Food and Nutrition Biotechnology: UNU-IAS Report
Food and Nutrition Biotechnology: UNU-IAS Report
Food and Nutrition Biotechnology: UNU-IAS Report
Copyright 2005 UNU-IAS All Rights Reserved Cover photo Getty Images
UNU-IAS Report
Foreword Executive summary 1 The relationship between food and health
1.1 Obesity: a world epidemic 1.1.1 Obesity among children 1.2 Changing eating habits to improve health and well-being 1.2.1 Vitamin-A deciency 1.2.2 Articial sweeteners: the case of sucralose
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3 Probiotics and prebiotics 4 Nutri-geno-proteo-metabolo-mics era of nutritional studies 5 Modication of food tastes and healthier food production 6 Correlation of genetic markers with beverage and food quality
6.1 Correlation of genetic markers with meat quality 6.2 Genetic tagging of aqua-cultural species 6.3 DNA ngerprinting of grapevine varieties
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This report on biotechnology, food and nutrition is a consolidation of knowledge in potentials, opportunities and developmental processes in applying biotechnology for improvements in human nutrition. Biotechnology is not alien to the food sector; indeed, its applications in agriculture have formed a major part of the eld even in the early days of biotechnology. The Green Revolution of the 1960s demonstrated the immense power of manipulating genes for food production. Continuous innovations in biotechnology have led to the availability of a wide range of services and applications related to food production, processing and marketing. But while society in general has beneted from the rise of biotechnology, its pie benets remain unevenly distributed, with developing countries getting the lesser share. The promise of biotechnology has to be pursued and utilized to push and strengthen the sustainable development agenda particularly in developing countries. This report shows that this potential could be harnessed if framed by favorable policy environments backed up by research and development, education and public awareness. This report is part of a series of publications by the UNU-IAS in biotechnology; the report is tailored to offer knowledge at the interface of biotechnology and policy-making in order to link knowledge to development opportunities that might exist at this juncture. It cites progress in various developments in food and nutrition vis--vis the prospects of biotechnology as an industry and as governed by existing policies in various countries and international collaborations. Being an institute for advanced studies, among the objectives of UNU-IAS is to promote dialogues between science and society to inform policy-making. I hope this report would generate interest and new ideas among policy makers, professionals, scientists and other groups who are concerned and hopeful of the promise and potential of biotechnology in human welfare and development.
Executive summary
The health of populations depend largely on what they eat; and what and how much populations eat concerns consumers, governments, food manufacturers, consumer advocates, and environmentalists alike. These concerns revolve around issues of their safety, their origins, their health effects both preventive and therapeutic, their novelty and taste and their adequacy to feed growing populations particularly in developing countries where large portions are either under or malnourished. Current forms of biotechnologies bring enormous potential to addressing these concerns. It can now help not just in growing more varieties of foodstuffs but also in the production of functional foodstuffs, i.e. foods with therapeutic properties; correct some vitamin and micronutrient deciencies; offer healthier versions of popular foodstuffs without affecting the taste, e.g. sweeteners, bitter or acid suppressors; and can also help trace food origin and authenticity through correlating genetic markers with meat quality, genetic tagging of aquacultural species and even DNA ngerprinting of grapevine varieties. In the areas mentioned, biotechnology has already been making signicant inroads in delivering the potential to address the fundamental food and health concerns of a growing world population. Social acceptance for biotechnologies by the public has yet to solidify and spread to reach the acceptance other technologies in other sectors enjoy but the signs are encouraging and industry has so far held on to the current level of reception and acceptance from consumers, while urging governments to give more incentives to help it further.
Tasty foodstuffs are generally sugary, fatty and salty. Taste is as much instinct as habit, and once people are used to sugary, fatty and salty foods, they nd it hard to give them up. Producing healthier foodstuffs that are also attractive to consumers tastes could help solve the problem, in addition to education on better nutrition, food consumption habits and regular exercise. Health food is not a turn-of-the-21st-century invention. In 1985, people gave up caffeine; in 1987, salt; in 1994, fat. Now it is carbohydrates. But contemporary health-food consciousness may have stronger foundations. The need for healthier food may also be a matter of demographics across timelines related to demographic evolution as the president of food system design at Cargill, Inc., pointed out. In 1975, there were 230 million over 65 years of age; 420 million in 2000 and 830 million was the estimate for 2025. As people become older, their willingness to spend money on staying healthy increases (The Economist, 2003). Science has also contributed to the growing health-food consciousness. According to New Nutrition Business, a US consultancy rm, in 1996 there were 120 papers on nutrition science in peer-reviewed journals; in 2002, there were over 1000. With more scientic data, regulators (in the USA at least) are more willing to evaluate products and if so found with basis, allow health claims on products; and health claims increase sales. The Atkins diet, during its peak days, which has boosted sales of eggs and meat, and hit potatoes, is one manifestation of consumers determination to try various ways of programming their eating habits (The Economist, 2003). Supermarkets also cater to this market. For instance, Waitroses Perfectly Balanced Meals claim no more than 4 per cent fat, very little salt and no butylated hydroxanisole or hydroxytoluene at all; and sales are rising at 20-25 per cent annually. Sales of nutritional supplements have more than doubled in the USA in the six years after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) liberalized labelling laws. In 2000, sales amounted to $17 billion and were increasing at 10 per cent a year (The Economist, 2003). In the United Kingdom, by the end of February 2004, a report on public health commissioned by the government cited obesity among its main worries. Previous to that, the Prime Ministers strategy unit oated the idea of a fat tax on foods that induce obesity; and in 2003, the Food Standards Agency the industry regulation advocated a ban on advertising junk food to children. Yet the UK government dismissed the idea of a fat tax, and the culture secretary stated she was skeptical about an advertising ban. The health secretary said the government wanted to be neither a nanny state nor a Pontius Pilate state, which washes its hands of its citizens health (The Economist, 2003).
