved 1st prize in Throw Ball competition as Captain of the Team at Chitoor District Zonals, Andhra Pradesh. Achieved 3rd prize in Shot Put competition at Chitoor District Zonals, Andhra Pradesh.
Personal Details:
DOB: Email Id: Phone No:
July 28th ,1992 9566022897 Srikalahasthi ,Andra Pradesh,India-517644
Languages Known:
Language Telugu English Tamil --Read Write Speak Understand
I hereby declare that all the above mentioned details are true to the best of my knowledge. Yachamaneni Sai Sneha.