Solid Waste
Solid Waste
Solid Waste
Garbage is increasely becoming a big problem in many cities of the world and Kampala is no exception. This report is from a study that looks at the nature, practices, challenges, and possible solutions for garbage management systems at community level in Kawempe Division, Kampala. This study places emphasis on domestic waste. This is because in Kampala this category generates substantial amounts of solid wastes with considerable indiscipline. The study has used mainly participatory approaches. The findings suggest that in Kawempe Division, poor communities could generate income from waste disposal activities, if certain measures are put in place. Furthermore, in this division, 67% of the garbage is biodegrable, composed mainly of food related waste. Non degradable wastes constitute the 33%, of which the main component is buveera (or polythene bags). It was also established that a good part of the communities currently use illegal methods of disposal. This includes burning and open space dumping. Among the challenges facing waste management are the inactivity of institutional framework to support and mobilize for effective waste disposal. As a result there is little community effort to reduce on the problem. It was also established that existing income opportunities from garbage are not fully utilized. Second, different waste types will need diversified approaches. Third, institutional capacity at community level is still a major challenge. Fourthly, successful community waste management programmes will need to entail income generation. And fifthly, sensitization of community should be given more attention. The communities themselves suggested the following solutions: sensitization, community work, and reviving environmental committees. The study recommended the following: composting, converting garbage to energy, sensitization, and building strong institutions at grassroots levels.
Municipal Solid Waste Municipal Solid Waste Management National Environmental Management Authority Non Governmental Organizations Network of Ugandan Researchers and Research Users United Nations United Nations Environmental Programme United States Environmental Protection Association Solid Waste Management
1.0.Background The term solid waste (SW) may be used to refer to municipal waste and can be categorized in seven groups. They are residential (or household or domestic waste), commercial, institutional, street sweeping, construction and demolition, sanitation and industrial wastes. (Rush brook, 1999). While municipal solid waste refers to solid wastes from houses, streets and public places, shops, offices, and hospitals, which are very often the responsibility of municipal or other governmental authorities, solid waste from industrial processes are generally not considered municipal. However it should be taken into account when dealing with solid waste as they often end up in the municipal solid waste stream. Synonymous to solid waste are terms such as garbage, trash, refuse and rubbish (Zurbrugg, 2000). Urban dwellers generally consume more resources than rural dwellers, and so generate large quantities of solid waste and sewage. For example, solid waste disposal is a major problem in urban African centres, where more than half the population now lives in urban areas. Northern Africa is the most urbanized, while in Southern and in Western and Central Africa, urbanization levels are still lower (about 33-37 percent.) East Africa is the least urbanized sub-region, with 23 percent (United Nations Populations Division, 1997).
Although human or animal excreta often ends up in the solid waste stream, generally the term solid waste does not include such waste materials. Human activities create waste, and the way these wastes are handled, stored, collected and disposed off can pose risks to the environment and to public health. In urban areas, especially in the rapid urbanizing
9 cities of the developing world, problems and issues of Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) are of immediate importance. This has been acknowledged by most governments, however rapid population growth overwhelms the capacity of most municipal authorities to provide even the most basic services (Zurbrugg, 2000).
In most developing countries, typically one to two thirds of the solid waste generated is not collected (Zerbock, 2003). As a result, the uncollected waste, which is often also mixed with human and animal excreta is dumped indiscriminately in the streets and in drains, contributing to flooding, breeding of insect and rodent vectors and the spread of diseases such as cholera.
Solid waste management encompasses generation, collection, transportation and disposal of urban waste. Urban authorities have the responsibility to ensure safe, reliable and cost effective removal and disposal of solid waste, which takes up a large proportion of available resources which are not adequate to cope with the magnitude of the problem. (NEMA,2000)
Unfortunately, public agents, and urban authorities do not have adequate capacity to handle the increased solid waste mainly due to limited public budgets. A consequence of failure to remove solid waste finally are healthy hazards like tatanus, water and sanitary as well as environmental problems such as contamination and pollution in Uganda especially in urban centres. (NEMA, 1999).
To this end this study was undertaken with a focus on Solid Waste management in Kawempe Division, Kampala City Council. The study was carried out between October
10 2003 and August 2004.It was sponsored by The Network of Ugandan Researchers and Research Users (NURRU)
1.1. Problem statement Ugandas rate of urbanization is growing fast.It is estimated that Kampala City Council (KCC) spends United States Dollars 1.53 million per month to remove only 30% of the total waste generated (Ngategize 2000).As amounts of solid waste increase, the cost of its removal increases too. Yet KCC does not have sufficient resources to completely and efficiently carry out this responsibility. The result has been delays in disposing off this garbage. Also the communities are ignorant of the best way to manage the waste, as there is a little community initiative to undertake collective action. The local people involved in this study area are considered to be poor than those in the other divisions like Nakawa, or Makindye. Therefore they are vulnerable to health hazards and environmental negative effects resulting from the delayed removal of solid wastes. Given this situation there is need to promote complimentary alternatives such as community initiatives to remove garbage while earning some income for he poor. This aspect to earn an income would motivate them to support the programme.
1.2. Objectives
Therefore, the overall objective of the study was to generate information on sound waste management practices, which could generate incomes for communities thus contribute to poverty reduction in the local communities at same time help reduce the garbage problem.
12 b) What are the characteristics of the waste generated by households in Kawempe Division? c) What approaches /methods of solid waste management are currently in use in Kawempe Division? d) a) e) What are the challenges/ problems associated with the current solid waste management practices in Kawempe Division? What are the adaptable solutions to the identified problems/ challenges in Kawempe Division? b) To establish the nature of the soil waste generated by households in Kawempe
1.3. Justification of the Study It is hoped that the findings of this study will help rise awareness on issues pertaining to garbage management for the community and policy makers especially at local level. This awareness will help build initiatives to reduce the problem. Division It will help provoke debate on waste management issues. In the course of this debate better options may be developed.
This research will highlight the role of the different stakeholders and the extent to which they have been active in addressing the waste management problem.Partners in development could use this information by identifying specific income generating activities, thus making waste contribute to the poverty eradication programme in the country.