per cent in 1996 and 16 per cent in 2003. The current gures are those prevailing in the USA during the 1970s, but the rate of increase is similar to that of the US. This illness has become a major challenge to public health and has been considered an epidemic by the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM). According to Jean-Philippe Ginardet of the Trousseau hospital in Paris, obesity among children is a frequent, serious and societal disease, difcult to treat, which leads, in the short term, to hypertension, diabetes and increase in the concentration of blood cholesterol. It paves the way for cardio-vascular diseases among adults, i.e. for the rst cause of mortality (Blanchard, 2004). Since 1992, evaluations have been carried out in schools of two cities in northern France. The rst evaluation showed that children informed by their teachers had better nutritional knowledge and could therefore adopt better eating habits. The second evaluation, carried out in 1992 and 1997, revealed that within the families substantial change had occurred with respect to a better schedule of meals and to a signicant reduction of animal fats in their diet. As a result, between 1997 and 2000, the incidence of obesity in the children in these cities has increased much less: +4 percent among girls and +1 percent among boys compared to the whole region (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) that showed an increase of 95 per cent among girls and +195 per cent among boys. This experimental approach to preventing obesity has lead to the launching of a ve-year campaign named Together, let us prevent obesity among children by the Observatory of Food Habits and Weight, and the Association for the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity in Pediatrics (Benkimoun, 2004). Obesity is not a disease that is treated only with the assistance of physicians; it also concerns the family and society as a whole. While there may be basis to claim that the lack of exercise and the increasing time spent watching the television or using the computer, as well as junk food are considered important causal factors, obesitys etiology is not conned to lifestyles and habits. Family histories play an important role too, supported by the fact that 57 per cent of obese children have at least one overweight parent. This underlines the genetic role as well as the conditions attending to the pre- and post-natal periods and to subsequent psychic and social factors in causing obesity (Blanchard, 2004). New epidemiological studies are needed to better understand the causes of the obesity epidemic. In France, a number of measures have been taken by the Ministry of Health within the framework of their National Programme for Nutrition Health (PNNS), launched in 2001 and the nine priority objectives which aim at stopping the prevalence of obesity among children. These include: the distribution of food and education activities in some primary and secondary schools; setting up a working group on food advertisement and the child with a view to reaching a compromise between the economic interests of the agri-food industry and public health constraints; recommendations to support breastfeeding; publication of a guide for children and teenagers on food and nutrition. Physicians are requested to detect obesity as early as
possible on the basis of reference graphs and a disk for measuring the index of body mass provided to them since November 2003. The WHO guide to measuring this index is as follows: the ratio of body weight (in kg) to height (in meters) raised to the power of 2; a resulting number above 25 is considered overweight and above 30 is obese. These tools enable the physician to nd out the period within which the accumulation of fat occurs whether it is between the ages of 5-6 years and or before. With only a 38% success rate of treatment among children, early detection of obesity may improve their chances. (Blanchard, 2004). In Italy, since the early 1990s a centre has been working on the treatment of obesity among children in Atri, a small town of 11,000 inhabitants in the Abruzzes region. A recent survey in elementary schools showed that 31.6 per cent of children had a weight above the norm and 6.7 per cent of them were obese. Of the latter, the centres physicians considered that only 5 per cent of obesity cases could be related to genetic or endocrine causes, while the rest were caused by bad eating habits. It did not seem to be a question of quantity of food but of poor eating habits. Among these habits the physicians listed: the lack of breakfast, too many snacks composed of industrial foodstuffs, lack of, or very little consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. The absence of exercise was also an aggravating factor (Mola, 2004). The treatment of obesity cases begins with the involvement of the family. Once a week, children should come to the centre with their parents and sometimes with their grandparents (if the latter are those who cook at home). In the centres restaurant, a meal is served to them, containing pasta without fat, sh, fruit and vegetables. Children are not forced to eat meals to which they are not accustomed; they just have to try. The parents also eat the same meals. Then the children meet with the psychologist and nutritionist; the parents follow. Family participation is crucial, because the parents should familiarize themselves with the carefully prepared and measured meals and above all they must understand that the children should not eat quickly, that pasta should not be left aside, that they should not eat while watching television, because this usually causes the child to lose control of what he/she eats. The whole family should reconsider its way of preparing meals and eating them; that is why the centres specialists insist that both children and grown-ups have their meals together and eat the same foodstuffs (Mola, 2004). During the summer, about 40 children between 7 and 10 years old are welcomed in a camp, located in a rural tourist centre seven kilometers from Atri. At the summer camp, childrens nutrition is strictly controlled and physical exercise is a frequent practice, while television is prohibited. The objective is to consolidate the new relationship between children and their food. They learn how to identify foodstuffs through blind-tasting, i.e., they develop their sense of smell and touch through handling them. It has been observed that children who attend the summer camp make remarkable progress with respect to their nutritional health and eating habits. This could be decisive in the treatment of obesity (Mola, 2004nstant vigilance.
its widely-known brand, fell by 2 per cent in 2003. Cadbury Schweppes, the United Kingdoms biggest producer of fattening foodstuffs, stated that ve years ago, chocolate made it up to 80 per cent of sales; that was now down to a half. Five years ago, 85 per cent of sold beverages were sweet; that is now down to 56 per cent. The rest was mostly juice. Sale of diet drinks which made up a third of the sales of zzy drinks have been growing at 5 per cent a year, while sales of fattening foodstuffs had been stagnant (The Economist, 2004a). In British supermarkets, people are buying healthier food. According to Tescos director of corporate affairs, its Healthy Living (lower calorie) range grew by 12 per cent in 2003, twice the growth in overall sales. Sales of fruit and vegetables were growing faster than overall sales, too. That may be partly because fresh produce is becoming more varied, there are more of them available all year round and better supply encourages more demand. Five years ago, Tesco stocked six or seven varieties of tomato, while nowadays it stocks 15. A study carried out by the University of Southampton on a big new supermarket in a poor area of Leeds concluded that after it opened, two-thirds of those with the worst diets now ate more fruit and vegetables (The Economist, 2004a). Cafs and restaurants report an increase in healthy eating too. Prt-A-Manger, a sandwich chain, stated that sales of salads grew by 63 per cent in 2003, compared with 6 percent overall sales growth. Even McDonalds, which introduced fruit salad by early 2003, had sold 10 million portions since (The Economist, 2004a). There are also good signs in the area of physical exercise. Gym membership gures suggest that British people at least intend to be less indolent. According to Mintel, a market-research company, there were 3.8 million members of private gyms in 2003, up from 2.2 million in 1998. The overall results of these favourable trends was that the average man became thinner in 2002 while womens BMI was static, at least according to body-mass-index (BMI) which have only began to be recorded in 2002. One year of course does not make a trend, but a decrease in Americas weight in 2003, also for the rst time, supports the idea that something is changing in the obesity trends of the two of the most developed countries in the world. On the other hand, where the rich lead, the poor tend to follow partly because the poor become richer over time, and partly because health messages tend to reach the better-educated rst and the less-educated later. That happened with smoking, which the rich countries gave up years ago, and the poor are nowadays trying to abandon (The Economist, 2004a). As for government intervention in reducing obesity rates, campaigners for the fat tax point out that that this kind of intervention could aid the efforts to reduce obesity rates as government intervention did for smoking. But that may not necessarily be the case with food because consumers now are constantly assailed by messages from companies telling them to lose weight. Also, peer pressure among teens on weight issues may have more impact on teenagers than ministerial action (The Economist, 2004a).
However, some forms of government intervention have triumphed. For example, on 8 April 2004, the French parliament examined a bill that aimed at prohibiting automatic machines vending confectionery and soda in schools, and also on setting new rules on the advertisement of foodstuffs during television shows targeted to youth. On 30 July 2004, the French Parliament voted in favour of prohibiting as of 1 September 2005 vending machines in schools. This vote was cheered by 250 pediatricians and nutritionists working in hospitals who earlier on wrote to the minister of health a letter titled For a consistent nutrition policy of public health in France. The French traditional morning snack has been questioned. In January 2004, the French Agency for Food Sanitary Safety (AFSSA) has published an advice against it; the Agency stated that the concern about compensating food insufciency among a small minority of children (less than 10 per cent attend school without having had breakfast) leads to an unbalance of the diet of all schoolchildren; the additional food intake causes an excess of calories which leads to an increase in the obesity rate among children (Blanchard, 2004).
serum. Results showed that after two years, the quantity of vitamin A ingested by the mothers and children who consumed red palm oil increased markedly: increase from 41 per cent to 120 per cent of safety inputs among the mothers and from 36 per cent to 97 per cent among the children. Simultaneously, the proportion of mothers and children having a retinol content in the serum lower than the recommended threshold (0,70 mol/l) at the beginning of the study, has decreased from 62 per cent to 30 per cent for the women and from 84.5 per cent to 67 per cent for the children. These results demonstrated that red palm oil was an efcient food supplement in real commercial conditions for combating vitamin-A deciency (Zagr et al., 2003). In addition, about half of the women involved in the study modied their eating habits within two years while voluntarily consuming this foodstuff that was new to them. The consumption of red palm oil could therefore be incorporated, like other food items rich in provitamin A (fruit and vegetables), into national programmes for controlling vitamin-A deciency in Burkina Faso, where the afore-mentioned pilot project is being extended, and in other countries in the Sahelian zone (Zagr et al., 2003).
Cola Co. and PepsiCo., Inc., were using it in their new midcalorie colas, Coca-Cola C2 and Pepsi Edge, which have been designed to contain half the calories of the regular offering without diluting the sweetness as much as current diet versions. Because it performs better at staying sweet at high temperatures than other articial sweeteners, sucralose can be used in foodstuffs that previously relied on sugar, such as microwaveable popcorn. Because of its better sweetening performance at high temperatures, McNeil Nutritionals, the Johnson & Johnsons unit responsible for Splenda, was persuaded to introduce a bigger pack size for Splenda to cater for demand from bakeries. This 5lb bakers bag retailed at $6.99-$7.99 (Jones, 2004). Although the original patent dated back to 1976, sucralose had to wait until the 1990s for the rst wave of regulatory approvals to come through. In 1991, it was cleared by Canadian authorities. Australia gave it the go-ahead in 1993. Tate & Lyle applied for US approval in 1987. After a long time preparing all the technical information required for the application, US clearance was granted in 1998. In the EU, sucralose had already been available in the United Kingdom, Ireland and the Netherlands but only gained approval for use in all European countries by early 2004 after the publication of an amendment to the EU sweeteners directive (Jones, 2004). The swelling demand for sucralose led to speculation that the sole manufacturing plant in McIntosh, Alabama, might not cope. The factory used to be jointly owned by Tate & Lyle and McNeil Nutritionals, but the British company took full ownership in 2004 as they redrew their sucralose partnership. In June 2004, Tate & Lyle announced the plant would be expanded at a cost of $29 million, the work being completed in January 2006 (Jones, 2004). As for its safety to consumers health, sucralose has faced claims spread through the Internet, as aspartame had been in its time, that it was not safe, in spite of obtaining ofcial clearance in many countries. However, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a US lobby group noted for its scepticism of the food industry, declared that there was no reason to suggest that sucralose caused any harm (Jones, 2004).
