User'S Manual For Powersight Ps3000: Summit Technology, Inc. Walnut Creek, Ca 94597
User'S Manual For Powersight Ps3000: Summit Technology, Inc. Walnut Creek, Ca 94597
User'S Manual For Powersight Ps3000: Summit Technology, Inc. Walnut Creek, Ca 94597
Measurement Types......................................................... 48
Voltage Measurements ....................................................................... 48
Voltage Measurements in PowerSight................................................ 49
Voltage Measurements in PSM........................................................... 51
Current Measurements ...................................................................... 51
Current Measurements in PowerSight ................................................ 53
Current Measurements in PSM........................................................... 54
Power Measurements ......................................................................... 55
Power Measurements in PowerSight.................................................. 56
Power Measurements in PSM............................................................. 57
Power Factor Measurements .............................................................. 58
True Power Factor Measurements in PowerSight .............................. 60
Displacement P.F. and Phase Measurements in PowerSight ............ 62
Power Factor and Phase Measurements in PSM ............................... 64
Energy Measurements ........................................................................ 65
Energy Measurements in PowerSight................................................. 66
Energy Measurements in PSM ........................................................... 66
Cost Measurements ............................................................................ 67
Cost Measurements in PowerSight..................................................... 68
Cost Measurements in PSM ............................................................... 68
Demand Period Measurements .......................................................... 69
Demand Period Measurements in PowerSight ................................... 69
Demand Period Measurements in PSM.............................................. 70
Frequency Measurements .................................................................. 70
Frequency Measurements in PowerSight ........................................... 71
Frequency Measurements in PSM...................................................... 72
Duty Cycle / Power Cycle Measurements........................................... 72
Duty Cycle / Power Cycle Measurements in PowerSight ................... 73
Time and Capacity Measurements ..................................................... 74
Time and Capacity Measurements in PowerSight.............................. 75
Time and Capacity Measurements in PSM......................................... 76
Harmonic Measurements .................................................................... 77
Harmonic Measurements in PowerSight............................................. 79
Harmonic Measurements in PSM ....................................................... 79
Disturbance (Transient) Measurements in PowerSight ...................... 80
Measurement Modes........................................................ 82
Introducing Measurement Modes ....................................................... 82
Phase-Neutral vs. Phase-Phase vs. 2 Current Mode ......................... 82
Changing the Voltage Measurement Mode in PowerSight ................. 84
Changing the Voltage Measurement Mode in PSM............................ 84
50/60/400Hz vs DC vs Variable Frequency ........................................85
Changing the Frequency Measurement Mode in PowerSight.............86
Changing the Frequency Measurement Mode in PSM .......................87
Always Positive Power versus Negative Power Allowed ....................87
Changing the Power Measurement Mode in PowerSight ...................88
Changing the Power Measurement Mode in PSM ..............................89
Defining Inputs.....................................................................................89
Changing Input Ratios in PowerSight..................................................91
Changing Input Ratios in PSM ............................................................91
Disturbance Monitoring..................................................113
Monitoring Disturbances....................................................................114
Administrative Functions ................................................................... 121
Automated Data Reporting Mode ..................................................... 123
Introducing PowerSight
Congratulations on your decision to buy a PowerSight 3000! You
have just purchased one of the smallest and yet most powerful
instruments for measuring and analyzing electric power that
In a Hurry? --- The Basics of
If you're in a hurry, are experienced, and use good sense, you can
be up and running very quickly.
If you want to create a data log, review the section “Putting it all
Together (Logging for the First Time)”. This will enhance your
understanding of logging and increase the likelihood that you will
have good results on your first attempt.
Connecting to PowerSight
Voltage Test Leads
Once they are securely connected, the deluxe voltage leads are
safe for steady voltages of the 600 Vrms rating of PowerSight.
The clamps of the deluxe voltage leads are rated for 1000V
working voltage, measurement category II. This is equivalent to
measurement category class III for a working voltage of 600V, the
rating of PowerSight.
Summit Technology also sells a fused voltage lead set (order
DFV). The safety advantage of fused leads is that if there is a
short through the insulation of a lead to ground, the fuse in the
handle should quickly blow out, preventing the lead from
vaporizing in an explosion of molten metal. The safety
disadvantage of fused leads occurs when the fuse is blown or is
removed. The user will measure 0 volts on a live circuit and may
be tempted to lower his safety awareness, possibly resulting in
shock or damage. The DFV probes are rated for 1000V,
measurement category III.
Current Probes
The HA5 offers two advantages over the HA1000, but these
advantages come at a cost. Its advantages are that the HA5 is a
very small size (5.25 × 2.00 × 1.35 inches) and second, it offers
much greater sensitivity since it reads currents from 20 milliamps
to 5 amps (as compared to the HA1000 measuring 1 - 1,000
amps). The tradeoff is accuracy. The probe has a basic accuracy
of 2% and its phase shift varies by frequency and by amplitude.
All told, you can expect to measure current to a nominal 3%
accuracy and power and cost to a nominal 4% accuracy using the
HA5 probe.
The HA100 probe is the same compact size as the HA5. The
HA100 measures from 0.1 to 100 amps at 2% accuracy. It is a
good choice over the HA1000 if you wish to lock PowerSight, its
leads, and current probes inside a power panel that you are
monitoring. It is also a good choice when small size is important
while measuring currents above 5 amps. The HA100 is a popular
choice for a second set of probes.
For very large currents and large bus bars, we offer the HA3000,
the FX3000, and FX5000. The HA3000 is capable of clamping
onto cables of up to 2.50 inches wide and bus bars of 1.97 × 5.31
inches or 2.56 × 3.94 inches. It offers linearity of ±0.5% ±1.5
amps from 5 to 3000 amps. The HA3000 offers added safety to
users who clamp over bare bus bar since the user's hands do not
pass close to the exposed bus bar. It is available as a special
order item.