Where the suggested income generating solution are adopted, they will help generate some income for those engaged.
Urban authorities will also make use of the findings of this study helpful in their planning strategies.
In his studies in Kenya, Kim (1998), notes, while there is considerable documentation on innovative community-level waste management schemes in Asian and Latin American cities, little research has been done on the importance of, and potential for, waste re-use in African cities. This study is one of those that has made a contribution towards filling that gap. 1.4. Scope of the Study
The study highlighted the effectiveness of the current waste management policies. As a result the necessary remedies will be recommended.The study drew lessons from best practices elsewhere and suggest ways of adopting them.This study will help identify the challenges of waste management, so that remedies may be evolved.The study confined only on garbage from households in the three selected parishes in Kawempe division. For each of the three parishes one zone was picked, the study did not cover sewerage.A total of six days were spent in each zone collecting data using mainly methods participatory. Along this, a questionnaire was also administered on 20 households from their homes in each of the three zones.
1.5. Assumptions
a) Community devised alternatives for solid waste management are sustainable as compared to options generated from outside the community
14 b) Increasing community awareness of the gravity of solid waste management crisis will exert pressure on all stakeholders to work out a realistic and practical approach to the problem
2.0 Introduction.
The management of solid waste is one of the challenges facing many urban areas in the world. Where there is an aggregation of human settlements with the potential to produce a large amount of solid waste; the collection, transfer and disposal of that waste has been generally assumed by municipal authorities in the developed world. The format varies, however in most urban areas. Garbage is collected either by a government agency or private contractor, and this constitutes a basic and expected government function in the developed world (Zerbock,2003).
Municipal solid waste (MSW) management has become a major issue of concern for many developing nations.The problem is compounded by rapid urbanization rapidly
15 taking place in many developing countries where 30-50% of populations is urban (Thomas-Hope 1998)
Indeed the overall problem of MSW is multi-faceted: many organizations, including the United Nations (UN) and various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) advocate for an integrated approach to MSW management by identifying key stakeholders, identifying specific issues which comprise important stumbling blocks, and making recommendations based on appropriate technologies, local information, and pressing human and environmental health concerns (UNEP,, 1996, Senkoro 2003; ThomasHope1998).
2.1 Income and Solid Waste Management. In a study in Kenya Kim (1998) observed that in order for community-based waste management to be a success, it must address more than the need for improved environmental management; in that it also must provide opportunities for income generation and the development of strong community bonds. Together with the support provided by NGOS, community-based waste management promotes internal solidarity around shared concerns, which in turn creates a momentum for demanding greater accountability of government and increased room for participatory decision-making.
One alternative waste management technique is the urban poor's re-use of refuse. Waste recycling is often undertaken as a survival strategy when the urban poor are unable to obtain formal employment, and when non-waste resources are scarce or unaffordable. Waste re-use also plays a role in improving the urban physical 15
16 environment. By reducing the total amount of solid waste headed for the landfill (or left lying to rot in the streets), recycling and composting are land-saving and pollution-reducing strategies. Waste re-use also plays a valuable resourceconserving role: by recycling materials, further exploitation of scarce natural resources is minimized, thus containing the spreading ecological footprint of the city. Despite these environmentally and socially beneficial aspects of waste recycling, it is not without its negative impacts, which include exploitation by waste buyers and poor health and living conditions for the urban poor who deal in waste picking (Furedy, 1992). Further still, there is a need to improve employment conditions as well as access to support services and markets of recycling industries for those who deal in waste picking. In doing so, however,Kim (1998) noted that there is a risk of formalizing the sector. This would have the effect of alienating the very people who rely on the sector for their livelihoods. As noted by Odegi-Awuondo (1994), waste picking is already a highly organized activity in other African countries, where it consists of networks of waste pickers and middlemen. Thus, a plausible option for improving the conditions in the informal waste economy could be cooperatives. This has worked in a number of Asian countries (UNCHS, 1993).
17 Most developing countries, Uganda inclusive have solid waste management problems different from those found in fully industrialized countries; indeed, the very composition of their waste is different from that of developed nations. Although developing countries solid waste generation rates average only 0.4 to 0.6 kg/person/day, as opposed to 0.7 to 1.8 kg/person/day in fully industrialized countries, Cointreau, Arlosoroff (1982) and Blight and Mbande( 1996), noted several common differences in the composition of solid waste in developing nations.
Before one can examine individual problems in MSW management, it is important to understand the political and economic framework in which governments must frequently work in developing countries.
2.3 The role of the Community in Waste Management. The community sector needs to be included in waste management efforts as both private and public sector actors are unable to provide waste services to lowincome areas of the city. Syagga (1992) supports the involvement of the community sector as an effective way of increasing access of the poor to urban services, including waste management. Indeed Kim (1998) led credence to this, when he observed that in Nairobi, organizations in the community sector, such as charitable organizations, ethnic associations, professional "support" NGOs, welfare societies, village committees, selfhelp groups, and security committees are already providing many of these services.
18 Zerbock (2003) further supports this , any potential change to the waste disposal framework must take into account the urban poor, many of whom dependent on waste scavenging for their entire subsistence.
Micro-enterprises, or community based organizations can be effective in addressing the garbage problem (Zurbrugg, 2000). They often use simple equipment and labourintensive methods, and therefore can collect waste in places where the conventional trucks of large companies cannot enter. The MSEs may be started as a business, to create income and employment, or they may be initiated by community members who wish to improve the immediate environment of their homes. Their shortcoming is that such, collection schemes that these systems generally collect and transport the waste a relatively short distance up to a transfer point, from where the waste should be collected by another organization
Problem areas of Municipal Solid waste management (MSWM) in developing countries can be identified. These are described as Inadequate service coverage and operational of recycling activities; inadequate landfill
disposal, and inadequate management of hazardous and health waste.The quantity of waste arising - solid, liquid and gaseous are generally considered to be growing across the globe as a result of increase in the worlds population, increasing industrialization, increasing urbanization and rising standards of living. (UNEP, 1994)
Moreover, major advances in the development of new materials and chemicals have increased the diversity and complexity of the waste streams. Consequently, wastes are taking on a new economic importance, not only in terms of revenues generated by the waste treatment and disposal industry, but also because wastes may have a residual value as a secondary raw material which can be recovered or reused.
