Health Infrastructure in Rural India: Laveesh Bhandari and Siddhartha Dutta
Health Infrastructure in Rural India: Laveesh Bhandari and Siddhartha Dutta
Health Infrastructure in Rural India: Laveesh Bhandari and Siddhartha Dutta
he healthcare services are divided under State list and Concurrent list in India. While some items such as public health and hospitals fall in the State list, others such as population control and family welfare, medical education, and quality control of drugs are included in the Concurrent list. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (UMHFW) is the central authority responsible for implementation of various programmes and schemes in areas of family welfare, prevention, and control of major diseases. In the case of health the term infrastructure takes on a wider role than mere physical infrastructure. Healthcare centres, dispensaries, or hospitals need to be manned by well trained staff with a service perspective. In this chapter we include medical staff in our ambit of discussion on rural health infrastructure. The current conditions of physical infrastructure, staff, access, and usage are laid out here before identifying critical gaps and requirements in infrastructure and services. Issues related to institutions, financing, and policy are discussed in the context of these critical need gaps and the potential role of the private sector in healthcare provisioning in villages is explored.
Physical Infrastructure
The healthcare in rural areas has been developed as a threetier structure based on predetermined population norms (Table A11.1). The sub-centre is the most peripheral institution and the first contact point between the primary healthcare system and the community. Each sub-centre is manned by one Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) and one male Multi-purpose Worker [MPW(M)]. A Lady Health Worker (LHV) is in charge of six sub-centres each of which
are provided with basic drugs for minor ailments and are expected to provide services in relation to maternal and child health, family welfare, nutrition, immunization, diarrhoea control, and control of communicable diseases. Sub-centres are also expected to use various mediums of interpersonal communication in order to bring about behavioural change in reproductive and hygiene practices. The sub-centres are needed for taking care of basic health, needs of men, women and children. As per the figures provided by the UMHFW there were 146,026 sub centres functioning in September 20051about 12 per cent lower than the prescribed number as per government norms. Primary Health Centres (PHCs) comprise the second tier in rural healthcare structure envisaged to provide integrated curative and preventive healthcare to the rural population with emphasis on preventive and promotive aspects. (Promotive activities include promotion of better health and hygiene practices, tetanus inoculation of pregnant women, intake of IFA tablets and institutional deliveries.) PHCs are established and maintained by State Governments under the Minimum Needs Programme (MNP)/Basic Minimum Services Programme (BMS). A medical officer is in charge of the PHC supported by fourteen paramedical and other staff. It acts as a referral unit for six sub-centres. It has four to six beds for inpatients. The activities of PHC involve curative, preventive, and Family Welfare Services. There were 23,236 PHCs functioning in September 2005 compared to 23,109 a year earlier, according to the Ministry of Health. Though the numbers appear to be increasing there is still a shortfall of about 16 per cent when compared to the required norms for PHCs. Community Health Centres (CHC) forming the uppermost tier are established and maintained by the State Government under the MNP/BMS programme. Four medical specialists
including Surgeon, Physician, Gynaecologist, and Paediatrician supported by twenty-one paramedical and other staff are supposed to staff each CHC. Norms require a typical CHC to have thirty in-door beds with OT, X-ray, Labour Room, and Laboratory facilities. A CHC is a referral centre for four PHCs within its jurisdiction, providing facilities for obstetric care and specialist expertise. There were 3346 CHCs in the country, almost a 50 per cent shortfall. About 49.7 per cent of the sub-centres, 78.0 per cent of the PHCs and 91.5 per cent of CHCs are located in the government buildings. The rest are located either in rented buildings or rent free Panchayat/Voluntary Society buildings. As on September 2005, overall 60,762 buildings are required to be constructed to house sub-centres. Similarly, for PHCs 2948 and for CHCs 205 additional buildings are still required. Data on facilities within these centres are not available. Most reports and evaluation studies point to the lack of equipment, poor or absence of repairs, improper functioning, or lack of complementary facilities such as 24-hour running water, electricity back-ups, and so on. But conditions being what they are, unreliable electricity and water supplies also take their toll on the performance of these centres.
Note: Any Health Provider includes: Private doctor, Visiting doctor, Unani doctor, Ayurvedic doctor, Homeopathic doctor, Sidha doctor, Traditional healer, Village Health Guard (VHG), Trained Birth Attendants, Dai, ICDS/Anganwadi worker and others. Source: RCHS Round II, 20024.