The FX3000 and FX5000 are "flex" type probes. They consist of a
tube about 0.55 inch in diameter and 24 inches long. The ends of
this tube can snap together around a conductor to measure
current. Flex probes are very handy when space is tight, when
multiple cables must be clamped around, or when connecting
around an unusual bus bar that the HA3000 cannot fit over. They
are also lighter and less expensive. The flexible tube creates a
circle with an inside diameter of 7 inches. This circle can be
deformed into various shapes to accomplish your measurement
goals. The basic accuracy of the flex probes is good, measuring
from 10 to 3000 amps within 1% accuracy. However, readings
can vary as much as 2% depending on the position of the flex
probe while connected. Position the flexible portion of the probe
around the conductor so that the cable from the probe drops
straight down and the head rests against the conductor and is at a
right angle with the conductor. The frequency response of flex
probes is very good, but phase shift increases with frequency.
Unlike other manufacturers’ flex probes, ours do not require
batteries for them to run.
Connections to PowerSight
Voltage test leads plug into the back end of PowerSight. Each
test lead of the Deluxe Voltage Test Lead set is labeled (Vn, Va,
Vb, or Vc) and each jack is similarly labeled (Vn, Va, Vb, or Vc).
Note: The Vn test lead is a different color from the other
leads (black). Similarly, the Vn jack on PowerSight is a
different color from the other ones (black). Connecting
anything other than neutral or ground to the Vn jack can
jeopardize your safety, the functioning of the unit, and the
accuracy of the unit.
Introduction to Power Delivery Configurations
Figure 1 presents
most common power
PowerSight is able to
measure voltage,
current, power,
power factor, and
more for all of these
systems. Figure 1A
presents the normal
single-phase and
two-phase service as
found in a residential
service. In North
America, Van and
Vbn are 120V and
are 180 degrees out
of phase with each
other. When heavier
loads are
encountered, Vab
(240V) is used by delivering both hot voltages to the load. Neutral
provides the current return path. If the load is balanced, there will
be relatively little neutral current. Refer to figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 for
various ways to connect to single-phase and two-phase power
probes for direct connect to all of these services. Refer to figure 7
for how to connect to a delta power service. When there is no
access to measuring one of the currents, figure 8 presents the 2
current approach for measuring power. This approach is also
useful for measurement of an open delta circuit as described in
Connections to an Open Delta Circuit (2PT/3CT)figure 10.
Although phase-to-phase is the normal voltage measurement
mode for this service, PowerSight can be set to phase-to-neutral
(even though the neutral is not connected). In this case, the
measured voltages will be phase-to-metering-neutral (such as
Van= 277V for a 480V service) and all other measurements will
also be correct.
Connecting to Single-phase Power
Figure 2 presents
the basic
connections to a
Be sure to
follow the safety
warnings of the
previous sections
before making the
Figure 3
presents the
to the
Adapter Box.
Simply plug
the adapter
box into a
wall socket
and then
attach the
voltage and
current leads
Each lead is
labeled to
errors in
Make sure
that the hot and neutral wiring being measured is not
reversed. If so, PowerSight and its attachments will "float" at
120 V.
Note: The 120ADPa is rated for continuous duty of up to
15 Arms. Do not exceed this continuous load.
Figure 4
presents a
means to
monitor 3
The loads must
all share the
same neutral
connection. If
the loads run
off the same
line voltage,
connect Va,
Vb, and Vc to
the same "hot"
wire. Ia, Ib,
and Ic serve
the 3 loads.
This approach
can also be
used to
evaluate the
current of a 4th load, but the power used by that load will not be
In this configuration, the voltage, current, and power of each load
can be displayed directly or graphed on your PC using our PSM
In this configuration, a reading of Van is of hot-neutral and Vbn is
hot2-neutral. In does not need to be connected. The power
associated with one hot is measured as phase A, the power of the
other hot is measured as phase B. In phase-neutral measurement
mode, the voltage readings will be from hot-to-neutral. If you
change the measurement mode to phase-phase, Vab will be the
hot-to-hot voltage that serves the high power appliance.
Figure 6 presents
the recommended
connections to a
system with
referenced to
neutral, a "phase-
neutral" or “three-
phase four-wire
Be sure to
follow the safety
warnings of the
sections before
making the
Although the
current of each
phase is carried
by neutral, neutral
current is generally relatively small since the currents of the 3
phases largely cancel each other in the neutral leg. In a perfectly
balanced system the current in neutral would be zero.
In a wye system, each phase is essentially independent of each
other. For this reason, the power factor of each phase has direct
meaning, but the total power factor is less meaningful.
Connecting to Three-Phase Three-Wire (Delta) Power
Figure 7 presents
connections to a
system with
referenced to
each other
instead of to
neutral. This is a
"delta", "phase-
phase", or “three-
phase three-wire”
Be sure to
follow the
safety warnings
of the previous
sections before
making the
A variation of delta is “four-wire” (or “center-tapped”) delta (see
figure 1D). In this configuration, if the main interest is in
measuring phase-neutral voltage, then connect the neutral voltage
to the neutral input for more accurate voltage readings
Connections Using 2 Current Approach
One motivation
for using this
type of
connection is to
save time and
money. By
only connecting
to 2 of the 3
currents, a
small amount
of time can be
saved. The
frugal user
appreciates this
because he
can save the
cost of one
current probe
when buying a
system in order
to measure
total power.
motivation occurs in situations where one of the phases cannot be
measured due to accessibility.
After hooking up to the CTs and PTs, you enter the input ratios
into PowerSight (see the Setting Input Ratios section) in order to
record the correct values (the values on the primary side of the
the CTs (current transformers) and PTs (potential
transformers) of the metering circuit are readily accessible for
connecting to, whereas the actual load carrying cables are not
the conductors carrying the load are physically too large for
your current probes to fit around them
the load current is too large to be read by the current probes
you have
the voltage delivered to the load exceeds the 600V insulation
limit of the current probes
the voltage delivered to the load exceeds the 600Vrms rating
of PowerSight and you do not have other high voltage probes.
Once the current probes are attached, it is best to set the input
ratios for each of the current probes (see the Setting Input Ratios
section). This will allow the displayed values and logged values to
reflect the primary current level instead of the secondary current
level. This in turn allows accurate power and cost readings
without having to multiply the results times some ratio.
Remember that these ratios are reset to 1:1 whenever PowerSight
is turned off.
Connections To a 2 CT / 2 PT Metering Circuit
Connections To an Open Delta (3CT / 2PT) Metering
In the open delta configuration, two PTs and 3 CTs are available.
Follow the directions of the Connections to a 2CT / 2PT Metering
Circuit section, paying attention to figure 10. You can connect Ib
to the B phase CT, but you must be operating in the 2 current
probe mode to get the correct power results.