2.4.1 Inadequate Coverage Solid waste collection schemes of cities in the developing countries generally serve only a limited part of the urban population. The majority of the people especially in slum areas remaining without waste collection services. These are usually the low-income earners living in poor conditions in peri-urban areas. One of the main causes of inadequate collection services is the lack of financial resources to cope with the increasing amount of generated waste produced. (Zurbrugg, 2000)
2.4.2 Operational inefficiencies Operational inefficiencies are due to inefficient institutional structures, inefficient organizational procedures, or deficient management capacity of the institutions involved as well as the use of inappropriate technologies.
With regard to the technical system, often the conventional collection approach, as developed and used in the industrialized countries, is applied in developing countries. The used vehicles are sophisticated, expensive and difficult to operate and maintain, thereby often inadequate for the conditions in developing countries. After a short time of operation usually only a small part of the vehicle fleet remains in operation
21 2.4.4 Human health risks Issues There are some human health risks associated with solid waste handling and disposal in all countries to some degree, but certain problems are more acute and widespread in underdeveloped nations. Cointreau (1982) has classified these into four main categories:1) presence of human fecal matter, 2) presence of potentially hazardous industrial waste,3) the decomposition of solids into constituent chemicals which contaminate air and water systems, and 4) the air pollution caused by consistently burning dumps and methane release.Human fecal matter is present in every solid waste system; in developing nations the problem varies with the prevalence of adequate sanitary disposal systems such as municipal sewerage or on-site septic systems,and outhouses. In areas where such facilities are lacking (especially shantytowns and over-crowded municipal districts), the amount of human fecal matter present in the solid waste stream is likely to be higher.This presents a potential health problem not only to waste workers, but also to scavengers, other users of the same municipal drop-off point, and even small children who like to play in or around waste containers. Waste pickers are highly susceptible to disease, and it has been proposed to provide lowcost or free protective gear, such as gloves, boots, and clothing, to prevent contact injuries and reduce pathogens. Experience in Calcutta, India however has shown that most gear is simply sold by the workers for cash, and they continued to work as before (UNEP 1996). Provision of basic health care, especially immunizations, seems to be a more promising.
2.4.5Environmental issues The decomposition of waste into constituent chemicals is a common source of local environmental pollution. This problem is especially acute in developing nations which very few existing landfills would meet acceptable environmental standards, due to limited
22 budgets. The problem is again compounded by the issues associated with rapid urbanization. As land becomes scarce, human settlements encroach upon landfill space, and local governments in some cases encourage new development directly on top of operating or recently closed landfills. A major environmental concern is gas release by decomposing garbage. Methane is a by-product of the anaerobic respiration of bacteria, and these bacteria thrive in landfills with high amounts of moisture. Methane concentrations can reach up to 50% of the composition of landfill gas at maximum anaerobic decomposition (Cointreau-Levine, 1996).
Given the large number of individual issues and specific problems in various municipal solid waste management systems, it would seem tempting to address individual issues as they arise and apply local fixes, so as to keep collection and disposal services operating continuously as efficiently as possible. Indeed, in the short term, this is likely to be a good approach. In considering the long term, however, it is apparent from the scope of problems and the external factors brought to bear upon municipalities that a broader, more integrated set of solutions will be necessary in order to adequately address MSW systems in the future. UNEP calls this sound practices.
With that in mind, sound practice is a technology or policy that embodies a reasonable balance of feasible, cost-effective, sustainable, environmentally beneficial, and socially sensitive solutions to SWM problems. In other words, sound practices function together to achieve defined solid waste policy goals, while appropriately responding to the entire
23 set of conditions that constrain the choices available in specific MSWM decisions (UNEP,1996) This means, that a sound practice not only achieves a specific goal in MSWM, but that, to the extent possible, it takes into account the demands of the specific situation where a proposed solution is to be implemented. In the end, determining what constitutes sound practice is context-specific. The variety of factors that help determine what is sound in a situation is sufficiently large that any recommendation must be tested against the reality of a particular circumstance. Improvement are likely to lead to diminishing returns. Therefore, rather than striving for avoidance of pollution or risk to human beings, policy makers should direct resources where they would yield the greatest return to society. For example, while MSWM decision makers may strive to capture the recyclable components in the waste stream and to minimize the environmental damage done by the handling and final disposition of waste, sound practice will require that resources be allocated in a way that seeks the balanced achievement of all of society's goals.
a)Waste Reduction It would seem that the easiest and most effective way to manage solid waste is to reduce the amount of waste to be disposed. This is a strategy that seems simple in concept but has shown promise. However the amount of waste produced, even in developed countries, is often a function of culture and affluence. For example the developed countries have developed , a throw away culture, since consumer goods are cheap has resulted in an
24 increase in packaging (more items are individually packaged), resulting in significant increases in MSW as production becomes cheaper. An emphasis on mass production and the development of cheap consumer goods has caused quality and longevity of goods to be sacrificed in the name of lowest market price, causing people to be more likely to simply throw away and replace items instead of repairing or maintaining them (Zerbock,2003). b) Integrated approach An integrated approach to waste management will have to take into account communityand regional-specific issues and needs and formulate an integrated and appropriate set of solutions unique to each context (Senkoro 2003, Schbeler 1996, UNEP 1996, de Klundert et al 2001). As with any issue in developing nations, solutions which work for some countries or areas will be inappropriate for others. Specific environmental conditions will dictate the appropriateness of various technologies, and the level of industrialization and technical knowledge present in various countries and cities will constrain solutions. Studies on MSW issues however repeatedly discuss certain approaches as being at least adaptable to many developing nation scenarios.
USEPA,(United States Environmental Protection Agency 2002), notes that sound environmental management is achieved when the 3Rs approaches are implemented according to the order, first source reduction, second recycling and composting and third disposal to the landfill or waste combustors.