The modication of vegetable oils is one of the key areas of plant and crop biotechnology, the overall objective being to increase their content in unsaturated fatty acids (mainly oleic acid) and to decrease that of saturated ones through conventional breeding, induced mutations or genetic engineering. Extensive work has been carried out on oilseed rape (canola), soybeans, peanut and sunower with good results that led to the commercialization of several products. Palm oil, which contains an equal proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, in addition to beta-carotene, is also a current research target, particularly of researchers at the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM). In addition, replacing triglycerides with diglycerides in vegetable oils render them free of trans-hydrogenated fats and good cooking oils, e.g. econa oil in Japan. Inulin and oligofructosans refer to a group of fructosecontaining carbohydrate polymers (fructans) which, in many plant species, act as protective agents against dehydration and cold temperatures and also offer many health benets to humans, mainly in the stimulation of the growth of benecial micro-organisms called bidobacteria. These bacteria are sometimes used as a probiotic additive to foodstuffs such as yoghurt, as they can defeat harmful bacteria in the intestines and produce compounds with good health benets. These dietary fructans are also reported to have a lipid-lowering potential. They are not digested in the upper gastro-intestinal tract and therefore have a reduced caloric value. They share the properties of dietary bres without causing a rise in serum glucose or stimulating insulin secretion (Georges, 2003). Inulin and oligofructosans can be used to fortify foods with bre or improve the texture of low-fat foods without resulting in adverse organoleptic effects. Most of these two products currently on the market are either chemically synthesized or extracted from plant sources such as chicory roots. Oligofructosans are shorter chain polymers, highly soluble and provide 30 per cent to 50 per cent of the sweetness of sugar, and also have the other functional qualities of sugars. In formulation, inulin forms a smooth creamy texture, which makes this compound suitable as a fat substitute (Georges, 2003). We can also cite the work of F. Georges of the Plant Biotechnology Institute (PBI, National Research Council of Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan). He was working on the production of inulin and oligofructosans in separate transgenic plant experiments to compare the efciency of their bre production. Oilseed rape (canola), which is a poor producer of inulin and oligofructosans, was used as model system. In particular, the production of two enzymes was to be evaluated: sucrose-1-fructose-1-transferase which adds a fructose moiety to a sucrose molecule, and fructan: fructan fructosyl transferase which continues to elongate the polymer by adding more fructose moieties to the chain. The study showed that both enzymes could be used in conjunction to produce inulins and oligofructosans (Georges, 2003). Growers of nutraceutical plants need varieties with good agronomic potential and those that are consistent with the varieties in terms of germination time, height and maturity.
Growers will need to be able to guarantee the quality of their natural health-benecial products. Breeding methods can therefore be used to achieve uniform quality for clinical testing and for product development, as well as to remove these potentially harmful or otherwise undesirable compounds that are produced in the plants along with their therapeutic ones (Ferrie, 2003). To meet these goals, Alison Ferrie of the Plant Biotechnology Institute (PBI, National Research Council of Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) was using the doubled haploid technology or haploidy, which facilitates the development of true-breeding lines. Immature pollen grains, called microspores, were cultured to produce haploid lines, whose genetic stock was thereafter doubled. Truebreeding plants were thus produced in one generation, and doubled haploid techniques reduced the time required to develop a new variety by about three to four years. At the NRC-PBI, doubled haploid technology has been developed for oilseed rape (canola) and wheat. It is being applied to a wide range of nutraceutical and herbal species. Over 80 species have been screened for embryogenic response; anise, fennel, dill, caraway, angelica and lovage have shown good potential (Ferrie, 2003). Haploidy could also be combined with mutagenesis to enhance the desirable components or decrease the undesirable characteristics. Mutagenizing single cells (microspores) had denite advantages over seed mutagenesis (Ferrie, 2003). The new market for healthier foodstuffs attracts both the agri-food giants and pharmaceutical groups, so that the competition is harsh among them and the frontiers are less marked between both kinds of corporations. The competitive advantage of the food industry in this race is that it has a good knowledge of consumers behaviour, massive marketing strategies while knowing that nutraceutics should remain tasteful and palatable if these were to be patronized by consumers. In France, a success story was that of Danones Actimel, launched in 1995 in Belgium in the form of a small bottle corresponding to an individual dose and commercialized in 15 countries. More than 600 million bottles had been sold worldwide in 1999, including about 100 million in France, where 9 per cent of the households of all socio-professional categories bought Actimel dubbed the morning health gesture. Others include that of the case of EridaniaBghin Say in France in 1999, relating to food additives having an impact on cardio-vascular diseases, colon cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, etc. which sold commercialized powder sugar enriched with biobres, which boosts intestinal microora and helps the body to naturally resist illness. Back in Nestl, they are also carrying out the relevant research-and-development work with the support of its 600-scientist strong nutrition centre, located in Lausanne while in May 1999, in the USA, Australia, and in Switzerland, Unilever with an international nutrition research centre at Vlaardingen, Netherlands, commercialized a hypocholesterol margarine, which could help prevent the accumulation of bad cholesterol. It also aimed to target markets in Europe and Brazil.
In the USA, most agri-food companies (e.g. Campbell, Kelloggs and Quaker Oats) have developed soups, beverages and cereals, which can help digestion and prevent cardio-vascular diseases and hypertension. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has opened the way to nutraceutics, having labels carrying a health recommendation. On 21 October 1999, the FDA granted to soybeans (25 g of soybean proteins absorbed daily) the clearance to carry the claim may reduce cardiovascular risks on their labels. This request was made by E.I. Dupont de Nemours & Co., Inc., the worlds rst-biggest producer of soybean products. Soya sauce and soybean paste are major foodstuffs across Asia. Industrial soybeans undergo a solid-state fermentation process using compliant stainless steel tanks instead of in conventional bamboo trays. They are also inoculated with Aspergillus oryzae selected strains that have been developed in Thailand to produce koji in higher yields and of better quality. This technique, developed by a fermentation consortium associating the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC, Bangkok) and the Department of Chemical Engineering of Kasetsart University (Agricultural University, Bangkok), has been successfully applied by the company Chain Co. Ltd., Bangkok, and thereafter adopted by some soyasauce manufacturers in Thailand. The same company has succeeded in selecting the appropriate strain of Lactobacillus to replace the addition of acetic acid in order to enhance the sour taste of soya sauce. The company produces the top quality commercial soya sauce in Thailand the so-called First Formulation (the Thai Food and Drug Administration categorizes soya sauce into ve formulations which differ in protein content).