The LDC also comes with in-line fuse assemblies plugged into the
stackable plugs. These red assemblies contain 1000V fuses.
They provide protection if a short should occur in the LDC. The
two voltage leads that would normally be plugged into PowerSight
are plugged into the loose ends of the in-line fuses. At this point,
PowerSight is ready to measure voltages as usual and the LDC is
connected in parallel to two of the inputs of PowerSight. You may
wish to remove the in-line fuse assemblies, plug your voltage
leads directly into the stackable plugs, and plug the in-line fuse
assemblies between the loose ends of the voltage leads and the
voltage clips. This provides a connection that is electrically
equivalent to the normal connection, but the fuses are physically
as close to the power source as possible. The advantage of this
approach is that if one of the voltage leads gets shorted to ground
(perhaps from being cut by a panel door), a fuse quickly blows,
providing added protection.
Note: Do not use the LDC without the in-line fuses being
connected between it and the power source. The fuses are
the only circuit protection for the LDC.
When the input side of the LDC is fully connected properly, plug
the long DC output plug into the DC input jack of PowerSight. The
red charging indicator near the jack will light up if everything is
operating and connected properly.
If you are using a flexible current probe, you can simply wrap it
around the conductor twice in order to double the magnetic field
strength. This can get it in the measurement range and it boosts
the signal to noise ratio. If you use this method, set the input ratio
for the current probe to 2 : 1 (see the Changing Input Ratios in
PowerSight section).
Turning PowerSight On
Connecting to Power
For longer usage and to recharge the batteries, your unit has been
supplied with a wall-mount power supply. This power supply
cannot be used with the model PS4000 and the PS4000 power
supply cannot be used with the PS3000. To use this power
supply, simply plug it into any 120 Vrms source (use the model
CHG3 charger for 120Vrms and the model CHG2 for 220V) and
then plug its pin-type plug into the 12 VDC input jack on the back
end of PowerSight. If charging voltage is available, an LED
indicating light will immediately shine through the small hole
located to the left of the input jack. Allow 12 hours to fully charge
the unit (though 8 hours is adequate for most usage).
Turning PowerSight On
Simply press the red push-button switch on the front panel and
PowerSight will be operating (pressing the button again, turns the
unit off). The message that the meter is performing a system test
will appear for a few seconds and then the greeting will appear.
You can change this greeting at any time by following the
directions in the administrative functions that are accessed by
pressing the [Admin] key. Please note that turning PowerSight on
does not automatically start monitoring and logging. Refer to the
Putting it all Together (Monitoring for the First Time) section for
how to start monitoring and logging.
Checking out Connections Using
Importance of Checking Connections and Wiring
Once you have used the View Waveform feature of PSM or the
Checkout Connections feature of PowerSight to verify that
connections are correct, you can proceed with confidence
knowing that the power wiring is correct and that PowerSight is
connected to it properly.
press [Yes/Accept], then the voltages of all three phases are
presented on the display and are updated each second.
First check that the voltage
measurement mode is correct. If
the measurement mode is phase-
neutral, all measurement labels
take the form Vxn, where "n" stands for neutral and "x" is a, b, or c
depending on which phase is being presented. If the
measurement mode is phase-phase, labels take the form Vxy,
where "xy" is ab, bc, or ca. Changing the measurement mode has
a large effect on the size of the voltage readings. For instance, in
a three-phase 120 volt phase-neutral (wye) system, the voltage
measurements in phase-phase mode will be 208 volts ( 120 × 3 ).
Similarly, a three-phase 480 volt phase-phase (delta) system will
display 277 volts ( 480 / 3 ) if it is measured in phase-neutral
mode. How to change the measurement mode is described in the
Measurement Modes chapter.
The voltage readings of this test are updated each second. When
the readings appear to be correct, press [Yes/Accept] to move on
to the next test.
peaks of the voltage arrive. Looking at the first phase letters, the
example above shows a phase sequence of A-B-C, which is
typical. If the displayed sequence is C-B-A, then it's likely that the
voltage leads are connected incorrectly or that the phases are
mislabeled. The numbers of the second line are the number of
degrees between each phase. These numbers are updated each
second. They are quick approximate measurements that may
vary by ±15 degrees from second to second.
To determine the current phase sequence, press [Yes/Accept]
when asked "Check I Phase Sequence?". The following display is
The order in which the currents
are listed is the order in which the
peaks of the current arrive.
Looking at the phase letters, the example above shows a phase
sequence of A-B-C, which is typical. If the displayed sequence is
C-B-A, then one or more current probes are either connected to
the wrong phase or are connected backwards (unless the voltage
phase sequence was also C-B-A).
Checking Phase Lag Angle - Using Checkout
The phase lag angle numbers are updated each second. When
the readings appear to be correct or if you wish to perform all the
tests over again, press [Yes/Accept] to move back to the first test.
Checking out Connections using
The PowerSight Manager (PSM) software is included in the cost
of your PowerSight meter. You can use it to visually determine if
the system connections and levels are correct. Use PowerSight’s
Checkout Connections feature for a simple measurement-based
approach to checking out the connections.
Next, are the sizes of all three phases about the same (except
when connected to a 4 wire delta while in phase-neutral
measurement mode)? Are they the expected size? The RMS
value of each waveform is listed in the heading of the graph (such
as “Vab” in the example with “469.2” beneath it, indicating that
Vab = 469.2 volts).
While still
viewing all
of a three-
notice in
what order
they reach
their peak
the order
should be A-B-C. In other words the highest level of the Van (or
Vab) waveform will be followed next by the highest level of the
Vbn (or Vbc) waveform, which will be followed by the highest level
of the Vcn (or Vca) waveform (see the example).
An order of B-C-A or C-
A-B is the same as an
A-B-C sequence; the
reference point just
starts at a different place
(for instance B-C-A is
just a portion of the
continuing sequence of
Sometimes an order of
C-B-A is correct. Some
utilities deliver power in that sequence and sometimes a motor will
be connected in that manner to make it spin “backwards”. An
order of B-A-C or A-C-B is the same as C-B-A, the reference point
just starts in a different place (for instance B-A-C is a portion of
the continuing sequence of C-B-A-C-B-A).