These approaches emphasize waste reduction (creation of less waste and increased material recovery) and appropriate disposal options as part of an integrated evaluation of
25 needs and conditions. UNEP (1996) laid out a series of questions to be asked when evaluating technologies and policies in the context of an integrated MSW system.
c)Recycling As noted, one of the approaches to waste management is by separating or sorting waste generated and eventually using it for other form of production. Separating waste materials at the household level occurs to some extent almost universally, and prevents the most valuable and reusable materials from being discarded. Following in-home retention of valuable material, waste-pickers currently remove most valuable materials either before garbage enters the waste stream or en route, especially in the lower and middle-income areas of many municipalities. In these instances, there is little need for additional encouragement of recycling. Even in the more affluent areas of developing cities, often there are found itinerant buyers of waste materials such as cardboard and glass.In Uganda sorting of waste has not been successful for unclear reasons.
These buyers could help to divert many materials out of the waste stream. Since recycling materials is a financially viable undertaking, small enterprises have and will continue to spring up whenever there is an opportunity. in fact the theft of sourceseparated recyclable materials has been documented in many pilot schemes in both developed and developing nations (UNEP, 1996). Municipalities should not only recognize the trade in recyclables, they should embrace it. By allowing small enterprise to address the problem, valuable funds are saved jobs are created, and landfill space is saved. Perhaps through micro-loans or some small-scale assistance, local governments could support and legitimize these entrepreneurs.
26 Recycling inorganic materials from municipal solid waste is often well developed by the activities of the informal sector although such activities are seldom recognized, supported, or promoted by the municipal authorities. Some key factors that affect the potential for resource recovery are the cost of the separated material, its purity, its quantity and its location. The costs of storage and transport are major factors that decide the economic potential for resource recovery. In many low-income countries, the fraction of material that is won for resource recovery is very high, because this work is done in a very labour-intensive way, and for very low incomes.Recycling has the advantage of: reducing costs of the disposal facilities, prolonging the site span, and also reducing the environmental impact of disposal sites as the organics are largely to blame for the polluting leache and methane problems. d) Composting A somewhat more low-technology approach to waste management is composting. The waste of many developing nations would theoretically be ideal for reduction through composting, having a much higher composition of organic material than industrialized countries.For example, generally,in developing countries, the average citys municipal waste stream is over 50% organic material (Hoornweg, et al 1999). studies in Bandung, Indonesia and Colombo, Sri Lanka have revealed that residential waste composed of 78% and 81% compostable material, and market waste 89% and 90% compostable, respectively (Cointreau 1982). However, composting has not been overwhelmingly successful and widespread in practice throughout the developing world. Although well documented in China and other areas of eastern Asia, composting projects have had a spotty record throughout Africa, Latin America and elsewhere, and have had the largest number of failed facilities worldwide (UNEP 1996).
There are many advantages to composting. First and foremost, it would reduce, in some cases significantly, the amount of waste requiring ultimate disposal, extending the life of landfills. When done correctly, the end result becomes a useful product, capable of being used at the household or farm level to augment soil nutrient levels and increase organic matter in the soil, increasing soil stability. If the product is of high enough quality and markets exist, the product can be sold. Environmentally, the process by which composting decomposes organic waste is preferable to landfill processes. In a landfill, bacteria break down organics anaerobically in the absence of oxygen, resulting in the releases of methane gas. When properly composted, however, the organic matter is decomposed using an aerobic process, which produces no methane by-product.
e) Dumping The dumping of solid waste in landfills is the probably the oldest and definitely the most prevalent form of ultimate garbage disposal. Many landfills are nothing more than open, sometimes controlled, dumps. The difference between landfills and dumps is the level of engineering, planning, and administration involved. Open dumps are characterized by the lack of engineering measures, no leachate management, no consideration of landfill gas management, and few, if any, operational measures such as registration of users, control of the number oftipping fronts or compaction of waste. In an examination of landfills throughout the developing world in 1997-1998, Johannessen (1999) found varying amounts of planning and engineering in MSW dumping; among the various regions visited, African nations (with the exception of South Africa) had the fewest engineered landfills, with most nations practicing open dumping for waste disposal.
f) Incineration Another option for waste management is incineration. Incineration should not be considered a disposal option, since following incineration there is still some quantity of ash to be disposed of (probably in a landfill), as well as the dispersal of some ash and constituent chemicals into the atmosphere. It should instead be considered more in terms of its waste-reduction potential, which can be 80-95% in terms of waste volume (Rand, et al 2000). This appears to be an extremely attractive option, however, with occasional exceptions, incineration is an inappropriate technology for most low-income countries like Uganda. Above all, the high financial start-up and operational capital required to implement incineration facilities is a major barrier to successful adoption in developing countries (Rand et al 2000; UNEP, 1996).
Reduction by incineration, along with sanitary disposal of the residue, would therefore be a useful alternative to traditional disposal methods, and have proven useful in Island nations such as Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands (Lettsome 1998).
Negative environmental consequences of incineration mostly revolve around airborne emissions. Certainly, incinerators should not be located where prevailing wind patterns would carry emissions over densely settled areas. The use of emissions reduction technology, although expensive, should be mandatory in any new construction.Incineration volatilizes many compounds potentially harmful to human health: metals (especially lead and mercury), organics (dioxins), acid gases (sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride), nitrogen oxides, as well as carbon monoxide and dust (UNEP 1996).
There are many factors that vary from place to place and that must be considered in the design of a solid waste management system (Zurbrugg, 2000). These include waste amounts and composition, acess to waste for collection,awareness and attitudes: 2.5.1 a) Waste amount and composition. Domestic waste from industrialized countries has a high content of packaging made of paper, plastic, glass and metal, and so the waste has a low density. In many developing countries wastes contain large amounts of inerts such as sand, ash, dust, and stones and high moisture levels because of high usage of fresh fruit and vegetables. These factors make the waste very dense (high weight per unit volume). The consequences of this high density are that vehicles and systems that operate well with low-density wastes in industrialized countries are not suitable or reliable when the wastes are heavy. The combination of extra weight, the abrasiveness of the sand and the corrosiveness caused by the water content, can use very rapid deterioration of equipment. If the waste contains a high proportion of moisture, or is mostly inert material, it is not suitable for incineration, and so is the treatment upon is ruled out. Recycling or salvaging operations often reduce the proportion of combustible paper and plastic in waste before it reaches the treatment stage.