Food-consumption surveys carried out in France have shown that the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids was insufcient and the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 was not balanced (this ratio should be between 5 and 10). Although research is being carried out on the precise role of these fatty acids on human health, it is not easy for the public to have a clear view of established scientic facts and amid controversial statements (Benkimoun, 2004b). Let us look now at what maybe causing confusion among the public as regard the issue of omega-3 fatty acids. It may have begun with the study that revealed lower morbidity and mortality due to cardio-vascular of Greenlands Inuits who consume a lot of fatty sh. In France, the French Agency for Food Sanitary Safety (AFSSA) convened a meeting of experts on the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on the cardiovascular system. They concluded that the supplementation of daily diet with these fatty acids could have a benecial impact on the functioning of the cardio-vascular system, as a secondary prevention measure. Morbidity and mortality reduction was indeed signicant among the persons who suffered form cardio-vascular or metabolic diseases. However, omega-3 fatty acids did not act on cholesterol; they may act on triglycerides and cell membranes, as well as on blood clotting and heart excitability; they may also have, through prostaglandins (some of these acids are precursors in the biosynthetic pathways of prostaglandins), a positive effect on hypertension (Benkimoun, 2004b). The experts convened by the French AFSSA also warned against the role of the consumption of excessive quantities of omega-3 fatty acids, as they would increase cell susceptibility to free radicals. They recommended a maximum daily intake of EPA and DHA of 2g per day (Benkimoun, 2004b). Then there are also the claims on the prohibitive effects of omega-3 fatty acids on tumors. To this, the AFFSA experts concluded that all the studies carried out up to 2004 on food habits did not substantiate in humans any evidence indicating that an enrichment of the diet with precursors of omega-3 fatty acids would protect against cancer. However, research work carried out on rats has shown that a diet enriched with omega-3 fatty acids caused a 60 per cent decrease in size of mammary tumours, twelve days after radiotherapy, compared with a 31 per cent decrease in animals fed with a non-enriched diet. Trials are expected to be carried out on humans (Benkimoun, 2004b). Given the insufciency of evidence, the benets of taking Omega-3 pills remain inconclusive. In view of this, the general advice is to consume sh at least twice a week. The same goes for rapeseed oil. This is sufcient to meet the daily needs of omega-3 fatty acids. It is also recommended to feed poultry with rapeseed meal rather than with sunower meal, because the former is richer in omega6 fatty acids. Thus, consuming this kind of poultry meat would provide enough omega-6 fatty acids (Benkimoun, 2004b).
adapted germplasm for selected crops; document cultural and food-processing practices, and determine their impact on micronutrient content and bioavailability; identify the genetic markers available to facilitate the transfer of traits through conventional and novel breeding strategies; carry out in-vitro and animal studies to determine the bioavailability of the enhanced micronutrients in promising lines; and initiate bio-efcacy studies to determine the effect on biofortied crops on the micronutrient status of humans. During the following three years (5 to 7), the objectives are to: continue bio-efcacy studies; initiate farmerparticipatory breeding; adapt high-yielding, conventionallybred, micronutrient-dense lines to select regions; release new conventionally-bred biofortied varieties to farmers; identify gene systems with potential for increasing nutritional value beyond conventional breeding methods; produce transgenic lines at experimental level and screen for micronutrients, test for compliance with biosafety regulations; develop and implement a marketing strategy to promote the improved varieties; and begin production and distribution. During the last three years of the project (8 to 10), production and distribution of the improved varieties will be scaled up; the nutritional effectiveness of the programme will be determined; and the factors affecting the adoption of biofortied crops, the health effects on individuals and the impact on household resources will be identied. The following are the staple crops and notes on their biotech status and potential: 2.3.1 Rice Rice is the dominant cereal crop in many developing countries and is the staple food for more than half of the worlds population. In several Asian countries, rice provides 50 per cent to 80 per cent of the calorie intake of the poor. In South and South-East Asian countries, more than half of all women and children are anaemic; increasing rice nutritive value can therefore have signicant positive health impact. Food-consumption studies suggested that doubling the iron content in rice could increase the iron intake of the poor by 50 per cent; germplasm screening indicated that a doubling of iron and zinc content in unmilled rice was feasible. Milling losses vary widely by rice variety, with losses of iron being higher than losses of zinc, which suggests than more zinc is deposited in the inner parts of the rice endosperm. Under the HarvestPlus project, improved rice germplasm will be provided to national partners in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, India and the Philippines. The improved features will be incorporated into well-adapted and agronomically-preferred germplasm in ongoing breeding programmes at the national and regional level. A plant-biotechnology approach is the current priority for enhancing provitamin-A content of the rice endosperm. The leading varieties will be eld tested for agronomic performance and compositional stability in at least four countries.
2.3.2 Wheat The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT, Mexico) is leading the HarvestPlus research endeavour on wheat biofortication in order to increase peoples intake of iron and zinc. Given that spring wheat varieties developed by CIMMYT and its partners are used in 80 per cent of the global spring wheat area, the potential impact of iron-enhanced wheat could be dramatic. The initial target countries will be Pakistan and India, in the area around the Indo-Gangetic plains, a region with high population densities and high micronutrient malnutrition. The highest contents of iron and zinc in wheat grains are found in landraces of wild relatives of wheat such as Triticum dicoccon and Aegilops tauschii. Because these wild relatives of wheat cannot be crossed directly with modern wheat, researchers facilitated the cross between a highmicronutrient wild relative, Aegilops tauschii, and a highmicronutrient primitive wheat, Triticum dicoccon, to develop a variety of hexaploid wheat that can be crossed directly with current modern varieties of wheat and have 40 per cent to 50 per cent higher contents of iron and zinc in the grain than modern wheat. The rst biofortied lines will be delivered to the target region by 2005, i.e. broadly-adapted, high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat lines. The rst highyielding lines with conrmed iron and zinc contents in the grain should be available for regional deployment by mid2007. Researchers will be exploring the introduction of the ferritin gene in wheat and will establish the feasibility of increasing the concentration of iron and zinc in the grain using advanced biotechnology approaches in addition to conventional plant breeding. Molecular markers for the iron and zinc genes that control concentration in the grain were being identied in order to facilitate their transfer. Scientists will also carry out studies on bioavailability to determine the extent to which iron and zinc status in animal and human subjects is improved when biofortied varieties are consumed on a daily basis over several months. 2.3.3 Maize Maize is the preferred staple food of more than 1.2 billion consumers in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Over 50 million people in these regions were vitamin A-decient in 2004. The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria) are identifying micronutrient-rich maize varieties and will carry out adaptive breeding for local conditions in partnership with National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) in Africa and Latin America. The project under HarvestPlus is initially focusing on maize varieties having increased contents of provitamin A because a useful range of genetic variation has already been identied for this trait. The rst target countries are Brazil, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Ghana and Zambia. To support the breeding programme, research is being conducted in Brazil, the USA and Europe to develop simple, inexpensive and rapid screening protocols for provitamin A, so as to reduce the cost of assays from $70-100 to $5-10
per sample. Research in Brazil and the USA is also focused on nding genetic markers to facilitate marker-assisted selection for provitamin A concentration. In collaboration with the University of Wageningen, a human efcacy trial was planned with provitamin A-rich maize in Nigeria for 2005 in order to study provitamin A retention or loss for different storage, processing and common cooking methods. To facilitate extension and dissemination of biofortied maize varieties, country teams will be formed in the target countries in order to conduct adaptive breeding research, farmer-participatory variety evaluations, nutritional advocacy and promotional activities. 2.3.4 Beans Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) are the worlds most important food legume, far more so than chickpeas, faba beans, lentils and cowpeas. For more than 300 million people, an inexpensive bowl of beans is the main meal of their daily diet. The focus of HarvestPlus research is on increasing the concentration of iron and zinc in agronomically superior varieties. Over 2,000 accessions from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT, Cali, Colombia) gene-bank and several hundred collections of African landraces have been screened for their nutrient contents. While the average iron concentration in these varieties is about 55 mg per kg, researchers have found varieties the content of which exceeds 100 mg per kg. The eventual goals are to obtain favourable combinations for productivity and nutritional traits, double the iron concentration and increase zinc concentration by about 40 per cent. The rst bred lines with 70 per cent higher iron will likely emerge in 2006, while lines with double concentration of iron are anticipated in 2008. The proportion of iron and zinc that can be absorbed from legumes such as common beans is typically low, due to anti-nutrients, specically phytates and polyphenols, which normally bind to the iron and zinc, making them unavailable to the organism. Research indicated that it might be possible to reduce polyphenol concentrations genetically, thereby improving iron bioavailability. In contrast, vitamin C is an iron-absorption enhancer because it binds to iron and prevents it from becoming attached to the iron-absorption inhibitors. Beans are often consumed with vegetables, including bean leaves with the potential of bean leaves as a source of vitamin C still to be explored. 2.3.5 Cassava Cassava, also known as manioc or tapioca, is a perennial crop native of tropical America that is also widely consumed in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia. With its productivity on marginal soils, ability to withstand disease, drought and pests, exible harvest dates, cassava is a remarkably adapted crop consumed by people in areas where drought, poverty and malnutrition are often prevalent. Cassava is typically white in colour and, depending on the amounts of cyanogenic compounds, can be sweet or bitter.