Checking I Phase Sequence – Using PSM
By the time you have gotten to
this test, you have verified that
the voltages and currents are
reasonable sizes and that
their sequences appear to be
Measurement Types
Voltage Measurements
When measuring DC volts the RMS value is the same as the DC
Voltage crest factor is the ratio of peak voltage of a cycle over the
RMS voltage of the same cycle. Vcf = Vpk / Vrms . A perfect sine
wave has a crest factor of 1.414 ( 2 ).
For instance, if the average voltage between Vb and Vn is
desired, press: [Volt] (to display )Van, [Volt] (to display Vbn),
[More...] (to display maximum Vbn), [More...] (to display minimum
Vbn), and then [More...] (to display average Vbn). Note that if
PowerSight is not monitoring consumption, the maximum,
minimum, and average values are the results from the last
monitoring session.
Voltage Measurements in PSM
Current Measurements
Current crest factor is the ratio of peak current of a cycle over the
RMS current of the same cycle. Icf = Ipk / Irms . A perfect sine
wave has a crest factor of 1.414 ( 2 ).
In the PS3000, the present current is the RMS current calculated
for the most recent second. Maximum, minimum, and average
are based on these one second measurements.
(to display Ic), [More...] (to display maximum Ic), [More...] (to
display minimum Ic), and then [More...] (to display average Ic).
In addition, our Report Generator software will present maximum,
minimum, and average current of each phase and neutral during
any one or two intervals of time set by the user. If two time
intervals are chosen, it will report the percent change and the
actual change between the two intervals. For instance, if a
comparison report is chosen and Ia average is 48.0 A during the
first interval and 47.8 A during the second interval, then the report
would show:
Before After Units Change Change
Current, A phase, Avg. 48.0 47.8 amps -0.2 -0.4%
Power Measurements
Ptrue = Watts =
∑ (v
an × ia )
∑ (v
bn × ib )
∑ (v
cn × ic )
For instance, if the maximum reactive power is desired, press:
[Power] (to display watts), [Power] (to display VAR), and then
[More...] (to display maximum reactive power).
If trending data is being recorded and in phase-phase voltage
measurement mode, the average true power and average
apparent power of each phase will be displayed and recorded. If
in phase-phase voltage measurement mode, the total true power
and total apparent power will be displayed and recorded.
Before After Units Change Change
Total True Power 480 478 watts -2.0 -0.4%
then reactive power is present. Reactive power may be the result
of current lagging voltage due to the inductance of the circuit. It
may also be the result of delayed harmonic currents that result
form small driving harmonic voltages. A typical electronic load
may have a power factor of 0.70 and yet the current may be
perfectly in phase with the voltage. No amount of capacitance can
raise this power factor (in fact it will lower it). However, when
harmonics are not present, the true power factor turns out to be
equal to the cosine of the angle of phase lag of the current. No
amount of harmonic filtering will raise this power factor, because it
has no relationship to harmonics. True power factor is 1.00 for a
purely DC system.
True power factor can be determined for each phase and for the
total power. Terms for these measures are:
The total power factor is not the total of these individual power
factors, it is the ratio of the total true power over the total apparent
power. Typically all four power factor measurements are similar in
Displacement power factor can be determined for each phase.
Terms for these measures are:
There is no such thing as total displacement power factor.
Typically the displacement power factors of each phase are
similar in magnitude.
The maximum, minimum, and average power factors of the most
recent monitoring session are displayed by repeatedly pressing
[More...] after displaying the appropriate power factor.
In this way, by combining the [Power Factor] and [More...] keys,
there are 6 displacement power factor and phase angle
measurements available.
Power Factor and Phase Measurements in PSM
Energy Measurements
The estimated energy consumed per month is the estimated
energy consumed during a year, divided by 12. For instance, if 5
KWH is consumed over a 10 minute period, then the estimated
energy consumed per month is
60 × 24 × 365
KWH est ./ mo. = 5 × = 21,900 KWH (21.9 megawatt-
10 × 12
Before After Units Change Change
Energy, Total Elapsed 5 8 KWH 3 60.0%
Energy, Estimated per
month 21,900 17,520 KWH -4380 -20.0%
Cost Measurements
The estimated cost per year is the elapsed cost, divided by the
fraction of a year that monitoring has proceeded. For instance, if
the cost is $0.50 for a 10-minute period, then the estimated cost
60 × 24 × 365
per year is $est ./ yr . = 0.50 × = $26, 280 .
The estimated cost per month is the estimated cost for a year,
divided by 12. For instance, if the cost is $0.50 for a 10-minute
period, then the estimated cost per year is
60 × 24 × 365
$est ./ mo. = 0.50 × = $2,190 .
10 × 12
In this way, by combining the [Cost] and [More...] keys, there are 4
cost measurements available.
Our Report Generator software will calculate the elapsed cost and
estimated cost per month of energy consumed during any one or
two intervals of time set by the user. If two time intervals are
chosen, it will report the percent change and the actual change in
cost between the two intervals. For instance, if a comparison
report is chosen and $0.50 of energy is consumed during the first
interval of 10 minutes and $0.80 of energy is consumed during the
second interval of 20 minutes, then the report would show:
Before After Units Change Change
Cost $0.50 $0.80 $0.30 60.0%
Cost, Estimated per month $2,190 $1,752 -$438.00 -20.0%
To see what the demand was during the peak demand period,
press [Demand] (to see the time and date of the peak demand
period) and then [More...]. (to see the amount of energy
consumed during that period).
The more direct method of determining the peak demand and the
peak demand period is to run the Report Generator program (see
Generating a Report) and select “Peak Demand” in the list of
variables to report on. The report will list the peak demand period,
the peak average demand in Watts, the peak VA demand period,
and the peak average VA.
Frequency Measurements
Present frequency
Maximum frequency
Minimum frequency
Average frequency
The present frequency is the average frequency of all of the
cycles of the most recent second. The maximum frequency is the
frequency of the shortest cycle (fastest repeat time) during the
time of interest. The minimum frequency is the frequency of the
longest cycle (slowest repeat time) during the time of interest.
The average frequency is the average frequency of all the cycles
during the time of interest.
assumption about the fundamental frequency, all voltages,
currents, powers, etc. will be inaccurate.