30 Many sources of waste might only be reached by roads or alleys, which might be inaccessible to certain methods of transport because of their width, slope, congestion or surface. This is especially critical in unplanned settlements such as slums or low-income areas and thus largely affects the selection equipment.
2.5.1c Awareness and attitudes Public awareness and attitudes to waste can affect the whole solid waste management system. All steps in solid waste management services, the opposition to the siting of waste treatment and disposal facilities, all depend on public awareness and participation. Thus this is also a crucial issue, which determines the success or failure of a solid waste management system.
2.5.1d Institution and Legislation Institution issues include the current and intended legislation and the extent to which it is enforced. Standards and restrictions may limit the technology options that can be considered.The policy of governments regarding the role of the private sector (formal and informal) should also be taken into account. The strength and concerns of trade unions can also have an important influence on what can be done.
In conclusion, there are various approaches to addressing the SW problem. Each country needs to study its situation and adapt approaches that are appropriate to its situation. This study will endeavor to establish those approaches.
32 The present garbage problem (A) facing many cities is influenced by a number of factors METHODOLOGY institutional capacity, access to collection centres and co-operation.The success of 3.0 Research design. managed (C1).However, if these factors are not exploited positively, then there will be The time horizon of the study was cross-sectional design where data was collected over a couple of weeks. The research used two main approaches; participatory approaches and questionnaire survey. The unit of analysis was the phenomenon solid waste management using the residents in the selected three zones. B1 C1
Positive Effective Influencing Solid Waste sampling was used to select two of these parishes one to represent, the more urbanized and the other to represent the semi-urbanized. While the third parish was selected Solid Waste randomly and it turned out to be urbanized. Management Problems Only three parishes were selected for the study because of the limitations on resources. From each of these parishes one zone (LC1) was selected for the study. This was also Negative Ineffective Solid Waste purposively selected, based on the gidance of the Parish Chiefs. factors Management
The observation design consisted of the selected participants making careful Observation of their environment and contributing to the participatory discussion and analysis of the situation in their community.
33 The Statistical design involved participants rating the methods and types of waste generated. In addition, they also ranked the viability of the solutions suggested. This data was later analyzed and interpreted by the Researchers using SPSS.
Operational design involved the necessary organizational and logistical arrangements for the study. Part of this involved meeting the Parish Chief (PC) of the sampled parishes. This was to identify the zone where to carry out the study. The guidance of the chief was very useful in purposively sampling the zone for the study. Next, the PC introduced the research team to the LC One Chairperson of the identified zone. From this stage planning was done with the LC chairpersons. The crucial issues were to agree on, such as, the dates, time, and venue of the meetings. These were scheduled to spread over 6 days starting at 3.00p.m.
The study area was Kawempe Division. Kawempe Division is one of the five divisions that make up Kampala City Council (Kampala District). Kawempe covers an area of 25sq kms. It has 22 parishes and 126 villages (Kyaddondo & Nakazzi, 2001). It has an estimated population of 150,245 people (1991 Population and Housing Census).
3.2 Study population. For the each of the three sampled zones, for participatory approaches, the population consisted of ten household representatives, 3 LC officials and the Parish Chief. These were mobilized to participate in the studies. The questionnaire survey in the three zones the population comprised 20 local residents (household representatives) from each zone,
34 who were randomly selected and interviewed from their residences. Other stakeholders like the Engineering Investment the private garbage collecting company, local CBOs also participated in the sessions.
The study involved the selection of 3 parishes out of the 22 in Kawempe Division.In each of these parishes one zone was purposively picked for the study. In Mpererwe Parish, Ssekanyonyi Zone was selected, in Mulago 3 Parish, Upper Nsooba zone was selected, and in Bwaise 2 Parish, Lufula zone was selected. The parishes of Bwaise and Mpererwe were purposively selected to represent the more urbanized and the semi-urbanized setting respectively. The third parish studied was selected randomly. This was Mulago 3.
In each of the selected parishes, only one zone (LC1) was identified for the study. The reason for this selection was to work within the available resources. These zones were purposively selected depending on information and advice given by the Parish Chiefs. But the factors considered included ability of the local leaders to mobilize the population, and availability of the people for meeting.
The study mainly used participatory approaches, which included: a) Cards These were used to collect information about the nature of solid waste from households and the main disposal methods. Each participant was requested to write down on a card 5
35 types of waste items from their household. Next, they were requested to write down 3 common methods of disposal used in their area. The outcomes were tabulated, tallied and categorized in Biodegradable non-biodegradable, also see tables of results in appendix.
b) Solution tree
The participants were guided in a discussion about the problems associated with managing waste in their area. In this discussion they looked at the root causes and the effect of the identified problems. A tree diagram was drawn by the participants to
generate these ideas. The participants were then guided to examine the problems and identify solutions. In this session, at least every participant was able to suggest a solution. During the session, one of the participants was given the role of writing the suggestions. At the end participants analyzed the variability of their suggested solution using the following a scale:
Will the approach work Effectively----------------------------------Score 5 Will the approach reduce on the
problem---------------------------Score 4 May the approach work if accompanied by other measures------Score 3 Will the approach have a small impact-------------------------------Score 2 Will the approach have no impact------------------------------------Score 1
Each of the identified solution was assessed by the participants against these parameters. After which the total scores were determined by the participants themselves. From these scores the ranking were derived. These are reflected in appendix table five
38 d) Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Key Focus groups were used to discuss with the communities the available opportunities to _ Indicate activity exists generate income from the garbage situation. FGD also helped the researchers to gather the Indicate activity does not exist or not exploited
e) Questionnaires This was used to collect in-depth household information to establish the authenticity of information got from the participatory methods. In addition, it helped to bring out information on the effectiveness of the methods of disposal and the effectiveness of the LC.I Secretary for Production and Environment. The questionnaire was used to collect the following data: methods of waste management, community participation in waste management, level of awareness, institutional structures at the grass roots, and characteristics of waste.
f) Document Review Some documents related to the topic were studied to give more information on the issues under investigation.