In addition to the shortage of service providers, the system is plagued by poor involvement and participation of those who are employed. There is a great degree of absenteeism among education and health providers that has been the focus of research in recent times (Choudhury et al. 2006). Choudhury et al. measured teacher and health workers absence in nearly nationally representative samples in several countries using a common methodology based on direct observations during unannounced visits. The survey data reveals that absenteeism among the primary health providers, in India, is the highest (40 per cent) among the surveyed countries (Table 11.2). Their survey findings reveal that absence is fairly widespread, rather than being concentrated
in some areas. High ranked and more powerful providers, such as doctors are absent more often than lower-ranking ones as are men more than women. The primary reason for absenteeism appears to be the quality of infrastructure at the facility. The findings did not unambiguously support the notion that government service providers choose to absent themselves because they are unlikely to be fired for this but the clear conclusion was that their decision to go to work was strongly influenced by the working conditions they faced. It was also found that health workers (mostly the doctors) who were found to be absent from the public clinics during the survey were mostly engaged in private medical practice. The World Bank Development Policy Review also paints the same scenario (World Bank, 2006). A study on health care delivery in rural Rajasthan by Banerjee et al. (2004) carried out a continuous facility survey in which each of 143 public facilities were visited weekly during regular hours for an entire year. Around 45 per cent of the doctors were found absent from primary health centres. It was also found that at sub centre and aid posts the doors were closed 56 per cent of the time. Moreover, the patterns of absence from duty as well as closure of facility were found to be unpredictable, so people could not even count on facilities being open on certain days or certain times. This rate of absenteeism can be attributed to the fact that there is certainly a serious lack of zealous administrative action towards effective service provisioning. The government has failed to provide the basic infrastructure and incentive structure (not necessarily monetary but in terms of job environment and recognition) for doctors and other health workers to be motivated enough to do their job.
are not accessible throughout the year to about a third of the villages. Private and government hospitals are relatively more accessible as they are typically located in areas well connected by metalled roads (Table 11.3). Administrative data above showed that (1) a well defined system of public healthcare provision exists, (2) there is some shortfall in infrastructure, (3) there is a significant problem with the adequacy of working facilities (supplies and equipment) within these centres, (4) there is a significant lack of adequately trained staff, and (5) there continues to be a lack of adequate access to the facilities that exist.2 This, of course, affects usage of the healthcare infrastructure and therefore access to adequate healthcare, a concern we address in the detailed section on issues related to access, where we also introduce the important role being played by the private sector.
Access to Medical Facilities as a Determinant of Treatment Seeking Decision
Rural populations have been observed to typically report fewer ailments than those in urban areas. This could be due to
2Even after these conditions are fulfilled there would be another problemlack of customer orientation of the public healthcare regime, administration and, as a result service providers. Healthcare is not about mere provision, but the servicing of consumers desires and requirements. At some point in the near future, this aspect will have to be made an integral component of public healthcare system, but we will not delve into this issue any further in the interest of keeping our focus intact.
Access to Infrastructure
Even if a healthcare provider is not present in a village, he/she can be reached easily, some basic access issues would be taken care of. However, we find many limitations especially in the context of road connectivity and adequate transport services. Many of the healthcare facilities, public or private,
In a situation where there is a paucity of qualified healthcare personnel, the most optimal solution is distance healthcare (also including telemedicine, tele-consulting, tele-counselling,) where expert advice can be made available at some central point and accessed as and when required by telephone or internet.
The objective would be to equip PHCs with basic diagnostic equipment that can be operated by paramedics or ANMs, with doctors providing expert interventions from a distance. Remote diagnostic devices like ReMeDiTM, made by Neurosynaptic ( allow even novices to measure and record basic parameters like blood pressure, temperature, and chest sounds. The device has a stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, and thermometer, along with a simple video-conferencing application that can connect over even a basic dial-up line. The patients medical history and a record of every consultation is stored, thus building up a patient database for future reference. A simple computer-based symptom-based diagnostic application can guide the paramedic/nurse in handling common ailments directly by administering simple remedies, and only refer to secondary care for the more complex problems. The system, SYMPED-II, developed by Dr Antia of the Foundation for Research in Community Health provides just such an application ( The patient can get a printed registration card as well as a record of his consultation and the test results. But a particularly useful mechanism would be a smart card with all data written onto it. This can then be used directly at a secondary care hospital. This activity can be outsourced to independent village entrepreneurs running village internet centres (like the ones being set up by n-Logue ( and Drishtee ( There are also a number of other rural internet initiatives being rolled out like the Citizen Service Centres of the Department of IT, the e-Panchayat of Ministry of Panchayati Raj, and the Common Service Centres of Mission 2007, and some connectivity initiatives by the Universal Services Obligation Fund (USOF). All of these will eventually create a dispersed network of computerized, internet-enabled centres in rural areas, all managed by technically competent, functionally English-literate young men and women, who will form a resource pool through which such health services will flow. While villagers may initially be reluctant to visit such a centre for medical purposes, the stationing of the ANM or paramedic inside the centre will lend it credibility. The government thus needs to pay only for use of the kiosk infrastructure.
