Dato Zawiyah

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2. Title: Dato’ Gender: Female

3. Date and place of Birth: 20 Januari 1949, Tampin,

Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

4. Citizenship: Malaysian

5. Marital status: Married; 4 children.

6. Spouse: Yusof Bin Cha. Occupation: Translator &


7. Qualifications

(i) B.A. Hons. (English), University Malaya 1972

(ii) Post Graduate Diploma in Librarianship,
College of Librarianship Wales, 1973
(iii) Master of Librarianship (M.Lib), University of
Wales, Aberystwyth, U.K. 1983
(iv) Certificate in Translation, National Institute of
Translation Malaysia (ITNM), 2005

8. Current Designation: Principle Research Fellow,

Institute of the Malay World and Civilisation,
(ATMA), National University of Malaysia (2-year
contract from 14.09.2007)

9.. Office Address:

Institute of the Malay World and Civilisation (ATMA),
National University of Malaysia (UKM), 46300 Bangi,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

10. Tel. Nos.: 603 – 89253252 (Office);

603 - 7725 0049 (Home);
012 232 9549 (mobile)
11. Fax No.: 603 – 89254698

12. E-mail : zawiyah@gmail.com

13. Previous Designation:

Director-General, National Library of Malaysia


14. Current Research interests:

(i) Content development in malaycivilization.com

(ii) Library special collections;
(iii) Redevelopment of libraries and heritage
collections after the tsunami in Aceh and Sri
(iv) Women in government in Malaysia
(v) Documentation and preservation of special
collection on Malay art of woodcarving.

15. Specialisation:

Library development planning; community

information services; content development for digital
library services; special and personal collections.

16. Current projects and grants:

(i) Research University Grant (RM44,000.00)

Enhancement of preservation and access to
resources in ATMA’s PADAT (Pangkalan Data
Alam Dan Tamadun Melayu) Collection
through full text digisation and uploading
on malaycivilization.com portal.

(ii) Research Motivation Grant

Documentation of materials on Malay art of
wood carving in Kandis Resource Centre,
Bachok, Kalantan; development of an on-
line multimedia database and publication
of catalog to facilitate further research.

(iii) Consultancy for publication

Information consultant and principal
researcher and writer for book on Women
In Government for Salt Media Consultancy,
to be published by the Ministry of Women,
Family and Community Development in

conjunction with the 50th anniversary of
Malaysia’s independence.

(iv) Special Collections

Research on Mrs.Dorothy Nixon, former
Librarian and Secretary of the Kuala
Lumpur Book Club (1935-66), whose
personal collection on Malaysiana was
donated to the National Library of Malaysia
and formed the core of its rare book
collection in the initial period of its
establishment in the 70s.


Darjah Dato’ Paduka Tuanku Jaafar (D.P.T.J) from Paduka

Seri Tuanku Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan, 2002,
which carries the title ‘Dato’


“Bridging the Digital Divide: Library Initiatives in

Malaysia”. Paper presented at ‘Seventh LIASA Annual
Conference on Digital Divide: Eastern Perspectives,
Polokwane, Limpopo Province, South Africa, 27 September
– 1 October 2004.

“ICT Infrastructure, Constraints, Challenges and Needs for

Collaboration in Malaysia”. Paper presented at Second
session of UNESCO Asia Pacific Information Network
(APIN), Beijing, China 21-23 October 2004.

“Competency development programme for library

professionals: case study of the National Library of
Malaysia.” Paper presented at the Workshop on Leadership
Development for Directors of National Libraries in
Developing Countries organized by National Library of
Malaysia under Malaysian Technical Cooperation
Programme (MTCP), at Grand Continental Hotel, Kuala
Lumpur, 24-28 May, 2005.

“Moving Forward: Strategic Directions for PPM”. Article

submitted for Library Association of Malaysia (PPM) and
Library Association of Singapore (LAS) 50th Anniversary
Commemorative Volume, Singapore: Library Association
ofSingapore, 2005.

“Networking Cultural Heritage: An Overview of
Collaborative Initiatives among National Libraries,
Musuems and Archives in Asia and Oceania.” Paper
presented at the WLIC/ 71st IFLA General Conference and
Council, Oslo, Norway, 14-18 August, 2005.

Master Plan for Rebuilding of Libraries in Sri Lanka after

the Tsunami. Report for UNESCO. Kuala Lumpur, July

“Report of PPM Iqra’ Mission to Aceh”, 2-5 August 2005”.

Alexandria: The Journal of National and International
Library and Information Issues, published in Association
with The British Library, Vol.17, Number 3, 2005. pp167-

“Moving forward: Strategic Directions for Persatuan

Pustakawan Malaysia” in Celebrating 50 Years of
Librarianship in Malaysia and Singapore. Eds. Jessie Tan
[et al.]. Singapore: Library Association of Singapore and
Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia, 2005.


Semula Perpkhidmatan Perpustakaan dan Maklumat Di
Aceh Selepas Tsunami : Cabaran dan Strategi”.
Kertaskerja dibentangkan di Persidangan Antarabangsa
Pembangunan Aceh anjuran Persatuan Kakitangan
Akademik UKM dan Kelab Antarabangsa Aceh, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, 26-27
Disember 2006.

“Redevelopment of library and information services after

the tsunami: a comparative study of Aceh and Sri Lanka”.
Paper presented at the First International Conference on
Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies organized by Executing
Agency for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Aceh
and Nias (BRR) and Asia Research Institute, National
University of Singapore, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 23 – 27
February 2007.

“The King The Man: Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Almarhum

Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail, The 12th King of Malaysia.
Book Review. Heritage Asia, January – March, 2007, Vol 4,
No.2, pp. 75-76.


cinematic interpretation of Malaya’s struggle for
independence”. Paper presented at the International
Conference on Britain and the Malay World’, Royal
Asiatic Society, London, 17-18 May 2007.

“Progress of PPM’s Iqra’ Mission in Aceh”. Report
presented to the Management of Library Associations
(MLAS) Standing Committee Meeting No.1, 73rd IFLA
Conference and Council, ICC, Durban, South Africa,17
August 2007.

“ Malaysia’s Literary Icons”. MPH Quill, Issue 15, Aug.-Sep.

2007. pp.34-36.

Articles and Book Reviews in Utusan Malaysia

(national daily Malay language newspaper), February
2006 – 2007. .

ZB/ Updated 20 September 2007

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