This being a participatory study a good part of the data was generated and analysed by the participants themselves in the field. The work of the researchers was only to organize the data. Data was edited, coded, tallied and ranked. Next, the computations were done to determine percentages. In case of Cards results, the data was further analyzed using SPSS, from which graphs were derived.
39 Graph 4.1. showing the Exploitation of Income making Opportunities in Upper Nsooba, Lufula and Ssekanyonyi Zones
The table and the graph above shows the results from the focus group discussion on income making opportunities that are exploited in the three zones studied.Lufula zone indicated the greatest opportunities exploited. In this zone, peelings, collecting used bottles, plastics collection and working for garbage company were the main opportunities available.This zone also had the greatest opportunities as indicated by the score of five. The reason for this could be due to the fact that Lufula zone is more urbanized, populated, and nearest to a very busy trading centre of Bwaise.
Nsooba zone was rated next with a score of two in the focus group discussion. The opportunities exploited here include; collecting used bottles, plastic collection. This zone is some distance from the center of activity. It is also not heavily populated.
Mpererwe zone had the least opportunities exploited and scored one in the focus group discussion. These results could be attributed to the fact that this zone is semi urban and
40 borders the villages. The main opportunity is collection of peelings, which are sold to cattle farmers other farmer used it as manure.
From the data collected from questionnaires, the analysis showed that, 67% of generated garbage is biodegradable as shown below in (Table 4.2A), which generally comprises mainly food related waste. However, there were substantial amounts of nonbiodegradable materials, the main one-being Buveera (or plastic films). These contribute 33%. Table 4.2A. Nature of Garbage generated in selected areas of Kawempe Division,(60 respondents to the questionnaire survey).
Degradabe 105 67
Furthermore, Tables 4.2B, 4.2C and 4.2D in the appendix shows the raw data generated from the Cards methods while diagrammatic representation of these results is shown by the graphs 4.2Dand 4.2 E below.
41 The results got from the cards are consistent with those from the questionnaires in table 4.2A above. Concerning degradable waste, Lufula zone, which is more, urbanized generates peelings, paper and ash as the highest items. Upper Nsooba which is relatively urbanized generates peelings, ash and paper.. While Ssekanyonyi zone which is semi urban generates peelings, banana leaves and papers. For the non-degradable, Lufula generates buveera, metal pieces, and plastics as the highest. Upper Nsooba zone has Buveera, metals, and glass pieces and Ssekanyonyi zone has buveera, metal pieces, and glass pieces. However, Ssekanyonyi and Upper Nsooba zones had less amounts of waste. GRAPH .4.2 D: DEGRADABLE WASTE
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
46 Findings from the study are consistent with the situation in the rest of Africa. Indeed UNEP noted If people struggle to pay graduated tax of only 10,000/= for a year, how do you expect them to that, the organic content of the MSW in the typical African cities may exceed 70% (wet basis). a pay a monthly fee for garbage (Oba nga tetusoobola ku sasula musolo gwa mutwalo Such an output offers opportunities for centralized composting, anaerobic digestion, and gas batugamba batya okusasulira ebisaniko.) recovery. Unfortunately this has not been taken up in much of Africa. This may be a large forgone opportunity as this high organic material has a potentially high yield of compost. (UNEP, We see no reason why we should pay a fee for garbage disposal, where do the taxies we pay 2000). Developing countries would greatly benefit from composting their garbage. In Kampala go?( Situlaba songa yona etusasuza kugyawo bisaniko, ate omusolo gwe tusasula gugenda little effort has been taken to convert this large amounts of organic waste in compost. However, in wa?) Mukono District, one group the Seeta Talents Call Club has taken initiative to compost garbage from Mukono Town Council. 4.4. Waste Management problems and challenges Further still, incineration and waste-to-energy (WTE) is another of the little-used options for Several problems associated with the present waste disposal methods were identified using the MSWM in Africa. One energy recovery plant was recently constructed in Tanzania with foreign problem tree analysis. However, those directly related to waste management were further assistance. (UNEP,2000).The Senegalese have also conducted research into refuse-derived fuel analyzed. The following were the outcomes: (RDF). However, implementation of this system faces the same considerations listed above for incinerator technology in general. The high cost of pre-processing RDF poses an additional 4.4.1 Peoples involvement in evolving Solid waste management policy obstacle to its safe and cost-effective implementation in Africa. UNEP has argued that for WTE to be feasible the characterization of the MSW stream would first be necessary to establish the Table 4.4A. Shows the response of the participants on the issue of community involvement in feasibility of incineration and WTE from MSW. In Uganda, in light of the high and increasing evolving solid waste management policy. The household survey analysis indicated that 10 percent energy demands, the option of converting large quantities of buveera (plastic films), waste- to(6 people) acknowledged being involved in the process. And 90 percent (54 people) said they energy (WTE) would be a welcome development. were not involved.
Level of Involvement
Though the User fee was introduced few people are co-operating. There is also no communication and feedback between the communities and the policy makers and implementers.
According to Agenda 21, broad public participation in decision-making is an important concept of sustainable development. This is because it is combined with greater accountability. The belief is that the communities are the best source of knowledge about the cause of and remedies for many of the environmental problems. Public participation enables such knowledge, skills and resources to be mobilized and to be fully employed so that government initiatives are effective (UNEP, 1999).
Communities are the most important target group who can really have positive changes on the environment. Environmental Programmes can only succeed if everybody in the community is mobilized, sensitized and takes part in good environmental practices (NEMA 1998).