OPDs of all government hospitals, whether at the block or district level, are overcrowded. There are queues for registration, consultation with the doctor, undergoing diagnostic tests, meeting the doctor with test results and buying medicines. As is often the case, these take more than one visit and each visit is a loss of a workday for the patient and/or the attendant. Online connectivity of the hospitals to the PHC can reduce these queues, as primary diagnosis is completed at the village itself. Only patients referred to a doctor by the nurse/paramedic will need to visit the hospital. Registration can be completed at the village and the patient given an ID, in the form of a printed card or (preferably) a smart card, and thus the queues at the hospitals can be reduced. The patient directly visits a doctor with whom an appointment has already been fixed. If the preliminary examination by the nurse/paramedic has already established the need for additional tests, these can be booked online and the patient told how much money he needs to carry with him while visiting the hospital. In fact, the Neurosynaptic kit also has a 12 channel ECG. The Aravind Eye Hospitals are attempting a similar exercise in eye care, through their Vision Centres ( hospitals/visioncentres.asp). These centres, which are run by trained ophthalmic assistants, are equipped with basic ophthalmic equipment and internet connectivity. All patients examined at the vision centre also consult with the ophthalmologist at the main hospital, when required. Only those patients who require procedural intervention are asked to come to the main hospital. Spectacles for refractive errors are provided at the Vision Centres themselves. Thus the hospital can utilize its resources in the treatment of more serious ailments and patients are saved the trouble of travelling to the hospital for small problems.
Getting a blood test, an ultrasound or an X-ray done invariably requires a visit to the nearest large town. Philips India has started an innovative project called DISHA ( to provide high quality consultation and diagnostic services in rural India. They utilize a mobile diagnostic Clinic equipped with X-Ray, ultrasound, pathology lab (for blood and urine tests) and echo cardiogram. The Mobile Clinic also has the facility to dispense medicines. Electronic patient records are stored in a database and every patient gets a photo-ID card. A doctor travels along with the Mobile Clinic providing up to secondary level consultation. Only those patients who require specialist consultation are referred to a tertiary care hospital.
The advantage of such a mobile clinic is that doctors are not required to live in the villages in order to practice there (the clinic travels from the district headquarters where it is stationed to the villages) and the doctor has the equipment he/she requires to provide an informed diagnosis. Thus the two most common frustrations expressed by doctors required to work in villages are eliminated. Today, mobile pharmacies are not licensed in India. A policy change making this possible will allow for life-saving drugs to be dispensed through these or similar clinics. On the same lines, the Christian Medical College, Vellore, has developed a mobile blood donation unit that can travel in the villages and accept voluntary donations at the doorstep of the donors themselves. Such methods to increase voluntary blood donations will find favour among hospitals if a simple policy decision is made to shift the onus of providing blood for patients from patient (as is currently the case in India) to hospital (as is the case in developed countries).
The term tele-preventive medicine ( is defined as the use of the internet to collect information from large number of people (both healthy and sick) to prevent outbreak of disease. Though health concerns are increasingly crossing geographical boundaries (bird flu, HIV, and so on), training of students in epidemiology/prevention, is still a very local phenomenon. The internet can help change this. With simple online databases on the one hand and sophisticated GIS databases on the other that map the relationship of disease to the landscape, the pattern, incidence and spread of disease can be recorded, monitored and hopefully, arrested. A UNICEF sponsored study in West Africa used GIS to map villages with high rates of Guinea-worm disease and evaluate the effectiveness of policies designed to combat its spread ( The National Institute of Epidemiology in India has done similar work in using GIS to map the effect of leprosy vaccine trials. Most of the technologies indicated are accessible, inexpensive, and easy to use. Many of them have demonstrated success in pilot projects. The administrative machinery has to be motivated to implement these and provide finances for equipment and trained manpower and so on.
Note: Views expressed are the authors personal views.
many reasons including those related to perception, age, lack of appreciation of health care requirements and so on. It is important to note however, that the awareness level about ailments or health problems has increased both in rural and urban areas between 19956 and 2004 as revealed by the NSS 60th round 2004. While 52 per cent of rural untreated patients in 19956 did not consider their ailments as serious, this figure stood at only 32 per cent in 2004. On the average, almost 9 per cent of the rural populations in 2004 report some ailment within the past fifteen days from the day of survey during NSS 60th Round. This figure was much lower in 19956 (only about 5.5 per cent). It is not clear why this may have increased so dramatically, especially since NSS survey methodologies have not changed significantly between the two surveys. The incidence of treatment, however, does not appear to have changed significantly over the years and hovers around 82 per cent for rural areas and 90 per cent for urban in both 2004 and 19956 (NSSO 2004). Clearly an ailment reported may or may not be treated. We find that about 18 per cent of those with an ailment did not receive any treatment at all in rural areas (NSSO 2004). Within this 18 per cent there are subtler nuances hidden. For the poorest rural segments this ratio stands at 24 per cent as opposed to about 10 per cent for the topmost rural economic groups. The reasons ascribed range from lack of access (12 out of every 100 untreated in rural areas), to lack of finance (28 out of every 100 untreated). Incidence of
untreated ailment considered serious enough by the patient to merit medical attention shows a distinct increase in 2004 at 68 per cent over 48 per cent in 19956. This should be viewed in the context of increased awareness among rural and urban populations about the seriousness of their health problems. When compared with urban areas, we find that clearly the accessibility issue is a serious one (Table A11.3 and A11.4).