Before After Units Change Change
Frequency, Avg. 48.0 47.8 Hz -0.2 -0.4%
each second. These estimates are available by repeatedly
pressing [More...] after displaying the total number of power
The present time and date is the time and date of the clock inside
PowerSight used for creating timestamps for the records of the log
and for dating waveform sets that are saved. It can be changed
as one of the administrative functions (see the Administrative
Functions section).
The time capacity of the log is how much time it will take to fill the
consumption log. This is under your control by changing the
variables selected to be recorded using the Data Setup feature of
PSM (see the Setting Measurement Types section).
The elapsed time of monitoring is how long the unit has been
monitoring. Generally, this is how much time is recorded in the
log. If the log fills up and logging continues, writing over the oldest
data, the elapsed time keeps increasing even though the logged
time quits increasing. This means that the maximums, minimums,
and averages displayed on PowerSight may be different from
those in the log, since the monitoring session is for a longer period
of time than the logging session.
The time remaining to fill the consumption log is how much longer
the logging session can continue before the log is filled and
logging either stops or begins writing over the oldest data.
The time and date that monitoring began is the internal clock
reading of when monitoring began. If the unit is enabled to do
logging, the first record will be recorded one logging period after
this start time.
Time and Capacity Measurements in PSM
The Data Setup window allows you to review and change many of
the time and capacity measurements. The time capacity of the
consumption log, the record capacity of all the logs and the
programmed start and stop time of monitoring (if one exists) can
be reviewed and changed.
The number of records used in any of the log types can be
determined by attempting to receive the log data from an attached
Harmonic Measurements
example above for calculating THD, the total current of the
waveform is:
Irms = 1202 + 602 + 302 + 152 = 138.3 A .
⎛ 120 ×1 ⎞ ⎛ 60 × 3 ⎞ ⎛ 30 × 5 ⎞ ⎛ 15 × 7 ⎞
2 2 2 2
K _ factor = ⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟
⎝ 138.3 ⎠ ⎝ 138.3 ⎠ ⎝ 138.3 ⎠ ⎝ 138.3 ⎠
Combining the [Harmon] key with the [More..] key, 119 harmonic
measurements are available on the PowerSight display.
The consumption data log can record the average THD-F of each
phase of voltage and each phase of current for each logging
period. The summary values at the top of the screen are the
average of all the values shown on the screen.
The measurements of voltage presented on the PS3000 can also
be displayed in PSM by using the remote control feature.
Before After Units Change Change
THD, Voltage, A phase 4.8 4.7 % -0.01 -2.1%
Measurement Modes
Introducing Measurement Modes
The [Measure Mode] key allows you to make these basic choices
only when needed. As new measurement capabilities are added
to PowerSight, the [Measure Mode] key will keep the product easy
to use.
Wye systems are usually measured using phase-neutral voltages.
Delta systems are usually measured using phase-phase voltages.
On occasion, you may wish to measure phase-phase voltages in a
wye system if the equipment that you are monitoring bridges two
hot voltages (like a single- phase air conditioner running at 240 V).
Changing the Voltage Measurement Mode in PowerSight
The voltage measurement mode that you choose will stay in effect
until you change it. It will not be changed by turning PowerSight
PowerSight can also measure the true RMS of DC and rectified
signals that are also connected while in this measurement mode.
Changing the Frequency Measurement Mode in PSM
To change the
measurement mode
using PSM, either go to
the Data Setup menu,
click on the Input
Frequency drop-down box, select the mode that you wish to
operate in, and then send the new setup to the connected
PowerSight meter or operate in Remote Control mode and press
the key combinations described above.
power. This automatic correction is an assistance for our
customers, allowing them to concentrate on readings rather than
connections under most circumstances. Accuracy may be slightly
better when the probe is oriented correctly, but for most
measurements this added accuracy is of no significance with
PowerSight. If current and power readings of the highest
accuracy are necessary, use the Checkout Connections feature
that is discussed earlier in this manual or view the waveforms in
order to ensure that current probes are connected correctly.
The power measurement mode that you choose will stay in effect
until you change it. It will not be changed by turning PowerSight
Defining Inputs
The chief need for defining inputs is to enter in input ratios for
voltage or current. There are several occasions when this is
necessary. The most common occurs when monitoring a large
main circuit to a facility. The current may be too large to measure
with the current probes you own, or you may not be able to
physically clamp around the cables or bus bar, or the voltage of
the bar may exceed the insulation rating of the current probe. In
these instances a permanently installed CT and/or PT may be
wired-in for a metering system. By clamping onto the secondary
of such a CT (typically with an HA5 probe) or attaching directly to
the PT with voltage probes, you obtain readings proportional to
the primary side of the CT or PT. Entering the ratios of the CT
and/or the PT into PowerSight allows all recorded values to be
scaled appropriately. PowerSight then records primary values,
although it is connected to the secondary.
There are cases where you may wish to measure very small
currents with a large probe. In order to improve the accuracy of
the readings, you may wish to clamp onto several turns of the
wire. This essentially amplifies the signal (and boosts the signal
to noise ratio). For instance, if you were reading 1 amp with an
HA1000 probe, you might clamp onto 10 turns of the wire to boost
the signal to 10 amps. If you then entered a ratio of 1 : 10, the
readings will be scaled correctly and be more accurate.
Note: When PowerSight is turned off, its input ratio settings are
not returned to 1:1. You must take care that they are what you
Changing Input Ratios in PowerSight
To determine or
change the input ratios
using PSM, go to the
Data Setup menu and
click on “Define input
ratios and names”.
This leads to the
presentation of the
Input Configuration
summary display.
For each input to
PowerSight, there is
a line listing the name
of the signal, the
input ratio of the
signal, and a brief
description of the
signal. If you wish to
change any of these
parameters, double-click on the line you wish to change and make
the change. Be sure to click “OK” when you are done and save
the data setup to a file and/or to PowerSight.
Voltage & Current Waveforms
Make sure that there is a
check in the box before the
line “Consumption Data” in
the Data Types to Receive
section. Then look for the
“Waveset” Data Type lines.
These files are the stored
waveform sets stored in the
PowerSight. Make sure that
the box at the start of the
line is checked and then
click on “Receive and View”
to transfer the
waveform set
to your
The default
name of the
file is
that waveset1
is special. It is an automatic recording of the waveforms at the
time that monitoring last began.