48 About the administrative structures to support the SWM process, results from respondents indicate that 33 per cent (20) said there are environmental committees while 66 per cent (40) said that they there were none. In addition those who acknowledged the presence of these committees indicted that 30 per cent (18) were operational while 70 per cent (42) said were not operational. On the activeness of the Secretary for Production and Environment the 10 per cent (6) stated that they were functional while 90 per cent (54) stated that they were not functional. Indeed these results indicate a high degree of institutional weaknesses to support SWM.
Table4.4 B. Existence of leadership structures and level of Leadership participation in Environmental Issues (60 respondents to questionnaire survey)
YES Respondents Presence of Village Environment Committees Active Participation of Village Environment Committee Activeness of LC.1 Secretary for Production & Environment Source: Field Notes 20 18 6
49 4.4.3 Existence of Local Organizations to support waste management activities In the study area presence of supportive organization was investigated. The results are indicated above in table 4.4B where, out of the 60 respondents 10 per cent (10) acknowledged presence and participation of CBOs or NGOs, While 90 per cent (50) said the were none.
Table: 4.4B Showing impact of CBOs/NGOs on environmental related activities in their areas.
People are aware of the effects of poor waste handling and the associated dangers. Unfortunately they seem not bothered. The Uganda Participatory Poverty Assessment (UPPA) also noted this observation. Uganda has devoluted environmental management to lower levels of government. (NEMA, 2000) In the Local Government Act 1997, the position for Secretary for Production and Environment is provided for at all levels of the local council system. Along with it is the establishment of Environmental Committee at Local Council (LC) LC.I, LC.II, LC.III and the District. Among the responsibilities of these committees are to: build capacity in environmental management; enable local people to freely participate in environmental decisions and planning. They are also to
50 mobilize people and resources to tackle environmental problems. Though the legal framework is in place as outlined above, the study noted that these institutions charged with the responsibility of conserving the environment including SWM, have not been operational. In some places, they are not in place. This could be one of the reasons why SW management has been a challenge. Indeed, administration is one of the major weaknesses of MSWM systems in Africa. Any plans to upgrade MSWM at the country level would do well to first focus on the administrative and organizational systems on which the service ultimately depends. (UNEP, 1996)
The non-operation of institutional structures has resulted in a communication gap between the people and the policy makers. This could be one reason why the people in some parts of Kampala have not fully supported the currently Solid Waste Ordinance. They claim that they were left out of the initiation and implementation of the programme. There was also no sensitization, as such no feedback to the authorities. Consequently, there is poor performance of the policy.
This is contrary to best sound practices supported by studies as noted above from other countries and recommendations by UNEP, which lend strong credence to active participation of various stakeholders in developing a garbage policy.
4.5.Identified Solutions. In order to arrive at the above results, participants were guided to rate the solutions earlier suggested by themselves. The following parameters were used to assess each solution: 50
problem---------------------------------Score 4 Will it only work if accompanied by other measures------Score 3 Will Score it have a small impact----------------------------------2 Will it have no
impact-----------------------------------------Score 1
The results obtained were tabulated by the participants and the total scores determined. After which the results was interpreted. Later, the researchers combined the results from all the three centres and an average score was derived see table 5 in the appendix. From this table the graph below has been drawn.
As observed above, the results from ranking indicate preference for the following approaches and methods in this order: Sensitization, Bulungi Bwansi (Community Work), Dustbins and
establishing Environmental Committees. The approach of tendering to private firms was the least liked. Yet this is the approach currently being implemented under the Kampala Solid Waste Ordinance. In Kawempe Division, Engineering Investment Limited (EIL) is the company that won the tender to collect garbage from this division. Given this unfavorable response, a lot of effort needs to be done to convince the public to accept and support this initiative.
53 Appropriate waste management strategies not only reduce natural resources consumption, but also offset the cost and inadequacies of treatment, storage and disposal options for wastes. In Germany for instance, the small decline garbage, can be explained by the increase in the separate collection of recyclable materials such as glass and paper. (UNEP, 1990)
Despite clear advantages, these approaches nevertheless, have some drawbacks. measures like recycling, for example, may involve high initial and capital costs; it also
necessitates the identification of markets for recycled material and requires educating the general public to accept the need to separate materials at sources. And reducing waste arising at source may require the regulation of industry, the development of economic instruments to encourage plant modification or redesign, and the education of consumers as to the benefits of environment friendly products. (UNEP, 1993) Public awareness through sensitization has an important role to play. This is the key to the success of any SWM policy. It is no surprise that the local communities ranked it first in their solutions to SW problem. Until the late 1980s, solid waste management policies and programs in most African cities were formulated and implemented by government agencies without significant public participation. Political and social changes across the continent, including the rise of NGOs, have fostered an increased awareness of environmental issues among the public. Urban populations have become more involved in the issues surrounding MSW. (UNEP2000) Unfortunately findings from the study, show no trace of public involvement in the currently implemented Kampala Solid waste Ordinance. This is both at the initiation and implementation level.
54 Examples of successful public education campaigns of some note have been carried out in Bamako, Cairo, Cotonou, Dakar, and Johannesburg. In Nigeria, a nationwide public education campaign was conducted under the banner of sanitation. Some of these programs began in the mid-1980s and continue in operation to the present time. In most cases they were undertaken by the district governments for the municipal area in collaboration with community service organizations, the health department, the education department, and the media. The results of these programs ranged from drastic reductions in indiscriminate dumping to community-based MSW pre-collection and street cleaning. An educated public implies an MSWM system that is accountable to its constituents. This is likely to improve the service and performance of the system. (UNEP, 2000).
5.1.1 Income Income generating opportunities from garbage for the community exist. However, they are not adequately exploited. One reason is that, in Kawempe the process is still informal. This is because the people are not yet organized. Organizing them would probably link them to -established formal buyers of recyclable materials.Therefore, in is noted that the potential for poor communities to generate income from waste cannot be fully realized unless these communities are well organized and mobilized.
There is a diversity of waste generated in Kawempe Division. The largest percentage of is biodegradable waste consisting of food related items. The degradable waste consist mainly of buveera.The main approaches that is used involves delivering the waste to the landfill. However, as noted already, this approach is best suited to the developing countries, which generate less organic waste. Therefore, it can be stated that diversity of waste will need diversified disposal approaches for effective and efficient management of the solid waste.