% Receiving Treatment
Private facility/provider
Govt. facility/provider
Not Treated
380420 420470 470525 525615 615772 775950 950+
One reason is lack of adequate infrastructure and personnel at public health care facilities. The second has to do with an orientation towards delivery of quality servicesthis is integral to health care provision. The third has to do with accessibility, timing, and availability of services at the place and time required. There is another issue related to quality. It is not clear whether private sector providers necessarily provide better quality health care or is this merely the perception of the user group. This issue is discussed in a later section on regulation. Another key aspect is the focus of public facilities towards reproductive and child health. This includes but is of course not limited to, ante-natal care, delivery, and immunization. One argument could be that the excessive focus of public health sector on reproductive and child health has yielded ground in curative care to the private sector. The rise of the private sector in curative health care, the argument goes, is therefore natural. However, it cannot be denied that even within the reproductive health segment, the private sector has become significantly larger than the public sector in both urban and rural areas over the period 1986 to 2004 (Tables 11.4 and 11.5). In other words, whichever way we see it, the private sector has become a dominant force in all segments of the health care services. What was only true of a few urban areas is now true also of the rural hinterland. It is servicing the poorest segments in both rural and urban areas despite charging significantly higher prices for its services. Finally, the private sector is also becoming the dominant force in the preventive care segment. Depending upon our own inclinations we can draw different types of conclusions from these data. Those who
are in favour of greater private sector engagement in health care, may use the above figures to draw the conclusion that private health care provision is better attuned to consumer requirements in rural areas and therefore the rural consumer is willing to pay higher amounts for better quality and more appropriate services. Those who believe that the public sector
Table 11.4 Place of Delivery Place of delivery Rural 2004 Rural Rural Urban Urban Urban 19956 19867 2004 19956 19867 78.7 100 9.5 4.9 85.6 100 31.0 42.9 26.1 100 38.4 100 30.5 20.2 49.3 100
Govt. 18.3 Hospital Private 16.6 Hospital Home and 65.1 others All 100
Source: Computed from data provided in NSSO (2004). Table 11.5 Antenatal Care (ANC) and Postnatal Care (PNC) Rural Rural Urban Urban ANC PNC ANC PNC Percentage of pregnant women who availed of care Of which Govt. Of which Private 69.8 42.5 27.3 62.6 28.1 34.5 83.6 38.6 45.0 72.9 30.8 42.1
Do Private Practitioners Necessarily Provide Better Quality of Medical Service for the Prices They Charge?
Unlike other markets for goods and services, the health care provider is also the main supplier of information on treatment requirements to the user. Since a large section of the rural user group is illiterate and unaware, the motivation to overtreat is but natural in the private sector. Hence even in villages where geographical accessibility is not a constraint, villagers tend to fall victims of this phenomenon in case they choose to seek the services of private practitioners. That, unfortunately, is not all. A very large proportion of the rural health care providers in the private sector are not qualified. They are often illegal medical practitioners or under-qualified for the task at hand. The quality of treatment is, therefore, suspect.3 In other services such a situation may not have allowed a market to develop at all. However, the necessity of availing some relief from the ailment forces many to go to providers despite knowing that the quality of advice/care is suspect.4
in such markets reputations develop which enable better providers to differentiate themselves from those not so good. Note that a remote village inhabitant may not have a plethora of options to choose from. 4One World Bank evaluation (World Bank 2006) on the quality of medical care providers in Delhi reveals some interesting facts through direct observation of practitioners clinical practices. The study revealed that for public doctors in Primary Health Centres in the poorer neighbourhoods, both their competence as well as sincerity of effort were observed to be below that of both MBBS and non-MBBS private
Rural India is suffering from a long-standing healthcare problem. Studies have shown that only one trained healthcare provider including a doctor with any degree is available per sixteen villages. Although more than 70 per cent of its population lives in the village, only 20 per cent of Indias hospital beds are located in rural areas. Most of the health problems that people suffer from in the rural community and in urban slums are preventable and easily treatable. In view of the above issues, the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched by the Government of India (GOI) in April 2005. It seeks to provide effective healthcare to the rural population throughout the country with special focus on eighteen states, which have weak public health indicators and/or weak infrastructure. These states are Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttaranchal, and Uttar Pradesh. The GOI will provide funding for key components in these eighteen high focus states. The NRHM will cover all the villages in these eighteen states through approximately 2.5 lakh village-based Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) who will act as a link between the health centres and the villagers. One ASHA will be raised from every village, or cluster of villages, across these eighteen states. The ASHA will be trained to advise village populations about sanitation, hygiene, contraception, and immunization to provide primary medical care for diarrhoea, minor injuries, and fevers; and to escort patients to medical centers. They would also be expected to deliver direct observed short course therapy for tuberculosis and oral rehydration, to give folic acid tablets and chloroquine to patients, and to alert authorities of unusual outbreaks of disease. ASHA will receive performance-based compensation for promoting universal immunization, referral and escort services for RCH, construction of house hold toilets, and other health care delivery programmes. The goals of the NRHM include: 1. Reduction in Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR); 2. Universal access to integrated comprehensive public health services; 3. Child health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; 4. Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, including locally endemic diseases; 5. Population stabilization, gender, and demographic balance; 6. Revitalization of local health traditions and main-stream Ayurvedic, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy Systems of Health (AYUSH); 7. Promotion of healthy lifestyles. The strategies to achieve the goals include: 1. Train and enhance capacity of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) to own, control and manage public health services; 2. Health plan for each village through Village Health Committee of the Panchayat; 3. Strengthening sub-centre through an untied fund to enable local planning and action (each sub-centre will have an Untied Fund for local action at Rs 10,000 per annum). This Fund will be deposited in a joint Bank Account of the ANM and Sarpanch and operated by the ANM, in consultation with the Village Health Committee, and more Multi Purpose Workers (MPWs); 4. Provision of 24 hour service in 50 per cent PHCs by addressing shortage of doctors, especially in high focus states, through mainstreaming AYUSH manpower; 5. Preparation and implementation of an intersectoral District Health Plan prepared by the District Health Mission, including drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene and nutrition; 6. Integrating vertical Health and Family Welfare programs at National, State, Block, & District levels. The duration of NHRM will be from 2005 to 2012. The total allocation for the Departments of Health and Family Welfare has been hiked from Rs 8420 crore to Rs 10,820 crore in the budget proposals for the year 20056.
1. There is no data from pilot studies on the technical, operational and administrative feasibility of NRHM implementation in any state of the country. There is no corrective action plan in case of failures. 2. The new mission is being launched without taking stock of failures with previous programmes such as Voluntary Health Guide (VHG) scheme launched in 1977. 3. Currently, regular village level health functionary at a salary of Rs 800010,000 per month is not easily available. It is envisaged that this lacuna will be bridged by ASHA, who being a local resident, would be available in the village and act as a link in the provision of primary health care services to the community. In fact, the introduction of ASHA, rather than enhancing the ANMs performance, may actually increase the existing indiscipline amongst the regular village level health functionaries. There appears to be some ambivalence in the role and location of ASHA. She is to act as a bridge between the ANM and the village and, at the same time, she is to be accountable to the panchayat. When the ANM (who is a functionary of the Health Department) herself is not accountable to the panchayat, how is the ASHA supposed to do the balancing act between the ANM and the panchayat? 4. A greater part of the missions tenure will be spent on training with little or no time to assess the impact.
Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (2005) and
lower than in urban areas. However, household income lost per treated person is much higher in the rural areas (Rs 135) than urban (Rs 96) for non-hospitalization cases. In either scenario, private players play a dominant role (Tables A11.8 and A11.9). There are demonstrated differences between the payment patterns of the rich and the poor in both inpatient and outpatient care. Those from poorer sections depend more on income and less on savings (as they are likely to have minimal savings). Similarly, in the event of a negative health occurrence, the poorest sections are most propendent to sell their assets. It is also not surprising that friends and relatives are significant contributors to health care costs (Tables A11.10 and A11.11). What is however surprising is that although clearly identifiable differences exist between the financing sources of the poorest and richest segments, the differences are not dramatic. What is also interesting is that the differences in hospitalization cost between public and private facilities have a magnitude of 2. In other words, the private sector does not appear to be charging much more than public facilities. While significant user charges are being paid by all economic segments for availing of health care services, the question remains as to who will pay for the expansion and rationalization of health care facilities to augment physical, technical as well as human resource infrastructure to cater better to the needs of the economically challenged sections of the society. Clearly it is not the user but the state or the central government budget that must bear the load of this expense. While dearth of financial resources at the state-level cannot be denied, studies can prove that states that spend the least on health care on per capita basis also tend to be the ones that are the least distressed financiallyas in states with low per capita state budget deficit are surprisingly spending less per capita on healthcare than states with higher per capita budget deficits. Consider Figure 11.2. States such as Bihar and UP have among the lowest budgetary deficit on a per capita basis. These states also tend to have poor health indicators. And they also spend among the lowest in health care on a per capita basis. For these states, spending more on health care is possible. Though it would, in all likelihood, worsen their budgetary deficit, it would be no worse than many of the better performing states such as Himachal, Delhi or Kerala (see Figure 11.2). This provides us some hope. Those states that currently spend the least on health care, can at some cost to their deficit, increase health care expenditures. Thus Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Orissa, and Assam, that spend the least on health care on a per capita basis are also among the states that have the lowest per capita budgetary deficit. Whether states can or should do so, is of course a political-economic question. One potential source of funds could be the private sector backed by rural health insurance (Box 11.3).