Viewing Waveforms
directory, use the standard
Windows methods for
changing the directory that
is shown. Next, select a
specific waveset by
double clicking on it.
Monitoring Power Consumption
Only one data log exists within PowerSight at any given time.
Thus while logging of consumption is proceeding, the data log is
growing by one record after each log interval. When logging is
stopped, the data log no longer grows, but it is still available. The
data is preserved even if the unit is turned on and off repeatedly.
that you can measure and record just about anything you need to.
To simplify things, we provide a default data logging setup and
have that installed when you receive your unit, so you are ready to
begin logging under general circumstances. The default data
logging setup is:
Logging period = “3” minutes. This means that every 3
minutes, a new record is created that includes all the variables
that are requested by the setup. For instance, if maximum Ia
current was one of the requested variables, each record would
include the maximum Ia current of the previous 180 seconds
(3 minutes). After one hour, there would be 20 records (60/2=
20) in the log. Three minute logging period was chosen
because it allows you to log for a reasonably long period of
time with a reasonably short period between records. Of
course, your needs may vary from this, in which case you can
easily customize the setup. This is discussed in the “Setting
the Logging Period” section.
Log start mode = “Start manually”. Other modes are available
and are discussed in the “Starting Data Logging” section.
Log stop mode = “Don’t stop”. This means that if the log fills
up, it will continue receiving new data which will be written
over the oldest data. This is discussed further in the “Stopping
Data Logging” section.
Frequency mode = “Variable, 45-66Hz”. This allows
PowerSight to measure the frequency every second and
perform measurements whenever the fundamental frequency
is in that range. If you do not need to measure varying
frequency, it is recommended that you change the mode to
one of the fixed frequency modes.
Voltage mode = “Phase-Phase”.
Power mode = “Always positive”. Unless you are dealing with
the unusual presence of regenerative power, this is the
recommended mode to operate in.
Inputs configured for input ratios of 1:1.
Measurement types = standard set of 52 variables.
There are more measurement types than the default set of 52.
The maximum, minimum, and average of total true power, of total
VA power, and of total true power factor are not defaults, but the
averages are derived by PSM from the individual phases when the
log is displayed. The seven THD measurements (three voltage
phases plus three current phases plus neutral current) are also
not defaults. To change the selected variables from the default,
the Data Setup feature of PSM must be used (see “Setting
Measurement Types”). The log setup does not change when the
unit is turned off. The default setup can be recovered at any time
(refer to the Custom Consumption Data Logging chapter).
With the default setup the log will contain 4540 records. Coupled
with the default 3 minute log interval, the default data log will hold
summary data for the last 9.5 days of energy consumption (3
minutes x 4540). If 15 minute log intervals are used, the data log
will hold the summary data for the last 47.3 days of logging. If
logging continues long enough to fill the data log, the default is for
each new record to be written over the oldest record of the log. In
this way, you could leave a unit logging unattended for months
and always have the most recent data available for analysis. To
have logging stop when the log is full or to set a programmed start
or stop time, refer to the Custom Consumption Data Logging
Receiving Data Log from PowerSight
To receive a consumption
data log from PowerSight,
the PowerSight unit must be
connected to a computer
running PSM. At the main
menu of PSM, the green
“Unit Connected” Status box
must be displayed. At the
Main Menu, you can either
click on the “Receive Data”
button or on the “Data”
dropdown button and then
“Receive Data”. In either case, the Receive Data menu will open
and all the different types of data files in the connected
PowerSight will be displayed.
When the desired file has a checkmark to its left, click on the
“Receive and View” button to transfer the data log from
PowerSight to PSM and immediately start looking at the data. Or
click on the “Receive Only” button to simply receive the data log.
Viewing Consumption Logs
will be graphed. If you
chose one phase to
view, the maximum,
minimum, and average
of the phase
measurement will be
To learn ways to
manipulate, interpret,
and present the data
for better data analysis
or improved
presentation, refer to the chapter on Working with Graphs and
Custom Consumption Data Logging
The final option is “Don’t Use”. If this is selected, logging can only
be started by the user manually directly it to start.
“Stop when full” instructs PowerSight to stop logging when the log
fills up. This is helpful if you don’t want to lose the data from the
beginning of the data logging session and may not be back to get
the data before the log fills up.
Setting the Consumption Logging Period
Since the data log fills up one record at a time, if the logging
period is set for a large number, it will take quite a long time to fill
the log, whereas if it is set for a
small number, it can be filled
much faster. The log capacity
is displayed in the upper left of
the “Data Setup” menu, just
above the selection area for
logging period. In the example
shown, the logging period is
set for 3 minutes and the time
to completely fill the log is
9.458 days.
Setting Measurement Types
As measurement types are added or removed, the capacity of the
log is affected. If fewer variables are saved, then each log record
is smaller and thus more records can be stored in the log, which
means that it will take that much longer to fill the log. In the
example shown, there is a capacity of 14,833 records in the log,
which combined with the logging period of 3 minutes, will take
30.9 days to fill up.
Saving and Retrieving Data Setups to File or PowerSight
Disturbance Monitoring
Monitoring Disturbances
more time displays the time of day that the transient occurred.
The date that it occurred flashes on the screen every few
Report Generator Software
Generating a Report
The Log Details screen also has a checkbox to direct graphs to be
included in the report. If this box is checked, each variable will
have a graph only included. The data of the graph will only be
during the time period specified in the Datalog Information screen.
A word of caution here: if your computer is under-powered or has
limited extended memory and you select all of the variable types
and checkmark either of the graphics boxes, the report program
may slow down or even fail. The solution would be to either select
less variables or remove the checkmark from the graphics box.
The Log Details screen also has a box for entering a KWH cost
rate. This will be used in the report for all cost estimates.
Viewing a Report
After the source information is the main body of the report. Each
measurement type is listed in the first column. The “Before”
column is the one number summary for the measurement type for
the “before” time period. If it is an average (like “Voltage, A
Phase, Avg.”) the value is the average over the “before”
timeframe. If it is a maximum (like “Voltage, A phase, Max.”), it is
the maximum over the “before” timeframe. If it is an estimate (like
“Cost, estimated per month”), it is an estimate of what the value
would be for one month if the “before” data continued for the entire
After the “Before” column, is the “After” column. This provides the
summaries for the measurement types during the timeframe of the
“after” data. The next column is a statement of the units
associated with the “before” and “After” columns. For instance,
the “Units” for voltage measurement types is “volts”.