The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) will coordinate HarvestPlus overall activities on cassava biofortication and be primarily responsible for research in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. The IITA will be responsible for cassava biofortication in Africa. In collaboration with the University of Campinas, So Paulo State, Brazil, the total content of provitamin A in cassava varieties (roots) will be determined spectrophotometrically. Provitamin-A retention studies will also be carried out on different preparation and cooking methods used in cassavaconsuming countries. A method for storing cassava roots for several weeks or a few months is needed for programmes quantifying hundreds of samples per year. Initial data suggest that the anti-oxidant property of a few yellow pigments in cassava roots may delay physical deterioration of the roots. The longer shelf life of yellow cassava roots may not only appeal to farmers and consumers, but may also increase the demand for biofortied varieties. Nutritionally improved germplasm coupled with superior agronomic performance can be developed as a mediumterm approach with products reaching the farmers as soon as 2009. The aim is to identify and select, from the varieties having both high provitamin-A contents and good agronomic performance, those with the highest iron and/or zinc content. 2.3.6 Sweet potato Sweet potato is an important part of the diet in East and Central Africa where vitamin-A deciency is widespread. At present, African predominant sweet potato cultivars are white or yellow-eshed varieties that contain small amounts of provitamin A. In contrast, the orange-eshed varieties are believed to be one of the least expensive, rich, year-round sources of provitamin A. Boiled orange-eshed sweet potato, such as the Resisto variety developed in South Africa, contains between 1,170 and 1,620 Retinol Activity Equivalents (RAE) per 100 g and is estimated to provide between 25 per cent and 35 per cent of the recommended daily allowance for a preschool child. Experts at the International Potato Center (CIP, Lima, Peru), who developed a biofortied orange-eshed sweet potato, estimated that when fully disseminated, this sweet potato could reduce vitamin-A deciency in as many as 50 million children. To encourage a switch from non-orange to orange-eshed varieties, the texture of the latter must be changed because they tend to have a high-moisture content and adults prefer varieties with a low water content, i.e. a high dry biomass. Plant breeding is ongoing to increase the dry biomass of the provitamin A-rich orange varieties, to improve organoleptic characteristics and at the same time improve their resistance to viruses and drought. About 40 varieties of sweet potato with high dry biomass and provitamin-A content have been introduced to subSaharan Africa. Of these, 10 to 15 were being tested widely in different agro-ecological areas in some countries. Some original varieties, mainly local landraces, have been well accepted by farmers and were being distributed on a small scale.
HarvestPlus biofortication activities in sweet potato will be initially focused on Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. The variation in provitamin-A content of newly harvested roots can be as much as 45 per cent. Much of the provitamin A appears to be retained during storage, food preparation and cooking. In the South African Resisto variety, the provitamin-A activity of the boiled roots was between 70 per cent and 80 per cent of that of freshly harvested roots. Additional studies were to be carried out in 2004 to determine the provitamin-A losses during food processing and cooking based on the usual practices found in East and Central Africa. A human bioefcacy study using an organoleptically acceptable promising variety was planned for 2005, once the food processing studies were completed. The $100-million ten-year HarvestPlus programme will be nanced during the rst four years mainly by the World Bank, the USAID and DANIDA. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would contribute $25 million toward the total cost of the programme. In addition, the Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA) will allocate funds for the Latin American part of the programme.
humans. Does this mean we have to wait for sixty years of clinical studies in order to obtain such evidence? Under the programme FUFOSE, Functional Food Science in Europe, priority is given to the determination of markers (or tools) which will scientically enable the recognition of long-term benets of functional foodstuffs. Those nutraceutics which will show a benecial impact will receive an authorization for marketing, rather similar to that given to medicines (European Commission, 2002). Genetic engineering is useful for producing crops or food ingredients deprived of some undesirable elements or enriched with healthy substances, and therefore qualied as nutraceutics. To be attractive to the consumers, these foodstuffs should not be too expensive. Ageing populations are a particular target for nutraceutics, which can play a key role in the nutrition of old people suffering from under- and malnutrition. Between 1998 and 2002, it was estimated that the annual turnover of modied milks increased by 10 per cent in Europe and 36 per cent in the USA among people of more than 65 years. Agri-food companies are also designing communication policies not just for consumers but also for physicians, pediatricians and nutritionists, like the pharmaceutical groups, in order to highlight the benets of their products. These policies have to take into account the cultural differences with regard to food and nutrition among the countries. They should also state the preventive role of nutraceutics as well as their therapeutic effects. For example, information available to consumers regarding the LC1 yoghurt, which states that it contains bacteria that foster a balanced intestinal ora, has, according to Nestl, a more scientic slant in Germany, where one can talk of micro-organisms, while this approach would not be culturally accepted in France. This hints of cultural considerations in information about health products because despite the worldwide movement of people and international tourism, in countries of Anglo-Saxon culture food is generally considered as functional, i.e. one eats because he has to, while in the countries of Latin culture food must also give pleasure and should be surrounded with conviviality. Henceforth the need for communication policies to take account of this kind of nuances and that should be adapted to their targets.
Similarly, aged wines of the chenin variety resemble the Hungarian tokay (Nau, 1999a). But more surprising than the discovery of that kinship among the four grapevine varieties, was the identity of one of the progenitors of the initial couple that gave rise to these varieties. Indeed, several historical elements were in favour of the creation of lines through the cross pollination between the pinot noir and the white gouais; these crosses have given birth as proven by the ngerprinting analysis to the three white and red varieties grown for a long time in various French provinces, and for some decades, in many regions of the globe. The surprising aspect of this discovery was that the white gouais is almost unknown, although the vine specialists in Montpellier continue to grow it and to make wine form it for their own pleasure. However, this variety has played a key role in the origin of French viticulture, according to R. Dion in his Histoire de la vigne et du vin en France des origines au XIXe sicle (History of vine and wine in France from its origins to the 19th century). A document dated from the 12th century mentioned this variety as a lower-grade one; in 1338, the white gouais was found in Metz under the name of goez; at that time, instructions were given to eliminate this variety from all the Metz territory and to privilege only the white and black fromental, considered as higher-grade varieties. The gouais was found in Paris during the 14th century and, owing to the expansion of the workers population, it progressively replaced the pinot noir of Burgundy, which was a good variety of Parisian vineyards. The extension of the gouais was due to the wish of the winemakers to produce a cheaper wine. However, the phenomenon was limited to Paris and its suburbs; in the vineyards located away from the capital, the gouais was rejected, more noble grapevine varieties were used and contributed to the reputation of French viticulture (Nau, 1999a). The white gouais was also formerly grown in the Jura and Franche-Comt. For the US and French researchers, this variety which has played a key role in the history of vine and wine, is the same as the heunisch variety of Central Europe, introduced in Gaul by a Roman emperor originating from Dalmatia. In Montpellier, the French researchers participating in the joint study with the US scientists from the University of California, Davis, have tried to reproduce the breeding between the pinot noir and white gouais in order to seek conrmation of the genetic research. Other attempts were expected to widen even more the range of cultivated grapevine varieties, for both their fruits and wines derived from them. But this approach was hindered by a drastic regulation, which practically prohibits any venture of this kind, while non-French winemakers and vinegrowers could do it (Nau, 1999a). In Apulia, in the heel of the Italian boot, drawing on grapes grown by up to 1,600 small farmers in the area, a California wine consultant associated with another Italian wine consultant from Friuli (northeastern corner of the country) are producing and marketing wines that have scored a great success worldwide, with 2004 projected sales 15 times as big as those in 1998, the winerys rst year. The wines are called A-Mano handmade and by far the best known
is a robust red made from a once-obscure grape named primitivo (Apple, 2004). DNA testing by Carole Meredith at the University of California, Davis, established that primitivo is a descendant of a grape called crljenak kastelanski, widely known in the 18th and 19th centuries on the Dalmatian coast of Croatia (a crljenak cross with dobrinic, plavac, mali, is being grown on that area today). Californias zinfandel, she showed, is genetically the same as primitivo, though how it crossed the ocean remains a subject of dispute (Apple, 2004). Apulian primitivo and zin are not twins, of course; climate, soil and vinication all help to shape a wines look, aroma and avour, along with the grape variety. But the two share several characteristics: both are fruit-rich, chewy, sometimes lush wines, a deep violet-red in colour, often too high in alcoholic content for comfort, but much more subtle if carefully handled (Apple, 2004). For years, primitivo was used to add unacknowledged heft to chianti, barbaresco and even red burgundy. Nowadays, primitivo can stand on its own feet. In addition to A-Mano primitivo, other high-quality primitivos are grouped in an organization called the Academia dei Racemi, not a true cooperative but an association in which each member makes his own wine and joins the others for marketing support and technical advice. Based in Manduria, between the old cities of Taranto and Lecce, the group includes valuefor-money labels like Masseria Pepe, Pervini and Felline (Apple, 2004).