Delhi Meghalay
Uttaranchal Tripura TN Andhra Karnatak Kerala Rajasthan W. Bengal Orissa Madhya Pr. Maharashtra Gujarat Punjab
Haryana Jharkhand
.29 1 2 3
Fig. 11.2 Low Spend States can Spend More Source: State FinancesStudy of Budgets, Reserve Bank of India, 2004.
Box 11.3 Rural Health Insurance Around 70 per cent of Indias population lives in villages. Of this, less than 2 per cent is insured. Though the rural health insurance market is huge, it has so far remained untapped. The private sector is likely to be a significant investor in health care infrastructure in rural areas, as rural incomes increase, and the spread of the road network improves accessibility. Recently, IRDA constituted a committee to chalk out a plan for spreading health insurance in rural areas. Various micro-health insurance schemes are to be studied under the proposed plan. Around 25 such schemes currently run in rural India, most of which are attached to micro-finance institutions.
Lack of awareness about various schemes has been one of the hindrances in spreading rural health insurance. If the government wishes to cover the population for lessening debt burden and promote the cause of poverty reduction, then insurance policy should cover common illnesses for which people take loans. Each of these schemes has its own strengths and shortcomings. For instance, Yeshaswini Insurance Scheme which had 16 lakh farmers enrolled in the first year faced a large dropout in the second year as the scheme covered only surgeries and not routine medical problems. Also the risk is not covered by an insurance company and is subsidized by the government. Experts feel that there should be an insurance company or a separate mechanism to fund the scheme. Others like Healing Fields, though successful, cover only a small section of the population.
Source: Health care Management IssueJanuary 2006.
Rural Health care services suffer from a shortage in public sector infrastructure. The failure of the public delivery system today is an outcome of systemic breakdown of accountability relationships within the institutional framework. There is a shortfall not only in terms of physical infrastructure but also human resource, measured even against the minimal norms prescribed by the government. Even though the posts of health workers at various levels are sanctioned, many of them are lying vacant. The existing facilities are underutilized. Most health workers especially the doctors do not want to serve in the rural areas due to overall infrastructural inadequacy and lack of incentives. This leads to widespread absenteeism from service and closure of facility. Moreover, there is no accountability in the public sector service. The public doctors quite often provide private services instead of going to their designated centres. Even though a well-structured public health care system exists, the infrastructure as well as the staff that are required to provide the health care services is inadequate from many different perspectives. Many rural residents are not able to obtain treatment for basic ailments either due to the nonpresence of health care services in the vicinity, or due to lack of funds to access the same. Even for basic health care services such as reproductive and child health, we find that significant proportions continue to remain untreated. Immunization, ante-natal care, deliveries in the presence of professionally trained personnel, and so on all show large unmet needs figures. The private sector is filling in the unmet need to an extent and this role is rapidly expanding. Today private sector health care provision in rural areas is greater than that by the public sector. But despite the presence of a large, dynamic, and what
appears to be a well spread out private health care provision network, access issues remain important because in remote and far flung habitations, the private sector does not have the incentive to set up shop and in the absence of adequate penetration by public sector health centres, these areas remain unserved. But, there is little consensus on the possible answer. Under the new scenario, regulatory mechanisms and the role of new information technologies have come under the scanner as possible solution baskets in providing accessible and effective quality healthcare to the vast Indian rural populations. A question which is begging an answer is what should be the role of the current public health care system. Though publicprivate partnerships are growing, there are still financial as well as logistical constraints to starting large scale ventures under such arrangements. Thus, ineffective and inadequate public service has paved way for the growth of the private sector health care in the country. The private sector is not only filling up the gaps left by the public sector but is also emerging as the key player in terms of service provision. But in terms of quality of service both the public and the private sector have failed. The two most important issues which emerge with regard to rural health infrastructure in the country are lack of access for many and poor quality of service. Any systemic problem requires a phase-wise systematic solution. Nothing can be changed at once but a systematic approach guided by pilot studies should be a part of larger vision reforms and strategies for systemic reform. Introducing mobile medical vans in the rural areas can solve the problem of accessibility. Mobile vans equipped with basic medical facilities could supplement a primary health centre and travel to those areas where the primary health centers do not exist