The next column is the “Change” in the value of the “After” column
from the data in the “Before” column. The values of this column
use the same units as the “Before” and “After” columns (such as
Following the main body of the report is the information about how
to contact the preparer of the report for follow-up.
The pages after this have the graphs for the measurement types
during the study period. If it is a comparison report, they are
presented with the before graph followed by the after graph.
Other Functions of PowerSight
Calibrating PowerSight
Setup Functions
To review the log interval of the PS3000, press [Setup] two times.
The present setting will be displayed. To change this setting,
press [No/Reject] and then follow the instructions to enter the new
log interval. When the new interval is entered correctly, press
[Yes/Accept]. The interval may be set from 1 second to 99
minutes. The log interval is used in determining the demand
period and in assembling and storing data log records.
PowerSight allows you to set the utility rate used in calculating the
cost of energy consumed. Presently, one simple rate is used.
That rate can be displayed on the PS3000 by pressing [Setup]
three times. To change this rate, press [No/Reject] and follow the
instructions to enter the new rate. When the new interval is
entered correctly, press [Yes/Accept]. The rate may be set from
$0.00001 to $999999 per KWH. This wide range is helpful when
setting the rate for certain international currencies.
Administrative Functions
Serial number of the unit (its
unique identity)
Firmware revision level (what
level of software is active
within PowerSight)
Hardware revision level (what level of hardware compatibility it
These identifiers are important in any communications with
Summit Technology about your unit.
Viewing the options that are loaded results in a display such as:
This display indicates that the
Extended Memory option (“M”) is
active. This information may be
important in communications with
Summit Technology.
Changing the initial display,
or "greeting", is
accomplished by using [<-] or
[->] and [Incre] and [Decre] to
modify individual characters.
This approach, although
tedious, is effective in
customizing the instrument
for your use. If the PC
Control/Analysis Option is
available, the greeting may
be quickly typed directly into
the PC and then sent to
PowerSight via the
communications cable.
When repeatedly pressing
[Incre], the sequence that a
character goes through is :
A>B>C>...>X>Y>Z> >a>b>c>...>x>y>z>0>1>2>...>7>8>9>-
Pressing [Decre] modifies the character in the opposite direction.
either PowerSight is turned off or a command to exit the mode is
received. This allows PowerSight to serve as a power data
collection/monitoring system.
Other Functions within PSM
Putting it all Together
(Monitoring for the First Time)
This section is intended to insure that you will be successful in
your first (and later) monitoring attempts. There are several ways
to start monitoring. If you wish to use the default values, simply
turn the unit on, press [Monitoring On/Off], then [Yes/Accept] (to
indicate that you wish to start monitoring), [No/Reject] (to indicate
you do not want to combine the new log with the existing log
inside the unit), and then [Yes/Accept] (to affirm that you want to
erase the old log in the unit). Monitoring will then begin and
continue until you stop it or turn the meter off.
The remainder of this chapter assumes that you wish to use the
computer to customize or at least check your monitoring settings
prior to starting monitoring. The computer must be running the
PowerSight Manager (PSM) software that comes with the meter
and the computer must be connected to the PowerSight using the
communications cable that comes with the meter.
3. Click on “Data Setup” and
review the setup that is in
PowerSight. Review the
chapter on Custom
Consumption Data
Logging and make any
changes that are needed
in the data setup and store
it to PowerSight and perhaps save it to a file. For instance,
check to see how many records can be recorded, given the
choice of variables, and check the length of time that logging
can proceed before the log will fill up. If the time it takes to fill
up the log is too small, remove unneeded variables or change
the logging period. As you change the variables or logging
period, you will see the capacity of the log (in number of
records and in recording time) change to reflect the change.
Make sure the logging period is short enough to have at least
10 records in the log before you end logging. Less than 10
records will not look presentable when graphed. Generally,
strive to have at least 100 records in a consumption log. That
would allow for 10 data points in each column of the graph.
Working with Graphs and Waveforms
In order to ease selecting the signal you wish to see and to avoid
cluttering the presentation,
we use an approach of
primary choice and
secondary choice. This is a
simple two-step process.
First you choose a primary
choice. That results in only
being presented with the appropriate secondary choices.
visible, clicking on it give you fresh data to look at. If you are
viewing the waveforms of the attached signals and you click on
this, another set of waveforms will immediately be captured,
assigned a new file name, and displayed. Similarly, if you have
the high frequency spectrum analyzer option (FAO) and you click
on the icon, a new spectrum analysis will be conducted and
displayed. On the other hand, if you are looking at a stored data
file, clicking on this icon will allow you to choose other data files of
a similar type to view.
All graphs and waveforms have a time and date stamp. In the
case of consumption logs, the left-most timestamp is when the
displayed data began.
All graphs and waveforms have data that is displayed. The
heading tells which signal
or measurement is
associated with which
data. The color of the
heading is the same as
the color of the data
1. Summary data is
displayed on all graphs
and waveforms.
a) For a consumption
log, the summary data for a specific heading depends on
the measurement. If it is an average, the summary is the
average of all the values shown. If it is a minimum, it is the
minimum of all the values shown. If it is a maximum, it is
the maximum of all the values shown. If it is an energy
(kWH), it is the final point shown (the energy consumed
during the time displayed).
b) For a consumption waveform, the summary for a specific
signal is the RMS value and crest factor of the signal. The
power and power factor of the phase or phases is also
shown at the right.
2. Information specific to the position of the cursor is displayed.
For instance, when the cursor is positioned over a
consumption log, the data values at that time are presented
within parentheses under the signal names in the heading and
the time and date stamp at that point and the record number
are presented at the upper right within parentheses.
Information within parentheses will not be printed out.
There are multiple ways to zoom in on an area of interest. The
easiest is to position your cursor at the upper left corner of the
area you wish to expand and then left-click-and-hold-down and
“drag” the cursor to the lower right. As you drag the cursor, a box
will appear on the screen and it will grow as you move the curson
down and to the right. When you release the mouse’s left button,
the area that was within the screen will expand to fill the screen.