7 Food safety
It is an established fact that, despite current misgivings about food safety and unhealthy foodstuffs, what we eat and drink is nowadays subjected to more safety and quality controls than ever, and the effectiveness of these tests is demonstrated by the choices we regularly make. In Spain, for instance, according to the 2003 Consumer Barometer released by the Eroski Group Foundation, the public has a degree of condence in its food of 7.29 points out of 10. Furthermore, a survey by the Federation of Food and Drink Industries (FIAB) showed that 81.3 per cent of Spaniards interviewed considered the foodstuffs they bought as safe (Snchez Bardn, 2004). However, according to a recent survey carried out by the Spanish Society for Basic and Applied Nutrition (AESA), 32 per cent of Spaniards had unsuitable daily eating habits and 64 per cent needed to improve their diet. By late 2002, the Spanish Agency for Food Safety had been created and its main task was to coordinate the implantation of effective control systems, with alert mechanisms to detect possible failures in the food-safety chain and manage them without repercussions on public health. The AESA is also acting as a watchtower for emerging risks and is responsible in Spain for handling alerts originated elsewhere. During the agencys rst year of existence, 633 food bulletins have been issued, 126 of which were alerts involving such administrative decisions as the withdrawal of certain batches of food. The AESAs president stated that we have to make sure that the consumers perception of risk corresponds to the risk there actually is. Fear has no bounds, but information combats it on every front (Snchez Bardn, 2004). There were over 27,907 food industries registered in Spain, and the number of authorized abattoirs reached 800 in 2004. The food and drink industry turned over more than 600 billion a year, and the agricultural and food sector was the third-biggest employer in the European Union in 2003. Protective controls have to match up to this (Snchez Bardn, 2004). See also Schmidt and Rodrick (2003).
trying to diversify their outlets so as not to depend on the supermarkets only: thus, in France BioBourgogneViandes, created in 1994 near Dijon and comprising some forty cattle raisers, is selling meat to individual clients directly (for an 18-kg order, the client pays 12 per kilo and the transport cost). BioBourgogneViandes has also purchased a rst butchers shop in the central market of Dijon, while the number of members grew to 70 by the end of 1999, with an annual turnover of 2.4 million. The cattle raisers owned four shops in different villages and were selling, in addition to meat (by correspondence), such biological products as wine, cheese and vegetables. While in 1997, all the meat produced by BioBourgogneViandes was delivered to Auchan supermarkets, in 1999 only 40 per cent was bought by the latter and 60 per cent by individual customers through the associated butcheries and specialty shops. BioBourgogneViandes claimed it had created jobs in small villages and saved businesses (Lorelle, 2000c).
breeds should be adapted to their environment and fed with products from biological agriculture, i.e. animal ours and GMOs are prohibited; besides vaccination, animals are treated with the help of soft medicine. Chemical fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, synthetic fungicides are also prohibited. They are replaced by organic fertilizers (manure), guano and marine algae, plant wastes and rock phosphate. weeding is manual, mechanical or thermical. pests are controlled through the use of nets, repellents and the release of natural predators. Only when a great threat to the crops exists, chemical pesticides are authorized. for those who practise both conventional and biological agriculture (half of them in France), the elds devoted to each type must be separated and accountability should be distinct; and two or three years are also needed for converting farmland to biological agriculture so as to eliminate chemical residues in the soils. Products sold during this period are considered conventional, but the French government has decided to provide nancial assistance in order to compensate the gap in revenue (Hopquin, 2000a). In other words, organic farmers defend an alternative agricultural, economic and social model. They prohibit the use of genetically modied organisms and demand, in case the ban on transgenic crops is actually lifted in Europe, a threshold of 0.1 per cent for an adventitious presence of GMOs in their crops, instead of 0.9 per cent as it has been decided for conventional crops. The requirements for organic farming are applicable throughout Europe, with some national differences that may create distortions in competition. In France, the requirements for livestock husbandry are the most stringent, as all the feed should be produced on the farm itself. The AB logo, which applies to bio products in France, can be applied to non-French organic products provided that they meet the national requirements. A common European logo also exists to label those bio products. These logos do certify the mode of production of the product, but not its quality as does the Red Label in France (Dupont, 2002). Regarding exotic products, they can also be labelled with the same AB logo, but they raise problems of traceability and control. Many developing countries are devoting an increasing acreage of their arable land to organic farming, as they are attracted by premium prices on the international market. This is, for instance, the case of Chile, which has important outlets for its organic products in the European Union and Japan (where Chilean products have gone through the system of certication and received the bio seal). Surinam and Papua New Guinea head the list of African, Caribbean and Pacic (ACP) countries as bio producers. Demand in the Western countries for organic fruits and vegetables is enticing producers throughout the
8.3 Pricing
The price of bio products remains the principal obstacle to their purchase. According to their survey carried out in October 2003 by the review 60 millions de consommateurs in France, bio products sold in hyper- and supermarkets cost 40 per cent to 60 per cent more than conventional products, and 70 per cent to 100 per cent more in openair markets and specialized shops. It is true that organic farming needs more labour, particularly for growing vegetables and fruits. Also the small volumes of milk and meat make the harvest, bottling and transportation of these products very costly, because one has to nd the industrial tools (rather few) that meet the stringent standards of this form of production. Only bio eggs, laid by hens raised in open backyards and fed with foodstuffs derived from organic farming, have met with great commercial success (it has been underlined by 60 millions de consommateurs that this way of raising poultry did not affect the egg nutritional value or taste) [Dupont, 2002; Amalou and Dupont, 2004]. There is also the issue of economies of scale. The high costs of bio products and the need to successfully compete with conventional products have led organic farmers in Europe to request assertive policies from the respective governments in favour of organic agriculture, starting with a marked increase in the acreage devoted to it. Germany, Italy, Denmark and Austria have designed public policies to support the growth of organic farming, while in France it has been suggested that the acreage devoted to organic farming should reach 3 per cent of total arable land, in order to become economically sound (Dupont, 2002).
8.4 Certication
Biological agriculture in the case of France, is submitted to drastic constraints as determined by their agriculture ministry. These are: culture rotation is strongly recommended in order to maintain soil fertility; animals should not be kept in narrow facilities (e.g. feedlots);
ACP countries to be organized and establish their foothold in the market of opportunity. In early October 2001, more than 170 traders, producers, researchers and support agencies converged on Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, to do that at a conference on diversifying regional exports through developing organic agriculture. They came from Cameroon, Malaysia, 17 Caribbean nations and departments, 11 countries of Central and South America, and eight countries of North America and Europe. The conference launched a new study on World markets for organic fruit and vegetables by the FAO, the International Trade Centre of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and World Trade Organization. Debates at the conference led to concrete proposals for national standards, regional certication, information services and special measures for smallholders wanting to switch to organic farming.