or have failed to meet the requirements of the people. These vans could have a schedule of visits in particular areas and could also be called in times of emergency. The introduction of adequate mobile vans could solve the problem of accessibility to a great extent and more efficient and quality services could reach at the grassroot level. The quality of service can be improved by increasing the awareness level of the users. Though the government runs many Information, Education, and Communication activities, it has failed to raise the awareness levels. Government along with private providers should try to establish the consumer information and redressal cells more effectively. Dissemination of information should be computerized and there should be an online grievance redressal forum. The users should have access to any information on health and other issues and similarly be empowered to post their grievances online to the
Table A11.1 Health Centre Norms Population Norms Centre Subcentre Primary Health Centre Community Health Centre Plain Area 5000 30,000 1,20,000 Hilly/Tribal/Difficult Area 3000 20,000 80,000
Table A11.2 Percentage of Hospitalised Treatment by type of Hospital during 2004, 19956 and 19867 2004 Type of hospital Government Non-government (Private) Source: NSSO (2004). (60th) 41.7 58.3 Rural 19956 (52nd) 43.8 56.2 19867 (42nd) 59.7 40.3 2004 (60th) 38.2 61.8 Urban 19956 (52nd) 43.1 56.9 19867 (42nd) 60.3 39.7
Table A11.3 Percentage Distribution of Untreated Spells of Ailments 2004 Reasons Lack of Access (No medical facility available in the neighbourhood) Lack of Faith Long Waiting Financial Problems Ailment not considered serious Others Total Source: NSSO (2004). 2004 Rural 12 3 1 28 32 24 100 19956 Rural 9 4 1 24 52 10 100 2004 Urban 1 2 2 20 50 25 100 19956 Urban 1 5 1 21 60 12 100
MPCE (Rs) 0225 225255 255300 300340 340380 380420 420470 470525 525615 615775 775950 950 + All India
Lack of Faith 4.3 5.4 3.6 1.9 2.1 1.9 3.7 3.8 3.1 1.6 4.7 2.3 3.0
Long Waiting 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 1.3 1.1 2.4 0.3 1.3 2.1 0.2 0.9
Financial Reason 42.0 34.4 37.8 34.1 39.3 29.8 20.2 25.0 22.3 24.1 17.7 9.5 28.1
Others 13.8 11.1 10.7 17.7 12.5 11.2 16.7 15.9 16.7 19.4 15.6 13.7 14.8
Not Reported 9.1 12.4 11.9 8.5 8.1 9.3 6.6 8.4 7.8 9.8 10.0 20.8 9.6
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Table A11.5 Percentage Spells of ailment by Status of Treatment across MPCE class in the last 15 days (includes hospitalization) Not Treated Spells of Ailment 24.1 22.1 22.3 24.3 20.4 19.5 18.0 18.6 17.1 13.1 12.3 10.7 17.7 Treated Spells of Ailment Treated at Govt Treated at Pvt. facility/provider facility/provider 22.5 20.4 20.0 19.8 17.0 17.7 18.2 16.5 18.8 18.6 20.2 16.0 18.4 53.4 57.5 57.7 55.8 62.6 62.9 63.8 65.0 64.1 68.3 67.6 73.4 63.9
MPCE (Rs) 0225 225255 255300 300340 340380 380420 420470 470525 525615 615775 775950 950 + All
All 75.9 77.9 77.7 75.7 79.6 80.5 82.0 81.4 82.9 86.9 87.7 89.3 82.3
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Notes: The figures of LHV schools for the states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh include the figures of the newly constituted States of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Uttaranchal, respectively. Source: Training Division of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
Note: *ailments with at least 1 per cent share are only listed separately. Source: NSSO (2004).
Table A11.8 Average Medical and other related Non-medical Expenditure per Treated Person during 15 days by source of treatment (2004) Rural Urban Average medical and other related nonmedical expenditure per treated person during last 15 days by source of treatment in Rs 11 26 257 27 285 135 7 299 306 20 326 96
Source of Treatment Govt. Pvt. All Other expenditure Total expenditure Loss of Household Income per treated person Source: NSSO (2004).
Source of Treatment Govt. Pvt. All Other expenditure Total expenditure Loss of Household Income Source: NSSO (2004).
Table A11.10 Percentage Distribution of Source of Finance (hospitalized treatment) Other sources Average ExpAverage Expincl. sale of enditure per enditure per ornaments and treated person treated person Contributions other physical (hospitalized) (hospitalized) in from friends assets, drought in last 365 last 365 days and relatives animals, etc.) Total Expenses days-Govt. (Rs) Private (Rs) 15.2 10.9 13.1 14.2 12.1 15.4 10.4 10.2 11.9 13.2 10.5 14.3 12.6 8.1 6.9 6.7 4.7 4.0 9.7 5.4 6.4 5.0 4.4 6.5 4.1 5.5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2530 3173 2087 2950 2586 2094 2884 3017 3509 4049 4192 6374 3238 5431 4886 5543 5777 5245 6895 6028 6781 6811 7327 9843 10749 7408
Across MPCE Class (Rs) 0225 225255 255300 300340 340380 380420 420470 470525 525615 615775 775950 950 + Total
Household Income/ Saving 33.2 26.5 31.4 34.9 37.9 34.7 39.1 39.9 42.0 41.8 42.2 48.3 40.9
Borrowings 43.5 55.6 48.8 46.2 46.1 40.2 45.1 43.5 41.1 40.6 40.8 33.3 41.1
Across MPCE Class (Rs) 0225 225255 255300 300340 340380 380420 420470 470525 525615 615775 775950 950 + Total Source: NSSO (2004).