Other ways to zoom in are to click on the zoom-in icon (a
magnifier with a “+” on it), or to click on “View” and then “Zoom In”,
or to type “+” on the keyboard and then do the same click, hold,
and drag operation that was previously described. To zoom out,
you can click on the ZoomOut icon (the magnifier with a “-“ on it),
or you can right-click and click on “Zoom Out”, or you can click on
“View” and then “Zoom Out”.
The example on the left above showing the full log has several
features of interest highlighted. Notice that the cursor is
positioned near the center of the display. The data associated
with that point appears in the heading, in parentheses.
Specifically, the cursor is positioned on Record 224 of the log.
The timestamp of that point is 6:41:00 on 9/24/04. The value of
the average C phase power for that record is 3450 watts, whereas
the average of all the average C phase power points that are
displayed is 3511.6 watts.
When you print what is displayed, the cursor and all values within
parentheses wil not appear on the printout.
Determining Log Capacity
There is no simple formula for estimating the capacity of a data
log, but there is a simple way of determining the capacity by
entering their PowerSight Manager (PSM) software and clicking
on the Data Setup button on
the main menu. At the upper
left of the Data Setup window
will be the number of records
that can fit in the log and the
amount of time it will take to fill
the log. If any of the logging
parameters are changed on the
screen, the effect on capacity
will be immediately updated.
When the capacity is
acceptable, it can be sent to
the connected PowerSight unit or stored to file for later use. This
is an easy and general purpose way of determining log capacity.
The results of these tables are not intended for use with other
custom log setups.
Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ)
1. Why can't I connect to the PowerSight Manager software?
6. How long will the battery last?
A fully charged PS3000 will run 8-10 hours. The PS3000 is fully
charged in about 12 hours (8 hours is adequate). The battery
should not need replacement for at least 2 years. Only authorized
service personnel can open the meter or replace the battery.
This may be caused by an input ratio left inside the meter from a
previous data setup. Change the input ratio to 1:1 for all input
signals and try again. (see the sections on Changing Input Ratios
in PowerSight and in PSM) You should also check your frequency
mode and make sure that all metal contacts of clamp-on current
probes are clean and securely fastened.
You must use our High Voltage probes to directly measure above
600 Volts. You can use either the “5kVP” or the “15kVP”. Also see
"How to Measure 4160V Service" on the installation CD for more
information. Alternatively, you can hook up to metering PTs and
enter their ratios into PowerSight in order to record the primary
Overview of the Keypad Functions
One of the best
features of PowerSight
is its user interface. A
surprising amount of
capability is quickly
available through the
touch of a button. We
have attempted to
make the interface
intuitive and flexible.
Many functions can be
accomplished in
several ways.
Compatibility Guide
Although we attempt to make all products and accessories
compatible, there are limitations to what devices and versions can
work well together. The PS3000 must be used with PSM
software of at least the 2.1 series. Compatibility of the PS3000
with Summit Technology accessories is as follows:
Accessories PS3000
120ADP-a Yes
120ADP (discontinued) Yes
15KVP Yes
5KVP Yes
5KVP (version with ext. Yes
CAS3 Yes
CHG1 not compatible
CHG2 Yes, for Euro 220V standard
CHG3 Yes, for US 120V standard
CHG4 not compatible
COMM (vers. with ext. compatible for HW2 version
DC600 Yes
DC-ISO (discontinued) not compatible
FAO not compatible
FX3000a Yes
FX3000 (discontinued) upgrade if under warranty
FX5000 Yes
HA10 (discontinued) Yes
HA100 Yes
HA150 (discontinued) Yes
HA1000 all units
HA3000 Yes
HA5 Yes
HA500 (discontinued) not compatible
Accessories (cont’d) PS3000
LDC (discontinued) Yes
LDC2 not compatible
LDC3 Yes
LDC4 not compatible
SafeConnect Yes, with modification
SCAS2 (soft operating
case) Yes
SCAS3 (soft accessory Yes
SCAS4 (soft all-in-one) Yes
3.97” (10.1cm) Wide × 7.75” (19.6cm) Long × 1.77”
(4.5cm) Deep
1 pound (0.5 kg)
Environmental Protection
IP40 (IP44 with CAS-W option) per IEC 529
Operating Range
0 - 50 degrees C (32 - 122 degrees F)
Relative humidity to 80% (non-condensing)
Power Requirement
12 VDC @ 50 ma, wall mount power supply included
Internal Ni-Cad operates up to 10 hours after overnight
Input Range: 1 - 600 Vrms steady-state (direct input),
or 600 – 5,000 Vrms with 5KVP probes,
or 600 – 15,000 Vrms with 15KVP probes.
Display Range: 1 - 6 megavolts (using input ratios)
Accuracy: 0.5% of reading (+/- 0.2 Vrms below 400V,
+/- 2 Vrms above 400V)
Measure Rate: Once per second for each input.
Frequency Response: No de-rating of accuracy for
harmonics through 1500 Hz)
Input Range: 0.01 - 5000 Amps, AC or DC with the
proper current probe attached
With HA5: 0.02 - 5 Amps
With HA100: 0.1 - 100 Amps
With HA1000: 1 - 1000 Amps
With FX3000: 10 – 3000 Amps
With FX5000: 100 - 5000 Amps
With DC600: 5 - 600 Amps DC
6 autoranges
Display Range: 1ma - 6 megamps (using input ratios)
Accuracy: 0.5% of reading plus accuracy of probe
Measure Rate: Once per second for each input.
Frequency Response: dependent on current probe
attached. With HA1000: no de-rating of
accuracy for harmonics through 1500 Hz)
Range: DC, 45 - 66 Hz, 360 – 440 Hz fundamental
DC and 45 - 1650 Hz included in RMS
45 - 3300 Hz for harmonic measurements
Accuracy: 0.5%
Harmonic Distortion:
Range: Display of THD and individual harmonics
through 25th (1800 Hz) of all signals
With PowerSight Manager software, display
of harmonics through 63rd (3900 Hz)
Accuracy: To within 1% of fundamental
Transient Detection
Resolution of Duration: 16 µsec
Measurable Range of Magnitude: ±2500 Vpk
Captured Waveforms
Quantity: 56 waveforms organized into 8 time-
coincident wavesets of 7 each (3 voltages
and 4 currents).
Special: 1st waveset is always a recording of signals
present when Monitoring began.