The research established that generally people were using illegal methods of disposal.These include burning and open space dumping. For this response, the community, gave various reasons. However, poverty seems to be the overriding factor. Poor communities have their priorities elsewhere. Their main preoccupation is survival amid the hard economic conditions. Care for the environment may be far on their list of priorities hence this neglect. Therefore, successful implementation of a sound Solid waste management approach, may need to have economic incentive for the poor.Possibly gaining an income as they dispose off the garbage.
There is a positive correlation between communitys involvement in policy evolution and its successful implementation. Where people are involved it is easy to enlist their cooperation to support the policy than where they are not involved, it is an uphill task to implement such policies. This could be the reason why the Kampala Solid Waste Ordinance has been difficult to implement especially at its initiation. Secondly, there is a relationship between effective solid waste management in communities and presence of active environmental institutions.
5.1.5.Community Solutions
57 Communities have the potential and ideas to contribute to reducing the garbage problem. This is evidenced by the informal small-scale efforts to collect peelings in all the zones studied. However, this potential is largely not exploited. This potential need to be exploited fully by exploring all the other crucial factors as noted above. Here sensitization and environmental education will play a crucial role.
The Informal Sector: There is a need to improve employment conditions as well as access to support services and markets of recycling industries for those who deal in waste picking. One plausible option for improving the conditions in the informal waste economy could be cooperatives. This has worked in a number of Asian countries (UNCHS, 1993). Communities and Community-Based Organizations(NGOs) Excellent opportunities exist for CBOs to provide a wide range of urban services, including waste management, in informal settlements.Because of its impact on community health, waste management fits well with the concerns of those groups dealing with issues of community concern. As for community members not directly active in the CBO, they need to participate in waste management by separating their wastes at source so that contamination is prevented and the work of CBOs and informal sector waste pickers is facilitated. Non-Governmental Organizations:
58 NGOs are important links between local authorities and CBOs. They have a role to play in providing technical advice and training to CBOs. They also have a city-wide role in educating and mobilizing broad-based support for community-based waste management. If such support is created, it should be instrumental in generating the political will needed to make the necessary changes. Kim(1998) notes that in Nairobi, the NGOs have successfully educated and motivated the CBOs on the benefits and opportunities of composting. They are also attempting to build broad-based support for composting and recycling through the "Garbage is Money" poster campaign, along with continual participation in environmental and community events throughout the city. Local Authorities: The primary role of the KCC should be that of advisor to the other actors in waste management. This would entail reducing the KCC's role as a service provider to a minimum. The KCC should only be involved in the provision of services when it is not possible for the private or community sector to do so. KCC need to have a deliberate policy that encourages the community to play a role in addressing the SW problem. There is need to encourage local communities to organize to address the SW problem.
There is need to involve the various stakeholders in developing garbage-related policies. The various stakeholders represented should constitute the implementation committees. In addition, regular reviews should be done during the implementation process so that the realities on the ground are incorporated. 58
59 Environmental Education to the communities should be taken seriously. This will help communities appreciate sound practices such as sorting and recycling.This will help encourage communities to abandon illegal practices such as burning, and open space dumping.
Within informal settlements, the private sector cannot provide waste management services because of the inability of residents to pay for these services and the poor accessibility to these areas. Therefore, there is still a need for local authorities to work with CBOs in providing services to these areas.
Central Government:
Links should be established between recycling companies and communities groups. This will serve two purposes. One, it will reduce the amounts of garbage entering the waste stream and as such costs of having to transport it to the landfill where companies currently collect it. And two, it will it will create employment and income for the communities while at the sometime reducing on the garbage problem and saving landfill space.
An effective environmental policy among the poor needs to have an element of economic incentive, for them to be supportive.There is need to develop a policy that community
The Formal Private Sector: The private sector does have an important, although limited role, to play in waste management in developing countries. The private sector can be an effective provider of waste management services to upper income businesses and residential areas. Since opportunities for recycling exist. The constraints need to be to addressed. These include mobilization of the community to exploit the available opportunities of selling recyclable materials to the private sector companies. There is also need to link these companies to the local communities. These are Rwenzori mineral water and Nice House of Plastics.
The International Donor Community: Many donor agencies already have extensive funding programs for NGOs in developing countries.This is an effective method of funding local environmental initiatives since the NGOs and CBOs which are often closer to the people than governments, including local authorities. At the same time, the international community must provide assistance to local authorities to improve their human resources and administrative and financial capacity. Investments in infrastructure and equipment will not be sustainable in the long term because local authorities lack maintenance capacity.
67 United Nations Centre for Human Settlements. 1992. Delivery of Basic Infrastructure to Low-Income Settlements: Issues and Options. Nairobi: UNCHS. recycling and reuse. Relationships between city planners, the private sector, NGOs, CBOs Zerbock , O. ( 2003).Urban Solid Waste Management, Waste Reduction in Developing Countries. available http://www.cee.mtu.educ/peacecorps/documents-july03.wastereduction and incineration FINAL.pdf. [Accessed 25th July 2004] Researchers and Scientists: Appropriate technologies in line with the nature of garbage generated need to explored. This Syagga, P. (1992). Problems of Solid Waste Management in Urban Residential Areas in could be used along with the present approaches. Possible options include: Kenya. In The Proceedings of African Research Network for Urban Management (ARNUM) Workshop: Urban Management in Kenya, Joyce Malombe (ed.). Composting, since a large percentage of waste is biodegradable matter, efforts should be made to University of Nairobi, August 20, 1992. organize households to compost it. Lessons could be drawn from a project presently being World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED),( 1987). Our Common Future. Toronto: Oxford University Press. In the case of non- biodegradable waste, since buveera are generated in such large and increasing quantities and yet without any immediate foreseeable solution, one option could be to convert them to energy, through use of combustors or incinarators.This would serve in the meantime as other solutions are sought.The other option would be recycle the buveera. The limitation with this option is that recycling firms prefer clean buveera yet those dumped are often dirty and difficult to clean.