Household Income/Savings 78.5 68.8 78.5 68.9 72.2 72.5 74.0 68.4 80.6 86.5 86.9 79.4 77.2
Borrowings 13.4 21.4 17.6 26.2 16.4 19.6 17.7 27.9 14.7 10.6 11.6 13.6 17.2
Contribution from friends and relatives 4.8 8.0 2.3 2.8 9.1 4.5 5.3 2.8 4.0 2.5 1.4 6.2 4.2
Table A11.12 State wise Per capita Expenditure on Health and fiscal deficit FY 2004 State Bihar Uttar Pradesh Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Jharkhand Orissa Assam Haryana West Bengal Gujarat Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Kerala Punjab Tripura Uttaranchal Manipur Jammu & Kashmir Meghalaya Mizoram Delhi Arunachal Pradesh Nagaland Himachal Pradesh Goa Sikkim All India Expenditure (Rs in lakh) 72,997 219,827 33,116 85,104 39,559 60,440 50,778 40,948 149,044 90,608 200,755 165,929 109,443 112,796 147,967 86,560 72,814 10,654 30,918 8645 49,914 10,324 5756 76,752 6427 13,055 44,934 11,113 4505 684,600 Expenditure (Rs thousand per person) 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.20 0.21 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.28 0.30 0.34 0.35 0.40 0.42 0.04 Fiscal deficit (Rs lakh) 41,0730 204,1390 193,290 848,870 165,810 549,500 308,390 13,4790 133,2460 98,9750 194,7670 742,590 556,410 792,960 769,640 565,380 577,820 62,960 250,180 82,270 -1660 28,930 42,760 325,010 56,380 42,920 227,270 45,410 11,090 1,410,0960 Deficit (Rs thousand per person) 0.29 0.65 0.50 0.79 0.37 0.78 0.58 0.33 0.89 1.16 1.11 0.52 0.62 0.83 0.68 0.91 1.31 0.95 1.59 2.04 -0.01 0.69 2.02 1.20 2.64 1.13 1.78 1.64 1.03 0.74
70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 19311 4214 5290 64211 45.00 40.00 39.28
35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 6.50 13.70
Without Doctor
Fig. A11.1 Shortfall in Manpower Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (2005).
Fig. A11.4 Percentage Shortfall of Manpower in the PHCs Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (2005).
25.42 17.49
60.00 50.00
51.86 43.64
56.06 49.92
MPW(M)/ LHV/Health Health Doctors as HW(M) Assistants (F) Assistant (M) PHC
Physicians Paediatricians
Fig. A11.2 Vacancy PositionPercentage of Sanctioned Post Vacant Fig. A11.5 Percentage of Sanctioned Posts of Specialists Vacant Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (2005). Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (2005).
45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00
Without HW(F)/ANM
Without HW(M)
Without Both
Fig. A11.3 Percentage of Sub-centres functioning without ANMs or/and HW(m) Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (2005).
The HFWTCs are the training centres of DoFW, GOI which provide primarily short-term in-service training programmes to the doctors, nurses, and para-medical personnel in the rural areas in a defined region. At present these training centres are imparting various in-service training modules for RCH programme. Apart from in-service education, nineteen centres are also responsible for conducting the basic training of the Male Health Workers year long course.The training centres have multi-disciplinary staff from biomedicine, social services, health education, public health, and nursing and statistics.
Banerjee A., Esther C. Duflo, and Angus Deaton (2004). Healthcare Delivery in Rural Rajasthan, Economic and Political Weekly, 39(9), pp. 944949, Mumbai. Chaudhury N., J. Hammer, M Knemer, K. Muralidharan, and F.H. Rogers (2006). Missing in Action: Teacher and Health Worker Absence in Developng Countries, Volume 20, November 1, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Pittsburg. MHFW (2005). Rural Health Care System in India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi. NSSO (2004). Morbidity,Health Care and the Condition of the Aged, NSSO 60th Round, Report No. 507(60/25.01/1), National Sample Survey Organisation, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, New Delhi. RBI (2004). State FinancesStudy of Budgets, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai. World Bank (2006)India: Inclusive Growth & Service Delivery: Building on Indias Success, World Bank, Washington D.C..