and role; they consider therefore that being able to trace their products and guarantee their quality is an appropriate way to respond to consumers expectations. With regard to supermarkets, they have created brands which refer to the positive image of well-known production areas and which are recognized by the demanding consumer as a guarantee of quality (Faujas, 2004). To be granted an AOC, farmers must adopt a collective approach; they should create a union to defend the product, work together with the enquiry teams of the National Institute of Denomination of Origin (INAO) during three, four or even ten years, and make a lot of efforts and use their know-how. From 1997 to 2001, the number of farmers having adopted this approach increased by 14 per cent, while the total number of farmers decreased by 4 per cent. The approach is rewarding: for instance, the production of a kind of cheese called morbier, which was granted an AOC in 2000, doubled in two years and the number of its manufacturers rose from 25 to 40; the price of the AOC cheese is 30 per cent higher than that of ordinary cheese. It is also true that granting of an AOC label and the quality attached to it have an impact on the value of land: the annual price of land planted with olive trees in the region of Nyons (with an AOC label) increased 2 per cent more than that of non-AOC land. This enabled the farmers to resist the pressure exerted on land by tourism or urbanization (Faujas, 2004). AOC productions cannot be transferred outside their site of production. The green lentil of Puy or the Roquefort cheese is considered collective property and thus, cannot be expatriated. This is a major difference with a brand an industrialist can keep while transferring its production to Asia or Africa to lower manufacturing costs (Faujas, 2004). The trend toward quality and labelling has its limitations. Firstly, there is a risk of confusion among the consumers. The latter may be tempted to choose an imitation of AOC, less costly. It is the role of the INAO to monitor the market and make sure that the reputation of a product originating from a specic area is not undermined. It seems that in France the volume of AOC products on the market is close to what this market can absorb. For instance, AOC wines represent 55 per cent of total production; it is not considered unreasonable to raise this proportion and convert all the vineyards to that quality level. The same is true for poultry, a large part of which is being sold with a red label and an indication of origin (Faujas, 2004). The number of farms selling some 600 AOC products with a protected geographic indication (IGP) was 140,000 out of a total of 650,000 on the French territory (2003). These farms include vineyards, vegetable growers, fruit and olivetree growers and livestock husbandry. Their number could still rise one farmer out of three could be involved in this kind of production in the medium term but this approach could not be extended to the whole French agriculture (Faujas, 2004). European certication includes a certied protected origin (AOP), the French AOC, as well as the protected geographic indication, which establishes a less strict geographical
relationship than the AOP (Dupont, 2001). In the United Kingdom, a leading company in the production of bio products is Duchy Originals, founded by the Prince of Wales and established at the Home Farm of Tetbury, near the Princes residence of Highgrove (Gloucestershire). It sells chocolates, bread, honey, biscuits, cheese, ham, sausages and soft drinks. On 23 March 2004, a new product has been launched: a bio shampoo. The latter, bearing the logo Houmont, contains rose and lemon essences and will be a strong competitor of Body Shops comparable products. It is a joint venture between the Prince of Wales and a famous London-based hairdresser. Duchy Originals is a prosperous enterprise, with a 22million turnover in 2003-2004 and prot reaching 343,000. The Prince Charles label is found in big department stores as well as worldwide, particularly in the USA and Commonwealth countries. Benets are transferred to a charity foundation chaired by the Prince of Wales. Since its creation in 1990, about 2 million had been transferred to philanthropic associations by Duchy Originals which employed 100 people (Roche, 2004). Ofcial certications are facing the competition of private certications, such as the indication of local or regional brands, of provenance, emphatic mentions, which do not necessarily represent a qualitative content or value and which are not submitted to an independent review. Monitoring and control of bio products are carried out in France by some thirty certifying bodies, except the AOCs which are under the control of the National Institute of Denomination of Origin. All these bodies are authorized by the state and their action is followed by that of the General Directorate for Competition, Consumption and Fraud Repression (Dupont, 2001). The denomination of origin label (AOC) is not peculiar to rich countries. Thus, China, with the assistance of France, has adopted a law on appellations in 2000 and has created about 30 AOC labels concerning yellow wine, teas and hams that are typical for some regions. Vietnam has followed suit in 2001; the rst geographic indication regarding the nuoc mam of Phu Quoc has attracted the interest of Unilever which invested $1 million for transferring its production in that island; since then, the price of this AOC nuoc mam has trebled. Sixteen countries of West Africa have requested the French INAO to identify two products in each of them that could be certied. Morocco wants to protect its argan oil (extracted from the seed of the tree Argania spinosa, an endemic species of the south-west of Morocco), while Bolivia wishes to label its wine and quioa a nutritious seed from Amaranthus quioa and Brazil wants to tag its best wines. These efforts demonstrate that the globalization of nutrition and food should not necessarily lead to homogenization of products but to the promotion of trade relations that respect nutritional differences and cultures (Faujas, 2004).
(GM) soybean chain, through which this legume was traced during the whole transformation process, from the seeds to the eggs and poultry sold to retailers. Eleven cooperatives, including 2,000 farmers and representing 12,000 hectares, responded positively to both industrialists in order to produce the so-called soja du pays (genuine local soybeans). In 1999, the expected harvest was 50,000 tons of beans (i.e. 20 per cent of French production) and in 2000 more than 100,000 tons. The soybean meal (i.e. crushed soybeans the oil of which is extracted) or extruded beans (i.e. soybeans processed to make them digestible) would be used to feed poultry, sold under the Duc label as well as laying hens (Lorelle, 1999a,b). It involved two production zones were concerned: one in the south-west of France, including eight cooperatives and the company, Crol, which processes soybeans into meal; the second in Burgundy, including three cooperatives and the company Extrusel, specialized in the production of extruded seeds. In order to mitigate the risk of contamination of locallyproduced soybeans by imported US beans, a cooperative from Castelnaudary (southwest of France) the Groupe Occitan, checked the French origin of seeds, isolated the production plots, stored the harvested beans separately until they were delivered. Regarding Extrusel, a subsidiary of four grain cooperatives of Burgundy and Franche-Comt and of two livestock-feed producers of Sane-et-Loire, it produced 20,000 tons of extruded soybeans per annum (annual turnover of about $6.2 million). Extruded soybeans are a very digestible feed which supplies both proteins and fats and is incorporated into poultry and hog rations. In February 1999, Extrusel made the decision to only use soybeans of which the non-GM status could be guaranteed. During the spring of 1999, 8,000 hectares were sown with soybeans that were certied as non-genetically-modied by about one thousand farmers; this acreage represented the whole cultivated area between the cities of Belfort and Mcon. A fully operational traceability system was set up from the farm to the client. Part of the beans was produced in the companys station and the rest was bought from outside suppliers with guaranteed origin, so as to be in conformity with Extrusel ISO 9002 standards (Brhier, 1999). Farmers who subscribed to this new productive venture and who harvested their rst non-GM soybeans in the 1999 fall, sold their product at 1,100 Francs per ton (about $177), compared with 1,000 Francs per ton of ordinary soybeans and 1,300 Francs per ton of beans used for human consumption (Lorelle, 1999b). Bourgoin imposed additional constraints on the farmers that produced the soja du pays. They must not use genetically modied soybeans and they should trace the production of the beans at all stages of the process, they must grow them at a certain distance of pollution sites (e.g. chemical factories and incineration centres which could generate dioxin residues) and should refrain from spreading sludge originating from wastewater treatment. Certied poultry represented almost 85 per cent of annual total turnover of Bourgoin-Duc, and through the companys decision not to use transgenic soybeans it wished to anticipate consumers demand. Bourgoin-Duc had already prohibited the use of transgenic maize since 1996 in the feed used for poultry. In addition Bourgoin had tried, with
8.6 Segregation
In the fall of 1999, two French industrial corporations, GlonSanders the leader in animal feed and egg production in France and Bourgoin the European leader in poultry production decided to set up a non-genetically-modied
food distributors such as Carrefour, to set up non-GM soybean production chains in the USA and Brazil (Lorelle, 1999a). In addition to Glon-Sanders poultry and eggs, labelled as biologically produced and qualied as high-quality and rather expensive products, French consumers could buy another type of product labelled soja du pays. But for this kind of poultry, fed with non-GMOs and offering a good safety, the consumer had to pay more (Lorelle, 1999a).
Fraud and the subsequent mistrust could also explain the relative slump in the consumption of bio products. Another explanation of this decrease is the competition among quality labels as well as the trend toward a more environment-friendly agriculture (rational agriculture) that may kidnap the image relating to organic farming (Dupont, 2001).
8.7 Fraud
Biological agriculture is not free from criticism because of fraud. By early 2000, in France, the agriculture ministrys Directorate-General for Competition, Consumption and Fraud Repression carried out an enquiry on false biological cereals. About a dozen important operators were involved in the following trafc: a dealer buys conventional cereals and establishes forged certicates that qualify them as derived from biological agriculture; the cereals are sold as bio products either to feed producers or directly to livestock raisers. As the selling price of bio cereals could be twofold of that of conventional cereals, the illegal prot could vary from 1 Franc to 50 centimes per kilo, and because of the volumes concerned the benets could be very high. The French authorities discovered an international network involving in particular Italian capital. Conventional cereals were sometimes purchased in France and shipped really or virtually to Italy, Belgium or the Netherlands, from where they returned with the bio label. Another trafc was initiated in Central Europe, particularly in Romania or Ukraine, and the cereals were transferred to France. On 23 March 2000, the French inspectors spotted a society based in Brittany (Carhaix), Eurograin, which they suspected of having marketed 50,000 tons of cereals of doubtful origin in 1998 and 1999. Earlier, on 3 March 2000, a public enquiry had been opened in the Vienne Department regarding 12,000 tons of cereals commercialized by Bio Alliance, a company based in Chasseneuil-du-Poitou. Its manager was condemned for having unduly used a bio label on bovine meat. Another enquiry concerned the shipment of the Celtic Ambassador, a boat inspected in 1997 in Bordeaux; the 4,500 tons of cereals found in the boat ofcially originated from Romania, and had been certied bio in the Netherlands. The enquiry showed that the shipment had been made at Fos-sur-Mer, in the southeast of France, and that the cereals were conventional French ones (Hopquin, 2000a). Similar trafcking may crop up. It underlines the limitations of the certifying bodies, in charge of controlling the fullment of biological agriculture requisites through two annual visits without warning. There were three certifying organisms in France. The most important one, Ecocert, covered 80 per cent of the market; by mid-1999, it was able to detect pesticide traces in animal feed produced by Central Soya, a neighbour and client of Eurograin. Ecocert then alerted the certifying organism of Eurograin, AfaqAscert, which had been controlling this company since 1998. Many ofcials have recommended the stricter enforcement of biological agriculture requisites, considered as too loose (Hopquin, 2000a).
remarkably conserved, i.e. the gene sequence is quite similar among the different species. About 500 genes have been identied as related to the symbiotic relationship between the legume and its rhizobia. Legume geneticists also hope to unravel the role of the Nod factor, a molecule identied by the researchers of the French National Agricultural Research Institute (INRA) in Toulouse; it has been shown that one-tenth of mg of this substance per hectare was sufcient to raise soybean yields by 11 per cent (Morin, 2004). Although the transfer of biological nitrogen xation to cereals is considered a remote possibility because it would involve the transfer of a few hundred genes, the immediate priority is to select the most effective legume species and varieties using genetic methods, so as to raise the percentage of peas, lupins and horsebeans grown in Europe as feed and consequently decrease the dependence of European countries on the imports of soybeans for animal feed (70 per cent of animal feed proteins were imported in 2004) from the USA, Brazil and Argentina. Another objective of the selection of more effective nitrogen-xing legume species and varieties is to reduce water and soil pollution caused by nitrogen fertilizers (nitrates) , as well as the fossil energy needed to produce these fertilizers: to produce and spray one ton of fertilizers, two tons of oil are needed (Morin, 2004). On 8 January 2003, at the Forum of rational agriculture, its president, Christiane Lambert, indicated that between 5,000 and 10,000 pioneers of rational agriculture (out of over 650,000 farms in France) were willing to move to this type of agriculture. However, the main trade union of non-intensive farming, opposed to transgenic crops, the Confdration paysanne, highlighted that half of the requirements of rational agriculture in fact corresponded to just the compliance with current regulations. The consumers association UFC- Que choisir? did support the terms of reference, while the National Federation of Biological Agriculture (FNAB) was concerned about a confusion between the products of rational agriculture and bio products. Others fear that food processors and distributors may request the farmers to adopt rational agriculture without any nancial compensation, and may consequently neglect the farmers that do not move toward this mode of production. On 4 March 2003, a National Commission for Rational Agriculture and Qualication of Farms (CNARQE) has been set up in order to gradually enlist the farms devoted to this type of agriculture (Dupont, 2003). While trying to regulate the so-called rational agriculture, the French government wants to foster organic agriculture. On 2 February 2004, the minister of agriculture announced a plan aimed at doing so. About 50 million over a veyear period were to be allocated to organic farmers. In addition, communication activities requiring a 4.5-million investment over three years aimed at clarifying the AB label which did not seem to be well understood by the consumer. This label means an alternative system of production that does not use chemicals, relies on antibiotics on a limited scale for livestock, that implies an extensive type of agriculture and includes crop rotations. It markets products that are certied to contain 95 per cent of ingredients derived from processes excluding the use of synthetic
chemicals. But the bio label does not mean a superior taste or any health benet (Amalou and Dupont, 2004). About 10.8 million over three years aimed at strengthening the downstream part of organic agriculture, which is handicapped by the low volumes of production and the dispersion of producers on the French territory. In addition, biological or organic agriculture will be promoted in agricultural education and research. The National Federation of Biological Agriculture (FNAB) welcomed the governmental measures, but organic farmers stressed that they were not receiving nancial aid aimed at this kind of agriculture in the very short term, like other European producers (Amalou and Dupont, 2004).
8.9 The Case of Slow Food: organic farming, eating habits, taste and cultural features
The problems of organic farming may nevertheless be discounted by consumers from Europe or other reach countries on the basis of arguments relating to eating habits, taste and hedonism. Thus, Carlo Petrini, president of the association Slow Food (as an opposition to fast food), is setting up in Italy in the heart of a 300-hectare domain (where environment-friendly agriculture methods will be practised) the rst worlds university of taste. By the end of 2003, some 400 students from the ve continents were studying all the aspects of food culture in Piemonte. The ultimate goal is to train specialists that throughout the world will preach the art of good food. Supported by the revenues from a hotel and a wine bank, the university will be completely independent from the food industry. The 16 million needed for the project have been found, especially from private savings (Maurus, 2002). C. Petrini has built a real counterpower over 14 years, starting from a village in Piemonte, but now spreading outside the Italian borders. Slow Foods symbol is the snail slow and tasty and its slogan is: eat less and eat better; it has also a web site, publishes a review in four languages and owns an editorial house. About 75,000 persons from Europe and North America adhere to the association and all defend the gastronomic heritage which is, according to them, threatened by the homogenization of tastes, multinationals and hypermarkets (Maurus, 2002). In October 2002, 140,000 persons attended the third Congress of Taste, organized by Slow Food in Torino. The Slow Foods prize for the defence of biodiversity was awarded to 13 farmers from Japan, Greece, Guatemala and Guinea. They all had the merit to safeguard a product, such as an old rice variety, Andean vegetables or black piglets (Maurus, 2002). Slow Food is difcult to dene: it is a non-governmental organization, a consumers association and a gastronomic club, and the whole managed as an advanced enterprise. The objective is not to destroy private property or transgenic crop experimental plots, or to denounce steadily, but to play on pleasure, seduction and marketing, so as to successfully compete with fast-food companies and food and beverage multinationals. After having been launched in December 1989 in Paris, Slow Food was ofcially constituted
with 500 persons from 17 countries. A few months later, the association named 150 good-will people whose task was to set up conviviums, i.e. autonomous clubs, where information and experience are exchanged, products are compared and tasted. In Milan, Slow Foods editorial house publishes guides and a luxurious cultural review on recycled paper, that is sent to all the associations members. In addition to the initial goal of eating less and eating better, there is also the concern for a better environment and food safety, i.e. produce less and produce better. Surng on the wave of preoccupation caused by the mad-cow disease, Slow Food has gained momentum through its ecogastronomic approach (Maurus, 2002). In 1999, Slow Food launched the Taste Ark: foodstuffs and products threatened with extinction, once identied by the conviviums, are supported by various means, e.g. promotion tools provided by the association to the farmers or producers, exhibition booths at the Salon of Torino, assistance through the media, equipment and funds levied among sponsors and local authorities. More than 150 products have thus been saved, such as San Marzano tomatoes, Ischias rabbit, argan oil in Morocco, lama husbandry in the Andes, as well as the relevant microeconomies. In 2004, some 300 products were to be saved (Maurus, 2002). Slow Food can claim that it has been successful in achieving its goal of advocating the importance of good food and the emphasis on maintaining and even widening the diversity of food culture, which entails an environment-friendly agriculture that includes organic farming. With 40,000 members in Italy, 9,000 in the USA, 6,000 in Germany and 3,000 in Switzerland, Slow Food is taken seriously by lobbies and big food and beverage companies. In France, the movement has taken root in the southern part of the country, but does not grow rapidly, probably because it is difcult to nd a meaningful slot between gastronomy leaders and chefs, and the anti-GMOs vociferous opponents (Maurus, 2002).
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